Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 03, 1916, Night Extra, Image 11

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' IT?'t - m-w --V-v "r-. ri- j-s
hi Unusually Brilliant Calendar Marks Incoming of
the New Year .Numerous Festivities, Large
and Small, Occupy Society
E caletlos of the midwinter sea-
Ion cnmo upon lis with full forco
Kine set homo for the holidays added
Jest to the parties, but each day was
Crowded with brilliant events, from
',(,3 Benedicks' ball following the
nrft on Tuesday evening to the New
PC1 ....1..1H ...... ...i.i.i.
tde George Whnrton Poppers' ball and
the much tallted-of Hccksher party at
.t, tiellevue'Stratford were the most
n ,w . ,
i conspicuous, mo iiommyH awicu 01
Btfcially on SnlUrdny nislit or shall wo
f'gy Sunday morninjt with Mrs. Scott's
Supper Club, for some 300 or moro of
k Ihe very smart set drifted in thcro to
k dance at mldnlRht. The club met in
the roso gardens, which were con
verted Into a charming fairyland for
(he occasion. The walls were hung
Wlth smllax, from which twinkled bun
dreda 0f varicolored electric lights, and
down each side were placed rows of
bay and fir trees, giving it most fes
tive nppenrance.
Those who arrived late were forced
to content themselves with tubles set
outside In tho lobby. There was an
unusual number of debutantes present
' and also several of the recent brides.
An Interesting group at one table in
, eluded Gurneo Munn and . his hand
tome bride, Marie Louise WnimnmUcr
that was, also her cousin, Hrownlo
Warburton. The noddy Pages, who
returned from their honeymoon In time
to spend the Chrlstmns holidays with
' Mrs. Kremer, made their nppearnnco
. early In the evening with two members
i of their bridal party, Cccllo Howell and
' Saunders Meade. In fnct, almost the
whole Kremer wedding group seemed
to be present, as the Shipley Dlxons.
the Hcckscher Wcthcrllls, the Munns
and tho Spencer Millers were nil limit
ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred 13. Norrls
gave h' party for their daughter, Miss
Dorothy, who dances with such un
usual grace. Another Interesting group
Included tho Howard PancoastH, who
had as their guests Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil
son Miles Carey, of Baltimore. Miss
Betty Scott lind n party of young peo
ple. Including Josephine Foster, Knth
erine Sccler, Gertrude Pancoimt, Agnes
Brocltle nnd Catherine Cassnrd. Among
'those who occupied tables were Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Kvniw Roberts, Mr. and
Mrs. Archibald Barkllc. Mr. nnd Mrs.
"Ned" Page, the "Xcd" Crozcr, the
Philemon Dickinsons, who have hnd
Mr. and Mrs. Lynford Dickinson, of
New York, ns their guests for tho
week-end; Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp
Munson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Spencer Mul
ford, Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Mel.cod,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Sydney Emlen Hutch
inson and Mrs. Walter Steele, tho
Churchill Williams, tho Lewis Neil
sons, tho Chnrles Potttr, Jr.'s, tho
Saunders, Hcntli Unnnnrd, Jr., Mrs.
Robert W. Downing, tho Cecil Fitters
and tho Myers FItlcrs, Mr. and Mrs.
Harlow Voorhccs, tho Hnrrlson Caners,
the Woldorsclms, tho Isaac Schllcters
and tho Gnzznms.
Popular little Molly Thayer will bo
given a theatro party nnd supper nt
1 the Rltz-Carlton this evening by tho
William Linton Lnndrcths, who win
havo n number of tho younger set as
their guests, including Miss Chnrlotto
Eleanor Popper, Miss Elizabeth W.
Griffith. Miss Elennor do G. Cuylor,
Miss Charlotte M. Cheston, Miss Mario
t T. Graham, Miss Alfreda C. Lewis,
Miss Sarah S. Myers, Miss Mnrgaretta
D. Myers, Miss Almeo Hutchinson, Mr.
'Joseph T. Thayer nnd Mr, Rodney N.
Landreth. Agnes Brocklo is nnother
bud who will be feted this evening, ns
the William Wilson Curtlns aro giving
'a theatre and supper party for her.
The engagement of M?ss Margaret
Gladys Marks, of New York, to our
own Henry Rawlo Geyelin will provo
interesting to Phllndelphlans, even
though they both make their homo in
New York. Doctor Geyolln, who Is a
graduate of the University of Penn
sylvania, class of 1006, spent several
years doing post-graduato work In
Berlin, and Is now n member of tho
'medical faculty of Columbia Unlver-
l,"ttty. Ho Is a son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Henry Laussat Geyelin. of Vlllanova.
Miss Marks, who Is a sister of Julian
Marks, who married Nancy Holllngs-
worth last year in London, makes her
I home with her sister, Miss Adah Marks,
! at 133 West 11th street, New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Qustavus Remak, of the
I, n'ttenhouse, will give a theatre party
l uuay, January 28, jn honor or their
I, debutante daughter, Miss Margaret On-
reonK itemak.
Dr. 'and Mrs. George Woodward, of
krlibelm, Chestnut Hill, have Issued
cards for two muslcales, the first of
olch will be given on January 8 and
las second on January 22. at 3 o'clock.
Invitations have been received from M r.
tad Mrs. Jonathan Daliey Browder for
We marriage of their daughter, Miss Hu
wrta Frances inttr- tn Ar- nnnA iinw.
I' J.Earle 3d' on Thursday, January 20,
hwch in tne Church or St. Martin-
t villi v "" Q oim 141a u.ivit,
IK wm be at home after May 1 at Haverford.
. , fT, and Mrs. Rodman Wanamaker en-
IJned at luncheon yesterday at their
ytue at Tuxedo Park. N. Y.
Safe, flnri HTm Tn... -v t n-i,
JJJM the New Year holidays at Lake
. N. J.
llfl. XT l.i,. T ... . ...
I i,iij "ciiricim a, ciy, wno spent me
, nUaya,at White Sulphur Springs, W,
Utirr relurnea l0 ''er J'oaio In Hryn
Mr. anil Hr rri.nM.- t r -. -m a.
H,vi , twe'. announce the ngagement
I'.1 tatlr dHUirhtpr fMIa MnrunMt Pnpvnll
IffW' t0 Mr- Frank Mllburn Res. son
h tV . wuvm j, nets, ux i-iiia-f
, vurgb. jiIm ttta made he debut last
f MOn With VlPf gtarai Tifloo VllvaViAlVi
T,.on v'Uo her slater. Miss Elizabeth
-jv-. wnose emgl.ig at the Ulddlo con-
T aroased so much favorable comment. '
ISIrs. WI1tlHM -nr . . i
If! Arnett will receive informally to
orrow afternoon at their hon , 2HS Pluu
IS; an(i tho succeedlns afternoons In
rnuary No caids have bee-i sent out
tr and Mrs, Alexander Sellers, of Ard-
l! wui uiv a dancj this cvenlus m
- j-m -. --k. ..-. .
the Acorn Club In lionor of their daugh
ter, Miss Nnncy Sellers.
Mrs. V. Percy Smith, who I? spending
the winter nt the Aldlne, will receive In
formally this afternoon from 4 until
Mrs. C. M. Jtelchcrt nnd Miss Florence
Atidcnrieil Rclchprt, of Gcrmantown, en
terlnlned nt dinner on Sunday In honor
of Miss Gertrude Powell nnd Mr. W.
Palmer Davis, whose engagement has
recently been nnnoiinccd.
Along the Main Line
OVIIttmtOOIv - Mlsn Mniid Mnrrlron
Wli?Rln. ilrlmtntitn dntmlilcr ot Hr. nnd I
Mrs. ltowntd S. Amler. of Cltv Mne nnd I
Hetmont avenue, who left on Thursday to i
nttPiiil tlic bachelors' hnll In Sernnton. I
I'n., on Sew Venr's live, in belns entcr
tnlnod nn the house Riiest of Mrs. tl.tvld
Holes. She tvill return home tomorrow, i
Mr. mid Mrs John Parker Hilt returned '
to Ashcvllle. N. (, ypstenlnv nfter siietul
Iiir Chrlstmns with Mrs. Hill's parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonathan N'cff, of Over
hroolt. MMItlO.V Dr. nnd .Mrs drome D. n.
IVirhy Knve a dellRhtful N'ew Year's
ilntice, nt I.lnlltliftnn, their home In
Morion, the Kiicsts of honor behiR Miss
.Innet Mncl.nicn Darby nnd Mr. James
Doiulas Unr-hy. The first floor of the
house wns bcatltlfull.v dcco'rnted with
Chrlstmns green, holly boughs nnd poln
spttlns, nnd the Bursts who were from
the school set. Included Mips Mary Taylor
KniRht, MIsm Constance M. Vnuclaln,
Miss Jean Mstcr Austin, Miss Mary
CrclRhton Klero, Miss Isabel Wanamaker,
Miss Louise Wntiamaltrr, Miss Josephine
Obdylte, Miss MnrRnret Supplec, Miss
Caroline Lee, Miss floitrude Hcnrne. Miss
Corn Wilson, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss
Itnsnllmi Wllllnrd, Miss Mllllccnt Lcnca,
Miss Margaret Home, Mr. William Aus
tin, Jr., Mr. IMwntd 8. Rlxon, Jr., Mr.
Mcrldllli Jnclt, Mr. llurnham I.cnea and
Mr. Townsend I.udltiRton.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwnrd Hok Rave a chll
dien'H Christmas party nt their home on
Thursday afternoon.
AltDMOItK-MIss Kllzabeth Spauldlnc
datiRhtcr ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederic
Kniiuldlntr, of 22 Simpson rond, gave a
small dance on Saturday overling It) honor
of Miss Mnrion Whipple, of Hartford,
Conn., nnd Mr. Merl Whipple, of Yale.
On N'ew Year's 12vo Mr. nnd Mrs. Spauld
Inir entertained nt dinner before the
dance at the Merlon Cricket Club In honor
of Miss Whipple, Mr. Whipple nnd their
son. Mr. Ralph SSpiiuIding, who Is home
from Yale for the holidays.
Chestnut Hill
Mis Ocoikc D. McCrenry, of St. Mar
tin's Green. Is spe vling a short tlmo In
Atlantic City.
Mrs. T. Charlton Henry, of Morcland
avenue. Chestnut Hill, Is nt Galen Hall,
Wcmersvllle, Pn., for several weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Hurley I'ancoast, of
Allen Lane, will cntortnln their evening
bridge club on Wednesday evening, Jan
uary 12.
Along the Reading
Miss Idella Orlbbel. of Church road,
Wyncote, will entertain at bridge this
afternoon at 2:S0 o'clock.
Miss Elizabeth Morris, of Vnllcy Farm,
Wyncote, la spending sev6rnl days nt
Tnoll as tho guest of Miss Priscllla
Hooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
nicr Hoopcs.
Invitations have been Issued for a con
vention that tho suffragists of Chelten
ham township will hold In tho Chcltcn
Hills Ilnll on Mnther avenuo. Wyncote,
on Thursday, at 10 o'clock. Mrs. J. How
ard Brown, chairman of Montgomery
County, will address tho meeting.
Mr. Anderson MncPhoo. of Philadelphia,
has bought land on Washington Lane,
Betbayres, nnd Is making arrangements
to build a Colonial house, upon tho com
pletion of which Mr. MacPhee will make
his home In Bctliayres.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Livingston Craig,
of Oak Lane, entertained at dinner on
Saturday evening, when hjr guests in
cluded Ml- and Mrs. I. D. Hltingc. Mrs.
V. D. Baldwin. Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Klopp,
Mrs. Georo Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank R. Kltlngc, Dr. nnd Mrs. Percy C.
Major. Miss Florence Taylor, Miss Bald
win and Mr. nnd Wis. Charles T. White.
Bridge followed.
What's Doing Tonight
Northwest Hualnewi Men's Association. 2330
Columbia avenue: S o'clock. Frio.
Ci.etter Avenuo Improvement Association.
Flist V. V. Church, SIM street and Chester
uenuo: fi o clock. Free.
Pnssyunk Aenue Business Men's Associa
tion, I'assyunk avenue and Moore street: S
o clock. Frte.
Wlsslnomln Improvement -Association, Law
ton 1'ubllc School: 8 o'clock. Free.
Itennrnlnt; nf snrlni? trm.
Franklin Instt-
tute, S o'clock.
Meetlnir In memory of Solomon Schechter.
Mercantllo Hall: 8:15 o'clock,
Musical smoker In lionor of Leopold Sto
konakl and Philadelphia Orchestra by Alex
ander Van Iteneselacr. Hortkultural Ilall: 0
Society of Civil Engineers.
1317 Sprues
Academy ot
street: 8 o'clock
Boston 3ymxhony Orchestra.
Music; 8:13 o'cloc
Ileceptlon to Archbishop Bonzano. Catholic
Historical Society. 713 Kpruco street; 8 o'clock.
Election. Hamilton Club. 213 South 4Ut
street. 8 o'clock.
Superior location with an I
unobs tructod v iew of beach J
(UiuuuuiutvMirv iviiji;uyiiicu
stanaard.of excellence
Cc.i60d. JWTRJ.BV2Sy.
Westminster K v- nr' Bach- ev. to
W"ll . Prlv. baths, run. ater.
1.60updly. JoJ) 12.60up vvkly. Chas.Bubre.
"&pdr Swia.-nliiePocJ.GtJ. Seafood
If All Cuiui. uropBJiUttthsajia
5C1 GEO. r. ADAMS, Hiiigil
141 Forbsts MorOt. V.
"Ask Mr. Foster." I2th and Chestnut Sts.;
Cooks' Tours, 13T B. Broad St.; Feano. R. K.
Co.. H33 Chestnut St.
TUP INN OUnt mil J. dry. Invljuratics.
I nc A1! ma's, drlv". motor'jt Favorite
tt-nd resortt J- L. M. 8. UUDDEJUJ.
has set anew atandard of
'a Amifif .Jh
Miss Williams is the dnuglitcr of Mrs. M. E. Willinms, of 5240 Wnlnut
street. Her engagement to Mr. Carl Vogel was recently announced.
Horticultural Hall Presents Gay Scene When Organiza
tion Holds Annual Dance on New Year's Night.
Masked Dance in Germantown Other Gaieties
T!IC fifth annual ball of the One Hun- Ilalph Schmuckcr. Mr. ." rie J. Schurfcr,
Ircd Club, which was held on Saturday --r. Edward Schmldhclscr. Mr. Frank L.
, ,. ii ,.i Shallow. Mr. Frank Snowden, Miss Mnry
nlsht at Horticultural Hull. proed a Collins Smith and Miss Mnrrettn Smith
Brent success, and did cr-dlt to the Exccu
tlvo Committee which ar nnged tho affair.
The stately staircase and huso ballroom
were hanked with pnlms nnd bay trees
Interspersed with chrysanthemums. A
general decorative scheme of black nnd
white piedomlnated. Tho receiving party
Included .Miss Marie Cross, Miss Kdna
Undertown, Miss Anna Adamson, Miss
Jnno Cunnlngbnm. Miss Mae Dawson.
Miss Grace Wndc. Mr. Robert LodRe, Mr.
Herbert Slnzheimcr, Mr. Samuel Hrownc.
Mrs. Clarence llutton and Mr. William
Pavln. Mr. Frederick . Shlmp Is presi
dent nnd Mr. Henry jJ. Nightingale. 3d,
secretary of the club, which Includes
nmonR Its members Miss Adelaide An
derson, Miss Charlotto Austcrmchl, Mr.
Morton L. Harry, Mr. James M. Ilonner.
Mr. Howard Hrazler. Mr. Charles M.
IlrendlliiRcr. Mr. Harry Brown. Miss
Kdlth Drown, Mr. "William E. Burkhard.
Miss Elslo Butz. Mr. Jaok If. Campbell,
Mr. Charles B. Cnlllhan. Mr. Edward B.
P. Carrier, Miss Margaret Coxe, Miss
Ruth H. Cross, Miss Jano B. Cunnlng
ham, Miss Dorothy D. dishing, Mies
Edytho Dawson, Mr. Theodore De Bow,
Mr. rtussell Dolly, Miss Mildred Dommy,
Mr. Thcodoro Fitzgerald, Miss Elizabeth
Frlcke. Mr. Joseph Gallagher, Miss Bea
trice GnrrnKUes, Mr. Irvln C. Garverlck,
Mr. Watson Garvin, Mr. Alexander Olass,
Mr. Eitwnrd Graham, Mrs. Laurie V.
Grove, Mr. Frank A. Cuba, Mr. Oscnr
Guenhoer, Miss Claire Hlldenbrand.
Miss Mary Hay ward. Miss Elvla
Spruance. Miss Helen Cunningham. Miss
Salllo Hill. Ml - Florence B. Hewitt. Miss
G:uco C. Jones, Miss Jeann-j Kelt Miss
Beatrice Kltson. Mr. -harles H. Knovvl
ton, Mr. Joseph It. Knowlan, Mr. Horace
Koons, Miss Martha A Lupton, MIes
Hcsslo Maclver. Miss Helen M Mars.
Miss Esther L. Maullck, Mr. William Mc
Cargoc, Miss Marlon McCoske:-, Miss M
bio JlcCoskcr. Mr. Earl S. McFeetcr. Miss
Mancta Mellon, Mr. Frank MlliUn, Miss
Helen Millard, Miss Ethel Moore, Mr.
Harold V. Murdock. Miss Edna Muench.
Mr. Earlo Myers, Miss Elizabeth Nel
lons. Miss Laura G. Nightingale. Miss
Mnrlo Partridge, Miss Mary Patterson,
julss Elslo Patterson, MUs Marlon Perry,
Miss Josephine Pile, Miss Bessie M. Pol
lock, Mr. Edwin V. Poulterer, Mr. Will
iam Pye, Mr. William Austin, Miss Helen
Smith, Miss Marie Tatz, Mr Frank Epps,
Mr, David Pye, Mr. William Qulnn, Mr.
Frank Bambo, Mli Clalro Robinson, Mr.
John Robinson. Miss Rcrnlce cherer, Mr.
Jiotor (jars
January 308
In this assemblage of imported and domestic
models, to be held as usual in the Hotel Astor
Ball Room, White Cars will'be shown in a
more appropriate environment and may be
inspected at greater leisure than has been
possible at our former exhibits at the Grand
Central Palace,
This exhibit unit be one of extraordinary
beauty, including Town Car, Limousine,
Landaulet, Cabriolet, Sedan, Semi-Touring,
Touring and Runabout types, all custom
designed; six cars being showtuby The White
Company and others by The Holbrook
Company of New York,
BPin Jllg:y """ i3syeeessssBB
Mr. nnd Mrs. James A. Aull. Jr., of
West Tulpehockcn street, Germantown,
Bnvo a masked ilanco on New Year's night
for their son, Mr. Jnmcs A. Aull, 3d.
Their Ruests Included JIIss Martin
George, Miss Catharlno King, Miss Bcsslo
Pearson, Miss Marlon Harris. Miss Mar
garet Hamilton, Miss Marion Raker, Mls.i
Christine Baker, Miss Annabel Wood,
Miss Elizabeth Kcan, Miss Clara Izard,
Miss Gwendolln Gray, Miss Edith John
son, Miss Anno Goodcll, Miss Bcrnlco Mc
llhenny, Miss Elizabeth Taylor, Miss Mar
garotta Shipley. Miss Gladys Muller. Miss
Jeanne do Dousso. Miss Anno K. Bour
nonvllle. Miss Judclo Houston, Miss Fran
ces Nccly, Mls Mary Earle, Miss Vlr-
Notlces for the Society pass "HI be
accepted ,and printed In the ISrenbiK
LedRer, but nil such notices must be
written on one side of the paper, mast be
Icned In full, with full address, and
when possible telephone number must be
Send all such communications to
"Society Editor," ISvenlnr Ledger, 008
Chestnut street.
Unless these requirements are carried
out so that TerlHcntlon mar be possible,
the notice will not be published.
Temple University
College courses (A. II. n. S.).
Teachers' College n S. In Ed,). Com
mercial education (Normal).
Commercial course Secretarial courses,
and short, practical business courses.
rreshmnn clauses forming February 1.
The Normal Courso In SwImmlnE begins
Jan. 4th, 1010. This course Is designed for
those contemplating teaching, or wishing to
gain a thorough knowledge, theoretical and
practical, of the proper methods uued In
swimming, diving und life-saving. Inqulrs
at onico, 1703 N. Hroad St.
1TRAYFR'5? The Best Business School.
aiKAItRa 801-807 Chestnut Street.
Priv. Lessons Stenography, Bookkeeping, Eng.
branches, French. SS4 Hale Bldg., 132)1 Chest.
Exceptional AdtaiKnoes The C. Ellwood Car.
renter School. 1123 Chestnut St. I'hone, Fil
bert 4207. Competent Instructors day and evg.
S16-S2 North Broad'Strtet
Rlnla Earle, Mlsg Henrietta iraywanJ,
Miss Helen Henderson, Mr. Francis B.
neeves, 3d, Mr. Goodernam McCormlck,
Mr, Harry Bmylh, Mr. Francis Smyth, Mr.
Jnmcs Marston, Mr. Robert Trulit. Mr.
Gordon StrawbrldRc, Mr. William Almy.
Mr. Wllmot O. ricrce, Jr.. Mr. Walter
Ketcham, Mr. Edward Wilson, Mr. Joseph
Hnrrls, Mr. Branson Edmonds, Mr. Fred
erick M. Dunn. Jr., Mr. David Arndt. Mr.
Irothlnsham Falkner, Mr. William Itom
etch, Mr. Charles Melcher, Mr Lawrence.
Holcomb. Mr. William Connover, Mr
Warner Wlllard and Mr. Thomas Wol
atenholme. On Wednesday evening, Docember 23,
tho Wess Club, of TIorb, held a sue
cessful dunce at Tlosa Mall. .Much of
the sticcesi wns due to tho efforts of Mr.
Howard Davis, Mr. Barclay Fox, Mr.
Melvlllo Fox, Mr. John Gemmell. Mr.
John Loughtln. Mr. Samuel Orth nnd Mr.
Herbert Sperry.
On tho prccedlnK evening the club enter
tained Miss Dorothy Bradway, .vllss
Thelma Jones. Miss Jeannette Nelson,
MHs Catherine Snlvc'y. Miss Helen
Thawlcy and Miss Olsa West, of Atlantic
C.ty, nt the home of Mr. John Loughlln,
2215 Hunting Park avenue.
On Thursday evening, December 30, the
Alumni Association of the Day Nursery of
the Young Women's Union gave a sur
prise party In honor of Mr. Benjamin
Malloy, nn . ' tmrus nnd student of the
National Farm School. An elaborate sup
per was served to tho guests. Miss C.
Mnrion Kolin, leader of tho alumni, made
the opening nddtess This wns followed
by short speeches from Mr. Louis Ne
coultz, president of tho association; Mr.
Malloy, tho honorary guest, Mlsi Motile
Epstein, Miss Gertrude Berg, president of
tho Day Nursery, and Miss Hoslna Fels,
a member of tho board ot directors ot tho
nursery. Dancing and games followed
the oupper. Among those present wero
Miss Evn Baker, Miss Sara Bergman,
Miss Hose Albert, Miss Rose Fenner,
Miss Sarn Boxmnn, Miss Sara Gold
berg, Miss Minnie Cscr, Miss Eva
Ilazdln, Miss Lena Sllverstcln, Miss
Bella Swartz, Miss Sarah Svvartz, Miss
Bessie V.. Levltch, Miss Sophia Mass, Miss
Jeannet 'lass, Mlsi Sophia Rappaport,
Miss Fannie Rozot, Miss Tetta Sapler,
Mr. Samuel Nccoultz, Mr. Joseph Aron
atcln, Mr. Israel Rozot and Mrs. Isaac
Mrs. Lillian D. Taylor, of North Lans
downo avenue, entertained nt a dinner
of 18 covers before tho reception and
dance which was held on Saturday eve
ning In tho 20th Century Club, an annual
affair, which the president and board of
governors of the club give for the mem
bers and their families.
Mr. Louts Moyors, of Wycombe avenue,
will entertain hla class from the Over
brook Seminary this evening. Thcro will
bo 40 boys present.
Delaware County
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pltzer nro entertain
ing Professor nnd Mrs. W. A. Pltzer, of
Mnrtlnsburc, W. Vn.
Mr. Ward Hlnkson, of Ridley Park,
spent tho holidays nt Lake Placid, N. Y.
Miss Emma King, o.' Media, haa ro
ttfrncd from a trip to Atlantic City.
Announce Their Annual
Tuesday, January 4th
January Clearance Sale
of Fur Coats, Muffs and Scarfs
at Greatly Reduced Prices
40 inches
Trimmed French Seal Coats
40 and 43 inches long, with Skunk
Collars and Dyed Opossum Collar, Cuff
and Border, CC ((
Reduced from 95.00 ""v
Caracul Coata
40 inches long, made from Selected Flat
Curl Skins. CO nn
Reduced from 95.00 uu
Trimmed Caracul Coats
40 and 45 inches long, made from fine
Moire Skins with Skunk and Hudson Bay
Sable Collars. 1 1 O HO
Reduced from 175.00 x 1U,UU
Persian Lamb Coats
45 inches long, Flat Curl Skins, with
Dyed Fox Collar, Cuff and Border.
Reduced from 195.00 15.00
Were Scarfs Now
22.50 Skunk , 12.50
14.50 Hudson Seal 7.50
16.50 Beaver , 8.50
16.50 Red Fox , , . , 8.50
19.50 Black Fox 12.50
14.50 Black Lynx f , , 7.50
19.50 Natural Lynx 9.50
29.50 Battleship Grey Fox 16.50
12.50 Mole 6.50
10.50 Raccoon , . 6.50
24.50 Silver Kit Fox 14.50
West Philadelphia
Mrs. Edward C. Llxon will entertain her
bridge club this afternoon at her home,
S18 South 49th street.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Edward Newton Haag
and their daughter and t n have re
turned from Delaware, where they spent
the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 3. Hicks, of La
Blanche Apartments, will tlvo a supper
dance at tho mttenhouse tomorrow night.
Miss Kathryne Towniend, of Bushklll,
spent the holidays with Mrs. Wesley II,
Hoot, of 6306 Lancaster nvenuc.
Miss Bessie Heist, of North Sydenham
street, gavo an Informal dance on Satur
day night at her home, which wns dec
orated with evergreens, ferns and noln
setting. Her guests Included Miss Edna
Sale of Slippers
at Geuting's
Satins in all shades.
Patent Leather.
Gun Metal.
Beaded Kid.
Whlto Kid.
And a ow paira of Ckrtli of
Gold and Silver
All distinctive Qcutlojr creation
All Shades in Pure Silk Stockings -a
$1.25 Grade $1 a pair 3 prs. for $2.85
Shoes and
for the
fta fttKSSLKJ
Evtry Foot Profettiontdly Fitted Three Giuting Brothers
French Seal Coats
long, full flare model, made from
Reduced from 75.00
Hudson Seal Coats
40 inches long, made from fine Muskrat
Pelts. Handsomely lined. CC Cf
Reduced from 85.00 ,uu
Bordered Hudson Seal Coats
40 inches long, Full Flare Model with
Skunk Collar and Border. QO Ef
Repced from 165.00 3,ou
Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats
40 and 45 inches long, with Skunk
Choker or Marie O'dell Collars, Cuffs
and Border. 1 OC ((
Reduced from 195.00 l -3UU
Model Hudson Seal Coats
Reproductions of Foreign Models. Trim
med Skunk, Taupe Fox, Fisher and
Leopard. Some with Borders and Belted
effects. 185.00
Reduced from 250,00 and 295,00
Fur Muffs and Neckpieces
Wr Muffs Now
29,50 Skunk , , ,..,,. ,16.50
18.50 Hudson Seal 9.50
19.50 Beaver 10,00
22.50 Red Fox , 12.50
27.50 Black Fox 16.50
29.50 Black Lynx 16,50
29.50 Natural Lynx 1G.SO
39.50 Battleship Grey Fox ...... 22.S0
22.50 Mole , T , . .12.58
16.50 Raccoon ,. S.S0
29.50 Silver Kit Fox . , , . .li.tO
Helms, Mis KmHv Mr.,.,1 )
Green, Miss Ruth Kline. Miss vi
iinoaes. jur unrry Hawthorn
Archibald Oerhardt, Mf. "Frank
ana Mr. wcimrd Qinigan.
Miss Sara Douglas, of Brooklyn, K
Is the guest of her brother. Dr. Mat
Douglas, of 1M4 West Tioga street 0'8
Germantown Be
Mrs. Robert Bmee Lewis, of Vfn.
avenue, will give a card party and eVu
on Wednesday, January 19. (ca
Mrs. Edward Kearslng, of Broklyn,''or
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Itore,
erts, of TJpsal street. .
Mr. and Mw. James W. MoFsu-l''
of 4506 North 20th street, have had tie
their guests during the holidays Mf.
and Mrs. Harry C. Hamilton. Mr. L
nora Reed and Miss Elizabeth Use), et
New York, and Mr. and Mrs. William
W. McFarland, of Glen Ridge, N. J.
So. 11th
A quick
selected ikini.
Mi p