jffte-f -tp ggrivy? ill W It u f -f u "DEATHS Ul'lUl? -Suddenly, on Deremrier at. ??,,Fl,L'KrI wlflow of Michael McLAUKhlln, Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend funeral. Tuesday, 8 l tn., from her aon's residence, liwo 6. Mole ti. Huh Mum of Renniem at the Church, of Rt. Thomai Annl pas, at 0:30 o'clock. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. MrI.ACnilT.tN.--In St .tcseph's Protectory, ?,r.T.r.,!,,r'ni Pa. December.no, 1M5. Mm ANNA McLAfdHLIN. nrM 7i years Fu neral will tako place from the lYotectory Chapel. Monday, u a. m. Interment St. rntrlck'it Cemetery. Mrt.ACnilI.tN. On December SI, IMS, .JO SEPHINE, daughter of the late IVinlef and Elisabeth MeLauKhlln. Relatives and frlemH nrr Invited to nttend funeral Wednesday, . 10 a m., from. the resldenco of her nlrce, Mm. John J. Flemlnir (nee Mct-mishllnl. :W12 Cedar ave., v t'hlla. Solemn Requiem Mass at, the Church of the Transfiguration, at 10 o'clock. Interment Ilolv Croas Cemetery. Mlt.T.KIt. At the Maaonlc Home, on De cember (!0. 1018, MICHAEL, aged 72 years. Relative and rrienda, nlso William C Hamll. ton Lodite. No. MX). F. and A. M.. nre In vited toattend the funeral services, on Mon lay. at 2.30 p. m. precisely, at the home. 3.1.11 N. Broad. Interment at Greenmount Ceme. tery MILLER. On necember 80. HUB. JAMES RSBIN MILLER. Itelatlvea and friend are Invited to attend the funeral servli.ee, on Monday, at 3 p. m.. at his laro residence, Falmera Corner, Walllnitford, I'n. interment private. MORELLO. On December SO, lDlR. RAK FAEI.A, widow of LulKl Morello. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the runeral, on Monday, at S 30 n. m., from the resident of her eon. Michael Morello. 2fC2 9. Beech wood at. Hlch Maaa nt St. Rita's Church at O a. m Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MORRIS. On December 28, 101r, ANDREW J. MORRIS, son of the late William and Mary Morrla. aired 75 yeara. Itelatlvea ami frlenda, also Lennl Lenapa Tribe, No. 2, 1. O. It. M. court Pride of Stockton. F. of A.i Crota and Crown Castle. No. 23, K, O. 12,: Ionle Lodite. No. 2, H. of II., and Pennsyl vania Aasembly. No, .1, A. O. M. P.. are In vited to attend the funernl services, on Sun day, at 2 p. m.. nt his late residence. Stflfl Federal at., Camden. N. J. Interment at ItarietKh Cemetery. II cm aim may be viewed Saturday evening. KE1VF.I.T. On December 20, 101B, MATIT ELIZABETH, widow of Joel Watnnrlxht Newell, aged .1 voars. Relatives and friends are Invited to. nttend the funeral, from tho residence of. her on, Thomas S. Newell, Lewlatown, N, J,, on Monday, nt 11 n m. Interment at I. O. O. F. Cemetery, I'ombor ton, N, J. NICHOLSON. On December 20, 191S, CHAIILES A husband of Adeline T. Nlchol pen, nged SB yeara. nelntlves and friends, also Provident Lodge, No. . A. O. U. W., aro Invited to nttend funernl. on Monday, at 2 p. m., ftom his late residence, 210 0th ve., Itaddon Heights, N. J. Interment pri vate. O'CONNEI.L. In WaBhlngton, D. C. on De cember 30. 101R, at Oeoraetown Unlversltv Hospital, MAUIUCE llOllKllT, Jr., "on of ilaurlce,. Robert and Mnrgnret Eleanor O'Conndl. O'HAIIA. On December 30. 101B, MAIIOA KET, wife of Edward J. O'Hara. Ilelattves and frtenda aro InvltM to nttend tho funernl, en Mondiy, at 'J p. m.. ffom her late resi dence, 100 N. Broadway. Gloucester Cltv, N. J. Interment nt llarlelgh Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. O'NEII.T.. On December 30. lOlfi. PATniCK J,., son of Joseph and the late Annahell O'Neill (nee Murphy). Relatives and friends are invuea to auena me tunerni. on ruesdny. 8 t n::io.a. m., from the. residence of his frnm brother-ln-Iaw. Iiwrenco J. Flnnns-nn. 2r,?n j,aBi inniana ave, poiemn jfequiem rinss at Church of the Nwtlvltv of tho 1J. V. M at 10 a. m, precisely. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. O'nnUIIKK On December 20.1010, ELIZA BETH O'llOUIIKE, wife of the late Michael O'itourke. Relatives and friends nre Invited to nttend funeral, on Monday, at 0 30 n. m., nt her lato residence, Sill E. Allegheny an. Solemn llcnulem Mass at the Church of the Ascension, at 11 n, m. Interment St. Ann's Cemetery, OWENS. On December 80, loir,. MART, widow of the late John Owens. Funeral on Mondny. at 7:30 a. m . from the residence of John J. Bradley, s. B. cor. 48th and AVyaluslng ave. Solemn Requiem Mass at Our Mother of Sorrows' Church, at 1 n. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. Relatives and friends aro Invlteil to attend. PHILLIPS. On December 31, 101S, NOAH PHILLIPS, aged S7 years. Relatives and friends, also Survtvors of the "3d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, nre Invited to at tend runeral. on Tttesday. at 2 p. m., from hla lato residence, 473.", Garden st., Ilrldes burg. Interment Urldesburc Preabyterlan Burial (.'rounds. rLATK. On December 28, 1015, MART A. PLATE, widow of Henry Plate. In her 81th year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funernl services, on Sunday, at 1 p. m.. nt the residence of her eon-ln-law, Lorcnz Ducrr .1234 Oermjntown ave. In terment at Ardslcy Burial Park. PROUD. At Atlantic City, N. J , on Decem ber 20, 101B, GEORGE S. PROUD, husband of Mary F. Proud, aged 58 ye.irs. Relatives and friends of tho family, also members and employes of Hartlwlck & Magee Co., aro In vited to attend funeral on Sunday, 2 p. m., from the residence of hi Tmther-tn-lnw, Lawrence Flturerald. 210 S. 60th at.. West Phils. Interment private. West laurel Hill Cemetery. Rematna may be viewed Saturday evening. Automobile funeral. QCINN. On December 28, 1015, ANN, widow of Thomas II. Qulnn. Relatives and frlenda. also B. V, M. Sodality. Sacred Heart and Altar boclety of St. Michael's Church, are invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8.30 a. m.. from her late realdence, uiu rxorm jiancocx si. solemn rtequlem Mxis at St. Michael's Church, at 0 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery. Kindly omit flowers. SEINHAHT. On December 20,1015. HIRAM V., husband of Katherlne Relnhart, nged 70 years. Relatives and friends, nlso den. D. vited to attend funeral services, on Saturday 1. iijnier i-u. ..... ... ". . .. re in Z P. m., at nis lute residence, ijii mcrnld t. To proceed to Cumberland St. M. E. vault. Interment private. North Cedar Hill Cemetery. HICK. On December 28. 1015. ANNIE, wife of Henry Rice and daughter of the lato Peter and Mary Wall, aged 00 yearn. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral Sunday. 2 p. m.. from her lato residence. 1350 Narragansett st. (Stenton ave. and Haines sts.), Uermantown, Interment pri vate. BtTCIIIE. On December 27,1015, AMANDA, wife of Archibald Ritchie, and daughter of John and Mary Lees. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend funeral, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at lierl ate residence. 5113 N. 4th at. Interment private, Northwood Cemetery. BODRRIIS. On December 20, 1015. MAR GARET A widow of George S. Rodgers, aged tft years. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend funeral sen Ices. Sunday, nt 2 p. m., at her late residence, 112 N. Scott ave.. near Cook ave., Glenolden. Delaware County. Pa. Interment Fernwood Cemetery. Auto service. BOGEHS. On December 30, 1015, MARY E. IIOOERS. widow of Jeese Rogers. In her Mth year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, January 2, at S p. m. from the residence of her daugh ter. Mrs. Charles A. Ullrich. 2003 Columbia ave. Interment at West Laurel Hill Ceme tery. ROTH. On December 80, 1015, MAROA RET CAROLINA, widow of Conard Roth, aged 78 years Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at S p, m.. at her late realdence, r.412 Tacony St.. Brldesburr. Interment at Norh Cedar Hill Cemetery Remains may be viewed on Sunday, from 8 to 10 p, m. BOTH1VEI.I.. On December 30.1016, JANE, widow of Elijah Rothwell (nre Martin). Rela tives and friends, also members of the North Tenth St. Presbyterian Church, and teachers of the sewing school of the Sunday Breakfast Association, are Invited to attend tb funeral services, on Monday, at 10:30 a. m . at the residence of her nephew. Mr. (JeoTge R. Dunn, 1230 Olrard ave. Inter ment private. BCIIKV. On December 29. 1916. GER TRUDE, widow of Au crust Schey. aged 64 veaga- Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 7:30 a. rji.. from her late residence, 510 North Paison t. tnear 62d and Wyalualng ave 1. West Philadelphia, High Mass at St. Ignatius' Churttt at 9 a. m. Interment at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery. CHMI.DT.p-On December 29, 1018. WILL IAM 0 huaband of Jennie Schmidt (nee Hradler). and son of Louise and the late ChrtstLtn Schmidt, aged 23 years. Relatives and frlitnds. also Gaston I'resbyterlan Church id Teoonka Tribe. No. 321, Imp. O, R. M.. and the Columbus Beneficial Society and the employe.! of Oakdale Baking Company, are Invited tp attend the funeral, on Sunday, at S p. m. ; from hU late residence, 20HI North Rsese st. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery, CHMIED. Suddenly, on December 28, 1S15, CARL, aoa of Caroline Miller (nee8cnmled) and the late John Schmtsd. in hie 36th year. IUIattvea and friends, also the State Car- DEATHS renters' T'nlon, are Invited to. attend the funeral aervleea, on Snndsr at 4 p. m. pre clacly. at Jils late residence. 1033 North nth at Interment private. GCttRACR. On December 27, 101S, VAL ES'TINE S . hnshsnd of the late Annie B. s hrack tner Youna), need 70 years, for merly, of 1107 South Falrhlll at, . Relative and friends also llcneral (larneld Castle. No, 172 A O. K of the M C, , employes of Soutnnark Iron Foundry, and Montgomery Hose C'lmnnnv of Norrlstonn, are Invited to attend the funeral services on Sunday, at IP m . at his late residence. 230i North 2fth st. Hemalns may lie viewed at Mont gomery Cemetery. Norrlstown. at 3 p. m. Sl'H Mill KURT.- On December 20, IMS, AU GUST, liusliand of the late txiule.i Schwelkert tnee vveisu, ageii in years, iteiaiives and friends, also Coach and Wagon Builders' As sociation, nre tntitcd to nttend the funeral, nn Sunl,iy, at 2 p. m., from his son-ln-Iaw'a residence. John Ackeson. .1110 North l,eo at. Interment Urcnmnunt Cemetery. SIIIIAItlJH. On December .11. 101.",. KMH.T FI.KCK. widow of Abel K. Shearer, In her nith enr, 1-uo notice of the funeral mil be gltcn. Slinitl.orK. On December 31, 101R, JOHN I)., youngest son of Annie O. and the late Hamilton W. Sherlock, nged 2t ears. Itela tlvea and friends, aim Ilellman Council, No. 277, O. of I. A., nre Imltnl to nttend the funernl services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., nt his mother's residence, tn Kvellne st., Falls of Schuylkill Interment prl-nte, at laurel Hill Cemetery. Simr..MAKi:it. At hor resldence.lSO.-. South 115th st. on December .11, 101.V AMANDA W., wife of John K. Shoemaker, runerat and Interment private. SICKIII.. Suddenly, on December SO. 191B, ... nci mi,- irni'icu.r, ..-,(, i.nnriiMtl Dli. Gin , MISS LOUISA SICKKl.. Itelatles and friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv- Ices, on Monday, at 2 n. m . In the chapel of Bristol Cemetery, Bristol, l'a. Remains may no vieweu ni ner into resiuence nunany. irom 7 to 0 p. m. SMITH. On December 2(1, lnlf.. WILLIAM s., son or Kdwarc. and nertns mitn tnee Mack). In hla 2.1d yar. RelatUea and friends are Invited to attend funernl eartlces, Sunday, January 2, at I p. m . nt his par ents' residence. 302 West York st. Re mains may bo lewed Saturday from 8 to 10 p. m. Interment private at Ore-nmount Cemetory SMITH. Suddenly, on December 80, 101B, ROBERT SMITH, aged S2 years. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral eerWrcs. on Mondav. January .1. at 2 o'clock precisely, at his tate residence, 1145 s. Ilrond st Interment prlialc nt t laurel Hill Cemetery Friends may call Sunday e'enlng. from 8 to 10 o'clock. I'leise omit doners. Automobile service. STANFir.l.IM-On Docemher 30.1016, WILL IAM J., husband of Alice Stanfleld, itged 47 years. Relatics and mends, also Hons or I,avl, L. O K, No. 311: Kensington Golden Star. It. II P. No. 4. Itah Tribe, No. 115. I. O. R. M. : emploes of the Philadelphia and Reading Hallway, Port Richmond, nre Invited to attend tho funeral cervices, on Tuesday, at 1 p. m., nt his lite residence, 2115 Emerald st. Interment nt Hillside C'eme trry Rcmnlns may be viewed on Monday, nt p. m. STItEATI'.lt. On December 20,1016, HENRY STREATEll, husband of the lito A.nn M. Htrciter. aged 73 years. Relntlvaa and friends, also Colnnel Otis w. Tonn Post, No. 40. (I A. It., are lnlted to attend the tu nerni services, on Sunday, at 1 n m.. nt the residence of hla Mn-ln-!nw. William M. Dick ersnn, 223.1 South 17th st. Interment nt Na tional Cemetery. Prlends may call on Sat urday eenlng. Automobile funeral. STEVEN. On December 31,1010, ISABELLA EASTON. wlfo of Gavin Stevon. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend tho runernt services, Monday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, at her late residence, 4510 Hoopcs st. (45th and Lancaster nve.) Interment private nt Mt Morl.ili Cemetery. STEWART. At Atlantic City, N. J., on Do ectnber 30. 1015, ANGELINA, widow of How ard Stewart. Relatives and friends nre In vited to attend the funernl services, at her late realdence, 007 Arctic ave., Atlantic City, N' J., on Mondav. at 0 a. m. : also services nt the Second Baptist Church. 7th st. below tllrnrd ave, Philadelphia, at 12 m. Inter ment at Doylestonn, Pa. Kindly omit flow ers. STEWART. On December 31. 1015, HENRY OIIEGOKT. husband of Mnttls Mcintosh Stewart and son or tho late l)r Joseph D. and Elizabeth Stewart. Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Monday at 1 p. m., at his Into resinenco. .M4 west uuvai st.. uermantown. Interment private. STOUT. On December SI, 10in, HARRY K. STUL'T, son of tho lato Mary I". and Harriet W. Stout. In his Cist vcar Relatives nnd friends nre Invlteil to nttend funernl, on Mon day nftemoon nt 1 o'clock, from the resi lience of his brother. Joshua 1". Stout. Beth lehem pike, near Ambler. Pa. Interment at Union Cemetery, Whttem.irsh. Pa. Take 12 02 p. m. train from Reading Terminal to A mlilcr. STREATEll. On December 29, 1915,HENRY STREATER. husband of the late Ann M. S treat or. need 7.1. Relatives nnd friends, also Col. Oua W. Town i'ost, No. 40, G. A. R.. are invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Sunday afternoon at I o'clock, at the resi dence of his son-in-law, William M, Dicker son. 223.1 S. 17th st. Interment at National Cemetery. Friends may call Saturday ove nlng. Automobile funeral. SUI'l'I.EE. At his residence. 4102 Walnut st., December 01. 1015. WILLIAM W. SUP PLEE, In his tflth sear. Notlco of funeral later. THATCHER. On Fifth-day, Twelfth Month 28tll. 10ID, JESSE W. THATCHER. M. D. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend the funernl. on First-day. First Month 2d, nt 2 p. m. Interment private. THOMPSON. At her realdence, 801 North mm st.. on December .u. lino, .yiui.lie E., wife of John A. Thompson. Relatives and friends ure invited to attend tho funernl services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at St. Mary's M. E. Church, 41st and Spring Gar din sts. Interment private. THOMPSON. On December 31. 1918, LIL I.IR daughter of the late Isiac R. and Emma T. Thompson, Funeral on Tuesday, from hor late residence. 42U2 N. Fnlrblll st . nt the convenience of the family. Interment strictly private, Northwood Cemetery. TO.MI.INSON. December SO, 1013. MARY, wife of Jason Tomllneon, nged St years. Funeral and Interment nrivate. from her late residence Somerton. Philadelphia, on Mon day, January 3. TONER. On December 28. 1013. JOnN, husband of Abbte Toner and son of the late Thomns nnd Catharine Toner. Relatives nnd friends, nlso tho Westmoreland Republican Club, of tho 23th Ward, ure Invited to attend tho funeral, on Monday, at 7 30 a. m.. from the resldenco of his brother-in-law. John J. Golden, WilO Webb st.. ISth Ward. Solemn Requiem Mass, at St. Ann's Church, at 0 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. TOWN. At hor residence, 1434 Catharine St., on December 31. 1013. CECILIA ANNA, wife of Andrew J. Town. Due notice of fu neral will be given. TUSSHV. On December 81, 1015. at Penns Brove, N. J.. ANNA L.. wife of O. 8. Tussey, aged 03 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral service, at her late residence, fcouth Pennsgrove. N. J., on Tues day morning, January 4. at 10:30 o'clock. Interment at Emmanuel Cemetery, Penns Krove. N. J. WALSH On December 29, 1916. CATH ARINE, wife of John Walsh (nee Meade). Relatives and friends, nlso the League of the Sacred Heart, Altar and Rosary Soci eties of St. Edmond's Church, and the Propagation of the Faith, aro invited to at tend the funeral, on Monday, at 830 a. m., from her late residence 221B Dickinson st. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St. Ed mond's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. WARD. At Orthopedlo Hospital, on De cember 31. 1015, JAMES E. WARD, husband of Catherine Ward (nee Chance). Relatives and friends, also Loyal Order of Moose, No, 64, are invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 8 p. m., at his late residence, 8118 French st. Interment at Chance Ceme tery. Leeabursr. N. J., on Tuesday, at 10 a, m. WEIL. On December 80. 1915. REBECCA. wife rtt fssao Wslt nnd daushter nf the lata Joseph I. and Sarah Harvey. Relatives and rrl-nda are Invited to attend it the funeral aervleea, on Sundav. at 2 p. m precisely, at iiy. at Inter- ner late resiuence. i .ortn inn at, meat at Adath Jeanurun Cemetery. WEISS On December 20, 1018. KATHA- RINA (nee Schaefer), widow of Joseph Welss aged 04 years. Relatives and frleads. also Ladies' Aid Society of the German Hospital, and the Ladles' Society of St. Jacob's Church, are invited to attend the funeral servlies. on Monday, at 10 a. m at her late residence, 1817 North Marvlne st. Interment private, at Greenmount Cemetery, Friends may call on Sunday, from t to 0 p. m. WELSH. On December 20. 1015. CATHA RINE, beloved wife ot John Welsh (nee Meade). Relatives and friends ot the fam ily, ilso the League of the Sacred Heart, Altar and Rosary Societies of St. Edmund's Church, and the Propagation of the Faith, are invited to attend funeral, on Monday, at EVENING EED&ER-HILADELPHIA SATURDAY, JANUARY DEAT1I8 A no a - . frirni nee 1st Dickinson St. seiemn iitgn. Mars oi nequiem at Rt, Edmund's Church, at 10 n, m. Inter mnt at Holy Cross Cemetery. WETTER. At the residence of her ton-ln-law, Luclen V Leach, 2J0! Diamond st , on December 31. 1915, LOUISE, wife of John 8. Wetter. Due notice of the funeral will be gUen. MIt.RCH. On December 80, 101S, JOSEril INE WILIlI'Il (nee Hnury). widow or George Wilbur, formerly of 700 Iitona at. Relatives and frlenda nro Invited to nttend funernl, on Monday at 2 p. m., from her late residence. 1SI0 Mifflin st. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed on sun day evening. WILLIAMS. On December 30, 1915. MARY O , widow of James J, Williams. Relatives Inrl ft-tn,t Mrs Invlf to nttrtid funrn! services, on Sunday, nt 2:30 o'clock, nt the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Howard Col Una, 717 Green St. Interment private. Fern wood Cemetery WILLIS. At New Orleans, La., on Decem ber 23, 1015, Iiuail, son of the late Samuel and Jane Willis. Relatives nnd friends, also United Lodge, No. 710, I. o, O. F are Invited to attend funeral services, on Bun day, at. 1 p, m.. at the residence of his niece. Mrs. Walter Eggers, 1503 8. Stltli at. Interment North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Auto mobile service. MII-VON. On December 81, 1013, MARGA RET, widow of James Wilson. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend funernl services. Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of her son. James Wilson, ini'4 S. 23th st. Interment private. MITTHOCK. On December SO, 1015, CARO LINE, widow of Frank Wlttrock, In her Mut enr. Relatives and friends nre Invite! tn attend the runeral, Monday, at 8 a. m,, from her late residence, 141 N. Lonestoaa st. High Mass nt St. Oregon's Church, at II .Hi o ciocic. interment at f,ew ciunearni i;emc tery, VttlEST. On Decetnber 20, 1015, EL1SE D. WUEST (nee Bejer), widow or Daniel Wuest, In her 72d year. Relatives and li lends nro Invited to attend funeral service, on Sunday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, at hor late residence, 3441 N. 18th st. interment private. YOCNIl On December 30. 1015. SARAH C YOUNO. of 5S3.1 Spruce st., aged Oil years. Services and Interment private, on Monday morning. York (Pa.) papers please cony. YOUNO On December 20, 101C, SUSAN YOU ?. Itelatlvea and friends of the lamlly are tv.spectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday morning, January 4, at 8 o'clock, from the resldenco of her son.ln'law, John McOrnth, 1203 S. Bucknell st. (21th nnd Fed eral nts.). Solemn High Mnss of Requiem at St. Anthony's Church, at U..10 o'clock. In terment at Old Cathedral Cemetery. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like Oils) Onetime 16e per line Three times ono week. UHo per line Six times one week.. 10c per line Situations Wonted, three times one week 10 cents per lino per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times and It will be Inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for Eviviko Lxpasn and Pcnt.tc Lcnuan combined la 10 cents per lino, with the exception of Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which is 10 cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS .(or like this) which .Is permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE I iW4X0. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTEDFEMALE CLERK for Camden faotory office; good writer and accurate at figures, especially fractions; stnte experience and sulary desired, P 420, I-edger Office. COOKING, DOWNSTAIRS WORK, eiperl euced, colored, assist wash; reference. Ap ply 223 Winona ave.. Germantown. Phone. Germantown 3500. OENERAL HOUSEWORK OIRLS ARID IN CONSTANT DEMAND, POSmONS ARB OPHN IN CITY AND SUBURBS FOR BOTH WHITB AND COLORED HULP. you can. Riucn these employers THROUGH LBDQER WANT ADS, WHITE OR CALL ON THE HOUSEHOI-D REO 1STRY BUREAU; MISS RBBD CAN HELP YOU TO A GOOD PO3rn0N-SUITB3 230 230. PUBLIC LEDGER BLDO.. 8TH AND CHESTNUT STS.. PHILA. GOVERNESS, rrench. wanted for little girl 10 years old; must have two yeara1 reference. Apply by mall to Mrs. N. P. Stewart. Haver ford. Pa., or phone Ardmoro 748. GOVERNESS wanted; proficient in German and English: perm, dob ; traveling South for winter. Telephone Overbrook 4407. Phlla. HOSIERY Dxp. toppers and knitters on Stand ard, P. & Scott and Williams' full auto matlo knitting machines; learners taken: 14 to 10 years of age. Apply Wallace-Wilson Hosiery Co., Orchard below Unity, Frankford. HOSIERY Experienced loopera: steady work and pay good as any. Wallace-Wllion Hosiery Co.. Orchard below Unity. Frankford. HOUSEWORK, general: white girl: Cathollo preferred; must be absolutely capable; small family; small house; wages 17; no washing. Phone. Ardmore. 775. HOUSEWORK Young Protestant girl for gen enerat housework: no washing; good wages. W. T. Harris. 203 Haverford ave., Narberth. HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for Cynwyd; wages; Id: no washing. Phone Cynwyd 707 Y. HOUSEWORK Young woman, family 2; small house: sleep horns; wages 15. 6750 Hazel ave. MAID. Protestant, white, for general house work tn apartment. Germantown: 3 in fam ily; sleep out, reference. Address 65 Branch Ledger Offlce. Wayne and Chelten. NEW YEAR CHANGES NOW IB THE TTMT0 for young ladles seek ing commercial cosltlons to consult Miss Dean at Ledger Central. Broad and Chest nut sts. A special service la rendered to STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS AND CLERKS through the Commercial Depart ment to LEDGER ADVERTISERS, and a Sreat number of ladles have been bene ted by this service. OPERATOR Wanted, an experienced telephone operator for private exchange; houra 8 to 6:30. Addresa, stating age, experience, salary PROFESSIONAL WOMAN or one who has been engaged In educational work, achool or otherwise, contemplating change of occupa tion. Is offered a position with a buatnesa house; moderate salary, with good pros pects of advancement. Address U 650, Led ger Central. SALESWOMAN EXPERIENCED. UP-TO-DATE. IN LARGE DRESSMAKING ESTABLISH MENT: OIVB FULL REFERENCES AND SALARY EXPECTED. D 438, LEDQER OFFICE. PETEY Funny Petey Should Have Stage Fright After the Long - HELP WANTED FEMAIiB SOFT HAT -rRlMMEns-ntperlenced trim mers on. menraeoft hats wanted Immedi ately. Apply Paymaster. Office. John B. stetson comrany, (tu and Montgomery ave. W1ANTED Bright young women, between IT and 22 yeats old, to take tip telephone work. No experience necessary. Salary paid while learning. Pleasant work: permanent POl' tlon. Apply In. person. Bell Telephone Co.. 40H Market St., between 0 n. m. and 5 p. m. A LARGE CORPORATION wlihes. to acure nt once the icrvlcea of a smart business woman of good education; rapid advance ment to right party.JlM'ALedgfr Centtal, Ooncrnl PHILA. Women Oovt. clerks exams, coming: 570 mo.: ssmnle ques. free: write Immed lely. Franklin Inst., Dept. 71.1 K. Rochester. N. Y, HELP WANTED MALE noOKKEEPER-Eaperlenccd safeguard ledger man wanted! state age, reference and sal ary. Address 1 5.1.1, Ledger Office. BOY, about lnrwantedln office ofmercantlle house: tend phone and do nilng. Apply P. O. lloj; 1012,PhlJadelphln! l'a. BOY. 10 or over, for tieilvcrlng wickages: rHnnc tn learn hlcli.tn Irflde. Also. bright boy forofflce. P jJ0LLedgejDfflce. COMPOSITOR, 'competent, to take charge of smalt Job office: one who controls some work preferred P .i02. Ledger Office. DRUOS Young man, 2 to .1 j ears' experience, with or without college privilege. OA VH LLE. 6202 Ijncaster. HOSIERY FIXER Wanted, n man familiar with the fixing of Scott & Williams mi chines. In nnsnerlng give reference. M 231, IedgerOfflce. JANITOR, experienced (white). In clubhouse: state age and reference, D 6!S, Ledger Offlce , MACHINISTS General all-around machinists wanted, good wages to jrood men. Applv Standard Roller Bearing Company, 40th and Merlon nve. . MACHINISTS, tloor hands, lathe hands, boring mill hinds nnd a tlulinrd vcrtlcnl lathe oper , ntnr. , H fAl. Ledger Office. MACHINISTS Floor "hand", lathe hands, boring hands nnd Dullard vehicle lathe opcr- ator. P 4.1.1, Ledger Of flee. MACHINISTS WANTED Apply Crano Depart ment, Nlles-llement-Pond Company, Mifflin nndMeadow sts. MANAGERS production cabinet woodworking factory. Goo. W. Smith & Co ,3007 l'owelton, OFFICE BOY I.od of neat appearance for of nee work In wholesale house, state nge ami reference. O S4. Lodger Central. PHOTO-E.VGRAVr.llS Etchers wanted for color work; onlv want men who know their business thoroughly; can offer steady, perma nent position; write, stating experience nnd salary. Engraver. Box 43, 1304 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU. NEVER LOOK BACK: YOU OS'l.Y GET A CRICK IN YOUR NECK. REMEM 111.11. "THE Mil... WILL NEVER (HI Nt) wrrlr the water that is past." MAKE A HANNF.lt YEAR OF 1010. SEE MR.SCHENCK,AT 131.1V'ALNUTJ1T. SOLICITOR Wanted, man who "can furnish recommendations as to ability and character and who desires a. position where hard work means success, p 431, Ledger OfOce. TURN LASTERS First and second turn last R'h t AriJ,!f0'": & Co" f;3 Exchango St., . ,fflS1CT. LATHE HANDS AUTOMATIC MACHINE OPERATORS ,,A.N,nJ'c'lv MACHINE MEN . ,-rj.n5.TCr"'sa TOOLMAKEES Ar.P.T,.?Hs.F'KANKr9,n AVE. BETWEEN 8 A. M. AND 0 P. M. SALESMAN, experienced. In tin plate ami mctnls. for old-established house, D r.2... I-edger Office. SOLICITORS, experenced. wanted Immediate ly In big subscription cnmp.tlgn: direct lends and letters of Introduction, liberal commis sion Apply In person, from .1 to 4 o'clock. Jo D. B. O'Loughlln. Franklin llnk Build ing, Chestnut, below Broad, first floor, right side of entrance. TYPEWRITER Young man with some ex norlonco: accuracy essential; opportunity to learn bookkeeping: stato lull pnrtlculars nnd salary desired. D Mil. Ledger Of.nce7 WANTED-Supt. of braiding mill, on rino mer cerljcd and nllks. must be thoroughly prac tical: state nge. experience nnd saiarv wanted: referenda required. Apply Box D 420. Ledger Offlce. " WANTEDTurret lathe hands. Jones-and I-amson hands, lathe hands, tool maker. Good wages, steadv employment. Write or apply, Supt., 30 Monitor st Jersey City. WANTED Butler, thoroughly experienced white mart for country; personal reterences required. O Oil. Ledger Central. TOUJCO MAN. 18 to 17 years of age. for posi tion In pricing; dept. of largo retail store: must be quick and nccurato at figures. O 45S. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN wanted, famlllnr with stationery business; etnto where employed nnd snlnry exiiected. D 622. Ledger OfOce. YOUNO MEN over 21 years, with bicycles, for night work, as messengers. Western Union leiegrapn Co.. linn cnestnut st RENT. heat, light free for light service: man and wife preferred. 1401 N. inth. General Oil N. BROAD ST. The Oldest Original AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Teaches ou how to repair and how to drive nutns, F. I'ETZ. 011 N. BROAD ST. BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY POSITIONS FOR HIGH-CLASS MEN ONLY 1301 LAND TITLE BUILDING. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERWORK and waiting wanted; Irish; experienced: reference. li pit. i.eu ge r ornce. COMPANION Educated, refined woman: yrs.' city reference. It 405. Ledger Office. 3 DRESSMAKER wishes engagements at homo or out: references. Telephone Dick. 3'r.M W GOVERNESS or private aec'y, college gmd.i knowledge music, French, drnwlng. etc.; exp. Scotch woman. H 400. Ledger Offlce. NURSE, undererad., wishes permanent poe. ; special or mental cases. G 254t .ledger Cent. PRACTICAL companion-nurse, some hosnltal exp., willing to travel. Ph. Wodland 40117 L. VIBITINO TEACHER. German, Trench, Eni llsh. Miss Lorent. 3435 Walnut at. Re erencea. THE- LEDGER'S HOUSEHOLD REGISTRY HURRA. U can put you In Immediate touch with experienced housework girls, cooks, chambermaids, waitresses, laundresses, day'u work, seamstresses, ladles' malds.governesses. chlldnurses. housekeepers, both managing and worklnr: couples, call, write or tele. Bhone Miss Reed (Walnut or Main .1000). ulte 230-230. Ledger Bldg,, 0th and Chest nut sts. MISS DEAN, at Ledger Central, his listed the quallllcatlons of young ladles experienced In all kinds of office detail work, and has had special training; In selecting the "right per son for the right position." Acquaint her with your needs either by personal call or telephone Walnut or Main 3000 and ner sonal attention will be given promptly. This Is a freo servtcs to LEDGER ADVER TISERS. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-OFFICE MANAGER. 15 yeara' experience; audits, corporation work, manu facturing costs, financial statements, credits and systematizing; open for engagement; Philadelphia references. (I 148, Ledger Cent. ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeper. rlrst-clasT ei perlenced In factory costs, credits, collections, up-to-date, methods j references. 5132 Arch at. AUDITING, big and little, done by responsible man. M 212. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, cashier and offlce man open for position after January 1: 18 years In present position; At references and bond if rcquirco. x uju, x-euger umc. CHEMIST, technical and analytical, dtslrea pos.; graa.; excel, rets, u oio. imager utnee. BrrtTA-CTONB WANTED MALB COACHMAN. single. wishes po' i J'itfVmt auto. A heaters; 5 yr.' ref a 452 I-ed. lent. MAN AND WIFE, colored. PJfnh''Idr and cook: no washing, or wife hou emaia. Phone present place, tlermantown lino. MAN, yovinr. thoroughly experienced stenog rnphy. wlslies position. Ad. W. A. 22nH.itj MANAGER, accountant or rln! .f'JfA? man. 12 yr-.' successful bus neji experience sccks responsinie pnimim; y -.. - ----- NURSE, practical, and r'"P;n,0"h 'tfnrS; position with Invalid gentlemnniphsslclan a i reference. WrlteE. R.A 4007 Havertord ave. 8AI.T.8 ENClll - -Steet-Plnle and ""! con.; engrs.' nnd contra.' quip: travel or lo cation nvvv hero; age .is. M 211. Ledger ooice. SALESMAN Young man llmlttsl exner,. opportunity more than sal. O S..0. Led Cent. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Mns7MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107, Christian tlioc .mi), supplies ,fc ""''?"?';' Cath. male ami female help, all nationalities. AUTOMOBILES For Halo CADILLAC. 1015. eight: .tonll" lkJIIce,T. completely equipped: Immediate delivery. F.OCOM'oi?iLE. 2.114 Market st. I-n""- IiVa. JKNKS.Jdnnager Exchange, CarJ?eot. CADILLAC, ioi.l. touting car. overhauled and repainted, fit I entilpment. price s,.iO, AUiu BALKS CORPORATION. 142 N. Broadest. -CO).E. iOI5. demonrtrAtoiis SLIGHTLY L'SEII, I'Olt SAM?. . L. S IIOWEIIS CO.. 24.1-4- N. BItOAD.8T. FRANKLIN enrs. all models, overhnuled and guaranteed. F. L. I'axson. 34W Chest nutst. HtfPMOBILE. J0li-32 touring. eTcctrc lights nnd starter: bargain. S, S. noUGl.HS. BOV N. Brsad st. Spruce OHO. sfiTDEHAKEIt. 1014. limousine: eiiulpped with electric lights., nnd starter: goojl coinllllon. (10MnttV-SCH AltTZ. 2M N. Ilrond. M. WillTB "ill2 T-IMSSI'.N"(1ER II-CYLINI1ER VwTltlNO IN (IOOrCONIHTtONtMr'llAN- 1CALI.Y TIRES IN GOOD CONDITION. I. C. MOSI.lt, 210 N. 1IROAII ST. 020 NORTH HROAIl STREET (VII Robertson's old original Auto School teaches vou how to re pair nnd how to. drive iiutns. Oil NORTH IIROAl) STREET 020 ALL CARS BOUGHT for Parts Rctionnn, ani-n-isMAijKirr stiieet HEN 1 1 KOJt FIlEn.lH'LLfc-fiN OOnSON AfTO EXCHANGE 21S N. IIROAD EXCllANnE new WOO nlnver-plann for" auto mobile Wlitlmore. 2tn.l lx-lilgli. Tlog.i 2.i. ltmo U8EI AUTOS. "cverv make, from $160 up. lEomanAUlo rompnny, .in .i. nromi ai. M'antrd UTOIM LOOK' AND LISTEN' Wo buy old nutca In any wrecked condition; get evir price be o'-p vou sell them. Phono or Wvvrllc Snutmvre'ri n Junk Co.. 1701-7 Carpenter. WANTED Attlns for pnrts. Oet our" prices first. Oil Diamond Phone Park 110. AUTO LIVEUY AND GARAGES TO HIRE . . PlerceArrows. Porkirds, Ford Llm. Cars. Special shopping rate. $1.00 per hour. I'nrd town cars. Atttns for Weildlnirs nnd Funerals. PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY 1411 Locust St. Unco 213 , ?oruce05i KERR'S NEW fRAOi: 0110 Olrard ave. Now open for service with the finest upto dato equipment. Stornge. 5 up. Drop In nnd jook It over, or phono, ltclmont 0130. TO HIRE (open day nnd night) Brand-new .'.ruiir tnurini- cnr. Willi riitics. 51.25 liour: nlso brand-new 7-nass. limousine. SI. 50 hour; weddings, funerals, etc. Poplar lOli v.. AUTO REPAIRING SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE SEl. HILLY BIS N. BROAD CYLINDERS llEHORED, new idrtons and rings fuinlrhed. weldings and hrailng. II. B. I'ndorwuoil Co.. 102a Hamilton st..Phlla. FORD too enclneuirs. $.n plsto glass; satis faction gtinrnnt'd, Foro Door Co.. 1.10S Olrnrd. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4'00 miles. Compare prices. Gasoline, !c. per gallon, GRIM'S. 2.IU N. Ilrond St. AUTO SUPPLIES HEARINGS New Departuro Service Stn. Tht Gwilllam Co., 131-t Arch bi. Phones Walnut 3107. Race 30C2. HORSES 0-A BAKER Horse Blanket The longest waring blanket ever made: has been on ths market 50 years; none genuine without large hoi he stamped Inside. Sold by Klein. 12J7 Market st . nnd other dealers. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MILLINERY A. C. MECLHV HAS SPACE TO RENT FOR Hiatl-CLASS MILLIN ER. AT 2012 WALNUT STREET. PATENTS WANTED Write for List of Patent Buyers nnd Inven tions wanted: Jl.tKsi.tMH in prizes offered for Inventions. Send sketch for free rearch. Write for nur 4 booVa. sent free upon re quest VICTOR .1. EVANS & CO.. Washing ton, D. C: PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. 1120 Chestnut st. Bell phone Spruco G.V15. Hours, 11 to 5, Mondays until ti . m. PATENTS-ARTHUR E. PAIGE. 7l4Walnut st.. Phlla.. mechanical nnd electrlcnl engi neer, registered patent attorney; established here 3" vcars. Inventions developed: patents, trademarks, cop) rights, secured and lltt gated unv where; rejected applications prose cuted: preliminary novice free. PARTY with ten thousand dollars to become crucially Identified with corporation handling product ot unlimited demand: capital required for Increasing business; Investment amply so cured, information at personal Interview only. D MO. Ledger Office. SSoo FURNISHINGS OF ESTABLISHED BOARDING HOUSE. RENT S40. Near 15th : Cherry. Good central location. C.J". PETERS & SON, 008 CHESTNUTST. PICTURE THEATRE for rent": $75" month, comDlete: seats ,',00: modern; no competi tion: bargain: dthcr propositions. BAH HIST. 201 N. Broad. MANAQER of experience wanted to take part Interest and control or bos' camp on Maine coast; references. Address Owner. G 230, Lodger Central. DROP POCKET t'Otl, YARD ON P. AND It. FOR RENT. $10 MONTHLY. 030 WEST TIOGA ST. GROWING ORCHARDS, all ages, for sale. HARRY DARLINGTON 1420Chetnut st. PICTURE THEATRE. SS.IOO; beoutlful; mod ern; dally matinees, earns JTO-SIOO weekly; good selling reason. O 237. Ledger Central. 1500 WILL start " In hosiery manufdctur- ing. nf.niufl. linn nmmimii. lop noor. PARTNER wanted with $W0 In good, reliable manuiactunng oueiness. u 4-u. i.ecigerorr. ELEOANT OARAGE SITE ON NORTHEAST BOULEVARD. P 42S, LEDGER OFFICE. BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Hack Suits To hire and made to order. NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR, III N, 0th St. Bell phone, Walnut 2018. TO HIRE & FOR SALE, EVENING CLOTHES LATEST STYLES . POPULAR PRICES These suits are made In our own workshop and ure atrlctlv up-to-date nnd sanitary. KEENJMlLOyiNGCO.,l NSth. WafclHS. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electroljTls. the only permanent way, Kyebrowa arched. MISS SMITH, 4iJSi Keith Theatre Bldg. Miss Hoppe. halrdresstng.faclal mat-sage, man- lcur'g. form.Mlnt Arcade,wlthMlrSmltli. CLAIMS ot "any description collected on Fercentage anywhere. We get vour money or you. AMCOSE MEROANTILE AOEN OY. Room 305. 1800 Arch st. "- FULL DBE3S SUITS-Ajl new atvllsh goods large aeaortinent. SAJIUEL COOPEn 1010 I GIHARD AVE. PHONE POPLAR 6142, ' Time He's Been at It By C. . AHEM - AH- HEM ECV- ERR, MOV Eft LADIES" AhlB Gew"TU-.MEN EC T iS A Gfl - Ecr -pteSURE - To - EU-TrVUE. (vV HAWP Eff.- ER-AW-HUM, Mkv-7" THAT IS . I 1, 1910 CAIIPET CLEANING ( OXTINr.N T A I, CARPET tLEANIN' 1' " L 20T1I ST ABOVE CI S''T Bell Phone. '" if- W" WEST PHILA MONAIIi'lt -tT " ' 'B i" WEST rTIILA .3c PKR YARD VmT PHILA. 3170-72 LAN. AMr t AVI! DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERV FfEMSTITCHtNG. 10 cents n sr.l ill mate. rial". A REICH MtD. 1113 ( IIF.STNI'T ST. PICTORIAi. nilVlEW PATTERNS HEMSTlTCHtNoT 5c ynn!, A -1 material, but tons cov , pleating, stnmtilnc. land Mibrjin ery. Modern, Hue chestnut. 1'1-one Spruce 'Jl.3 POTTER SCHOOL OF.DRESSMAKINO DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 14 13 GIRAIll) AVI-' . . D'ltESSMAKINO taught, short, .nmctlcnl Inex pensive course: patterns cut. 0- McDowell. w7J.en"klillM.,Jlth nnd Market. OOWNS remodeled: hlgh-grndo work only. Phono Spruce 2221. . TOR SALE ANTIQUE nnd modern furniture bought A told. SOME RARE OLD PIECES HARVEY. DAOER, Ambler. Pa. Bell phone, 2J. Kevatone, 40 M. BILLiARD" AND POCKET" TABLES"- 'Also bowline alleys; easy paymints. IRU,S WICK-IlALKB-COLLENrtelur'l.!-lP!LArcil BILLIARD" nnd pocket , tables, snumelionrda. new- nrd slightly used, li'.'rrnl terms ; renting, rctntring nndsupplles. Rosatto. J.22Hj.8th, I1ILL1ARD. pool, combination. 2d-hnnd bought. old, rented. cxch'd.Kenfer1. .120 Olrnrd ave. BILLtARDrpocket. 2i.hand table", repairing supplies. Clark-IIerd Mfg. Co. 2121 N. Front. CASH REOIsrEItS, new nnd stcond-hnnd : to tal addirs ns low ns $31 . on easy monthly n..m.nl.i nil r-l-ltrn sold llV US ftlllVgl'ir- nddirs ns low ns $3IV on easy monthly nents: all rrcl'tero sold by tis fully wir ed The National Cash Register Co.. i30 itrmt st. ., .... in. nntee'i Chest DESKS, mine ralTiiets, safes, telephone boothj nnd office furniture and fixtures of every de scription: used, but In One condition, and verv clicnn: free delivery anywhere. ..,... m-GIIES. 11TH AND nlTTTONWOOD... FUM.TDItESS SUIT. SI7.E 37"i MADE I IN WANAMAKER'S FOR Ml: WILL SACRI- riCK: ?'. 227 N 0TJI ST. . C.IIAY" fllON CASTINGS CAPACITY . HOTII'MIiNT ORGANIZATION ., .places us In n position tn bid on J our 1010 requirements with prices nnd delivery that will satlify )ou D WK. Lcilrer office. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Roll-top desks, typewriter.. bookkeeper desks, nilng cib. tele. foih, sjfe. household fur. lulling Central 2d-Hnnd rurntltire Co.. 00 1. lioil.lil4 Cnllovvhlll. Phone Filbert 4 IKS, OIL BUSINESS, gnrago ami repair shop 'or sale: will take partner. 123H Callow hill st. " W OO'D WORKING Let nur woodworking department make vour woodworking requirements: our experi ence, efficiency, orgnnl-atlon will bo nn nseet to you. t 501, Ledger office. FOR" SALE ONE STANDARD GAUGE PORTER LOCOMO TIVE, 100,000 pounds capacity. Cylinders 16x24. First-class con dition. REITER, CURTIS & HILL, Commercial Trust Build ing, Philadelphia. SACRIFICE" SALE until Jnn. ,1 of nil kinds diamond Jewelry: (rOO diamond La Vnlllercs. $1 up: must ho sold, gools can ho bought here 40 per cent, less than other places, or mjnoy refunded. I Llnkln. 1 UK) Filbert nt.. 2d floor. JLV-LION'B HEAD GOLD BRACELET. WITH 11 genuine diamonds value $"..-, RIP.DER'S LOAN OFFICE. 12S M RKET STIIEET. $15 PLATINUM LA VAI.LIERE WITH thrco fure vvhlto dl.imc.nd-. value $73. Rledcr s xinn (Xllce. 12a Market street. DADDY WALKER buys talking" machines nn records: rxrlmrge-i all records. 6c. 2.1.10 Ridge, above Columbia ate. - - $0.1 DIAMOND RING. lTRTJ WHITE AND perfect: value $115 Rlr.l'ER'S LOAN OF- i ici;, r-i MAKKi.r Miim.i;. J10-I.A VALI.1EI1E. SOLID GOLD AND gen uine diamond: very mat deslrn: vnluo $30. r HIKDHU'H LOAN OKI'ICI.. 12S Market St. OENTS FUR-LINED OVHRCOAT'. $10 AND up lllnler.' Inan Office. 121 Market st. f 12 IIRACELET WATCH. SOLID GOLD, val ue $10 Rleder's I.onn Office. 12S Market st. HEATING MAKIN-KllLSI'Y HEALTH HEAT Is better nnd cheipcr than steam or hot water. Pure freh air with normal molrture. MAKIN Ki:iSEY, II N. 1Sth st. Phlla. INSTRUCTION STENOGRAPHY and bookkeeping bv individual instruction; couibc requires only few weeks: pos. guar. Apply 701 3. Washington Squnre. MACHINERY AND TOOLS PP.ESS AND FORGE SHOP Wo will bid oiv vour PRESS BULLDOZER DROP HAMMER WORK and wive you In investment, overhead In nctunl cost. Dtop n postal now. D 503. Led- gci on Ice. IT DOESN'T PAY TO SPEND much tlmo tmnKllif- nuoui vvniii ou uugiu 10 on. vv uv not creek our waste in power transmls-ion9 Oet busy with YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH I'tlllevN. SHAFTING nnd M A U II I N E wnilKS. 115 Xnrth Second. JAMES YOCOM .. SON. POWER-PLANT EQl'IPJIENT Dvnamos. motors, toilers, steam and oil en gines, pump", nlr rompres-ors. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc.. 127.N. 3d at. v vtcdTi) buv or rent, two contractor's dlnkles. 20 2 to 4-yanl cars. 3000 feet of lr.ick. H. C, Ambler. 3717 York road. Phlla- ilelphla Bell phnne Tiosa 3000. SECOND-HAND PIPE Cut and threaded to sketch; largo quantity of nil sizes In stock. Griffith. lltl-'-'O Moyer st. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, told and rented: armatures repaired. Main 01, Markct 3003 Yciirsiev Co.. '-'21 N. 3d at. CREAM "SEPARATOR Made by A. II Held; long spindle tvpe caniicltv 2 to 300U Iba. per houn SEYFEItT'S. 417 N. 3d lit. 50 K. W direct connecteil engines and genera tors; 40 K. W belted generators; 5, 15, 20 H. P. motors. NUTTAI.U 174S North 6th, 2 WOODEN TANKS. 10,000 gallons cnracltv each; good an new M Hunt. 13111 Beach st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS H73"sfElNWA"Y"uTrRIOHT."$irrtr"chlckertng used pianos, $3,1. $1.1. $0.1, $1 monthly: play. era. $27.-. up. HUGHES BROS.. .132 N. tOth. $S5-CII('KEH1N(I UPRIGHT PIANO IIOWAIID .VINCENT. SIS N. OTH. WILL pay cash for upright piano. "Rice, 2033 Irfhlgh. Tioga 7230. OLD GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS ciuiira, Kudi silver, iiuiiiiiuiii. iuibi. it-em Phlla, Smelting A: Ref. Co.. 128 S. lltli st. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old sole Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. EttlSTOjJ. L. Clark. eflner. f,07 Kansom. OLD GOLD Cash nald fcr ofd'gold. silver, antique clocks: will call. Bell phono, Locust 1210. ROGERS. 27 S. 17lll St. PRINTING 100 SNOW WHITE CARDS and name, ,10c.; 300 business cards, $1; 500 business cards, $1.23; 1000 business cards, $1.73, 5000 bu4 ness cards. $.1: card rase with order. Open evenings. CARD SHOP, 1001 Chestnut St. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TII ST. ABOVE CJIKUTNHT PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell. LocustlOOO Phones Key.. Race 41IIO. FIDELITY F1REPROOP WAREHOUSES 1S1MS10 MARKET fcT. ATLAS STOnAUE WAREHOUSE Storage. moving, pat king, shlmilnjr, curit cleaning. Ph. Baring 75J forestlmatc. Market and :17th. McCANN'S SfORAGE HOUSE. 17IS N. lltli at : moving. p.aklnjr. shipping; auto vans. Both pbonea. Let uy estimate. A. VOIGHT r-xor.(iF 0!RnD -ri't, Moving no n , inonv . i kiki iirnn n Flli;r. SToi'Vi.K the n auto vara shipping i Ing I, vln vims ', TYPEWRITERS AND GUP1-MES SATISFACTION In r, MiN t ,n ftK'l SERVICE SnS,?..' ! -TSS-rJ iiEMtNGTON tyW wwrw corpAv; J lUt. S. flth SI, Phi' liVlDnli tYiV1 f& Hell, wnlnut f.750 Kr v,i'a??laMj J'hoae.i'3 WANTED iNTIQUE furniture, fairs teeth fcsm.ri7 broken Jen airy. aold. allverlrtfi'mrwfAS'LH. 71.1 vciL,.,. vir... VA.Sr' oij'tnonds bmrM r- .-" . ..,,.t ,i,u, .8l -rn - BROKEN JEWRLRY, fnlte teeth ni.,,-. ri Coin book, with prices 1 pay m.rui"'1"-.1 " l' . lieopje'a'store). & J S. lith wjhii' CAST-OFF clntlilnr? iil,l, r..i , -i-:'i!l2i gowns; cenllemen's clothing- tm.i i l. ''F- Skt 20011. Sellesnhn tthK..JMS''W.t. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques "r11 8'-Pit' 5"".M.,b2"?.'!L 'or. ',"&? HIGHEST PRICES I'AlpORl)UMoiifS iiusv MiKi'. Hi urriixiPin, l.l.il 1IIa -- tickets. 1300 Fllbctt at.. 2d nB- ffiK Mw ROOMS EOR RENT ARCH, 202.1Delrable room, single ArT.l ruhnlng water, private bath. $2 in ao,rt,,li' UROAD, N 8.VJ-2 well turn., sunn"rSr3 private bnth; 2d floor; modern! reasons?'" CHESTNUT, 1005-Two ,deslra'bTvi7Scu;1 southern exposure; running water, a CHESTNUT. 1001 Deslrable'roems.luSirSl en suite: stenm heat. Phone Locust 73; fl LOCUST 1211 Desirable mis., adlolnlnct7!Tv' hot-water heat; central locntlon; phone ' LOGAN SO. (21,1 N. ISthl-HousekeeplnVVtTrJ' fttrn., unfurn. rooms; elee. light; run, t' MARKET, 5015 CominunTcntlng roomsiflili heated; southern exposure; running waterirt PARK AVE., N. 2007-Rooms. slngieTeamffi:i baths: electric light. Diamond !l800, ""-r. PINE. 132.1 Attractive turn, rms., single orti? . suite; running water; private famlln thri"-8 SPRUCE, 1.117-ltooms, single or en suite- iM hntlis; prof, otflces , steam heat; electrltli." WALNUT. 220i5 " , Largo attractively furnished, room; rtlrm hath and hall;. well heated: etectrlcfty! . 8TH, N 3002 Attractively furnlshedJJjiS-'' rooms; private home; suit 2 gentlerren. 13TH, S.. ,114 COMFORTABLY FUR, rPi?Bi 15TH, S., 32t-FtntNISHniiinio'NTAjf3. BACK ROOMS. NEAR HATH; PIIONB rr.TH. N 000 Nicely furnished' rooms. m'Sl heated: phone. PERSONS wishing .1 or 3 rooms, with -! without private bath. In n bcautlfullv tnrTL houso. with hot-water heat, onposlts 7tn,S house Square wrlto P 401, Ledesr OfficX . OWNER, having beautiful dwelling on Seruei ltOUM. ADKIIMWI UATIII I'HONg. - 2 farge furn. 'rooms; private bnth. open li'a-' place: refined home. L 714 Ledger Central. NEAR N. Phlla. atatlon; attractively furn. pin Rio rooms: good car service. Iloga 20311 T. ROOMS WANTED GENTLEMAN desires room with bath In bwni of private family, centrally located; plttii stale number In. fam ly; references givtj nnd required; nn boarding or furnished room houses need reply, O 155 Ledger Central. , BOARDING LEHIGH AVE.. W.. 1027-Prlvate family hit rew rront vacancies: excellent table; all core venlences. electricity. Phono Tioga 7330 w.' SPRUCE, 1221-20 (Brismonde) Furn. rooaii. slnglo. en suite; private hnthsi tabls board. BI'RUCE. 1230 Fecond-floor room: also to una. floor front, with board. Sl'RUCE, 1220 Large rooms, flnglo or n suite: private nam; tnme ooaru. SPRUCE. 102S-30 Socond nnd fourth floor Ml rooms, well heated; choice table board. SPRUCE, 1012 (Holmchurst) Beautifully torn. rooms, private patn. sun ooaru; mine poara. SPRUCE. 101O Large sunnv rooms.wtth bosrt; running wnier: stenm nenv; ricvmor. VF1NANGO. W.. 1412 Large, attractively foro. 2d floor sitting room; excellent table board.' WALLACE. .1404 Board nnd rooms, .rejifo. able: conv. to cars. I'hono Preston 541J VJVi IrrPIT XT llT'll Vnnnnrv .Arnnrl ftnni- filnilhl.l wltli or' without boird: nil conveniences: u excelled toblo board Popl.-tr AIM J. COTH. S., 1.14 Beautifully turnlshcd 2d-llocj rront rooma; private family: excellent tabls, SWU ST.. N.. 112 Third-story room 1U smnllcr communicating one: steam heat. Suburban YORK RD . 7101 One or two rooms. nrlTiti ramlly; tnblo boird. Phone Onk Lano 11S3.T.-; COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED' BEAUTIFUL location: spocinl scientific csrtf norvouo; elderly; every' comfort, nnriej, Booklet. Dr. Randal. City line, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS WALNUT AND 11T1I STS. (S. W Cor.,,, mol suite: cxceptlon.illv attractive, high celllnii: nbundnntly lighted 011 three sldca. autuble for housekeeping. If desired, $73. Janitor ca premises. liAItnER, HARTMAN & CO, EK)1 Chestnutst. . 101 8. 11THST. Bichelor apartmenta: cep tlonnlly dealrublo 2d-floor suite, a large roomo and I'.itlt; every modern Improvement, jinl tor un premises: iiteani heat Ineluucil. , jiarhi:r.ijajitman & co 1201 chcittnt. 0IKIC.1. Vi.YlllJl 1. inn 1.MVHV111 ui. -- dlfferi'iit linuscs eonie furn . Kltchenetui ATTRACTIVE npnrtment, unfurnlihed. central residential portion of city, well adapted fot laiy wishing permanent location lnjrlvat house, rets, required a I4S. 'Ledger Centr.1 PURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST. 1213-15 (Lion's Hend) - Furn, tptl suites anu rooms, witn priyaie uuui. !-. VlnVTU Ciniiiletclv furnished c: lE; s; lis! front house, three bedrooma ele2trlc ......nM I. ant tria llnnn. . 1 1 V r lll.lhCS! neighborhood; Immedlnto poss 2UI4 8. f-'i-. APARTMENTS WANTED WlVTl'll-Lnt. nnrlll llirllt. Ilvlllir StUtlld, with bath or runtilnK vvuler, central lo; tlon: not higher than .Id Iloor unless equlrWi with clcvntur light and hoat suppllwl u terms, itcniy to uox 11 011. j.cuger i.nis UNFURNISHED nnt. of 2 large rooma ccrs-B? mumcniint. . smau rooms 11m -v;,,uw7, or Jlurltct. nltliin 10 mln. Cltv Hall A drctB Smltii Hiker Hldg.j, 1320 Cheitnuiou.. WANTED- Bv 2 young gcntl men. 2 cr . rnntvi imi rtmrnt n It ri tin t li linrl l It CUtTitXXt fully fuinlrhfil umt lontmllv located. M5jl and rejBon.inic. Anuri-'BB n -i, i.ium. v APARTMENT HOTELS THE "CLINTON tk:S.iAl'cbL0 I0 ROOMS. i:ERY CONV1..MK.SCE. Furnished or uiiiurnlaht-d; cither by lease 01 trauslcntlv. sultea uf ono to lour looms, vvun mini. HOTEL COLONIAL JUD (I), C.tEiVIIIM J (-! An apnrimunt hotel noted for H tv5 nrni perfection of pun Ice, Newly refuniUWj nnd rcdcror.ited. I'arlor. bodrcom and ppj t.n. .1 (.Uimiilh Mi ' witn meal a Mr two perfoim. iu prrw.' HOTEL, COLONIAL " f nii uto una teieen(u f.ir., , m? An apaitment hotel noted for Ita cuaM and perfoctioii of rerUe. Newly fu"B3M. and redworutd, I'arlnr. boiroom and "W wun mcaia ioriwo peron,jMu per i, " TUB COVINOTON CHESTNUT AND .17T1I STS, 4 H. 1 UNOLK. MANAClCn j a f ijs-r. rums nitof l-LIIU' i iiiw nn. iJ.iuiu.o.-u BEACH HAVEN. N. J .-.. ...T'iR nKN-f.VA ,..., Hlgh-cUss apartments, with or without Ffi inm rnili oihI.-Il. rniiint-i1 nJ IK- nlshcd; under new management. i 'rur: m AncTrvwr; iith and !"- '"u u-.ni-JiUHii STREETSH1 AI'ARTJIE.NTS FOR WINTER tit'.r" 'Uli.NIStlr;i till l'Nh'1'll.Niant.-' ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF l. I 1 ii a -I '" ' i'.'o? , V"" enii vj '. l ' -V1A,3 . i I y f W OTHEfel j VA0RD5 . ER- ER, j " Pyurt IAVjTo SAV) i ( vwe: vjish J I , r Noo A HAPPV I' ' ' V Mew NEAtt. . '. I Ik . NoMlKJATloMr- ..1-3 fi - :i