Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 01, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 17

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Working Men and Their
Families Protected Un
der the New Statute
Ten New State Laws
in Operation Today
1, Workmen's compensation act.
It affects 1,750,000 employes, ex
cluding domestic servants and
farmhands, and 200,000 employers,
large and small alike; provides
quick relief and compensation in
case of death without lawsuits; pro
vides four forms of State insur
ance for protection of employer;
places premium on safety devices.
2. Child labor act. It affects
1,000,000 persons (estimated) ; pro
hibits children between 14 and 1G
years of ape working in establish
ments for more than 51 hours a
week, including 8 hours a week in
continuation schools created by the
net; prohibits children under 14
working in establishments; pro
vides for physical tests; prohibits
in n large measure the employ
ment of children on streets and in
public places; provides for other
minor restrictions.
8. Uniform sales act.
4. Stock transfer tax act.
5, Practtro act for Common
Pleas Courts.
G. Act increasing rowers of second-class
citic in building inspec
tion and fire prevention".
7. Act providing for State in
spection of agricultural lime.
8. Act amending anthracite and
bituminous coal mining acts, to in
clude miners in the compensation
0. Act providing for uniform
policy contracts for fire insurance.
10. Form- for the operation of
tho acts of 1915 taxing corpora
tions and of the escheat act.
Ten new Ktnto laws, passed by tho
Inst Legislature, Including the work-
nen's compensation net nnd the child
labor net, became effective with tho New
renr nt mldnkht.
Others which will be enfotced on nnd
after todnj are tlto unirorni sales net.
ihe stock transfer net, the practice net
lor Common Fleas Courts and nets pro-
riding for Increased powers of second-
lns cities relative to building Inspec
tion nnd live prevention: for Stnto
Inspection of agricultural lime, for the
Intendment of nnthtaclto nnd bituminous
Eonl-mlnlng acts ho that miners shall
Be brought under the woikmen's com
pensation sjHlcm. and for uniform
policy contracts for Ilio Insurance, and
Iho Issunnco of forms for taxation of
Corporations under the nets of 1915 nnd
or the operation of tho escheat act.
(The workmen's rompensatlon act and
(ho child-labor act, tho most Important
6f tho new laws, have been termed tho
no.it f.ir-i caching nnd humnuo acts In
their respective fields In tho United
States They affect more persona than
11 of the other acts combined. They
reptesent .vests of study and systema
tic campaigning.
! Six scparato laws cover the subject of
Workmen s compensation. The first Is
ho general measure covering the sub-
ect of compensation; tho second pro-
Bides for Its administration; tho third
lieates n Stnto Insurance fund; tho
fourth nnd fifth relate to liability and
utiml insurance, and the sixth exempts
iomestlc servants and ugilcultural work
Irs, A sevunth bill, a constitutional
Intendment petmlttlng a compulsory
iompensatlon net, will bo presented to
lio 1517 Legislature, una, ir passed, win
Be submitted to tho pcoplo for approval.
rile present law Is elective, having been
hiado so to avoid a constitutional pitfall
ihlch prevents it compulsory compensa
tion act.
The bill affects l,"M,0O0 employes and
),000 employers, and Its influence will be
felt In tho estimated 130,001 accidents
vhlch occur In this State evciy year. It
provides for almost Immediate compcu-
latlon for Diluted workmen and other
liniuoyes without long-druwn court Pio-
leedlngs, und provides relief for depend
Ints loft by deaths caused by accidents.
It afreets largo unci small employers
alike, reaching out Into nil manufactur
ing trades to protect all woikers except
Domestic servants, farmhands and Per-
Ions In casuat occupations.
One of the features of the law Is that It
creates a State Insurance fund, which
pvent Into effect with the other tactions
ut the bill. This was Incorporated In the
Idll to win the co-operation of employers
and to muko tho bill fair In the broadest
Nnse, and Is lit direct line with the policy
of tne mam act, vvtucn proviueb premiums
lor safety devices und the observance of
the "safety all the time" slogan.
Tour forms of liability Insurance uro
provided by the act. Assenting employers
ire required to either Insure In the Stnto
RVorkmeji's Compensation Insurance Fund
treated by a separate net. or In an au-
(horlzed stock or mutual compuny, or to
urnlsh proof to the bureau of their
financial ability to make compensation
payments direct. Another collateral law
requires that Insurance policies must pro-
viae ror payments direct to employes in
rase of employers' default or Insolvency
i'ne law permits the employer to Inuute
any designated clusa or part of his em
ployes against any particular hazard, but
otherwise than this, permits no limitation
oi ids insurer's liability. It also requires
insurance companies to tile with the Com-
wasioner of Insurance their classifica
tions of risks and premium rates, which
ure to e subject to his approval, this
applies equally to the stock and mutual
ed Printer's Death Recalls Days of
Hand Composition
FrosttM in the printlnp art and newts-
paper maklne Is recalled by the death of
Jefferson ChrLstman, 73 years old, of 1617
rvOITU Street, ivhnoa fllnpral will h linl.l
or33 yearu TIIt- PhrUimi n w, ni-
POSltOP In th Amnlnv a tlonim w rKflla
(who waa ed(tor ani publisher of the
TB" eUQ;. He was of the old school
Of Band COmnnsltnra tinet mHm1 Imm
VOrk When th llnnlvm. mnrthlna -ame.
ilnto active me He was then a rnsn well
along m yeara tn(1 6gllrt)li no wag tot) Qli
to i learn a nw trade.
,57 . u'Wed by Jlrs. Margaret J
Irs, H. Conaway 1SH Norrls street. Mrs!
t .. !f 151 orrl street, and
Tb funeral xv U will be held at fct
-,,. . T ',na UUtrmrat will b In Weat
IfH. 9f fms, m wmt a numlMr. will
t-fM 1 B, UtjJV
UT iyi sinr ., ,. ,., i .. -ut..
ftt Chester Jftmaty
Almost 4000 Children Since Thanksgiving Day
Have Found the Way, and the Bags of
Gold Are Certainly There
Isn't It perfectly Brand?
'Twits the night hefore ThnnksRlvlnpr, In
the good j ear 1015, when tho Kvenino
l.nnann started Farmer Smith's llnlnuow
Club. We now hnvo tienrly 4000 members
Now, uhtit do J on think of that?
Coilnt up on onr lingers the weeks since
Inst Tlirtnk.RlvmR ami see If )oit don't
think lite Rood people of I'hllncUlphla
ought not to have a happy New Year,
when I hey think of how happy nr-nrlv.
4000 children ate tilf tr.Inir carh and
over day to make some one happy.
Wo think by Lincoln's Ulrthdny wo
ouprht to have 5000 members, and If the
kind jtrown-upB Mill Rive ub a little more
help nnd wo nil work together, wo shall
hnvo that many nnd more.
Every little h'lps
The follow Iiir Is n list of those who
Joined Farmer Smith's ltnlnbow Club this
week tip to Friday night. Are ioit a
"Hnlnbow"? If not. see nnire seven of to
night's Hvbnino I.EnoEU. rend tho club
j news nnd sign the "SunBhlne pledge."
Robert Aukburg, N. 2d at : Paphln Alder.
I Ilitlnbrlrlgo si , Harry Ayres, Island rd., Leon
, Abromovlt, S id t. , Utile AVelrow. S. Sth rt.:
Atimm Albert. Monroe nt : Mnlcolm Adims,
I Webster lit Francis Arcyselsgo, Sprint: Oar-
, den lit. Rose. Atkln, S mh st i:ilr.abeth
I Abramowltt, M Mln at.; Mlltnn Ace, Oxford
i et . Letter Axe. Oxford st . Hose . Appelinin.
N 2d et. Myer Ackerman. N 2d et . !enn
Arkermnn, N. 2,1 St., Abo Adleman, N, Market
et , Louie Adleman. N. Makret et : Catherine
Adleman. N. Market et.. Joeph Altman S.
' 1M et . Oertle Altman. S. 2d et , .Raymond
Arhut 13 Somerset St.. Raymond Arshut,
I i: Somcrect et. . Mary Aversa, Kenllworlh at .
MIMreil Argensl, Cnthntlne et : T Alexander,
N Mnrkrt '. Wilbur Allen. I'lensnntvlllc, N.
J. Morris Arlow. S .1th et. Millie. Abbat-
I leiln nam et ; Hose Autltore. S. 10th et .
i carmen Audltore, H. 1.1th t I.ro Audltore.
1 P 13th et : Mary Audltore. 8. lath St.. Mary
I Auilltore, 8 l.llli it.. Sarah Adams, V.. Husquo-
. Innni ne
Delia tta.ll Haul ale , HeiiJamln I)ernteln.
X 2d et. Ither Renisteln, N. 2d et. . Oscar
llronn South et , Dorothy HrlRga, llnrel ac ,
tncol. Hresner, S Mh et Hilda Hidden. S
Kill at Hattle Hleldfii 8 r.th st. Loula Ilrea
ner S .Mil St.. Divld Darker. H il.th et..
Mnrgiiret Haxter, llartrnm nve . Helen llmnks
Wiwrtlnml nve. Knthryn llrodrrlck S, UTtli
et.. Anna Ilurnsldo, S tint st Oeorgy Itnkir.
St. tames terrace Abe Italtlnsky. Lnmlnrrt
et He-sle Uomge. H 4th at. tloldlo lliister. H
llli st : .lennio lloush. K r.th et Alexander
Hreekrr. Oreen st . Pontile llresler. N Hth st .
H-idle Hel-ivskv. N Marshall et . Michael Ilu
lln N .Marshall st.. Cllnvsnnl llnsso. Mountain
st Dorothy llaes. Tree et . Jonnetto Hllofaky,
Mnilntnln l T.lfl llllimpnthll. Watk U St .
Dora llirenholtz. Itltner st Sarah linrdrn. S
,t. .4 ' Iflll II ,p llrmn Uv at V. IffAHV
Dar DromW et , Dauliman nrehrn. Ouonlher
et . fnul Hates. Supplee. I'll .Harry ' eln-
eieni. Tiiomtiton st . iiarney iioook .. mi pi
V 111 Ilarrell. S 2d st. Den fleltahm.in. Kim
ball st Jacob lleltnhman, Klmhill et : Jo
seph Ilutler. Seara st. Charles lllaknm Olive
et. Abe Jtuth, New Market et rthel llraxlti.
Mi Kean t Mollis llerahmlakv. Mountain at.
Hlla Dotklss. S. 4th et . lerael lliitoneky. 8.
2d t. Anna llrnlamln. Cathirlne et. Tna
Menlamln Cnthnrlne st ; lele llalka. Catha
rine st. Harrv llalka, Cathnrlno st Jesse
IlalJufn Jr, .N llancork t. Harold lllrman,
W Vnrrl mi U'nltpr ItMlttOM. Palethoril St
' ' n"''-
..-i, T...,-i r. ..(. -k 1(l1ll..n. II.TU.n
H t Ith st Israel
Itiodkv. N' lteeto st . tleorce Mlorhnr. vv
to , , . T. .... Ft-.. ..1.. Mnnhnl
criiie ni . uriiry itiiui'iin.
l,lnnl .,.1. nn.1 Una., B.a 'lnm ItmOUfl I'lllS-
nntillle N 1 . Harrv Brooke. IMeatnntvllle
X ,1 . ndltli Drooke. Pleaeanlvllle. N .1. Mln
nlo Itrnilskv, mcrlcan st . Moll e DUtr. South
si. Max Hinder. VIorrls st Waller Hlril. 3
Rosewon.1 st . leulor Dcrltovltx. Whartun st .
nn hi Unokstcln 8 ,"ith at , Hurry Drown. 8
.Id st lt-ba Drown 8 :i I st . Inn llaslle.
Juniper t : Mamie llnsllc. .lunliier et . A.
lllshnp 8 2d et I. Dressman. Pi n'Kreie
st O Ruckle, llermantown nve ; Car llellak
8. Cth at., Abraham Decker, Mor-V B,
Salv.iloro Clancla. Christian st . .Too Culver.
Walnut at : WUlltm Cnrtese. South sth st .
Dora Cohen. South st Leon Cohen, South st ;
Molllo Cohen South at.. Harold Cohen. South
st L'dim Carpenter Hazel ave. Lillian Car
penter, Hazel nve. Lillian Cniiner. 8 Ild at
Hfntrlee Cramer S ;td st , Albert Cooper 8
(icth nt Hlcanor Crnm Woodland aio Mary
Cain. Yocum at : Clara Coder Pnschnll nve
Anni I'ohen Woodland me.: Maud Cloud.
Pnrchnll avp n Inn Cullen Wooilland ue .
Itaymnnd Online Woodland aie Klsle Cleaves,
I'ns, IihII nve . Frances Cohen, 8 bth st. . Ileesle
Cohen. 8 tlh Bt . Annn Christine Catharlnn
st . Abo Christine Catharine at Loula Chris
tine Cathirlne st . Rose Cohen. Duttonwouil
at : Joseph Chase lllenmoro ue . James
Cummlnfis Mount et . Roan Confnrto. S nth
st : Idn C'onforto 8 Ulth at . Kmma Con
forto. 8 J'lth st . Mini Clnlenelll, Pnrfsry
at : OueU clnlenelll. Poresry St.. Mil Clnle
nelll, Poresry at . Maria Crlsyslano Latona
st.: Chlarlna Crlsplno, Latona at. Pranclcscn
Crlspl-ei, Ijitoni st Vnollna Cuxlnath Moun
tain at.: LIU Cereal, f l.lth St.: Maria Oil
cenoihi. Mountain et. Sol Cohen. S. 17th et .
Harrv Chronica. llons.lll St.. (leorite C'okwIII,
Stlllman st . Otto Chroyka. Rnnaall at.. Hon
Cruwrord. W'harton st Haroli Clnlr. JC. Hth
St.. Samuel Culnen Turner a: . Dan Cohen
f'iirii,mll.r kI. . IIrn iril Cobrn. Innh.ird Ht .
J" B?,",&l8lM,,'f!.0,f,,leVi.l,'iPron't0.,"' YrtK
cronen uinuy t . . inert unrisiy, . itanrocK
st., ttaymoml Cox, X Hancock tit.. Xtuymond
hr!t NT lfHiifnpk St.
Samuel Sooper. N. 2d st, ; Henrv Cardivell.
8wansnn at., i.miua Conform, 8 i:tth st
IMItli Conforta 8 l.lth at.. Cornelius Crow
lev N. nth at . Rusiell Cyne. N Rth 8t
Michael Crowley N nth st.. Raymond Clem
ents. Rtslne Hun aie. . William Cleartleld
Queen st Jaioli Clearlleld, nth st. , t'hllln
I'liuKllo. South at.: Anna Cohen. 8outh st ,
Morris Cooperman 8. Tith st , Dessfe Cooper
man 8. Sth st.. Mary Clark. Torresd.ile aie ,
Albert Cousin. Lombard at . Rebecca Cohn.
8 .Id et. . Max Carbonl, Greenwich st Carlo
Carlionl Greenwich at Henlamln Carbonl
Oreenwicli st. , vera Clamplone. Juniper st. ,
Torreet Clamprone. Juniper at.: Alpheto Clam
proue. Juniper at : C Cohen. N. "d bt. II.
Cohen. N th at . Isidore Capelman. Can
trell st.. LowIb C.ipelman. Cantrell st . Rubin
Cnriljie. Wilder at.. Samuel Cohen, fiouth at .
Klmop Carllis, Wilder st., Dora Caplan, S.
Irene Davis, UuxpI ave , Josephine Davis,
Hazel live.. 1-ouls Diamond. S ,1th at . Nathan
Duehter. 8. rah st ; llmlly Dojle, Pino Bt..
(lllbert Dnrncoit. 8 (Uth st., Lester Drake,
KlnKftesslntr nve. . Roso Drlscoll. Paschall ae ;
Lewis Downes rast'hall nve. Iiuls Do Wolf.
X UJth St.. John DoerltiK, H. 71st st , Mary
Dlllmore. Church lan und rireenwuy ave.,
Fanny Di-hkqUo, a 11th st Col Dl Hallo. 8.
I'ilh at, I'enrl Davis, Snider ave; Denamln
Diamond. Dudley ave : Floul Doxle, rembertoa
at., Mlrlnin Ulrd. Archibald st.: Mursaiet
Dan. -7th st . Anna Dacoly, llollywootr at :
Jack DaU. N. 3-td at . Morris Dentin. S 4lh
at , Joo Dalney. Ollvo at., Mary Dalney, Olive
at.; Winifred Dalney, Ollie St., Barn Diamond,
8 nth at., Harrv Derbjahlre, Martha St.;
Charles Davis U. Thajer si . tannic Draitetto.
H nth st Kellco DlUEetto, 3 nth st . Helen
Dl Alicelllu. 8 11th St.. Rosa Dl Anttelllo, 8,
l'tth at 8usle PI Aneellln, 8 Hth st . Anna
Dl Nullle. Pemberton st f.uty Del Duono, 8
Mth st , Nora Dil fluono S VOtb st. . Joseph
Del Duono, 8 VOth at , Nicholas Del fluono,
H i'Olh st., LouU Dlmond, Washington aie.
Henamln Dubln, 8. 0th st.. Row D'lmperlo, 8
12th fct., Angelina tl'Imperlo. 8 12th t.,
Michael D Sanno, 3. 7th at . Krank D Imperlo
Carp Bt. , Jennie Dl Carbuccl. Earn st Mlllla
Dl Carbuccl, Uarp st. ; Anna Dl CarbuccI, Harp
t , Anthony 1 Imperlo 8. ISth st John
D'lmperlo, s lllh at.. William Drusner. N.
t.M t ; A. Duetch. N Sd at., Fre.1 De Marro,
3. 1 Itii st , Millie De Marro. S. l'lth st An.
tonlo De Nick, 8 nth at.. Mary De Nick, 8
ltth st , Charles De Nick, 3. nth at , Joe
Danenhlrsh bouth at,, lleorce Dou:ht. Oak
laud aie.. I'lcasantville. N. J.
Dorothy Edoliman, S 11th st. ; Philip Kp
Bteen, N llh at ; Myer Uglln Reed t,.
William t'slln. Reed St.: I.. Epstein N 2d at.
Jennie KIloii, Irvin St.; Ilenl Elfman. N.
Udxewood at., Ooldle Lhrllch Tin st . Lthel
EUlnger, St. Jamea ter , Carobn lilbert, Bm
nooil ave . Leah Edelson, lmbard at., (leorse
Klllolt. St. Albans t. , David Unslander. 8.
3d at., Sam Knglander 8. Jld ;.; lien Kng
lander. 3. -Id at.; Tony Eurch. Falrmount ave.;
lMward English, Salmon st : Emuel Elans,
8 2d at., Jacob Kuina. 8. 2d at.: L. Evans,
N Hancock at.; Loula Eckman. W. Venango
it: Sarah Elnhoru. S. Bth at.; William Eslln.
Iteed at,
Uenamln Feldman. 8. Darlen at.; Isador
nmkiuaii. S. 17th at. 1 Morrla Fl Ink man, 3.
17th It.. Alexander Fllnkman. 8. 17th St.,
Helen Feierman. bouth at,; Esther Felerman.
tSouth at.; Mannle Fowler. Ilaiel ave.; Esther
BvVncteio.' 8. Ith at.; Hymau Feln.teln. 8 tth
it"; Morrla I'aman. 3 Slmpaon St.. Harry
FreicI S. Jtu st.: Anna Fieedland. N. Mar
iiTall at ' Sarah Freedlanil, N Marshall at.,
utn FeWateln. N. Randolph at.: Maria Ferrerl!
inneSeraT. 8 Sth at.. Leon FKUher. Fltsnuld
ft Anna Flnley. N, 2th st t Ascher Freed
min. Wllderst f'lfcn Flei. Moyomenalng aye :
iteiinlffl Flnkelateln, Carpenter at . Sadie For.
ntiklMonat. Annie Feola. S. Hth at. Henry
vllSmanTN. Sth at . Millie FiU. 8. Shtrldan
Ji Kau Filngold South at . Rbcc Fred
man Balnbrtdga t Mltard Friedman, South
S Ida Feldman. KlUwater at Jenute Feld
Tnin McKeau st . Vetta Flelacbuuii 3. Atner
Sf 5' it Either r edmau OalnUUIcc at ;
A?5ond KentQO Oraenfleld ave . I'lansantvllle.
ft j Arthur Fenton Oreenneld uii-, I'lejis
aritvl'lle. N J-. J0 KeirvrW. ixtun. at
Gertrude Ooggln Butler at . John J Gimt
TiliVrtJn N J., Luwrn.e Ooldatrln South t ;
Maaoldbra: 8 Wh Alke lielaer. Woo.1
liii Sfi lCalen tiullonay. I'aachafi at . Vir
ginia tYriaith I'Pland at . WHHara Hoaner
RiBnt it Vincent Oeorae ocum t Thomas
Orrrritb fpland at MarttB t)rBiln Woo-1-iiri.iJie.tUul
liwwenlwlm Waallaiut ave
T.itona at.. l.ln 1-erreri. i-iipna ai.
VMta. (lulkea Qun alary li-rlluian pr.
lffh at sinutl c.arur WUilon at Dani.i
t-rJiu 1 Oth et Jinn-it IrMnbaum H tlth
Juh'i Ulltaru Oabdaii a ftl;ara C.Urov Flta
t.,?, . jiuii- Oieer .8 2131 et Brfnarl
Oru-iUsiK Uihti L " i,:MlrpK' :S'! I
rt M',11 Rt fcarn .i"l te JI"luro .it
ii n?-'!-. jnBi Orunbsrg Knul y JC
I'uSdftr ti 'uS Ifl.WtJiiJ.
lv rrisifi hi iirnrv in iiiiiii'rv. ii. iniiirtiKii i,
I at
I nvn Herman ijuen st , Sarnh llrewer. Hpruca ' v. '!",' .T V", ,', -".."l , ivorenstein,
et Zeldi llichmnn. S 7th et , Anna Drown. ,,-'' V. ;V, K'irinstrin N. LM at II. Koren-
CatlmrlnV " Thereev Harone. S Perth rt , , J '"',? . ; David Krnener. 8. Clrlilll
I Hnmuel Itrnunslrln Reed at., lies- e Hallne, ?J '"" KntJ. S nilrlllll at Henjnmln
Morris st . Anna Ilallne. Morris et . Iilwnril rrpu. neon st . Hose Krausen, 8 l.ih et.
etelr. S. wn et.: Sarah Oreenherc Hmlly st :
I.na-.arofnh''F'f-.T;,,1"v l,'d Unodmani Ma:
ton ft . Jennie Oarmer tilclilnson et. : Minnie
(loldterir l.e hRon st Abe Oootlob. Catharine
M i.JIV (lottlob, f'ntlmr ne t . Kve Oottlob.
laiharlne M . llenj tlllfor. Catriarln? e J oV
(lllfor. fathnrlne et . Chas Oaiter Martha
et Nat. Coldman. H Orlanna et. , William
(llnmlinv S. t Uh Rt . Anna tllamhay M. lath
st Lenti tilainbav S L'lth et Antonio Olara
bay S l.llh st , llnse fliinlmra. 8 l.otona et
Ada (.nnb.r.i 8 Trtionn st IllonrMlamlmra
H Latniia st fleorire ninmhnv S 13th st .
Maxwell ciuilhenr r.th st , Abe (Vuttcman
8 Mh st. luls ciutiem n S hth el Anna
(loodlnc .Mali em. Ta . Ilenr Oerke Camden
.N. J Maillda tiergo t'amil n , .1 , Martha
(lew Camden N. J .Abraham (lllhert, Lom
bard st . Minnie tlllbort Ijombard et rranrls
(llbson Fnntnln et . Max OoMbere N 6th st
Harry flllerman. fj. Rth st. . I'ranlc tlranbetro
Wharton st . leadore Oornlsh Lombard et :
Itavid '"ellls Drown st , Ilyinan fioldenberir.
S 4th et . Abo iloodman 8. Sd st Max Olllle
8 ad st .11. Oressman. N. 2d st . 1. "lold
bera N 2d st . I'eter Orlephlno. Latona St.,
Joseph illnbrg 8. nth Bt . Mollis iilnsbere.
8 tlth st Hnmuel (llnehora 8 flth st . Sam
uel Clellar Iteed st . ndltli (llnherp. J. sih
et.. Usther Cllnsbenr N. Sth et . Isidore Olni
bcrir. S Uth et
Abe Halklns.
Pouth st , Wilbur Hammond.
N. litli. st , Uessle
Henri Durk .Jacob HolTmaii, nth and Whnr-
lon sts.. J Hollar, N 2d st . i; llvman. N
Sth st rMward Heller, N 21 st . John Hirst.
8. Bth. st . Ornee Hudson, 8. mith st . Iluth
Hese, ocum st . Catharine llowden. Hobson
et.. Anna llalpln. Knter st Samuel Hertcns,
Itidire nve . iMnard Hnln. N Tth st. Lillian
Hllser. Slxel St., Israel Hamburg;. South et ,
hreda Huesaler, Tajlor at Wlllliv-. Henri,
S Clovelanl nt , Penal llonrlcli. JUrston at..
Catharine Henrleh. Maretnn St.. Harry Heln
rich, Thompson st.. Manuel Ilnber N .XUI at.,
Samuel Hark, N. 12d st . Ira Herschbcrij. N
Natrona at, 8am HofbcrK. Wharton st., Jacob
HntberiT, Wharton st , Abe Ilofherir, w'harton
ft . I.UKeno Hand, t'nlrmount ae , leadoro
llalbert N 2,1 at.; llvman Halbrrt N 2d et .
Sadie Halbcrt, N. 2d st . James Hume. N.
Masehor st Walter Howben. N. Pront St..
II Humphrey. N Mutter et. Wilbur Unman.
V. Venango st . S. Ilornketli. tlth st.
Carl Illlnberxer. f.2 Heed street. Christina
Imperlole South 7th street; Isabella Irvine.
Irvine street, Iteba lrwlti Ashbourne row!
i iieltenlmm. In , Hlchard lrwin. Ashbourne
rpad. Cheltenham, l'n. ; La Verne Isaacson,
North nth street.
IJllrabctli Jones, Ha7el nve,, Kdnnrd Jones,
Oreenwaj ae , Iiln .Inlineon, St James tcr .
V llllam Johnsiui, H "Sd st , Crank .lnhnnn.
JlnlnbrlilBe st l"red Johnston, V. Venango
et . Pnullne laffee 8. fpth st.. Mabel Johnston.
Mnple nve , Dala, Pa.
anjdlo Kessler. W. Cumberland st . Mlrl im
Koffler S. nth st . (leoritn Kraveskl, Iloniifron
ft . Ilertha Kane, Uplind st. . Axnes Knlxht,
t'Phnd st William Kelly. Vocum st , Hennlo
Klim. Olenmoro nve.. IarKlret Kimble. Vo
cum st.. Marl in Klnir, tlreenwnv ave : Henry
Kr.tta.ik. 8 Ith st . Harrv Klein, N. Wnlltro
et . I.athrr Klrech, Iiwrence at . Isadore
! ''?''
Knurninn VVntklna et . Nathan Kellar, Me
et . V llllnni Ivniinndt PniliArtnn ut .
Anna Kiionen, lUtlnK at. . Kmmn Kunen, Phil
adelphia Sam Koplan. 8 4th et Jon Keasler.
Kaufmnn at.. Asher Kaiser Knter st . liu
Kessler. Montinso st., Harry Korotr, 8. 7th
at Patrick Kllknun Oller st. John Kllkoiin.
Ollvei st . Aunes Kllkoun. Olive t , Desslo
Kllkoun, Ollvo at.. MnrKiiret Kllkoun, Ollie
st . I nnnle Knrirhln. 8. 4lh st . Peter Kur-
Knnakl. N. Waterloo st Adam Knutman. N
iiu ni (iiiiu iVUUillinil, .
K rails. N 2il at , Charles
U . William Kennedy, Swain
ild, l'aeetunk ar TMwnrd
u ni. . .xnurcw iraus,
ivejs. ;. nopo st,
at , Sum Krouiuroli
Klhn. N. nth st . Kate Knllnakv. .South st .
Anna Kunis. PasBMink ae. , WUlltm Krumm,
8 ''id at . llnnnrd Klimev. Ple.isnntvllle. N.
iinrrv Kramer. H nth at Samul Kramer,
laa.Ior Iln. Smith wt : I)nl.l Mnmln 8.
nth hi. , Jimj I. nrnlii, s .-ith nt : tlarr I.ichtir.
Ii . '.1 ,. 'nip,, r-iruin si,) ii run
.ilinli 8 (Hlh et. . JalllPS Lnninx. 8 Dnrei It
St., Nelson !,utnh 8 ilsth mi
llelpn Lull
Ittll At I "til rt I ti I lltf VI ?l.l ua ). I t..'l.A
Illt-LITV HIP 1 -its rutu aa I l.latnnn Vi
l'.".", s. " '."' " Miulelln,. I.arkln S UMi st ,
Jsclllc I.eilne Lombard st Darnel Lei In, S.
Perty st , IImnn I.nln. H Mildred et Ju
fr.,h, ,LeJln -MtClellnn at., Ihnlli La irlnn.
JJ.il,"!lln,,t0.n !lVe Viriinn Lmuh Dlanmnl st. ,
William Lelshman. ItliiKgold st , Plor-mii
Lldde. Oxford st. . Emma Lncakes .S 2Sth
?' Lo1.. JJKIkes X. 2Sth st taints
I.oue. Hollyivood at , Johnny Lonpy. Holl
11001I st Deinurd Lnskln Vlantnn at.; Jncnh
Lensky. ft. tih st. . Itubl I.Pilnb,TK. S 2d at :
Anna Londe, S 2d ht . Id 1 Londe ft 2d t .
Jtosii Londe. S 2d st , Ednnril Little Nh
Market st , William Little Nell Murket et .
Charles Lee. Ollie st . Philip Limits N Pule
thorp st . IM11. Lobe N Mutter st , Ki-iiIwii
I.urmaul.ln N fireen st : Jn,'ph Lei In. Cath
arine st , Warren Leldv. N Palethorp st ,
Islduro Lliikonltz Pine st . Harold Llpkoultz.
Pine st . Xnt Leiln a ltnndnlph st. . Ailnlph
Lnskln Manton st.; Albert LudtilK N ilihst.,
John I.udwlg N Uth st , Resale LosUnwItz
llalnbrldk'e st . Coldle Lnsknult DalnbrldKe
et . Evii Launelll. S. Shi rid in st . Helen
Lnunelll, 3 Sheridan at . Herman Leiln.
Halnhrldge st . Joseph Leiey. Mutitun st. ,
Sarah Left. South st . Carmela Launelll Sher
idan st , Louis Llpthutz S Mh at . Dai Is
Linker. 3 .Mh St. . Deruard L.iskln Manton
St. . Margery Lnney Stamper st , Eddlo Lone
Stamper st . Helen Lnney, stamper et :
Chnrlea Lynne, S Randolph st. ' Jack Under.
IMKeuuter ale. Pie lenntillle. N J , Harmon
Under IMeuater uie Pleasantvllle, N J :
Elsie I.ouahlln, tlrnnt at Camden N. J..
Pauline Iiughlln. (Irnnt st Camden. Irmi
Under. l-MKennfsr aie. P'tasautlllle V. ,1 ,
Sadln Iiln. South st ; Wilfred Llchtensielu
corner 21st and Pine, David Linker. S th st
Joseph Lopan Reed st. . Nathan Lcpan Reed
at.. Harney Laglnsky. S 1th st. , IMiinrd
Lnnery Stamper st , D I.ltto, N 2d st ; A
Lttto. N 2d st.. Martin Levy. 8. lllh st. : Jo
seph Levy. S. uth st. ; Ruth Levy. H litli st
Sndle Master, Lombard at.. Hirnh Miner,
Pnssuuk nve.. rann VDner, Passyunk me..
Jack Meltier. N. Franklin st , .Susie Meltier,
N. irankiin st iioiute jimkrirK. iimnarti
st Abe Mollnsk). 3 tlth st Cluirlle Mll.itx
neck H. .Mh Ht . Abe MollliikJ. 8. lull st
Morris Miner S. 4th st.. Harry Mudrlik
n.iBklll et., Daild Mudrlik. (lasklll st . Tedl
Mendeiovltz, 8. Id st . luoniond Marcelllnn.
Earp at.. Mary D Imperlo. Earn st . Philip
Mai ah. A ISth. st mimic Maiah. S 11th st. i
Alice McOinlej. N. Ilontilil st . (leorgo Mc
(llnley, N. Howard st. . William Mnsconi. S i
tlth at., Louis Martel, MiKtan at . Ida Moll-
ver, Dickinson at.. Sam Molher. Dickinson j
st , Jacob Malaraky, christian st.. annuel
McOrennej. Falrmount aie Chirlea Mellon- i
ough Orinoco at.. Joseph Muriek N. Watir
st. Elmer Myers, E Thiyer st . AUco Miller, i
S American Bt . II. T. Marks,,, South at .
Harry Miller. 3. American t . 1 illiii Morlii.
Junlner t flnilla Morlt I Junlpir st . Emilia ,
Morlcl. Juniper st.: Alfrldl SlorUl. Juniper Bt,,
Albtrt Metiger. N ilihst.. Frank Mcnanilr. N.
7th st Peter Marann. Clmer st . R"e Miller
Passiunk aio. tlriuo Mlgnogna Fltz.water at
Helen McCann. Armat at . llernant -viargo-lies,
Olrard ave Mary Mllllson. llatel aie .
Margaret Mllllwin, .'luzel nve.. Violet il
Hazel ave . tilnn Meyers, Hazel ave., I.lllun
Meers. Hazel uie Mr Meiers. Hazel a) u ,
Estilla Mllner. S. Sth at.. Charles Mlrotzon kk
8. Sth St., Florence Mllner, 8 Mh st , Nathan
Mllner 8 .Mh at.. Rose Motkowltz South st
Roae Markoultz, Woodland aie . Mildred slat
singer. H. Ii7tli st., Marella M.Lnughllii.
Greenivni Hie,, Wlllmere Mais H Jlat at
Frank MiCormlck. Woodland uie.. Hla?-"l
Marie, S.iibrook aie. Honanl Miller. Cllen
more ave, Ferdinand McCauley. Vocum at,
Fiances McParland. S. i,7th st Jamea Mld
illeton, Oould St., llanklln Mason, t'pland st.
Joseph MUllgan. Saibruok st . Margaret Mar
tin. 8. uth t . Thonias Mcltelvei. Sa brook
st , Louis McCubbln. St. James ter Albert
Mills, S 71st at. Charles M alloy JifferHon at..
Rose Miller, Passyunk ave. Mary McQuald,
Addison at , Leo MiCulIou.th. Oeage aie .
Jacob Moikowltz. Noble at., liarry Slorton,
Nqbla at.. Cell Miller. N Itll at . Oravla
Marclcl Zlampor at.. Jacob Molovltx. McKeau
et.. William Mazls 8 7th at, Harry Ma kin
McOlellan t . Julius Morris. McKeau st Rosa
Mediene. 3 7th at , Rebecca Mandel. 8. 8th
at : V. II. McCleoftn. Jr.. S .Will st Robert
McElroy, Montroaa si AIbertMcNeal Ring
gold at.: (lladi-a Mohr N Jllti ft . Hulh
Slonaghan Tayfor at. Mary Mrua Harlan at
Anna Mullen. Marston at Ethel Mlnslh. Jsth
at,, EIU Mlnslh, N..2MU "" M'Jf " ''
N 28th ut.. Oeorge Mlnslh. N IMh st , Clalro
McMastar, Hopper st Paul Mender. 3 Bth it .
Harry Miller. Callowhlll t,
Joaephlno Novenberlno. McClellan at.: Law.
renco Nicholson. Fltzviater at.. Samuel Nathan,
Pierce at.: Abe Newman, 2d st , Nuala Nemer
ofsky, S. 2d at,: Rose Nernerofaky. 8. 2d at,
Kittle Orlowlta. Pine at . liarry Orlowlts.
1'lne ct,; Anna Orlaultz, Pine st . William
Oierbwk. Woodland ave.. Katta Orlowltz. 1'lne
Bt.. Kuthleen O'Keefe, Pine st Ro Oseron
akl. N. Randolph st , John Onorato, McKean
at , Henry Onorato, McKeau at , Charles
onoralo. McKean at.: Mortimer 0"l!are. W.
Brla ave Vetta, Oxenberg, .Mh and Oreen ats ;
Mayer Oberst, a ttli at., Ida OatruR, 8. Uth
at., A. Offner, N. 2d at.
auiadore Platcre, South st,: Peter Plstrlo,
South at.: James rellico. South at : Edward
Parrlah. 3. Sth at : Sophie 1'urlo. bouth at ;
Selma Pfaff. Woodland ave.; Anna Paulson.
Woodland aie ; Israel Paul, Woodland ave.;
Ida Paul. Woodland ave., Walter I'uuUon.
Woodland ale . Walter Prlnz. Yocum at.; Ul
lUin Packer Pine t : Rose Perry, I'asajuuk
ave . Fannie I'olliuky, S. tth it . Henry Prowl,
line at . Strati PodoUky N Hth at WlllUm
Pulls Tree at Milton Ml, K .flhit,;
l.Ula PrUlnzaua. Puroary at , Sum Paladlno,
ijlma ut Maria, Paladlno, Latuna st. ; Una
Paladlno 4W at . Lerufloa Perry. Annla
Jt WlllUm roiLikofaky. McClalfan at..
Jamea Ptillllpa Maulavn at Eugcna, Puhelea,
Oifor.l at Anna. Paul, McKeaa st . Edward
Pullman. W Cumberland at , SL Puihovitz.
W Norrts at , lislla I"olltz. bouth at. Mlney
Pol It 8 tlth st. JulU Palumlua, Fulton at ,
Muriturct Proclno. 3. Darlen at : Mary Pro.
rSo. 8. Dar.cn at u Kale Pllla. Katar t .
Edwin Parry 8 Oth at.. Jacob Perelfteln.
Banton at Morrla Peralateln, Manton at..
OF. lta Perelatala Manton at, Anna Panel.
l-rflS. rd st William Porbat. Studeland ave .
pieaJl i ' N Clarence, Peck. Hroaa at .
Pllu3ntlil ' J Harney Porter a tth .
LuJtTparrU S Mh t.: Jacob Pinkies. Man!
ton A fc-m Preeo. S 4th at. Carmtl Pltrlw.
a i nu t ii or p-'?i Med t.
H.ihns Oulrk. Addlaoaat. Qutrta. N, tl
st g
I Jeuole RamlaB N, Franklin at Lewis Bl
'uwaTiawat fU. UiM-nUfl ltMtl4t, SauUt
at lYed Ilelsenbach. South t , Max Uablno
wltr, Soath et , Morns rtoeen. South, at
Thelma noseberry. Ilaiel ave , Marie Itabl
Uira, iraiel nr ; Anna Hablturn, Ilarel ave
Clara Rabltura, Haxel ave,, Morris rtoen.
Iteed ai i .Martin Itosen. S Rth at ; .Jennie
niehman, W llder et,; Michel llosen. S. Sth t I
Nathan Roeen, S. nth at.; David Itosen, 8 1th
't..Ali' Hoen. Iteed et.. Max Ilelchman
wilder st. Ilessle Ilelchman, Wilder et Anna
Rosen, 8 Bth at., Miriam Rose. Queen al.t
Lottie Itubln. Woodland nve.i Oeorlte Rich
mond, fllenmore ave.; John Richmond. Hlen
mora ave.; Thomas Ritchie. Soybrook ave.,
W alter Rambn. Oreenvav ave : Iluxh Robin
son Oreenway ae.j May Ruesel, s. Mth et.;
Paulino IlosenberpT. Passvunk ave.. Dora
Rosenblatt. Spruce et . Hannah Rudofhler, 8.
3d st , Susie Hadano llut"lilnann (t., Carl
Rickert. Taylor st., Jtuth Rneenqulst, N. Mar
aton St.. Itella Itelnsteln, Thompson St.: Man
ada Illhor. 27th st . Mltdred Robin. N .27th
at., Morris Hablnowltt, Monroe St.; Jacob
Itablnonitx, Monroe st . Sam llablnowlt. Men
ron st. Hen Rablnon-ltz, Monroe at.. tuls
Reese, s. Camac st,: Laura Rosenthal, rireen
jvlih st Rose Rubin. Mictlln at, lienjamln
Rudnlck. Cathartno St., James Rue, Swanson
et, .linls Hose. Queen st Walter Rnurnar,
N Market st .Sarah Romano, Kltxn-ater st .
Perry Rose. Passyunk ave Morris Roeen,
Heed st . Abraham Rosen. Reed at : 'Abe Ru
dolf, Reed at, Ida Romanoff, V K cor. nd
and Monroe sts . Anna Romanoff. N. V. cor.
.Id and Monroe ate., Harrv Rosenwey, nod
South at Mamie Reton Lombard st.; David
Rosen., South St.. Henry Rablnowlti. South
st Lilly Relsenbach South St.. Hymen Rich
man. Manton st. . Rennle Roeenber. S. Sth st .
Ida nosenberit, S. 5th it Carrie Rosenberg,
S .1th st . Snmuel ltlxhlerv Reed at.. Krfn
Rosenthal, Reed st. Philip Rlbenowltr. B.
7th st , Abe Rudolpf, Reed st Philip Rosnov.
S. Id et , Josoph uuseo, Esrn et ; Norma
Russo, Earn st ; Armando Russo, !2arp at.. It.
iiosonwaia. .x. m si . i. itoienwaia, iv,
nt t IlKssnhlali
N. 2d st , Alliinla Rouen-
feid. t'lerrltt st.
Ooldle .Pteln, New (t . Dai Id Pohns. Ransom
St.. Nathan Selcle. S nth ft Mat Selgle. S
(Mh st . Anna Smith, S nth at.. Iriln Stnnder
3 ,Mh st . Esther Selglc 3 nth st , Sam
Bchuster. a (Ith St.: (leoree Smith, Cemetery
nr Alma Scott, Upland et , Dorothy Svmes,
H. tilth at . Edna Slbert, Paschall st . Milton
Hllbcrman Woodland nie , Matilda Slbert.
Poschsll nve Sylin flnires N lnth St., Ed
ward Bllmmel, s, 71t nt., Kether M. Snyder,
Yocum at Elizabeth Smith Urnya ate.. Max
Solomon. 8 Bth at . Dora Sternberg Pine at .
Pauline Schwartz. Spruce st , Yetta Solomon
8 Bth st.Lcnor Snlft, S. nth st . Mnmlo
fchiiarzkopf. N Pefth st,; Isaac Sherman,
Loivrenco st , Wanda Pavlnskv. N. tlth St.,
gimiiel Sehulman, N. Marshall St.: Marian
Pchlako, Green at : Rose Sheinfeld, N Mnr
ahall st , Mary Singer. N, Frnnkjln st.. Pn
elna Rlano. Mountain St.. Maria siano. Moun
tain st , Anna Slnnn. Mountain st , Maria
aletiart Annls at . Harry hhaplrn, 8 Roulah
ft , Jsnnle Sllefol, Snyder ave . Jamea Smith.
Phi a , John Smith Westmoreland st.: Jack II
bulling. Ringgold st.. Floul II. StnlllnES.
Ringgold st C Sherman. N Dover et. . Kntli
erlne Skerdbant Tailor st , Prank Soabolt,
suppler. Pa. , I'ranres Sherlant Taylor et ;
Dai Id Seabolt, Supplee, Pa , Fern Slauter,
S 21st st.. Paul Sensenlch Fltzunter at..
James Stewart, S 21st nt . Margaret Scott. S
Front st . Dorothy Shet, Marston St.. Jncob
Sllier. Manton st . William Specter. Heck
at., Sarah Shablneky. Cnrpenter st : Abe Sil
verman. Dickinson st , Isadore Slelmberg
Mnore at . Jacob Smith, Christian st.. Tom
Sllierman. New Msrket st . Esther Silverman.
Dickinson st Knnnle Silverman, Dickinson
st., Mnirla Sllierman, Dliklnaon st . Molllo
Sllierstcln. S nth st Mara Sax. S I.elthgow
ft; Eic Smith. Christian et . Abo Smith.
Christian at . Abo Steinberg. Moore st , Coldle
Schofsky. Wnsblnatnn nic . Lniils Mtlinet?.
N 2il St.. Edward Stevenson, E. Sliver st , j
vifuisn cipcm-er, . iinncncK si Alice ?nv
der. N riMth st Molllo Snyder, N r.ath st ,
Harry Strauss, Monroe si Samuel Mchofskv
Washington nve., Columbl i Salvo. S lath st ,
Antonlno halvo, S. 13th st , W Llovd Smith
N Kth st , Oeorgo Seldel, N. llande at ,
Aioyslua Sortmeler I'lilrhlll st . William
fctmuli W Venango st . Morris Smith. N. Mh
at., John Steer, Orkney st . John hiilck'nhey.
v. Venango st Italph Saulle w iie nie
Russell Smile. W Erlo aie , Samuel Schlnm
S nth st . Jrnnle Sorrrntlnn. S 7th at ,
Augusta Seldom. South at.. Elizabeth Snnnelll
S. 8th at.. Evi MivK'inun, S Mh st., Eretli
Sllierman. S. nth st : Eia Schwartz, s. 2,1 st .
Nathan Selgel. M. Mh st . Mnx Selgel, 3. nth
at : Israel shore. Cnthnrlne st Alex Shcrlls.
Iteed at . Isadore Sangermnii. Tulip st . Jo- ph
Snyder, Reed st , llenjninln Sllier Mnntoii
st.. Samuel Snuffer, Hied at.. Samuel Shcrlls
Iliod at., Clmi Seltzer, S Anierlinn at.,
James fork, Pine at . J, Siliiiortz. 4th and
Reed ata . James Stephenson, Cnyugn et ,
Sewart Hnensen, I'Irnsantvllle. N .1 . Hun
, sten Miensen Plcaiantillle. N J , I'red
rmiiu. rie.irnniviiie. ?. j.. i:dwnrd ntitii.
Pleamntillle, N J (iladia Svvenson Pleas
antvllle, N, J stnnlev Svvenson Plcisnnt
yllle. N. J t'nrolyn Schmfei. Walnut st .
Maurlin Smith, N r.th st . Itaimnnd Scott.
S. Mieiln Ii k Bt Pied Smith, South st .
Itentrlie Smith snider nie Louis Shener S
til st Abe SwHrt, Federal st . David
Sklir. Federal at. Raymond Sklnr. IVileral
st Ellis Sklnr rV,!fml Ht . Hennlo Hlclnr.
! I'ediril si Mori Irt Sih.igiin, W'linrtnn st ,
i Sunuel Sheills, lloid st . JOBeph Mnvder Reed
st Samuel Softer, Reed st lurry StibnIUki.
Central at.: .hunli Sllier Mountain st , lien.
jainlu S'licr. Mountain et , Nnthiin Subnlteki,
, Central st William Slllisumlck. Reed Bt ,
Snr.ih Snellenliiirg, S 3d st . Hernard Sabrul
skv 3 Ith at Jaiob Sabrulskl. S. 4tll it .
Dai Id Stapler, S Ith st . Moille Stapler .
4th st , Abe Shentsel Lomliiril st . Arm;. y
Hlngrlmo Earn st : Tedry Solilio, Earp t ,
II. Shapiro. I'nplur st , D. Shaiiotski, N. 2d
si , N hbaiv. N Jd st . John S, chturter S
lnth St., Rose Sechbnrrer 3. l?th st , Jentilo
sechliiiirer, S. 1,'lth st . Joseph Sambruce, s.
Eltli et . llo.e sambruie, 3. nth at . Henry
riiimhruii- 3 nth st. , Fred serkerk. . 1 Ith
st . Mirgatit Siiiague, N. Waterloo st . Elsie
prnmiiit. uemr.iiie st., t iireneo schiiiidt,
Delgradn st . Alice Schniidl E Susiiuehnnna
ni, , 1 nomas Shoiliit N ntirlnn st (lus
tuie Sihultz S I'lilrhlll st : Chnrlci Snlnltz.
S uth st . Clara Snltzman. S. Uth st , Ethel
Sihultz. S I'alrhlll st.. llenjaiulii Slloilt.
Isaitoic Tnnaeimaii ' THIn st Is.idnrn Tll
lllger, Wlnrton at. Jaioli Tlglnskv. S 4th st ,
Mabel Tlllllll 8 Ciirllilo st . C Taiin i latum
N. 2 1 st Denjiimin Tinger. Earn st Simon
Trager Earp st. Leon Todd, Supplee Pa .
Helen Tapper. S I'Sth st , James Turkey Sn
liiook aie,; Rebcici Toporous, N. Marshall
st . Helen Tiinto- Plilla. : i harles Thompson,
Ollio st.. Tlilln Topkls, Lelthgovv st. Tarry
Trothniaii, 3 2d at.. Hum 'roiiiiHcnd N. lloim
st. AiiuIh Toniaso 3 11th st., Susla Toniaso,
8. l'Stli St., 8) 11 la Tomnsll. 8. .!.! Bt.
Pearl Urnl. Smith at.. Catherine fsher. N.
27th st.. Carl I'lllnbcrger. W'harton at.. Aba
I'ticrman, ti Bt.
Elilr.i Volne. 3. l.'ltb nt. . Abraham Vorter.
S. 4th at. Christina Vita, W'harton st.: E
Volbrath N. 2.1 at.: Charles Van Plunk. Say
brook nie , lloi Velkrug. 8. Slmpton at ,
Catrlna Vleelln, Annla St., Dora Vnllo, Latona
st , E Volpe 8. I Ith et : Dllly Votpe, 8. l'lth
et. Walter Valentine, Reese at,
W.iine W'lnslovv. Clifton at : Sidney Wela.
Siiii'Ii st . Margnret White Hazel uve . Minnie
White llad ave . Cllile W, Willis. 3 i.stn
at . NtLholaa Wasche linn a ma. t Charle-i
W'ltuer WriiMlland ale . Eugene Waters. 8
71st st. Ivatllrlll Wadlelgh PaiKhftll uie,
Hlihird Walllxh (1 isklll at. I.ouU W'esner
ItcKlmili st . Morris Weltman. N. Itundoliih st .
Funny Wilson N Marshall st . Uussill Woo.l
Diutomiriod st . Rebeiia W'adler Dudley st ,
Jacob Welsheln Watklna St., Aleik Wlshnef
sky. Mi ICeau st.. Puiillne Wagner N Taylor
St.; Jncoli Weinsteln Mlldrod st . Edna W'uia
ler, Tuvlor st , Mrs. II. Wolfe N Tavlor Bt :
John Wagner, N. Taylor t. , John WuCner. N
Taylor hi Pauline Wagner N. laylor st .
liivremo W'arlleld 3 Juniper si , Emma Whit
mote. Tuucy at Ethel Waihter. Nenklrk st .
Chas Wnrtli N 27tb st Max Wind Heed
st., Morris W'exler. Db klnsnn at., claren.e
Wind Reed si . Anna Wind Reeil st. . Samuel
Welasnian, Carpenter st . Elwood Wood W
Hnzzurd st . Carl Whk N .Mh st Chart's
Worrell. N Iiivnie st . Ernest Wells N i
Reese st.. Jniob Wlessberg, Manton at.. Dora '
Wlessberg Manton at.. Delia Wagner South
si , lurry u enter, iiiiiuurii .1 .iuiu i nil-
ma, Lombaid st . Sihtdtx W'nltman. 4th and
Ree wtu Lea Welltr. Pleasantvllle. N J .
Dnroiny Weller lMeaaantvflle. N. J . Winifred
Weller Pleaaantillle N. J Frank Wooton
pleasantvllle. N. J ; Laura W'ooton Pleasant
illlo N. J Eduar'l Velsa south st,. Max
Weiss 8. 7th at, : MorrU Wiener S. tlth at .
Cella Weinberg S 4th at.: Sam Weiss Wild, r
nt E W'allaik. 3. 2d St.. KaUirjn Welsh. N
Howard at
Fannlo Ynnof, Woodland ave ' Minnie Yunof
Woodland ave Htlen Yost, 27th at.. IfLnry
Yusuni. Oxford at Max Yusum. Oxforvt at .
Abo Yornpolaky. llambell st.. Alice letebaky
l'jlrniuunt uie.
Mamie Zeltlyn Pine st. : Anna 'eltlyn,
Plnii at,. Saruli uikerman. 'jcuat st
Cella Reiser. DuttouwocHl at . ina Zlam
Ixil. 3. 1 Uh st. . Lena Zlambol. -I nth et
lllanta Zaiubaro, iJitona at.. da am
bare, lyitona at. Sala Zambarn, x iitona at .
Orazla Zatnbaro. Lutona at.. Frank Ze'nk i.
Tuylor at . Charles Zrlenka Taylor st. Te
resa ZerllU. H. 1 Ith st. Charles Zerlhu. S
l'lth at . Charlea Zrrlllo Alder at. Rose
erlllo. Alder st. Cturlea Kugler N Uth st
Ednurd Zlegler N. bth at , Pauline 7'smatt,
South at . Lucy f.lrpoll. Fllivvater at Flor
ence Zlegter, 8 Front st. Loula Zubrani S
Uh at . Aaron Zeltlyn, Pinu fit, Solomon
eltlyn Pine Bt. , Deckle Uubrow, 8 1th at
Yetta Zubrow. 3 4th at . Tuny .coll. Earp at .
Clarence Zeoll, Earp at.
Millionaiie Politician and Manufac
turer of Syracuse Dead
SYJUCUSK, N. Y, Jan. 1 -Col. Kdwln
p. Metcalf, millionaire manufacturer,
diet! last night at hU homo in Auburn.
Colonel iletcalf was a former residu.it
of Springfield, aiiu.., and while there
served in the State Senate. House of Rep
resentatives and also twice as Mayor.
He was an oMUial of corporations In
cities from coast to coast, and was pros
ident of the Columbia Hope and Cordage
Company, of Auburn, and a director of
two Auburn banks.
Former Hardware Mnn and Union
League Member Was 83 Years Old
SVIUlam V Supplee, a retired hardware
merchant, la dead at hU home. 4103 Wal,
nut street He succumbed to a dlseass
due to auHaacea ae t iq o'clock Ust t
nlaht Mr. Supplee was S3 yeara old. i
He wm formerly president of IBe Trade
league th.ej untaccdent of the present
ekawber vt etnmerce, and was on pt
tho founders of the well-known firm of
Lloyd A Supplee, which operated In Ln
. urosse, wis , ns well ns In this city Mr.
I Suppleo wns n member of tho Union
, Lenguo nnd wns the first mnn to be
elected to tho presidency of the National
I Hardware League.
He is survived by a widow nnd two
dnughlcrs, Mrs. IJdvvanl J. Wnlkcr nnd
Miss Ollvo S Supplee.
Dr. K. Gray Klnnlcr
Dr. 11. Gray Klnnler died yesterday
nt U home, 1832 Clrecn stteet, at tho
age of 60. Ho had been suffering from
a complication of diseases. Doctor Kln
nler had n large private practice, and
wns examiner for lending Insurance
companies In this city. Ho Is survived
by a widow nnd three daughters The
latter are Mrs. Henry Watts and Miss
Virginia Klnnler, of Philadelphia, nnd
Mrs. Wnlter I'rlce. of Plalnlleld, N. J.
Theie Notices Are Printed in the
Evening Ledger Free of Charge
AnilAMS. On Dumber 2. 1015, HOnnnT
U,, eon of rAnnl Ij nnI the lnt ChnrMn It,
MirmnR nired '.! jenr ltcIaUt anl
frlfmls nlo Mftflmora Trtbe No 71. Imp
0 H M, nnl emiOnyra of II llnolv Son
tp lnItM to attPtiel funrrnl Sunlay Jnn
uatv 2. ut 2nm from liH Ittte rosMrnue
r71 Ppruce & Cittnticn N J interment
Ipfffivrn fmeterj Ilomalni may b
leued SaUirrtny nflr 7 ,ju d m
A1MM - At Ilrlntnl. lrt . on T)tflmlr nn,
1115, WIMJAM KKNTy ADAMS In hie With
jeftr. HelAtlVPR and frlrndfl, ,ilo Ilurkn
I.oilBe, No 1100, I. O O M , William Penn
Circle. No, 38, H of A , r ml the Ktandanl
Mutmt Atft Ano , aro Invlto.l to nttoml
funprnl Btindny, 2 p m . 'i m the rcFldcnca
of htn son-in-law, Kile Hindi, .115 Vine t .
Mlllvllle, N J Interment Ml. I'lennant Cfine
tprv AMJNHON. In Yftrdlllr, IV .T , on Dprrin
bprai.HACUF.LI3 AT.l.TVSON In th- iih
yeAr of hfr bap ItolatheA nnd frlrniln f tho
famlh rp lnltril to ttttrnd tho 'mhttI
from Iit Irttc rritdoni o, Lucunt Hill, npnr
nrdlllP N ,J . on Soi ond-iI.iv rimt Month
Md, ni 2 o rlock Intrrnrnt nt (o"ottlrki",
N. I lYnln lpnvlnic MnrkM Kt iVrry nt 12
o'rlook noon IU Lo mt nt Ynnnll.p.
HAI.I..On Dripmlipr .If), IDlfS. MTRANNA
THOtJT, widow of Jnmp tVrrv Ball nnd
dftuehtpr of tho lato John T and Mnrj Kulp,
nicpfl ft" ypar- Helatlven and frlrndii nro In
Oted to nttpnd funrrnl erlccs, Motidny.
2 30 p tn., at her Uto rldrnce, 4tl High
Bt , Oermantown Interment t tte,
IlAItlt. At HUerton, N .1, on December .11,
lir.. DANiniat M IIAIIII. huslmnd of Cuth
wnUn Harr in liln Ltd ear. Duo notlio of
funeral will he gleii.
U;M)i;it.- On Detomher 20. 1015. WAtV
TI-H W . son of IMunnl s and PrulcntU S
llender, iikmI 21 enrs Services and Inter
ment nt Iho comcnlenro of the fumlU.
lir.KNAltl). On December 2t. 1015 MAM1H
(, wir of Harry Jlerrwrd Hetttlvca ninl
rrletids are Invito J to attend the f unci a)
fienlfp. on Monday, nt 11 a. in., at Iit lute
residence, 2.111 H ISth Ht. Interment private.
IIKTMIN On December 28. 1015, JAMHS,
eon of the lato Peter and Karah tletfnn.
Relatives and friends nro InMtrd to attend
tho funeral on Tiiemn. nt 8 .to a. in , from
the residence of Ida Mster Mri Howard
Nelld. lfl Went Palmer nt. High Masa at
St. Mlchael'H Church nt 10 n ni. precisely.
Interment nt Holv Crosa Cemetery.
IlICKI.iU On December 20,1015, WILLIAM.
1401) of Jacob and Mnrle Ilkkel (nee llolle).
In his .'t-d year Itelattea and friends, nlnu
inombers of Peaco Council No 105 o of I.
A. aro Invited to attend funerul pervUes, on
Sundnv, nt 1 p. ni , at his Into renldenie, 41
W Thnmpton t. Interment prlwtt.. North
wood Cemetery. Automobile funeral.
llirrNKlLOn December .'10, 1015. JOS13PH.
beloved bom of John nnd the lato Anna tlltt
ner, need 51 enr. Helatlven and frleiiils,
Blsn the 2oth Ward Detnotrntlt nxecutlvn
Coiumltteo. .Jackson Democratic Club and nil
other hoc lot lei of which tli deceiwd uus
ini'tnber, nr' Invite 1 to ntteml funeral, on
Monda) at .Hi a m . from his father's
residence At W Columbta avo. Hequlem
Mann at St. PetPr'A Church it 1 n. m.
1 mermen t Holv Hedeemer Cemetery.
II(,M)IM;. At Camden, N I, on Dnteniber
:m. 1015 HTANLKY 11. son of Murv ami
Hnrry Hodlno need 11 jenra Holattveri and
friends are Invited to attend tho funeral erv
Icph on Sunday at I p m , at his parents'
reldenre Clementon. N J. Interment nt
ArllnKton Cemeterj. Automobile fuiiprnl
IlOLiri:. On December HO, 1015, KATHA
HINK HOL1TH (neo Schwarz), wife of Her
man Hollte Itetatlves und friends are Invited
to attend funeral sen ken, Monduv, at 2 p m ,
nt p - nan's reatdeneo. 1214 S. l!.M t Inter
ment at I'ernvvood Cemetery. 1'rlendn nmy
rail Sunday S p. m. Automobile service
1IOWMAN. On Dciomlier 2 0. 1015, HHNItV
L.. hUHbnnd of Annie M How man iircJ 07
icart. Itehitiveti nnd friends arc Invited to at
tend the funeral nervleea on Hundav, at 7
p m. at his lato restdeiu e. I0.IS Chestnut
Ht, Interment ttt Carlisle. Pa., on Monday.
Pleae ondt flowers.
1IKAD On Dei ember 30 1011, THOMAS
J . husiund or Hlma C Hrajy nnd mom of lolui
N. nnd the late Marcaret A Itradv Hebt
Itvev and frlendH aro Invited m attend Hip
funeral on Tuesday at H a. m from his
lute residence (11 Ci Wheeler st West Phila
delphia. Hteh Mttits at Church of the Most
Hlesited Sat rumen t nt 0 .'.O o'i lock. Interment
nt Holy Cross Cemeler.
HUODIti:.NT. December 20. 1015. MATlV
JANi: daiiKhter of the late William nnd
Hllzubeth Uroadbent. ttelatlvea and friends,
also Primrose Lodce. No 1 I O. D of St
(leorffe. und (Jenerul Anttumj Wavne TemtiU.
No 5 Loal Amerlcnus are Invited to lew
the remains on Sunday, from 7 to 10 p. in .
nt her late italdrnce, 4 Suuth 121 st Inter
ment und services at the imivenlenr of the
family. Interment nt West Luurel Hill Cm
t ter
1IHOUN. On December .11, 1015 HLLIH
wife nf Patrick J Ilrovvn (nee Sonunnni
Hr'tatlves anI friends alo members of 11.
V M. Sodallt) and LeiiKue of the Sacred
Heart, are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Tuedu at N M) a m from her lute resi
dence, 212U Saimoni st Solemn lUqulem
Muss nt St Patrklc's Church, at lu a. m
Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery
lUTLLIL On Dec mlier 2M 1015. MAHV A
JH'TLUH wire nf Juhn H Ilutler Helallvts
Ulilt II IVII'IB ttl llIO Ullll'l till' IUIIVIIII .
on Moniluv. at K a rn.. from hsr late rst- '
iliimc. L'.'tlll l!tlsuorth St. Snlrtllll Illirh Mass
nf llcoulem ut Si Anthony's Churrh at 0 lit)
u m Interment ut Holy Cross Oeineten
OA!.l..ll..V- On Di'Lfmlier 30.1II13,FI.OHA,
nlfo of Joaenh T. I'lilUlian anil tlauslner of
Ilit late ponot and CNra Pletrlcli uiiil
niotlur til Mister Auncs lltn iinluns. ittila- j
lives utul rrlvmla aim Altar Smlcty nf '
i:nltihanv Cliurih Are Invite! to atlenii tha '
funeral, on Tuesla, at hSU a in. from lar
liusUHnil'B realiltnie IC'.i Wolf st. IIUli
llequlem Mass at Church of the 1'iilphinv.
at lu u in Interment ut Catheilral Ceme
ttrt. CAMl'lli:!.!. On Decemher 'M. MIS. MAHV
ItlHllN'A. ulfii nf John I'. ramnliell nf
ColtlnEauonil X J ami dnUKllter of Willi. ml
W utiil IIinniH A Mnllh Itel.ilhcu unit
frlemla are InWteil tn hiuihI the funeral on
Monilay. at M tn a m . finm her tuiients
realitenie, IS'JU H .Vtll at Holentii Masa (if
Ileqiilein nt Ihe Chun Ii of the Most I'rt-Uuus
Siurarneiit ai li a m prei laelv Interment
at Holy Crosa Cemeter) Autoiuoiiilea
CAhsim. un December flu. IUI.". at her
real'Icii'o Jftll Arrh at. AON'IM nlilow of
1'lillln CasslJi Ilelitliea uni Irlemla am
InMle.l tu atteinl the funerul ml 'lura lav. at
h III ii, in. bulemn IIIkt. Iieuulrm Mass ut
Catheilral of J-S I'eter, and I'aul. at lo a nt.
Interment ut N'ew Culielral Cemterv
C'll ltI.KS. On IKumlier :i. 1UI5 JACOH
t IIAItl.i:.-!, .iKeil H eara. Helativea ami
frlenili are Invite I t.i ittcml the funeral
HerUiea. on Muiliv at " i m at hta lite
resi.li nee, IV I.ivnInK at. Mann ink In
,.. ,v.. .".. . in nV ,;,,.
t'llMI tin Diiemler 30. 101ft. tlEOIIOE I
ferment private, al Weal ulter cemeurv
ji . aim oi jiuty inrv ,-uav, mv "' u 'ai, t
IMward Cllne. iteiiilivea and irteiuia e ,
Invllfd to utteni th. luneral aervke. m
itt..15,SPvV.: a,,1i,alrVelg.Ce!e,e'rrrS,. I
.. . . .... . ,.. ... 1 ... ..... !..., ,
,.,,, ... . , . , .,,,. . ...
COIKMAX. Sud.lenlv. Oil December 7.101o.
,,,,,, ... . , . , .,,,. . ... I
L'.li:.'-.'.UI':I'"1.1' .'" l)tml'r iT''J5'
"IIKDEIUCK IliltUind of JovrphllK Cole-
nun nn. aon or the ute Clarlotte and rted- '
rbk Coleman Itelutliu and rrlenda also
inulojeB or tb Philadelphia and Ite-idlng
la iway und I'hilaJilphti and Heading lie '
lef AaancUlloii, Phliad.lphlu and lletdlng 1
rilKDEUICK liiiaUind at Joaephlu, Cole- I
TfrrUllB 1laV t limn, iiiiw itH a ci.tKorx imuin
Cavalry, and Colonel Rush's laiiuera aro ,
Invited to attatnl the funeral eervltea on ,
Sun lav at .' P ni at hla lata result nee,
21KIQ North IMh it,, inurmtnt at No.thwood
Cemeter Itemalna mav
be viewed on
buturdaj. after T v m
13) 1U1.1
In Plilladelphla. on IVeember
Ml.. CARRIE COLLINS, aged 73
uerment at Middle lllver. Md.
yeara Interment at Middle 111
COI.I.1N.S. On Deiemher 23 11)15. JAMES
J , husbund of Mary V.. (nee Dojle) Call Ina.
and son of late Jamea and Jane Collins.
Relatlvea und friends, alao Uranch 1)7 of
Oreen Olaaa llottle lllavvcri Also., et U.
S. and Cunada, ure pivltul to alien I funeral
services on Monday al 0 a m at hU late
realdence 21171 Almond at. Solemn Requiem
Mass at St Ann's Churih. ut 10 a. m. Inter
ment at St Ann's Cenuterj
COM1TON. On Det ember 20. 1015, CHAS.
N. Jr.. son of Charles N and Clara Couip
ton (ne Jacoby) aged IS month' uad 10 da.
llolntlvn.1 and frlei da Ats lavitad tu utterul
the funeral .ervUes. on Sund.y at 2 p. m.,
at his parents realdence 2I7 Hull Sergeant t
... In.AB.n... nvlu.A .1 t'n.lll ("bt.. Hill I
t. ,11,K.119,I l.ll.l,. . ..V..M .WV. ..
CONWAY. On December 20, 1013, CATHA
RINE, widow of John Conway, used UT7
years Relutlvea and frlenu ure Invll.J to
attend the runeral. on Monday, at 7 So a ni
from the residence ot her aon-la-ljtvv, Samuel
M'Call. IKiU Marlborout'h st Su-lwnu Re
uuleni Mum at St. Miaituer. Chunk, at 0
u m. interment at Neo, catiieurul Ceiu
e- i
CRAMfORD. Ou DecemUr SI. 1815. at
Prai terlan Home for Wtdivva und Single
Women. Mla JANE CRAWFORD, uged 77
eara Relatlvea und friends are Invtt.d to
utteud the funeral, on Monday at 10 10 a.
m. . from the home, 5Slh and Oreenway ave.
Interment at Monument Cemeter)
Cl'NMNGIIAM. At DeUnco, N. J . on De
oembtr 31. 1U15. FRANCK6 li. CI'NNINO
HAM aged 7v) eara Relutivea und frlenda
are Invited to attend tbe fuuerul service tm
Monday, at 2 p m at her Lite residence,
Railroad ave.. Dtlunco. N J Interment
private, at Monument Cemetery Beverly,
CLltlllK. On December SO. 1915. JUDITH
ll. widow pf William I'unle. of RUomond.
i latermcet at ilklun md. v u
11AV At her rfldtoe luos Fopfar it, on
Dieember 31 1011 WAltAH A wtdovy of
I tt utcoaut HolaDd U, Vit Notice il f u
JlKlfM ' December SO 1915. ALBERT
Il.t ivut Of Utiiry J. nnd Saraa J DeUy. la
hla Sid year IlelatH et ana friends, also
BrWlKllf Council. No 12. 9 P. A Wash
Inaton Cfimp. Xn, 728 I' p. S of A . tn-
niSvM nf Phlladelnhm El!trl Company,
ami thf other orftanlrstlona .of tvhieli fi
was ft member are Invited to attend the
funeral services, on eunrtay, at 2 p. m.t at
hl rmrents' rtsMenre -U'tl Turner at. In
terment Rt Chellen IIIHa Cemetery.
DK.N.NIS.- At WllllamHtiort, In , on Dcm
Im y. mis. I.II.Ui:. ilauehter of nmnrn
II, nnrt Hie late I.lrplncott "'nnls Itelntlvea
ami friends .nrei invited -to attend the fiinernl
services, nt lier slsler'a residence, ajlf) North
llaneroft st , on Sunday, at. 12 m. Interment
private nt Mt Holly N J
IlKSMONI. On Deremher 80.101(5. DANIDtf
J, DKHMo.vp son of the lata Daniel nnd
Marjraret Desmond . nelatlvea and friends
lire: invited to attend funeral, on Monday,
at 7 10 o. tn . .nt his late resldenre .MS
niton nve. Masa nt tho Transfiguration,
Mth and Cedar sta . at m , Interment
Cntliedrnl Cemetery Auto funeral.
l)t:THll.r.lt-At lila homa, IBIS rinjst , on
Deeemlier aw. llilfl IIIINJAMIN F DETWItj
Kit nged il years. Ilelntlves and frlcnda
are Invited to nttend the funeral services,
on Monday, nt 2 n, m , nt the apartmenta of
Oliver If ftnlr. lWn chestnut st. Interment
private Pleaae otnlt flowers.
IIONM'.I.I.l. On Decemher 2. 19IR WILL
IAM husband of Catherine Donnelly mee
O'Neill) and son of the late Patrick nnd
Murv A, Donnelly, from t.oop Parish, county
Derry. Ireland Itelntlies and friends bisj
Bncred Heart nnd IIilviNnme Porletlea, of St
IJdwnrd's Church, nnd employes of Thomas
Devlin Manufacturing Company, are Invited
to attend the riincr.il. on Mondiy. nt S.1p n.
m . rrom his late resld'nre 2M11 North lnth
at. Solemn Itequlem Mass at S' Udvvard s
Church nt 10 n m preclseii. Interment at
Holv Crosa Lemetery
ll'OHA.IO. Suddenly, on December 20
1HI." Al.imtlT DOIIAZIO. Itelnllves and
mends nre Invited t nttend Hie funeral, on
M ndiv, at 11 n in , from his late residence,
L"ill Whnrton st Solemn Itequlem Maa at
M. Ulti a Church nt It) a. m. Interment at
llolv i ross Cemetery.
IK l.t:. on Dceember no, 101K, HLLEN,
wire of the late Oiven Dovle mee Carney)
Helulves nnd filenls. also Married Women a
Hodiilltv nnd Ianue or Mured llenrt nf
ilesu, are 1m Urd tn attend funernl. from lier
late residence 1 12.1 N lnth st . Monilay, at
n in. Solemn Itequlem Mhss at Churrh
of tleau. Ii 10 n. in Interment at Holy
Cross Cemetery.
i:i.l)lli:iMli: on Deiemher 20, Wlli, HLt
HICKMAN' son of the Isle Colonel 1:11
Iliramaii and Mary Ilrunni r KMredae and
lieloveit husliand nf Helen M. fildreilKiv (nee
mi Dike), In the (list venr or hi. sae Heli
tlves and friends, also t.ndffn No 72 V . and
A. M and Jerusalem chapter. No .1 It A
Mi. are invited tn attend the funernl on
Monilnv. at 2 n m. from 21-1 HiliklliKham
plaie West Phllailelphlu Interment at
oodlands Cemelerv Please urnlt flower
l:MMi:S.- On De.emher :il lit If! ItOIIHIlT
HAItVnv, husband of Allio Ilmmenn mee
Ddblis) In liln -lotli vrnr. Hue notice or the
rtmernl will bo alven
1:M1IiISII. On December 2D, 101S, MAHV.
wire nr ItavmonJ .1 Ilnellsli Ilelatlves nnd
friends nro Invited lo nttend funernl, Mondiy,
at Ha. m , from her tnte residence Mh hed
ernl st , Cuinden. N J Solemn llequlem
Misq at the cinirth nr the Immai ulatn Con
ceptlon. nt II u m Interment private.
I'X IIHHT. On December 2, IUI.,. I'LOn
i:.SCi: A , wire id Charles Hsrhert anil
daughter of Delia Marquis nnd the lnte Harrv
Itnles and RranddntiBhter or the late Philip
and llnsn Smith imed II venrs I'unernl. lo
with h the relatives and friends are Invited
Munday, at H .lu n in, fiom htr Uto real
denre 2.',I4 H Sartaln at. lllah Masa of
Iteiiulem at tho Chuirh of the Kplplmnv,
at 10 a m preclselv Interment Holy Crosi
lemetery. Atltomobllo service
i: ANN. Hudileiily, on December 2(1. iniB.
MAHAIt A ilnuKhtcr of Iloland C. and
Sarnh A. Kvnns Ilelatlves and rricmls or
tho ramllv are respei'trullv Invltid tn attend
tho runeral servicer, on Monday mnrnlus;. at
10 o, Inrk pretl-elv, nt Hiliuvlera. Ilroad and
Diamond sts Interment private itemulns
may bo viewed on Munday after 7 p. m.
mANilIN. On Decumber 20, Win, ADKLH
It IJ ANSKN (nee Martel). widow of Oeorite.
T njanseti Ilelntlves and friends nro In
vited to attend the funeril. on Monduv. nt
8 lu n ni.. from her late residence. 121 1
North .'Hth si. Solemn Itequlem Masa at Our
Iidy of Ibe Itiisury Chtirth at 10 n. m. Inter
ment nt Holy Cross Cemetery.
I'lIVItlN. On Dei ember 31, III IS, JULIA
A . widow nf John C. Kenlnn. In her 74th
venr. Ilelatlves ami friends are Invited tn
attend funeral serviies on Hundav, at 10 flu
a. m.. at Southampton Meetlmr House Car
rlaptts will mtet train leavlnc Iteudlnir Ter
minal ut II ICi n m at Southampton Station
ltemalns iua be viewed on Saturday, from
7 .'111 lo Op in . nt her lain residence, 1211) N
r,7th st . Plilla
riiimu. On December 21). HUB. SAIIAII.
widow nf John Klslier Helatlven nnd friends
are Invited to attend the f rierul servkes
Monday. 2 p m , at her lu'i resldonic r.7.11
Vino at. Interment llloiklcy ll.iidl.it Ceme
tery. rill.llltAI.I). On De ember 20. 101.1, MI
CHAKL J. KITZunitALD. husband of Hlla
llteemlil (me Snyder). Ilelatlvia nnd
friends aro Invited to attend funeral. Monday.
10 30 a m . from his late residence, 113U K
forties at Interment prlvule. Itemulns may
be viewed Munday from 7 tn U p. m
l'l.l 1. lilt. On December 2S. 11)13. ANNA
T.. wife of John V. riuehr (nee Stockle).
In her .IUth vear Itelntlvea and Trlenda, ulso
Women of the Holv 1 nmlly Itnsarv and
Altar Sniietv or St. Ilonlfaclus' chuirh und
1 adles' Aid Society of ht. Vincent's Orphan
Asvlum ut Tiiionv uro Invited to intend
the lunerul on Jlondav nt i flO a. tn rrom
her late rtsttltnci 101 Vest Husquehanni
ave. Solemn Ilequleui Mass at St. tlonl
fadus' Church, it 10 a. m Interment ut
llolv SepuUhrc Cemeterv
l'KA.NK. On Di i ember .11 IMS IJRItX
IIAHD1'. husband of the late Wllhelmlnn
Frank (nee Haas) Ilelatlves and friends
aie Invited tu attend funeral serviies. Mon
duv at 1 p in . ut his late residence, 11(101
Wlssahkkim ave C-'Ild and VeuaiiKO). Inter
ment private
I'llIKI.. on December 20 lOls. JAMHK,
husband of tho luto tlnnnah Trlel. Ilelatlves
and friends ure Inv.tod to attond runeral.
Tuesilav, s au u, m , rrnm nia mio resiuence, .
'Jiijil Silmoli at (en I: Albert st . 18th I
Ward) Solemn Ilequu-n Masa at St. Ann's
Church, 1U n. in Interment bt. Ann's Ceme
tery AI.I.AHIIUIt. On December 31.1111". IOIIN
A.. Sr . husband of Loin N OalluRher and
son of the lute Patrick nnd Margaret ilnl- t
laKher Ilelatlves and friends ure respect- t
fully Invited to attend the funerul. on Tues- '
da at ft .lo a m from his lute residence
2S Hunt SprlnK uve , Ardmore. Pa HUh
llequlem Mass ut Ht Oilman's church at
lo a. in. Interment al St la ills' Cemeterv.
(iss On Derembir .10 111 1.1. HRTTICI
!A8S, widow of the late Samuel (lass. Hr . i
fnimerli of 1.11 V Huntlnednn at In her
Hist veur llelntlvea utul friends, ulao ,
I) iilRhters of Derry No II L. O I. . (Jen-
erul (Irulit LiHiKe S nf II ure Invited lo !
attend funeral serviies on Sunday, at t
ii. m sharp ut the residence nf her suu-ln- t
law Hurry Thron. 2S.11 N Mascher st. In-
terineitt private I'eruvvnoil Cemetery lie
mains muv be viewed on Saturday eVLtilmr
Oil. U On December .10. UUS. WILLIAM II '
(111. I., husband of Marv J Olll (nee J.ickel)
and s in nf the late William II and I. win
Hill, used ID veurs llelatliea and friends
ure Invited in attend the runeral on Hundav.
nt I p. m precisely, from his lale resi
dence 121 Dudlev st , I'nmden. N. J Inter- ,
ment at Itethcl Cemetery Hemntns mav bo
viewed nu satitrduv evening
fil.KNN -On Deiembir SO IMS, JIAlHlli: ,
willow of OenrKO tilenn aReil 72 ears Ilela
tlves und friends ulao tho tnemliera of the
I'haliililon Coumll No h D nf U. aro In
vitetl to intend f uncial ailca. Tu.aduy. at
- p m al the re-ildnee of her aon-in-lavv
Harri Cooper 1.111 K Hew son Bt To lim
ited to Palmer Cemelerv Vault Interment
private. North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Ite
utaiiis may be viewed Monday, after 8 p m
il)OSllli:.. On I .ember Sl, 1111.1 MAItY.
wife nt John II Ooostrey uited 7ft yeara '
Ilelatlves mil friends sm lmite.1 tn nttend
fumral nn Sumlav January 2 at .' p ni .
from hv r hiiduiida residence White Horse
plkk .Magnolia S J Interment llversreen
tmttry IleiualnN ma bo vlevve.1 on sat
unUv evening
(iOII.H-On Deivmber .10, IIH1, Cl.AltA
,i.iru i.r Imiiim. V I :iulil .led lllvmrk Itila-
Uvea and friends are Invited tn atp-nd the
unTruT'oii Monday: l ' V Vim .' m"prvcl.sly
rrom i,r 4le tldiit. Ml. Jluvul N. 3,
internum ul all aiorian v-emeiery
,,..,,. ., t, ,. m ini-, icathiivv
'' ,W.u.rtu, "i uf' i .i ihl'Ji.
am. -rienu. a Invued to .?t.e..d the fuiier , ,
T- ' ..-- -T- -..--., - -,--.- r .- " ? - '
ut li.r iiollivrs nuildemo. 1KR christian at
,........, ,uUf, Aiiti.tnnt.iu kbI.
ut hr iiollivrs UMldemo, 1KR christian at
Intirment prlvati. Automobile aervLe.
J"" ' ' ' ' ' .. ,,,,mlr !) 101S Will
.1 ."? " rV" ,i,,i . t.i J.I2". nVi,
IAM II OlttSMTHs. age I 70 ear;. OeU-
Uvea and friends are Invited to attend the
luneral oe Sunday ufteriioon at . 1 a cloek
Ironi hi. li realdvnio 5032 Market at r..
.,',,' ln 'lv, ,,,. ,,. ,..,. I
" ,.... -.
iir. -On De. ember .10. 101.1, HI IZA.wtf.
of inard N llalth (nea Arnold)) Rj..
iit.i aii.1 frlenda are Invited tu attend the
r'ufe"rua, "iUvlviJi on llolida" at.2 p ... P.
ii.,l tit her lute reaulelu'e I7J1 N Bum
Pre) at Rvmulna ma li vltwed Sumluy.
utter 7 p in. Interment private
llAM'L- On DeveiiilM-r ' ., lt)lo CI.ARA,
wife of Charles Hum I und ilaughter of Mar
garet und the lute John Wllklnu uge.1 30
yeurs Eteluilve. und friends are invited
to attend runeral servlcea on Mondav Jan
uary !. ut 2 p tn ut her lale residence, l&S
W Tioga at llemalnu may be vleweil on
featurday. from S to 10 p m Interment
IIMHV. -On December 30. 1015. WILLIAM
i UAttUY huubund ar Aunea flaurv tne.
GalUglierl aiul son of John and Mary Ilaury. j
1 . .... . U.l.ll.u n... I hl.nj. a - 1
tK.il ' jb. ..wi., ".. ..... OT.V I
invne.1 to eiieuu tuv iuiiri iwrtiveu, wn
Mond.v. nt 2 p in ut his Uie reeldeuee. Ill I
Weal Kuril st. (lira afreet below WhArtixi
at ) Interment p.lvate. at Fernwood rem.
er AuoigiiblUi fuueiul. Remain, may be I
vb'wd 01. Sundav a 8 p. m '
lllIltlMl. On DecemUr 20 IDIS. THBRKhB
HCCHIlblM HISRINO widow of Dr rwi
suntiiu. Hexing In her lettb year funeral
ttrvtcea at the New Jeruaaleni Cliurcb 22d 1
und Chestnut u . on Sunday. J4uuary 2. at
I i) ui. laurm.nt private
1111. 1.. At New oik. N , ou Deceiaber
'Jk. 1U13, ciiAtiLUTiK uii ISA. wire ef
lieury a illii neiaiivta anu rrietuaa ar
re In-
vuea io aitenu iae ruueiui sumci. un
.... n , .. ... ut I... lul. lILlli
mtt a I" W.-J " '"'. -t ,a.':. .
urth lattl at. lntenuent nrlvate. at Kern-
waul Cemetery
IUMh!.IJ aiuddenly, ut hie resuleore. 27
hoatb 42d t. on l)eeniber M IMS.
ntOROF IL lil.N'DtfLkjV. aatd 6. jeafa
our UWll1 wt UM IWM..1 ntt VMS KUWI !
HOLIUIOOK. On Deoewner 2d. lull. 1:d
VtARD F puajturid ef Kisnu llalbroolc tnee j
KaufniuujjJ neUtlvea. and. friend., also J
Osaxe TtTbe No. 11. I ft II S are in
vited to attend the. funeral on Monday .at
K IO t. ui from Ida late realdtn e. 2212 I
fllawyrlb at lilgb, ReuuUun Mats at tbo 1
Churtb of Jit Cbarlea UoiTumeo. at IB a. m. I
I1D11K -On Dei-embtr 29. 1913, CAT1I
KRiNE wl'ow of Perry I!oe . Belallve,
an J fi lends ar. lavlUd to utteod the funeral,
on Monda t, fc 10 a m, rrom heilaiei
real'l. ooe 1' S soltt Uth at Solemn Muaa
o Re.ulem J tht iTiuich of Oar Ladv , I
urUii i "t 10 a rn. Dreclsel lui.-ntr.t '
at Holy Crow .-peiery I
Ut'CHES, ia Deietaber 30, 1915 AtnaXlU r
LUUUiAt VildJ.w 2 lieury UuiiUa. acu, It.
& i t'h.a, i iXi,
years nelatlvea and Srittit, alio tr Wni
ley Mrtliodlst ICplscpnal chuff h, art InvTl
to attend the fnnernl on Monaay. kiSd. mi
from her lnte residence, lras . Atltntt
at. Interment at Oreenrrraunt Cernetary. Je
mains may be viewed on Hvindar, from b n
lo p, m.
I1UWN. On December 81, I91f5, KMMA .v
danirhter of the late Joseph nnd KlltaWt,
Irvin. Relative and rriends, also memo
of Hummerfleld Methodist KplscopaJ Churet
nnd Sunday School, and nil socletle of
which she waa a member, are Invited to at
tend the funernl servlcea, on Monday, at 8
p. m, nt the residence of her brother-ln'
law, MIHon o Pearce. 2303 Enit Norrlt t
Interment pftvate, nt Oreat Valley Preaby
terlan Cemetery, on Tuesday mornin tf
IimlN.' On December 80, 1918, ItlCItAliD
T , son of the late nichard and Violet P.
Irwin, nelatlvea and friends, also A. C
Ilarmer Club, Hawthorne aub, Motsrt Hr
nionle, nnd ISth Ward Itepubllcan Bxevnitlve
committee, are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Monday, at 1 p m . at the fa.
neral npartmenta of William Rowen. 307 East
Olmrd nve Interment at North Cedar Hill
IHA111). On December 30, 1018. at her lute
residence. 48SO Daltlmore Ave.. ttANNAH ii
widow of Mlchnel fl. Isard, nnd daurhter of
tho late Itobort nnd Susanna Valentine, ru
neral eervlcea nnd Interment private,
JONLW. At tho residence of Joseph Iluhn,
aoo n Sliedaker at,. Oermantown, on De
cember 81. 1015. AONES. widow of Wltlletrl
Jones, nsed 83 yeara. Notice of funeral
.IOVNF.S. On December 29, 191S, MAItT C.
JOTNEB (nee nurton), widow of nichmonl
.lovnes, need 00 years, nelatlvea and frlendt,
also Admiral William, net nolds circle. No.
1 17. Lndlea of O A n.i and Earnest work
era of the O. A. It , are Invited to nttend the
lunernl services, on Sunday, at 2 o. m., at
the resldenca nf her aon-ln-Iaw, Thomas F.
Mem. 12(1 Jackson at. Interment at Fern-
wood cemeteri
Itni.LKV. At Atlantic City, N,
J., on De
noivr.i.i,. cember ai.. JHin.. heiibcca
vvlilnn lnte .mmes )). Kellev.
HelatTves and
frln.l. nre Invlteil la attend
me tunerai
services nn Monday morntnr. nt 11 o clock.
nt the residence or her eon. liarry J.
ner eon. Jinrry a. seller.
.all r carnsio si. iniermeni private.
Ki:M)1:I.L. On December 31, IMS, O. I.
husiintid of Sarah 11 Kendell, a red 77 yeara.
Ilelatlves and friends, also curry Post, rfa.
is i a. 11 . nre Invited to nttend the fu
neral serv Ices, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., nt fu
neral pnrlora of w A Dunlnp, nertheait eor
ner IUth and lalrmount ave. Interment nt
Mount Morlah Cemetery.
KLHN'. On December 2B. 1015, MALINDA,
widow of Isaac Kern, aged 8.1 yeara Rela
tives nnd friends nre Invited to attend the
funeral services, on Sunday, nt 1 p. m., al
her lnte residence, 2108 North Lawrence It,
Interment at Chelten Hills Ccmetiry.
KI;T1I:NIN(I. Suddenly, on December 30,
1111.1 JOHN husband of the lata nils..
bctli Kettenrlnr In his Tilth enr, Relative.
Tilth enr, Relatives
bera of Jllrney I'oet.
Iaide. No. 2M. j, O.
ncll. No. 0. O. U. A.
and iriencs niso meoinerB oi
No 'It. (! A It Ivy laidxe.
rl. t . Kehslnaton Council. N
M mid Ptiiund 'Irlhe. Nn. IS. T. O. rt. M.
nre Invited to attend the lunernl services, on
sunduv nt 2 p in at his son's residence.
AbrnhHin I. Krttenrlng. loOS Stella St. In
terment nt Nortlfwiod Cemetery Automobile
KKMO'.II. Suddenly, on December 27, IBIS.
THOMAS II . husfnnd or Josephine Keyaer
(nee Janke) and son of the late Kdmund and
Mary Ann Kevser Itelatlvee and frlenda,
nlno Assembly N'o. 3S. A. O. M. P.. are In
vited to nttend the funeral services, on Mon
rtav. nt 2 .'10 p m.. nt his late residence, 1642
North OruU st. Interment at North Laurel
Hill Cemetery, l'rlenda may call Sunday
KINMI'.IL At IiIh Into residence. 1832 Oreen
at , on December 'II, 1013. Dr. R. GRAY
KlN.Nir.lt. in Ills 01st J car. Due notice of
the runeral will ho given, Lynchburg. Vn,
p.ilicrs please cop
KINSKV. Al Quakrrtown, Pa., on Twelfth
Month ,10th. UUS. JANR O, KINHEV. In
her H'lth rar. Ilelatlves nnd friends are In
vited to nttend tho runeral, on Flrst-dnv. at
2 p m., nrst Month 2d. nt rrlenda" Meet
ing House Carriages will meet train at
Qunkertnwn Station, leav.lne; Reading Ter
minal nt i .hi p m.
KNOItlt. On December ,1, 101S. HARRIET
T. L. KNOItlt. need 37 years. Due notice of
tho runeral will be Riven.
KOI. II. On December 30, 101.1, llAtlHAHA
ANNA KOI.U (nee Steltwaeon). widow of
Jnhn A. Kolb, nRcd 7N veurs. Ilelatlves and
friends urn Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices. Monday nrternoon at 1 u'clock, nt her
lute residence. .181s Trinity plnce. West Phll
iidnlphla Interment nt rernwood Cemetery.
Trlends may view remains Sunday evening
rrom s to 1U o'clock
LANDIINIIIIIKIEIt. On December 20. 101S,
CATHAHINI3. widow of Loula Landenberger
i neo VokO. need iU) vears. Relatives nnd
friends also Holy Family and Altar Society
of St. Ilonnventura'a Church nnd Ladles' Aid
society of St. Vincent's Orphan Aaylum,
Tacony. uro Invited to attend tho funernl. on
Mondav, nt 7.10 ,ri m.. from her late' resi
dence. S41 West Somerset at, High Maaa at
St llonaventurn'a Church at I) n. m, Inter
ment ut Holy betiulchro Cemetery,
I.IJIKV. On December 30. 101.1, JOSErH
1NH A . wire pf Augustus C. Leldy and
daughter of the late Henry and Theresa
Klostermun nged S8 )eura. Ilelatlves nnd
friends ure Invited to attend funeral
services, nt the residence of her son. Fred
erick C Leldy, 21114 JefTersnn st.. on &un
!a. at 2 p. m. Interment Mt Peace Ceme
tery. I.IJO. On Decomber 20. 1013. ALICE F.,
widow of James M. Leo. Relatives alia
friends are Invited to attend funernl service..
Monday at 1 p m. precisely, nt her late
residence 1.107 Lntona st Interment pri
vate Mt Morlah Cemetery ltemalns may
be viewed Sunday evening
I.l.N(l.Mtl). On Deiombor 30. 101.1. LOUISA,
wife of Kdmund W Llngard. aged 00 years.
Relatives und frlenda o( the family are. In
vited to attend funeral eervlces, on Monday.
ut 2 pm. in her husband's residence. .l43
Amber st Interment at North Cedar IIIH
Cemetery Remain, may be viewed Sunday
at 7 IIO p m
M'KI:NS. Suddenly, on December 20, 1913,
SOPHIA It., wife of Joseph Lukena, In her
7.1th jear Relatives and rrlenda are Invited
to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 1 p. m.,
from tur late resident c. Morrla road, near
Acnrn Station Montgomery County, Pa.: also
service ut iloehm's Church, lllue Hell, at
2 do p i m Interment In ndjolnlng cemetery.
IA.NCll.-Oii Decomber 80, IBIS. WILLIAM
J son of Iho late James and Julia Lynch,
nged 2S veurs Relatives and frlenda are In
vited to attend the funerul, on Monday, at
7 10 u m . from her lnte residence, 1413
North Fawn st Solemn Requiem High Masa
ut St Malaihv 8 Church at t a. in. Inter
ment at Old l-uthedml Cemetery
LYONS. On Doiembtr 20 1913. WILLIAM
F husbund or the Int. Margaret Lyons fneej
Flanlgan) Relative rr.rt friends nro In
vited to attend the tv. .ml on Monday, at
S 30 a m from the .-sldence of his son,
Jumes F Ljons :i(lu,1 Falrmount ave., West
Phlludelphlu Solemn Mass of Requiem, at
St Agatha's Church, nt 10 a. n. Inter
ment at cathedral Cemetery.
MAOLI1. On December 30. 1013. MARY,
wire ut John Mngee Relatlvea nnd frlenda
are Invited to attend the funeral, on Mon
oav at (J JO a m from the realdence of
Miss Margaret Furretlv, 20OU Abagnil at.
High Muss nt Si Michael's Church, at 3
u m precisely Interment at New Cs.tb.f
drul Cemutery
JIAIIDKN On December .11.1013, THOMAS.
husbund nr Win! red M. Madden. Relatlvea
ul menus art- lnvlte.1 la attend funeral, ion
Tuesday. 7 10 a ni, from Ids lute residence.
21 H Id s c linden. N J High Mass st
Church of Immaculate Conception at
i in Interment Culvur) Cemetery. Remains
may be viewed Mondav, from 7 until IU p. m.
MARTIN. On December 28.1015. WILLIAM
J. MARTIN, husband of Margaret E, Mar.
tin iiieu O'ttoqrkel and on ot Sarah P. ana
the tale Jamia Martin. od.l''ye
tlvea and friends, ulao Local No.
aged 'l'i yean. Rela
LVal rfo. 200. I. O.
hi VV. nf Camden. N. J . urn invited to at
tend runeral services, Mondvy. at 2 p. ro.
I'reeiBelt at ll.a lnte residence, IUI 9. 2dltt St.,
Camden N J Iniermtut Arllng -n Cme
leiv Remain mat te vlowed bungvv eve
ning MAsi'UllsON. on December 28. IB15, HER
N.Vltli. huabund oi Mary H Mustcraon, owe
N i.ni itela'lvc. urn rrlenda ure Invlud
lu Htund tbe funeral, on Monday, 8.''o-i. m,,
'roni his lun rcsltv'n't? V'.ll K. I.enlnh ate.
bntcinn llljh M tit oi Requiem at St Anns
Oi ir i ut Ul a m Interment at New
tain, ii! Cttii-iter)
JIAl-JIs On December 30. 101S, ALMIRA.
huua i Jaiob Mattla. aued al veara. ttola
tlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend ...
i uneral
ii r o'u
al I
'rrpl iho real
Firndl. liua-
tleton ave
Ii , mem
and Cottmqa
at I'avtsvil.t)
st., PhlladelphU.
Ilaptlal Uiun.h-
MIl'lI.KIt. -On December 9. 1013, ANNA.
nitvf MU hue! Menlei und daughter of tie
late ileoike and Mary Detllng aged M
Se.iib IteUttves und rrlenda are tuvlted te
utteud tuneiul Mouda Ku nL from
her lale italdeu e 12.11 M.iBunk. ave lto
boruugh Reiiuletn M .au at St Mary a Church
at IU oilota, luteimvut S etmlnitir Ceme
tery. JllMi.Ol. Dotembcr SO. 101.1. MAT K.
widow if William 11. Mink Relative and
ul. n '. uie invited to attend funeral a or I",
Monday. 2 P. ". -I 021 Srute .1. inter
ment i lvate
MiIIKilii:. On Dei ember 30. 11B. 1A.T
RU tv M.llltllH-.. Itcluthea and frlenda are .
Invited t) attend fpnerul, on Munday morn
tug, at K lu o tluik fmin 'i.a lat' raaUcnce.
tuil N llu et Uth and t-arfah ta.) Uot
vron Hlgn Maaa of Hcjulem nt Our MotBer
of Sorruwii Chun. n ut 19 nVlecW Inurnivilt
at Holy Crosa Ceiueier)
Met'OltJIICU. On December !t. 19IJ. PAT
IUCK MaOOPMICK. husband of Kte II,
McCufml h lute MNtal), sued 70 jenra.
Relatlvea and frlenda are Invlteaf to atleul
tliei funer,.! on Monduv at s lit a m. ri.ni
hie Ui- resident. J HI Orthodox st Frsuiii
ford HUh Masa at SI Ja.hlnt'i Church,
at 10a ii. Intirment urlvule
MiCI'l IOff.Il ou DetemLer So. 1013. Dr.
J'lBRCl H. MK'l ' lajl'il I husband of
laiura M cvillo r itelatlres ami Irienr'a,
uts.1 Aialemv o Sttmuioxv reitnytvenia
Aasovlation of Deogil Surge' ns Alumni So
ilelv a I'rul- lelihla Dtntal Colhg .Penn.
svl.aui Siuie I'tntal Soviet) 8i utliein rental
SipjU uf V. a Jt' tv None.- Itj.Jiw!
,bul tsaitl.tluii ot Dental Surgt ms First
DIUlLM Dtertal S tletv of Sew Y rl Odea
t'la-isphls So. It v jf et i"hi . (ebalili
uiemtitrs o' ih Pnilailelpliv I'., id ef
lii.alib and neialiua of lb. Bcuaol Mo .
Claii at Ijai He 1 1 1 i.u.Dd ihe f unci a I ervi
t es. nil Mui'.Ui vt 2 t. m. at hla late
rtalJ.nif. 32U Uatvsm et Jnltrroiiit M,
MU'fK:it. Uu Dvtsrulier 3D, 1U1.1. JOaHS'
A bi'aeand ef Annie li Howub4 Mcl'uaV.r.
RrUllvw anal friends. aUo Use k'natmcm'm
t'nkni Nb. IT and employee st it Cyril
lib. Co.. are Invited to aitend funeral.
.1 tv it irom hut brotlttfe rt.Wess.
VIII Rillli-, :. at Sole .11 Ittgh tUM ,a .
ii I. u ut ibe ( burtu of trie Trurs.'la-uratleai..
u eloik lultiuirnt at l.ittujjjul t't'ias-
Mn.tNTV -su.iUtnjy oa December 23, 11,
lrRAAi-'io tj.jend of Mary MeClntr nad.
son ui IV llllam end tee li -viaiiM.et JE-
iM't ? , - iiaii, wa i-.
arlt, Cawsty lfaaaa.il. I
taeoral 01.73. A- O, fi
land H.latlViJI und .
feut ty of tur Ciathetirut
tented to attend t uaeral. Masaiey. alie f tv
f ram W Mi XtuLUuss, IU T JdU, . ht&
UrHtJtiff !a at the itial m., i m
laHrcma Unit Cmm Cwnttwj',
v i
f f
ii. i
4 C
? it
. i
5Br i
u '
a '
a ,
?' ;
,- -
tla ,
-m I
i -j