EVENING LEPGER-PItlLADglPHIA, SAT,TJBPAY, JANUARY 1, 1916. AjtlMemcni Xcsfixm t i l fOMimiuimiHUmiMmmxMMuiuxKmnmuumLumum,. n,,,,.., . ,,, J22P$HII1I1B11HI MTU I I "In i 'I'TH is Miillll HH -; i" 111 VAfn ! liiBBni wf w Tin hi' t iBMnMPilI TaBiB - Erf Jm i VUPBsBH Hi Bto jMM Al liiifllKllSI i iiifwfr W nf ffM .1 lit 3 is t IkinK ISiHaL A' JfSW VI ifflMri Mitmi ' sMssMHWfflflfTinfflHsWlf ' '1 Ii il'3,Afw ' mi aiiHHBiSiHOS3 oros&wJMsfe WJaPTfsT"WMl. Bernard Slinw's British Lton (impersonated by Edward Sillward) leaves "Androclcs and the Lion," while in Chicago, to visit a royal kinsman at the Lincoln Park Zoo. IT OCCL'IlttBD to Percy Uurton, tho 'liainRcr nlul part proprietor of Bernard Shaw's) nomali "Circus," Hint U, would bo an In'orcstliiB luily In tho psychology of nnlmnls to us ertnln whether tho Hon wns more guided li n sense of smell or apt to bo misled 1 ocular deception. It was, thoiefoic, n.iely In the RUlso of a student, tliouitlt. Incidentally In Ills wonderful disguise of "Home Lion," that IMwiwl Pill waul (moot fnmous of nniiiial Inipcrsunntors on the UiisIlsli-spcnUltiK Rtitt;r) pultl n professional lslt to tho I.lnco n Pnils y.oo. (Jhlcnuo, recently. l)rcf(4ini. In the chief nttendnnt's privntn office. Idwnrd Kllhvnrd (hci aided l)j n ."limit from tho former of "The Hon Is loo.-o ' i cnn'iRcd ns the remarkably renllst'e lion lu appears In Shnw's piny and jrnmbnllctl cheerfully toward tho coso of the real lion unmindful of the SNAKES AND BUGS TO ACT FOR MOVIES Paramount Pictures Plan New Style of Acting When an animated Mini weekly starts out ns a "Celluloid Xpwspapcr" an tho novel Paramount "Ncwplrti les" has Just done, It l nut hard for the Journalist to Imagine tho dllllcultles with which Its cdltor-ln-chlcf will have to denl In ob taining the pioper reportorlal assistance. The layman will appreciate what has already been accomplished In this re spect when It Is ntnted that among tho assocla'o editors of tho first weekly Film Plctorlnl Magazine nro such men of let ters nnd national repute as John A. Slrlchcr J. It. Btay, the fnmous car toonist Hogcr W. Babson, tho noted statistician, and Btich organizations ns tho Popular Science Monthly nnd tho Ladles' World, and the announcement Is now made' fioni tho New York ofllco of the important 111m factor that Ilaymond L. Dltmars. tho moat celebrated author ity on animals and reptiles of tho day nnd curatoi of the greatest zoo n tho world rt Hionx Park, has added his name to tho staff. Tho pictures will bo llrst s-ccii hero at the Stanley Theatre. Mr. Uitm.ira ia tho man who success , fully ttiksj motion pictures of every va 'rlcty of animal, from monkeys, birds nnd files to porcupines, snaken and iguanas on atngi" lunslng from the slzo of a postage Mamp to 40 feet square. It Is at hi'' p cial studio and laboratory, Bcarstlale, where, according to him the Dltmara College of Dramatic Arta is now open, that ho accomplishes his utrango lcat and It was thero that ho told the present writer something of how he does It. "We are now taking many unique, nnd. I feel Justified In adding, wonderful pictures of tile inhabitants of tho Zoo, which will ho nt tho sole disposal of tho Taramount Pictures Corporation through my school of acting," Mr. Dltmara said. "We believe that our films will bo a great servlco to science and that they will bo an amusing and lnctructlvo boon grown- Continued from precedlnr pairo feg& IS The Unit Program for the Week of If I PJ5WJKji 111 Jan. 10, 1916, Includes the Following: rNfBlflH HI HERBERT FORTIER SH 1 THE CITY OF FAILING LIGHT '1i?. A BATHTUB MYSTERY midM J DAVE DON COMEDY aH li 'l's PrBtsm can be seen at your local theatre. j jStSBSk II 1 5 Ask the Manager. fj JBBhBHHH (One-Act Drama) (One-Act Drama) g : Hi (Three-Reel Drama) j DOROTHY DONNELLY TATMiejrrTT 11 In "Madame X," the new Pathe E -.... fm- 3 Gold Rooster film at the Chestnut JM Bline Reeves Comedy H Street Opera nouse next week. V A Skate f Or U vl Otfor raaTOPLAYs oh sroiuEsr "U fflT TTI&t tllT I Ifefc. o sttlix f&3Mii$ lit! iU, ow. will uc.pt thus in AMY torn- B l-g-aiArTj-JVSV. Cftv frlf ta3f JJH fio YOU. Write tod.r.for all dW"JJ- M 1 (H lrKfS35S?1kVEsSSilKSZV??5V MRj4fl EDUCATIONAL MOW A BARBER ACaUiRESlTS STRIPES. "SOME bars that separated them, and optimisti cally humming tho old English refrain: Slono walls do not n prison make. Nor Iron bars a cage! For Sillward la English quite English you Itnowt Uut neither tho refrain nor tho remarkable appearance of this leoiilne-llko Intruder had much apparent effect upon tho real lion In tho large cnge, who, after a few preliminary sniffs nnd snorts, turned his back and prepared for a comfortnblo nap, being evidently "too proud to fight!" The Hon, however, showed n tendency to discuss a friendly bone with Slllwnrd subsequently, though It Is difficult to sny which or whoso ho would have preferred or chosen had ho been free to mako his choice, but for the aforesaid bars separating them. "Como Inside' said a love-alclt lioness to tho British Hon when he made his next vlst to an adjoining cage of one of the fcmnles of tho species, who scratched, pawed and purred to get at hor English upq nn'd children who see them In the best theatres throughout tho United States at which my Jungle stars will appear with Mary PIckford, Ocraldlno Farrar, Dustln FarnUm, Anna Hold, and those lending plnycis of stogo and screen whoso photo plnyn nro produced for Paramount by tho Famous Players, Lasky, Morosco, nnd and Pallas Companies. "After waiting tho best part of a week to get a few feet of film showing several monkeys playing a real Ranu of hide and seek, wo figured out that It would be much better to spend tho tlmo wasted In waiting ln teaching tho nnlmals to do Ju3t what was wanted. "Meeting with success ln teaching tho monkeys several cosy tricks, wo decided upon a more rerlous effort; ln widening the scopo of the teaching wo also ad mitted other species to tho classes. Tho next wero tho trumpeter birds. It took two weeks beforo 'Trumpeter's Romanco' was rehearsed well enough to start tho camera. The scenario for this playlet was written by Snyder, though 'designed' would bo a better descriptive word. The scene represented a living room. In a chair at a tablo sat tho husky trumpeter. (Husky Is part of Us real name.) In a rocking chair was tho whlto-backed trumpeter. "Mr. Trumpeter, that Is, Husky, yawned and registered leaving a good home to go out to tho club. Exit Husky. Thero comes a knock at tho door, and Mrs. Trumpeter flops out of tho chair to tho door. Enter tho Canadian Goose, who represents, to quote Snyder, 'some vil lain." The goose registers entertaining conversation, and when Mrs. Trumpeter turns hor head, slyly steals a nccklaco from the drawer. Tho bird opposite sees the theft and demands that the goose return the Jowels. There Is an attempt at flight, but tho trumpeter holds on until the arrival of Husky. Then the curtain. "One of tho first experiments was the Impersonations by monkeys to register moods of tho human race mirth, rage, despair and sorrow," Mr. Dltmars con tinued. "Theso have been filmed to por POLE Q a Q 9 nude jTVfy Tn j i- .M mi 1 I- I I r I J LN MIIHII I OPIsmiliumillMlJ &' ll4'L" IIJlUM'l I'L'lll LION!" visitor, with whom, however, she soon found that there was "nothing doing," much to her disgust and annoyance, This obvious straying of her afToctlon was, however, too much for the jealousy of an adjoining admirer or mate of hers, to wit, Caesar, who snapped, snarled and roared In an effort to get at the London leonlno Lothario. The wholo affair, lasting for more than an hour, was watched with tho greatest amusoment by a crowd of several hun dred ox tempore visitors to tho zao, who were particularly Interested by the period ical flashes of the camera, which started tho animals Into giving an emotional ex hlblton of temporary fear, looking and apparently feeling for tho moment an If they had been shot by smokeless pow der and wero much relieved when It wan all over. They wero heard to remark, sotto voce, by Sillward, tho only living man who understands tho leonine lingo, tray such enormous faces that to the spectators looking at tho screen the ef fect will be much ns tho ogre appeared to tho oulh In 'Jack the Giant Killer.' "But tho monkeys have progressed In rehearsals, and In the porcupine wo have found a real film Btar. In monkoy drama wo have taken real scenes, nnd the prin cipals have flirted, held hands nnd spooned In the most approved fashion. We even tried 'Clndcrllla,' but that was too much of an attempt ln the present state of the art In the zoo." The second successful play put on at Bronx Park was "The Great Marathon." It showed tho exciting scenes attending the arrival of tho smaller animals for the great jungle race. For this scene most elaborate scenery was prepared and much caro had to be taken in teaching the animals what not to do as well as what to do. For Instance, It took a week alono to prevent tho Humboldt's snako from interfering with tho tome iguana and to teach tho bluo fur monkey that It must not try to climb tho scenery. Along the course were side shows, re freshment stations and the other ad juncts of a country fair. Fully 100 varied participants ln tho scene struggled furi ously for victory. In this connection It Is Well to state that not even tho stago manager was able to prevent the excite ment of tho scene from communicating to the audience ln tho grand stand, and toward the end the more excited specta tors would climb the grand stand railing and enter tho race. "Two great difficulties had to be over come In this scene," said Mr. Dltmara. "One was to get nil the contestants off when the monkey started firing the gun and the other to distribute handicaps so skilfully that the swiftest would not race ahead of the less speedy." This sccno required a stago of 40 feet. Tho next most difficult performance re quired a stage the size of a postage stamp. Upon this perrormed tho star of the fly Juggling troupe. This fly rides Into the arena ln a chair upon the back of a beetle. It Juggles dumbbells. that, though yielding to no one In their admiration of Bernard Shaw and Gran ville Barker ns an appetizing writer nnd producer, respectively, they do not approvo of the advertising methods of their man ager "Somo Hon," Indeed, they sneered, "some Hon!" While Mr. Stlllward was playing In Bos ton his Interest ln the king of beasts got him very nearly In serious trouble, for a bullet that barely grazed a generously upholstered portion of his anatomy Just now renders a recumbent position painful. Stlllward pranced and growled In front of the lions' cnge for a few moments, and the real animals snorted their dis approval and paced furiously up and down. And then an unforeseen accident occurred. A park policeman, observing tho stago Hon cavoitlng about on the lawn, concluded that he had escaped from the cago and fired nt him with aim accu rate enough to Inflict on Stlllward a puncture. Befoio ho could fire a second tlmo the ImpulMvo policeman was warned of his mistake. Stlllwcll's Injury was only slight, but he didn't enjoy sliding down a cellar door for awhllo afterward. iSSBfiP mWiH gflgnfe a & ATUAMDDA 15th. Morris Psyunk At. ALHAIiIdKA Mat. Dally at 2: Evcrs.. 7 4 0. Vaudovllla rarsmrt Pictures. THEODORE IIOBE11TS, CARI-YI.E I1LACK WELI, & DOnOTHY DAVENPORT In "Mr. Orex of Monte Carlo" Continuous performance from 1 A. M. to 10 P. M. New Year'a Day. ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 10TH HOUSE TETERfl & WM 8 HART In "BETWEEN MEN" 'Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts' KEYSTONE COMEDf APrI I I"! 55D AND THOMPSON ArJL.L.J MATINEE DAILY MLLE. DIANE and CHARLES TROWBRIDGE in "THE SIREN'S SONG" BLUEBIRD 2200 NonT" nnoAD 8T- NEW YEAR'S DAY Continuous Terformancn 11 A M. to 11 r. M. PAULINE FREDERICK in "BELLA DONNA" 00TII AND CEDAR AVE. iTTlAP PARAUOVST VELSi. THEATRE Wm. Faversham in "ONE MILLION DOLLARS" B-ACT METRO PRODUCTION FAIRMOUNT 26TH AND GIRARD AVE. SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S SHOW Continuous Performance 11 A M. to It P. M. Tho Universal Film Co. Offers DIGBY BELL in "FATHER AND THE BOYS" GERMANTOWN S PARAMOUNT PICTURE Victor Moore in "Chimmie Fadden Out West" Cf ORC Will MARKET VjjUVUd Mat., 3:15; Evrs , 78. PARAMOUNT OFFERS Marie Doro in "THE WHITE PEARL" PIDADH AVENUE THEATRE UIKAKU 7XH AND OIIIARD AVE. Maurice Coslello in "Man Who Couldn't Beat God" Other Special Features and Comedies JEFFERSON m" SlrV Mile. Diane in "The Siren's Song" NORTHWEST WestAlleghenyaSKa'iK'Sl'eia BOSW9RTH Presents throuith PARAMOUNT Elsie Janis and Myrtle Stedman in "NEARLY A LADY" Written by ELSIE JANIS Heinie and Louie Comedy C...n..t..nn, THEATRE 1TTH ausquenanna busquehanna ave. Frank Sheridan in "The Money Master" FIVE PARTS THE MOVIE NUT! 9 WR PICTURE5I (Pt,EE5EBN0TRA gULGOMAROON INFANTRY System Vital to Success The benefits nnd Increased success which are made possible by nystematlc organization nnd direction In the photo play line are evidenced by the permanent prosperity which during the last year has bscn the portion of tho plaj houses In Philadelphia and elsewhere which have come under the booking control nnd di rection of the Stanley Booking Company, of which Stanley V. Mnntbnum, one of the most prominent of the joungor fig urea In the photoplay world. Is the man aging director. Mr. Mastbaum h an optlmlit of the optlmlats as regards the permanency nnd possibilities of the picture play. It was due to his enthusiasm and Initiative that the Stanley, first of modern and luxurl oils theatres to be built In Philadelphia devoted exclusively to the silent drnma, wsb erected and opened, and was, as proved, a genuine success Speaking of that succes and the others that have followed In Ita train, Mr Mnsbaum says "System li as vital nnd benoflclnl In the case of theatres as In nn.Mliliig else, and probably oven more mo t'p until a little over n ear ago the seeming of photoplay productions was a. scramble glorious but highly unsatisfactory frecfor-nll . where the proprietor of a theatre was often un able to secure nn attraction even after he had announced ntld billed It . or. If lie did secure It. then It whs quite possiblo that the same piny might he plainK next lo him Identically the satno night with a different scalo of admission prices prevailing at the two hoi'ses "Through the svetem of the Stanley Booking Company nil this uncertainly and discord of Interest has been done an ay with as far as the theatres which nro booking through tills company are concerned. The volume of business it Is able to control makes It posslblo for our customers to secure early shonlngs of the world's greatest photoplays. "Then assignments of the plays nre mado on a sjstematlc basis. In this way unprofitable confusion Is avoided nnd everybody In every part of the city Is eventually afforded an opportunity to see popular plays at popular pi Ices with in their reach, and each Stanley Book ing Company house shnrcs eqtial'y in the popularit.x and prosperity that Is a part of presenting what the public wants." What Will Shaw Say? You can't make Percy Burton believe that sturt about Boston culture nnd blue stocking attitudes. When Bernard Shaw's "Androclcs nnd the Lion" entered the Huh recently for a protracted run a dig nified announcement of tho fact failed to bring up the nttendancn figures to the PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRUSCNTATIO 3oA?a Grwamu THIS follonlnc tlifotrrn olilnln th'lr picture through the ST.ANM'.Y Itooklnr Compnny, tvhlrh Is n RUitrantre of rarlj- showings of tho niifet prodnctloDs. All pictures reileweil beforo exhibition. Ask for the theatre In your locality obtaining pictures through the STANLEY Hooking Company. T APAVFTTP I0U KENSINGTON lral nlJUl 1 ! AVENUE Robert B. Mantell in "The Unfaithful Wife" LIBERTY BR0AD uMcrA LU1I1N PRESENTS Ralph Morgan and Marian Day in "The Inner Chamber" LOGAN THEATRE "gg Hazel Dawn in "The Masqueraders" I O C U S T B2D AND U J KJ k3 I. LOCUST STREETS Theda Bara in "Destruction" Logan Auditorium Toc'i aNT G. F. Marion & Vivian Blackburn in "Excuse Me" PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAY I FATIFP FORTY-F1RST AND lCtrt.LS.CiI. LANCASTER AVENUE Pauline Frederick in "Bella Donna" Market St. Theatre 838 UA$f$g Valli Valli in "THE WOMAN PAYS" See "GRAFT" Every Wednesday ORPHFI IM GERMANTOWN AND wirncuivi chelten aves. TRIANGLE PICTURES -WILLARD MACK ENU) MARKET :n "ALOHA OE" RAYMOND HITCHCOCK & R. ARRUCKLE In "THE VILLAGE SCANDAL" ORIFNT 6!D and woodlAnd ave. VIMUM 1 Dally Mat. 2 Eg . 8:30 to 11. EQl'ITAULE FEATI'RC - HENRY KOLKER in "THE WARNING" Continuous Show 2 A. M to 11 P. M. PAI Af"F 12" MARKET STREET rLrtVE jo A M to ll:15P.M. Syd Chaplin in "A Submarine Pirate" KENSINGTON JUMBO FRONT ST. AND UIRARD AVE "A FATHER'S CHILD" "THE STAB" "HIS LAST WORD" "SEEING AMERICA FIRST" WEEKLY PROGRAMS Appear Eiery Monday ln MOTION PICTURE CHART hi , !...,. ...Hi - - TT-TI j, ,, j id iimiii, , -) t J. fj-)- - --J proper mark, ad Mr Burton threw con servatism to the inds and n vcrtlsed ns folliiwst "Bernard Shaw's C'in-us I omo to Town. Some Lion!" PATHE GOLD "Excuse Me" by HUBERT HUGHES. A Pullman Car Pleasantry of Berths and Mirths featuring GEORGE F. MARION supported by Robert Fischer, Harrison Ford, Vivian Blackburn and a Rollicking Cast Produced by HENRY W. SAVAGE. See This Play TODAY at the Regent Theatre and Logan Auditorium COMING RELEASE Pearl White, George Probert and Sheldon Lewis, Supported by an Excellent Cast in The King's Game PATHE EXCHANGE, INC., 1235 VINE ST. Philadelphia. & & PARflf nIDGE AVE. i. DAUPHIN " Continuous Bhow from 1-0 . .0:30-11. "TRILBY" Equitable Pictures Feaiurlnc Clara K. Young & Wilton Lackaye Chaplin in "Night in the Show" PRINfFS'? 10,S MARKET IX 1 i1! V Lt J J STREET "The Hand of the Law" "Her Last Flirtation" RIAT TO GERMANTOWN AVE. llrtl lJ AT TULrEIIOCKEN ST. Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Castle in "THE WHIRL OF LIFE" Continuous Show 2 to 11 P. M. RFfFNT ia3i MARKET STREET icjE.n i iivu.in rotcv una as G. F. Marion & Vivian Blackburn in "Excuse Me" PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAY RIID V MARKET STREET KJ D I BELOW 7TII STREET PARAMOUNT PICTURE CORP. Presents Mary Pickford in "A GIRL OF YESTERDAY" SHERWOOD M5onB DANIEL FROHMAN Presents PAULINE FREDERICK in " Z A Z A " Matinee 1.30 to T, SAVOY 11 MARKET STREET Rosetta Brice and Richard Buhler IN "A Man's Making" VTfTORTA MARKET ST. V1LI WlWrt AIIOVE NINTH LILLIAN GISH in THE LILY AND THE ROSE" "The Great Vacuum Robbery" COMEDY STANLEY MAnKCT ABOVE 10TH coNTiNiious Geraldine Farrar I'iaop'M? "Temptation" Weekly Programs Appear EeJ Monda in Motion Picture Chart AfJK niEAssr CTBAWri TM nJ G1PARD AVE. O I tAlNL Mats. Weit ami Sat. Frederick Perry in "The Family Stain" iiwun DARBY THEATRE DARRt, PA. Mary Pickford in "A Girl of Yesterday" BILUE HEEVBS COMEDY , FASHION PERT LACK TULLE DRAPEP ALA FINES5E IS NOW THE voG-ue Business ptkfa J,t' a..;, ', after, and ' tfy an tbfa$ h frcjc-'-t -Burlrn finer rf I haN :ct h'lk' h w twjf Sir Shaw v li, nt whrn '; e wrfi IIh1 Tahiti" '!! 1.11... I 14 .w -,"i ROOSTER FLAYS CENTRAL Chestnut St. Op. House ' 1th and Chestnut CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE SEE TODAY'S AMUSEMENT COLUMN WEST PHILADELPHIA ""PAlvlr B2D AND MARKET 8TREET8 VJIXrtnL' MATINEE DAILY, 2 P M.. Bo CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG and WILTON LACKAYE' in "Trilby" OVERBROOK lIAViSR,nAv PARAMOUNT Presents Elsie Janis in "Twas Ever Thus" EITDPIf A 0TH AND U I i 1 rt MARKET STREETS V. L. S. E. PrrsenU Marion Crawford's "The Palace of the King" IMPFRTAT OOTI1 AND HViriIMrtL, WALNUT STREETS V C2rn2QS a t Jm isrs ws j.vuiiaiiu. rtuzi cujti". rresents m Gail Kane in "The Labyrinth" C. ARFJPN S3D LANSDOWNB AVE. V VjrtlLILlN MAT. 2. EVO., t.S, J, Marguerita Fischer in "The Miracle of Life" BENN 1TU AN W00DLAND AVE. TODAY TRIANGLE PLAYS THOMAS JEFFERSON In "THE SABLE LORCHA" . RAYMOND HITCHCOCK and MAREL NORMAND ta "THE STOLEN MAGIC" PASCHALL 7IST woodland wm. TODAY TRIANGLE PLAYS WM S. HART tn "THE DISCIPLE" HELEN HAMILTON and PAULINE MORAN In "HER PAINTED HERO" :sokth Hrpnt NnrrViPt-n BUOAD ST. ERIE jrear iNorinern germant-n aves. "THE EDGE OF THE ABYSS" Wllh Mv n..i i m u u i vii "THE SUBMARINE PIRATE" w,h yitfj&A'Q-sri'sr M,a ErenlnKs T ami 0 alt seats 15c Broad Street Casino nR0tI5el9'r MATINEE I until '. I:IMNU tt.ll an4 9 Special Added Attractions "A Poor Relation" OTHERS TIVOLI Theatre r&yS>fg "Honor Thy Husbapd" MATINEE AND Niuir 'Hunchback's Romance o t u e n a m 71 l m 1 jl M .'i TJI U .