.jpi'iioiiappi i h ji.jyitiiifiHPWWwwWiW'gwiWWWpwWWi 16 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1915. 7 -J E K r n SITUATIONS WANTED MALE "VfSW R A PH K R, w', rnptd, accurate. experience law office, wishes position lfahl firm or pnmorstton rnn furnish reference, b B14 Ledger Of Ore. 'OORAP'HKR. tfnewTlter Anil office man: km experience, beat c.ly references. B. F. aiawtn. vol Pine st . city ENOURAPHKR, male, em. occur,, rapid. :nttwl. nf hknr. i emnloreri. 13 1r,fl. Led. Cent. STEWARD, colored, would like position: flrst- ciass cur rcterence. m. ., ioiu ocyoen. TELEGRAPHER, 12 years" experience, com mercial, nnd railroad .broker's office pref.: but references, M 229. Ledger Office. THAFFIC MAtfAOER After January I nm de sirous of connecting with n, firm who need ft traffic manager; 12 yrnrs' rnllrond experl ence and graduate of Interstate commerce and traffic, rcference.i. M 2.10, Ledger OIL. TOUNO MAN, 21. wishes .poalton nnv kind! an, r Mil. Italian nnu ungusn. Ledger Central. TOUNO MAN. Mnklnr or brokerage office, ex perienced In clerical duties, wants opportunity to advance; references. O 813, Ledger Cent. ARE YOU tN NEED OF A , stenographer ami cnpnble office assistant? Eight years experience; rapid and accurate. C. E. 8TOUT, 5S21 Walton ave. FOSITION of feTn"slbl"lTtyr"lniiiile7Tiy-younK married tj. of P. graduate; Interview solic ited: employed, D 427. Ledger Otnce. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. MART T. MCCARTHY, 210T Christian (Loc. 130,1), supplies A wants lst-class Prot , Cath. male andfemalo help, nil nationalities, MRS. MINTZLAFF. HVW Chrlsthn st. (Dick." Inson MB) Supplies all kinds of help. Oer man chef, chambermaid for hoteRrefs. WANTED Cooks, chambermaids, rhllilnurse, housework girls, waitresses anil attendants. Miss Rose Dougherty. 1313 W. Blrard ate. MADAME AHIIE. 1.VU Chrltlanst7-Hellable help supplied and wanted all nationalities. AUTOMOBILES For Sale NOW IB THE TIME TO nur a U8ed cAn The Automobile Sales Corporation Is heavily stocked with cars taken In par tial oajment of Type M Cadillac "Eights." We are getting more of these used earn dally. We MUST UN LOAD. This condition creates THE GREATEST VALUES IN YEARS IN CARS Or STANDARD MAKES Roadsters, Touring Cars and Enclosed Cara, all ready to run. many repainted nnd oerhauleil. This opportunity becomes all the bigger when you renllzo that automobile prices re likely to take a lump by spring, be cause of Increased cost of production. FOR YOLR OWN SAKE LOOK THESE CARS OVER AT ONCE AUTOMOBILE SALES CORPORATION CADILLAC DISTRIBUTORS 142 NORTH BROAD BT, USED CARS BU1CK MOTOR CO. 235 NORTH BROAD ST. 1015 THIICK Model C-24 Roadster. 1914 IIUICK Model B-53 O-cyllnder 7-pas- senger Touring. 1014 lUlfcK Model 11-37 Touring.. . 1013 Rt'lCK Model 30 Roadster. (350. 1010 IIUICK Model 17 Touring. WE ALSO HAVE ON HAND 1014 OVERLAND Touring. KBIT TOURINO CAR. 225. nood condition. ADDOTT TOURINO CAR. J200, Oood condition. eight: condition like now; ped. Immedl.tto delivery; JliJlktUlW 4UI... C.I completely equipped K si inn LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Market St. Locust 450. price mi II. A. JENKS. Manager Exchange Car Dept. WE LOAN MONEY on automobile nt low rates of Interest; nutos bought and sold; strictly confidential. Acme Storngo Co., M - l.ensington ave- irnmKim .tn, CADILLAC. 1013. touring car. overhauled and repainted: full equipment, price . 30. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad St. COLE. 1015. DEMONSTRATORS SLIOHTLY USED. FOR SALE ! B BOWERS CO.'. 24:-47 N. BROAD ST. . FRANKLIN cars, all models, overhauled nnd guaranteed, F. I.. PaxBon. 8430 Chestnut st. HUPMO'BILE. 1014-32 touring, electric lights and starter; bargain, s. S. RODGERS. SOt N. Broad st. Spruce 0410. BTUDEBAKER. 1014. limousine: equipped with electric lights and starter: good condition. qOMEHY-SCmVARTZ. 25.1 N. Broad st. White, tois. 7-passenoe'r. o-cylinder TOURtNa: iS OOODCONDITION MECHAN ICALLY: TIRES IN OOOD CONDITION. I. C. MOSEH. 210 N. HROAD ST. ALL CARS BOUGHT for Parts BCHOBER, 3341-13-43 MAHKET STREET SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OK PHKI) CARS CORSON AUTO EXCHANGE, 238 N.BROAD 1000 USED AUTOS, every make, from 150 up. Roman Auto ContpanyOii N Broad at. IJOIIT ROADSTEnTTO BE POLD."CHEAP. Owner leading town. 3013 Emerald street. S1SO TOURING CAn. A SACRIFICE IF SOLD today. 3111,1 Emerald street. Wanted STOP! LOOKI AND LISTEN! Wa buy old autos In any wrecked condition: get our price before you sell them Phone or write Southwestern Junk Co.r17Q3-7 Carpenter WANTED Autos for parts. Get our prices first. 034 Diamond. Phone Park 4111. ATJTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE (open day and night) Tlrand-new S-pass. touring car. with robes. SI. 2 hour; also brand-new 7-pass. limousine. SI &o hour; weddings, funerals, etc. Poplar IC1T W. KERR'S NEW-nAIlAOE-flll0 Olrard ave. Now open for service with the finest upto- date equipment. Storage, S3 up. Drop In and look It over, or phone. Belmont 0130. . r ATJTO REPAIRING SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE BED BILLY 518 N. BROAD CYLINDERS REBORBD, new pistons and ring furnished, welding and braxtng, ,11. E, Underwood Sc. Co.. 1023 Hamilton St.. Phils. FORD ton enclosures. S53; plats glass, satlH faction guarant'd. Fore Door Co., 130S Glrard. AUTO SUPPLIES -QBARINGS- New Departure Serv. Hta.. The OwlUlam Co., 1314 Arch st. Phone Walnut 8497. Race 3082, AUTO TIRES PULLMAN- TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare price. Gasollns 15c. per gallon. ORIM'SS3S N, DroaBt- FIRESTONE demonstrator rims for Ford cars, S13 per set. Installed. 2223 N. Brood t Phone Diamond 1423. HORSES .a HAKEIl Horse Blanket The longest, wsarlng blanket ever mads: has been on lbs nuricci ou years; none genuine wiinout larrs hoi se sismpea inaiae. ooia oy ivicm. 4..( Market st, and otber dealers. SXI 1-E1EY VJHAf -SAV To 60IN6 OUT And JJoivjc TMirJ6'i i RIGHT New Neath's BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES millinrrt a, c. meelhy has space to rent for iikih-class mill1n- Kit. AT 2U12 WALNUT STUEET A WELL-KNOWN New Tork corset manu facturer about to open a corset parlor for his made-to-measure corset wants a lady or gentleman to take charge of the Phlladel phla office. Must have some business ability and he able to nnance themselves. This position should average from $30 to $.".0 vteckl). Reference required. (1 441), ledger Central. PATENT INVENTOR" Is compelled 'to ' sell patent for tho world's wonder double hot point gas Iron. A fortune can be attained by one who has the money to push It on the market. Principals meaning business only. No attention paid to brokers or pro moters. Demonstration nnd full particu lars at personal Interview tl 3,"8 ledger Centra I. PATENTH-JARTHUH K, PAIC1E. 714 Walnut St., l'htla.. mechanical and electrical engi neer, registered patent attnnev. established here 30 oars; Intentions del eloped: patents, irancmnrK.. ropjiiaius securcu ami nil gntid am where, rrleoted nppllmtlniin prose cuted; preliminary adilce free Gi.i usrAHMsiini) nrsiNHSH for sale. IIOO.I opportunity lor nrino ynunn man. (.Hit he nan on a .10 per cent. iasis oer rent of valuo of lux entory. i 712, Ledger Cential PIL'Tl RE THEATRE Tor rent. 73 month, romnlete: seats r(S. modern: L no competi tion, bargain, other propositions, UAH RlST. 201 N. llroail. UltOWlNU ORCHARDS,. all ages for ssle. HARRY DARLINCJfON 1420 Chestnut st. VICTOR J. IVANS ft CO. Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C. write ror urerripme nooKiei. DROP POCKET COAL YARD ON P. AND R, FOR RENT 10 MO.VIIII.Y. irfo WEST TlndA ST. I'lCTfRE THEATRE S.".00": beautiful mod- em. itnllv matinees, earn. matinees, earns fio-xipu weekly: good selling reason O 2.".7. ledger Central. PARTNER wanted with J.-.000 In good, reliable manufacturing business. D 420. Ledger Off. BUSINESS PERSONALS TO HIRE ft FOR SALE, EVF.NINO CLOTHES UVTKST STYLES POPULAR PRICES These suits are made In our own workshop nnd am slrlctiv up-to-date nnd sanitary. ki:i:n tailoring ro..w N.iath. w.if.'iwi. rt'Lt. tmEs spit- rutawiiSK, Tuxedos and Hack Sulta To iilre and mndo to order. NEfllArER. TIIH TAILOR. Ill N. nth t. Hell phone. Walnut 2ils. BUPEItFLfOl'S HAIR renuned bv electrolrslsr the onlv pernmnent nav Eebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 4U2 Keith Theatre Rldg. Miss Hoppe halrdresslng.faclalmnFsaqe.manl- curlng form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. CLAIMS of anv description collected on Fiercentngc nnywhere. Ve get your money or you AMCOSE iEnCANTrLE AOEN- .. CY. Room 303. 1600 Arch st. , rri.l.'DRESS sriTi-AII new stvlfsh goods, lirge assortment. SAMCEl. riKIPEIl 1010 OlftARD AVE. PHONE POPLAR IV1I2 CARPEi.1 CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CI.KAN1NO HOIISL 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell phone Locust 1000. VCrsT I'HILA. MONAHClT STOR1lE CO. 1VPST PHILA. 3c. PER YARD. P'roTPllir. . 3170-72 LANCASTER AVB. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY WE REMODEL your old Jewelry Into the lat est design nt factory prices. MARTIN W. AI1RAMS. 711 Sunsom st . Philadelphia. I BUY diamond and Jewelr for cash. Ap ply 2 10 to 4 30 p. m . William Flick. Room hivi. 112.-, Chestnut st. ERESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHINO lO .... ..1. Hit .,. rials. A. ItEICHARD. 111.1 CHESTNFT ST, PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND HVENINtl SESSIONS 1415 OIR'ARD AVE. DRESSMAKING tnught. short, prnctlml Inex penslvo course: patterns cut. 50c McDowell. 307 Dcnckl.t Bldg. tlth and Market. r1 rrr rrj FOR SALE ANTIQUE and modern furniture bought & sold. SOME HARE OLD PIECES HARVEY DAOER. Ambler. P.l. Bell phone. 2 J. Keystone. 40 M. BILLIARD and pocket tables, shuffleboards, new and slightly used: liberal terms: renting. repalrlng & supplies. Rosatto. 222 S. Sth. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES AIo bowling altevs; easy payments. BRUNS- WICK-BAI.KE CpI.LENDDR Co . 10112 Arch BILLIARD, pocket" 2J-hand tables, repairing. supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co. 2421 N. Front BILLIARD, pool, combination. 2d-hand boughtT sold, rented, exch'd. Keafcr. .120 Olrard ae CASH REGISTERS, new and second-hand: to tal adders ns low as $30, on easv monthly payments: all registers sold by us fully guar anteed. Tho National Cash Register Co.. 7J0 Chestnut st. DESKS, fining cnblnetsT safe, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription; used, but In fine condition, nnd verv chetn, free delivery anywhere. HUGHES, J1TII AND BUTTONWOOD. DESKS, large assortment, also household fur" nlture. Dullng Central Second-hand Furnl tur Company. IKU-Wil-14 Callowhlll at. FULL DRESS SUIT. SIZE 17 MADE IN WANAMAKER"S FOR 4V WILL SACRI FICE. 'l. 227 N. OTII ST. VICTROLA VI AND SIX 10-INCH D. F. RECORDS guaranteed to be In perfect condition. An excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good machine at a reasonable price. Fifty cents weekly accepted. Call or write for complete descriptions ami large illustrated catalogues. HCl'l'E'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. (Ith and Thompson sts . Philadelphia. Pa. FIFTY CENTS A WEEK BUYS A VICTROLA Call or write for particulars. IIEI'I'E'S UITOWN STORES Cor. Gth and Thompon sts , Philadelphia, i'a. SACRIFICE SALE until Jan. I of all kinds diamond Jewelry. MM diamond La Valllcres, $4 up. must be sold, goods can bo bought here 40 per cent, less than other places, or money refundcd. I Llpkln. WK) Filbert t . 2d floor. $15-LION'S"lIEAD GOLD BRACELET. WITH 11 genulno diamonds: value S-15. RIKDER'S J.OAN OFFICE. 128 MARKET STREET. S3.V-PJ..ATINUM LA VALLIEIIE. WITH threo pure white diamond, value J73. Rleder's Ijoau ortlce. 12s Market street. DADDY WALKER buys talking machines and records; exchanges nil records. 5 cents. ' J3U Ridge aye. aboe Columbia ue. Jli5-DIAMOND RING, PURE WHITE AND perfect, value SITS. RIEDER'S LOAN OF- FICB.12S MAItKETSTREET. LARGE OAK roll-top secretary desk (Shoe maker make). low price to quick buver. Room .'101. 025 Chestnut st , 12 to 4 30 p. in. S10-LA VALLIERE. SOLID GOLD AND gen. ulne diamond ver neat design, value S'lo. HIKDKK'H LOAN OFFICE. 12t Market st. GENrS FUR-LINEDOVERCOVr-l. SlO AND up. itieuer s iian urnco. i." 3larket st. S12-BRACELET WATCH. SOLID OOLD. val. ue S30. Rleder's Loan Office. 12S Market tt. HEATING MAKIN.KELSBY H HALT! I HBAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure Uesh air with normal moisture. MAKIN ELSEY. 3 N. lhth st.. Phlla. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SHAbTLNO SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS AND YOCOM hangers and pillow blocks with fin lshed ball and socket bearings are the best for all shafting purposes. SHAFTING AND MACHINE WORKS, J45 North Second. JAMES YOCOM & SON. POWER.PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en. gines. pumps, uir compressors. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc.. 127 N. 3d sL W''TED To buy or rent, two contractor's dlnkles. 20 3 to 4-yard cars. 3000 feet of iracit. ji, u. winuier, .tit iutk roau, i'piia. ., w. Amoier, aitt xoric ro Bell phune. Tioga 5500. (leipnia. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented: armatures repaired. Main Ul. Market 3003. Yearsley Co.. 224 N. 3d st. PETEY S-- V Z- A7i . r " RtVT A w - klFLi . Ti ft A GEE V4Mn. - . " f -,--,.... , w J ( IUA, I'D f COME OVJ N VJ-V X. NOW) MARRIED MScS Lt BE Vc J "iS ( ME To,T3UT I WA i PEcCE"" )' vjei,- rl V HKG HE- ) I DAP.POIWTED,The.V ) f & J t-iKSS.Xi 1 II V.MM 1 Ub f ( . t --l x'''--' I . IUK UU - tl MQ . 1 iz lir. M - 1 ir. rTiTirrN i1- III s MACHINERY AND TOOLS FIRE- riflllflNO APPLIANCES, EXTIN ll tcnt.ica it, tor- unova CHARLES llONI) COMPANY, r,20 ARCH ST, IITDRAKI.! AIM) MA 10 ,i; JYFI-i ,VCKH1, 8. 10 TON: STAND- SEYFERT'S, 437 N. 3D ST. 4000. FT. Henderson heavy metal spinning Inthe; smaller sires: speed lathes, englna athes. NI'TTAt.l i?48 N. f.th 2 WOODEN TANKS, 10.000 gallons capacity each: e-ood as new, M. Hunt, 1110 Reach st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHONOOnAPH. Cust $r.o nw This outfit Is complete wl'h records and will be Bold for $3S. patable 73 cents weekly call or write for complete de scriptions and largo Illustrated r-atalogues. iiEi'Ptrs riimvx STORES Cor. (ith and Thompson ats. 1'httadclphl.t, i'a. tfi LAROE ZONOPHONE TALKINfl machine, with cabinet nnd So records, finished In leaiitKul nuartercl onk. cost new SI Can be p-ild i3 cents weekly. An excellent bargntn: In pro.1 condition. Write for com Pleto list nf bargains nnd special trial offer. HIIPPE'H t'lTOWN STORES Corner Dili and Thompson sts., l'hlla.. Pa. M73 STEINWAY t'PRinilT. JIM: Chlekerlng used piinos. Jiv Ms $ivs, ft monthly: play er. J273 up IIUOHES BRO'1.. 332 N. 10th. jsS ciiicUerino UPRIOHT pFako HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 0th. T'LAYER-PIANO. like new: cot $0V: for one third cash cost. Loan Offle. llih and Arch. OLD OOLD HIGHEST prices In the city paid for old sold. slli or. platinum, false troth, old coins bought nil sold, .lewelrv Exchange, 201 8. 8th. OLD OOLD. 'silver, platinum. Plated ware, old" slo lewelrv, teeth plates bought for cash. n.t.HiO. .1. Uflsrk, refiner, v)7 Sansom. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOfS stones, gnld, slher, platinum false lecth. Phljfl. Smelting and Iter Co.. 12S S tlth st. OLD OOLIV-Cnsli paid for old gold. sllerl antluuc clock, will call. Bell phone. Ixeut I -1 '. . ll(li:iS. 27 S, 17111 St. PRINTING S.VOW WHITE CARDS AND NAME, 30c: 'no busltie cards. $1. r,oo business cards. M.2.V 1000 business cards. $1 73 .Msio busi ness cards, tv onr! cie with older Open oNonlngs. CARD SHOP, loiil Chestnut st. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS WE cn.it ldkv roofs at small cost nnd guaran tee them 10 e.irs, let us estimate. AMERICAN ItOOriNU CO.. 13C Itldgo ave. STORAGE CONTINENTAL PTORAUi: WAREHOUSE 20TII ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKINO. MOVINtl. SHII'l'INO. Rugs. Cnri'ct (lennrd. sciurcf. stored. Bell. Iicut lono I'lione Key. Race 4100. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES, lill-ism MARKET ST. WALKER'S STORAGE, liltli nbove Dauphin Separate lo-ked room, packing and shipping to all point; auto vans for motlng; carpet clejining.J'c. yard Both phones. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE - Storags. moxlng. packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring 752 for estlmulc. Market and 3,th. "McCVNN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1718 "n7 11th st.: moving, packing, shipping: auto .in. Both phone. Let us estimate. FREE STORAGE for first month : mo Ing'by nuto vans: shipping, packing, carpet clean ing. Levin's. LOIS Ridge. Park 310 A. .WRITERS AND SUPPLIES SATISFACTION AND SERVICE In REMINOTdN RENT ALS, also Mlnufacturrr Guarantee. Visible Models, J.I a month: S7.T.O for three months. Rental payment iiorilies on nurchnsc. REMINGTON TY YPE WRITER COMPANY 110 S. nth st , Philadelphia. Telephones: lien, walnut iii.-iii: Kestone. Main 21M WANTED vNTIClUE furniture, fnlso teeth, feather bed. briken lewelrv. gold stiver, diamond bought. 7::." Walnut. Walnut 702(1. Eat. 'fid. BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth. plstol.coInT Co.n book, with prices I pav, mailed. 15c. J. J1B053 (People's Store). 2tAl S. 11th Wnl.llso CAST-OFFclothlng; high prices: ladles' cs. gowns; gentUmen's clothing; postal, or ph. M'it2iiM. Scllgsohn Mh and Stij Clnrdcn. I'l'BNITURE, pianos, carpets, antique: entire or part houses bought for cash no matter how- lirgc. J. Bernstein. 1151 Ridge ave. HIGHEST PRICES PAID TOR DIAMONDS. old gold, platinum, false teeth: also pawn tickets. 1..00 Filbert St.. 2d floor front. ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH, 2021 Desirable room, single, double; running water, prlvato bath, S2 up. ARCH, 20.1N Neatly furnished rooms, $1.75 up; telephonecnnnections. . CHESTNUT. llHH-Dosirablo room, slngto o7 en suite; steam hent Vh. I.ocust 7IL CHESTNUT, 20n-8inglo or en suite. clecT hot-water heat, new management; reference. CHESTNUT. HK)5-?Two desirable viuaiicics southern exposure, running water. LOCUST 1211 Desirable rms., adjoining bnth; hot-water hent: central location: phone. LOGAN HQ. (235 N lRth)-Hou-.keeping apts.; furn.. unturn. rooms; rice. light; tun, water. MARKET, 5015 Communicating rooms, well heated. southern exposure .running wntcr. ph. MT. VERNON." 1108-Furn. rms. for lodging; ali conva..bath. heat.gaaj $1.25. Pop. 5001 V, PINE. 012 Desirable 2d tlr. iront. also sin- glo rms., cent, located. Walnut 7275 W. PINE, 132.1 Attractive furn rms., slnglo or en suite: running water, private family; phone. SPRUCE. 1.112 Attractive" room. prlnte bathT also single room: quiet home. SPRUCE, F137 Rooms, slnglo or en suite: prl, baths; prof, offlces: steam heat, electricity. STH. N. .1002 Attractively furnished 2d-IIoor rooms ;prlvatn home: sult 2gcnllcmen. 13TII. S.. 314 COMFORTABLY FUR. FRONT ItOOM.ADJOI.VINO BATH.PHONE. 13TH. S.. 'RIO FFItNISIIED FRONT AND BACK, ROOMS. NEAR HATH: PHONE. 521". N.. 010 Furnished and unfurnished front room, liot-water heat. Belmont 72I2W. PERSONS wishing 1 or 2 rooms, with or without private bath. In a benutlfully furn. fmuse. with hot-water heat, opposite Bitten ioush Square write 1 4lll. Le.l"er Office. OWNER OF LARGE dwelling will rent nttr.ic tlvely furnished bachelor apt. of 2 rooms, private bath, open fireplace. 2022 Spruce st. NEAR N. Phlla. station, attractively furn. si ri. gle rooms; good car service. Tlogu 2!iIU W. BOARDING LEHIGH AVE., W.. 1027-Prlvate family has few front vacancies, excellent table, all con venlencea. electricity. Phone Tioga 7.130 W. t"'lll'CE."l012 iHoimehiirstl-Beauttfully furn. jooms. private bath, utth board. tableboard. SPRUCE, 1224-20 (Btlsmonde)-Furn rooms, single, en suite, private baths, table board. SPRUCE 123USecond-rioor room: also fourth floor front, with boartL SPRUCE. 1220 Larva rooms. stni?la or en suite; private bath; table boaril SPRUCE. 1O2S-30 Second and fourth floor hall rooms, well heated: choice table board. VENANGO. W.. 1412-Large. attractively turn. 2d floor sitting room; excellent table board. WALLACE. 3104 Board" and rooms, reason. able: cony, to cars. Phone Preston 54S8 W. 10TH. N.. 1020 Vacancy, second floor (double), with or without board: ull conveniences; un excelled table board Poplar OlS-'l J. Suburban WYNNEWOOD RD. WO Overbrook: nr. cars; desirable 2d story vacancies Belmont 1SU Y. YORK RD . 710t One or two rooms, prliala family; table board. Phone Oak Lane 118.1 Y. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location, special scientific care; nerinus; elderly, eery comfort, nurses. Booklet, Dr. Randal, City line. Chestnut Hill. Yes, a Married Man Has to APARTMENTS N'. E. CORNER 17T1I AND WALNUT STS. This 13-ftorjr concrete and steel fireproof structure reaches the highest point of devel opment as et attained in apartment con struction, and may. bo properly styled a Perfect place of abode. An earnest effort has been made to offr a matchless home to those whoso first con sideration Is not to count the cost alone, but to procure that which they desire: where there Is only perfection, the sire and char acter of which may be selected nnd shaped according to the distinctive requirements of the Individual . . Suites nre arranged from two rooms and one bnth to ten rooms and five hatha. Tho location Is excellent, being convenient to the business nnd shopping centres and yet not too near, . All things considered, the rentals are mod erate. Further Information, arrangements for In spection and resignations may bo made through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut sttcet. SPRINO HARDEN. 1817 Excellent ants. In 8 different houses: some f urn. : kitchenettes. ATTRACTIVE apartment, unfurnished, central residential portion of city: well adapted for lady wishing permanent location In prlvato house: refs. required O 418, ledger Central, FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST. 1211-13 (Lion's 1trad)-nirn. suite nnd moms, with privnto bath. npts., APARTMENTS WANTED 2 OR 3 room, kitchenette, bath, turn, or tin furn. (1 4V, ledger central HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Urif. N., 807 Second nnd third floor flats of 3 room and hath; hot-wnter heat, electrlo lights, bnrdwood floors, alt contcnlcnccs; newly finished thrnugliout, rendy for cccu- pamy January 1. $.15 and $10 8011 NORTH BROAD ST. Modern dwelling over store HARRY T. SAUNDERS. 31 S 18th st. BROAD N.. 2110-Three rooms, kitchen, both. 4th floor, s'.eatn heat, gas and clec; S.10. M, lsen1107 Real Estate Tr. Bl.lg.. Filbert 3100 COLUMBIA AVE. 111-1 ROOMS. WITH PRIVATE HXTH, ALL CONVUNlKNCrS. DIAMOND. 2H2 Threo room, bath, kitchen: hot-watcr heat nnd hot wuter, S23. 1MII. N Ul1! Six l.nge. light room: newly llnlsheil. modern flat: sldo jnrds, nro tower. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You enn look nt one nfter another until you fln'l one, or You enn ko n round to tho different neen clcs until In ilppnlr jou tnko one, r You Qui Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is quite true that nenrly every desirable apnrtmcnt In Philadelphia I listed with and may be rented through us. Call upon us In our new offices: they nro really quite nltrnctlvo: J on will bo given the most courteous nnd efficient service obtain able. An nutomnblle In waiting to tnko you to the list of npirtments you designate, nnd If by nny chanco iou nre not iierfectly suited our entlro organization will be placed at our disposal to procure for jou exactly your heart's desire. Think of nil tho trouble you will hav saved nnd how glnd loii will tie to know you nave found tno one apartment in i-nimuci-phla which most nearly approaches jour ex act Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 0200. Race .1023 TUP NAH L527-20 SPRUCE STREET 111C lOn norsEKEIIPING APART .MENTS nnd PROFESSIONAL OFFICES; CORONADO 22d and Chestnut sts. A few desirable yaram les, largo nnilsmnll. HOUSEKEEPING AITS.." nil" parts of city; renis $25 to $70 per mo. Call, phono or write fo; tnfurmatlon.Snmuel Stem, l'.'ul Chestnut, M. W, GREIMS. originator of Apt. Bureau Service, will qulcklv llmlvoii tho apartment tint suits. 11.1 Ilea Est. Tr. Bldg. Wnl. 1074. WEST PHILADELPHIA DREXEL APARTMENTS OVEIHIROOK STATION , , One housekeeping suite. 0 roomn nnd bath. $3.34 per month ; one furnished suite. 2 sleeping room, one exceptionally largo living room and bath. $75 per month; public dining room, i'linne uiemrooic u.i.n. THE RUTLAND APIS.. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST., 51111 TO 53T1I ST. 0 and 7 room npnrtments. with all tho latest convcnleni e $ 17.50 to $45 per month. ROBERT PITTS. AGENT Bell phone llelniont 4 III. 5113 Locust st. I OFFER n large variety of apartments nt varied prices and to meet almost nny re quirement. Cnll or send for list, Automobile serv lew to Inspect npnrtments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut St. SPItfCE 02011. RACE :I025. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WEST PHILADELPHIA. OR OERMANTOWN SEE EDWARD HUTCHINSON, JR. 122 S. i:ith or 117 H. 40th. GREY GABLES, 312-314 N. 31D Very attractive, npts., 3 to 7 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, nil outsido rooms: shower baths, etc , rias'ble: S mln. from City Hall. S30 TO Jon CHOICE SELECTIONS KERSHAW & rilOlVIi. 5213 Chestnut CKKMAN'TOWN WALNUT LANE. E . 1301 nnd 5 rooms and bu Hi. hot-water htut. prl. porch; $23 to $.15. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-MOItlllS GEKMANIOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. RMLROAD: 20 MINUTES FRO.M BROAD bT. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP 1 NO Al'AHTM I :NT HOTEL COLONIAL Sl. ,i. i lid . V.M'h MH. An apartment hotel noted for Its cuisine nn.l pcifcitton ot nrlL Ne.ilv iuiii,. i.lii nnd rodo'onited. Parlor, bedroom and b'ltli with meals for two persons, J10 perwcek, THE GENEVA' " 10T1I STREET. ABOVE WALNUT. Hlgh-clasH upnrtments. with or without prl vnto bath: entirely rcuuwitcd nnd rcfur nlshid, undir new manigemctit. DOUOHTY MARSHALI THE GLADSTONE "r.rs''1- APARTMENTS FOR WINTER MONTHS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIHEJ'ltOOF . THE PARKSIDE 40T!.vAna,UAnu OPPOSITE F.VlltMOl NT PAltK One to four rooms anil butti; reasonable terms. Phone liming 121. THE COVINGTON. CHESTNUT AND .'I7TH STS It. F. ENllLE MANAGER. ALSO THE ENliLESIDE. BEACH HAVEN. N. J. THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS BOTH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CUV 1500 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern '-muiy iiuwntone dwell mg. EpcUuii tilted lor proicsulonal offices, laiw price and easy terms for quick sale. 1031 CASIBRIDOE ST Three storles.'T rooms, brownatone trimmings. $2200. Mlnnlck. lbSU ltldge ave. PARK-FRONT RESIDENCE. 1311 ,. 3.1d St.. below Oxford: 14 rooms, 2 baths, modem, porch front, large rear garden, charming view of park PKM1IELTON ESTATES? 1102 Harrison Bldg. Tel. Spruce BIOS. B1TE3 FOR SALE Suitable for erection of business buildings, large or small. Invest ment properties. Money for mortgages. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 2.U N. l.:th it. JF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy, sell, txchauge or iiuure. ' "SEE TAULANL' ABOUT IT" UUO Walnut st. Be Careful With Women Folks Like Petey's By C. A. . S REAL ESTATE FOR SALK CITY FINE HOME, near Rorer and Allegheny: all conveniences: in fim-class order: little money needed for quick bujer. -rt.-vij.itti,, axil Kensmgionavc, REAL ESTATE DOR SAl.ll OR RENT HARBIJR. 1IARTMAN CO. lOL jncsimu si. CENTRAL PROPERTIES "for salo or rent. TAlllimv VAN l'EI.T E. cor. 17tli and Chestnut CENTRAL FACTORY-flood Site for mod. bus, bldg.; 3 streets; rale to close nn estate: might . rent. Jncob A. Fttti. r23 Land Title Bldg, FARMS. largo "or small; also city properties, It-h11 know your wants. . . W. F. HOOOENT1NE. KISO Hcrmantown ave. Building Lots, Factory Slice, etc. CHOICE building lots nnd large tracts ground In ail part city: also over 2o manufacturing .sites. Melvln. (515-1(1 Real Estate Trust Bldg. WEST PHILADELPHIA t.1100-8 ROOMS, hot-wnter hent. gas and elec tric light, parquetry floors, shower baths, gas niicnrns ana nil otner iiiu.utii "1;., ,.... uAtiiuu v'lA,''Vnli . I" l a VI, .- ,.. . l.-,til. Til HUH. Hell ftsh nnd iiadiieid sis. SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS. M. .BAKER f.2d nnd Baltlmoro ave UMII'LAVB ItOMES COTH AND PAHCHALL AVE. APPLY 1011 CHESTNUT ST. POTTS TOWNSBND WEST PHILA. HOMES 400.1 BALTIMORE AVE. TUB CHILTON. No. 3218 Baring St. For terms see or wrlto to Harris J4 Chilton, No. 8H.15 Locujt St.. West Philadelphia. . .iuuUN LQU A LE I ltmiKS. 5inh st. nbove Iintdawne nve. Everv known convenience. JAMFB C. ENBURG, Builder. . OERMANTOWN ItESIDDNCB RITES Ground In best section of flcrmnntnwn nnd Chetnut Hill. B. 1. LISTER & SON, .VU2 Herninntown nve. WE CAN nsslst vou to find that houso5ou nre looking for. Germnntown Trust Com pany, Chelten nnd Germnntown aves. . SMALL INVESTMENT HOFSB". nlmot dol. Inr for dollar. GLYNDON PRIESTMAN, 5.V)0 Gcrmantown ae. If VOU ARE lIOKINM FOR 'A IIO'ME IN Oermantown. Ml. Alrv or Chestnut Hill, con sult me. A. It. Median, 0717 Oermantown nve. CHOirn "HOMES. Tiilpehnckon st. enst of (ler mnntonn nve. J. II. Clndwltk & Co.. MIS Germnntown nve. . Chestnut Hill NEW SALT) AND RENT LIST READY Felhnm. Mt. Airy nnd Chestnut Hill. PEL1IAM TIlUS'P CO.. 11710 Gcrmantown ave. LOGAN LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND EM'IIAXtTr. ,, M, M. Smith. Broad St., opp. LoganStatJont REAL ESTATE, mortgages nnd contey- nnclllg. WM. D. CHAMBERS. 40.13 N. Broad st . Tlogn, WE HAVE TUT HOUSE YOU. WANT TV TMIV.ll nil I.PIIAM KENNEDY A . -.' - - --1 ;?. -."...-.-... . .. .... JU.1IIO, :i74Q iiuiuiAJiuwa M'HFRHAN . ON CHESTER PIKE, one faro from Eddy stone; 1.8 desirable lots; water supply and all municipal lmpiocmcnts, avatiabio: houses In demand, will sell nt low figure to rlosn nn account. YOCUM fi POWERS CO., 20 s. 15tlist.. il'MO Woodland nve. Oil ACHES: level: spring stream; on "public road two sides; tmvciscd by P. It. R. : would mako a nno factory site, good deposit of brick clav, S, E, HOWELL. West Chester. Va. HOMES FOR SALE OR HENT WENDELL f.- MASEY. . Real Estnto Trust Bldg. CHOICE BUILDING SITES nnd acreage. ARTHUR P. TOW'NSEND. Lnnghorne. Ta. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Anv price. All locations. Sale or rent. CHARI.ES J HOOD & CO.. lorrls Bldg. SELECT PROPERTIES Country seats, farm. List order new. LEWIS T. BROOKE A SON. 1411 South Penn su. FOUNDED 1870. , LUtOE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, sale or rent, on the Main Lino or Rending R. It. WM. II. WILSON & CO.. Morris Bulldlng. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES for salo or rent: attractive locutions, prices right. Maurice J. Hoover. Real l.'stnto Trust Rldg; Ambler, Pn. FARMS, country places and suburban homes on tho Reading's Bethlehem nnd Doylestown tranches. H. J. D.igcr. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Darby, Pn. ELE'ATED LINE TO DARBY nlmost suro thing: ask for list cholco properties, $1400 st cnoico properties, 5141 SWOPE & SONS, Dnrbv. to ?.hmhj. I'lkln's Park, Pn. homes for sale or rent Mccormick Mccormick loll Chestnut, nnd Elklns Park. BBUTIFUL BUILDING SITU high location, near train nnd trolley, nt decided hnrgatn; all Improvements, P 100. Ledger Office, (llenstde. Pa. HOUSES AND LOTS, every description. ItENNINOER ft RENNINOER Broad nnd Wnlnut ats. MAIN LINE. PA. It. It. DESIRABLE PROPERTIES SALE OR BENT WARNOCK & EMLEN. Commcrclnl TlIJdg. SUBURBAN HOMES, country p"laces and building sites to suit all requirements; Main Line, II. C. HUNTER. Wayne, Pa. BEST LINE OF MAIN" LINE HO"USES Either for sale or rent, at all prices HIHftT & McMULLIN. West End Trust Bldg. NEW .lERbEY Iluiltlnn Heights, N. J. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADUON HEIGHTS, N. J. WILLET LIPI'INOOTT Muple hhaile, N. THE GREATEST privilege of the 20th century Is to own a llttlo one-acro farm close to Phlladel(hla, and remember $3 down buys one. $1 monthly pais for It. For a square deal tall on or write , BARLOW S. CO.. Maple Shtde. N. J. Mt. Kphruiin, N. .1. ., , ONE-ACRE FARMS Mt, , Enhrnlm. N. J. (adjoining Haddon Heights), only 5 miles from Camden (2 sta. Bona nn tract). $.!uo to jtao per acre, tltlo Insured: free deed- nn taxes for 1U13 CAMDEN COUNTY GARDEN FAItMS CO. 1203Broadwny. Camden. N. J. SEASHORE C'upo Muy, N, .), COTTAGE erected bv n reliable builder Is n Fattsfnctlon nttnictlio plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. Ocean City, N. J, COTTAGE erected bv .1 reliable builder Is a aat Israel inn: attractive plans submitted free. OTIS JL ThWNSEND. Oce.m City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FAItMS 23 ACRES Neat Milage property: 1100 feet main pike und trolley frontage: good stone dwelling- 1) pituare looms and lying beautl fully to the south: farm outbulldluga. streum; $1250. best of its kind to our knowledge. BROWN & CLOUD NORRISTOWN. PA. 70 ACRES, rich black loamy soil; fruit, stream, woodland: good bldgs: store, school and creamery Vi mile; trolley Hi miles. Price. $3210: $1100 cash down. JACK'S FAIl AGENCY. Stephen Glrard Blag.. 21 S. 12th m.. I 1111,1. All marketable commodities tuve "gone up." Real Ebtate, especially farms, will go up. We have choice offerings at reasonable price, C. P. PETERS &. hON. HIS CHESTNUT ST. 23 ACRES. STOCK." CROPS good builJIr.xs: KSVMi. hif cdh. HUNSREItGER'S FAUSi AGENCY Green Lane, Pa. SEI.I.ERSVILLE district. 51 acres good land; stone huuse plenty of fruit and water; $3300. A. H. TYSON, I-ansJale. Pa, NEW JERSEY FARMS nURLINGTON COUNTY FARMS All sizes, all purposes. Established 1S0S. A. W. DRESSER. Burlington, N, J, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS WANTED TO RUT CO to lOO ACRES, 'ultable for fruit near transportation: within no miles of l'hlla delphla. Address, with full description nnd price Box 34. Canlsteo. N. Y. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY BUY A HOME FROM US-Monthly Paymenta m to $50: N, Phlla.nnd permaniown: prices J1800 to ifooo. Merchants' Union Trust Com- to $7000 715-710 pany. Chestnut tL CENTRAL PROPERTIES For Sale nnd Rent JAMES D. WINCHELL. 17th & Bansom sts. rnn csnih rriitnrftnbta rest estate, A. F. Russell. N. D. cor. 15th and Tasker its, HUHUIIIIAN CITY AND SUBURBAN Properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Re-iltv Company, Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Ta. Dala-Cynwyd. r. LARGE LIST. HOUSES, sale, or rent, nt nil prices, SAMUI'.L c.WAONKR. Jr.. Commer cial l'rust Bldg., 13th nnd Market sts HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE DESIRABLE PROPERTY on Tioga t.-Wlll consider investment houses or ground. WILL IAM BARR. Sth and Oak lsne. BEAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort, .1AO l.U I.I1LII1I.LI, UUHl.W , ""I ....- ssges and nre insurance placed quicKiy. net inceci (illicitly. SUSS Tasker st. Kane ror prompt results. WANT listing nf countrv, seats and farms. II. B. McCOLLUM. 1314 Wnlnut st. "Don't Forget tho Number." REAL ESTATE TOR RENT CITY 340 S. ISTI! ST. 11 rooms nnd 2 baths MKAnS.& BROWN. 202 S. lfitll St. 1700 SPRUCE ST. 17 looms nnd 2 tjath: suit iible for pluslclnn: In good orde; , EDGAR O. CROPS. 1411 Wnlnut st. 1541 N. OTH ST. Three story, 12 rooms: fine order: comenlcnr: $31.31. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS, 1510 N. 7th st. nt a itaT in lelrnble dwelling, exclusive sec. $i..fO, Yarrow in nno cnestnut is. 403 RIOIITER RT.-7 rooms. $20. brexlit, 2414 W. Lehigh nve. U P. AI- STOP.ES AND DWELLINGS In nil soitlons of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturdny. SAMUEL T. FOX A: CO. S. E. cor. nth nnd Callow hilt. SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Broad nnd Chestnut sts. RENTAL LISTS 3110 N. 21ST $I2..V) PCI2 N. Cnmac $25 11115 Ingersnll $14 20.11 N. Marvlne.... 23 041 N. 42d 12 5 S. 41d , 20 3ih1 Cnmbrln 12 150.-I cicarlleid 20 2s Orlnnna 11 1513 French 182221 Orlanna 10 3210 Spencer 17 1412 Cadual.ider ... 1o 320 Indiana 1512010 Cntlnrlne 8 ALFRED II. WILLIAMS, .-.22 Walnut St. lliislnes Properties nnil Stores MARKET ST.. (tit Entire hulluiiig uiruigh to Commerce st.: suit rctnll or wholesale business; lmmcdlato po"osslon ApplvPcnna. Co.. 517 Chetnut st. OPPORTUNITY FOR SHOE STORE 40th nnd Market atn. Beniitltul store In New Knickerbocker Theatre Building, adjacent to U. R. Postofflce. TAYLOR & SON, 21 nnd 20 South 40th sL SMALL STOBES REASONABLE RENTAL On 15th rt. below Arch. C. BENKDItT. 1500 ARCH ST. WM, Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor TWO LARGE well-Ilghted floors. 8000 sq. ft.: oniple heat end power. Barhman Chocolato Co., Montgomery ave. and Howard st. ROOM having three fronts, containing 11. too sq ft.: elevator, heit: low rite of Insiir. nncc: rnllrond siding; Bub-postofflco In build ing: located 11 blocks south of Market st. C. J. MILNE & SON. 11th and Washington. FIREPROOF .STORAGE and Light Manufac turing Flnorr, with It. R. Siding. Reasonable rntes Permanent and temporary lenses. I.ARKIN BLDG.. 221) AND ARCH STS. "Philadelphia's Finest Business Floors MERCHANT.1' "BUILDING 41 NORTH 4TII STREET DESIRAI1LE ROOMS; POWE!lAND LIOI1T DROAD AND" WAlfLACE (Metropolitan Building) Rooms. 8000 to 40.C0O; che-ip; power. Apply to Geo. F. Lasher, 147 N. 10th. CORNER BUILDING for light mfg. purposes: about 3C00 so ft. : $.10 a month. S. E. corner lutn nnu liogn. LARGE AND SMALL floors, sultnble for light manufacturing In centrally located building. MYERS ic BARTII. Ridge nve. nnd Juth t FACTORY FLOORS and warerooma, largo and small: icntrnllv locnted. IIAKUY T. SAUNDERS, 31 S. 18th st. HAVE PARTY who will erect building. cr.. trnl or other location or sntlsfactory tenant, DIETRICH. 737 Wnlnut U OFFICES, HUSINESS ItOOJIH. ETC. 130 WALNUT ST. GROUND-FLOOR OFFICES Lea Estates. 700 Sansom st. CHESTNUT ST., 12001 flight; several con nected rooms: oppor., business or offices; windows Chestnut st., showcase, entrance. WALNUT ST., 1111-Several verv desirable rooms, suitable for business or studios, ki od location. Apply Wm. 11. Dixon, on premises Dlli:.t;i, 1IL.DII. ui't'li ;. Annum ttcniais. K'-LIS D. WILLIAMS. 5IK) Drexel BullJlng. A FEW DESIRABLE OFFICES RENT VERY REASONABLE nOBERT MORRIS TRUST CO. BLDG. 1127-0211 CHESTNUT STREET. . CENTRAL "OFFICES. STUDIOS AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES J.C. FULLER, 10 S. 18TII ST. MERCHANTS' BUILDING 4 North 4th street. Very desirable unices. Heat and light. ONE THOUSAND" SQUARE FEET, third" floor front: rent $70": heat and light In cluded. Plaza Bldg.. 150'.-07-0:i Arch st. Professional Ofllee SPRUCE. 13.TT Prof, offices, stenm heat; elec'y: exc. ph. ami door serv.; good light. WALNUT. 2205 Suite of 2 large rooms; 1st rtoqr; hot and cold running wuter: elecirkitv. 10TH ST.. ..1 Desirable newly furm. brUht offlcea. rocep. room. ni(wb rentab Ioh. 3012. 2UTI1. S.. 257 Phjslclan's nrf'te.llrM-lW Iront: well-iurn. retepllon room. elec. lights. TO SHARE half house with married ptuslilan: desirable ofilces, cnt. located' rent reanti- able. Add. Smith. Il.iker Bldg . 1520 Clustuut. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING. 1831-33 Chestnut st. A few stlltis for ptiskians or dentltts. J. T. JACKbON CO.. Chestnut und 13ih. DesU ltiHitit PROFESSIONAL MAN. vlilnity llh mid Wal nut. will let desk room to lawyer or nubile accountant: phone and stenographer. D 42J, ledger Office. JESK ROOM, including stenographer's serv Ices & phones. Apply IO11 W. End. Tr. Bldg. WEST 1'llll.AHh'LPllIA HERMAN BROS.. 001U MARKET Houses. Apartments. Stores NEAR I'OTH ST "L" STATION Fur Rent or Sale. DWELLINGS. STORES AND APARTMENTS. WM. II W. OUICK A- IIHO.. INC. 8 SOUTH 40TH ST. RENT REASONABLE Large 3-story corner dwelling. 12 rooms. 2 baths, suitable for apai (uunts: 3102 Mantua ae.; key 3101. J, J, TURNER 1201 Chestnut st. $28 Three stories. It rooms, hardwood finish; others, $ls to Jl'.'..,0. K. II. AP3I.EY. nSth and Springfield ave. NEW HOUSES FOR RENT 107 S. "(Sid St.. facing Cobb' Creek Boulevard: rent $42.50. JAS. N. MITCHELL. 40tli and Market. VOIGHT JREAL ESTATE FOR RENT OEItMANTOWN " $.10-DWELLINOS.ill nOO-T Contlnntftl-EqultnMe Trtm Co., 21 fl i TIorh -rt wnMfi e-i . i i W aSdfe? WfcfSS firoali-an'dF.V.e:'9- Ph"' && 'y.Ti'.-j"'?-?.?.-'. a-.""?. prf miwr rnclfle M.7'nraf822d "gSWl . Key. 2120 JOHN J.'tURNI-R. ? Chert,. 10rt tntr om to -. . , ilH oaalF--"!1, MAIN LINE. TA. It. n. itnririrnt tinftartn aa t - &.. various stntlons. Send for special lf,i""Stt M bert A Claghorn. 204 Bailey iiidg.1" H"J Wtnnewnoil 40 MANOR nOAl.Modern: 18 rooms. S b.tvT'-l ,ft.trol.l,n'j! 4J ",'.'' mo- Wn tsf rji. !h Smith, Wynnewood, Pa. "ntt FOR RENT FURNISHED sun mm an iTrnirrtun trttnvtaltmi nti.. ! minutes from 00th st: broad piazza Bhsst! S Fns nnd coal ranges: open fire; comBiiiJJ urnlshed: $.15.00, Box tl. llaitrferd. y .ungnoiin l?pring, t la. and cobl water. For Particulars aaartsl Magnolia Springs Hotel Co.. MirnelS Spnngs. Fla. s jus. al MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST FUNDS1 TOR FIRST MORTGAGE Immediate Attention HORACE H. FRITZ 718 WALNUT BT. MONEY FOR WELL-SECURED MORTGAGES AT LOWEST RATES ALSO BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES JAMES G FRANCIS 701 WALNUT ST. MY BLDG. AND LOAN ASSOCIATtnVa Ml- SIRE APPLICATIONS FOR GOOD tRT AN1 411 :i w .vriiii.H. ,a. 1 iiLitu 11 Till; CI IN Tllr ..li. . .... - ;..... .li.;::! UiUlA.il .lA.lll.n JVI.iJllll nun iim.Ai.i, iiuit.ui.Nii LOMBARD 15M. (.AIN 230- $30 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE sscur. to Ity. Immediate settlement: payabls u $2U0O desired. I'.mv. M. MOLL 111 S. I2TII ST. MORTGAGE MONI ;y Minis in sun Flrsl nnd Second. G. C. HEII IV HEM) ill, CO. IN INC. 4lh and Callow hill sts. .1. it. massf.y ; son 13T1I AND llllEr.N STS. FIRST AND SECOND .MORTGAGES UUll.Ul.MI Afi.-ii k. I lll. I'l.MJS 1ST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUND3 JOHN 11. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNEll 727 W 1. nut st. ?19, yen Special fftr mnrlKi-BCfl. D. nl ,wVV 1 fuiui-1 inr Pttnnii WORREI ! TB N. ilth. $100, $200 TO $5000 TO LOA1.. LEWIS & CO. 1227 W Glrard Ave. SSo ALI. AMOUNTS." 1ST AM) 2D MORTGAGES ' O11I1 t tiliMiier MAURICE II MATSINGUR.Real Est.Tr.Dldf. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANV AMOUNT POTTS & THOMSON. 2521 Frankford ave. TRUST FUyt'3 F P. FIRST MORTGAGE-HEIIKNP-IH .: STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING. "DEEDS DRAWN. $1. MORTGAGES, J1.50. WALLACE 1112 Lincoln Building. Both phones ( FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES MOIITGAGUS FOR SALE T1IEO. E. NICKI.ES. 2513 Oermintown avs. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LARGE OR SMALL SUMS W. II. HOOD. 512 NORRIS ST. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES REASONABLE CHARGES JOHN A BARRY. 5117 LAND TITLE BLDfl. "riRST AND SECOND. ANY AMOUNT City or suburbs, oulclt service. JAMES C. SIMPSON. 14'.1l Chestnut sL MORTGAGES , . . Funds for flrsts nnd seconds city or suburbs: positive, prompt service. FJIIO. Led Cent. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 21) MORTGAGES: QUICK SERVICE: SMALL CHARGES. WALDMAN. 1110 W. Gilt VRD AVE; WE HAVE A FUND OF $11000 for first mortgages: will split, uuick P. COWARD CO., 20th and itnswf-rs. C. .IcITrrpon si: UltlVATD AlCn TIll'ST FUNDS 1ST MORTGAGES-'.1!) .MORTGAGES J. i;ilVAlll i.i'TK, ilii N. inn sit HEADY FUNDS for good first mortgages: lirmg Us nur nppllcntl'in. . . . ( II S. I.. BROW N & CO.. 217 S. Brnnd it. INVESTMENTS First " mortgages, gromv! rents, real estate. PEMBERTON ESTATES, Harrison Building. , OWNERS If yuur mortgnge has been called, I w II take It up: nlsn 2d motgnge money. CHESTEU D. HOTTNER. 1420 Cllestnutb $100,000 FOR" FIRST, SECOND OR SPLIT mortgnges. "See 11 first.' . , . AHItNKTHV 2721 N. 5th, IT! South 12th. $537000 TO" LOAN on scoml nnd bulldln association mortgages. Plnno, 1100 1 rank- lln Dink Building. FIRST nnd 2d mtgs. or on note, nny amount: low rntes; Immediate answer. , F. X. Deliiny, 1112 Lincoln Bldg.. Broad nnd Penn Souartj LOANS Largo or small sum on real estate. Judgment notes or mortgage I"-"","'1. " tied Mutes. Dcmpsey & Co il x B'"i FUNDS for llrst nnd second mortgagts, any amount' uulUi answers. CIIAS W. JH" LKIl. 401-1U7 Commonwi'ilth Bldg MONEY for first nnd second motgnges: bulla. Ing nss'n and Instalment mortgages Willis- Winchester Cnmpanv, HH Cliesiiiui st. ALL AMOUNTS to loin on 1st an.i 2d mtges. Chas. . Do Young, iro W. End Trust Bldg, MONEY TO LOAN A NEW COMPANY Ready Money for Housekeepers You can borrow tndnv In n nrlvnte manner without red tape, from n new concern, on very easy terms. W are lionded to ins State licensed and supervls"d hv the '!"' Ing Department of Pennn honla. jms melius we are reR.ble nnd will gle jou an nil nmurd qiuirp de-il wi. .. ..,.ft.Vn'a WE I DAN FROM $10 TO Mill PV 'E.t? ARE SMALL AND WITHIN YOUR INCOME. Your monthly pnjment pn J' Js onlv Jl Your monthlv nayment on $1-, Is only o With Interest lit 'tJ .,. Your monthlv pomeut on nt s on v 1 Your monthlv invment on -NA l" only '" With tnteipst nt ". no-. AUK OUR RATES ND JIETIIODS BE FORE l'OIG KI.SI-'WHEItE. rYoi will flu.- us iiriunp other Imn wm .panics tmld off and more nionsv iidv'n-ed. Why not rrvn" Write us or phone WMnuz We ulso'ma'ke loans In Cermnnlown, Nice tow 11. Chestnut Hill nnd Mauayunk HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 S. Broad Street SECOND FLOOR. NENT TO FORREST OPEN R TO (l.Un'KATURDAYS TOa . YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWEU. Lit" 's'l'; AVn'llli' $10(1 " J-,00 " .... 19! "ViSlSl'lti WE IOAN MONEY ua Your Furniture At Lowest Rates ,,,, , REMEDIAL LOAN CO. "F rlHLA. Call. Phono or wtlle. 31 8. luh b Iiiust 2010. Room 303. fl I c 11 E.NE JTWiTLl- S2S82i irnnc i. SKf-! -2 X- ihs v a SI !" . y w -" f s r am- . - x"-r-. y rx' ir - 1 . ' x rarjKCi t - - - - RESTAURAWT And Aiu. TUAt ? yH lrH V- R iW V Ail r1;h-t Fbp.1 HA'' L - y f (' cjl. e.&BMW. rdr ,KJW T"-Nir ll 7f 1 i s jflB; f& MmzaK CSX c com M&m r? j a