ijiw nwimmmmt, mw w uumwwyi mihji"j w wqwjw1 w."'mi' imfimmw'1 v. 14 f EVENING EEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 10 Iff. jL I FINANCIAL NEWS BUYING OF BIG STOCKS CAME FROM STRONG BANKING SOURCES It Reflected Accumulation in Anticipation of January Disbursements Trading in Eries Gave Evidence That Some Interest Is Seeking Control of Property NKW YORK, Dec. 30. The strenRth of tlie speculative situation wns partly tllstiosnt today. When tending stocks mnilo siihstuntlnl rhIiis without regard to nny upcculntivc sentiment. Buying of such stocks ns New YorU Central, St. Paul, American Smelting, Cniuullan l'aclflc, Union Pacific nntl I'nitcil States Steel common came from strong .banking sources and reflected accumulation in anticipation of January disbursements. Some of the room traders, falling to understand tlio broadness of this demand, were sellers nt high levels, causing moderate recessions, but the operations, of these traders simply facilitated tho Investment buying, which Is Just now only In Its Initial stage. It was commented on In the Exchange that thy buying of St. Paul for the last few daya has been of the strongest possibles character, and the bcjlcf prevails thnt the stock will assume market lenderhip with the development of a now upward movement. tuch wns said about the financial condition of tho company and Its cur rent earnings. Prom the intimations from Inside source It wns understood thAt a statement will soon be made which will bo n surprise even to Its lost confident holders. New York Central and Union Pacific both made moderate gains, nnd there was n disposition to couple tho buying of these stocks, which wns reflected In allusions to the heavy holdings by Union Pacific of N'ew York Central securities, which made that company Hhnre largely In the Improved outlook of the Xew York Central system. Speculative pools seized the nppor tunlty to mark up prices of stocks with which they are Identified, and Mexican Petroleum was forced Into prominence by some of tlieso pool efforts, ntlviuir- ing 5H to a now high record of UW. Guggenheim Exploration, wltli nn upturn of 2i. also established a new high record of 83. The trndlng In Hrios has tnken on u new shape. Instead 'of tho denllngs in those Issues being confined to n Hrond street pool, thero Is now evidence that some Important Interest is ipiletly seeking control of the property, and some Important developments may be looked for In thnt direction within a short period. New York Air Hrnko made an advance of four points to 141. with the buying coming from some of the olllelals of the company. The market was quiet and mostly steady In tho nfternoon, with prices generally above tho final of yesterday. Tho closing was strong. A feature wns on advance of 0& points In California Petroleum, accumulated during tho day. Sterling exchnngo wns In unexpectedly brisk demand, meeting n further upturn to 4.74, passing Its record of September 1. Vienna exchange was weak, crown checks declining f.c. to 13.15, a new low record. New York Stock Sales titeto. Huh. fjow. ltr .11 ros Wi Adami Kiprew VWi 145 Alaska Jimcati (ijf lO .Mask Hold Nt 24 'i 2S'f Alll.-Chalmer Mfc.... ., 32 Alllj-Chalm Mfc pf. ... 8H, fcVi Am ig Chemical 704 71'i Am Can 0(l oO'i Am Can rf Ul'4 111M Am C A r 77 77 Am Coal Product. ..I.i I VI Am C I'pf HI'j 111 Am Cotton Oil ,-iVl .r. Am Cotton Oil pf. . . . !!?'i Am Kt press 12(1 .im lllile A lather .. 10'i Am HUe A . pf r,H Am let SeciiiillM 3fi' Am Unseed 22?j Am l.liwol pf IP Am Locomotive rS"i Am lmmotlvo pf 101'i IU1 Am Malt !j n Am Smelt A Iter 10:1 ( Clo. 115 0 2P .11 S3 7I'f now up um in4 .19 127j 12 .iitf 2v 21, 12' (!!' Am hmeit A Itef pf. ..Ill Am Smcitrrt nf A. Aln SmeltOK pf 1) .. Am steel I'oundrlei. Am Sugar ftefinlnz- Am Tel A Tel Am Tobarro Am Woolen Am Woolen tr r Am 7.lnc A I. Smelt. Anaconda Copper. . . . Associated Oil Afcli TASK Atch T A S V pf. COTTON TRADING LIGHT; PRICKS TURNED UPWARD Small Shorts Covered in the Early Dealings NEW YORK. Pec. SO.-Llsht trading wns the feature of the cotton market at the opening this morning. .Innunry showed a decline of 2 points, while other months were 2 to S po" .ts l.lgher. The tone wns steady. There was some Wnll street, soiling, but n good, Blattered buying demand .ibsorh'd all the offer ings. After the call this demand In creased nml resulted ra further gains of 3 to 6 paints, from which level there was n renctlon of a few points on prollt taklng. It wns apparent thnt some small shorts covered In the early dealing. , The tone became firmer after midday and futures ruled from 13 to 17 points above last night's close by 2 o'clock, en couraged by bullish Southern spot ad vices. Tho further rise In foreign ex change was regarded as favoring the ex port situation. Liverpool did not follow our lead. Tho English market was due to come 2 to 2'j points lower, which showed advances of H to 2 points In all positions except January-February, which was off 2'. points. Private cables stated thnt the market was quiet but steady, notwith standing some liquidation In the near options. italnfnll was reported In the cotton belt this morning. Temperatures were slightly higher. Itecelpta of cotton at the ports today lire estimated at K.rtK) bales, compared With 23.341 bales last week. 63.730 bales (fist year and 20.31-.) bales In 1313. " Official reports from some of the lead ing spot cotton markets. inMUlIiiK cpiotcd, follow: Baltimore, nominal, unchanged at 12Hc, no Bales. Augusta, stonily, G points up at ll.CSc, sales, 1033 bales; St. Louis, steady, unchanged, at 12.25c. sales, nil, and Little Rock, quiet, unchanged, nt 12.13c, no sales. Exports for tho day were 8S32 bales, compuied with 3S.217 for tho corresponding day last year. Totnl for the season today, 2,270,652 bates, against 2,411,135 last season for the unmo period. Yes, close Open. It a.m. 12 m. 2:."!0. New York Bond Sales January March . May .., July ,., August October Hid. II us ll.ltl 11. IU 12.0s 12.22 12.2:1 12 Zl 12.411 12.51 12.31 12.IS2 12.11". 12.UI 12.72 . .. 12.SII 12.32 12..10 12.2S 12.IIS Liverpool Cotton I2.;l 12.:is 12. CO UVEnPOOL. Dee. 30. At 2 i. m. futures were steady. Quotations were January-Keltru-ary. 7.57(1.; February-March. T..V.d. ; March April. T..l3Kd., May-June. 7.1'md.: July Auaunt. T.aad.i Auuuat-MeptMiiber. 7.20U.i October-November. tUi7Ut. The rales were llHuo bales. Including Mi hales American. Spot cotton was In Kood demand at decline of ' T points on the basis of 7.73d. for mid-uplands. The sales aixreKutcd lo.i bales. Including 80OO bales of American. The Imports were 3o, ouo bales, all American. The market for fu tures closed Arm at a net advance of lUftll points. STIRLING HIGH; VIENNA LOW IEW YORK, Dec 30. Aside from tho advance In sterling exchange, tho feature of the market In the first hour of busi ness was a new low record in Vienna exchange. The quotations were 13.15 and 13.18. This is the lowest ever reported. Other quotations were: Demand sterling. 4.T4; cables, i.1i. a i.ew high on the Immediate movement. Frunc cables. R.S4H: checks, 5.R5i; relchsmarks. 79 9-16 and K. The low record on relchsmarks recently was 75Ts. Actual sales at the rate were disputed at the time. Lire cables were quoted at 6.58. checks. 6.6S: Swiss cables, 6.21V4; checks, 5.26; Stock holm. 27.70 and 27.85; pesetas. 18.82 and 18.86. Another weak feature and new low record' developed In rubles which were quoted at 277 and 30. Guilders retained strength at 43 and 43?i. The market became very dull In mid afternoon, but the tone was steady at a alight shading In sterling from the best flsures. Demand touched K73 15-16. and sables went to M-74H Francs were sllsht ly lower also, JS.S1H for cables and ?5.S31 for checks. Relchsmark 76Hc. and Jt U-16C. fvon 1 1:11 rio :i2mo mm :i.-.i rt :nm iiiiu r.(t)i) 'JIMXHI si.v 1 MVH 0 in no 11101 I'Mh' 21'OCCl 1IXKI roro lv 00 20C! iiho KS.V),) i.v.o iij( inn u III llXJIO l'i.iii HKKl IWOO KKin l.'aiHi 120.10 IK Oil lino 4(H) l(l'K rii 7n) 1 1 10(1 rani 1MHI 1000 2iui 1 1 : 1 11IKI .'ini :iio .4II UKKI HUM I IllfO lioro TMH 21:1 HI i'TKOII ItHKt IUKKJ I00 ira : o 2."IX 11.10 :n no :iiii 2UHJO luoo 1111.1 (I 4100 U0 2.VM lout 20(H) 4(00 ."a on .MX 1 :di 100) .ukjo :io(x 1701 id i.moii Mlll) lBltX) HXm 4(H4) 20.11 NlOO HUH) 14IHHI .".ouo NSK) KM 2IM1H1 4.00 4(a) tk(i(J IOO 2DUO Amer Apr deb Tie.. Anlo K I. :. Amer Tel ,vt 4Hs .. Armour On Mas Atchtron ltii In . . . Allan Co Line in I. Allan Oi Line ilt 4n. Halt Ohio :lie Halt .V OI1I11 l .. . . I tit A: oh iv 4!.l... Hilt .V i Snn :i'..i IVth Stl r-d As. ..... Cent Leather let ,,s. I ent It It . .1 .-,... Chill Copper 7s chc.i A Ohio iv IHs. . Chen .- nhln ."a till A Nwn uen 4... Chi II Ac IJ (nlnt Is.. Chi II i: I) III Is C M A.- St I Ren 4s. . c il & fl I" cv .l. . . C M At Ht 1' ev I'vs. . Clev Sh I. 4Ua Cut Ii.uujtrlal .",.... Del A; llud mm af- fp Del ,1 Hud Is HUH... Pis '.-icur Con ."Vs.... Krte Ken 4s IJrte cenv 4s Ser A. . Knn ei.nv 4 Ser II. . (len Klei :Uva Hud .v Man III .. ... do rfd .'h Ill Steel ilel 4as ... Ill Cent Is 111,12 Ins Copiier ev lla . . . Illterb Met 4;.s Inter Mer Mnr Hvs . do et 41...K Inlcrnl I'aner Us .... Japanese 4Us do new 4ivs Kan City Wouih f,a... Knn city Ter let 4s. . laicka Hteel f. Hl..l). Lk .Shore deb Is 1ICS. do Hill I-Ik A; Mjers T rs.. , UIUW A: .MI8II K Minn .- St I. Is M St ! S S M 4s Mo Knn Ai T 1st Is... Mo l'ae 4h Mo lac cv .Is N V C lis .v v c A.- 11 :m N Y C Si Hud 4s N V C A: Hud 4"-,s.. N V City 4s 111.11 X Y C.tv l-,a IKIO .. N Y City 4Ks l:tl... N YY City 4'- inn.. X Y X II & II lis X Y Itwy re: 4s X Y Itwy udj .Is X Y Tel Ben 4'.a Xorf A: West 4s .Sor I'ac r.ur 4s Xor Ine Ken :ts. . . . Ure Short I. rei 4s. . ore Ai IV It .V X 4s. I'aclttc Tel ,1m Public S.TV X J 3s... Hay Con Cop lis.... HeadlnK Ren 4s Hen I a.- S .Is Itock Island Us Sealmard A I. adl .Is. . Seaboard A I. if J 4s. . South Hell .Is South lae cv 4s .... do cv ret I p .Is noutn i'ac rra is South Itwy gen 4s tlu con .Is Third Avo aJJ .Is Tol Hen & V 4s. .. . U S Steel .Is Union I'ac 1st 4s t'n llwya S r 4s a itwy r,s , Wabash 1st 3s do 2d .Is Wab.I' T Hit ct 4s.. West Klectrlc ,.... West Md 1st 4s Wett Shore 4s West L'nl.m 4'is Wlscon Cent Ken 4s IllKh. H7'. . 44 .1117', . Ill', . HI . leu, S.1I , . 117 . H2i, .nun . i (i .tin'; . fi.v, w, .101'. . ii.ii, . iii . Hi'.. . H2. .ins .nt", .im . 7I .Ulil ".',,, . 72 . 73, . ;m . S0' :iV- . 74', . Ill . S71, .1MU . 7lU, . till, . I'll .1112 . s2 . 7 . Il-I'i . U . U2'. . 1.4'i . H4', mi . nt'.-, -,71, ItKs 7H'-. 12', 4:il Ml?. 12 lli' II I KM'. I.nw. II,', III', 11171, li:l'I Id', 1''."!, M'j III'. III!", 11)1", IIHi nn 1-s.m s.n, 1IB 1.1 S' 1(17 102 '4 till 74 11)11 llllll., 71' 7.11, Ai' nl?i 7m io 7ir. mm H.l-'i 1(12 KJ 7K U ti't't, KSS IC, WK l'4f, Kit tl., 57 '4 nn; 7H'.. 421. l:l'i 1 12 .W, 12 III', 0 K,1 11 Cloe. I'7U fa', 107', '.in, m 112 ...Ta n:i', li I UH 112 11)1 1011 lilt l:i.l .a 1II.V, IS1" Ills 111", im 71 toi 11)111 , h & T 1 ... til S7', tin. 71", mi'., in 112 12 7SU, ti.1 su, tl2 114 til', I'll ML., .17i; tcm, 711'., 12'.. fl'.. 1'2''. MH 12 1)1 .IS 1111 11:11 in.i mil 1111, 111 114. 7:1 7:1 7- . . .in .111 r.itv, til', IISK, tl.SK, U'lt, K!'4 Kit. tell, b:i m, C.l'v IJ.1W "''! i'2 H2IJ IO4 114 7(1 imt. s;ij. 701, til. 1 sin, 1U4 1171, lal 1ISI.J l'J 1C2;J 114 7 111) in 12, III M 1IMI III) 127 lj. 111 . 1112 7(1 lti M 10111 IS. 701 . KM Mt, .Is Kti 4?' H'! ll HSU n; lo.-i; IP hi 117 7n !.! S. KHl. l'0'.J 7l. lltl W1V, .IS ll'.l 4T llli 111:1 us 1, l'j ln.'ij 72 V 112 114 TO TRANSFER 37,000,000 GOLD Government Funds Will Go to Fed eral Banks Tomorrow WASHINGTON'. Dec. 30. More than $7,000,000 will be transferred tomorrow from the national bank depositories of the country to the 12 Federal reserve banks, which henceforth ore to act ns fiscal agents of the Government. The money Is to be withdrawn from national bank depositories in all reserve cities ex cept those used for postal and court funds. The transfer Is made pursuant tn nn order of Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo. RATES FOR MONEY' Call. Time, wTork .. ,,,,.., 12 2&2?i Uadslphla. .;..,. :ivjl WTTtH Ion ' 3Vg4 Vetr L4rn" RCMcaio . 3Vi 4 fl4Vi f Commercial paper, three to six montbj, PlilU '. MlpliU, 3Hli4 per cant, Franklin Company Cuts Melon 8YRACUSB. N, V., Dec. 30.-The H. H. Franklin Manufacturing Company has de clared a 100 per cent, stock dividend on its 1900,000 outstanding common stock, pay- kuble December 31. Cash dividends for the st half of the year total 38 per cent., one 10 per cent, having been declared for ecember 11. i DIVIDENDS DECLARED .. .. T ,n r,.nnu .U ...l.l. ITeertbior 1 to atock uf recorJ January la. 4Stgir aerver .jnc umwur. rmaiwr tw4ix,er(j int. an.1 extrffc l(i cr rent. Th recuLir lvian.4 la fuivabia Kebruarv 10 la slAek at irevw A P).r4L.rv 1 and the .xtra dlvloend ka 6 straits January 10 to slovkbolJtrs ot record iceiibtr Sh ,n,iiiled G snd Electric Ccmpanv. ausr. uitsl- per eenL on preferred, tsarabu Janu-,i.- 15 to hol'ir. or re.-ord necember 31. 4H.tlrburh Termliwi Warelwujrs and Trans- tr t-iniiv reuuur enoninjr cms per Bt ". v.vijble January )3 to holders ot record i rur ik. i !fwe lckiw niiA nut Western IUI1- ; seciiUr ii : - "er .e'' ?4Hl l err c . ' Prnrf lv4nla oii4rl ' e . t a .) i u I 'it fc-V e ' ' J-1 J 1 ' 4t ( f&lrft! lir declared the r X lae aux- Be j "" S laue. RANK OF ENGLAND STATEMENT IXIN'DON', Dec. 30. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following chanues: Total reserve In creased 174,000; circulation Increased 212,000; bullion Increased 353.000: other securities Increased 9,623.000; other de posits increased 13,233.000; public depos its decreased 3,137,O')0; Government se curities unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liabilities Is now 21.40 per cent., against 22.70 per cent, last week, and compares with a decline from 31.40 per cent, to 33, per cent. In this week last year. Tho clearings through the London banks for the week wero 201,990.000, against 204,600.000 last week and 162,901,000 last year. Paris Exchange on London PARIS, Dec. 30. Exchange on I-omlon is 27 francs 82 centimes, a gain of a half cent. Mexico Suspends Duty on Gasoline Owing to the high price of gasoline in Mexico, orders have been issued allowing the article to be Imported free of duty Into that country. RAILROAD EARNINGS JJOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE. lull. Incraa.e. Third week December .. M.H1O.2O0 IlioTlZi) rrora. July J 27.5e.lS0 l.Dli.uJl TOLEDO. ST. LOUIS AND WESTERN. Third week December.. $128,147 H2.17S From July t .'.uii.TM ilo.GM) BANK CLEARINGS Bink eleirlncs to lay compared with eorre Txjn.inx day last two yeaia lilt. nM miT Phlla-'elDhU 4-St1T -2 S'T -'o .,11V Si-w York K.ikb.i 444 2.sirsiM4 Ho.M.iy IW-OO 2V.fcC3.tilU 20.W4.2W J2.2M..S10 Ol'i . Ol'i 1I-) . 12!1 4 . I7'( . I7U . r,s', . sou . tvt .107 10$ lOf'J lll"'l 101'f 101 HUH 101'j Il.ililln lx-o H7J. 1I8H IHl'j llOh llalllmore i Ohio DIH IMH tll W' llaltlmore .V Ohio pf.. 77' llalopllas Mlnltn: :US Hl-ooklyn It.np Tr S7'5 77H t.n nt Oil UH 254 22' IP! OS' i KU I) n:, tot lion no's iins 1114 !UU iiih Wt s:h ". 01 () 'J'i'5 II.V, lll4 111 1291, 12!)' 12IIH aOOH SfttW '-'00 I7'4 17' I 17' I 47H 7H r,s' o.s' C.i4 0.TS 7 ISfl 111 ).H 00 lafM n.'i 'A Wi 2I'( I2'J ('.4' 4 101 !) 101'i WHEAT STRONG AS SHORTS COVERED Belief That Urgent Demand Must Come Caused Fresh Buying Export Sales Modern to CtltCAUO, tiec. 30. Shorts were forced to run tor roier wlin the whcnl innrkcl developed stfeiiKth toilny nnd thero was also fresh active buying: on the belief that nn urgent ilenmnd for American wheat must como sooner or Inter. This theory resulted from the difficulties cntnllcd 111 Ihirope's nbtnlnhiR supplies from other exporting countries, rnbles from Liver pool told of apprehension there because of the trebling of wnr risks on ships pnssliii! through the Suez c'nnnl. The Improvement here followed fcVcr IshnesR nnd weakness nfter un ndvntico nt th? outset. At one time longs sold fiecly nnd Derember diopped tn $1.2114, against $l.225 nt the close yesterday, May to M.2IN. compared with $l.2lvi at the end yesterday, nnd .Inly to $1.1CH, contrasted with $116, yesterday's Inst price December enurd nt the- lop nt ,i?,i I.1I.2P1. Mny only 'l cent below tho best SO'li 00' lliifin llro lliille A Supetlor. . t al I'etroieiim Cil IVtMleiim pr. . t nnadl.iii IWirir. . rent leather Co. . . Cent IjMtlii'f Co pf. . SOU . 70' i :t.l 07 i 171) o:lS lnil'i' 11(1 ( ss 0 7l'j 77'. .1". ,SS SO 70'. SI Che-.ipiM' & Ohio... 02' i Chill Copper 21' j Chlno Copper ol'i Clilr.u'0 (ire.it West... Hj Chi Ot Vet pf . . .. :t! C C C A St I. pf ... . 70 Chi Mil .V M I'aul.... 07 C M A St V pf l:2'j Chi NnrlhHest I.12H fid A Norlhueit pf Chi It 1 A IV . . Crloradn I'ticl A 1 . CnnnlM.itrd (la' fontlnenlal Can. . . Corn l'rodiids Itef... Corn Prod Ho." pf Crucible Slel Cuban-Am Suuar pf. . Delawan- A Ilmlun . Den A .tin (Irande pf DMIIIcm Si-curltloi. . Dome Mines Krlc Krle 1st pf Krle 2d pf Fed Mln A Smelt pf. (ipneral Ktcctrlc dencr.il Motors (icneral Motors pf (ioodrleh 11 V Co (luodrleh II I'Co pf.. (irecne-l ananca 171 lll'i . r2 tii'i .. S2 .. IDS .. 1)2 ' a .. 7.-U, 77H Wi f SO TtlH .-U i 70 181 'i 170i 1SIH .iPj 0.14 .! 100Ii 103'i 02' i o:i 21 i ol'i It' :t!) 70 l)7U 1.-I2M l.-il I7:t 10H ol'i n:i'i 81 im 1)2', 7I.4 0.1' 4 21?," W'i Wi ;io'i 70 tis i:H I. it n.vi 17', o'JH 144 M 20'. IM'l 7.S 2IS 544 1 14 .'194 70 !)7'S i:i:l i;u 17.1K 17H 11:14 &l 20 H l.)M i 1011a 101 1021s 10:t .ISIJ'f l.VIH l.VJH liWIl . 2. 2.) 2o 2o . 47tj ISH 17.4 474 . 2S4 2.'i 2S4 2S4 . 42t( 43H -I2M !2Ji 17 ftS'j ;,7 :,sm . .'O'C oiii 50H C24 . r,i.4 ."in oil, ;na . 1 7: 1711 17it IT!! 47o 47i) 47o 475 .114 Ho ll.t IIS 70 70H 112i ll.Ti 1121, .r)14 51 (Ireat Northern pf 125H 120 (! N cfs lor ore prop (iiiccenhclm hjtpln. . . Int Agricultural Int Agricultural pf. . . Inter Con Corpn Inter Con Cor pf International Paper... Internal Paper pf Inspiration Copper. . . Int M M cf dp Int M M pf cf dp. ... lilt Nickel Int Nickel pf . .. Kann (. Ity Southern Kanix City Co pf. . . l.ac; Steel I.acieile (ia l..ue Krl- A V pf. . . J.chls'i Valley I.lBWtt A Myers I.oose-Vlir UN 1st pf Lorlllard I" Co Manhattan HI Btd... Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf .. Max Motor 2d pf-. . Mexican Petroleum... Mex 1'etioleum pf . . . Miami l o.ixur Mo Knn A Teta Minn A St Louh. ... Minn A St I, pi Mtaonri Pari lc Mo I'arllic tr cis Montana Power Nat Una; A Suit Nat Knamei A . Nat Load Neiada Con Copper.. No Yok Air Ilraku. N Y N II A II New York Dock.... New or; (entral. . . Norfolk A Western... North American Northern Paclilo OntaibS.ll M Paclllc Mall Pcnn It It I'ettlbone-Mulllken.., Philadelphia Co Pittsburgh Coal Pittsburgh Coal p.'... Pressed Meel Car Pressed Steel Car pf. 40H . hlH . 2l.'i . 02 . 21V, . 77! i . 124 . 40) a . 4,1 . 184 . 73', .11)0 .110 . ai . o-p, . SO', .10:14 . :i . si. 4 2.V1 wiU .ISO .130',' . 7.V,' . 1124 . .Mi ,' 10SS . 9s' 1 . :il'j 50' ( S3 2.1H OS', 21 'f 77' s 12!, 504 4.1' 1!) u; 50' 12.14 50.4 Sl'i 2.1 02! j 21 77.4 12 .10 4.1 IS1, i.1i lie1. .10! i 120 50H S1H 2.1H OS's 21 77, 12!, 504 ftt 11.274 and July nt tho high. il.W. Onto cnbles fioni Liverpool Hullentp Unit the tiinrhets there had become very strong, with prominent millers buying. Kxport sales In the Inst 21 hours were only moderate. Shipments from Austra lia nnd Argentina for the week were ex pected. I'xports from the latter country were cstlmnted nt only SO.O00 bushels to be smnlt. The trade wns looking for close to l.fOO.OO) bushels nf bnrd wheat to be delivered on December conlrncls, According to private rstlninte.'", the nc tunl consumption nf spring whent In four months hns been 192.0i1,fO0 bushels, mill the reserving nf 2.V0,"0o bushels for seed leaves only l.vs.000,000 bushels nvnllablo for the next eight months. (orn. nfter showing easiness, became very Him, finishing only 'c. below the top for December at TJ'ic nnd nt tho best for May nnd July at 77'ic. nnd 7Sc, re spectively. Iluslncss wns nf nn even clmnieter. Oats were firm, nlthough they wavered n little nt Olio time. December finished nt the best, 41c, and Mny only He oft from tho top nt He. Lending futures ranged ns follows: 1 eei n whent- open. Mluh. Iiecemtier .. 1.2:1 1.21 Mny 1.2.V, l.27'i, Julv 1.17', l.lMf. fnrn 1 new ileiivery) Sales in Philadelphia 2ns nor. inoi 20 iin to in 7n 210 111! t,,;,i R 112 20 2ns ail H7 MS (III II) ."" 1.17 Jin 110 .no 2D1KI 7S HO J2loi , Bltt lncni "no soon limi r,iieii t.'lisa) . 1M 1f,l 4(l Inisiii :kx) Keysl Tel I.nlte Sup Corp. lilt I'S .L'Jii .!" LehlRh Snv ... 7M5 7S 4 JJ'i J Irfhlni 'fll .... M S2! J2 fJ l-eiueh Vnl Tr. . is,; l5 ISJS 1 Mlnehltt ." r.mt r.H mO Yes. elee. ftlah. !-ow. Cloje. Amer Itwys rref ni' n.i ,?j i. Hsltl Ixie prff..lnsH Ins ins Huff R t e. .40 4Vi jnW .10 prer r,H w .-.s' f.p4 Cltlten- p Itwy.snt 272. 272 2i2 cam Pteel JIH 7IJ1 74 WJ$ (Jnrn 1'iod IS 20 20, SOij Col V Ir re! :! C'2S Ms cnlnn-lam 1st pr M r.l ft I M. .rie ........ iJi ?r :-.n ;:,r ': '.? '13 '.i; ilf ,Sil s hltt r.7 r.mt r.", r.nj Norlli Cent ... vn poll () PilH Nevsils Cons . HI", I.Vi !', '; I'ennn It It... . ftf .!"! H! .j$T Pn Satt ...Mrg,.Hn I'', I'JJi H,',, Pllll Co e pf llpe 124 124 42. 42U Phlln lllee SSJ, 2s' 2Si 2SS l It T tr etrs. . 2ii' 20'i 201 I'hlla Trne 711 71) 71 Pins Cotil ar.'i .1(1 "I, f Hen.llnp sit? sin; f ii S1i Ton ifinlne J ' "1, "'Ji, Ton llelmonl... 4X, i 4', l4 4','n l.-nlnn Trne ....4.". 4.-. 4J 4J rtnh rni Mil, M)i, Ml JOS C (ins linp.. .. V) Ml ssj. W I S Steel. S7'i .s S7'4 MS W J AH S Mil, Wi fill Ml, t'rnmp & Son-i Ml, l m M 1IONDS. Lhii prei. ... , snle. High. Low. Close. Am Dns A- t.t fts no wi , N"4 ! cm S s l7Miy.li)14 1"1W W 1HJ city Is reK mil .. 102V, 1024 102s do mill. .iifs.Wi.'Vi.reiMnmr.'itnrwnii Unu til His f.i. .. ti'il lnil 1J2 Inl'stflte Itv Is. r.s r,s f,s ,.s Kev Tel 1st .", ., Il 1"! ."". L Nsv eons .t4s.1(ii', 101'; Inlji Inltj, IM Cn Ren 44s.inD.,, Iiw, IihiJi llJiS l W It I e'4s .. W$ L' .; Puh Horv Corp. HUH Ni!5 V.IV-, Mi riuia Co eon, .- km, in; i ," Sisin-Am I ns.. 11)2 l2 102 102 wvlsbncb Co rs III IHS IMS WIS Financial Briefs I,nw. ('loe. elnse. 1.2IU 1.2C. 1.22, :4"i ii.-jt'i, I. lill, tLIMs I ". l.lflS lieeember Mny July oats Deeember Mny Lanl Jnnu.iry . Mnv Illhs .Innuary . Mnv I'ork .tnnuary . Mrtf lllil, J2S Tin, IT, I7S m ?I 7.-.S 70S . . tl.72 . .10.11.1 ..10.111) ..10.. '1.1 is. 1.1 1S.7I) tArked 41 4S !IP2 1 1 1.2.1 10.S2 10.117 1S.S.1 US.70 4Q', 18.1 17.S 41 4S MT1 0.70 10.00 10.(0 I0..T2 1S.4II 1S.2.1 P.P2 10.22 10..12 111.117 1S.M n.r.7 P.0.1 n.o2 10.27 1S.2.1 ix.r,7 I.IVK STOCK QUOTATIONS CUtr-AOn. Dee. :hi. HOOP. Heeelpts. .T?, H). Market sternly. Mixed 1111,1 butchers, $11.20 (III. 7.1: B"od heavy. sil.ft.ViH.T.1: rnuuli lienvv, Ji!.1.lliil.4l: tlslit. $.lMTH',.m: plKs. $.lfi,l.S.l; bulk, il.lir.Tnii.l. CATTI.i:. Ilie-lpts. I.VV). Market slendy. I!ee,e .l IOHII.7.1: rows noil helrers $a.2.,ff S2.1: Temins. e..iniis.n. enlves. $s..loiilo.2.i. MIIi:i:i'. -Iteeelptn. I2.IHHI. Mnrket wenk. .Vlltlve nnd Velerll. jmnl.tsij lambs. $11. IW I'.ll.l. li)' IS', 7:r. 1!).1!4 103 1U.1 KKI'-j 1094 10)4 .114 31 .11 i ft) 01 (VI M1.4 bO SO 101 101 4')'f 4J!f 253 2.VJ .!)J' Mt 101 .s2 014 IS) 1314 1314 75 i MH 57 1'4'i OO'i 314 15i . 3.14 . :',' 14 . 721, . 704 . 2.S4 . 0.1 . 104 .137 . 70 . 17 .10.14 100' 121 122 . 74 75 .1174 04 11, . fiS'i . 554' . 114 . 354 1104 . 034' 10.1 1.1 35 44 44 72U 704 20 0,1 10! i 1404 13S t)."i 504 III!) '.).', 314 7 15 31 I 44 724 704 asji oi'i 10 7o,4 l.i 1174 104 114 .10 5.1 1 Pi .Wi 110't fePX 101 1134 181) 1314 "t' 024 5U4 III i Ill's 314 7 15 31 4.4 44 724 70 j 2f' 05 10 13S 70 15 109), STKONGEK TONE IN COPPER 117 I 15 um 1214 122 74 H 7.1 117 1)4 114 5S4 55 414 3.14 1104 01 101 0.4 114 l!i oo 414 :i.,h 1104 is 1.4 nit Pullman Co 1044 1014 103 3 1034 Hy Steel Sps. Itay L'ou Copper. . Heaillnc Hep Iron A Steel. . :;4 2,14 il1 Hep Iron & Steel pf..lll) Itock Island Co pf 4 M Iu)ula S K 54 fit I. S K 2d pf. . . . 54 Sears Itoe .v Co .. . Sloss-Shef S & I Co SlosvShef S .V I pf. Southern Pacific Southern Ity 23 Stuue):a'er Co.... Studebaker Co pf t; 254 S24 534 109 ',' 54 04 15 S14 51 10'J !J 54 0'. 13 23 ii S14 51 109 4 54 .1S04 I80.4 ismi 1S0.4 . 034 02j 02''i 02i-3 . 094 102 102 102 .lfUj 1024 1024 1023J 23 22i 23 100' 107 1054 105U .1134' 1134 1134 1134 Term Copper 01 014 00.4 014 Texas Co 22S4 23 1 220 233! Tej Co sub rec f pd..230 231 231 231 'iej.l, .V. ,M"I ic 04 l.i '.)h ID Twin (Ity Hap Tr.... 934 07 D7 07 blilon baj tic Paner. . ht, S S S Unlteil Cljar Stores. . . 04 OK OH U'i Cn Clsar Stores pf... 11H 114 Wi IV i Cnlti-d Dry (iooJi pf.. 724 74 74 71 Luton Paclllc 13S), 134 l.'ISSf Llsli Union Paclllc pf S3 S3 S3 S3 Lnlled truit 1474' 1174 147 147 U S Ind Alcohol 1204 1274 127 1274 U S Ind Alcohol pf. ...laill 1034 1054 105), L' S Cast U' if... 20 204 20 204 United Itys Invest ... 204 204 204 20i uuueu nys luvni in., as .h3 .ins urij Dealers Nnminp; 22Mi Cents Further Advnnccs Expectcit Xi:' YOniC, Dec. 3D. A stronger tone Is nhown in the copper mnrltets, with nil the prodncern nnd dealers Kenernlly tinner In namlliK 22',i cents a pound. 30 days, aa their ipiotntlon. although thero me Home imnll offers at a shade under this IlKUre. There Is n better demand lrom wlreninlters and brnsn mnnufnetur era In this country, who nppnrently are In need of the metnl nnd are Inklnir what copper they can Ret. The price Is not belnir considered In connection with this business, but the buyers aro earnestly re questing early deliveries. Further nilvniiei'S In the quotation for copper are freely predicted in tho trade, It belnir pointed out thnt production at present is not larso enoimh to tnko enro of the ditnimid with still larser consump tion In the orferliiK. With the turn of tho new year n lilKitcr buying movement Is expected to Ftart. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET .NEW YOrtK, Dec. 30. Tho coffeo mar ket opened quiet, with prices unchariRcd from the llnnl of yestcrdny. There was a little scattered demand for May and July and less pressure, on tho near months that wns experienced yestcrdny, but on the whole the market was very narrow and the tradlnir throughout tho first part of the day was lluht. The Mrn zillan cables suggested shipment of lll.W) Imks from ltlo nnd Santos to Kurope yes terday, and tho fact that shipments con tinue Inmo was taken as an Indication that Kurope Is buylnc more coffee thero than Renerally credited. Hlo was unchniiRciI at 0vo JI..V) for No. 7. KxchaiiRo was l-32d. lower at 12 3-32d. rtecelpts. 000 hairs, and stock. 410.000 bans. Santos wns unchanRed nt live $3. Stock, 2,250.01)0 bans. Heeelpts at Sao Paulo were 51.000 buss, apnlnst M.OCO bags 11 year aero and 42,0ft) bags two years bko. Junillahy had 48.000 bass, and 39.000 bags last year and 3l,0u0 hairs twu years ago. U S Huboer- li S steel L' S Steel pf. . . . Utah Copper- -Va-Caro Chem- Vulcan Detinnlnj. b()4 4S4 12 Wabash 10 544 S5 55 55 ... 87-, S7.4 S7)i 674 ...UOh 1104 1104 1104 W abash pf A. Wabash pf II . . . . Wells Fargo Kipresi Western lailou ie. .. West K & M Willys Overland U 00114 ortu V W Co. . 454 29 123 Ni 23.1 SO; 48? ; II) 104 40 29i 133 S! 0J4 l 4S 10 154 454 28i SO 48H 10 10 154 20 1294 1294 b8 as ivjh UJ'3 233 231 233 .1184 U8H Uts), 1184 Woolu orth pf 1224 I2.D3 123. j 1234 French Rentes Unchanged PAItIS, Pec. 30. Three per cent, rentes were C3 francs 75 centimes for cash today, unchanged. French Dank Loses Gold I'AItlS. Dee. 30. The weekly statement of the Rank of France shows a decrease in gold of 5S.27$.00O francs and a decrease in silver of lW.OuO francs. GOVERNMENT BONUS Bid. Asksd. $tt .. 2s or imp registered 2s o( 1WI cuumn Panama 2s registered ....... Panama 2s l'JM registered , , Panama new 3s regUtersd ,. PanatxM new , coupon .... 3s of 1!1N registered U ot IKS registered lifci BAR SILVER Tbe rrlea ot bar silver la l.ondoo wan 2 pen e. In N'ew York the orlre ailvaneed bi)( a, rent to &1 tents, Mexican aollu vin guoted at i- cents. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Bid Jim llutler M.icXamura Midway Mliinh Extension . Mnntuna Nortbein Slur Timjpah Ilelinnnt . . Tonup.ih Kxtenslon Toniitxib Mlnlns ... Ileseue Kula ...... west i.na 1.10 02 14 St 211 II at; 0' ns 711 OOLDFJELD STOCKS. Atlanta 21 Blue Dull ()2 liHith :ts liulMoe , 02 (' o I , 02 Combination Frnetlon , ml Dlamoiillield II II .01 IHlav , ,. .111 Florence 4.1 ilnllil.lil Consolidated '. l.i'i llnliilleld Merger Ill Jumbo Intension 1.2.1 Kuuanas .IK Oro .,,, 0.1 Sand Ken . . silver J'ieK Rilrv Aztec KiniDeriy Nevada Hill .... Nevada Wonder MISCELLANEOUS. .oil .07 ,01 .03 .211 l.OI Asked; !l .HI .21 .:u ,1U .P2 .1H .41) .1(1 I .in 1 .10 J iS ' 1.2; .1"! ,lkS .18 .0.1 .01 L70 Kean, Taylor A- Co.. of Now York, iinnntiiicei thnt Clooriro K. Harstow, Jr., ulll be admitted to partnership In their linn on .Innunry 1. Mr. Harstow for the Inst nine years has been associated will! l'otter, Clinnto & Prentice as manaRcr ot their bond department. Tho SavaRc Arma Company hns Issued a clrculnr to stockholders In which It stnte.t thnt ns the owne.ro of the majority of the capital stoclc have sold mtlr hold ings to the- OriSRs-Scabury Ordnanco Company, the offer Is made to nit present shareholders of $:0 per shine for their storls, the purchnso to be effected on or before .Innunry IS next. It was learned today that settlement wns mndo on Monday for 15C0 shares of Colonial Trust Company stock sold to n syndicate headed by K. It. Jones, pres ident of the Colonial Trust Company, at $1W per share. Tlcrnnrd Ruckdeschcl, vice president of the .Inddlnttton Trust Company, represented the sellers, nnd Jnmes H. I.lchteiibcrKer represented tho syndicate. GeorKO R Hrowncll, vice president In chnijrc of tho leKiil nnd financial depart ments of the llrlo Itallrond, has been elected a director of the company. Plans aro well under way by the man iiRenicnt of tho I.ee llubber and Tiro Company, of Now York, to Increase the capacity of tho plant nt Conshobocken. Thomn.4 Iron Company stockholders at a special meeting today ratified tho 60 day option Riven on the company's stock. OwIiir to the New Year holiday on Sat urday the weekly New York bank state ment will bo published tomorrow nt 3 o'clock. An odd lot of Citizens' PassonRor Rail way stock sold at 272 on 'Change, tip 7 points. Spencer, Trask it Co., of Now York, havo announced tho admission to their linn as of Jnnuary 3, 1910, of Watkln W. Knenth, now Western manager of their Chicago ofllco, and Pcrclvnl Gilbert, mali nger of their Doston ofllce. Mr. Kncath and Mr. ailbert will be resident pnrtners In Chicago and Boston, respectively. The nank of England today bought 10.000 In bar gold and shipped 100,000 In iioverelgns to South America, TO,0'X) to Spain, 31,000 to Canada, and ear marked DO,000 to Rwittcrlnnd. A large Interest has been tnken In Philadelphia In tho underwriting of the bond assessment of tho Wnbush Pitts burgh Terminal Railway Company reorg anization. Tho pnrt of the underwriting which wns allotted to Philadelphia was arranged through Harper and Turner, ami It Is understood that this city under wrote payments on approximately $2, OuO.OOO bonds. Caspar V. Morris was elected a director of the Commercial Trust company, nt a meeting of tho directors hold today, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Rob ert C Drayton. Mr. Morris Is a member of tho Stock Kxehango firm ot KlKlns, Morris & Co. The annual report ot tho American Ico Company for tho year cndel October 31 shows gross enrnlngs of $S,G3D,SSI against $i,S2C.SSl In 1311. Net earnings wero 1.S4,. 071 compared with J1.02,4S3 tho preced ing year, nnd net prolltu wero $M6,1S2, equal to 3.5 per cent, earned on the pre ferred stock ngalnst 2.73 per cent, last year. In addition to tho regular 4 per cent, dividend tho New Jersey SCInc Company declared an extra payment of 10 per cent. Tho New York hanks gained from Sub treasury 3,29l,00O, nnd since Friday JI.lTa.CO. The proposition to reduce the capital stock of tho County Klrc Insurance Com pany from $400,000 to $200,000 was rejected by tho stockholders, but It was voted to add J100.000 to surplus. Bessemer Pig Iron High PITTSUURGH, Dec. 30.-Ilesscmer pig Iron shipments abroad sold this week at J20.23, the highest price In eight years. Yourig-ftDwn has no steel for salo In the open market, and by valley manufactur ers It Is reported that sheet bars for the second quarter will range from $31 to 33. Youugstowu la virtually Jj above the ilrst quarter. $1,151,000 Gold Deposited NEW YORK. Uec. 30. - Gold to the amount of 11,131,000 has been deposited In the Assay Office by the following In stitutions: Mechanics and Metals Na tional Rank, $200,000; Hank of New York, 30,CXI; Canadian Hank of Commerce 1126,000; American Exchange National, $200,000, and J. P. Morgan & Co.. $170,000. Bank Increases Dividend PITTSUURGH. Dec. 30.-The Kxchange National Bank has increased Its annual dividend rate from 1 per cent, to $. This 1b the second time in the past Ave years that the annual rate has been increased. To Pay Cuban Bank Coupons NEW YORK, Dec. 30.-The Cuban Mortgage Rank series "B" 6 per cent, coupons. du January 1. 1315. will be paid on prsentatlon at the office of Keane. Zayas and Potts on and after that date. Tin Plate Prices Advanced Virtually all Independent tin plate mills In tho Middle West have advanced prices to $3.75 per base box, Pittsburgh. Open-hearth steel buyers nre offering $33 11 ton In Middle West, and the billet and bheet bar market Is expected to advance shortly. British ferro-manganese makers cablo nn advance of $10 a ton, seaboard. Tho advance In tho tin plate $3 per ton to $3.73 per base box of 100 pounds com pares with the previous price of $3.60 per base box, tho highest In several years. Pennsylvania Crude Oil Advanced PITTSBURGH. Dec. 30. An advanco of 10 cents a barrel, to $2.23 a barrel, was an nounced In tho price of Pennsylvania crude oil today by the Joseph Seep Pur chasing Agency. Mercer black, Newcastle and Corning also were marked up 10 cents u barrel to $1.73; t'ubell and Somerset S cents a barrel, to $1.78, and $1.C3 respect ively, and Rugland 3 cents a barrel, to 73 cents. ANNUAL MKKTINGS '1MB 1-UILAIIUI.rUl.V NATIONAL BANK I'liilaUelpiila, December 11. l'JIS. Tim Annual Election lor Directors will Is held at tint Banking Bousa on Tuesday. January 11, ID 10, between tbs hours ot 12 Noou and 1 1. M. HORACE yOKTESCUE. Cashlsr. iK2S TllE 1'IIIST ANXL'AlJlKKTINU OP l7 the Stockholders of the Manufac turers' Ouiiiulty lii.urunte Company "111 be held at the Bom Office or the Company. 023 Chestnut street (Seventh Floor). Philadel. lihla, Pennsylvania, on Monday, January 31, 11)10, at 2 u. 111.. to bear the report o( the Board of Director relative to the Incorpora. tlon ot the Company and all other business transacted to date; to elect fifteen Directors, o( whom live ure to serve for periods ot one. two and three years reapectlvly. and to at tend to such other business a may properly come before the meeting-. WILLIAM II. CLOWNEV, Secretary. niKKCTOKY OF ACCOUNTANTS Certllled Public Accountants LAItE" "E E. BHOWN 4.- CO. 11)15 KEAL ESTATE TBUST UU1LDINQ fclUNS Jt.SfEAKaAM Tb Bouraa. HOLIDAY CONDITIONS ON 'CHANGE, BUT BROKERS WERE OPTIMISTIC Removal of More Embargo Restrictions Helped Sent,. ment Record for Buffalo and Susquehanna. Cramp's Booked Up New Exchange Rulings The removal of more embargo restric tions today by the Pennsylvania Railroad helped nentlmcnt in the local financial district, but the stock market maintained Its holiday aspect and fluctuations were narrow. Pennsylvania shares were picked Up by Investors nnd hardened slightly, while Its subsidiary, Northern Central, roso a point. A similar gain wns estab lished In Lehigh Valley nlso. Tho steel shares showed firmness, al thouRh deaters In Cambria wero inclined to nwalt the outcome of the K.xecutlvo Committee meeting at which n succcsso:' to Eninirhnm B. Morris was xpectcd to bo elected. As the trading progressed the volume of offerings Increased and prices eased off. Cambria went below Inst night's close, nnd Philadelphia Klectrlc nlso lost a fraction, ns did Baldwin Locomotive preferred. The Buffalo and Susquehanna Issues were exceptions. The common was particularly strong, rising thrco points. There wns a better demand nlso for bonds, especially City Is, which sold nt 102S. In the last hour a further rise occurred In Buffalo and Susquehanna, lift ing It to a new high record when the price crossed 43. ("rntnp Shipbuilding stock remained quiescent despite' a bullish clrculnr gotten out by a prominent brokerngo house which handled the recent sale of tho Cramp cstnto holdings to New England Interest0. The company Is understood to hnvo miltlclent orders on Its books to keep its plants running nt full capacity for three yenrs, with stilt n largo amount of nddltlnnnl business In sight. At pres ent the company has under construction or tinder contract a total of 10 vesis at prices representing very satisfactory advances over tho basis which prevaiilJ tc.fo.ro ,i.h6 RrciU Jvlvat ,n hlpbulldln set In this year. The Cramps arc not th. only boat builders booked up far ahesi The boom has spread throughout th. country nnd one shipbuilder said to'd that he could take contracts for 100 lai-e. Vessels If he had the cnpaclty to tu?,! out tJio work. r" A notice of Interest to brokers amt traders was Issued by tho Phlladeloh Stock Rxchango today, ns follows: "nei. ntlve to deliveries mndo on and afia, January 1. 1016, uritior the United States wnr revenue law, It has been ruled In nil transactions for more than 100 shares a soparato bill shall bo delivered for each IM shares stamped and canceled as r. quired by tho law that all bills for stock delivered through tho Clearing Houss must bo delivered to the buyer not later than 1 o'cldck p. tn. on tho day of d livery." Tho Exchnnge Committee on Rules nlso announced that nil salts of stock tomorrow, Friday, December 31 ex ccpt for cash, will bo taxable under ths Pennsylvania stock transfer tax law, &, tho delivery will be mndo nfter January 1, 1916. The Inst of tho larger banks withdrew from tho commercial paper market to day, and several Institutions called loans. Tho local money mnrket, however, can not bo described ns nt all stiff, the firmer tendency being only normal as tho end of the year approaches. Some bankers nevertheless arc inclined to be llevo that the market Is not likely to rclapso Into Its former ease after th, year-end flurry has passed. TRADING ON CURB WAS MORE ACTIVE Good Demand fox Midvnlc Steel New Erie 4s Advanced Sharply KFAV TOnK, Dec. JO.-Trndlng In tho market for outside securities today was more actlvo with the general tone strong. Midvnlc Steel wns In good deninud, nt an advance of over a point. Tho m.irluo Blocks wero stronger but comparatively quiet. Submarine Uoat moved up a4. The motor mocks wero Irregular, hut slightly more nctlve. Chevrolet moved In ran go of five points. White Motors eased off ?i on comparatively small offer ings. Peerless Motors wns down nearly a point. Oil stocks wero generally steady and In fair demand, especially New York-Call-fornta. Cosdcn Oil was active at an ad vnnco of 1U. Copper shares wero ntrongcr under tho lead of Kcnnecott, which moved up ?i. Bradcn was up ',4 and First N'n tlonal ':'. In bonds, Eric now convertible 4s de veloped renewed activity with n shorp advanco of li, although realizing brought about u slight reaction. Baltimore and Ohio Cs were steady. ! I1M. Asked. Tobncro Troilucts ' 31 !W Alnx nubber lijl 174 llrnrlen 17 i 17U Kennecott nil'i rviMJ Mldvnto Steel 77 771.J llrlo Convertible 4s M)lJ ) llns'iell & Marker Car Mi, M St. Joo Lead 14 14'i Interiiutlnniil Sler Mnrlnn IbSi H do rref 74 7. SMbmurlne Hcmi -1 4 ' '. 4.. inter cnminemni hud in;, i.-wj .'.;.',.',;.'.; k xi ::::::::::: MJS P ::::::::::: i5 J" "If. "Hi .IIIAIIH atlUlilt UiiB t. -i 111 'hevrolet 13:1 l.'tn NlplRHtng 7ai 8 'IrrU National Con Knthotlion Uronzo . Coider. Whlto Motom Ho wo "Sound ....... I-nke Torpedo Boat Victoria on TO FORM NEW AEROPLANE CO. New Curtis Concern Under New York Laws NEW TOnK. Dec. 30. - A syndicate, headed by Wllllnm Morris Imbrle A: Co, hns purchased a majority (nearly all) cf tho capital stock of tho Curtis Aeroplsne Company and It Is proposed to form a new corporation to be known ns the Cur tlss Aeroplane and Motor Corporation. The new company will probably be In corporated under the laws of N'ew Yoric Stntc. It Is expected that tho new company will have a capitalization of 6,000,000. 7 per cent, cumulative preferred stock) 160, 000 shares of common stock, with no par vnlue, and 3,000,000, 6 per cent. 1M5.18 month notes. iff Suggestions How to Invest for both large and small investors will be given those who write for our Circular No. L-143. A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securitiei 115 South Fourth Street l'htladelphln New Tork Chicago Buftsla Doston London, Enr. Baltimore fcjhiiu ii I u mil'in, esMMwwiiiiii.il i. . C'. ' ' '' ' " '' t..iuA-S. ..U.... V.'j.M MmeatMMBasnaBsiHaHBniBsiBBsisBBiBMiaH Our last Statement showed Total Resources, $35,100,000 Other valuable assets not listed A host of good customers and friends. A competent, experienced, faithful organization. An earned reputation for honorable business deal ings. A prompt and efficient service. A financial standing of the highest character. And the Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia iSY Jvv&Rlil ' I I i- X Greater Prosperity Coming For the third time since the out break of the war we have issued a cir cular giving; a forecast of the imme diate financial future. One of these, published in the fall of 1914, at a time of general depression, proved ac curate, and another in the spring of this year was no less justified than the first. They, therefore, had value. We cluim no credit for these, but do ven ture to assert that they were given publicitv only after thorough studies of conditions. Our third circular of this kind for the sake of brevity pre sents only conclusions based upon sim ilar studies. Appended is a list of twenty-five attractive bonds which we own and offer. The circular may be had upon request. HARPER C& TURNER Investment Bankers 1000-1012 Stock Exchange Building, Philadelphia. . ft ?' ii D nt fcii'istimiiimt it mmmm-mmttmmmmm 'twmu-iimeMmt