lKvaMRNM 1 EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1915. h IS H U I re r E I'. MAOHIMBJIT AND TOOtS HKJMKP. EFFICIENCY In power machtners '.' JEtt " bang-up by installing YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH Pulleys and FRICTION KHIiS.,"K.Cw,r,,n?t' 8HAFT1NG .and MA CHINE WORKS, 145 North Second. - . .. . jambs vorosi soyt I CARRY" continually a Inrge stock of second hand pipe, from ) to 12 Inch diameter; will tat and thread same .for your requirements; jet my price before placing your orders else- . frhere. M. J, HUNT, 1316 Beach t. . POWEn-rt-ANT EQUIPMENT IJynsmos, motors, boilers, steam and olt en ffli .Pimps, alrconrpressors. . FRANK TOOMEY, Inc.. 127 N. 3d t. supplies or every description .. FOR TEXTILE INDUSTRIES charlks iioni) co.. wo arch 8T. BECOND-HAND PIPE Cut and threaded to sketch; Urge quantity of all slitei In stock. Orlfftjh. 410-20 Moycr at. CONCRETE MtXERS'RneoIrte,,, 'Smith'! ready for Immediate delivers-; for sale or rent. Reyfert's. 41. N. :td St. . COPPER JACKETED KETTLD-.10 Inches di ameter, 22 In. deep-mounted on Iron frame. SEYFERT'S,41T N. :m St. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented; nrmatures repaired... Main 1)1. Market will. vearsiey Co.. 2-"4 N. ;i si, . IB, 2.1, TS, 12.1 Ml. BRADLEY power hsmmers. Pettlngllt power hammers. tOO-lb. Ueaudry povverhammer.Nuttnll. 1i4S N. 3th, . 8 WOODEN TANKS.. lO.noo gallons capacity each; good as new, M. Hunt. l'UH Bench st. OLD GOLD LIGHE-ST prices In the city paid for old fold, liver, plitlnum, false teeth, old coins bought and sold. Jewelry Exchange. 204 S. 5th, OLD UoLd.' silver, platinum, plated ware, old style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for can. t 1S7U. J. L. Clark, refiner. 07 Sansom. CASH PAII FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOU8 st nes, cold, silver, platinum, false teeth. PMIe. Srreltlng nn-IRcf. Co.,128 9 11th st. OLD, UOLfr-Ansh "paid for old gold, silver, antllue rlocks; will rail. Bell phone, Locust I2in Rogers. 27 s nth st. PRINTING SNOW WHITE UARDS AND NAME, .Too,; nco hu'iness ranis Jit ,"00 business cards, 11.1,1; 1000 business card", $1.7.; Boon busi ness cards. $.: card citse with order. Open evening", CARD SHOP, lorn Chestnut St. BOOFING AND IBON AWNINGS WE coat Itiky roofs at small cost and guaran tee them 10 years: let us estimate. AMERICAN RnOFlNC. CO.. 1MB Ridge are. STOBAGE CONTINENTS STORAOE WAREHOUSE 20TII ST. AlinVli CHFST.NIIT PACKINU. MOV1NO. SHIPPINO. Rugs. Carpets clentieil, srouref!, stored. RclJL. ticust 1000 Phones Key. Race 41 BO. riDEMTY FIREPROOP WAREHOUSES. 1S11-1S1U MARKET ST. ATLAS"STdrtAOB'" WAREHOUSE Storage moving, tmeklng. shipping, carpet clennlng. Ph. Baring 7W for estimate. Market and .17th. OtRARD STORAOE CO.. 1IIH Olrard me,- Movlng by auto; patklmr. storage: separnte rrooms; rarpet cleaning. Bell phonePop. 52U3. McCANN'S STORAOE HOUSE. 174S NT 11th st.: moving, packing, shipping: auto yans. Both phones. Let us estimate. vr:sT"rirlLA. MONARrifSTORAon c6. WEST P111LA. Auto packing mid ihlpplnc. WEST PII1LA. 70 LANCASTER AVE. FREE" STORAOE for first month: moving by auto vans: shinning, picking, ennvt clcan Ing. I.eln's. 10)H Ridge. Park M-'! A. FVKITERSAND SUPPLIES SATISFACTION In REMINOTON RENT ALS, nlso Manufacturers' AND Ounrantee. Vl"lhle Models. ... M n month: 7.W for threo SERVICE months. Rental payment . . nppltf" on purchnsp. REMINOTON TYPKYVISITER COMPANY 110 !. nth st., 1'hllHilelphla. Telephones: Bell, Wiilnut H7.W: Keystone. Main 21HM. WANTED VNTIQUE furniture, fnlse teeth, fenther bed". hnken Jewelry, gold. sllor,dl tmonds bought, TW Walnut. Walnut 7IUH. Est. 'tin. UHOKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, plstols.colns; Co.n bonk, with prices I ray, mallei), l.'e. .1. Jl.lioss (People's Store). SiitlS. lltll.Wnl.44MI. CAST-OKI clothing; high prices: Indies' ep. gowns; centlimcn's clothing; postal, or pit, Mkt aii'Hl. Selltsolm Mb ami Sp. (inrden. FURNITURE, r 'unos, carpets, antiques; entire er part houses bought for cash: no matter ho-vjarst. J. Bernstein. I.1M Ridge ae. HiprfEST pntrcs paid for" diamonds. old gold. nlitlMim. fnlc teeth: nlso pawn tlrkets. rilbcrt St.. 2d floor front. BOOMS POB BENT ARCH. 2023 DcslrabFe room, single, double: running water, private bath. J.'uu. ARCH, nm-Xrntly furnished rooms, 1.75 up; telephone connections. v.HEtTNUT. 11KM Desirable" rooms, single-or en suite: steam heat. Pli. Locust 75 1. CHUSTNl'T. 11105-Twii deslrnble vncancles southern exposure: runnlog water. LOCUST 1211 DcMrnlile rmi.. adjoining bnth; hqt-wnter heat: central lotntlon; phone. LOGAN SO. fjar, N. lsthl-HouHekeopIng aptsT; fnrn.. unturn.niomsjeC;!!;!!: run, water. I'AHK AVkT. N. "2007-Rooms, single, en suite: baths! electric llght. Dbinmnd .IMX". 1.12.1 Attractive furn. rnis.T single or en suite; running water: private family; phone. SPIU'CE. Ul.'17-Rooma. single or en suite: prl. hatha; prof, ofrlces: attnni heat: electricity. WAIJV1T. .oo.l-lieautlfullv furnished "second" floor rioni- near I Phone Belmont .1121. RTH. N aiilC-AttraetUelv furnished 2il"no"or rooms; private homo; sult2jrentlcmen. L,THrK"i!r4-C03TFO!-TARLY FUR. FRONT .ROOM ADJOINING BATH; .PHONE. SMITH. '8.. 2."7 Neatly furn rooms, slnslo or en suite; well heated.electrlo lights. 2IST. 8.. ,'!. Attractive furn. or unfurn. rooms, single or en suite: few at lopermomh. 2NI N. rll-ri'RNISHED""OR I'NFURNIRH ED. SUNSH1N,, 211 FLOOR FRONT. HOT JJATBn HEAT. JP2IONE.IlELXI()NTJ-b2 W. PERSONS wishing one or two rooms, with or without private bath. In a beautifully fur nished house, with hot-water heat, opposite Rltlen house Square, .write I '404. Led. Office. OWNER OF LAliQE dwelllngwllt rent attrac lively jfuralshed bachelor apt. of 2 rooms, private bath, onert fireplace. 2022 Spruce st. PLEASANT rooms.. Unfurnished for light ousekeenlngj private famllv. Baring SOM w. NEAR :f. Phllu. station; attractively furn. sln gl rooms: good car service. Tioga 21UU W. BOARDING LEHIGH AVE.. W 1827-Private family has few, Iront vacancies: excellent table; all con- venlcnces. electricity. Phone Tioga 7:ci0 W. -"RI'CE. 1012 (Holmehurst) BeautRully furn, rooms, private bath, with board: table board. SPRUCE. 1224-20 (Brtsmondel Furn. rooms. slmtle. cq MUlte; private luvths: table board. SPRUCE "Tsiu-Second-floor j-oom; also fourth- .' .m.ifc. hiui Mwmu. SPRUCE. 1220 Large rooms, single or en suite: private bath; table boardt 8PRUCE. IfCS-no Second and fourth floor hall mu.ii.. .ru iirMieu, citoice lauie uoara. VENANGO. W.. J412 Large, attractively furn. 2d floor sitting room; excellent table board. WALLACE. 3401 Board and rooms, reason ablereonv, to cars. Phone Preston 5488 W. 10TH. N-, 1620 Vacancy, second floor (double), with or without board: all conveniences; un excelled lahle board Poplar 01KI J. MTK..8T.. N 41S-TiiUd.(o"ry room with smaller communicating one; steam heat. Suburban WYNNEWOOD RD.. SOd-Overbrook: nr. cars: desirable 2d story vacancies. Belmont 1811 Y. YORK no... T10I One or two rooms, private familyi table board. Phone Oak Lane 1163 Y. SANITABIUMS HEAUTJFUL locution; special scientific cart; nervous; elderly; every comfort, nurses. Hccklel. Dr. Randal. City line. Chestnut Hill, . . i m i r ' S3 -rHnv. t.Tw N vx HOJUT A COTH A LotN " - TTh T,o U .y-r,. j v LoBeuV THUITVOU ) J. 0T NOWEV WITH THETHE i VlAUM T COVERT - ' A veRS utn.pu.J r -vim v I j& HeJ v555' i 5 J 9 --- Qjy N APARTMENTS N. E, CORNER ltTJI AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story concrete and steel fireproof structure reaches the highest point of devel opment as yet attained In apartment con struction, and , may be properly styled a perfect place of abode. An earnest effort has been made to offer a matchless home to those whose flrst con sideration Is not to count the tost- alone, but to procure that which they desire: where there Is only perfection, the sire and char acter of which may be selected and shaped according to tho distinctive requirements of the Individual. Suites are arranged from two rooms nnd one bath to ten room and five baths. The location Is excellent, being convenient to the business and shopping centres and yet not too near. All things considered, the rentals are mod erate. further Information, arrangements for In snectlon and reservations may bo made through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD ' 1111 Walnut street. WALNUT AND 11TH STS. (S. W. tor.)-Mod. sultei exceptionally attractive; high ceilings: abundantly lighted on three skies; suitable for housekeeping, If desired, $73. Janitor on premises. BARBER, HARTMAN CO.. 1201 Chestnut at. 105 s. ilTH ST. Bachelor apartments! egecp tlonilly desirable 2d-floor suite, 2 large rooms and bathi every modern Improvement; anl ? on premises: steam heat Included. .. PAUPER. HARTMAN & CO., 1201 Chestnut. OXroRl). 2tos WEST. NEAR rARK-Klrst nnd s(-cond floors, single or together: hot . water heat. AHP.IlN-f.'l-itY irA N nth. SPIUNO HARDEN. tRI 7 Excellent apts. In S MifTerent houses ; some f urn. ; kitcheneUes. WAI,NUT, 14U- t'omTorf. apts.T single loomsT some mm. Apply Hnltor. Ph. Spruce 4.1i. Tim Kr.sxlviiTriv r, i t. ,',NI: RP-LOW BROAD Deslrnble npts. ami two professional offices. Onn for ln"ietfon. ,. YARROW ft VAN PELT 17TII AND CHESTNUT STS. Tlogn .1720 jr. BROAD ST.-KIVROOM APART ment. all lmroomonia. lanltor senlre, rent reduced to 23. Oabell. Ilnwd nnd Erie. TUBNISHED APABTMENTS LOCUST. 1213-ir. (Lion's Head) l'urn. apts.. sultes and rooms, with urhatn bath. SPRINO GARDEN. 2121-rurnlshed apart- menls: private Kttha all conveniences. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS 17TH. N.. MT-Sccoml and third floor flats of n looms and, bath, hot-water IimI. electric lights, hanluood floors, nil conveniences; new Iv finished throughout; ready for occu- pjicyJmiuaryl; .tr jml ,1tK ''TH. N l.12 Modem "ai.ts.. re,luced"rentnls. lanltor on premises; apartments Just renovat ed throughout. Apply to Lewis A. TauUne, S v.cor;lith nnd Walnut sts. BROAD. N.. '."Jill Three rooms, kitchen", hath" 4tlt floor s'.eam heat, gas and clec. : J.10. M. IseniJlOi Real Estate Tr llldg., fllliert 31t;n "-'".'.'.'JiViUA .AVE, lsfl-.t ROOMS. VITII PltiVATE RATH: ALL CO. VENIENCE3. DLVMOND. 2112-Tnreo rooms, bath kltchenT . hot-water heat And hot water, .". 1STH. N., 17ls-siv large, light rooms, newly finished: modern flat :sldtvnrds; tire tower. THERE" ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Tou can look at one after another until you find one, or You enn tzn around to the different agen- " uiiiii in ueeirnir j ou inns one, ir You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is qulto true that nearly every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with and iimy ne renieu inrougn us. Call upon us In our new ofHcei; they are really quite attractive: ou will be given the most courteous and efficient service obtain able. An automobile Is waiting to take you to the list of apartments you deslgnnte, and If by any chance ou nre not perfectly suited our entire organization will be plnceil at our disposal to procure for you exactly our heart s desire. Think of nil tho trouble jou will have aed and how glad ;,ou will be to know ou have found tho ono apartment In Philadel phia which most nearly approaches lour ex act Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 0200. Race H023 THE ENOLEWOOD. ran S.11TH HT.-Iilcil central housekeeping apartments: suites :i rooms, kitchenette and hath. Aiiplv Janitor. on premises, or LEWIS A. TAULANE, win Wnlnut st. THE NASH 127-20"SPRUCESTHEET ,'..: HOUSI'l-EKPLVH APART MENTS nnd PROFESSIONAL OFFICES. " COHONADO '"Jrl nt.,1 I'liA.tnn, ,,. A few cleslihl(acancles,ir5innd small. POPLAR APAItTSIKSTll. liMK.-n I"n,,lr .1 2. :: and 4 room suites rur. or iintur. : hot water heat: private btths; hot water. HOUSEKEEPING APTS.. all parts of" city: rents 1 to $i0 per mo. Call, phone or write . .mummnuii, ouniuoi nierii. i.'ui uuestliut. Vu.irr Gni;-.,.MS-. Pflglnator of Apt. Bureau . that suits. 4TI Iteul Est. Tr. lldg.,'a I. 'tii.4. -U-. vTnr"1?rrJ.. ,f.urn- or unfurn"""npar"tm"nts, uJSfilWiW.,.1 h,,a- "r Tlng.i. nee us frat. CHOE.PY.tCp.. 1317 Jlontgoniery a e. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. $.-. up. RooniT private bath. 4 mi. lllll N. Kith. '""""' WEST PHILADELPHIA DRENEL APARTMENTS ivvi:i(iuinrii wi-A-nnv One housekeeping suite. U rooms und bath. .-"-',---- -..-..,,,, ..... -u..t,Bc., BUIIC. H I ai per montn ; a fi.,nl.k..l !, , . ;, LA ...' -s "lenHuiiKiu iarpB J.lllrK I KS23 and bath. $.3 per month: public diniiiK RPTLANDAPrs JUST COMPLETED j a nn.l T 7n .t-.V.'.;:: IX.a.r.Zi- I ...... , ....,,,. I,iii i int nic, nun nil nits inu;9i . conveniences .17..-ji to $1,1 per month. ,, JtOBERT PITTS AGENT Bell phone Belmont 41X1, 3111 Locust st. I OFFER a large variety of apartments at varied prices and to meet almost nny re quirement. Call or send for list, Automobile ??I5.'r?.JP lnpet apartments If desired. NORMAN SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut St. HPRUCE 112(111. RACE 3023. GREY GABLES, ;!12-114 N. XID ery attractive apts., 3 to 7 rooms, furnished or unfunilshed; all ouulde rooms, shower rbaths. etc.; reas'ble; 8 mln. from City Hall. $30 TO $00 CHOICE SELECTIONS KERSHAW S. CROWL 3213 Chestnut GHRJIANTOWN W'ALNUT W.NE. E . 1301 ami 3 rooms and bath; hot.water htat: iirl.porcli: $23 to $13. Ilav erf aril, Pu. NEW SIMPLEX and Duplex Apartments, ope minute's walk from station, southern expo sure: beautiful surroundings, unsurru-aed ,U,B,UI, HIUMCIMlff It'IllUIII, ... . McILVAIN ft CO, 151S ln. Title Building; P hlla. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DEI.MAR-MORRIS GERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. ltriVySSlA -NUTe- -'OJ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. VgSrli?8 AND ' HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Eleventh St. An apartment hotel noted for Its cuisine and perfection of service. Newly furnished and redecorated. Parlor, bedroom and bath with meals for two persons. $40 per week TUB GENEVA ' 1BTII STREET ABOVE WALNUT High-class apartments, with or without prl. vate bath: entirely renovated and refur nished; under new management. DOUGHTY & MARSHALL -PETEY APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE mMT5INB APARTMENTS FOR WINTER MONTHS rURNISIIKI) OR UNFURNISHED AUSOI.UTELY FIREPROOF THE PARKS1DE i0TJIvigBa,nAnD 0PP031TE FAIRMOUNT'pAl'tK One to four rooms nnd bath; reasonable term Phono Bating 221 . . ill v-U,I.UIU..i CHESTNUT AND S7TII STS It. I'. ENOLE. MANAGER. also thi; englhsidb, reach haven. n. j. THE COVINGTON, tiik N. W. COR. IIITII AND LOCI ST. IWKST RITTENHOl'SE SQUARE.) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. T tin TflAfTV PERMANENT Olt TRANSIENT QUESTS BOTH AND CHESTNUT BEAti ESTATE FOB SALE CITV . , 15011 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-ltory bronnstoni dwlll Inc. Especially fitted for office. 3v prlcatidessytermsforqulck sale. MlnKlljlEliT ST. 2-story proch'-front brick dnelllng. Chan. W. Miller. 401-407 Com- monwealtli mdg 2tH3 S SST11 ST -2-story porch-front brick dwelling. Wins W Miller, 401-407 Com mon wealth llldg. .-,21,-. THOMPSON ST.-2-story brick dwelling: 7 roomi and bath. Chas. W. Miller, 401-407 . Commonwealth Bblg. ,, BEAUTIFUL SIDE-YARD HOM'E , $120(1. original price $47tni; l rooms; large tot: npler ocelli) Pit. nTJ Ctinn- St.. Tnhnn hot water heat, electric light, parquetry flooring; wide street; terms arranged: ou cant duplicate this for near the price asked: 2 trollevs; Mock from station. . AREtlNETHV. 13.1 S. 12th, 2721 N. Rtli. PRIVATE (JARAOD v"lth our "benutl fill Hus- cmnh st homes (Just west of Logan Station). Oet thl--$4200 for home, garage and 120 ft. lot; without gnrnge. fliSOO; none better built nltjuhere. P" Logan ad. AUERNETHY, 2724 N. 13,1 a. 18th. CENTRAL PROPEltTlES for sale or rent; etnd us your requirements. YARROW H VAN PELT N. E. ror. 17th and Chestnut sts. Plmno S1MI Spruce or 2070 Race. PARK-FRONT RP.SIDENCE. Iflll N. r&d St.. below Oxfonl. II rooms, 2 baths, modern, Mircli front large rear garden, charming Mew or nark PI'MHEIITON ESTATES; , 11 IB llarrUou llldg. BITES FOR SALE-s"ultablo for erection of business buildings, largo or small. Inveet- ment properties. Money for mortgages. ARTHUR HOSWEIjL. 2.M N. l.lth St. IF YOU WANT TO MOHTOAtlB. rent? buy! sell. eXLhange or Insure. "SEE TAt'l.ANri ABOUT JT" UUO Walnut st. HOOD PROPOSITION FOR THE INVESTOR. Smalt duellings, good condition, 4 rooms nnd bath: lor I4x(5: rent $11 month. Prlco $1100. CAMERON. 2SI1 Kensington ave. CENTRAL FACTORY Good slto for mod. bus. bldg.; :t streets, salo to close an estate; might rent. Jacob A Frits, 525 Land Tltlo Bldg. 0 ROOMS." now range, good order. 1223 s7 llueknell st.. rent $12. price Slum ARTHUR JiOSWEI.lL. KVt N.1.1tll St. , FARMST large orsmall: also city properties. Tl mn l,,iniv v. ii- uunl. W. V. ROOOENTINE, M.TO Oermantown ave. BARGAIN "FOR Ol'lCK SALE, 40S-10-12 N. IlTH ST.: MAKE OFFER. I'. A. JISMfKi IMII IIHJUK All. Hiiltdlng Lots, 1'octory Sites, Etc. TALLS OF SCHUYLKILL 'GROUND Large and tfmall Tracts for DWELLING or .MANUFACTURING J'urpnecs In Best Sections. EXCELLK.NT RAILROAD FACILITIES Prices on Application. Est. JOHN DOIISON. J0-J chestnut st. N. 2D RT.Siiltahle for factor or store; Ml It front by 2,,o ft. deep; enn mine dentil to suit. Call lit office. ALFRED I". BUCKLEY. SITES. RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsylvania and Reading; $2uoo per acre and up. accord ing to locntlou. Inquire for terms. DIEHTERICH, 7:17 Walnut. C'fioiCE building lots and large'tracts ground In all parts city: also over 200 manufacturing sites. Melvln. :Kiri-l(l Real Estate Trust Bldg. DESIRAHLE TRACT of ground for sale. Cottmnn st., near Castor road. Owner, 1 2 Harrison Building. WEST PHILADELPHIA BEST VALUE IN PHILADELPHIA UNEQUALED HOMES KTH ST.. ABOVE LANSDOWNE AVE. West Side. $ 3 0 n (l Every Known Convenience. Hardwood Floors Throughout. JAS. C. ENIIURG, BUILDER $Jluo H ROOMS, hot-wuter hent. gas and elec tric light, paniuetrv tloors, shower baths, gas kitchens and all other modern nppolntments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILDER f.sii Hnd Hodtield ts. SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER Ted and Baltimore nve. WIIELAN'S HOMES WITH AND PASCHALL AVE. APPLY 1011 ClIEhT.M'T ST. POITS TOWNSEND WEST PHILA. HOMES 4P03 BALTIMORE AVE. (tirsxi WILL purchaso beautiful plot of ground in west l'uiiaiicipnia. 1'inno, nuu franklin Bank Building. Rnce liouu D. THE CHILTON." No. 321S Baring st. For terms see or write to Harris J. Chilton, No. :ill.t3Locujt jt..West Philadelphia. OERMANTOWN nus E. CHELTEN AVE. Moilern three-storv porch-front home; terms to suit, exceptional opportunity lor home seeker. LEWIS A. TAULANE. UO0WulnUtHt. RESIDENCE SITES around in best" section of Germantovvn and Chestnut lllll. 11. li. LISTER & SON, 3C12 Germantown ave. WE CAN assist you to find that house" du are looking for. Germantown Trust Com ?ati, Chclten and Germantown aves. .... ... LOOn.,, C T TlnnOPC! ..I.- -, D&.ft.U A-S - . 4l.- A I.WUOC0. nt.llUH UUI- iarior oonar. uiii.vuus riufcarjiA.N, 53C0 Germantown ave., Mt. Airy or Chutnut Hill, con- -S"""' -- ' " ' -ermaniown nve. CHOICH HOMES. Tulcehocken at. east of Oer- manto-n nvc. J. It. Chadwlck ft Co.. 301S Germantown ave, Chestnut Hill NEW SALE A -CD RENT LIST READY iWr1 isJ'An-yrX, nl"1 I'hestnut Hill. PLJ.IIAM TRUST CO . U7HI Germantown ave. I.IKiAN LOOAN'H PRETTIEST HOMES Half already sold; every niodern feature; substantially built nnd artistically ilr.lsheil. combining to produce a "real home." imposing terraced front, select and unusual equipments; Rus omli street, south side, l.'tli to Kith, Just l..t nt klBMn.i ll..n .1.11... ....... -. 1 leon ii T. V ,.' i,iK ".f.h?,f.t, '":"."' i cemented vvulls; expeiislvepluinblnKi sumrlof I Aulk tliriiugh Logan street or Fisher's lane to l.,th urtetj then Ruscnmh street; 5 trol ley Hoes on Vork rd. On premises, or S. C. ABHRNETHV. 2721 N. .".111. 13U H.12Jh"l l.b(iAN"REAL ESTATE " SAJ'tV,I".:,XT ,AN" lyVCHANGi: , M, M, Smith llrn.ul st., opp, Logan Station. STORES DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS I'or salo or rent in best t,ectfnn of Logan. WM. P. CHAMBER S.4 ! i:i.I NJ Iroad " ihuiiiik B.iniK reui aivo iiouers, s.iiiuo I liuga WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA OR LOGAN . KENNBDY i RAMHO. :I7I(I GERMANTOWN SI'IIURIIAN WESTVIEW ELKLNS PARK Beautiful building tracts; high location, extended view over tine homes nl Elklns Park; near train ami trolley. Prices $11ik und upvvurd. Our automobile by ap tmlntment. Pin ne Melroso l't74. RHOADS & PAIJI J35 a- OTii t3T. CO ACRES; near Main Line Pennsylvania Railroad: stone house, I rooms: stone barn; spring; outbuildings: fruit anj shade; plenty of water: prlt.e $23 an ucre. 11. H. McCOI.I.UM 1311 Walnut st.. Philadelphia. "Don't Forget the Number," The Muffler Attachment riKAL ESTATE KOB SALE suncnnAN ON CHESTER PIKE, one fare from Eddy stone; IS derable lots; water supply and all rrmnlctpal .Improvements available: houses In demand; win sell at low figure to close an account. TOCUM & POWERS CO., .. 20 S. 1Mb. st , 0010 Woodland ave. . HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL MASSEY. Real Estate Trust Bldg. CHOICE BUILDING 8ITES and acreage, THUR P. TOWN8END, I,nghorne. Pa, stmtmnAN real estate Any price. All. locations. Sale or rent. IARLnsHOOD &CO.. MorrlsBldg. SELECT PROPERTIKS-Countrv seats, farms. List orders new. LEWIS T. BROOKE & SON. JlJuthJ'enn sq. FOUNDED 1870; LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, sale or rent, on tho Main Line or Reading R. R, V"MH. WILSON & CO.. Morris Bujldjng Ambler, I'a, FARMS, country, places and suburban homes on tho Reading's. Bethlehem nnd Doylestown brnnche. II, J. Pager, Inc.. Ambler. Pa, Hnta-Cynwyrl, I'a. WE HAVE A LAROE SELECTION OF . well. located modern houses In theso desirable suburbs. All convenient to trains, nnd some within easy reach of trolley. Every other city convenience. State requirements and we will send list. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING Darby, Pa, ELEVATED LINE TO DARBY almost sure thing: ask for list choice properties. $1400 5.000. 8WOJ'KlP:?Pth?- Elklns Pnrk, Pa. NEW SINGLE DWELLINGS. 12 rooms. 2 baths; .1 mln. from stntlon; reasonable price. McCormlck & McCormlck, 1011 Chestnut st. and Elklns Park. (llenstile. Pa. MAGNIFICENT stono and shingle residence, containing 12 rooms, bnth, all modern con veniences; large lot, with stable; convenient to train and trolley; best location; property could not be duplicated for less than $tr,COO; will take $10,000 for oulck sale, several other unusunl opportunities. RENNINGER RENN1NOER OleiHdo, Pa , nnd Broad and Walnut sts , 'niinneipiun, la MODERN HOMES, best location, building lots and acreage, many rare offers. Call at Glensldo office today Rennlnger ft Ron- runger, men-ine. and uroad and walnut. Swnrlhmore, Va. imoo-EAHY TERMS. 14-room house, nter heat; gas. elect's': fire places: hay wlndone: porches: shade; cor. lot, uixlfto feet; room for garage and garden. Mailable for private homo or apartments. C. P. PETERS H SON. COS CHESTNUT ST. MAIN LINE. PA. R. It. OUR LIST OF MAIN LtNE PROPERTIES comprises overythlng rroui small suburban houses to large, country estates. Also Ismail lots nnd largo building sites. Lists to suit Individual requirements sent upon request. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING DESIRABLE PROPERTIES SALE OR RENT . WARNOCK & E.MLEN. Commercial Tr. Bldg. SUBURBAN iKJMES, country" places and building sites to suit all requirements; Main Line. II. R HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. BEST LINE OF MAIN LINE HOUSES Either for sale or rent, nt nil prices. HIRST McMULl.IN. West. End Trust Bldg. NEW JERSEY lladdon Heights. N. J. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADIX1N liEIGHTH. N. J. WU.LET LIPPINCOTT Maple hhsde. N. J. THE GREATEST privilege of the 20th century Is to own a llttlo one-acre farm close to rhllodelihla, and remember $3 down buys one. $5 monthly pays for It. For a squire deal call on or write BARLOW ft CO.. Maple Shide. N. J. .Mt. Ephralm, N. J. ,,. ,. , ONE-ACRE FARMS Mt. Ephralm. N. J. (adjoining lladdon Heights), only 5 miles from Camden (2 sta tions on tract). $300 to $CO0 per ncre, title ln?VTf.'U.f"'e'ieod. no taxes for 101 S. CAMDEN COUNTY GARDEN FARMS CO. 120SBroadway, Camden. N. J, SEASHORE Cape May. N. J. COTTAGE, erected by a reliable builder Is a i$r.WR&to2kJ&iTar.tSXS Plans submitted free. .JS31 TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. Ocean City. N. J. UOrTAGE erected by n reliable builder Is a f;Kf,W'0,J..,Hnc,,,0 Plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N.-J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 23 ACRES-Neat v I ago .property; 1400 recti main pike and trolley frontage; good atone dwelling n square, rooms and lying beautl lli!.l.v,, ,no eouth: farm outbuildings; stream; fll'oO. best of Its kind to our knowledge. BROWN & CLOUD NORR1STOWN. PA. POULTRY AND FRUIT FARM 01 ACRES. DEL. CO.. PENN. 14,-rooin house; city conveniences; complete buildings; laving .house for 800 hens; brooder house for I2ix) chicks; Incubators and complete equip, inc. stock; 33n fruit trees In prime: 2 ncres In crapes; mile from stn. Photographs. C. P. J'ETEIIS & SON. COS CHESTNUT ST! NEAR CHESTER AND -MARCUS HOOK-" 1,3 Actch. lo-riiom houso: tenant house and complete buildings; running water at house olid barn, ton prices for all produco within thort drive: very productive: barguln. C. P PETERS ft SON. (lot Chestnut st. 70 ACRES, rich black loamy soil, fruit, stream". wu'ituaiiu. uuiiu iiwkh: siore, school nnd i!,r.S,,,nert,k ,nl1?' trolley 1H miles. Price. $320(1: $1100 cash down JACK'S FA II at AGENCY. Stephen Glrard Illng.. 21 S. 12th Ml-ACRB DAIRY FARM on Bethlehem pike; stono bu Idlngs. nenr It. R., town: $ssoo; ..!(si cash. A. II: Tytnn. JLnnsdale. J'n. ' 23, VCRES. STO(JK, CROPS, good "bulld!:rr iFV:r!,v,fr.?',,b'r l-NSl!KRGER"S II "ARM -VGKNC Gretn J-ane, P,i. . -":W JERSEY FARMS BURLINGTON COUNTY FARMS All sixes, all purposes. Established 1S0S, A y-L DRESSER. Burllngtop. N. J. MARYLAND FARMS CHESAPEAKE BAY Fishing, hunting lodge! ,(io acres, at Susquehnnna ducking grounds. Hunters' paradise. Barker, 1234 N. Alden st. 1'AR.VlS WANTED TO BUY 00 to inn acres. ,.i,iii,i r ru near tranapoitatton. vvlihlu 3u miles of Phlla ",i" .',, "Tv , 4V" 'r11 ur.cripiion ami price Box .'14, Cinleteo. N, y. REAL ESTATE 3ALE OR RENT CITY Bi'.? .A II"?5' r,.H,OM -'S-Monthly pavmentlT J J to. 5l.,i-: Phlla.,and Germantown; prices $1S0) to JIMS). Merchants' Union Trust Com-P-5!iV-,ns-7ll Chestnut st FOR South. Philadelphia real estate. A. K Russell.. N, E. tor. 13Ui.and Tasker sts. SUBURBAN Ilals-Cjnvvjil, Pa, LARGE LIST HOUSES, sale or rent, nt all prices. SAMUEL C. WAGNER. Jr. Commer. rial Trust Hldg . 13th nnd Market "sts. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE MAIN LINE FARMS, country estates, sub. urban dwellings for exchange for city prop erty. What have jou? What do ou wapl? Harris, real t state, op, stutlon, Narberth, I'a. DESIRAHLE PROPERTY on Tioga at Will consider investment houses or ground. WILL- IA4HARR. Sth and Oak laife SALE CHEAP-Small bullfimg. sth and Arch; large building 12th and Arch. MUSHON, :EI3 I.ind Title, Makes It a Very Useful Gift, BEAIi ESTATE TO EXCHANGE SEVERAIi small dwellings; iviiiiAL small dwellings; rents $7 to s-15, fOOO per year. Livingstone. Broad ft Walnut. Subject to first mortgages only; net Income. Sub BEAL ESTATE WANTED START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT By listing your property with G. (. SCHLICHTER S22 North American Bldg, Will sell, rent, exchange or mortgage. Insurance of all kinds. SQUARE DEALING-ABSOLUTE SATIS FACTION ATLANTIC CITY or VENTNOR COTTAGE, furnished and In good neighborhood, wanted for exchange, by owner or. residence In this cuy, ,., linger uentrai, RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort. ?ages snd (Ire Insurance placed quickly, St Cane for prompt Jesuits, 252STask t rjt. WILL purchase real estate neir Olnev; ave. Health Hair-Grow Co., 01PO York road, BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY 20,11 WEST ONTARIO ST. faf Tioga Station) Fourteen rooms, up to date for apartment: rent, $10 per. month. Apply . , INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO.. 1030 N, Front st. 214I-2II.-. NORTH PARK A VE. Three-story dwellings. II rooms, elegant order: all con veniences; Ion- rents: keys lOin.N. 12th St. w'm. L. CRAVEN'S SONS 30.1 S, HTlt ST. 12 rooms and 2 baths; steam heat! Just renovnted throughout. CIAS. L. BROWN & CO.. 217 S. Broad.., 170!) SPRUrE ST.-17 looms and 2 tattis: suit able for pluslclnn; In good ordel, . EDGAR (!. CROSS. Jill Walnut st. 20.12 BflANDYWINE ST. Three-story dwell ing, just papered anil oainten inrnugnnut; iedjjcedrent. TAULANE. (KX Walnut St. lWII MASTER8T, 12 rooms, 2 batiis: good rendition, CHASL. BROWN CO.. SUSouthJDroajd; 2010 N. '23TH ST.Two-sforv s-room dwell ing, all conveniences; rent. $22. Industrial Trust Co.. In'iO North Tront st. . Zt 8. 21ST 3 1-Desirable dwelling, exclusive sec. $ Van. 17th and Chestnut ts. STORES A.N'D DWELLINGS In nil sections of city see our. list in tno i-cdger aaturoay. SAMIiP.I. "P. FOX A CO.. AiUUI S. E. cor. Oth and Cnllowhlll. nF.Niv Fnn nnn tirtvT list THE IVND TITLE AND THUOT COMPANY Broad and Chestnut sis. . RENT CATALOGUE gladly sent upon applica tion to WM. O. GLENN, 300-01 Land Tltlo rlulldlng. ir,17 Columbia ne. . Business Properties nml Stores G1.-.-07 NORTH BROAD ST. 031 NORTH BROAD ST. eultnble for nutomoblle accessories nnd sup ply store. 7MHRV T. SAUNDERS, ni.l 8th st. MARKET STREET. P2 Entire building to renr street: lot 23.3x200; Immedlato possession. Apply Pennn, Co., 317 Chestnut st, 1.07 CHESTNUT STREET IOW RENT. STORE AND BASEMENT. 2 street fronts, steam heat, tioss. nt once. l'..PETERS& SON. COS Chestnut nt COO-ll MARKET ST. Desirable dnuhle-bulk store nnd basement. ilOxirtO: possession Janu uary 1: occupied by doctor 33 vears. 173 South Broad t. . 311. Ill N. BROAD ST. STORE AND UPPER FLOORS . Lea Estates. 700 Sansom st. OLD-ESTABLISHED CIGAR STAND-Same lino of business for ,10 jears; 22S N. 22d st." no good-wilt or second-hand fixtures to buy' property for rent at a moderate rental. HARRY T. SAUNDERS. .11 S. ISth st, SMALL STORES REASONABLE .RENTAL On l.'.tn st. below Arch. WM. C. niJNHJRJ00AlCIIHT. OPPORTUNITY'for n'nnd 10-ccnt storo; 40th and Market sts.: beautiful store In Now Knickerbocker Theatre Building; adjacent to U. S. Postofflce. Taylor ft Son. 24 nnd 20 S. 40th st. , Factories Warehouses! 51 fr. Floors FIREPROOF STORAGE and LiRlit Iatiufacturinp; Floors, with R. R. Sidiiifr. Reasonable rates. Perma nent and temporary leases. LARKIN BUILDING 22D AND ARCH STS. "Philadelphia's Flnesv Buslnesn Floors " CENTRAL MANUFACTURING OR STORAOE FLOORS. Steam hent, electric, elevators, modern build ings. 214 N. 22d st., 68-132, communicating rooms. 40x132. 22S-230 N. 22d St.. 2 floors. 30x00. Reasonable rentnls. HAltllV l, BAUiSUKKH 31 SOUT1 ll lb 18TH ST. TWO LARGE well-llghted floors. 8000 sa. ft.: ample heat end power. Baehman Chocolate Co.. Montgomery ave. und Howard st. iLARGE MANUFACTURING PLANT 10(1 feet 1 frpntnge on Delaware River: Penua. It. It. siding: office bldg., laboratory, covered ship ping platform, etc.; water supply from river and artesian wells; boilers, engines: overv thlng complete. TAULANE. OOP Walnut st. 1227 GERMANTOWN AVE. Now building; extra heavy construction; suitable for manu facturing, wnrehouso or wholesale business; 3 floors and basement 7000 square feet: elec tric elovator, rent, $73: will sell on liberal terms. Estate oDanlel Hue,-, 1303 N. nth. CENTRAL WAREHOUSE Six floors nnd bnsement. 20.0HO square feet; high ceilings, elevator, good light; rear out let: stable or garage If desired; also two story bldg. 140x4(1). no per cent. light. TMTLANE. 00(1 Wiilnut St. ROOM having three fronts, containing 11.100 sq ft : elevator, heat: low rate of insur ance; rnllroad siding: sub-postofftco in build ing; loomed IP blocks south of Market at. C.J.JII I.N E & SON. Hth and Washington. 317 DELANCEY" "ST. Well-adapted manu- facturlnir bulldlmr. 1 floors nnd biisemsnr , good light : from street to street. 20lo0. "SEE TAULANE ABOUT JT" mio jyalnut st. OTH AND SPRUCE STS Entlro floor. 00x03; light on all aides; elevators, low Insurance; central location IAS.1. BROWN & CO., 217 South Broad. MKRCHANTh'- BUILDING II NORTH ITH STREET DESIRABLE ROOMS: POWElt AND LIGHT BROAD AND WALLACE (Metropolitan Building) Rooms. 8000 to 40,000: cheap; jwcr. Apply to Geo. F, Lusher, 147 N, 10th. CORNEir BUILDING for llghVmfg. imrposes: nbout-'!WH) so ft.; $30 a month, S. E. torner loth and Tioga, LARGE AND SMALL floors, aultable for light manufacturing In centrally located building. MYERS & UART1I, Ridge ave. ai 1 (., TWO-ST"RY JIILL. 113x40. for rent, with power, heat ami use of railroad. Cope & Co., Way no Junction. OFFICES, HUHINESH ROOMS. ETC. A FEW - DESIRABLE OFFICES SINGLE OR EN SUITE RENT VERY REASONABLE SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ROBERT MORRIS TRUST COMPANY BUILDING 9-7-929 Chestnut Street ills-ril-b" chestnu'TstT LIGHT OFFICE, SUITABLE FOR ARCHITECT MEARS & BROWN -0T?K5IT11 Eh, Pete? By C. A. VOIGHT BEALESTATE FOB RENT orriCKSgjnusiNKSs rooms, kto. CHESTNUT ST.. 1209-1 fc "''"I.': nectcd rooms: oppor., business or offices: p windows Chestnut St., snowcase. .aim WALNUT ST., till Several very .desirable rooms, suitable, for business or studios: good location. apniiwmlLlon. on premises, DREXEirTlLDO. OFFrCES, Annual Rentals smile nmi.rn(n.tlso.ilsfam.Aixi- Suites. 2 RmsT. 10. JUS. 2W.S22jJ.2rA$2.S Suites .1 Rms.. $273. 40O. $4K). MOO. "jft.'2' . Corner Suites 4 to 8 rooms. JS30 to ,fo. 8J.'irLlAMI -Wpriinullln, BUSINESS OFFICES and workrooms, with strong north light, open on 3 wf",vi?S,?U ft . In new building near 12th and Walnut; 2 elevators, n i cornenicntrs. . . J. T. jAcKSON co. Chestnut and l.lth. DESIRABLE second-floor corner suite, S.largj rooms, nortneast corner nun nni ",all,lH sts. : also single or communicating oinces: elevator, and all conveniences. , CHAS L. BROWN CO.. g7 South Rroad. MERCHANTS' BUILDING 4 North 4th street. Very desirable offices. Heat andjlgn nsn THOUSAND SQUARE rEET. thlrd i?0O: heat nnd light In- none frnntt rn g' eluded. Plata Bldg.. llfflMW-ffl Aroh st, Professional Offices CHESTNUT. 20202 large physician's office! steam heat, elec.i newly renov'd; long lease. CHERTNUT. .21IS 1st floor front, recc; Ptlon tit,-, d. room, suit, for doctor or dentist. Spruce SPRUCE. lM7-Prof. offices, steam heat! elec'y; exe. ph. and. door serv.; good light. WALNUT. 2203 Suite of 2 large rooms 1st floor; hot and cold running water! electricity. 10TH ST., 13.. ,1.7 Desirable newly furn., bright offlce-i. recep. roomi mod,, rental, Loc, 3012. 20TH. S 237 Physician's office! first-floor front; well-turn, reception room: elec. lights. 21 ST, 8., 3 Desirable location for physician or dentist; electricity and running water! reas. TO SHARE half house with married physician: desirable offices, cent, located: rent renson- . able. Add. Smith. Bnker.Uldg.,, 1320 Chestnut. PHYSICIAN suite of "offices for rent from Jan uary 1. CHARLES L, BROWN & CO.. 217 Arch st, Desk Room PROFESSIONAL MAN. vicinity 4th and Wal nut, will let desk room to lawyer or public accountant: phono and stenographer. D 420, Ledger Office. DESK ROOM. Including stenographer's serv Ices & phones. Apply 10d W. End. Tr. .llldr. HENT.U. IJSTS . THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY For Insurances on Lives & Granting Annuities, 2j;s. isth,ir.r.$2na .in soos. fatii. 20" R. 22d. Mr.. 130 0012020 locust. lSr.Tui3.84 JiOPIne. 10r..,.10S SII1430 Pine, IBr... .108.34 420 S. nrnail.IRp im m ll'.n V 1A,h 1-. Ln nn mi v ucsinuc si. ijotn pitones. .211 & 18t,1 ,8r' 73.00 1013 Green, ir... 73 00 JJSHPIne, :Br... 73.00 1018 Pine, 10r.... 00.07 ..V2:?.- 23c1' !R.r" r,S'no1 "12 N. lf,th. 14r. M.OO iSliiJli "' "" ''OOOIIOOI Poplar. 13r. r.o.oo r.o.oo co.oo 13.00 4.1.00 41.07 1233 iS. Broad.lOr 30 01' 123 S Rth. I7r., 3011 S. 11th. llr. 43 mil 70s Wallace. 18r. SKI Race, ISr... 43 ni :s.v i;th. nr. 1;?SN. I.8"1' ISr. 40.0ii,ijii Lombard, Or. 4o!oo i'i ;i- '"' J'. ti t . in -viastcr. iur 1714 Oxford, llr. B2S8. 4th, llr.. 32.00 17311 N. 10th, 12r. 83.00 17I0N. Fltlln, I2r bo.oo 2331 Columbla,12r. 28.PO i20 l'alrm't, 8r 28 on 323 N. Cth. Or... 27.00 1443 N. Cth. 10r. . 20 00 2411 Master. Or... 23.00 120 N. Fklln, Or. 25.00 2141 N. 11th, Or.. 23.00 21R0N. Uber. Or.. 23.00 720 Now Mkt, Or 21.00 2014 N. Jessup. Or 21.00 Oil Latimer, lOr. 20 00 1410 N. Catnao, Or 10.00 lnjOMifdln. 7r... 18.00 xu iN. lltli, ur. 80 (10 1418 Wharton, Or 2S.O0 213B Master, llr. 27.00 1720 N. 20th, Or.. 20.00 117 W. Sharpnaclt, llr linn . stn, pr... 23.00 1438 S. 13th, Or.. 23.00 708 N. 10th, Or.. 23.00 I)2flN. 10th, lOr. 24.00 1314 Wharton, Or 22.00 330 N. Or'na.lOr 21.00 2233 Bnlnb'ge. Or 21.00 1420 Stiles. 7r... 20.00 2002 Turner, Or... 314 Parrlsh. 3r. . 18 00 lfi.12 N. Marv,, Dr 18.00 2322 Wallace, Or.. 18.00 -02 Nectarine, 7r li.'io 831 N. Amer,, Or 10 00 023 Falrm't. Br.. 10.00 U33 Nectarine. 3r 13.00 ip.'iM j'cuerai, ur, is.oo 180(1 N. Rlng'd.Or 10 00 247 Fltivvater.Or 10.00 113.1 North. Or... 10 001 3 Level's ct. Or 13.00! 2027 Pngeu 7r .... 13.00 413 W llevv'n, 7r 13 00 il004 Lemon. 7r... 13.00 DWELLINGS. I" r nA D lit M STORES AND ii .-. jotn, 2r,$70.oo 2M N. 2d, 18r... 40.00 1012 Oxford, llr. 80 00 721 N. Front.llr 23 00 ...,, ,., nt,,,..,..... 1813 Ridge. 12r... 37.30 318 N. 8d. 8r.... 23.00 818 W. Norrls, Or 23 00 innri Tnlrm't. Or.. 2.1.(M 23l3Rldgp. llr. 23 (in in ureen, 7r 129 South, tr 023 S. 2d, 8r. I120S. 2d, Or. 22 001 123 W.Oxford. Or 21.00 -uuuiaAmDer, ir. .. .Tj.txi 20.0011204-11 S. 2d. 7r.. 20.00 20.001 201 Wharton. Or. 10.00 34.10 N. 21 ST, '"3? ?: Unnac,'.'.'.'.'.$23!iil'ri Vnger'soll" .' .' $42 30 ...$14 ... 12 ...12 ...11 ... 10 .. 101 ,rn5?--, 'l3',v a 300 Cambria. ... IK1:! Ulenrrleld -n'ssill orlnnna ... l3iUrciicli 1R22SI Orlnnna ... 310 Spencer 17 1412 Cadwalader "I". v.'.'l'.'JI"1 . j . . .. 1..I-..1H v;ainarine . V V-.:.: ".; ... i.M.'iiii v-ninarinr ALFRED H. WJLLIAMS. 322 Walnut st 8 WEST PHILADELPHIA 6333 OREENWAY AVE. 2-story oroch-front divelllngj lust papered: reduced rent. TAtJIMNIJ. POO -Walnut st. nERMAN BROS.. OOltl MARKET ,.. Houses. Apartments, Stores NEAR (KITH ST. "L" STATION For Rent or Sale. DWELLINGS. STORES AND APARTMENTS. WM. II W. QUICK BRO.. INC. g SOUTHIOTH .ST. $28 Thrco stories. 11 rooms, hardwood finish: others. $1h to I2 30. E. 11. APSLi:.jvsthand Sprlngfleld ave NEW HOUSES FOR RENT-07 S. C3d "stTT facing Cpbh'a creek ; Boulevard: rent $12.00. JAS. N. MITCHELL. and Market. (iI?i,MAN"rmvN '? lv' f?,"Anp-N;AC,K. ST.-Dcslrnble eemlde tached, 1-story dwelling. 10 looms nnd bath: l'oIch,ir0,n.t:.r.0nv- to trBl" "'d trolley; rent $23. II. II. Lister & Son3(H2Gtn. ave. J30-DWELLINOS. 11 ROOMS ., ... Semi for List. Contlnental-Enuliahle Trust Co.. 21 S. 12th. OERMANTOU'V nnvttia Let me know what prfco vou'vvant. R. T. MITCHELL. 0200 C.erman(own ave. Tioga 3701 N. RROAD ST. Store and second-floor apartment: ll rooms and bath: corner Broad nnd Alrdrle: good location for Kupplv store: J5S. North Phlla, Trust Co.. Broad nnd Erie. Darby. Pa. 120 S. STH ST. 10 rooms. $23. L P. ALUHECHT 2414 West Lehigh ave. KUIHJKUAN (lenslile. Pu. BEAUTIFUL HOMES, up to data In every Ueliill. 3, $.111. $.13,' sin. sjo. m upvvanl to Jl.iO ner month. Call at illcnside office today. RI NNINGEItA RENNINGER. Glen aide, and nnd Walnut sts. Jenklntown. I'a. BTONE DWELLING. 14 rooms. 3 baths: ga rage; excellent location. $7(). D. II. Chambers, 71(1 Commercial Trust Bldg. MAIN LINE. I'A. R. II. MODERN HOUSES. $30 to $200 per month; various stations. Send for special list, liar l.ert & (Jl.tghorii. -'ill Bailey Bldg. IRlverfonl WEST AVE. 0 rooms, bath. nnv tn If t ford StaPhlla. & Western: $32: excellent conil. D.JJCharnbers. 710 Com I Tr. llldg. St. David's FOR RENT-Stone and frama house. I min utes' walk south from station, corner Mid. land ave. and St. David's road, containing about 1(1 rooms, .'I baths. 8 chambers: all mod ern conveniences: large Perthes and about 1 aero of ground: old shade. IIARUEI1T & CLAOIIORN. 121S Chestnut st. WynnevvooU 40 MANOR ROAD-Modern: 13 rooms. 2 baths: &,,Srei,'.anl: ,4, Pf.r 10' Walter Oassett Smith, Wynnewood, Pa. FOR RENT FURNISHED CITY LEAVE FOR FLORIDA JANUARY 1ST Owner will rent modern, vvcll.furntshcd. 11 room hou. 45th & 1-ocust, very reasonably. C. P, PETERS SON. U)"! CHESTNUT sK MOBTGAGE8 FOR SALE 6 Per Cent. Gilt Edge Ground BenJ in amounts of CB $uw, rpiouu. oiuu, jigrjA j.?Vvj $2500 and $3000 ' m4 iwr nrn ixn vntrtt.Sr. i CENT. MORTGAGES IN Wrir'vLt'Wl . OF $1200. $1000 AND 1h8i'NT A secured upon properties having conw... . CM i.JLanJ 5"?. ".r.lJ?.. . cSnc0retW3"! bathroom and kitchen nxtares";vn! coal and gas rsnges. etc. ' com"lnia TTnr further nartlritlflra AnKi .J nuRTpN,c.snijpNiothVri'j TlL W MONEY FOR WETDSECUjff mi.iv i uuca ALSO BU LD Mi'ASSOCIATtnv. FUNDS FORHLSTj JAMES G. FRANCIS 52HViL-TT st. Large Amount TRUST FUNf FOR FIRST MOnTOAnsv uix-J3J Immediate Attention HORACE H. FRITZ 718 WALNUT ST. $30 TO $30110 .MORTGAGE OR &0TR rTtaadi. DEMPSEY cd; 'uftDs 27 S. KITH ST. j,ou v., e. .u 5nnni Mortenre nr nnU.. rl ...... .... ?JUUU able easy terms! settlement sains All t'' LEWIS & CO. 12 W; OtltABD- . . MONEY t!TloaN ' . ON 1ST AND 2D MORTGAnPq LOWEST RATES. QUIrK DETlirnw ATjsn rtt-ri.nrvn ; tborv. "ASjlSIOjf J. J. TURNER, laoVcQnulst. SIT. S"iV.P S'nT'lriUS tfHF'ATiavsDE: 5d m i'o eh. Am Wiiew i thw vAP J William JAl:s KEonir c,rtl SO., IIIIRXRI. llirttfrMBS" -J LOMBARD 1884. MaIm ' for sale..$inoo each. Ae'cureif on flnlil ired on finished trnm. H 1 Silfll ervy : ime insurnnee and p ST All L & CARSON, bull tween A and H sts. and Wyoming i Open every day nnd Sunday. ' I0U TO LOAN ON nEAL ESTATpT T 20 d,ey,irerC"at0 ""' ASSJXT& EDW. M. MOLL i Ji5i..i.i;i iS I, MORTGAGE MONEY- QUII19 IU SUIl. p''ll? Seconds. O. C. SEIDEL ft CO., INC. 4th nnd Cnllowhlll sts. Fi is ' jnii mi-:i:ii.vii avv . m.A.:: AND SECOND ANY Private or trust funds for l.t mir.ii1." Bulld'ng Association for second mnriiSS:'. city or suburbs. Quick service, ":.-" JAMES C, SIMPSON, 1420 CIUJST.NUT BT. 'f Ai awuurti- piaceu quickly on lit or ..,.,,, Inmn ..,,., ..n. , - . largo, trust funds on hand sin building assoclf nations with ready monv! nr,i money; quick j action In mv motto! tpv tnn ' my. motto: try mo. Chas. 55. do Y'oung, 400 West End Trust nit. J. n. 1IASREV A HOV J.'ITH AND GREEN STS, FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAOE3 JyLINOASSOCIATIONFUND!r MONEY FOR-FIRST AND SECOND" MORTGAGEK HENRV S. UEEO nacnnsTNUT sti FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGfri-ul, SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNEIt l.l .TlllllUb Bl :10RIvn Special for mortgages, i .pi.OJU j funds for seconds. WOHRELL.o5J N. 1710.1 ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES uuiejc answer. (Bi MAURICE H.JlATBINOEH.Real Est-Tr.EMerll FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES 3 ANY AMOUNT ,l PpTS & THOMHON,2321 FranMora 1 TRUST"rUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAoTifl HERKNBSS & STETSON v"lu "S LlKWU lli'lt. IIUIJ.LIING. DEEDS DRAWN. $1: MORTGAGES, ll.BO."- 1112LlncolnnulldlnKBothDhqnt. V, lll.l.ill c. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MOP.TQA0E3 ' JIORTGAGES FOR HAI.n TIIEO, H. NICKLES. 2313 Ocrmanlown va 3 -viu.ij.i i un .nut; iviAur; LARGE OR SMALL SUMS W. II. HOOD. 312 NORRIS ST. BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS FOR FIRST a-civ snnnvn rniiTn.vnr C,R.RHPADS,13TH All. SUMqUEHAN.V', i AKIl U. lNTt:ilKST IN ESTATES REASONABLE CHARGRS . JOHN A BARRY. 307 LAND TITLE DLDa.1 unlirn Anl-Q Funds for firsts and seconds; city or suburb:' positlve. prompt service. F (110. Led. Cent. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MOHT0A0E3 ivjj.:vi;iiy At itA.Miio 3740 GERMANTOWN AVE. MONEY. FOR 1ST AND 2D MOnTOAQBa: wuiuv rti-;iiviiTi:: n.viAt.i. uiiAiiuts., WALDMAN. lllll W. GIRARD AVE, VR 1IAVI- A l-Mrviv nc- 11000 (rt- Sft mortKngcs: will split: quick answers, di P. COWARD CO.,20th and Jeffcrion its. 4i PRIVATE AND TRUST,' FUNDS. lf.:til i. ..i'i,i,.niu,.-, .i, .ii.ivj.inuiu ,1. EDWARD l.l'TJ!. ""4(1 N. 17lh it. FIVE PElfCBNT. RU1LDINO ASSOCIATI03 nnd split mortgages; quick action: moderate tnurges. ai. uetz. I.ith and York Hi. INVESTMENTS First mortgsges, jtrouMl rents, real estnlo. PEJIBERTON ESTATES, iiurrison liuiiqing. OWNERS -If your mortgage has been al!eli( j win iiko u ui: niso l'ii moigage moner CHESTER D. r6tTNER. 1420 Cheilnul iU7 S100.0IH) FOR FIRST. SECOND 0R SPWTS morlgnges. "'See ua llrst." .. . " . AUKHNr.THY. 2721 N. 3th. 133 South llj ski.uuu TO LOAN on seiond ana bunainis aasoclatlon mortgages, Plnno, 1100 (PP- mi t!.iiiK iiuiniinK EMERGENCY FUNDS placed nt once: sy ' alltn I .Hfei.ARq a .. .va.M Iaisa s rd torn T X. tins Miiiiu-uniiu iiiioiil'i i lunisi inn" w m Dclany. 1112 Lincoln. Broad and renn a.j TRUST FUNDS for good llrst mortgagM. 41 .1. H. .I.Vltlll.l.l.A. iri.l.i l-lirutian ss HAVE $),(Sii In fnvest"at 3 per tent; will di vine, ii rail, Ledger uince MQNEY TO LOAN A NEW COMPANY Ready Money for Housekeepers! You run borrow today In private manriMj without red tape, from a new concern, aj very e.isv terms. We nre bonded '2.'K State, licensed and supervised bv the iwj" lug Department of Peiinivliunla, .P.'JJ i.viMtis we are reliable and will give jou aaj all-nroiliul square deal. , ..,..-,-,. WE LOAN FROM Sill TO $204 I'AYM&vSTM ARE MMAI.L AND WITHIN YOUR I.NL0ME, Your monthly pas ment on $J'I Is only $j Your monthly tuvincnt on $- is oniy J' With Interest at .ll .... Your monthly paBient on $112 Is on y mi Your monthly unvAient on $204 U oaly III s lllill Illlfli:!.! Ml. -.2C...rtra ttff- ASK OUR RATES AND METHQPS l mug; i.iji.Mi i',i.t;vv iiciir.; SCI ELSEWHERE- , . ,.. hid us prompt. Other '"f""! off and more money d".n';f usj Write us or phone vvainuil vnu win nun panics paid ofl vv iiy noi see. u 'w'e also'ma'ke loans In Germantovvn, Wjt town, cneatnut Kill nnu aiaiiayuu, ;a HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 S. Broad Street SECOND FLOOR. . NEXT TO FORREST OPEN STO 8AT.rRDAYSTft YOU CAN BORROW MOSW, ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. KTC. iuADv.w;::::::i $300 " "' J ItlKDKIfS RIDGE AVE. AWAJFs0nuDTlfl WE LOAN SIONEY on Your Furniture duui-'ii units. ., 1 9 REMEDIAL LOAN CO. OF FH"'A- ,,1 Call. Phone or' write, 34 S. Wfh 3 l.ocuat :uu. jm