vPISWIIMIlWri I'linjiiLiuifniiumii ' i"vi"wi'HW!gPBywr '" WUJiW iiisiuPwr'W'MW n'piiji i w,(pywiggpgpp EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1015. ns 13 WHEAT WAS WEAK; LONGS LIQUIDATED Quite a Floating Supply on the Market Demand Not Aggressive CIltCAOO, Dec 2 Weiknem chnrnc t(rltcil the w ent market here today There was ft great deal of pressure, from Ions stuff that had been put on sale In the pre dlnif two business tlnjs, which In turn dlslodped n number of small holdings and E,Pt quite a floatlnc supply on the mar ket throughout the day Toward the eloso there ivna n slight rally from the low It was reported that nbout 500 Ono iu.hels were sold for expbrt. It appeared as though longs had a dp Ire to clean up for the ycnr-eml It was reported thai Armour ni bearish At any rate, he was nmons the sellers The demand was not very nggrcsslve A 0 Slaughter & Co 'a agent In Argentina raised his estimate on thnt country's ex portable surplus from 92,000.000 bushels to 110 000,000 bushels Crop reports from Australia also were favorable Receipts from tho Northwest showed a decided falling off, but Minneapolis re ported the Inquiry for the cash article as slow, with prices higher nradstieets reported wheat storks ns follows United States, 73.41,000 bushels, lacrcase of 4,128.000 bushels foi the week, and comparing with 87,0S',000 bushels a Uar ago. Camdn. ,107,iX bushels, a jraln of 1,403,000 bushels for the week, and comparing with 35,112,000 bushels n venr ago, l'ltrope "1,732,000 bushels, u decrease of 143,009 bushels for tho week, comparing with 83,300 000 bushels a cnr ago. Leading future- ranged us lonows Wheit Open High Low Close ilne Member 1 -"N I '- J "' '-,1i 1 -'I'i ecemi.er j . j , ,i I1! i tiii. t Tii. 1 1.-.I. 1 It.t. 1 171. n. Mar Julr "Corn men deiP.erv- . December 4 All .ill lj. jar iJi irt 4iV .;?, ....'J iui December Slav . !33i 12", 42 t41 4H4 t47 ii. 47'i 471, Jsnuar) ";" lay "0 0" n 7.1 n 7 in 7 t 7'-' in in o p." in w) Mono Jsniiary 1" P0 !ofl- nn- l"ro l,n0 J"," iJo l".4o l2"' los-'iois HIPS Janiiorv I"11" 1f,7 '""n ,,!"0 I"1"' Mav tjsuj 1H-, 11.71 MS 71 -tisa-Bld tAskcd LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO Dec 2t. HOGS Receipts. 20 (Vo mnrkrt I off lie higher, nilxpl and butcher" JH -Ml" 71 gnod heal v, (iv.flflil. fie" llinHI ".7- hulk MSITiuVl CATTi.E Receipts 1 "CO market wevk. eeeves SMOnliil cows and hcircrs Jl.iVW jn Tenuis. SH MWIS in calves h jiO "A SltFEP Receipts 12 Dim nnrkrt strong: native nnil Western JI75M7 lambs tO.IOiii ;. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUK WHEAT Receipts 211 771 bushels De maml was fair, but with strongly bearish speculation In the West prices hero declined If uuotntlons Cur lots In export elovnlor No 2 lied apot and Pcrembor, 1 J4W1 in. No 2 Southern red, 1 22d 2t. Bteamrr Vo. 2 red $1 Jinl 2.1 No .1 rril JlJlfll21 rc lectel A l limn .'OV,. rejected U. 1 Wfil In ' COH.S -Ilocelpts 011 busheli Tho market ruled rtrm under umall euuplics but demand na only modeinte. Quotitlons Cnr lots for local trade, n to loratlon Old Western. No 2 iellow. sl'nSJUc old We-tern Hteamer jellow somiSlHc old Wentern No .1 vollow. tBMW'uc new cob, per 70 lbs. 71Bi2c OATH ueceipts M.07II bush Demand was fair and prices ncro well maintained. Quo Utlons No 2 unite,, MWic, utandnnl white 4"Hy.Wc , No 1 white 47M 17Uc . No I white, 44HSMlc , sample oats, -UWlic , purl flel nat, Kr.nJcil l7Hfr40c. PLOl'II Itecelpts, 3010 bbls and 2 R72.40S lbs In sacks. Trade was alow nnd the market was larcely nominal. Quotation per IPO lbs la wood Winter, clear, S3 2"ii"l M. do. uralrtt, $5.0".H. do. patent Jtwn 10 Kan tai clear, Jute snrke, " ."Jfr" r0. do, ftralcht. luto iwcka, W unlR 83, do patent. Jute ck. 5 OOUO lo sprlnjt. Unit clear, US033.71 dn , strnlitht. I5JW. HO. do , patent SMIfllS, do. ftnorlte brands. $0 3oie 6.M. city mills, choice nnd fancy patent. $tl M 1(J.S0. city mills, regular pradea winter, clear :vi"io do, atralght. I3U80, do, patent. Iina.,30 Hy FLOUR fold alonly at former rates. We quote at $.'.. 2 T .",.,'() per bbl , as to Quality. PROVISIONS . Tha market ruled steady with a fair Job bing demand Quotations Pity beef. In vet, smoked and alr-drled. 2402.1c. : Wetcrn beef. In tets smoked 249723c . city beef, knuckles and tenders imoked nnd air-drted, 20 i 27c,: Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, "iMiJJc, beef hams 2Sfn0. pork, family. :2.50ai). hams, S. P. cured loose. iHBlSWc; co, Bklnnod, loose, 12Utl2tC : do. do., moked 1JUSI1T),1' , other hams smoked, city eured. as to brand and Berage lniul7c.: hams, smoked. Western cured. ltmoiTCi. do , boiled boneless 22c, plcnlo shoulders, n P. cured, loose, 12c, do., smoked, lie:, bellies In pickle, according to nverace looae. nBl.mp : breakfast bicon, as to brand and average, city cured Wfilhc. . hrcakfat bacon, Western eured 17dl8c, lard W'catern. renned In tierces 10.c . do. do . in tubs Ifl'.c. lard. Euro city, kettle rendered In tierces. ine.. ird pure city kettle rendered. In tubs. 104c. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet nnd unchansed. Ile fners' Hat prices Extra tine granulated. 6 0"c , standard granulated, lie; powdered, eov, conrectlonera" A. 0.83c.. soft grades. 10i7o DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTRU rancy goods were scarce and firm while the lower grades wero In ample supplv and dull Quotations Western, solid-packed creamer funcy. specials. IS, extn .c ejtra Ants t'linlc seconds 2l.f(2sc nearby prtnts funcy, lie . do., average extras WW Me. Jo firsts .lue.Tle do , seconds IDfiSao . jobbing Rales uf fancy prints, 4J6 13c EGOS -Tho limited receipts of fine new-laid fags were promptly cleaned up at full prices We quote as follows I ree rases, nearby extras 30e. per doi , firsts J10 SO per standard aae, nearby current receipts, $10 20 per caee, Western extra firsts $10 M) per rase, firsts, 110 'O per case, refrigerator eggs, funi, 47 bO per case, do firsts, $1 'A per cose, do,, seconds Jf) 1O1J0 w per cjee ilo Inferior lots, lower fancy selected candled eggs were Job ting at -tHme, CIIEI'SK The market ruled firm under light ffierlngs and a fair domand. Quotations rol low New York, full cream, fancy, held, 17lj f',w, 'specials" higher, do., fair to good, field, lC-iUlTc. , do. part skims, Uilllc. POULTRY 1 WE.-Cho!ce stock met with fair sale and ruled steidv Quotations Fowls as to slao ant quality naiv roosters, lljMl.'c, spring !13cl!?n, according to quality, llJilSc. turkeje. "o.'ic ducks us to size and quality, lit Joe geese, Httltle , gulneus young, weighing - lbs und over apiece, ir pair UVfiJl, wih ng IV. lbs apiece, per rlr. Ssefxic : "'shlng 1 lb apleie. per pair, ftoc . guineas, JW'n'r Pair. Sue pigeons, oli per pair, nnSfcoi'.', 'it"1. ner Pair. Ibfl20c, DHESSKI) Choice stock was in fair request n,l nrm under light offerings. Quotations '""killed poultry, dry-nackeil turkes. Dela ware, Marj land fancy 2vjj30o , Virginia, UAt IlLr unaer apiece llfllc. Fowls. In bbla.. dry. Jlc,ked-tancy 4Ui3 lbs. apiece. 17c. choice, lbs. apiece, llfc ; smaller sizes, 12MJ14C, . ': isiers. arypicae 1. we cnicKens Jer f.'aney, broilers, 2482:., other nearby fancy ?" V224c.i Western brollert. weighing Jfl?i? lu . aD'e. .PW- northern Illinois rmckeni. fancy yellow, weighing 4 ba and !" In boxes. 18ftluc: northern Illinois (ncy, weighing 2V4BdVi lbs.. In boxes, turf 'C.;ivnorthera Illinois fancy, weighing 2 ii.ft' !n..bbl lSaiflc ; other Western. whfi'w1 ? lbs- and oer. In boxes. 17BlSc: iSi,iWte.rJ?' wejKh'ng 2K83V4 lbs . in boxea fvrl(l!-!J,.lher .western, weighing 2t,o3W i.it ln bblt- 14015c; inferior, Uc bprlng f". nearby, lSJiJOc, do. w'estern. fancy. ;i?.1i?3,!.5?.i.'lc, fair to good. 1213c. Oeese, "arby. 16818c : do.. Western. HSlrtc Sauabi. ?5JnA,-!60Jtd( do, do'. WJ61. lbs. per doien. flei.10' ' -f22 mll nd No- FRESH FRUITS ,",J,'!?rn fancy. 23e ,. do do , good to choice. fl.'tc., do. fair, 2(Mi2.,c , do . old toms. 21c, Jo . cull and .No 2 IrtaJOc Fowls Li to box. tH'HlYA f?ncy selected. 18c. J do,, weigh. HJ MOS lbs. ap ece. i7Wc: do., weigh SSJ '",.?nl.e' UWC,. do. weighing 314 lb R -.P'fand was fair and alueg of choice stock .v wan sustained as fnllnw. addIm. di f .T''?nt.u?i1jL. fancy. H.I2VSJISO do fair K4VSt-l'o.V Wcjntoah, usu to Wlnesap. ; lit I Srl,1. Per. crate. J.'&J. lemons, per lias Blnsapoln Pr crate Porto BUo llifLVoSJ- ?aiawin. k owu 1, Ulac4 Twig. fr.50, JL-Grlmes1 Oolden. .' BO&3, Oreeu-S,?- .sSft' rk Imperial. J283. Twenty runce. iiffa. piDBlu. J.'&Tl, Hen Uavls. 1.71i t"". oiner varieties. tlVXi2:4. No 2 1 i V,!e I" oulk. per 100 ILu 00c.$l '. Fhi "k,'frn' Eer box, JLOOffiSGO. pears per "I -bheldon 4(i3. Beurre d'Anlou. -' 1"W ?nJH0r.ai",l!,l.,!?rl4"- W. Lraiy. . 451 JsaT e..n -iiy . -' lutiu-, ucr sir-vi, u. fiiavc fo"-j-' ;"ui;rrir, capo ton, per 001 , Jir..' taD -od per crate. JiSttuJ, do, Jeraey, per irate. J-'2Mi2 73. "" VEGETABLES l?.""1""?1 market was quiet and without tSirn V hAV u Quotatlwis Wbito pou, SS.'. ."' bujheicholi e V0tUe fair to good KV' White iwtaioes. Jrsey per baskel Vl.i Kose 5(Krv No 1 othtr arKtles. fnC t10. -'Mi Sweet uutatoin, J-r- 1 S"l "k't-tso 1 4030v No J liflSV -l iiltj.iocs Miglnta uer bbl $1 5UI 71 i" .' . r H0-lb bjg- No 1 Jl 731 M, No T.i v abiiig luoU'i per tou. jSiii' "- ork nei buiuh. 1 JitOc Sulnacb r V 1 Vis.' hili N.ufUk 1 I u r rlli itr lia-let I Niril ul J I 1 r UR..W t 7" I r 1 a ! ,1 , s ' 1 I I If J, 1 WsWM tlfiilrt.. .s..k.,)..,. ....AJ ...v.,f -rY1Mfttl I'hnto bt Phillips JAMES F. GOUNLEY Business Jinn Dcntl .tnmrs f Gounlp vice president nmt supcrlntendpnt of tho Itonl r.lectrotjpo Cornpiui, G21 Smisom street, nml ono of tho Ir-ntllns cleetrotMiers of the countrj. died of nncnmonln nt his reildcnco nt Cjnwjtl Inst nlRht, nftcr a few dnjs' Ill ness Mr. flounley wns a prominent member or tho Itolnry Club, the Tjpothctno nnd othrr oiRntilrntlons Ills slot ling InteB iltj. nnd Hiinnj disposition had won him n host of frentis. Services will bo held from hit home, Il.tln nnd Cjnwjd rtvemios, Oynwjd, nt 2 o'clock on l'rldnj Interment will bo In Westminster Cemetery. OBITUARIES FRANCIS 31. (JETZ One of the Original Owners of Lcary'a Bookstore Succumbs nt Afro of 89 Tiancls Jt. detz. ono of tho orlcmnl owners uf Lear) 'a bookstore, died jch tordny nt the nge of 8, succumblni; to hardening of tho nrtcrlcs, with which he had been for many week's conllned to his home, 403 Olnej avenue. Mr. Gctz was onco a member of the firm of I.c.iry & Oetz, founders of tho bookshop now owned by formci Ooicrnor Stuart and known ns "I.cnrj's" Mr Stuart was enquired b Mr. Oetz ns a lad and when hn created a fnorahlo Im pression upon the latter, he started his remaikable business career It was Mr. Gctz who headed tho commit tee thnt raised J100.O00 In HIchmond md Kensington for tho support of the north cm arm during the Clll War. and he wn actle lu the movement to cncouinire recruiting amone the jouth of I'hllndcl phla He was a member of the Summer field Mcthndlst Kplscopnl Church and a leader ln iclluious activities Mr. Clctz's father wns a closo friend of the Into I'. A D. Wldcner and a competitor of tho latter when ho was engaged In tho butchering business) Mr. Getz is surlcd by Mrs Mury J. Mitchell nnd Jim C H Smith, both daughters The body will be phued m Him family ault In Mount Vtrnon Cemetery on Thursday. MRS. JANE L. HANSELL Descendant of G. P. Roberts and Old Falls of Schuylkill Resident Mrs. Jane I, llanscll, descendant of Gainer I'ugh Itoberts. ono of the first Welshmen to establish 11 home in Amer ica, died last night, at the ngo of 8.1 Sho succumbed to a disease duo to old ago nt tho home of her son, I'cicial It Ilnnsoll, 415 Martin street, Itoxborough. Mrs, Hansell w.us horn nt I'nlls of Schuylkill, educated there and has nlw.is lted iu thnt district She was ono of tho oldest members of tho Itoxborough llap tlst Church and, until Illness confined her to her home, she was a regular at tendant at Sunday senlces there. Sho is sunled by ono fon and three grand children Jessie, 21 enrs old, Janus, 19, and UIslo, 9 sears old No arrangements for tho funeral have jet been made. Thomas Keyser Thomas Kcjser, b jenra old, 1CI2 North Gratz street, died jesterdnj of heart dis ease in the oillce of William Mncklo Ker per, 43 Hast Chestnut uenue, a plumber, where ho hud been emplojcd ns book keeper for tho last 14 sears. Kerper found his cmplosc esldently asleep In a chair and attempted to rouse him. William H. F. Vanclei-rifl William II. V Vandegrlft, an apolhe cats', established In Urldeibiug for a quarter of a centurs. died scsterday iu his home, nt Thompson and Ash streets. He was a prominent resident of that sec tion of the cits, participating In religious, fraternal and financial undertakings of the neighborhood. He is Mirvhed by a wlodw. iBzntyS Thete Notice Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge. j AI.IHIItT, At his rffcldenre, 201 South Oth st . on December 20. 1DI5. rHAItLKd V, AI.IIEHT. aged 43 years Relathet and friends also Columbia I-odge, No HI. ?' and A M . Walnut Street Iruslneas Mens Asso. elation, and American Academy of lolln Makers are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 n m. at tha apartments of Oliver II. Hilr, 1820 Chestnut at Interment private, at West l4urel lilli Cemetery II l HOUSTON. At her late residence, 210 Ue.l lgan siiuare, on Twelfth Month .'tith 1111 UflVliiSlII I'lTriELl). widow of Edward Ilalderston Funeral und Interment private IlVinll. At Llnfleld Pa , on December 27, MltU ANNA KHANCEb II Mil II, In her 76ili sear- Relatives and friends are in lted to attend the funeral services, on Thursday hi 1 P rn at t 1'aurs Inde pendent Lutheran Church 4th and Cambridge sts Interment stricily private. UHIIIKI.. On December 20. 1015, FtlAN CIS T., husband of Ilertha llethke Relatives and frleuds, also all organizations of which he was a member, are Invited to attend funeral sen lies. Wednesdai at 2 u, m. ut his late residence. .110J Ctdar at Interment nrlvate at Greeumount Cemetery, itemalna may be iewed Tuesday evening, between S and 10 o cloik HOW LINO. On December 25,1015, JOSEPH INK, wife of Richard Howling and daughter of Anna and the late Joseph bplan. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral, on W'ednesday, at 8 80 a m , from her late residence, Zt-i Uojer si , Utn Requiem Mass at Church of Immaculate Conception, Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. New York papers please copy lllMW.UV. On December 27, 1015. ROSE, wife of John M Bradley, and daughter of the late John and Mary J SIcVey. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend fu neral on Thursday at 8 JO u. in., from her lata T residence. 20.14 Wilder si. High Mass of Heaularn at tho Church of St Oabriel. at lii a m. Proelsely. Interment Cathedral Cemetery ltltllli. On December 20. 1915. ANNE BRADY, widow of the late MUhsel Brads. Relatives and friend of the family are In vited to attend funeral, on Thursday aj. 8 30 n m. from her aia residence. 2:101 B. Cum tertarid "t Solemn ltequlom Miua at St. Ann?" Church at 10 a m. Interment Holy beoulthre Cemetery H beloved wife of lirlik Urcnnan (no. S.isbT Relallvea and friends are invited eSi the leftdenie of her huUand. 17tH b. lS at Solemn High Requiem Mass at the Aiiaun latlon Church 10 a m. Intermeut iiiinnllLtJ- Mlautic Cits. J. on U . I t .1 &i -T tu W ELIZABETH i, If .IRl Wllr W wliw 0' Joho Slrod- . n.i u htr, of Joh. R.et ana Mary " ji 0 ' I.UII "t star or her ago 1 II. 'evU DEATHS llltOMI.El. Suddenly, on December 2n,101r, JOHN n, husband of Emma (4. Rromley. CUlntlves nnd friends, also Ixgnn Tribe No 2S I O of R. M.i Vigilant Yearly Pencil elal Poclets", No 1, are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursdas'. at 10 a m . from his late re-Menco. H32 Ureennleh st Fervlces In St t'eters Church. Sd and Pine st. at 11 a m prcclnels Interment private Friends may call Wednesday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock Automobile funeral nnooM. On December 24, 1011, WIM.TAM T, husband of the lite nil-nbelh liroom. agel 70 jcars Relatives and friends also (leorge tt. Child- Lodge No 10,4. I O. O r . and the W holcsale Oystermen a Asso ciation, aro Invited to attend the funeral service on Wednrsdas'. at i p. m.. at hi late residence 2020 North 20th it,, inter ment private, nt West laurel Hill .Cerne ten. Friend msv Iaw tho remains on ' lueday. from S lo 10 n m 1 3HIOVIN. Suddenlj, on December 20, 1915, ADA I,, daughter of tha. lata lleoree , and Anna nrtmn. In her CMh sar. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend funeral services, on W'cdneedns-, December 2n, at 1 v m , at her late residence 2ZI Mill si 1 iirl-tol, l' Interment prtvato nt Morris IUe Cemetery I lit Illtl.r.lt. On December 2S, 1015 MAntn HlHlII.nR (nea llaagj, wife of John Ilueh ler aged Ut sears Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral service, on We Inesday nt 10 a m preclselj-, at hr lato resblenee Chestnut st and Mulllcci Hill ave Mantua V J Interment private, at (Irccn mount Cetneters Auto funeral nt'Tt.r.ll. At Tnnslioro, N J , on December il AMI 151. husband of the late Sarah tluller need V) venrs. Relatives and friend rtl-r Tansboro lidao. No R t O M Court Pioneer. No ill K of A. 1 O It A M . No 117 nt Atco. Berlin Orange, are invited to attend funenl service on Thurslns. at 1 p m precisely at his late resldenre Tuns horn N J interment Berlin Cemeters Re mains msy he vlovveil Wednesday evening utomobllo servlre CU.llWIll I Huddenlv nn December 2rt l'il JVMliS CM.DWniJ. nged 74 sears Relative- and friend- nlsn Ivanhoe Inlae. No 4U, K" nnl A M are Invltod t attend tho funeral servl ea on Thurnlav nl 2 p m. nrecleelv at the resldeni e of hts son, Samuel A Caldwell. 12"0 Hansom st Interment at Krrnwood Ccmetrrv. Auto service. CAUNA1IAN On December 27 lOlMIAItRY ( AltNAIIVN. son of the lite I! C, nnd Mary 1) Carnahii nnd husband of Marie Al civ Carnahan. Due notlre of tho funeral will he given C1NNOV. At Trenton. N J. on December 2il PAUAII II widow of .lerrett Cnnncn Services at tho Christ Church ltordentoun N J . nn Thurednv nt I m sharp Inter mnnt st. Mary a Cemeters Burlington N J tt.VIIK, At his resldenre, 1.17 l'elham road, Oennnntnttn, nn lie, emher 2S lull I.CIi low . 1 I.AI1K agel 52 sears Notl, e of funrril later C!,M'. On Derember 2fl 1015 THOMAS J . husband nf the lato Reboern Clanry (nee Dougherty) and son of th" late W llllnm and Margaret Clancv In his 71th enr I unernl to ulili h relatives and friends aro invited, on Thursdiv nt 8 10 n m from his lite resl deni e 12.17 nth st Folemn Mass of Re quiem nt Church nf st Theresa, at 10 a m proclsclv Interment at Now Cathedral Com cterv. Automobiles. t'l.irr. On Dei ember 27. 101. ANNID, wldiw nf llenrv Cliff nged SI vesrs Duo nntii-., of the funeral will be given COI.1.1NM. Huddenls. at Cleveland, O, on December 27, Pin JAMKS A, husbnnd of Marv Frlcl Collins, nged 0.1 sears, Notlco nf funenl Inter (OMI.l. fin Decembor 27, 1011 1't.Olt UNCI. JONKM wife of rieorgn 1) Comly, Kelitlvcs mil friends aro Invltel to attend funenl sirvUes nn Thuredns it I p m , nt her late residence, 111(1 N. Broid st Intirment private COHPI:!.. On De ilier 21 1011, WILL IAM husband of Mirgntnt M Cowper (nee MacBlnln) nnd son nf Mirs' nnd the latp Benjimln Cowper, ged 3H yenrs Relatives and friends, also (linernl Harrison I.o,Ue No 133 I O O r . riueiitv Assemblj. No .1 A O M l II C Stnno (ellnwshln Club and emplojes of Ullllim Sellera . I o nre Invited to attend the funeral serv ices on Wednrsdiv at 2 p m. at bis lite residence, 102S North st Interment nt Mnunt Morbth Cemeters Remains may bo viewed nn Tiiisdiv. from 7 30 to 0 p m Automo bile fuucrul CR Mi:it. On December 27. 1015 BAR BARA widow of Trederlck Cramer (nee Branch), nkc 'iS sears Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funernl servlies. on Drldav, nt 2 p in . at her lain residence J71 1 Jefferson st Interment prl vuto at Mount Pram Cerneterv. Remains may tin viewed on Thursdiv. from 7 to 11 p m CROW HI. I.. On December 27, Hill. HAR JtlllT BATPS COOPKR wife of tho Into John I. Crowell. aged 7S vears Relatives and friends urn Invited to attend funernl services on Thursdiv December 1 nt 2 II m nt the residence of her snii-in-law vvitltim V. nthons Betttewoid live tiik lui N J. Cariliges will meet enrs at Col lins avo, Colllngwuol Interment Ilarlclgli 1 rneterv Frlenls m ly view remains on Wetlneslav 7 to 11 p m C'tKltl. On Deiember 20, 1011 WILLIAM husbind of l'inmn Curr Relatives and frknds also Noith Star Lodge Nn .1" I O I" . Lincoln Lodge, No 21 Lonl Oringemen. are Invited to attend tho fu lural services, oil Wednesdiy at 1 p m, nt his lite perlsdeni e 2u7tl Knst Monmouth ut Interment at Oremmnunt Cemetery IHIANV-On December 27, 10L1. THOMAS, eon of John and Bridget I)nn nreii I viiirs nnd 5 munth- Relatives and friends aro Invited tn attend tho funeral on Wed iiPHd is at 1 to p m fiom the reHldcncu nf his inrents 22J West Albert at (-Mh and lluutlngdun sts 1 Interment nt Hols Cros ( tin tt r l)I( Kill. On December 2(). 1015, Mrs SAI MI IANI; UlCKUS. widow or OcorgH Dl We Funeral services at her late resl iknn I louth 4 Id st West Philadelphia lull nnent strlctlv private IIIKIMW On December 27 1011. CHRIS 'I1N widow of Charles Dielman (nee (Irls baber) aged 81 sears Relitlvta nnd friends art luvllid to attend the funernl on rhurs di nt 1 p m from her niece's rnsldeno, Mrs Herman 4'i27 North 1th nt Interment at Herman Reformed (Iroun is Brideshurg DONAIIl i:. On Detember 24. 1015, MARY, u fe uf the late James Dnnuhue. Relatives .ml friends are Invited 10 utiend the rureial mi Weilnesiliy. at H 10 a m from her tale lesldence 1411 b 2111I1 st Solemn Requiem Miss nt St liiihrM's Church at 10 a m Interment at Cathedral Cemeters DONAHt'i: On Deiember .'7. 1011 CATII nilINI5, daughter nf tlie lalu Owen and All e Donihue Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral on Thursday nt 7 In a in from the resident u nf her sister, Mrs. Nells. 154(1 Ruan st Krankford hokum Requiem Mass at si Jouhlm Church at 11 11. m Interment at ht Dominic's Cemeters. I)OltN. On De.einliir Jrt lot". JANE A . wlfo of Jimes Doran Relatives and f rlen Is also B. V M hodultty anil League of tha Sacred Heart are Invited tn attend the funerul. on Wednesdas at N 30 a m . from thu rest leiue of her son John Doran IJ1J North Percy st Solemn Requiem Mass at M Malaihsa Church at 10 a m Inter ment at llnls Cross Cemetery IKIW I Kll.- On December 27. 1011. MARY K DOWI.UR Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p m , at the residence of her son. William IJ Dowler, J 131 North 10th .st Interment private Dim i:il. On December 21, 1011, OEORGi: I W hushana uf 1 alherlne Drhtr ate I "-I vears Relatives and rriemia ni&ti r. it it, vol. Relief Assoclniluii. urn Invltel to attend the funeral serv Ires on Wednesdav at J p. in . at his lute residence Hill Ludlow st Interment ut I'ernwood Cerneterv Remains mav bo view el oil luesday evening DRUM. On December Jil, 1011. KATIE, daughter if the lata Charles II and Isabella Drum. Relatives und friends also the Altar nf Rosary Models of Church of Most Precious II loci of Our Lord aro invited to utlen t tho funeral on Krlday morning, at x a in , from the resident e nf her 1 rnther. John W Drum ttO-'I Litona ave (Mlih and I In I tlmore ave I Solemn Requiem Miss at the Church of Most Precious Blood uf Our Lurd nt 10 a, m. Interment at Cathedral I emcttry KDWAHDE5,. Den mite r 2(1 1011. UEORUE W son of the Ian Samuel IMwardes, D D , and Jana C Elwui ls Tunerul services at his lute resident 1 I, Houtli Orunge st Media Pa. on Wednesday December 20 at In a in. Interment private Please omli flowers hvritl. At Havana, Cuba, on December 20. 1915. RAFAEL EbTRADA. formerly of Philadelphia. Joplln, Mo., papers please copy l'l I.KNKIt. On December 21. 1013. ME.. MNA K. widow of Robert tnulkner In terment private, at Ktrnuood Cemeters lll.SOS. On Deceinber .11. 1015, JOSEPH, husband of Sarah J Kllsou Relatives aul Iilends ara invited to attend tuaeral serv ices. Thursdav. at L p m at Ids late lesi dence 1.02 N 52d xt Interment private Friends may view rt 1 its Wednesduy eve ning USHER. On Deceinber 20. 1010. MINNIE Flbllr.lt lleiauvea untl irieuis uru luvlluti to attend the funeral on Ihursday at J Itii p 111 . from the residence uf her brother In law John J. Wllhelm uudu Cedar st t West Philadelphia Interment ut ht. James' Cent eterv Klngscsslng Remains may ba viewed on W'ednesday from 7 tu 10 p m FISLEIt. At Jamaica, L. I . on December Jtf JACOB O , husband of Margaret Flsler aged bS years. Relutlvcs antl friends are In vheHj tu attend the funerul tervlee and in terment on Wednesday ul J p in at Mt Vernon Cemetery IRlJgci an I Lehigh uveal FI.KSIINfl. Suddenls on Deiember J7, 1915, 11IOMAH J FLEMIMI aged 47 sears brother of John J Fleming of .110 S 4th st Due notice of tha funeral will be given Fit IMCENIIACII. buddenly. on December 2J. .Ml. HARRY A t.011 of the, late Peter and Dorothea Frankcnbacb Relatives und friends are Invited to attend the funeral on Thursday, at 2 p m , from th; parlors of Sirs, llenrv bchnetder Son li3J German tun ave. Interment private, FREEMAN. On December 24. 1915. JOHN F,, husband of Mary I Freeman, Relatives and frleuds. alsc Chosen Friends Lodge. No IO). I. O. O. F. are Invited tu attend tuneral services Wednesday, at 2 R m. at I ha par "r of W. II Mercer b2 N Uth at. In terment prlvats 1 1 1 1 Kit. At Bristol on December 29. 1913, ELIZABETH R. Fl LLEIt in 7Jd year of her age. Relatives aud frleuds are Invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, from the , residence of her nephew. William M. Baldwin 245 West Union st . West Ches ter. Pa., Wednesday. 2uth Inst Meet at house 1 P m. Interment at Friend.' Bury ing Urounds. FL'BEY. On December 24. 1915. JAMES, bus Willi of Catbrine Furey. aged 84 lears, Relatives and friends are invited tn attend tho funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 30 a. m , from hla fata residence 2.141 feoutb, Chad wlcle st (17th and Wolf sts ). Solemn Re nt m ilasa at the Church of St. Monica, at 10 a m. precisely Interment at Cathedral I tmelerV OAT-BKAITH. On December 27. 1915. MAR UARfcT I1I.KICAITII euugbier of th Ut John and Jane lalbraiib. In her 52d je-r R lit es and ( lends also the members of lb Sier i Scia-ue I, y Cawxb, a.r Jnvltecl to DEATHS attend the funeral services en Thursday at i' ,11 , ne North flth st m. st ner nrotners resiaent-e. .ie Interment private, at North etery. Cedar Hill Cemetery. fl M1II.1:. On December 20. 1015, SARAH, widow of Simuel Oambte (nee McLaughlin). Relatives and friends are Invlled to atten I the funersl on Thursdav. at S lO.a m from her late resldenre 2222 Federal st. High Mass of Requiem at ( hurch of St Charles llorromeo nt 10 a m interment at Cathedril Cerneterv OASS. On December 21. 1015. MAtlTHA J II , daughter of the late Mitthew nnd Mar garet J Oass Relatives antl friends are In ltod to attend funeral services Wednesday, nt 3 r m. nt her late residence 2121 Wal lace st Interment private, nt Hlllsldo Ceme ters OATE. On December 2. 1015. nt Avon.N J , THOMAS O GATE, son of the lato Lllta beth Oite (nee Mctlonlgle). aged 4(1 veirs ! unernl services at P21 Spruce st .on Thurs day at II a m Interment private OEHIlAt'EIt. On December 27.1015 CATH ARINE OEHUAUnR (nee Christmann), wife of th Intn Frederick Oehbnuer. aged 18 years .Relatives and friends are Invited tn ntiena tne runerai services, on inursuay. December 30 nt 2 r m precisely at tho lesllencg of her son In-law, John J. llltsrh ler lflif Cedar ave. Interment strictly prl- omlt (lowers locemher 27, 1015, FRANCIS i his 10th veni Relatives nnd Invltel tn attend tho funeral ThumiHs. at 2 p m , at his e. 4(is Olnes ave Interment ailTl. On Docemher 27, 1015, FRANCIS W. tIET. ln his soth veni Relatives nnd rriends aro serv lees on late residence. 40s Oines ave Interment sirictiy nrivaie OUT. tn Duffrs nmivvr, Oreenlree Station, December -'I lull ELIZABETH A. w I low of Chnrles Olll In her JOth vear Relatives ant friends are Invited tn attend funeral from her late residence Wednesday Serv ices at the house at 2 p m Interment prl)ate nt Malvern Baptist Cerneterv (llll'NIXY Co December 27, 1015, JAMES F husband nf Kate S Onunle ngel 4S sears Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral servlcen, nn 1 rldav at 2 i) m. nt his Inte residence. Bali nnl Cjn vvjd avrs Cynwsd Interment nt Westmln ster Cerneterv Train leaves Broad street Station 1 it p m tlt.NN. On Deceinber Sit. 1015, MARY F, wldon of James II. (lunn, aged HI venrs, Relatives mil friends nre invited to attend tuneral services W ednesdnv nt 2 p m at her late reel lent e MYt S lMh st interment at Vt 00 Hauls Cerneterv Remains may lo viewed rues lav evening It lllI1r.U On December 2(1 1010 CATH AllINV HABLITZf.l. (nee Nlelnfeldor) wjfo nf Christian llnhlltzil aged 7U sears llein livps and fr'ends aro Invited to attend the funernl on liuirsdnv, at 2 p m . from ber lite rpslleiue. nil Lveomlng ave Interment nt German I ntherin Cerneterv HAMM. On Deconilier 21, 1015 SARAH IANE wldon of Albert M llietnm Rela tives pitl rrlemls are Invited tn alien I the funeril scrvltts. tn luesdav nt 7 III p m , at sorvlce nnd Interment at Hllltovvn Cemetery, BuckR Counts, nn nrrlvnt at loeiisdile nf train leaving Reading Terminal nt I) .10 Wednesdas IIAN.HI.I.I,. On Decomber 27. 1015. JAVD L widow of Jess, Hansell, In her Mth year at her lalo residence 11,1 Mnrtln st , itoxborough Duo notice or funeral will bu given HAKKr.v.. On December 20. 101.1. ANNIE I wife nf Charles I llnrkev Relntlvrs an I rriends nlso B M. Sodallts and Altnr Su clets of Mt Raphael's Church are Invited In ititenl the funernl nn Frldas. at S Id a m . rnno her late resilience Met st and I tut cum ave (40th Wnrdi Requiem High Mi nt St Raphael' Church nt 10 n m. Inter ment al Hots Cmss Cemeters IIALMCM.L1IT On Deiember 27 1015, EVA VIRGINIA, beloved wlfo nf Peter J llnusktipcht antl the onlv daughter nf the litn .T)pph J and 1 Izzlp Sun Beckmnti ntitl gran 1 laughter of the lite Joseph and Mng tielinn lleckmnn In her v,th sour Relatives nnl friends of the rnmllv urp Invited to at trud the funeral services em I- rldav nt 2pm, rrom her late residence 11227 Rising un ave nue Ixivvndalc. Interment nt Luwu lew l emptors 11 VM.ItsriCIC On December 25, 1011. Al, 111.111' HAS I.RS1ICK, Relatives and trends also survlvora of lIMn Pennsylvania olun leers and Post No 2 O A It oro Invltud to ntlentl tho runent services nn Thurslav. at J p 111 at his lite residence 1 (07 North l'th nt Interment private HEMIIIICIvS.On Derember 21,1015 LEON ARD It III.VDRICK ngo I 112 vears Rela tives and friends also Musulilt I.ndge of Pnoll Pa uluntary R-llcf Depnitnrnt nf Pennavlvanln Rallrnud and Pclinsv Ivanla Railroad eterens Assoc liitlon nre invited to atteml the funeral Hjrvlees. on Wctlnes dav d 1 tu p in at the apartments of Oliver II Balr 1SJ0 Chestnut st inter ment nt Nnrrlstown Pa. Remains may be vkwel on Tuesday evening UIMiINS. On December 111, 1015, MAROA BET M Infant daughter or Patrick an I llnrn Illgglnn (llee Devlin) Relatives and frlenls are Invited tn attend funernl on We luesdav, at 2 p m from her parents' itslleiue Ai, I N. Purk nvc Interment Hols Cross Cemetery. 1IUTI.E.- On December 2(1. 1011. at her I Up residence 1122 rulrmount ave. CATIIA HIM:, vvllow of Dnlllel I little aged 7S Seirs Funeral services and Interment ut hassmntivllle Mnntgomers I nunts Thurs lnv morning December .to. on nrrlvnl of s lc II m train from Reading Tcrmlnnl 1 riends may view the remains cm Wednesdas evening, from 7 until 0 n clock Ht'RsT. On December 27. 101.1 nt her lata resldenre. 1111 Erto nvc H.l.A 111: 1 II J Ill'R.ST Due notleo nf the funeral will be given INMW On December 27. 1015. nt Phila delphia, IO"iEPH II INMAN, nged 2S Sears Relatives and friends nru Invltel to attend the funernl services, on Thursday afternoon, at 1 o clock, at tho residence of his sister. Mrs. ( h irles Dellv. 1 '127 llnis st Ucrmanlown Interment at Chcltcn Hills Cemeters JAUIHLs. -On December 2d. 1011, SALI1E widow or cjonrge vv jacouus and daugnier nf the I ite Samuel antl Marv A Shlssler Relatives nntl frleuds are Invited to ntlentl the funeral services, on rhursda). at 2 p m at her lute residence 1701 Frunkford ove Interment private, at North Cod ir Hill Cem etery Friends may call Wednebctas cve iiini, JOHNSON. On Derember 27 1011 CATH ARINE. ri'I.Mr.lt. ivlfo of William II lohnsnu. ni,ec 70 sears. Relatives un 1 rriends arc Invltid to nttend the runerai fervitcs, nn Thuraduv afternoon December 11 at 2 nclock precisely, at ber lite resi dence '-"1M N. I'Hh st Interment private, at W estmlnster Cemeters J(IM',-On December 27, 1015 C HARRY, husbilltl of Plla L II Jnst nntl son or Ml and Mrs. J W Just Relatives aul rriends nlso all musical organizations or whlth ho was 11 member, aro Invited to attend the fu neral services, on Thurstlis. at 2 .0 n. m ut his lato resilience 4IH1 Rilhltain ave (ler mantown Interment private at Laurel Hill Cornet ers KI.NNEDV. On Derember 2H 1011 M MIA MACiDALIV KENNEDY neellauik wlfo of James Kennedy Rilatlvcs nnd frpnd9 of tho rnmllv nre Invited to attend the funenl on Thursday ut 7 in a m from her hu-rnnla r.altknce. 1171 Crease at holemn Itrqulem M iss it st. Michael s Church at ti n in pre -Ll'clv Interment at tho New Cathedral cemelers. KElbER. Suddenls, on December 27. 1011 THOMAS 11 , nusnunci or josepnine uevser ineo Juuke) und son nf the lace IMwarcl anil Marv mi Kcvser Votlco or tne funeial will bo given, from Ills late residence. H,I2 North ruts st KIN4I. On December 2(1 Pill HELEN S. wife of lohn King. Sr. Relatives and friends am Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, at 11 .10 a m. from her lite residence. 2721 East I'lennlell st. Solemn Requiem Maes at the Church or the Na tivity, at II o clock. Interment at New Cithedrul Cemetery KOEMei. On Deiember ill 1011, ANNA II, vvltlow lato Charles V Koeulg Relatives and friends nre Invited to uttend the funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. ni from her Ut resllrnce 1711 N. '.uth st interment ut Nnrthwood Cemeters IMIW HUH.-On December 2d III 15 El.l-ABI-TII wltlovv of Charles l.indwehr. Relatives and friends of the family are In vited to attrnd funeral Wednesdas. at 8 .1) a m . ficim her son s reed leuce Snrk mjtt ahove Eckanl uve . Sblngton, Pa High Mans at the Immaculate Ccmcei tlnn Church JenUlntown ut 10 o'clock. Interment New Cathedra! Cemetery I.(IS(,SIRI,ril. Huddenlv an December 20, WILLIAM LONObTRETH 111 Ills llTId vear Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend runerai services on Thursday December 10. nt J p m , at his late re-sluente. 40t West Mails ave, Merchantvllle. N J Interment irlvate, bi Harlelgh Cemetery Camden N J 1 rlenda may call W ednesdas from 7 to 11 p 111 I.l'lvKN"-. On December 27 1011 MARA FLI.AIIETH wliow of I-cvl I ukens, ugetl sj years Relatives und friends are invited in ntlentl the funeral services on Thursday, al 1 p. m , at her late resl lence. !jn tltiwiie uve and Cedar lane. Cpper Darbv DeUwaru Counts. Pu Interment private 1 ,ir ligei will meet trolles between J ami .' t 1 m , at Cedar lane, from unli st lc 1 111 I.l rz suddenls. on December 21 1011. v 11 1 1AS1 sou of Christian hr and the laic I oula Lutz Relative un 1 ftlciiJs als loka Tribe, No .TOO. I O It M are invited to attend the funeial on lliursduv at l 11 111, from his late residence, 1711 Lu.t Sloja menslng ave Intermeut at Chelten Hills e!emeterv Friends mav call W cdnesJay after U p. m. Auto wrvlce MuiMt OI U Kudtleiib. on Deceinber 20 1U15. ALLNANDEil MacMCOLL. Jr aged 41 tears. Funeral seirvicea and Intenueni pri vate M (it)Vt AN. At East Orange N J on De cember 23 1915 EMMY U, wife of (leorge Magovvaii Relatives unl trlends are Invited to uttend funeral services, rt ednesdas. at 1 ft rp preclsels. ut Schuster's, Broad and Hamond sts. Interment private North Ce dar Hill Cemetery. Auto funeral MWAHW At his residence. 1723 North 53d street, on December 2 1015. JOHN J husba-i 1 of May I gathers Maruhan. and son of the late John T anl Julia A Slanahan Relatives and friends, also Brotherhood of Railroad Prulnmeu voluntary Relief De partment of tho Penna R R. and all other organizations of which te was a meiuU.r. ara Invited 10 atten I th funeral services. Fridas afternoon at J o clock, at ttw apart merits of Oliver 11 ...Balr I M0 Chestnut trvel Interment at Westminster Cemeters Ktiuaina may be viewed Thursday evening MASON". On December 2el. 1015. MARY A, wife of William Mason aged 71 soars Rela tives ana friends are Invited to attend fu ncral, Thursday, at 2 p. m . from her tan-la-law's residence, Joseph P Cauds 4107 Worth at., f runUford. Body mas bo viewed Wed nesday evenlnr after 7 o clock Interment ut tiieenwood IK. of P ) Cemetery. MISrfcN. On December 23. 1915, MARY J HASTEN (nee Lynch) Relatives and frtoods are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes day. December 2v. at 8 30 a in, from the residence) of her nephew, Mr Frank P Rodgers, 0349 Cllrard ave.. West Philadel phia solemn HIku Mass at Our l.ady of the Rosary Church at 10 a. m. Interment la Cathedral Cemetery MiCKTHVT -On Derember 23. 1915. ELIZA A. McCARTHY wldowof Jemea F M ar thy .Relative and friend are Invited te attend tha funeral services on Thursday at 1 p. tn- SI he cam rcsi itfq.tj 2j11 Veret nrATiis Ftett her st Interment st Hillside Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Wednesday, from s to 10 n. m. MrCROHOIN- On December 27,1015, 9ARAH BRACE, wife nt Thomas McCrossIn Due notice of the funeral will be given MrfinViAN.- On December 24, 101.1, HAR TIIOI O.MFW husband of Marv H, MeOowan. Relatives anil friends, also Horsrshoera Pnlon nnd Altnr and Rosary Societies ef St. Kll-abeth s Church are Invited to nttend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 SO n m from his Hte residence, 2110 North 29th st. Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of tho Most Precious Blood of Our Lord nt 10 a m Interment nt Holv Cross Cemetery MeNAIH On December 27, 1015, DAVID McNAIR. nged 82 sears Relatives and friends nre Invited to attertd tho funeral, without further notice on Krldav, December 11 at II a m from the Addlsvllle Re formed Church at Rlchborn Pa Interment Rlehboro Cemetery Carriages will meet train leaving New town nt 0 and Reading Terminal at 0 23 n m at Churchvllle Sta tion .METOER. On December 21. 1015. at the residence of his aon-ln-law Martin E Tien son Pehvvlvlew, Wlesahlckon Col. JAMES METZtllJIl agel !0 sears Funeral services rrlvate Interment at Carlisle, Pa . on Wed nesday upon the nrrlvat or the 1 50 a. m train from Philadelphia MIMIt'S. At tho residence of her son.WAL ter J MlnRus. 41 is nirnrd avenue nn De iember 27, 1U15 MIRIAM II wliow of Ron. ert W Mlngus In her 52J sear Duo notice ef the funeral will be given MITCIII.I.I . At her residence 4401 Pino street on December 21 lull ANNMB BELL, wlfo of John J Mitchell Notlio or ruiiernl later MOOM'.I. On Deiember 20 1015, MARY daughter of Bridget A and tho late John A Mnnney nged In years Funeral will take place on Thursday at 8 10 a m from her late residence Jill Snnln st nenr Jiith and Itrnwn sts 1 Solemn Mass nf Requiem nt Ht 1'rant Is Church at In a m preclselv Relatives an! friends of the family alsn the II M Sodillts Immaculate; Heart Centre nf the (llrls High Hrhonl anl nil other so i letles nf which she was a member are In vile I to atend Interment Holy Cross Cem eters MOMllt Sudden!), on December 27, 1015, UIMIT II II wife of Charles T Mover and daughter of Charles A and tho lite Letitla V, Cleaver Helitlves and rriends are Invltel to nttend the runerai sirvkns Thursdas. at 1 p m preclsels at tho Chanel of Andrew J Bnlr A Son. Arch nnd It'lh sts Interment prlvalp Delivvnro pliers please enpv Automobile service MtRPin.-On December 20 1015 llUOlt. husband of the late Ann Murph) Rrlatltea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, nn Wednesdev. at 7 In n m , from the ipsI di nre nr his daughter Mls Marenrpt Mur Phv Mil Market st West Phlladelphli Utah Mars at ( Iiun h of our Ijuly n' the Itosnrv at n n m Interment nt Newark Del Deltware pipers please copy MIII.OtK On December 2it, 1011, Miss SARAH NIBLOCK aged HI s e irs Funenl servltps Wcitienlay at 11 a in nt 4113 Uilllinnrn nve Intcrmont private MOENr. On Dpcember 21 1011 ROSE, wife nf John Nugent Relatives nnl friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral services on llnir.nl.iy. at 1 to a. m at ber husbands residence 210 West Oxford st High Mass at St Michael s Church at 10 a m precisely. Interment at New Cnthpdral Cemeters. O'CONNOR On Derember 27, 1013 MARY. widow nr Joseph O Connor Relatives and friends are Invited tu atten I tho funeral nn Thursdiv, at s 10 a m . from her lain resl denre Idl2 Terrnro st W lsalilcknn Solemn Requiem Mnsn nt ht John the Bnptlst Church at 10 a in Intermeut nt St. John a Cerneterv OSIIORV On December 20. 1015. LYNN osilolt.N, nt his late residence, 2217 ht , Al him st Hue nuticn of the funernl will be given ()l!ORNi:.On Derember 27. 1015. MAR OAItEr C . diuchter nr (leorge A. and Mnn (1 OMiornr in her lllh vear Relitlves anil Munis also thp children or M irv or St Vin cent le Pauls Church are Invited to utiend tbn funer il. nn Thurednv at 7 Hi a m finm her parents rcllenir 111 Fast IMmnni fer tile e iJtrmantnwn -t,pmn Requiem Mass at St Vincent de Paul s Church at 11 a, 111 In ternum private, at llnlv sepulchre 1 emeterv PMtsONs. On December 27, 11115. JOSEPH W hiisbniil of the late Caroline J Parsons cnee Mahlnn) Relitlves and friends, also IliemlrrH nf the Culumbll Lodge Nn HI, 1 oval P nf A . are lnv ite 1 to ntlentl tho fu neral sirvlips on Wetlnestlnv al 1 n m . nt thp n silence nf his nephew Waller S Mahlnn Mil Belgrade st Interment strlctlv private, at IYrnunol Cerneterv Remains may be viewed nn Tucsdav evening PI. I.L On Dcpember 21 1011 ANNIE It, widow nf Jnseph Pell anl diughtcr of the lato Otitllcb nn 1 Annie K ilregors Rein tlvea all I rrlcnia nlso Revnolls Cfrclp 117. ml Ladles U A It Walter (1 Honrv Blblo Class of St John h P. E Church, ara Invited to atten 1 tho runernt on Wednesdiy. from the resilience of her brother ilrorao W. iJrcgnrv. Jit Nnrrls at. iervtrps at St lohn s P r Church tl and Reed sts nt 2 p m Inleiment private at Northwood Cerneterv Frlenls mav view the rem ilns nn Tuistliv. at 7 p lu Automobile snrv!rc PIMvElnOV. On December 27. 1911. ISA Ill. I LA C iltitlghtc r cif tint late Julin and Mirgint Plnkertoii Rclailves mil frlentls also ileriu tnttiwit lodgc No. 11 S or It . nnil (iirmitilown Lodge No 21 S and I tf V an Invited to atteml funernl se-ivlces on Thurstlns nt 2 p m . at her Intt resident o. cli2 Basnlou st. Oermantown interment private PHI I CHARD. On December 20, 1915, WIL LIAM PItlTCIIARD III his (Hi! vtar. 'er vlces at the Old Mnn's Dome. 1'ith and Bar ing sts on Widnesdis nt 10 u m. Inlet -incut private ill DEN. Dpi ember 2.1 lull MARYSCO.'T MtMsTRONU. widow uf I lemlni' Pruden, Relitlves mid frlentls aro Invited to attc nil the ruiiernl scribes, on Wednesday at :' P m at her laic lesdence i.m.1 Mirvlno st Interment nt Mount Mori ih Cemeters Ailtninnl lie service II Mil) 1 : l .Derember 27, 1011, It'NIlIS -. ltAIKITEM', lato nf 322H Chestnut St.. ngpcl 24 vears interment at Babslon K 1 . edncsday IIMMOND. Suildenlv. on December 27,1013. MARV 1. vvlduw of Frank Rnlmond, at her lite resl lenre 1M7 Butler st Due nillie of tlin funeral vvlll le given REDI.R On Decomber 27, 1015, CHESTER collN son of Peier W antl Margaret Rede r. mi 1 2 vein and 7 months llilitlves and frlentls ate Invited to ntti nd the runerai serv ices Wcclnisd.iv nt J p m. at the resldcnta nr his parents -.1.13 stsles M Intermeit lllUtP ItEVNOI.DS. On December 2(1, 1915, EMM v. I wlfu of Henry Revnolds RelntivcH mil friends are Invited in attend funeral sei vlies W'eilnee lav at 2 p m ut lier lute residence, 110 N'. Wunamaker st. Interment lirtvnte HICKMAN'. On Dee ember 27 1011. CARO LINE widow or Ludwlu Itlee-iii 111 III her 7uth venr at tho resldente nf ber eun-lti-Iaiv. I Wnltir Keelv US! llrepn loine, Rnlmr nugli ime notice uf tliu funeral will be given, 1(1(11. ln Trenton N" I on December 20 1111 STEPHEN'!' RICH In his sih vear Relitlves nnd frlentls are Invited tq attend Ihe lumrul services at the resilience uf Ills Mm. I'harlra II Rich 11.1 Tsltr siuct 'ireii. tun V J on Thursdiv. at 111 lo a. m In terment at William Ptnn Cemetery Somcr ton. Pa at 1 p m ROItlMIOI.D. On Decomber 2fi.1011.EMMA J widow or lllrani itoninhnld Relitlves ami friends of tho family are Invited to utiend funeral services, 011 Tuesdis. at 8 n 111 111 the rest (cute of her son Harry J. Rubliihold .I1.M ijueen Line, Falls nr hiliuvlklll Further servlies unit Interment will In held ut her laie home, Port Clinton, Pi at lo a in , on Thursdas, IMK.ER.N. On December 20, 1911, HAN Mil wir or Rev (linrge Rogers In her 721 veai Funeral services un Wednesdas , ut 2n m at tho residence of her husband, 1S1 1 KlngcsinK: ave. Interment private at Arlliig till Cemeterx III ESNICWIP. On lit 1 1 inlierST, 1015.EMMA J wlte of llairv I ltuv-kumr iiketl 47 tars Rilitlves ami frlentls aro Invited to attend funerul service rhuretlav at 2 n in, ireilseb .11 her late residence 2.U0 N. W ooclsto k st Interment private RlNM.lt. On December 20. 1011. JOSEPH 1 husband uf Auna Runner. Relutlves and mentis also hi zinnias veiriv uenenclil ssoel iilnu, nntl members of the Falrhlll Baptist Church arn luvitet) to atten 1 funerul Wednesdas at 1 p m from the residence or his sun Mirtln Runner. 4'sl3 N Marshall st Services at 2 p in at rulrlilll Baptist ( hurch ilehlgh ave west of 3th). Inter ment ut ilreeniiiount Cemetery NW.IION. On Deceinber 27, 1915, ALICE SI widow ot (leorge A Salmon in her 7Mh vear Relitlves and friends, also (lenevieve Rebecca Ixidge No. I'll I O O F are In vited to utten I runerai services. Thursday 111 2 n m at her late residence 17.U Knorr t, Tacors Interment SI tgnuiu Cemetriv Hll.lltiV On December 2ti, 1015, UEORUE huabaud uf Lnime I. Salmon inee (ioebell Relatives and friends are Invited to attend runerai services at his laie residence J40 IlaiUn st Thursday at 2 p 111 prorlsetv Interment prlvuti itemilns may be viewed Wednesday evening between s und In o'clock hVI.T. On Decomber 27 1013. JANE I. SALT mother of rmma Hask aged M vears Relatives and friends ale luvped to atteni tuneral services Wednesday at 7 u ni . at the residence of her daughter Mrs Emmi Haak Blackwood. N. J Interment strictly nrlvute btNDERS Suddenly on December 23 1015. ROUBRT A SAUNDERS hushand of Margaret Saunders inee Lune) ugaj 07 jears Funeral services 8 U) a rn We-ltiesJay morn ing at ihe purlor of Welsh . Nulty. Id and Plue sts Interment strlctlt private Re mains mav bo viewed Tuesday evening, I'ltjfe omit flowers Srilll.ll On December 27. 1915, MARY, widow tif Henry Sclill.l (nee Ruf). aged 81 seirs Relative and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service-., on Thursday, ut 2 p 111 at her son a John II. schlld resi dence 71 West Manhelin st., elermautow n. Interment private bfHMinr. On December 20, 1915, ORETTA W hCIISHDr (lira Pine), widow of Charles W SciuntJt. aged 3.1 sears Relatives and friends ure Invited to attend ihe funeral services ae her lata residence 11117 Wash Ingtoii ave, on Wednualas at 10 JO a 111. Interment private bCOTT. -Suddonlv on Deceinber 20, 1913 WALLACE SCOTT, ugsd Hi, sears. Rel atives and friends of the family are invited tc attend the funeral services, oq Weiiasdav afternoon, precisely at & o'clock at his Uts residence. BaU ave above City ,.lu U.Ia. Muntgoinery Counts Pa Interme.it private. bl.ISHtll. On Dcc-er.ilxr 21. 1913. MAR UAllBl' J., widow of WU'lam II. Seiverd und mother of Mrs. O. W. Johnson und Mrs. Harry Bender, aged 71 sears Rela tive and friends are Invited to attend ne funeral services, on W'ednesday, at 2 u ru at her late residence. 4327 Haverford avo Interment private at Fernwood Cemetery. SI UltlNO. At her residence. 5704 Wood Lind av on De emWi Jf 1911 MA III a UL.T I ale of remanl Sebrla NutUs uf tl c I nre' will be give 1 MI iKM kit t Wa ne Pa. on Dere 1 be 0. jnii. 1 HAKLSTi! -wnsrs r m is tl 11 P and He-Uo itrti j 1 h.iaensr aged 4 xiic 1 111. rkilt eel lTr k eui4 eut-vceuecne 1.11 VBtu DEATHS Mt,i:itNAI.K December 2T, 1915, ISAAC, husband or Caroline Sllvernale. nt. the Ms iestir Hotel, aged 09 sears . Relatives snd friends are Invited to attend th funeral serv ices Wednesdaj-, at 2 r m precisely, at the lesldence of Mrs Simon Klrschbaiim, 120 Spring tlsrden st Interment at Mt. Slnal ( esnetery Kindly omit Doners SIMON !' On December 27, 1015. MART SIMOVE wife of Frank simone, sgeel 11 vears, Relitlves nnd friends nre Invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday at 1 p m , from her late residence M0 S 8th st. Inter ment nt Holy Crcr-s cerneterv SIMONSEN. On December 2, 1915, RACII FL, widow of Michael I. Slmonsen .Rel atives) nnd rriends ire Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday afternoon, at 1 n rlork at her Kto residence 0033 Leeds at. Interment private SKM.TONV O-i December 20 1911 TACT, widow of nooert Skllton In her 77th year. Relatives and frlenls aro Invited to atteni the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 1. m. at the residence of. her sen. Oeorge V Moss .117 Him ave .North Wales, Pa. Interment private at Boehm Cemetery. Blue Bell Pa SMITH. On December 27 MIR. FREDER ICK . husband of Fllzabeth Bmlth. aged U sears Relatives and friends, also Tons wandn Tribe, No SI I 0 . 11...M and.em plnses of Fela A Co. nre Invited to atteni tho runerai. en Thursday, arternoon. at 2 o clock from his late residence "nni locum st West PhlHdelphla. Internient .private, nt Mount Mnrlsh Cemetery. Remains mav bo viewed on Wednesday evening, from 7 until V SMITH. Suddenly, nt his resldenre, 2101 Itlclgeave on December 20 HUB. MICHAEL, husband of Annie Smith, inee, Davy), aged (CI sears. Relatives and friends ate invited to attend the funeral Thursd.iv. il rn, from the residence of his son Michael Smith Jr l-3 Harlan st Mass nt Church of Oesu nt 0 a. m Interment at Holy Cross Ceme tery KOMMEIl. On December 27 1015. fJEOItOE It . son of DflThnra and the late Frank Som mer (nen llnhminn) ned 20 leers ?!? tlves and friends nnd tho R.V M. Boclallty ore Invited to nttend funeral on Friday t N ID a m from his mother's rcsllenee 4311 Olrnrtl nve Solemn Requiem Miss at Rt Ig natius thureli at inn in. Interment Most Hole Redeemer ( emeters- SOt DERI. On December 20 1015 SARAH J (tiee Maxwell) wife of William F Pou ders nelitlipts and friends, also Camp No. 110 P (i or and Court Cleaver Nn 17. Independent Order ot the Oolden Sceptre, are Invited to atteml funeral service on W nines, das. at 2 p tn at her late resldenre. 2127 N 11th st Interment Northwood Cemeters ttoninln- mas bo viewed Tucsdav from 8 to 10 p m STEARNS On December 2, 1011. SARAH A widow or (leorge W Stenrns. nged venrs Relatives nnd rriends are invited tn atteml funeral servlies on Wednesday. De cember 20 ut 2 10 d in. nt her late resi dence, 4110 Mulherrv st . Frankford Inter ment rrlvate nt Oaklsnd ( emetery hlt'AllT. Entered Into rest, on Deceinber 21, 101.1. (lEOROIANNA, STUART Funeral and Interment private TAMM'.V. nn Derember 27, 1015, ANOEL INE K , widow of Peter Tamnev In her Ml It vear Relatives mid rriends nre Invited tn nttpiil runerai services, on Wednesdas at J p ni at the residence of her gran ldaughtor, Mrs I emuel P Klnsler. '017 Newlmll St. ijcrmaiitown Interment private TODD. On Deiember 20, 1011, ELLEN, wife of tho late Jnmes II. Todd Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to attend (he funernl on Wednesdas at 0 M n 111 , from tho resl denre nf her son in-law. Dr Rohlev D. Now tnn. 0117 Vine st Solemn Requiem M iss at the cinirch of Our loidy of the Rosary, at I I. RICH. On December 20. 1015, ELIZA 1IFTII MAY. Infant dmghtpr nf Hnrrv II. nn I Spues Ulrlt-h Itelatlvps nnd friend" are lnv lie ci to iilioo 1 funeral services nn Wpdnes dn at 1pm at her pnrents residence. N'atloml Park N J Intirment at Mount Mori ih Cemeters Sutomoblle funerul WITHER. On Derember 27, 1913, MART V.NN wltlow late Runnel W libera Relatives nnd frlenls are Invited to nttend the funeral on Thursdas I n tn . preelsely. friiui her late resl knee &S.I2 N . 1 th it ben Ires at Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, fth and Venango sts.. 1 10 P m. Interment nt Cireenvvood K. of P Cemetery CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like thlsj Onetime 15o per line Three times one week 12Mc per line Six times ono week 10c per line Situations Wanted three times one week 10 cents per lino per Insertion Place your order "for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for Ergsisa Linqra and PCH1.1C LecaLn combined Is 10 cents per lino with ihe exception of Help Wanted nnd bltuatlons Wonted, which Is 1,1 cents per line roit TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted Lost and Found, Personals, Boirdlng and Rooms ndd riVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE RATES There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. PERSONALS NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that the pirt nershlp existing between Frank W Hall nnd nnv inrtv or panics his been dissolved, and will continue to elo business In my own name mils antl vvlll not be responsible for debts created bj any one but msself. FRANK W IIAl.L THP FHL'ir STORE or fecrvcr 101S Cam bria st . snld tn Adelmaii, creditors call above uddrets until Frtdaj I"OR ADOPTION film helltbv pretty habj girl good mrentsgr Call Mrs Hamilton. nllll.Rldgo nve R ixhnrough WILL NOT BE responsible for debts unless tiintraited by msself. MILTON CORNOQ HELP WANTED FEMALE HILL CLERK nnd stenographer Must be eg. perleined rnierenre permanent position. ltls I edger Office CH VMlll'RWORK ft wnltlng ntslst laundrv. whlte Pro! girl refs II a."i LedgerCent .HILDS NI'KSR voung French woman. PnnN pstmt prtf erred for girl .lis yeirs old tn no 10 Pittsburgh Pa must speak some English, be able 10 mend and sew reference required, Miet emplover rnoni 210. Public Ledger. Wednesday at 11 o clink COSIPTOMETER operators wanted for Inven tory work O 140. ledger Central. COOK for prlvato famllv expitiri to enre for dining room, wages $T oulv white girls with good rererenees need 111 pis Phone, Oermintovvn 2tid COOK Young white worn, conking and down. stalrs work no wash reT Ph Gin r'l,-SV COOKINll and laundrv work. nobnusecvork suburbs Miet emploser Room 10. Public latluer We1nes1.iv 11 n'llnek COOKINO and downstairs work, experience! colored girl, rerereme 4T1I Cedar ave. West Phlla Phnne no Hand M2R ERRAND OIRL in "large downtown ortico must.be In years old goo I opportunity for lulvaifiemeiit answer In own handwriting stattngwagea expt i ted P 42J I edgerOffl FI'LI ERS-Fxpcrlencetl operators en Singer or I nlon Special telling inarhlnea stiady wnrk tood pas . ivald while learning to do our work. Roxford KnltiiiiK Co Randolph iJefre-son OEVFRVL HOFSFWORK voung girl gool conk best reference required- sleco out. Vpartment R HOT Chancellor t OIRL about HI sears of ago to 01 erate small prlvato branch exchanee. Addiess suting age and refeiences P J2TI La-lgsrjfflca GIRL while, for general housewoTa in Ger mantown best references required App 112firipruce st after 10 u m GIRU white, for general housework .12 J-:rleave GOVERNESS wanted for boya4 and 7 year, obi German Protestant "referred, iltst-clas inference required t0. Branch Ledger, luOo Green st HOSlFR Experienced knitters and toppers, also learners L110 N liwrence lIOiIERY-bnU t-Irlsj wanted. 1310 N Law rente HOl-EKEKPER working tar Cilbollc rac- tory. experienced, cupaDle Catholic one lnfamllyJL3r Ledger Ollfce expenencecj. cceimoie 1 ainoiic vvorsan. HOI'SKWORK Igenerall-Settlcel vvomai for bakery, reference, 1WI Cayuga St., Germ-n. iciwn c HOl'SEWORK Colored girl wanted suburbs. Main l-ine mibs jveesu. 110am ."HF 1'LOIlc LeJ. HOFbE?WORKrEiperlnce4 jvhlto girl gool wsgs 11SJV Hatttar it. J'honeOtn. MJ. HOFSEWOKK Whit fr! arnun preferred' 22 Park ave . Elk las l'ark Pa, .lelro-a laSo. IIprsBW ORK-&ttlid woman fcluull famlty. Haverford.SeoMlsa Read. Public I eJger HOUSBWOltK. geuerul iu wa-li . suourbs BsoJ rferne. II 111 I.ecler OJKo LAI'NDIIY QlltUS w.ntad. Millers. IB1I1 and OPERATORS on all parts ot olilriaaael at underwear. Cnarlse S Sbadskcr & let le IWSIS. iota ana i-omoaw IV.PKH liOXES Eotp operators oaTld-atrlBBlu; roac ns - w . ,. acwmm ,eu f-sseTis r. SOtT HAT TRIMMFHS-Fxpertencecl v'm tie on nuns soft r cm wnt,d 1 um. 1. y Aitlv p -iaiiir ijT e Jtrtt H fa.euaa Cuu'taoy. gib d Unib-iry avt. ALBWOMN ' sunt aivWr.'LLL ReFBni?M?s I fsWlIBcef'"c- r" HELP WANTED rEMALE STATISTIC TLFRK, must be egn.; ref re quired rermanent nnsltlon P 41 1 . Led. Off, STRAW HAT OPFRATOte on coarse an? Inn work, highest prices raid long reasen Idesl, healthful location Fourth floer Goodman RIg.Jitnlper and Vine . TWISTER"?!. ep , wages IS. back winders M. Apply 1SI2 Oermantovyn ave , seconcf floor. v WAITRESS-Nest soune whits Protestant to ssst waitress, Main Line, must have good reference Meet employer Room 210, Public Ledger, Thursday, 10 o'clck .. WAITRESS-Ejperlenced wSlts girl, reference required call 111(1 I,ocust 1st. w'ednotday, between 2 nnd 4 o'clock. W'AITRESS snd chambermaid wanted! $18 r menth. Apply in person to University Ho er os- puai. .nisi spruce st. WANTED Drlght young sromsn between IT and 22 years old. to take un telephone work No experience necessary Salary paid while WOMAN, white, for general housework; sleep nut. Apply 321 B. 10th. Ornernl LADY We have an unusual opening tor rilcen-eiiiALii; unui who can nualiry. Position permanent! whole or part time. Worth !2S to 10 .per, week. No ranvnsslng. Give telephone, CI Ml, Led- ger trentrni. PHILA Women Onvt, clerks esams cojnlngi Tn mo , sample ques free, write Immed'teh, Franklin Inst . Dept. 71(1 K, Rochester. N f. HELP WANTED MALE ItOOKKEEPER and stenographer, eiperlenrsd In liquor business preferred, state age sal airs and experience 1' 121 Ledger Office. libs for errands and general ork In hard ware atom to lejirn the business. SHAN NON JtCO l,74JMnrket nt HOY, ltT or over, for ilellverlng packages; ehanco to learn high-class trade. P 420, Ldger Office HOVH wanted 10 or over, to work In wall pa per factors Apply nt once Decker, Smith ev Page, Water and Pnydcr nve, . CHAUFFEnt wanted experienced oil Ford and Overland eirs. to drive truck:, none but id Overland eirs. to drive truck: none pcrlencsd need apply ,2.1 N. 24th st. ex CLFRK, nccurato nnd rapid on .figures; alse typist, must write neatly, fair salary to start D 414, Ledger Office. CLLRK. also tsptst. nccurato and, rapid on. fig ures must write neatly, fair salary to start. P 41". Ledger Office. SHOEMAKER roreman for turn department. Experienced on fine work. Address "Foreman," P. O, Tlox, 3441, Philadelphia. SOLICITORS experienced, wanted Immediate ly In big subscription campaign: direct leada and letters of Introduction liberal commis sion Applv In person from .1 to 4 o'clock, tn D 11 O'Lnuchlln. Franklin Rank llulld- Inp Chestnut, below Drond first floor, right side of entrance STENOGRAPHER wanted in Inwser's office: must be experienced nnd capable of reporting testimony In court state nge, experience and snlnrs expected D 410. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER Must ho accurate and rnnld good snlars to start good opportunity for ndiancemenL P 4111 Ledger Office. STFNOORAPHER, must bo rapid nnd accu rate good salary tn stnrt gond opportunity fnr advancement D 417, Ledger Office. WANTED "Wnrner Swiizey hand screw m irhlne operators and Drown &. Sharps nuttimntlr screw machine operators. 4h hour shop Appls Emnlosment Agent, Amerlcm (Iraphophnne Company, Hridgeport, Conn W ANTED-Hunt of braiding mill on flno mer cerized nnd silks must bo thoroughly prac tical state nge experience and salary wintetl referent es required Apply Box D 4-'i' ledger Office YOt'N'O MAN nlout is nsst shipping clerk, experience 1 wrapping nnd packing fragile materlnl state salirv and experience, P 410, Ledger Ofllee TIMD STCDV MAN for revision of piecework prlcps In n hirdware manufacturing plant in I'hiln ti Inhli must be one experienced in tha mnmifnrture nf large quantities of tnter rhingpalilp parts college graduate preferred: stale qu illllcntlons experience ngo religion, ml irv expected thin work may lead to mora reHiinnsltili position. D 400 Ledger Office Oenernl TH'qiNTS SERVICE COMPANY SFVFRAL STFVOORAPHIC AND OTHER I'OI P'OVfl lll'PN Hill LAND TITLE RFILDINO AGENTS AOENTS anl canvassers nimes and addresses, 5it ner 10c (I also farmers nnd auto owners; nrlres on request Thomas Co., Kennett Square, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CII VMHERWORK and vraltlng experienced jsrnirti rrotest int il is i.rciger unice. COOK competent English Prot desires posi tion coon reierent ps i-,p 1 nirmnunc avw. fiRl'SSMAKFR Fro rh compt wants engmt; oven c gnivns anerln Itv Tclepnnne vva I in vs. UIIII. eolnre-l wishes nnsltlon assist In house- vvork. 2121 Carpenter st LADS "4 MUD oung Amerlran Pmtestant. neat nnd willing II 12? 1 edger Office. I.Al 'I11IIS nnulil title small Main I. Inn 1 wash nr housework from VAednealii until 1 Seturdav tl tress Mrs Oood Rlilnnr Ph. 1 LM NDItrws- I'xp voung while woman do- sires 1 ns n rltv nr cnuntry O 21.1, Led Ccjn I l Usn tinterctntl wlshp iiprpnnnn-vt noa : jMinrl il jrtimeiital cases O 214 IoMger Cen SEAMS ntFSS b lav experienced good ref- erences SI and carfare 2441 N Ifth st, V AN! 1 IIFSIlANTi rnlore.l want posi tions vv If e Prst-tliss took first-class refer eu e man tlrrt-cliss butler and nll-around man ror himself does not smoke or drink. 204(lf.itlnrlnnjt WOMAN snung lit reduceel clrcilmstnncp. well educated and honest wishes permanent posi tion is reil mothers helner thorough home training and four momhs'sActual experience; refereme vv, ul I be valuaKe assistant any where 1 Itv nr rountrv tsn 112 Led Celt hlll'AriON weuiej as walfrraa. "private. D 4 12 I etlacr Offlie THE I.FDGhRS HOI SEHOLD REGISTRY HI'REAF ran put vou In immediate touch with experienced housework girls rooks, chambermaids waitresses laundresses day m work eenmstrrgsen ladles' maids governessea. rlilldnures housekeepers both managing and working couples Cill write or te'e phnne Ml-s Reetl (Walnut nr Main KksS) Suite 211-23(1 I edger Illdg elth and Chest nut sts. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-orFICE MANAGER. 13 seara' experience, aitdlis corporation work, manu facturing roH financial statements, credits and ss'steiitatlzlng open for engagement Philadelphia references O 143, Ledger Cent. MICHITECTS CONTO ACTORS Engineer (Cullsro graduate), M sears nf s;e, having had wide experience lu tha manufac ture, Installing and selling of mstal InleriSM for buildings ard who Is capahls of drrewn3 up speelfleitlons fcr sanio free fmm leorholss desires position as contract mansier, ajpsrln. tendent. or rsprstsntallve O 2I Al DITINO, big and llitlf "fneriy reepepslbls man I 212 Ledger Oftce. BOOICKEFPER vvlth msrra nil eipsrlinra has 'i hours each das could le,os to hook kcepfis or any roslilon o trust rsfersnets and securltyltjieresssr) JT 455I.ed0-,lc, ROOK KEEPER- in elderly" msif first a;s bookkeeper crlr?a pesltloq tint i,i iiv jio 10 SVJ eor 'vtk excellent referen s Ad. dressH 1T04.N' 11tr.st Phi 4 Th 1 Lint snd houseman cxp . Sentrh "yroF estant reference H no tlti Oflce ClIAl'TT"!" R StrlrtlT r'ltnbtr. 7 ears di, parience, capable any car Mgniv iran, mended. age.0rs H A Hlses. IJS Reset CHAUFFEUR.-exp.. "thoro-gh ree'lia-'l de, sires poeltlon with undsrtaksr, ran furnish best refs Ledger B- W. 2l'."i I'ran'qfnrd a CHAUFFEUR eineral man, good dnvrr Tip reference 3S2Q Daynton st . C,c 1 antoau COCHMAN. single, wishes pos , footmaT. take ea-e of qutos: exceL rsfs O 241 JrJ Coit DRAI rjlTTSMAN apd .iiuinltlv man 8 Years' cxi marble thor ump T05 S 51; at. ENFRGETIC youig mn of 21 high -cheol giaouat exDarianced lu general ofTlca vvork desire, oasltlon -1th reDiitai.'e cno ern npea for lmiad eugagem t refs O 34lla?d. Cenl MN A.1 WIFE want positions wife" ilrst class ioek. drst-ciais refereuc ruan rlrs' class builer and all-around man for hlnus.t 21S.O Cjllu.riiist MSN AND WtvfB butler .and cool, good ? e-rms H 1'2l c!J?ffi Nl RriS2 piancal aiw eompanlon d sires uo.uioa wit 1 1'iv.lid gentlepajn ohvslcu.ii re4rcct write) E R 40HT Haverfot In t OTFK H'MANAOKK AND COIIRKSPODL5.T elMiiv poililon ,-av exeeutlye aliltir n not afrala o' work beat of refsreiee as -a characur and ablltt- Have bad 10 yearV exoer lence with up-'o-oati corporation D lud Ledtor OTlca . 1 3 HA1$R OR WORKS MANAQER Ens lu"r i-otleae grsdua X va v i-r oooerjuua .uieinav rrable lufe sceso ,-i-Iua .utelllgenca. '.lual tdecs .n"i u harswe sense ana rufnl fcuslui'ss i b 1. Jty who bus bad wla xuri.pi iu n.c ecu- ,.i. linn .mil nvsnci -ei a t ull tintilii ex-te IjJIv r ctsl stamping and draws roeiui work. kCcuo med tq act as rorrei-eiilr.t'v. to 11 and la deal vv th -uslnrss men of ht;n standing rfel-"a to uLe s. change blgbxt creaeuei-" ered O SI jcir buii KT.ccle poaltlon viphA .P(K lie- rntral Olhrc U--ltlJ .a 911 Xfxt Vk il l !- II m 1