J"W""1"I mUtV&immt' --J-X -ry-ijif p-u J fy.' , ... ,5S!fn 1- -n fi4T' P4-"i- !' ' Wp" -H"frW' Wig EVENING T.EDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1015. 9 I ERRATIC DAY IN WHEAT MARKET Demand for Cash Article Slow. Outside Trade Was Less Brisk ntlCAOO. Dec 27. The course of wheat rrires was crrntle today. The mnrket rI.. stronger on Rood bujlng, hut there t . sufficient profit-taking to bring about u " .... A..4lkii Pnllnwltil- lliU. nrli.ia t,!Lmc firmer ngnln on a ilemnnd from rwrmber ehntta and complaints as to ,he nuftllty of winter wheat. Still latti, 1 rtactloiury tendency wan again man J , nn(l after the Increase in the visible iiiooly as na,1n known pi Ices sagged, iwember cIoed only N cents above the tnnMt at Jl 2"1!. M"v ended nt the bottom t IIM'k alu1 Ju, but '4 CCMl nbovo ,llfi lowt at Jl 1" Th dniaiid foi Hi cash artlcl was slow tri& hro was llttlo cvldenco of export business The tnulerrurrcnt of sentiment, how ler remained bullish, but outside trade mules brisk Some operators expected et back C'ommlstlon houses com mented " tno '"I'1'1 absorption of the rnltrrt States' retard crop and the small er area of winter wheat. As to the big amount alloat at Buffalo It was conceded Hint the bulk had been sold to foreigners ind therefore wns no weight on the do mestic situation Dispatches to the effect that Oreat Britain and Fiance were planning to get iurrllei fiom Australia were believed to hue caused some of tho Belling here, gome of the inrlv bujlng was due to bullish wecklj foreign statistics. Weath er conditions over the holld.ijH were fav orable Ilerelpts In tho Northwest con tinued lienvv The English anil Trench nnrhcts remained closed. The visible supply In the united States ( Increased 4:63,000 bushels for the week to el.tT'i.f bushels tta'lmK MUUr'' 1 HIlKt-l HO IHH" rrliU n llleh r.nn. I'ni. nlop I 'J( 1 .SIIXi I ', tl "JT'l IKll'. 1.27 .W, 1 174 ! 17 1.S fill '.'.' ! "" 1 Corn "tien '"'"J"' .. v, 7H'. 70', 7t 77'- ii? 71V ii i amy 11. Jltllr- CMtii prt-mlirr '!" , Junnari fl,rn Fork Jmwn I".'. I7' 4 it, IM4 4-. 47U l in t l III II) loin tl.72 ti "- f 7." lo.cn ln(io loos toco tin on mn; in.T. iim. 'in f. 1 w tIRS-. tl!nn IS M tl 1107 wish to M Id W 10 -T in -n JI ii'.. in .v. 'Mil tknl PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WIIIIAT ItoiPlptn. IT.anii lmihels The mir ktt ruleil tlrm Hiul 1 higher under ftronc om gldu hUi I' a ttii'l ii fnlrlv hcUii' tlemnnrl tjim tllon ' nr loin In eiliort rloMUor No 2 red. pot unit t)ecrnibfr f Jiwn J. No 2 mutlK-rn rnl 51 2151 Itn onnnifr N'o 2 roil. 1121111.2.1 No t re.l Hl'lfli:", rejcitcil . l.inMi I '.'.' rnjett-l H. l.lll 21. lOnS' Iteielpt" 1.17. buslietH Tradn Tiaa oulet lint price wern well nmlntiilnel Quota tions far Iota for local trnile n to location OM Wntorn S'o. 2 ello. Nlu.diS2Uc. oM Wfatrrn Btcamor m1Iow. Olfl?S.l,lI oUl eot rn No I jellott 7ll'W;,5r , new iob. rcr 70 W trtfJiOt. OXTS llrcelptp. 128.T1I hunlmlii Prtoi-i nrrc inoro firmly held, but then Ivan no ac tlrlti In tral Uuotntlonn Nn 2 nhltc, W utanrlanl wlilte. 47MiW1e , No .1 trhlto 4D',8t7'j-. No. 4 white. t-ltfcffir-HTo . impto oat" !211?HI'' purified oats, gradfl. VLOf'n -rtecflpts, 4131 MIh and 1.R40 097 Itm hi iittiks Thri; Mas little trxdlne. but mill llntlts nero vteaHlly held Ouotatlonn pr 11h tbi In wood: Winter, clear. $." Kiiin 40: do lralBlit J3.50SD.T.., do. pttent, l"i SOf 610, Konftis. ilrnr. Juto HackH " .Sftn iOj urnleht. Jute Fncho. .1.n01t." 7.1; do., MUnt lute packs. ."i.7ran, "nrlnj? first clear 5 Will 7.V do. stralcKt. n.iTiafi fin. do, paront ?itqfl3fi. do., faxorlta brand,. 18.5011(1 "ill. clij nillla. choice and fancy Mltnt. Jl! .'Oau so- city mllla, rcKiilar uradfa Wlntrr Icar W lrrfCi.40. do, strttlKht, J3 M e' 7S, do patent IS.b0ail.10. KM; Kl.nt K was quiet and unohanEft! S'i quote at JJ.:.".1i.V'.0 pr hhl.. aa to quality. PROVISIONS Tlir aa a fair Jobblne trado and th mar ket ruled steads Quotation t'liy beef. In ef, tmoked and alr-drled, 2lJt2Sc. , Weatern beof, In eeta mnoked 'JlBMf , city beef, knuckles nd tenders, emoked and nlr-drlM, 2d327c.j Weatrrn b'ef, knuckles and tendcrn. sniokod, lift ."7i , beef hams llfi'IO. pork, family, IK!.50fltl hams. 8 I'. cured loose. IRSIS-Ac-.; co. (klnned looi. 13X('Vl!tC . do. do.. inioked ll'iflfW. , other liama anioked. city surel, m to brand and mrrafn. HIHaiTc. pams. anioked Weatern cured. lltW17c : do. tolled boueleea. 22c, plcnli uhoulder". ,. P. cured, looee 12. do., unioked. inc. bellies In flikle. aciordliiK to axeraue loose. lliTMUe . rreakiast Ijaion, aa to brand and aientee. city tuml 179i Is, bre.ikfQft bacon, western cured. ITTi ts, , lard. Western, ronned. In tltrres lOl.c do., do.. In tuba. 10J.C. lard, rura city, kettle rendered In tierces l?iM lard, pure tltv. kettla rendered. In tubs. 1M.C REFINED SUGARS There was llttlo tradlnc and the market was tnchaiued rteflners' list prlc.es Kxtra fino tranulated ft OV. atandanl Krauulated, lc ; nowdered, a uv toufcctlonrrs A, S.Mc: oft trades, A lOHS TBa. DAIRY PRODUCTS BL'TTKR The mnrket was li lower, but Inere waa a fair demand for fine noods at raUed tlEurea quotations Western, eolld Pjckel .icamerj, fauc, apeclals .'.Si . extra, Jc., estra flrats, lf(3le. firsts IlOff.l-'c., seconds, :us?2.)t. nearby prints, fanc .(. ;j aieraxo extra, ., IKc , do., firsts 3Wt fie do eoconda 2i.tf2tit., JobblnR tales of 'ByUpr'n'". l-'tl4.V. tOqs Kiesh tgica wero quiet and 3ik per c-e loner with morn liberal orTerlnns. we Suote aa follow a Kree caaea liearbt extrrfs. Jc. per dos., firsts, JlO.Ml ner atandanl i, nearby current rerelpta tin 20 per ca, West ern estra flrats !Iu.mf per lase. first", lu.20 per isec, lefrlcerator cuss, fancy. Ii.ko rer 5'.';,d0 fliats. 7 .M per iae: iln, second', DV,fiJI mi per iaae. do,. Inferior lota, lower, HI", aeletted landled egga weru Jobblne .it im i u i'IIKKSD. The market ruled firm under llsht ftferlnaa and a lair demand Quotations fat 1i New Vork, fnlNcreani. fancy, held, 17'i fU Vj.Jr23C'al" hlfiher, do., fair to Kood, eld. lMttiic. do., part skims. imHc. POULTRY i.Lm'e . Tb? market ruled steady with fair inquiry for desirable stock quotations Fowls. lo alia and ciuality. riaiSc roosters. 110 ifr PrlnT chickens HccorillntT to jiuallty Mo in i,.lurk.e.vi StkHSJe,. ducks, aa to site and aualltj. llfilix-. ceeso. IIKWc, . EUlneaa. i?"rnwtl?hln,r - lhs onii oier apltc. per r KsA1, "f'ty"1". '.V' "" apiece, per Mir MfifiOc,: welxhlnc 1 lb imlccc. per pair c,, culneaa old per pair. 50c. plseoiia. old, iimil?ssnIt-I,m-n'l readily absorbed the United receipts of fine, deslruble-slied stock tli'i ine market ruled Hrm, yuotatlons Fresh u. foultry. dry-nackod turkeis. Delaware, Marylaiid. fancy, SliftUOc: Virginia 2i.2ic . i,VL .Kvvt. u tnoice, .iti2oc., ao , ivesiern. H"-'i rJc- ..no uo ooa to cnotcc. 2.131.1c,. Kil. 'ilr. SHn.Mj. "t. t?ms. lc. . da . - .. .b,, ,,u, i. inuuc 1 onls, 12 to box. ti-TD!r.KSf .'?n:y aelected. 18c. da, welsh !" .'5 lb. apiece. iTc.i do., welith inf.' '". . ?. lc. do. welKhliia- 3'i lbs PlSCf. lSfilSUc. J .l,hh. .t Ih. anri S,n,r apiece. 1114c. Fowls. Vn bbla.. dry-Jltkl-fa,ncy. 4U,S lbs. apiece. 17c, choice. J,,ib- a.Plece. tffc.: smaller sixes, 12tinlUc ?ii ,"te". .dry-picked. 13c. Chfckens-Jer. lroii.r'i:yS2,Al,,,J' T4,25.t other nearbyfanoy iltr.uS22-'e" Western broilers, welshlns JWv" lt. apiece. SOstXSc.. northern Illinois .?. ' ine llow. welshlnir 4 lbs. and isjji-.w ,,lerP- welKhlne SWaJH lb . In Foxes, lb. !' vv.lh'- .Western, welghtmr 24034 S!il.lu bblS" 15c; Inferior, 13c Spilns lis is' aVy, lihiOcr. do. Western, fancy. ii?.lt?c".!?.!.ao.. fair to good. J2M15C, Geesa. 5rSJ;"iV!&: d0" Western, HSlBc bquaos, town t, '..JHJ,W: UO . 'JO.. 4 IUS. V" fanll. ' . .?" .fawiuc: liortneru iiunon. li?c,r,.ish,n:.IH03i, t,, i boxes. la it' '..northern II Inola. fancy, nelxhlnic 2HH Wlalii-i ",.'!, itelBc,: other V.J.t.ra. 111 nvpr. iMiira. 1 1 u 1 m.. . I- ijj?J' 1""k.' ,1 7MT.'.i'5; email sod No. 2. FRESH FRUITS a.T;,.'rs. per bbl iter ?tiwft -JIMHl.-U. Oraoges. Florida, per 'tifcf ",75- TsngerliiM. Florid, per straf., r,?,l Grapefruit VlurlU per irste. titn. Orapges. Florid, per lSiSnn.,,er bo l4. Flneapples. rurtq rttio. tlii.L I'r-anbeirlea. per crate C'ape Cod. Krn2b.' .lm, Jo. Cape l od . ir rrats, "-vui aa.. Jere, per crate, -"2jo.'.i. VEGETABLES Trade was fair and values generally were ii.,Vu!tlnJ. as follows Wblto potatoes. J" bush choice. Wc m do., do., fair to food, iJiitiiX do Jeraeyv Per Uaket. No li'Vt M55i . ao.. do" No. 1 other rle Utf. fejJc do., do., .V i. afil. Sjjet ffiUto.e, Jersey per basket. Sol 4050c. P df N'o 2, 15ii2ic , Jo VlrglnU. per " iilU Onions. W 100-lbbg. No. f.'1 T,Hilfc." da do N' -'. 33 JSc. Cab L lish per ton. Iiu. Ceteir N I,- lltilii. Kuli.- Nor 1 Ik per bbl UHi iii?lca. tJock In fair request and gen linn. "." und' moderate oftcln.. Quota l -5. A0'''". ur bbl. -Jonathan fancy H.2S RL'Sfin"",,, fair to Rood, .iSOCtif. llclntosh. WW Wjnesap, K?1ZU i ."., Haldwin. IS NKS I.uB,Upk Twig. f.'.uOp.t25: Orlmss- Ooldtn. l,T.a'?-oun a. titth. Plpplu. fl-lL ben n!W?.- ft IoJ.M othearlitle.. iLBnis SO, k i: )"" f Florid ic u' J,.v'i . f h tanlioj per I askf "3i jtl 50 He.ui i. iwr baa, ., si U a f "S' Fes. Florl fc fce, sji-i 1'cprcrs Fwrids per , -i'l !Efiw.t vi or. ,. . . .' I Mubroouu. uer 4 lb basket i NEW PHILADELPHIA CITY 4S IN HIUSK DEMAND Their Popularity as Permanent In vestment Clearly Demonstrated The popularity of Philadelphia, bonan B3 permanent Investments. Judginr; from tlio dally applicatloni nt Mayor Blnnken piirg's olTlce in City Hall for proposal blanks for the $3,360,000 30-enr 4 per rent bonds to be let on Friday, wan never more pronounced. Scores of private citizens, nnxlous to secure small blocks of bond", which will bo Issued In such amounts as tho pur chasers may require In the sum ot $100 ntid Us multiples, todiy visited City Hall to ncquaint themselves -alth tho conditions of the lettlns and to obtain proposal blanks. Many corporations, as well ns Individuals, have requested pro posal blanks, nnd because of the num ber of concerns that have evinced an Interest the competitive bidding on Fri day Is likely to prove unusually Inter esting The bonds of tho city being free from nny State tax and from the payment of Income tax are especially desirable aa nn Investment for trust funds, and many of the bonds Issued In sears past ars held In this way. BANK SURPLUS REDUCED Local Institutions Report Decrease of $7,196,000 for the Week A decrease of JJ.IKOOO In surplus reve nues wns reported by the Philadelphia Clearing tlouse banks todav. Loans ex panded H.OlI.oro Individual deposits dropped more than four mlllons Details follow loans ... Iiepfs 1 Ind.) circulation lino from banks . Deposits of banks V,x rleorlnB- houas lteene held lleeerip required Surplus T.. Il'con t.ioumo 3ni ,0iw) 4,nnom lo.-.ismv) loon r.',r,iB noo 1fll,7nm 21,141 mo ni.0120111) w.ttM oro 22.10S 001 214 (XX) 1 .111 om t .140 pon 7 r noo 7P2IO0 7 inn noo " increase. "'iirrliin un4er old form Pecemher 2 1014 14.inWniK. Dcember 2! inn jDSMOiio. pe cember 3D. 1al2. K.spi con, December 2R. 1611 ,427 '.'iO, December 2.". ItllO J1.5D3.7IO RAILROAD EARNINGS fMON rACIPtl'.. lnl. November etos . m.lMOin .Net .1, ..'-i.il.-. rivo month"' grnsi . (-..lnunvt Net i,o;i.ivit ATCHISON. November ero" . ..$12Vtn.r,7rt Net ... ... . im 177 nva months uros . . r.'. vn .'.12 Net . .. . . Iirmi2l Increase l 7fi sS7 I l7 220 3.12V .VJ2 l.0l.7r3 J I ntW.W) 1,O37,fl0 4 177.174 1 23.fi!0 rjENVCK AND IltO OP.ANDC. Third week December jr.2Sno From Jul I ... 12,710.400 flV) 1 ll,7P0 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Dec. 27 ntlTTKn. Market lovver, unsettled, receipts M41 packssrs lus tra treamery. ntflfll'kc., Iilcher scoring. .T'Cjc.. Stnto dalr, nit32c.. Imitation cream ery, ilfl.-Utc BaS, -Market unaetlled: receipts 7IW1 Kxtrn tlrsts, :aiir.Sc nrsts, .tlfffljc , near by whiter, 4iH4c . mixed color, :i2afic., nenrbv brown". .TTHIOc. . refrlserator flrats. 2.li,'n'2lc LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Dec. 27. HOOS nccelots. 2.V 000. Mnrket I.VSOc. Iilsher. Mixed snd hutchcrs ill 0.wn 70. sood heavy. H.4iii.7'i. rouali henvv. $UU.-.finao. Unlit SS.tfuffil.DO. tlm. 4 sofl.v nr, imik. xa.10511.-0. OATn.n Hecelpts lO.OOO. Market etendv. fleeves t r.Ofl GO , roves and heifers HM 8.40: Texana. lilAOSRln. calves. $S BOfflO 7,1. SHEUI' llecelpta. 12.000. Mnrket stroms. Native and Weatern. J.I.ROff rt.fjl . Iambi". til.40H0.fi0 OBITUARIES LEVIN C. TEES Playwright, Humorist nnd Journalist Dies Suddenly Lovln C. Tees, playwright, humorist and city editor of the Sunday Dispatch, died on Christmas while delivering a gift to his daughter. -Mrs. Frank It. Ituggles, of 6508 Hunter street Mr. Tecs was 63 years old and lived at 1215 North Frailer street with another daughter, Mrs Henry F. Hmith. He and Mrs. Smith and the latter'a two-nionths-old buby visited Mrs. Ituggles. As he was about to hand n package to Mrs. Rugglcs ho gasped, collnpscd In his chair ind was dead a few seconds lutet. lie Is believed to hnve been a sufferer from heart disease, but had not been outwardly III for ninny years. Mr. Tees became famous lu the days of Toggart's Time.', when under the name of "Jonathan Jones" he delighted thousands by his humorous writings. When tills Journal eeahcd existence, in 1SW, ho became Identified with the Dis patch. Occasioiiallj ho wrote for the hit tcr publication, but generally devoted himself to the duties of city editor. Mr. Tees was the author of "The Senator.' In which William II. Crane played the leading part. That was tho most suc cessful of Ills several dramatic produc tions, all of which attained some degree of popularity. C. HARRY JOST Prominent Pianist and Music Dealer Dies From Pneumonia O Hairy .lost, one of the foremost pianists of the city, died from pneu monia nt his home, 4935 Ruulcnm avenue, Oermantown. last night. Ho came from a family of musicians, his father and grand father and his antecedents in Germany having been musicians. Mr Jost. who was CS jeaia old. spent his life In Philadelphia, where he was born. He was a composer and was asso ciated with his father, J. W Jo". In the music publishing business at 1015 Spring Garden street. He was a member of the merlcan Federation of Musicians and or numerous musical clubs Beside lis father and mother, he is survived by Ills wife: a sister, tho wife of Dr A R. Ral near, a brother, Adolph Jost, and three sons, iJiwrenco C. Jost, Charles H Jost. Jr. and Richard Warren Jost. Tho funeral, which will be attended by delegations from numerous musical so cieties, will be held at tho home Thurs day. The Rev. Hugh B. MacCrone, pas tor of the Wakefield Presbyterian Church, will conduct the services, SIRS, EMMA F. PERRINE Mother-in-law of the Late President Grover Cleveland TRENTON, Dec. 27. Mrs. Emma F. Terrlne, mother-in-law of the late Pres ident Grover Cleveland, died today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas J, Preston. Jr.. in Princeton. Mrs. Perrlne was TO jeans old and had been IU of bronchitis a week. .,.,. Mrs. Preston Is Grover Cleveland's widow William Longstreth William Longstreth, for 15 years Major of Merchantvllle. N. J.. Is dead at his home after an Illness of double pneu monia. Mr, Longstreth. who was 63 jears old had been a resident of Merchant vllle for 3 years and was well known throughout South Jersey, He was a mem ber of the Borough Council for 10 years, and was president of the first convention of Mayors of New Jersey several years ago He was also a member of the Merchantvllle Lodge of Masons. He is survived by a widow. Clarence L. Dutler Clarence I Butler is dead at his home, le06 North Bouvler street, today, having been stricken suddenly on Christmas eve. Mr. Butler was apparently In fine health earlier In the afternoon when he left the ofllces of the Philadelphia Trust Com pany, where be had been employed for 31 Tears. He had charge, of the teller's de partment Mr Butler, who was 4? years old, was a bachelor Dentil Notkts on. l'x fourteen MORE THAN 80 LEADING CITIZENS OF CITY DIED IN THE YEAR 1915 Lusitania Tragedy Cost Many Philadelphia Lives Wealthi est Citizen of Commu nity Gone FAMILIES WIPED OUT More llinn fourscore of Philadelphia, s leading citizens died during the year Just ending. In the death of Peter A. B, Wldener early In November tills city lost Its wealthiest citizen The sinking of tho I.usltanla early In Maj' brought death to more than a score of Phlladelphlans, In several Instances wiping out entire families One Justice of the State Supreme Court, one Judge of Iho Common Pleas Court and one cx-Justlce of the Rtatc Sjpreme Court wero among the list claimed by death during the course of the jear. The record of the deaths of the more prominent persona foltows. JANUARY 3-N Parker Shortrldge. old est director of the Pennsylvania Rail road, director of numerous batiks and Insurance companies. JANUARY 1&-Henry Gurney Morris, member of Union League and numerous engineering societies. JANUARY 20-Captaln Julius A. Kaiser, U. 8 N. letlred, member of Union League JANUARY 21-Tho Rev. Dr. Chester D. Hartranft, president emeritus of the Hartford Theological Bemlnsry. JANUARY 23-Judge John L Klnsej, of Common Pleas Court No. 1, former Cltv Solicitor JANUARY 24 Dr. Benjamin Sharp, cor responding secretary of tho Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. JANUARY 26-John M Mack, contractor, Republican politician, large traction In terests FEBRUARY 1-Amos Bonsall. arctic ex plorer FKI3RUARY 2-Robert A. Balfou . one of tho major owners of Union Traction stock, broker, member of Union League. FEBRUARY W-Joshua II Jones, head of National Publication Society FEBRUARY II -Franklin L Lylc. ex vice president of the Commonwealth Trust Company and lawyer. FEBRUARY 20-Dr. Thomas Blddle, phy sician nnd naturalist FEBRUARY SS-Ralph Blum, founder of firm of Blum Brothors. TEBRUARY 2-Johll Pratt Mumford, banker and financier FEBRUARY 25-Captaln William E. Chceseman, ono of tho oldest members of the Commercial Exchango FEBRUARY 25-Dr. Walter Montgomery James, ono of the leading homeopathic phvslclans In America. MARCH 8 Joseph R Rhoadcs, first vice president of tho Merchants' Union Trust Company MARCH 21-Frederick T. Wlpslow Tnylor, known ns "The Fnther of Business Ef-llclcucj-." MARCH 21 -Major Charles B Throck morton, retired, U. S. A , first commis sioned officer appointed by President Wilson. MARCH no-Colonel M. Richards Muckle, last of the Mexican Wnr roll of ofllcera in the Unlt-d Stntcs Marine Corps, originator of the Idea of the Centennial Exposition MARCH 31-Tho Rev Dr Samuel Fred erick Bacon, prominent Presbyterian minister, and oldest member of the Presbytery of Philadelphia MARCH 31. Dr. Landreth W. Thompson, a leader of tho medical profession in this clt -. APRIL 2 William Hunter, chief onglneer ot the Philadelphia and Reading Rail-was-. APRIL 6 William Dlsston, president of the Henry Disston & Sons . iw Works, and officially connected with numerous other companies. APRIL 12 Edward Preston Movey, banker, broker and United States bank examiner. APRIL 15 Arthur T Atherott, ex presldent of tho Aero Club of Pennsjl vaula, and Philadelphia's most noted aeronaut APRIL 19 Major Luther Stedman Bent, former president and chnlrman of Board of directors of thi. Pennsylvania Steel Company. APRIL 21 George Vaux, historian and philanthropist. APRIL 23 J. Hunter Brooke, business, bociety and club man. MAY 5 Philip Mercer Malonej-, steel manufacturer and scientific agricul turist. MAY 7 G Clymer Brooke, member of Drexcl & Co., and a prominent clubman. MAY 7 Paul Crompton. vice president of the Surpass Leather Companj-, and fam-llj-. on LuMtanla, MAY 7 Harry J Kcser. vice president of the Philadelphia National Bank, and wife, on Lusitania. MAY 12 Colonel James Johnson, per sonal friend of President Lincoln and Civil War veteran. MAY II John Blrkenblne, one of Amer ica's foremost consulting mining nnd mechanical engineers. MAY 25 Thomas P. Hunter, head of the Acme Tea Companj. May 25 The Rev. Dr William Mansfield Groton, dean of the Philadelphia Di vinity School and prominent Episcopal clergyman. MAY 28 Samuel Dickson, wldelj -known lawyer, trustee of the University of H'.u mi --- l - L'.-A-.-.viv-A1.--'.l-.V.vV.UV.V.V.1'.Tj Education as an Investment THE BEST POSSIBLE INVESTMENT you can make is to give your children a good education. It will fit them to meet successfully the battle of life, and no matter what coraes, poverty, sickness or financial troubles, they will always have an education to fall back upon. Nobody can take it away from them. More and more higher education is becoming the prime requisite to a successful life. In helping parents to find the proper school for sons and daughters LEDGER CENTRAL EDUCATIONAL BUREAU ha, been a distinct aid and, in hundreds of cases, his solved their problems eminently well. To those parents who are at this time looking for a school to fit their peculiar needs LEDGER CENTRAL offers its services. Moreover, if you are planning on a school for next fall, we advise you to get in touch with our SCHOOL MAN at once. During the next six months LEDGER representatives will personally visit and inspect hundreds of schools in the East. If you will now tell us the kind of school you desire, its approx imate location, coat, etc., we can be on the lookout for you and give you reliable first-hand information. The service is free; you are invited to make use of it at any time. Call, write or phone LEDGER CENTRAL Educational -Bureau BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS ff.mmvvvvimmmmmvmmwwiwwmm.m-iHwm-i.mmmm'Li'i-iXVnn Pcnnsjlvanla, director of the Philadel phia and Reading Railway and other companies. JUNE 2 Colonel Caldwell K. Blddle, com mander of the 3d Regiment, N. G. P., and member of the distinguished Blddle famllj-. JUNE 17 Mrs. Anna J. Nicholson, wife of William R. Nicholson, president of the Land Title and Trust Company JUNE 19 The Rev Charles W. Duane. a leading Episcopal clergjman cjr Phila delphia. JUNE 21-Lleutenant Colonel John Bld dle Porter. Judge Advocate General In the United States Ami'. JULY 4 James T Mitchell, former Jus tice ot the State Supreme Court and one of the first members of the Union League JULY 9 Stephen J. Ferris, artist and por tialt painter. JULY IV-Dr. Lewis H. Adler, retired physician nnd surgeon. JULY lJ-Mcdlc.il Director Howard Well", U. S V , noted military hospital or ganizer JULV IS The Rev Mijder H Slmcs. one of the oldest and most widely known Protestant Episcopal clergymen In the city. JULY 2.t-Dr William C Jacob.. Super intendent of Tubllc Schools in rhllsdel phla rtnd prominent educator JULY 24 Dr Edward Bcdloc. a veteran of the United 6talcs consular service nnd a founder of the Clover Club JULY 24 George Deardorff McCrearv, former Congressman and Cit Treas urer, politician, financier and philan thropist JULY 29-Wllllam T Tllden merchant, ex-prcsldent of Union League and mem ber of Board of Education AUGUST 10-Charlcs Ileber Clark au thor, economist and tariff expert AUGUST 23-August B. Loeb, president of the Tradesmen's National Bank, di rector of the Philadelphia Rapid Tran sit Company nnd several other organ izations AUGUST 3-John It. Fow, lawyer and former State Representative. SEPTEMBER 2. Edword Bromlev, laro manufacturer. SEPTEMBER 9 - General Benjamin Franklin Fisher, chief signal officer of U S A In Civil Wnr, lawer nnd finin tler SEPTEMBER 21-Rudulph Ellis, presl nent of the ridelltv Trust Company, n Civil Wnr captain nnil a director of tho Pennsslvanla Railroad Company SEPTEMBER 25 -Colonel Joseph S Brln ton. soldier, lawscr and railroad ofllclol SEPTEMBER 26-C. Stanlej Mackej. leader of the Philadelphia Band and wldels known musician. SEPTEMBER 2S-Captaln John J Knapp. comnnndant of the Philadelphia Navy Yard OCTOBER 3 -Justice John P Elkln. ot the State Supreme Court, and ex Attorney General October 3. Dr. De Benncvllle Keim Ludwlg. former headmaster of Rltten house Academy. OCTOBER 5. The Rev. Dr. Charles W. Hlcklej-, one of the oldest and best known Methodist ministers In city. OCTOBER 11. Edwin Augustus I.nndell, president of tho Kensington National Bank, nnd one of the original members of tho Union League OCTOBER 12. Austin Montgomery Pur ves, manufacturer nnd literary nnd art patron. OCTOBER II. Colonel Henry Taylor Dcchert, lawjer, civic worker and mili tary man. OCTOBER 17. John Edmands. librarian cmerltun of the Mercantile Library ami dean of Amerlcnn book experts. OCTOBER 17. Thomas B. Hagstoz, founder of the Kej stone Watch Case Comp.inj . NOVEMBER 6. Peter A. B. Wldener. capitalist, traction magnate, art con noisseur and Philadelphia's wealthiest citizen. NOVEMBER 7 -William Launer. secre tary of the Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States and Canndn. NOVEMBER 15 Robert Coleman Diaj tou, financial vlco president of the Pcnn Mutual Life Insurance Company. NOVEMBER 23. Edward K. Rowland, rarrlago manufacturer, socletj' man and sporting enthusiast. NOVEMBER 26 W. Atleo Burpee, noted horticulturist and head of seed firm hearing IiIh name. NOVEMBER 27. Charles Edward Staf ford. Inventor and noted chemist NOVEMBER 30 William Brooke Rawle, attorney and author of war stories. DECEMBER Brigadier General Hor ace Neldc, veteran of Civil War. DECEMBER 5 Charles Field Haseltine. nrtlst nnd art dealer and proprietor of the Haseltine Art Galleries. DECEMBER I James Mapcs Dodge, wldelj- known engineer nnd ex-chairman of the Public Service Committee of One Hundred DECEMBER 5 William It. Iteisler. president of the Manufacturers' Na tional' Bank. DECEMBER 10 The Rev. Dr. George IV. MacLaughlin, one of the oldest and most wldelj known Methodist ministers In the oil-. DECEMBER 15 Charles 1 Cragln. presi dent of the Dobbins Soap Company and director of the Tourth Street National Bank. DECEMBER 16 Edme H. G. Fialej. ex buslness partner of Major BUnkenburg, prominent In Baptist church work. Big Auto Truck Burns in Street A heavy motortruck of tho Baldwin Locomotive Workb caught fire at Ches ter avenue and 52d street shortlj after S o'clock this morning. Henry Boslraml, the driver, Jumped fiorn his seut and turned In an alarm. The blase was ex tinguished before It reached the gasoline tank The damage is estimated at (400; oil and waste dtopplng on the ehaust pipe, firemen saj, caused the fire H T HAIG'S SELECTION IS ARISTOCRATIC VICTORY Centlnned from Tare One Halg, a born aristocrat, entered the army from Oxford He, too, set himself to study Like Robertson, he has served both In India and South Africa. Like him he has mado the army his sole working Interest In life, and like him he Is a sharp on larger strategy He has worked for jears hand In glovo with General Trench, whose chief of staff ho was In the Boer War. The two men have been the closest personal friends slnco then: so for as any one knows, the friendship remains still unbroken It Is not at all unlikely that French was allowed to choose his successor or to have n voice In the choice. At any rate. It was Halg and not Roh ertson who was chosen for field marshal In France when French handed 1n hli resignation nnd returned to England No one outside of the Intimate councils of this secret nnd hidden war can either ap prove or criticise the choice It lflj' be tween two men who have done grcnt work ns subordinates, but who have been un tried In high command: and It K like all changes In the British army, Itrgelv an experiment In the present rendition of affairs Joffrc nnd the French General Staff must have Indorsed Hnlg's appoint ment. BLfE BLOOD TRlfMPHP And other things being equal, the fact that Halg was of nrlstocratlc origin and Robertson of humble birth may have turned the calc This is not said In criticism of the British, either. The class sjstem still lives among them they be lieve In the governing class; and while strong for legal democrncj-, all classes rather distrust social democracy They tike to be led by a gentleman One of Hnlg's class will alwaj-s find himself bet ter followed by the English than one of Robertson's claws This period of a des perate fight for nn empire Is no time for th" British to stop and consider minor social reforms From the first gun of the retreat from Mons Halg has made good In everj" ca n.ieltv Intrusted to him Bv milck nnd clever maneuvering he extricated hie corps at La Catenu, the most dangerous pinch in tne retreat lie lea tnr van in the attack on the Asne, the maneuver of tho British nrmj most praised by the French milium critics The shift of tho British nrmy from the line of the Alsne to tho new battle position bofore Yprcs was one of the prettiest and neatest shifts of the wnr. Robertson was at that time chief of transport, and to him be longs part of thr credit; the rest belongs to Halg, whoso first corps arrived at the front davs before the Germans especcd It. At that time, as students of tho war may remember, R.iwlluson's immortal "th Division, which had screened the with drawal of tho Belgians from beforo Ant werp, was holding a very thin line In front or Tpres It was nearlv gono as a righting force when Hnlg arrived with the 1st Corps Hnlg Incorporated the rcmolna Into his corps and proceeded to lock tho lino dlrectlv beforr Tprca. This wns tho position picked for the heaviest German attacks. Two or three weeks of steady slaughter followed It wna a fearful strain upon the nrmy nnd lt comman ders It Is said that nt one time or an other every corps nnd division comman der In the lot lost hope except Halg. Ho was a rock all through. IIAIG, THE ROCK Tho big test caino on October 31, a day very vital In the history of the Brit ish Empire On that ciay the Germans made their most desperate attempt to break through They did. In fnct, break the line, and seemed to be pouring toward Calais with a clear field In the hour of the greatest danger it shell struck H.tlg'H headquarters, burst Insldo the house nnd killed or wounded every one on the staff. Halg stood Just outside the explosive area of the shell, but tho shock knocked him over and rendered him unconscious for an hour That was the point when General French enme pcrtonnlly to the 1lno and made the dispositions ending lu the thrust APARTMENTS . E. Corner Walnut and kWll&f ,,. J The opening of this fourteen-story fireproof apartment building is announced. fj Suites of two rooms and one bath to ten rooms and five baths. CJ Inspection is cordially invited. Reservations through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut Street of Oluvelt, which rolled the Germans back to the positions which they had oc cupied that morning. As French came tip, Halg was Just returning to conscious ness, Refusing to go to tho hospital, he accompanied his chief to the line Dazed, staggering on his feet like n groggy prize fighter, he helped to make the new dis positions nnd to rnlly the men His ex cellent work In the retreat from Mons nnd at the Alsne and Yprcs has been re peatedly mentioned In French's dis patches. That first campaign of the British army hAd to do with the old-time open fighting which they had practiced In India, In South Africa nnd In Egjpt tho kind of fighting that both generals nnd major ofll rers knew Over-severe critics to tho con trary, 11 Is probable that no other small body of troops on the western front would have done nnv better But after the grand assault of tho Prus sian Guard on November 13, the period of trench warfare set In the kind of fight ing which no one knew very well, and least of all the Britsh. who Had never possessed a reallv vnltinblo general staff to work nut the theoretical problems of war. Moreover, the 1oses had been so great that tho old profc-slonal nrtnv. which held tho left ot tho lino in tho re treat to Paris and which loi ked the pres ent line to Yprcs almost ceased to exist Now. the tvplcal British common soldier was a civilian recruited since the begin ning of the war. nnd the tvplcal British nillcer a brave. Intelligent voting fellow not yet educated because there had been na vet no time In the finer points of com mand And slnre that lime, as tho world knows tho British have merely held, punctuating their holding by a few disas ters In the affair nt Neuvo Chapelle where, as in the recent affair at Loos, the British merely won a half victory througl' lack of ro. ordination, Hnlg was In charge of Mia army which attacked However, none over soemed to lay tho failure to him It wns blamed ofllclally to another general, who failed to arrive with reserves until too late to secure the vlctorj. It dirt not seem ro blemish H.ilg's reputation in the army If they have done nothing else, the British have secured a man who looks tike a soldier. A correspondent who has scon everv front remarked of lato that he and the German von Mnckcnsen. among all the great soldiers whom he had seen In Europe, best fitted the pie lure. "But von MacVe.isen looks cold and probably Is " he Bald "He Is all steel and Ice Halg looks as though he wero cold only on the surfnee Ho gives the Impression of warmth underneath " Hnlg is lust above the medium height, but with a beautiful, squnre-shoulricred soldierj1 build which makes him appear at first sight taller than he Is He is as handsome as his pictures mako him appear, and the effect Is heightened, as jou see him In the flesh, bv his fine clear hlue ej-cs. nnd those splashes of white hair at the temples, which artors alwaja put on when making up for the handsome elderlv hero He shows his Hcotcli blood In the gravity of his mien But he has a. pleasant little smile back of It all When on the lob he Is oxrep tlonallv silent, even for a soldier; his whole nppe.irniu-o Is that of Intense con centration on the huslness in hand. In his hours nt ease, they snv, he Ih a vcrj" dif ferent person agreeable, rordlal and wlt tv But he indulged himself In few audi hours since this war began He is ono of the curliest Users nnd the latest rctlreis In his headquarters, and he is working all the time CREATES QUIET CONFIDENCE One of French's great powers Is bis magnetism He makes himself liked by his fellows The ciMs Is never too great for hlni to chaff a little '. v waj of re lieving his mind Face to fate with men, he initially persuade them. An Ameri can atnbiilniien surgion was working In the public square of Yprcs Just when the line broke on thnt critical day of October I. As he bent over the djlng. the tc malns of a British bittallon came stream ing in Thej were benfen and showed It The major in commnnd was trvlng to rally them He was actually weeping with his disgrace, but he tould not hold them. Just then Trench came up In his motorcar and took in the situation lie APARTMENTS stopped, rose up and made n. speecn. "t upposo It wasn't much of h speech," said the stirgccn to we, "but Irt Hire mini utcs ho had them turned the other was about nnd charging back to the line. Halg, possibly, couldn't hava done that, but he has nevertheless a quiet magnet Ism which creates confidence nnd whleh mnkes him generally liked He may be the Grant the British are looking for. and he may be enljr n Hooker or a Burnslde Only the event will tell But he looks like the logical choice for tho Job, which calls for a man of Iron, who la also ft seholir In military theorj-. No one In ovlr times ever had such a task passed to hlrrlt More than the War OfTlce at home, h must "organize victory." He must ptit team work Into an army whleh has not .vet learned to work together, officered by men who are only In process of learning their profession In the hard school of explosive shells and poison gas Flnallj', he must work out the lac tics, as jet undiscovered, which will solvo this tiench warfare. In most re epccls, without a precedent In the world. NOTED VIOLIN MAKER DEAD Charles F. Albort, Owner of Famotn House, Victim of Pneumonia Charles F Albert, one of the most noted violin makers In the United Slates, is dend at his home, 205 South 9th street Mr Albert's father, Charles F. Albert founded the violin business to which th eon later succeeded Through their ef forts tho llttlo store on South 8th street becamo a familiar place to famous violin ists of this country and EUrope. The founder ot tho business was known as the modem Stradlvarlus The s6n, who died Sunday from pneumonia, con tinued to maintain the high standard set bv his father One of the violins made by tho firm was awarded a prize by the art board of the Paris Exposition. The prlz was the first ever awarded for a. modern violin Sir Albert was a member of the Walnut Street Business Association and was a past master of the Columbia Lodge, No. Hi. F and A M The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, at Z o'clock, from Oliver H. Balr's, 1820 Chestnut street. FIRE AT BAYARD HENRY'S HOMK Water Soaks the Flooring of Several Rooms A blaze caused by the Ignition of soot stnrtcd lu the home of Bayard Henfy, it Walnut lano and the Pennsylvania rail, road, last night. Mr. Henry was reading lu the llbrarj when he heard a sharp crackling. From tho window he saw sparks showering the lawn and when h rushed out lie saw: flames shooting frpm the chimney. Mr Henry summoned firemen, who climbed to tho roof and trained hosei down tho chimney The fire was extin guished, but In the operation dirty water poured through tho open fireplaces and sroakcil the flooring of rooms. Heavy shipments balanced bjr heavy receipts. Supply and Demand seesaw evenly over our lumber piles. Edward F.Henson& Co. Afructurat Lumber and Timber Iiplnr St. Whnrvrs, Phlla. APARTMENTS 17th Streets ! I I M f I I 4