MKf? 5, - s EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA", MONDAY, DE013MBEE 27, 1015 I if ff m I m m m is FINANCIAL NEWS BUYING ORDERS ACCUMULATED OVER HOLIDAYS, SELLING ABSENT Prices Were Bid Up All Around United States Steel Highest Since 1910 Resumption of Dividends on Stock at 5 Per Cent. Rate Expected New York Stock Sates Ni;V YOIIK, Dci 27. Another stHRf In the niiprpL'liilloit of Improved business) conditions was tnbllshcd in today's trndlnj?, when Accumulation of outers uer t'liHattnus cut Sunday minle commission house Inijliiff it moie Itniiortuiil factor than it is been in scleral ueeNi. Absence of selling orders was so pronounced as ) attract general attention, and as most of the outside buying orders were t the market, bidding up of prices was necessaiy In order to tlnnsact buslnes". New Yoil Central hud the place- of market leader, moving up 1V6 to 10DV laying of this stork lias for mmo time come from sources close to the control f the property, with Vanderbllt Interests apparently steadily mlillm; to their loldlngs. New Yoik Colli! nl sold eiiual to Its top price of 1913, 109s4. lis jw for the ear was si 14, on .March 1. t'nlted Htulcs 9tecl common reflected con- Inued absorption, which has been nuled steadily In the market since last Wodlies- -iy, and an nihaticp of L"4 to !si)4 litouglit it to the highest It lias sold since 910. The highest the stock ever sold was 94?& 111 1909. hate in i.j das there was talk that the dlrcelois of the Sleel Corpora 'Ion at the January meeting, lit cddttlon lit placing the slock un a ." per cut. liasls, would also deelaie an estrn dividend of 1 per cent, duikers' esti mates that lite en ml tigs of the eornoiatlon would be $50,000,000 or more for the prci nt ijuarter tccelved no conllrmatlon. Steel's advance spicuil bull lentlmetu tbiougbout the list, and miltja by 2 o'clock were 057,000 slimes, and f thl- totiil 17(1000 bIwcm were Steel. The market closed stiong. An Impicsilnn prtnil In Important clri'Ies that the Inlying In L'nltcd .States .teel common, which first appenietl In olufile on Wednes-day last, was Inspired 1 CnvJ I (u pf iy Infor .utiutt In toward to the dividend policy of the corporation. It Is pos Ible it 1 inir" 01 1 Ion wms taken at the committee meeting on last Tuesdu which futilshul th iiiccuilxe for concentrated buying, which may be reasonably i.vpccteii 'o conti'U.i v til the dividend meeting on January 'Jo. No one hole low- sii-ii to doubt but that dividends lit the rule of f per cent, pet annum will ie icsuniod at that tutrtlng, but there Is rrnson to believe that the statement lor the l,it n.itnrter of th" .vrar, to be issued at tiiat meeting will be of such 11 Lal eloa. Adams EtprMJ 132 Alaska Juneau ,Maka Gold M . . AIIK-Chilmori Mfir. Alih-thatm Mfe pf Am Air Chemical. . Am fleet Susar . . Am Reel Sutir pf . Am Can . . Am Can pf . ... Am C A- V . Am u . I' pf Am Coil Product Am Col ton Oil . . am Hlilo A. I cither Am Hide ,t I, pf Am Unseed pf Am bormnothp Am Smelt A lief Am Mniit ,t Hef pf . Am Smelter pf A.. . Am Smclten pf H .. Am .Sugar IteMning . Am Sugar Hef pf . . Am Steel Kotimlriej Am Tel A. Tel . . Am Tobacco Am Zinc I, A. Smelt Anarotuti Copper Alch T ASK . Atch T A. S I" pf Mlaiilli CoaU Line llaMnln I.(ki) Ilaltlmore A Ohio . Ililtlmore A Ohio pf llalnpilas Mining . . Helhlehem Mod .. Hrooklm Hap I'r tlrmnntck Term Hums liroi Utillo A Superior fal ri'troleum IVtroleum pf canaiiiin I'aciflc High. Low, C1m. 132 10H 25' i 32K S5' 10 24,'f 32i 84' f "I 70 III' 01 uvs 7S'( 11(1'. 15.VJ 1(K) CM tl.l in' ii'f it'3 m rn'i 7i Kins t(K' 103 70' ( 01 lll't 704 11 lll'J . !( nr.'j IIS . 02 12S', 20.1 71 . Nl I(l7'f lUl'i ll.V, ns'i lati'i . tit1 nv 77', 77' 3' a 171 112 111 IIP 01' .V? H,V, 110 ll.V, US' HH'j G2S 02 129'f 1211 20S '2 20") 71 0'1's 01 MH 107'. 10. 101 114 Cent Leather Co 1 ( cut Leather Co pf I ( ties ipoUi' A Ohio ( hill Copper. C hlnn Coppei ! Chli'ngu (Oral West ( hi (t West pf 1 ( hi Mil A St Paul C M & st I' pf rlinln. ...!- fi In Mirnlel) ntlrtlllnl liotinlnrtl fn,tfi. fiM nt'lni n t hfnrriltu lirm'nril I ' ' c M I -- v. .. . ..: . i inooni-ni 111 ine sua k. 111 oinor union 1 nneu fitaics ssieei common nas dlscoon'i d th"fo dm utnonts some time In advance, and It should occasion no surpr' If tlilT discounting Is now in ptogiess. Tbo cbauutrr of the market in regard to the absorption of what was former, a Moating supply is indicated most clearly in Unite and Superior. On Dec eriiber 16 that stock r.old tit 03 ex thn 7fi-cent qtmitcrly mid $7.IiO extra dividend mid with It-, advance todaj of 2L pnlnui to 72 Is one point higher than its duse on Pocember Ifi vlth both dividends on. Coppers weie again prominent, the whole list being strong as a result of the continued Inrge ritmiind f"" the metal. The price bid for thn metal today, as reported by one iargc 1 mdifer, was 21 'i cenla, with 22 cents hid. One of the largo copper produce has withdrawn from the spot copper market and Is not quoting un.v Drlee-H whatsoever. Tbo inaiket foi time nio'iej on collateral Is dull and nominal at the low !:".' ... '. t , . f tu . v.. -1 - 1. ..1 1 .1, ... 1 lt'1' Mil A Smelt iiiict, "i mi- w.i. ,u 1 uuimi- ,r ii-nn ii.ii in iiii'ii tiiuiic paper, i iTiiuii amount of redlhcountltig is being done owing to the heavy deposits of the financial institutions and comparative lack of profitable icttirn on the same. COTTOX FliTUIIKS FIRM: FBW STOi'-li'lSS ORDKIIS Business Not Particularly Brisk port Shipments Liglit -Ex- New Y ork Bond Sales NEW YORK. Hec. 27. A fair deninml was In evidence on the Cotton Ucli:ingo j at the opening this morning, and the early ' tono was steady, with pi lies unchanged , to 5 points higher. Kpot houses wero good j buyers of January, that option advancing 1 2 points. Notices amounted to only 3,"00 tmlcs I The situation In New Orients nttinctcil ' considerable attention, mid the belief pre vailed here that there were many notices out in the 'Southern market, ns Jnnuary I fell II points at tho opening. Later, how- t ever. It rallied 20 points I The ni.ukct showed firmness during tho middle of the morning. Covering by . near-month slioits 1.1s the chief trading I feature, and .Innuarj led the advance sell- I ing tpto 1215c,, or 23 points above Friday's close, whllo later deliveries showed gains ' of about 14 to IS points. The demand wns not active or general, hut there ap- peared to be few contracts for salo around tho ilng ami the strength of the near positions helped the entire list. Pri vate wlie3 icported that January no tices had been issued against sonio 10. 000 bales of cotton In New Oilcans, but after the Hist break of H points in that market, there was a rally of 10 points or more as the notltcs had been promptly stopped 1 rtddy'H " Unl I mill n Hi -i Vm I'nttoii oil -.i . 1i,T4iku Ansln-Kr I, 11 inn Amer Tel ill 4n ll'Kiim .In n I 4'i,j . . . . lima Armour 'o Pis . -"Oi Atrhlnn crn i ... " do 111IJ 4s iHltl ill. In lllfiO III"" ill) ."is tllOl l ll.llt . () 3 ... . .ifHl ,lr c 1 1. . cm a 11 o Shu '!, rimm llrook II T ."a tnist. lorn llrn.k Cn f.t 1t ils II Oil CVnt Ij.illi tut .. . lino Com Pa.- let 4.. ."' ) i ent H 11 .V J :.a KT'IO Chill Copper 7b WW Cliea A Ohio n 4', : t tits A; ohlo 4V, . .vinn i-hes A. Ohio ." . tr-o fhl R Knn tub . Uoti chl U . (J joint 4s. "fina c ,vi a. st p ev .-.a IV on M .V- St l cv 4'm I'.voTn) cie hh I Ine I'js . VII) xi Cum Prod ,'m tall hot Del & Huh , 3, r ,, 1(1)11 Del , Hud Ik mill VK) Ills ,sivur Coip .-, . icon Ilrle eonv t" fer A 1KI1 l.rle com Is Her II 1.000 Krle iirlur 4 . KlKVl ilreni tin- II . . WHO Hud A- III .. Kino III siel deli 4'j.. . n. iiirtu i nir.ii i HlUll rJi', lll,14 I, w '-T.i HIT, HP, HI', ' !' IK'. KIT', II 7 107'. !CJ' 'C3, 1,-J I, III I'll, 'kll v.l, ni.i, sell, linn, Inn, tun . lOlL. pil, lull'. nit, 111 1, titij I'OJ. 1H,I i IH.N, IIJ . I V, ti'.'t, lain . 11 HW lOPj lujl. 1114' 111)', 1IIIIT, 1IIIT. IMA, I ill, lull, IP. 11.1V 111! psr, tin. t:i4i), Ml vil vil 111 II' 111 to-.', io-.i , lir.i.. vj, v;n v5T . HT'x .107 10. ll IHVI, .ton 'gfj vt s.-i 14'4 , 31 !HT, r.m. U1)0 Inn Conner r TOfHI Interh Mt 4Im 1.T.UKI Inter Aler Miir rt IV.,i !i-, jki.1 I acku Mtcl rw lli;.t lis', ,,rti ,.ai n,"l ., I!,..,! i)a l.-iilp.l.. ins rfd .rn -immi viHuhnltiin IKion M nn A. .st I, k I4IUO M K A T 1st Is tun do fd 4s 1410(1 SIo IMtlfle IU . ., iMIIO'l N C lis 7MO N V C ,t 11 l'-s KIKl N V t'ln Ih id" I'"' N V I'ltv l'id II'UI .I imi n cttv I' in imrt 171) II N Cltv I'jH HUB N V ltv ref Is . Itfmsl N V ltn ndj Is .'I O i N V Tel rcii 4.a . .I(K Nnrf A: Worn 4 Mm Nor Pae ortor li tfl. lit IC"i .101 lit''. . ."! M' .1110' 111 M .101 1." .lOHl. 7,J January March Jul) lutobei Spot i lost?. Open. II !! 11 1 1 r.,,.,i is :'i M UTi I'.M'-t 1.VW li..-.U HlKh I'-Mlt IV. 41 V.'.MI f)n. Close. p.MO K.V! 1-' '14 I'll", IL'.7V I '..:! 1LMS British Cotton Kports NKVV MJItK. Dee 'J7.- Mnnufncturn of cot- , ton itooda in Itict llrltitn now ts iimiildi'rHbl In exic.b or thos or jtar hsd. uttlinui;h or tourje, btdow the nori.uil luotu, tlun Thi. h1uq of .niton uoodrf of iitl Kinds exported h i itrtMi llritaln In Notnnber of thht ear uhs i 3l..veoai In the wmio montli of list )e,ir , exports weru f.' 773.0 u mnl In Xovimtr. ! Jlii.i lil70.Ou hlnn the beBlnnln of tho cotton rar. August 1. t, Itrttalii 1i.ih tni . ported 'roni the I nltrtl htrttra NVLlilt twlea ul cotton asatnet un'.MUU halts lust sear. I "lutj'nj . rfd m. .'jiijIii Nor I'm- ecu 3i .iissi lire A CM I tin.. , , limn I'aillU- Til .Is . 1M Penil.l 4s 10 IS .. irsi ,io .en u ius .. I.VUKI f'uh herv N J .Is . m Ftp lr A. t-t r.a -oii heanoaru A i, 'Ml .veahoard A I, .Msl tioutti I'ae 4s Tt'lKK) J-outh Pae r la . 2llsl do i rrt f p Ss . lisiixi houih Pai rfd Is . I sua vouiii itv Een 4a urn south ttj ion r.a 10.S) Tol Pco A VV .I'.s IIKK C S tle.ilt ."is. . .. i'vim V Steel ."a . , irr. Cnlon I'.ic lit la . imio i ntoii pdl rfd Is . "000 Vj. Cat Clim Cs . ::o:hi V'.i Itnj f,s . WOO W lcon Cent een Is . tivv tn . IWi u-,i.. lOU'J . Oil, HHI .11") . !M) . t'l.l 1.7?, 70'J . Ml, . h'lij .tniiU liul, . 70V, .IO.t, . v,-, 711, IO 117', UOi, loji; . !l,l. . viii; 107 li'.' II'IT, iii.i . ion lunu -', 71 vn'y v, II :u not, ! imi . 7iP, ir.i, hv C tot '1 ii 77 .".I turn, tt2 VI 07 p)l mv, nc, " mi v 111 n ii, iott; H'l', 101) 100' j mi inn, i.7i ; 7D "'', led', !iO 71", W'tJJl t'7'4 Ml', 111!'', !I7'V !7T, 107 li IPO tliti. Hill Pol, !?' vl Si, is l -m, mi; !)Vlk II--", 101 !ll r.t ll'JT, hi 117 toll, 10V, S7'J ll'i Oil1 ;n. CiO'i lM)s S3S oTa IIIO'i . Ii2'n Ll Ill's r'i .'I!) t)l" I.TJ'i IIH, 70 IMI Hi's 74 10.S a 52' ;n . sni II.V. 10's Hi's 7:i'j . i .vt . Is4 . 'JS'4 (i'4 tu"s ,W i .-iJ'u I7:u, K". US 71'4 tlL4 l)ls .1L'0, . 4S4 hi)1 . ll'i'j Ills . LM . . (IS . 1!1' .. 7SU .111 ..117'j .. SO l'J'i 10'j .. t.V-s IS . 7.T.' .ion ..100 Kansas ntj Southern. 31!s Laik Pteil .. SI Lake KnV A Wist 15 i Lake Erin ,v V pf . . ,"iS ! I'hlsh V.illc.v . . 8H4 i.oose-w ins ins 1st pi. imps U'1'4 im ll'i ii'n i'i :i'j 17(1 470 hS', S71 132 10 25 32H 8.J . 72 m$ 91 (ll'i ni'i 70 117'i l.0 ).) tl'f f)l' ll'i 70' J 106s 112 Ml If s,-.', llo'i I18'( 02i I2f) L'OS'j r0' 0! KI7li lllpf llil'f III 111 1 111 2tJ 32 Slit 70! OO'tl M Wi ni'r 78'j 117 lotl'j ,M 11U ll'i ll'i 70 STRENGTH SHOWN IN OUTSIDE SECURITIES j Sales in Philadelphia Heavy Demand for Midvale Steel Marine Shares Ad vanced Sharply ( (' &. M. I. tif . . Chi Northwest t hi li 1 A lie Cluelt i'ei ,V Co Cluctt I'ea A Co pf Colorado Fuel ,t I Col & v0hern I onllnental Can Consolidated On I Corn Products Hef ( orn Prod Hef jif ( ruclble Steel l)elau.iri A Ilinbon DUtlllers hocurltles. Dome Mines .. . LI StOMKO Hit i:rlc II ss 71 :il'i l2 ISO's M'i lO'l'l 02 's 24 'i fll's 15-, .'III li 014 1:12 60 7ti 13 J 10s s 7 lll't 6'i Si S4 Htl'i 116 2(1 lit'.! !)2's !)ll 7.-.' i 71 161'ti 16T I0U IS l.'rn SS, 72 :'i (ll'i 182' i 8.-. 61' t 110 (Ill's 2' 1614 Il'l'n !)Vj 1J2 611 "(1 in:i 17 7.1H 1111, 64 :ii's I Piil MI11 A smelt pf , 'ieni'ral Klertrlr I (ieneral Motors i tieneral Motors pf Goodrich U r Co Goodrich 11 v Co pr Greene-Calianea Great Xorthern pf . t! N its for ore prop Guecontielm Lvpln. . II IV Kl Hj LA I' pf Illinois CVnt Int vurlouliunl . . Int Agricultural pf . . . Inter Con Corpn . . Inter C on f or pf Int llarv V .1 Int llarv X J pf Int llarv Corp Intertntlonal Paper Inlcrnat Paper pf . Inspiration c opper . Int M M rf ip Int M M pf cf dp . Int Nickel Int Nickel pf imp, tin, twi, IB", 10JT, till'. lull Louis A Nah Mavell Motors M.u Motors .1st pf i Mat Motors :.M pf Mas Dept Mores I Mevtcan Petroleum Met, Petroleum pf . . M ht P A S S M . Miami Copper Mo Kan A Texas . Missouri Pacific Mo Pacific tr cis . . National Dlscult . . Nat Cloak A suit . Nat Knamet Ah. Nat Knamel A S pf . . Nat Lead j Nat Lead pf Nevada Con Copper I Ne York Air Ilrake I N Y X HAH 1 N'ev York lentnl N i Chi A St L N Y O A West 129" . 701s 1II2M . 66' j 02 HlVi 07 121', . lli'i ' 31. IV. .127si 79'4 . 20 . 01!. . G5h 110 . 10 130 IJi 20 (10 12!. r,r,u :tJ'a 62 ', 176 600 I17'a 76'i 112. 62s 120', ill's Ml j 1(10', I0S 00 21', 77'4 111 MO'i SOls 12'. 604 40'4 204 7ti)l 106h 111) U2U SL"i 16 :i'i'4 S2l, 06 120 77 4 KM. 60'4 02 lOS'i OS 125 36 04 4 I'i 127 70'j 20's 06 Oil 111 Hilf 20 05 I2'4 50'j 32 h 62 '? 17.'! 1S5 1104 74!, 112', 514 12114 104 SO', 004 1074 00 21", 77', 110', 110'4 SOU 124 504 154 1S4 714 1054 110 314 h2 15 30 SI 034 120 77 1024 50 02 1054 OS 1214 Mi 04 34 14 127 704 294 05 054 111 10 12(1 Ot 774 34 170 134 SS4 714 324 (VI IS 14 SJ, 61 110 03 214 65 inu 304 054 132 60 70 13.) 17 73 ltt'f 634 314 S5 1154 104 1)24 744 1534 4S4 20 00 424 604 324 m? 1304 130 17 400 U74 754 1I2U 120'. 514 M't 1004 IMS 00 214 774 III 1 104 S04 124 504 Ihi, iD4 75 1054 110 314 S24 15 30.4 M.4 034' 129 I f 10! 504 02 IDS 0 125 3 US 04 I 44 127 704 294 05 061i 111 104 130 704 .10S4 1104 10s4 1104 KT' ! Norfolk Southern 404 304 10 30? 154 30', 45), 304 074 70 hV,4 h'll, 1IH.U IS)'. 70', lftt', V, 71', till 07 Ml', io.'i; H7li W14 FOHEIGN EXCHANGE NEW VOItK. Do. i'i Tho fnrelKn exihanne market opened dull hut inead We are ao close to the end of ihe year that foreign pay ments mi account of Interest unit dlvldVnls no loncer ahow h refteeilou tn the market. Nnt wttlistaudlnK the nuletude a steady tono ore satlel, een Vienna whUli had teen uuuted dotsn In f 1 1 T tale nn l'riday rHlltnK to S 13.-d and $1140 Merlins was lira.thatlv un rhanKe. at fi i.l for demand and tt.'l'W fur tardea. l-Vain tablea were tellhtly btltei al (SSTb ai'd t"V,Ma for i hecks. Other quotations nere UeUhsmarkii "insli 7fiT,c lire tables, ii ,-a,1, ihe.ks U ."4 Sntsa tatdts SVi',, Lhetka. ,.ll- stnek holm slMnnjve pesetas. IS km, IV sv. , guilders. l T-1M,4I 3-1i, ruhlea .tn4ii i!',i 111 the early Hflernoon strength deselnped in Itcrllnsr rrancs and Kuildera The other niar et was not appreciably rhauxed Demand Merlliur r se to H 7- 1VHI and laulrs to 4 7.1'.. rran I'ahlea were ituoted at ". vt and iheck i t fkhl Uuih.era Hrme.1 no to 4 1' , itelchs marks wero nominal at 70917(1 M-litc Tlie buyine of sterllns noted In ihe forenoon abated In the early urteruoon hut the market remained stead francs also Improved, lin tho utht r hand relchsmarks turned a shade raster Jite afteriioon quotations Here De mand sterling, ft ViU4.T- I 'HI. rablea. t 7.1 13.lKtil.TJ1... franc cables .". h-iu. Checks. J3.S4';, rekhsmarke 7ir.?iTil 11 -Hie. WINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOiAH STOCKS Hid Asked JUn Butler . .. m MacXatnara, . , ,. ,Ot .04 Midway , 13 ,n MUpah Extension .'l ,'.1 Montana ' 21 .i Noxtherni Star , 13 .Id Tonopah Helmout ... i',, ;,, Tonopah Extension .,,,, 4 H, Tonopab Sllnlnr , 7 7'i Iteatue-JCula. ,.., ,QS .1)3 West End! ... M .M GOLDFIEI.D STOCKS Atlanta si .22 Blue Bui) , at .01 Booth - , Sx jj liulldoc , 02 .IK c o li ai .in i omblnatlon Kactloa - Ot .Q.S Dlim-jndrleU B 11 ! .fal DaUy JV( .0t Florence 4t .17 Uoldheld Cwisol kilted .t.l.i 1.0.1 tsoiaiiatj axeraer . ,i Jumbo Extension , .....1.2i j XCuwiruis If) ra .. ,05 .0.1 sauj eo on ,u i run oa .ih MISCELLANEOUS. VUrtr te. . ,ot .Oft Klsilerly, 02 .in KfTda Kill 15 10 Nevada. Wonder J.3& 1.70 Psris Exchange on London PARIS. Dec 27. Exchange on I.qndon Is St trunks 13 ceiitlmca, a gain of 3 wntlttiei siiue Friday New Passenger Rates Denied UA8IUN'1TW; Dee .7 Ta interna i Cicastnr? Cvmmiktiaa tcsfuy i olvl the peti tiee J4: ib csijjbi t))M ,iv.a tc.,i'Jtui NEW YORK COFFEE .MARKET NUJV VOItK. Dee 27 - At the openlliB this mornlnc business in tho i often market was dull and prices weie unchanged. Thero were nn sales on the call The market enntluueil dull and featureless tliroughout the Hi si hour with few orders In evidence either wa Nothing oicurred oer the holldais tu altrart new business mid the dullness to the snot position eliminated hedK iUK operations. As a whole the market Is a leaturelcss me at preaeui ltli little in the situation tn cninineud operations Itio was unchanged at live $4MI for No. 7. pichanKe. 12'. d , unMmnscd Itecelpts. Shoo bams, and stock, nil (ssi li.iits. Hauios was uuchansed at nve t0n for .. 4. Receipts. SOlssi PaKs and stock, 2,.'.'dfsil baits liecelpta at the two ports were As 000 baits, uaaiust flv OOl) bags a viar uko and 3J Is 0 bans two sears am. s-ao f'.iulo had bass, Kiint 4,i4io tuKs und lo.iss) bait, ami Jundiahy 4J.OK) bass, against .in 000 bags and .Shimo bass, respectively, rleared from San tos December 21 the a S. llelnu, with. 4v,ooo bags for New ,ork. Today's Kriuaj's opening i lose Deceinler I.I.MIn Hi January I4imnr,0 February H.33aii r,T Mar.-h il.tlt II iJifiii ill April , ii mil, i O'i May ll.i,3 iil!0fll)71 June i: 7iNf,i;.7u ii.tiwi 7', Jul 'U.75 11.7081180 Auguat , IIKIHtlha .September , lls-.iinsv o V7f.ii ks October 1 1004,005 lll'2illl4 November T.W libSSjU-js TJJlct. -Vorfolk & West-rn Notfolk A. West pf . . N'ortli American Northern Vncllti ... Ontitio .SI M ... IVnn II it Philadelphia Co ... People.) r,as Chi, Pittsburgh foal . . Plltiburzh Coal pf Pressed htcel Car .. Pullman Co . . . fty Steel Hpg Hay Con Copper IteadlnL' . ... Hep Iron 4 .Steel 12J SO' i . 721 117'.' . 10 . 5!l'i . 15 my, :i.' mi 0l4 . 105". 45 15! 251f L'5' Hi 5(HS 122J,' 121H 122 85 S.'J4 S3'. 1- M . fl',' . IK 40 lWl, 02's 102 2.J (i2' Ml KiT, AH lSJi IKS llUl French Bank Gains Gold M I'AllIS. .Dec. 27. An lncreaju or 4120OCO0 franca gold was shown In the weekly state ment of the Bank of France today Com. vartsons with last week were as follows France Francs Dec 21. Dec. IU. UoU . .. S.07O. 500.1 KV) 6,0211.1X0 000 .,,c, . .. tM,JC'.l"J.f Circulation . . . 11.201, ibo.ouo Desjoslts . i.lHS.luQOOiJ lillU dlseounted and exlvniied hills .. "u IWm nnn Treasury deposits. :tU2.huo!oio Advances :U7.7 non n.4iii irfo 2 2U,1UO.)0 2 212.110 OlO 2,23rt,7O0.00O l.lad.SOO 000 J.W3;700AiO0 London Silver Exports NEW YORK. Dec. ST.-Plcley & Abell re nprt the ejports.of silver from London to In dia and China, since January 1 as follows-. ... . 'ndla. China. Toial. 1B13 .1.U.0O 7.000 3 11701X10 18U 5O02.O00 60.000 0.712.WK To Pay Off Bonds at Maturity NEW VCMIK Dec. 27.-The $4 500.000 sec owl laortKaxe U tier cent beads of the DuluiU sad Iron Kange Hatlroad. due January 1 next, wfll be paid oft at maturity out of earnings. Toe trulied Mates Steel Corporation owns 4. fJcMJ.OOU of toe Issue. French Rentes rRIS l)ec 27 Threo per cent rentes were 63 f runes 75 cer time" for cash toda) uncliansecl from Thursday Hep Iron & Steel pf..JI0 110 I itock island Co.. I Hork Island Co pf . . M I.nuls ASF ht I. . S F 2d pf I heatswrd Air Line. heaboard Air I, pf hears Hoe 4. Co Moss-Shef & AW Co . Southern Pacific houthern Hi bouthcrn Hv pf . . . Staiuiarl Milling .. Standard Milling pf Mudetuker Co Tenrt Copper 'li'ias Co Texas &. Pacific Thltd Avenue Lnlon Hag &. Paper I lilted Cigar Stores United Cigar Slfr . United Or Uood3 pf Lnlon Pacific I't'ion Pacific pf United Kruit U S Ind Alcohol U S Cast i P &. F . V S O I P S. F pf . United, it) s Invest '. United Hjs Invest pf U H llubber i -" a .; . i '; US 1171s 117'. HI ll'i !)J. (10 .Vl'. ,W4 15'. 45, I5M 1093. 10'JVj ill')'. :ion ;i5i ad ui't ui-i in'.' ()5V3 05 (Hi, l(15'i 105) 105's 45 45'f 25V5 25ti 82 55'f 110 K1U 50l 110 If Mi r, 1SVJ .'iO1. 1S8 fi4Ji o lhlj 30!. 1&7 CiJ ItfiH 102). nn 231 23),i 2J!' O'i (i.'t t;-t oo hs yo S.". hi 85 -167'. 109 107K Khli . 5U 00) 00 ft'JIJ 2.'iOl 235 230 231 . 15W 15). 15?.' I5i . 01 fill 00i IKl'J 8', Ms h 8' 9!j Olj 9'a U!4 . 2)j 62?,' 02i Ctl'i 71 71 71 71 138 13UM 138)s 139 . 8,l) 8,'iVj K'i 83!j 118 1101k I4SJJ 149U 128M 130Vi 2J 120!. . 24 2 Hi 2!i 24)5 50 4S 18 IS . 2H. 21 20)' 20 3sJi 30 39 39 55 555 55)i 55!s U S Hubljcr 1st pf . . . 1091s lOOh 109M 1091-i Ubhteel 87) 89H 87)i 89 UbSteelpf UQU Uu'i 110) WU Utah Copper Va-C'aro Chem , . Va-Caro Chem pf . . Va Iron Coal Coke Wabash Wabash pf A Wabash pf B . . Western Union Tel . West E & U Western Mar j land Wheel & Lake Erie Wheel A h E Ut pf Wlll)s Overland Will s Overland pf . Wisconsin Centraf WooWorth Y W Co 80Vi 81)i 80H 81 . 19 10H 49 40). Ulh U3f 113)( 113) 65 16 43' SOW . 87 . 0Si 32 4'f 17 210 114J, 3W C5 10 45U 29 H b7ii 69U 32 W 17) 240)i 240 240 112 U2I1 1123 3SH 33!i 3S'i 07 101 i 46'f 29) SS), C9J, 32 1)1 17H f.7 101, 46)' WH 8S 69 32 Hi 17M 119H 110 119 110 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Unltsd Uas and Electric Company regular emlsnnual 2V.per cent, on preferred, pay. able January ter 3 15 to stock of record f'encsjlvanll Bait Manufacturing Company. uary Jo. iviii. resular quarterly 2 . per cent oaynble Jin as rexisiereci December JI. 1U13. b & Eh,tyejute fiTES l)lween Kaunas City anil J-i ngM.Wt 11 Pf Wy ef faJO Js Ttw BAB SILVEU el sUial wswka ra,tM ffjuMr ivUli SsBW TORK Dec ST. Tie aU"tatlon for rw m, Jier ssss sss8w mwoiim. seiaaierpui ta- ie luOiiy v ss'i teats. Natural Gas for Baltimore BALTIMORE. Dec 27 After tha first of its year the movement to brlaa nnurol t;j.s to Hiltliiiore and distribute it to tonsumers ill be talcen ud by the., Celumbla. Gas sad Elec-Uk CmDpy i-ordlo to . MstenMOt nude by IrsJicu ,K C'rey local coual is lbs J.niurul Uas tsiXMH. NEW TOUK. Dec. S7.-Spculatlon In was oKaln on nn active scale with tho Benoral tone stroiiK. There were few ex ceptions to tho upwarrl tendency and while sonic realizing? developed after high levels were renched, reactions wero of .'mall nvoportion There iai a lieay demand for Midvale Steel at an advance of tiearly a point. ' International Mercantile Marine shares moved up rather sharply, the common at one time slionlnir n Rain of more than 2 points nnd the preferred about 2V4 In tercontinental nubber, nfter movlnR up nearly 2 points, reacted about a point. The motor slocks uero fairly active but reactionary. Chevrolet moved within a ratine of 6 points White Motor, nfter a small loss, recovered. Submarine Uoat was a shade llrmei. Haskell & Barker Car was undPr pressure and declined 3'j points. Oils were extremely quiet, with n fair Inquiry for Cosden and Houston Oil. Cop per stocks weie ngnin prominent, with a heavy demand for Kcnnccott, nt nn ad vnnco of nearly a point. First National, nfter moving up more than a point, cased off about nrartsn . . . , .. Hrlllsli-Anierlcan Trust, oH ttrltlsli-Ainerlian Trust neir. Chev rolet . ... rtnlrl fnnDll.lAlort l!nrtie Vfiiuiforturlnp Jiitenmltonat Marine. . . Internntinnnl Murine pref..... Krrmeiott I'onppr . Itltsh Vnllev Coil S,llf. . Marionl Hamuli Cupper . . Mlrlvnti) Mpls'lm; . ntls irievnlof "lis Rlevator pref . . . f,rl'';r nikcr-JIcneniati . . ., hterllns TfurrT ,,,,. .....,,. Sut'ni.irlne . Tolnpro Prnaurts 1'nltod Profits Pliarlng. new White Motors . T. World Kllin Vukoti Uold ,,,. 100 Allld-Chal . 100 Am lioeo. , xun Am Smelt.. .1 do pref. . i Anaconoa FrIdRyJ Close, lllfth Lejv. CIo;e. H.'TS il.1 iviji 71 Tl 71 X 71 10(S lOIJi 10i'4 lOBU .'i IU'1 tM4 Kl 10 Haldvvln loco. .11S'4 S00 CM Petrol .114 W Csmb Steel.. . 71 Itsl cramp t e.,.. . SJIJ' 10 Col I' Sz I tej, 100 Hrie A i m- ;:tec stor in loo Oen Asphalt. . .11 00 do pref . . .. 71"4 i's, Kan i ny eo.. . . 2.VI Kevstono Tel. . I 1IO Later, Sun. . . 0 lyniitii vnney. . . .'s1 W's isf TO PO lWi lam lain 45i nid . Asked I7U 17 1 i'i 1 -i . 11)5 in 12-i 110 I'i 1's 2si an 1R tSl, . 7-l'4 7fi .'in, M . tn si . tl'a a : ivi "A -si? "y . fir nn tel 111 : 31 Sit . .11 i ,1T, ,1J a ml . 2T4 .1 101 do prer t c .. .1S' 100 JJt llros .... l!i Wi North 1'eniw in n lie fait Mrn- . tiHU il Pciinn .... .V15 10 Ia Ktetl pW . il Wi Phlla r.lrttrlo.. Its;, J I'hlla r-o pf fo&. .tnU, 21 do cum .. A2n sun J' it T t c . sija .) Htts roal .11 , 10 Ray Cons .. . ail. 10 Ket tr A St .. .It', isi Headlnc . "J1 an i So I'.ic iojw lis. Htlldelmknr -. ll.'S. lrai 2jti ninopah 1!-I .. IS 4",. ii" roimpan .Mining ii"4 .a i?1 Si 71 n 10 .181 1 11) i t tfl HI H 2"! at I :i.t 74 ;i 0.1 liil ' :ei ( w m If. 10 VlSs al IOJS litlU Htl ui't "Jli iT.'4 K1U I'I ) M :.o W). M l'H 1 11 I'm as in tnu no r.'iu SI ttsH i'i .in 2514 Ml, 11 HI fnlon Trac n I' u i .... . 17S70 tf S Steel WW Utah t-opper -'I., Uarnlck I Vorlt Ilwv tfd 41 so S7, SUA, ID. ai iiiu w SI 101, .If 1(31 I'i. 6.;,. so s-s, !1 101, :i4 I'M rot S'l si noNDa. l.nst rrcv eat" lilgli. tow Close few'" .Am uai L.I us pni'S li oooo Jntor nnjs 4s.. r.a ns Wil, X.cons 414s 101T, lol", aooo V Ken 4.. til', tiltn Moo do Kit 44s 03. lots, ton, tlOOO do Coil is ip.l05j lolj, wsx renno sen 4'js UN)', lco 4200D l'hlls Co cons r.s 8S1, H'li, I.UV) I'hl llln J il K.ll. irni rin r. . 101IM ll)trt 111 K" llentllns: (ten 4s. m Hl Ot1, jisif ao i erm us . . 1111 rw Vn Rmjb t o 4s 7.', 75 so" tw lot H1J4 10'K 100 fc .3 : ti n, 110 bit 1U1, llll'l HIS, Iti.C, OP, no HOLIDAY STEEL TRADE HEAVIEST "1 IN THE HISTORY OF THE "INDUSTp! . . V Cambria and U. S. Steel in Active Demand on the Local Exchange Rapid Transit a Feature Rnnri Market Disappointing to Dealers COPPER 3IAI.KET STRONG; ASKINfl PRICK 21 1-2 CENTS Financial Briefs At a mretliifr of the Board of Directors of the I'hllidelphla Trust Company, held todav, Ildward llobcrts was elected to membership on the . onrd H. P Raker, vice president and sccie t.iry of the I.ehlgh Coal nnd NavlEfation Company, after January 1 will have chai'Ro of the commercial operations of the c-ompanv, under direction of the Board of Manacers. Henry It, Pease, now treasurer, has boon elected secrtary In place of Sir. Halter, resinned, and will assume the duties on January 1. There has been added to tho resular list of the Philadelphia Stock Kxclinngc M.&TAWO additional common stock, and $l,cM,000 additional preferred stock of the American lUillwajs Company of New Jersev, Issued In payments of tho sub scription of the American Hallwavs Com pany of Now Jeisey, made February 1.. 1013, to n like amount of preferred nnd common stock of the American Ilnll- snlii Cnmniniv nl" T"lr.lnTV'ifv A drill Innnl F slnuc. of various companies; have been placed on tho regular list ns follows- 1207, ."Xio TeleKrapli and Telephone stork. lOOO American stock, JlSiO i Ameilcan Mllllnir stock, J3000 Piilladelplila I uonipan.v llrst and collateral tinnsfer able li per cent, bonds. 1913 There has lieen struck off the regular list $13,400 American IJallwnvs stock retired nnd can celed. Tlie New York banks gained H02,000 from the Subtrcnsury Frldaj. Stockholders of tho Pierce Oil Corpora tion ratified the proposed Increase of $3, COO.OOO In the capital stock. New stock Is to provldo for convcision of J2,000,000 notes recently sold by the company, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to plant extensions and betterments. All the foreign Brain markets and the London Stock Exchange, remained closed todaj . Total fuel shipments on tho lines east of tlie Pennsylvania Itallioad for No vember were G.721.9S4 tons, Increase, 1,671, S10 tons; from January 1, fiO,097,B64, In crease, 761,243 tons. Arthur IV. Sew all, president of tho General Asphalt Companj, elected a dlicctor uf the franklin National Honk today. Snyder & Co , Parrlsh & Co. and H. F. Bachman & Co all boucht Ttapld Transit. AV. J. Pealo was a seller. Cnlumot and Ilccla Sold Out Up to April NEW TORK, Dec 27 While some dealers lepor) the market quieter than last week, others ore still being swamped with orders and Inquiries, nnd the situ ation Is said to be a very strdnpr one, so far as prices are concerned, lt Is known that the supplies In tho hands of the pro ducers and sellers are small, nnd even the present demand Is sufllriont to take tlie entire productive capacity of tho ininea In this country Some users of the metal are In urgent need and arc making the rounds to secure supplies so that thev can continue the work at their plants They show a disposition to place larger orders than ever before with the price 1 receiving secondniy consideration Todav 1 ono largo producer quoted popper metal I -'I'd cents bid and 2S asked Not In many years has such a condition existed, and tlie dcaleiti aro hoping that tho market can be held In check They point out thnt any runaway nffair would bo less licallhv than a normal situation and while they believe that prices will work higher, thev would lather see a gradual advance cnued by the sttpplv and demand Tliercfoie, It Is qulto ap parent that with any continuation of tlie Inquiry higher prices are inevitable However, It Is admitted in trado circles thnt the qucston of quotations Is practi cally cut out of tho hands of tho sellers, ns the buvers aie actually bidding for tho metal. It is understood that Calumet and llecl.i Is out of the market in copper, having sold Its entire output up to April. Tho steel group of shares was the chief centre of activity on the local exchange at the resumption of business today, and the tone wa distinctly strong. Ileports from the trade uniformly agreed that thl It the tnisleit holiday period In tho history of tho Industry Tho demand shows no slgni of falling off, and tho companies are rompelled to refuso new business on account of sold-ttp conditions, Oideis for delivery ill tho last halt of next vear aro steadily increasing, nnd In dicate that tho mills will bo operating full for the whole of 191G. All ofilclal of one of the Independent steel companies this afternoon said that refusals of business by his concern Just nt tho moment wero larger than they had been at nny time heretofore. Tha olTlclal in question also stated that less was heard of shrapnel Inquiries from lluropo at piosent, hut that the demand for bars, shapes and plates more than offset this Ho milled that even icgitlar customeis of some of the steel companies aro not able to gel the orders booked for shipment before next August It is esti mated thnt about l.CO.OOO tons ot shell steel for expoit to Huropean belligerents In the last half of next year arj Involved In Inquiries Just placed before tho Amoii can mills Ux-pc.rt. Inquiries for SO.OOO tons of steel making iron have been received In Pittsburgh alone. Rapid Transit becamo the leader of tho market In tho afternoon Heavy buying orders mode their appearance, several of the big uptown brokerage houses parti cipating In tlie movement. After about 4000 shares hnd been cleaned Up around 31, thn price suddenly soardo across 51. porno largo blocks being taken on the advance, t'nlon Traction wns leb3 active, but doveloped a llrm tone No particular nnivs was forthcoming to account for tho sudden interest taken in the local trac tions, and tho Stieet was inclined to re gard tho biiovatirv in Ttapld to pool oper ations based on the expanding earnings. The rompanv Is now showing returns at tho lato of about 3 per cent, earned on Unreasonable Coal Rates Charged WASHINGTON. Doc, 2". Ciireaonabl9 rfltes on conl from Illinois mid Imllana to Wisconsin MlniiPsotn. Iowa nnrl oilier points wero cnnrcM tola In a cnruplnlnt illivl witn ihf Interstate Uommerco Commission by tlie Illinois ronl operators the tiiillana bliu nilnnuH operators unit thf Central Illinois Op erators' Association against tho 3ant.i 3 and r,T other rallroails. Ready Dec. 30tli for Every Employer And Employee w HAT you DON'T know about the new Workmen's Compensation Laws would fill a book. Here is the book that ex plains every phase of the new law as it will affect YOU. It clearly shows you how to avoid every misunderstanding, whether you are an employer or employee. DIG EST of the WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS By William A, ScKnader of the Philadelphia Bar Single Copies 25 cents; 10 or More Copies IS cents; 100 or More Copies 10 cents. Postage pre paid direct from the Offices of the Public Ledger. KHUffimmEraer Ebwar B13M.ITMJ &Xo BANKERS BaOiP AND CllESTNBT STV PltlL.APEI.PUIA The following- coupons are payable on and after January 1st, 1916, at this office: Philadelphia & Western Ry. Co. 1st Mtg. Ss, 1060. Easton & South Bethlehem Transit Co. 1st Mtg. 5s, 1936. At Our New York Ottlre. BO l'lne st Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R. Corp. 1st Mtg. 4s. 1963. I ' i. Y' 4 Phila.& Reading R.R. Co. Improvement 4s Due April, 1047 I'rlce on i)llcatlon '. I Prlco nil iitillf.fl Inn iw. TJ , tho stock. PhlladetpMa Companv i also turned ulron tl,8 nfZ"7 '?l common jumping more than l S Considerable disappointment -. i pressed over tho lack of actlVitvV , bond market Dealers hid hlV" H for tho customary relnvestm.M iMk,t1 SLfitelt Is usually In evidence onV.ffl,' tho bis January disbursement" iif, lv ) year will bo oven larger lm '..'J W result of bo ma.ny now concern. !M become dividend payers, tc . iy & of tho numerous Increased paym.nu1,1! Iy announced. The bond inarU, fUt last week has been mainly UkM, ttl the absorption of tho Aflglo.ftL'lS.1' With this out of tho mydeaH a more diversified market hM' Nnw York . J'hllndolplJla Iloaton Chicago RATES FOR MONEY cii m CIIC41C .. ...... . fiUfti . Commercial topr three to tt. mn.v4 lulclphla, 3'4fi4 per cent monU BANK CLEARINGS Bank rleirinun tortus- eomparetl urn, . ,, arondlnR rlay iant two vean IUl '""v1 Phlladflphii..Tiii.4-ii lnrti.n ffl.- New York 7an.4O3.100 lTS-MBi! SiJSjjjj Keystone Telephone Co. First Mortgage 5 Bonds Sue 1035 ""J"1.'. V"ttanrtlnr repre.Mt abont one-half the nmount of cash IntMUd In the property, " rt enrnlnir for paU fnnr ren over tivlro Interest chare. Listed on tho Thlla. Stock Ihctilntt I'lllCn TO YlKLtJ ADOIT 5.33 Free of Pcnna. State Tax DKSCRirTIVB cmcuun ON IlUtHJEST Harper & Turner Investment Bankers ortkcsi looo-ini: STOCK i:.XCHAN(li: HtTLUIXO l'lillniletphln Tax Free in Pennsylvania Penna. R. R. Cons. 4,s nci: Ai'ti. i, looo Partlculam on application. A. B. LEACH & CO. 115 South Fourth Street $500,000 City of Newark, N. J. Dated Nov. 1, 1915 Gold 412s Due Nov. 1, 194S Exempt from titc Federal Income Tax. Legal In vestment for Savings Banks and Trustees in New Jersey, New York antl New England. Tax Exempt in New Jersey. Price 108f and Interest Yielding 4 Special Circular L 67 on Request Remick, Hodges & Co. e.m.glarH$0o. 14 Wall Street, New York 321 Chestnut St., Phlla. Members New York Stock Exchange. Antici ANNUAL MKETIM1S iKSS TI,E CKXTKAL NATIONAL nANIi 1-E' or 1'itu.AoKi.i'ni Decemlicr 13, 1015 The Annual, Election for Directors of thl Hank will be held at tho Ilanklne Houso on Tuefcilaj, January II, 1010. lietneeu 11 a m ana 1 P. m. WILLIAM POST. -nsl,ler , ANNUAL MKETINU fir Till: dis tributors to tho I'rrxton Itrtrrut for tho purpose of electing iiiniiiiEer u treas urer and auditors, and for tho transac lion of any other bustnc mi proper to i onie l.efnre them, will he held on .luiiunr loth, 101(1, at -I p in , at tha netreat, 20th and Hamil ton 8I3-. Philadelphia. OEOnOK D. POflTKn. Becretary. Anticipate Your January Investments We are prepared to supply a list of investment Bonds and Stocks that look attractive at present prices. A small deposit against present purchases will enable you to take advantage of existing prices pending full payment after the first of the year. REED A. MO RG AW & CO. Members of the Phila. Stock Exchange' M MIT' -"" iiiiiiminiir'""1'""'','",'"1 "" DH8KCTOItY OF ACCOLNTANTS CcrtUied VubUe Accountants LAWBEKCT3 E. BROWN &CO. K REAL ErrA-TrE TUVSV SutLDIXO iSUKNt & .SM.AKMAX THB . j $5,360,000 City of Philadelphia 4 Loan DATED JANUARY 3, 1916 DUB JANUARY 1, 1916 INTEREST PAYABLE JANUARY 1 A.NU JfLV I Free of All Taxes in Pennsylvania. Free From Tax Under Income Tax Act of Congress. Legal Investment for Trust Funds. Safe Investment for Personal, Partnership or Corporation Funds. Readily Salable, and Always Available as Collateral to Secure Loans. Bonds of the City of Philadelphia enjoy a high investment standing. Tliey are owned largely by savings funds, trust estates and conservative institutions. Tliey are a particularly safe form of investment, giving absolute security of principal and certainty of income, making them very desirable for those who wish to be sure of permanently safe investment of their savings. May be bought in Registered or Coupon Form, as desired, in denominations of $100 and its multiples. Sealed proposals will be received at Mayor's Office until Friday, December 31, at 11 o'clock A. M. Bids must be on form which may W had on application to Mayor's Office, and must be accompanied by certified check tor CCK, nf not- troliiP of rhp nmnnnf nf Innn hiH for Tha i-irrhf ic rocorirAr, Iw lllft Wider" signed to reject any or all bids, or to award any portion of the loan for which bids man De receivea, as mey may aeem oest ior me i iterests or tne uty. Full descriptive circular furnished on application to the Mayor's Office. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURG, Mayr JOHN M. WALTON, City Controller, MICHAEL J. RYAN, City Solicitor.