Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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WE"ifflP" W W J' l"HMpmp
r wmwwihm twiif' ' i y
Lonely Philadelphian Wishes to Adopt a Little
Girl With Blue Eyes and Light
Hair, Not "Choicy"
A LETTER lins come to me from Mrs. Emma Lewis, ft chllilleflfl Philadelphia
woman, which la so direct and moving in Its appeal that I shall publish li
without comment:
Dear M'LIss I nm a iteadv render of tho Evbnino Ledum., and 1 read the,
column that you help so many women with what they ask you to do for them,
o I nm goltiK to nslc you If jou won't please try to Ret mo a little brthy girl,
I bco where Mrs. Otto English, of 2138 Oxford, hail a tiny waif laid on her
front doorstep the other nlcht by Its mother. 1 wish some mother would Ilnd
my step and do me the favor of placing one on my doorstep.
I am childless and always will be, unless some one finds my door and puts
II on my step: or the mother can brlns It to mc and 1 will gladly accept It
from her. Wo live n tho third floor at tho address below. Wo are only
room-keeping until spring and then wo tiro going to housekeeping In a whole
house. I want n baby girl, cither 4, 6, 6 or T months old, no older, or one Just
Now, won't you ploie get me one, as 1 am so lonely for tho compnny of
ft baby? My husband follows tho water and Is away most of tho time. He
makes good wngis. Now I want the b.tby as soon as I can get It. You will
please trv get me one. won't you? As you are so good In helping every
cno else, I know jou will help me. 1 remain, your dally reader,
P. 8 If any one comes and says I can have their baby If tlioy want to
they can bring It to mo hero at tho house. Just let them ask for me down
ntalrs and the lady wilt call me. t live upstairs above a iccondhand store. I
want n bnby with light hair and bluo eyes. Or, If I can't get one with light
hair, chestnut color will do. 1 am not ehclcy.
Present Thoughts
Many a mntt who thought only of his light heart yesterday Is conscious of
his lighter pocltetbook 'today.
Wanted A Darning School
The fourth commandment of a deculogut- for married women drawn up
by a New York authoress, who. Judging from her appearance In tho divorce
court, flu, In herself unable to abide by them, reads as follows:
"Renumber tbut thou keep unholy hla many socks. Si. days thou shall
frivol and do all the things that thou lovcst to do, but on the seventh, think!
Remember his linen to see that It Is spotless. Provide thou the extra stud
Tor tho emergency that will conic, and watch lest the suit that hath been
pressed is not returned to Its accustomed nail, for It will be tho ono ho askcth
Good advice this, verily: but us a man remarked who perused It: "Many
a fellow would prefer wearing his hose holy to treading on the congested knots
that his wife's darning produces. Isn't thcto a school somowhero that women
could learn this trlcl;'.'"
I never heard of any, but maybe tlto decline and fall of the art of darning
Is duo to the fact that grandmothers havo gone out of style.
The Love Sparkle
Why Is It that ft diamond ring on tho third finger of tho left hand and a
happy gleam In tho oyo aro often simultaneous acquisitions to some girls?
Pennsylvania May (Jet Sonic
Money makes the mare go; and when the mare goes, success comes.
Mrs. Frank Leslie, tho clever wifo of the publisher, who left more than a
million dollars to Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt for suffrage, realized this.
I was talking with Mrs. Catt several days ago about thin money, which
Is In litigation, and although loth to speak of spendint,- what sho hasn't got
and may never get, the newly elected president of the National American
Woman Suffrage A.ssoetntion declared that the entire sum will not be upent
In. tho New York work, as s,o many local suifraglits had feared.
Many Pennsylvania women made real sacrifices lust year In order to give
to suffrage. Many of them crippled themselves financially for sovoral years,
my friends toll mo. Tho prospect of funds from tho outsido Is encouraging,
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Marion Harland's Corner
State Burenu Official Give3
Some Valuable Hints to
THIS stunning cont would make a warm npiic.il to one who puts comfort before
cost. Although It Is nn evening wrap distinguished for Its rlcliiio's of texture
and trimming. Mill it is quiet enough In color and design to make It possible In tho
cln.Mlmo. for Informal affairs.
The material Ik dark peacock blue vclour lavishly ornamented with benvi-r fur.
The huge collar Is made In flinwi style, niul the lecp cuffe, when placed together
form a muff of ample proportions. Double lmnilw of fur trim the fiout and fur 12
Inches deep borders the coat all around. Tin- wrap Is very voluminous being cut
on a clrculnr line, with deep folds arid Inverted plaits at either side. These are held
In at the hips by braided ornaniento. The wrap has been reduced to $200.
Exchange, Please!
Not every gift that was raved over yesterday is being lovingly cherished
If you don't bellovo this consult the exchange desk.
"Air for Women," the New Slogan
Mrs. Ernest Thompson Solon's plea for a nation of outdoor uotutn but
re-echoes something that Mrs. L'lnrence H. Vnnderbeck, Philadelphia's charm
ing golf champion, told me ufter sho had returned wreathed with laurels from
a triumphant bout In Chicago recently:
"Tho minute women begin to realize how essential fresh air and exerclso
Is, wo'ro going to havo a better race."
Mrs Vanderbeck, herself. Is an envious exnmple of tho tonic and beautify
ing qualities of a plenitude of pure ozone and much exercise. Fler figure Is
ns lithe ns a boy's, her complexion Is as clear and ns rosy as a mountain
poach, nnd her adorably plump and hardy little children aro testimony In
carnate of her theories. M'LISS,
Addreu nil communlratlun to .M't.l. ratr of the Krrnlne I.rdKrr. Write on one
hide of the paper only.
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page
Dear M'LIss Kindly tell me how to cut a grapefruit for breakfast so as
not to get all the pulp on tho sections to bo eaten? HOUSEICEEER.
After cutting tho fruit in half crosswise, remove tho coro with a knlfo, sold
especially for this. It has a curved blade. Cut down each of tho division
walls with a sharp, straight-blade knife, then loosen the pulp from the skin
with the curved knlfo.
Dear M'LIss My dinner set has twelve bone dishes in it, Is It bad form to
use tnese now t P, u,
Done dishes have "gone out," for the time being, at any rate. Put them
aside. Most things that have been "In style" once eventually come back again.
Dear M'LIss Why have the newspapers In recent years published their
circulation figures from time to time? A MERE MAN.
Because It la compulsory by law,
Dear M'LIbs: Can women study law at the University of Pennsylvania?
Tea, They can and do.
Dear M'LIss What Is the best way of whipping cream so as to make It
tiff and frothy? CULINARY,
The cream must be very cold If you are to get satisfactory results. It
should also be rich. If these conditions obtain, It doesn't matter whether you
use a ellver fork or one of the patented articles for the beating,
Dear M'LIsb How can I give a pinkish tinge to a cheap pair of baroque
earrings? I have heard that this can be done. j,
A friend of mine touches up her earrings very successfully with pink
nail polish. This Imparts to them the faint pinkish that is characteristic
of the more expensive earrings.
Full particulars ns to the place this article may be hnucht can ho obtained
by pending a stamped, self-nddrcssed envelope to the JMilor of tho Woman')
Page, Hvenino Lntiacn, G(IS Chcstput street. A clipping of tho gown or fashion
you want must be nc!osed.
would be the Ideal lunch for
carry to school?
Half a pint of certified or otherwise
Insured milk. In a vacuum bottle In the
warmer season. Two thin slices of well
baked, preferably home-baked, bread,
spread with a thick layer of butter and
generously topped off with sugar, pre
ferably brown sugar. The two slices may
be clapped together and wrapped In som
waxed pnper. And for dessert nn orange,
an apple, a banana or any fresh fruit In
t'verf ntimr dav the child might carry
I somr cold meat, perhaps two small snnd-
1 wlches of scraped beef, chicken, mutton
! or bacon. Instead of brend and butter and
snirrir. If meat and biead are carried,
there Is no need of milk. A dilnk of wnter
would go better with meat. Of course
no child under 12 should have any tea or
coffee, or cocoa, and It isn't necessary for
any school child to enrry these stimulants
to school. On days when meat and bread
take the place of bread a..d butter and
sugar, something In the way of sweets
may be carried for dessert. A couple of
small sugar cookies, or u piece of home
baked cake no bakery stuff or peihaps
a stlek of pure candy, about the only
cheap candy that is lit to eat.
Pie, ham. ten, coffee, cocoa, puddings,
saiifau'i1. any other than home-cooked
meat or home-baked brcadstuffs, have no
place in the scboolchlld's lunch.
Crackers, peas, beans, cheese, eggs nnd
bucIi preserves as the mother herself
lmuu.s are wholesome make sultablo ad
ditions to the lunch.
The Milkweed Again
J. F. O., n. It. and A. P. C. have writ
ten encomiums of tho juice of milkweed
as a cure for warts. They applied tho
Juice to the warts for periods of many
days on end. The warts disappeared
many weeks later.
Answer A fair illustration of human
credulity. Warts come and go, uninvited
and untreated, and if you happen to cross
your fingers a few weeks before tho go
ing of a wart you have discovered a new
cure. Milkweed would no doubt have a
similar influence upon pneumonia, ty
phoid fever, sour stomach or a boll on the
neck. People seem to think there must
be Borne cure for everything why doesn't
some one market the Infallible Kssenco
of Milkweed for Wnrts, Miseries, Coughs,
Colds and Catarrh?
Method in Our Madness
When I first began to read your articles,
writes Mrs. 8. II. G., I was inclined to
think you were mean, cranky, unfeeling.
Insincere. Now I never miss anything
you have to say. Take It as a compliment
from a sister of two doctors and u. mother
of a good surgeon that Health Talks have
a respected hearing in our home. I have
heard several persons remark that your
humor and satire and delightful style
combine to make one's ills lighter and
that means much.
Answer If we laugh we laugh with
the reader. The world Is dull enough.
One may find amusement nnd humor even
in an attack of nppendlcitls.
A'nccine for Whooping Cough
Our two older children have whooping
cough, and tho two younger ones hao
been exposed. Will you plense explain
what you deem tho best mode of treat
ment? Answer Havo the doctor administer tho
whooping-cough vaccino nil around, both
ns treatment nnd ns preventive, and keep
the rhlMien owtdoniH ns much as possi
ble, nnd make them abdominal belts Willi
an Insertion of elnstlo webbing for sup
port. Perspiring Feet
Whnt Is tho best local application for
perspiring feet?
Answer One good one Is a solution of
salicylic acid (ouo ounce) In olcoliul (half
pint) apply once dally.
Her Real Age
She has seen Just enough Springs to make
her n perpetual May-day to hor
Just enough Summers to warm her heart
to tho right degree.
Just enough Falls to make her lenient to
thoho of others
Hut no Winters, If she has thev have left
no traces. M C Morse.
A hint to tho unemployed or the badly
employed Is contained In a letter writ
ten to the KvnNlNO LtmoFin, by D. M.
Campbell, superintendent of the women's
department of tho Stnto Employment
Hureau, 1519 Arch street. Ho says that
tho workers have not taken ndvantago
of tho bureau as tho employers have;
that tho purpose of tho bureau Is to
find not only a Job but a Job for which
a person .Is best fitted. lit his letter ho
"Remembering Inst winter, those In
charge of the women's department of the
Stnto Employment Rurcau, at 1510 Arch
street, enn Bcarccly believe it when they
see thnt their report sheet totals more
calls for workers than workers them
selves. "This Is due to various causes. Un
doubtedly conditions nro much better
than nt this time Inst year, nnd so oppor
tunities nro moro plentiful; hut, on the
other hand, the employers have been
quicker than the workers to avail them
selves of the advantages offered by n
bureau specializing In Industrial work.
Thev nsk for workers, knowing that only
those will he sent whose references havo
heen Investigated, anil who nre selected
with a knowlilge of the rmuliements of
their particular establishment. The wom
en and girl w-orkers have not realized
what this means to them. The habit of
walking along until they sen the familiar
white-lettered sign, "Operators Wanted."
or whatever tho trndo may be, is too
strong. They do not see tho effects of
this. Perhaps neither the work nor tho
establishment la the right typo for them,
but the otnployer gives them their chnncc..
"After ft period they realize that they
nro the world-old squnro peg In a round
hole, nnd so once ngaln thero comes a
moro or less blind hunt, nnd In tho end
necessity may drive them Into some
thing that Is unallled to the work that
they havo dono before, and so their
pievlous cperlcnce goes for nothing.
The result i Increasingly Irregular em
ployment. The worker who Is vnluablo
to the employer, nnd who Is given work
during the slack season, Is tho one who
is host fitted for tho work by aptitude
anil experience. This Is where the bu
renu Is valuable, for It can bring to
gether the work nnd tho worker, nnd,
by carefully studying their needs, servo
them both. It Is hoped that tho women
nnd girls In both the skilled nnd un
skilled trades will' more nnd moro nvnll
themselves of what the State burenu
has to offer them In tho wny of both
trado Information nnd opportunity, nnd
will realize thnt tho success of this un
dertaking depends on their co-operation
Just as much as on that of tho employers."
King Gasoline
Thero Is a ruler In tho world
Who rules with such n mighty hand
That all tho other rulers know
Ho lules the rulers of the land.
And so does each acknowledge his
Dependence, ns with Insight keen
He sees, to rule, ho must bo ruled
Uy old King Onsoline.
-C. P. Christopher, In Southern Woman's
Ily Ckristm.s presents
were nicked ovb
VitKout mvcK tKouKt
or me 1 ret.r,
but tKers I Jot t. lot
or xrm53
TKt.t 1 cvrv
next yet-r.
i '(r i
First Course for Breakfast
"TTT1LL you explain why tho custom
Wof eating oranges or grapes or
grapefruit as tho first courso of break
fast has come Into vogue within a few
years? Our grandmothers would havo
considered It barbarously unwholesome.
Tho stomach In tho early morning Is
lined with a sort of mucous Hint Impedes
digestion. The function of tho fruit acid
Is to clear the coat of tho stomach of
this. Mineral waters or pure water with
a dash of lemon Julco will servo tho snmo
purpose. At least this Is the theory which
Justifies the modern "barbarity" most of
US' Ilnd pleasant nnd healthful.
Wants Home for Little Girl
"I seo that a married couplo would llko
to adopt a llttlo girl. I havo n little girl
with mo who Is an orphan. Her father
and mother nro both dead and sho Is
much In need of a home. I would keep
hor myself, but I keep bonrders for a liv
ing and nm not financially nbio to sup
port her. She Is a beautiful child, healthy
and has never been sick. MRS. It. D."
As you do not give the Initials signed
to the application of tho married couple
who would like to adopt a child, wo are
forced to print your answer upon tho
chance they may see It nnd wrlto to mo
for your nddress. We wish wo could
avoid tho consequent delay.
Must Give Baby Awny
"I wonder If you could find a homo for
my baby boy? Ho Is S months old. Ho
has been considered by physicians who
have seen him to be a perfect bnby physi
cally, and Intelligent for his age. He
weighs 27 pmtmls nnd Is qulto 'solid ' lie
sits nlono and has four teeth. I havo
never had to spend nnythlng for doctors
for him since his birth, niul with good
enre there Is no reason why ho should
not walk before ho Is a year old. The
only reason that could Induce mc to part
with htm Is that I am a widow In Ill
health, unable to work steadily, and his
bonrd Is M a week. What I earn Is not
enough to glvo us both n proper living
nnd clothe us. I suffer In conscqilcnco
of this. I havo never been well since his
birth, and nm rapidly falling. Should I
bo nblo to place him In a homo of refined
peoplo I would know what would become
of my baby. Ho is from refined people.
His father was killed In nn automobile
accident about three months before baby's
birth. i-:li:anoii s."
I havo let tho widowed mother tell her
story without "let or hindrance" and in
Safety First Tea Kettle
Havo you sec tho newest "safety first"
tenketlle? It Is designed lb order that
the householder can fill the kettle under
the faucet without burning her hands
with stenm. This Is accomplished by ar
ranging a separate filling top in front of
her own way. It Is Ineffably m . ,
is no moro significant comment?,- Thr J
stringency of the tlmee T we aJ.USn ,l
aro prosperous than the Increasing J" '
ber of Instances in which hontltK,n- i
trious parents nre forced to li. lnit ,
children for adoption ; Into m7 ,lle" ?
homes. " mo c"Iorub!, '
Sent No Atldrcss
"Would you please tell m ,. I
might learn Interior decoratmR?WhpV
tell mo bow to go about It. ANXIofe'
Unfitness addresses aro not glvn In a i
Corner, and you do not favor uVwltlUl,
nddress. Otherwise we might V..?0"'
nblo to put you In touch wfthihol! '
petent to olTer direct n "l?tacl. tot ,
An Object Lesson i
"I havo written to you twice, acknai
edging addresses I had received t? V'
lectcd to send stamps for red, t
sending them now. Kindly Suirm i?
oversight. y T M Vh'
Wo publish your letter as n J".
lesson to less conslderato corrcnJm,.ct
I should not dao to enumerlW
total of stamps unprovided tor thst ?
out of tho editorial pocket monthly ?.!
what ran wo do when tho liberal .
prlation made for lapses with ? ffS ft
Inc oslng stamps for reply s exhauil.l
nnd nn nppenl for counsol or other . i
goes straight to the heart of the (Wi (
"Only a S-cent stamp." and on &'
Who cares for 2 cents until i.i
nmoiint up Into tho hundreds and tkT
sands? m "W
Wants Words of a Song
"For somo time I havo been unsucceu.
fill In trying to get the words of a. I.
comic dialect song entitled, 'Th IrSJ
Jubilee.' I will pny a fair price for
Ing the samo and mnlllng it to ms tin
return tho original to the sender wlin .
dollar bill Inclosed. "FIinD cT P."
No payment In coin of the realm I,
sanctioned by "tho powers that be" wt,
control our It. H. C. If any of th uZ
lly will copy the selection for you it
lend It to you that you may copy it f
yourself, wo will glvo your address to
your stranger-helper, with no thought of
other remuneration than tho Interchinti
of kindly ofllccs and feeling. "
Alt mmmunirntton nddresned to Hill
tlnrliinil nlinulil Inclose n utamptd, l, If.
nildri'flord rmrlope, nnd n clipping of ti,
nrtlde III which lou nre Intrmtcd. Send
to Mil Hon Ifnrlnnd, KtrnhiK I.tdttr, 601
Chrfttnut strcrt, I'liUnddpliln,
tho ordinary lining top 01 iIil- kettle out
sido tho handle. When hot water is
poured into this separate top. tho cover
of which Is manipulated by thumb pres
sure, the lingers nro qulto snfe, since
tho handle Is far enough removed from
the hent to nssuro this In other words,
tho stenm csenpes too fnr ubead of the
handhold Popular Science Monthly
All Christmas Mail Was Handled
With Dispatch
"Clean ns a whistle" wns the way they
soke of tho postofllco today. Every let.
tor nnd package had been handled with
dispatch over the Christmas season, and
John K. Lister, nsslstnnt postmaster, sail
they had made a record clean-up.
In tho central station, tho 35 substa
tions and the- several financial substa
tions everything had been moved on
time, nnd tho employes arrived this mom.
Ing to find even less work than ordinarily
on Monday morning. Itnny a Chrlstmu
lias found them with a great lot of ac
cumulated holiday mall to bo disposed of
after Christmas, but, despite the fact
that theie was a CO per cent. Increase
In mail this year, It all was handlel
with dispatch.
.Mr. I.lstcr estimated that several mil
lions of letters nnd packages were han
dled daily In tho last week.
Orchestra in Second Free Conceit
The Philadelphia Orchestra will gtri '
tonight tho second of the scries of eliot
free concerts arranged by th Ptttmj 2
l.rDocn for pupils of tho public schools.- .
The i oncert will bo held In tho audlu-'
rlum of tho William Penn High School,
15th nnd Mount Vernon streets.
Beginning Today
SALE of Satin1
Party Slippers
Twelve thousand pairs of beauti
ful satin dance and party slippers,
all sizes, more than forty styles, as
dainty as can be. White and black
satin and in
All are kid lined and have
French heels; somo have
plain vamps, others are trim
med with chifTon rosettes.
An assortment that would
be wonderful at the repular
(prices of $3, $3.50 and $4.
1 otntcd
Your Way
' rlM I llli illxit llflf tllllltlirillllllilllillf lilllllilllllljy.
gfTtVgft'LLiL&V'- "2&mive'trthJ.iJLi ' iL "SsLj :ii-
Mailed Anvwhrre '.I vou melon lue titra in flamo,
jtiiuicu ttnywnere tft , to men,ion site and colo
l or coin
'or teamed
4028-30 Lancaster Ave
5004-06 Germantown Ave.
GOth and Chestnut Sts.
2746-48 Germantown Ave.
We have the
service read y
all we need is your word
to send it straight to your
These long evenings you
war.)- the gas lights in all the
rooms to be bright and clear. If
they are not, tell us to send a Quick
Service man, at no expense to you
unless new parts are needed and only
regular retail prices for these part3.
Look around now and let us know if we
can serve you.
The United Gas Improvement Co.
'. I '. (Copyriiht. 1913.) ! ! J
CALL THAT NEW-B0y. MONTY. I WANT A j ("THANK YOU. BfW. 1 rlCD MAKf7 I HZ I . r , rr01 , -x (THANK YOU, MV0OY, YoUHftfT
i gffik fW nS itsst; rH.Y.'.APr Hy.y gsH ifesS?
m HBov gto j f ug&j feipi jjr . j P
i mil -iitf ItiiiMiiiniii iii nifiiin i I ., ....,.-. ... . . .... ....--., . . ;, .!:..- jjjg. - -- .,.,.. ...
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