Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    wn!fiHmi mimiipumi mmm
ft-n'-Tq'nn e
Chief Dickerman Bases His
Assertion on Figures
From Several Cities i
Privately Owned Companies
Also Pay Taxes From 5 to
8 Cents a Thousand
In pl.iM' "f the present rate of $1 a thou,
nnd cublr feet chnrged the pulillc, tho
United Ons lmprovemen. Company could
apply Rns ,n -0i"TPl"3 nt 63 cents ns a
orofitflble builnc-n pioposltlon, according
(,comp,iilnii with rnlcs charged In other
title, made iv .Tudson C. Dlckcrmnn,
thief of tl ("'' Ihircan, In iU current
annual rrport on the wont ot that buteau
An n'r-anupniptit with tho t'nlted Gas
tmprotement Comi iny to furnish ga? at
j5 ctnis, would give the lcu'em of tho
city's gns works. Chief Dickerman says,
reasonable, nniplc and Increasing
rroflt, insuip the proper growth and
malntrnaii'-e of thp works, mnlntaln unit
Improve "", rrP'P"1 k01 service nl fair
tcs and (.'He the City Treasury tho
ijme ns other cities tcccivo in taxes fiom
the fas "oiks, and. If desirable, R or 10
rents moie rould be added to the prlco
ind paid ovcr ' t,1P cltv 'nH rc"' l"'ollt "
Arguing that a Bj-cent selling pilco In
tills citv would bo reason.-ble, Chief
Dlckcrmnn snlil:
tahm: ok cost ok gas.
"A table ot cost of grit In SI largo
i dtief, eompllPd from recotds of Public
Service Commissions, such as should ho
tva.Il.tblP l:i this State In a few jears,
ihows thiit the total average oper ng
cost for nos dellveied In Milwaukee li 32
" cents a thousand cubic feet; In Huston, 41
F cents; in Ne Voile and Baltimore, 42
cents, and "Hie other cities, mostly East
ern and all smnller cities than Philadel
phia, 4i cents or less.
! "It also shows that theso privately
: oncd companies have to pay ns taxes 3
to 8 cents on each thousand cuhlr feet ot
fas told Hut the t'nlted Gas Im, .ove
' ment Compnnv In I'hllndclphla pays no
tixss. but ulves fiee seivlce worth at cost
t little Icrs than r cents n thousand sold.
"It also shorts Unit, by comparison with
the hnoun results In other cities, If an
to.ult.ibIc arrangement could be made
row, sas could be delivered to consumers
it 63 cents a thousand and still do the
follow Ins 5 cents on each thousand sold
ould pay tho lessees J.'OO.OOO a year clear
cash; 10 cents n each thousand sold
uould pay all wanes, salaries and mate
rials for operations ami repairs; 10 cents
on each thousand sold would pay for all
necessary extensions. Improvements and
replacements; 5 cents on each thousand
sold would pay tho city JMO.OOO cither In
cash or frco service at cost (which would
he more than It sets now); B cents on each
thousand sold would leavo a balance or
urplus of J3(0 OM for an emergency fund.
As to the work ot the Gas Bureau under
present conditions. Chief Dickerman sas:
"The bureau testa nt the station and
elsewhere aie now made without previous
notice to any employe of the gas com
pany. All except ono of tho employes of
the bureau are trained engineers, four
being college ginduntcs. Such men are.
competent to mako tho teats and do tho
other work necessary to safeguard tno
consumers' Interests In the quality of tho
lis for which I'hlladclphlans aro paying
(lO.OCO.toO a year Any business man
would And himself fortunate to have In
his employ such Intelligent nnd trained
employes as are now doing effcctlvo work
for the city nt very modcrato salaries.
"The bureau In tho future may become
t dead one, being a mere, opiate for the
public, or l may continue to do llvo Im
portant work In studying all phases of tho
city's Interests In tho very Important
fas problems concerned with a $10,000,000
to JM.OOO.OCO annual business and a prop
erty north $30,000,000 to $10,000,000. inti
mately associated with the comfort and
safety of all tho citizens.
"If given the opportunity for progress
ive work, capable trained men will seek
the positions for tho service they can
render. If restricted to the dead letter of
narrow inspection, only down-and-out-ers
will want tho jobs for tho salaries
attached. Tho city cannot hope to get
any service of'valuo fiom such employes.
'Tho present bureau staff Is very ready
to co-operate with the gas company man
agement to aid -ns It may In maintaining
rood service, but It Insists on being free
from control or iulluenco by the gas com
pany. It believes that anything short of
the very best nnd most up-to-date quality
and Ben-Ice would ho llttlo less than a
crime- against Philadelphia, In view of the
UW0.O00 or $3,000,000 clear prollt made each
jear from the gas now sold and the larger
Profits ot the future."
Radnor Demands New Auto Tags
Radnor township has handed an ulti
matum to motorists to tho effect that
they shall have their 1916 license tags by
th first of tho year, or there will bo
trouble for the motorists. Tho township
has also decreed that 1915 tags must be
wed until the end of tho year, or the
police department will bo heard from.
BHry, 5J. Kolb TIU I.innclale ave., and
Harold I.ene. 171(1 S KM nt.. and Caroline
Ultiowlti. KJ7 N American t,
u1 .'' f'ollln. Trenton, .'. J and I"anaey
-M. Hurley, Trenton, N. J
if"", j'WIer. Uethlehem. Pa., and
lif, Fi, yurkhur.lt Allentonn, Pa., and
JUura M. Kuliler Helfast. J'a.
n,Uy J- Acker. 117 N Vcdall t., and
l?rtti'r A.- C I'1-t.'iBoii. 117 N. Vewdall it.
inf. Jidletpn Iuai InKeraoll at . and Mary
,!!". ,lwl InKeraoll at.
K2?nW.Hi 'l,,rwit". ' anJ Hazel A.
j,fii"D'.-sw JVUon at.
wJV,A.'1;""2Jit-..71.'; Noble st- and Kaslmera
.."aUnias. 71S Noble nt.
s55 Ro'l-. "-' N- r'amac at., and n-
Smn l,ura' Mls s- s'h at., and Pom Gaber,
fcm Jackson ,.!
p Jv,il0Men. H Wllo at . and B
WiiiiTm'.'Vur. HIS fJ llomltr at.
Jnih! H ..r18"011- M Wakefield at.
,,J0ephlno W. Kite. 4U.M llublram jvi.
Sotr.ui,.'P1.3u") Wirford t.. and Helen
u"yrV '.J(iyJi Ml- N. Jth at., and I-ottle
D.M-, Elba, 4011 1) at.
b.1iif,,VgS,.paelrMs,J"pcr ' anJ Anna
&f,hSn.kS'N1,hNM2,)th "" anJ ""en
a?iih)-,HV.tch.'"on. 511 N. Felton at., and
j i? ll- Gordon, 515 a. 13th at., and Clara
liA!i0,?f."' 10JS S- Cleveland ae.
M?f,i P1"0".-..1 Surlnic at., and Erauia
Jownrt"',.1.5" Sprlni; at.
vojepli bulllvan. -JUl'J Uorer at., and Anna
It f.t 0utiin. ai'j jtorer at., i
Beiri,""?,0173 W. Thompaon at.
gin- ae.,
tffiLM5".h.M- P'ttlt. Slot UlalUblnif ate.
mSR. a- l'.H.e- al-- N. Bib at , and PauH!
fHVL G.JaQUlih. Ml N. 1
HiJ?0?, bhe. SOI N. lltb at.
'rSLifffft. SM" Natrona at., i
11th St., and
' . . , ..
fM...'...-" rtairona ai., au -ianunc
TVnT,- Ir,1 -f0 Natrona at.
waller N Copeland, aouil Orcen at., and Edythe
i Po.rter, llj Grten at.
i?1t.'?c.lton' "" N. 11th at., and Mar-
AarttDlek. UMi CpmuntaKn ave.
,?,"- Hlcharda. LrutiUu Inland, and Qer-
Ja.Ul3eE- iloon. L'iaoN 1
itoaeuin ac
L'ebgter at., and Anna
John "ri'-teiiorii. l'"' Wi'OBter at.
j. JW- 3t)l'J Kenalujjtoii ao.. and
oiSrHVBalJj?n' ,'-'-1 Callow hll at
r?5? E- Woodward. Ardinore. Pa., and
:bmer at. ,
and Llla
"JjSi, H. Thoinua. ir N. 12th at., a
gJ!0?1"?, Houik. 11M N. U'tb at.
ut C, Urecor. Ltaiua Island, and
and Jo-
WiTiV: "-J-TloerUon. 1U1U w. Nortla at.
ii?iorS-9""er. 1T1U Nuudaln at., and Mattle
pffiS JIlu Wanton at.
tel', tKeyar, Trentou. N. J., and Carrio
WUIi Trtnton. N. J.
na! '..bm. 5TH Stilea St.. and Elale
nfTi.5 M- Culbertaon. 1U1U W. Nortla at.
D! ''avui. 571
ki,iu?J,M J OKI. Jr I
i'J MpoMnz llouae lane.
u'.ifn. ui.l MeetlnK llouau
Do.'-... iir.'T Oresou at., and Anna
x1 1 it a
rmuauua i'a. and tkaalf
. o Va.
'. N Y and Anna
WifMaaHHaBaafiaL I atttk. fH T fa. T"" WBB J " flkV iB- -aaBBBBLlffaaRaaaK- jjB J .iB'V4HiB?
r5L GZBff.r jLiaaK VjaiBICaaHHL ij jJsB a, W wLaHB VaB faaB itt'W.k f jP A t W J. 9alaVlM laHaHiaaHr9NaaH-' ItJsS aaaaakaft'sV ' i
aBaaVf IV. Aaaal Lj4.ijKBllHft t r J- a,jMB ' VHILj jSSp' V"
y aVl 1 LvavavavavavavJar A wrl . tial?VaiV' 4BBBaattaiVt .aWi
1 wJT tv IbbbbbbbbbbbbB I I "ft('Vrt(. tt .lA " fV "
One hundred women and twenty men, the entire factory force of the Quaker City Laundry, -18th street above Chestnut, enjoyed n Christmas
dinner on Saturday as a present from their employers, Charles II. Kendrick and W. Frecland Kendrick. The dinner took place in tho laundry
lunchroom and consisted of n plentiful supply of luscious turkey with all the "flx'ns," preceded by soup nnd fish and succeeded by mince pie,
pumpkin pie and various kinds of ice cream. Durinpr the dinner, at which Charles H. Kendrick presided, music was furnished from a Victrola and
the entire company afterward fox-trotted and one-stepped until the shades of night hcjrnn to fall. The drivers wore perforce unable to be present
as they were engaged in making Christmas Eve deliveries, but the Kcndricks have made arrangements to duplicate the dinner for the men
behind the horses on the evening of January 12, 1916.
Already City Feels Relief With
Coming of Colder Weather
and Clarified Atmosphere.
Deaths of Week 946
The high wind, rain and snow which
drove oft the springlike weather of
Christmas Day also smashed the grip
epidemic, according to Dr. Samuel O.
Dixon, Commissioner of Health, by carry
ing oft the dnmpness nnd humidity and
replacing It with n dry atmosphere.
An ltnmodlnto Improvement In tho con
dition of grip sufferers was noticed yes
terday by physicians, despite the fact
thnt the total number of denths reported
was 115, making a grand total for the
week of 916, or nearly double that of the
corresponding week last year.
Dr. Dixon attributes the unusual
amount of sickness nnd death Indirectly
to the grip, which disease, he says, weak
ens tho resisting powers of Its victims
to tho nction of other disease-producing
"Tho Increased death rate during the
prevalence of grip since tho 11th century
makes It plain that tho health authorities
should give preventive measures moro
attention than heretofore." ho said in n
statement Issued yesterday.
"Tho speclllc poisoning that comes from
tho work of the germ that causes this
trouble reduces the natural resistance of
tho body to the nction of other dlscaso
piodticlng orgnnlsms. Without the grip ns
a forerunner, that natural resistance
would have waged n winning battle
ngnlnst such diseases.
"It Is often In this Indirect way that
tho epidemic influenza causes the death
roll to double the length of Its grip col
umn. "Hygroscopic statistics rather tend to
show a relationship between tho disease
and damp weather. Foggy weather often
precedes an Invasion of tho malady. As
tho fncllltles for rapid nnd moro general
travel and transfer of merchandise are
Increased the organisms thnt produce tho
condition called 'grip' will bo moro wide
ly and quickly distributed.
"Tho morbidity and morality from a
great variety of diseases during tho epi
demic go to show Its devitalizing char
acteristic. If great care la not taken,
pneumonia, tuberculosis and other Ills aro
likely to develop nnd often terminate In
death. It Is a disease that requires care
ful watching under good medical talent."
Tho windstorm which' smashed the
epidemic of grip, by suddenly clearing
the ntmosphero nnd dispersing the hu
midity, caused much damage throughout
the States nlong the coast. The wind
turned to rain and then to snow yester
day, followed by a temperature at about
tho freezing point.
In this city trees were uprooted, fences
torn from their foundations, shutters
damaged and telegraph and telephone)
wires torn clown In several sections.
Ono part of the city was in complete
darkness last night. Not an aro light
r.or electric light was burning In the en
tire district between Allegheny avenue
and Holmesburg nnd from 5th street to
the Delaware niver.
At 8th and Norrls streets nnd 8th and
Diamond streets fences were torn down,
while a big sign at the northeast corner
of 10th street and Columbia avenue was (
carried nail a diock neturo win mum i"
wedged In between two doorsteps.
The temperature yesterday was 43 at
Its highest nnd 31 at Us lowest point. It
was 30 degrees at 8 o'clock this morning,
according to the Weather Bureau, with
the humidity at S3.
May Mischief Yields 48 Quarts of
Milk in a Day
One more record has been troken by a
native of Narberth. This time Is was
none other than Garclauth May Mischief,
tho prize-winning bovine of the Perclval
T?.t,A.a Ti-. T?n1iurst Farm. Mav Mis
chief has hung up a new record, according
to her owner, or a qutiria ui iimn in uue
day. For the last year she has averaged
six pounds more of milk a day than the
previous record-holder, which was raised
on the same farm.
May Mischief's record for the jear was
23.32S pounds of milk, or 69H pounds a day.
She Is a 7-year-old Ayershlre and Mr.
Hoberts selected her himself in Scotland.
The previous high record at Narberth
for milk, according to Mr, Roberts, Is
S3 023 pounds of milk in a year.
117 N, Broad St.
llrunch Hi South 6th Street
Only 20 Aliens Have Arrived in
Port in Past Month.
War the Cause
Immigration nt this port has diminished
to tho extent that 7S'' morn aliens left
port than have arrived, during the year.
Since tho war began tho number of Im
migrants has been steadily decreasing,
until during this month only 10 arrived,
ns compared with 3T2 for the same period
Inst year. During 1S13 only 13T9 Immi
grants enmc to Philadelphia, as compared
to 3.301 for 1DH. Most of these wpro
brought by the Italian steamship Ancotm,
which wns recently submarined.
During tho year 21G3 aliens left here,
most of them being Italians going to en
ter tho war.
The statistics on Immigrants arriving
In 1915 and 1911, by months, aro
1011. 1014. 101.1. Jdt4
January ... s. 2.1ns Aumint .... '-" L'.r.'ii
FVhnmrj- .. 7N 2.375 Heptpmlier . -I l.iW!
March at a.Ki October .. l"i l.iwi
April .. .. r,in ,n2il NoMmlier.. 21 71.1
Mav 27 4.71.1 December . 20 '172
June Stei .1.747
July 1W1 2.r.9!i Total . ..I,.1,li ll.'n
Outgoing passengers from this port for
the same periods wero
intr.. inii min. mi 4,
January ... 25, Wi Auaiiat U.11 l.aco
February .. 101 KM Seniembcr. . 1 1,'UI
March Ml Oclnbrr l.nns
April 122 72 No ember.. .. 1,1m
Mar 224 !.4ir. December.. . I.41W
Juno 501 1.2IS
July ........ . 2.5!I7 TotHls ...S.ltl.1 II. 7.11
Only threo persons aro In tho Immlgi.t
tlon Detention House, whereas ordinal ily
thPro aro from 100 to 300 there dally. Most
of the Immigration ofllcers nro working In
the Labor Distribution Bureau or on war
rant cases.
Tho person hardest hit In rhllndclphla
by the decrease In Immigration is Mrs.
Anna Talmer, who has a contract to feed
tho Immigrants.
Contingent Upon Dcnth of Brother
and Sisters of Testatrix
Contingent upon the death of a brother
and two sisters, Ilnnnnh Thomas, late of
1932 Mount Vernon street, by her will, pro
bated today, left nu estate valued at $22,
600 In equal shares to tho Baptist Home
at 17th and Morris streets and tho Baptist
Orphanage 1 1 Angora, Philadelphia.
An estate valued at $29,000 Is disposed of
by the will of Patrick Dougherty. KG
Spruce street. Mr. Dougherty, who died
at tho Stetson Hospital on December 15,
left his estate, which consists mainly of
stock In local trnctlon companies, to a
brother, nephew and niece.
Other wills probated today were those
of Mary T. Sorner, Washington luno nnd
Greenland avenue, Jenklntown, who left
effects valued at $9300; Emma II. Thomas,
3212 Hamilton street, $1500: Sarah Entrekln,
203 Queen street, J33O0; Katharine A. Toner,
4661 Lnncaster avenue, $7010. nnd William
J. McCutlum, 2708 East Indiana avenue,
If it affords convenience, purchases mad during this sale will be
charged on bill rendered February 1st.
ffi Specialty (SkepOrtyihattonA
Annual Half Yearly Clearing Sale
Woman's, Misses' and Girls'
Underwear and Negligee, Suits, Coals, Dresses
Waists, Furs and Millinery
Connelly Plans to Make "Clean
Sweep" in Legal Depart
ment Staff
Wholcsnlo changes In the City Solic
itor's oftlce will be virtually tho (inly ap
pointments to bo made In City Hnll at
this time by tho Incoming administra
tion. Nearly the entire stnff of assistants to
the City Solicitor will be changed by City
Solicitor-elect John I. Connelly, who ex
pects to announce his appointments be
fore ho goes Into olllco next Monday.
Although Varo followers havo been
elected Sheriff nnd Recorder of Deeds,
dliplnclng McNIchol lieutenants. no
changes nre expected to bo mnde In
these departments until the new depart
ment heads "have looked around."
Mayor-elect Thomas II. Smith will leave
Philadelphia tomorrow for a few days'
rest, without announcing his transit di
rector or his appointments to the Civil
Service Commission. These nro the only
principal appointments that tho Mayor
elect still has to make.
All of tho departments In City Hall,
with tho exception of tho Sheriff, Re
colder of Deeds and the County Com
inlsloucrs, remain In tho control of the
same political factions as before and vir
tually no changes In the odlco forces are
looked for.
1214 CHESTNUT ST. 1214
Smart Hats and Turbans
Newest Gold and Breast Effects
To clour our entire stock quickly, d j q
remarkably low prices P ,Q X JL
Sale of Odds and Ends Q 1 , 1
from Xmas Stocks Dave 3 TO 2
Handkerchiefs, Ribbons Tapestry Boxes
StaGood3 Silks "-
Neck Fixings Laces Sweet Grass Baskets
Ivory Toilet Articles Trimmings Knit Underwear
S8fcV,SkV'-N-C I'WrW"" v "v-s" CVN.V?V
Announce Continuation of Their
At Tremendous Reductions
High Death Rate Among Over
worked Mothers Noted by
Children's Bureau
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27Thls nation
Is more interested In nurnlng Its business
than Its hablcs, said a special report to
day by the Chldrcn's Bureau regarding
tho high death rate among babies of over
worked mothers. Tho report pointed out
that the Government authorizes compro
heiiMve Information from the Census Bu
reau every live years regarding American
manufactures, but none icgnrdlng the
"human facts" of babies' moi tnllty.
An Infant death rate of 134 of every
ICO) In a stcel-mnklng nnd conl-mlulng
town, where mothers work out, ngalnst 84
hi 1000, In a residential suburb, was de- I
clared to Indicate a higher mortality when I
mothers nre overworked.
Fell .Unconscious on Street; Bead
Hairy Cnrnahan, connected with the
advertising department of the Broadway
Theatre, jroad street and Snvder avenue,
died In tho St Agnes Hospital at noon
today, after falling unconscious nt 13th
street and Washington avenue. Carnahan,
It Is said, wnH suffering front ptomaine
poisoning He wns found on tho pave
ment nnd rushed to tho hospital In n
patrol wagon, but before anything could
be dono he died. Carnahan was 3 years '
old and lived nt 931 North 9th street.
Allen, inc.
Service Established for Accom
modation of Philadelphia
Philadelphia manufacturers who have
been handicapped In their shipments to
New York city by tho freight cmbnrgo of
tho Pennsylvania Railroad, find n new
method ot shipment offered to them by
Georgo W Mink, .fr., H00 Arch street.
Mr Mink Is operating big flvp-lon motor
trucks between New York and Philadel
phia, which will, he believes, ennblo ship
pers hero to ovcrromo tho obstacle thrown
In the pith ot their business by tho an
nouncement of the railroad that It could
not carry goods to New York because of
the congested condition of tho line nnd tho
laek of freight cars
Mr Mink nays he started his lino of
Inter-clty freight trucks because of n de
sire to help out shippers affected by the
embargo nnd because ho saw an oppor
tunity to put hlr trucks nt work profitably
at a. time when bo found the use for them
was not so pressing as usual. Ho asserts
thnt It Is a big saving in time and Is moro
satisfactory than shipping by rail.
Among firms expected to take advan
tage of Mr Mink's proposition aro mak
ers of munitions of war here, who nro
likely to have dllllculty tilling their con
tracts with foreign Governments because
of tho railroad embargo. Thus far, no
munitions of war hao been carried.
Tho llrms manufacturing war muni
tions on the Inrgest scnlc, such as the
du Pont Power Company, nro shipping
to New York by water, but many of tho
smaller firms nre dependent on tho rail
road, nnd it Is thought that they will
shortly havo recourse to Mr. Mink's
motor lino.
A flat rate ppr truck load ha-s been
established bj Mr. Mink. He chnrgos $70
a load for shipments to Manhattan. $3
extra If the destination Is In the Bronx,
nnd still another $,"1 moro If It Is in
Brooklsn. If the shipper wants to send
n load over nnd bring nliothcr hark he
will find a greatly reduced rate perhaps
only $00 for the return trip.
Mr. Mink contends that shippers have
a great mlvniitngo In sending their goods
via his trucks, for tho automobiles call
nt the factory and take the goods direct
to the point of destination, Bavlng tho
loading and unloading at the train,
jjj fi Records f4
00iil III With four stores, we have "'"t
gjttlly m the largest stock in the city. s&'&'iM
MI Write for the New Com- y?'
Hit Plete Catalogue, just is- 4rSB&S
0 tj sued. Also monthly o up- Jg&z&$?'
ml Plements. Hgftgl
New RecordsWmm
I out mm
III Tomorrow pil'S:
fjjl 1 Talking Machine J
B$ va company n i
lfc.j Victor Distributors Nl j i
lllSWm k 53ioad above Walnut JJ l j
iJljtsjYi vA Three branches open evenings Nl ff'.' Z
fJff& N& Broad & Columbia Ave. ff f''?
p?p2gV 52d & Chestnut Sts. $&& ;
fMS k 4124 Lancaster Ave. WS$wfai'
--5i itirv. val,i 7 1, tr. i .i;ir
""" " ""fcSfV JZ? "T"""' " -"-- - ,3
Thinking of Going South
for the Winter?
Where the air is balmy and all out-of-doors smiles you
a welcome
Visit for Write) to
Travel and Resort Bureau
(Broad and Chestnut)
and get complete information
regarding Florida or any other
section of the Southland.
At no expense to you, will be
furnished time tables (railroad
Don't hesitate, the beautiful Southland awaits you.
Official Confirmation of Attack
on Yasaka Received Ono
American Aboard All
The Btnte Department today announced
tho receipt of a cable from Consul Ilrls
tow at Port Said, announcing that the)
.Inpaneso liner Ynsnka was sunk without
warning Consul Ilrlstow's cable, reached
tho department Chrlstmsj? day, but was!
not given out until Secretary Lansing had
seen It
Consul Brlstow stated that tho 120 pas
sengors nnd 162 membors of tho crew1
picked up by a French gunboat, were)
landed nt Port Said. W. J. Leigh, art
American, was among tho passengers,
Ilrlstow's message Btated that the perl
scope of tho submarine was not seen
until tho liner was sinking The vessel
sank Just 29 minutes after being tor
pedoed. Tho nationality of tho submarine)
Is not known.
Following Is tho text of Consul Brli
tow's cable-
"The Yasaka Maru was sunk without
warning. No nttempt was made to cs
cape. Perlseopo was not seen until after
torpedo struck vessel. She sank In 2t
minutes. One hundred nnd twenty pas
sengcrs, ono American, W. J. Leigh, and
1G2 crew, took to boats and were followed
by submarine, nationality unknown, until
French gunboat approached. No Uvea
No Skating on Park Lakes
Guards In Falrmount nnd Hunting
Parks refused to allow skaters on the Ice)
today The Ico looked good, but the)
guards tested It and found It was not
Cheap substitutes cost YOU same pric
or steamship), hotel literature
rates, length pf time involved
in fact, a complete itinerary
showing in detail how you can
best enjoy a winter va ution.
at ind arit
j4 &riain utona at.