Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1915, Night Extra, Image 11
nrW i i('BWM(WP ' J" " iMfUm , BntyHlHP!l J EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1915. tf ANCY WYNNE ANTICIPATES GREAT FUN AT GAMBOL OP THE GODS Large Charitable Performance to Benefit the Pennsyl vania Museum and School of Industrial Art. Alfred Barton in Charge EVERY ONE Is mticli excited over the biff spectacular performance . dunre, "Tlio Gambol of the Clods," lch will be Riven for the benefit of M Pennsylvania Museum and School ,( Industrial Art on Thursday night, ; uary jj( in the Hellevtio ballroom, rt m very lntercstliifc to lenrn that - Mary Mitchell and her inseparable Mend, ureiciu'ii -"j -- atiuuny miking some of tho costumes for tho ..(mlnnte set of dancers nt the "Lit- tte Shop on 13th street, which was Kfted la1 year In connection with Ihl Emergency u. imw i;i ne wj(T the Btildnncc of Valentine Mitchell, and Frances Watts has do ilgned tho froclis. There are to bo trlos groups of dancers, and Judging (rem previous nffnlrfi of tho ,,m' tn,a HI ), very wonderful from un nr lUtlc, graceful and inustcnl point of rlew The scene Is laid In the Casino nt Itonte Carl", and among the choruses will be IS roulette Klrls. Marlon Oram, the debutante daughter of Mr. Wil liam Grant, will lead this group. The girls wlm will tnlto the part of tprlns nymphs will bo headed by Corlnno freeman, and their frocks hue a stcneil design, done by Mildred post, who Is n School of Design pupil. Helen Kills, the daughter of Mr. and Urs. Struthers I'llis. will bo In charge of the actress group. Another set will bo a "Hotlgo ct Kolr," one which will bo most striking md effective. It will bo on the order of a Cabaret ind already a number of tables have bten engaged for tho evening. Mrs. Charlie Hnrrlson. Jr., has one, so have the Hob Logans, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Grove, Mrs John Harrison and Mrs. s Joseph F. Slnnott. ' I understand from lr. to 20 Individ ually designed posters have been got tn up by pupils of the Industrial Art Echool, and they will be placed In vari ous parts of the city. Theso include one for which a prize wa given, and so creditable ure they all, It has been decided to collect them after the "gambol" for nn exhibition it the school. Did you know Joe and Ella Du Harry are back from their honeymoon. They tell mo they had a wonderful trip. They are going to spend tho winter at tho Brock House, 2101 Spruce itreet. Mrs. Brock, Sarah and 121lza leth nre going to stay out In San Francisco all winter, so tho llttlo Bewlywcds will have plenty of time to look around for a houso of their own, and In the meantime gain experience In practice This week will bo very gay. Thcro will be tho frazlcr Harrison ball to lljht for Mariana Gowcn, who Is Mrs. Harrison's tlstcr; opera tomorrow tirht and Benedicts' ball, Sarah Nell ion's ball Wednesday night, tho Weldershelm danco Thursday, Friday Bight tho Boston Opera Company will come back and give "Mndnmo Butter fly," and then thero will bo tho Georgo Wharton Pepper's ball for Eleanor and Geo Hcckaher's party, too, and on New Year's Day there will bo opera again. I wonder how It Is wo can keep It up, for just think besides nil these dances, of the luncheons, tens, dinners, theatre parties and suppers, which are a regular part of a society woman's dally lire. Can It be true that staid Quakerdom U following In tho wako of Its more eh, much more frivolous sister and Is even abandoning- tho fireside on Christ en Day for tho luro of tho bright 'Hfhts and tho music of hotel llfo? For .certain It Is that on Saturday night tho tayest and smartest of fashion's fav ored forsook the homo clrclo to attend lie Supper Club, which, under tho rildanco and chaperonngo of Mrs. J. Hutchinson Scott, has become a rare .weeees. Mrs. Bcott brought over from New Tork for the occasion the charm , '"J llttlo semi-professional dancer, Gladys Jackson, who, with Mr. Fred erick Hamilton ns a partner, qulte cap tured the. hearts of Terpslchoro's dis ciples. Miss Jackson, who was not un known to a number of this city's fash ionables, danced this autumn at the , Greenbrier Hotel, at White Sulphur i Springe, and while thcro excited much f frvorablo comment. This winter It eems Bhe has been a feature of tho Elltraoro dansants. But to return to Mrs. Scott's club. i U met In tho Hose Gordon Instead of , " ballroom, and so great was the crowd that It was found necessary to eat many latecomers outside In the 9. The decorations were, of Murse, suggestive of tho season, and I Hh tho Meyer Davis orchestra quite wtdolnp itself the occasion was a very "stive one Indeed. A very Interesting party Included Mr. "d Mrs, James Potter, who had with "em their daughter. Mm Prank Polk. OtNew York; then Bam Reeves had a "umber of guests, also the Jay Llp Jtoeetts. Ur. and Sirs. J. R. Evans Roberts wo entertained, and another quite Ial host was "Gee" Heckscher. tin. Scott herself had a large party ' young people for her debutante wughter "Beth," as she Is affection Wy known to her Intimates. Others entertaining included Mrs. mund ii. McCulIough, tho Walter "! and the Harry Dlsstons. NANCY WYNNE. Personals BBr "IB! I.DH Tl ...-.i ...Ill I.rA an jf,;ct"8 luncheon of 20 covers tomor- m- .' ner borne on Gulf road and Jthan menue. The decorations will be In pink. ffur"fcand 1Irs' Joseph Wharton Wppin- fiJi. '" usl openea their new nouse ai ..' jrroa. K"e. and will spend the winter jb engagement of Miss Emma M. I lii y,' u' ,n c'ty anil rew jotk, iu r. Doupiass j.oUer ot East Orange. N. I t- nu been announced. I 8uth ,crth Emory Bartlett, of 2U s,.T . win give a ""vf ?Ty laonor ot her daughter, Jlto Vl ?l nrt.le". who la home from school jor the holidays. Tlio guests, who will ne from the school yet, w in Include Miss J.nncy H. Dunning, Ml-a Mnwret Earle, Miss Dorothy Hly, MUs Mnry Fahnc stock, Miss I.uov nrey, Miss Eleanor ilnehmnti, Miss Marie I,. Hepburn, Miss Jnne S. Hepburn, Miss ftnncci II. Ham inotnl. Mis'. Mnry Knp, MHs Mary Knight. Mls Esther I,. Ithontls, Miss Mnry I.ltUe, Mls Ellzabetli Taylor, Mls Helen Hhelten. Mqq 1'ninceR V. I.eecb, .-ss Carol I,evj,, Miss Margaret Mcdoo, Ml'"? Clint lottc t'uscy, Miss Frances .1, Itnss, Ml.i Elizabeth ltos, MIas Hosnlie olliatli. Mlsj Anna W. Zimmerman. Miss Edith ltrown. Miss Caroline Nixon, MIfs Knthetliic Moyd ntul Miss Eliza beth Coane. Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Ynrnnll, Mr. Alexander C. Ynrnnll, Miss Kophlo Ynr Jinll nnd Miss Agnes Ynrnnll, who have been spending the niitumn at their coun try residence nt Hnverfnrd. have opened their bouse on tho northeast corner of nth nnd Locust streets. Miss Anna llnrroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J Leeds llnrrnll, of 27 Charlton street, Mount Airy, left yesterday for Et. Louis, Mo, where she will be tho guest of Mrs. Henry C. Scott rnr several Weeks. Mnny Informal entertainments are nil ready being planned In lintior of SIlss Uarroll by her mnny friends. Mr. Clement A. (Irlieoiti, rtd. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. ttndmnit E. Clrlseom. of Doto brnn. Ilnverford, Pa., has icturncd home for the flirtations hollil.ia from St. Paul's School. Dr. Judson Dnlnnd. of 117 South IStli street, has left for Rochester, Minn., where be will remain for several dnys. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry Edson, of Orchard Inue, Ilnverford, will bo nt homo Infor mally on New Year's afternoon, from 4 until 7 o'clock. No cards have been sent out. Mr. nnd Mrs. I.ouls I.ocko nnnounce the mnirlnge of their daughter, Miss Lena Locke, to Mr. Samuel L. Horwltz, on Sunday, December "dtli. Germantown Miss Helen Gormley will entertain about 75 guests tomorrow at a house dunce In honor of Miss Mildred Rougher. Tho house will bo attractively decorated with holly and other Christmas greens. Mr. Arnold Jennings, n student nt Princeton Seminary, has returned to Ger mantown to spend the ebrlHtmns holidays with his parents, tho Rev. Willlnm Realty Jennings nnd Mrs. Jennings, C012 arcene street. Mrs. John Wnlker. of Rurfnlo, Is spend ing the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. II. F. Dewccs, of Magnolia avenue. Mr. E. Ross Carver has returned to his homo on Newhnll street fiom n three months' stay In the mining regions of the far west. Friends of Mrs. Allco Booth, who, with her dnugliter. Mrs. flrennell. closed their apartment In The Wlss.ihlukon, Queen Lane, In November, ntul left for a year's stay abroad, have received Christmas greetings from Mrs. Booth, bearing a tiny photograph of her country plnco In Irclnnd. Mrs. Booth nlso tins a houso In Loudon, which she Intends turning over to the Government as a reticat for wounded soldiers. Surely hciclu lien tho true Christmas spirit. Members of tho Board of Education, heads of schools Mathers nnd alumni havo been invited to attend a reception, to bo given to Superintendent of Schools Dr. John P. Garbr at tho Germantown High School on Wednesday, January 5, at 3:30 o'clock. Tho affair will bo under the auspices of tho Council of the Higher Schools. West Philadelphia Miss Glnilya MoCowon, dnugliter of Sir. nnd Mrs. E. B. McCowcn, of 4101 Spruce street, ulll leave for New Yolk on Wednesday, where slio will bn the guest of Miss Lucille Horn over Now Year's Day. Mr. nnd Mrs. John A. Hlckey enter tained at dinner mi Christmas Day at their home. CM South 3Sth street. Covers were laid for 15 guests. Miss Adelo Bnrtram West, of -ISiS Ches ter avenue, entertained her enrd club last week In honor of Mr. William Murphy, who sniled on Saturday for New Orleans to spend tho month of January. Roxborough The following Christmas entertainments were given on Friday and Saturday In this section: Emanuel Methodist Epis copal Church entertainment at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, for tho members of the Junior League, and at night tho annual Christmas exercises for tho Sunday school of the Mount Vernon Baptist Church; at 5:30 o'clock Christmas morn ing tho choir of the Ebenezer Methodist Episcopal Church, tho Rev. Arthur S. Wells, pastor, rendered Christmas carols from tho churchtower; two services wero held In tho Fouith Reformed Church on Christmas Day, one at 0 o'clock In tho morning, when a choir of 50 voices, under tho leadership of Miss Kate Blulr, organ ist, rendered the carols, and In tho even ing the Sunday school, under the direc tion of Mrs. Isaac Ward, sang the can tata of "Santa Claus." Frankford Mrs. William Carroll, of 2W0 Rhawn street, has ns her guests Miss Edith Allo way and Miss Marguerite Sykes, of At lantic City, who will remain until after the first of the year; Miss Jessie Clark Hammond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hammond, of Paul street, Is entertaining over the holi days Miss Edith Clark, Miss Marlon Clark, Miss Josephine Cromley, Miss Alice Bromtly, Miss Bertha Martin, Miss Fannie Ward, Miss Josephine MacN'a inara and Miss Pauline Graham. Camden and Vicinity Miss Nancy Northrop, of 309 North 3d street. Is home from Columbia Univer sity to spend the holidays with her mother. Mr. James Pancpast, of 203 Cooper street, has been spending sever?! days at the shore, where he motored with a school friend. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Department of Commercial Education Special Couries In Shorthand. Book keeDlDE. Kepcrllnr, Fire anil Casualty ln.urapco start January 3d la Day and EtenlnE School. Temple University Droad St, below llerka, Philadelphia SI' VNlsH Technical Teacher and Trantla-J-KKM'H tore' Aso.. U31 I'crry Bide ir W.IAN Spruce i-'-lH. A working- knowl- Lehman ed of uii epoken lanuuaues. CTRiVFR'S The Beet Builaees School. 3irvAICi? goi-807 ChMtnut Street. .- , --JEgjfggg &Sw Pfl! ; - t ' . Along the Main Line OVERRROOK-Mr. and Mrs. William It Tenbrook nnd Miss Tcnbrook, of tho Drexel Apartments, will glvo a dance till? evening at the Rlttonhouse. Mr. nnd Mrs V. Roland n'Drlen en tertained at dinner jeterdny nt their homo ln Overbrook when coxers wero laid for 10 guests Mr. nnd Mrs. O'Brien have nlso sent out Invltntlon for n dinner to bo given on New Year's Hay when thero will bo 12 guests present. ARDMORE-Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin H. Ludlow, of Llnnfnlr road, spent Christ mas Day with Mrs. Ludlow's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Crozer, of t'platul, Pa. IlItYN MAWR-MIss Sarah lino, of nulf rond, hns gouo lo Slttte College, where she Is spending the holidays with her brother. Miss Mary Terrlen. of Oulf raad, Is "pending the Cbrltmns holldrtya with her parents, nt Nnshun, N. It. DT DAVtPS-Mrs. Richard MaeSherry, who hns been spending a few days In Baltimore, will spend Christmas with her family, Mr. nnd Mrs. ltollln It. Wil bur, at Old stono I louse. Mrs. Armltt Rrown returns to her homo I on Orchnrd way on Friday from Atlantic I City. I WAYNE-Mr. nnd Mrs. I.een DcStr-r. of Boston, spent rhrlsttnns with Mr. and Mrs. William Jelterts Mrs. Ilevter will be reme liberal us Miss Marie Jcfferls, nti October bride Mr. J. Charles Tveugood. Jr., has re turned from Princeton t'nlvorslty to spend the holidays with his parents, tho Itev. J. Chnrks Levengood and Mrs. Lev cngood, DEVON Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander M. It. Charrlngtoti, nf Wnrrenton, West Vn., nro spending the holidays with Mrs. Charrlnglon's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil liam Nelson Wilbur, ut their home ln lievon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles M. Lea, who nre occupying their new home In Devon, gave a largo family dinner on Christmas nleiit. Photo by Otto s.irony. MISS EDYTHE COLEMAN GRAY Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dolbert Byron Gray, of 1 IS; South -10th street, will spend the week-end in Annapolis, where she will attend the New Year's ball. holiday gaieties nro Miss Virginia Cook, of Minneapolis; Mr. Joseph Wliltehend anil Mr. Conkey Wliltehend, Ynlo stu dents, nil of whom nre guests at tho Georgian Terrace Hotel; Miss Tnylcss, of SlireM-piirt. La., In whose honor Miss Mary Disluo Is entertaining elaborately; Mr. and Mrs. William Mason, of New York, who nre the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Prank Mnson nt their homo Stono henge; .Miss Mnrlan Jones nf Albany; Miss (iertrude linody, nf Cuthbcit, On.; Mlis Helena Wright, nr Ellierton; .Miss Oenovlcvn Richardson, of New Orleans, and others. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Bagley gavo a largo party for tho college set Wednesday nt Hrlvlng t'lul) In er, .Miss Hemlettn Macon, who bus al ready mado mnny friends In Atlanta. Mr W. E. I'letrleh, of Tampa, Fla., Is spending thi1 holidays with .Mr. and Mrs. A P. Trendwell nt the Oeorgl.ui Terrace Hotel. DANCING TUB O. B1XWOOD C.IHPENTKK STUDIO. ii Cbee'out Private and clai leieoui, day aod ovenlus. la uewet altpe. Teleyho&o. Southern Resorts ATLANTA, Dec. 27. Christmas week In Atlanta, one of the gayest In Its history, found Its cllmnx In tho Blnck and White ball Wednesday night nt the Georgian Terrace Hotel, when all society combined to make the occasion ineituuable from tho social nnd picturesque standpoint nnd prolltnbln to the Preach relief fund for which It was a hcnellt. Two hundred nnd fifty guests wero as sembled, and the stntely banquet hnll, sumptuous In Its rose-colored decorations, thiew Into elf cell vp relief the striking variety of costumes In tlio modish "Nolr et blnnc." !..... I.. .. .tnn.. ..t..!. nana .t'nrA fna ViiLI iUlllia Ul unv l'UII i.-.t.T ....... .." . , ,l ... ,1... tnoned from tho celling to tho large enn- ' c '-ln '" " ', trnl chandelier, which was showered with h"r of their duught roses nnd suillnx. Plat baskets of pink '" '"'""'IK..?',.. roses were silhouetted ugiilnst the white paneled walls nnd great white pillars, and ninny bay trees made a formal contrast to the rose baskets and gai lands. Theio were mnny lingo pirt.es. nmong them that given by Colonel Willis E. Ra gnu to Miss Harriot McUnnlel and Miss Agnes Ornv. belles o.t the debutante set. Mrs. Kelly Evans, of Toronto, Can., and Atlanta, who Is prominent In South ern society, was the emtio of a bright group. Baton nnd Baroness Rosenkrantz, of London. Eng.. who are spending tho win ter at the Georgian Terrace Hotel, were guests of honor In a large party. Mrs. Alfred Kennedy, of Cluenvllle, S P, who u.is Miss Jane Thornton, of Atlanta, was tho centre of another group. Lieutenant Commander Walter Gordon Roper, United States Navy, and Mrs. Ropur. of Philadelphia, who are spend ing tlio holidays here, wero Interesting out-of-town guests. Mrs. Roper was the beautiful Miss Robert ("Bob") Ridley Veuablii, nf Atlanta. The cutertnlnmuntH of Christmas Day Included nn egg-nog patty given by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spcer at their homo on Peachtreo 'street, when they kept "open house" from 12 to 2 o'clock. Another happy reception, which has come to bo one of the brightest untic Ipations of the soclnl woild for Christmas Hay, was that given by Mr. and .Mrs. John S. Clark nnd Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Adair, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hojd McRao and others were "nt home" Christmas H.iy and ut nil tho clubs there were bright celebra tions. At thn Piedmont Driving Club "open house" all day was followed by an elab orate dinner-dance. At tho Capital City Club an Informal dinner danco was the ChristmnH Eve festivity, nnd "open houso" Christmas Day gavo nil tho members and tho ladies an opportunity for a greeting. At the Druid Hills Golf Club several hundred pcoplo enjoyed tho Christians afternoon tea dance, nnd mnny golfers spent tho dny on tho beautiful Druid Hills course, or on one of the other three, which nro 18-hole. giving Atlanta the unique position as a Southern golf cen tre. At the East Lnke Country Club an elaborate tree party on Thursday for tlio children of the members was a memora ble occasion, and each bachelor member wuh allowed to take somebody's else child. Dinner and dancing followed the gift making. A masquerade dance on Tuesday eve ning nt the Piedmont Driving Club, given by ono of the sororities at Washington Seminary, and a dance nt Druid Hills Golf Club Wednesday night by another bororlty of the same school, were bright events among the college set, whose time Is well tilled with dances and tea dances until the Now Year. One of the prettiest dancing parties at home was that given by Miss Anne Pat terson for her guest, Miss Gladys Madlgan, of Houston, Tex. Among other visitors enjoying the Tioga ' Miss Edna Caw, of 1221 West Allegbenv avenue, will give a luncheon followed bv brldgo on Wcdnodny. Her guests will be Mrs. Robert Lo Roy Bartholomew. Jr., Mrs. Ralph W. Nnzcl. Mrs. Tnggnrt. Mrs. George MncCool, Miss Florence Wolloeo, Miss Klorcnce Shaw, Miss Sara Sbow nker. Miss Sidney Shnwnker. Miss Elsie Kriiuse. Mrs. Robert Kleo, Jr., and .Miss Mnry Pletehcr. Miss Millie Thomas, of Hunting Park nvenue, will give a ChristmnH party to morrow fur the members of her sewing club. Her guests will include Miss Ag nes Wnlker. Mls Llllle R. Jackson, Miss Nclllo Aldrlch, Miss Irene Hosier, Miss (intrude Klefaver, Miss Ola Robot tscni, Miss Rebecca llrouor-Ulghley, Miss Florence Nuttall and Miss E. Jane ()g-den. What's Doing Tonight Rilvnttnn Armv children's rntrrtalnment, Muolenl I-'und IIhII: (1 .to o'clock. It ill In nl't nf Hrt.rrw Ori'hunV Home, Mer o.inllle Hull. V n'eliKk. Philadelphia Onhcutr.i, William I'enn High 8 hunt. " o clock. rhiudt'lphl.t Concert Orchrntrn. rurktvm Itull.llnB. oMoek. Intcn oltcKUte Menorali. Asioclntlon. Propste College, GOWNS WORN BY MILADY OF FASHION ARE INTERESTING TO READ ABOUT Tailored Suit Worn by Miss Elizabeth Cartwright Is Very Smart Mrs. Victor Mather's Beautiful Gown, Stunning Frocks Worn by Recent Brides THE past week, full to the 11th hour With shopping and teas nnd charming amateur productions, gave all of us who watch the kaleidoscope of fashion a chance to study a perfect constellation ot distinctive tailored costumes nnd tho ulllmnte word In restauraht frocks. Wherever one goes ene is Impressed Willi tlio extretrto simplicity ntul quaint demtifeness of the gowns chosen, the simplicity, that Is, of a Doucct er cnllot, which, needless lo say, Is the despair nf the nmnteur copyist. One ot the smart est of thn tailored suits en evidence Is that worn by Miss Elisabeth Cartwright, who looks with special favor' on simple pownlng. This particular model, Ideal, by the wnv, for the fun Into town, wns carried out In olive green cheviot, the rnther long coat florins gracefully over the hips ahd by wnv of adornment merely collared and ruffed with skunk. U'rompanylng this wns a brond-brlmmed for tho charities In which they nre In terested, hnvo adopted rather mannish but comfortable sport suits of Tyrolean wool. Miss Klttv Penn-Smlth, who Is such nn nble exponent of outdoor sports, looked charming In a suit of this ' (.'enre,'' which she wore at the Christmas Bn?nar at tho Rltz. It wns carried out in tan tweed, tho Jacket belnir decidedly loose find carrying two capacious pockets. A row of brown leather biittuns occupied a prominent role on the skirt; n fitting ac companiment to this suit wns her un obtrusive lint of blsoult-rolotcd felt, of the typo our sport-lovhur English cousins adopt for their dally tr.inip neross the moors. A long motor eo.it of opossum gavo the finishing touch to n delightful picture. Ono of tho very smartest materials for tho ttotteur Is chamois cloth in the nat ural color, which has been adopted by two recent brides. At one of the fashionable December weddings Mrs. Edwnnl Burton rtnblnotte appeared In a rather long llnrlnc-conted model, with n wide hmder ." sc 11 fur and lint nf black erpe nnd sntln. over the I tall upstanding collar nnd wide cuffs of crown of which a narrow strand of sll Vrr threaded Its way Into a Persian de sign. At a luncheon party nt the llltz, Mrs. Victor Mather adopted a stunning model of dark blue eloth. the (ont of which had the modish lilnh, upstanding collar nnrt eurfs of sable severe utile nut or lilnck velvet wns tilted low down on the forehead and Wns encircled about the brim with several Utile bnwi. A number of thn younger girls who hnvo dashed Into town daily to rehearse the snme Iter lint is n smill. lose-flt- ting nffnlr of pheasants' brensti. ulth two flaring feathers nt the left idc- nothor bride, Mrs. oilier Knton i'i"imvell, In nlso wearing 11 two-piece uit of bamols cloth, cut on Htnnit lltie". with a chin- Her rathet I chin eollnr and ciifs of controlling fur, nnu she, too. hii" ndnptfd one of tlio tiny phensnnt fenthcted lints which look for all the world like ,1 rluintli leer Mrs. A. J. Drexel BlUdle, while cli l Itiir down through Chestnut Hill nientU Willi Mr. Riddle, nlso wore one of thoe 1 hnpenu. Along the Reading Mrs. .1. C. Jennings nnd her daughter. Miss Dorothy Jennings, of Greenwood avenue, W.incote, nre the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, Otho Nowland. nt thrlr resi dence, sio."i lllnrd street, Wilmington, until nfter the tlrst of the yenr. Several Informal enteitnlnments will be given In honor nf Mrs. .lenninrs nnd Miss Jen nings during their lslt. Miss Idella Orlbbel, of Church road. W.i neote has returned from a Isit of teiernl weeks In Pittsburgh, Vn., where she wns extensively entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Merrltt, of Chelten avenue, nro spending the holidays at their country home near the Water Gap. A number nf their friends and rulntlvcs will join them during the week. Northeast Philadelphia Dr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Prosper of 2307 Frankford nvenue. -pent Ch-i imx vislt Ihg their I'hlldien, lr. nnd Mi- r John Prosper, of Lawrenceville, Tlo.i 1 County, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Randnll. of .'102 East York street, were the guests nor tho holidays of 5tr. mid Mrs. Oniwood, of On U la tie. Trenton, N. .1. Mr. Chnrles Sheppard. of Wllllmnsport, Pa., Is the guest of Mr. Harold Walker, of 2083 East Dauphin Street. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. E. C. Bell, Mi Dnvli II. Bell nnd Miss Huzel Hell, of Smyrna, Hel., are the guests of IJr. and Mrs a J. Enders, of 231 East Ciimbeilnnd street. Delaware County Sir. nnd Mrs. William E. Worrhoster, of Medln, nnnounce the birth of a daught- . ter. 1 The pupils of the Illdley Pnrlt Motho- I dlst Suiulnv School will give nn enter- 1 lainmeiil on December 23. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgnr Thomas. Jr , of' Shnili-hind uiemie. will enterlnlii 11 fnm- ll dinner of I- on ChristmnH Day. Notices for the Soclctr pnge wilt be ilri I'pttMl nnd printed III the Krcnlnx l.cducr, hut all Mich mitlci't miml he written on one side ef the pnper, must lie li:urd "In full, with dill uddrcsi, and when poHkllile trlcidiono number must he ciien. "-etui nil inch cnmniunlrntlons to ""oiclcty lalltiir," Ku-nlug Ledger. COS c hot nut trcct. Iiilrfi thee requirements nre carried mil mj Hint i-rlllc:itioii niny he poulble, the nulhe will nul he iniblUhed. WINTER RESORTS OI.I) POINT COMPOItT. VA. HOTEL CHAMBERLIN OLD POINT COMfORT SwimmlnsPool.Golf. Seafood Cmtin. huroM&n Olthf and Treatment!, For ternu. write QtO. F. ADAM. Manegar rertreta Monrae. Va. "Ailc Mr. Foater," 12th and Chaatnut Sti. 1 Cooks' Tours. 137 8 llroad St.; I'tnna. II. H. Cc, 1433 Cheatnut St. X ATUINTIO CITY. N. J. tJVZZvriXf, rtMNTtcarr. Superior location unoDsirucioa and boardwalk sianaara.oi exaei Caacil60O. with an I r lew 01 Drjacnj A recodnized I lence I mtratJ.Bjajj THE LEADING HtSOSI HOIfl OffHt WORLD siDdritioroiiiiiiKiilni ATLANTIC OITV. N. J. OWNCIISHIP MlHaaiHIHT JOBUH WHITE 4SON COMPANY TDAVRJinDl? Lrr.tu AlUntto Cltj Wrctmin:trr K- " or- Baach. Eltr. ta 1.WJ up dJx. to 112.60 uo wltly. Cna-a. BuSre. MBOWN8 MK.L8-IK-TUE-WNE8. W. J TUB INN CUmat mild, dry, lavUortvtlss. 1 nc nri RU, drtV. motor',. Fanuito EV&y si! . SM&fsr A&xttvr srmr-r'7- stw,r juarwr r .rsvvjr S" & - "" " &(' -" '&" &nr W-'V? s''? ?y&lV ??'4S?-JCXZ?!y Cth An Illustrated Calendar Free fnJ WITH THE '- zp& DECEMBER 31sL JL W 1018 March 1010 Xe. z' j 19) , I ' 1916 SfntwafR 1016 CJ -vT -r 1 oi i sm ?'XM rA 1--r- "."""S" M Y V V. --'--"","'- r AN December 31st the 3 d'7 S 5 10 II iwj I A fl J I 3 4-36700 g I Jf , . 1 ... l?i?2 p u ts M is io ij is Wf& l I I I ) io ii w mis ia f, s KvpniTiff L.earfer -will T- is A V, I0202I222JM23 S.Jgl XF ' II 17 13 IO 20 21 22 23 p IjVCniny J-CU,Cr Will kJJ SJtf'i 4 282l'2829393l lffill Sjl 24 23 28 27 23 29 30 . , fill SrSsCXSP m I I Mr,J V3 L I issue a beautitul calendar, Xs&r i I ig6 april ioi8 IbSIt tJ I I 9'6 ociodb. 1918 I J measuring 17x11 inches, 1 w, 2 3 4 3 a. 7 o fmM Ix LL, i i i -o .t s 5 ., i pnte1 in colors. PU m A 0 10112 13 14 13 W&M TV ? 13 10 17 IS 10 20 21 r T Ml 1 M W&S &WsS'k m '.tsssairiig 8!Wh w m s!t2i0'3 it will contam a hitmg WfmL 5 LJ j mWLUa r 1 Kttle son " TKe penin Ww m 1919 mav 1918 LtLf-fi, . Vy1 " JsMl igjo NovtMEtR. 1010 I Door" hv Tom Daly W$ i? M 7 alio ifa." r SSmS!?S 4L illustrated in colors by Wf) fflM & .4 13 18.7 13 10 20 0 20 'I 2' 21 24 23 1 fA VMf 21 22 23 24 23 2 21 . fat- S 5? ?i M M TT.JM I VT'SH M A 28 29 30 31 Tiir.3fiririru.a- ? 223 29 jo Ilenderson, 53(tf fiSM W I 1 fccrriCr.rfri-. " f It is worthy ot a place in mi mb A (gig June 1918 "wtii.r.raz igia Dtcint3tR. 1010 f , . . 1 K Jk VZfZ 'Jk5sk- .-.. your daintiest room. Oroler Wf Jf m A a n y x o io B--' '-o' 34SQ7SO p , - K fill iffir J O f 0 U IU TaialMaiaJhawkHl , .. ,- l( M Id IA v 11 , WC afr Bl Wk j .3 IS 20 21 24 .HK&t- ?. " .121 SS I, your newsdealer now to mf) M M 28i?2232930W .aMST' KMirt29M J . ' , t; . H M W I I TA"r I I ij bring you the Hvemng Wxjk wMt - , J '. 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