iHiiPNifPiiiinfliMwHiM w5S3S5Ss!5555iw!i5!" wpw W.V'MPiWflPWPWP French admit , LOSS OF LINES t INTHEVOSGES Lmans Recapture Sum- ifrr.it of Hartmannsweiler- ' opfTaKe lODti men ; FIGHTING IN SNOWSTORM ' LONDOtt, Dec. 21. it.-, nnodilnn nf Ihn mvnrt ffftnc Wore ui ,. - 3ficf the summu ..-,.... ...- . .. ihn Vn.ccs. the lofty mountnln iHlch overlooks the city of .Muelh.vuscn V mW,t of tfppcr Alsace, Is In dispute jMn tlio French ami German official ', ..n.ifi rnnimiiMlcntlon was Is- Jd ty the French Wtir omcc ,nst I -Tn'the Vosgcs nt Iiartmnhns-Wclter-. fter counter attacks by the enemy. fJihhds to the left on the slopes to the &h of Hie summit returned to the posl Ki which they hnd previously occu- fcrrssrAiiSiFOE IN MACEDONIA 1-..1. .iiminit. nnu iiujiu ""- '" "" 'Li, In front of Wnttwlller, we con iWi "; i-.i. tl.n nrminrt rnnntlerrd !Ti O',ak,,rsnorws'torrl,ni Cpted the operations In the course of !i.Th enemy 1ms violently bombarded 'th, northern slopes nnc- u.e summu 01 Hirtmannsucltcrkopf. "in Artols our nrtlllory his displayed '.fUTltj' In the region or Gv enchy nnd f, the neighborhood of the ro.id to Lille, na the north bank of tho Alsno we effec Clr bombarded on enemy conoy bc tretn Conde nnd Nantcull. In tho Wocvre, to the southeast of U forest of Aprcmont, tho mine fighting u to our advantage." in, Uelglnn otllclnl communication mr "Tho day was characterized by a li..l.rlw vtnlnnt mi tho 'whole front rf the Belgian army, where tho encm bdolnd In pure wnste In tho expenditure ,( considerable munitions. Our nrtlllory raccMsfully nnd dcstnicllvely shelled the ftnuan trenches on tho banks of tho ,Ir." K- RKRMN. Dec. 21. f The War OCTlco announced last nigiu tbil the summit of Hnrtninnnsncller kopf. In tho Vosgcs region of Alsace, enp tnred earlier In the week by tho French, 'lad been regained by tho Oct mans. The Itiit of the statement follows: 1 "During hot lighting yesteiday n brave 'rtjtaent of the 8:'d l.nndwchr Brigade irttipturcd the summit of Hnrtmnnns iirillerkopf. Tho enemy Buffered extrnor Mrily severe loss, and left El olliccrs, 'ui 1530 men In our bands. We nro now jtur clearing somo portions of a trench in the northern slope, which Is Btlll occu (!ed by tho French. "Theflguies given In tho French report 'it yesterday evening regarding the the ,(jMlnff around Hnrtmnnnswcllerkopf, .on the 21st Inst., nro exaggerated by at Itut one-half. Our total losses, Including lU'the killed, wounded and missing ho , fhruat present ascertained, amount to IW men." GROSSA BATTAGLIA NEI DMORNIDIELBASSAN TRA BULGARI E SERBI fll Montenegro E' Stato Quasi jr"; Tutto Conquistato dalle ki. ruiz,i; nuaui.n.ia; m Invasione tV IL C0NTRABBANDO GRECO If t. JIU..W1, UllCIIIUIC. E tlunto a noma II minclno Alessan- ito Karageorgevlc, serbo, provenlente diU'Albanla. Kgll ha detto die per trc Itomt una vlolentn bnttnglln ha Infurlnto tdle montngno nllmucsl ncllo vlcinnnzo 41 Elbassnn tra acrbl o bulgarl. II prln- dju hi detto: r'lnostrl uomlnl combnttono tlernmonto I I9ltll(l!i1.im..,it, T?aal linnnn nrrpatntn ml assalto del nemlco o si comportnno ton iltrettantn flducln come so gueneg- rauero in tcrrltorlo bulgnro, Sebbene Wffrano ner mnncnnzn dl vlveii. II orals dello nostro truppo non e' nffntto iwo sensso. .Mcntrn In n mlii mom o fittrtierwvamo ('Albania per recarcl alia fwla, potevamo uentlru 1 cantl dello gP eerbe In ognl blvncco. Cortamcnte 'jtul morrebbcro tuttl lino all'ultlmo uoino Jtnttoito che accettnre 11 gingo tentonlco. " auendono bolo 11 segnnle degll alleatl Pr rlprendero 1'offeni.lva con loio." Oft.! Sl dipA n Ttnnm Mm tn pnnnlllvlrt ,W Montenegro da parte della foize utrlache e' quasi completu. 11 resto del (Merclto montencgrlno combatto ancora ,uoroament6 nello sue montngne, ma le eondlzlonl pcgglorano ognl glorno. .JJ ejee anz) che bI Btuntio facendo pre Hutlvl per cvacuure la capitnle, Cettlgne. 'ii re Nicola e la region Mllena sl '"'Ulerranno In Italia dove o" nncho ilteso re Pletro dl Serbia. SI dice che a famlglia reale montenegrlna o' gla ad "tlvarl, pronta ad Imbarcural per Barl. ara' allogglata nel Palazzo Plttl dl "rente. Questa mattlna II Mlnlstcro della Guerra M pbbbllcato II seguente comunlcnto Wclaltj r" lono avutl duelll dl nrtlgllerla su Slo II fronte. L'artlgllerla nemica ha to anche su parecchl Kruppl dl case "ewovt dannl. Le nostre bntterle della i'M ougana hanno bombardato dl nuovo a ItaZlOnA HI 1 n.rlnn a ,,n marrawlnn fllUre a Tolmino." . UA dtlnflfnln ,ln tlMnlnl .hh..hI. .h. J"? W'pedlnlero Italians che Incroclavano RiMf 'on' hanno catturato un plro ZT greco cno rasportava benzlna per iJi .marlnl austflacl o tedeschl operantl J." "eolterraneo. Questa cattura con 2 quello che tuttl gla' sapevano. che Em V,ono rf"iltl dl quello che occorro 'in mercantt grecl. noma corro voce nuesta mattlna che L,,"' Nero sl e" avuta una battaglla Vw In cul I'lncroclatora turco Mldtrll, tnr. 'edesco Breslau, o la corazzata ," Sultan Scllm, gla' la tedesco , ono si rlmastl II prlmo affondato 0UiliCOni3a dani,egglata gravemente. La foMT; non e ancora confermata da 5 P '""a.Ie Per Ilea " hmihii nguarda la situaztone nei rVnl, sembra che gll austro-tcdeschl e twrt Uleaii ,'"' uecisi au auaccare bu I, - uim. loro DasB dl saionicco, ctoe 0 "ff'fwlo greco. Sl dice anzl che la wnUMa. abbl.l awnrtltn ll rnvcrnn trero h ?,' u truPpe aaranno a Saionicco per WM & esnl modo embra che gll alleatl T era In forze tall ed In poslzlont tall P,JE?JT 'esplngere qualslasl attacco. pa k..1 lele&rafana rh II r-enerale Bon It! At ""'" cne II peneraie juii rs Olicutendo nell'Intranslireant la altu- vSm. a Sal'nle;o, dice In base a quanto eooe aftermato unutorlta' tedesca rj (U alleatl franco-lnglesl a Saionicco S " In numero dl 172,000 saranno EVENING rm?w REPORTED SHOT AS SPY EUgeno Snmlow, reported to bo the strongest mnn in the world, is snicl to have been put to denth in London Tower after fncinp; n military court on the charge of being a Germnn spy. TEUTONIC ALLIES READY TO STRIKE Swift Preparations Made for Laillichillg of OlieilSlVe VAST FORCES MASSED PA IllS. Dec. 21. French war correspondents at Salonlca state that the Germnns nnd Bulgarians, after swift prepatatluus. are about to attack tho Allies In Macedonia. Sixty thousand Germans nro reported to be massed nt Monnstlr nnd Sii.OOO Turks In tho Struma valley. The bulk of the tlulgnrlan army Is concentrated In tho Vnrdar valley. Tho correspondent of the Petit Parlslen estimates that the Hulgnrlan. German nnd Tuiklsh troops on the Scrbo-Grcek ftontler number nearly half n million, but most of the military experts tlgute that the German allies In that region do not exceed SOO.OW men. The Allies, strongly entrenched on Greek soil, nic ready to give iu defen sive battle to tho German Allies. The left wing of the Untontc forces rests upon the Vatdar Itlver; tho ccntie faces the frontier near Dolran and the tight wing, made up of a Urltlsh corps, defends Chatcldlcn. ALUMS' ARTILLKRY HEADY. Tho Allies supply of heavy guns Is stated to be fully adequate, and tho war ships In the Salonlca roadstead are teady to suppoit tho land batteries If tho bat tle comes beneath their guns. Thnt the French War Office regards the' Ilnlknn Held of operations as one mil nf ninii.'irlTiL' noHslbllltlps Is shown i... ,,n fnct thnt General Castolnnu. chief of stnrt of the Fiench nrmy, has been sent to Salonlca to confer with aeneiul Sat rail and General Sir Charles Monto. A news agency dispatch from Athens s.vs that Germany has served notice upon Greece that tho Teutonic allies In tend to attack the Anglo-French forces on Greek soil and that Get many hopes to hnvo her troops In Sanonlca by Janu ary IS. According to this dispatch, Ger mnny promises to evacuato Greek terri tory as soon as her task Is completed. AlthoiiKh It was regarded here as en tirely possible that Germany had given notice of an offensive against the Allien, It was deemed exceedingly doubtful If tho Knlscr's Government hnd inado nny pre diction ns to the time tho Germans might be at Salonlca. Relations between Greece nnd Bulgaria are growing moro Intimate. The following Centrnl News Agency dispatch from Athens Is regarded as high ly significant In this regard: "OuIiir to delay In the nrrlval of consignment of American wheat the Government Is ne KOtlatlng for tho purchase of wheat from Bulgaria." German nnd Bulgarian neroplanes have attacked the Anglo-French cantonments north of Salonlca, dropping many bombs, nccordlng to a press dispatch rocehed hero today. The aeroplanes evidently operated from a baso at Ghevghell. which Is only 40 miles north of Salonlca. Tho allhd forces In tho Bnlknns are wt'U equipped with both ueroplanes and hlKh-angle guns. LLIKS MASSING MO.OnO MEN. Tho Athens correspondent of neuter's tends a dlsnatch stating that tho cen tra! Powets uio concent! ntlng their forces In tho Ghevglnll sector (In southeastern Serbia) and nte expected to take the of fensive this week. This correspondent nlso saya that Ger many Is reported to have Informed Oreeco that she hopes to reach Salonlca by Jan uary 15, promising nt the Bnme, time to evacuate Greek territory as soon as the task Is finished, 1 ! " S)) fc? Zlrf , --. v Jfi'iiiiMiiiiiiiiiiuuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiui&A f 1 I "I'm to have a Christmas party and mother wants you to send a Quick Service man to make the lights bright and cheerful. "She says the light in the dining room needs a new mantle, and the glass shade on the living room Reflex light is cracked. "How much will it cost? 'Only the price of the shade and mantle the man's time and work are free!' I'll tell mother. Good-byel" The United Gas Improvement Co. LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FBIDAY:DEOEMBEB BULGARS PLEDGE AFFRONT TO U.S. Sofia Will Punish Officers if I Found Guilty of Insulting Flag AMERICANS STILL HELD SAI.ONICA. Dee. 21,-Mrs. Walter Far well, of Chicago, and Dr. C. II. Forbes, of lloston, reported roughly handled by Hulgnrlan officers, who rnldcd American tied Cross hendqunrters nt Monnstlr, will be permitted to leave the Serbian city The Bulgarian Foreign orricc notified American Consul Kehl today that II will comply with his request, but will not permit the two Americans to cross Into Greece nt this time. Thy will bo pent to Bulgarian nrmv ncndituartcrs In Serbia. Bulgarian Consul Nednow also assured Kohl that nn olllclnl Investigation has been ordered of the conduct of the Bul garian odlcers who entered the Bed Cross building. If the evidence convinces the BulRnrinu Government that the Amcrlcnh flag was torn from the build ing, the Bulgarian olllccr commanding the raiding party will be punished. Nod now assured the American Consul. Dr. IVvnrd Btuart, chief of the Bed Cross workers In Serbia, who llrst re ported Mie Monnstlr Incident to the American Consul, entered the rtulgnrlan lines today, en route to Sofia. Ho will lay the matter before the Bulgarian For eign Ofllce and urge the punishment of all officers and soldiers who participated. Stuart will also make an effort to com municate with Doctor Forbes himself nnd get his erslon. This will be nn overcoatlcss Christmas for the thousands of French nnd British troops In Salonlca and at the allied front. The weather suddcnlv moderated and there nre no traces of mow at Salonlca. The troops are buying turkeys by the thousands. The nrmy mall arrived lost night, lnden with thousands of plum pud dings from London. The telegraph of llco Is besieged by ofTlcers sending home Christmas greetings over the slngto ca bio wire. It Is Improbable that any formal tru.-e will be agreed upon over Christmas Day, though the lull at the Gicel; border piob- ably will continue. Tho divergence In Slav and Anglo-French cnleliuuis brings i ,.. .itr Chilstmns for tho opposing armies on dlf fcrcnt days. BRITISH LOSS 528,227 IN ALL FIELDS TO DEC. 9 East Front Casualties 378,988; Dardanelles, 114,555; Else where, 25.G84 LONDON, Dec. 21. Urltlsh casualties on nil fronts up to December 9 totaled r:"!,:;7. Premier Asqulth announced todr.y. The total casualties In the various the atres were ns follows: Flanders nnd France. 373.9SS; Dardanelles. 111,K3; other theatres, 23.6SI. A detailed summary shows: Killed, 119.923: wounded. 318,733; missing. GI.GIti. There was n marked discrepancy In tho , Premier's figures and those given by j Vnder Secrctnry for Wr Tennant yester day with reference to the Dardanelles casualties. Tennant said up to Decem ber It the loses at the Dardanelles to taled 112,921. Asqulth gave them as j 114,535 up to December 9. In tho month from November 9 to De- ' cembcr 9 tho British losses decreased greatly as compared with those of pre- ' vlous months. In that period 17,937 were reported as killed, wounded or missing. ' On December 2 1,'remlcr ABqulth gave i the losses up to November 9 ns 510,2:10. Tho totals of killed Include those who died from wounds nnd other causes. Dorcas Society Distributes Gifts A Christmas festival wns held at noon (mint. I,. .Irl fit .Tfthn'n T.nthi.nn Chlirrli. Race street below 6th, when the Dorcas ' Society distributed baskets to 20j poor families in tho vicinity. Five hundred children received presents of toys, dolls nnd other articles. I Like Finding Money U. S. LOAN SOCIETY I.ll KST IIATKS ON DIAMONDS A.NU JKYIKI.UY 117 N. Broad St. llrancii 411 South Stli Mrret ' $ "Hello! U. G. LP" II GERMAN CHRISTMAS CANDLES TO LIGHT MILES OF TRENCHES BERLIN, Dec. 24. Millions of tiny Christmns trees with lighted candles will cast a ribbon of light along the tops of the Germnn trenches from France to Poland nnd into Serbia tonight. ... The last of the Christmas trees went forward to the trenches today. They are tiny branches, fixed to the top of Christmas packages, each carrying its candle. With each package went the suggestion from the Berlin shopkeepers that the candles be lighted on Christmas Eve after the contents had been removed. They were made small enough to be enrried through the post. The boys and girls whose daddies are in the trenches will liavo a big Christmas, too, in spite of the war, The toy shops of Berlin were nearly empty today. Tomorrow morning the German boys will find toy soldiers, spick and span in field gray uniforms with helmets; 42-centimetre guns that shoot shells filled with candy; little submarines that actually dive under tho water's surface; battleships, swords and military trains. The shops even displayed miniature battlegrounds with trenches and French and German soldiers, so the little would-be von Hindenburgs and von Klucks can hnve a toyiand wnr game alt their own. One of the biggest shops showed a military toy railroad with whole trains carrying soldiers and guns to tho front and automobile trucks ready to unload them upon their arrival. There will be few "peace toys" and "peace dolls' for the boys and girls of Germany this Christmns. Even the dolls the little girls wil get arc dressed like Red Cross nurses so they can go out nnd help brother s little toy soldiers when they nre wounded. TYPHUS SPREADS ACROSS BORDER FROM MEXICO Rio Grande Guarded by Agents of Public Health Service 30,000 CASES IN CAPITAL WASHINGTON, Dec. 2I.-The Mexican typhus plague has crosseil the Bio Grande into Texas. Information to ths eltcot has reached ;he United States Public Health Service here. Three cases of tho disease have been located at Ijiredo, Tex., where hundreds of Mexican refugees have gath ered. Strenuous efforts nro being made to pre vent further spiead of the disease on this side of the line. Tho Public Health Serv p Iiiih Issued orders detailing special ngents at nil towns along the border and . . , .,..!., .. .-...- nt ench of these places a ilglil qu.irnn thin' liiNnectlim will bo established. All persons leaving Mexico will be subjected to careful examination and suspects placed In detention camps. I Ilcports reaching the Hod Cross from , Mexico City, whero 30,000 persons are 'reiorted down with the fever, state that I the epidemic has spread to the foreign I quarters. Thirteen cases are leported , In the American and English colonies. The J Btltlsh Ambassador conferred yesterday with Secretary LnnsliiK over the situation. I The Secrctnry Informed him that Cnr I rnnza hns not et icpllcd to tho icquest of this Government that he permit agents I of tho American tied Ciosa nnd of the I Hockofoller Foundation to tako charge of the campnlgn against the fever In Mex ico City, Pueblo and Pnchucn nnd parts i nf the State of Onxaca wheio tho pesti lence Is raging with paitlculnr violence. Dr. C. C Pierce, of the Public HonUli Service, has been ordered from San Frnn clsco to Lnrcdo to take charge of the sit uation there. Today In New York, at the home of Robert do Forest, the Executive Com mittee of the Red Cross, of wnlch ex- DEAR KIDDIES: Fa(her should tell newsdealer today to a copy for you. President Tnft Is chairman, will meet to discuss tho extent to which tho American lied Cross eon extend aid should Car ranza lift the ban he has Imposed on that organization. Officers of the Public Health Service referring last night to the fact thnt tvnhus fever was tho plague which kilted I thousands In Serbia, explained that It Is a natural consequence or war nnu ramine. Tho germ Is transmitted by body er mln nnd generally appears first in army ramps not properly guarded with sani tary precautions. The death rato from the disease Is extremely high nnd tho Ill ness Is nt n -virulent type. It Is feared thnt with the Increasing In II iix Into the United States of tho de feated soldiers of Villa, the plague will spread rapidly among the Amcrlcnn bor der towns imles drastic steps nre Inltcn to prevent It. For this reason the public henlth service agents and other quaran tine officers belnu sent to the border will be instructed lo fumigate the persons and othlng of nil those coming to this side. MAX JUMPS INTO RIVER Groccr Tries to End Life Saved by EiiRinccr nnd Ncpcroes William Wain, a grocer, worried by business troubles. Jumped Into the Dela ware River nt the foot of Fnlrmoiint ave nue todnv. after having returned twice to his home, at 2633 North 22d street, to tell his wife good-by. "Don't vou worry about me, for I'm all tight today," he told her. Wain was saved from drowning by Boy Pedrlck, nn engineer, of Richmond street nnd Allegheny avenues, who runs nn electric trnin on the pier. He leaped Into the water nnd seized Wnln. Tho two men weie pulled out by negro steve dores. Wnln, who Is D2 yenrs old, Is at the Boosevelt Hospital In a serious condition from chill nnd exposure. He has been In tho grocery business nt 17th and Mount Vernon streets for 18 yenrs. Of late he has been 111 and depressed. On the night before last he fell, striking his head on a sidewalk. Oppose Fare Increase to Phoenixville Complaint was filed today with the i ubllc Service Commission at Harris burg by the Phoenixville Chamber of commeice against nn Incre'nso In the price of 100-trip tickets on tho Philadel phia and Reading Railroad between Philadelphia and Phoenixville. I've just had the funniest adventure with the Goldfish. I'm coming Sunday to tell you all about it. I'll be in a real, ready-to-fold book just the kind you want Santa to bring you tonight. I am coming with the Sunday Public Ledger. Be sure father or mother brings me to you. Won't we have fun together! Your friend, SUNDAY the order PUBLIC 24, r915- SERBS MEET BULGARS IN THREE-DAY BATTLE Fight Continues in Albanian Mountains Serbians' New Line nOMD, Dec. 21. A battle has been raging for three days between tho Serbs and Bulgnrs In the Al banian mountains, near filbnssan, tho Serbian Prince Alexis Knragcorgcvlcli re ported on his nrrlval here today. "Our men are fighting fiercely, splendid ly," he said, "They hnve stopped every enemy charge and nro conducting them selves as confidently as though they were cnrrylug the campaign Into Bulgaria. "Though they suffer from lack of food, the spirit of our soldiers has not been broken. As my wife nnd I made our way across Albania lo the coast, the songs of Serbian soldiers rose from every bivouac They would dlo to tho last mnn before ac cepting the Teutonic yoke. They nwalt only the signal from their Allies for a combined offensive." Tho Serbs now hold n lino extending roughly across the Albanian mountains from Scutari to Saint Giovanni dl Medun. thenco to Durazzo, Tirana, Schalr, Klbns san, Fieri and Valonn, where the Serbian right wing forms n Junction with the Italian forces. The nrmy Is not Idle when there Is no lighting to be done, said the Serbian prince. They hnve transformed largo areas of the Albanian wilderness Into well-ronded countries, with highways con necting the large towns. DEATH ROUS KlfiHT LITTLE ONES OF PARENTS AND GIFTS Trnin Strikes Couple Laden With Christmas Presents MANSFIKt.D, O., Dec. 21 -Laden with Christmas gifts for their eight smnll chll- HATS TRIMMED r, SLitBt8 Market : Filbert : V ! II !! Ill .II II & Jftap Cf)rttma Wo gem gill This Store Closed All Day Tomorrow To adjust any errors, rcprc Street Mam Arcade Entrance tomorrow (Christmas) morning-, "l Sunday's Papers Will Contain Sensational News Concerning Our Pre-Inventory Clearance Sales Adventureland, December 24. (, V m SVTS LEDGER t dren, John S. Klelnleln nnd Mrs. Klein leln were returning to their homo today west of Mansfield, when they failed to notice n train bearing down upon them at n crossing. . . Mrs, Klelnleln was Instantly Wiled, nnJ her husband lived only n few hours. Fatally Hurt In Cramp's Shipyard Injuries received when ho was BtrucX by a traveling crano caused the death today of Elmer McClellftn, 21 years old, 711 Lawrence street, Camden. He was em ployed ns n machinist nt Cramps' ship yard nnd failed to so his danger or hear tho warnings shouted, bv fellow workmen ns tho crano npprfeached. Mc Clcllnn was tnken to the Episcopal Hos pital, whero ho died of a fractured skull. Last Minute Gifts BALLAHAN'S All Our Stores Open Until 10.30 Tonight Mrn's Slippers. II. II.BO. tl. 2.B0. Jlrn's Milk Sox, 2.1c nn.l fine. M omen's Bedroom Slippers, 3Be, Wlc. "f.c $1 Women's Comfy .Inllet;, r,0 colors nnd tomlilnnllons, II. Vtmnrn's Silk Stocklnm, 85e. KOe. niul II. Slipper llnrklrs and Orna mrntu, reduced to half price, 600 '"llojs' Slippers, Me. (trie. II nnd II SO Born" Storm Kin Itubhrr IIooIk, VI Tr. Hoys' Slorklmts, 2HC. lloys Shofs, ll.SS to IX (hlldrrn'ft Slippers. 30c fine. II. Children's llnlilirr Hoots, I I.n.V Chil dren's Storklnirs, 25c. thlldren i Shors,. SI in to S3. Infants' Soft-nole Shoes nnd Moc rnln, BOc nnd "Be. Infants' Shoes, SOc. 1 nnd II 35. In Dainty Xmas Boxes P.T.HALLAHAN 919-921 Market Street New CrjKtnl Corner, tlOtli Chestnut 8t. tnsa-an Lnnenslrr Ate. 37K1-4R (lermnntown Axe. nnol-OQ llermnntown Axe. FREE OF CHARGE $& Eighth Seventh escntatives will lie at the Eighth of our store from 0 to 11 o'clock & sc CS? e0 My stories are real, ready tO'fold boots, in 32 pages, illustrated in six colors. ilW r 9. I , ' -b 1 ' ..r ww. Esst Accupano un semi- r tj attorno alia cltta' ed 1 uvon ai BUt-.: j.., viiv vi uumu (i.w a.r. ,. u raumzioni cho banno a lofo ta i ?t"w e la cvmansa, del mare ... ;. v iu. rona tier reautero au vm I jSgiLaB.iii'MiiiiiMUitJiwijiyw r,""H 41 w,o u9iiui. ;BiWiUi,.Jlis34i r 1.4. " , X . I