Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 24, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1
W VJ-WfflRwwflMrvSSilSSP WflJBfc Sr FINANCIAL EDITION ffirtiger NIGHT EXTRA icuenm NIGHT EXTRA zz c: vol.h--:no.88 PUIIjADiaiiPHIA, VKLDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915. Cortstanr, 1018, it tiii Pdimo I.imm Comi-ini. PBIOE ONJJ OMNT t CHRISTMAS EVE ; CITY REVELS IN yULETIDE JOY Ltvh and Listen, Santa rciaus Will Be Here When Lights Twinkle Ihildland expectant faroVn-up Land Happy, Too, in Last-Mmute liusn ot Gift Buying CLEAR AND SWEET ABOVE THE BATTLE'S DIN is ti&t .C1ffl I Bain and Snow Christmas $ Present to Philadelphia Bain and snow, wcll-wrnppcd in . m..t is lin Mjnntlior man's fihriHt- 'raas present for Philadelphia. It is coming- nnd coming fast, tho Weather llurcau announced today. (M'Rnin and snow over tho entire Wcrn part of tho United Stntos' was the officinl statement. A big a .1 i-.lnit fast A tilrnnBrill U said to bo moving eastward, ibrineing rain to the. Middle, nnd SOUtn Atlantic OUIIU3 Mliu mm ui jnoW to New York, New Englnnd, Uie AIICUIIO west uuu mu went Lakes region. Tho sky may becomo eW in the Mississippi Valley, but iWA io tin Vinnn for the South and East', to have ne weather. I Hope for a clear Ghristma3 for this city was held out until late in Die morning, iuwy ii""" num the Northeast and Northwest nnd the absence of weather information from the Southwest encouraged Mr. nil., ti nnir iVinf nnrVlnnct tho Rtnrm area would not reach Philadelphia. But tho official report from Wash ington blasted all hope. The West will enjoy fino Christ mas weather, except Washington and Oregon, where rain will prevail. (Th day before Chtlstmnsl 'AndittU through the city there Is wait- is and preparation for the coming of trneM nnd twinkling lights, und of Bind CI.iub, who, according to the latest irtless reports, has already passed the Buthcrnmost tip of Hudson Bay with his itttdlng reindeer. , Orer all this flat country where Phlta tilpbU spreads Its Btrects there hovers HKdancy Jlke- that which Jxembled. In the air above the hills "of Bethlehem 19 tatorlts ngo. Ill chlldland tho excite m, li at fever heat, and even drled-up HI raen,..wlth their youths far. fur be- tiiua mem, jiuve inusin mu nnutiivun -ML Thet most lowly toller puts extra vigor bio nis cnorts. lie, too, is waning tor Mnelhlng. Pfi'rom City Hall, Its gray nails Hanked frtlk J -I... - 1 ..., ...... ,...11.. -...1 nnM a. uui ut rcu uuu titvun J1UII' UtlU Truths and .Christmas trees. In all di rections Ilea the spcctaclo of n city on lis Unto of, Christmas. On tho down town, itrccts express wagons, trucks, MtmI post automobiles, all loaded to McrBovTlne wUh narcels. dash nast w in gots wreathed and festooned and around comers wrero varl-colored electric lights fkni. And in and out of the stores (li ter! the huce nrmv nf Mast-mlnuto" lloppcrsf dodging tho clanging trollejs, jwktnyBChemlng, staggering under buu Cm, arid those whose shopping is done. r busy time for pak jrs. .Hie fakirs and hawkers shout It, al- iOSCh thn hilrilfm nt thrtlt nnnr In ls Is something like "Nice cards, 10 eU)!' The "pardon me" of the man W" burnp3 Into n fat old lady, and the Jervomness of the blushing young fel- iH. Wlin hilt. n unci. nf mlaM.tn. en. Wlnly that Christmas is coming. The Bwile" screams It. The Jostling of throngs murmurs It. VO $L small, lllrtv DlrAt t,,rt tvnmftn In foiled CreCtl.hlnnlr lillrrla atAni. Thn lrt carried a bundle of coats, newly . With thu pockets Inside out, bal Med on her head like the washerwom- bundle. Behind her came an older .Wman, crav anil tinl. On hop homl 1t? balanced r smaller bundle of pants, Mcn are not as heavy as coats. The r.M i wero delivering the garments for nlch they were to receive a pittance. - u), moiner, saiu (lie nrst wom Wn. "We mu8t Bet JlmAiy's horn and We potatoes." There was a shining Mht In her e es. A ItW SGUnrpn nn.nv TtAfnra n ilannrl. nt store a woman In furs stepped from -"jgigrnjHaplyrsasagiaBaagiMiiU.''i'MTaiwiMMEfl i wmmmmrwi&Mmmmm: .. . 1 1 vibh i mBmmmimm&mmmm'it wi m v. vmn BREAK LOOMS NEARER; AUSTRIA TO REJECT NOTE Lansing Told Vienna Not Disposed to Accept De mands of U. S. QUICK NEWS BALKS ON PUNISHMENT Zwoidinek Informed That Washington Has Spoken Fi nal Word on Ancona I WASHINGTON, Dec 24. A diplomatic break with AuMrln may itl come Vienna Is disposed to reject the latent American demand'. Haron Znelcllnck. Austrian Charge, made thin plain to Secretary of State Latnlng to day Ho conferred with the Secretary for half an hour On leaUng tho State De partment his air of grnvltj was unmis takable He refused polntblank to dli cms tho situation In nny waj. It was lenrned, howeer, that he had asked whether this Government would be witling to debate Austria's position so far nj her own submarine action was con cerned, and was told frankly that under no circumstance") could thN Government do so The last word hai been snld. Secretnij I.nnslng assured tho diplomat, and un less Austria Is willing to dlsaow the sinking of the Anconu and punish the submarine commander for his "wilful Wotatlon of the law of nations and ngreo to pav Indemnity for tho los? of Ameri can lives continued filoudt relations be tween the two governments are Impos sible. The conference nt on the Initiative of tho Austrian diplomat, who Is under stood to hao received advices from his Government pointing out win It consid ered the latest American rejoinder of n character that It would bo dllllcult to comply with. He has been told that this Government cannot, under any cli cumstancc. debate the mien of Inter national law and tho principles of hu manity which It considers Involved In tho Ancona case. This word will be communicated to Vienna Immediately, and then Barou Hurliin, the Koielgn Minister, will decide what action to take FORD ABANDONS PEACE ENTMPRISE AND SAILS FROM NORWAY FOR U.S. Ill Health Since He Arrived in Europe Said to Be the , Reason for Return Home THE OTHERS NOT TOLD STETSONS AMY-. OF WORKERS to WEALTH OF GIFTS Christmas and 50th Jubilee Are Observed Together ALL RECEIVE BONUSES Stetson Company's Gifts to Employes Continued on Vate Two, Column Two WEATHER "f'alnly Is most trjlng. jgj- -"t ueiure unnsimas anu our Jtmas shopping not done! Small t a frown digs trenches Into our fjjr pnd our ejes have that hunted fen i, ",c UH i It is mai we i,?w what t0 get or where ,0 be" JJ 'Mi a momentous question to de JJ Whether or not to alt down and ,- -" a ian oi campaicn, or wnetner tm.li . ,rusn out nnd bc8'n buying-. ..0 lv) ,UCK AIer alt )t. not B0 Dau. JJ"' Persons haven't any money at all J2 to worst, there are plenty of good m.. v" can enu wisnes for a aierry C"itinas and a Happy New Year. j" ior pleasant Christmas weather. FORECAST I?9ri Philnitfitnhin .i .,..( r. ffiMipff cfoucZtnes, tonight, probably Ijjgy'd by tain or snow Saturday; jptmuh change in temperature: gen- y ""' HcviHmty CMotFftif. tOST AND TO01ID fcttUlMh!,. a7'Vr!r afternoon. In W.t ItSo d-, Irish terrier doe. aiuwer to n coit,,';? nam. and adJreia of owotr SS'k ttfii Atew,'l . if returned to W. li fiSgD-ANU PLATINUM BAR PIN lo.t. m lsd viucu iq a. jiacuonaii) oouui. Gik?1-.0'" oMn-fae bcUt watch. kmdTT" . . lnlUilj H M w. on tact. 4SlII." Him"' l3, "turn to htiltt ttr.K BOOIT T, M , KAU W W11.1TT Tbur.JV,',,frn vftlt Fund Society. X.0W t Ctaiji(i Ait Paot li and 1 LONDON, Dec. 24 -Henr Foul has abandoned his enterprise to "bring the boys out of tho trenches by Clulstmas," and sailed for America today iiboard tho' liner Dergensfjord. according to dis patches fropi Bergen. The peace program will be carried out by others, who crossed from America on the Oscar II. lime. Rostka Schwlmmer, Hungarian peace advocate, has promised to Interest other leaders of the Women's Interna tional Peace Association In the 'movement for a neutral congress. Ford's secretary, x.ous I'. Lochner, remains with tho peace delegates, who were due to reach Stock holm this afternoon. Dean S. S. Marquis, of Detroit, a close friend of Fold, and n servant, arc ac companying the peace leader on the re turn trip to America, according to Uergen dispatches. Ford decided to quit the party principally because his health has not been good since his arrival In Norway, The Ford delegates on their way to n.u-i Lt , ... ... .,... aiucmiuiiii itit? iKiiuruiu ui nits laci hmil ,. , -... . . :. ..," , , ',- ; . v.. iwiiiiiuyrs ot me jonn u. aictton cam .r hn turned his fnr tnwnnl A.nrlr. It Ca" ' 0.S!e'"b. Pd ' t,, "UdltorlUm Of tho la assumed here however that Ford will ac,or "Uiiaing, at 4th street and Mont is assumed iiere, nowever, tnat tora will comer- avenue, todnv for th nhriutmn, Fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the corrjpany celebrated on. (no occasion oi ine annual dls- tribution of gifts, to employes. Gifts distributed include: , 3074 turkeys, in all 42,000 pounds. 4G00 anniversary bronze medals, one for each employe. 'Pair of gloves and pound of candy for each of 1100 girls. 70 hats. 48 watches. 50 chains. 318 shares Stetson Building and I Loan Association stock, each share I having a value of ?00 at maturity. Bonuses to every employe. , Shares of Stetson Company stock; present market value ?100 each. I One $5000 life insurance policy, i BAW HOLDS JJP OWNER IN SALOON; CLEARS CASH BOX Masked Man Empties Register After Proving His Marks manship to Those Present ESCAPES AFTER FIGHT TWO DIE, HUNDREDS ESCAPE IN WRECK OX LACKAWANNA arab outbreaks seriods m egtpt CAIEO, Dec. 21. Gerloua outbreak" by ctrong Arab force? np eratlng In Tripoli and Egypt ha-vo forced Ujo British to evacuile thr frontier post of Solium, on the EgypUnnTrlpoH border, it wits ad mitted 'today. BRITAIN TIGHTENS EMBARGO WASHINGTON, Dec.' 2 1. A general tlehleulug ot the embargo on exports out of Great Britain la indicated in u dlsp.itch to tbe St.ile Department today from Consul Oeneral Skinner from London. IIBRNHARDT, WEAKER, REMEMBERS. U. S. FRIENDS 1'AnlS, Dec. 24. Jlmc. Sarah Bernhardt, Growlrljj dangerously weaker tveiy hour, remembers her friends In America and sends them her dearest Christmas greetings. Conflicting reports hao been issued from time to time ns to thu codltlon of tho famous actress, but today this statement was glcn out from Andernos Lei Balne: "lime, Bernhardt Is crowing weaker. Slip is Buffeting fiom gangrenous bones." In her messago to tho American peoplo she snvs: "Send my whole heart to tho dear American people, but not the Qermnn portion. VIo la Fruuce! Jty trip to America Is only post poned n short while." CHICAGO STOCKYARDS CATTLE SCOURGE BAN LIFTED WASHINGTON", Dec. 24. Tho Department of Agriculture announced today that the Union stock yards nt Chicago, formerly designated ns a restricted men owing to tho "foot and mouth disease," liavo been made a fieo area for the handling of stock for Immediate slaughter only. ROOSEVELT ON PROGRESSIVE BALLOT LANSING, Mich., Dec. 24. The name of Theodore Roosevelt will nppear on tho Michigan primary ballot its a candidate ot tho national Progressive party for President. Xotninntlng petitions bearing the names of 200 men were filed today with tho Secretary ot State by Fred Holbeck, of Lansing. Michigan Is tho first State in which the Colonel has been nominated by Progressives. Other Roosevelt petitions aro being circulated. WATCH YOUR S10 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. The secret servico today announced the dis covery of a new counterfeit note. It Is a $10 Federal reserve of tho Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Is regnrded as a poor specimen, which should easily be detected. continue to pay the otpensesot the peace party and that tl.ero will be no danger of any of the delegates being stranded. The fact that Lochner, who really man aged the expedition, remains with the party as Font's personal representative apparently gives this assurance. One re port from Uergen said that Ford left u. check for $270,000, to defray the future expenses of the party. A committee of Ave, whose composition will be announced at (Stockholm, will carry- out the Ford program, the Uergen dispatch said. CLEMENT NEW HEAD OF NATIONAL GUARD Commander of Third Brigade Succeeds General Dougherty, Whose Commision Expires HARRISBCP.G, Pa., Dec 2 Governor Brumbaugh today arinoupced that he had appointed Brigadier General Charles M. Clement, of Sunbury, Major General, in command, of tpa Penn,l'Jvan!a National Guard, vice Major General Charles Bow man boughert), whose commission has expired. The appointment, was made as. of pecember 22. General Clement, who has had a long experience in the guard and Is a student of modern military conditions, has been i commander oi the Third Brigade of the guard and no appointment has been, made ! , Ail thin vnnintrv. General fMmnt'a iu - ---- --...... gomery avenue, today for the Christmas entertainment and 'distribution of gifts, among which were shares of stock In the company. The celebration began at 9 o'clock. It had special significance thld year becauue It marked tho 60th anniversary of the es tablishment of the business, and a num ber of prominent men were Invited to speak. Colonel Fred Taylor Pusey, Ad jutant General, National Guard, delivered an address on the value of phslcal and military training to young men. Mayor-elect Thomas li. Smith ad dressed tho usemblagc, sang that he re gretted that Maqr lllankenburg was unable to attend. , "I admire and respect the splendid qual (ties of that man," he said, "He stands head and shoulders above the majority of the citizens of the Commonwealth. In a few days he wII leave oltice and I will take his place. If I can accomplish one-half of what he has accomplished I shall not think my efforts have been In vain. 'In this democracy we all have a chance to rise, and any worker, no mat ter how humble he may be. Is capable of rising to the highest gifts the nation. State or city has to give." He com mented on the fact that he himself had been a messenger boy. , A letter from Major Blaukenburg was red. 'You don't know how I regret Continued u Vs Two. Coluniu bevcu B. H. Tt RAISES WAGES hame, has been beard in connection wth the appointment for some time. rlrfa e tsvewng ueayer will Hot he issued tomorrow i Christmas Day. Between 6000 and 7000 Carmen Get Christmas Gift NEW YORK. Dec. 2i.-A general In crease of salaries for alt motQrmen. and conductors was announced today by the Brooklyn pid Transit Coumanv s a I Christmas gift J Between 6Q00 and TOOO men are affected I and the increase will amount to 130,000 a year A bareheaded, masked man walked Into the saloon of Frederick P Kustcr. at the not thu est corner of Gth sticet and Hunt ing Park avenue, nt 1 o'clock this morn ing, waving nn automatic icvolvcr in each hand, nnd shouted "I've como to hold up the place " Four men were In the saloon at th time. Involuntarily they shrank away from the weapons, but when the masked man stood stock still and made no other thicntenlng moves they took courage "You're kidding," said one of them "I'll show jou I'm not,' said the bandit He then threw up one of the revolvers and shot the handto from an agatn pitcher standing nt the other end ot the bar. At thla display ot markinaushlp tho four patrons ran out. Tho bandit vaulted over the bur, keep ing Kuster covered, and grabbed i) from the cash register. He then ran out thu front door Richard McDonald, of 313D North Gth street, was standing on the sidewalk Tho lleeing bandit collided with him, und Mc Donald tried to hold him, There was a short struggle. Suddenly the hold-up man got the muzzle of one revolver against McDonald's body nnd pulled the trigger. The bullet struck McDonald's watch, shut tering It, but fell harmlessly to the giouud Shortly befoie noon police of the Ger maiitovvn avenue and Lj coming stieet station at rested n man who was later Identified b MacDonald and another witness of the lobbeiy as the bandit who committed the cilme. He was arrested at his home, 4111 North Mh stieet, where ne is known as John Gross The suspect gave no buttle when Dis trict Detectives Mers and I.) oils and Patrolman Robert Thompson entered Ills loom. When questioned by Lieutenant Johnson at the station he said he was u bartender out of work and denied hav ing robbed the saloon. Rear End Collision of Flyers atSlate Ford, Pa. SCRANTON. Pa. Dec 24,-Hundrcds of Christmas holiday travelers narrowly es caped death or serious Injur early to day when the third section of a west bound Lackawanna passenger train plowed Into Section 2, killing two per sons, both negroes, and injuring live nt Slate 1'ord, Pa Section 2 had been stopped by n fielght tie-up The con ductor of the stalled train said he hod set torpedoes a quarter of n mile back and left a brakeman to ilag the last section. SMALLPOX STEAMSHIP APPROACHING PORT Euglish Vessel to Be Quaran tined Sailor Stricken With Malady Blankenbura Sends Last Christmas Greeting as Mayor Office of the Mayor. Philadelphia, i December 24, 1915. To my fellow citizens; j Let us all enter unreservedly into the spirit of Christroastide. I We have tried faithfully to do our duty toward the untold number of war sufferers in Europe, Jiave con- I tributed freely of our means, have given our time and our sympathy; now we owe something to ourselves and our own country. That debt i can best be paid if we realize and appreciate the many blessings -that i have come to us as a city and a nation. Let us therefore draw ' from the Christmas festival a new lesson of life and a new power to , serve others, dfmctrM4 Mayor. A case of smallpox was discovered to day by quarantine officials on the In coming English tinmp steamship George Pjman, from Bircolona, Spain. The ship was ordered to proceed up the river and cast anchor off tho Gloucester Immi grant station, wheie the cieiv will be Interned for severnl weeks. Olllcers and seamen of tho George Py nian did not know that the sailor stricken several dajs ago had smallpox, but re alized that he was suffering from an unusual malad When the ship passed the Dclavvaie Breakwater last night word was sent to have a quarantine doctor come to the ship as soon as possible to attend the man. When It was announced that there was a case nf smallpox on boaid mail nf the 12 other seamen became terror-stricken ns they have been In close contact with the sick man for several das. Others who did not dread the disease so much, expressed keen disappointment at tl e prospect of spending their Christmas and New Year's day in confinement The George Pjman will be fumigated at once. $523,000 GOES TODAY FOR JEWS IN EUROPE NKW YORK, Dec. 24. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. will transmit by cable to European cnpital.s $525,000 for the aid of suffering Jews In the wnrring countries. Tho money, which will bo available for distribution In a tew days, represents what has b,f;eu received In cash of more JhaiiJ800,000 pledged and givopr-ut tho-meeting on Tuesday night In Carnegie Hall. AMERICAN WOMAN GIVES $2,000,000 TO ITALIANS ROME. Dec. 24. The Stefan! News Agency says that Mrs. Josephine del Drngo, of Now York, has offered J2.000.000 to the Queen of Itnly for distribution among the families of combatants and that the Queen has accepted the proffer with profound thanks. Mrs. Josephine del Drago Inherited fiom her husband, the late August Schmid, of New York, a large estnte. Mr. Schmld vvns a prosperous brewer, and Mrs. del Drago Is now president of the big brewery company of which her hus band was the head when he died In 1889. DUELLID'ARTIGLIERIA SULFR0NTEITALIAN0 SWEDEN STOPS BRITISH MAIL TO RUSSIA BERLIN, Dec. 24. Stockholm dispatches state Hint 10,000 parcel post packnges consigned from England to Russia have been held up by the Swedish authorities at Hapnrnnda and 2500 have been stopped at Stockholm. They also report that the English authorities seized registered letters on board the steamship Frlsln while It was bound to Europe from America. ITALIANS SEIZE GREEK TANKER ROME. Dec. 24. A dispatch from Brlndisl announces the cnptuie by two Italian torpedoboats of n Greek steamship carrying oil for Austrian and Ger man submarines in the Mediterranean. BRITISH LOSSES 528,127 UP TO DECEMBER 9 LONDON, Dec. 24. British casualties on all fronts up to December 9 totaled 528,127, Premier Asnulth announced today. TURKS DESTROY BRITISH AEROPLANE IN JUDEA CONSTANTINOPLE, Dec. 24. The destruction of nn enemy neroplane on the Egyptian front was announced by the War Otllce today. Only artillery duels were reported ftofn the .'Dardanelles; "Transciucasluit front: Russian iUtacks at Mllo were repulsed. Dardanelles front: Only artillery activity on the light wing near Sedd-EI-Bahr Is reported. Egyptian front: A hostile neroplane wus brought down near Beersht'ba." Beerslieeba la 40 miles southwest of Jerusalem. BRITISH EMBASSY DENIES RED CROSS EMBARGO WASHINGTON. Dec. 24. The British' Embassy today officially denied the report that. Great -Britain had 'declined to permit the shipment of American Red Cross supplies to Germany. . ' 1 i . ! . J JOFFRE OUSTS 15 MORE GENERALS i -. PARIS, Dec. 24, Fifteen more Frenchgenernls have beep relieved o( active command bj General Joffre In the reorganization of the military establish ment. Five "were retired und others placed, on Hie reserve fist, Violenta Battaglia Tra Serbi e Bulgari in Territorio Alban- ese, ad Elbassan II Xllnlxtero dells Gueria ha annuncl alo a Itoma, che si souo avutl sul fronte itallaiio soltanto duelll dl artlglleiia, e che le batterie Italians hanno bombardato di nuovo la stazione di I.evico, in Val iSugana K' giunto a Roma II prfneipe Alessandro Karageorsevlo ill Serbia, II quale ha detto che serbl e bulgarl hanno combattuto per tre giornl uelle vlclnanze di Elbassan, doe iu territorio ulbanese. e che 1 serbl hanno resplnto tutti gll attacch! del bul garl. Notizle gluute a Roma dal Monte negro dlcono pero' che quel piccolo regno. I e stato quasi tuuo conquistata uaiie truppe austro-uugarlche e che la situ azlone del resto dell'eserclto montene grino e' quasi dispel ata, tanto che (a famlglla di re Nicola si troverebbe gla' ad Antlvari, dove si terrebbe prom a ad im barcarsl per l'ltalla Essa sara' allog glata nel Palazzo Pitti a Flrenze. Pa Brlndisl telegrafano che due tor p'edlniere Itallane hauno catturato un plroscafo greco che aveva a bordo un carlco dl benzlna destlnato al sottomarlnl austrlaci e tedeschl op?rantl nel Medl terraneo. (Leggere in paglna, le ulttme e plu' dettagliate notizle sulla guerra, in Itail- ano 1 TEUTON SWEEP OF SERBIA NEARLY COMPLETE ROME. Dec" 24. Conquest of Montenegro by the Teutonic troops is almost complete. The remnants of the Montenegrin army ure fighting in their mountains against the Austro-Hungarian forces, but their situation has become so hopeless that arrangements are. being made to evacuate Cettinje, the capital. King Nicholas and Queen Mllena will take refuge In Italy, which haa offered to shelter King Peter and his Serbian court. NEW CAMPAIGN NEAR ON RUSSIAN FRONT LONDON, Dec, 24. From Russia come reports that the- Genitalis and Rus biaus alike are making energetic preparations for new operations early In the new jear. The Russian mil Italy organ, the Rusaky Invalid, sus; "The winter campaign on the Russian fiont will not be confined to u war of position. Im, portant events are likely very soon. SLAV ADVANCE MENACES TURKS ON TIGRIS FETROGRAD, Dec, 24 "In Persia, on Suuday night, sajs an official bul letin issued last night, "we dislodged the insurgents from the region of the village of Arbarik, northwest of Hamadan. South of Hamadan we occupied Assabad Pass. On the 20th our detachment, before entering Kura, took by assault the vollage Save, putting the rebels to flight and capturing' about Sn0 gendarmes mounted pnd afoot." An earlier report telU of a number of successful skirmishes in the Cau casus and Persia, and announces thai he Russians have occupied Blaor Pass, 25 mile" southwest of the tpwa of l'rni"Ia. This puts them across the Turkish frontier about 80 miles northwest of Mo,ul. and a further advanco in this direc tion will soon put them in a position to endanger the conimunlc&uous of the Turkish Bagdaa urru facing the British in Mesopotamia. ---- --. , I- ., I v ... . p and Birsky, Montague .GlassNew- Characters, Discuss the Panam$ Canal on Page 6 of Today's Evenng Ledger ,-j- -iwlfr4d1.fi, A K&kiumfaLj.4