mmmmm vm? jf V, i v MIMIi K OF THE MOVIES I Hm - CAUSES 'DI&TRUCTION' ( . t..- :.i TJnln nf ATnvo Xhecia iii" " """- """'" Evil Unaracier xhhh Aiy- Yet Done by iicr n ihr Photoplay Editor MtTTfON A rt mm ,n. n'P PJt. FJKS.i an directed by w. a. uavis .. yj.fd Jionu.u. , l nrnn imrn . . . .Tames rurev . ... Cnrllon Mnev (Iimton Hell .nstlicr If. Holer . ..Wnrnor Olanil ...Hrrhprt Frank . ... rrank E!ans Arthur Morrtdon SXrroWnt fhnTe ponnei i" "J?A..''of tts who havo seen Thcda Bara . -a" Fool There Wns." "The Clcmenceau cut" and "ino -"'- " !"""" ?T....i.t had witnessed all the evil any L woman could depict, yet In ''Dcstrue- i. M her newest mm i"r vi...a.u , a '.... mnrrt evil rolo than any that nine ia ... Lv, pono heforc. ttp to now, while one, find possibly two, individuals nnvc imu F . .- .nrfcr throush tho wickedness of 'ML, (nchnntress. In the new character Hundred ICCI mi- """" .-- - f te ns the result 01 ucr sciiciiiiiiK' k iv. .mrv is nn tho old Labor vs. Cnpttnt funestlon. only "Us time Labor Is used sfeL. to break her husband, tho capitalist, 1!mI she mav get his wealth and live Iirllh in nm" " ""w " - fjnoment. . ,1. .ln,i, tlinf I'TteatfltrHnn" " ' . i, tnt If la .r.dJ any rc.-n "'"" ...-.., .-. .. .. r fir.fetchcd nnd overdrawn; nor yet on IfCOlint 01 nnV KMUi-umiij Hww, t'.lihough Tlieiln. Harn and Herbert frank Euro moments of really sincere Insight fliits their respective parts. It Is purelv Kt action, intense, thrilling action, that 'ithrlll In the movie Is passing, but It still Us a atronir appeal, huh mn nun na Bny, many inrius in mi mu nv" imna. "The scenes In tho mill nro excccdlntfly .. .,... ..! il.n llfrhUn vnrv nrtlstln. Mil unill mm n'" ........ . - - .r -- ,r. . iti- -....... I.n(unnii Thnrtfi Tlnrn SUnd Frnnk In tho mill nnd nRnln nt the AVell done, especially by Frank. Thcda liH . n. nl.i'nvo linn n trrrnt fondtinsn in. n'nvlnir her arms wildly to depict tcr- I trior. While exceedingly exciting, It Is IWk.rrlH- ronvlncllig. The mob scenes during tho strike nro t'ett well lianilicd. Jliu pucuiiur pun. ui Wiht nleture Is the totnl lack nt nblllty displayed by the supposedly leading man, Wtrrcn Olnnd. Ho la neither clever nor .l-i.,! i nnt, nf lilu tinnTir.a Hlm linaf Vork Is easily done by Herbert Frnnk and Jtmcs r urey.. "jcsiruuiiuii wm oa Ibown at tho Arcadia next week. I At tho Stanley Thcatro tho last half f this week Frank Losee, tho character 'ictor, will be Josh Wliltcomb, tho be 't lmrnrtpr In MThn Old IInmestrnll.,' f!ffhlcli tho late Dcntnnn Thompson rcn- ntmi untorgcttnlilo by His quaint and f charming Impersonation. The first Im i oortant role which Mr. Losco played upon tli screen was tho villainous Ilaron Bon- (III in lno uicrnai uuy, in wnicn no ittalnod a great success In support of PiuIIno Frederick. Mr. Loseo has been teen In a number of other big produc h tons, the last of which Is "Tho Mns LVQueradcrs," In which Hazel Dawn Is riUrred. Tho theatrical career of Frank F'.Losce Is a long one. P. A natlvo of Urooklyn, ho first nppcarcd 1M hn ti r'nttrf Qt.Hi, Tlinntr I. V.I dty, which stood upon tho slto of tho Jipresent Dlino Savings Bank. His latest J USe Biiccess was scored In tho rolo of BiErick Drakon In support of William Fucrshnm In 'Tho Hawk. Between (jtstse two perrormanccs thero stretches .i Inntr llaf nf nln ia It, wlitnli Alt T nAA liia been seen to ndvnntnge. These In- :ftnit nnnpnrnnrps with f?lnrn. "Mnrrlu In fcttfDenlse," with Itobson nnd Crnno In if -The New Henrietta," with John Drew In fXHIchard l urvel," with Bertha Galland U'Dorotliy Vernon ot iiauaon ainii" and H with Frances Starr In "Tho Bosa of tho Ruicho." One of his greatest lilts was In tho (imous rolo of Yuba Bill In "M'Llss." Ho u also Instrumental In the success of ?Th Houso Next Door." Eminently ttted by training and experience for tho pUylng of a wldo variety of character ml "heavy" roles, nnd possessed of one Rot the most rarely charming personalities K of the theatrical world, Mr. Loseo Is a f. popular actor. y FRANK PETERSON DEAD Proprietor of Famous "StnB" Cafo Collapses on Street Frank Peterson, ivell known in Phlla. t Wphla and throughout South Jersey as proprietor of tho "Stag," his famous hotel id cafe, at 31S Market street, Camden, to dead today nt his home, l State street. Peterson, who -was Bl years old, was walking homo at 2:30 this morning with James Long, chief of the Water Bureau, when he suddenly reeled over nnd col lapsed. He was taken to tho Cooper Hos pital, where ho was pronounced dead. Heart disensn vnn elvpn nq thp. rnupn. .Peterson suffered n. ulmllar attack a I week ago. but had apparently fully re- COVererf. lln irna n Mnann n T.llf nml n I member of ninny other fraternal organ- K hatlons. Ha Is Rllrvlvpcl hv n. wlfn nnd fc four children. Dog nites Three Boys Phyatclana tn thp. Ttnnqpvplt TTnnnltnt nrA Jeday trying to ascertain If a dog that Olt tlireA IIIMa linva Incil- ntcvlit wna tnml Th animal attacked everything In sight oin street nnd Falrmount avenue "st evening and was not overpowered totll Policemen Kelly and McGowan, of ui 3d street nnd falrmount avenue sta- n, mrew a barrel over It. Then they Procured somn rlinlnrfnrm from it ilrui? tore and killed tho nnlmnl, Tho boys . the hospital are Abraham Abrahams, 'Tears old, of S50 North 3d street; Bchler xwierman, 10 years old, of 931 North faadolph street, and dcorge Brunckle, years Old. nf 7"7 Mnrtl. im.rlnn (!. ciHjmnicrm Trains. En' 'nines or Pas senger and Freinht ears. IExl" XQTxZiF IIj3 fia ohnii ina the most complete line in '" m, extra cars nao up. m upen Evenings 13 No. Thirteenth SU ffX? Sweaters & Blankets ff. . SJ.2S to S2.S0 IIM h Dog Collars te'..fl I 100 different klnd " 25c to $5.00 Will -tr "ma engraved FJtKQ W Kinds of Puppies, $S to $25 K MULLEN CO, MitV li ouA--IELIVi:n WHEN 'OD SAV uu tnnlu Uutll J o'clock W CUEbTMT HU "til Phooe, Waloot S891, t 5ciglpji& EVENING o - , y yds o THEDA BARA Appenrlncr in tho new Pox film, "Destruction," which will bo shown nt tho Arctulla next week. PLAN IMPROVEMENTS IN WASHINGTON SQUARE Association Will Beautify Park by Planting of Now Trees 'in Spring Washington Square Is to be beautified when spring comes along by tho planting of new trees to replace thoso planted thero In tho days after tho Kvolutlonnry war nnd which now show signs of de cay, nfter more than n century and n qunrtor of exposure to Philadelphia weather. This Is tho plan of tho Wash ington Square Improvement Ansoclatlon, which Is co-opcrnting with tho city In Improving tho nppcaranco of tho park n many ways, Tho association was formed two years ngo for tho specific purpose of Improving the square, onco tho site of a prison for llrltlsh soldiers and n potter's field for tho burial of tho dead. Stnco the associa tion camo Into being tho park has been slowly transformed and In tho Inst few mouths workmen have been engaged In straightening out and beautifying tho wnlks.through tho square. Plans lmvo been made for removing all tho old trcos which have fallen Into de cay. Thero nro 110 varieties of trees In tho square, and during the Inst few days llaymond Pond, city forester, nnd Will iam F. Dreor, an expert horticulturist, havo examined every ono of them to decide which should bo replaced. Included In tho membership of the Washington Squaro Improvement Asso ciation Is virtually every person whoso property faces the square, and moro than $1500 Is available for the work proposed. Cyrus It. K. Curtis la president nnd Edward Bok Is treasurer of tho associa tion. Other active members are Charle magne Tower, J. Bertram LIpplncott, G. Colcsberry Purves, Ell ICIrk Price, Gcorgo IC. Johnson, 12. M. Johnson and tho Itev. Edward Yates Hill. Mother Strangles Daughter CINCINNATI. Dec. 22. Mrs. Minnie Schmltz awoko her husband, George Schmltz, a carpenter, early today and told him she had killed their daughter, Ger trude. 17. Schmltz found tho child had been strangled with ono of his neckties. Tho police say Mrs, Schmltz told them sho had killed Gortrudo because tho latter had been wayward. ""TfflTSSR2" lifH Bn&M Boufww Grnpom Tnn fotlovrlnr theatres obtain their pictures through the STANT.r.T ltooklnc Company, wlileh Is a guarantee of early botlnK of (lit flout productions. All pictures revlenril before eililtiltlon. Ask for th theatre In your locality obtaining pictures tlirougU the brANLISY llook tnr Company. ALHAMBRA ffifr i Vaude MorrIn A raasYunk Ave. Tin II v ut O Ie . 7A0, 'au'devllle & Param't rictures. xi r lntu -lt'- tlnv Tlin COWAHO.' Featuring rranlc Keenan. ARCADIA CHESTNUT IU2I.OW 10TII FUAN1C KEENAN and CHAIILKS HAY In " T 11 li J " A IV J rtoseoa Arbuckla In 'Tickle Katty'a Fall," Atn I f "D and Thompson ArULLU MATINEE DAILY VALLI VALLI in "THE WOMAN PAYS" AUDITORIUM , NOnHT,i st. "THE MAN FROM OREGON" Featuring Howard Hickman & Clara Wllllama BLUEBIRD -09 NonTK un0AD 8T- Equitable I'resents HENHY KOMvEH In "THE WARNING" BIJOU DREAM ,:05 MAnKET BT- chas. TitowuninaK & MLT.E DIANE in "THE SIREN'S SONG" TUB POPULAIl CEDAR T" BOTH CKDAH Win. For present VALESKA SUHATT In ".n prtrtl nil IHinjnWiV n AH. --IIE, DUl'IJ UV ... " , -t-- Taramount Travel tseri" Wurlltier Organ FAIRMOUNT 28TH AND OIRARD AVE. .! a J..--.... t n-af a TVITIInma tn TIf R TRUTH AROUT HELEN." .Ymnj DayCandu (ret to children betict-en IX and I o'clock. GERMANTOWN 5MSSSa EMILY STEVENS In "THE HOUSE OF TEARS" nt OIJC BOTH & MARKET raramount OtTers MARY P1CKFORD In "ESMERALDA" OIDADH AVENUE THEATRE UIKAKL 7TH AND OIRARD AVE. Clara Klmtall Younc and Wilton Lackaya in "TRILBY" JEFFERSON "Tn a?rdeSA3UPH,n MARY PICKFORD in "CINDERELLA" LAFAYETTE 20" kensingatub DONALD BRIAN in THE VOJCB IN TIIB FOQ" LIDTDTV BROAD AND lOIiK 1 I COLUMBIA Universal Broadway Film Co. Preaenti Hobart Bosworth in "Colorado" LOGAN THEATRE "Md ROBERT B. MANTELL in TUB BLINDNESS OF DEVOTION" Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday In Motion Picture Chart HEDGBR - PHIL'ADEIPHIA WBBESBXX DTDUEHBTSlt gg, TlTTfo CARUSO COMES BACK; VOICE GOLDEN AGAIN His Reburnishcd Notes Shino Through Revival of Verdi's "Masked Ball" Mr. Enrico Cnnno, who received last night nt tho Metropolitan Opera House, mado "melodloui moan" as Shelley phrnse It not (what you would expect nfter henrlng his husky endeavors In "II Trovntoro") that ho was losing his voice, but that "lie was singing badly the rolo ot Itlccardo, his ringing vocallsm In which li ono of tho half dozen reasons for occasional revival of Verdi's "Un Ilallo In Maschern." His misgivings tho tenor confided with pnlhetlo shrugs and much affecting dumb-play In display of a disobedient "pomum Adonis," nn ap parently constricted trachea nnd a laryngeal laxity that wns distressing to him. He confided them to tho Invaluable Mr. William J. Guard, who, ns well ns penning adjectives nbout tho singers, Is ever nnd nnon called upon to explain their cotds before tho curtain nnd to offer fotnee In such tristful moments ns that last evening. Mr. Guard told him to "go to" or substantially thnt nnd then con veyed tho tidings to tho assembled critics In the pressroom, or such of them ns are devoted to tho Lady Nicotine, as well ns the Muso of Song. Mr. Guard said Mr. Caruso was singing all right. Of course, ho Is paid to do something llko that. Hut lie Is rather frank at proper times nnd docs not try to deceive tho critics with anything moro deadly than adjectives. Mr. Guard spoke sooth. Ills distinguished colleague of tho Metropolitan Grand Opera Company has no cause for worry. Nothing Is wrong with his tubes or his pipes. Ills notes nro gold again. They are fair barter for the gold of Uncle Sam, which wns exchanged last night for them. A goodly store of eagles nnd hnlf-dlttos was turned In, for tho "houso" wns almost "capacity." Tho sour notes and coarsened tones of "II Trovntoro" nro forglcn. Oporngoers nro reassured that Mr. Caruso can sing. Let Mr. Caruso bo himself assured If he has any lingering doubts after what tho papers say this morning. This reporter of musical functions has not read them, but is willing to wager on tho nlllrmatlvo consensus. As for tho Verdlan opera, It had all tho Interest of Italian opera of tho old school. Tho locale seemed to hover between tho Swedish city of tho later nilddlo ages, In which tho plot was originally laid, and Winter FORD Bodies 1913-14 Coupe $1 1 f I 1913-14 n Limousine $75 Atfnchmrat Frre. Complete Equipment. No Eitnn UNICO FORD BODIES IlISAIi HODY COX.STIIUCTIO.V Not Imitation leather Interior Kull Coach KlnLih Interior Full Upliol.itereU On Sale Br LOWRY TOP & BODY CO. 21tt and Ludlow Streets Made and Guaranteed By The Unit Construction Co, 121-131 South 31it Street Both Phones PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATION rj! LOCUST B5B-AND r rknrtaf crnrrTd VIVIAN MARTIN in UVEIt NtUIIT Logan Auditorium , llr RICHARD BUHLER in "THE RIGHTS Or MAN" I FAHPR FOnTY-FIKST AND JIi.rtiyiir LANCASTEIl AVENUE RALPH KELLARD in "HEIl MOTHER'S SECRET" Market St. Theatre 333 MAS?gJCT World Film Corp. Treients EDWIN ARDEN III "THE UREY MASK" SECOND KPHSOnE "ailAKT" PPPHFIIftr GERMAN-TOWN AND chelten aves. Thcda Rare 111 "THE GALLEY SLAVE" Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew In "Ronney's Sad Case." M. Costello In "S.ilnts and Sinners" HRTPIMT 62D AND WOODLAND AVE. wlica 1 1 Dally Mat. 2. Etc. (1:30 to 11. PATHE GOLD ROOSTEIt I'LAY Florence Reed in "AT BAY" PAT APF lsl MARKET STREET ITrtJ,rtIl, jo A- M- to jj.j3 p st MARGUERITE CLARK in "TUB PRINCE AND THE PAUPER" PARK" nIDQH AVE. DAUPHIN. 1 Continuous Show from 1-3 & 8.30-U. A Paramount TVAtilrA TUB CHOItl'H WD" With an All-Star Cast PRINCESS mSa "A MAN'S SACRIFICE" "OH DOCTOR" RIAI Tfl GERMANTOWN AVE. IMrVL. 1U AT TULPEHOCKEN 8T. ROBERT EDESON in THE CAVEMAN" RFHFNT 103t MARKET STREET 1Vi-'V31-a' uvsiAtr vowa organ PAUL GILMORB i MAROAItET SNOW In "ROSEMARY" R1TD V MARKET STREET U O I BELOW 7TII STREET TRIANGLE PLAYS "SAVED BY WIRELESS"' 'THE DISCIPLE" SHERWOOD ht,ianbai,t,more OLIVER MOROSCO Presents ELSIE JAMS In "'TWAS EVER THUS" SAVOY 1211 MARKET STREET Lubln Presents Or ml Hawley & Earl Metcalf In "THE NATION'S PERIL" VlfTflRIA MARKET ST. 1 1 UKlft ABOVE NINTH VIVIAN MARTIN in "OVER NIGHT" STANLEY MAnKET ABOVE 18TH continuous i Maclyn Arbuckle in 11 A M. to 'TUB REFORM H:i5 p. u. CANDIDATE" LUXI Massachusetts Bay of Colonial times, to which the notion wns transferred when political reasons made the censors ban tho work ni originally written. For thero li an assassination In It nnd assassina tions set a bad object lesson to anient pa triots In tho days of unrest during which Verdi wroto his opera. What Is virtually tho Covcnt Garden version' was used, and It relieved tho stngo of tho palpable ab surdities of tho changed locntlon. Tho reason for tho absurdity Is not thnt the sccno wns changed to Massachusetts, on tho stern coasts of which balls were In congruous, but because tho chnnge, ns hnstlly tnado by Sominn. Verdi's librettist, was not a complete transference of locale nnd ntmospherc. It Is hypercritical to say that composer nnd librettist were guilty of anachronism on the score that balls wero unknown In Colonial Massa chusetts, ns Is often charged by histori cally uninformed persons. As a matter of proof they may bn referred to that real New Englandcr, Nathaniel Hawthorne, who wroto a story In his "Legcndp of tho Province House" nbout a Governor's Hall, precisely what Somma used In his book for Verdi. Mr. Caruso had good support. Amato was tho Ilenato, who Is chief of tho con spirators; Mclanlo ICurt the Amelia, who causes the trouble through her good looks and her trust In potions prepared by witches; Mnrla Ducheno tho brewer of spells ns potent ns thoso of tho Gllbcrtlan John Wellington Wells, and Giorgio Po lacco, tho rhythmically Illuminative con ductor of tho pronouncedly Verdlan melo dies of tho composer's enrly period, In which tune counted for nil. Tho oulstnndlng artistic flguro ot the performance wns tho personation of Amnio, who sang with faultless technique nnd romantlo fervor, nnd brought con vincing Illusion to tho drama of his rolo. Mine. Kurt, suffering from grip, recov ered from her flrst-nct hoarseness and sang voluminously If somewhat stridently Inter In tho evening. Eulth Mason's paco, Oscar, was a piquant and attractive llgure. As for tho half dozen reasons why "Tho Masked Uall" Is worth occasional revival, tho other tlvo aro that It Is qiilntessenll ally melodious! W. II. M. New Stamped Envelopes Coming Watch for tho new two-cent stamp. It may be a case of watchful waiting, as tho stomps, or rather the now stamped envelopes, nro not expected at tho Phila delphia Postofllco for more than a month Georgo Washington tired, per haps, of having his prolllo framed In nn oblong on two-cent stamped envelopes; nt nil events, tho new stnmps will be round, but otherwise will bo nlmost Iden tical to tho old ones. The new stnmpcd envelopes nro being Issued at Wash ington. On Sale By JAWER'S AUTO SUPPLY 2727 N. Broad St SSBBSSStaHHSBBBHBi CENTItAI, Chestnut St. Op. House J & CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE SEE TODAY'S AMUSEMENT COLUMN WEST PHILADELPHIA fiRANn B2D AND MARKET STREETS VJIVttlL MATINEE DAILY, 2 P. M.. Bo i"Lenx DOROTHY BERNARD in "THE LITTLE GYPSY" OVERRROOK" MD AND JVJLIDlJWri. HAVERFORD AVU Bob Leonard and Ella Hall in "XMAS MEMORIES Ell R F IC A 0T" AND J RLAA MARKET STREETS i'?nm Corp' Mary Miles Winter " "EMMY OF STORK'S NEST" IMPERIAI 60T" AND llY117s-.llrAl-i WALNUT STREETS THEDA BARA in THE GALLEY SLAVE" nARDFN C3D INSDOWNB AVE. UrttVLLill MAT nva 6;30 HENRY B. WALTHALL in "BEULAH" NORTH Hrpnr Nnrlliom HROAD ST. ERIH ureai iNorinern germant'n aves. "Jordan Is a Hard Road." with DOROTHY OISH- a D. W. Orlmth Teature "FATTY AND THE BROADWAY STARS" WEBER & FIELDS Broad Street Casino bhoad.. EVENING T 11 and 11 BROADWAY STAR FEATURE "HEREDITY" TIVOLI Theatre fS, "THE IDLE RICH" "COPPER" Others NORTHWEST West Allegheny mVs"'.;: U?,ramoynt Picture Presents MARY PICK ORD In ono of her greatest pleturliatlons. "RAGS," in 6 Parts StiRntierianna theatrb-itth & ousqucnanna spsquehanna avb. NELL CRAIG RICHARD C. TRAVERS In "In the Palace of the King" fivf 1'AHTa HARRY DARBY THEATRE DA?Zr' Cyril Maude in "PEER GYNP PARAMOUNT PICTURE Sidney Drew In "Sato Investment' Mat. & Ev. MHUIIKAST 9TRANH J2TH n,l OIRARD AVE. -,4Ivf1'1-' Mats. Wd. and Bat. "NEAL OF THE NAVY," No. 7 JOHN MORENZ & RUTH STONEHOUSE In a thrce-ait Drama. KENSINGTON JlIlvlRO FRONT BT. AND U M O J OIRARD AVa . EXTRAVAGANCE" "TJIE KEY TO THE PAST' 'NEAL OF Tins N.VVY." No. 8 "ALMOST A PAPA" MiVTII P1I1L.4UELP1IIA HI YMPIA BnOAD AND VJLiatTU lf BAINBRIDQB ST3. NEWS NIOI1T ALL I-TEST NEWS FILMS "THRU TROUBLED WATERS" " "ruCrS- 11 'V'l vtii Br" RED AND BLUE CHIDES TIIE PENNSYLVANIA U of P. Daily Publication Is Charged With Lack of Ag gressive Leadership The Pcnnsylvnnlftti, tho tinderirrnrtuatfl dnlly newspaper of tho University ot Ponnsylvnnln, Is taken to task In rather vlfrorous editorial fashion by tho ncd nnd ntuo, the Illustrated monthly publication, for Its falturo to bo a real, nssresslve leader of University thought and nctlon, Instead of a mere chronicle of events. Here are some of the "lost opportune ties" which the ned and Dluo thinks tho Pcnnsylvanlan should have taken up and settled: First The problems of the present foot ball season. Second. Tho absurd story printed, by "sensation monffcr newspapers" of "hti(?e dnmane and Rcneral lawlessness" In tho poster flRlit, etc. Third. Putting the cost of Athletic As sociation books on tho tuttlon bills. Fourth. Itescntlns the action of the Athletic Association In withdrawing the Pcnnsylvnnlnn'11 complimentary seats In retaliation for Its editorial on the football situation. Fifth. The question of the "amateur athlete." "Tho nod and Blue believes," remarks tho editor, "that a colleKo dnlly paper should be moro than a mcro chronicle. The daily nlone possesses tho power of drlvltiR to a finish those thlncs which It advocate'). Punch Howl nnd lied and Uluo can point out editorially vnrloiit! phases of University life and urgo Im provements, but to the Pcnnsylvanlan be longs tho ability to sco that theso lm provement') nro carried out." ran s?- 0$ r Pil i III ' HI vA SvS - $$j- J l i k 111 V J VN. s, rT VV i ' f I -m ' i The Gift That Above Everything Else Will Bring the Spirit of Christmas Have you a child? Music in the home brings to the children the greatest gift of all the gift of music, the influence of which has no limit. You, who have forgotten how to play, the Cunningham Player Piano will fulfill every desire. It will bring to you more real pleasure lasting pleasure than you could obtain by any other means. Why deprive yourself? A Cunningham Made Player-Piano, $450 It took years of study and careful analysis before we felt we could construct a Player-Piano with Cunningham standards for $430 and guarantee it for seven years. But the same care and labor are used in the construction of this instrument at $450 as in our more expensive instruments, and you would have to pay at least $600 if you were buying the same grade of instrument from a dealer instead of the manufacturer. If you have a silent piano, we will take it in exchange for any of our Player-Pianos, allowing you full value. It Pays ra 11th and Chestnut Streets j&s Jm plano nii 18 Factory, 50th and Parkside Avenue ZZIZ'- I Pymnt plan. j Philadelphia Branches P - B2d and Chestnut Streets fV Nam. ....,.,, ,.....,. M 2835 Germantown Aveuue S OPEN EVENINGS TILL XMAS AWre" " - fl i BOYS' GOOD CONDUCT WINS Twelve Get Cortfficales Tonight From Juvenile Court After Proving Worthy of Probation Twelve boys, who havo been on proba tion by the Juvcnllo Court, will feel tho spirit of Christmas tlmo when, In McKeL vey Hall, at 4M street nnd Iancaaler ave nue, they will rccelvo certificates show Ins that beeauso of continued Rood conduct they havo been discharged by tho court. Kach certificate will be signed by Judge llaymond MacNclllo, who has charge of tho Juvcnllo Court. Tho boys who will bo discharged aro William Shnnahan, Charles Cahlll, Athert Magltano, I.eo Hills, Anthony Scully, Charles Callahan, 'William Mammelc. I'd ward Murray, William Murray, Maurlco Duffy, Joseph Morlaflty nnd William Clark. Thoso who will bo placed on tho honor list aro rhlllp llolss, Harry Ash. William Mulhern, Cajatan DcChlco, Wil liam Jlogan, Harry Blair, William Cor nelly nnd John Gavin. There will bo an entertainment, gifts and refreshments for tho boya John Dennis Mahoney, head of tho English de partment of the West Philadelphia High School, will tell tho boys somo things they ought to know. Oimmmiuu )iniu ADAMS ARGOOD CHOCOLATE CO Wo havo several now Ideas In tho candy lino, Including a popu lar priced box of Chocolates, cllmlnntlng stylo and putting; all In tho goods, making nn Ideal homo packngo 219 S. Broad Street The Ideal A Cunningham Piano or Player -Piano to Purchase from Us, the t) ACCUSES FELLOW BLUEC0AT Court Investigating Charge Made by PoIiccmoR Seeking Divorce Judges Brcgy, Patterson and Shoe maker conducted nn Investigation today Into tho circumstances of tho divorce pro ceedings brought by dcoigo W. West, n policeman, against his wife, Catharine West In which William H. Fryllng, nr, other bluccont, was named co-respondent Tho Court decided on tho Investigation owing to tho conflict of testimony and nfter (ho hearing, held tho case under advisement. West testified that ho found his wife nnd Fryllng In a compromising position. Hoth Fryllng and tho woman denied this, Fryllng wns acquitted by the Pollco Board ot Inquiry somo tlmo ago on charges of conduct unbecoming nn oftlcor. Tho Wests were married 22 jears and had 10 children, five of whom arc living. J.FranWihMfflerj 1626 Chestnut St. Thermos Bottles Make Practical Xmas Gifts All iliei. ahapei and I prices. "Ths Xlouisfnrnlihlnr Btore" &AS APPLIANCES Tor Mechanical Purposes BEND FOlt CA.TALOO L. D. DERGEIl CO., 59 N. 2d Street DettJJarktt IH. KtuttoneUaln (. Gift Makers mm II M 'VI