Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 22, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    m Lmwi'WwiimW '""! 'H'm'
Lldents of ProgrcMlvo UMn
Will Stand Test and
1 Prove Effective
nt Colwui. n
.....tl .!
ill ntf'0 M l onv"' " " ' " ""
. . - iinriiv nml npnr Slinron Hill,
isBbe ffsrfunto.1. nerorillns to the pro
jj of n ordinance prmcil bv the
mi fit Hint LoioiirIi Tho document
W10" " . ., . o W Wntortnnn
Xr b a volp or G to ' nml '"
orikr tli.it tlic onlmniipp mlRht not
tote f"1 froOoimm of ,l,,, Constitution
If tlrt L'nlteil Klnto nrolilliltlriK illscrlml-
tlon oca""' "rRroo. ,,,c nel cnrc"
Slr framed the Inu to soBrpiiiito white
', s veil Thoe who ilren up the
Lotnent liol.I thnt. b lirohlbltlnjr white
fSnw i from inliamtlnu the ""Pro ills
m mt the np;rpi from the sectlonq
SSbI(J by the white", no illicrlmlnn
l, ,howi) nnil the iloemiieiit Is legnl.
ilihough i'oliii comprises nbout "iiO
im there hni been n RtroiiR race feci.
.rtre for several yenrs. The borotlyh
Jiiti Hint It ha" m nillllfmiilrcs. but Is
Si one of the mint piogrc-slve com
cinltln of I'"1 coutitrj
n BoroUB'i '"omicil omileiitls that the
,. onllnnnce i the Mist c.r the kind
Ld In the North It I" as follows;
T. nllnrtiire u iiirrriif loufllrt (iilif 117-
irfllW tcfirmi thr ithltc and cotoral
neat the Uotounh of Cohcyn, nnil to
vatn-t "c P6"r I'nirr 11111 jiromofr thr
..iral ultfare bi inaMiti; icnaonntifs
Uiilonj rcijwfrlMB the me 0 r;)iinirr
Lu tar resiliences by white inn cofoicrf
iMflr, raprettrrty
Section 1 Je II- iiiuiuiii:ii uj iiiu
Cliltf Hurcess anil lloioiiRli Council
(Colnn that from nnil after the
Milage of till" ordinance It slmll bo
Sanful for any white person to uso
u i' roMcni e or place of abode any
loose, bulluliiK or structuie. or any
rirt thereof, located In any colored
lock, a the smile I" hereinafter ile
taed; ami It shall al"o be unlawful
for any colored person to use ns n
residence or place of nuoilc any house,
bulldlnsr 01 stiuctuie, or imj part
thereof, located In imv white block,
II the Jnnie Is herelnafler defined.
He ordinance rocs Into n detailed do-
tcrlptlon of what shall bo considered
colored" and ' ulilt''" blocks liach
Hock comprises houses 011 both sides of
fteitreet between lntiscetltiK streets. A
tuMent of Mil block Is detei mined us
inr person ociupvliiR any loom therein
U J. HeepinK pi.'U-l', wnriimr u uttiivi,
tenant, dependent, oonnlcr or otherwise,
Bless It appear that such oceupfMcn is
terely traii'iton "
ciirnfiuis oit schools.
An exception o this Mile Is made In
tteense of licjsi . or white scrvunts. The.
irilnance continues
"Section '. He It further ordained
It the Chief Huisess anil IloroiiKh
Councl of Colwjn, That after tho
ptssage of this ordinniKC, no lnilldliif,'
tr portion of n bulldliiK In tho
lorouKh of i'oIwmi shall be used as a
church or for the purpose of conduct
kl reilxlous .srrices, or for a school,
I dance hnll or an assembly lmll. by
white persons In 11 coloied block, ns
the tamo Is (Mined In this onllnnnce,
ud otter the pa-sano of this oidlnnnco
Mtaltdlni; or portion of a bullillni,' In
tteWousli of Colwu shall be used
tiichuuh or for the purpose of con
ducting religious sei vices, or for n
school, a dance hall or an assemblaKO
hill, i colored persons In a white
block, as the same Is defined In this
'lie ordinance further piovldcs that in
13 future hulldlni; opeintlons In Col
tra 1 permit Is not to be Issued by tho
1'iMln; inspector until he Is satisfied
tilt the house is intended for pcisons
ntltled to live In the section In which
til house Is to be built. On all streets
Wn which no house Is occupied or built
bi color of residents, schools and places
itmtmblj are to be governed by the
tficent streets
In conclusion, the ordlnnnco provides
ftit violations of tho provisions of the
Comment shnll he nunlshed bv a line
itnotlesa than $3 nor more than $30 for
nth day the lolatlon continues. In
toult of the payment of the tines, tho
rttoince stipulates that a prison hen
tuee shall be Imposed. The document
htime effective when passed on Monday
Get Busy and Brighten Up, Real
Estate Board President
Tells Owners
Ho litis been rc-clcctcd president
of the Mntlonnn Catholic Club.
Italian Organization Re-elccta W. A.
S. Lapctina President, After Year
of Successful Work
The Madonna Catholic Club, a social or
Rnnbation of ouuk ltnlhin-Amcilcans,
with headiiuartcrs at the SIndonna House,
814 South 10th stlcct, has held Its annual
election of onicois. William A. S. l.a
pctlna, a member of the bar and nn In
structor at tho Catholic Hlsli School, was
re-elected president.
Mr. Lnpctlnn, In his inaugural address,
expressed himself ns more than satlsilcd
with the proRress made by the club dur
ing the jenr. and outlined ns his policy
for the coming yenr, besides tho provid
ing of more extensive clul qunrters. the
creation of a social prestige which will
tnnko the club the repicscntatlvo organ
ization of the Italian colony.
Tho other ofllcors elected were: John
Nocttrn, first vice president; Krank MnB
scy, second vice president; Anthony Mag
llctta, recording secietary; Joseph A.
I.oniliardl, corresponding secretary; James
I)e Marco, treasurer; Victor J. Tenia,
editor: Oeorgc II. llonner. director, the
Uev. n.mlel Dily, spiritual director; the
ltev. John C. Klemlng, O. S. A., spiritual
The newly-elected president of the Phil
adelphia Ileal Kstato ltoird, Hdgar G
Cross, has called on the owners of prop
erty along Walnut street to Improve their
places If Ihev are Interested In the de
olopment of that thoroimhfrtre. Mr
Cross said the street will not reneh tho
development it should have until owners
stnrt cleaning up.
"Heretofore," he snld. "owners have
merely tinkered In Improvemnts, think
ing that a new bulk window and minor
Improvements would be tuiftlclcnt to at
tract business men ns tenants. They are
now awaking to the possibilities of at
tracting modern business by substantial
Improvements The Walnut Street Husl
ness Men s Association Is ranking n cotn
mendnble effort to bring this nbout.
"The futinc of Walnut street's develop
ment Is nssuicd, and even now there nre
signs which piesago an enhancement In
values west of flth street as that which
charactciir.es Walnut street east of 9th
street at the present time.
"The Kltteiihousc square section, Islng
west of Ilroad stieet. Is having nn Inter
esting growth. Whereas In former jenrs
theie was a demand for tcsldenecs, now
apartment houses seem nil the go Corner
properties In that section are becoming
valuable sites for apartment hntisis. The
ilemntiil for modern apartments Is show 11
by the thriving business of those elected
within the last few ve.irs.
"Not only Walnut street realty values
but Chestnut street from K,th to ISth
streets Is destined to undergo marked
(.hinges In a few eais This Is duo
to the fnct that realty values on Chest
nut street east of lCth stieet have reach
ed their high point, and the section west
of lCth street Is favoinblo for growth.
"Market street, from ltroact street to
the WcJiiij mill Ulver, Imi shown an active
building 111.11 ket. The tendency of busi
ness men and manuf.ictuiers has been to
locate ncai the centre of the cllv. l'ur
this reason the have seized upon all
available sites In close prolmlty to Cltv
Hall. So that loft buildings, nillce and
business sructures, particularly for au
tomobile needs, have gout up at a rnplu
pace nil along west Market stieet."
Raised Letters Escape Pen of
Censor Show Dire Straits
of Men, Women and
Lieut. Gen. Sir Willinm R. Rob
crtson, chief of the General Staff
of tho British Aimy, will quit tho
front to become chief of the Im
perial Stair at army headquarters
in London.
! pahkxts mmx IXCKXSE
Father and Mother of Lad Scour Two
Cities for Missing Son
Tony niarenzo began burning Incense
on nn oil stove In bis littlo bootblack
shop, nt 702 I'llbert street, today, while
his wife set out on a llnnl search for
John, their ll-ycnr-old son, who has
been missing since December (I. The
couple praj th.it their bov niny be found
In time to have lilm nt home 0.1 Christ
mas D.ij. For 1(5 d.iys, since tne mottl
ing the liny told them he h. I found a
job on 3d street below Market, and dis
appeared, the couple hnvo tiled everv
means In their powir to get some word
or trace of him.
Gales Responsible for Disappointment
of Mnny Kiddies
A boisterous sea and counter gales will
disappoint many of the little folk this
Christmas season. The Dutch steamship
Kelbergen, from Hottcrdam, put Into this
port last evening two weeks l.ite, and
carried n cargo of 183 cases of Christmas
toys Intended for tho present shopping
The crew of the vessel reports other
boats late and battling with the gales on
the high sen", Tho British steamships
Itosobank and Conlston Water, the former
from Valencia Spain, nml the latter from
Clvlta Vecchla, Italy, also arrived last
nljTht nnd both were overdue.
Wins Race to Dying Mother's Hcdside
I (icore A llourgeiils. former president
I of the New .leisev I tin Association, won
! b.v 10 minutes .vesterdny In .1 race with
death fiom North Carolina to the bed
I side of his dvlng mother, at her homo In
i.sieiviue ne receiveu nun wmi a smne
and I'splrttl almost Imnieillatelv
NHW YOntC, Dec. .-Through the
medium of a Journal In the Hrallle system
of raised letters for the blind, which
escaped the vlllgnnt eye of the censor,
what Is probahlv the most authoritative
article on Oerninnv's lack of food has
reached this country. It reveals that
every man, woman and child In Oermnnv
Is living on slender intlons. doled out bv
weight, determined on after a conference
of chemists, scientists nnd plijBlelnns In
The Journal which brings the Informn
ilno Is Die Neito 55clt, or The New Time,
n socialist publication for the blind, Issued
In llerlln. It was received a week ago
bv Miss Helen Keller. Miss Keller, who Is
a socialist, made nn address teccntlv
against preparedness Much of the In
formation on which she hnsed her objec
tions to preparedness, she said, came from
the Journals for the blind which she re
ceives fiom Tails, London, Hcrlln and
According to Die Nou? Belt,, experi
ments were conducted to discover how
much food wns necessary to keep n person
alive when not nctlvc and how much mote
wns needed to ennblc a worker to perform
bis duties without suffering from mal
nutiltlon. An Inventory of the food on hnnd and
the fooil possibilities was taken, and an
Imperial edict wns Issutd Instiuctlng the
people whnt diet thov were to maintain,
tlueatenlng Imprisonment for violation of
nny of the regulations of the edict.
Committees hnvo been appointed In tho
provinces nnd the cities nnd they hnv
taken over all food supplies, which aro
being doled out according to the neces
sities of tho people. All nre supplied, with
tickets which entitle them to n certain
intln dally, the ratio being determined 011
by the slo of tho family.
The chief foods In Oermany. according
to Die Ncue Zelt, consist of potntoes nnd
oatmeal and the people arc permitted
two meals dally. Krult soup Is also dis
tributed, and occasionally meat. Meat,
however, Is scarce, and Is entirely under
government control. When meat Is given
out It must bo boiled. No other way of
preparing It Is permitted, under threat
of punishment. No fats nre allowed to
stay on the meats. They nre carefully
removed at tho municipal stations and
are used In tho preparation of suets and
Police Court Chronicles
In some Indefinite manner that he found
It Impossible to explain, John McCOrmlck,
of Hope and York streets, becamo en
tangled with a Christmas tree. He
didn't remember bulng it, nor would he
ndmlt that he stole it At nny rale, he
clung to the tree and lugged It along
Kensington avenue
livery time McCormlck turned ho
poked the end of the tree in some one's
e.ve or knocked off a hat or Uvo Those
who complained weri knocked down Hv
tho merest accident, McCormlck collided
... g) gliTgVfSl, jyagvi -
Senior Class Will Present "Kenll
worth" at College Chapel Tonight
As a part of the regular Christmas
exercises at Olrard Collcgo tonight the
rcnlor eln9S will present In tho college
chnpcl Sir Walter Scott's "Kcnllworth,'1
which has been dramatized by Henry
Hnnby Hay
Among those to take part will be:
Thomas Marple, George Afferbach. Her
man Thiol, John White, William Land
hcrr, Thomas Walton, Carl Schvvnrtzer,
Pree Thalnckei, lleach Nicks, Philip
Nason, J. Crawford, Clarence Laird,
Cleoigo Honck, Hnrry ltuey, Itobcrt
Chandler, Hills lllrllff Jerry Savage.
John ltolton, Clarence Uradlcy, George
Hlstand, Alon7o Stone, John Vnre, Halpli
Smith and George Close The stage
manager of the piny Is Thomas W Fer
guson, who will be assisted by Jacob
Martin nnd Daniel rink
with I'ollreman McVnnllv The cop
seized him b tin lie, k nnd demanded an
explanation Hut Md'ormi'-k wns be-
ond the stnee nf explanations and
wanted to "lick ' the enttn- police forre
Hut McAnnlly sonn lonvincid him thnt
it would be better to he peaci fill than
combative and the man with the tree
was flnnlly landed before Mnglstrato
Dlctz nt tile Trenton avenue and Dau
phin stieet station.
"I wuz glttln' flat tree fer little Jimmy
Ilynn. a poor kid whose old man s out o'
work," 8.ild McCormlck I'nfortunately,
the prisoner did not seem to know where
little Jimmy lived
"In view of the fact that we can't find
Jimmy." snld tho Judge, "we'll return
the tree to the owner." On promising
to keep sober McCormlck wns allowed to
stay out of Jail for Christmas.
Garrisons to Leave for Atlantic City
WASHINGTON, Dec 22 -Secretarv of
War and Mrs Garrison will lenvo for
Atlantic Cltv tomorrow to spend tho
Christmas holldas, returning to Wash
Inuton in time for their New Yenr's reception.
( Iioir-n M1NTI iu:h
O N 12 D O L L A R
Walnut W" ,lnln liM
N. W. Cor. 8th and Walnut
x u
amisc r.
MOfr- cy
Jane Addams' Health Improved
CHICAGO, Dee. 22. Miss Jnno Adilnms
Is nt Hu'l House tod.iv, follow Ing her re
moval from l'leshj terinn Hospital, where
she had been a patient for several weeks
She Is greatly hnprov'ed
For Machinery, Bells, Gears,
W'c inamifartiire Steel Plates.
All Wire Mesh Guards to pro
tect employes as
Required by the new
Compensation Laws
Kstmiatcs and Particulars
(ilarily Furnished.
Allegheny and Trenton Aves.
K Xw-i-'-vl
c mm
; oD 1
! (-e'd) rt3.
rv?iyvr in
Girards !
Attractive Luncheon
IBiiiiiajrBiBi'ijJ.iufsuM Tin i-'jwjiutnTi
Hiird Fire on Farm in Few Months
BEAPnnn ni tv o rv... i, ,i.iH.i
In a few months lire destroyed n
u me vvensier vv. Kinder Jarm.
Kir flBa lnl ln.. ..,.-,.. f ,.
- ,v, iuld laai IIIKIll. uue con, a
Me quantity of feed, farming Imple-
, laiiuiBta unii wagons were
Mel. The loss of soveral hundred dol
w Is partially covered by Insurance.
I)IA.MI)MI- AMI ,IKV i:i.ltY
117 N. Broad St.
ltniiuli 411 .S011II1 Stlt Mnit
Ittnli, $10 a (17. Wrlla for IJitlil (ileti.
Bif nsntr lellliif thli ni Immtlon. SHARP
SttOO HOUSE OVER-SHOES. Ouifintltl to
picienl illgglnj en lei. Buckled on our
eld iho) In 1 ailsul. Slntla Sit 4 ihgn,
shipped lo Mi om C. 0. 0. 13 51
Herauii Hit. Co. 1 ll fa. An.WatMtoo, D.C.
Cast-Off Clothing Wanted
lllclust prices inlil for (lints' Drop postal,
call or phone Walnut 3.Vtf,
DAVIDS, lill North 13th .Street
Evening Clothes to Hire
Ki:i:.V TAII.OKINU CO.. GO North 13tli
r t it c o a 1.
A lien principle , un-i-tiinl
Kiippl) , -M to uO
riiH. 1e. Ilcat9 IlaiU 1
tors. too.
Aecep- no mihnlitu'e
Tin-re ts nothing
"Just ns Rood "
Send fiir I'rrr lIonMrt
.. T ' I'utrntc! and
45 N. Second St. I'alrnN pcnillnit
Yes. fifty merry thoughts
(very box of these mild
tropical soul-satisfying cigars.
And not one minute's trouble nor
brain-fag for the giver. Made from
Cuban-grown Havana leaf, mel
lowed by age alone. And the most
popular cigar in the United States.
Known and smoked from coast to coast.
You can't go wrong.
Just go to the nearest dealer, select the Girards you want, and
a good part of your Christmas problem is settled then and there
and settled right!
Make a little list from among your constant customers and
loyal employees. Give them each a box of Girards. And start
ihe new year right with "oodles" of good will to your credit.
Show the dealer this advertisement with our name, so that
lie can order quickly from us if he hasn't exactly the Girards you
10c straight, and up. Less by the box.
The Girard Cigar
never gef on your nerves
For Male wherever good cigars are sold
315-321 N. Seventh St., Philadelphia
and Efficient Service
T I'XCIIIiOX here is always an attractive
-' meal, because of the excellent food, quick
.service, and convenient location that business
men and women are glad to have.
Roast Chicken Roasted on our special
Rotisscrie in front of a sparkling coal fire.
"Yum that tastes REAL!"
Why? I localise the rich juices are roasted
in, not broiled out.
There is always sufficient variety to
satisfy your particular fancy always some
thing' unusually appetizing. And rest assured
that whatever your choice the quality is per
fectly dependable.
Lunch Buffet
Phone Orders Promptly Attended to. Bell, Lombard 4783
3, S, 7 SOUTH 22D, 514 MARKET, 628 CHESTNUT
Special rooms for ladles in all stores.
mm &zmr&m
m . - .- '
gS5dfrW --- - -a.. -. ,,. . --..--Ig
T7 ' f.y rg-l I
'wm '
js V7. ex'xriJ'fl
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LS. il"i-
!' I'li1-1 !,' , ,'A I ".- V ' V '' ' 1 ' i"j 'i'1- J 'U ''' V 1 J'K, ' ,U '
. ". w .'1 .. ...,,: " 'Jetted ", 'A
1. I i J. th 41 'I I. til 1 '" ' AM OU .-V "V! j
a-, - :i m : "1 LbuM ea5fc i
"Yes, It's a Bright Light"
'It had been a little dim, so I told the
iJt G, I.' to send a Quick Service man. He
came on a motorcyole and put on a new man
tle and glass chimney.
"No, there wasn't any charge except the
costof the mantle and chimney regular re
tail prices.
"They want all gas lights to be bright and
cheerful, so they are glad to send a man, even
' it's only to put on a mantle.
"It's 'U. G. I,' Service."
The United Gas Improvement Go.
BWW 1 1 IWWHW "" wjalwl M
wi:im:si)y, i)i:i:un;u -, km.i
MMkakvtmkvm bbw pcwmubwcmw 3
r jfnsA
VictroU VIII, $40
Victrola X. S75
Mahogany or Oak I
We Have Them All Ready for Delivery
The Victrola is an instrument that enables you to hear the greatest
artists in your own home, just as true to life as if you were hearing
them on the opera, concert or theatrical stage.
This instrument presents their distinctive personalities as well as
their consummate art, and renders it possible for you to enjoy to the
utmost the wonderful beauty
which distinguishes their every
We shall be glad to play any
music you wish to hear and demon
strate the various styles of the Victor
and Victrola $10 to $350.
New Victor Records
Demonstrated Here
on the 28th of each
VictroU XVI. S200f (
VictroU XVI, "fa I
Mahiuuny or Oak j
J VictroU VI. Ill
VictroU XI
Mahogany or Oak
VictroU IX, 50
Uahogany or Oak
11 aim mimwwMiw 11 m uin mwaaiiiiimiukwiuiMUiUUWaiaaiMUuilitJifttt
---- - - - ...