WlMj.llHII IIWW " Wfr s 'C ?,! Y 5 1 4 m EVENING 1, 18 1) G 13B PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECKJIBEK 22, 1915. TURKS INVADE EGYPT I COMMONS VOTES TROOPS c,n(mIf.l from ! "' j the pu'dlo lit.l tint been bet . Informed re-tiding the- flaltlpoll en- e "" "" ""'' wl"' ,l',mnm, '" ",h I Mf' . . .,ii.i .Hsnitch tiom Gen- ' I tin H million formerlv In commuid f , thc pai.lancllo had tint been made .... irMnifi xeitilth replied Hint the p .. u i,i.i milv boon received recently ' ""rhfI) Common adjourned onrlv to.ltv ' vni "l""' ,h,, ,,,p l'-rllnn":n,'lr' ' I ttl lii'1 onU begun l nl""" nmI sorM0 !h,', io.lii - are determined to pioss ' 0oprnni"" fr further statements J. , op"' ,lll,l, for 1C Untdinellcu fillure ' SLAVS mt'MK IIINIlKNIIITKCi orFfivsn k on dvixsk front Lll.VlHlN' lci 22 Tie Pnllt 1 xpress (.mtcspondent wires from Onew .Ti1P ijprtmin offensive on the Itlgi i n.in,i( front in" cotupletelv fulled Field it.rltil "t Hlndenbuig hns been forced L ""'.. ,.f..,n Itnsslnii oountoi -attacks iftirburOiiK lil miicm nnd nbnndonihg jj, tnnriimu" nmmiiil of mnteilal T r Uerinnnn unable to cross the iivlni me suffered verv hcavllv t'He n.rm-n " isl.ms have t cheated on Til- turn iuni""' hli h the Russians are nil- . Tnclnf v .mguintui battle Is In pros t(, ncir I xluill 30.000 Tl KKS TO I'H.IIT U.IJKS OX WKST FROM VsTPUI'M Do. 2.' Pol the fit it time a Tmklli nrmv Is to take lift t In ,.... . XmiIIwiii lhitnne ,i ititiitci i lospondent of the 'etitml J ,, ii pin 1 4 thill VI (r0 Tin Irish suldti Iff. ff iio Ions" ie.itiln.1 foi the defense of the J Dtrilfiicll" "hue the vvlthdi.iwiit of the BrlU'li rSsiB KELLER HAD CHANCE TO MOVE BODY GENERAL KUSZKY Commander of the northern Rus sian armies, who litis licen re lieved of his post by the C?a . nt the mm then, lime aimed ... I I i,,,,, (111 III. IF l V I.I turimi", in '. ' - - ..tirrn front uheie thev will tollevo tier mm iirnnin nsiiiuiK iigiimsi mu .mien ' forrf GEUMWS VMIIT LOSS or VOSHKS POSITION UI.I'IIN l'i J.' The Cieitiinn Wiir Ofllce toil iilmlttMl Hint I'lench tiooM lad en pin i I (he uiuiinlt of lint tm.inns nelllct K M h !l" nttml, on Tmilnv, but stilted Hint i Fiiinll pottlon of the lost (.round is resnlned by Teuton poopi t l 'V Tlie lollottiiic lepoit of operatloni at 1'ifiu tr iop sietln afternoon nt tacKeil 'Pin positions nt Ilnitmnins vdllcr K pr nnd In the lllrzwtihl Tlicv lucrcedrd In tnUlns? the mimnilt of lnrtninniiv lib r-Kopf nnd p.ut of u trench on HiNi nfeldit rinail oi Ion of IIiu ttiiannittelller Kopf '3 te (iptuK.il todav bj our troops BRITISH STUNTS' FOItl'BS TO STU:N(STHKX SALOXICA hi:i;i.i.v. net :; Driinl) ti i h uitliclT.iuu fiotti tho Dardintl- mi, IicIiik sent to SalotiU.i, accordln-' to the tluus torrcspondent o' the l ol ) IK Oaette "Ncai x ill tin IIiikIIsIi troops lne lft tlie iIiiuIh of Imlnos, Tenedoi nnd lenmoH isl mil baics of opetatltint nt the iMtdunrllei) ' s ilil the dlnpatch 'Thcj nn b. ini, went to Snloiilea The biops were most discontented In ni kros ltic nuitlnlid It Is leported that ')- tlie or six nllleeri of the General StaTf wero killed The troopi flnallv left nfter a pronilx. that numerous relnfori-emeiils would be sent " JURY TO INDICT SIX GERMAN PL01TERS Persons Connected With La bor's Peace Council Named. Probe Bribery Charge NEW YORK. Dec 22 Tnillcttiictils nKnlnst p'rsons connected with I.abor'B Pence Councils are rtpoited to hao been oted bv tile I'eder.il Grand Juo that has been ItiNcitlRatlnff nctlvt tlea nt allcsed Get man spies nnd con iplrntori. At least six, nnd possibly ton, persons are understood to be named In the Indictments which probably will be leturned Into todnv Much of tho oldence heard b the Juu related to a IO)000 fund which 1'ranz on Itlntclu, nllcKid conlldantc of the Kiler and now a prisoner In London, Is accused of haWiiK distributed 1'nlted 5tates Dlsttlct Attorney Jlnr shall said todnv that ho had lnt.stlp;ntcd charKcs that CotiRressmen had been np proaihcd b German a rents who sought the passnRe of a law prohibiting tho -port of munitions to the Alllc HEATING HOT WATER VAPOR ffl. J. MARGULIES & CO. 125 So. 5th PHILADELPHIA Iloth riionct INE out of ten men who come finally to Goodyear Tires find them so satisfactory that they go right on using them. That is why Goodyear sales to the consumer, and to the motorcar man ufacturer, are greater than those of any other tire. GOODfEAR A R O N T I RES NOTICE European war demands have caused a shortage in the world's supply of materials used in the manufacture of White Tread Tires. The color of Goodyear Tires may ultimately be changed from White to Black. Our supply of the required materials assures the greater portion of our 1916 season's output of tires being furnished with White Treads. C f um Continued from 1'nee One Some -white substnnce trickled from a smill hole to the floor 1'nougli to nil n peck mensure fell out The detectives sild It wns the same kind of lime tint was In the trunk The police theory of the murder Is that Keller, who Is 47 ycirs old nnd lles at 1111 Prnnkford avenue, nuirreled with VcNlehoI, who wss 21, a reeotul cousin of State Semtor Inmes P McNIchol. and tho heir to a little fortune The quarrel Is believed lo have been over the fnlture of the Keller leather Goods Company, which MeNMchol established with IMw ird nnd tohn Wndc nnd for which Keller wns innnnKer Keller lost most of his mnnev In the failure ai.c! Is said to have blnmed Mi N'lchol After the Intter's dinppenranco on March to pill, Keller tepiesented that the vnuiiR ttinti left his wife and was In N'tn Vnk Ho Rt small sums of monev from the uifo nnd mother-in-law of Mc N'lchol -it their home, V(! N'nrth 22d street, to forwaid to his former business asso ciate The police sa tliev have evidence to shnu tint McNIchol was killed In his fa.toiv tho day he disappeared The Important links of evldctue the de tectives are now worMtiH on, and whli.li the sav thev hne ncirlv completed, nro the notions of Kellet Immediate he fore nnd after the disnppe.irntu e of Mr Mchol in connection with the temovnl of his vnrlous helntiKiiiKs from the factorv nfter It iloscd Its doors Tho defense has maintained that Keller would lne hid no I chance to remove a trunk without at tracting attention L.AVYi:it StIPPMKS Cl.UKS I Important clues navj hccti supplied b Marshall A Cojne, a Invvver, which tends to Jtrengthen the theoo of Assistant t)ls- I trlct Attorney Tauline Hint the bod wns I shipped In the trunk lo another section of the cltv, posslhlj to Kellers home, berdre beltiR taken to the icllar of his laundry there to be burled After .Mr Covnchnd told what he knew to the police, C P Sterner, nttornej for Keller, admitted tint his statement was true and that Keller hnd moved his per sonal effects from tho leather fictory to his former homo nt IMS' Wenslev street sever il weeks before the Roods nnd fur ilshliiRs In th" fnotnrv were sold On .lulv 2 or 1 1911," said Mr Cone, "IMvvnrd .1 Wnde called at nt olllce and said that his cousin, Panlel .1 McN'Ichol hail d'mppenrod on Mari.li ! and thnt he wanted the nffnlra of the Keller Leather Goods Company, In which he was tltinnclillv Interested, wound up He ex plained that nclunl business had been suspended on tho day of McN'itliol's dis appearance, n ml tint he wanted the ro1s In the factory sold and the proceids ap plied to the iltbtH of the concern "1 made nn Investigation nnd found tint j the rnctor had been locheil rrom .Match 3t) until tint dnto, and Itnmcillntelv got bitsv with ci editors Wade Went to the factorv on Julv I, nnd, with lilted labor ers, packed the Mulshed goods and other things 'The leather and other raw products were shipped buck to the wholes ilers who sold them to the companv, and the lln- Ished products were sold to n. store The stock nnd fixtures brought $1700 The out standing bills approximated tUO. and after paying them t kept the small bal ance left The company, despite the losses of McNIchol and Wade wns solvent " Mr Co) no explained his connection with the case bv saving tint llatdil I Wnde. brother of ndivard. who formerly repre sented Ihe companv, had moved to De troit, where he hnd opened a lnw- office. "Wnde said Mr Covne, "enn explain how the goods vvero disposed of and nlso can tell about tho personal erfects ot Keller ' Prniriennd Christmas "Grub" Dclacd Uncle. Hani s sailors nnd tnnrlncs sta llot cd at Haiti are going to have n blue I Christmas The Pralile loaded with tur i kev. Christmas gifts from home folks, otntiherrles mil enndv, which wns to have 'sailed for the negro republic jesterdav. couiit not leivc League Island owing 'o j il iji.mvn IUMII I'M, 1111. 1 II IV 111 11(11' IM im possible foi the Vessel to re ich the 1'"H land nnd sea lighters until niter (lie greit holldav However, the bovs In blue and I drab will ho notified bv cable or wireless I that Iheli turkey Is on Its was "100,000 I pounds strong," nnd that inn help some POMTimXS CAN'T FATHOM Till: (JAUV IUXXBH TALK They Know Roosevelt Wns There, nnd Thnt's All NKW YOHK, Dec -Whnt lintipcucd nt that Judge Gnrv dinner list l'rldnv night when Colonel Itoosevelt was the star diner mav never he known until memoirs nnd autoblographs come off the press After groping for llrhl for severnt dnvs, political sharks confessed toiHv that thev hnve arrived nt thf point where thev started Thev know onlv that the Colonel v g 4" 'Mowargram For Christmas was there. Amoni the putlt'-hei ' les todn were these The Colonel talked tnilff not Irtxt i The Colonel talkCil nl out the steel nnd oil tnx. not the tariff The Colonel was nnl'ril to tnnno f" presldentlnl rnee and copted The Co'onel was asked to ma.ie th presidential race and decline' The Colonel wns not asked to make tntt president! il rnee And the guesses are not II in, i .. TW,., I KS i i Delivered any where for $5.00 MnrtirnKe '" rH' for $100,000 1 tlinon f. ltloch owner nf the property I nt i:n.",-07 OT Market street, which Is hnsed I for n long term to the MiCrnrj sv mil- i I ( nto has given a mortgage for JloopOJ ! on the proper! v Tor a term of llvo vears to the cltv of I'hll nlolplil i. trusleo under tin will nf Stephen Glrnril 6 Sign of&o S&eo 221 S. 3 road Si. to fdt Middle qffiSi block Xmas neckwear 65 c worth a dollar A wonderful assortment to choose from ench up to the K & F standard of excellence. 1114 Chestnut St. 11 S. 15th Si. 1119-21 Market St. rr;z 1 WZ-s lli d MA' I t-J 1 m i i m 2 MORE fl!PJ CHOPPING-DAYsS -- -r.- SilOltr. tll'llNS Stao . M. C I.OSCS II tl't l.(l( K ----r- ri Mill. .1 IMIOMI OHDKItS II l.t.l'.l) 1 . - v I Rare Holiday Sales & Service Kitaa Test this store's service In am wav vou please In the matter of real savings w lilo nssortmi tits and i ffloionov of our salespeople vou will llnd us nbso lutelv sei ond to none SHOP ON A TRANSFER WSTVW'SSit.VSSSV Mnll Orders V w$ lied HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Photic Orders Filled i is, S snsM il jmp tmmmsmmmmmsm ma fssy bti mm . &(rM4Aizmi'Piv?nxzzim.-2i . iw ia!iKra?f.5iK?ai'jK? y$lB S& Market Eighth mm ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seocnth WUUttM UVttVVWVWWM Women's 25c I Ote Handkerchiefs A " on. turner embroidered stvle In linen lso colored boid.rs In cotton with hand tnbroliUrpd 101 tiers 9c Women's 1 5c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs In plain and oni corner embroidered stvlis lso with colored rolled lums in ntn mereorlzcd cotton rmsT pi.non noiith 'svvsyvts,vsvis'wssssvsvsvsvs iVo Scarcitu of Fine Styles ami Unusual Values i This Hobday b'nlc of Moccasins & Shoe Men's$1.50to$2.50Konieos,lQO,, $i IQ&$1 QO Everetts and Operas JOC, 1 .y l.0 Slippers, Men's $:i.5l) lo $1.50 Trade-Mark Shoes, $2.85 Patent coltskln. t.m Itnssla and gun-metal c.ilf Sizes "Va to 10 HAND-KNITTED SLIPPERS limbs-wool Insoles Vnrlous colors nnd combinations Womcn'N ssi.,,0 Kin lis iixe ' ( lillilrrii'n S( IvIiiiIn iIIssin' Slljr, Kliidn Mle Rubbers & Boots On ViiIp In si IIU 1 OM.V C1( 11,-ii'n Mi itiiliherx . Vli-n'w SJI.'II Vr.-llcw ,"Dc IWo I oiiioh'h 7,"o .VI v.'o Itnbhers 4 :tllo llojs Mle Hiililiers ,IQ (hdzis ", to :,'j ) HrVC V.iiiIIih' 7,1o lluliherM A g ' (,sl7es 11 to .' ) tUC ' Women's Felt Slippers ribbon or fur Various colors trimmed I.L'.-. l,l I! (.Sizes .1 to 8 ) t2 VI. li: .SI7CS 1 lOl) 98c 1.49 VIInscn .V. Children' n.":o mill Tile QtS lllll.ll.TH OO C VIi-ii'h $-.n short Illl.ltM S2.IIS llnjn' s.l-io Storm ? King- Hunts (Sires 1 to G ) s2.98; Women's $:5 to $1.50 Button Shoes, $1.95 Patent coltskln, gun-metal calf, nlso tan Dull calf, black fawn, nnd gra cloth tops SIzis J'j to 7, but not In ench lot. riHST PLOOIt, NORTH Indian Moccasins Womin's, llojs .mil (Jirl-.-Fi.no o v u. t i:s i .sizes 'I to . I ill,.'.' Iii 9I..( V Vl.l C.s i siis I to ', ) H unit 1.'.-, V I.I C.s ISI71S r. to s I 79c 69c 39c Misses and Children's Felt Juliets (i, to ii i yc HlJ.-. A M.I V. . QQ isu, to 11 i OI7C (II. nil nine I I I 'j to .1 tlsi Our Jewelry and Silverware Store Will Be Rich in Gift Suggestions C to the Last I'm ute illsilnv and silo that has hnd no pnrillol In any previous v i .1 r Solid Gold Jewelry $7.50 to S25 La Vallieres, $ 1.98 to $20 ot with baroquo piarls $5 to $18 Finger Rings, $.VJ8 to $15 MKiiet .mil various colored stone sot tllll,s I lunr ( uttorn . ?.I..".(I lo "il.HH llnr I'Jns ?i-'.r.o 10 stio GoldFilled and French Jewelry $1 Bangle Bracelets, 50c Hundreds of stvles llrncrlrtN fur iiinrii. Mlsscn nnd lillilrou llSe lo (l.tis $1 and $2 Brooches and Bat Pins, 50c and 98c Latest designs plain gold tops pngravid or with stone sittings Dorothea Pearls, $3.50 I " Tiffany " Diamond Rings 1 mm the smnll, full-i ut dia mond for MInncn mid Children it ?.-. to 97,r,(l to the llrlllliuit Wlillp nliiiniiiiilN at VIII In S'"". IKhT I'LOOH SOI Til I $1.75 to $10 Gate-Top Mesh Bags, 98c to $7.50 New shlpnuiits JuhI iccclvcd wnn di rful, useful novelties $2 Hair Ornaments, 98c Lirgu v.irli tv nevv.st lombs, b.in ittis and pins, set with l)n- I est rhlnestoiies, some with tom- I filiations of sapplilrts Our Silverware Collection Suggests Gifts I Handsome Hterllni" silver and effietlvi quadrupU - plated pi. us fullv Kuarautiid I HriiNli, ( limb mid Mirror, In bos, fti--.ii to Hi:.-, Illillloiiro SoIn Sl.r.(l Iii StIIMIS slnuli- (loth llriishex, 'S.XS.' to SIII.TS I'uir iiiivin st. 'jr. to sr,.ns Silver-Plaled Shining Stands, $2.50 to 3.98 t prlhht mirror brusli & cup ll.inlion DInIk-n tisc to M.1IS I'loro-il Howls .t.r.li (i. SI2.IIS Wilier IMIrlirrN sa.sn tu Mtl.llS lop Hunts S:t.."0 1 1 mi ml 'I'riiJH SI. 1(1 In -Si:i--l IVrpoliilorN SUPS to iill.l.lis Ii : I1 : Christmas Fur Sale Still Offers Bountiful Variety & Phenomenal Values Fur Coats and Sets of Numerous Dtstinnuiihqd Styles, iuclitdinq irae- iicnuy every fashionable Una of fur at an avetaqc ',o, lesi man iO-. rpnlllnr ?iir.s fil.p tuirnnrhiinttnl mint ntttrn nil ri.l nil ?ij 1 7D $55 Handsome $ Fur Sets at . . . Dlack Fox, Rose Wolf, Red Fox, Sttha Lynx, Genuine Skunk and Mole 39.75 Fox, Ski ; Na 118. tiaal GLOVES are Best Last Minute Gifts to ; Women's $1.50 $1 1C Gloves 1,1J Two i limp Pr. neh kid, with pirlx point links Itl.ick anil white with splf and contrast Ii ii Its ilso tan .mil giav IO lllnek Pot Sets nt livid 'Nil turill Itiiieonn Sets lit ..ill leeliiiid 1'ov s,.s nt l( Ivet nl Sets nt ,.S IHM JlillP Cut Sels ill I (l $l'tr nrmiliip Cruss Cox Si-Ih at V ' M" to lir..'.(l lllll I'lix St In nt smn.Tr. , sr. sin.Tr. ?t i.ns S.-J.-. M11I.7." .s(i7.r,(i t.sr, to $ir (Jnnn-Mnin IVt.ilVr- !S UlSJiO lllliek MllfTs III . SI." Ill S'17l OCpaiaiC lYllUlS ?.n CuliU-n llemer. utrlii. Genuine Molr 1 unit Hudson Sent Mutts 8111.7.' flT. ntilral llnecoon Sets at . SI Ih",0 Sin Skunk OpoHsiini MiiITn VIUKI SO llriisscls I,iix Muff. SIl'.IIS US lllnelv Coup) tlutTx lit , ... SU.tlO "TT TL j Sill lo 97" Molrp Itiisslnn Pony Con Is nt Fur CoUlS .tb t in.7n j. m '-'"" ... , si 10 i'ri.,i, Seal Conts nl ".ll In S7P.7.1 StL'O Iii S'lso Hudson srnl CiiiiIn nt Ssll.75 lo SS7n Plain or attractlveli trimmed with skuulc. lieavtr, fitch or ermine SECOND ri,oort Women's $1.50 $1 OC Short Gloves. ; A'J Pliiue kid in blink and vvhlto with thriL-rovv self nnd contrast backs Men's $2 Lined Black Auto Gauntlets at $1.59 M rap-wrist uffs st vies with large Sun n cation for the Woman Who Has Not Yet Selected The Christmas Blouse $2.50 Lace-Trimmed Voile j $1 Klaboratelv trimmed with enibroldered organdie panels, Vol and shadow lace visteo and collai $1 Rich Satin Waists at $2.9S IIiin., Mnlrr, snpplilrp lllup nnd l'oni h Simple ( legant st lu vvltli broad, low collar, hemstitch ing and large pearl buttons Like Hkctch $5 Lace Waists at $.'.98 Crc.im silk shadow lace In winsome bolero fashion over bluo or flesh-tint chiffon .sl.'COM) PLOOIt a $2.98 Wh -". i i. i l V&W&F y TTTl 7TT i r m I HIST PLOOIt. hOl'TH Cliildren's Umbrellas 98c to '$4.98 Pull 93 nml 24 inch siyes Good Quality Cotton 50c Mercerized Gloria 75c American Taffeta 98c Women's Pure 3ilktc; Umbrellas , itirllng sllvcr-trinimcil b.iudles, also lilv.r short i ips nnd hooks riltST PLOOIt SOI TH GIFTS OF LEATHER Pin seal and morocco Ile.iutl fullv Hind Have purso and mirror on inside frame Some have "Shur Lock' patent catch $5.98 Traveling Bags, $1.98 Cowhide 111 brown or tan, nlso walrus grain in hhuk 16 1" lllll IS lllPli HJ7QS Men's Wallets and Pass Cases, 19c to $1.98 Pine-grade leather Three - fold Htvli Pirst Pliiot. l.lubth Strict Travelers' Sets, 98c to $11.98 ! Pine, lo ither iihps " Manicure Sets, 98c to $2.98 j Military Brushes in Leather ! Case, 9Sc to $1.98 Holiday Savings on Fine Bed Coverings $7 Blankets, $g 5 Pair Lamb's wool on spool cotton warp Pink and blue borders and wide silk binding Sizo 70x80 Inches height 5 lbs $3 Fleecedown $Q AG Blankets, atr. ; u , Kxtra nne quality cotton, vvntio i and gray, with pink and blue bor- , Idera and silk binding. 70x80 inches ,VSVySSXSSSXSSS'V'S'V',SSSXSSV'H,l $fl to $8 Silk Comforts A QO Cotton or lamb'j.ioool 111- J TTVJ ing Figured centre, plain border sllkoline hack, others plain silk on both sides 72x80 Inches. $1 Comfortables, $2.98 Tlgured and Persian sllkoline centre and plain sattne border White cotton fllllnc 72x80 Inches FIRST FLOOR, NORTH An Extraordinarylioliday HOSIERY OCCASION Sensational Values for Last-minute Gift Seekers. Women's $2.50 and $11.50 "Onyx" Silk $1 Cf) 'Stockings...'' Lmjyj Plain in all tho popular shades also novelties In various patterns others with hand-embroidered Insteps and (.locks ai isflsOTn V nBii' Women's 50c Fibre OCr Silk Boot Stockings JU Ver lustrous good-wearing qual it Hluck or white Three i'ulrs tl Women's and Children's 25c Stockings, 18c Medium-weight cotton and lisle thread sotne are sllghtb Imperfect Also children's "World Heater" stock ings. In medium-weight ribbed, no Imperfections Hirer I'ulm for BOo. Women's $1 Silk Stockings, 75c Ingrain and pure thread silk lllack, white, suede an! brotue FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH 'Wvs,vwsi'VM ' Perfumes & ToiletWaters: Holiday Sale of Undermuslins & Robes Wide Choice of Many Dainty Gifts PJer K I h k l'prfumo lllld 'llillet Alllrrs, SI.31 III S2.U) $3 Silk Petticoats, Lite Sietih, $1.98 Prett shades and stiles, ttiip Nketchpit, dtep, full circular plaited flounces ALSO MAIN ARCADE lloulilgnnl "Idrnl" rer-. ftimr, lialllr. SJ.sr. nnd U.S.", lliiulilgmil "Iilcnl" Sniliet I'oitdrr. bottlr, Sl.s.t Cotj' Prrfuiiirn nml Toilet Milters, lialllr, S3.K0 lu sn Itegaiid'- "1lnr fiurdrn" t'erfiiinr nnd 'lollet Hu Iitm, but He, S:i mid iM.no I'lvrr'M IVrfiimrs, Toilet Water, SuelieU tiud I'nrr lovdrr, Wip lo 2.3S I'IiiuiiiI'h 7.1c I.lluc A rurlal. (Ho lluurr .V. rialltl'K l'rr. fumrs nud Toilet VVatrrs. sji anU HSIO FIRST FLOOR. SOUTH SB l $2.50 Envelope Chemise $1 QO Good quality crepe de chine ' A ,C'J With shadow late, beading and ribbon $1.25 Gowns, 79c Plnk-and-vvhlte and bluo-and-wlitte strlpt ed ll.inneletto also plain white High or low neck, with or without collar Have double oke Bilk braid and frogs 75c Aprons, 49c Of lawn In round, bih or full length fash Ion homo are trimmed with embroidery! lace, pocket on side and wide ties $3.00 Robes. Due Sketched. H.98 with sailor collar, floral and Indian designs cord at waist ond pocket at stile Also kimonos of crepe and llnnnelette. some hae shirred shoul. dera Hegulnr nud rxlru nlim, SECOND FLOOR BeatttifulLamPS Sr -" r Heady St In for T7 I'locr aud rpone nt l'rleen Much Vnual. Complete dy for Altaclilug. A X Sit 0 ''WmkA lCvii3 I ijHfjTyV Special Gas Lamps. $4.69 lleavy-cabt portable, with shade or amber. : green ano jsne gieen win oruss uugree ' decorations. - - - - Semi-Indirect Lighting Fixture, $1.95 With 16-Inch bowl. In white alabaster glass wjth oxidized hangers. ISnecial Gas and Electric Lamp, $7.98 JPiass portable and shade; Ivory finished. Gas Lamp, $3.98 Rrass-plated portable; lead ed shades of amber, green and white. THIRD FLOOR Dome, Special, $4.49 :3-lnch bent panels, with ruby points around border; also brass filigree trimming:. Complete with stem. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! For These Wonderful Values in Toys, Dolls & Games You have only two days more in which to select those all-important playthings. There will not be the slightest doubt of your securing just the right kind of toys if you select them from these big, widely assorted stocks. Bring the Children With You to See Old Santa Claut Himielf FOl'RTII FLOOR ps will thoroughly approve, oesi service '"'UrXtiyr Boys' Winter Clothing Stiles In overcoat. -md raincoats of which boys will th l'nuruall good kluda and qualities that will give the $4 to sio $2.85, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 & $7.50 , Overcoats (Cheviots, worsteds and casslmercs, In man) smart patterns single and double breasted models, also reeiers oi nne cnmcuiiui " " cvir-popular JUacklnaws Boys' $4.50 Raincoats at S2.85 Of double textures, with taped and cemented seams Sizes 6 to eara Men's $13.50 to $1 A $11 7C $1 C $1 Q & 0() S30 Overcoats at 1U H.'O 13 1 " Single and double breasted effects in semi and form flUing Oalmaroon and ruu-cut models, or line au-wooj cuuiiima. SECOND FLOOR. SEVENTH STREET LIT UROTUERS IN OVn UIQ BESTAUMAAT BIJST OF BVEHYTIUXG AT X.O WKST VKICEC FIFTH FLOOH LIT U 11 OTHERS IS lWTfllSr? tfirJS'p lfiF5 ii m