tvt"wm fffew v -w,- ffwwqpSWW EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1016: '4 fft -W-fWit&f? jfrzte!- V WWf' v r ? 'i in? I m B ? l f ? i4 HOUSE MISSION TO WARN ALLIES OF U. S. EMBARGO Purpose of Trip to Europe to Gain Concessions for Trade . FEARS CONGRESS' ACTION CoL House's Mission To Warring Countries Colonel E. M. Home, personal en voy of President Wilson, will warn the Allies that unless loncessions nre mnde In connection with the German blockade. Confess is In mood to enact embargo legislation. In Berlin, he will endeavor to bring the Lusitanla case to an is sue. In nil the capitals of the warring nations ho will endeavor to effect n more thorough understanding and agreement between the Ambassa dors and the Administration, Colonel House will also study in dustrial affairs under war condi tions, the results of which will shape the President's forthcoming recommendations regarding or ganization of a Preparedness Com mission. HOT SI'IUNQS, Vn . Dec 2!s. President Wilson today conllrmed the report that Colonel K. M. House vns Kolnn'to Eu rope nt his request. Tho President de nied flntly, however. Hint the trip liml anythlnK to do with peace. Kurthcr tlinu that he would not discuss the matter. It was learned Hint the President de sired further first-hand Information con ecrnlni? European affairs, t'nder ordi nary circumstances he would obtain this by the bringing of Ambassadors home to report the stato of International nffnlrs Such a course at this time Is regarded ns unwise, and Colonel House will make tho trip to Europe at tho President's request to confer with them. rtumors have been on foot for some days that 6ome, nt least, of tho American Ambassadors In the belligerent countrloH nre not workltiK In entire harmony with Becretnry of State Lanslnc All Informa tion nlotiK this line Is refused by those closest to the President. He. with Secre tary I.nnslnB. conferred with Colonel House, In WnohliiKton, last Thursday nlRht, It was Icurned today. At the con ference nil of the matters affcctlnff Amer ican diplomacy In Europe wcro discussed. It Is understood that Colonel House will endeavor to mnko It plain, both nt London and In Paris, that unless the Allies malio material concessions to tho t'nited Status In connection with the German blockade nnrt Interference with American com merce. It will he clilllcult for tho Admin istration to head on embargo legislation by ConKress In this connection It Is ad mitted that both Ambassadors Sharp mid I'rtKe have failed to mnl:e any Impression cither on tho Trench or Hrltlsh forelKii olllce. Their protests have been received respectfully, hut at no time have tln-y been able to obtain nn of the concessions that the President and his Secretary of Stnte deem absolutely necessary. Colonel House will now try his hand. It Is learned that tho Picsldont recently received reports from Paris. London and PctroBrad stating thnt tho Allies will not entertain suggestions of mediation until after tho comlns spring campaign. Con sequently, It Is not bcllocd that any con sideration will bo Klven to possible peico neKotlatlons, despite reports thnt Colonel House would endeavor to learn the senti ment of tho warring Pcwers. COL. HOUSE DENIES PEACE IS HIS MISSION TO EUROPE NEW YORK, Dec. 22.-Colonel II M. House, who Is to bo abroad next week on a special mission for the President, de nies thnt tho question of peacu has nny thlnB to do with his trip. "If that Is what thpy say," said Colonel House, "they have got It ull wronn. A peace mission Is the last thltiK I would go on at this time. Thnt Is the way I feci about it. Regarding my plans, I am afraid I cannot be more deliiiltu than I have been." Colonel House pave out tho following statement: "I nm going to Europe at the request of the President and Secretary Lansing for the purpose of taking Information to tomo of our Ambassadors In order that they may have a more intimate knowledge of this Government's attitude, regarding cer tain phases of pending international ques tions, and In order to obtain from them their point of view." It Is learned that President Wilson was prompted to send Colonel House abroad at this time primarily on account of his deslro to get a settlement of the Lusi tanla case and to ascertain who Is re sponsible for having created at Berlin a falsa atmosphere concerning the position of the American Government. Colonel House has halt a dozen minor assignments, but his principal mission IU take him to Berlin, where he will consult with Ambassador Gerard HOUSE TO STUDY INDUSTRY UNDER WAR CONDITIONS WASHINGTON, Dec. 23.-Colonet B. 31 House's mission abroad, among other thing, la to study and report to Presi dent Wilson the best methods of Indus trial, commercial and military mobiliza tion. He will gather the data, which tho President will submit to Congress In sup port of the plea made in his annual mes sage for measures of business and In dustrial preparedness, as well as of the military services. - The Very Thing A KODAK Fiom HAWORTH'S Kodak, $6 to $65 Brownies, $1 to $12 A. Visit to Our Store ! Sure To Solve Bom of Tour Gift Problem. Albums, Calendars, Projectors Picture Frames Electric Novelties HA WORTH'S EASTMAN KODAK CO. 1020 Chstnut Street Hy Alt EiUa Fine lin, jrt,rmnl ld from Tovr yr." Creative pHliiip1 UNESERCITOTEDESCO E TURCO MRCIA PER INVADERE L'EGITTO Austriaci e Bulgnri Muovono Attravcrao il Montenegro e da Uskub Verso la Gosta ROMA CAPITALE SERBA 110.MA, 22 niccmbre N'on ' stato puhhllcato n'cun comunl cato ufilclnte clrcn le npcrnzlonl dl guerrn sul fronts Itnlo-nustrjaco. Oiungc Invrci notlzln cha un eserelto nuilro-tureo tsdeco dl clrcn MO.OM unmlnl, tra cut s' trovno moltl Irregolarl nrabl, ha Inlstlntn I'offcnslva contro II Cnnntc ill Suez per tentnre dl pnssarlo c dl Invndera I'Kpltm Nollzle da Aleno dlcono che un prlmo scontro si c' nvuto nd KI Arlih dove le nvnngunnlle turco-lcdescho hnnno n tnccnto gtl avnmpoitl Ins'csl Sembrn evldente che l'eserclto ill Invaslone Intend? dl scKulrc la enrovntia che porta nd to- mnllln, sul canalr SI sa pero' che fill hnnno ro- strulto solldlsKtmo opere dl fortlflcnzlonr prr sbnrmre qucita via dl Invaslone, m qui n Ilomn si rltleno che I turco-tpdeirh non rlusclaranno a pnssare II Cnnile, rhe sarn' dlfeo ilnlln rlottn oltro che dnlln truppe e dnllo bittcrle dl terra sullo duo sponde. SI dice che I tcdeschl hannn prepnrato per mes! questa campngna contro 1'Rgltto cd hnnno spcdlto Klornnlmento grnndl qunntlta' dl munlzlonl, dl vettovaglle e dl prcmi nrtlgllerl.i sullo. fcriovla slrlnna vcrto la 7onn del Cinale. La forrovla pero' llnlscc n Oeruinlemnic, da dove l'eserclto dl Invasions devc segulro la cnrovnnlern. I ItUSSI SrtAItCATI A VAHNA. Telegrnmml dn Atcne dlcono che un corpo dl spedlzlone ruiso o' sbnrcato a Varna o si e' Impadronlto dl quel porto bulwaro. II porto dl Varna fu assoggcttnto nil un vlolento bombordnmento da parte delin flotta russa del Mar Nero, la cltta' rlmase qilnsl completamcnto dlstrutta e le hatterlo bulgnre furono rldotte nt sllcnzlo. SI dice che le perdlte sublte dnlln gunrnlglonc bulgnrn dl Varna furono nmal grnvl. Una volta supcratn la reslstcnza del bulgnri che dlfrnduvano la cltta', I tra sportl rusl cnrlrhl dl truppe, copertl dal cannonl delle navl da guerr.i. entrnrono net porto shnrenrono I soldntl senzn alcuna pcrdlta no' dl uomlnl ue' dl cavalll no" dl nrtlgllerla. sccondo qunnto tele grafa un coniulu dl nazionc ncutinlo da Vnrnn. I nnnl sbarcatl a Vnrnn sono orn In nuniero sulllclente per tenero In cltta' contro quallnsl vellelta' dl attacco da parte del bulsnrl. p nel tempo nic deslmo possono cuntltui ire lo sbnrco dl truppe In tnl numero tra potcr premiere tra non molto I'olTcnslva e ccrcnrc dl marclare su Sofia per tngllare la fcr rovla che ha d.ito ngll nustro-tcdeschl la via libera da Vienna a Costantlnopoll. Vnrnn o' 11 prlndpnle porto hulgnro Mil Mar Nero. L'nltro poito e' ijuello dl Bur gns, che distil una cinqunntlna dl mlglla dnl prlmo. Vnrnn dliln olrca 3rt mlgll.t da Sotla. I duo portl sono unltl alia cnpl talo liulgnr.1 da duo feiiovle. Trn quote duo Unco corro una cntcua dl montagno che e' attravcrs.ita da numeroi'e strode totnblll. ma non da ferrovle, e In linen dl Varna si unlsce nncho a quella rumena dl Sliumla. Lo sbnrco n Vnrnn .' stuto t.mto plu' dlfllclle In quunto II porto non e' protetto contro I ventl dl nord p dl nord-eBt, rd I traipoitl hanno dovuic sbarcaru gll uomlnl rd I cavalll u le nrtl gllerlo a mezzo dl harche. ROMA CAPITALH Di:LLA SERBIA. Roma sara' la capitate delta Serbia du rante In guerra o l'occupazlono austro tedosca del terrltorlo serbo. Re Plctro nrrlvcra' presto n Roma con II govcrno c gll alt I furulcmurl scrbl. II ro ed I memlirl del suo governo sono ben dcclsl n rinrsanlzaie quello che ilmane dell'escrclto serbo nclt'Albanln v nel Montenegro, oil 11 complto sara' nffldato al generate Amegllo che comanda le forze Itallnno sbarcato in Albania. I serbi lor mcranno l'nvanguardla delle forze atleiitc operantl In quella zona quando sara' II momento dl prendere l'offensiva. Intanto Fl dice che gll i austro-tedesclil-bulgarl tenteranno tra non moltc una vlgorosn offenslva per glungere sino alia costa nncho perche' essl non st nnsenndono 11 perlcolo che formerebbe pir loro In riorganlzzazione delle forze serbe. Gll nustrincl si dlrlgerebhcro attrnvero II Montenegro verso Scutari e tentcrebberu anche dl ragglungere quella cltta' da Cuttaro. 1 bulgnri dal canto loro marcerebbero verso ovest-da 1'skub o da Veles attraverso Dibra erso 1' Albania centrale, cloe' erso Klhassun che dlstu appena una cinqunn tlna dl miglla dnlla costn. Qui n. Rnmn si credc pcio' che lo sburco del tro corjil d'armata ttalianl in AlbanlJ varra a irustrare questa nimaccln teu tonka o buUnr.i, che sarebbe special mente grave per I'ltnila. MOTHER KILLS HER BABY Insane Woman Cuts Throat of Two-year-old Daughter JOHNSTOWN, Pa, Dec. 22 Becoming suddenly insane today, Mrs. Ralph I.elb frled killed her 2-enr-old daughter. Knth erlue Margaret. The child was plaing on the door, when the mother seized a butcher knife and cut her throat. JV4.V .m. : vst U'rfle or cdf! for our nio and iHteretlinu Vaoklct "Looking Into Your Ou.n yum ' A Series of Eye Talks $ Our Neit Talk Wed., lire. 29 By Joseph C. Ferguson, Jr. OSSIULY lou have noticed, when read Inc. that your eyes Milt (ometlmen tiro much more quickly than at other tlmea. Thle In especially noticeable uhen reading booka or other literature printed on a ery rloeey paper. Since everything one nlahee lo read cannot be had printed on dull paper. It la advleable la atop and reat the eye at the rlrat Indication of at rain or tiring-. If they tire very quickly. It la probable that they hate be come weakened In whtcb event rou ahoulJ have them examined by an Ocullat a pbyelclan who pecialltea In eye treatment. If rlaaaea prove to be nee eaaary. lake hfa preacrlptlon to an Optician thoroughly qualified to carry out ola laatructlons with perfect accuracy. 2flQ,6,fem tfm rfCeictlpUon Optician 6,8 & 10 South 15th St. H'c Do ifOT JSTxaoiise Eitt. ThU Talk' from a copyright aerie, all ricbta reaerted." i w ""I" I" I , j S m TURKS ATTACK EGYPT Advance guards of an invndtnff army of 300,000 Ottoman troops are reported to be already on Etjyptian soil cast of Suez. Biik lnnd Is said -to be concentrating men at Port Said. It is believed the Turkish troops came by way of Jerusalem. ITALIAN OFFKXSIYB CHECKED, SAYS VIENNA Rome Reports Recnpturo of Position Lost In Plczzo Basin LONDON, Dec. 22. Tho Austrlans nmiln assert they have checked the Ital ian offensive. Tho Italians admit tho Austrlans nio pressing them hiud on their ndwinccd positions. Tho Austrlin ottlcinl report. Issued In Vienna Inst night, says: "Artllleiy combuts on the Tvrol front continue. Two Italian companies which attempted to advance iluilng the nUht ngnlnst Monto Mlchcle uuro niml hilnted " The Italian official report sn' "In tho Plczzo basin the Austrlans, under cover of a fog, occupied one of our advnnred positions In the direction of the Korltnlca torn'iit nml fortllled It with mines. On tho nWit of the Ith nn Ital ian Infautiy contingent Mipturod the position by surprise bcfoic the Aus trlans could explode tho mines." Hoozc Stolen From Express Ollice STMTmn. Del. Dec 22. Thieves Al tered the Adams Hxpress olllcu nt Hick man last night nnd stole a Inwe quan tity of whisky. Entrance was effected through a window. No other valuables ov money were stolen, as C W. ISrowii, the ngent. hnd carried the receipts of the day's business home. Late Pope's Brother Dying POME. Dec. 22. Anselo Sarto. brother of tho late. Pope Pius X, Uj dying, uc- I cording to ndxices received here toda. ' Wonderful Lunches l.en Ard'a ii suth a sood plnco to eat the servlfo Is so prompt nnd perfect nnd tho food so wholesome nnd palatable that It Is already an Institution BREAKFAST 23c Is a levelntlon to those people who have tried It. SPECIAL. CUJB liRCAKFASTS. 25c LUNCHEON offers you the greatest choice of well-prepared dishes and sand wiches. DINNER 50c la the very best seven-course meal that lias ever heon offered In Philadelphia at noc. Len AnTs T Let's Eat at 1010 CIII3STMJT ST. lib. Box Choc. and Don Buns 50c, COe & SOc lb. t IB 41 fcjaau.iitir.j'tMi' "in .""- j ril nade. FOR GHRISTIIV1AS 4lbs.r.ssort'd $1.35 Packed 'n Chocolates Pino AaiMjrled ChnrnUtea or lion Itona nnd Chocolate Mb, llox .. 23r uml 35c 2-lb. llox BOc uuU 70c Tied with rihhnn, i:.00, 'W dove Boxes with a lock and key. con taining 1 to & pounda of Pine Aaaorted Chocolates, or Chocolate nod llou lion Inrludlnc tlila fine Japanese Imported Renins Ilakket Dand.I'alnted Gill Boxes FlMid with tlneit Bon Ooni and ChocQlatea 91 to IS for 1 (o A I'ouixl l$oxe A neat package, ery prltv ami arpnHhl Beautllul GUI tyc Boxes (ifil') '3S- ArtUtlc Japaneae Wood Kach box haa lock and key, Uaed for jewela and handkerrhl"a SOc to $3 a Box Accordlnr to e!ze. This Include nut and fruit center, marahmallowa and a full variety of choice candles. Make a Wonderful Gift Family WEfaW&9AG3 Packages lion liana and Filled wliu Hue assort ment o( riiocalatea and Don Boo oi all Chocolatee 5 Pound $1, U:i5, CHRISTMAS Molasae Cocoanut btrlo ,16c lb. pure Hand-made Candy Toy . lac lb. .,25c lb. ..Z3clb. I.MI JI14IUIP ,,,. Ilutler Scotch Wafers ... Assarted hut Candy Cream Caramels Old Fashioned Chocolate Chocolate liarshmallow . Chocolate Caramels .... , ,. ..30c SOc lb. .,40c lb. .,30C ID. ..ZSclb. ..ZSelb. SPECIAL NOTICE HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS SUNDAY SCHOOL, DAY SCHOOL & INSTITUTION CANDY oWKS W,T" "ONTAOIK CO. Factory, tid Jt Sanaom Ml. Phone. Locust nil, or Spruce JJJ1 jy IS OTIIKK MONTAGUE It ETA 1 1, b TO II EH III Market 8c im Market St. 1!JI Market. Ith b. Glrard Ay I 5tU Si I btstnut bt, leSIg Market St I J9th i. Sinsota Sta, GERMANS FROM VOSGES LINES Take 1200 Prisoners in Fierce Battle at Hart- manns-Weilerkopf 'BRITISH SHELL COAST Teutons' Winter Quarters in Flanders Under Heavy Fire From Allies' Fleet PARIS, Bee. 22. Twelve hundred Oermnn prisoners were captured by tho French In their offensive ngnlnst the Teutonic posses sions at llartmannswellerkopf, In tho Vosges Mountains, It was otllclally an nounced by the French War Odlce to day. The further details given out by the War Offlcc lelatlvc to the strong nttacka made by the French nt Hnrtmnnnswel lerkopf showed that the nsaults had been entirely successful Infantry attacks were launched by the French after long nrtlllory preparation, A heavy cannonade Is In progress In west Flanders, according to dispatches from Amsterdam. The booming of the big guns can be heard on the Dutch fron tier. Allied nrtlltery, supported by war ships off the coast, is reported to have played havoc with the winter quarters of tho Ocrtnan troops on the North Sen lit toral. On Sunday a Hrltlsh aeroplane was shot down by tlerman high-angle guns itt Druses. The text of tho otllclal communique Is sued by tho French Wnr Olllce followi". "Vciterdny'n nttack In the Vosges enabled the French to enlarge their posi tions appreciably on the slopes east of Itnrtmnnnsweller-kopf. The number of Oermnn prisoners tnken up to tho pres ent time Is 1,200. of whom 21 nre ofll cer.i. "They belonged to sl different regi ments. No Important developments oc curred dm lug the night." Thp Ilclglnn official communication tends: "An nrtlllery action on both sides of n somewhat violent character occutrcd on tho Yser front. Our batteries bombarded all tlie Oermnn works to the north of Dlxmude nml the udvnncc post Adentorcn VaWffA s T f V Three Hunting: Books by Thomas Martindale Those who have lived through the stirring adventures of the hunt in fnr-olT regions with Mr. Martindale will be glad to know that his three leading works can now be had in a set for Christ mas giving. Handsomely boxed. $5 the Set "Sport, Indeed" "With Gun and Guide" "Hunting in the Upper Yukon" Aio single ii!iiiur, $.00 Every line of these books breathes tho spirit of true sportsmanship. Mr. Martin dale's hunting experiences have been so varied, nnd his story telling is so fascinating, that these three books make a rare gift for man or youth. To Be Hud Wherever Iiooka Arc Sold George W. Jacobs Co. Publishers Philadelphia Xmas Boxes A VERV USEFUL TEA POT GIFT 29c Import"" lapanma J Killed vm uu assorted har' candles !& Wood Boxes with hinge to ltd & a pretty scene In top. Filled with best hurd candles, 10c each 3!ONTA(il'K8 NKU'ESr (lllt!niAh PACKAtlK CliOcOtales. Own-Spun A delicious candy Qflp lA.lh 3 ars OUC 2-U. jo the Uox Japanese Uaud-9QC kenhlcIBox ,.. Chocolates Boxes Killed with very fine Pea nut Honey Comb or Cboco $1.50, $2, $3 laie jtiaranmauowa. SPEC8ALS Chocolate Chip ,..,, ,,, ,.,..!&c lb. Chocolat Mints !..;'.".', ItlI.lSc lb! Buperfln Gum Drops ,,,,,,.,,,.,I5c lb. Flue Peanut llrlttle , 15c lb. All Specially 3ood for Children Aasortrd Stick Candy ,.,,.., ,,,..,15o lb, wiu uhwi Mi.iurr. Pickwick Mixtures ... Utile Darling .... (.........bCIO, ..........,15c lb. .lOclb. WEN EVENINGS CNTII. CHRISTMAS 711 Fraokford Ave. J?tb & Olrard At. 1101 It Alleahenv At. w I Ull annul' m An ""PK "' 41' I A Vti I 1 nJ !ISJ QermaQtown Ay. A blockhouse erected on the dyko of the Tser -wns completely destroyed by our projectiles. Tho enemy cantonments nt Eessen and at Clercken were vigorously cannonaded." HUNGARY WILL PLEDGE OPEN DARDANELLES Continued from Pure One found, but I do not think the disposition for pence on either side ripened Into n readiness to enter peace discussions. So we must bo prepared for a longer dura tion of the war. Hut wo feel morally stronger for having given the world an understanding of what wa were ready to do in behnir of peace. ' Count Apponyl, like other officials In terviewed In the dual monarchy, ex pressed surprise at the tone adopted by America In the note to Austria-Hungary regarding the Ancona. "If I had been answering the American note I would have nsked your Stnte De partment to nmend the style and the language before I would consider A re ply," he raid, "The vlolenco of Un ex pressions was uncalled for. It takes for granted the statements of unnamed wit nesses and nccepts ns tho truth every statement of our adversary. Dut per hapi tho Foreign Ofllco was wise tn not showing how much the tone of the note wns resented. At any rate, I hope the negotiations will end satisfactorily." Count Apponyl docs not Join with those who praise the Austrlnn reply on the ground thnt It proven the monarchy's jdlp lotnatlc Independence of Germany. "I shouldn't Insist on that," ho said. 'I find perfect unanimity In the political nlms and sentiments of the central Pow ers. Wo keenly nppreclato Germany's sense of fidelity In grave moments nml reciprocate It." Tho Count nnked many questions con cerning developments In America, but snld he could not understand "tho lack of fairness of tho American press." "It has been a keen disappointment to c C. J. Heppe & Son, 1117-1119 Chestnut Street. Give your friends Victor Records Below is a reduced fac-similc of a form which wc have pre pared, printed very attractively in Christmas colors. By merely depositing with us the sum you wish to spend we will give you one of these certificates, which you may scud to any friend. He may choose his records at his leisure. This plan will save you valuable time. No Christmas purchase could be quicker. HEPPE Christmas Record Certificate s'',Wri!SwMawswK wJ f,,M '.5'9''I'rrfA''YotiBt. strjAWJs-.K'i, iVViv!ii4-'S)rt'V'-!RMVi jSMVnriWN?rtdTWorfrieri?itW,' This reproduction is only J4 size of our Certificate. IV. B. To secure certificates apply directly to cashier wigra F DUSSIA'S experience, when, at the beginning of the war, it put its ban on vodka, has not been of much comfort to the persons who advocate Prohibition. The Czar's sub jects have found a way or several ways of quenching their thirst, much to the financial advantage of the drug stores, if not to Russia's National treasury. HPHE following dispatch to the New York Journal from Petrograd tells the story without waste of words: " A FTER more than a year's trial of the anti-liquor decree, ri it appears that some American prohibition history is being repeated in Russia. A MEMORIAL to the City Council of Petroerad sets forth that the union g iflEAU DE Ml LJcolocneJuI Irrffi WT TlalffliH w FROM the above it can be seen that in the primary essen tials the Russian does not differ from tht American or for that matter, from the man of any other nationality. Take from him that which he considers he has a right, to have, and he will have it, in spite of the laws to the contrary. BUT more pertinent is the FACT that to hold that Pro hibition prohibits is a FALLACY, whereas all that Pro hibition ever has done is to prevent the legalized and regu lated sale of liquor. And the best proof of this is that 150 drug stores in Petrograd sold 216,000 gallons of alcohol last year or 1440 gallons (5760 quarts) to each store. Which is a pretty fair trade in alcohol for a drug store located in the Capital OI i-runiuitiuii .nauum Philadelphia Lager Beer Brewers' Association T Me' VI" AvtT ?iiMl.v Dtctnxhi,- -th rxm nj mo to see the subservience to second-hand Information from Englftnd displayed by your people," ho eald. "I full to under stand why nnd how Amerlcn entangles her sympatnica with a side on which Ilua sla Is flghtlnsr. In Russia the uplrlt of lib erty cfttinot prevail." The reference to German militarism In America also brought a reply from tho Hungarian leader. "The responsibility for European arma ments rests not with us, but with the Powers making it necessary for us to be prepared to defend ourselves," ho said. "There Is no difference between the militarism of France, nussla and Germany, except that Germany's Is more efficient" Count Apponyl is well known In Amer ica. He visited this country four years ago on a lecture tour, under tho aus pices of tho Civic Forum and Peace So ciety, At that time ho was ft member of TfH-KOHBBiaBmTII BLANKS FRUIT CAKE POUND CAKE PUMPKIN PIE PLUM PUDDING MINCE PIE FANCY CAKES HAMPERS and BASKETS of FANCY FRUITS Place order earlv to insure prompt delivery. 102426 Chestnut St. ' rnwrtT'-'nfc-'pfrfrnr Victrola ngrrarn : ; : S Verstss FACT is a real state of things. FALLACY is an appar ently genuine but really illogical statement or argument of the drug clerks finds the de mand for eau de cologne and a variety of bitters has been growing steadily, j T HAS been estimated that the 150 licensed drug stores in the city have sold the equivalent of 216,000 gallons of pure alcohol since the anti-liquor edict took effect at the beginning of the war. There is a great demand for alcohol that has been allowed to stand upon aromatic seeds, roots and leaves, or which has been more simply doctored up with aniline ingredients. "Y)F STILL greater proportion has been the use of de- natured alcohol as a beverage and the rectification of denatured alcohol into a palatable, if not a wholesome sub stitute for vodka." the Hague tribunal and was iC!T dlor to the King of H-TnArV W been a member of the Inffi, H m llamentary Peace C0Ztl?lH ft organization, and was elect. iLc,.fti of tho meeting held In Parl, t?i,riU the Uoers, By some writers hi t41 called tho greatest MunSrti,h,,.l5 man. usarian tilg VVWVViVVw-1t,,v Xmas CANDY SPECIALS 5 pounds Mix- nrr hires I OC pound 17 e L": $1.00 1 pound 23e 5 lbs. All d "I f)p j Chocolates.. PA.40 J pound 30c pw HOMEMADECANDYCa t finnVMnf-UAf lni".l""l 5 120R Routh S niflfl K-nMnitton 5 i'240 N Front 5 i'tinn Kensington 4H77 Kmnkford t 1202 N B2d r.214 Market j, 2ir,T N Oth 5 4837 Woodland 2nionid.. km ma 2244 Itt-lJ, Wil W, O rM 4211 W. UMrt .inn tri If!'?? 20.7 xSffiSJ 5 Stores In Cnmcl-n i Ji-.Ofllce nnd factory. 108 V. Nnnlj 8tt4 Service 6th 6c Thompson Streets Hepp Victr outfits Settlement may be made bv cash or charge account, or rental-payment plan all rent applies to purchase. VICTROLA IV $1.00 6 10-in. Double-face Records 4i0 Total cost $&J0 Pay SI down $2.50 monthly. VICTROLA VI $25.00 6 10-in. Double-face Records 4.50 Total cost $29.50 Pav S2 down. $.1 monthly. VICTROLA VIII $40.00 Records, your selection ., 5.00 Total cost . . ... $45.00 Pav $4 down. $.1.50 monthly. VICTROLA IX $5000 Records, your selection 1000 Total cost .. ...$6000 Pav S4 down. $4 monthly. ' trTrTTD-iY a -v e.iM i-inuLn .rk ....9IJJWI Records, vriur splcrtinn 1013 1 Total cost $35.00 Pav $i down. $5 monthly, VICTROLA XI $100.00 Records, your selection ... 1000 Total cost $110.00 Pav $8 down. $6 monthly. VICTROLA XIV $150.00 Records, your selection 10.00 Total cost $16000 Pav S10 down. $S monthly. VICTROLA XVI $200.00 Records, your selection . 2500 Total cost .. . .$22500 Pay $10 down. $10 monthly, 4 5760 Quarts Pure Alcohol Sold Yearly By F.Ac.h Pfttrodrdd b 9 Drug Store In mTk3? mu i 'j"w r J&&z&' 3Mm$i fliiia'lrV.B "i faaajcajter jaw. 1 ,"-"1 ' "J ??"