-13 TILDEN EXPLAINS DEVELOPMENT OF BACKHAND STROKE OTHER NEWS OF SPORTS BASEBALL MAGNATES READY WILL PAT MORAN WANT ANY OP THESE ? BASKETBALL LEAGUE TO SIGN PEACE AGREEMENT What Is Believed to Be Last Day's Session Began at Noon Eight Articles Will Compose the Pact PLANNED FOR BOYS . irw'j Municipal Athletic League May Arrange Details at Meeting This Afternoon 1 EVENING LEDGEE PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1915. CINCINNATI. Dec. 22. The delegates from the National. American anil Fed eral LcnRUos "l sK" tho t1cnco aRi fo ment tonight, according; to a magnate, who left the mooting room for a few minutes ln" 'n" "fternoon. The mag- tes wcnt lnto p,,'on nt noo" nn'l o much wn nci otnpllslicd at yesterday's eslon In the- wny of clearing tip details lht It Is not believed that another day's ,M.In will ' nece.'.oary. Hurry Slncinlr will letlro from the own- 'h.p 0f the Newark club. selling out at karenln sales" lo Pat Powers nnd olhrl-s, ., were associated with him In tho deration of the club In 1918. Here tiro Hie mnjoi portions of tho pence (greement ni approved bo far, according to ft magnate nr.l The Imn has been lifted from nil .i!i.V who were nn orgnhlrr-l bifotull a HKKStst : They will he. prlt Urged to piny "onJ All nrptnlrrd clubs have wlthdrnwn ,lffm m o.odeil "rontrael himtiers ' niul I i.I. where Olivers nre sold Hie purchase !?SJv" III ko t" the federal I-omkuo iliib on fSSS-rosier hre ubiyerH Hero nt the end of "rhl'A1.5 trRn"iod clubs vv ho lost plav rs to fvi r lends bt ilesertlon u 111 not Kit buck mm ttlayrn unless they, pay, the nrleo do KfSe.1 Th Nntlonnl Comnilsslnn till do 5J. ?s to the fairness of tho price How !nr in rimes where the former inner of the ttiwr vmnts tii k n nlnvcr who descried Jim he will he Bit en tho hut dunce to bid '"tvmrtli The Keilernl l.encne n n whole 1ms ',,ntrel l rot nil the iron, lid i iitr.uts t? full in e- nhe.e n 1 1 in r h Minn sin li rantrait Is ""Id to nn nrennlreil iliib Hint risk will nssume 'he . nntmet nr si much ns ii deems fnlr Tho difference lietwien the rontrsct Mltry nnd the s ilirt tint the nrKiiti RH i club Is wllllnit to pnv will he paid bj the IHeril owner who made the-enntrnct 'fifth In eases whero the nreanlied club Sin to my the plajer it fnlnr that seoms to I, too low In tho estimation of the Kcdoriil wnr who mailo tho orlnlnnl contract, tho JfiUoiMil Commission will nam; the salary (hit should bo paid If nono of tho organized PENN FOOTBALL TEAM WILL PLAY PICT NEXT FALL Official Schedule of the Red and Blue Is Announced Today SWARTHMORE OCTOBER Id Manager Charles I.ovett, of tho Univer sity of rcnimlv.-iul.t football team, this mornlnK aniioumcd 'he Oiiakois scliodule , l"or 1016. The list of sumos Is tho same u this full with ttto exceptions. Tho ichedule bill been reduced finm ten to nine Ramos b ctittliiB out the one mld- neek Kainc with Albright CoIIckc. The i other chaiiBi' Is that Swnrthmoio tnUes the place of the N'avv on October 11. rittsburcii won nut on Its request for i homo same and the CJuakers will visit 'heSmoli City on October is. Tho tinlv Mher out-of-town irame will be with Hlchlgan nt Ann Aibor on November is. the Quakers wanted to play Michigan on November 11. but the Wolvoilncs have al Jeady Klveii that date to Cornell and no cbtnBo e.m he made utitpt with tho con tent of Cornell In order to ease tho October schcilulo the Stute nnd sI'ittsliurKh K.imes havo leen moved up ono week. State will rnnio to Franklin Field on October 21 nnd the Quakers will ko to I'lttslmrKh on October H Pennsylvania declined for a tlmo to 10 to IMttsburKh. but tho Smoky City mea convinced them that a 30.0TO crowd ou!d turn out for this Kimio. which Is more thnu It would draw on Finnklln .Field In addition tho 1'ennsjlvanlu ilumnl In the western end of tho Stato Irousht all their pressure to hear. Swarthmoro Is substituted for tho Nnvy puna bci-nuso the Middles aro not per mitted to play hut ono out-of-town same BMt fall, that hcliiB with tho Army on Franklin Field, December 2. The Nnvy wanted Pennsylvania to ko to Annapolis, but tho Quakers could not s,eo their wuy elear to play thrco (fames nway from home. Tho schedule follows: September 30, West Vlrulnla nt Franklin Jfctober T, Franklin and Jl.irslull at Kranklln October 14, Swarthmnro at I'runklln I'leld. Ptot,cr SI. Ht.uo Colleo in lr,iiiklln Held. October 28. riltahurRh at 1'lttuhurKli. f.ovember 4, Jjifujctte at Franklin Field, r-.ot ember 11, Ii.irtinuutb at l'runklln Klcld. (otember is, Mb bluan nt Ann Arbor. November DO. Cornell ut Frunklln Field. Ticket Scandal at Harvard Revealed Cambridge, Mass., Dee. 22. Tho Harvard Athletic Council has an nounced that 5-1 names of fjradu ates and untleri?raduate3 had been blacklisted because tickets allotted to them for the Harvard-Yale foot fall game this fall had been found in the hands of speculators. In the future no application for tickets by these men will be honor ed, it was stated. The number of tickets reaching the speculators was remarkably ttnall this year, tne council report ed. Undergraduate and dental school students were the chief of fenders, although one officer of tho university was found guilty. T ebihs-nnlof of mlfor wmt a rdiver who holds nn Irnnelald contract with the IVilrrsils, the I oilcr.ll owner mil be omieiod to tmy the Mim in full. Wheneter rerteml club owners intniot pnv mich contricls because of liek of funds, that contract ttlll bo rninllv Plld bv tho .Sntionnl Commission and Harry Mneinir. -Mltth. ("borles It. WecKhman. owner of the rblcnRii be.leral Leaauo Club, will buy tho Cubs, but will not buy tho plijlntr Held nnd M-itHls, as the IVdi-ml nirk. on the North Side, will be used, .too Tinker will be tho new mnnntrr llnrrt Slneinlr will hae atock In this e'ub until teehnlnn rnlses tnoro money, while tho oil m.iRnato will tirobnblv tiiirehure the iiiants. as negotiation ire tinw ifnillne Phil Hull owner of the St. t.oubi I eil. bus mirihn-e,l the Ht Iiuls llrnwtis In flenil of the I'nrllimls na had been reported, l.dtt.ird (Inlnner owner of the I'lttsburnh 1 oils, will be Rlten one month to purchase ono of net oral major lenRiie franchise on ttliltli prieia h.ie been placed by the 1'cnco Commission Keetilh. Other Federal Ix'ncue mnRtintes will hue fr.imhlsc hi the reconntrurted In ternational I.enRiie circuit, whhli Is tbjhtlnit for n major league classlllcntlnn. If the firook Ivn I'cdnnl I.eanue plant eim le n-.-d I n inn lor leiRue ilnsslllcatlon Rlten the Interim tlniuil UiiRtie. Httlnner will pn-'b lute tho rittshurith elub. whllo lironkltn will nls.i Into ttto teams r.lRlith Carroll Itnlsln. owner of the Unltl tnore Petla. Is to havo n rramhlse In the lnternatlonil Ioruo In Ilaltlinore. while the IliifTaln Teds nnd the Internitlon.il will com bine In Unit city Knns.i Cltj will be out In the cold, but will bo paid off bv the Nntlonnl Cnmml-slon nnd It frnnehlse and many plav er used In an International League city not jet decided upon. So poon ns the deloKrttes dccldo upon tho makr-up of tho International I.enKilo circuit nnd whether .t shall be a lcngllo of higher classification, the pence nKtee motit will he slKtied nml tho Federal I.eriKiio will wlthdrnw Its suit licforo JtitlRi' I.nndls. Pittsburgh Star Dies PITTin-lUin. 1M. Dec. 22 Hnrry Phnf. PReU 2 1, or Iltrmlnlf. l'.t . fnrmrr ct.ir niul on Ihn , nlitrMlv of PltitmrRh ftmilMll triiiit, die! nt tho Went lVnn Ilnpltul lat ulKht. frn inrnlncltlft. which i!ertnil fmm nn In jury miffprpO h tho rMtrn star In Ihn mi nimi rtnh hptwotn Pitt niul WanhlnRton mid JpffrrMm at Portirw l'M.l two urckH uko. REYNOLDS BOXES FAST BOUT WITH FRANK CONIFREY New York Fighter Wins From Local Boxer in Six-Round Match BONES DEFEATS LOWREY Franklo Conlfiev Is back In New York today ntirhint; a pair of puffed lips and a smarting nose as a result of Hobby neynolds" .stilt loft Jabs In their mnteh nt tho OmiKlas here last nlRlit. How ever, the Clothniu Slovenian, because of his hauler piinel s and more consistent lighting nt close quarters, was entitled to tile decision. Tiie bout ns n whole, was fast nnd In tel cstlm,', althotiKh at seveial stoRcs the principals Blow oil up In the clinches and Itofciee Tommy O'Pnro had sotne trouble In sep.untliiK them. Fiom a distance Itcynolds' superior cleverness was In evi dence, but when-the pair came to closo quartets Conlfrcy showed to advantnKe with vicious punches to the stomach and over the heart. Itevnnlds was foiccd to do mnj of tho IcmlliiK, as Conifrov Koneinlly waited for tho local liocr to rnnio to him, toady to shoot punches with either h.ind to Hobby's body. After the match Rey nolds' side was as red us a beet as a result of Franklo's body-smashing blows. It was their third encounter, they having met In two 10-iouiid alfalrs In .'e,v York two yenra apo. In the scmlvvlnd-up Hock Hones won from Yciuiik I.owry In sW rounds, nfter the former had claimed a foul In tho openliiK period. The bout between Joe How land and Johnny flallaKher wa.s stopped by the refeice In the third loiind. as the former was receivltiK coiudder ablo pimlshnitnt. Tho (icotgie llvans K. O. Sant-oin mlN-tip nlso was linlted wlicn Hvaus suffered a deep sash over his tlRht eye In the llftli. Seesaw Kcllv knocked out Jim Williams in tho fourth round. PKNX 21) SOCCKIIISTS IX CLASH WITH IilJHHill Pennsylvania Intercollegiato League Match Decided at Bethlehem HirniMlIIFM. Fa. Pec. !2-TIio IVim sylvanl.i IntereolleKiato Soccer I.eaBiie match hetvvKU I'emisylvanl i "d and I.e hlRli, postpouul fiom last b'.ttuiday, was playid hero tills afternoon. The lied and llluo jounKsturs defeated I.afayettn at l'hllaihlphia three weeks hbo, and diew witli Ilavcrfotd Colleno a week Inter, and a victory today will put them within I each of tho title. The teams lined up as follows: Venn. Lehlnh. M.nlflr.t Kc.nl Itau WrlKht rlk'bt fullback Konlln 'I'atnall left fullbnck Morrinon MorrU rlKht balfliark Cuflln Itlbiuall (lutsiufi ieu. .... i ipitienc jieitree t,triH"mT. vrtncoiiivn ia.ivtiiiu uud Webster. Time of halves 13 minutes. Steifvl Confirms Support ST I.Ol'IS. Dee. IT." -lit to I" Stelfel, ono of tho lamest sto kholders of the rit. Louis IVderul LeaBue Club, has lunnrmed tho etate inent Kit en nut In riiuhmatl tbut 1'hll Kill nou hi buy tho St Ujula Anurhuiu illrottns) If tlie lanlliiK lawie neKoilatlons were su' icsBtill. Mr. Melfel K.ild ho irobabl ttuuld be nsujlaiod ttllh Hall In tho purchase of th lironus. Nellher would Ulsmis the terms of tho deal. l.t.UU .......,.v....u .".......,, ..w.i.j l-tlte left b'llfbuck lUurd Snjder outsldo rlsht Lewis (lay Inside rlcht IIilikUihI lttrno tiiitio forttard (iJrrUte .U. Master Inside left Hindirsnn FOUR PENN MEN ON ALL-EASTERN SOCCER ELEVEN Champion Haverford Team Has Only Two Players Selected OTHERS ARE DISTRIBUTED All-Eastern College Soccer Team of 1915 .t. Milpto, llnvrrforil (jonl Moore, I'rlucetiiii Hlcbt fullbitek Tbajer, IVulli) Itiiulii loft fiilllmrb llurtucll, Harvard Kit biilfbiiek lllrt, lVnn-jltiuilii Centre InilfhniU Jlnlir, I'eiiiinjltiiiibi .. I.rft lialfbni k stolie, lliivrrfonl ., Oiibdilc rltctit ll.llXiiinliiiltr.Columbbi ... Insblr rlcbt llarron, I'eiui-j luinlii ... Centre forttnril (iile, I'rlnrrtfin In.hlr left Weld, Harvard OiiInIiIc left Mib-tlhitrs Murpliy, I'riin-jltnnln.nnd l.ee, forwiirilt 'Ihonun, Cornell, full, bin k. Follnwlnff the custom of selecting an All-i::istern football team, It will not be out of place to choose an All-Uastem soccer eleven, selected from incmbets of tiie IntereolleKiato LeaBiie. After cateful consideration tho above have been placed on tho team. It will be noticed that rcnnsylvanln has four places, while tho lnteicollcKlate champion, IIacrford CoIIokc, Rets but two Tho chief reason for this is Hint I'cnn had the better Individual phiycis, and that their loss of tho IntercnlleRlate championship was hroimht about bv the play of one particular man on the Ilnvei foul team This was J. Shipley, the II.iv ctford ko.i1 keiper, who in tlio eiltlcal KutniH with Harvard, Vale and l'ennsyl vanla saved his side from defeat. Tho Haverfoid backs were a tremen dous help to Shipley, but Individually thoy were not strong cnoueli to he selected fur tho All-American eleven. Princeton nnd Hnrvnid get two places nnd Colum bia one. Shipley Goal Keeper .Shipley was elearlv entitled to tho posi tion of goal keeper. Moore, of Princeton. Kets the rlKlit fullback position and Thayer, of Pennsvlvnnla. the left. Iloth weio etcollent taeklcrs. they kicked well and cleanly and were absolutely fenrlohs. Hartwoll, of Haivard, earned the light lialfb.ick position o feeds tho forwards well and Is always In the right spot nt tho right moment. Hirst and Molir, of Pennsylvania, easily outclassed tho other halfbacks In tho league at centre nnd tight half, respectively, nnd their tights to tho positions cannot he questioned Stokis. of Haverford, was by far tho best outside right In the league. He is ex ceedingly speedy, centres well and nt taking corners lie is excellent. II. II, Slianlioltz, of Columbia, although a centre forward, is placid at Inside right, because ho Is tqunlly good In that position. Shan liulU Is without doubt one of the best for wards in tho league nnd very accurate. Centre Forward Hanoi), of Pennsylvania, undoubtedly earned his place nt centro forward. He keeps his wings together splendidly. Is an accurate, kicker with either foot, and thelo Is always lots of sting behind his shots nates, of Princeton, gets tho In- sble left position on account of his speed, ttickluess and accurato passing, while Weld, the Hurt aid captain. Is entitled to tho outside left position for his clever dribbling, speed and line cen res. As substitutes, Murphy, of Pennsyl vania, and I,eo, of Yale, would bo tho first choices and nt fullback Thomas, of Cor nell, would be entitled to the position after Mooro nnd Thayer Murphy Is a remarkable player, Inasmuch as he can ploy In any position on the Held and even kept goal for I'cnn ng.ilnst Columbia., Puritan Y. M. I. would llko to arrange a gamo for Christmas morning at "d and Clenrlleld streets. Full expenses will be paid for 12 players within the city limits. Teams ran communicate with A A. Wel don, Tucony 200 (llell telephone), between S a. in. nnd 5 p. m., or P. O. Ilox 1537. Reading at Camden Tonight The Heading basketball team of the Kast crn leaKue vtlll meet the Cumdeu team this cvtnlmc at a u'elotk In the cage nt the Armory, lladdon avenue. The last time theso teams met the Heading quintet easily defeated tho Bomb Jtrneynicn. ABSENT-MINDED ABNER You Couldn't Catch Him on This Twice, However! By WALT . NSsy t$5$&tMiii mwSl. . - ' '-zl rfOPC O&mAM When the Federal League- nlaycrs arc distributed throughout the leagues of organized baseball, fans arc wondering if I'at Mornn will want to tako Doolan, Knabe, Uronnnti and Scaton back into tho Philly fold, from which they jumped to the I-'ctls. BACKHAND STROKE IS WEAKNESS OF MOST PLAYERS By W. T. T AT Tim very opening of this article It . will bo well to get sovural Generali ties before us at once. In the average tennis game, nnd cer tainly with nil beginners, the backhand Is a wenk stop and m almost every case Is protected so far as possible. Tho ten dency Is to cover up nnd protect this part of theunnic and so far a." possible to elimi nate It fiom play. This Is a very bad error, for the only wav to develop a backhand is to uso It consistently and equally with the fore hand To most players tho backhand Is a purely T1I.M.N. defensive shot. Thcie are only two players who iclv on their backhand to pass n net plnyer with. One Is Theodore Uoose vclt Pell, ranked No. fi this year; the other Is It. N. Willlnms, Id. our No. 2 man. They both scoto often off their backhand, yet their shots uro totully dlffeient. Pell's shot, the most remarkable back hand In the world. Is a fast drive, hit Just as the ball stmts to fall from tho top of its bound It Is hit with n full arm BWlng niul a gteat deal of "top," the weight tinvellng into tho shot ns Pell almost Jumps Into tmi ball. It Is a wonderful piece of nlisolnte con trol of footwoik. yet withal Is very er ratic, because ho relics on ttrrllle force to beat the other man. It Is generally ,t sttalght shot, seldom anglcl. WllllnuiH' shot, on tin other hand, i" hit on tho rislne bounce with n very short swing, tho incqiict meeting the bull full l.-ivo and a vvilst tuin putting tho "top" on it. Williams enn hit either straight or cioss court fiom either side seeming ' equally well, owing in the shortness of hi i swing, allowing him to change direction nt tho last minute. Tho lemarkablo part Is tho speed with which Williams can hit cro.-s-coutt nnd hold tho hall In court. Hut let us nil remember that we aro not yet Pells and Williamson and therefoio let theao trick shots alnno. For marvelous ui. these shots ate, thoy are individual and unique and should not bo copied until the fundamental baukh'ind giound sttoku be comes second nature, onco that Is accom plished then wo can begin to work out tho peculiar shot which will becomo an attacking power. lio not shield your backhand, never from the habit of running around a ball to get In on your fotehand. To do so only weakens your backhand and laya you open to easy attack, since your position will bo bad. !o not i hop your h.it Minnd until you hnvo acquired the Mat ground stroke or drive. No lews an authority than IT. II. 11. Dcwhurfct say a unequivocally, "Never chop your backhand under any circum stances." Potior liewhurst ought to know, for thete Is no gt eater authority or, tennis sttokea in American today than he. Chop Is Tabooed Tho reason for this advice ngalnst the chop stroke Is not that it is necessarily a bad shot, but that It lacks pace. Today pace is an absolute necessity, .since the surest way to pass .. nun at tho net Is pace plus fair direction. The very imturo of tho chop stroke in Itself tends ngalnst great speed, and tho result is that it is an easy shot to volley onco it Is reached. Vo not think that this Is advocating I V T T1I.1H.N. 2li Wi W& WtMMm ' OTTO KM?& EJMWw? . (L I Taft Is Not Worrying TOS7 SttTOM ILDEN, 2d "lacing the cover oft" every ball you hit. Fur he It from that. It merely Is advis ing tlio development of a uniform speed, nnd the uiilfotm speed of a drive is greater than that of a chop. Tho only great chop stroko backhand today Is Joseph J. At instiling, Pennsyl vania State champion: but even his shot lacks pace, and a net man causes Aim strong a gicnt deal of trouble. DefeiiMve Stroke Malto your backhand first defensive fiom the point of security and steadi ness; do not ml.ss often off it until you hegln using It offensively. When you hi gin doing that expect to miss, for the shot which scores most often and Is the strongest attack will naturally go wrong most often hccnUhc of the chances you tako In trying to score. Now the technique of tho back hand ground Is made up of three tlilngH: (l) Footwoik. (2) Weight control. (3) Itncqiier swing. Of course, keep your eyes on the ball; that ht fundamental To hit straight off the backhand, the feet should be parallel to the side line, the toes making a light angle with It; the weight should bo on the left (or back) font and swing onto tho tight (or front) foot nt moment of meeting tho bnll. The racquer should meet the ball with a lint face and the "lop" spin bo put on by the tacqiiet traveling over tho hall, not under It, as In a chop stroke. The racquet should make almost a right auglo with the aim, but the question of whether the hand should ho shifted on tlio hnndlo Is one puiely of personal comfort As n rulo tlio hand Is shifted slightly; but If this Is done, gel a 111 in grip of tho rac quet before making tlio stroke. Tho great essential In racquet work for all tennis shots Is to hold tho racquet tightly and hit firmly. Do not slacken your shot. Tlio general line of the racquet on tho backhand iliivo Is as follows; First When tho ball is below level of the net it travels up onto tho ball and puts a small amount of "top" nn it, Second When the ball Is about net high meet tho hall Hat with medium "top." Thlrd-Whcn tho lull Is shoulder-high or above, meet It coming nearly tlat. but with a gteat amount of "top" spin. This Is Teddy IVM's shot. When wishing to lilt cross-court of tho backhand, do not try to do It by swing ing your racket face in various dli ra tions, but change your footwork bo thut your shot can be a Hat ill I to in any ease, adviinco your right foot in front of or nearer the sldo line, then your left, and pull Into tho hall as your weight ad vances onto it. Abovo all tilings, havo confidence In your backhand. Kipeet to mako your shot. Strive for steadiness and correct foim before you try to scoro off your backhand drive. My next article will bo "Tho Volley." Addington Out of llascball Suit rllll'AIHt, le -. -Att'iriiev Kline Ail- dtiiutoii. who ttus sin... I.il cuunel fur tho ftiuirttl iaUKue in me i rim iiiaiiuii ui (is. suit liKalnst umullKr.l ban bull belore Judgi lam dls. returned yesterday and said be bad noth ing ti da ttith baseball ticKottallons and ttus iiul udvlse.1 tth.-thir I Iip anil-trust tult uf the 1iI.tuU vtouid I withdrawn. "1 um nut lb. louuftel of the Federal la-axue said Mr Ad In-itim '"there Is ab solutely no basis fur loiiiieitln.: ine with the tviltdiutvul r dismissal of the suit now pend ing befuru Judge Ijiudls. Yankee .May (let Maker PHlCAno. Uce S3 "Home Itun" ll.iker. whoso nmtr.ut Is ludd by the Athletics, pnib al.ly will be soil lo the New ork Yank), I'hailea A. t'umlskiv. presllent of the Chl esiuo Ami'rli.ins. bats. Cmnlskey has dun up all neiiotiailuns fur Ilakir, ho said. SAN ANTONIO. Tot. Pee. 52 -Charles P. Taft. owner of tho ChleaEo National Leasuo elub. vtns here veMerlay en route to bis ranch nt cireRorv, Toi . whero he will opond ttto weeks on a huntlnR trip lie would neither deny nnr eontlrm the report lint ho was of fered f.-innunu for the Cubs trnhchlje Ho will return to Cincinnati about January 4. Small Bcnellt for Lavignc NHW OllK l'ec. 22 Weeks of tmbtl.-ttv filli I to .Inn the 'nlthful to the l-Miellt or a fallen t.lnl bid UivIkup ol l-llmp light nelirllt t Inilllilnn Thf I rnellt niton liy proi- ent and past ring lelehrltlea netted only $i;.oi von this ,S KOSHLAND (fig! SSfiSW -MSi,. ..(- ga3afaif-?a5;,. s a m e every thing only that the parment we sell von man's sample or an odd lot. Now that the light has dawned upon you, won't you come in for the greatest clothing value of your exper ience? Make it to morrow. Trousers $2 Pants 9Sc $:i Pants $1. IS $1 Pants $1. 98 So Pants S2.1S Si Pants S2.US zrl m afcaa,ES' LeSjO'eiau wsb CB Bt CD SB CI KB BO E3 BEI BI I Open Vlonday, I'riduy uml Saturday i;vculiis Cl4&16 So.l5HSt T7filQNo.l3tHSt. McDOUGALL Tho special committee appointed by the Municipal Athletic I,eftguo of Philadel phia to look Into the question of arrang ing for basketball championships among tho Hoys' Club nnd Settlement Houses who arc connected Wdth tho league will bo considered nt a special meeting to bo held this afternoon In tho Evening Homo Hoys' Club, 23 South Van Pelt street. Tho commlttoo appointed by Ed ward H. Bushnnll. president of the Municipal Athletic League, finds that the following clubs nro willing to enter teams in their respective olnsses- Midget League, for boys under T3 pounds and under 12 years of age; University Settle ment House. Wlssnhlckon School Club, Nlcetown Hoys' Club, Philadelphia Boys' Club nnd Ucrmantovvn Hoys' Club. Junior League boys over "." pounds and under 100 who me more than 12 years of nge and under 13 years of nge, I'nlvcralty Settlement llotite, St. Martha's House, Wlssahlckon Sehool Club, Nlcetown Hoys' Club. Philadelphia Hoys' Club and dor mnntown Hoys' Club. Lively Indoor Baseball Game The Cosmos Club composed of dormitory men. defeiled a team rompood of employes of the I'hlladetphli Itnpld Trnnnlt i ornpnnv la n. irame of Indoor haplmll plivrd at vet llranch V M i'. A. Inst iiIkM It was a lively Rama nml reunited lii ii einre of 'II iii 2s A trlplo pliy ttos a friture 'I Iip I'l'mmi played with onlv pev en nipn. ns fniintte Hmmett ducat. Atkln Aitt.iol, it.tutT i in Hard nnd Altklna. The ralltvnt t. tiii In. hnlr.l i rntt MeDraft, Cressr, battler, linen, l'ouffberlv llnrbrldxe, llnunrth. A Clearing House for Forty Famous Clothing anufacturers Over 5000 Garments Here at Koshland's at 50 Per Cent. Less Than Standard Retail Prices Why, do you think, do so many substantial business men come here for their clothing? The reason is because 1 cater to them, 1 cater to their ideas of elegance, of quality and values. More than forty of our country's most famous makers of nationally advertised brands of clothing supply my entire stock. Every suit or overcoat see here, is very d a y ine Same Suits & Overcoats Elsewhere Will Cost You Double These being sold for twice the price we ask for it. The same style, same material, 'is either a sales- V Prices Suits and Overcoats 7.45 ti Value G $1S Value $20 1J& TTJ A?m Value $30 Full Drei Suit., Full ( -J A rC Silk Lined P l't.yO $50 Muikrat Lined Genuine Cj"?! OC Periinn Baby Lnmb Collar Coats M - t0 $3, S4 and $5 Fancy Vests, now Sl,3fl A s-e1-? I&xril'4b & im uauuuturauiKnjKitoi hroni My 1 'tluus li t uud V??1" r" f what's ""N ZT""" y y), S BUT, MY boy. people s , ( S-'C' s P WKmr&S ( weoo'nIA -V JS A b1Gbdins& Tl X cdrt ''s a wooden K J 3f -r 1 MARR'EPtjy ' za r I f , - . - I --i ' I ci-J