wwpVXpil8iiiWm'",w " ' IWWW EVENING LEDGER-rHILADELPHIA TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1915. . - - . - -. jMMM , o m i 9 f P--9B9W-WJW: : ., w i W m '!l J.HEARTED JIM'S WIDOW FACES EVICTION ON CHRISTMAS EVE Waiter's Family Has ytlnin Had Year 01 irouoics Since His Death Last New Year's . I KIDDIES; RENT UNPAID ,, Christmas Eve nml Iilg Hearted K ?..," ., fns thev called hlmj 'KJ two five-dollar bills ami two ones, fetfsS? hta week", pay. and "Well. I'll hlch ira fhls V.l ...... il.l." Iia Inkf1. In the on. "W1"' i nih street at the corner of Han- n M "9-MJthi. between uiij ...... -v.., ,?Bii!",r .. . nlnnvH Inklnc nnd corn- Sjj'ISe title 131b Hearted 20 times a day W" ...il ill. ... Ilint 1 k f iilu it hl'mU; he..er did Hj .look It BSBflawi'." .... v.. nluf!.l-a ,1ltl-nltvni ft. HI 10 "IS Will'. n " .".-." - L. nlchts later ho was a dead man. A lvor spattered In 9th strct and echoed m. In the marble eaves of the Postofllce Soi the Btrcet. Jim's Hlff Heart was r'JT for. for all the good It would eer v: vi nnv more 111 this worm, nut a fmite Italian bootblack who says Jim pro 7.. him that New Year's Kve, Is nllve wd Sicking today JIM'S WtDOW HARD UP. fear has irone since then and another nirlalmas Is coming for the widow of S, Jim Fltzslmmons. The W of the $12 u rot each cck Is not for her now. Whet money she Bets Is gotten from the nirble doors of an oillce bulldltiR, upon "hlch floors she worm. They arc clean mjawect each mornlns for men's feet u dirty and men's cigar stumps, etc.. to ioil again, nnd It only costs the building Scents a day to hire tho HIk Hearted Joe' widow to clean tip for tho men. that TO cents a day has left her In the (wen For she could pay only $1 on last month's rent, and the landlady was going to put Jim's widow ana Jim's four chll Iten out upon the narrow pavement of tirrow Napa street If she did not pay Surest of her rent; but then her mother liowed the landlady n order from tho Dlitrict Attorney for $9 for witness fees, which she tried to collect three "limes, tot was put off, and ns finally promised tirment on December .1, and If they Wt tmv It then, tho family may have (4 be cleared nut Into Napa street after ill. It would appear. SHE HEARS NO GP.UDC.K. The witness fees, by the way, arc for U widow's appearance In court to tes tify against Granville Jefferson, who was tried on charges of shooting her husband. He was acquitted. "I didn't bear that man what you would akuU ft sruase, sue smu iuuio.. uuu llought II was strange that 17 witnesses wild not convince mat jury me man flat shot my husband was guilty. If he m EUllty he ougnt to nave Deen pun ished for killing the best mnn In the For'd; that's all." Sis said that twice on last New Year's Ere there had come a ring at the door tdL Tho first was when the coal man Irought the ton of coal which Jim had bid the foresight to have put In, and tho lecond was when they brought Jim hlm itlf home,, dead. She began to cry. It wernr that when It comes to coal the cage of the family Ib not as desperato as it mifht be, for "the men on tho railroad rt very kind to my mother, and let her tfelfup coal on the tracks for our stove." nH.Mrg. Fltzslmmons. as If those rall K4'men were doing a quite exceptional tf kindness. sio.m;v west wuiukux. 'gje helps a lot with tho children that Ml tray thero Is Joseph! he's 10 years "tW," He looked down quickly; a fine, honest-faced boy. "JIo helps n lot. Thit'a Catharine, she's 6, nnd Margaret, iJe'i I," and then a very little son of Big-hearted Jim toddled across the room ipd 'climbed Into his mother's lap. That lyij.the baby, 18 months old, whom she rtilhered to her heart. '"When Jim died I got J100 from the jJBEigles and $200 insurance. Out of that I paid 1S3 for funerni expenses, what a tilt? A good deal for a funeral? No, It OH wasn't too much for Jim's funeral." And fffllt was not too much to pay for Jim's uitral. for there will never be another Jim. tiht said: "I took in washing then nnd fronlaj. and I woiked out when possible. Bat I could not make much that way be- United Rug and Linoleum Co. Buy a Rug for Christmas A gift of real utility may be se lected frrtm tlicib c.nr1ra uiilli l-t confidence that your money buys "o ausoiuiciy me oesi vaiue u is possible to secure. Ve Kll nnlir efanrlfirfl rtiinlifv foods, and because we are out of me expensive central district we M able to effect merchandising CC0n.0mle that mnlff. nnqslhV Wlcts very much lower than those vi uuicr mores. Note These Christmas Specials They merely hint of many other money-saving opportunities. Seamless Tapeslry BRUSSELS RUGS We, have 200 Tapestry Brussels fSi, in varied sizes, marked for Vemtraas selling at less than usual jaolesale cost. Seamless. Splen M line of patterns. SWV. 'EC'95 7.6x9 ft. 57.7S J'PVeluo O $12 VIue jyiavJtf- sTVlUw" th' Axminster Rugs $n LT" '"': " ricn ana eirect- w Mtt-n, Seu regularly for ti. 52.25 Velvet Rugs 2i Inches. Useful size n .10 gr many purposes. IS i hes. Heavy mould- O O C y.ieiy- perreci. i ft Axminster Russ $14-75 Kfl'r 1.6.60 erade. Siniiy mlsmatchffrl in pattern. 45 inlairl I InAlaiim I A ISr'f0.1" fuU 'o'1"! tile and DUC 5SStytry nattern.! hln-e.ilii VOU Will tin u1l t no.r !.: c.nrn Ttsit hetore you buy floor cover ,jS e guarantee satisfaction n saving to every purchaser. h & Linoleum Co. R2U23-25 Market St, "t tt 524 Street "L" Sutton. VenUnt cr connection frow nvt of too city, '-'rrn Every Evening lh?t uie?" nu"lns mtIe Jlm hero Mi'I'In!!" ,e;fs nahcd nnd n&PPd s drrn P5, ?' Vl0 PrlvaUons of her chll &.2.V1.10 "1?. "". "V f that I br.nV.li-V.Vi i ".T Js muc" ot the nn?V. t'1..1"..' frUMlmmone; face. ;;. i . ... ,nc 0,1 beauty In her hJ .v. chlldrcn are clean, but have n.i,Ji """f elothti; what they have l "'PJJe'iea nnd flxed up as well ns -" - T lelr mother'a clothes are not .. ,r,Snoc, nre worn clean through; h?.p',ltc,,lnB wl" help them, v. . 1 1 "? ?ot wors"- 'y money ran out. i 1,,ved.thcn t 12J3 south Nnpa! we had lo gei out of thero because we owed two months' rent. The landlord said he'd put the conitnblc on us. So I moved across the sttcot to IfcM here." This Is near 31st and Wharton streets. 'I walk to work nnd I walk home, or I guess there'rt never be anything to cat here. I wouldn't have Rot the Job t have If It hadnl been for .Matthew Grlllln, of the Secret Scivlce. who knew my husband. My ImsHand was working hard; c cry body llkpil him "He win woiklng to te n bartcnder-lo think he was shot In cold blood In no quarrel of his nnd to protect a boy that had nothing to do with him! And his ton ?, co,a, ,comI"R I" the house the same time his body came home! ".Ju,,,n y.0.", "e .would do anything for ruiybody. hen t think of It, I would like to end It alt: V'U I won't, for I'm going If! U Of-Lr frtt 'llnnn .l.lt.1 mi . -- ,.w., ,. ...vac iiiuuicii. i iiesr ucacrve uptier than to go to some plnce that IIICV rail n hnmo t n -vi. !.. -An.i nnd strong yet. Mother helps, but he. bis ii ih ininnB; i nate to think of her picking coals. "If I could get ttvo roonn nearer the middle of the city so I wouldn't have to walk both ways and get all tired out: If I could have more time to help with the children nt home: If I could get n Job that paid more; It 1 could " The cry ing of the baby for some toy that had dropped on the lloor Interrupted tho possi bilities of happiness, or rather, of Tewcr troubles, that Mrs. Fltzslmmons was imagining. UVKHY COM, IS PIlKCIOl'H. The house Is n little two-story one with six small looms It needs painting and lepalrlng. Tlieie nip two stoves, one In the front mom nnd the other In tho kit chen. They use the ono In the kltrhen veiy little, ns there Is not much to cook. The ono In the front room had u pan set on the back of It full of well-sifled ashes. Not ono piece of Airs ritzslnimons' I mother's coat was wasted, nor ono ft ac tion of Its heat-giving possibilities Ignored. There were two chairs, n sofa ami an old squnre piano. The furnltutc win well I worn, but It was well taken care of, nnd the signs of the broom, the brush nnd the mop were not the least evidence of tho j energies of this hard-working fnmll). Mrs. KitzslmmoiiH told her story in con- I nccttoii with questions In renaid to the ' death of her husband nnd the tilal she i nttended, nnd not with regard to her own needs. She did not remark upon the fact that Chrlstmns Is coming. It did not oc cur to her. Rotarinna Will Hear War Story Dr. Thomas O. Aller. who served as chief of oral surgery al the American Am pulancc In Paris, tonight will tell of his experience"! nnd show plctuies of tic trenches and other scenes In the Euro pean wnr at the monthly dinner meeting of the Ilotnry Club, at Kugler's. The story of the tilp of the Liberty Hell to tho San Francisco Exposition will be told by Joseph 1. Gaffney. chairman of tho Finance Committee of Councils. The din ner will be at 0:30 o'clock. Men's Felt Ro- vivos, flexible belt inn leather sole, pray or black; $1.50. Romeo Slippers tan or black kid (t'i.', turn soles, St. SO. Everett Slippers, tan kid, turn soles, $1.S0. s Opera Slippers, tan kid, kid lined, $2.00. . JE Men's Felt Com fort Slippers, cush ion soles; fl.50 quality, $1.00, :$r 1 S5WgM s ' J m . ! ( -K 1 r w ' dm m ' H I 7 Wf- " 1. h-K, . , . ;:"""1sK??siS ' GENERAL VON BISS1NO Germnn Governor General of Ilol Kium, who is retired 011 Jununry 1 on account of alleged ill health. CITY SPENDS $31,000,000 FOR GIFTS Continued from I'iirp One from Interviews with muni of those In ordinary circumstances their Christmas expenditures averaged about a month' salnr.. Tlu had tin difficulty, ihey still, in saving up for It Wages had been high. Interviews with hoiisewle of the two story house circumstances developed the fact that they spent more inoilu. this car than ever before 011 Chri-itm.is things. Nor did they stick too much to the "useful" gifts. The other kind. the. snlcl, brought moio plcnsvrc to the re cipient. "ii figured the children llrst," snld one. "and then ourselves. I suppose my liiislmnd spent more on me than I did on him. I think that's the rule In most families. Husbands are Inclined to bo extravagant." The woman who snld this was the wife of a man who mndo about $100 a month She said Clulstmns was costing about that much, figuring In everything: pres ents, the table, nnd nil. One of the' surprisingly big totnls wns the money spent In the photographic shops. All kinds of folk seemed to be getting their pictures tnkeu. nnd so mnny of the studios hnd special tatcs for the holiday season that hundreds rushed to take advnntnge of them. Tho sum of $200,000 for the photographs and pictures, mostly photogrnphs, doesn't show persona! vanity, cither, one artist said It Is a sensible nnd wearing gift, he said, and shows, too. a more earnest desire to plcnse than the kind 1 '. gift that doesn't last. The tremendous nmount of money spent In the department stores Is a r;il criterion of prosperity, for as one tnan- LLAH Christmas Gift Suggestions In seeking an answer to the problem of what to give as Christmas Gifts, need you go further than this suggestion? Choose sensible gifts from Hallahan's immense stocks, where pres ents for every member of the family may be selected. Here is a partial list: For Father Romeo Slippers, tan or black kidskin, kid lined $2.50 Everett Slippers, kid lined. . . .$2.00 Romeo Slippers, heavy sole, tan kid $2.00 Seamless Felt Everett Slip pers, flexible beltinp; leather soles, low heel $1.00 Felt Comfort Slippers, with cushion elk soles, lambs' wool insoles, royal blue, wine and tan-mix, no heels; ?1.C0 qualitv $1.00 Storm King Rubber Boots.. $4.50 Silk Sox, with lisle double heel and toe, all colors; 35c qual ity 25c Silk Sox, pure silk thread with double lisle r !es, all colors, 50c "XL" Storm King Rubber Boots, extra strong, for chauffeurs and heavy out door work $5.00 One-Buckle Arctics, fleece lined $1-50 Four-Buckle Arctics, fleece lined $2.75 For the Boy Romeo Slippers, tan kid, turn soles, low heels , , , . ,$1.50 Storm. King Rubber Boots. . . .$2.75 High.Cut Storm Shoes, 2 buckles, tan oil grain, vis- colized soles, best grade.., $3.50 Heavy.Ribbed Lisle Stock- ings 25c Patent Leather Shoes, welted soles $2.00 Felt Slippers, blue and red felt, for bedroom wear, 65c and 55c Boy Scout Shoes, in black, tan and smoke leathers ...... $2 up Lucky gold medal with each pair. Shoes, Moccasins and Ankle Strap Ties, soft sole, ribbon trimmed . ,,,, 50c Patent Leather Shoes, turn sole . . , 80c Genuine White Buck skin, with white ivory turn soles . , . .$2.25 For Baby HALLAHAN'S 919-21 MARKET STREET BRANCH STORES New Crystal Comer, fiOth & Chestnut 2746-48 Gerraantown Ave. 4028-39 Lancaster Ave. All HallahaH Stores Often Evsninfcs Till Xwas nger said, they feel the pulso of iho pocketbook most easily. "In hard times." this man said, "people nro afraid of tho temptations of the big stores, nnd go where tho display Isn't so attractive." .Most of the figures given represent nil the Christmas- shopping for weeks back, nnd this year people really did a lot of their shopping early, but the 2,O00CO0 Item for markets la onlv for tho Inst two or three days. Never before have so I many expensive Items for the dinner tnblKJ t.a u I AlnH H- I. a .linl.. a. fri.ll. nM UUCII ncici.ii.-u. 1 IIC (.IIUILCl . l.o "iu Vegetables, the lenl luxuries to eat, went llko hotcakes, and tho housewife who wasn't foreslshtcil enough to place her order ahead had to do without, nooks, too. wenl away above Ihclr Usual sales. The Kuropcnn war bns had n great dent to do with this. Current writings j were greatly In d"iuond, and history j works, loo. The stand.ud sets that have 1 I always proved such nuracl.c Christmas gifts gave way In Rieat numbers this I Sfar to tho output by modern writers I Hooks of tho war and of topics that led up to the war were greatly In dlmand. , Where tnlercst used to he lentred In literature In the capitals of usual Inter est, the sales this j car showed that the Near and I'ar West had cnualed If not supplanted the western world in reading interest. Flowers, candles nnd nil such luxuries that always lme u read. market felt an Increase of nbout 15 per cent, oxer a , jrnr ago everywhere fullness wns hotter it must have been when you thlhk again ! of that great total III 'JOD.UK). ' TWO NEG150 SLAY BUS LYNCHED Mob in Gcorgln Town Kiddies Bodies With Bullets .MACON. Oi, Dec. 21. Itesldents of Enstm'in. 11 village nenr here, awoke to day to Unit bullet-ilddled bodies of two negroes, William Stewart and Samuel lll.iiul. swinging from nooses, the vic tims of a lynching bee during the night. A confession wmh said lo have been ob tained by members of 1 mob from the uctioc.s that tho burned nnd killed A At. Ilaehfllor. n meiitirtnt, Sunday nlghi ii.ii- his home at Knstmnu. The mob, estimated at nenil ino sliung up Hie ueeiocA nenr the scene iT the tuliben Few of the mob wore masks The aiithoiltics wile todav mak ing nn Investigation How often a man meets a friend whose clothes somehow please him oetter than his own. The friend has found the tailor who fits style to personality as well as physique. And "Try my tailor" is often the friend's reply to praise of the clothes. We could not begin to count the patron age that the expression "Try my tailor" has brought us. HUGHES . MULLER TAILORS. 1527 WALNUT ST. ESTAHLISUED 18 8. 1 af" : m p. i i I I ! H I !li'iiii))iiii)i))i)i)ii: For Mother Bedroom Slipper "Special." Plaid velvet cloth, with leather orjieavy duck soles. Women's, boys' and chil dren's sizes; 75c nnd $1.00 values 39c "Comfy" Slippers and Juliets, ribbon trimmed, all colors, best quality $1.00 Felt Juliets, fur-trimmed, in grav, wine and black, turn leather soles, low heels. ...$1.00 "Boudoir" Slippers, in all col ors of suede, ooplin and kid, quilted satin-lined. 75c and $1.00 Satin Evening Slippers, cov ered Cuban and Louis heels, $3.50 and $4 quality; all col ors "to match" $1.90 Silk Stockings, fibre silk with lisle tops and soles; 50c quality, 35c; three pairs for $1.00 Silk Stockings, all colors, lisle double-thick toe and heel, lisle tops;75c quality 50c Pure Silk Thread Stockings, all colors, lisle reinforced toe and heel and garter tops $1.00 Slipper Buckles and Orna ments, Rhinestone and Cut Steel, cut to exactly half price 50c to $9.00 White Cloth and Kid "Spats". $1.50 For the Girl Felt Comfort Slippers, deco rated with "Teddy Bears," colors, red and blue 55c White Buckskin Shoes, white ivory welted soles $3 and up Silk Lisle Stockings, all col ors 25c Rubber Boots, lambs' - wool lined .....'..,.. .$1.65 Tan Kid Shoes, turn soles $1.00 Satin Moccasins, in blue, pink and white 75c Tan Russia Calf Shoes, turned soles, best grade ..,,,,...,,..$1.35 Silk Stockings, all col ors 25c 5604-06 Germantown Ave- ONE DEAD, W0 MISSING, 11 HURT IN EXPLOSION Workmen nt Corn Products Plant, Shaciyside, N. J., Risk Lives to Save Fellows KDOEWATEIl, N. J., Dec. 21.-One man was killed, two were reported missing and 11 were Injured, some probably fntAlly today ns tho result of an explosion In' the dextrine plant of tho dorn Products' Company, nt Shadyslde, two mile, from here. Tho roof of tho build ing was blown off and the walls col lapsed. Fire, starting from the ex plosion, swept through the wreckage. Tho damage was estimated nt $100,000 That thero was not a heavy loss of life was due to the bravery of workmen In an adjoining building. Hushing Into the llnmc-swept building, they risked their lives carrying tho Injured to safety. The sound of tho explosion, which Is at tributed to spontaneous combustion, wns heard for miles, and nil the windows In nearby buildings were broken. Storm Porch Enclosures f" Slorm Doors nnd Sashes Metal Weather Stripping! Ru3t-Proof Screens Ltl oi rafimafa WILSON & WILSON, Inc. 1513 Parrish Street fus's Peanut Duller G-oz. Jar, 10c So different from the ordinary iromei's Felt Bedroom Comfort Slippers, forty dif ferent styles and combinations, $1.00. "Restwell" Felt Slippers, forty col ors; $1.00 quality, 65c; Girls' sizes, SSc H and Knitted Bedroom Slippers; twenty colors, $1.00. Felt Juliets, fif ty colors; $1,50 quality, $1,00, Little Girls' Fur trimmed Juliets best grades, $1.00. m. S--'i The VAN SCIVER Store Offers Six Acres of Christmas Gift Furniture ft Tin ft LI Gift Rug Specials Tim r one k at 11 rsn CLOCK hero shown has lino mahogany case: first class movement, flttod with tubular chimes, which strike nnd ritiR the Westminster chimes on tho full quarter, half nnd three-quarter hours. Mercury pendulum guar nntces correct time. Ono of a splendid assortment of Colonial Hall Clocks ranKlnK In price from $10..-i0 o $.135.00 THIS .SOI, 111 MA IMHJANV '1' A II I. P. . Chippendale d e H I R 11 , ban round top l.SxlS Inches, Rrnoofullv turned post and ball nnd cinwcrr Cfi feet . ? " Others SRe to S.t. 'tttelt THIS SI1WIXK OAIIIXIJT, SOIill) MAIIOO.tXY. tlnlshed nntlquo brown; HlldinK tray, with spacious compart ment underneath; two drop HdBi con venient handle makes It easy to carry. A Sir, value. Christmas Pi Ice ... $9.50 stoh V Restaurant Jlf M.l&fll rMrflfP flBL "GENERALIDAD" 3111.11 W manufacture 15 alzes Special Boxes of 12 for 51.00. "PEERMONT" UKV WKST Popular Club Londres Slzs Boxta of 33, S2J5. Boxaa of SO, JI.SO MEERSCHAUM la fine leather cwi plush lined, from ?3 ,0 $15 Imported Briar Bowl Pipes With amber mouth piece. In Bno leather CJises, from 75c to $10 ylB Without caeee im parted briar bowl pipe, from 25c to $5.00 In caeee axd without THE PEERMONT CIGAR CO. y 1105 Market Street S. E. Cor. 5th aud Market SU. Vv rf 911 Market Street 82tl Cheitnut Stfeet Continental Hotel Stand HAT 1 mmm nuLiii iMioiiiiJivsLi m0J HOUSE PLANTS Suitable for gifts. Order now, delivery will be made, as desired Holly Wreaths . 20c and 25c each Loose Holly........... , ,....25c, 50c bunch; S6.00 case Laurel 5c yard In 100-yard lota Mistletoe 25c, 50c, $1.00 a bunch FERNS, PALMS. RUBBER PLANTS AND CYCLAMEN MICHELL'S 518 Market Street Wc display a magnificent collection of heirloom and modern furniture the most appreciated of all gifts undupli cated by other storcSi and specially priced for Christmas. Every article plainly marked; no crowding quickt easy, delightful shopping; our usual 1 prompt, satisfactory service. This Spinet Writing Deuk is mado of mahogany, antique brown finish; 44-in. lonjr, 22-in. wide; fitted with easy .t-tflnrv aKiln twn Hi-nwnra nnd titnnfv nt stationery pockets. An unusual $34.00 Chrlstmns value v Other Spinet Desks, $27.00 up. Other sizes reduced in proportion. $G0 French Wilton, 9x12 $43.50 $52 & $48 Roynl Wilton, 9x12 $37.50 Cli; Wiltin V-lv-f OvIO O0 7K l$20 Best Tap. Brussels, 9x12 $14.50 This Leather Easy Chair is upholstered in No. 1 grade, genuine Spanish leather, color bri..,n; roll arms, tufted back, wing sides, spring seat, mahog any legs. One of the best values S28.00 we have ever offereU v Dinner Riiiuk, R.'I.T." lo Sltl... Vrni Chairs, $3.2.' lo f!!7. Clollies TrrCK. "."c lo HITS. " Secretary HooUrnsrM. $PTiO fo $73. Sldelioiirils, H1I..-.0 lo 932.,. I'lllnn Closet, SI l.r.O lo $27.'. lOlretrle I.nmps. 8I.T.0 lo I2.".00. Desk Chnlrs. $3.r0 to $7..n. Children'). Clinlrs. 7."c In 87.50. Hull HnckN. S7.T.0 In SIIC, Cmlirellii Stands. $2 In Kl.". Smoker' stiiuiln, $11.' In SlI-IO. Hull Mirrors. l."0 lo mil. IllltUll Stands, 2-1T. In Rt:i.7r.. TnlMiiirrttrM, I'e In Ull.r.O. rnnillpsllt'kH. -Itle In $.'.7.. Senlnir Tram. 0e In $11.7.!. Iliisle CnlilnelN. $,7." In S ia..-0. Plre Serenitt. f.LVr. In $l.1.7.. IVnoil IlnskelM, 2.r.O In S.1T.. So nip llnskcl. Xir In S7.l). So In lleilN. 927.ni) In .s72. Table Scurf. $l.r.ll lo $7. I'eclar Clieslx. ?.S.2T. lo $22m'0. Writing Tnliles. $l fiO In . I.llirnr.v Tnlilrn. Kl.r,0 lo KS2.'. I'llinn Stools. $2.',0 10 SI1. Mnnlel Clocks. T."!e lo W'.0. Dinenm.rls. $2m'i0 In r.l.". CI.OSIIS AT O !. M. wur iiuto Market St. Ferry, Camden, N. J. fe Gifts for the Man Who Smokes Wives, Sisters, Mothers, Sweet hearts here are gifts that will delight that man. 4 HAVANA from 3 lor SSc to S tor 56c Special Boxet of 25 for $1.75. "DEPENDO" Comparable with moat 10o clfara Special box of 10 for SOo Special box of 35 for 81.25 PIPES ' J Ciifar Holdera Jf caeee from 25c to $12,00 A 17 lilOTf I? YAF SEED HOUSE Pitltatlelltitla I ei.