3' rpHPp; e? t"?- ttr.yrg&$!'jLr$.f 10' 44 AIR BATTLES 0M JAY'S RECORD OlEST FRONT Germans -Lose Two Aero planes, British One; Great Activity Reported ARTILLERY DUELS AGAIN LONDON, Dec. 21. Berlin, I'ariI and London ortlclnl re port i all phow that there Is IncrcasltiK iutl on filer western front. Attempts to ' Xc tjjo offensive have bch made by cnc'i f tfie bcllltforcnts without nnj- grant piOi r. ss The Allied naval nnd air fleets llsure larftely In the latest operations. Forty four nerlnt" flBhta In 24 hours nro re ported. Entente monitors yesterday shelled the Ocrmnn positions nt Wcstctula, on tho Belgian const, but were ilnnlly driven nway tivVlnti'd batteries, Rays an ottlclal statement Issued today by German Army Headquarters. The statement adds that German avi ators nttacked tho town of Popcrlnghc, near Ypres, numerous hostile troops be ing concentrated there. The British afTlclnl statement made public last nlKht says: Opposite the southern and centre positions of the line wo bombarded several parts of tho enemy's trenches. Hostile artillery heavily shelled Ypres nnd St. Jenn this nftcrnoon. It was also active against our front lino and the nupport trenches of Ypres during tho day. We replied by shelling the enemy's front-lino trenches along Xonnebeke, Sandvoordc. Gheluvolt and Tcnbrcll. Early today the enemy made a bombing attack near tho quarries northwest of Hulluch. Tile attack was repulsed. Yesterday there was considerable activity by the enemy's aeroplanes. They attempted to prevent our recon naissance machines carrying out their work, but the attempts were unsuc cessful. During the day there were 41 combats In tho air, two enemy aero planes being felled within ttic enemy's lines and others driven down In a damaged condition. One of our ma chines is missing. UN PRIM) SC0NTR0 SAREBBE AVVENUTO TRABULGARIEGRECI I Serbi Rifugiati in Albania Soccorsi dall'Italia Che Manda Viveri Anche agli Albanesi RE PIETRO AMMALATO nOMA, 21 Dlcembre. Tclegramml da Londra dlcono che cor rono cola" vocl perslstcnti secondo cul btilgarl e greet sono venutl alle nrml In terrltorlo albancse. Avrebbe avuto luogo uno scontro senza nlcun morto, ma. con parecchl ferltl. Da Parlgl annunzlano che nessun dis- taccamento nemlco ha ancora passato la ) frontlera della Grecla, ma 1 lavorl dl fortlflcazlono attorno a Salonlcco con tlnuano da parte degll alleatl. Net clrcoll mllltarl grecl si dice che le forze butgare cd austro-tcdescha non tcnteranno affato dl passare la frontlera STeca, 1 bulgart percho' non hanno alcun Intercsse dl provocare la Grecla e gll austro-tedeschl J percne sono grail ana urccia actio, sua neutrallta non solo, ma anche percle b1 rendono perfettamentc controfelle enormi dlfflcolta che le operazionWtontro Salonlcco presenterebbero. Telegramml da Solla dlconpflcro' che un glornale dl quella clttarhnuncla che le forze bulgare Bono jte fermate al confine jialla, XJCCfa J per II momento per cvltajyrdl dare imbarazzl al governo creSoTma che potra.' essere necessarlo nel prosslmo nvvenlr che le forzo tedescho e bulgare Invadano 11 terrltorlo greco. SI dice a Sofia che questa necesslta' e' rlconoscluta. anche dal re Costnntlno II quale avrebbe avverlto gll alleatl cho essl non devono UBpettarsI cho 1 bulgart rispettlno per sempre la neutrallta' della Grecla flno a che truppe loro nemlche rimarrano a. Salonlcco. Itlfuglati serbl gluntl In Italia dlcono che re Pletro dl Serbia si trova grave mente malnto a Tirana, Albania, e che probnbllmente egll non sopravvlvera' al fortissimo freddo ed alio sofferenze che esso porta seco, a perclo" dovrebbe esBero trasportato ad un cllma plu' dolce. I rifugiati dlcono pero' che 11 re e' ben declso a morlre con 1 suol soldatl e non vuote abbandonarll, e perclo' egll avrebbe decllnato I'lnvito de.la cosnata reglna d'ltalia, dl venire In Italia. SI dice chfl i serbl che si sono rifugiati In terrltorlo olbanese suffrono nssal per ja mancanza dl vlverl. Ora vlvcrl e vesti meta sono Invlatl al serbl dall'Italia at traverso 1'Albanlu, ma anche gll lbanest approftttanc della gcneroslta' dell'ItnlU. E' posslblle clie questo fatto della dlstrl- i buzione dl viveri agll albanesi, che ne ' hanno blsogno, puo' portare al falllmentu , degll sforzl austro-turchi dl sollevare gll albanesi contro 1'Itall.i e fara' ceasaio I anche rostl!Ita' albanese contro 1 serbl. ! "TOO LATE," BRITAIN'S WAR RECORD, SAYS L0ND0X PAPER LONDON, Dec. 21. "Too late is written In letters of tire upon tho Government's record In this war." says the Daily Mall. In a fresh attack upon the Asqulth Ministry today. In commenting' upon the speech of David Lloyd-George. Minister of Muni tions. In Parliament last night, the Daily Mat! says' "Too late In aiding Belgium! Too late to save Serbia! Toa late at the Darda nelles' Too late with munitions! these words have dogged the Allies at every Btep. ' h to the Dardanelles failure the Dally Malt says: "The withdrawal may be taken aa a sign that the Government at last has Teatlred the stupendous blunder It com mitted in venturing upon the expedition," GERMANS CAPTURE BRITISH SAP EAST OF HULLUCH BBRliIN. Dec. !!, Artillery duels were reported from the western front The otttrsai report follows: j Lively artillery actions occurred at various places. Bast of Hulluch a Ger mar Avialon captured an English sap. A niht attack was repujsed. Otherwise there Is nothing of importance to report. WINTKB HESOIiTS I HOT, COLONIAL I , Augustine, Fla. I -'St'- Augustine's Tropan Hotel GEO"B NICHOLSON a iioprtqtOF EARNING k - . .. nfcj MRS. WALTER FAIttVELL American writer, who is reported to have been roughly handled by Bulgarian soldiers in Monastir after its evacuation by the Serbs. She nnd other Americans have been forbidden to leave tho town. KUMAR ENVOY INQUIRES ABOUT INSULT TO FLA Informed U. S. Has Received No Word of Raid on Red Cross WASHINGTON. Doc. 2t.-Tho IlulKar Inn Minister, Stephen I'.tnnretoff, called nt the State Department today to In quire If any olllclnl dispatches had been received hearing out the stories cabled from S.tlonlcu regarding an attack on the American flag at Monnstlr by Bul garian soldiers. The Uulgnrlan Minister was told this Government had not received any wonl today. He said he had received no word from his Government and that ho has cabled asking about the matter. MRS. FARWELL STILL HELD American Woman, Captured in Bulgar Raid on Red Cross Building, Safe PAUIS, Dec. 21. A Salonlca dispatch, dated Monday, states that Mr. Walter Farwcll, of Chicago; Dr. llmry Forbes, of Boston, and Miss M!;ciell, an Ameri can nurse, who wcie detained by the Bulgarians when Monnstlr was captured, are still held there, but arc safe and well. SPAIN TO PLACE BIG WAR ORDER IN THE U.S. Enters Market for $20,000,000 Worth of Munitions and Plant Equipment NEW YORK. Dec. 21.-Spoln has en tered the American market to buy J2f 000,000 worth of munitions uf war mid machinery to complete the equipment of Spanish munition plants. FraiuVsco Ga vler Solas, Spanish Consul General In New York, admitted ttGtty that a com mission of five mi' Vary officers hits been In the United A'i.is since lost February quietly engage In rounding tip huge or ders of mlllti V suppllps. Four -IiAV'.,ed million cartridges and sheila hove been ordered for earliest pos slbleellvery, Consul Salas said. Many xMVjb and field guns of various types will be required, but no orders have yet been placed for arms because American man ufacturers have boosted their prices to an exorbitant figure In their trade with the belligerent governments. 2500 MOSLEMS SLAIN' IX HOT TIHIUS BATTLE LONDON, Dec. 21. Parties of the Brit ish Mesopotamian army that nru holding positions on the Tigris Illver at Kut-el Amara have been sallying fortli nnd at tacking the Turkish advanced trenches. It was announced In nn offlcnl report last night on the operations of this expedi tionary force. Tho statement follows: "General Townshend reports that in his estimation the Turks must have lost no less than 2300 men in the rearguard ac tion on December 1 and In their abortive attack on his position at Kut-cl-Aniaru during the night of December 12-13. "During the night of December 17-18. mixed parties of British and I ml km troops surprised the Turks In their advanced trenches, killing 30 and taking 11 pris oners. "The 18th and the 10th passed quietly," WINTIIH ICKM1HTS K- TH& 'i' iStl ,' flip Fishine and Hunting J7A1, fcl . , 1 iv un All ieaiures auverusea oy uast Coast Winter Resorts and unequaled huntincr, fishing, coifing and salt Wk water bathing. Automobiling over the finest roads in the world. Savannah is a city of scenic splendor, ths centre of social activity and a welcome awaits you. beven modern tourist and commercial hotels at vour service. Special arrangements for caring for families, tourist ments tor winter season. Literature a information upon request of TIIOM tS COOK A. NOV, 137 South llruud Slrret, I'hllnilelnlil ... s ...... .. it ,ii ,,., 1 1 i; toon Clieotnut Ktrer. I'lilliiilelnbln. i.i:i)i;i:ii cn.vni.ii. Clieitmit unit Tourist Bureau, 1 1 I i ' i LRBQEB PHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY, DECEMBER LABOR HOLDS KEY TO VICTORY, SAYS LLOYD-GEORGE Unions Must Permit Un skilled Workers to Per form Necessary Tasks I i MUST SPEED PRODUCTION LONDON, Dec. 21. "Tho Ministry of War requires S0.000 skilled men for the new munition fac tories. Labor alone can answer the ques tion." This statement was made by David Lloyd-George, Minister of Munitions, to day In n discussion of the munition prob lem before the Commons. He continued: "We want 200.000 to 300.0O) unskilled men. We must reduce the proportion of our ortlers which go abroad and develop our home resources. Upon the supply of tabor depends, I think, our success In this war. "Will the war end vlctorously In n year or will wo nllow It to linger on? "I wonder If It's too late too late! Fatal Words of this war. Unless we quicken our movements damnation will befall the great cause for which so much blood has been shed. "The superficial facts nre against us, but the fundamental facts favor us. There Is no reason, therefore, to avoid them." "The whole question depends on organ ized labor. Unless It allows as to put unbilled workers on. the work which hitherto has been the monopoly of skilled labor, we cannot perform this task. There ton be only one appeal, namely, to pa triotism. Victor He nfs on this. Hun dreds of thousands of precious llvej dc- penil on Labors answer. "It Is n question whether we nre going to bring tlie war to nn end In a year or linger along In the blood-stained path. Labor ban the answer." Earlier In his speech, Mr. Lloyd-George admitted that there was a hn I shortage In the llrlllsh munitions supply in the fliat year of the war, but declared that the present Hltimtlmi was quite a different matter. Last May the British Were turn ing out only 2.0) high explosive shells dally against the Germans' 2.i0,000. STRONG ALLIED FORCES OFF GRECIAN COAST, I A fTirvtu 13nl irmnc TCn irif n T?nnfUr to Launch New Balkan Offensive LONDON. DT. 21. Information from Athetih that strong forces of Allied troops have Arrived off the Greek const ludlratcx tltnt 'mldlcrs withdrawn front the D.irdnnelb are t: Intr Pent Into the Uaikans. If, as believed, a section of tho troops transferred from tho f-'uvln and Anznc fronts are being seni Into the Balkans tho following possibilities present them selves; First. The Anglo-French forces at Ka- Ifonlcn might bi reinforced to withstand , a drive from the Austro-Germnn. Bul garian and Turkish soldiers massed on I tlin Greek frontier. ' Second. A Hanking movement may be , under contemplation by the Allies by I sending troops to Kavnla. Salonlca Is 210 miles by pea route from that part of the Galllpolt peninsula from which the Allied forces were transferred. Knvnla Is only 12) miles from the penln- . suln. Eighteen miles north of Knvala Is Drama, on Important Greek town, on the rallwny line which runs to tho eastern shore of Lake Dolrnn. The extreme left wing of the German allies' lino rests upon the western shores of this lake. i On the other hand, the nllled forces i could strike eastward from Drama Into i southern Bulgaria, excellent railroad facilities being afforded for such an I operation. Thete nre reported to be at least a quarter of a million Bulgarlnn, j Austro-German and Turkish troops mussed on the Greek border, and mniiy i military experts feel certain that a drive ' will be launched against Salonlca. AMSTKitDAM. Dee. 21. - Bulgarian j troops r.re intrenching nt several points along the herbo-Greek frontier, ncrordlng I to ndviees received here today. Austro- German Hoops continue to move toward the border, a detachment of 10,000 having ' i passed through lirusnlk, near Krlvolak, 1 yesterday. woman niirneu to iienin i NEW VOItK. Dec. 21. Mrs. Mury JIul lady, -i', was burned to death early today in her Brooklyn home. Her bed was ; found on fire and n burning kciwcno lamp made tho police bcllcvo the woman's i I clothing caught tire riom the lamp and she tried to put out the llnmes by wrap- . I iilng herself In the bedclothes. lllNTKi; ItKKOItTK J? 1 1 T-l J 1 Homes and modern apart- llrnait Mtrt-rtn, J'lill.-i. Savannah, Ga. Quaint Quebec Calls! World's Winter Sports Centre One Night From Philadelphia The Chateau Frontenac Quebec American Plan, Winter Rates Through Sleepers Daily from Now York. All sports cf Switzerland and To t ocean Slide and Open-Air Skating IUuk at the Vory Door. Hockey, Ski ing. Uoti-SlelfblDj. OancJcr, liollday A rartlpns Wr.ta for winter sporU booklet to Manager Chateau Frontenac Quebec, Canada NATALE BATTE ALLA PORTA; UN NATALEDI SANGUE E DI GUERRA Ma Attorno al Tradizionale Preaepe Suoncranno Pur Sempre le Note della Ncnia Secolare LA MENSA DELLA VIGILIA Nntalc, Natale! Anche questa volta, con II m'ostro della guerra plu' spaventosa cho 1'umanlta' nbbla mal vlsto, nncho con lo vcttc nevosc dello Alpl e lo planurc che si stendono nl plcdl del Carso Insuppate dl sanguc, nncho questa volta Natale batte alia nostra porta. Vuolc la sua festft trdlzlonnle, vuole la sua gloln, nlmeno da chl puo' dargllela, nlmcna da coloro a cul la guerra non ha strnppato II flgllo, II fratello, II padre, II marlto, nlmeno dal blmbl la cul Innocenzn non c' con tamlnatn ancora dagll egolsml e dalle voracltn' c dalla bestlallta' della bes-tln-uomo, nlmclto dal candorc cho non sa come II sanguc scorra a rlvl sul montl e sul plant, perelte' un nomo o pochl uomlnl hanno volttto questa strnge spa ventosa per rafforzare I loro frcnl sul popoll soggcttl, siigtl .altrl popoll che volcvnno cd avevano dlrltto ad essere In dipendcntl, nd avcre una pcrsonallta' pro pria, una propria nazlonalltn'. Nntnlc e' qui anche quest' nnno, con la benedlzlonr per "gtl uomlnl dl buona volontn' " c la malcdlnlono per color che linnnn voltito H strnge. per I nrinlcl delta llbcrta' e delta Indlspcndenza del popoll. Kd e' qui con un ntigurlo per coloro clie vcrsano II loro snttguo per la causa glusta: cho le loro vlte'od II loro sncrl llzlo pnssnno far gcrmogllare la veechla e pur nuovn Idea, ipiella die moveva II Crlsto della leg da a prcdlcare pace sulla terra, u spandero II vorbo detln fratellonza tra tuttl gll uomlnl. K natale saia' festegglato ancho dngll Itnlluitl cho rlsledono In America, lontano dalla spaventosa guerra: sara' festegglato da coloro che la guerra non hn gcttato nel tutlo, non hit rcso vodovo ed orfnnl. e sara' aecompagnnto dnU'nusurlo fer vonto dl vlttnrla e dl mice, percho' la pace senza vlttorla, senzn II trlonfo del dlrltto c della gilt tlsda snrebbe guerra. sarobhe nuovn sp.trgimento dl sansue. nuovo maeello dl vlte glovnnl, nuova ccatombe dl energle e dl fervltle spernnze. I.agglu' nolla onsetln inodesta ohfahcn ehe SI perde lictlit nevf, miIIp baize atplne e tra I montl dcirApemunn, la famiglluoln semui uomlnl ui-dera' niestn alia tavota dl Natale. ti(ila vltilla tradizionale, in nt tesa che In c.impnnn del vlllagglo niinun zll che II Snlvntnre e' venuto mondo. Sle tlera' niesta, rnl pensloro rlvolto ngll uontint clie feslegglano II Natale nclln trlncea, senza II foeolare cite 11 scaldl. senza la famlglla che no rallegrl la parca niensa dl carne In concerva o dl gallcttn. tra lo scoppictto dl una fucllntn cd II romho de: ennnono che fnrnnno loro di tnenllcnre che e' Natalo. TBA GLI 1TAUANI D'AMEUICA. II tiul In America molte fnmlBlle non nvranno Natale, percho' la guerra II avra' piivntl del loro carl, glle II nvra' ucclsl Inesornbllmente o glio II tcr. Inchlodatl nelle trlncee, davnntl nl nemlco nvldo dl sangue. Coloro che lo festeggernnno rlpctcrannn le trndb.lonl ltallnne: la vlgllln senzn came: ed 11 napolctano uvra' alia sua niensa II tradklonnlo "oapltone," cd 11 cnlnbreso I non mono tmdizionatl novo plattl. naturnlmente tuttl dl mngro. Nolln colonla ltallana dl Philadelphia nessuna festa r.peclalo suole dlstlnguere II Natale. ml eceezlone della messa dl mezznnotto nelle chleso Itnllane o della festa fnml gllarc. Ne' e costume veraniento ltnllnno Inviaic n scnmlarsi recall per II Nntnlc. che' questo costume e' stnto ncqulsto in America, dove Santa Claus ha sostltulto I'ltatlnna Befara. Hcgnll nl rogazzl In Hull. i sono fnttl nppunto nella llcfnna, II G Gennalo, Invcce che n Natale, ed In certe reglnnl d'ltalia, come nel Mczzo- One o' the tlneht winter reboit hotila lit tho Miuil.r toutli. llre iu will t-njuy rem uml iuli"tiies umlilot the lull Snuthern iIiibh. invlKorntlne, lry. lu-ultliful cli mate. 1'uru iirtfxlnn writer, t'ulslno and evrvice un p.ir Mltli tliu liest Metropolitan hotcl. lilenl B"'f weather. ItiKUlitcil telinlH rourtu. IJvrrv of t:irrla) anil Hadille liorfes. Good roads for driving. Mutorlnu. tlnml au.iU. wild turkey, f nd drer hunthiB- Modern furuUhed cot tuKt for rout. Ti'nnU, tiond Itundi for Motnrliis. IIIUIiiL-. Drliliur. Fine llverv connerteil with hotel. llnnlclrt sll arplltution F. V. Wagencr & Co., Prop. Chas. A. Weir, Mar. wrseytTiFiKViiimvi-i tv rxwiKrsuF v ur "- : - lVINTKlt KKSOUTS I st'.MMi:itu.i.i:. s. c. lOiiBl?OKEaT M Jt 'JL J INN f jr Summerville.S.C. I u.' iyi linen Dec. 1 I ftT'iti I vv U'lnre every day Is I tSvlS l&P ""' mnlllnB June. ; vx.M 1 AA? "'"' i""' enough I : IftlMAwu 11 t uniK i ill' t i', r"-Jlvrra4?'A r '"''l' OI" fullnt ",1' - - . -. . . - w-'f Sunerb 18-hoIe s : rr rr rz r 1 Jx" "asSii) Golf Course ' ism Special Dc'ccmber and TiaflsJil Januarv l ournamonii. . t- ii;?xfi-Ti:i JiwintitsRvew LEndade Your Camel ! -siSC a o c After Jan. 1st, travel I Q 1 y 1 East Coast of Florida will be one continuous Caravan. Great, gorgeous hotels roll out tneir car pets for the smartest social life of the continent, less exacting retreats hospitable nilll IliliilS llllllllUU. Every known form of outdoor sport and pastime in it's perfection balmy salt laden air and sunny skies. The realand of the Magical Spring, It's the only place to spend this Winter Aslc your ticket agent lor detailed information or write for "The Blue Bird Booklet," Just issued, a charmlnjr illustrated narrative of tho wonderful hotels of the East Coast Company end this perfect Winter Sun Land--free. For Information of hotels at Nassau-Bahamas, or on the Island of .Cuba, ask for Information Booklet of the Florida East Coast Railway addtejs FLORIDA EAST COAST COMPANY Flagler System 243 Fifth Avenuo, New York St, Augustine, Florida l$5 W Madiioa Street, Chicago Klorno, sono fatll anche nel glorno dl Capo d'nno. Parecchle chleso nvranno pero' 11 loro bravo Presepe, altornp al quale si rncco gllernnno I fedcll per ndoraro II bambino Gestl' c per cantare la. vecchla nenla che da secott si ode nelfe grnndl chleso dello grandl cltta' c nello modesto cappello dl vlllagglo, dalle Alpl nlla SIcllIa. "Tu scendl dalle stelle, o Ho del Cielo" Pur troppo questa volta II dlvutgn toro del regno dl pace sulla terra e' trlstc: la terra e' scossa dalle convulsion! dl una guerra lmmnne, BnESEPII NELLE CASE. Anche nlcune famlgllc private conilnue rahno In America nd avcre II Presepo nella loro casn, c nttorno ad esso si racco-gliorni-.no gll nmlcl ed I conosccntl, qticlll che conservano la fede crlsttana e la ossorvano, e la. casa rlsuoncra' anch'essa dclle note della nenla nl bambino Gesu'i forsc trn Incrlmo e trn slnghlozzl, forso In tin senso dl Intlma sodlsfazlone perche' II ftagcllo della guerra e' lontano e non ha colpito chl nol cuore degll adorntort occupavn 11 prlmu posto. Ma Nntnlc o' nnClie quesfanno tra nol, E not augurlamo cho s panda sull'Italla Un'nlba dl pace, pace vlttorlosa, o sugll ttallanl dl Philadelphia un'onda dl pros perlta' e dl glola. W1NTEH ItKSOKTS ST. PETERSBURG- PINELLAS LA THE MAP TELLS THE STORY Board of Trade, St ?h 1 1 & L (u SAINf 41 O? PENINSU Gilt Edge Securities Yielding 7 and 8 per annum ' CHARLES R HALL BONDS an j MORTGAGES MY REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT OFFEKS THE BEST IN AND NEAR Si. Petersburg, 'Florida Northern Office, Suite 1416,, Real Estate Trust BlrJg., Philadelphia, Pa. Southern Office St; Petersburg, Fla. Information and Illustrated 'Booklet Upon Retinest i mmessBsm ss !!!77L..' OVKHI.OUKINU GUI.I' OF MKX1CO , iiv.v- if; v:J2Bftssswf: WI.tTint t'lStllM. UAl'lTAl. The Pasa-n-Grlllo Hotel represents all iiotci construction, tueam neat, electric nents, circuiatuiB not water system, nrlvato liatlia. excellent cuisine, sun parlors, observation towers. Fine hatli. house und beat water eport beuch equipuicnt In tllo South. Casino seats more than '-'00U people. Tennis, croatiet. Kolf, fishing. Kree lioat tnkea b'uesta to JlnlcH ilslly. And nne launch makea tliree trips each week to grouper banks, tarrying guests without cost. Hcached lis' steamers front Tampa and steamers aim troney irom tit. j-eieiBiiurB. tvrite "iwiaar-i Hinniap6.ij to the AC open doors, 'V-i.V.iB V,V . W"l,ll.imiHIB.II.UItLilHa I. .WMI Jl.WHHHHi cvuetec jo- a jf . i- -V sts n H. 2k' V- V M Hr 'VOMSSU IihrIIII H ICHICAGOiJj I(nj,u5H FHlteiFd'lJff ITllini m ''mduwuiW' wM"i"PilNili) inn 1 Ik CIHANNATI Jit 111 Ox .SSTVT II J 1 I H 'iiaNfeu W ifml I JiVv fW tV . l nf filVi nif r . ft I llll fill 111 ffi X. i vS.1 sM v. iA Jr 11 ni Yif-ff tSTnil I III III II III H I wash quif stma.. M fjLC 21. 1D15; STORE CHORUS GIVES CONCERT Strnwbridge and Clothier Organiza tion Renders ProRram nt Academy Members of tho Business Women's Christian League heard the concert of the Strnwbridge & Clothier Chorus last night In the Academy of Music. Tho chorus, as usual, was under the direc tion of Herbert J. Tlly. Several prom inent soloists added to the excellence of the program. The program Included the ''Hallelujah" chorus from "The Messiah," and tho lighter "Little Jack Horner" of Caldcott, and nn old French Noel. The chorus also rendered two Christmas songs In excellent manner, showing throughout the performance good rhythm and faith fulness of pitch. Dorothy Johnstone-Baseler, the harp ist, was one of the soloists. She also acted as accompanist to Noah H, Swayne 2d. Thaddeus nich, concert master of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and Ellis Clark Hnmman were the other soloists. WINTEtt ItEBOIlTS 'Twixt Gulf and Bay the "Sunshine City" owes to its unique peninsula position the fea tures that have made it the South's moat popu lar resort. The wonderful health-giving climate. The best of fishing, bath- ing and boating Nowhere else in Florida will you find any-, thing like St. Petersburg's Mole and Municipal Pier; its great bathhouse and swimming pool; its elegant opera house; its extensive brick streets (37 miles). Nowhere else can you enjoy so many charming excursions by motor, trolley, boat and rail. Yes, there's Golf, too. Write us for information, requesting beautifully illustrated booklet "M.T' Petersburg, Florida J"s 'Ujp, -"s.-vMY.mm " . ' "' ' ":ij?3t!3Gii :HtB?i?3xffiifc.r-?-!ar.? 'i!iiwK.rHn'sa4y5t5Miai?itlI . V sZrxC$ix '" XtfyusO&s. i-J'.- v. - ' - ,vi - ".'JPE?bKtaJUI ANIt IIOO.V CKItiA 1IAV THE t lie beat recognized principles of modern ror attractive uooi.iot. - vyy S ' M .J rW ll ' U MONTHIALW' TO VQXWMOffl ( "V TORONTO M If A ,t I 1 1 V S "- J B Rl r y7l II 111 WINTKll WTCBOftTW Jk . CnAIttKB row, s. (J. if Calhoun Mansion nirAm.F.sTmsf o Located near the BattVj Whlto Point aurrtens. In'8 Colonial furnl.l,. Modern comfortnj rooms tin. ba'ths01' e" "U,le! " rtU plain.m"nt V'W '" Southern cooktnt, unit, to?" u,,erTl9ll)n of rr"rrl! Exclusive patroiUBe. Tacht- Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. DERTOLETT Margherita Charleston, S. C. Located in beautiful section. Only inn overlooking the hur bor .and Battorv .park catering ' to reii.icd ciioiucle. Southern Cooking Rooms With Bath Write for Terms and Booklet ' Fsv ATLANTIC Cm' oupenor location wiin an unobstructed view of beach and looardtwlk A recognized standard of excellence tf.l C.cm60d. h'AVrRJ.EVW THE IEADING HES0RI HOIEl Of TJIEWURUV JiGarifioii'oiiiMnMii ATI.ANTU CIT'N.N. J. 0WNIR3HIP tttNUGCMCNT JOSIAH VH'TE & SONS COMPANY 'iRAYMORii J 2rsil In Aiianllrtllj', ALGL'STA. GA, PARTRIDGE 1NM 11. V. i'AUTnlDQE. A. D, CL'SUINy oii:.N .Novc.Miii:n to may .1 mlnutex lo country cluo; wo lS-holt ili coumeH; UMimit: il.incltts nultef ullh battiik&ij "lecplnc pnrclin.. Notcn tor Its txcrllf nt culiloti IDKA1, VI.NTi:i: t'l.IJIATK ,:' AiliIrcsB New York Offlce. S West 40tliSt.! KKV WEST, PI.A. THE JEFFERSON v Key West, Florida Home ot the Green Turtle. Key Vim lolmiTK tnul other ip-.i foo.1 AttlQ tloDt U. F. Army nnd Nnvul Stations, Two con-, rrrts ilatly by the IJ. S. Mnrlre 'Jinll HcaiJiiiiiirtera for f. S. Sutm-nrlnci and, Toriierfloloat Detioem. lljlj-llilli. Euro pean I'lnn. ISLAND CITY HOUSE mrtM,l., n..H pnmn,.nlnl fn,1rti In ,l'ftTd,l tall : mule anil cerviw llrt-t rlHH, Itoomj il I nth. Mm. HIIKI'.MAN & DintllUS.,1 OHI.ANDO. II.A. TREMONT HOTEL nJM Itoom flnBle. en suite nlth hath; J'tJ pm cfioklnar. Write Cnotn n J. WiMa st, Arcius'HNK, na Tin Vnlencisi and Cotta.ee$d c. ..' iAAPi.u Mn Mlf Ecitril rtntin nrnii ctivtMviw .-..--. ---- , j . HAVANA, Ct'HA THE LOUVRE JISfV PJaffl jvuiiv.. " . central to an niirnciion" lv",Vh ,ooki.' man. nnellKh. French and bp?"''f,iKQ 1 i .. i nWiiira Ilrolilct. .lii.Ui.KVS :::.". iji:imc- ..TT' "T." !. .-."7 -,- t. i..t, itsirflHU. THE SKAVVAKU V." .' ? fwl hnue! tree hnatlnc & tlshl'iis I- T "JJiia rilAtlCVTI, l:iE5ll"IA Hotef Frascati -rr.a,t niotorbfiutf.lilcyrles. bverytniij -, jej to-late. IIIuh. Anklet op o)io'ltj,Il PEN1STON. PrtASCATl H- J!ftP.rv,iSl Write or call PKI.UEVIira 'uuiw. jya Urojjwuy. ,",ew yort. tin l-AQKT, HKKJICDA r.-i n-u cunnc urtTPI Elba Ueiich. Surf bathliw from Wtwjj frytjUM. modern a&j,mg PKJUlllOKK. IlElOIUW-X. ZZ7T. ..r.-rj 'PUC CCA Located near city and ocean ; b Mil WnUnjl ln. flshlns: all conven en. "Jgl tatle. Uooklet- ft- K, !. SH13R, gj iitisi HAMILTON, HEJll'PA VTCTORIA LOPGE a.. ii.. i -na,l nnnnilia VICl(-' -Si iSiarersriVhWf.rr.r IMPERIAL HOTEL gj. $& Thoroughly modern. Kooroa ""f';, ta Suri parlor and ballroom Bc$j2B. lUM! and service. Booklet. H. I Juw"; ,ta POINT PLEASANT HOTfcL fl Only hotel on the water n' .Jr, . JIeJ Newly Improved 'J.fSl witt i"P..A,:l-?,:".u'lf.: tJn&&i strictly nrsi-cia '"' SinV Bifa located, iio-jern. """ ;,, ji sPUBO'eJ bathing. No barL W 1- u &T. CEOItCK, JHWiL ST. ObOKUft nuic no$n De iignttuiiy ntwuu hiitttt u7i larco an4 well furnished. TjX5fA.! Bua Parlors, Tennis, Golf- u. uZZ&3l zzzz ' 71 , uifl'DA "l SCAUR LODGE &M Villa II ill JsU ATLANTIC CITV. N. J. . ., fris-fi W ML AN TIC CITY -l 3'T.rEaiV. 2T& refiWoal 4 butaiMi ma. F, -; 'fAAa.J'-V'l sl " ?