ilWPlJip.,l ,1 I1IJ1JIIWII WPPwl EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1915; t COLD NORWAY "COOL" TO FORD PEACE PARTY; . SLEDDING IS ROUGH Leaders Begin to Doubt the Suc cess of the Plan to Hold a Congress of Neutrals 'QUIT, URGES LINDSEY I nmtSTfANtA. Dec. 20.-Kor Hie flist ime rinc m r It set anil from j New York icntii-rn m inu "! i'" Lrty today bcRiin to ilnubt the Rllcceaa bf plnni for a pence congress of lieu- l The expedition 1ms reached Us first neutral country nml Its .reception lias jacked warmtli. If It baa nCt been lins (lie." The unfriendly attitude of the Not- wtKlan rres'' hns 'a"'1""'1 th0 pcace chiefs that their pinna to bring the boys out of tho trenches will encounter rough r kieddlnff umonft Kuropcnn neutrals. ' Judgn Ben n. Mndsoy, of Dcmer. one vf the most prominent figures aboard Mn today ndvlsed Ford to nbandon the wac'e mission nUoRethcr. t,l ntlsey Is con KJccd that pence efforts will bo hopeless. Tl he bowed Ford to chance his plnns ind turn the entcrpriso Into one for find In homes for war orphans. rnnl refused to consider the sugRostloii. He Is not nt nil downcast by tho recen- on the pca.e argosy received upon Its irrival here or by the low that began fn mid-Atlantic He had his emissaries Ly today trying to nrrnpge nn audi ence with the King of Norway. niimirs of important developments nre current, however Ford's lieutenants nil mil lhat the pence ptnns nre no better iftto.! when the pa. ty left New vrk The coil of tho pence expedition . far Is $123,000. and Financial Manager Plelnstlff estimates that tho llnal totnl will reach half n mlllon nt least. Tho attempt to oust snvcral newspaper correspondents from tho party baa failed. Tho Gitccuttvo Committee ilrst considered exrtlllng the newspaper men. charging that they had sent out wireless messages ElTlns unfavorable news regarding the Sneo voynije. Correspondents learned that tho wireless dispatches they sent from the Oscar II while crossing were rd by Ford's lieutenants. Tho Kxocu tlre Committee finally agreed that to ex cel tho correspondents would end all further publicity for tho peace enterprise and seriously Impair the success of the expedition. RABIJI KRAUSKOPF PRA.8KS TUB FORD PEACE VOYAGE Praise for tho peace trip of Henry Ford and party was uttered by Rabbi Kraus Itopf In his sermon in Keneseth Israel Temple yesterday. Ho said be was con vinced that the mission would full, but praised tho Ideals and purposes which animated Mr. Ford In undertaking the trip. "I would a thousand times rather bo a failure as a peaco apostle " he said, "than tho most brilliant success ns nn advocate of war, or as a maker of ammunition for personal gain. I would a thousand times rather be branded n fool in tho service of humanity than bo hnllcd as a Jicro for having shed rivers of blood." , : STOLE TO FEED FAMILY Young Man Took Watch to Buy Food for Wifo and Child Desperate to provide clothes and food for his glrl-wlfo and year-old child. Stew art Drake, years old, was held under J300 ball this morning In tho Oermantowu . pollco station ncrusctl of stealing a valu able gold watch from his mother. .Mrs lydla Cloud, ." years old. of the same, kddrcss, Drake was nricsted nt the Instigation of Mrs. Cloud by District Detective lie. ndden. When lie told his pitiful tnl be fore Magistiato Pemioek this morning , and was held for a further hearing Mrs. Cloud was ovcicoino and fainted In the arms of n reporter. When she was brought back to consciousness tho youth ful grandmother wished to withdraw the el"" " against her sou, but it was sus tained. Books Sets of Books, Well Bound, Well Printed and Fully Illustrated at special prices The Works of Gcorgo Kllot. 20 volumes, cloth, 113.00. Tho Works of Honor n Do Bal- zac. 40 volumes, cloth, J20.00. Tho Works of Victor Hugo. 20 volumes, cloth, JI0.00. The Works of Samuol Lover. 10 volumes, cloth, $12.00. Campion Company 1310 Walnut St. TTTT V :'f' FOR CHRISTMAS W BELLE MEAD SWEETS CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS A DAINTY GIFT FOR SALE AT ALL GOOD DRUG STORES BRITISH WITHDRAW FROM DARDANELLES ; ('onttnurit from I'nee One I'.iidanellos has taken place on the fronts of Aiwift ntul Huvhi Uay, on the western lde of Cntllpoll l'enlnsula Farther to i the southwest, nenr Krlthln and Sedd-el- llalir, the opeiations were conllned chlclly to artillery dueling. It was tepmted concurrently with the Wnr (Hike announcement that part of tho troops withdrawn fiom the (inlllpoli lVnliiMlla would be rent Into the Ilalknns nnd others Into llgvpl. It wna decided some time ngo by the HritUli cabinet to transfer the troops from the Stivla Hay and Anz.ic tionls on the (Jaltlpoll peninsula, 1'irmlor Asiiiilth nliuouitccd Inthe House of Commons this l The premier, upon br-lne Interpellated iiboul the wilhdinwnl of troops from the Dardanelles, Raid: "The trniiBfelilng of ttoopi from Mux-la ntid the Anz.10 zones Is In puisuatve with a cabinet decision arrived at some time ngo." I.OSSUS LtOllT IN" TIVVNHFHH The transfer was accomplished "with Inslgtilllcatit casualties." the War (llllre added, itidlcalcd that the Turks Inunchrd a furious nttnrk ulioli the troops began rc-embnrklng. One of the objections against abandon ment of the Dardanelles operations was tho fear that the troops would bo slaugh tered by Turkish artillery while en route In small boats to tho trnhsports. It is assumed that tlrltish nnd French war ships covered the letreat. TnCTONS AIM AT 1X1YPT. i:cnts nre moilug with great rapidity in tho Kastern Medltrrianean llttornl, where the Oermnns and Turks are eon ccntr.itlim for an Invasion of Hgypt and n bid for control of the Suez t'nntl nnd tile cntewny to Indln. Turko-ltcrmnn troops nre being gath ered between Aleppo nnd I loins In great I numbers, mid grent quantities of rolling slock locomotives nnd cars mo going over the Orient Hallway to move these troops. Krupp'n and other big muni tion plants In Germany hale been send ing forward shipments of rilles and am munition, and Field Marshal von dor Cloltz, for long the head of tho German military commission charged with the task of reorganizing the ottomnn army, has been placed In supreme command, with his licadqunrtcrs nt Aleppo. A dispatch to tho nxehango Telegraph Company from Amsterdam says: "It Is reported that Field Marshal ton der Goltz. commander-in-chief of the First Turkish tinm, is cstnbllshtng his , hendqiiartcrs at Aleppo, Syria, where the , Turkish and German troops under his command nre being equipped for nn Inui- ; slon of Hpypt." If all the allied forces nre withdrawn from tho peninsula it will release n Turk- ' Ish army of approximately i.'iO.OOO men for service In some other Meld of action. ' Tho Anzac front mcntloi.ed In tho olll- ' clnl statcnienl Is that section of tho Al- , lies' line held by the Australian and New Zealand army corps. The Ilrst letters of tho words were taken to form tho name. It Is south of Ail llurnu. n place which has llgured frequently In tho llrltlsh and Turkish War Olllce i epulis. , The withdrawal affecis more than H - 00) llrltlsh troops, who have been j attempting for several months to nd-. vanco ngalnst tlie Turks in the Kuvla ; Hay and Anzae regions on the west shore of Gulllpoll IVnlnsuln. No mention was made by the War OIIlcc of any with drawals fiom Sedd-ul-llahr region at tho southern tip of GnlUpoli, where i'lench and llrltlsh troops hold lines near Krlthla. The withdrawal, however, may bo tho foicrunner of abandonment of the whole Dardanelles campaign in favor of Ilnlkau operations or lo deftnd Hgypt against tlio expected Turco-tlcrnmn invasion. Moie Hull lliltish lioops. made up largely of Aiifctinllnns mid Xeiv Zi-u-laiulers. were landed on the shores of Suvln U and In the Anznc legion sev- Ahk for Our nnok, "M1CIA.I. SUOOIJsTIO.VS" y&fodJCinu SJ4-305 CHE5TNUTST. ri A XrTYV ur Here's the Xmas I Present for j 1 the Boy j TO Dainty assortment of ' M btap; 'and pearl handled K W knives, made of finest S H tempered steel fj From 50c to $1.00 1 m IP? I ff MM Ft " A. JL 9 - "fa mmmmmimmmmKmtmmttmmmmttmmmoumaatagttm-tiiminmamiKtu PLANS TO INVADE EGYPT Field Marshal von tier Goltz is reported to have cntalilislicd his licadqunrtcrs at Aleppo, Syria, 100 miles from the Egyptian frontier, where the Turkish nnd German troops tinder his com mand nre lieinR equipped for an invnsion of Ep;ypt. eral months after the II) st land operations ngalnst the Dardanelles wvic begun from the region of Sedd-ul-Hlir. vs"'sv' i JACOB REED'S SONS . i i i-yi'n Christmas Gifts tli at appeal to men Authentic Styles Best Qualities Fair Prices Neckwear S0c to $5.00 Special values in the $1.00 assortments. Gloves Full and complete lines of all reliable makes. Very strong attractions in Gloves at $1.50 and $2.00. Motor Scarfs Evening Dress Scarfs Woolen, $1.50 to $5.00 Plain and crochet weaves in silk and beautiful texture and appearance. $3.50 to $8.50 Fraternity Club Designs, $3.50 Metal ana Copper DeLuxe Novelties Lots of new notions this year in Smoking Sets, Desk Furni ture, Library requisites, etc. Fancy Snirts Madras, Mercerized fabrics and silk. i2 $1.50 to $7.00 UmDrellas and Walking Sticks $1 to $10 House Coats All wanted fabrics in varied weights and a profusion of "; patterns. $5, $7.50, $10 up to $ $27.50. . -" v- Leather Good oods Many attractive leather and a host gifts of 0 of useful i'. things in leather cases. You may get something sightly as H low as 50c. , Sweaters Woolen Jackets and Vests $5, $6, $7.50 up to $20 Men's Hosiery ' 50c to $4.00 Handkerchiefs " 25c and upwards. j Fur Coats I $20 to $225 I Fur-lined Coats '4 $45 to $700 f. y, CloMtne Hour 6 P. M. Jacob Reed's I Sons , '1424-1426 Chestnut Street k K:::::: UNA TRINCEA NEMICA SULS.MICHELEPRESA CON 115 PRffilONIERI ' VjVII 1J.O 1 AUU1U11UJ1U LTt1i . tr - ....1 i;,.i .j: liail.l tliX Uia SUI riOlUC (U Baltaglia Un Milione dl Uomini cd Un Altro in Riscrva AMEGLIO IN ALBANIA no.MA. 0 Dlcembre. lerl sent II Mlulstem delta tluerrn pub bllcava II segtiente coimmlcato utllclale I basato sul rapporto del gelicralo ua- dorna: ' "I.a neve sulle montagne e la plopgla . e la iicbbl.i nulla planum ostncolono le operazlonl ill guerrn, ma notiostantc tutto I 1'nltlvlta' delle nostre truppo contlnun i senra posa. 1 "SUlle pendlel scttenlrlonnll del Monte Ran Mlchele, n slid dl Oorlzla, l.l nostra I fntitcrla ch rondo' o conquisto dl snr- presa un trlneerntnento iiemlco conflnanlo j con le nostre llnee e vl fece 115 rlglonlerl, tra cul due ulllclatl." DL'R MII.IOM l.V SOLDATI. , L'ltnlla ha era sotto le arml ben duo I mlllonl dl soldatl e sta preparatidono un altro nilllnne. Circa un mlllonc sono sui fronte dl battnglla che si slendo dnl Tren tlno n Monfnleone, mentto l'nltro mlllone e' lenuto In riscrva slu per rlemplre I vuoti e sla per nvcte sottomnno le rlserve strateglche necoBsarlc per future opera zlonl. Anehe It tcrzo mlllone, che stn ora complelnndo la sua Istruzlone, snr.V le nuto In riscrva per le nperazlonl clip sirn' necessarlo inlziare nelfnv venire SI raleoln die da 1 0 a .VM.lW uninlnt slnno liupegnstl nellc oprazlotn dl guerrn ,sXmas SuggestionGr,! at .Mnm;it.Ti: i'ini'i:s Hats, Canes, Umbrellas, Top Coats, Silk Hats H. M. LAW 137 South 13th Street Open Evenings. WM ?:T&Y . vffcto m?Wr HKMX&X -mMWSZZZl iS8g ur' ?a irsr msmmifmmrr ffiBiOTB'9 wnneBiiiir ?2M (I H if - 1'ou should' understand that there is' but one Pianola; it is made only by the Aeolian Company; it is sold in this city at this store; and is obtain able in the following models: The Steinway Pianola The Wheelock Pianola The Stroud Pianola The Famous Weber Pianola Prices from $550 Moderate monthly payments C. J. HEPPE & SON '1117-1119 CHESTNUT STREET 6TH AND THOMPSON STREETS Copyright, 9iJ. The AepHan Company. ' cho si svolgono nel Trentlno, mentro tra 1 fiOO.000 a 700.000 sono schlerntl sul fronto dl battnglla cho si stende dnllft strada dl I'ontebbn a Montaleonc. I crltlcl mllltnrl caleolnno cho l'Austrla c' costretta n I lenero sul fronto dcll'tsonzo e del Tren- nvrbbc ' altrlmentl po'tuto' Implegare nltrove. In Itussla o nel Ualcanl. II cenciale Amegllo e' stato nomlnnto comnndante della spcdlzlone Itallana In Albania, c he. come nol obbiamo prcvlsto. si propone sempllcemento er orn 1 obict tlo dl dlfendere V Albania e ill rlorganlz z.iro lo forze dcll.i Serbia. l'lnu nl 20 N'nvemnre u. s. lo Stato Mnggloro Itnll.iun cosl' stlmava lo per dlle silblte dagll nustriacl e dagti llnllanl: Mortl o fc-rltl Itallnnl. r.,000; atistrlacl. 00,000: prlglonlerl nustriacl In Italia, 2S, 000j iirlglonierl Italian! In Austria, 1200. NKt HAt.CANt. I" nolo die gli nnslo-frnncesl. rltlralisl dalla Serbia tnerldlonale si sono con i centtnti n Snlonliro od ivl linnno Inlzlato latoii dl forlllleazlone per dlfendere qtlella lorn base contro altacchl da parte del tcutonlel p del bulgarl. I govoriil dl t'ermanla dl Austria ncano jirotestato rontlo la costruzlotio dl tmovl fortl da parte degll nlleotl a Salonlcco, e la loro ptolestn era stata presentnta nl govcrno errco. Kl nnnnMirln nrn cb II irnvpnin ! greco ha rlsposto a questl dl protestn, I miiimicirtiiiin dm m non tMin1 iii ntrim I modo Impedlrc la costruzlone dl mtovi ! fortl da p.lrte degll nllcntl cho dcsluerano essero slcurl contro posslblll attncchl da parte sIorII austro-tede.schl. I HULLO SHAIICO IN AIJ1ANIA. SI ha qualche nuovo partlcolaro sullo slxarco delle forze Itallano nell'Albanla. 11 goicmo greco ha cost' rlllutato di Impedlrc cho gll nlleatl si fortlflchlno a Salonlcco od ancho solamcnto dl pro- THE BEST GIFT l nun Hint lll iiprpiH, In mot luitlni; ilinnln'i 'lie owet pplrlt of (Mnl'liuii, ! .inythlnK morp suited In till" I Inn l'ottli" nf i hnlrp pnr ruiup" " limo i'mtv kliiil. but ipi l.ilh rf oinnu-ml our null Our ili-nln Tollot Wnler lir-nullfull lut up. nl ll.1i A 1 LM n l"itll" I'oit It.iiil to um ntiln t LLEWELLYN'S I'li1ltiitililil' hliimlttnl OriiB torp 1518 Chestnut Street Oprn cut) thia In tin jcur tilt mlilnlKtit i ' i i- ZJ ,.-,r.1.wrti - I TT C, I :JWalM4isywafc 1Y move the Metrostylc lever to the left to keep the slow, tlow languor of it. Now 1 move it to the right, and all the charming, humorous playfulness of this little gem lilts briskly nlong. Here the Themodist, without thought from me, brings the delicate melody out, not loudly but with just the proper emphasis. Here the Sustaining Pedal device gives it the lovely singing tone. The instrument sounds human so exquisite is its response. There is nothing of the hard, pre cise quality of the ordinary player piano. It is reflecting absolutely the subtlest color of my music feeling. It U teaching v:e to interpret. It is helping me to gain musical effects too complex for me to think about. "And my practice on the Pianola lias been so short and so enjoyable and easy. And I have the satisfaction of producing music which is real; of accomplishing something of actually playing so thut my wife and friends love to listen to me." X3k? r Enables you Have you ever stopped to wonder why the Pianola has become so well known in such a short time? Perhaps you do not know that in every civilized country in tho world it is just as popular as it is here. It is because the Pianola is a really marvelous instrument with which you can not only play the piano but play it with truly musical feeling. This is the impor tant part, and this is why the Pianola has been endorsed by every great musician of the world, and why it differs so immeasur ably from all the so-called player-pianos which try to imitate it. tcslare, perche' la slcurczza degll nlleatl a Salonlcco o' stata formalmcnto garan tlla dalla Qrecla cho o" tuttora l'alleata dellA 8erbla. Mentro lo navl da guerra Itnllano proteggovnno lo sbarco. un nottomarlno Itnllano chbe uno scontro con tre enc rialorpcdlnlere nustriacl. Quest! erano da duo glornl a guardla della costn nl banese. Quando II sotto mnrlno vide lo tre sllurantl ncmlcho venire verso dl csso a tutta velocita-, si preparo' ad af fronlarle. Ma sitblto una delle sllurantl si stneco' dalla llnca evldentcmente per Invcstlro II sotlomarlno ehe, vlsto 11 per il olo. si imtjierso o lasclo' passare la silurnnte. Sublto dopo II sottomarlno rltorno' a gilla. tier nttaccaro un nltro cftcclatorpe dlnlerc, ma nticho questa volta fu cos t ret to ed iinmergersl, o dovetto rlpetorc ropcrnrlonc per una terza volta. II sotto mntliio nllora emerso nncora a cinqunnta metrl d una silurnnte o lanrio' contro dl esa un slluro c si prepare' ad nttaceare la secotula II slluro ntido' a Mioto, cd iiuehe II secondo fu tvltnto dal cnsslator-pcdinlci-o. A questo punto 11 sottomarlno era stato quasi Investlto dal prlmo cacclatorpedl nlcre, ma si salvo' Immergcndosl nncorn. I.e tre liaM iiemlchc nllora clrcondarono II sottomarlno, rhe si Immerse ad oltro Vent! metrl e UJcl fllorl del corcllio nemlco. xtrt a questo punto, mentro atava per Hlomnro a galla esso urto' contro unn mll,a f" eolplto e dovctte Immergersl S IQHI liuwm'i iiiiiiiF ill! Liinnni.i.n ,1.111.,...' ''...'J ,'il l.l' ! . . i" f"mhwi'!"iw'-"T' . i.1 '. ' - ......UM.IIi I .'jj.' lft l s Jffiagl gS a in 1 S . 3 9m i I "-WjJv 21 . I frCVf I V??J VJh. 1 1 IM AC$v ' f bkoL-IErCIlJ- innrjl f If VI i a t tjc .j .v. The Horn & Brannen Mfg. Co. 127-433 NORTH BROAD STREET Short Walk Mono Automobile Row "iyjiji'i '" i'"' m 'II 1 II. ilium 'iillii'lllillll!llMv'll!l'liiilili:'li H'lWSlI!1 !'! ifWjIlf jjiiww iftijili'liiiiit iil'l!ii'ilW,li1ili M 'JllJlA ikWM7:. WK '"1" 7X THEN the day closes nnd I drnw down the curtains it sometimes seems thnt a tender little piece is what I want. So I often take the dainty little Tlmnorcsquc' of Dvorak's a difficult piece perhaps on the piuno but on the Pianola - "My wife tells mc I piny the 'Humorcsque' w.i really delightful feeling I who never knew a note of music, whose stiff fingers never could have learned to play :i fnshioncd pianoforte.- A gentle pressure of my feet upon the pedals and nil the pretty tenderness of the beautiful melodv is reflected in the sound. Nov.' J ANOLA i. to play the piano 'well AVc are representatives of the genuine Pjanpla in this city, and we handle no player-pianos besides the Pianola line, We would like to play the Pianola for you show you wherein it differs from the player pianos sold at other stores and we cor dially ten der you an invitat j o n to visit our V a r e -rooms at your c vcmence. in --tM"""i"'(Bi M ,f , on- MwBUmmSmimL TimmmBr2iy .intra vHtiniHusiJicT per esseirulre le rlparazlf-nl che, fortu natamento, non erano Rt-an cosa. Te rlparazionl furono completato pol durante la notte, quando II sottomarlno poto' con slcurezza totnare a gnlla. SI npprendo che 30,000 prlgonlerl ftus triad cho sono nella nolle rnanl del serbl saronno condottl In Albania c qulndl trns ferltl In Italia percha' non slano llbcraU da nn posslbllo su'ecesso tcutonico contro 1 serbl. "SHOT UP" HOARDING ROUSE; ONE MAN DIES OF WOUND Alfonso Bnrrono Succumbs jn Hos pital at Pottsvillo rOTTSVILLE, Pa.. Dec. H. Alfonso Ilarrono, 23 years old, died during the nlRht In the Pottsvllle Hospital of a gun shot wound In his head. Tho wound was received on Wednesday night at a board ing house In tills city at tho hand of Sal vadore Constnnrlne, who was committed to county prison subsequent to tho shoot ing. The shooting, according to eyewit nesses, was without pro-ocatlon. The prisoner nnd other boarders had been no tified by the proprietor that they had 16 seek other quarters because he would re move to Now Tork city on tho following day. Constantino then got his re-olver nnd "shot up" tho boarding house, kill- i Ing Ilarrono, according to the Witness. Give a Lamp A most acceptable Xmas gift a lamp is typical of Christmas time; it suggests cheerfulness and contentment. A wonder ful assortment at moderate cost. Jlcfnll Display Rooms anctmkiKam&artH6a 1PMEB2 m iJ 111 ."Ml IMiM'lllinHMI jfrX v! V1 note on the old- mn iSHiwffilf 3St qyw The Strozd Pianola Price $S60 I 1 i 1 m IBM sssmstsahssmmsJi i