-i ' M JWPTIPI (. , EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1915. 16 V I w n i I w a ?fi St SOB SALE GET a vtcrnoi.A NOW pay rem ir next tear CU er wtlto lor our new special raiment Plan, whereby jou can have n Vlctrola for cartmH, and Matt to My for II net year, HErPF.'8 UPTOWN STORES, Cor. Oth and Thompson its.. Philadelphia. Pa. tOrEN. EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS rinv cents a week buys a victrol call or write tor particular. heppfs uptown stores. Cor. Gth nnd Thompson :, Philadelphia, pa, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS , , DADDY WALKER Huva Talklne- Machines nnd Records. Sell Si'int reeorH nt about half price. Exchanges nil perfect records. ft cents. -J390 Rhine, above Columbia. SACRIFICE SALE until .Tun 1 of a'l kinds diamond lewelrv, Ms) ulnmond lavalllcrcs It up, must bo sold: roods can he bouelu here 40 per cent less than other places, or moncv refunded. L. Llpkiu. l.tco nilierl st , 2d floor. 1)(1 CALHN'DUtS to suit anv buMnrss' one million In nock at aacrlrtcln prices, nlso calendar pads We will complete orders lor Christmas l'nn Paper Co.. 2b N. Bth IViR SUITABLE Christmas Bills see Plunkctt, 8241 N. Tront St. Cutlery, Bportln Roods, bicycles. HEATINO UAKtNKEt.SHY HEALTH HEAT Is bettsr and cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure fresh nlr with normal moisture MAKIN KELSRY. fi N ISth St.. Thlld MACHINERY AND TOOLS SHAFTING- SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS ANI VOCOM hancers and pillow blocks with tin lihed Lnll ntui eorket henrlnaa ura the lest for all shaftlr.ft purposes,. SHAFTING ANIi MACHINE UUIIKSI. tf Nmttl Second i Ames vk-om a son. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT X;nnmo, motors, boilers, steam and oil so tinea, pumps air compressors. THANK TOO.MKY. Inc., 127 it. M St. pyrene rim: extinguishers for auto- mobiles nnd home use. taitito qutntltlcs al ways op l,.ind reidv for Immediate deliver). .JllAHl.t-.- no.M' t u.vu'.vr. v, ...ii .rcnst SECONDHAND 1'IVl: Cut and thrc.idcd to sketch; largo quantity of i all alaes In stuck. Ur'.'fitli 41i)--.'ri Mote at. , DYNAMOS, mot irs and maililnery bomthl. soil and rented, urtnaiures repaired. Main ll, ( Market :mhis earsiey in.. -i .. mii si. JIO SAW Vnotrotr ."enecj i J'ullV,. used Itiit a few months . SEYTEItT'S S7 N :id street. SO. 3D, in, IS, 4K-lm h EttrnLtors or hliers, rnitlno driven. Vi. SI, l m-lnih belt-Jrlien Extractors M1T.Vl.t-. I71S N. :,th st. PIPE ."eci'iid-hanil nil urea, i'hlla. Second- hand Pipe HtiprU. 10W N. 7th st, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 100 NEW 1'tANf'S - Ileppe, Marceltus, .lules, 11. C. Helium luker, b r ir.ceai.i. etc., contain Inc threo eaui.itlng boarJs. a.'i uprUlit pliinos of those mal.es returnol from summer rntal uiaouiiIf, leduced Hum VI to jl'i beloi. nsular prLra: can bo paid -. mnnllih. fillll lltm.inl. Call or v.nto for laiRo Illustrated '"""'HBI'IMiS UP lOW N 8TOP.c-S ior. bill and Thompson :s, ca'.u- OPEV EVEN1NC3 UNTIL CHHISTMAS (3S LAHGE .ONOPIIONE TALKlNfl machine. I with cabinet and .'O ri cords, tinlvhed In i beautiful qunrterel ojlW. cost nen 84. Can be r-t'J 73 cents weekly. An excellent bargain: lb rcod londitlon. Write tur cum. clstto list of batgaluH and steel ii trial ofter. ' IIEPPE'S UPTOWN bTORES, I Corner Olh and Thompson ot., Phlla., Pa. , OPEN EVEMNCS UNTIL CHRISTMAS EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHONOGRAPH Cost (00 new, 1 hla outfit la onirIsta with records and nil; be sold for $1. pavable 73 cents -veeitlv. Call or wrl for complete de-crlzdlon- and large iru-,tr.ited catalogues, HEPPU.'H UP'lOWN STORES Cor. oth and Thornpsc.11 &t Philadelphia, Pa. nfrv i-yi. sivna until 1 mtiaTMS PHYJ'.R-PIANOS de e cd Immediately, pnv able 12.25 kl : prli.es $."o.", and upward. . Call or write foi Urgo Illustrated cau lo:uea. HCI'PK'S UPT11.VN STOHE.3 Ccr. Cth and Thomrion at. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRIdTMAS ID5-chicki:p.in UPR1CIHT PIANO, cost oou M?,,''ew-, Tr.ent5.n10 other Upright i'linos lo.ruea. IIEPPE'S UPTVWN STORES Ccr. fith and Thoinrson b;. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CJIRISIMAS 83 CltlCKERINGrPRliillT PIANO . HOWARD VINCENT. S,",SN. dlh. 175 STEINWAY UPftKIHT, itf Chlckcrint' used pianos. I IS. lis. jisi. tt mcnthK ; p'.nv ers. t273 up. lirums linos . 3.12 N. luth. LADV must eell" plover piano; gorwl maku. little used Tjabog. music cab.: aeleit music rolls. Call nfternoons, not Sun,l.'Ilu N.Jirond, PLAYER-PIANO, reuowni-il mUe; new ins jr.. leather Ilbiary set: nrlv. fam.; must sell; cash unl. Call todaj . IiHl N.riiklln PIANO. Howard Vlneeut. excellent tone, snlen- uiq conuition. ':.,. easv terms. VV urlltzer. 012 Chestnut t. HIGH-GRADE piano, upright; sllghtlv lady must aid I. nuh i..u i-lnoe 2iriN. PXANf-Iaidv must sell b, fo"r Urlda7 used . J 7th best . iiwniii uoriBiiv. perie.'i. 11.1:1 . i.uin. GENfJINE Stalner Violin oVer 230 leara old' S17.. Phone Popar 2122 W. OLD GOLD HKU1EST orUea lu tho city paid fur old gold, sliver, platinum, false teeth, o'U coin a bought and sola, leweiry l7x naiusi. 2U-1 S. sth. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, rlaled ware, aid stylo Jewelry, teeth plates bouglit for cajli. Est. 1870. J. L.Ciark. lerlncr 07 Sau.um CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, I'ltECIOUH stones, gold Hllver. platinum, falrc teelli, Phlla. Sirellln-; nnl Rcf. Co.. 12S S 11thst. OLD. GOLD-Cash nald for old gold." sliver, antique olo-k- wilt mil Rell phone. Locust 1210. ROGERS 27 S 17th at. PRINTING XVY rOUIl CHRISTMAS CARDS EARLY Malie our selections from 123 dealgns; prUe 25 to 3if cents per dozen, engraving our peclalty. Th v.ird Shop, lOiM Chestnut at. Open evening. HOOFING AND IRON AWNINGb WE coat leaky rcofa at small cost snJ ruono. tie them 10 jexra. let us estimate. AMERICAN ROOFING CO.. 13.15 Rldia aT. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE SOTH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING. Iturs, Carpels cleaned, scoured, stored. Hell. Locust luCO Phonet Key. Race tltQ, FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES. ISll-lSll) MARKET bT. ATLAS STOHAOK WAREHOUSE Stora, rnovlnc, packlnc. shipping, carpet cleanlnc. Ph. Usrlnr 752 for estimate. Market and 37th. ilcCANN'S STORAGE"-HOUSE. 1TIS N. 11th at.: rcoiinr, packing, shlppint; auto vana. Both phones. Let us estimate. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. -WEST l-JULA. Tt'EiTT PHILA. Auto packing nnd shlpplnc. 2J0 LANCASTER AVE. FRED STORAGE the first lionth. moving by auto vans, ehlpplng, packing, carpet cleanlnr. Levin's. Mi Ridge. Park MS3 A. . ii 1 - .j " l , - oh ve, houdzvS X vnv or NejeCTN 7Z OH 3,0MT oRfty oh Pci -r -etiT7 . ou un "N i ( vjheihe Pcti-v'tc. J ( ccurjc we , . I AoHt1E lVs , " ' V ' J Voo'tu FlMD OM WO j UkC TkeVTWAVTCH SU AUr.TE J S DUNMO: I A tOVEUV VeVTCH -Ot- 1SM ' I IW . DAW OB. E V0WT f ? J .-VPEWBITERS AND SUPPLIES SATISFACTION IN REMINGTON RENT ALS, nlso Manuf Adorers' AND Guarantee. Visible Mod els, ,i n month; 17 Ml for SERVICE three months Itcntnl pav ment applies on purchase REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CtiMPANl. 110 South th at.. Philadelphia.. Tele'-bones. Hell. Walnut 0750, Keystone, Main 2004 TYPEWRITTEN lets dup which have every nppear of a pera. commun : esta.. Given. Whltmote. Jim I.ehlKli. rlortn i250 WANTED AXTlyl'IJ furnlluro. false teeth, fiOc to 1 1 set paid, broken lenelry. cold, silver, illamonda , bought. 7.1M Vftlnuf.VVnlniit 70JII F.st.Mlei. tmOKEN JEWEl.nY. false teeth plslols.colns. olti book, with prb-ea t pa v. mailed, 18c, .J. 11. Iioss (People's storo), tons. llth.Wal. tliB CAST-OFI' CI.OTlllN'I -We rosltlvetj pay SO ... ...... .....ma .... ...Mlt.m.n1. ..tnttiltiir lilS send postal: no cill da. e.. . Itv or suburb; IVIedmali Uros 1411 South st Pit Dick M.i' ft'HNlTUtlK I'nnos. ciruets. anllijues: entire I o, pa.t houses bousht ror cih. to matter how larat. J, nermteln, M."l Kldge nte. YELLOW stamps redeemed for do'ls, toj, etc. IllKl.e't nrlies paid for lonsr stamrs In sheets. TRAL)lNO STAM" CO., 2114 N. Tront Ft. ItlflllEHT PttlCES P MP !"OII DIAMONDS, old (told, platinum Ta'se trtth, nlso pawn tickets. l"Oti rilbert st 2d four Iront. ROOMS FOR RENT nr.liAD. N, IJ1I0 - Attroetlvel.v furnished rooms, 'xlth all convs : reasonable illlOAD. N., "14.1-NI-olv, furnished room, nil tottv; phono, reasonable, tntnte loinlly, tmoWN. 1311 Warm, eoiy tommunlcatlnr; tine Jt bedmom forcentleniati: owners it.AK Clir.STNt'T ST.. NEAH lr.TII-Handsomelv turn, rooms, with hath: near. I.; llarlng.1l'.7lt CHESTNUT ST.. IR'.'I- lieautlfullv npliolnteil rooms for reOned nrnni, nil bely film. LOOAN SoUAlti: (-in. N. ISthl Housekeelilni! rooms.furn, imfurh : rlec. Ilht: run water. PINE, fit: Dcslt able ill fir. front. Klo rms.. cent locntol. Walnut "2, also alii '. W. PINE, Ui'l Atlrnetlieiv turn, rms , elude or en suite ruunlns water, prtvntn ramll.i : ph. St'HIVE, UI.V-2d front, biautlfullv furnished. tunnlnn water, eln,- liRht. othrr lacaniles. SI Ht'i-'E 1.117 Itoorrs, Siiifilo or en'sulte, pri. lut'ij, tuor. ofil"ta: steam heat: clectrlcin. THOMPSON. W. Will Heinodeleil. coy, 21 fiont, 2 rooms, bath, fine hie i opp. sipiare. i WALNUT. I41l-:il-Verv ntriaillo,at;ts, 2 tii 4 I rm.. lath, nlso tlncle r mm nim Imth, turn. , rr urfurn.; encellent location: Ist-ilttfs arv I Ice, Pliiiri Spnue 4"U). m apply lu Janitor. ! STH. N , :mhi2 -i'rlvale party desires to rent j half or , omfortnble niodrrn homo: reisqna.ile I tuflf !", r.nn (opp. "llntnri Attractive- rooms, with in without bath, noil lie.ited. lilelltv ho. ! m nli r: newly renovnlcd. Ph. VVnlnut I.P44. 1.-.TH. S. tU-COMr-OllTAIILY Ifl'HN!?'''-'.' ! Kl:)NT IIM.. AlllOINlMI HATH" PHONlj. ! i.vfll. N., UllS-Slngle rooms, communlcalliis j bath, nicely fill., private famllv i Karace. ! lTiTH. ?.. "", Attrartlvelv tumlsl'ed "ni'iin. ru.i nlti"f vviter: nisi unfum room, private lath. 2IST, S.. S Altractlvi' furn. or unfurn. room", 1 sliiBlo or on suite: few at ?10 per month. ivri!. H , I'll -SlnKle nnd double rooms' In ev- ch'she, rellned. modern home. Phone. ' 01ST ST.. N . 17o:i- Uurn7 or unfurn: t (liable ! turtv: nulel. refined hntne: reasonable. , OVV.'.EIl OF1 LVItOt: ilvvMllnri will rent atttac. I tlvely furnlsl.ed bachelor apt. of 2 loom, prliato bath, op n llteplaci. 2022 Spruce bt I IIIIAUTIKULLY -urn no-1 loom In nrlvale , family; all com , phone Raring 720. M, ROOMS WANTED ROOM to be Hied posure. eentrul i fetudtu: northern ex 130. Ledger Central BOARDING JJALTIMORE. 4410Large, sunny, fcond-floor tuoni. couple or gentleman, excellent Jable J CltKSTElt AVE . M21-Iairg 2d-lloor front room, southern exposure; excellent table 5"v'NSOM ST'.."r,S!i Bd-aTnrv irent room, turn . with board.for 2jicrons. near'LIlel.20.-pil .1. sl'lturn. tOKv-R'nims. with biard; runtilng I n iter, stoani bent, elci ator. 1 llbert Sj" s"l'RUi"E. iui." illolmehurstl Beaut, film, rooms: priv hath, with boarcl:teblebd . ripitl'CE." 1224-20 illrlsmonde) Vurn. moms, slpgle. en suite; ptlva'.e hatha tnblo board. SPKLOE. 1liv eeon.l-tloor loom: nlso 4th ' tloorfrontvvltl. boird ; WALLACE. .1101 Hoard and rooms, renson I able; conv. to cure Phone Pje'-tonjySS ." 1 WAlTNUT T 4r.3l Rooms"nlth board: 2d andJldfloorH. near L: refcrenie. ' 17TII. S , 2.10 Superior homo and board for j refined women: loference Table Hoard ,,-rti -4T s :its ii'liAVENHUUST)- TAULE YORK ROAD 7101 famlly: tablo board. AttraUlie rms.. Phone Oal: Lano private 1183 Y SANITARIUMS I1EAUT1FUL location, apelal scientific care; neivous; elderly: every eomfort. nurees, Tiooklet. Dr Randal. City line Chestnut Hill APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13-storv concrete and steel fireproof structure reaches tho highest point of devel opment as et attained In apartment 1011 structlon. and ruav be uroperl ntvled a per feet place uf abode. An earnest effort liaa been made to offer a matcnless home to those whose rlrst con sideration Is not to count the cot ulone. but o procure that which they desire: where there Is only perfection, tho size and char acter of which niav be selected and sbupe,l acLonllng to the distinctive requirement of the Individual. ... Suites a're arranged from two rooms and one bath to seven rooms and three baths. Tho location Is excellent, being convenient to tho business and shopping ventres and let pot too near. All things considered, the rentals are mod Further Information, arrangements for In spection and reservations may be made throunh NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. " IUTTENIIOUSE S. (218 S. lOTHl Large, beautifully fnr. rms. and npts . 1 or 'J nns.. prlv. baths: hot-water heat: 1st class in appointment and service. Spruce 812. at'KINU GARDEN. lSlf-Excellent ap'ts. In 3 different houses: aome furn.: Jjltchenettes. 120 S. ISTH ST Unfurnished apartment. 2 rooms; bath: open fireplaces: largo closets. West Philadelphia. I OFFER a large variety of apartments ni varied prices and to meet almost an reuttlre ment. Call or send for list. Automobile service to inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. SPRUCE tl2"0. RACK 3025. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST. 1218-15 (Llon'a Head) Furn. suites and rooms with private bath. apts, FURNISHED APT., 2 rooms and bath, for gen. tlemen; near 17th and Columbia, attractive location I" 243, Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 3437 NORTH 15TH Complete floor. 3 rooms, kitchenette, private bath; elegant house, pri vate and select: hot water, light, heat, jani tor service, very reasonable, never long a cant: open for Inspection. BROAD, N., 2016 Three rooms, kitchen, bath", 4th Moor: steam heat, gaa and elec. , J 50. U Uen, 1107 Real Estate Tr. Bldf. Filbert 316D PETEY HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS l.vni ST.. .V.. lot laro llvlnir room, bedroom, kitchenette and bath: very attractive, new. It W. OLHAUSEN. 1505 Arch at Hpr. .1417. 10TH ST.. N.. 117-fld floor. 2 bedrooms, balli, HvlnR, illnlnc loom, kitchenette, nttrae. IIRht on 4 sides, ft. VV. OLIIAlLIEN,JM5Arcrlst ISTH. N., 17IS-SU larte, light rooms, newly flnlslieil, modern Hat. side yard, nre toner. 4IR U At It MOUNT-Two. three rooms In suites, hot-Mater heat. Janitor service; reasonable. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT A'oit can look at one after another until ou ilnd one, or To,i can ro around to the different agen cies until In derpalr vnu take one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write lo This Office It Is qulie true that nearlv every desirable np.irtment In Philadelphia Is listed with and tnav be I rated throiiKh us. fall uron us In nur new offices: they are really quite attractive, von will bo Riven the most courteous and eftlclent service obtain able All outonioblle Is wnllliiB to take ".on lo Iho list o' nparlmenti you Iclvnate, and If bv anv t,;muco vou are not perfectly suited om entire orR.inlxatlon vvltl bo placed at your disposal to pioeuio for nu exactly vour henrt'a desire Think nr all the trouble vou villi have save,! nnd how Rind nu will be to know vou hove found the one apartment lu Philadel phia tthk'h trosl nearly appronrhes your ei- "" NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spru o 0200 Hare ,102,, HlMWITtiPEPIVt: APMtTMENTS WEST PH1LI)ELPHIA nil OIHIMANTelVVN . ... see rt'WAtiH iiurrillNsoN. .lit 122 s nth or 117 s. inih. thu NASti ir,27-2n spruui: STIlEET - " nousEKEEP INtl APAHT MENTS and PltUUESSIONAL urt'lCEH. M. W tlltlHMS nriiluatnr of VPt. tlureaii Senlre, will iul klj ilnd von the nr.irtmeiit tht suits. Ill llwil Et. Tr Hlrtn. Wot, ilili4, HOUSEKEEPI.Ntl VU1S all parts of ellv. rents ;.'." to 70 i -r iro. iall, phone or wrlto for inroniutlnn s.inniri tern. Iisvi ('helntit MEM- PHILADELPHIA DRENEL APARTMENTS uvi:iiiwiuuK frr.vnu.N One housckeeptiiR anile, r, rooms nnd bath. J,Jt per month; one rtunlslied suite, 2 sleeping rooms, one exceptionally largo HvlnK room and bath. $7. pr niunib publK' dlnlnc room. Phone Over, rool: i.V.'S. THL hTtlAND APTS, JUST CllMPLETED LOCUST ST. .'ilTII TO ITH ST. C. and 7 room apartment', with nil tho latest conveniences, JI7,.iH to $4 per month. RUHEK'I I'lTTH. AOENT Hell phor.e llrlmont 4tTl. Ml.". Locust st. KINOSCOURT ".fiih :ilul I'hestnut sts. .1UST COMPLEl'LD. MODnilN HOUSE krepln.; ajarlmnitn llreproo tloors. eleva tors, public dlnliip room' ppl Till I.M AS M. SKI. US, .It.. 12(17 RACEST. miEV iTaiiles. ::i2-nn N. .tid. Verv nttrni'tlvo ii'H. " in 7 tooms furnished or un'itrnf'heil -ill outside mom': ahouer h.itlis, et.. ii.is'ldi" - niln. fiom Oltv Hull. .nn To Sill I'tlOlUE SELECTIONS kershaw x ninn i ,2ir. :hemut ESSEX, .'Htli oiiil I'liestnut: Mnnterpy. 4'ld nnd f'liei,lrp. Iltinmd .'lltli i.i.il St.rlliir Itnrrlnn. inquire janitor, or i resse ;'(is iiale I- It I1 1." r.ERMAVIOUN 1 THERE ARE A FEW MDOIES' ulio poslllielv FOLKS WITH , will not rent nn I noarimeiu in tile ellv i So In older to plrnse them nnd others who MI ST hnvo n Miiburban bnme THE QUEEN LANM A P RT.MENTS WERE IIUILT ' No. iou never have sieii ntivthlnc unite like I them chatues nre vou never will again. 1 resh air, trees, bird', grass, louutry sur- loundlngs; In n word, the great outdoors all ' nbout vim. A block rrom Cjueen Lnne station, same dis tance from the ilermantown Cricket Club, three blocl.s rrom Wavnn avenue. Tho price Is S"jO n month and As to tho nriartments: They have five rooms nnd bath, plus an extra maid's room: hot naier heat t.ie besi obtainable; ample ho wa'er: exceptional iloset rootn. built-in bookcases: private porches, imu'ual con struction and de, orations: you must sen them to know that ihev aie lust what vou have been looking for. and nur automobiles will make this an easv mntter. v. e might furnl'h one or two nt. sav, $70 a month. NORMAN S 811 Ell WHOP. 1411 WU.Nl T STREET WALNUT LANE. E.. l.'lfl I nnd !i bath, hot-water heat: prl. porch: rooms and J2.1 to M,1. Ilnverford, P.i, HAVERUORD. PA. New Simplex nnd Duplex Apartments, oni mlnute'a walk from station; southern expos uie; beautirul surroundings, unsurpassed lo cation; moderate rentals MULVAIN & CO. 1318 Land Title llulldlng, Phlla. APARTMENT HOTELS MOST ENLIVENING MUSIC FOR ONE DOLLV.R ljl.00) CHRI.VPMAS DINNER AND DANCE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 10O0 DINERS SATURDAY. DECEMI1ER 26TII ONE DOLLAR 151.00) A COMPLETE NEW ENGLAND CHRISTMAS DINNER NEW YExH'.S EVE. 1015-11(16 PHILADELPHIA'S GREATEST CELE1JR VTION RESERVATION TICKETS. X2d0 EACH EXCHANGED FOR PURCHASES SEAT II O T F. L FOR CERTAIN MAJESTIC el.vOO.OOO PROPERTY NEW OWNERSHIP HE GREATEST THE LEAST HOME VALUE FOR EXPENDITURE HIGHEST HOTEL ELEVATION IN PHILVDOLPHIA MONTHLY RENTAL SCHEDULE SINGLE P.OO.MS. WITHOUT II VTH. HUT RUNNING WATER. WITH HATH ADJOIN ING EACH ROOM. SUITAULE I'OR TIVO PERSONS. J-IO TO 40. SINGLE ROOM. INCLUDING I.MKIK, ATTRACTIVE RATH. 140 TO J50, T1VO.ROOM SUITES. INCLUDING LARGE. ATTRACTIVE HATH. JG3 TO 1W THREE-ROlM SUITES INCLUDING LARGE. ATTRACTIVE HATH. K3 TO $5li. ALL ROOMS AND SUITES FULLY FURNISHED SUBSTANTIAL I'Ll'll IIREAKFAST ::u(. 4im; .vc. SPECIAL 11AINTY UiO. LUNCHEON 20 DISCOUNT URtlM ALL DINNER AND A LA CARTE CHARGE- FOH HEGl'LAIt GUESTS JMES A. MEAD PROPRIETOR james s. McCartney GENERAL MA NAUBH. HOTEL MAJESTIC HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Eleventh nt. An apartment hotel noted for Its culslns and perfection f service. Newly refurnished and redecorated. Parlor, bedroom and bath with meals for two persons, '13 per week and up. special Liuncneon. neeniy-nve uenls. Table d'Hote Dinner. une Dollar. THE DELMAR.MORRIS GEHMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. KAILROAD, SO MINUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY IV'RNISHEO AND UN. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS. THREE ROOMS and bath, unfurnished, sublet for balance of lease to October 1, 11)16, Apply Hotel Marlvn, 40th-Walnut ats. Petey's Watch and Chain APARTMENT HOTELS fTlV'MA RL YN 10TH AND WALNUT STS. ron nu.NT. three hooms and iiath, TJNFI;ilNISHED, SUItl.ET UOIl BALANCE qr lease to ottohhu l. mm. THE OENEVA KITH STREET AIIOVE WALNUT HlRh class apartments, wllh or without pri vate bath; entlrelj renovated and refur nl&hed; under nen- manaRement. DOUGHTY A MARSHALL THE GLADSTONE m&$gjt ABSOLUTELY flREPROOF " THE COVINGTON, CHESTNUT AND .17TII STS It. r. ENOt.E, MANAflnn. ALSO THE ENOLESIDE, 1ICACH HAVEN. NJ.. THE TRACY PERMANENT OR. TRANSIENT OUEST3 30TH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY 1B01I LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-stor brownstone dwell InR. Especially lltte 1 for profeslonal office. Low price and easy terms for quick sale. MASUHER. neir iMiiphln- " rooms, bath: lot luxSfl. rent Sill. nsseed l7oo, pflco J17iii. i'AMEROV. 2S11 Kenslncton nve. AN OPPORTUNITY roll PLEASURE AND rum r, VISIT WILLIAMS' TIOOA HOMES Pretty 2 and .'! story houses, nltli all up to date fentuie. I7TII AVU 1IUTI.ER STREETS i'onvenlrnt to Tnlli nliil Trollei Unvarvlmr In Chaiacter," Termn culiveiitent Prices Inn. FRVNK D. WILLIAMS. 11U1LDER, ur. the Premises. WILL sarrlfl e mv mi, .I. vrttfe. .'I.'lnrv N. Tork ave. home for Hutch bnll bouse, llewiv impereil and repaired ihrniiRliniit: baa nlnnys been ccninlel bv iiresent oaner lot is) ft. deep: double row shnrte trees: excellent uriRlihorhood coiivenlrnt to both Penii'V and Reaillns stations nnd ,N. l'llh st... l.dh, st., (terhiitiitnnn .no nnd.nrk rnnd trolleiw. Prim $.'00i) Address M 221. Ledger Office II" YOU V.NT TO MORTO HE. rent, buy, . " "siT: tai-lanI: arout it- I khi Walnut si. ONLY S.tii tn $.Min rti'li required I 1712 Wnllnie 1.: Rms.1 1'inii .Melon, ii urns , Cor. 21st A MhIIrix. , tT'JI.X IMh. I Marsh ill It Smith, lull i'liestnut st. SITES foil SALE Suitable fir erection or business biiildlnRs laruo or small lnveat meiit nrnnrtles Ionev for mortcapes I ARTHUR DOSU ELI.. 2.1.1 N. t:ithst. t CE.VIltAl. PROPEIITIES lor mle or rent. YMIROW A: VAN .PELT N. E iui. 17th mid Uhc'inut. REAL ESTATE roll SALl: IIAIIPr.ll HMtTMAN 1201 rhcalnut at OR RENT & CO. CENTRAL rAi'TOllY flood alto for mod. bus. Iiblg. , :i strecla. sale to clofe nn estnlo; might rent. ,tm id, A Urlt. fl2f. tjital Tlllo Rldg. I IIAIIHAIN FOR tit Ii'K SALE- UkS-IO-12 bTH ST. MAKE HI TKII. 1) II. MINN1CK. 1 V.I! RIDOl AVE. K.Ml.MS. large or small: also ellv prop'rlles, I I't nn- Know vour Hunts I VV . I. Ill Hilll'i.N i i.-s l,,.i.l,P"l.lll,l.'i. lliillillnc Jils, Uncliiry Sites. Flo. 4STII AT WOODLAND AVE. ItAll.llinll SIDING. ll'Aia POTTS.- 'IXIVVNSEND. I'.mi.. H.ilUmore ave FALI.S OF SCHUYLKILL I1ROUND. l.aige ind M1111II Tracts far nWKI.I.lNfi or MANUFAl TURINO purpo'es lu beet settlons. EXCELLENT RAILROAD FACILITIES. rnies ftt .iiipiiidiiou. Est. JOHN DOIISON. M'l Chestnut at. CHOICE building loin and large tracts ground In all parts cltv; also over 20O manufacturing site.. Mclvlli.jr,in-10 ReaJ Estate TrustniilR. WEhT PHILADELPHIA f.HCO s ROOMS, hot-water heat, gas and elec- trie light, pirriuetry Moors, shower baths, gas kitchens and all other modem appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILDER EStli and IIautle!dsts. WHELAN'f HOMES. fCTII AND PASi-HALL AVE. APPLY lull J'lli:STNl'TST. SEND 10H.iS SALVOR REN r ,",.M and llaltllnoro live. IJUuiP-UNEQUALUf "HOMES," 30th nt. ribbve I.inslowno ave. Every known convenience. JAMES C.ENRURC. Ilullder. SnTem WILL purchase beautiful plnf of Rround In Wist Plilladelphla. Pinna, 1100 I ranklln H.ink RulldliiB. Race Oooii D. west philadelphia homes w, edwin ulair, 207 s.i.iith gi:ihiantown RESIDENCE SITES Ground In best section of Germantown and Chestnut lllll. 11. B. LISTER fr SON, 5012 Oermantown ave. WE CAN" assist you to find that home sou ate looking tor. Germantown Trust Com pany.chcltennnd Germantownnvc3. SMALL INVESTMENT HOUSES, almost dol lar for dollar. OLYNDON PRIESTMAN. r,300 Germantown ave. IF YOU ARE LOOKING 1'OR A HOME In Germantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, con-"llLIH8-- A. R. Meehan. 0717 Germantown ave. CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehocken at. east of Ger mantown nve. J. H. Chadnlck & Co.. 3013 Germantown ave. i THREE STORIES. 10 rooms: hot-water heat: electrldtv: as-essed J4M0; price J.1000: west slde.r till. Ledger I'entrul Cliestiiul Hill NEW SALE AND HENTLIST READY Pelham, ML Aliy and Chestnut Hill. PEL1IAM TRUST CO., 07411 Gel mantownave. Iacn LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith, JRroad st, opp Logan Station. REAL ESTATE, ibortgases and convoy" anclng. WM D. CHAMBERS. 4033 N. Ilruad at. HOG A WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA OR LOGAN KKXNBPl A. RAMP.IJ. ,:7IO GERMANTOWN Mill I1IIAN J2000 to 00.(mo. We have Suburban Piopertlee. In all sections ndjaienl 10 Phlla.. some with acteage. C. P. PETERS A; .-OX. i.lS Chestnut st. HOMES FOItTsALE OR RENT WENDELL . JIAr-.-EV, Real Estate Trust Bids. CHOICE BUILDING SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNS EN l). Iamehorne.Pa. SUBURBAN REAL rSTATE Any price. AH locations Sale or rent. CHARLES J HOOD Ac CO., Morris Hldg. SELECT PROPERTIES-Country seats, farms. List orders riow. LEWIS T. BROOKE & SON, 1414 South I-enn sq. FOUNDED 1876. LARGE LIST Or SUBURBAN HOMES. "aale or rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R. WM. II. WILSON & CO.. Morris Bulldlnc SUnURBAN RESIDENCES for aale or rent attractive locations, prices right. Maurice J. Hoover, neal Estate Trust Bldg. hoburlian Lola PROSPECT PARK 11 acres, with 1400 feet frontage on R. and O. Railroad, aplendld loca tion for manufaitorv or small dwellings: price attractive to close an account. YOCUM POWERS COMPANY. 2tl S. 15th St.. C9I0 Woodland ave. . Ambler, P. FARMS, country places and suburban homes on the Reading's Bethlehem and Doylestowo branches. H. J. Pager, Inc., Ambler. Pa. Darb), Pa. REDUCED to S2S00 to settle estate quickly; 3-st. dwell., hot-water heat, chicken house, fruit. 33x200. SV.'OPE 4. SON. Darby. Won't Look So Nice Around the First By C, A. VOIGHT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RU1IUR11AN Edilystone. r. DELAY IS A DEAD LOSS AT EHDYSTQNE Three tvoek aaoland In Eddistone sold J.l n foot, todav. JIO tomonow nnd Jt,.i tho day nfler. and If Is still colne up. . fln can aim secure n fen choke fots nnd store Properties near the. main enlrnnce to ItemnRlon Atms iisViiable Vices bv nr.tlnjr .M.onc, to or rra'nn.-iiiir i'in7 ' - ROSNEIt. .'HOl Clifford st , Elklns PnrU, I'a. HOMES UOIl SALE OR RENT MCCORMICK A MCCORMICK 1011 Chestnut, nnd Elklns rark, BEAtJTIUUI." lluiLDlNo'siTE. high l"'": tier,r train nnd trolley, at decided, barcalni all Improvements. I" inn, i,eugrr uin. Htenslde, I'. . HOUSES AND LOT.", ever description. RENNINIIEH R- RENNl.NUER Urn id nnd Wnlnut sis Snnrllimore, Pn. A TRAIT Of LAND of 42 470-1000, acres, a portion of the Millions farm, north i of l ho Short Line. .Apply to 8. P. .1 EMMA fllH 1IONS, cor. of lliltlmoro ave. and t.edar lane, Snnrthmore, I'a. P. o. Uox 101. or phone MAIN LINE. PA, 11. K, DESIRA11LE PROPERTIES SALE OR RENT WAHNOCK . i:.u,i:N,ommerclalTrlllilR. bUnUIHUN HOMES, country places and building sites ti. null nil requirements: Main Line. II. '" HUNTER, JVVnjne. Pa. Best line or main LiNUJiousE'a Kllher fr sale or rent, nt all Ptlcas. HjRST & Mi Mr I. LIN. 'nest Etnl Trust Uldg. NEW .IEHSEY llnildiiii HelRlils. N. .?. LIPPINCOTT I.OTS AND HOMEd HADDON HEinllTS, N. J. WII.LET LIPPINCOTT Mnplo Mimle, N. L THL GREATEST privilege of tho SOlli century Is to oun a little one-niro farm close to PhllailcliltlJ, nnd lemember ?.1 doivn bujs one, I." monlliLv pnjs fi-r It. For n square deal cnll on or urlte HARLOW J5 rn. Maple Fhide-J J. .Ml. Eplirnlm, N. .1. ONE-ACRE UAR-Ma Ml. Ephrilm, N. .1. ( idjolnlng Hsddon ItrlshlM, inly f miles from Camden (2 sta tions on ttact), MOO to 1000 per acre, title Insured, fee deed no taxes Tor 101',. CAMDEN COUNTY C1AIIDI1N HARMS CO. 120."' llroaduav, Camden. N. J. PennsRrnve, N. .1. PENNS eiROVE. N. J, . , . Substantial I'hrlatmii girt, dclrahle hulld- Ing lots itdlnltilng ilti Ponl'i works; easy payments: grovvlirr lu wilue PE.VNS liltOVi: IMPROVEMENT CO. Peiui' Urove. N, .1. . NEASHORR Cape .May. N. J. COTTAGE iM-cted by 11 tollable builder la a satis 'action' nitiactlvo , ns submitted free. OTIS M.JTOWNSENE, 1 ean Cltv. N. J. Ocean Cltr. N. .1. COTTAGE erected by n reliable builder la a sitlsfactlon: attraetlvo plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND, Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 2.1 ACRES, neat village pinperty: 14'H feet main pike and Indlev frontneo, good stone dwelling. ! niu.ire moms, nnd laving beau llfullv tn the "outh. rmin nuthulldlng', 1 i.ii,'.ii I edge. Ntrium: I2..H; best or Its uinn to our anoni- BROWN ft CLOUD NCllllllSTOWN. PA. 101 ACRES stock fnrm. above. Norilstonn, modern buildings: stream, timber; depot a, mile; will suit commuter, price JI2.OO11. .lack's l'.irm Agenev, 21. 1 Stephen tllnu-d Hillldllig. Philadelphia, 23 ACRES. STOCK. CROPS. Rood bulldlnga: J2S0O, lull rasa HUNSIIERGER'S FARM AGENCY. Green Lane, i'a 60 ACRES. I mllo to good R. II. town; stone house, hot-water heat. $il.V,i. V. II. TYSON. lainsdHle, Pa. 115 ACRES. Delnvvnie f'ountv, modern home; imsltlvelv to he Mild. S.'.".'.! (III. .1. II TlliiMI'.-ON West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS IIURLING'ION COUNTT FARM.S All sl7eM, all uurpo'es. Established 1SOS. A. W. DllEsSER. Burlington, N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT C1TX 0UY A HOME ntoM US Monthlj payments. 17 to J5U. N. Phlla. and Germantown: prices l(-t to $7Kii). Merchants' Unton Trust Com pany, 715-7111 Chestnut st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for hate and rent TAMES 1). WINCHELL. 17th and Sansom. SUBURBAN CITY" AND SUBURBAN properties for aale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company. Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Pa. Ilaln-Cymvyd, Pa. LARGE LIST HOUSES, sale or tent. Rt all prices. SAMUEL C WAGNER. Jr., Commer cial Trurt IlldB.. 13th and Market ats. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE DESIRABLE PROPERTY on Tioga St. Will consider Investment houses or ground. WILL IAM BARR, S1I1 and Oak lane. REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST t OLLECTED. molt gages and fire Instnance placed quickly. See Kane for prompt results. 232S Tasker st. WANT listing of country fceata and farms, II. H. MiCOLLUM. 1311 Walnut st. "Dnn't Forget the Number." I'LOOR SPACE- 7000 square feet of fnctorv floor space on first Hoot , railroad siding. M 1I53. Ledger Central. ANTED Store. 1.1x75 or more, 2 or .'I stotj building reasiinahle itpt. location tn respeit ahlo fceitloii. :.20. U-dger Ofllce. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 1210 SPRUCE ST. Desirable retljence, con tains 10 tooms. Including 2 bnth rooms; suit able for ducior's ofilco nnd residence, or apartment houe. rent, $!ood per annum. WHITESIDE & McI.ANAlIAN. 1.1th and Pine. .1111 S. 1'ITII ST. II looms and 2 baths. MEARS A. BROWN. 202 S. 15th St. 1M:i"n iITH ST.- Three-siorj . 12 looms; line order: lonvenlelu'es, cheap. . WM L. ''It- VEN'SJitlNS. I54U N.7tliLt. 170") SPRUi'i; -T. 17iooms. 2 baths; suitable for phvslclan in good order. Edgar G. Cross, tsi 1 vvaitiut si. DESIRABLE residence. IT rooms suitable fur business or apartment, verv central; thor oughly renovated. Poplar 4322. owner. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In the ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX 4. CO. S E. tor. nth and Callowhlll. SEND TOIt OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Broad and Chestnut bta. RENTAL LISTS :n.in 10.12 2031 fi 150.1 1513 3:10 3211 L .142 50 N. Caniae ..2.1lt13 Ingersoll . , N. Marvlne.. 231 U41 N. 42d ... ii 13d 201 3011 Cambria .. Clearfield .. Vii'mII Orlaiint .. 'i'j 12 11 rrencii ihi.:i 1 'nanus, .... Spencer .... 17 1412 fudwalader . Indiana .. . ir.i'jniii Catharine ... FRI.'H 1L WILLIAMS. .V.-J Walnut st 111 1" a 12V 2022 RirtlE AVE . sturo and dwelling. 12121 N. lutu, a roomn, loiiventences. 11007 Alanton. I rooms, range und conv. tv. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Business Properties anil 8torea ...-.... T, A-l, aiAliivt-r 01.. w .,. .. . Hntlra building through to commerca st.. suit rejtn.ll or wholesale business: Immediate Applyn'renna. Co.,ul7ChMtjaH.L " firtn frt-TVIT'l' RT. CTIIIIR AND HVSHMENT flli'iir. i. ' ..i...'..-. - Lea Estates, 700 Sansom st. NEAR RROAD AND WALr.ACn-3-atory bldg.. 16x70. alterations w 111 h; , mad" to ault tenant. POTTS A TOW NSEND. 4005 Hal tlmore ave. . More nnil Dwellings 2038 N. 31 JT ST -7 rooms, $IS00. L. P. ALnltECIlT 5111 W Lehigh at. 1'nelorles, U'rirelionses, Mfic, rloora FOR RENT-One door. 1S.0C0 squnro feet. Ilreproof hulldliiR. unobstructed light all aides; freight nnd raesenRer elevators, insur ance rate nbout .10 cent'- strlctlv modem building for any manufacturing purposes, tent rate lower than reasonable, look Into Ibis If Interested. Sec Sam Hersoti. .10 N. 10th at , or pnono lieu, nprure .i;m.. ROOM having Hire? fronts, containing 11,100 sq ft.: elevator, heat, low rate of Insur ance; railroad siding; sitb-poslofflcj In bull I Ing: located 11 blocks south ?f Market St. C. J. MILNE & SON. Illh and IVoehlngtoii. WE HAVE largo nnd small floors suitable for light manufacturing In rentrallv located !'", LhSV IIARTII. Ridge ave and loth st MERCHANTS' BUILDING II NORTH 4TH STREET ,- DESIRABLE ROOMS. POWER AND LIGHT BROAD AND WAt.LACE , IMettopolltan llulldlrg)-Rooms. S00O In 40.000: cheap, power AppIyjoGeo F. Lasher. 14. N, ictli. FAPTORV FLOORS and warcrooms, large and small; eenti.illv bie.ited. HARRY T. SAI'M ERP. 31 S. ISlh St. HAVH PARTY who will erect .building, cen- -- I alliai, liuollAn . allrilrlrifV IrSrlBHT. licit Ul Ulll'-I lilllliuili x'i nnis-i. .- ...-..... DIETRICH. 7.17 Walnut L . CORNER HUII.DIN'1 foi light mfe. nurooses: ,.... nn.m .. . ii n ...n..l. J t rnrtmr about .1000 ii. ft J 10 a month loili and Tloea. OUI'ICKS. HUSINESS ROOSlEu ETC. CIIESTNIT ST., 1200-1 flight: several enn ne'ted mnttis, rippor., business or offices windows Chestnut M., nhnwense, entrance. l.'io s. I M'l I ST. cKftce' fiom S2.1 pei mo up: rent Includes lieit, light, elevntnr and Janitor Bervlcc. .1. A I'ATrnilSON CO.. 1 10 S 13lh st. WALNUT ST., 1111 Several very dcslrnblo room", suitable for anv business; very good location Appl' Win II. Mxon. on premises. DRENEL HLDG orulCES. Annual Rental', single Rms.. .Moo, S120, H1.-.0. J200. $ino, sum Sillies 2 llmi. 5I.VI. TIT.-.. S'JIHI. J22."..S2.-.I.27.-. sui.es 'i inns.. $27.-.. moo. Sl.v). inn. sr.10.srjr. Collier Sulle.. 4 to S Ilonins. J5.VI to StfkV) I1LLIS I). WILLIAMS. 51.0 Drexel ltulldlnB WATKINS IIUII.DIN'O 10.11-101.1 CHESTNUT ST. 1 office, over 700 squnro feet, suitable for tnattufnrturers' agent, snlesmnn, with stock of goods. II. 11. WATKINS. Jr. A FEW t)EIRARLF OFFICES RENT VERY REASONABLE ROBERT MORRIS '1 Itl'SI CD. HLDG. II27-1I2!I(M1ESTNUT STREET MERCHANTS' BUILDING It North 4th street. Very deslrableofflces. Heat and light. CENTRAL orriCES. STUDIO"! AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES. J..C. FULLER. 10 S. ISTH ST. OFFICES for rent: first floor suitable for bsnkir: smaller ofllres on other floors. UOIt IIIjST BUILDING. 110 S Ith St. Boom 42.1. ONE TlWUffANII H'lUAIIH rt'. RT. thlld lloor front, rent ;: hent and light In- . eluded. Pln7a Bldg. 1 50."i-Oi -4V.I Archst. BUSINESS offices, moderate rontnlsfall conv.. rentrnllv located Heed Bldg. 121 fi FIlberL l'rofesslonal OITlcea WALNUT, 220,1-Suite or 2 largo rms,, 1st fl'r; hot and cold running watir, electricity. PROFESSIONAL BUILDiNO". 1S.11-31 Chestnut st. A tew suites for phi Sicilian or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO . i'liestnut nnd l'lth. lroresslonnl Offices Wnnted DOCl'OR wlslilng loratlou In residence with refined family nfter January 1 address r S41), ledger Central. WEST PHILADELPHIA HERMAN BROS , (10111 MARKET llnuecs Apartments, Stores NEAR LOTH ST. L' STATION For Rent or Sale. DWELLINGS. STORES AND APARTMENTS WM. II W. fll'ICK .V IIRO.. INC. S SOUTH 4UTII ST. NEW HOUSES FOR RENT 107 S. ISM St.. facing Cobb's Creek Boulevard; rent .1142.50, .LVS.N.MlTCHELL.4iilhjimlMji!j(eL J2S THREE STORIES. II rooms, "hardwood finish; others. Sis to SI2.50 1-.JL APSLEY. .ISth nnd Sprlngflel.i nve. HUHMAN'IOWN J30-DWELINUS. 11 ROOMS Send for List. Continental-Equitable Trust Co , 21 S 12th st. Tlogr. 12'10 AIRDRIE ST. rooms and bath: key nt 123.1. WALTER GABELL. Broad and Krle a V e. SUBURBAN Bala. Pa. 3 STORY" 10-ROO3I porch dwelling, all con veniences; rent $1.1 per month; 10.1 Bala ave, J.J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut at; .MAIN LINE. PA. R. It. MODERN HOUSES'. $.'! to $.'00 per month; various stations. Scud Tur special list. Har- liertA.claghortl. 2tll Balle Bldg lYsnnevvooil 40 MANOR ROAD Modern: 13 rooms. 2 baths; H acre land: $40 per mo. Walter Baasett Smith. Winnowood. Pa. MORTON C- ES MONEY FOR WU..L SECURED MORTGAGES AT LOWEST RATES. ALSO BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS FOR FIRhT AND SECOND .MORTGAGES. JAMES G. FRANCIS 70.1 WALNUT ST. Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE immediate Attention HORACE 11. FRITZ 71B WALNUT ST. MV BLDG. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION'S DE- SIRE APPLICATION'S FOR GUOD 1ST AND 2D M'J'GEh. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. WILLIAM JAMES KEOtlH ,103 DREXEL BUILDING LOJIIlAltl) 13M. MAIN 2.10. 150 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE aecur to lu: immediate settlement: payable as t:ouo desired. EDW. M. MOLL 133S. 12TH ST. ' MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES HENRY S. REED 1421) CHESTNUT ST. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS" JOHN O. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Walnut st. MORTOAOB MONEY. Suma to suit. Firsts iinrl Seconds. O. C SE1DEL A: CO.. . INC. 4th and Callowhlll sts. J It. MASSBY Ai SON 13TII AND GREEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES UinLJlN ASSCK'IATION FUNDS C1Q Xf) Special for mortgages. B. and vy,oju ( un,s for tf.conliM. WORRELL. 655 N. 17th. $100, $200 TO $5000 TO LOAN. LEWIS CO. 1227 V. Glrard Ave. $50 MORTGAGES ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MoRrr .,.. .Quick amner. MORTA0n -"CS.iLhATSJNUER.neai -j,, -rv ... HEADY FUNDS for KSoTTiftni. -itJlR NJt CO.. 217 S. Bre.j ., TUNIS FOR L!TND-2iTTdoiffi!T7 caTHoillo.vr trust JugoR rmsonT r.jr". : ". f yiirttr. J112LL'H0!riBIidlne. 'Roth pher,.. FUNDS FOR 1ST A ND "2lT"iibn rrTTSTl MORTGAGES FOR SAI P08" THEO E. NICKLEs: BSlri n?Ah?. " z.ls'r - "JiiuiMrj, , -.vr : tn ia MONEV roil MOUfOAnrq" Tvi?? wr,r-rrAii n . -H'-j." 'liitf. '.orris st. rms J. . EDWAIID l.t'TV olo ilul,V-9AOE8 MONEY 1X)R 1ST AND" 2D (inwTl&-!. ' QUICK SERVICE. SMALL CllvSSr . VALnJLA.V,lflh W. GinARD'v3! t i- 1 ! r.t t llttsrllSr"nT IT. '7 iil jxfrtsi.-i v.ii itt l.nrj.l i- i, nSTlfr." .101 Z:V.r2i... " -" Vi-ii-J't, BIJW 1IHBT A.NU SKCONU, ANY AMTStW?51 City or suburbs. Quick service " JAMES C SIMPSON. 1420 Chestnut . FIRST and 2d mtgs. or on note, any"im7 low rates: Immediate answer. I V r-iSi'l - .1112 Lincoln llldc... Broad and Pern $"? WE HAVE,. A FUND of JIIOOO for fljirS1 T.aWiKl",l,t'llU..'lul'-k answers, r""". COAVARDCO 20th nnd .lerfersoii its ' $IOO.roo 1X)R FIRST. SEr;ONDorTSpTS wwz. ufrso'n.h11!?..,: mf INVESTMENTS - rlrst mortgages "emdert.5nt rents, real estate 1 llsrr son nulldltiir OlVNERS-if our mortgage 'lias been ci I will take It t'P; nlso 2d mortrae. rX& ' -.'-."".'i" " '" '"'j-.evj;iieitnat tt LIBERAL loans on 1st and 2d morTi7T3r , ment notes nnd estates. Prompt ait 5 J' ..f'es. Chas, II Taylor. Franklin m gjj LOANS Largo or small sums on real eititi juogmeni noics or mortgages, loans on ' ilea estates Dempsey ft ?-0 -A m. iJ.v' JW.CkXI TO IXJAN on asporlfltlon mortpnR-? n It fin If nil II Hint? riinfi ats a .",',:. lnrin.-iiMuRSg ITND9 for firsts and i.M-onH rTty or iuh-H-fcr roltKo prompt service. F ftitx SSL ruiNi'M lor nrsi mm eecona mortgsri m amount, quick nnawers. CHAS. w. InC for first and l.lfV, mi'tiri kvimiiuiiHraiiii 13IQ(. MONEY for lirst" and secbriH"rnortiates; turX Ing nss'n and Instalment mortgages. wmiT AMnchester Comrnny, lOOlChestnut it. ALL AMOUNTS to loan on. 1st ana 3 mini Chas.Z. DeYoune. 400W End Truit BIjJ TRUST FI'NDH for good first morlniijr-r B. .lardetla. 15.1.1 Christian st ""' MONEY TO LOAN V A NEW COMPANY Ready Money for Houseketpw You can borrow todav In a private rciaua- 4 .l,hn,,, r-erl tone, from n new ennran, verv easy terma We are bonded to' 11, Stnte. licensed nnd supervised bv the BinUrt ..aa.. . nt TlAnnat II BI1I1 "nil- nss. T ICPIII III1VIII. l J lllll-'Mmi'll. " 4H-.04I I r rollnblf-, nnd will Rive vou an all-romd t ptiunro tlenl. WE LOAN FROM $10 TO KOI PAYMENT! I ARE SMALL AND WITHIN TOUR 1NC01IS ! Your monthly payment on $11. Is only M Your monlhlv payment on $72 Is only I" Your inontiilv pavment on M2 Is only III Your monthly pavment en $201 Is only tit with Interest nt 2 Wltn inieresi ni .i-e. AIK OUR RATES AND METHODS Bt- 4 TORE GOING ELSEWHERE. You will find tm prompt. Other loan coa. ' ranles paid off nnd more money adrnnt'l , Wliv not see us, write us or phone "Walnut ,n ..ri 1 ij) a 1 ,- . , ... 1 We also make loans In Germantown, Met- town. Cnestnlll lllll nna aianaj-una. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. , 131 S. Broad Street second 'T'HI,.f.?l'r; T0 ronMn OPEN EVENINGS "UNTIL CHRISTMAS. CHRISTMAS MONEY AT LEGAL RATES If vou nre keeping house or steadily ia. ployed, we will make you a loan of 111 tr more, nnd take jour proml'e to w 11 security. All we ask Is your assurance tilt you enn ray tho small payments requ'nl THE TOTAL COST OF -, $20 00 IS $2 50 $5.1 00 IS 18 11 on nn to tn ox XIV. On TR tan . $40 00 IS $l!no .X7.1.00 IS $J.C3 Other amounts In proportion. i, PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $2.00 M0NTHL1. 111. .vir.ailil.il, we 00 1101 go 10 jour , ,, ployer, relatlies and friends lnqulrlnr MI J ... -..m u... Ima I. ...Intl.. AnS.nll.l v UU, uui pc, ,k. in a,,,. .,. wnuu.,i quick, courteous and conslaerate. NO ONE KNOWS YOU ARE BORROWING CONFIDENTIAL LOANS TO LADIE1 " LOANS MADE IN CAMDEN OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS AMERICAN LOAN CO. LICENSED BONDED 120S CHESTNUT STREET (Entlro Seventh floor 1 Kevsloue, llai-o 401 Bell. Filbert 4fit HOUSKKEF.PKRS CAN HO K ROW Sums S16 to S204 WHEN YOU 1IORROW lH'IlK TOU BUSINESS WILL HE PRIV ATK Nu russ or iieiiv vou aub-l.ll. You (.in .iffnrd to yet ilie tnanti 1 1 tm rait". S2 SI S5 S56 MONTHLY PAYS $16 MONTHLY PAYS $36 MONTHLY PAYS ?60 MONTHLY PAYS $72 rius :iPi Intetest SI I AONTHLY PAYS Si 32 S13 MONTHLY PAYS SIS6 SIS MONTHLY PAYS StSO S17 MONTHLY PAYS $204 Plus -' liueresi . No other con. em will nako u.u a IJaJ" lowei rales or easier terms than im nrjs i Other .omiunli-s p.ii.1 "if und moie montr adAa"LU'eiu.ed. Bonded Loin i oilman,, '' " lyef.1 ,.,',..'bcrt"5iqUvsV.',,nne,,fRai Ki. SECURITY LOAN CO. i i i j rMipetmir Street $-'.. AND UP ;? $100 . .y $500 " " '' RIEDER'S 12J MARKET ST. . .. ..n o-e RIDGE AVE. jAggg-SSSja- WE LOAN MONEY On Your Furniture At ..-owesv, ".a'";, ., Iltill.UIAl. lli -" ',',,7i Call Phone or Writs lit S 1CJI. Locust 2610. noomiw. LOAN SOCIETIES jf IJW" AS 15 PEIl.MO.NIM .! Upon Seeurltles. Diamonds and JfSe,gi PROVIDENT IJOKN AND r IN.VM fc vJj,, (Chartered by the Btdta of I enna.) 1421) ARCH J.TREET. ... ml Formerly loth auu inesinuv -J MJ :?v y