Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 20, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Mr. and Mrs. William R. Verner Will Give a Dance To
night at the Acorn Club for Their Daughter, Miss
j Eleanor Hampton Verner School Set Parties
A DCMnHTf'TI nffrtlr which will
the Verner itnnre for Klennor, who was
Inlrojcrl lit a ten hy hor parents sev
eral cei B" Tin- Vorncra live out
cn the Mnh ,'lllP' ,,,u ",cy XPr5' !"'n"
lbly w"1 Rlxp i," ''nl,cc ,n lnwn nl "10
Acorn Chi'1 T,'p nor lller, ls vcry
rood flnrt' "'""K" ,,1P room ft ,rln
narrow foi rnmfort. It Is l.irRe enough
for a small ilnnr-e. Tonight thcto will
(, about 150 guests nltogether: from
the dd ",0' "lore wl" ho Mtntnrettti
tnd Sarah Mers. Elennnr Pepper,
Christlno Stooliton. Rachel Kitler,
Helen Vaihnl1. Barbara Uoyil, Cicr
trudc I'ntironst, Hllznlictli Adams,
B&rah Nelson. Carolyn Khcpp.ird,
Mildred Sheppard. Martha .McAllister,
Theo Llllle. i:Htli Karle, Peggy Perot.
Marjory Tnloi, Margaret Itemnk,
Margaret I).iis. Katharine Hunter
nrl Mary S'oiill Among the men will
fce Kllliton Morris, Jr.. Clayton McKl
ro)'. I'reilch Muller, Weaver Houston,
Frank Hoer. tleorge Wood, Harry
TVharton. .Ir. Hilly Wright, Walton
Clark, Jr , Algv Klnpp, Hdward Cns
ard, Jim Austin, .lack Ttlye. Hryoo
Blynn. Harry Power. Samuel Hlspham,
De Hcnnevlle Hell. .Incoh T)lsston, Jr.,
Ernin Plcro, Ilolsteln Kov, Charlie
yor, Jack Heyl, Alfred Hunter and Al
fred Norrli
Another party to bo given for next
year's buds during the holidays will be
the luncheon at the Itltz-Carlton, fol
lowed by a theatre party, which Mr.
fend Mrs James Hancock, of St.
David's, will give on Wednesday, Jan
uary S for their voting daughter, Jllss
Katharine Hancock. The guests, num
bering IB, will be Miss-Katharine C.
Lea, daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Charles
M. Ica. of Devon, Mls Anno Towns
end, daughter of Sir. J. Hnrton
Ton'nsond. of Overbrook; Stlss Anna H.
Biter, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H.
Holllngswoith Slier; SIlss Lorraine
Graham, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Kd
Mln Eldon Grnhnm; SIlss Florence
Brlnton, daughter or Sir. Hlnney Hrln
ton, of Overbrook; SIlss Slury Pack
ard and SIlss Hllzabolh Pncknwl.
daughters of Sir. and Sirs. Cleorgo U
Packntd, SIlss Hllzabeth Sillier, daugh
ter of Sir. and Sirs Phllllpus W. Sillier,
of St DaMd's, SIlss IMItti W. Dallas,
daughter of Sir. and. Sirs. Trcvnnlon
B. Dallas, SIlss Marlon E. AVurts.
daughter of Sli. and Sirs. Itobert Ken
nedy Wuits. SIlss Nancy Wynne Cook,
daughter of Sir. and Sirs. Gustavus
f "Wynne Cook, SIlss Elennor J.,. SIc
Cawley, daughter of Sir. and Sirs.
William Slorrls StcCawIey; SIlss Ann'
W. Slelrs, daughter of Sir. and Sirs.
Hlchnrd Wain Slelrs; SIlss Violet P.
Welsh, daughter of Sir. and Sirs.
William Welsh and SIlss Elizabeth N.
Brock, daughter of Sirs. Arthur Brock.
Especially Interesting to the musi
cal young women In society will be the
aeries of eight Illustrated musical
Ulks, which will bo given on alternate
Tuesday mornings, beginning Jan
uary -I at the I.lttle Theatre. Such art
ists as Mr. Leopold Stokowskl (Olga
Bamnroff): Sir. Leopold Stokowskl, Sir.
D. Hendrlk Ezerman, SIlss Ethel Al
temus nnd others will be heatd. The
committee in charge of these alYalis
Includes Sirs Frederick II. Shelten,
president. MrH Edwaid G. McCnlllii,
vice president. Sirs Frank P. Prlchard,
(ecretary. Sirs. Charles C. Collins,
treasurer, Sirs A Mercer Hlddle, Sirs.
William Durnhnm, Sirs. A. .1. Dallas
Dixon, Sirs. c. Lint oln Furbush, Sirs.
Rodman E. firlsrom, Sirs. Pope Yeat
man. Mrs. Barton Cooke Hirst, Sirs
John C Holfe, Slis Leopold Stokowskl,
Mrs. L. Howard Weatherly, Slis.
Harold E. YariuUl and SIlss Gertrude
A certain young man who has many
admirers In the opposite sex had a
hectic time last week entertaining a
certain joung woman before his de
partuie to another city. "We must
hae a party," said he. "Agreed,"
talil she. and without moro ado pro
ceeded to befiock herself In gay ap
parel Young Lothario having auanged In
his mind's oyo that lie would call for
the fair one at 8 o'clock In a car.
thought it unnecessary to make this
latter statement, having said he would
be there.
The fair one, who is not a rapid
dresser, was ready, however, at 7H5, bo
when a tal drove up to the door sho
Immediately decided that he had been
delayed and had sent the cab for her
and would meet her at tho theatre,
eo, snatching up her velvets and furs,
he pirouetted out to the waiting cab,
nd said, "To the . Theatre!" The
theatre reached no suitor in sight!
The kind ticket man, however, gave her
But in the home, meantime, at 8
narp, up drove a car with suitor in-
Ide, to And the maiden hurt flown
Mother and sisters were called on the
Kene, and general consternation en
ued. One, however, had heard the fair
nalaen call out "good -by; I'm off"'
(of course, we do not mean to state
yust how she was off) any way to con
tinue our narrative, fifteen minutes
aflr the first taxi went careening
wn the street a second one followed,
"ell. finally they met, and we hope all
'fas well, but it seemed an awful
aame to waste what might have been
Perfectly good time together.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Williams, of
vnnewd avenue, N'arberth, announce
S? '"Basement of their daughter. Miss
tunica L. Williams, to Mr. Herbert
onoenuker. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L
Moemaker, of Overbrook.
Mr .TnK tr niL, . .
li, , "" . uiuDun, iwa spruce street,
m Issued cards for a small tea Wednes-
z-v. ugcemoer 2i, to meet Lieutenant
, 'nra' oung and Sirs. Young, of Wasli-
lu .ho are at the Rltz-Curlton for
snort time
eri ,jn'e Fitzgerald Forbes, formerly
iws city, now of Jarvls Hall. Toronto.
ii. 1 " wiiiiis uis oroiner ana sisier
i,'Tw. llr and Mrs. John Sims Forbes,
-w the holidays.
Abrahamsohn ChrUtmas and Easter
Crtmmltiee 0f tho fnliei.tlly iitMpllnl
hn iMuctl Invitation to Join In tho
'hmtmos restlvltles from n:3.t t0 t-)
orloqh. rhe inmmltue Includes Sin
Thoiiiafl 4lit..n. rhnlrtnnti, Mrs. A1
rre.' Si, im,). ,rr chairman: Mis Wll
iiaii PcpiiM Jr. trenurrr Mli Mnhel
A. I'rlv, .Mi. Itenjnmlfi diew. Mrs John
. tlnilc. Mrs VYIIMnin J Clothier. Mls
Lmnin A Ho r, Mlfs Mnrgnret Dttlil.ip
tin. Ocnrm' W. T:ikln. Jr. Mis Ralph
,' ,;"nw. Slw ILirton tJooke Hlmr. Mrs
iretleilc U txlt KTmul. Mrs .1 Kc,irtp
Sllteholl 3,1, Mrs Arthur Newlltt, Mrs.
tliatle I) tvi'ioor, mi Sarnli II. II
Penrose. Miss Adeline I, P P Minor" Mls
.Mnrlon i: smith and MIm M. Ihilnlle
Mrs. Hornce llrooke Hurt, rtho has been
spending the winner on her ranch nt
Jackson's Hole. Wyo.. will shortly visit
her daiightni, Mts. llnrrj Drinker Ulle.
at StrnlTord where she will remain for
several weeks before going to toun,
where she will take nn apnument for the
winter months
Mr nnd Mrs. IMiwm! It. Mrurs, of Hit
pe L-tnrpy place, Philadelphia, who hnxr
been traveling through the West for the
pist month, are now in S.nntn thubai.t
wheie thev will spend the winter and re
main till upiliiK. when the) will open thclt
Iiou'h nt llnr ltnibot- for the mnmet
Hi nnd Mi Alexninler ttnndnll gtuc i
lliitipr ptiilv nt tin- Newport in honoi "i
SIlss Virginia ttnndnll Inst week, Sli
Itnndnll ulll be lenictiiboreil its Miss Edith
T Kncedler.
Sir. nnd Mri Inmes It. Kay, who nn
spetnllng the winter at the Newport, luii
left foi Enst oriingp, where they wil
icinnln over the hnlldavs.
Sirs Chnrlei A Daiilells. Mrs. Helen
D.tnlclls Vim Oitrnnd nnd Sirs Wllllnin
Metfgni, who me spending the winter nt
thr St .liiini'. have sent out Inxltntlons
to a luncheon and mtislenle to be given In
the Itosi Ourdens of tho llPlleMle-Stnt-ford
on .Innnnry 8
Pi lends of Sirs. George D Wood, of 131.1
Hprnco stieet, will be glad to hear that
she has recovoml from her lecent Illness
and has left for Atlantic City, where she
will remain for several days
Sir ntnl Sirs. Lipid Pcnlsliin Jones,
whose marriage took place a few weeks
ago, b.ivc returned ftom their honey
moon and nie nt present tho guests of
Mr. Jones' patents, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Nor
man SI Jones. i;j West Stnffoid street.
The engagement of SIlsi Mne V. M lit -phy,
of Oveitnook, to Sir. John J. (i.il
hiKher, of Wllkes-tliirie, Is iinuounced.
Stlis Mutpliy is tho daughter of Slichncl
Slurphy, president of the Puio oil Com
pnnv. She Is u gindtinte of Sacred
He.irt Academy, Eden Hall, Torresdnlo.
Sir. Unllaghei Is uldely known througlu
out the Womlng S'nlley, being tun
nected with u number of business enter
prises. Tho marriage will lake plnce In
Along- the Main Line
NAUBEHTH.-.Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Kellnr arc occupjlng their new home on
Sleeting Houtc lnne. where they will lie
nt home after Jnnuary 1. Sirs. Kollur
before hor marriage last month wns SIlss
Lillian Heergelst, of Oak Lnne
Mr nnd Sirs Hamilton Colket, of An
thwn road nnd Slontgomery avenue,
have closed their country home and aro
spending the winter at their town house,
1MI0 Spruce street.
AUDSIOItE Mis. Byron Pomcioy hns
left the Athens and hns taken apartments
at the New Apartment House, on Cricket
and Lancaster luenues
ST. DAVID'S The St 'David's Danc
ing Class will hold Its fouith dance of
the season in the Saturday clubhouse on
Saturday evening Among thoe expected
to be picseut am Mr. and Sirs. Joseph
A Bull, Mr and Mrs John A Tlllot
son, Sir nnd Sirs L. II. Klbbenhouse, of
iliiAerford; Sir nnd Sirs. G. Wlnthrop
Collin, Sir. nnd Slis. Aubrey Howell. Sir.
and Slta. X'lersou Conrad, Sir. and Sirs.
H. K. Slulford, Sir. and Sirs. SI. F. D.
Scanlan, Sir and Sirs. W. Allen Barr.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William II. Boberts. Jr..
Mi. and Sirs. Charles Bayless, Sir. and
Mis. Fiank Muller, Sir and Sirs. Stevens
anil Dr. ami .Mis. Wilbur Horn, of Bryn
(ItiURlitor of Pr and Mrs. (tCoi'KC Howler Tullldjio. of Overbrook,
who is identified with a number of charitable airiurs. Miss TuHIiIrc
mailc her ilcbut lust winter ntul if a vcrj popular member of the
younger set.
Along- the Reading
The committee In eluiige of tho Gcr
mini Hint uns held Saturday night lit the
Old York Itond 'nintr Club Ineliided
Miss Beatrice Wallace, SIHs Elsie I"
Smith, Slls Esther A. S Viih, Sir. Wlll
lnin Wniner nnd Sit George A. Sllfer.
The pationcses were Mrs. It I. ltud
iliicli, Slis William 11. Pi-eU. Mis. Mnr
shnll P SullUim and Mrs. Samuel C.
The guests were limited to TO.
A Nou Veal's Eve domino dunce will be
held nt tho club. The pntionesses will be
Mrs Harry It. de Groat and Mrs. Charles
It. Bread j.
SB's Alice Hood, formerly of Township
Line, Jenklntown, who hns been spending
seeral months ns the guest of her
biothur-ln-lnw and sister. Sir. and Sirs.
Balph Thachei, nt Madison, Wis, hns
left for Evnnstou, III, whore she will be
the EWst of f i lends for a fortnight before
Joining her mother, Sirs. V. Hood, nt
her npnitment In West Philadelphia,
whero they will spend tho winter months.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Churles W. Beck, Jr , of
Wyneote, will hne ns their guest Sirs.
A. Whltlatch, of New Voik. over the
Christmas holid.ns Seveint Informal
parties will ho given In her honor dur
ing her visit In Wjncoto b. her Phila
delphia fiienils.
West Philadelphia
Mr. nnd Sirs James T Knenss, of MIO
I Humllton streot, announce the engage
I iiietil of their ditigliter. Miss Carol) n
Veiim Knenss. in Dr. Eelest Jnmes
' Wilson, or this cits .
Mr nml Mis. Addison A Christum gate
a dinner of 11 covets on Sntuiilay night
nt their homo. 4512 Wnlnnt street, in cele-
, bratlon of the Joint annUersnries of their
wedding nnd thai of their son-in-law nml
daughter. Sir. and Mrs. V. Temple Smith,
of Greensboro, Jld. Sir. mid Mrs. Smith
will remain In this city until after the
llrst of the jear.
Mr. and Sits ABred .M Slllnmler, of
West Philadelphia. Imvo returned from a
tot might's Mtnv in Chicago.
Sir. nnd Mrs llnrve tlorueinan, of 4700
Fnlruiount avenue, entertained the mem
bers of the B. C. C. nt their home Inst
SIlss OHvo Scudder will entertain the
members of her bridge club this evening
.it hqr home, CSth street nnd Thomus
North Philadelphia
Mr nnd Sirs Slorrls Illteh of 2015 North
3td street, have Issued Invitations for the
wedding of their daughter. SIlss Alice SI
Hitch, to Dr S Norman Grnhn. on Tues
ilnv evening, Jnnunn 4. nt the Hotel
Majestic The bride hns selected her
Inter. SIlss .leanette nilili, for mnld of
honot, nml for brldemnlds SIlss Alice
Itltch. hot roudn. Slla Hulda Apt, Slls
Stella Sneks, Miss Dorrt Stelnlleld, Miss
Cella Crnl, Slls Slln Scbless, and
Miss Geittude Scbwnrtz, of Atlantic City.
Mls Beatrice Itltch will be flower girl.
Mr Mlnett SIcClclInn, son of the llev.
Dr Charles I: SlcClellnn. of West Lehigh
uenue. will leave shnrtlv for a tour
through the West to California
The membeis of the Philadelphia Active
Dili! I ellows Assodntlon air making
1 elnbointe ptepnratlotis for their nntui.il
leceptlon nnd liatmilet which will be hoi J
I on Hattirdnj night, .Innnnry 2a. nt Stoic-
bai h , f.th street above Glraid iwcuue
The enmmllten In charge Include Mr
Tliomns I'nwddi. ehnliniiin. Sir Itoboit
i Heih Mt CMinrle II MeCibe, Mr
Mini Knnri nml Str Lnuls .1 Sile
v ihllng s hedulcd fur Jnnunij ' Is
. i f Mli lietip Leslie. OailKliter of the
i ll.ii It I elle of SOU North lliond
-net ami Mi Itoh-rt tlrunsnlck McAfee.
i h n like place nt the lloKl
!'" hi, nan Cluiiih, llroiul nnd tlvfonl
tirei in 7 p m The Itoveretld Wllev
I mm is pastor of the church, will
I'pitinn Hip ipiemoti). Miss Leslie wd.
tip meiiilpil In Sits Plunk Stonehni u.
ir I ai niiiiigp, N ,1 , ns mutton ot
hoii'n ami the lirldesiualds will be Miss
Nniliei ne lllinck nnd Slls Stnlguerlte
IV.nl? .r New Vork The Hotter gills
wi I 1 Ml Melon Xlvlii Me fee nml Miss'
M iIm Hi I'hointon Mi Wllllnin Itnr
.11 vli xiri. nf I'ocantko IIIIIs. will nt
ten, i ti1P in (legroom, nnd lite ushers will
in ,t Wllllnin Wnnnniiikpr Mi
I' mim I ll Ituhuior. Sir William II
siipiup Mi liiinbnt Shew ell, Sir Pinn'i
r i 'In ik, nml Mr Walter It Bnlle Thp
i i .tie "ill in given In innrrliigp b her
n l Mi Thomas ,t tllitnck. or Now
in i iPippilou will be held flom a
i i.ll in a I I lip AldlllP. fter thell tottirtl
Hum the upddlng Journey the brldp nnd
liiKleiiioiiiii will lie nt Iioiiip nt I'll! Misin
sin P
Sir nnd Slis l'liinels . Hope, of c,;r,
BIvpi stile ilrlvo, Noh York, are heltig
oongrntulnteil upon the birth of n son on
I December I! Mis Hope will lip fp
nieiiiliered as .Miss Elizabeth A. CVItrloii.
iljimhtei of .Ml. nnd Slis. Thomas
O'ltrlen, or I'at Spring il.uilen street.
Mr nnd Slis Abriim Stan, of WI"
Noith 17th stipot. have Issued liiMtntlons
to the wedding nf tholi daughtei, Miss
lleatthe M Stnri, and Ml. lloinee I.
Italns. of Tlocn. on Woilnpsd.il evening
Deeeinber ID, nt 6:30 o'clock. In Mose
bneb's Drnwlng llooms. SIlss Stnir will
li:io Slis. Louis BnliiH ns mntinn ol
lionin , .Miss 111. tin he l.parnrr, of New
Voik, us maid of honor, nnd Miss Mm tie
Learner, of New Vol If. ns tlowpr girl Sli
Louis Mains will lie his brother's best
Concert Will Be Given for Business Women's Christian
League Another Woman's Club Will Have Christ
mas Entertainment Receptions
ANPMBKtt of prominent soloists will
be heard this evening nt the Acnd
emv of .Music nt the eonrprt to bp given
for thp benpnt of the limitless Women's
Christian League, among, them Tbnddeus
Illch, eonrertntelster of the Philadelphia
Orchpstm. Sirs Dorothy Johnstonc
Knseler nnd Nnnh 11 Swnyne, Sd The
league, which hnd Its Inception during
tbo Sunday (nmpnlgu In this rlty last
winter, hns had a remarkable gionth,
nnd will meet regularly during the com
ing ftenson SIlss Florence 1! Klnnev
nnd SIlss Frames Miller nro responsible
for Its nrgnulzntioti Amimg the pntron
essps u bo .Mrs Elizabeth D Altemus,
Mrs Wllllnin V. Arnrlt. SIlss Caroline
? Itaiiips. S'rs Arthur llatv. Mrs Ed
ward W HI. Idle, Mrs Snmuel T Bndliip
Mrs It Hnrtol llrnzler. Mr Ueorge F.
U row n, Mrs L'dnnrd Browning, SIlss
Slnrv A Burtihnm, Mrs Louise Semple
Clarke. Mis Alfred (3 i'ln. Sirs Isnne
II Clothier, Mrs Morris I. Clothier.
Mrs. Wllllnm J Clothier. SIlss Stargaret
Civile, .Mrs J Mlltnn Coltim. Sirs .Mor
ris I. I'noliP. Jlrs AleMiiiilei Biliitnn
Coxp. Silas Mnrgniet V. Ciilbprtsoli, Sirs
Frn nk MIIps Dn.i, Mrs John It Denver,
Mis. Finncis X. Dereum. Sirs tloorge H
Earle, Jr.. Mrs tlporgp W Elklns. Jr.
.Miss Oertrwde Ely. Dr. Ella 11. Everltt.
Mt Wllllntti W Fit lei. .Mrs Ktnnlev U
Flngg. Jr, Mrs Caleb F Fo Mrs Wlll
lnm II millions, Mis John W (Irlbbel,
Mis Edit In i' Hike, Sirs. Itodmnn E
ilrlsiom, Mrs John i" Uroome, Mrs
Henry S ilrove. Sirs Samuel Moc
llumlll, Slis Clarence !.. Hnrper. SIlss
Maude C Harris. Mis William E
Holme. Miss May K Irwin. Mrs llenr
S. JeaiiPS and Slis Alba It Johnson
The Woman s Deinoi ratio Club whl
give Its Christmas mrt tomorrow, at 15m.
U'ahuil strept. at s o'clock In thp pven
Ing The program will Include lesillngs,
niilsle. a trpp with gifts ntul p'fipsh
nients. The lieliothnl of Miss Smlie t Levin
I to Sir Samuel Levin was announced by
her father, Mr Joseph Levin, In whose
1 honor he gave a party on Sunday, De
j cember 12, at their home, 1530 South Bth
street Among thoe present wero Miss
Both Shun. Iivln. Miss Ann L. Zltomer,
I Stl's Kitty Welnsleln, SIlsi a Weln-
I stein. Mlsrf S Stnf bless. Sties St Abromo
I vltz, SIlss ItPckPf, Miss Slayer, Stlss
Anna LoVJn, Sir nnd Mrs Itlskoff, "Sir.
nnd Sirs Levin, Mr nnd Mrs. WelnstPln,
Str ntidi Sirs Hoffmnn. Str nnd Sirs.
Schlpsslngei. Mr nnd Sirs Cohen, Sir.
, nnd Sirs Cherr.v. Sir. Levin, Sirs Ivln,
I Mrs FeliistPln, Mr Charles Levin, Sir.
1 Joseph Xltomer, Sir S PomPrnntz, Mr.
B Axelunum Sir S E. Strntt. Sir lloth-
stPln. Str Oordnn, Mr Levels Orcen nnd
Mr fleorge BIpIip.
Miss Helen B Wnlker. formerly of
1 Penllvn, entertained the school set with
a supper nnd ilntioe on Wednesday even
ing, December 0, nt hpr home, 2H0 North
32il Blrcpt Among tho many present were
Miss Virginia Bennett. Sli Alfred Itutr.
SItss Sara Wnllor. Mr Justus Slnnlck
son, SIlss Charlotte Simmons, Sir. How
ard Edson, Sir I'redeiiok Sltheiis and
I Miss Verona Blddle. The dceointlons
' Were sjmbolle of Christmas
The rtrniidls Amlcnp weie entertained
nt the home of Miss Mollve Oelber, 1421
North Franklin stiPct. on Thursdnv even
ing, when nmotig those present were
Stlss Ilobn Zngar SIlss Hose Shapiro,
Miss Ftiimv e nrman, Mls O. Stella Kat
tin and Miss Stollvc rielbet
What's Doing Tonight
i .hi ,rt In nlil nf Hulne-s Wnmfn's fTirlj
tl.ui I.iHRiie v.n.lpmv of Muslr s o i Inrk
Alumni AKumlatlnti. lYnnklln Itistltutc. S In
O'l lilt I.
nrnlipiis yimrtet, llplloMic-Ptraiforil 8:3Q
ii l.i k
N.i trfiinir Helleine Ptrnlforil s n clock.
I , lure. Heal rinares VViihoui VVar,' Dr.
I .nip- I VViilnh I'lthiillc llrl lllsh school;
I I'l in t. I.hmihi War PI. lutes r'tirfltnul Street
1 it. r i II.. isi
Chestnut Hill
SIlss Julia E. Heebner will give a dinner
nt the Philadelphia Cricket Club on
Thursday. December 30, In honor of Stlss
Kdlth WMine Sliitthlsou, the talented
aetrohs, who In private life is Mia
Chailes ltaim Keimed. MUs .Mntthlson
will, after dlmipr, give a locltal, Including
n scene fioni "Hamlet" and two of
Shakespearean sonnets
Sir. nml Slis Samuel F. Houston, of
Dtiilm Sloir, have as their guests Sirs.
Angus Crawford and SIlss Ciawford, of
Virginia, also Sirs Luclen Lee Klnaolv
Ing, wife of the Episcopal mlssOonnry
bishop of southern Brazil.
At the the dansiut vvhlrh Mr and .Mrs
Oswald J Dp Bousse, of 613 West Hortter
street, will give on Tuesday. December
23 In honor of their daughter, SIlss
Jpiitine De Bousse, about 20) Imvs nnd
gills ot the school set will be present.
Sits C Statilev llurltiut nnd Slis Bclicrt
II, Newborn will preside nt the tea table
Sirs Frank Bremond Johnston, of 662B
McCollum street, has issued cards for a
tea on Wednesday, December 211.
Stlss Kutherluo Locke will give the next
current topic talk on Tuesday morning.
January 4, at thp (lormniitown Automo
bllo Club. The pntioiiPsses Include. Sirs
Itobert Aloxaudei, Mrs. T. llnmei Athcr
tott, .Mrs. Clu les L Betts. Sirs. Samuel
II. Boueu, S-rs. Elton J. Buckley, Sirs.
John J. Henry, Sirs Thomas Potter, Jr..
Sirs. Cornelius Wesgandt, Sirs Fred
Wolstenholme, Sirs. Normnn Slellor, Sirs
Forrest Pearson, Sirs Adrlnn F. Wellens
nnd Sirs Cleorge J. Lavlno
Sirs Edward T Comfort, of Ivy Lodge,
East Penii street, will entertain nt bridge
on Thursd.i afternoon ut her home.
Miss Slarlnn Ciorber nnd SIlss Snhlnn
I.oeb have Issued Invitations for a ilnnce
on Saturday evening, January I, nt tho
home of SIlss Cicrber, 1425 West Ontniln
SIlss Annn Hlmnngo, of Noith 15th
street, entertained nt luncheon tnda,
when her guests were SIlss Neva Hart
yell, SIlss Gertrude Scnttorgood, SIlss
Helen Van Bonk, SIlss Helen Huston,
Mrs. Chailes Snyder, Jr. Slis Hnrry
illnnck, SIlss Alice Tabram and SIlss
Helen Tabram The decorations weie
red and green, appropriate to the Christ
inas senson
The ilnss of lit,, of tho High Si hind
ulll hold u reunion In the school gm
nnshim on Dectmbei 2P.
Sirs. Joseph Daw, of Shadcliind avenue.
Is enlertalulng Miss Clam llnrdau ns
her guest.
Delaware County
.Miss Dorothv l.lciwl of Bldlev Park
recoveilng from her leiont IIIiiosh
SIlss Beitha Onirett, of Medlu '.ns i
turned from n vMt to HolniPsbiiig
Splendid Furs
I'ur Cliffs Arc llnlih .Ifipircinlrd.
This is fur senson, the Blaylock &
Blynn standard is well lenown. Coats,
Scarfs and Muffs for dress or for motor
in dependable ijualities are here in
Mnloi Cnat nnd I itr-lincd Goals fur Men
LAYLOCK & 1528
BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut St.
l m.T.ri
ESi '$3&?t'F!k' iy $ia'fei e?7!CT "3 r 1
V o M. nJ' fficaSp' W MB4. &Jf I m
&m&2p) yiOWQ
For Christmas
Delivered any
where for
. South Philadelphia
Nearly 300 couples danced at the flist
dance and entertainment of the auxiliary
of the Hebrew Ladles' Emergency So
ciety, nt the organization's rooms. SW
Pine street, last tit"ht. Among thosu
taking pait in the program weie Sllsd
Pauline Harrison, SIlss Aurous, Sir. Hnrry
Sweet, Sir. Ellis Sweet, Sir. Howard
Kates, Sir. Bernard Ilrody, Sir. Sllcnael
Fow and Sir. J. G Burrlson
Philadelphia Couple nt Springs
Among tho uewlyweds In the hotel nt
I llni Knrlnt'H. Vn . uheio Proshleiit anil
Mrs. Wilson are spending their honey
moon, lire Sir. and Sirs Eug'iie SI Lo6
of Philadelphia, who were nmrrla
last Wednesday at the Bellevuc-Stratford
Mrs I.oeb was SIlss Mildred L Levi, of
3010 Diamond street Sir I.oeb Is a native
of Staunton, Va , where the President
also was hoin
Superior location with an
and boardwalk A recodnized J
standard ol exceilence l
Cc..Y60d. mUJRJ.BU2Sy,
H6e 8go offat f0
22! S. Sroad St.
lo (faJtiddlt of fie tlocA
M'AMMl Ttnhnliul Ten. liera nml Trnntla-
l'ltKNCII tors' A,o U31 I'erry Illilg
ITALIAN Sprura J'.'38 A working knnnl-
liKUVIAN edge of all spoken I. VKUUAOKH.
STRAYFR'S Tt" Ut nuilneirbchooT.
J k Irt I C a oi -807 Ctnttnut Stru
Christmas Number of
Westminster " "taSS81
tl.JO updl to 113 CU up my.
El. t
Cbu. Ouhr
Swimming. Pool, Colt. & K
'Ask llr l"oler," at l.'tb & Cbettnut St ,
Cooks' Tour. UT S Uroad Si., i'enna. It. It.
Co., Hii ChMtnut bt.
'I'UR INN ClliuiH mild, dry, lovlioratLnj.
I"c '"" JU4', drlV. motor"!. Favorltt
wtek-tnd ittoru i. L. i. M. S. UUDDEitS.
First aid to the Christmas
Shopper a Directory of
1500 gifts of distinction.
Also in this number the
IF you mjssed the Paris Fashion Fete recently
held at the Ritz-Carlton, here is an oppor
tunity to review the models at your leisure.
This number presents a unique souvenir of
the Fete. The only complete representation
of the models designed by the leading coutur
iers of Paris for their First Official Exhibition
in this country,
T"HE Saturday Kvening Post is the
ideal Christmas present. Such a
gift is not costly, but it gives pleasure
and satisfaction out of all proportion
to its modest price. Good reading
matter is the one gift whose value may
be a thousand times its cost.
ONE dollar and a half, for example,
will pay for such a gift; for fifteen
dollars you can remember ten friends
or employees and save hours of vexa
tion in crowded shops. Why not have
a sensible Christmas by spending less
money than usual and giving more
pleasure than ever before?
MAKEalistof yourfriendsaslongor
as short as you choose and remit
a dollar and a half for each subscription.
On Christmas morning each friend will
receive from us the first of his fifty-two
issues of The Saturday Evening Post
and in the same mail a tastefully illumi
nated announcement of the gift (6x9
inches) bearing your name as the giver.
If you prefer, the announcements will
be sent to you so that you may present
them personally.
$1.50 a Year To Canada, $1.75
independence: square. Philadelphia
- o
fjMfei imrrt- m