BJygr&? tty$fiWW&Wt!til!gjfc ifW''jff- -i- -fc. T, n-TA SM! S iEdiger NIGHT EXTRA PRICE ONE CENT TODAY'S EVENING LEDGEB eonlst of two section, ft News Section of 16 pages end an Amusement Section of 12 pages leuemna Tc V0L.II-KO.8,'J PHILADELPHIA, HATUKDAY, DECEMJJJ3U 18, 115. CortftioitT, 101S, T Tilt Folio LiBora Compami. TEXT OF NOTE REVEALS BREAK WITH AUSTRIA NEAR; U.S. WILL SEND SHARP REPLY TODAY Vienna Reserves Right of Maintaining Its Own Views in Discussion of Ancona Officials Here Pessi mistic and Foresee Trouble WASHINGTON, Dot'. 18. The text of the Austrian note on tlio Ancona Kinking, us Riven out by tho Etato Department this afternoon, follows: "In reply to Dip iimrh esteemed note No. 4107 which His Dxcellcncy, Mr. Frederick ronrtlatul 1'on Held, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plonlpotentlnty of thfl United States of Ainmlrn, directed to him In the name of the American Government, under date of tho Oth Instant, In the matter of the sinking of tho Italian steamer Aneona, the undersigned, preliminary to a thorough, meritorious treatment of the demand, has tho honor to observe that the sharpness with nh'ch the Government of tho United States considers It necessary to blame the comnnndlng olllcer of the submarine concerned In tho affair and the firmness in which the di mom? addressed to tlic Imperial and lloyal Government appear to He cxpiessed might ttcll have iianantcd the expectation that the (Internment o the I tilled Slates should precisely specify the actual circumstances of the affair upon ulilrh it hasci iti case. "As Is not dllllcult to perceive, tho picscntatlon of tho facts In tho case In the aforesaid note Uuvci loom for many doubts, and oxen If this presentation were correct In all points, and the most rigorous legal conception wero applied to tho Judgment of the case, it does not in any nay sufficiently u arrant attaching blame (o the cominandiiw officer of the uar vcssil or to the Imperial and lloyal Gov ernment QUESTIONS SOL'nCHS Or U. S. INFORMATION. "The Government of tho United States has also failed to designate tho persons upon whoso testimony It idles anil to whom It apparently believes Jt may attribute a higher degtcp of credibility than to the commander of tho Imperial and rojal lleet. The noto also falls to give any Information what soever as to tho number, names and more precise fate of the American citizens who were on boanl of the said steamer at tho critical moment. "However, In lovv of tho fact that tho Washington Cabinet has now made a. positive statement to tho effect that citizens of the United States of American camo to grief In'tho Incident In question, the Imperial and Royal Government is In pi Inclplc ready to enter Into an exchange of vicus In the affair with the Government of the United States. It must, however. In tho llrst place, raise the question why that Government failed to glvo Jurldicnl reasons for tho demands set forth In Its noto with roforonco to tho special circum stances of tho Incriminating events upon which It Itself lays stress, and hy In lieu theieof It refused to an exchange of correspondence which It has conducted with another Government In other cases. MIGHT NOT ACCEPT U. S. STAND. "Tho Imperial and Royal Government Is tho less ablo to follow tho Wash ington Cabinet on this unusual path, since It by no means possesses authentic knowledge of tho pertinent correspondence of tho Government of tho United States, nor is It of tho opinion that such knowledge might be sufficient for It In tho present case, which, Insofar as it Is Informed, is In essential point of nnother nature than tho case or cases to which tho Government of tho United States seems to atlude. Tho Imperial and Royal Government may there fore leave It to the Washington Cabinet to formulate the particular points of (ato against uhlch the commanding officer of the submarine Is aJfcflCd to hate Ziffended on tho occasion of the sinking of tho Ancona. "Tho Government of tho United States has also seen lit to refer to tho attitude which tho llerlln Cabinet assumed in tho above-mentioned corre spondence. Tho Imperial and Royal Government finds In tho much-esteemed .note no Indication whatever of tho intent with which this referenco was made. 'Should, however, tho Government of tho United States thereby havo Intended to express an opinion to tho effect thnt a prejudice of whatever nature existed for tho Imperial and Government with respect to the Jurldicnl consideration of tho affair In question this Oovcrnment must. In order to pre clude possible mlsundci standings, declare that as a matter of course It reserves to itself full ficedom of maintaining Its oicn legal views In the discussion of the case of the Ancona. REGRETS LOSS OF AMERICAN LIVES. "In having tho honor to have recourse to tho kindness of his Excellency tho Ambassadoi of tho United States of America with tho most respectful request to bo good enough to communicate tho foregoing to tho Amcrlcnn Government and on this occasion to stato that tho Imperial and Roynl Gov ernment, In no less degieo thnn tho American Government and under all cir cumstances, 7iios' sincerely deplores the fate of the Innocent x-lctlms of the inci dent in question, tho undersigned nt tho same tlmo avails himself of this oppor tunity to renew tho o.prosslon of his most distinguished consideration to his excellency tho Ambassador." "Signed, RURIAN." (Signed) "Penlleld." WASHINGTON', Dec. IS -Characterizing the Austrian crisis ns "very grave," Administration oniclals today ndmltted they nro prepared for any eventunllty. The new note will go to Vienna today. Officials who know all of tho clrcum itances declare they saw nothing In the information In tho possession of this Gov ernment to warrant tho optimism pre vailing In Teutonic circles. It Is made ,plaln that unless Austria meets the wishes of the United States a break must come. Responsibility for any break la tho re lations between Austria and the United State must rest with Vienna. This was made vcr plain nt tho State Dep.utmeat todaj The rejoinder to tho unsatisfac tory Austrian reply on the Ancona will not be an ultimatum Couched In lan mage of unmistakable llrmness. It will Continued en I'aee Two, Column live WEATHER It may seem a pity that thero should a rainy day for tho Important event a Washington, and then again It might te the best news In the world for those Immediately concerned to hear that It as sure to rain cats and dogs there to waht. That would tend to diminish tho crowds of Inquisitive persons who are ttrtaln to try to seo us much of tho wedding festivities as Is humanly possl- for uninvited guests Very likely tho President would prefer a brief news note to the papers about It Instead of tho col umns we all want to read Hut his pref erences are not to bo considered. Ho is not a private person. Whether a people ,"1' Its head President or Kins, he Js Mlrs; he is public property I.ouls XVI would probably have kept his head If ho ad lived In Paris and let himself be "en instead of hiding himself away at Versailles, In any case, one resident of Washing Wn won't lose his head. FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity- irmiy cloudy toniaht and Sunday; (older toniaht. with lowest about 32 P'grees; fresh westerly winds, LOST AND FOUND tA5& D'AMOND OUT OP JUNO LOFT. ffffif nliK. December IS. either l &MflOQ Cafe or between there and Keith's 4HRSS of irom Keith's Theatre to 16th ana ep- Liberal reward K returned to Q . BOSTTIVJ nr....n .'"" . ii,i .vS"'"" iiUMjiiuu tost; e wnne .Civ. ".I'' " ana oreaat. acrow tan -Aim . . ""v, two "nail acara on head: an- to fcob, reward tt returned 1131 Qtktr Cbutijltd Sii os Papu tl & U Montague Glass' GERMAN SPY STOLE PAPERS OF BIG BANK National City Vaults Loot ed by Ordeus of Plot ter's Chief CONFESSION BY CLERK NEW TOrtlv, Dec. IS. Continuing their search for Germans accused of having plotted In the United States to destroy the Wellaml Canal, the police today arrested Frederick Schlelndl. it young German employed as clerk In the commercial department of tho Na tional City Dank, the Rockefeller insti tution The arrest was made by detectives, ted by Captain I'unne, after four other men. alleged to have been implicated In the plot, had been taken Into custody. The arrest of Schlelnil is tegarded as the most Important made by the police slnco the German bomb plots were first discovered. In his home, U65 Hrjant avenue, the Bronx, the police say they discovered a great quantity of telegrams, cablegrams and confidential messages stolen from the vaults of tho National City Bank. AGENT OF ALLIES. The bank is tho largest In New York and is generally supposed to have ranked next to J P Morgan & Co. In handling financial matters for the Allies in Amer ica The four men under arrest In addition to Schlelndl are; Paul Koelng, chief of the bureau of In vestigation of the Hamburg-American Line and alleged head of the German secret service In the United States. R B. Leyendecker, a dealer In antiques, Fred Metzter, Koenlg's private secre- George Fuchs, who worked for Koenlg and had a quarrel with his employer last week. . . The quarrel between Fuchs and Koe nlg Is said to have aided the police In unearthing certain facts which they had long been trying to learn. Schlelndl, besides a police charge of Continued on lao Two, Column Three New Characters BECOMES WHITE HOUSE BRIDE TODAY junk ' JEHr MRS. EDITH KELLER WILL TELL OF BOX MURDER, POLICE BELIEVE Confession Expected From Man Held in the Trunk Mystery Case NET CLOSES ABOUT HIM Trunk Murder Theories McNichol murdered in his fac tory nt 12th and Hamilton streets. Time of murder between 8 and 10 a. m.. March 30, 1911, the day he disappeared. Body placed in trunk in Mc Nichol's factory. Trunk cm ted to 4002 Frankford avenue nnd butied in cellar of laundry occupied by Keller & Connery. City-wide .search on for truckmnn enp;ap;ed for this work. Connery, Keller's pnrtner in laundry, savs he saw Keller dig ging in cellar near where buried trunk was found. Motive for crimo believed to be connected with fact that McNichol had obtained 54000 shortly before his disappearance nnd this money has never been accounted for. Trace of bullet wounds said to have been found in body in trunk. Captain of Detectives Cameron and the detectives working on the tiunk munlei said today that they believed their case against Edward Keller was complete, nnd that they expected a confession from the man who was locked In a cell nt City Hall jesterday. to await the action of the Coroner Ho Is chaiEcd by the pollro with the murder of Daniel J McNichol, the accusation having been e hanged from "suspicion of murder" to "murder." New evidence was obtained today. It mnkes moie certain tho Identification of the body found In a brass-hound trunk In the cellar o' Keller's old Frankford laun dr as tha. of McNichol, and It reveals further details about the caicer of the accused man. One Impottant task re mains for tho police, to find "Al" Youne, who worked for McNichol and Keller and who Is believed to have been a wtlness of certain tvnts dlrecth or Indirectly connected with the murder Mrs Keller visited her husband In his cell at City Hall today. She was accom panied by a woman friend, and both car ried paper bags containing delicacies foi tha prisoner, bhe was told there was a report that she would leave her husband as a result of the charges nsalnst him. "That Is false," sho said "I will be loyal to him to the end of the world He has confessed to nothing1, fur he has committed no crime. Ho has always treated mo well " Sho ptused and thought for a mommt. "Even If he did commit any such 'crime," she added, "which he did not, It would have been that he was driven to it" This Is the police theory of the mur der Keller, a man of M, who had had a checkered career, and was alwas changing his occupation and residence (he lived at several different places in the northeastern part of the city before he established his present home at 3119 Frankford avenue), met McNichol in the latter part of 1913. McNichol was then only about 23 years old, but owned sev eral properties. He lived with his younff wife at the home of her widowed mother, Mrs. Michael Jennings, S66 North 22d street. He had been married In the fall Of 1913. McNichol wanted to go Into business. Keller advised him to form a leather Continued on X'age Seven, Column Ooe Zapp and Birsky, I illi, v BOLLING GALT FOG-SCREENED SIGNAL CAUSED FATAL WRECK Engineer Unable to See Red Light, Is Explanation Given HEROISM IN RESCUES Casualties List in II. and O. Wreck Tim nnAi. JOSEPH R KKI.I.Y. of VVllmlnKton. con ductor of th riiciimmoditlon trnln i)Aii:i, p. Tor.i.iNoun, of 'jhci south AlUn direct, I'hlliUclijhli, Inspector nii'l wrockmiiNtrr O. A. TAYIXHt. of WIlmlnKtnn, cniplool .is .i iroiiini; Under. fiyifi Ofl-V. ncKrn. of Chester, or K. 1! Pnnmll, of Newark, Del CI.AItENCi: HOPKINS. neuro. Crum Lnne, Pa Tilt: INJl'ltHD. TT(? fT'C'LTZ, 11)12 North S.'.th utrrot. I'lilndcliihli, probablu fracture of tlio xkull AltJf,lJ3D KII.SON, neitro of 15.10 South Tllshmnn street, rhuiul'lphu. UMI.EN p linmnt.ii.uiair of stss South I rniler street. Plillidelphli lirike m.m on the uicnmmol,itlon Irdn. cut pi the ear and forehead mid bruises on both Ipks. Jill'HAKl, II CONS' rOIITOV. of ."WIT thealtr avenue I'hlUdelphl t. conductor of tho accommodation train compound fracture, of the letf mid lacerated tualp. II O, JVSIISON. of SHO South Hint street. Philadelphia, 1 iterations of tho sialp MIIS JOHN lll'lim-M.L of Twin Oiks. Pa compound fracture of the arm nnd Iteeruieil s,alp. lll-S Hfl.Si: Pi:PPi:it, of OeorKetnn, pel lacrrnlrd hip, Inlurcxl Inck ami 1 ruUed ankle. WII.I.IAM II SMITH SOI ileancy street. i hesier lacerated scalp AHTIIL'II SI'MMKItS -III Hnst Klh street. ( liesier. lacerate. I scalp nnd Injured foot, Ni:i.S rilOhTHKItil, -lit Cut Mh street. Chester, lacerated head, both tones of left lei; fractured CJKOltlH-: VVOOnitOW. of hlnnerlv. Sic! , an emplove of tho II an 1 o,, beck In lured rlnht let! Iractured leit leu lacerated. 1'lltXK IH'TTON. Twin Oaks. Pi lacera tions of houtders uud ncLk. tikeii home PAl'L i: 1IKUMS Twin Oaks Internal Injuries rlKht eye ulimut torn out Miss I.oriSK WIKIt. Med! i, badly hurt lower part of body and serious injuries to eees It I.EltOV KISTHrt. STIO North Collet; avenue fractured skull MILLS and ItlCHAItDhOV. two rillrmil men. reported missing-. Others known to havo been Injured. Five men wero killed and at least 10 persons were Injured late jostcrda aft ernoon a mile and a half from Chester, when tho fog nulU'lcd the automatic pre. clsion of tho Iialtlmore and Ohio signal system and threo trains ran together at terrific speed. Two ofllclals of the road today said the engineer ran past the sig nal due to the fo Nearly all the victims were on a local trala, made up of wooden coaches that had Just moved from a siding to a main line. A iO-coach special rom Iialtlmore to this city hit tho rear end of tho local while running at a speed of M miles an hour, and ripped through threo coaches before coming to a halt Before the uir was cleared of lj Itiy steel and timbers and the Injured the after noon express from this city to Haltimoie. moving at a mile a minute, shot Into the debris and cut through it like a shell for nearly a hundred ards. Four hours later the dead and Injured had been removed to tho Chester Hos pital or to emergency hospitals in nearb dwellings, and a force pf men started In to clear the tracks. Traffic over the line was normal late this morning, and the mist was still so thick that passengers in passing trains could hardly see the Continued on l'uge Three, Column Two Discuss Art and PRESIDENT AND MRS. GALT WED ATS.30TONMT Storm Sweeps Capital as Details of Ceremony Are Completed AUNT SUSY GUARDS BRIDE "You Ain't Goiimi Git in Di3 House," Negro Maid Says to Curious Folk Wilson "Happy as a lion" on Day of His Wedding WASHINGTON. Pec. 18. Presi dent Wilton was lieclarcd by those closest to liim in Ills White House family to be as "happy ns n boy" today. A special delivery messenger leached the White House early to day with a packiiRO which he hnd been instructed to deliver person ally to the President. It was the jjif't that the President will tonight i make to Ins initio ami which sue will wenr for the fust time durinfr the ceremony. The President nnd Mrs. Gnlt tnlkcd biielly over the phone soon after they arose today and it was saiil thnt arrangements hnd been made for tho President to motor to the Onlt homo before lunch to look over the weddin"; presents. .WltlMiinV lie i IS Willi one if tin worit rnltiNtoriim "f the nciinoii Mltrrpliie; eive-r W liwIilliKtoli. Prrnlilcnt WHniiii mill Hr. Ihltlli lliilllncr (lull iiinipli'trd (heir irc-iliriitliiii for llielr niiirrliiKe' tmilttlil nt (he linnir of (lie bride, l.'IOS 'Jlltli Ntrerl. N. W. V round (lie Willie llntinc mid the Cull roHlili-niT tin mIihI himlril In frrnj. riivriui'iits vwri- tiirneil Into Ninnll river beds mill tiullilliic i vvrrt IiikIic-iI Ii n drl liter rain. Tiiunril enrlj nricriiniiii, Inivvevi'r, Hie ruin mill vvlml c'eiiHcd, 'I lie curtain of lilni'k cloudi llfled, mid (lie Mini k'nu fair iirnililNe uf reliililnltier lilt I lit- Job throlicrlioilt tin rent of tin itn. Sliortl) lifter lirciikfiiNt tliln iiflernooii the rri'slilent left for u while the Htnte piiIHTM lie n trjlntc to dispose of lie-fore- leiivlnir n ii unit drove o tlic fSnlt re-Nlilcnre. Hi reiiiiilned there 011I7 n brief while, however, mid on IiIn vrnr buck to Hie White House stopped nt his lunik. VI noon he iiKendeil the ehrls tenlni; of liN KniiiililniiKliter, IMIen W'll hoii VleVdoo, In the blue room of the White House. By M'LISS ofthipi: Tim OAir homi:, wash- hiKton, Dec IS" I.ookn hcte. IIP Miss, I'so koiiv, hut vou ain't Konnii get In ills re houi-o lot no vvedillng or no 'fohmatlon " Tho ebony black fine of Aunt Sins crinkled with lines of detci initiation. Her squat foot of tremendous proportions pi evented the door fimn openlnK moie than n tiny two inches lUr cxp.insle person, clothed principally In a htntc white npiou and u white cup, precluded anv view of the Interior of the small and Inconspicuous house nt nth 20th stiect, Js W , which has heroine today the most Intctestlng tlntnl. lie In the world Outside) the rally gatherers who, pur suing n pollcv laid down l our irspected Preside lit of wiitihful waiting, took up their stniid before noon today to catch at least a glimpse of the Chief Incentive's high silk hat. when ho ventincs out to nlKht ufter having been made a bride groom, grinned their sjmii.ithy at Uin poor newspaper person's "throw down" the same being mself Hut somehow or other one doesn't mini being thrown down when nmbnssudors. millionaires, celebrities, In fact ever body in the world hut those fortunate enough to belong to tho President's or Mrs. Halt's Immediate families, ate being subjected to tho samo undignified procedure. Tim orriciAi. thuowuh. Aunt Sus, dusky dragon that she Is, Is tho olllclal "thrower ' There's no getting by her. foi evet since tho an nouncement of Mrs. (Jalt's engagement the best wit and Ingenuity of tho news paper wot Id has been storming tho Halt stronghold Husj has been .1 match foi them all. Todn' sho Is .1 tiiiimphaut monument of doui keeping efficiency. However, this Is a demociacy and many peisons havo mado up their minds to seo tho wedding from the outside at least No Swiss guards or lojal artillerj or whatever a moiiaicli would employ to tontlniird on Pour Two, Column l'our LA CAPITALE SERBA P0RTATA IN ITALIA II Parlamento ed il Governo delln Serbia Siederanno Forse nella Citta' Eterna A Honn e' stato anuuuclato che 'a capitate delta Serbia, the da Helgrado era stata suecesslvaniente trasportata a Xish ed .1 Monastlr, sar.V ttansportata n Italia. 11 Parlamento serbo teira" le sue sedute In terrltorlo Italiano, probabil mente a Uonia. dove rlslederebbe unche II governo ill re I'letro K' noto che II vccchlo re dt Serbia, che e' cognato delist reslna Klenu. erra" presto In Italia o rlslederu' nella villa reale dl Caserta che e' stata messa a sua dlsposlzlone. Teleramml da Gluevra dlcono che al quartteie geneialo austrlaco dl I.albach si e' apprcso che I fortl dt Gorlzla sono statl tuttl rldottl quasi completamente dall'artlslierla itallana. Altrl telegrum: ,iai fronte trentlno-tlrolese dlcono ch un grosso cannone tedesco dl 120 mllll metri, che era da poco stato plazzato a dlfesa dl Hovereto, e' stato indlvlduato e dlstrutto dul cannonl itallanl con pochl colpl ben dlrettl (Lessere In 4 pagina le ultimo a piu' dettag'lato notlzle nulla guerra. In Italiano.) Collecting on Page 9 of Today's QUICK NEWS BASEBALL MEETING ADJOURNED NEW YOKK, Dee. 18. Bail Johnson left the baseball peace tonforenee early tlile afternoon for Chicago after announcing that the committed will meet In Cincinnati foi fuither pailey next Tuesday. She committee adjeuntetl nfter holding thtce nnd one-half hour session, GERMAN WARSHIP BLOWN UP CREW LOST LONBSN. Dec. 18.-An CxelliSlige Telegi-aph Company di&patch from Cocnhorjcn uaya n Gornmn M-m-sltlp ginrding the southern outiance to 1Uc lloli in reported to luivc been blown up Thui&dny ii:d all ioiemrcrt. ft the ciew lout. HILL TO HUY ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S CLOTHES WAHHINOTOK. Dec. 18. rurchase for $7B00 of tho suit of clothes worn by President Lincoln nt tho tlmo of his assassination Is proposed by Ropro ientntlve Itohcrtt (Mass.) In a bill Introduced In tho House. VON PAPEN AND HOY-ED TO SAIL DEC. 22 AND 28 AVAKIIINUTON', Dec. IS -Captains von Papon and IJoy-Dd liavo noti fied tho Centum I'mlinssy thej probably will H.ill December 22 and Dccombor 2S, ieHpei'tlvel They will sail on tho Holland-America Lino steamships landlnir nt Itottertlani, koIiib thence by rail to normally. MORGAN EMPLOYES TO GET YEAR'S PAY AS GIFTS NIA" YOHIC, Dec. IS. Wall street Is Rolnir to pass prosperity around, at least nniuiiK Its salaried emiilojes. Unusual liberality waa rellcctcd today In announcements by various Iltiaucinl firms of their Christmas gifts to tho workers. ,. I'. .Moignn ,.- Co. will itive each employe a. year's salary. Tho Columbia Trust Company will rIvc 10 per cent, of Its surplus earnings to nn t'lnplojes' fund, and one-tenth of their early salaries will bo given employes' of the Culled .States MoitgiiBo and Trust Company. Doth firms also declared extra dividends. Tho Uniikem' Trust Company voted $20,000 to a workers' benefit fund, nnd the Inlet borough Hnpld Transit Company will distribute, ? 12,000 among .S.100 cmplojes. Heads of lending retail houses today said gon einl prosperity was strongly rolleetod by tho ChrlHtmiiH trade. Tho trado advance was estimated at from 20 per cent, to doublo last year's business. "DOC" COOK MAY BECOME PEACE PARTY'S AD MANAGER LONDON, Dec 18. A dispatch from the Copenhagen correspondent of the) Hsehange Telegraph sajs that Dr. Krcderlck Cook, who claims to havo dl- covered the North Pole, Is going to Germany, and It Is rumored ho will Join the Void peace paity as "advertising manager." "Doc" Cook returned to Amer ica jiats ago on the Oscar II, tho vessel now In use as tho Ford peace ciaft. IIINDENBURG OPENS NEW OFFENSIVE PDTKOGltAD, Lci IS. Field Marshal von Hlndenburg tins undertaken n new; general offensive along the Itlga-Dvinsk front. The German troops opened a terrific bombardment Wednesday and It Is still In progress. Tho Russians arc, rcplslng vigorously and have repulsed several Infantry attacks, Inflicting heavy losses on thu enemy. AftlERICAN RED CROSS UNITS CAPTIVES OF BULGARS LONDON, Dec. IS. According to the Central News the American embassy has tccelvcd word that Hod Cross units nnd tho relief committeo sent from the United Stntcs to the Ilnlltans nro pusoners of the Bulgarians. Many women nurses and doctors aro teported among them. GERMAN SOCIALISTS ASK FRENCH AID FOR PEACE LONDON, Dec. 18. German Socialists have issued an appeal to the Social ists of France to help end tho war, the Amsterdam correspondent of the Express reported today. Tho Socialist organ Vorwaerts In Its latest issue calls upon tho Socialists of France to abandon tho Idea of ncqulrlng Alsace-Lorraine. Tho Vorwaerts promised thnt in return the German Socialists would force concessions from tho German Chancellor that would result In an early peace. DERBY RECRUITS CALLED OUT; 1,750,000 AVAILABLE LONDON, Dec. IS. A rojal proclamation was cireul.ited In London today calling to tho colors live groups of the recruits enlisted under the Lord Derby volunteer plan. The live clnsses are called upon to report on January 20. It Is unolllelnlly stated that the Del by plan has resulted lit enlisting 1,750,000 men. Tho groups called consist of tho jounger unmnrried men, not engaged In forms of Industry considered ns necessary for war service. AUSTRIAN U-BOAT STRIKES MINE; CREW PERISHES LONDON, Dec. 18, A dispatch from Tho Hague to tho Central News Agency reports that an Austrian submarine struck a mlno near Cattaro, In the Adriatic Sea, and sank with all Its otllcers nnd men. DECOPPET ELECTED HIRNK, Dec. IS. Ctmlllo Decoppet, Agriculture in the present Cnblnet, has Confederation GERMANS PUSH RAILWAY FOR EGYPTIAN INVASION Gl'NHVA, Dec, 18. German railway olllcials have arrived at Constanti nople to Inspect the military railway being built from Damascus, supposedly for the Turco-German Invasion of l'glj'' With them, according to advices received here today, are n number of engineers who havo been cmpIocd constructing new railway lines In con quered territory In Russia. German mllltar uillcials at Constantinople will accompany the party to Damascus. PEACE "DOVE" STILL CRIPPLED AS SHIP NEARS SHORE ABOARD Till S. S. OSCAR II. by wireless to Chrlbtiania and thence by cable via Loudon, Dec. 18. As tho pence expedition organized by Henry Ford nears Chrlstlanla the hopo of getting the bojs out of the trenches by Christ mas Is abandoned. The question of peace In Europe has been temporarily for gotten for tho more Important (locally) question of restoring peace among the pacltlbts on tho Oscar II. Tho wounds caused b the efforts to lino all the American delegates up in opposition to tlio Washington Administration's policy of preparednehs have not et healed. Tho opponents of the anti-preparedness resolutions will decide ns soon as they reach Chrlbtiania whether they will leave tho expedition. SERBS TO ESTABLISH CAPITAL IN ROME ItOMl, Dec. 18. For the second time since the war began one of thi smaller Powers of Europe, crushed by tho armies of the Kaiser, has been forced to move Its capital beyond its borders. Announcement was made here today that the Serbian capital will bu established temporarily In Itnl, probably in Rome. Karly in the war ths Belgian King set up his seat of government at Havre, France. Members of the Serbian Parliament who escaped tho Austria-German-nulgarUi-L, orfenslv e havo been ordered to assemble in Italy. The Serbian LeeatlorjTis making arrangements to obtain buildings from which the affairs of the atlon can be conducted. ABYSSINIA OFFERED PARIS, Dec, 18. LidJ Jessau, the y disposed toward the Entente Allies man agents to induce him to abrogato treaties with Great Britain, Italy nnd France last year, but offered 200,000 soldiers to be used by the Allies as thel? military necessities demanded, according to Pierre Alype, a member ot tha Colonial Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. M. Alype mad$ this assertion in connection with the resolution that the French Government seek; immediately tho co-operation of the Abyssinian troops. SWISS PRESIDENT Minister of Commerce, Industry and been elected president of tho Swiss ALLIES 200,000 MEN young Emperor of Abyssinia, is so favor- that he not only resisted efforts of Ger Evening Ledger if JMUjJSti.iiiirBiifcrittiiliiitiriti It-tArni-it im