tt&fr113im&&X&&m0't-nKi ij -- EYENINq UEPqEB PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915: r 10 LOCAL COTTON TRADE IS SATISFACTORY It f Wool Prices Advancing Tex- til Industries in uoou snape. Iron and Steel Active conditions In the local cotton mill cot ... .Am trnde nTe reported as very nt !. actors', say " Denlors "... n good volume of bunlncss, prices i Arm nl satisfactory and a Rood lln prevail generally. The wool mnrket Is 0-UIcl but ,,rni' Tho d(,nlanrt i. mostly for One and medium wooln: tho Hs i are gradually ndvnnclns. " inihns been less active durlns the Inst ,,k olnt? to the atronjr views of those v0 .re holding wool. The textile In dustries In this city nppcar to be In ex f.lluit shape as far as orders are con Mtned tut manufacturing Is being ham iered owing to tho continued lack of Jrtper dyestulfs. Manufacturers of shirtwaists and dresses state there 13 somewhat of a lull In business at present; tho seaion has lien late but satisfactory, nnd they are looking forward to a large spring and S trade. Trade Is generally quiet .mens the cloak and suit manufacturers tl.t-llers of men's and women's furnish lns and the department stores arc In the height of their Christmas business, nd It Is stated business shows an In crease There Ii but little chango In busl lef conditions among wholesalers of dry fcofls, etc. Business In the Iron and Bteel trade con tinues very active and In some cases pro ducers are refusing to accept further or ders, especially for extended delivery. Congestion of export bvslness has be come a prominent fenturo of tho situa tion, end shoitnge of cars Ib a handicap Tig Iron Is active nnd the tendency of trices Ib upward, particularly for carl delivery- Tho demand tor finished ma terial Is brhk nnd mills nre operating to full capacity, with export business a prominent factor Locomotive builders and shipbuilding plants aro well ntnployed nnd structural material Is also tlrm. There seems to bo a better feeling In the hardware lino at this time. Thoso consulted report a larger volume of busl ness being transacted at this time, as compared with a corresponding period last year A comparison of prices shows that they arc gradually reaching a higher jiolnt than heretofore, with prospects of going even higher nfter the Ilrst of tho jean Purchasers npparcntly have moro confidence and aro making preparations for a larger business next vent It Is rtated that collections show Improvement, idthough only very small. The electrical trado reports n good vol lime of business In holiday specialties mid brisk Inquiry Is noted along these lines, with prices llim. A fulr Volume of busi ness Is also noted In household special ties, and some building operation work la still under way, causing n reasonable vol ume of business In that line. Prices are generally reported firm nnd collections fair. Tho stove trade Is reported well cm jlojed in staple goods nnd considerable business Is also noted In supplementary heating apparatus. Jobbers mid ictnlleM ure busy and foundries nre operating at about CO to 70 per cent capacity. Trices aro firm nnd collections fair. The leather tnniket Is active and prices high. Glazed kid iminufnctuiers report an active market, with prices for all trades stcadllv Increasing. Haw material Is In great demand and no surplus on hand. Shoo dealers report an active trade, due to weather conditions, und large sale of rubber footwear Is ic ported. The millinery trade Is normal for this period nnd dealers report favorable orders for spring delivery There is no chango to note In the condition of the ccmont market. Manufacturers repot t that the last season has been fnlilj guod, nnd uhlle there was for a time an Inclination to cut prices, lately there has been a illsht Inciease The chemical market Is fairly active; i fair amount of business Is being done, illhougli buying is principally In small lots for Immediate needs. The situation In dye stuffs temaln.s unchanged; no for eign dyes aro coming Into tho maiket; Mocks nre low and prices high. The paper maiket shows some Improve ment, manufnctuicrs nnd Jobbers leport Inj a steady Increase In volume of sules, although very few largo orders are being placed Prices, as a iiile, aro well main tained, The trade In domestic leaf tobucco dur ing tho past week has been moderate, a. few good sales reported and a number of Inquiries made for good grades of Pennsylvania and Connecticut. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS- GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 12S110 bush Demand ws fairly artlio, but with easier oull'le tavlces prices declined lc Quotation Car lota. In export levator No. ml, emit nnd December SI20ftl.i'J No. 2 hnuthern rod. JLUJilsp .tenner No. led. $1 17&1 in. No. ' red, JUTO1.10, rejected A, SI It'ilit UP,. wfc'Rt II. 1 l.-tai i: .COHN -Receipts, 15,121 hush. Offerings w.J . '"' anri Prices were well malnmlned. tut trad a was quiet, Quotations Car lots t?r local trade, ua to location Olil Western t!; - EL'5,vi MCS-c. old Western tteamer JSlte oaslc,, olJ Western No. :t jellow. "fUT;' nw cob, per 7ti lbs.. Dhfi-Oc OATS. Itecelpts CD,-IS bush. Trade, was Qiiev and prices showed no important change Quotations' No. 2 unite. 4IiWitic.c stuiidird ItJie., No. 3 B'hlto. 4nyrn7-.. No 'white. 44SN5c., (anuria oats, 4:.-1'ic.. purl Trr!v.. "?ded, 474S. ihf . U'-ecjnta. bbls. and 2.1'17,54H IM. In sacks. There wraa little trading and lP!.Plar.kel waa unchanged, uuotatlona tier iS, I !Lv " -V ?9f Wiiiwt. clear, S.lMi.1 W. do.. Kht. S3.B0-SS.7S, do., patent. 1 MfIUU, sf.LVt cear Jute lacks. K.13BS.33. do.. !,,.iltl1'' )ut sacks, fi 40HS.CO, do.. patent. K'.?,!". S3.CM15.8U, spring Ilr.t, clear. frSSSS'- straight, S3.SOa3.7.i. do , 'ent, S3.7Jo).10j do. Javorlte brands Jil.20 KiKj.clty mils, choice and fancy patent. Ju!. i.' ,illY mllla, regular gruileB-Wlnter. SttfAfeK0" Slru"!'"' 3-'0-13' d0" f nJt.Y3 JXOL7Itf was quiet, but ntwidv nnJer l&V. if Sualtty"'0 qU0W at "-35-5u per ' PROVISIONS ifj?f 2aIIt't wsj Mrra f' tfar ''!'' was iinn wun a inir jooiuns; SKAm"1"1 om klnls were a shade blRlur. ' WiT.fl" beef; " ets. smoked and 'SirlVji?!?:!5c Western beef. In sets, ratted. JUfcSSc.. city beef, knuckles and ten rt, smoked and alr-drled. 2Uii27c; Western il?,' nuckle and tenders, smoked. 2iMi27c, with tiiffj8', p cured, loose. lS15Vc.. do.. 'Ml""!, lOOie. 1'JV.S, 1 ,. H, An .mnlnl UCeTit'. .L 'sjiBU'tic. do. ao., imow. K"ltJS ' 'her hums, smoked, city cund. as t orand and aieraci. lUf?2IT,. hnms. I'';' WillCi orand and J?Wss ,Vft' cured. icu17c CfiT'ii' f' Picnic shoulders. dn.. boiled a. 1 cured. Ueajblvr. '. aQ- "mol, 130.. bellies, In pKKle. (ut hf,to vKe. ioose. wauijc: break- cured" UB breakfast bacon. Western tiVrS; MS18 . la''J' Western, refined. In lure VniV i ,'10 uo' "v 1W0" iar'' Urt ,' V"'? rendered, in tierces. ltM.c : ". Sura city, kettle rendered, in tubs. luSc. REFINED SUGARS iwJ?.wa' ,low "id ho McCahan and I'enn 3 WKS S.omPanle reduced prkts tu a basis "' oricfi etv,ra "no aranulotoil Itennerj iv. ." i ira iuii' ??ir.V, Kranulated. IOU2W "".! ton trades, 3.1iHi3.00c. IIIIV KJUUldtCU, J.VU LOM Z.biii DAIRY PRODUCTS rul.d JJ)- Demand was fair and lha market WuLrn ,?V",er "sht reielpts. Quotations: tit .'.!? ll4,"!iaLl'e; crearner, rancy. specials, ceiif. ,llJ:',' tra n"". 3i'i.we.. tiists. tatv ll',ec,onJ!, WMiaic , nearby prints, ertt'&Svdo-'.a'aKe extras. :ib63Sc : do., MlMorftS.'i.Vitei e.1-:P''J. 26CWC Jobbing waitS i T0!' ,res,t ,0ck waa scarce and ttirt? ?','ul1 Prltc Wo quute Fre cases. ?inrii-r'i0V iresli stock waa !?Mrt .i; dot . Urals Sll H per m pr siu.w "'Is ihSe!t"'n eit'r' "rsu. Sll 1U per case rrenv receipts. !'Vrsr,Hi;"8raf"''.i"?s teiii iJli""3,- Per case. do.. Inferior lots. i m l-ttfti tanalea eKKi ere ioX' rkltESrnI 2'fel'""' we "ht anJ lb eisvn.f-"ssvi vtu iiriiiii. a i. .Mi urr caav. uu.. "Viil.w " ,rlt full-cream, fancy, held. teoT ha5',inil,,ri11 blr, do., fair 10 . held. lOViiJtlTc.. do. part aklrus. IXdlJi. POULTRY ill" r""1 Pit "dn0Clr-r it h. .'."." , r?" "": T""i" :.feh-kliit.d. drv-uacked rurkas. near .. jroi.awmc ure ing ouoia- ("Hole .' J, "" ("va- -le, do- "loj suia 'eou it". "-' u0- Jair. iitasic; do., old ""eS ! . 1 cu"a "J No- 2 lbftSUc ' " I la,H ." vl ked aad I'ry-Darked. yiUPnj'.i, .vlyi-'-i i i - -ink' o 10', Ll5,, 'Kt.iad unier lull Hna hsay ., '..r"-, uu.. ua.. irooa ro tnoiLe. itis "J ro"' dry ricked, tic; nfflrt.J " rTiJI'V- .'Kncvjbmllers, 2li(le.! other Jffi f.f Mink .12 Th."aplV;eV S0922e north. i ii,i"1OT? rnicKcn rune r,r,ViiNfi?,nf 'l IDS., in bOTCS, 1IM17C. ?n mi." 'JVSW' faney'' edrhlnc 2itM4 1M """, d.,e?rth(T Western, i lbs. anJ uuiiiicrii iinnni, '- -V' iiwix. oinpr wpsrprn. v..tT,,u?..jfr- Wz.viox'jt. w&i. o,.h." Jr. lnt"'V,. n-" spring ducks, nearby, IS MnVi,H-v'Wrn' Uncv- "Wt'C" 'air to ffSft.J.2!!.1""' nearby, lcrtflSM rto i.V.hiJl; tV".,flci Muaba. per doe.-Whlte jelahlns: 11 to j2 lbs. .jier 8oz., SI COST 40, Sft K' J.V'ft"":?v1,1 "" dMi- 25TiO. JSilti.,"!,!?U,.lc TJh T AM 2 f10.1' white, ?,eib!nr? Win . lbs. per dm. J28223. rtnrfc ' Wil? 4iU ,n1ll. nd No. 2. JlHl.lO -!.LIi,rD.!!"rable ",!0(k eM fairly nnd vnluee. Fv.11?"?;- ,Terp , ,v"' utnlnel. . Quotations J.Ti'.?",..,0'i.,,'5 and nuallty. 12?fl4c. ex Shttw,.' '2'" nlnn" .i-oo'teri. l0lle., prln S5i?&A'f iew.n'J!,r io oualltv..l2rilc., ex ceptlonnl lota hlither. nirkp(i, lf)20e ; ducks K!iln',?" .. younV wolnlni? 2 lbs. and oef ?!!tS t'rr '!,,lr4.X,-'r-w'1 weUhlna W, lbs. Kfr.1'' -i1?0 Kinnena. olcf. per pair. 60c i U,'''-"' ri wuuiriis. wia. per pair, mk i P'?e?"s. .l'i..ier pair. 22B:25c.. do., ymina per pair. IS FKESII FRUITS frallj ateady under moderate ofterlnns. Quo &"1?j Applei.. rer bbl - Jonathan, fancj, iHi,,pffio;,,h?,ue' WOJi?"! primes' Oolden. 5S3-iS- , ,'P"fP... 73511 M, Orcenlnir HSHS- l!alt,'Bl.n- J3 73Q.1 .-0 tl ack Twbr. 2.Mal,23 Vork Imperial, 2tn 25 Twpin?! ounce SSftt. Pippin 2i.i, lirn Davis 1 73W 2 .0 nthrr variolic, fl ,vvjj2 SO. No. 2. Snn.iv npples. In bulk, per U0 lbs. me fl$ vi apples. Western, per box, Jl ."(Ifi-i So pears, per bbl -S?c,f.lJ J.',"10' Sheldon. !ia,1 Hourro rt-Anlou. ?VnV "" nfansep. Florida per crate. 1.ir9 2.7r..tftnerlnr,J Florida per strap. J.lflA so. grapefruit, Horida. nor crate Sfid. lemoni. W "Jjni'fl r,' Pineapples, per crale rorto i5.te-?2 ''V eranbcrrlo. Cape Cod. pet bbl., 5PBI0. do Onpe Cn.l, per rrnte. S2 30HI, dn , Jersey, per crate, :m?..'0 VEGETABLES OtTerliiKn tiern nnlv moilerato and values Kcncrallv ruled steady nlth trade fair. Qunta .'.!.onJ... V hits potatoes cor bushel-chnlce. u,,c fljl . rnlr tn srned ssqiiOc. White pntntnepi, Jcrees por baikr-t Nn 1 Itnse, wwriSc., No i other varlntlea. ntrRftV,, No. s 2ii?:!oc Hvvcct pntntne Jersey per baiknt Vo 1. ICit.lOe. M' 2. 'jyjvt. s5eet pntatcs. Virginia, per bbl ,, J1.5MH75. Onions, per loo-lb. hiir-N.. 1,, St i.Mtt.s-i No. 2 r,i)7r (-nbbaKo. tlnn lh, per ton ssjf'.i. do , tlnmetlr. per tnn. 1in. .Celery. No Vnrk per Imnr-li. IflrflPc. Uplnarb. Norfolk, pnr bbl.. Sl2Vul.Ni. Knle. .nriniK per Dm., ifi-awic. Lettuce, noridn. I.ccplunt. rlorlla. per crate (2 2 toom. tier 4-tb. basket, SiWI f. WINTER WHEAT ACREAGE SMALLER Government Figures Show De crease of 1,75G,000 Acres. Rye Area Also Less WASHINGTON", Dec. 17,-The nica of winter wheat noun this full vna 113 per cent, loss the revised cstlmnlwl area iowi In tho fall of 1914, equivalent to a tlccrcase of 4,?aG,00O ncrea, ilKiiret of the Huroau of Crop natlnintcs showed to day. Tho Indicated total atca la 37,2.",n, 000 acres. Condition on December t naa S7.7, PKiiIriHt 8S.3 and 07 2 on December 1, 1111, mid 1913, respectively, and a 10-jear nvornt'e of 90.8. Ite area own this fall Is 3 per cent, less than tho revised estimated atea sown In the fall of V)H, equivalent to n do croaxe of M.0CW acres. Tho Indicated total area Is .1,058,00 ncres Condition on De cember 1 was Ol.C, nsnlnst and M3 on December 1, 1911, nnd 1913, respectively, and a 10-jonr avernse of 9.13 The price for Decemher 1 of wheat wiib P cents Tho price for ryo was 83 9 cents. -MOVEMENT OF MONEY Ni:V VOrtK. Dec. 17. Hanks received from tho Interior J7,3Si;,0O) nnd shipped to the interior il0.13t.000. Including $SS.",000 na tional bank notes e.ent to WnshliiKton for redemption. Loss to the Interior was J2.7IS.000. Colli Imports totaled $5,230,000 Loss on Subtreasury operations proper was JIS.'.OOO. This made a net Kaln liy the bnnks of 52.0:0,000. IG CUBAN SUGAK DEAL SV.W YORK, Dec. 17. Hankers aro formlnt; a combination of 21 Cuban stiBnr companies which will shortly be an nounced. Tho combination will Issuo JjO.OOO.OOO cumulative 7 per cent, stock and MO.OOO shares of common stock of no par value. Tho piefeired stock will bo offered at par with it bonus In common stock. Siiffar Prices Reduced The McCahan SitRar RcllnlnK Company nnd tho Pensylviuila SiiKar Heflnlnir Com pany reduced the price of Kranulated silirar to 5 93 today. This Is a cut of i'O points by the McCahan mid 15 by the Pennsylvania Company. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIirCAOO, Don. 17.-1IOCJS -llecclpts. .10. OilO, market. .Vflllle lower. Mixed and biltrll ers, Jilfltl i; koiiiI lienv. Sll lOfnl 7(1. mnidi he ivy, SUTfUwl'S: IlKtit. S3 IV31TII 1; plas. Sl.TSft s t.: bulk, siiioiiiini. CATTI.I: Itocplpts. 2 TOO. market stendi. Hcevcs, -l 'tMill 23 ootta and heifers, .l 'J.'S'i s Hi: siockers and feeders. JU IOuH.wi, Toons, 1I..MM1N .'.",. lalvp" $ Mrlf in 23. SIIi:i:i Iterelpta. TCOii- market stronp N.i tlie and Wisiero. Jl 30iT7: lambs. $HlMi!.u. NEW YOKK BUTTEK AND EGGS Ni:V YOIIK. Tlw. 17. - IH'ITKK Market firm, re. tints. riS paLkafn; extra, niti . iliiher scorllik'. .'I75J.I7I . Htato dalrj, :i2ICI.1c , Imitation 1 re.nnery. 2i(2ic. 1MOS Market weaker receipts. ."Old p.ick aKs: exlru Arsis, .l7ii.V.ic, , ilrsts. ."IVfi tile. ; nearbv whites. ,,uiiMc,: mixed uilnr. IIMillo . rrfrlwratur Ilrsts, -'lii-l'ac; ntaiby bronns, 10H lie. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TOXOl'AH STOCK. 1 Hid Asked, Jim ll.itler 1.01 l.ns MaeNamara o-- '.'; MUay r 1,1 .13 MUimli IZxl 2.1 .2 Montana Jl .'' Northern Star .11 .! Ton Met 4ji 4J, Tun Kxt ft') Ton Mln IP? 7i ltoscus l.'ula , 117 ."'i West Kiitl 73 ,7S Oai.UKIKM) STOCKS. Atlanta , 20 .22 lllup Mull i;2 ,ul llwith 3; ..IT HulldnK O. .0.1 U O l l .11 Comb Kmi) . , i"l .ill Dl.imonJllcia II II , 02 .! Daisy O.I .! riuienco :35.,. '.! Uoldtleld Cons 1.1-10 H (ioldrieid MerK ..15 ..I" Jumbo Uxl 1.12 1.13 Kewanaa ,....,., ,lu ..'0 Oru l .03 Hind Ken , 03 '0,i blUi.r 1'ick 03 .Ml MlbCCUIMNCOl'iJ. t-alrj- Aztec 01 .ort Nev Illll, ..'J .20 Nev VtunJtr 1.73 1.61 POUT OF I'llUsADKLPUIA Vessels Arriving Today Str Ifc V. Moddard. from Stntlaeo Sir. lUmnieralius (Dan ,) from Cruz Orand, Steamships to Arrive FIIKIOHT. From Name. Lincolnshire lilnertc Agnello Clampa . ... lua Chamberlain .... i'olrurtli ioebauk. Crlo 'lamaiU4 Manchester Engineer. Hauallan Atlantic Sun Gtarga I'jman Athena Iukauanim .., Monkshaven Heiredalo ,.,. Annapolis Sailed .Nov. U Nov. 8 Nov. HI .Nov, 20 ..Nuv. L'l .Nov. SI Nov. 27 .NOV. 27 .Nov. 2S .NOV. 2S .Nov. 2U .Nov. 20 .Nov. 30 .Dec. 1 .Dec. 1 . Dec. 2 ..Calcutta .,1'irlm ,,T. Aununzlata . , Algiers ..Ilucha ..VulenUa .... ..Kotterdam .. ..(llau;on .... ..Manchester .. ..Kthla , ..Harry ...lilbraltar ... ...Algiers ...Harry ..Hueha ...Cardlif ...Glasgow .... .,. Loudon .. . , Vincent .. ...Dundee , .v ...Iluelva ...London ...Dakar .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. .Dec. Maine Malhelm itoanoks Omanlock . . . . . Wnote Dowluls Minnesota Mar AdrUtico . Katharine 1'ark Fmecr lilver .. Homford Algeria na Hereule Kclbernen Mar del Norte. StratliclJe .. . .Ijjndon .. . ...Castro Urd tales Deci Dec. ...uiasgow . ...niasi;oiv .. ...Santlaea . . ..Ijju'Ioh .. ...Iluelva ... ...St Thomas ...Fayal ..... . ..Manchester .Dee. 10 .Dec. it .Dec. 11 Dec. 12 .Dee. 12 Dec. 13 .Dec. 14 .lAc. 17 Movements of Vessels pTar- WAS- .asrsf AoMr. .dhp ll?K,RuSS3."iftim or PhlUdelphla. 01 mllcj south efPcla v are UreakwaCer at noon De cmbe. t" ff ,,0 , Artbur for Phlladel il" ISM ll"a aouihof PUraona fahoal llgbt 'JswTlSKbiVwuS.lrhU for Port Arthur. a r mile, wutliwest ol fciamoni Shoal llsht aii ulv.B' Utjcvmfesr 1U, SEAMEN'S LAW WILL BE CONFERENCE TOPIC Secretary Wilson to Preside at Meeting of Association for Labor Legislation WASHINGTON', Dec. 17 The American Association for l.nbor Legislation an nounced todny that Secretary of Ixibor William n Wilson will preside nt the conference on the seamen's law which Is to he held on December 23 durWK tho annual convention of the association nt the Shoroham Hotel. Opportunity to pre sent their points of view Is to be given to both Bhlpowners nnd srnmen nt the conference. Andrew Puruscth, president of tho In ternational Seamen's Union of Atnerlcn, will represent the seamen, while the ship owners have been Invited to -lend 11 rep resentative Professor Henry W. Far nntn, of Yale, will give nn account of nn Impartial Investigation Into the conditlona affecting American seamen which has been made during the year under his di rection. The convention Is also Hiving spaco on Its proKrnm to a discussion of tho first half yiar's work of the New York Stato Industrial Commission, AtnonK the) speakers on the compensation work of the commission will bo V. Spencer Paid win, manager of tho New York Stato Insurance Fund. The association Is to hold a Joint meet ing with the Amcilcaii l'olllltal Sclenco Association, which will bo presided over bj Dr. Uoyal Meekei, of tho Federal llu leau of Labor Statistics, nnd addressed by Prof. Henry U Seager. of Columbia, and Hrnst rrouml. of Chicago At the iloslm; meeting, which will be held Jointly with the Pan-Atnerlcnn Scientific Congiess, there will bo representatives ftom North and South America to report on the progress In the application of In dustrial hvglene which has been made In their countries TEEPING TOMS' WATCH MEN SKETCH THE NUDE Freshmen of University Sec "Life," but Get Baths for Prank Twenty seniors of the 1'nlveislty of l'i'nnslvnnla Architectural School s.vt moaning anil frowning nt their easels as they sketched an until nped model posing on a lalsed platform. "Hold vour head still, foi the lovn Mike," scowled one to the shivering lady. "Tho light Is too stiong," giowled an other, and during the whole proceeding there was a chorus of lamentation about the futility of n college course The sceno now shifts to tho floor above. Sllghtlv before the class below started one of the freshman or tho school, hav ing much leisure and having become blase and sophisticated from sketching luonze and plaster figures, hnd a blight Iden. He procured four little gimlets and four little freshmen who also ha.I a few lelsuro moments. Five little "frcshles" then went lms to work, with tho re. lit that In a JlfT.v there weie live neat llttlo half-inch holes hoicd In the Moor. Until the entrance of the model Into tho room below golden sti earns of Hunxhlno streamed into the seniors' studio. Hut as soon as tho class started to work tho apertures became dark. A freshman eve was studiously glued to each little holu In the Moor. Thev traded views. They enlarged the holes stealthily. They stood on their heads. Cnch anil every one, ns he gawd steadfastly and appteclatlvely nt the fig ure on the platform, resolved firmly to study with nil his might In order that lie, too, might sorno day bo n dignified senior nnd see "life." J'jst about this time each llttlo ficsli man felt h squinny cold chill tvvlno ! tho veitebrae of his llttlo back. Foi. as they crouched prostrate over the holes, a deep, stern voice said from the direc tion of the door, "Tonight nt midnight be ready'" Thon tile door closed before the trembling "Toms" could sec who had uttered the fearful words The five little "freshles" at once lost all Interest In the scene In the studio below. "Who wns It?" shivered one. "Senich me-e," snld another "Let's git while the going's good," suggested another llttlo "fresh," and as silently as thev had en tered tho live men sneaked from the building; then they ran six blocks on Lo cust street before they dared look around. Nothing hnppened. "Some on was kidding us," thev de cided, and then went to their rooms In tho "dotms," a merry whistle on their lips and nn all-gono feeling In tho region of their live little solar-plexuses. When supper had been eaten and n night of study had passed without even the sign of a ghost or an avenging hnnd. tho live llttlo fteshmen breathed easier and final ly went to bed. Hut promptly at midnight, when they w-ero fast nsleep, tho bolts fell. Knch man was divested of hl3 "llttlo nighty" and was marched outside into the cold night. They were taken to the basement of tho Art School and Immersed ns mimv minutes ln the blue-print baths as they had "peeped." Kach was then hustled homo at the end of a long paddle. This morning they aro taking rough drops und quinine. Lach little "fieshle" has decided that "life Is indeed a bitter thing " NONSUIT REFUSED IN BANANA TRUST CASE Court Overrules Motion for De fense and Trial Will Go to a Finish A motion to nonsuit tt.-e most tedloua trial that ever confronted a Judge and Jury in thU city waa overruled today by Judgo Thompson when he decided that tho lo,000,000 "Uanana Trust" suit must bo decided by a Jury. The case Is tho one in which the re ceiver for the Illuetlelds Steamship Com pany, Ltd., Is attempting to recover dam ages from the United Fruit Company on the ground that tho latter concern bought a contiolllng Iterest In the other company and then strangled Its banana-growing and Importing business. 'The question to b decided in this case is one of fact," Judge Thompson said in giving his decision, "end for that rea son Is for tha Jury. The motion for non suit Is overruled." Every one In tho courtroom except the defense received the decision with. mani fest relief. Had tho Court granted tho motion for nonsuit six tedious weeks of work, as well as thousands of dollars ex ptnded In preparing the case, would have been wasted, as would the time lost from business by the jurors. So far the developments have been mainly In the nature of legal clashes between George Wharton Pepper; repre senting the defense, and Attorney General Francis Shunk Brown, counsel for the plaintiff. It Is expected that another month will be required to present the defendant's side of the case and that more than 60 witnesses will be called by the plaintiff. NEXT MAYOR FACES BIG DEFICIT IN FIRST YEAR Shortage Will Amount to $3, 000,000, According to Pres ent Outlook Mayor-elect Thomas II. Smith nnd the members of his cabinet will face a deficit of probablj $3,000,000 In the current funds of tho city during tho tlrsl year of the new administration. What tha deficit will bo In the event of the passage of nny big loan, such as tho measure calling for $!'5,00O,0n0, 3 but a matter of mathematical calculation of Interest nnd Sinking Fund payments. The appropriations for nil departments for 1316. ns completed by the members of Councils' Finance Committee, do not near ly provide for the operating expenses of the cits during tho next 12 months, ns provision Is not made for tho full needs of the puvroll of the Police Bureau. Tho police money for next December, nt lenst, will have to come from n tem porary loan, to be lloaled next fall, ns It Is agreed that there will be few items left for "transfer" In tho closing months of tho first year of tho new administra tion. Other Hems of almost equal linpnrtince hnve been shortened so ns to make the np pioprlatlon bills come within the J31.S27.0SS of estimated avnllnble levenues for 1D15. The cutting of well over $P,000.(W from the estlmnted needs leaves no provision for mnny Items that will have to be cared for next fall. Another rontrlbtitnry cause to tho deficit in sight Is tho fact that tho tl,!00,l temporary lonn Just nullinrled will havo tn bo paid back out of tho current receipts during tho first four months of next year. Tho $3.V00u.P0O loan Is the third Impor tant piece of loan legislation started bv the piesenl Councils to faT. In the spring or I9U the Supreme Colli t injolned tho holding of n n election tho day befo.-o the date set to approve a lonn of $12,W,(H The anine decision Invalidated the loan for JS.CW.CHO approved bv tho voteis nt the genernl election hold In November of the .v ear before Joeph P Unrfnev. of the :6th Wnr.1, who is slated tu succeed John 1. Con nelly hb chairman of Councils' Finance Committee, has already sounded a note of vvnrnlng ngiilnst operating the illy nt a cost ln excess of revenues nnd In u re cent statement on the lloor of Common Council promised to deal with the facts relating to city llmincc miner than con tinue the plan of trying to make revenues provide only partly for expenses. In the absence of am big lonn few permnnent Impiovements will bo possible, us Mcyor-clect Smith will have bnlances of lonn mone.vH avall.iblo to the extent of but $iv,nv).ihv Most of thin money is in Items for wink stnrtrd by the present ad ministration and inn only be used to torn pleto the iindet takings planned and np pioyerj by Mayor B'innkctiburg. Provision for nil new permanent Improvements will have .o enme from future loans nnd the Mnvcr-elect, ln nn Interview jesteidnv, declared thnt n now loan would bo pro posed citlv next year ;ANnLK-LIGHT HEADER IUJKNEI) lS-yenv-olil Student Fell Asleep, but Dip Burned On William J White. 307 Washington ave nue, was serloudv binned nbout tho hands and body when late Inst night lie nttempted to extinguish a llrp which oc curred In his bedroom vvhero a lighted enndle Ignited n table cover. ll was taken to tho Sit. Slnnl Hospital. White, who Is 18 jears of age, went to bed nnd started reading by candle light. Falling nsleep, he nvvoke near midnight to find his loom filled with cmoke and tl.itne drubbing up bis bedcovers ho mnnaged to put out the flames thnt had spread fioni his reading table to n nearbv liuteaii lly the time the mother nnd Inother of the young man appeared ho had saved tho homo from destruction, but hnd been painfully Injured In tho effort. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TTPH (or 1IV this) One timo , IJo Pr llni Threa times eno week 12Hc per lint Sll t'mea ono week 10o per lint Bltu"tlons Wanted, thre times on week 10 cents per line per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One nr two tlm rate tor ErrvtNo Lesnn and Pernio Lewies combined la 111 cents per line with the exception of Help Wanted and Bliuatlona Wanted, which Is 15 cents per line. FOP. , TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which is permitted in all classifications ex. cept Help and Situation Wanted, Loot and iA)und. Personal. Hoarding and Itooms. add P1VE CENTS f'LP. LINK TO ANYOPAUOVH HATLd. There is a dnip store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. PERSONALS NOTICE-!! "llLHLliV UIVEN tliat Nuthnn hlls, of -Itiln Woodland aw. hia told ills business to 11. lluiulu. of 4U1U Woodland avenue. jHELF WANTED FEMALE HILL CLLRK and tiplat for bllllns. uttrjuUe Ijotdtlun to one of ability, atntu experience undjiiUry LdtferOfilie DoOKKI.'Kl'EK and stenographer for real es tate office, mufct write u goud hand and havi at least J rara exrerti'iiia at bookkeep Ine Aiply In own handwrillnB. Blvliiff lull IiurtituUra. !ocl talari tor r lull t party, v.lth opiortunity for ud II d-o, U.di;er Office. CHAMHLUWOHK and vvulttnE-Ncai. reliable colored girl (or small adult lainllj, Ciieetnut Hill F II'.'. l-eilger f-'enlral. ClIAMHKItWOHK Hood I cnest girl; reference. Calll71iNurtIilleMhood st. CONFnCTIONLKV packers and wrapper". Apply Acker, 131 North nth at COUK and houaemuld 3 tlrU wanted, family 2; clt reference required. Meet emptuer. Koom ZAi. 1 'utile Ledger Ilclldini;, Irld.ij, at 10 o' clock. COOK Good cook. Apply 4J18 Spruco at., to day nfter 2 o'clock; HOfelEUY Experienced Knlltcra and toppera, alio learners, ateady work: nood pay. IS'.H) North laiwrcnce. HOL'snWOUK Youns Birl for genera) house work in family of three, in uurl. eood home and permanent place fcr rlht person. M S20, Ledger Office. flOl'SKWOniC. ueneral Capable white glrl-or Onuyd. reference. H ai2. Ledger Office. HOUSnWOItK Colored irl. fleep home. arieriy. ia.- i-opmr . OPEKATOR, experienced, on KUUtt-FUher lillllnj: machine, by Urea manufacturing e tabliahment at Riverside, N. J.. tte ep, and salary desired P 4-2. Ledger Central. SALLSLADY, experienced. Apply Acker.l'.'l Korth Sth at. SALESWOMEN Those with experience ln Dry Goods or De jartment Stores, A poly at once, at Jlurcan of Employment, 4V. floor. Strawdrjdqe s. clothier SOFT HAT TRIMMERS Experienced trim mers on men' soft hats, wanted lmmedl. .tely Appply Paymaster's OfQca, John H. Stetson Company, sth and Montgomery ave. BTENOGRAPHER Capabla operator, ona trlth axperienoa praferrcd. state age. exparl 3m8 aal references. F 311. Ledger CectraL HEIiP WANTED FEMAI.E TrriST r.irld nnd ncriirvte. Apply In nwn handnrlllnf:. glvlnc ocf, eTperlrnrn ana ivi- nry fjpoctefl P S2l, Ledcsr Office. WA1THKSSES, rxpcrlenrert; come prepared for work Anply nt ItMtaurnnt, Attn noor, sTiiAw nnrhmi a- ci.oTinnn YOI'NO LADY-rteriernl office work tn Insur ance business, etnte experifnce, rtfprencc and salary cxperted. II Ell ledger Office YOf.VO WOMAN, exMrtenred In casualty In surance; capable of taking full chircn of of fice ami collection of premiums Apply Hoom 7, 1120 Ct-cmnut. J . NOW IS TUB TIMB for young Indira seek ing commercial positions tn consult "M'ss Dean" at I cilgpr f.'cntrnt, Hroml antl Cheat nut sis. A areclnl wrvice Is rendcrd to fiTENortnArtinns. hookki:epi:h.s and Cl.RHKS through the Commercial Dipsrt ment to !.t:r(!f.It ADVKUTlPKnt", nml a. great number of young- ladles havo Men bene fiteii by ihls service tlcnernt 1'HtLA. Women rlovt. clerks exams, coming f 70 mo : sample ques. free: nrlte Immeil'tcly. Franklin Int Rept. 71.-. K. llocheter, N. V. HEI.P WANTED MAJ.E HANK CLERK Young man. experienced nn Innttldual ledger nml ollertlnni preferred. Reply. BivlnR mteniic,', hro and anliry do- .'rrl.J; a.V),LcilBerOfilce Hf-NOIt and floor inouldr wanted. Apply lames llarlier, 1m , uth nnd Casurtn eta. ilov wanted, lrtTscara old: one fimlllnr with miiltlRraph nork nnd ofilLe routine iirrferred. Apply Hoy Piout bCTiltnnrterB pntitliwe-t cor nier fith nnd I'llc'tnut sis HOY, nbout 111, for ofllco work: an aner In own handwriting, slating nge, refer ence, etc si pis, 1.,-dgcr Central. HOVH wanted nbout IS jcnn of iite. llronn ti Hnllev I'o lln N Frnnklln at. UOVS. lit to IS years of nae, neat In npear nhir, an atock clerks. Applr Uiireau nt Km Plovment, IVv.floor.' before It n. m STRAW lmiLK.B rLOTIIinil. CASHIKR nnd foreign exchnngc. Appfirln own handwriting, clvinc aire, cvrerletuq and it'iyren., or mst ran l.rlerr Central nofltuons nciu. r u.i. COOi first. clas order" and dinner cook. II. l.njlenvood.MU Vino rt. IfitVllt.s wiinferi. stendv work; Voadvi ligf sT Applv Crane lie Cieini Compnuy. Sid and JililU.t sts. -Li:fritti'LVf- Voiing man wifli.ome"eic trluil experlenre lut who li nl tneehan Icnllv Incline! stale ge, experience and age- desired. It -1 ., Ledger llrfiie. -TllNIKRH-ieIIera tii grinders nntited. flrst- ( i.iss men oniv. appiv ainnnard itouer-iMnr- Ing I'onu, tin, 4'ltli and Merlon avn MAi'IIINl.T" nnd machine hands. ' ArPly IIOiJ VV Isenhleknn ne SlACllINISlV wnnteil. Apply .tames Darker, lm.uth an, oiyuim t MX LEHMAN -.Mining stock, tiew"":obalf tiota- tlnti. cotircrvatlvn rrrs. ren. Address Mine Mrttiager. lil Richmond avr, llurtalo, N Y, SAi(i:sMt;.-vn.vT are votf iioino to lil.l. PIMM CUMISH YBVlt? ul-i-qith t.'LOSINU I I' Hill? Mil HfllK.VQK AT IIIKI VVVLNUT HT. Ill' MAS V HVI. rlfcl.LHU. foLIi'ITims, experienced, wnnted lmmedl. atelv In tilg subscription campaign, direct lendi with trtteri nf Introduction, liberal tnmmliulon APnlv in person today, from M I n'llnck. to !. II il'Louclilln. PYnnklln Hank Building, riicstnut below llrond, nrst llt.or rmiit eldu or entrnnre. ToOI.MAKEItS. in.cliinUta. nselstnnt tn.ichln lils, scrowmakerx. automatic and hand, able to aet up mid idluxt machine, nnd skilled lahorers, citizens. April In person, Frank ford Areenal, lictwem 8 and n n. in., for vt II rervlio nnpllcitlon. WANTUlv. SALESMEN Experienced In s.clc of reliiforclng Btcel and con, rclo specialties. E.VOI.NEEItS AND ESTIMATORS Abotutely necessary to havo experience In relnfdrced coiicrelo design nnd istlmallug. nRAFdifTSMEN Thoso experienced In reinforced concrete pre firred. M 0.-.I, LEDCir.R CENTRAL V ANTEI llrleklnjer fnreinan for work In and about liethlehcm. I'a. , statu age, married or atng!, experleuc,., nut tonality and Hilary ex peelinl. Address SI !!, Ledger Office WANTED Kov em I tUst-ct.isa lend burners nt incr. Apply I'U'.i Uiiul Tltlo Rulldlng, u ,u in., rild.1) WINlHVCi,EANEItH named Apply Reli able Clennlng Co.. IIS N. Randolph st. tncar .1th nn;lNob ), Voi'NCS MAN, experienced lu Piling orders. In wbole-nle cloth house Address l. O. Ilox .'liiTii Fnlrhlll Hiallon .HI Nil MAN. nbout l. named lii wholesale cloth house, Milnry to stnrt jl. Address 1". O. Ilox 30T", F.tlrhlll Htatlnn. (leneru! nil N. UltOAtl ST, Thn Oldest Original AUTOMOIULE SCHOOL Tt nines i.ou how to lepali and how io drive autoa. J lKTSS.lllN. mtl-AU ST. CANVA-uSEHH cam easi nionci fust setting Christmas proposition, big pruilt. Murnthun Co.. 23 Mouth 4th st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COOK Expirler-ccd, capable woman, ilrst- ''la3 releienio.tec Sllss Heed, Tub. Lwl. COUI-. competent EngtiHli Proteblant, deolrea position good refeicme ir,2 Falriiiount ave. COOIC .sties itrmaiiLnt po.ltlon or laundry woik b day il .int. J-edger Offlco. COOK Experlcm ed American Protestant, un- Uersiundiill brunches II fllii. Ledger Office UlRI Light, neat, colored girl desires to iri lor ductoi'a urflce or will earn for bachelor apirtments Call 2ir.N redtral st. or phono Dickinson ..U12 1 JIOTHEirs HELI'ER for ion mess. CatiioTTcT h-alihy, riilm-d, ounr woman, well edit caied, enpabn nnd expirlenced, tan lako full ctiftrKo of on- or two children or villi uct as ii coippanlon. clt or rounii), J I.VS, l.cdger Ccntnil. NI'I'SL. hospital trntn.; sev "years prai'TteVi prlv. werk, Imloi, tngag- with Invalid: nlu , hdpt . high test A , 1.T.0 Columbia avr, STENDHUAPIIER. .-, 5r.' exp . very raimblr. reliable, best references I' 4M. Led. Central, KTILS'OiiltAI'IIEH il rs exp.. reliable, da sires os In irlv. orflcc. I" :i.-.l. Ledger Cent. hl'ENlirjrtAI'liril, 11 inns.- vu. Pent, uccur": reliable, Intel view solicited. F M.w, Irfd.cent -RAINED Nl'ltHE und mother's helper, ca pable and axiairlenced I'rotestnnt woman, bet. rrfrirnipa. desires position, city or suh. urlis, 1 month l'lionc Woodland ll'l W. Micvfmn.f:!JS7,.,ri?f,'cl,":Rlrnln'. youii!j white .womiii.2itl llenozetst , Chestnut i7lU. WIDOW of refinement C!1) de-Ires inr-ast-ment ol gentleman's Immo. In nr out of city. ',''",",'1u'"ie '.,r" nf Inv.ilM l.idv nr gent J; nian. highest rolereme. 1' ,12, Ledger Cilice! 15.,-e--;aa-yi,,ty,'bNrcM' "Tlja. Tell. 4 'ILl&n-r-'?.1' Wnrlt 'vllh'r'""3""' C?J,i;i-:iJiAAT,fK-. e'flcient. union- and moat valuablo jwrvhn la rendered through the Com. Heiurtmeni . ii llrma .eeklng high .rude uflli. help, "Mils Dean" nt Ledger i entml has ll-ted the quullrlc-uiliins nf joung ladiea exiierlencivl in all kinds of offlee detail work, nnd has had sperul inilnlng In so" Imilng "the right terson for the rlaht posi tion Auiualnt her ivlth your n.edn .Ither b peionl call ur telephono Walnut ::ua nnd peraonal aittntbui will bo given piomnt- jrDvdi-'isftia frt' strUte ,u uhmuh SITUATIONS WANTED MAZE ACCOL'NTANT-Ilookkeeper. tlr-t claw experl. -need in oftho management, costk, credits, collections, Lorre-pandetie-. meth ods, ability and refiretues ortercl ,11'IJ Arclu Al'ARTMEN'T caretakers Young couple, sober and reliable. Add W. Ilr Jji . Ibuo Qreen at. HOUKKBEPKH - -.xp.rlemed reliable, em ployed bl ilav, vaiils evening work. Ad- ditta Rookkieier. 221s Sit tinon st. ROY. 1U. light house duties with prlvuie Urn. " ,...Slu"- "" "c-rmantown an-. Ctai. nut Hill. BUSINESS MAN, ago UT. comprehensive ex- icara in real tstatc. nunuiacturlng and cen tral ting busmem. past 12 years ivRn InvcM inent 1-iiikera us -.desman and manager, highest credentials, uualined for anl dtujlro high-grade position inning to travel or lo cato in any part of norld. JJ 0, Ledger Ott, ClfAUtT'EL'fvUhiY position: 2ear last Binployer. g'JOd rets, p r7, ledger Central. CHAUPFEUR-Exp. young Engilshnwn; will ucceptpoltiun aa2d manJ Ua. JjmX Cent. CLERK or tTniekeei er Yluiik man. marrl-d 21, wishes p'sltiou, vilth chance for advance ment, k' 111, Lodger Central COLORED MAN und wife wish positions, "3 years' rcierence. nun, good butler, wife, good cook. 1T0U Mdlson st J MAN. single, ago fll, r-sourceful, energetic end some perboiility. lu years' ixperUuce factory, office und street uork. u-sillim mutt be man's slxe. requlrlnK constructive and productive ability, eharauer of work or hours no obJt. Itox 7 Lodger Branch Of. Ike. PUm-nd and Ridge. MAN. middle-aged, warns position, clerhal work In office, viillitig to work for reasonably ni.ll wage Addrssa 22B S. 3d si W. A. MAN ANn"w"lFE. white. vvUh sltuatlona, but ler and h--smn; wife, cook, will do entire work, reterwicwi. I 23, Ledg-r Office OFFICE ASSISTANT Young B-an, 207 t"plsiT wishes iiosltlou 4 ears' experience. Adiireaa F ..41, l.edgsr Central. SALESMAN, experlenetd ln caipeia, '!ru, reil estate, at urcssat amploycd, desires to taf change P 3m. Leditr CMural- SALESMAN (clothing) Young man. also expe rienoad tailor. Addrwa V 330. ledger Central. STOCK ROOM und shipping dept work vvant: ed, gMd. relUble worker, I'h. Walnut 7211. Wrth. tfOUNI MAN for clerical duties, capable, experienced lest ot referea-ea- F 4-8. Ledger Ccmr4 i;c-i,riic- iMiiwi cnjuaLiuu iii ian, several SITUATIONS WANTED MAIiE YOVNO m'aN, 21, Ineipertenred, flexlrn posi tion in retail business where honesty ana willingness -ire the rs-jentmls: low w-agea. F 4, ", 1-edfter Central YOt Nf M.WB years' bank experience, wishes 1 1 utilise his spare time In any rapacity. .lift ledger ntfirc ONfl MAN single, wishes pos aa assistant gardener in prnaio famllv , hest ref. from lasl place. Add Jame Herron, OlenaM. YOt N(J JtAN wlxhea position ns stenographer . aIakI. -- ..- --i AvnaplAnrArl A.1i1 fi-llsl V A . i.1 Smith n.i at V -l NO M.VN, mnrrfed, wants iwsltlon of nny Itlnl D ill, ledger Office. VoUNfl .vFan desTres position of any kind", high c hno.d-icstl iiv V ,11 1. Ledger Office. ATTENTION ' -0 vou want ..nung man with praeti-nl and merhantcal engineering experi ence, good en factory or of flee svstem work, nisi meehnnl.-al dealgnlng" V .113, ttl Lent. RETIRED nnvnl officer dailre. posltlm of trust, good executive. K 216. Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AttENClES COOK wants housownrk nr cooking In Germ-Mown or Chestnut Hill, housework girl wants position In country, first-class help wants position. Mls Rose Doughertv 13U Olrard nve. WANTED nt Mrs Kann'a, .511 P IPth St.. girls for chimbcrwnrk and waiting. dnvn fctalrs work anil cooking, second man, city, Apple 10 n. m Referenco rertlred. MRS KANE fill S llith st,, wishM lluatlonn for 2 excellent famllj , ooke, 2 and 3 yr-us cltj referriices plain wnltrsea, butlers, eto. Spruce nun MRS M"AftYT. .MCCARTHY. 2l0f. Christian (Loe. rial), supplies : wants Ist-elasa I'rot , CHh male nnd female hnlp, nil natlnnalltlex rittST CLASS. REFERENCED HELF SUF I'LIETi ANfl WANTED Ideal. 1S.14 Itaod st. j'hone Dlrklnson 1409. MRS MINiSLAtT, 1P.0 Christian (Dleklnsot! r.1.1), supplies all klndi of help, malo rend fe male Cntholi, nnd Protestant chef, rcfer'ces. NICHOLLS. 111211 IMinhrl-KO at ; competent malp and femalo halpi r.U nationalities AUTOMOBILES I'or Sale ntont.ow.W!Lt,ir motor co. USED rAtlS The following cftta hao ben ther nughly overhauled nnd made lipchttn- Irnlly right, nnd can bo bought nt reasonabla ptlces. CALL FOR I1EMONSTRAT10-." tfliO OVERLANtt. TotlfinB into TAinE. Model tlollyvveod inir. I'AinE. Model Fairfield tni.n DETROITER, Toutlne 1P11 DETItOITEtt, TeurlnB 11114 OVERLAND it, Touring 1D1I l'AIOE, Mmlel at.nweod Iflll tJflCK, Model R 2.1 1013 HUDSON, repainted tl J. t Touring, cost f.l-On mnELOW-WILLEY MOTOR CO. 301 NORTH nttOAD STrtEET PHONES Dell, Spruco Olio Keystone, Race IB-2 Ask for Mr. S. S RO-JOT.RS AFTOMOntLi: SALES CORPORATION 112 NORTH 1IROAD STREET Distributor of tho Cadlllao "Eight" ANNOUNCES AN UNSURPASSED SALE Or USED CARS of nil standard mall lneludlnir the most rnstlv. which tneir t miner- hitvo P-ehnnttnl for ine . Typo t,i. Cadillac "Eight." Wtfra svvamped for room un must sen at once, PRICES ARE UNPARALLELED nnd this In face of tha fact that shnrtarr- or materials is bound to send nutomoblle prices skyward soon, Enclosed Cgra, Touring Cara and Roadstera nil In running order, many repaired nnd overhauled. IF YOU WANT A C.OOD CAR AT THE LOWEST PRICE NOW IS THE TIME TO GET IT OPWN EVENINGS UNTIL DECEMBER IS UNHEARD OF HOLIDAY OPFBniNaS OF USED CARS We nro offering better value- In used cara m lower Prices th-.n over before.. The following have been taken In ex change for -VHIT. CAUS. 1012 WHITE lirT i.ociivioiiii.F- 111 .STEARNS-KNIOIIT, Illll UlCIIMORILE. ifl. ifi-VS-DFRYKA. 1 Hi STEVENS-DURVEA lllifl PlF-RCF.-ARRpW. 1011 PlEIICE-AItlfOW. TRUCKS -i.nviv svi'l-R 3-TON PACKARD These cars aKo nil In tlrst-claas coiullllon 1 and will bo sold at sacrlllco prices, ' NO REASONABLE OIT'ER HWUSED Call for Demonstration. i. c. 1dsj;u 51d NORTH imOAO STItBBT PHONES: Rcll.. Sprue? OHJA.. ICe stone, llaca itSS, COLE aitAKT FKb'D CAUS u s. Bownns coju'.-NY q 13-211 North Hroad street. ntn Cale pempnstrBtori nit iio lit I Jci tIU 4U"II!K . avers HaaiUter Jetf-rv ltO-lst- ( Overland Tuuring VHlie ,4aiK GRAKT COLS USEP CHS nUIOK 51OT0U CO. ?3 NOUTJI CRQAIs ST, 1015 Ill'ICK Maiiet C-?l RoadsUr. 1914 JIUICK 3!odl IW tcytiadjr T.pass. sngor Touring. 1914 1IU1CI- Mislel R-3I Touring. 191U iiuiu-c Mouet ii iourniB. I WE ALSO IIAVS ON HANP 191S VIILIB Delivery, S40. 1U14 OVERLAND Tourl-e. 1013 VELIK 6-uasier TrlB. 1915 CADILLAC Toy Tonnwu. AUTOCAR. -rt-ctas 4-cyIlnder. Jut. overhauled. In aa.ciinc Ml-UCER CO. (!D N Tlroacl at conuiiLou. can 00 ooiusit at BERUDOLL Roadster iSeat 3). lout -lodvi olectric lights, 2 imw ttrys. 2 sxiius. pldid condition. Just overhauled, very siuGgiy, chtup (or cash. Call or writa W SAUN DERS. 4QS Drexel IHJg. CADILLAC. 1B1B. eight; condlfon like new; completely equlppodl ' immediate delivery, price J 1100. - LOCOMOR1LE, 2314 SUrket sL; Locust 4M. H A JENKS. Manags Exchange Car Dept. ELECTHP KlNAliOUT for sale -Havlnt; too rnftliv maihiues. I desire tu sell onu of my laer El lii-M. cuuipped with a. coup body for wincer and an open body complete with top anl windshield, for ummsr . all la solendld condltiea. Can b4 ssca at loja Uuttoawood iU AUTOMOBILES for Pnle FRANKLIM enra, all models, overhnoled and gunranteed. F. L. Paxson.J410 Chestnut aL MERCER roadster. In fine shape, electric lights, top, windshield, speedometer and eloctrle horn Mercer Co , COO N. Uroad, FEERLESS, 1913. T-paasenger. 0-ryllnder, In perfect condition, electric starter and lights, slip eovats, finish like, new, at a hnritnln MERCER cr (100 N Jlroad at STUDEI-AKER. IPI4, Limousine, with electrio llghta nnd self-starter. OOMEHY-SCHWARTZ. 253 N RROAD ST. STriiBRAKER COFPE beiutlful winter or summer car, built for two nnd a seat for tha rmbj 2KP) N 2tt st ALMOST A CHRISTMAS "I'RESENT FOR somebody A 1013 $37,"0 Silent Knirht Mo tored Car: S500 for quick sale HAFLEIUU & CO American and Cambria xts. ALL KINDS of second-hand AUTOMO- HILES Hut'OlIT. In anv condition MAURICE FIHCHMAN 8111 HMhjt. All P.irts Pierce-Arrow Six-60 M4 DIAMOND ST. FHONE PARK 410. "BEND FOR FRfiF TlUf.LET-N- )F isuii rAna OOnSON AfTO EXCIIANOE 23. N RROAD A r.-fABSENOER PACKARD "CAR. T5T model In perfect condition, enn be seen by appolntmht Telshone Fox Chase Iflo, ALL CARS BOUGHT FOR PARTS RCHOHEH. ai41-4.4.1 Market H. Wanted . STOP! I.OOKI AND LT8TEN1 Wo buy old autoa in nny wrecked condition; rtl our price before you pell them Phona or wrlto Southwestern tunk Co 170", 7 Carpenter. OLD At'TOMOHILES WANTED Any condition, bc't prices WHITE, 4M0 1'rnhrln st . Mannvunk Phone Mannyunk 3-21. WANTEIv-Mercer raceabnut. 11112 or 1bI5 mndel. stnto full pnrtlrulnra F 247, Led ger Central Al'TOMOMILES, arond-hnnd wanted for parts I' .Mill. Ledger Ofllce At'TOS wanted for Junk, Oft our priest first. Phone Park 4in nil Diamond. WANTED -Touring enr'nt once, brlncar for Inspection 3(1ir. Emerald st AUTO SUPPLIES INVENTORY RALE OFARANTHED HREY INNER TORES 30x1 tl.BJ LSI Guaranteed American Px'l N. S Tires. .J.7.2- iiii, i irvi B.00 1".-. 4. SO 2.4S .40 .- Motot uio runes, an sizes .. . Fori lladlator Covers: rcg. f-1 teg SI2 Itprknmn VVool Rohss Me hanlcul Hand Horn. reg. S... Champion X Srark-Phtgs (4 hamplon A r Priming Plugs l lii i stone Urease A stHltrlnrd miiK-s rr nrsi lino second tires In stock ut speclnt prlcoa, goods shipped C. O. I on npprnml AFTfl SPECIALTIES CO ir.ll. N. IIROAU ST.. PHlLA. Prll i hone. Spruce 1103 Onen Evgs. AUTO LIVEKY AND GARAGES TO tllUE (open diy nnd night) Brand-new K-piis- touring enr with robes, 1.23 hour: nls i i new 7-i afs limousine $1 o hour: weldings, funerals eti Poplar 1017 W. M'ttRi, NEW ilARAilE, Clin fllraril nvs. u i,pen for service- with tho finest up-to-Into ciulpniMit storige S3 up drop In and look It over, or phono llolcttit 11130. AUTO REPA --( J SPEEDOMETER THO. 3 t T 7 7 7 SEE BILLY-MS N. BROAD T CYLINDERS REBORED. "new pistons sir-I rings furnished, weldings und brnxlng. IL Q. UnJcrwrod ,Cn. 1025IIamlllon st Pblla. AUTOS stored and repaired, rensnnablo rates. Ouenther'a Garnge, 111 N liOth Belmont 0498. AUTO SUPPLIES . HEARINGS , Now Departure -rv Hta , The Owllllam Co., 1311 Arch st Phone Walnut .1107 Raco Sooi. AUTO TIRES OPENING SALES THE TIRE TRADING CO. 1317 ARCH ST. SPECIAL BALD ON TIRES AND TUBE8 O ray Red tubes tubes. (tilnrnntff,-. Plain. NonsMd, 25x3 . . 503 . :;oxX'i;. :t2xav. :nx4 . 33x4 . 31x1 . 30x4 . Kxl'j. ixPj. 3HX.1 . 37x3 Sll .-. 2.1 f 1 TO $1.10 ..'..25 ".Ml 7 7.1 S25 a.i i-.r,n 11.110 13.PO 11.00 1,1110 1(1 00 1 2.1 i.r,n 1.711 1.00 1.03 2 in 2. SO 3.00 3 21 3.73 ' 4 00 4 7S 7.111 hSI !l M) 11 411 12.20 13.IS) 14 7.1 1II.I"! 17 (l 18 UU 1 an 1.1 A a. io 2 10 2.7B 3(10 3 2.1 :i. "hi 3 7.1 THE TIRE TRADING CO. Jobbers In Tires nnd Tub. a 1317 ARCH ST Phone, Wnlnut 108 PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 404) miles. Cnmparo prices. Gasoline l.'c. per gallon. ORIM'S, 23H N. Broad St. DUPLEX TIRDS-Moro miles per dollar than nny other tire. 222S N nitOAD ST. DIAMOND 1834. DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH HOLIDAY PRESENTS Just arrived new im- ici-.-it--, it. jusi armeu new nu ll singing Ilnrt Mountain cana. ill Eierv bird guaranteed good gen of eer tlest rlptlon Call porlutliin tin, ries. j em u Kfnpr Ptipp viher- con ulll find largest nnd best stock to si let t from E VAIILE. -HO Market st FINE Yiil'NU doubm cellow-head Mexican parrots. l each; erv bird Is guaranteed that II will leuni to talk: cages $1 5i up ward . largest stoiit In cit to select from. E C VAIILE. .110 Market st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES S PER CENT Accumulative prefirrcd stock, with stock bonus offered by FOWLER STANDARD LAMP CO., (Manufacturers of incandescent electrio globes) OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING. liAIti:-OPPORTUNITY A great chance for buslne-s tnv-stnuiu fruin $1(M0 to t2,000 in u Kofng loncern, closest Imiulry solicited: cert-ifn and large rtturn. it's uoith Knonimc .out If ou ure iiitinsted. Address D 2u, rfdger Office. - PATENTS ARTH Fit E PAIGE 714 Walnut i . Phlla , and electrlcd! .engl- Beer, registered patent attorney established ere .'HI yenrs inventlona dec eloped patents, trademarks, copyrights secur-d nnd liti gated anywhere reloted applications prose culed. prtdhnlnari itliUe fne - YOUNG MAN wants another to Join him In two full! etoiked cash etores I will do the hard work if ou will tako charge of tho cash, must hai. $200i) cash and be willing to Rive bust effurts In n safe, prodtablo bust pesM, reterenc. exchanged D 'IPO, Ledger Oftico. AN INVESTOR with 13000 to "join syndlcata of prominent men underiirtttng a new enter prise. Money fully secured by real estate; re payable in ono i ear or less, iarrtng liberal bonus of atock. Highest reference asked and Given, F 243, Ledger Central. TO A MAN with established business looking for centrally located propertv I can offer my aH-tiion building for munufaiiturlng or commercial purposes aooui a.uj square reel. fipiy vv. ii. ui'i-ioui. in spring uaraen st. iona Market 2U70. Pho A 23,UUO CORPORATION has ofttca of pr-si-dept vacant i'ur fxitanslon wo require ahiut SIO DDil To the right nnrty uttractlva proo sll Ion will be made uthl control of your awn capital Party familiar uiih uutomoblla bust- ii--s preferred, Ad iress F -41, Ledger Cent nitOP l-L'KLT COAL YARD ON P AND R FOR RENT. JiO MONTHLY. 030 WEST TIUUA Bl PIVIDEN1) of from 12 Pr ent upward par annum on lni-sun.nt from jlo tu 41000 send rastat fw particulars. The People's Rowing; Co , Abur Part N.J """ VICTtlR J EVANS J- CO Patent Attarnecs Washington D. C. Write lor descriptive booklet. altOWlNO ORCHARDS all acta lor sale. HARRY DARLINGTON ll.'l) Chestnut st PIOTFRK THEA-RB for real. J75 mo., com plete seats 5ts) molern no competition! bar gain, other prop. HARRIST 201 N Broad. BAKERY, dwelling snl fixtures old-astan cor., main t. good condition retiring good stand, without opposition L H'J. Led. Cent BUSINESS PERSONALS bUPERFLLOUS HAIR removed by electroly sis, the only texmansut way. eyebrows arc-ted. MISS SMITH, 403 Keith Theatre Bldg. Miss Hoppe, halrdr-stlng. facial massage. uwBicurUig form. Mint Arcade, with il! SnJth. FULL I) KB-a SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack SulU To hire and toads to order. NSUUAUBR, THE TAILOR. IB N. th at run phona Walnut SfilS. " EVENING CIX5THES TO HIRE Full drs and Tuxeiu suits, latest styles: siUi a&d opera hcta. oiicn evenings. SCJIUITT: 221 N Mb St. FULL DRESS SUIT- All nsw. stylUh goods: large as-ortment SAMUBL COOPER, 101Q QIRARD AVE. PHONE POPLAR 6342, DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY WE REMODEL your old jewelry Into tbs lt est dUns at fjLtory prices MARTIN W ABRA-S. 7U 8nom t FJuladcl I U. I BUY dlaoi jntai jwe ry aol pawn it ksu tot cash Apply 2 10 to 4 SO p. a. Wca Fll;fc Room 303, 02 Chestnut st iMhcr Cla.jinta Ad, ea cxt l'um ;ri ! 1 1 1 ii is! i ii 1 m WEST tl irrl np r.l ' --- - --1s--ajs