fUHgttmh y f iifW 8 EVENING- LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1915. .v-rtY & 10, t; n. if !- m m ODD FELLOWS' LODGES MEET GRAND OFFICERS Weekly Visits of State Ofllcinls Stimulate Lodge Work and Increase Membership The 20th nnnlvarsniy of tmncrlal Lodge, No. 1035, wns appropriately celebrated nt Its last meeting In the t'.irkwny ISultcllnfr. Broad nnd Chcrrv streets. Souvenirs, refreshment nnrl n varied vatldovlllo entertainment were tho -enjoyable features provided for the more ttmti BOO members and RUests In attendance. Tho program Included Smith and Puvnl. musical artists; Arthur Kronn, novelty Jilggler; Dan McOnrrlKan, popular sours; Andy Dover, pianist, and John Costello. tnonologlst. Among the notable frators present were Grand Master J. V. Hale Jenkins, of Norrlstmvn. and Grand Secre tary Usher A. Hall, of this city. Tonight Imperial Lodge will initiate a class of candidates as a llttlng start for Its new year. Past Oranii Patriarch Samuel 11. Pop and lie were honored guc;ta of Temple Encamp ment, at a Urqclj nttimlM meeting, held Tues day evenlwr. In the Purknny llulldlnir. After the trnn-mctlon of routine liunlnrss, the doors were opened and the ladles nn.l friends ad. mlttcd. The fpeclal Ruest of the onlnir, Samuel H. I'ot.e, was made 'he recipient of MUltAhlv lnerlhil Pnt rlrnnil PAtrlAt-rh'ft lMl the pteaentatlon lulitreaM i rltiK i.uuie ny urand Secretary of the Urand Lodge C.her A. jirii. .Mond.tr evening Urand Master .t. P. Hale Jenkins, accompanied liv hl Mnff of Brand lodee officers made .111 n. nclal ilslt to l"os Cluun Lor'ite Wille the Ktnrmy weather tna tcrtHlly Intereferred 'with the promised at tendance. wliHt was I irklne In numbers win more than mnde up In the Intercft thirnn. and the markeil ntt.ntlnn kicii to the lnplrlnir addresses delivered I y the Brand officer, nho braved the winter's storm, to fullill tho prom lscl oftlclal enensen-tnt and vlfltatlon. The 70th nnnhersiiry of (leneral Harrison LeJRe, was entnynhly relelnatcil In tho Park way llulldlnir, laft wick. A Inuuiuet ai served, anil addn-s55 v.rre delKercd by Past Orands John K. HHhnnc, Joseph T. Taylor, U Daniel Arentr. It. p. Trlrker, Jr.. Predorlek V Welstenlirrit, t.i.uls M. Levy, Urand Master J. P Hale Jenkins. Urand IMuc.itor Utant Mc Ulutherv, Urand Pcret.iry Cotter A. Hall and other notable visitors, who noke. In a con prHtiilntory vein of the lodee nnd Its enviable record. Thl lodco has been a remarkable one In mnny ways never hnvlns, at any time, more than LW) mi mtii rs. nln-ava alli nnd actlvo In stipport of the parlous homes supported by tho order, and other prn'e.'ts almlntr for the ad vancement of Odd Fellowship. There nre now rt n;emlMTS who have been connected with the lodge oicr .'0 venrs, and T2 'ithers for ,1 period or upwards of 21 sears each. Benefits hae been nld continuously to members for periods of 70 years, amounting In one ease to $S,mhi, and In mother to 2511, Tho Present officers of the lodge are; Noblo Urand Walter S. Mnurey Vice Urnnd William K. Oross, Third Member of Heller Committee W W. Knox. Secrrt.m fienrge H, Wlswell and Treasurer Daniel W. Shafetoo'.i. The rellgloui aervlrcs Sundav afternoon at the Home for Orphans of Odd Pellnws In Oermantown were In charge of Kldelltv IdRp, No. 13 The aermon waa delivered by the Hev. Wttldemnr Jansen, rector of Bt, Jolm'H Pree Protestant llpiscopal Church, anil anthems were rendered by the vested choir of the same ehurch. A so- ?rano solo, by Miss Mary Tinon. selec lons by the children chorus and orchestra nnd a children's lllble drill, under the di rection of Ueorgo III1I. were other pleos Inir featurea of the progrnm. Remarks were also made bv President Charles H. D. ltlchnrtlson nntl Kobert Love. The Committee on Ttellglons Services sti pervlseJ tho divine ejerclsea held .Sunday afternoon In tho Odd 1'ellows' Home. 17th and Tioga streiitn. Tho Itov. 11. Wherry Jamison, pastor of the the Culled Prcabv terinn Church, 17th nnd nutler streets, nreai-heil a sermon, while musical selections were provided by tho choir of Dcvercaux Memorial Methodist Church, under the di rection of C. H. Whitman. Thomas Hlpps, president of the home, delivered a brief address. The second degree will be conferred by the lci-rco start of Hprlne Garden I.odce, "No PI), tonight upon Frederick 51. nurn ham. A ParlcB Ilurton nnd Walter It. l.ep ley The degree staff of thla lodgo Tuesday evcnlns next will visit Chosen Friends' JiOdKe. No. 1O0, on the;. Sixth floor of the Parkway Building, nnd exemplify In full ceremonial form tho tlrst and second da- 5rees uvan several candidates. Hprlng Oar en Lodge will cclchrato Its 71st anniver sary by a complimentary entertainment for members and their friends on January 13. Tho religious services nt the Itebckah Homo. iTin aireet nun Ailegneny avenue. Huniin: the dav afternoon, were conductod under direction of Prenldent Mrs. JIary A. nngelmnn. who spoke briefly, while tho mu- Bicai lea-.urcH were ronuiicreu uy .virs. An nie Htnckliouse, accompanied by Mrs. C. II. Whitman. k The degree staff of Mllle Lodge conferred the I Initiatory degree nt Its last meeting upon Can didates M. Harry Hanly, fSeorge K, Merrick, John Llpsett. Jr.. Arthur W. Mitchell, Jame. Sohy nnd C 11 Hclchner. The attendance was not aa largo u usual, owing to the visitation to Oxford Lodge on tho previous Wednesday night Past Grand Matthew Wiley was among the honored visitors. Tonight a Urge attendance of members and vlsltora Is expected, as the degree staff of Oxford Lodge, nf Franltford. will he present nd confer the tlrst degree In full form upon all waiting candidates. The first convocation of the lllh District for this season will be held with Clnclnnatus Lodge. No. 20H. Monday evening In Clnclnatua Hall, corner Front and Norrls streets. Grand master J. P. Halo Jenkins and staff will ba present. The speaker of the venins will he Calvin A. Althouac, professor of ihe Hoys' High School. All Odd Fellows wilt be wel come. Meri harts' Lodge. No. 2M1. la having Inter esting and well-attended sessions everv w.!f. At the last meeting the first degree was Elven tn an impressive manner. Among the visitor were Brother J. Adams, of Gr'ce Lodge. Ports mouth, Va : District Deputy fl. M. Hrannon, of Mills Lodge, nnd Past Urand It. Litchfield, of Arcturus Lodge. The second degree will be worked at the session tomorrow evening. At the session of Kenderton Lodge. r0, 2iM. Tuesday evening J. T. Loux, vlco president of the Odd Fellow a' employment bureau, reported that during the current year employment had been secured for f,07 applicants. This lodge will have charge of the religious services at the tlebekah Home, 17th and Allegheny ave nue, Sunday afternoon next. AMERICAN MECHANICS Willing Workers' Association Plans Work for Aid of Wenker Councils An Interesting feature of the last ses sion of John R. Martin Council was the debate held by the debating team of the council. The subject of "Shall Capital Punishment be Abolished" was well han dled by tho teams. The carnival held by the council on Friday and Saturday evenings wus a success, both nights be-,.lng- well attended by members and ulends. ' The Past Councillors and Willing Workers' Association held its monthly meeting In Room 727. Stephen Glrard building, Saturday evening. The meeting was well attended by the Willing Workers of the district. Plans were discussed for th aid of weaker councils, and visita tions were arranged for the month. The Entertainment Committee on the 63d an niversary of the order reported that May J.7 was the date upon which the anniver sary was to be held. George SI. Poinsett Council Is arrang ing another class Initiation to bo held Bhortly after the first of the year. Polu. sett Council has determined to make a JOO per cent, gain for the coming year, fter seeing the degrees exemplified b the Murlln degree team. Poinsett Coun. ell decided to have a degree team of Its own 01 the floor; for the next class In itiation. Fred M. Wagner Council htll an interetln rneetlr-K Monday awning, when a number of propositions were read by the secretary. The dtree tesm irom Strpben Cltrard Council will pny u fraternal visit to Wagner Council on the tlrst M'.nday ln January and oxamphly the desree to lb many candidate that are now tclas taken into the council. A rrlnstrrl show will be given by the guard cf Jol.n K. Armstrong Council Monday eve MJ. December 20. for the benefit of tha council. The members of the minstrel team hae been practicing faithfully and promise to elvs a g')id snow. Stephen Glrard Council U working bard for fee jot) nark for lta next class. The work will be put on the dtgrts team of Stephen Olrard Council Borri With Six Teeth A baby boy with six perfectly good teeth waj born last night la Mr. James piamoad, 1839. South F-4irb.Ul street. The teeth arv wclior. three In the upper and tfere J thR lower Jw- Physicians aald wear Wfti uw casjgiwa yry unusual. TRIBAL WORK OF ORDER OF RED MEN : Begrcc of Pocuhontns and Hay makers' Association Attract Many New Members Hrenl l'oc.-iliotitns Catherine rtitlhoff and (Ireat Keeper of Ueoords Pauline Do ii.,r,-., !,,. i.,. ,..t.i iin it,..,.. l, Itatirre Have l-t en makltn n trip tbrnush Schuylkill County nnd the cttrtl teslons, seekltis to stum nto the tvorls of the Jle- Krce of 1'oinhonl.i:!. At Arlilnnd, In the tepee of Sohuylkill t'lunty, N'o. 170, lltey Witnessed the ndnptlun nf n rlnss of 37 palefaces, nnd at all points found evi dences of an nb'dlntc Intefest In the work and a determined effort to srt'tdi the .nu merical strength nf ilf orsnnlatlon. In the Rood wn.Ms of the ordef the) Schuylkill County Arfoclntlnti, recently nrcaiilzed bv riront UVnnnnh llneli.-in. DrldK'cn, Is dolliir efiVetlVe missionary wnilt, and will tnnleMalli nld III seoiltlim the Itirro.ise of Vtt tuemhors asked for by the fln-nl Pocahontas. Uynln Tribe. NT. .". Iris heen achelng sne- eiaiiy satN nclory iesi days of the vear Th suit! tntng tn" nosing pa?! six weeks atone lcdrtg .1 iri'i o ti rnlefaces. The metn hers have heel loulnu in i fact that the farhem lias set a be next Tuerdny iiUht.as a night iMln 'Iprillv fur i.. urther enllgllt enn.ent o, the tntnc new u:rm' els. A humlwr 01 iMici.-i.rii win ,! it'totteii, giin tno nowiy- made Ited Men . imilrr ilmme to fee the de- (tree uorli .mil, l-i ndnltl.-n. Miort talks of Instruction will hi- mule ,is tnllmvs: . "Kreenom In U-. mnnsMp." Itmther Charles 11. Iliiher, !, n.hl'-p 111 He tmanshlp," P. s. !. !. CoBgish-il. iba;lt In Heilmon- rv.'"1'.. !'.. f; v"!!?i-.. ' "":? 'lledmiinshln In the Past.".!', M Willi. in It. I;tler. illld .Ited- liinli-hln nf Tihlii. 'P. H. Jnttiii I., ftotlchi-rtv. Thh el an lntinMilli,:i In tribal word, de slgne.l to nt..,e t all rindbliites nnd famll lailr.e them wlih th" prln-lii,es nnd Irnterhnl Held of work i thh. gii-ul brotherhood. Mlnok Tribe, No. Ml. I, ti. II, M held its weekly meeting on Fildm list, and the usual tribal business w,-s traittiMcted. t'nRt tfachem . ,. .11.11 tin nnd ! ,im Hiuhm William ope Warriors held the bint contest of flonrhnll el plavod, Ihe IhntcH winning bv the store of 12 gn.ils to ! It u.ts nectss.iry to Phi.v for 1111 nuiiiiiouai rcri'iu n: mi- nnnuics 10 nccitic the B.'ime. as the .cere ,tno. 11. 1 nt the. end of Ihe second half. Ilmthei Itelss and Hnliii had a collHuii during the that few nilnutes nr play mid time b.1.1 to lie lalb-il to levlvo Ilrother itelss. who un" forced tn retire from tho game. The nrin igement ti nwalttng nnws of the game whuli was inonilsi'd with Mo I1.1t e Tribe bv I leputy Miisgioie. Poconta Trlle, No. al. during tho last few suns has bei n u.itliiilng ln pabiaees and hav ing a lame attendance at even meeting. llrothir Lluj.l, ..I Ihe Pnlled Stulei. steam ship ul-10, pr pnscd a candidate on last 1-rl-dai's pe.-p-Ir.i Shaw-and the iidaptlon de gree was perioimed upon the new member. llre.it Siu'hrni Hamuit II. Walker nltended the mietlni; on this ilu-p .ind favored tho.10 prescn' with an luieiestitig tilli. P.int K.ichem I'.i.i ml vt iImhi, the venerable pruphci it the Mate m 1'innsylvanla, was also present with his happy smile, and ro f.elvcd the glad hand irom those present. IMs l Sachem l'lsj-cl, one nt Pncoiit.-i's old members, waa v-resiiit, nl-n Past Sachems llul len, Camero, Melvin, lirectibalBh and Mchol on. Matcaca Tribe, No. :I7U. luul several bmthera enroll In the Improxed (irdir of Ited Men Fu neral liinetlt IPlmburse.iici't Asanclnllun on last Monday's sleep, and all brothers who have not enrolled for the (CMi funeral benefit nro urjed to do sn nt their earliest convenience. Til-' fre for enrolment Is ."U centa up to IP years ef age. The nroercslie tdnochle party was 11 social Nuccess desplCe the nclement weather. Tbe first pilze was won bv Mrs Penrose , McClaln an I mother Willi 1111 .1. WIU The following ladles acted ns patrcnesses: Mrs. (Jeorgo K. Craig, Mrs. T. Ilan. Fre.irson, Mra. John I. Foley, Mrs. ,1. Ilutle-. Mrs Walter U. List. Mrt William T. Il-tirl. Sr., Mrs. Willl.ini II. Howell. Mra Frank Mum-hen. Miss Kltle He boid, Mrs. llenrv It-ilHild. MIim Anna .1. Sum mers, Mrs. Walter liucscrob!t end Mrs. Sam uel J. Urave. Tho Social liven. ng Committee deserve a credit for the general conduct of the event. P. S. Dr. John T. Ferley. chairman: Louis F. Mnyer, secretary: George lv Cinlg, treasurer; P. S. Walter G. List and Ilrother Samuel J. Graves comprise the committee, nnd announced that tho next progressive pinochle patty will be held Monday, February 17. Piute Tribe, No. 2r,l, .had a large attendance of warrlora nnd braves assembled In Its wig wam at ItB last meeting In Do.ik'a Hall, P.iss yunk avenue and .Moore street. A 'discussion was had as to the excellent work of the D.i liotah Association and a donation made to aid It In tho extension of 'Itji operations. ' To stimulate mombir.ihlp Increase, the tribe has offered a prize of a solid gold emblematic mark to the member proposing the largest number of candidates for the term ending In March next. Tho wind-up of the membership contest of Tioga. Trlhe. No. 3.1S, was fittingly celebrated last Thursd.iv'H sleet,. Tho losing team, under the captaincy of Walter Ilaumgnrtel. prepared I it leiiijniiiK ii'ji.ini ... vii n uiiu ,vii o 11 i.'i iiiv victorious team, under the captaincv nf Fran;: Zelrlnger. Two prizes were awarded to the most successful contestants by the tribe. II. G, Sachem Albert Pferferkorn presented an Indian picture to Sachem Harry M Stnll and 11 similar token to Past Sachem Frank .elrlnger. 1'. G. Sachem John K. Pooro made a pleasing; nddregi of encouragement, tolloued by Past Sachem Wellington Humphries, captain of the degreo team. There has been a noticeable Increoso ln the attendance at th- meetings nf Penobscot Tribe, No. 7U. during tho pant u-.onlb, duo to the efforts of tho entertainment eommlttco tn hav ing some entrrtatnment tor tne uicuictrH every meeting night. On last Thursday night 11 ; quoit contest, between members was held ' with llrothers Julius Scluili and Wnlter How- I ard as the winners. The checker players, inotnrrs William lierry and Joseph J. Zanc, played icvenil games Ilrother William lierry being tho winner. A smoker Is being arranged to. tho near futuin for members and their friends. Deputy Great fachem Joseph W. a. Smith, Is plannlns to held a large district inectlnir In I the wigwam of Nevada Tribe. No. 10, hepvlvu and Norrls Ftrrets, on tho sleep of January 11. The following trlli-s promised to send Urge delegations I'lmas Tribe. No. "-.'; Saklma, No. II: Navajo, No. 111,1; Knwanlo-Chee-Keteru. No. iwi; Sago, No. 15'.'. and Novudo, No, ill. The deputy alro invlti-H members 3f all local tribes to participate. On last Wednesday's h)evp, VuIki Tribe. No. 27S. adnptcil iua I alefHcro nnd ielnstattd one. There U hardly a inectlnir nltrhi that one r more pajpfacet doea not learn the mystery of iien-riansiiiit- ints f.o leairiH tire wnruini n:irn - to cuiture iulfacii. and the device team uill I UV Ai'L 'JUB) IJUllI (H Clil IH HI(B lUf'Ill j ier:n. ..151; m;ni'm r ruir, naa promiwcu iwo frizes to the member, on either teum, who i.HiiureH int iudisi paie'iirea. .exi wen ilny'fc Bleep will be devoted to a ooclat tertalnrnent for members and their lady Tonlffht the companion of Mueca Hay maker Asj-f.Utlot. will InMal the of fit era of reuobscot Atsjdation, at U.S Oermantown avemift Tomer ruw nlxht. 1 C. H. Jumps It. Wrlirht. Jr.. nsMaed bv the t'urafanlont of j a i Va . HtSKiii ihv w ...s:a aia llmU luba Tlaymakera iaitured five tramps at lt laat metlnc. Among the notable visitors was Nation?. r"hief Haymaker I-ewIs I. Pay. Tha newly elected officers were Installed by Ptato Vice Chief Janes H. iMnUfiton. assUted by other officers of tho State association. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Class Initiations and Membership Contests Keep Degree Teams Busy Court Neshamlny, Xo. 110, last week helil a largely attended meetlnir at 9lh and Greenwich streets. The two compet ing teams In tho membership contest made encouraging reports and six appll catlonfl were received. Under good and welfare tho lecturer, Brother McNarnara, after an outline of plans for the ensuing year, railed upon P. G. f. R. C. P. Bradley, who save an instructive address upon the advantages to ho derived through membership In tho order. Brother Goldstein, of Court Standard, No. 20-J, related some features of the work accomplished by that ener getic court. The Knights of the Square Table, a side degree issue, gave an exhibition of the new maneuvers. After a log was hewn Into chips the mystic Are was lighted. Sir Woodmen Dougherty, Nolan, Byrnes, Brady, McCaffrey, Scott, O'Hara, Poran and Sharp also suve a dresi re hearsal of a new playlet soon to be put on Us boards. Tomorrow night a mistle toe Boclal and reception will be held. For IS years the court has been the host of many visiting Foresters, and its newly renovated quarters make It a pleasant place or congenial fellowship. The Combination Committee of the local court will hold lta monthly meeting Wed nesday venlnr next, la Doushcrtr'a IIoll. N. YVT corner Marshall street and Glrard ave nue. Arranzeicenta for the various pllzrlm aaea for 191tf will then be made. This movement, now In the- fourth aeaaon of auc.ce.aful o-ot ration, haa been cordially aup ported by the membership centrally Thatrln charaeef ft work aret Chair man, Frlel, Ceurt Owlteeham, No. 153 vie wen' present nl in Iiichidb utter on extemii'd inpc-, i,,.,,,,,,, ..11 li, m-miie.! . V, iV.u' absence nnd gne Ititerrstltm talks or then nTeiTrr . .oV-nLi I3ii.? ,'niL . ,n visits to otliii trinei ..111 ing their trailing ,Vicr t 1.. e Veei. 11 fl '7 tJ.nt nbout the stuie ttoi.iriif inti iiroiners irftiii'aster. Heels. Illiey, J. M. Kelly, Aiin. i reli r"iu.V'Ji5t- it,, lie .... and I llmlenhnurer. Uon.lmnn. Scharnf. Mmltli nnd fhalrman, R Courtney, Court Liberty, No. 131: tecnrdlmt, secretary. John .T, nerkrry. Court Tlinmn II. Reeil, No. 22: Mniinelnl secre tary, it. l. Friedman, count Olive Branch, No. SOS: treasurer. C. TV. Srohr, Court rhll adelnhia, No. CO, tnitee, Jamei MrOuire, i oun mi. mnan. o. k.-i Northern Liberies. No, V. J (Jreen. Court tr.O. and Edward Anrirae. rourt Stephen lllrnrd. No. .I'l. The meetings ate oren to all. and a large attendance of reprrentettves trom the -arl-ous courts 1 expected Court Mount l'leas.tnt. No. .142, held an In teresting meetlne at Mill Market street. Wed tieilav. 1'repar.ttlona for the coming elana InltlalloiK were made. Ilrother JutM maile an Interesting report or hl work on the Mem bership Enrollment Committee, firolher C. P. llrailtnv l II f I) rtf 11, a flinnil I ,ir le.41.1 In.. ' l',,,"vK',l?pP.c,ICI,!,n',,Vr., ',' h."v',,l!,.,? Memtrrshlp ! rom the Flnanc al Viewpoint,' H ,.,r u t-Mmnn leilte.i one of m, oriRlnal poems. The court's nuartet, Ilrothen ........... . -......, .-.,... .,....,... l-ri. I 11.11, Pifi .nil Hf-ti Ct-rl eMiplini ant Prt n.,. dereil seicial relecllons. Chief Hanger Urothe.' Delbrrt also delivered n brier address. The seventh anniversary of this enterprising court will be celebrated December 2! nnd a program upon an elaborate scale, embracing many ntlratllie features, l being arranged. Court I-erelel, No In Uelle View Hall. 22B, si Its last meeting iS.lf North tteese street had . a class Initiation, nn iiia lAnnu'Aru unto the teamwork be uireeiFti iiv l'. I'. 11. M. llogan. ..'. ""n.s.." no . yiaws wero proposed, aim olhef business comldered. Tho fentcitalnment lommuue presented a program that was en- '"ed !"', the largo audience present. A ir.V '" i. JI, , ,1J rL " " nnotl"sr ln iuo1" i spirnea s caused much enthusiasm. P. i, C. It. C, P. Itradley. In a retrospect of the court's IT. jears, drew lessons for Its future nctlvlti. Ilrothers Ainterion, Well. Wendle, nlhbnna. Wolf and others rendeied efllclcnt nsslslance In milking the occasion a pleasant one for the audience. The work oulllmd for tfilit bids fair to show tangible results, the object In view being to try and double the present membership. i .,, i.i, ,..., ,.. . .,, , ' """ '"'f ';"' !"'" ';. s," :l'1.'-. '"T. " novated anil refutnihed Its hill, nan North "' ri'e it an out;n or flMio. eenred ftom entcitaltiinihts. Pri- nratlnns for tho -.elcbra- tint. 01 ten mth nnnlvirsnrv nre nbout con- eluded, nrd sr.mrttilli-t out of the ordinary ' nil be ghen. Tl-.e .onliliv fnlr." n novel teiill,re. ntlt lie llr',1 iliirllid 'llm ImlUif .nt son. Tlie Junior ourt. No. Ml, will be pre sented with n Ilk Hag, nnd appropriate patri ot!' rxenles held, at Its Jnnuary meeting. The I. 'lbs' A-JMIIntv will bo rendered a re ception nt one or the public H-titon next month The hall proje-t ban been smh n success that itdillllonal room Is requlrrd. nnd adjoining I'Mi.riiv witi le .unuiroH, otl-irs who have undei the able leadership of iirotner Max l.nlb. lebored diligently for the success of the h.iP and kindred project. The death of Purl Nnnreine r-Mnf Tlaneur .Win 1'. Kelly, of Jsrsey City. ,. J., durihg the we"k ending Heeember 4, In mourned bv the T". of A ihrouahout the country, and no where more slncirely than In this city, where he was lovod and re.tieeleil for bla cpnlnl manly eliornrtcrlillrs, nnd his dooterincss to the order. As a mark of respect to hi memory tho jhnrler of the U',0 local courts nre draped. J.xpreslnns of sympathy and condolence bale been forwarded to his bereaved family bv the Grand Court or Peniisylianla nnd Its trlb'utnry brinehes. Memorial services were held In Court SI. Albans. .No. sr., Uevemhcr n, and othera will be conducted during tho .10 days' period of mourning by inrleiis loral courts. The Tourists' Club of the P. of A. of Penn sylvania was started Noi ember 20. Its pur nose la to provide a mnrohlng contingent nt the Supreme Convention In Portlnnd. Me.. In Aimurt. llili. Those desirous of participating will pay 11 monthly sum that will amount In the aggregate to a sufficient fund to cover nil expenses Incident tn tho trln If bv nnv un foreseen contlngenev the member cniinot go on the trip hl payments nre returned to him. Por iipplleiitlon for membership nnd full data ap ply at the executive Council honiluunrtcrs, 1,107 Arch street. The P. of A. Kmnloj mept Iture.iu bus opened lieadnunrters In the Grand llxecutUe Cham bers. I..n, Arch ureet. No charge la mnde for services. The work la under the care of the grand sceretarv. Pro. It. Comber, nnd uns In augurated bv direction of the Grand Court Con vention nt Allentnwn In Slav last. It promises to be a most successful undertaking. A pinochle tournament will be Inaugurated Jnnunrv . In the rooms nf Court Phil Hherldan. .No. 141. which, from the number or entrants. nrnmtcfiH to hn n hli .im,,.. 0-1. .. ....(.....i...... . l. . . ...,.,... -c-t ,,- v.llllllll I l.'l', of which I erdnand Margrnff s chairman, haa a large number of valuable prizes for the winners nnd promises some plenrnut surprises for par ticipants. PATRIOTIC AMERICANS Good of the Order Association Starts Work Upon. Bip; Class Initiation . The monthly meeting of the Good of tho Order Association was held last Monday- evening, In the hall of Gratitude Council, No. S52, a't which time the va llous committees reported nnd action was taken for tho consummation of many Im portant events. The various deputies, delegates, State Councilor Shenemnn and State Council Secretary Ford were pres rnt. The various councils, ln conjunction with this association, are working Intel- llgently and diligently to mako the com bined class Initiation to be held In tho near future the largest and most Im portant event In the history of any pa triotic organization In this citv. An exceptionally large class initiation was I'.'1'? . y T.usiuehnnna Council. No. TO, or Wrlghtsvllle. last Thursday evening, when .10 young men of that nl.ice wen- received. Tho initiation was Impresslvelv tendered by the stnlf of Ki. or which Ilrother Famous Councilor. State Councilor Shenemeo and Sinto xeerrtiiry Ford, were present and com plimented the Council upon Its efforts and (?.""' ..'I01'". Members of Columbia Council, J were also In attendance. I test up Council, No. 1.. u mnklne efTortH to secure a large class of rnnTlrla "5 f or 1 8 earning elnia Initiation nnd with that end In vle. held an Important meeting last Wed nesday ev-nlng. at which there was no onlv !!,!hrse.i"";,",ame of members but nlno -', - uiunirtin iiiuiiiievieu. a pieabinir Silffi ."?," ,V1c,"ki""; '"embers hy ihe "-"'" of nl1 enjoyable lunch. . , ' Mountvllle. r-omicll v 11-. n.i.ini. ' Its own tol. at . la.i miin". "hT 1 ored bv state Couii- as non. cllor bhenemnn ntnl Mtnin ..,init oAH....i.. Miwiiut visit irom lord, whose i-onRrntulntorv remarks upon the good work of the council were listened 10 attentively by a large attendance of Interested lilt aliLvClo State Councilor Sheueman. State Vice Coun 'J!nr. V,lll'C "'I'1 '.1U' '-ouncll Secretary Herd vt. ted nod mir.BH i. ... ,.. .-,;...,-,.- ,-.----.-.;-':. ""-.-ii"-1' ieei- ...h ... .,n.,i,A.. v."uiivn, ,-o. 1, ttirav ' ..viinlni- bis, v.- "IT i.nj 1 1 .: J" V "i -. I'vi-ninir lasi. ro. it t,ni haH . ..,.. 4'r- Jwylns made n net gain of ,'15 members et gain 01 r. t-uaaartii, jvin. Tin i' it- win 1 n .i( ninrnii rir n nniv ann Uvo',,w,!L0 1 The Kmployment llureau nil! meet tomor oolif 1 r?lv "'America Council. Nii SO. "uii and Jial , '.'.':. LS'WiWA """lie. Ah delecatea arid members , ciiumiu aiii'iiu mis ineeuiis. Free and Accepted Masons Religious eervirea ero icM Sundav nfter ioi at Ihe Masonic- Home. 3333 North Ilroail reel, under, tlie direction nf KoxhoruuKh noon TOV' vo VtV ..,i, ,' tv' ",UE" ." ilt-Crone. fikenpl.l iri.ilii-,a,i(in ,-.1 1'HkIOr UT ilerrnantonn. nreaehed an interesting ...,.' nlile music was Miunlled bv the ItotborbiiaK male chorus. Kunerliitendent illlam II. Slvcly alao made b brief uddrers. .! -.A 'j'-'0. number of members of the craft and frlenda attended the religious services held Sunday afternoon In the William I Klklna MawnU- Home for Widows and O: Phana. The services ere held unde? trie auspices of Challea M Swnln lidge. No. rMl 7lhS..e-mon wiw rrea.-heil by Hev. Ednard Ilootli louna-. iifslnani rector of the Protes tant RBl8coDdl Church of the Saviour '" A rlioir uf -10 olees from tho same church rendered soveral anthems while B. V. Coffral ! supplied a barltf.ne solo. vwirain 1 .."r " auaiesaes Mere made hy Pait Orand ! J Ilfsho"?0"''0 W- KenJrlllt' Jr-' "n" Danfel .MOTION' PICTUKE VS. SPOKEN DRA3IAJ0 HE DISCUSSED Miss Elsie Ferguson and J. Stuart Blacljton to Present Opposing Views Klsle Ferguson, now starring in "Ou' cast," will have the last word in a dis cussion this afternoon on "The notion Plcturu vs. the Spoken Drama." under the auspices of the Drama League, at the Broad Street Theatre. As there will be many nyures or prominence In the "movies" to take issue with Sllss Fergu son on this live subject, the meeting should be full of thrills. J. Stuart Blackton. president of tlie Vitagrapn Company of America, will defend the movies on the ground that they till a need which actlns on tho stage cannot touch. Cosmo Hamil ton, playwright, and Kenneth Jlacgowon, dramatic editor of the Eveninu Ledoi-ii. will attempt to bo strictly neutral, at the same time giving an expert opinion. An other interesting speaker will be Mrs. Otis Skinner, whose husband won so much praise and so many friends here a few years ago with a portrayal of "Kismet." Hiss Mary A. Burnham, Mrs. Samuel Fels. Mrs. Samuel B. Jarden, Mr. Edward toblns. Mr. Felix B, Schelling and Mra. Cornelius Stevenson will bo re-elected di rectors of the Drama. League for the com Ing year, as they are the only nominees to SU the six positions. STAGE SOCIETY SHOWS UNUSUALLY GOOD BILL Shaw, Maeterlinck and Beam ish Share Honors With Cubist Scenery This week the Philadelphia atase So- j rlety has left Its triumphs as well an Its fnlluies far behind. Us third bill, which ' was nroscnted to the associated members at the Mltle Theatre last lilRht. nnd which villi he repealed on three successive Krldnjs nnd Saturdays, contains all man ner of Rood thlnas In plays, nctltiR nnd settings. There N a Hhaw farce, an un- . published Mneteitlnrk satire, a locnl play nf considerable Ingenuity, exceptional act- ; r Ing nnd some doiiRiitrul sottltiRS, Includ Inp: the first rithlst scenic design pre sented seriously on the American stage nil, he II loudly temarked, for the sum of M cents Tho bill opens with a rare novelty In deed. "The Miracle nf St. Anthony." a sntlro by Maeterlinck, only obtainable In n lieltn.in translation. The present vcr- Ion Is n little stiff n t limes nnd tho net. Ing lust night -apart from Mr. McClute's spiritual saint and Mr. Whitney's capital riodtor-tnlRht have been more pungent nnd smoother. Hut Hie substance of the delicious comedy shono through. It. shows St. Anthony of Padua come to a house of mourning in tinte-belltim llel Rlttm to inli-o the dead. The disbelief ntnl j objections of the relatives, Interrupted nt ! tho funeral moots, Ihe miracle of the i Woman's revival, tho nrrcsl of the saint , and her relapse ate set off In a satire that skilfully mixes the ll.u' Mtinlltles of tho saint and tho inrsncsi of tlie sur- doundlug world. The second piny, "Three Women," by Mr. Ilcnmlsh. Is mull) three or four plays In one. It shows the amorous nnd ulti mately tragic adventures of 11 Spanish cap tain on 11 vacntlnn from camp. He sees three women ut 11 fountain. He nccosts tho youngest and appoints u reiidovotiz, mill- In tin btlloil lie line Innlnlln tnv-nc The curtain descends lo rise again on the captain ome mom beginning his sot tie nfter Invo. This time ho rlinaos 11 Ilerv tempered wench, who stabs him for his Impudenre. Another curtain. 11 new be ginning, nnd he Is talking tn the dis illusioned third. Ills mood hns shifted ngalti, ami Is ns gloomy as the woman's own, nnd she leaves him to Ills dnggcr. Hut that Is not all. Once more the comedy Is begun. This time the captain l.i not for women. Wine will better while away tho evening. And ns he makes off lo tho wine simp, Ihe three women plan to follow. The vnryltig nnd culminating moods of tho little incidents were ad mirably presented both In the words of Mr. Heamlsh and Ihe acting of nil the cast. In many wavs "The Thrco Women" In a clcvcrei- bit of work than O. Henry's "Iti-nds nf Destiny," a story built on somewhat Ihe same plan. The llmtl play, Shaw's "Overruled," Is too delightfully elaborate nnd verbal for description. It shows married folk ii cotiplo of couples, in fact falling in lovo with each other diagonally, so to spcnlt. Mrs. Lunn with Mr. Juno nnd Mr. Juno with Mrs. iAinn. Ah each la n genulno person, with genuinely Kngllsh views of the situation, nnd as nil possible angles of those views are struck together, the ro sult Is a sparkling shower of tho best .Shavian pyrotechnics. And tho delightful comedy was as delightfully acted last night by Mrs. Dnlslmcr, Miss Adele Rit chie, Mr. Whitney and Mr. Sheppard. Flnnlly, the settings. While an admlr nlily simple gray room housed "TheMlra cle of St. Anthony." "Overruled" was set off by gold screens with purple peacocks set against a black cyclorama nnd with wondrous salmon furniture and green cushions all by Henrietta IJanncnbaum. Hut the sensation of the evening was Mor ton I.. Schamberg's cubist setting for "Three Women." Tho question of appro priateness Is open for discussion, with tho hizarrcness of the play on Mr. Scham berg's side; Ihif the success of tho nngu lar backdrop wf. Its suggestions of Span ish Moordom and the bright warmth of Cordova Is not to be denied. It sup plied a salient point of distinction in an unlmpeachnbly distinguished bill. K M PADEREWSKI HEARD IN GREAT RECITAL Polish Pianist Holds Audience Beyond Ordinary Limits Tho recital which I. J. I'ndorewski gave nt the Academy yesterday afternoon was the only one, barring his lecture-recital of some weeks before, scheduled for Philadelphia this season. It seemed from tho length and richness of tho program, no less than from the energy and pas sion of the playing, that the pianist wished to give all ho had. Criticism simply boggles before the richness of those possessions. The music 1- - ,. ,.,,.,.,..,., . . .. .. ,"UT"" .'" i-iiiiaiieipinu. nears. in me . - . . .. . "' n season, pernaps -'un artists in recuai, in opera, witn symphonies. He is tlie legitimate prey of tompera ments nnd oxperimonta; lie must ad just himself day hy day to something nppronchlng :i fair nttitude of spirit nnd a critical, but not hypercritical, frame of mind. And once or twice in tlie year n recital comes In which ull that equilib rium is lost, In which all his past labor counts for nothing, because the reviewer is bnnislied and the niitvo auditor returns and is made glad. So It was when Mr. I'aderewskl played Ix-foie; so It was yes terday. Thero are renowned commonplaces about tho playing of this great artist, and the trouble Is that the commonplaces arc true they are nlmost tho whole truth. Technically Mr. Pndorewskl ims not ever been without fault. ne uiun ana is; careless, ho is capricious about certain tempi, sometimes he seems to forget the limitations of his Instrument and tries the Impossible, lapsing Into meaningless sound. These things are known, yet they are Ineffectual, because It Is also known that Mr. Tadetewskl has a flame about his head. Yesterday's program began with Beet hoven (the sonata, opus 53), so there could b no question of rising to higher levels. The Impassioned playing passed only from emotion to emotion, through Schubert and I uszt and nnally to Chopin and Huuin steln. The long sonata of Liszt, emerg ing from rapture Into rapture, was a trial to the spirit, because it was so vivid, so energetic, so shaming ta ineffectual dally duties and accomplishments. But it was, naturally, In Chopin that the whole sounding glory of the piano, with all Its possibilities, was revealed. Here were audacity and tenderness, the whole pride of beauty and all Its sadness. Here Mr. Paderewskl was all the poet and creator, half unconscious of his work, de voting himself to the memory of a poet and creator who was greater even than himself. G. V. S. THOMAS MARTINDALE HONORED Poor Richard Club Host on 70th Birthday Anniversary The I'oor lUchard Club last night hon ored Thomaa Martlndale, hunter of big game, business man and booster for Philadelphia, The occasion was Mr. Martlndale'a TOth birthday anniversary. Men active In municipal and State af fairs extended greetings. Among the speakers were It. H. Dur bin, president of the club; Jarvls A, Wood, ex-Governor Edwin S. Stuart, Louis J. Kolb, Joseph B. McCall, William J. Eldrldge and Edwin Moore. T. A. Daly of the Evenino Ledger, presented to Mr, Martlndale a silver-framed pic- .u ui tfs. diai vinuaie, me speech jvm accoyaMnled by a little poem, Just to provo "that It wa really he." PARAMOUNT ADDS TO ITS TRAVELOGUES - 1 Burton Holmes and Bray, Gar toonist, Join With This Company Ily tho Plioloplny Editor Two Imporlant additions to the 1'nra mount prosram, In the nay of one-reel motion pictures, urc announced by the Famous Players Kxchtinprc, of t'hllndel- phln. Ilurton Holmes, the well-known travelORito lecttirer, has contracted with that concern to take I0O.COO feet of film, comprising tho most interentlne of his many wonderful lecture tours. Out of this 100,000 feet, fiO.OOO will ho selected 10 he made Into CO reels, one being released - I ,0 'he public each u-eelt. These motion plctttres are on the order of those which Mr. Holmes tisen for his regular lectures, and are decidedly Interesting. It Is not known when the tlrst will bo released, hut the new year will probably usher In the series, which will he vimi In several ! prominent Philadelphia theatres. 1 The other series nr one-reel subjects ' w"l " known as the Parnmoimt-ntay ''artoons. ,T. It. Iltny. well ktinwn ns the 1 originator of the nnlmated rrtrtoon, 1 Known as "Col. Hcezn i,inr." Is now tinder contrnet Willi Paramount, and has on his staff such well-known cartoon ists ns T. Anderson, otentor of the Police I log Scries; I,. ,M. Illnekens, form erly nf J'ttcli, drawing Stone Age ad ventures; Earl llilrd, famous animal caricaturist; l.elglitoii Hudd, with his grotesque I-iiiiyhind series, nnd Paul 1 'ferry, originator of Km met- Al Fulfil, nnd others. These nnlmated plcluics will be made under the Ilrnj pntrnt. This seems to be a new Held In motion pictures, ns Hrny Is appnieiitly Ihe only one on record exploiting exclusively the work of artists for motion plctiues. The tlrst of the new series will he released to the public on January fl, nnd will be called Col. Ueesta I.lars Waterloo. Uy spe j elnt arraligcnieni, u few hundnnl feet In ench release will be devoted to animal studies, Curator I!. 1.. Ullmars, of tho Prolix Zoo, having rIvoii permission for the taking of pictures of the animals. Tho Thcutto Frnncalse, one of Xcw York'a fotemost playhouses, was recently used by the Haver Film Corporation to 111m several Interior scenes called for In the scetmrlo of "The Other Girl," the famous, Augustus Thomas stage succesi. It was necessary that those theatre scenes be representative nnd In keeping with the rest of tho picture. While It would have been possible to build these sets nt the Haver studios they would not have been any moro representative or complete. The Theatre Kranculse Is a thoroughly modern theatre richly fut - nlshcd and exactly the type called for In tho picture. It was secured by Mr. Raver through the courtesy of Mr. Honalre of the Theatre Frnncalse Tho World releases for January Include the following stars-George Hcban, Kitty Cordon, Robert Warwick nnd Alice Brady. It Is on tho cards that tho 'Mutual and ITnlversat will get together about tho first of the coming year on some sort of a working agreement to release their out put In conjunction, dividing tho cost of combined agencies throughout the coun try. With such a working nlllanco It Is planned to have ench relenslng company put out three C-reeIi;rs and live 3-reelers on their legular program servlco weekly, without any advance In price to their rllont3. Hy this plan It Is expected they will capture the entire program business of tho country, and particularly to corral the business heretofore held by the Gen eral Film. In order to finish their last picture for the Keystone Film Company, Weber and Fields, tho fatuous comedy team, worjtcd steadily for IS hours without oven a halt for meals on tho day thqlr contract ex pired. Cloudy and rainy weather made It 1 rfS&ai'.ss. rw Oj THE following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANI.ET Hooking Company, which Is a guarantee nf early showings nt Ilia flneet productions. AH pictures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through H10 Si'AM.DV Hook ing Conipauy. AIUAMDDA 12th. Morris tPassyui ALHAlUbKA Mat. Dally at 2: Eves, nuiniiiuiiii vaudeville i I'aram't I 12th. Morris Sc Passyunlc Avo lut. Daily at .; ivss.. 1 cs ;. 1.. m t- 1. t11As.Aai n,. 'e uadt in u. n!.JWM miiipviiin 4; 1-a.riiiu iiivmis"! yyiu, J. iimvi in - An r K r I A CHESTNUT K L A U 1 A HUI.OW 10TH TI.I.VO.B rLAYH "CIIOOKKD TO THU UNO" "MATRIMONY' ' Atarii i r md and Thompson ArOLLU MATINEK DAILY PATHK COLD BOOSTKR rLAY Florence Reed in "AT BAY" AUDITORIUM TuY.m, OT. 8IONK AU13N tc WALLACE HUID In "A Yankee from the West" Rl I TFRIRD "ou NORTH nRAU st. MARY PICKFORD in -A CJlltl. OP YESTERDAY" THE r'CTIAD TIIEATRB l'Ol'CI.AH VtiLJI GOTH & CEDAR MARY PICKFORD vArreiK" lf,tf riur ll'iirlti-rf tlrnan. j - FAIRMOUNT surutmt AV ., i e. I VALLI VALLI. supported by Edward llrennan & Marie THK WUMAIN FAYS" Kmpress In GERMANT OWN S'ifrl Paramount MARY PICKFORD Picture "MADAME Ill'TTERFLY" fl rkPTT 0OT MAr.Kirr tjLUUlj M.,.8;1V1-,T4 8. Paramount HAZEL DAWN ,n erS,THE MASQUERADERS" PlDADn AVBNCE THEATRE IjIKIL 7tii AND OIRARD AVE. Mme. Petrova in 'MY MADONNA' DANCINQ CONTEST JEFFERSON S0TH Srn,Bwm-N ANNA ROSE IN "REBECCA" Chas. Chaplin in "Shanghaied" lafayettc"2"11;.,,,, STELLA HOBAN in THE LURE OV THE LIGHTS" T IRFRTY BROAD AND "ID"1' COLUMBIA EDWIN ARDEN in THE CRAY MASK" LOGAN THEATRE "SST,i Marie Doro in "The White Pearl" HEAR THE WONDERFUL OltOAN Weekly Programs Appear every Monday ta Motion Picture Chart iniimii iiiiiiuiiiiimuiiiiiuii iiiiiiiuiiniiii NORTHEAST QTRAltfn 1!!TU 4 OIRARD AVE. mr.A PPTRnUi In 'THE TIGRESS" nUAC rUADl tM in a am?AHiKn CHAS. CHAPLIN m rmirrfv COMEDY 1 VI ,zm 1 , , IJUIITON HOLMKS Who hns joined the Paramount Travel Picture. nlmost Impossible to photograph, but a covered stage was hurriedly set up, sev eral banks of lights arranged nnd the work proceeded In spite of the elements. Mack Sennett personally directed tho comedians through the long siege, nnd his tireless efforts resulted In finishing tho work long nfler darkness had fallen. At Ihe Inst minute tho tired pair were hustled Into an nutntnobllo nnd rushed to tho Irulu with their make-up still on. A crowd of Keystnners. including Mack Sennett Mabel N'ormnnd, Sam liernnrd. Uoscoe Arluickle, Joe Jackson nnd Ford Sterling followed In cars and bade them 11 rousing farowell. Tlielr strenuous fin ish nnd hurried departure was duo to the fnct that tho Orphcutn bill, at Kan Fran cisco, was topped with the name, "Weber nnd Fields," and opened with a matinee the next day, leaving Just IB hours to make tho trip from I,os Angeles nnd be leady In time for the performance. The members of tho Keystone Company re served almost the entire then! re, nnd niranged n unique welcome for Joe nnd I,ew on tho (Irst night Of their Los An geles engagement, a week later. Some months ago the Photoplay Kdltor reviewed a I'alho Gold Rooster film, "Tho llclovcd Vagabond." which was not put on tlie market ut that time, but was sent to France to be hand colored. Ho has now seen tho film In lis completed form ami he regrets that the cat Her review makes It Imposslhlo for him to write nt such length about "The llclovcd Vaga bond" ns ho should like. The fact re mains, however, that to the excellent ' scenario, to the pungent acting of i:dwln Ardcn and of an excellent cast and to admirable photoplay has been added 1 nomo very beautiful coloring which only 1 Franco seems able to produce. Frequent- ly as many as four tints are used, color ing grass, sky, faces and costumes. Tho results Is n remarkable film, as beauti ful as It is entertaining which is not something that can bo said of every thrilling photoplay. It will bo seen nt tho Regent tomorrow and Saturday. MILLIONAIRE TAKES BRIDE ONLV HALF HIS OWN AfiE George R. Cook, of Trenton, Weds Mrs. Alice Lydin Hutchinson BORDENTOWN, X. J., Dec. If.. George R. Cook, HO, a widower and a millionaire, of Trenton, N. J., married yesterday afternoon at Clovero ., the country homo of the bride's paren.s, near Uordcntown, Miss Alice Lydla Hutchinson, who Is half his age, Mr. Cool; hns a married sou, Horace, and a daughter, Eleanor, who nro about tho ago of his bride. MIbs Hutchinson Is tho daughter of John P. Hutchinson, a banker, lawyer and land owner, who Is rated a million aire. PROMINENT 1 222mes&zimmwmziiZM!as!&&i OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO Sot&m Qrrpam IT A p It 5 rp Si I) AM) 1 - , 4 LOCCST STRKKTH I - -. - "IHt SIREN'S SONG" Featuring Mile. Wane S. , Charles Tronhrldsc i Logan Auditorium ".Mi OVERBROOK EDVIN ARDEN in "THE GRAY MASK" I PAHPR PORTY-PIRST AND 1-WLJI LANCASTER AVENUE i PJARY MW.ES MINTER in ' "HARHARA PIIIETCIHE" Market St. Theatre 33:1 5IASet IRENE FENWICK in "THE SENTIMENTAL LADY" ! HDDU17I IIVA ai:RMANTlW.VAND -lt lll.flVl l-IICI.TKX AVKS EiniittM1 m "THE BROKEN'LAW" GARDEN 53D 'uvo. o" Mr. i Mrs. Sydney Drew In "The Home Cure" DANIEL PIKHIMAN' l'rrer.ti ORIFNT n2n AND WOODLAND AVE. fAULlINt fKt,Ut,Klt-N ,l7V7Vt WRliJIl Dallv Mat. Cvir . llrflO to 11. . ' JilA Dally Mat.. 1'. V.e . J:30 to 11. i FLF. JANIS in "NEARLY A LADY" I PALACE JSH A.B,F..B7;nEKJ: .. r.;.,u,L iwoad , -, .. ." iu -. ..i. ureal I1UHIICU1 OERJIAnvn.J.l.S EDN COODRICH in "ARMSTRONtl'S WIPE" PARK" RIdoe ave. i dauphinT- A fll. Continuous show from J-3 1 11:30-11 "The Buzzard's Shadow," picture featuring MAY ALLISON RTAI TO OERMANTOWN AVE. ft,ttLl '-' AT Tl'LPEIIOCKEN ST. KLEINB-EDISO.N VHp D-n-. in "Children of Eve" RFfiFNT lfl31 MARKET STREET V'm. Kox nrenents RALPH KELLARD In "HER MOTHER'S SECRET" RI I R Y "AKKT STREET " rT, ', ; u o below 7th street ' West Allegheny ; SAM DEGRASSE in "MARTYRS OP THE ALAMO' SHERWOOD B"" Baltimore METRO RICTl'RB CORP Presents MARY MILES MINTER In "EMMY OP STORK'S NEST' SAVOY '"MfcKF "THE ACE OF DEATH" Featurlns STELLA IIAMMEHSTEIN VICTORIA mahtvsetn,nth Chas. TROWRR1DOB ami Mile. DIANE in "THE SIREN'S SONG" CTANl FY MARKET ABOVE 10TII tontincoFs FANNIE WARD in Ht&& I "THE CHEAT" UE.VSINC.TON I I T M R fl FRONT ST, AND J U m D U CIRARD AVE. "JCROR NCMBER SEVEN-' "THE NEW ADAM AND EVE" "DR. JEKYI.lT AND MR HYDE" "LIZZIE'S SHATTERED DREAMS'' r4 fno lft.. n . a. Kindness to is team of nor... , 'W, to protect them from the w !?. day caused Morris Goldstein? $'$ on Jasper street near 4th, to . , " path of a moving street e ..."'"fti serious Injuries. Ho was tk. 5 Woman's Homeopathic Hospital ,. from severo lacerations and lnt.irtt jutles. Ooldsteln Is employed byfRi slono.Wqorl Company He .iLli'. tho street to throw a blwikst -q team of horses and was knoekiTi; by a north-bound 16th street lit Theatrical Baedeker miiiu-- iuo uuooie, with Lent. " nH tho streets, who helps a man from iv-J. path, only to refuse marrhte. "!l POltnKST -"Stop' Look',' MitinUl . Oaby Peslys. Frank t.alnr, Joiwh ..J1 Harry l'llcer. Doyle and Dlten, TiOMrrA c.h-I.Ia A l.ti- vnt-iii. ,1. ..wr'? Fill 1.1 ham model, with musical trlmmtnti ?J lln find lyilcs by Harry n, Smith. 7, cellent ejpportunlty lo view new r,!,."' and styles. "TMo ABM'TIt-"A Full House," ltd Uir to. Herbert forthell and George rrion.ri2 laughs nnd two roars every other lln. S! a crook, a cop nnd a chorus girl. "" fltOTOPIjATS. TUB rjAWUCK-"Tin Birth of ..., 'with Henry B. Wnlthal. Mt UulPh, Pnottswood Altken. D. W nrtltiiVi'-Jl' moth photoplay of th Civil wis ' I A VXt structlon. founded In imrt on Thoms rSSft "Clansman." A man-Vms enttrtilomijf ' AIlCAntA-Thursday Friday and iw "Matrimony." with Julia t)en n) rffifi Mills . ' ""I show many tinuru.il incidents of iffi! 1 warfare. "" I THF. STANf,F.Y-Alt weak, "Tin mm with Fnnnlo Ward and Sius Hyttui, Tin; iiisiirjjvr mursnay, ttEOBNT Thursday, "Her ItoUtrf b. 1 ." with Ilalph KclUrl My iM I '. "A Beloved Vagabond," jvlth ElV, 1 crer. urdav Arden. T1K t'AI.ACK Thursia "AttnilrsM-i Wife," with Edna Oeodrlcrt. rrWi iU Saturday. ."The rienilemfcn rmm InJliBi with tni'tln Fnrnum. "', VACDnVIM.K. KBtTH'K-Siam Chip and Mirr MtK. I, "The Clock ,hon"; Marglo CJlne. HimS tlnl.orlu lo "The Unmiin lnlepvn-.'i. 4.rE ,. ........ -- , -,--.- ------ -,.---- -ijr' alio. . Am onAND-thtnbar'n Ding tjong Fir., Scott ill Marks. "The Man Off tho Ice wa,0,i.;,!; clown Venl. Wells-Oxford nulntet. ' CHOPS. KF.YS-Perond half of the (l, B-j, and Mahoney. f)elan!, Carr & Co, aK end White, llearmo and Tiolglei, rem lal tailntt. . ' Ot.ollR "Frolics nt the Seaihof, Wu- nnd lJuprce, ndgar Foreman and comrui Sean White. Olivette. Mortal am (SK I.oralne Hamll nnd company, Harry TtJ son, iJHviiL i,u,n, .nil vunnjniiji, oily 1; nc UWrs'ii ..-,o,vi... nt'iu,Esyui5, DCMONT'S-Dumont's Minstrels. In tunne., and travesties of tho times, Inchnflar. it,;.-, STOCK. KNICKEHIIOCKER - "Tho Woman It 111 i.B3r, viii, iiiu ni.ikAciuucHcr pisycra at i'onur,An rnicEs. ' " PEOrUi'S "A Little airl In a Dig Ctlj.i Parta of the aame b!j traa. may be shipped from our yarda some North, a a ma South, some East, some WeiC That's aurely separating the Family Tree. Edward F. Henson & Co. Structural Lumber and Tlmltr Poplar St. Whnriea, rhlli: yc 2SS33$ CENTIIAI. Chestnut St. Op. House ,. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE 8KH TODAY'S AJIC.SKMENT COLUMN' WIIST I'HII.AIILl.l'IIIA PRATMn 32D AND MARKET STREET! ViKAINU MATINEE DAILY. iT.tUH THEDA BARA in "SIN" CD AND " HAVCTFOBD Tf. Mnrv Piclford n "F.SMERALDA" ""t If-v-nit? t.l "GRAFT"' EUREKA 40TJI AND . MARKET STRESTI CFH, SCOTT in ' "NOT GUILTY" IMPERIAL ,OT,I&tT.Mffl "opv5t WARWICK in "Tw? cj!ric; qF SOCIETY" MIRTH Tiin ir in,,. i-.l, ii-tlnt, fralurlrif tr? , ............ ... ."'".-, -,-.,. ," Mia . jibck nnn jjni.i siarKey in -" w .-, ,. i Sennett 1'ro.iuctlon. fentu'lnr nBymor'l i', .1 I i-ocl; Bi Roecoo Arbuckle In "VllUf " Broad Street Casino dboebis EVENINO T'lB AND 0. ANTONIO MORENO In "ANSELO LEE" W1? TIVOLI Theatre ftAS "Neal of the Navy," No. "Souls in Pawn," Rex. 0m xnitTiMvyy JSth t AIIhS Mat 2:15. Ejl J - --- Q---. --J i,l ..- -"r LVIHN PresentK Throi'eh V '- TUI7 l-I IMRFRS" In SIX PARTS ..,.,,, T"E7"??Art uusiUUKillilii oCMJI.""- lfl MarBdrlta Fischer t Joseph B. wrj, "The MiffflA nf Life." i ru "NEAT. OF THE NAVY " .I- ' i "" niititv ir a rnv tupVtdC "??'' "THE OUTER F.DnE"' 1 Pe5l5 "BROKEN COIN" WJ ME"" ".ADAMS AW,'Mm. SOI'TH Villi ADBIVHI OLYMPIA BaoAD BEt0J,i "THE PHANTOM HAPPIW1 a "TONY AND MAW thS "THE WOLF'S PREY" Weekly Program Appear evtry MoniUy l Motion Picture Cfcsft a liirce-itv luiinny-uriimt n EdlT.ii C which dealii with an 0 f delIS7Ai t3 who, had made sufficient rnoniJ 7? . but Is Induced bv a young riilSni.!?.nS ! a tiler on the Btteet wdtfi the -Ui'ltti ho loses lieavilt . ,n al( IS I UP.OAD "Outcast." with Elsli P vld Powelt nn.l Nell compton. TO English life, by Henry It. n,i, A4l5 . vour.e star nlass the nart rf . Qayl w3a -rrgsJgilPM,TMi7i'S MjJi--" - 'Ja8Jii1wevgSowfS 1 VTSi S irTiaafWTWMrlWB ! NSH" . - , - - t&z&m-si