EVENING EEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915.- wtf PROSPERITY HITS ! MOST INDUSTRIES IN BUSY LEBANON Skilled Labor Is Needed in Big Steel Plants Now Working Overtime SAVINGS FUNDS GROW This is the 16th of a scries of article revicwinn the commer cial and industrial situations in the larfter communities of eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jer tcy and Delaware. The articles tet forth chart the renewed ac tivities of various industries, alonq with and in some instances because of the new business cre ated by i'ic '"" ,n Europe. The next article, to be published next Tuesday, tells of conditions in and about Columbia, Pennsylvania. l "Is Lebanon prosperous?" This qtiea- f. tlon was put to one of Lebanon's pros f ' ptrous Iron nntl steel manufacturers, and tia answered oy xeuing me louomng tory: "Cast Sunday It was necessary to keep our plant running because we arc under men Rrcat pressure. At I walked over to fee how matters were getting nlonir one of our 'rouKhcrs.' passed mo In his automobile, nllchtod nt the works and gave the chauffeur Instructions when to return." When the horny-handed sons of toll rldo to their work In their automobiles the mere wonl "prosperity" seems too ncak to describe conditions In Lebanon Eight months n?o thousands of men, "roushcrs" among others, were looking for Jobs Today no man In Lebanon who wants work need bo without It. Lebanon plants that were running part time at 40 or 60 per cent, of their ca pacity eight months ago are now i un pins M hours n day at 100 per cent, ca pacity Some woikers In the Iron and steel plants In Lebanon are earning from (12 to Slo a day. Lebanon hni a population of 21,000. It Is located in the centre of a rich farm ing district Lancaster County ranks first for wealth and production per capita In the t'nltcd States, nnd Lebanon Coun ty Is a cloie second. The city of Lebanon lins many diver sified and prosperous Industries. Iron nnd steel nnd their products predominate, but there ate also plants for the ninnu macture of oi trans, handkerchiefs, ho sier)., silk, nnd a large shoo factory Is now nearlng completion. The huge plants of the American Iron and Steel Company overshadow every other Lebanon Industry They have just completed a stupendous addition to this plant by the erection of a complete up-to-date steel mill with electric fur naces As these have only been two das In operation no opinion as to their merits or demerits could lie obtained. This concern employs 4000 persons and Is working II hours a day. President James Lord says the present activity Is due only In part to Indirect war or ders, as domestic orders now exceed for eign orders by a large margin. Indeed, If they did not hook any more orders, they have enough on their books to keep them until next April- He believes tho country Is due for a great wave of pros perity Mr Lord says that up to tho N present he has been able to obtain all the labor necessary Somo of his men were tempted to leave by the nattering offers of munition manufacturers, but have come back again. Asked If tho height congestion had Interfered with their shipments, he said they had only fcepm to notice It within the past few daa. On this subject he quoted a Russian with whom ho had been talking recently, who told him that a ship taking a cargo from this country to Archangel, Rus sia, would earn her own value in one voyage, because of the high rates. Th American Iron nnd Steel Company manufactures all kinds of nuts, bolts, rods and railroad materials and has a large export business. The Lebanon Steel Foundry Company employs about 100 persons. They manu facture smnll steel castings of a superior hlfh-grado steel, which are largely us,ed In tho automobile ma, .facturlns busi ness. They are nlsd working hours a day They have not vaken any direct war orders, but bollevo that some of their products are used In tho manufac ture of auto trucks for war purrsses. They also make their steel in an electric turnnce and claim to turn out the finest quality of steel In the world. They are at present working full capacity of eight heats each 21 hours, with Hi tons to the heal The outlook for their product Is everythlg they can wish. The Lebanon Holler Works employs 10 persons and Is tunning full capacity and overtime. Their business shows a marked Improvement In the Inst b x mouths. They have . o ,nr orders nnd find labor, especially skilled labor, scarce. 'Hielr principal ciders present are for plates used In the oonstiuctlon of large tanks Lebanon has also nn nrgnti factory. This business is not nulte as prosperous as formerly. A great deal of their nut put was exported, principally to Euro pean countrle". notably to Clrcat Ilrltnln nnd Hollnnd. This trade Is practically cut off. I'nnuestlonably the player-piano nnd disc machines have cut into their business in the domestic market. Tho Lebanon Chain Company manufac tures the largest and strongest chains made In the United States They em ploy about 100 men, and are working about 70 per cent, of their manufacturing capacity, mostly on tho larger chains. They turn out tho big hawsers nnd an chor chnlns for our dreadnoughts. With the present revival of shipbuilding tliev expect to tecclve many largo orders In the near future. Herman Aukman & Co. manufactures cotton nnd linen handkerchiefs cxclu- I slely. They employ poo persons, mostly i girls, In their extensive factory, besides i giving employment to many other per- I sons in their homes. They turn out I about 3,CO),poj dozens of handkerchiefs a cnr, and the annual value of their out put Is about J2.5flO,C. Six months ago they were running nt TO per cent, of their capacity. They are now running nt 1") ! per cent. As thei do not exDort they I attribute this activity to generally Im proved conditions all over the country. Asked If they were embarrassed by the dc shortage, they said they had antici pated the shortnge and prepared for it. They have arranged for supplies for more than a jear to come The I'cnnsjlvnnln Steel Company nnd the Lackawanna Steel Company have also large plants In Lebanon, nnd condi tions in both are of the same prospcious nntuip ns exist In all such plants In the United States. The Frnckville Manufacturing Com pany Is an extensive plant which turns out enormous quantities of shirts, pa Jamas and night gowns. Thero are live banks and two trust companies in Lebanon. Within tho pnst month the deposits and additions to sav ings accounts have Increased very mate rially. Tho clearings nvcrnge about $60. 000 to $65,000 daily. The First National I5ank has Just paid out $100,000 In Christmas savings funds on 4000 checks. I'ostolllcc receipts nlso show a decided Increase within the past month. Pos tal savings am nint to more than $40, ind aro rapidly Increasing, due large ly to deposits by torolgners. who finding they cannot send money orders home particularly to Austria nnd Hungary deposit their money with "Uncle Sam." There Is not much building activity In dwellings. A new Ktnte nrmory Is under construction and will cost $100,000, and a high school is being built at a cost of $300,000. Twelve squares of streets havebeen paved with wood blocks and plnns for extensive wood paving have been made. Lebanon Is served by two tinnk rail roads the 1'hllnilclphla nnd Reading and tho Pennsylvania. Besides the regular street inllwayu, two Interurban lines enter the city, both cnirylng freight as well as passengers, giving direct connection with Lancaster and Hnrrlsbuig. Tho retnll stores are enjoying a marked Increase In sales. Two prominent, lone established retail merchants said that last Saturday was the "biggest day" since they were In business. TRE C0RPI D'ARMATA ITALIANI SBARCATI A VAL0NA E DURAZZ0 Un Caccintorpediniere ed Un Trasporto Italian! Afiondati da Mine Austrlache Du rante lo Sbarco FIRE! FIRE! FIREMENt Don't you dare look on page 17 In our Rainbow Corner. We're havinc a Christmas 'sprise and YOU'RE in it! THE CHILDREN OF THE RAINBOW CLUB. 43 UOMINI SONO PERITI ROMA, 1 DIcembrc. K' stnto uMlclalmente nnnunclnto oggl qui ehe 11 corpo dl spedlzlone Itallano des llnato alia Pcnlsola Halennlcn c' sbarcato gU' In Albania II comunlcato uftlelalc die- che lo sbarco e" stato fellcemcnte com pluto. N'al d, guerra nutrlncho tcntarono dl Impedlre lo sbarco facendo fuoco sul trasportl e semlnnndo mine lungo In costa nlbanese, ma le navl nemlcho furono messe in fugn da una squadra nnvale Italian i. Nnndlmono II cacclatorpcdlnlcrc Intrepldo cd 11 trasporto Re Umberto af fnndarono per evere urtato contro mine subacqttee. con una perdlta totale dl 43 tinmlnl. L'annunclo dell'avvcnuto sbarco del corpo dl spedlzlone Itnllnno per la Pent sola Ralcanlca, sbarco che si attendeva da pnrecchlo tempo, ha prodotto cccel lente Impresslono In questl clrcoll politic!. e si rltlene che so lc forzo ledesche opereranno nell'Albnna contro I crbl, una dlchlarnzlone dl guerra tra. Italia c ficiminla sarn Inevltablte Nnturnlmonle nulla, dice II comunlcato ufllcl.-ile circa lc forze che costltulscono la spedlzlone Itnlinna ncl llalrnnl, ma dn notlzle imii ulllclall si apprende che si tratta dl tre eorpl d'armatn con ndeguate forze dl nrtlgllcrla e dl cavallerla. SI tratterebbe dunque dl circa 12O.0-O uomlnl. Si dice che lo sbarco e' stnto opernto a Vallon.1, Durazzo San Olovnnnl dl Me dua. un corpo d'armatn In clasctm posto. M ignnra pero' so qucsto for-c prende rjnno sublto l'offcnilva a sal anno lm picgnte ad arrestnre la posslblle mnrcln delle forze bulgare e teutonlche verso la costa nlbanese. Noll'nffondamentn del caccintorpediniere Intrepldo e del trasporto Re I'mbcrto perlrono 10 uomlnl che crano a bordo del trasporto e tre dell'equlpagglo del caccla torpcdlnlere. L'IMPRLSSION'i: A LON'DRA. L'nnnounclo utllclnle Itnllnno dcllo sbarco gla'a venv.o dl un corpo dl spedl zlone dl tre corr. d'nrmata In Albinln, ha prodotto t-rccllcnto Impresslone a Londrn, secondii nfferninno dlspaccl da quella capltnle. lVdubblo pero' se quete forre Itollane snranno ndlblte nlla pro tozioni' ilelln costa albnnese o cntreranno In nzlone piendendo l'offenslvn. SI rltlene plu' probnblle che si llmiteianno per ora almeno ail Impedlre che le forze teu tonlche e bulgare facclano la loro ap parlzlone sull.i costn albancse Nulla dl preelso si puo' snpere ancorn circa lc future opernzlonl del bulgnrl, ma si rltlene che le forze dl ro Ferdlnando non M fermeranno al punto dove sono glunte. Telegramml da Atene dlcono che Snlonlcco e' stata trasformata In una fortezza quasi imprendlblle dagll nlleati e che II genernle Serralt, che comanda lo forze anglo-francesl nel Unlcnnl. rltlene come cosn ccrta che le forzo bulgare e tff Electric Heating Pad Ycr- "- -J (,., M -l. S able hot water bap. tCOUPLETE 1. H.ctc thc re.f )iva.tiso n time of health -.Ki:HiL i as ivell as sickness ...tAbao. Mcn i ti-rr -; yu.uv ufct v'" Open Evenings. iii; rnnt.-nl TCInorip T.nck Cn U No. Thirtrenth SX.SZy II FOR y eooics igsrwSM s'. JACOB REED'S SONS -1 ! 'M Vallcing Sticks at $1.50 to $8.00 Make Admirable C nristmas Girts At $1.50, either plain or with silver cap trimming. Made in a variety of woods, with straight handle, opera or Prince of Wales crook. At $2, $2.50 and $3, an assort ment of Partridge, Pimento, English Ash, Malacca, Macassar and Cornell woods, and a num ber of attractive styles in new gray woods. Many new shapes this season oval, three-cornered, square and hexagon. Novelties in Walking Sticks, with new shapes in handles, are the "Connaught" at $3, and the "Derby" at $4.50. Another at tractive style is a cane with "Rhino" Handle and Malacca Stick at $5 and $10. In addition to the above in finer grades, we show Snake wood and Ebony woods, trjm med with silver caps or bands, at $4 to $12. Cane Umbrellas. $4. Many Novelty Walking Sticks, to $13.50. A variety of plain sticks in all colors, unmounted, $1.50 to $5. Cloiing Hour 6 P, M, Jacob Reed's Sons j "MEET flinmii ii " 1628 CHESTNUT STREET JESmmmSSwmiitViiTui NEW AND INTERESTING BOOKS in every de partment of literature attractively displayod for your nspection with an intelligent and courteous force to tell you about thom. Artistic Christmas Cards and Calendars in largo variety. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING of the finest grade at reasonable prices. X ME AT JACOBS 1424-1426 Chestnut Street lTri ni 'if' ii" i r rT"T" - in U m. i iirnTiTTiTiiiiniSiiiiii ii Sg 1 ' The Ideal Gift From a quaint little Elec tric candlestick for the dressing table or desk to an exquisite Cloisonne table lamp, the Electric Shop offers a generous range of that most accept able gift an attractive Electric lamp. The prices begin at $3 and you can pay as much more as you wish. We mill be glad lo have you visit the Electric Shop and loo over the display, It is well worth a Visit, There is, qf course, no obligation to buy. teutonlche Invatlernnno fra pochl glornl nnrho II tcrrltorlo Kreco. Altrl dlspaccl dlcono pero' clip sollnnto r11 auMro tcdechl lnvndernnno la Grccla c die 1 bulffarl so tie astcrranno. Altrl dlspaccl nncora nffermano che la cavallerla hul Kara avrehbo dl gla' paato II confine delta Grccla, Intanto I franco-liiRlesI hanno costrulto forllailmc illfose nttorno a Palonlcco,. Tutte le rolllne che clrcondano le cltta sono otnte formicate con rlrlotte e con trlnccramcntl c .ono dlfc.c da adfgtiata nitlsllcrln. o la llnea fcrrovlarla cho porta a Snlonlcco e stata mlnata Nelta Bloniata dl lerl Rlunscro a Salonlrco altrl tro tra.portl portalitl tmppe e tnunlzlonl per gll nllcatl Anche parccchl grossl cannonl furono sbarcatl dal trasportl. La cltta" o' stata evacuata dalle tfUppo Brcche, c solo pochl soidatl cllenli I vl sono rlmastl, coilcche' essa o' completa monle a dlspol2lonp dcell allcatl. pi:rt rk rtnTito n nn nicola. In Italia sono state presc ttltte lo mlsure neccssarle per rlcevere re IMctro dl Ser bin e t-e Nicola dl Montenegro In caso cho 1 loro pacsl slano completamcntc soggloRatl dagll Imperl centrall. II palaz zo reale dl Caserta e" stato prcparnto c messo a dlsposlilone dl re l'letro. tie Nicola e' ancora con II suo cscrclto. ma si spora poco che esso rlesca qucsta volta ad arre.'taro le eolonne austrlache. Dlspaccl da Washington dlcono cho II DIpartlmcnto dl Stato ha nvuto un som marlo della risposta del governo aus trl.fco alia nol'i dl pntet.i ruuiidante l'Anconn. tna II testo completo si nttciulo per oruI o ier questn sera I.'Austrla domundn ulteilorl partlrolarl circa 11 rl sultato doirinchlcsta fntta dnl governo nmerlcano n doniatula splcgazlotil dl come II comandante del sottomurlno che af fondo' l'Alcon.i si saronbbe comportato In modo Innmano. I.'Austrla domanda Inottro I noml dl coloro sulla cut depo slzlouc si c' bnsata 1'luchlcsta. A Wnshlnctnii ! iltlrne clu- II Rovcrin nmerlcano lnvlera' aublto una nuova non rrdntta In tono plu' cncrglco iloman clando Immedlntaniento la punlzlone del comandante did hottotnarlno. cd nffer tnando die In Autrla 11 punto dl vista del go erno nniPilcuno era ben noto peri'he' rlchled.i ulterlnil pleg.izlonl Come See These D I a. m o n PuImo(or Saves Phlldclphlan Life The quick use of a. pulmotor prevented the death of Thomas V. Tatton. helteved to be a riilladelphlftn, who was found In n room In the Exchange Hotel, Atlantic avenue, Atlantic City. Patton paid his last 33 cents for a bed la the hotel list night, according to tho Atlantic City police. They say he tursed on the eras. Frankford Man Falls, Breaks nip A fall of a few feet on an ley pavemsnt resulted In a. broken hip for Robert Ott way, 47 years old, of 441 Qriecom street Frankford. Ottway fell as he was leT lnic tho Peoples Theatre last night at Kensington avenue and Cumberland street. HALLAii jyt 1$ mi 1 s This unusually beautiful de sign In U-k gold Is set with three line, white, full-cut dla mnnd lne of Mitchell's lllg Ilnrgaln ".Specials " You will be delighted with nur large as sortment of nings, Itrooclics and Iji Valllcres Prices very I.a Valllero Illustrated only $20 MITCHELL'S Eatnhllnhrd 1S7S Diamond Stores 56 North jBth 37 South 8th Diamond Hook lrte on Itequtit. ' I J'. r-rA-J " y? ,v ,vv "S)r vr1 flri L Such Style and Cleancut Beauty have never been more charmingly expressed than in this nine-inch, laced SHORT SKIRT BOOT A typical HALLAHAN production of quality work manship in a fascinating variety of leathers. Imported Bronze, Tobacco Brown, Ha vana Brown, Dawn Gray and Royal Jet Kid. Others with Cloth Tops, vamps of Gunmctal or Patent Leather. Tips or plain toes as you prefer; stitching of uppers done entirely in White Silk. Leather Louis heels. Royal Jet Kid $5.50 Other Leathers $6.50 The Short Skirt Boot is a most adaptable type of footwear for every use a Shoe that is in com plete accord with the "loppy" Winter styles. SPECIAL LOTS Samo style Boot, for Friday and Saturday selling In Imported Bronze, Tobacco Brown, Havana Brown, Roynl Jet Kid, Patent Leather and Dull Cnlf with cloth topi, and Dull Calf with gray buckikin tops, $5.00. fellS i-!,3:m:jwy,sss.v7 t i mWmm terafej s," Hfer'-MsMsW iglsMfcfc, -VtSiiM. ti'W-t. U P. T. HALLAHAN 919-21 Market Street and Branch Stores 2Phiudelphia (O Eeqric (pmpaI How One Little Girl with a Burroughs Keeps the Evinrude Books , Figuring GBooJm r ji jii. jM-MBCJCMECMl3iClllDBBBMBMMBBBf31 BOOKKEEPING had become a prob lem for the Evinrude Motor Company. Posting ledcers, taking thc trial balance, and eerrine out statements by hand, took more and more time as the business grew and accounts multiplied. 400 Posting a Day This was painstaking work and took all the time of two bookkeepers. Still they could have managed if it hadn't been for that other job which loomed big at the end of the month. Over 1000 Statements Even working overtime wouldn't get those statements out on the first of thc month. So the work dragged along, often to the tenth. Yet the management knew that early state ments ect the money. Something had to be done. Finding the Way Out It was a Burroughs Ledger Posting and Statement Machine that solved the problem. It enables one little girl to do all the work posting thc 400 items each day, getting a new balance on every changed account, getting cut all the statements on the first with time to spare for other work. The Evinrude Company saved its cost the first year. Old balance, date, memos like PTS for parts, debit, credit, and automatically com puted new balance, arc quickly entered on the ledeer page, and thc work is automatic ally proven as it is done. No special training is necessary to operate thc Burroughs. A Little Girl Can Keep Your Books This story of the little girl, the Burroughs, and the Evinrude books, is typical of hun dreds of other stories. No matter whether you deal in rowboat motors or what, you can save money, insure accuracy, and increase speed by letting the Burroughs help post vour books and get out your statements promptly. Let the Burroughs representative show you, without obligation, the one model of our 98 that will keep your books in the way pu want them kept. Your telephone book or your banker will direct you to the nearest of the 170 Burroughs offices. Or, write to the factory. Address, Burroughs, Detroit, Michigan. GBpinMacluheA 125andup &Tm j H H tw JP Prevent Costly -Errors -SaeYaluMhleiXirnm ,t