EVENING XIEDGER PHIEADEEPHIA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1G, 1915. f & JUDGE STAAKE ASKED TO CHECK DRINKING IN CITY ON NEW YEAR'S EVE ''Anti-Saloon League Requests Court to uotain Closing 01 Itf ijiqUOl Qliupo nira ffit jMiunignt Knew YORK AS EXAMPLE iThe Rev. Dn Edward .1. Moore Ad dresses Appeal 10 jurist Here n-h dawn of the new year will be fainted and celebrated away, but not by linking, In Wis cuy, n ouugc oiauuc aC ..a., to a request by the Rev. Dr. Ed- ' rd J- Moore, Stnto superintendent ot the Antl'Saloon j..cnKuc, mm nc use ms Influence to close nil saloons and bar-.-. t mtdnlKbt on New Year's Eve. tms rcauest nas matte today In the form of a letter. It Judge Staalto com--, he will nsk all tlie licensed liquor i deI ln tn0 clty to cl0SC ,hclr bar" rooms at miunigni. mus uicunuit,' h. precedent which haa existed since tho founding or tlio cuy. umy wiuni -ew lew's Day fell on Sunday have all tho tars In the city been closed. The fact lint Jndgo SianKe is n. jiioge 01 me j.i- nse Court, which han the power to rc- rnk and refuse, as wen ns giant, n- fini wilt cause the liquor men to com ' Sr should .ludso Stnake request It. The letter reads: . um William II., Hlaakc, Philadelphia, Ta. "SL"'- ,.... RmntovpM of labor and the iiMr hao taken a position during the m v.r 1913 rfsardlne tho use ot Intoxlcatlnc B- Iinuor sreatly ln advance of any previous. V- Tvery itooS citizen should bo Interested , inr attempt to aid these and all forces fct- ',,....,. Hin ilvlnir of tho old year and ft th. birth of the new, with attendlnB cele- hratlons. nave titci, ,, -. uwhimuho .,a toclil dflnlilnff, too often leading to drunlc , and crime, than any othir ono time. Anv action that will remote tho tempta tion and clecrcas tho practlco of drinking 1- jjew Year's I!o will be welcomed by the treat majority of our people. I realize that the Btatutei of this State itemlngly do not give the courts authority to command closing hours, such ns Is pro vided by tho statutes of Now York and lhr States. Honcver, If the court of PMlaiJelphla would request the licensed llouor dealers of the city to close their rirrooms and ceaso Belling liquor on .sew Tear's Eve It Is probable that the great majority of dealers would accede to this reoucat of the license-granting court. Such closing would meet with the an rroial of tho citizens of this city. It would brighten many a homo that otherwlso will lis darkened by a drunken husband, father r ion. Such a request on the part of jour lienor would ho abreast of tho gronlug BuDlto, sentiment of this city and State re tarding the sale ot Intoxicating liquor. Believing that such closing Is tho deslie ef tho majority of Phlladelphlans. I do moat respectfully and earnestly urge that jour Honor make such a request of the licensed liquor dealers of this city. Yours respectfully, E. J. MOOItc, State Superintendent. This letter was sent following the ac tion of tho Anti-Saloon League In New Tork. which requested the authorities of la' luab vuy lu lu.uiuo iutj it iv&uiuiub uiu EW'dosIng hour of saloons on tho night of T New Year's Eve. Ono of tho reasons & liven by the New York organization for J lis act was that "at this time, when so K, much distress has been caused by tho European war and a pall hangs over the civilized world, the coming of tho new year Is a fitting occasion to cut down on ill celebrations In the form of drinking Intoxicants." Supposed Poslofficc Thieves Captured 49E(.tt.V YOKK. Dec. IS. In rive men cap tured In a raid In Brooklyn today the toUce believe they have rounded up a ,tmt which has committed postofflce ,roooerlea throughout the country, netting the criminals J100.000 or more. Thcv nro Jield on tho specific chnrgo of robbing the t pMtoftlce at St. Michaels, Md. According kCtIme In New Vorlc, Indiana, South Caro- l' llm nnrl nunrttln nsnllAnllnolAK . OliU ULUIh'U JJIIllilliHl H-O, Msinr Hlinraf flrta Stnti 1tirt.i IS ,..t . . ,... . .. . j uau.u:mji,uu, i-fec. iu. .Mujor .m. . afl& niiAf, 4n..n. nt.l .i.nniliinn, I V n f I ftM 1 1 I f UUVID., IU, IttC. ,. JUVtllMlVIIV ,11 ..I.V.W..U- PWm K.11C1VS tXlll It ivi,iii-. v.U,HIIIl.c. 3Vnf tka l)Ann.iluniil'i T)iiiDr(,mnt nf tllA Qrand Army," was today appointed to u k tnuiuun in tuc uri.iueii a v.unijvii9aiiuM Bureau and assigned to the Harrlsburg omces. lie was at one time a Stnto banit Mumlner. Judge and Party on a Hunt Judge John M. Patterson, of Common ..rieas Court No. 1 and Attorney Cornelius Harearty, Jr., nro leading a party of Mmrods through tho forests and over the meadows of North Carolina, pursuing r- wild turkeys and deer. Tho party Is ? 4 Mpected back ln town on Monday next. For HIS XMAS This handsome brief case Is only a)S.OD, made of the flneBt leather, black or brown as you desire. Every business or professional man should have one. 4ilt far our book "SOCIAL SUGGESTIONS" m M4M6 HHflf NUT ST. QUAUTY Fill ST fUUdelphU'a FUeit Shoe Kcpalrcrs 37il Ad Worth 0o SPECIAL 58c FAMOUS Rubber III 5Aa lVKLL-KN-nivv! iT'rifD n... " i 1 o-r.iiv I Lll ioPOPui.4ii O'BDI.IJvif- 8W.I4VAN I'ut On Bring TM Xi n Ueat Slaterlals iaeMl WorlrmuUkliln ,r eaUed tor anj dell end or done wUUe I you wmt iSTANI PV 22 N. Thirteeath St. uAmj;i 2238 Norifc Froat St. WILSON, IN "01 SANTA" ROLE, HAS SACK FULL OF FINE GIFTS New York and Brooklyn Postmaster ship Among Mirny Presents He Holds WASHINGTON, 1. It will be a merry Christmas for n number of Dem oeratlc office-seekers. President Wilson, In the role of "oi' Santy," has a sackful of postmaatcrshlpi, an ambassadorship or so and any number of minor appoint ments. vwx-of, lh6, WgReft postmastcrshlps, rr w, nua nrookl'. will be Import iMt, ll,.lcnlly- s,low'ns the President's attitude toward Tammany, which holds the balance of power In the Home, fi . . freely runiorcd thnt Henty P. .,;.,. ' f; iVlnJinn-or to Chill, Is to be promoted to the Mexico post. BULLDOG BITES FIVE MEN AND FOUR BOYS Children Attacked While Sled ding and Seriously Injured. Policeman Among Victims A snarling bulldog ran wildly through tho neighborhood of 20th and Locust streets last night, biting five men nnd four boys. He was killed nfter an ex citing chase by n pollcemrM and tho head sent to tho Veterinary School of the University of Pcnnsjlvnula, vhcre nit examination will determine whether tho animal wits tnad. Chililicn wcro sledding when the dog approached them. He was an unusually largo bulldog, of ferocious nppcarance. Hugo teeth protruded from his Jaw. At first, the youngsters believed that he only wanted to piny with them, nnd for that reason failed to tun when ho thrcnt cntcil them. The four children who wcro bitten nro Charles Hcnkcl, 2216 Wharton street; Clement Unrr. 2329 Spruce street: Ldwnrd Cnrlln. 2312 Waverly street, nnd Joseph nurk, 416 South 26th street. They were taken to tho Children's Hos pital, 18th and llnlnbrldgo streets, nnd treated by Dr. A. Overton Tarrant. According to the physician tho wound? or all were sufficiently severe to bo serious. Ho said that rabies seldom developed be fore two days had passed, nnd for that reason the parents ot the children nre greatly worried. Tho children were In structed to return to the hospital at 11 o'clock today for fuithcr treatment. "When tho dog attacked tho boys, thoy ran In all directions. Patrolman Arthur Jones tried to beat tho dog with his club, nnd was bitten on the hand. He chased him south on 20th street, four other men Joining In the pursuit. They, too, were bitten. Tho other adult WctlmR arc Clarcnco Jamsley, 1311 South ISth street: Charles Hockley, 1219 South Guenther street; Philip Kuntz, 2213 South stieet, and Jnmcs Gallagher, 2307 Cypress street. Tho latter was bitten on the nose, nnd J. E. Gifts Ekegren Watches Century watch j A Watch for $25 Bracelet Watches Lorgnons, Sautoirs Lorgnette Chains Necklaces, Lockets Rosaries, Crosses Gold-Mounted Umbrellas Jeweled Finger Rings Signet Rings Diamonds For Christmas Diamonds are of permanent and ever-increasing value and never go out of fashion. The purchase of a good diamond does not necessarily involve, as many people suppose, a large investment. Our stock offers probably the widest assortment for selection in this city, yet every diamond is of uniform fine quality. We are the direct importers, make our own mountings and our prices are as low as is consistent with high standards. Diamond Rings $12.00 to $1900.00 Diamond La Vallieres 35.00 to 2250.00 Diamond Brooches .,. 20.00 to 2100.00 Diamond Bar Pins.... 90.00 to 750.00 Diamond Bracelets ,,, 12.00 to 725.00 Diamond Links 20.00 to 500.00 You may see these articles reproduced in our new catalogue, which contains over 20,000 photographic illustrations of the best in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, all accurately de scribed and priced, A copy is yours, free, for the asking. It will be mailed to you if you wish. SKind&Sons - Diamond Merchants Jewelers -Silver smiths MO Chestnut Street Cloilng Sour: Six o'clock Until ChrSstmas xjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBPiiiiiiH Jftf,f,f,fJlsM&-ul Ik'HHLL LH flpfafifafaBBHfafjLfitffe-ftfajajBBa JPI 'fafafafaffiattMBHw 9BfJHv af-H fafafafjjJ .fBAifafafafal ' fafaFaMNiS "f-ff-ffjl QKBtt&'U Xafafafafal PHILLIP KUNZ One of tho children in South Phil adelphia bitten by u snarling bulldog, which attacked nine per sons. nt tho Polyclinic Hospital where the men wcro treated his condition was said to ho serious. The othcri were permitted to go home, promising to rctutu to the ills pensr.ry today. Gallasher Is under the constant observation of a nurse nnd phy sician. Ho spent n restful night nnd was no worse thta morning, which tho doctors rcgnrd ns nu encouraging condi tion. When the dog was kilted nt 20th and Lombard streets children were playing nearby, and Jones put n bullet Into the animal's brnln as It was npproachlng tho joungsteis. BAHY'S DEAD BODY FOUND ON PILOT OF LOCOMOTIVE? Pennsylvania Engineer Discovers Mysterious Bundle at Johnstown AI-TOO.VA. Pa.. Dec. b) -Tho body nt an Infant a day or two old wns found on the pilot of the locomotive attached to train No. G on the Pennsylvania Hnllroail last night by Engineer ". Mcl'nddcn while he wns oiling his engine nt Johns town. He noticed n package wrapped In n Pittsburgh newspaper ns ho wnlked -i front of the trnln, and took It Into the cab where Its contents were disclosed. He had no Idea when or how the body was placed on tho pilot. The body was turned over to the Johns town authorities. Calcktell & 902 Chestnut Street of Gold for Women Moderate Prices ;ti Bangles, Bracelets Pendant Earrings Brooches, Bar Pins Veil Pins, Hat Pins Scarf Pins Cuff Buttons Shirt Waist Sets Belt Buckles Slipper Buckles Vanity Boxes with Cigarette Compartment Miniature Frames Diamond Scarf Pins ,,$25.00 Diamond Earrings .... 15.00 Diamond Studs 12.00 Diamond Lockets .... 13.50 Diamond Necklaces,. 1125.00 Pearl Necklaces 75.00 PRESIDENT'S WEDDING ONLY 48 HOURS OFF, YET SECRECY VEILS IT Bridegroom - to - Be Considers Marriage Simply and Purely a Personal Affair FACTS NO'f FOR PUBLIC Washington Society Folk MilTed, for They Did Want to Know About Gowns WASHINGTON. Dec. 16 - Willi the time for the wedding of President Wilson nnd Mr3. Norman Oalt only 4S hours off, Washington society witB still In the dark today concerning the arrangements. All Inquiries r tho White House received the uniform nnswe, that tho President con sidered his marriage purely and simply n personal nffalr nnd that ho had decided that nono of the fncls concerning It were to he mado public. it Is understood that D o'clock Saturday night has heclt the hour fixed for perfoim Ing the roremon at the home of Mrs. Gait. Until the bildo nnd bridegroom will be unnttetulcf ncrnrditig 10 todays rumors. Hut whethoi the newly wedded pair will leave the city nfter th ceremony or not Is known onlv to two persons, the Prcsl- . dent and his biidc-to-bc pihvati: PAR IN IM.S..nV!.. t'p to the present time no arrangements have been mnde for either n private car or a special train to carry the couple away from Washington. It Is understood that n private car will be held In re serxo here In Washington If It should be needed, but the Indications todnv wen- y,1...::1' A Gift That Lasts Thp frnprnnrp of perfect .tower rang. it nml held In a ilulnty tintt.p. Our (lartlenlu Toilet Wntrr, for tn Htiuirr, rt O.V & S1.2R. Or any nf the like Amrrltnn nnd foreign per fume Nov 1h the imp to mnlco a PClPL-tlon, while ,.i arc com plete. UelUerv nr'nliRrit nn where. LLEWELLYN'S l'hlliiilrlililnH Mandiird Drue Mure 1518 Chestnut Street Open rtrr day in Hie rnr till lllllllllRllt Vvm. 32) Co. Photo Frames Mesh Bags and Purses Card Cases Pencils, Fountain Pens Manicure and Dressing, Table Sets Hand Mirrors Lip Salve Boxes Sewing Sets Thimbles Desk Articles to $1000.00 to 4000.00 to 230.00 to 395.00 to 15.000.00 to 6500.00 I o G I cJJB thnt If n, wedding trip Is undertaken It will be mado by automobile, nnd that a point ln Virginia or Maryland nearby will be relected. It had been supposed that the yacht Mayflower would be choaen to avoid the crowds, and extensive renovation was made on It by the naval authorities. However, today It was said that the ofTlcers of the converted yacht had been told that they would not be needed, nt least on Saturday. The present critical stalo of the rela tions with Austria and the general Euro pean situation were expected to prevent the President going far from Washing ton. In fact, there were many persons who believed that there would be no wedding trip, but that the President nnd his In Idc would go to the White House nnd remain In seclusion there for n shott time. A few officials professed to be lieve that the couple might go to Wll llnmstowti, Mns where the President's daughter, Mm. Sayre, resides. tnfoimatlon even 113 to the list of fam ily guests who will witness the wedding wns lcfused at the White House, while .Mrs. Gait positively declined to receive any calleis or to answer any questions. Her tegular telephone lias been discon nected, and to reach her by phone It Is now necessary to call up the White House snltchboard, thus permitting a censor ship on Incoming calls. Washington society was distinctly miffed today over tho situation. While It had been expected that the guest lint would bo limited, there had been a belief that certain Intimate detnlls. audi as the style and material of the wedding gown nnd tho like, would bo made public. Hut a. the rcauest of the President, Mrs Gait has taken only Mr. McAdno, Miss Margaret Wilson, Miss Helen W. Bones and one or two of her own closest teln tlvcs Into her confidence nnd shown them her trousseau Naturnllv the.v have been pledged not to talk nboul what lhe san There nre to be no outsiders present f.l the ceremonv, and In order .o miibe scerecy more certain, announcement of the ofllclntliig rlerc. man Is to be wllli- !Kiauam.muui ijujiarua. BLANK'S FRUIT CAKE POUND CAKE PUMPKIN PIE PLUM PUDDING MINCE PIE FANCY CAKES HAMPERS and BASKETS of FANCY FRUITS Place order carlv to insure prompt delivery. 1024-26 Chestnut St. 3tsxixm!XMJCmim&j&l A Tecla Pearl Necklace is the piece de resistance in the toilette of jewels The soft, unobtrusive radiance of Tecla pearls is simply Uio soft, unobtrusive radiance of ocean pearls all over again tho delicacy of texture, the elusive tints, the filmy orient of Nature s oricinal, so perfectly reproduced that Natnre herself might ask Which is Which? A. necklace of Tecla pearls on a woman it a social distinction. Teda Pearls cost less money and entail less risk. 398 Fifth AtMit, Nor York MAXWELL & BERLET, Inc. Sola Philadelphia Agents Walnut St. nt 16th 3t. Special Sale of Gift Footwear at Geuting's Clear up your shopping list with dainty, beautiful, com fortable slippers for all the family and save a big part of the cost. The items that follow only suggest the host of rare bargains we arc now offering, 250 Pairs Women's Comfort Slippers Beautiful, soft, luxurious felt slip pers, in all kimono colors, and daintily trimmed with ribbon and pompons, formerly $1.35 now 850 Pairs of Men's Soft leather, kid-lined throughout, with Klve-snaP sides in red, maroon, green, tan, brown and black a genuine $3.G0 valuta now 600 Pairs Camel's Hair Slippers Special importation of these splendidly com fortable slippers, padded inner soles, in oxford grey and dark brown extra value at Children's $1 Women's $1.35 Men's $1.75 2S0 Pairs Children's & Misses' Felt Slippers Famous "Soft-tred" felt mod els, handsomely made in all colors, regularly Jl.oo, now 65, All Slippers, Stockings, etc., handsomely packed in Christmas Boxes 1230 Market Shoes and Stockings for the Family. iThc Stores of U Every Foot Professionally Fitted Three Qeuting Brothers Supervising htld tmtll the very last moment. As n result, the names of nt least a dozen clergymen, who have been nseoclated with the President and Mrs. Oalt In their church work and attendance are being mentioned ns certain to ofnclate. It Is understood that the marriage li cense will not be Issued until Saturday nfternoon. Wilson and Dridc to Visit Jckyl Isle SAVANNAH. Ga., Dec. 16. Iteports reached heto today thnt President Wilson nnd his bride would pass part of their honeymoon on Jeltyl Island. Arrange ments for their stay ate said to be already under way. WOULD COT POSTAGE IN HALF Pennsylvania!. Introduces Bill, for Penny Rnte nt Point of Delivery WASHINOTON, Dec. IS. A bill provid ing for one-cent postnge was Introduced h Hepicsentatlve Coleman, of Pennsyl vania, lodai ."Irst-elnss mail matter, when deposited In postofllce or letter box for delivery within the limits of the postolMco deliv ery, shall he carried ul the rnto of one cent for each ounce. Instead of two cents. Bring your children to see our electric toys before you decide what they really do want most. They arc perfectly safe. They last long. They're real that's why they're the most fun. Price $5. See them in our windows and more inside at SrSB! T2WK3 1719 Chestnut Street iUAtk 95 C FAUST Slippers ! $9-65 IKomen's SI. 25 Silk Stockings Pflre silks and carter top silks, famous Gotham gold stripe and other brands all shades now $1 3 prs. in Box $2.85 19 So. 11th A Quick Service Men's Shop. ABBaaiBaBaBBBBll' aMadaajB "(PBOMOUNCCD OYTIMft) JL famous Shoes. ' Three down Three to go! This is Thursday, and marks the bc ginning of the second half of this One Week's Wonderful Sale of 500 Suits and 500 Overcoats at the Uniform Intensified Value Price of 15 Q, We were fortunate to be able to comman deer these fabrics at a price which, with a concession from our own profits, enables us to pass them on to you at $15 the Suit or Overcoat ! We know whereof ice speak, and we speak by the cards when we say tTT, These are staple Suits and Overcoats that are welcomed at $20 to $25 from day to day in the regular rou tine of business, and are good as gold just as long as they last. The Overcoats C. The kind that are richly simple but simply rich ! Not merely that they are Oxfords, grays, blues and quiet mixtures; but they have the fit, the style, the poise and balance of Perry making. The Suits C. Silk-mixed and fancy worsted cassi meres, plaids and blue serges, both fashion ably and conserva tively made. At the Uniform Price of $15 this one week Perry&Co. "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. mmnBiirKliHnimrmj WlWtWm nTTia'HWM'al1' "'''' """" nrrw--iiMj,il-nmlrt-tiirisiJ yjinjffjniBff WfflWPHiliiWffi j H BCLI, PHONES .