-f &wtljg&&m'"w-ri I '16 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1915; I 4 FOK SALS .ACRIFlCZ SALE until January 1 of nil kinds I diamonds. Jewelry, rood can be bought here 40 less (hen ether nlaces money re- ninata, L Ltpkln, 1S00 Filbert et. MESH ItAO wiiirE iia. I.0. HlbDKIl'S ST. ( LADIES' DIAMOND tJAtlEMENT RING.. I1L.OB. TIFPANY.. t. WHITK, TI.-I1. FKCTS A BARGAIN. RU IEDER'8 LOAN MO-PAHl DIAMOND SCREW EARRINGS. Kin white diamonds, . Karat, worth J7S. LOAN OFFtCB, FRONT AND GIRARD. -DtAMONU. swn iir.ATtviTM t . LAVAL- "f.tKKf? si nt. Kill tmlml II HMLI ILUB-WHITE DIAMONDS; IsSmaRKET' ST. HlEOEll'H l.UAM UHII OFFICE. WB IlUY all Talking Machine Records. W exchange talking machine records, Co S13II muge nve., ia..rn., ,, p. ro. ring, purewhite and JB J'lO. UlCUl'.lia IAIAN OFFlCE..lSS.MAn lKr7f SI. It sUITAlil.E Christmas gilts s"e I'lunkrtt. ?it m. Prnnt at. Cutler?. Srortlna rood. 1 tcycles. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH ItEAT Is better' and, cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure fresh air with noimal moisture MAKIN ItELSEY, B N. IRth t.. Phlla. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 0O NEW PIANOS lleppe, Marcellus, Jules. II C. Schoirucker, Francesca, etc.. contain Inr llireo sounding boards. 88 upright pianos of these makes returned from summer rental accounts, reduced iron; J Mi to $130 below regular prices: can ba paid 5 monthly nnd upward Call or write tor large Illustrated cala. lcrue.11EppE,8 UPTOWN STORE3 cor. Cth and Thompson els. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS t!8 LARGE ZONOPHONE TALKINO machine, with cabinet and M records, finished In beautiful quartered oak, cost new $W. Can ba paid 73 cents weekly. An eicellent bartaln; In good condition. Write for com Diet list of bargains and special trial offer. P HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Corner 0th and Thompson sts., I'hlla.. Pa. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHONOGRAPH Cost tGO new. .This outfit Is complete with records and will be sold for $31, payable 78 rants weeklv. Call or write for complete de scriptions and 1 trge Illustrated catalogues. HEPPU'3 UPTOWN STORES Cor. (.th and Thompson ts. Philadelphia. Pa. OPEN EVEN1NQ3 UNTIL CHRISTMAS PLAYER-PIANOS delivered Immediately, pav. able $2.23 weekly; prices 11)1 and upward, . Call or wrlto for large Illustrated cata logues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. Cth and Thompson sts. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS tW-CIUCKERINa UPRIGHT PIANO, cost $830 new. Twenty-tlvo other Upright Pianos at $100, $12.1. $loti. etc.; payable $3 monthly. . Call or write for large Illustrated cata loguea. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. 0th and Thompson sts. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS llANO $145 New upright pianos. Theso pla nos were made to sell for $27fi, $.100. $550. Guaranteed for 10 years. Having purchased the entire stock of theso 1013 stjlo pianos, of a prominent New York manufacturer at ridiculously low figures. 1 will close them out at prices never before heard of. . HO ARD VINCENT. 8.10-8.18-840 N. Cth. rLAYEH-PIANO-$2(V will buy new 8S-note frjyer-piano; wo nave i or tnese instruments n stock and It will pay for any one who really wants a. p!aer-plano for one-half the original price to cnll nt our factor' or write for particulars: lose no time, as these few plinos will soon be sold: terms mado to suit. IIUHAHU viauLriT, MU-MH-tHU .V. Utn 2IAsO Baby grand. In handsome mahogany case, exceedingly small; only In uso two months: cost $700: will sell for $30.1: easy terms could ho arranged with reliable party; do not miss this onoortunltv. HOWARD VINCENT. M0-S38-840 N. th. J"IANO Estey upright piano, largo Hie. ele gant condition. $113; like now; would con alder monthly nayments to reliable tartv. HOWARD VINCENT. Mfl-KlS-KIO N. 6th. riANO lleppe upright, full alio, mahogany ease: a very fine Instrument. Can bo bought on easy terms, at a great bargain. HUUAUU VINCENT. S30-838-840 N. 0th. rUAYER-PIANO Electric, foot nnd hand: In use 2 months: cost $1000; will bo sold at a ridiculously low flguro. HOWARD VINCENT. 836-838:840. NStlr JPXANO ICranich"&"Bach uprlghtlbeautlful mahogany case, like new; cost $530; first reasonable offer accepted. HOWARD VINCENT. 836-B38-S40 N. Otll. PIANOLA fiS-noto Pianola, bench, music and music cabinet: all In elegant condition: $185 caan, or terms made to suit. HOWARD VINCENT. 830-838-840 N.6th. PIANO Stelnway upright, mahogany" case: good tone; ns good as new; cost $dO0; can be bought at a great sacrifice. HOWARD VINCENT. MO-838-840 N. 6th. lr,KnTR fan,, bh ..- ...II... ... ,.,.. - .w v.u vmdi. hnu , mic uuiiai nn,ij, for magnificent $326 upright piano; only in use three months. HOWARD VINCENT. 830-838-840 N. Cth. WEAVER-PIANO, in handsome mahogany case: like new; cost $0.10; Including bench r.1.inu,c- 155 ca,n: '"", W per month. HOWARD VINCENT. 830-838-840 N. 0th. IfLAYER-PIANO Blaalus. full size, mahogany case; like new: will sell for $203. ... HOWARD VINCENT. B3O-S.i8-840 N. 0th. BEND for list of pianos and playera forfeited for storage: every Instrument In absolutely perfect condl.: also Urge line of new pianos and players direct from tho makers at a sav ing of $100 to. $200. Ooen evenings: easy terms. N. Phlla. Stontgo Co.. 20M Lehigh wth. -,iQR-a. ;iu. TJPIHGHT PIANO bargains; Stelnway. $173; Chlckerlng. $155: Ramsdell. $145: Marcellus. $133: other uprights. $05, MS. $12.1: practice olanos. $33; $3 monthly: players, $275. $.1J5: s monthly. Hughes Bros.. 832 N. 10th. "U'ANTEU, six upright pianos: cash. Kelly oro,., ,l im aomcrHi sts. xioita iau. HIOH-QRADE PIANO-Ltttle-used upright; widow must sell. 001 S. 40th. MACHINERY AND TOOLS HAFTING-SAFETY, SPLIT COLLARS AND uum nsngers ana piuow oiocus witn nn. Ished ball and socket bearings are the best ror an snaiiing purposes, mmai'-hj MACHINE WORKS, 143 N. 2d St. n'INU AND no, -.., , u ni. JAMES YOCOM & SON. POWER-PtJt.NT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil ea lines, pumps, air compressors. FRAJ-K TOOMEY. Inc.. 127 N. 3d St. MANY of the largest Industrial establishments In I'hlladeln itladelphla have been equipped with ig. hungers, pulleys and belting by CfcSBOND CO., 620 Arch st. :.: - . , - 1: '. m,ti(iij L.1IA11 DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought. om ana rentea; armatures repaired. Man 01. Market 3063. Yearsley CoJS4N. 3d st. IlORIZONTAli ENOINES-10 to 80-HPTj complete; In good order. Ssyfert's, 437 N. 3dst. io-K. W. direct-connected engines and gen. erators: 40-K. W. belted generators; 8. 18, - H. P- motors. NUTTADL. 1748 N. 6th. PIPE Second-hand, all sizes. Phlla. Second"? . nino s-ipe auppiy. iuvj n, lltt st- 2 WOODEN TANKS. 10.000 gallons capacity ntui koou m new. 1. num. uiu iseacn St. OLD GOLD HIGHEST prices In tba city paid for old gold, silver, platinum, false teeth, old coins bought and sold. Jewelry Exchange. 204 a. 8th. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old siyls jewelry, teeth plates bought for caan. Est. 1870. J. L- Clark, refiner. 607 Sansom. OA8II PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS stones, gold, sliver, platinum, false teeth, Phlla. Sn-elting and Ref. Co.. 128 a. 11th st. St,D. GOLD-CaaU paid for old gold, all ver, antique clocks: win rail. Bell phone. Locust 1210. ROQERS. 2Y S. 17th St. TUc RfcfCW 5AN8 ITS ffSoiw To He. COLOCK MM - H-KARAT aOLD BrirUDDEU with J pure ftoKDS: original cost, J. Loan office. 12s market ksHsssssHssssssssssk -mmm. bssssswsisMsh ' " s. m ... j " "'" 1 1 m. "V J K OM My VJQKir VUELL.tT vaiish TVit WAC , .. . Sues OOlTtS. f. "" Tv I 1 1 v v" y -, 1 oveiH . 1 1 ' "- s w 1 moTc-r V IHw cur ioat v .-..... ,, j3k m loo?cNeT J V Je?vfowrM7i sK? snt was ovj wfLPsyjv f The fir?t S a fi Z&'m M J Fon. IW5TANCE. ) fAzl bEe ,T J I t ..M.i. fAVK I . i I SN f I r v- iv M 1 V"--ri;va vr Vi0UJ ( - k-x si,r- v t.'ll PIUNTINQ 1H1T TOUTl CHRISTMAS CARDS, EARLT Malie yo-ir selections from 12.1 designs, price 23 to 60 cents per disen engratlnr our spe cialty. The Card Shop, loot Chestnut it. Open evening. BOOFINO AND IBON AWNING3 WB coat leaky roofa at amall coat and tuaran tee them TO years, let u estimate. AMERICAN ROOFING CO. IMS Rldga are. STORAGE CONTINENTAL BTOHAUE WAREHOUSE.. SOTH ST. AUO E CHESTNUT PACKINU, MOVING, SHIPPINO. M Rugs, Carpeta cleaned, acoured, itored. Bell. Loom 1060 Phones-Key, Raca 4160. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES. 18I1-18U1 MARKET ST. WALKER'S STORAGE, 15th abovo Dauphin Feparate locked rosms, pacxtng nna snipping to nil points; auto vans for motlng; carpet cleaning, :'c. yard. Iloth phones. ATLAS STORAGE WAHf.HOUSn Storage, moving, packlrg, shipping, rnrpet cleaning. Ph. Daring 732 for estimate. Market and 37th, McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. .174S N. 11th at.: moving, packing, alilpplng; auto vans. IJolh phones. Let us estimate. FREE STORAGE the first month; moving by nuto nns, shipping, packing, carpet cleaning Leln's, 20IS Ridge. Park B490 A. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, falso teeth. BOc. to Jl set Cald: broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds ougM, 733 Walnut. Wnl. 7020. Est. '08. BROKEN JEWELRV, false teeth.plstols.colns, Coin book, with prices I pay. mailed. 10c. J. D. Boss (People's Store), 200 S. llth.wal. 4480. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Wo positively pay 80 more for gentlemen's clothing, shoes, send postal, we call, day, eve., city or subs. Fried man Il'Os.. 1111 South St., ph. Dickinson 0181. FURNITURE, r'anos, carpets, antiques, entire or part houses bought for cash, no matter ho-vlarg.. J. Hcrnsteln, 13,14 Ridge ave. YELLOW stamps redeemed for dolls, toys, etc. Highest prices paid for loose stamps In sheets, TRADING STA.M" CO., 2114 N. Front et. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR DIAMONDS, old gold, platinum, falso teeth, also pawn tickets 1'msi filbert St.. 2d floor front WANTED TO 111 Y pnrt or entire household furniture. Lev In Bros., 20P3 Rldgs no ROOMS FOR RENT BROAD, S 2120 Furnished rooms, all conven lencea.prlvate family. I'hone.Dlcklnson 201,1 J. UIIOAD. S 2141 Nicely-furnished front room; steam heat, electric lights, private family. DROAD. N , 3141 Nicely, furnished room, convs , phono. rcHsninGle, private tamlly. all BROWN. 1311 Warm, cozy. comm. sitting and beOronni for gentlemnn. owner; $2.50. CHIiSTNUT. 1M3 ONE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM CHESTNUT. 1004 Desirable rooms, slnglo or en suite: steam neat, imi locusc ,ji. j CHESTNUT. 2043 Slnglo or en suite; dec , I hot-waterhcnt; new management: references, ' CHESTNUT ST. (near 4StlO Handsomely turn. rooms, with bath, near "L," Baring 1107 II. LOCUST, 1213-18 (L'on'a Head) Furn. apts , suites androoms with prlvatobath. LOGAN SQUARE (23,1 N. 18th) Housekeeping rooma, furn.; unfur. , elec. light, run, water. PINE. 012 Desirable 2d floor and 2 single rooms, centrally located. Walnut 727.1 W. PINE, 1323 Attractively furn, rms., slnglo or en BUlte, running water, prlvato family: ph. PINE, B13S Nicely furnished room for gentlo man. board optional, phono Belmont 3730. aprmrr. 11tr ?,t tmnt. htnilHrnllv fiirnth.ri- I running water, elec. light: other vacancies. SPRUCE. 1317 Rooms, single or en suite, prl. baths; prof, offices, steam heat,electrlclty. THOMPSON, V. 1310 Remodeled, coiy, 2d front. 2 rooms, bath, fine loc. : opp. square. WALLACE, 1C20 Well-furn. 2d-story front room, plenty heat; running water, phone; Ideal home for two gents. WALLACE. 1017 rurnlshed rooms, single or en suite; hot-wnter heat; southern exposure. WALNUT. 1431-33 Very nttractlvo ants. 2 to l rms., bath, also single room and bath, turn, or ur.furn. , excellent location; lst-class serv Icc. Phone Spruco 4S30, or apply to Janitor. 8TH. N , SP02 Private party desires to rent . half of comfortable modern home; reasonable. 10TH. S.. .".Oil (opp. Clinton) Attractlio rooms, with or without bath, well heated; plentyliot water, newly renovated. Ph. Walnut 0044. 15TH, S , 314-COMFORTABLY TURNISHED FRONT R.M.. ADJOINING BATH. PHONE. KTH, N.. ISIS Irgo sitting room: suit den tist; private adult ram.; also slnglo vacancies, furn. or unfurn. . reasonable. Dlam. 40OS W. 1STH. N.. 115 Suite, with bath, slnglo nnd double rooms; steam heat. 10T1I, S., 33 Attractively furnished room, nin ning water; alsa unfurn room, prlvato bath. 20TH ST.. S.. 257. Newly furn. rooms, single or en suite. In firlvate adult family, well hented, electric Ighta; board optional; ref. exchanged. 21ST. S., 3. Attractive furn. or unfurn. rooms, single or en suite; few at $10 per month. 43D, S., 440-"-Pleasant'front rooms, corner house, oerlooklng lawn. 43TH. S., 43t Single and doublo rooma In ex clusive, reflned, modern home. Phone. 4DTH. S., 001 Handsomely furnished or un furnished 2d floor front, well heated; all m odern Im proveme nts: unlimited phone. 50TH. N 1SI 2 ROOMS. UNFURNISHED: prlvato bath, private family Daring 804 Y. TWO handsomely furnished rooms with private bath; hot-water heat, electric light, refer ences exchanged; near Broad and Montgom ery. Poplar 1553. or P 310. Ledger Office. OWNER OF LAROE dwelling will rent attrac tively furnished bachelor apt. of 2 rooms, private bath, open fireplace. 2022 Spruce st. LADY having apt. will rent 1 or 2 rooms; 10th and Chestnut M 1H3. Ledger Central. COMFORTABLY furn front. $2: single room, $1.50. gentlemen, near L: t'h Baring 7237 L. TWO ROOMS, housekeeping, $1, single rooms, $2 1401 N. 10th or. BOARDING BALTIMORE. 4419 Large, sunny, second-floor room; couple or genneinnn, excellent lapie. Ll.'HIGH AVE . W.. 1027-Prlvate family has few front vncancles; excellent table; all con- venlencHs; electricity. Phone Tioga 7330 W. SANSOM ST., 5SJ9 sj-atory front room, furn., with board. for 2 persons, near "I-' Bel.2050 J. SPRUCE 1230 Front room with board. SPRUCE., 1010 Rooms, with board: running water, steam heat, elevator. Filbert 8383 W. SPRUCE. 1012 (Holmehurst)-Furnlshed rooms; private pain; wun poarq. tapie poara. SPRUCE. 1224-20 (Brismonde) Fnrn. rooms. single, en mne, private pains, laoio poaru WALLACE. 3401 Board and rooms, reasonable ; convenient to cars. Phone Preston fUSS W. WALNUT ST.. 4531-Ilooms. with board; 2d ana .iu noors: near 1, jeierence. 1VOODLAND Aa. 6S07-Pleasant front room; gooq poarq i or cqupie. v ooqianq .iiiu. IttTII. N 1H20 Vacancy, 2d floor (double), with or without board; all conveniences; un- exceneq tame poaru. t-opiar utfM-j. 40TH ST.. H., 031 Large double rooms; refined. moaern: tauio poarq ; lieu pnone. 83D ST , N.. 122 Room, board for married cou ple or gentlemen. Phone Belmont 2072 J. Suburban OERMANTOWN. 119 W. Penn St. Sanitarium; bright cheerful, homelike resting place for Invalids or elderly persons. Ph. Gtn. 33S1 D. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location; special scientific care; nervous; elderly: every comfort, nurses. Booklet. Dr. Randal. City line. Chestnut Hill. Xhc STr J. I Oomt look. ) voold STop- T I PLtTCoi? op Retttv DoMT vy A NEvE Ml WO i K"! V-""" I Z?'S&ZS2C' J - m.W, "K -PCT1N 1 aTI V li Gorcufzx- ' f 1. . n mm . -" v t-..,. . -j 1. . m ,. - 1 . 1 fi-' t-' r . r iivif- ir - i APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER I7TII AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story concrete nnd steel fireproof structure teaches the highest point of devel opment et attained in apartment con struction, and may bo properly styled a per fect place of abode. An earnest, effort has been made to offer a matchless homo to those whose first con sideration Is not to count the cost alone, but to procuro that which they desire; where there la only perfection, the size and char acter of which may ho selected and shaped according to the distinctive requirements of the Individual. Suites aro arranged from. two rooms and ono bath to seven rooms nnd three baths. Tho location Is em client, being convenient to tho business and chopping centtes and jet not tot) near. ..... All things considered, the rentals are mod Further Information, nrrangements for In spection and reservations may be mada through NORMAN S. HHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. R1TTENHOUSE SQ (210 8. 10TH) large, beautifully fnr. rms. nnd npts., 1 or 2 rms., prlv. baths; hot-water heat: 1st class In appointment nnd service, Spruca 8632. SPRING GARDEN. 1M7-Etcellcnt apts. In 9 different houses; somo turn.; kitchenettes. THE PARKSIDE 0T v,N,IInARD OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK One to four rooms and hath; reasonable terms. Phone Baring 22L West Philadelphia I OFFER a large vnriety of apartments at varied prices and to meet almost any require ment. Call or send for list. Automobile ice ii inspect nnsrtrncnis tr nesiren. Vil.lA(. , fill SPRUCE 0200. .ma;m , Mllliliwuuu. 1411 uainiit st. HAUL, ifU. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1TURNI0HED apartment, s rooms and bath, for gentleman, near 17th and Columbia; at tractive location r 24S, Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BROAD, N., 2010 Three rooms, kitchen, bath, 4th floor, steam heat, gas nnd elec; $30, M. lsen. 1107 RcalEstatc Tr. fildg. Filbert 310ft 6011 N. BROAD6T., opposite Logan Station 81x rooms and bath, $3.1 Open for Inspection. M.M.SM'TH, opposlto I-opiin 8tatlon. irrTH AND MT. VERNON AptB , 3 and .6 rooms, with bath, steam neat, oloctrlo light, nil outsldo rooms, corner fSTHN, 1718 Six large, light rooms, newly finished, modern flat, aldo yard, lire tower. FOR modern furn. or unfurn. apartments. Northwest Phlla nnd Tioga, see tin first, SCHOEPPY A CO. 1817 Montgomery ave THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTiMENT You can look at one after nnother until you find one. or You can go around to the different agencies until In despair you take one. or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office Xt I qultft true that nearly vry drslrnblo apartment In rhlladelplila la listed with nnd mny be rented through us. Cull upon in In our now offlcrs; they are really quite attractlxe; jou will bo Elven the most courteous nnd efficient service obtain able An automobile Is waiting to tnlto you to the list of apartments you designate, nnd If by any chanco you are not perfectly suited our entire organization will be placed at jour J(postl to procuro for you exactly your henrt's desire. , , , , Think nf all the trouble you will hao paved nnd how glad ou will be to know ou 1irg found the one apartment In Philadelphia which mofct nearly approaches jour exact Ideal NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. 8pruc 02IU Race 3023. THP N A ?H 1527-20 SPRUCE STREET 1 nc nrian housekeeping apart- MENTS and PROFESSIONAL OFFICES. M. . UltlUMS. originator of Apt Bureau Service, will qnlcklv find sou tho apartment that au us. urn ileal i;si. -jr. mug, whi. p-ji. HOUSEKEEPING APTS.. all parts of city, rents $23 to $70 per mo. Call, phone nr write fnr Information. Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut. WEST PHILADELPHIA . POWELTON, 4007 (Elclra Apts.) Flvo outside rooms, bath, porch, 2d rloor. $40. Inqutra 4000 Powclton ave. Phone Preston 0150. $.11) TO SMI CHOICE SKI. I.I TION3 , KERSHAW & CROWU 5215 Chestnut. "DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERUHOOK bTT10N One housekeeping suite, 0 rooms and bath, $S.J,34 per month, one furnished suite, 3 sleeting rooms, one exceptionally large living room and bath, 975 pur month; public dining - r9.yT Phone Over, rook 0.12S. THE RUTLAND APTS , JUST COMPLETED LOCUST 8T., 61TH TO 53TH ST. 0 and 7 room apartments, with all tho latest conveniences. $.17.1.0 to $15 per month. ROBERT PITTH. AGENT Hell phone Belmont 4m. ,1413 Locust st. KINCSCOURT 30th nnd Chestnut sts. JUST COMPLETED. MODERN HOUSE keeping arartments; fireproof Uoors, eleva tors: public dlnlnc rooms Apply THOMAS M. ngh03. Jr.. 1207 RACE ST. OREV oVB-KS, .11S-314 N. 33D. Very nttractlvo apts., 3 to 7 rooma. furnished or unfurnished; all outsldo rooms: show-ir baths, etc.: reasonanlo: 8 mln. from City Hall. ESSEX, 34tll and Chestnut: Monterey. 4Sd and Chester: Uelmont. 34th and Sp Garden: Inquire janitor, or Create. 30S Hale Bldg. ODKMANTOWN - THERE ARE A FEW FOLKS WITH "KIDDIES" who positively will not rent an apartment In the ctty. So In order to please them and others who MUST have a suburban home THE QUEEN LANE APARTMENTS WERE BUILT No. you never have seen anything quite like them chances aro you never will again. Freeh nlr, trees, birds, grass, country sur roundings. In 11 word, tho great outdoors all about you A block from Queen Lane Station, same dls tanco from the Germantpwn Cricket Club, three blocka from Wayne avenue. The price la $50 a month and Aa to the npnrtmonts: They have five rooms and bath, plus au extra maid's room; hot water hea the best obtainable: ample hot water; exceptional closet room; built-in-bookcases, private porches; unusual con struction nnd decorations. ou must see them to know that they aro Just what you hnvu been looking for. and our automobiles will make this an easy matter. We might furnish ono or two at, say, $i0 a nl0n '' NORMAN 8 SHERWOOD, 1411 WALNUT STREET. Huvrrforil, Pa. HAVERFORD. PA. Near staton and club; new apartments, T rooms, 2 baths; $70 to $SO per month; south ern exposure; beautiful outlook; large duplex apartment, $100 per month. McILVAIN & CO. 1318 Land Title Building, Phlla, APAKTMENT HOTELS THD DELMAH-lIOnniii OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. RAILROAD, 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS. HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Eleventh at. An apartment hotel, noted for Its cuisine and perfection of service, newly refurnished and ledecorated; parlor, bedroom and bath, with meals for two persons, $13 per week and up. Special luncheon. 73c. Table d'hote dinner. $1. THE MARLYN 40TH AND WALNUT STS. TOR RENT. THREE ROOMS AND BATH, UNFURNISHED. SUBLET FOR BALANCE OF LEASE TO OCTOBER 1. 1918. THE TRACY PERMANENT OR THAN8IENT QUESTS 36TH AND CHESTNUT PETE Y Puzzle Picture: APABTMENT HOTELS A SEAT FOR EVERYBODY RESERVATION TICKETS. $2.00 EACH EXCHANGED FOR PURCHASES NEW YEAR'S EVE, 1915-1010 PHILADELPHIA'S GREATEST CELEBRATION HOTEL M A J H-S T I C $3,000,000 rnOPHRTT ' NEW OWNERSHIP THE GREATEST HOME VALUE TOR THE LEAST EXPENDITURE HIGHEST HOTEL ELEVATION IN PHILADELPHIA MONTHLY RENTAL SCHEDULE Single rooms, without baUi, but running water, with bath adjoining each room, suit able for two persons, $30 to $40. Slnglo rooms, including latge, attractive bath. $30 to J50. , Two-room suites. Including large, nttrao tlv hath. $63 to $100. .... Three-room suites, Including large, nttrac tlvo bath, $83 to $180. ALL ROOMS AND SUITES 1TULLY FURNISHED SUBSTANTIAL CLUD BREAKFAST, 30c, 40c 60c. SPECIAL DAINTY M)e. LISI-'CHEON tu discount rrom all a la carto charges for regular guests. james a. Mead Proprietor. jamks s. McCartney General Manager, Hotel .Majestic. IT IS WITH A FEELING OF PARTICULAR pleasure and satisfaction that I announce tha opening of 223 S. Broad at. Suites consist of one room, two rooms and three rooms, arranged with prlvato bath If The furnishings, decorations and appoint ments are milte perfect, and the resultant combination Is an Illustration of the fact that tho small apartment hotel may reach a height of comfortaMo and homelike desirability which It Is phjslcally Impossible to achieve I do not believe that I shall ever bo able to offer a moro perfect residence, to those who desire their every requirement nnd wish to be anticipated ...... Horo vou may, in truth, select your homo today, rind without tho spending of a single extra dollar or giving tho matter another thought, may occupy your apartment tomor row with every housekeeping problem solve 1 for you In advance anil every care and worrv eliminated and yet without tho loss of tho truo homellko atmosphere. Of 2.1 suites already offered for occupancy, 17 have been icsonod. Your e.irl) reservations will, therefore, be creatly appreciated, greatly N)OKMAy a SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT ST. THE GLADSTONE urUilNa APARTMENTS FOR WINTER MONTHS FURNISHED Oil UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE COVINGTON, CHESTNUT AND 37T1I STS R. F. ENGLE, MANAUMIt. ALSO THE ENGLESIDE, BEACH HAVEN, N. .1. THE GENEVA 10TH STREET ABOVE WALNUT High-class apartments, with or without prl vato bath, entirely renovated and refur nished; under now management. DornilTY ft MARSHALL . THE EDGETON 2D rAAUR Two rooms and bath. Ono room and bath. D!nlnff service THREE ROOMS nnd bath, unfurnished, sublet for balance of leaso to October 1, 1010. Apply Hotel Marljn. 40th-Walnut sts. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1500 LOCUST 3T. Handsome, modern 4-story brownstone dwell ing. Especially fitted for professional office. Low price and casytcrma Jor qulckeale. 323032-34 DIAMOND ST. TIIREE-STORY, MODERN; $9000 EACH. MINN1CK. 163d RIDGE AVE; 3324 N. PARK AVE. for sale. $3000. NOR MAN B. llAFLEIGH, IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure, .. .,, "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" 01X) Walnut st. BITES TOR SALE-Sultable for predion of business buildings, large or small. Invest ment properties Money for mortgages. ARTHUR linotVP.I.I.. 2.13 N. 13th St. TINE HOME, near Rorer and Alleghenj, all convenience; In first-class order; llttlo money needed fnr quick bujer. CAMERON. 2S11 Kensington ave. . CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sah) or rent. YARROW ft VAN PELT N. E. cor. 17th nnd Chestnut. GROUND ALONG N. E. BOULEVARD JOHN O. WILLMMS. .727 Walnut st. Successor 1-owls It. Redner. WARD'S PARK FRONT HOUSES ARE WORTH INSPECTION OFFICE 423 1N IITHSTUluyi REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT II.HRr.R. HARTMAN & CO. 1201 Chestnut st FARMS, largo or small, also city properties. Let me know your wants. W. F. ROOOENT1NE. 83.10 Germantown ave. CENTRAL TACTORY Good slto for mod. bus. bldg.; 3 streets; sale to close an estate; might rent. Jacoh A. Fritz, 52.1 Land Title Bldg. Building Lota. Factory Bites. Etc. TALLS OF SCHUYLKILL GROUND. Large and Small. Tracts for DWELLING or MANUFACTURING purposes In best sections. ., EXCELLENT RAII.RO VD FACILITIES. Prices on Application. Est. JOHN DOUSON, SCO Chestnut st. CHOirr building ln-i nnd lirco tracts ground in all parts city, also over 200 manufacturing -;'"i l.ll3JJMcal Estate Trust llldg. WEST PHILADELPHIA $3100 S ROOMS, hot-water Iwt. gas and elec- trie light, parquetry floors, shower baths, gas kitchens nnd all other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD JR.. BUILDER SSth and Hadtlsld sts. " POTTS ft TOWNSCND WEST PIIII.A. HOMES 4003 BALTIMORE AVE; whelan's homes 60t1i and pasciiall ave. apply 1011 chestnutst. . "send for list, sale or rent .io.q. M. I1AKER 82J and Baltimore ave, BARGAIN Assessed EnWIO, price $4600; 3702 uarine 101 ;jxiu; ,h, ,.., MARSHALL II. SMITH. lOli Chestnut, $JSI0t-UNEQUALEIJ HOMES. 80th St. above Insdowne avo Every known convenience. JAMES C. ENBURQ. Builder. Holldlng Lots C5TH AND CHESTER AVE., with double trol. ley line; 32 lots; all street Improvements; at tractive price for quick sale. YOCUM & POWERS CO. 2d S. 15th at. (1140 Woodland ave. .:i:iimantown RESIDENCE SITES Ground in beat section of Germantown and Chestnut Hill. B, U. USTKIt ft SON. 5U12 Germantown ave. WU CAN ' assist you to find that houne you are looking for. Germantown i.rust Com pany. Chelten and Germantown jives. bfMALL INVESTMENT HOUSES, almost dol lar for dollar. OLYNDON PRIESTMAN, 5300 Oermantown ave. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A IJT-'n In Germantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut h .. con suit me. A jt.Meehan. C747 Germantown ave. CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehocken st. east of Ger mantown ave. J. II, Chadwlck & Co., 681S Germantown ave. r-hestnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. U7 10 Germantown ave. What Does Henrietta Want for HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Tiogsi IBIS CAYUGA ST, Three-story, terraced, porch-front modern dwelling; lot 15x123 ft.' 10 large rooms, tine condition, one quar from boulevard; HC0. North Phlla. Trust .Company, Broad and Erie ave. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TJOGA OR LOGAN KENNEDY A RAMBO. 3740 Oermsntown. Ioran LOGAN REAL ESTATE BALE, RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. smith. Broad at , opp. Logan Station. nEAL ESTATE, mortgages and corrsay anclng. WM D CHAMBERS, 4933 N. Broad et. RUIIUKHAN BETWEEN TWO AND, THREE ACRES at steam nnd high-speed electrlo stations; Lans dale section; vory neat 8-room dwelling, hot water heat, bath, electric lights, pressure water, etc., stable, splendid soung shade and fruit. The only ono of Its kind nt the prlofc Brown .4 Cloud, Notrletown, Pa. " HOMES TOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL MAFSBY, Real Estnte Trust Bldg, CHOICE nUILDINO SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSENP. Langhorn. Pa. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE price. All locations. Sale or rent. ILES ,T. HOOD & CO., Morris Bldg. M-"N LINE Ta R R mod dwelling, 13 rms., outbuildings, 14 acres, fruit, wood", fine views; I mile from sta. U.M. Amnn.1201 Chestnut st. SELECT PROPERTIES-Country seats, farms. List orders flow, LEWIS T. BROOKE & SON, 1411 South Penn sq. FOUNUiiu im LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, sale or rent, on tho Main Line or Rending R. R. WM. II. WILSON H CO.. Morris Building. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES for'safe or rent) attractlvn locations; prices right. Maurice J. Hoover, Real Estate Trust Bldg. A mliler, Pn. BEND FOR LIST or suburban homes, farms, country seats, building ground, etc I have a lnrgo and varied Hit In Montgomery and Bucks Counties, if you aro looking for any thing In tho way of country rcnl estate, do not fall to cet my list. before you buy. thomas atkinson; Ambler, Pa. FARMS, country ptnees nnd suburban, homes on tha Reading's Bethlehem and Doylestown branches. II. J. Dflger, Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Rarity, Pn. REDUCED to $2000 to settlo estato qulcklv; 3-stv. dwell , hot-nnter hent, chicken house, fruit 31x200 nwni'i: & SON. Darnv. Ell.lns Park, Pa. HOMES FOP. SALE OR RENT MicoitMicK .tr Mccormick 1011 Chestnut, nnd Clkins PnrK. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, high location, tieur train and trolley, nt decided bargain; all Improvements. I' 100. Ledger OfOce. (llcnslde, Po. HOUSES AND LOTS, every dercrlptlon. HENNINGER ft RENNINGHR Broad nnd Walnut ats Hutledgr, I'a. $200 CASH for 10-room modern house: 8 min utes from station: carrying charges only $lfl per month; largo lot. II. 741. Lodger Cenlrnl. Sivnrlliinore, F. A TRACT OF LAND of 42 470-lOOO.acres. a portion of the Gibbons farm, north of tha Short Line. Apply to S. P. & EMMA OIH RONS, cor. of llaltlmoro nve, nnd Codar lane, Bwnrthmore, Pn , P. O. Box 101. or phone. .MAIN LINE. PA. It. It. SUBURBAN HOMES, country places and building sites ti suit nil requirements; Main Line. II. C HUNTER, Wnyno, Pa. DESIRABLE PROPERTIES MALE OR RENT WARNOCK ft EMLEN, Commercial Tr. Bldg BEST LI Nil OP MAIN LINE HOUSES Either for ralo or rent, at all prices. HIRST ft McMULLlN. West End Trust Bldg. NEW .JERSEY Hnildon Heights. N. J. LIPriNCOlT I.OTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. WIL1.ET LIPPINCOTT Maple Shade. N. J. THE GREATEST privilege of tho 20th century Is to own a llttlo one-acre farm close to Philadelphia, and remember $3 down buys one. $3 monthly pa)a for It. For a square deal call on or write BARLOW ft CO., Maple Shade, N. J. M t. Ephrnliii. N. J. ONE-ACRE FARMS Mt. Ephralm, N. J. (adjoining Haddon Heights), only S miles from Camden (2 sta tions on tract), $300 to $800 per acre, title Insured; f-ee deed: no taxes for 1015. CAMDEN COUNTY GARDBN FARMS CO. 1205 nroadway. Camden. N. J. SEASHORE Cape May. N. J. COTTAGE erected by a. rellabla builder la a satls:actlon: attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City, N. J. ' Ocean City. N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a satisfaction; attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS UONTG. CO. grain and dairy farm. 114 acres, $0000, up-to-date bides., running spring water, fine fruit, smooth, machine-worked fields; depot IV: miles; $2500 cash down. Wrlto for Jack's new bulletin of farm bargains. JAi'K'S TARM AUENCY. -in aiepnen mraru mag., rniia, All marketable commodities havo "gone up." Real Estate, especially farms, will go up. We havo choice offerings at reasonable price. C. P. PETERS &. SON. 1X13 CHESTNUT BT. 2.1 ACRES. STOCK, CROPS, good buildings: $2300, hsit ras.l HUNSBERGER'S FARM AGENCY, Green Lane. Pa. 00 ACRES, 1 mile to good R.' It. town; stone house, hot-water heat; $0500. A. II. TYSON. Lansdale, Ta. NEW .JERSEY rARMS JtOORESTOWN FARM SO acres. $8000: Marl ton, 112 acres. $12,500. Farm list free. A. W. DRESSER. Burlington. N J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY BUY A HOME FROM US Monthly payments, $17 to $50: N. Phlla. ami Germantown; prices $1!00 to $7000. Merchants' Union Trust Com pany. 715-710 Chestnut st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES For Sale and Rent. JAMES D. WINC1IE1.L. 17th ft Sansom sts. SUBURBAN CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Pa. Hala-Cjnvfyd, Fa. LARGE LIST HOUSES, sale nr rent, at all prices. SAMUEL C WAGNER. Jr., Commer cial Trust llldg.. 15th and Market sts. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE beautiful home, hot-water heat, f;ai, electric, large living room, 4 bedrooms, lardwood floors, value $5.V)0 ror small lot of ground or small houses. 453 E. Walnut la." o. DESIRABLE PROPERTY on Tioga st. Will consider Investment houses or ground. WILL IAM BARR. Mil and Oak lane. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT listing of tountry seats and farms, H. D. McCOLLUM, 1314 Walnut et. "Don't Forget the NumVr " HLNTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort. gages and fire Insurance placed quickly. See Kane for prompt results, 2S2S Tasker st. Xmas By C. A. VOIGHT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 2049 WALNUT ST.! 2028 Locust St. I 2032 locust st.: 1709 spruca st Edgar 0. Cross, 1411 .Valnut st. 2032 N.MARVINB ST.-Threo f'jrr, llreorns: conveniences: reduced rent. Keys 1918 Nortn 12th. Wm. L. Craven'a Sons. 1810 N. 7th St. 403 RIOHTER RT.-7 rooms. $20. U T. Al brecht, 2414 W. Lehigh ate. OTORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. sasiuel t. rox CO. S. E. cor. Otii and cnllowhlll. the ESKB ?PrlBtvAm nroad ana Chestnut sts. RENTAL LISTS B6 1932 2031 160S 1813 3210 320 AT, $28-: Jl2- N. 21 ST ......... N. Camac.i.$2c N. Marvlne.. 23 i"'?9 intB ingereoll .i.t$J4 041 N. 42d ....... 12 300 Cambria 12 2H(H Orlnnna . ... 11 22L Orlnnna ,,,,. 10 I til! t'adwnlader.. 10 H 43d.. 20 Clearfield.... 20 French...... 38 Hponeer.. ... 171 Indiana..... 18 FRED II. WILLI 2010 Catharine.... 8 AMU. ny. vvainut nt. . 1022 RIEOE AVE., store and dwelling. -2121 N. 10th, 8 rooms, conveniences. -1907 Manton. 4 rooms,, rango nnd cony. Huslness Properties nnd Stores 40TH AND MAKET STS. Desirable etora In New Knickerbocker Theatre Building: ad jacent to U. S. poslofflce: excellent oppor tunity for druggist, gents1 furnisher or 6 and 10 cent store. .. , , ... .. .... TAYLOR ft SON, 21 and 21) South 40tli St. MARKET ST., 031 Entire building through to Commerce t,l suit retail or wholesale business; Immediate possession. Apply Penna. Co , BIT Chestnut at. 000 CHESTNTJT ' SBTNUT 6T. STORtlAND JJASnlflSNT .HA ESTATES, TOOBANBOlM BT, factories, Wnrthooses, Mff. floors READY JANUARY 1. 40OO-FT. LOFTS, WITH OR WITHOUT POWER, IN NEW CONCRETE, TIRE PROOr LAWSER BUILDINO, COR. TTH AND WOOD STS. LIGHT ON 4 SIDES. STEAM HEAT AND ELEVATOR SERVICE INCLUDED IN MODERATE RENTAL. PHONE OR WRITE FOR CIRCULAR. MYERS ft RARTH, Rldgo ave. nnd 10th. noOM having threo fronts, containing 11,100 so. ft.; elovator, heat; low rato of Insur nnoo; railroad aiding; sub-postorrico In build ing; located 11 blocks south of Market at. C J. MILNE & SON, 11th and Washington. MERCHANTS' MUILDINO 44 NORTH 4TII STREET DESIRABLE ROOMS; POWER AND LIGHT DROAD AND WALLACE (Metropolitan BuIIdlrc) Rooms, 80OO to 40,000: cheap; po-ver. Apply to Geo. 1'. Lasher. 147 N. 10th. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooms. large and small; centrally located. ..... HARRY T. SAUNI'ERS. 31 S. 18th St. IIAVD PARTY who will erect building, cen tral or other location, or satisfactory tenant. DIETRICH, 737 Walnut at. CORNER BUILDING for light mfg. purposes; about 3000 sq. ft.; $30 a month. S. E. cor. loth and Tioga. OFFICES. HUSINESS ROOMS, ItTO. 1118-1120 CHESTNUT ST. LIGHT OFFICE, SUITABLE FOR ARCHITECT WEARS & BROWN Street" 130 H. 1STII ST. Offices from $'-M per mo. up: rent Includes heat, light, elevator and Janitor service J, A. PATTERSON CO., 130 S. intll St. CHESTNUT ST.. 1200-1 flight, several con. nected rooms, opportunity, business or of fices; window. Chestnut St.; showcase, en trance. WALNUT ST., 1111 Set cral very desirable rooms, sultnblo fnr any business: very good location Appl Wm. If. Dixon, on premises. DREXEL BLDG. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Single Rooms. $100. tpjo, ji.-.u. $200. J'too. $4V) Suites 2 Rms. Sir.O, 17.1, $20H, $-'2.1. 2.10, $27n Suites 3 Rms. $27.1, JJIWI, SI30. JlflO, $550. $72.1 I'orner Suites, I to H Rooms. $,1..i) to $1050. ELLIS 1). WILLIAMS. 3110 Drexel Building. A FEW DESIHABLEOrlTCES RENT VERY REASONABLE ROBERT MORRIS TRUST CO. IILDO. 927-020 CHESTNUT STREET MERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 North 4th streot. Very desirable offices. Heat nnd light. CENTRAL OFFICES. STUDIOS AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES. J. C. FULLER. 10 S. 1STII ST. OFFICES for rent, first floor suitable for banker, smaller offices on other floors. FOR REST BUILDING. 1111 S. 4th St. Room 42.1. ONE THOUSAND SQUARIJ FEET Third floor front: rent $700: I1e.1t and light Includ cd. Plaza Bldg.. 1505-07-00 Arch st. Professlonol Ofilces WALNUT. 2203-Sulto of 2 large rms. 1st floor; hot and cold running water, electricity. 20TH. B.. 217 Physician's office, first-floor front: well-furn. reception room, dec, lights. PROFESSIONAL BUILDINO. 1831-33 Chestnut st. A row suites for physicians or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and 13th. WEST PHILADELPHIA BERMAN BROS , 0010 MARKET Houses, Apartments, Stores NEAR OOTH ST. "L" STATION For Rent or Sale, DWELLINGS. STORES AND APARTMENTS WM. II. W. QUICK & BRO., INC. 8 SOUTH 40TH ST. RENT REASONABLE Largo 3-story corner dwelling. 12 moms. 2 baths; suitable for apartments, 3102 Mantun ave., key 3101. J. J. TURNER, 121)1 Chestnut st. NEW HOUSES FOR RENT 107 8. U3d St.. facing Cobb's Creek Boulevard: rent $12,50. JAS. N. MITCHELL. 4t,tli nnd .Market. GERMANTOWN MO-DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS Send for List, Continental-Equitable Trust Co.. 21 S. 1! th st. 'I logo. RENT, TIOGA Cozy 2-story I)-room porch dwelling, nil convs.; elegant neighborhood; 2131 W. Pacific st., near 22d and Erlo ave. Key. 2129 JOHN J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut. Logan 003 L1NDLEY AVE.4-Teu-rooni twin dwelling; examine today. Key at 5101 N. 15th st.; rent reasonable. Walter liabell. Broad st. and Erie ave. MAIN LINE, PA. It. It. MODERN HOUSES. $10 to $200 per month; various stations, tfend for special list, llar bert & Claghorn, 201 Bailey Building Wynnoviooil 40 MANOR ROAD Modern: 13 rooma. 2 baths; 14 acre land; $40 per mo. Walter Bassets Smith. Wynnewood. Pa. FOR RENT FURNISHED 3 1 a gnolla Springs, l'la. FOR RUNT, :i large cottages with baths; furnished; open nreplace in every room; hot 1. nd cold uatL-r. l'or particulars address Magnolia Sprlrgs Hotel Co, Magnolia Springs. Tla. MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE Immediate Attention HORACE A. FRITZ 713 WALNUT faT. MONEY FOR WELL SECURED MORTOAOES AT IJWEbT RATES. AIO BUILDINO AabOClATION FUNDS FOR FlllbT AND SECOND MORTGAGES. JAMES G. FRANCIS, lua vv .in ii l o 1 , ISO TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE secur. to lty: Immediate settlement; payable as $2000 desired. EDW. M. MOLL 133 S. 12TH ST. MORTGAGES M0IE2.A0.? monbt" ,"" V nun ..' -BEIpEL ft CO.. tp 4th and Callowhtii"...NC" ,in-.ydssQY A SON" dlnSoS A LAROE CENTRAL Btltt ni'wr, "7r! Association oilra ppllcntPfNS -"""'" "Vyi.i itOj. ledger OfiirV " FIRST MORTOAOES for si.s..T2:-ii $1800, $2000 and $2400; inferV,?00! Title Insurance nnd papers tr, ifH-fJ-m by2JWitherspSolwdgiJLnl!!, RitLl?5llfeN.,,5t,SdsnortJ ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2n r,r,T Miiminn.,.rl, answer. "airs MAUHIca H,MATRIKiipr.'V,Ttl Et( FUNrS FQR 1ST AMD tn nr!l .vnoN-gfiilgg Si! rU1.1V iim?I$,'?!?&" DEEDS DRAWN. . MoSrOAfliSvMir 1110 t .... VAW'ACE,. ''l. .... j.unoinr. Both (,. TIIKQ. E. Nlfjfcl.icR. '"'jjgjj,, JSiiiliMi mmmmmm FIRST AND SECOND, ANYtrimTr: r ty.or auburbs. duieiV;...fiPu JAMES C. BIMrSON.24OjP - -i-iL!'-.V voeitnut st annpTTNBn? SSBJSS UVVJBIIB If J.Will IRKS ..CHESTER 1112 An v T.ntwna 7Z1 . - """ bring ti, yoiirWojicatlon; ""l ra,rt'! """"' " """" " t,u aiT 3. Brn rl $100,000 TOR FIRST, second or sulti Z? LIBERAL loans on 1st an 'f and2dinortrstei.J.', It?- I 'fompt stten. mS )lor. franklin mS. fiff iiici. i.uien uini CIRI .fe. v nnw, ii, re FIRST nnd ,.7. ,,.. -,, jiuKn, ,r on note, anv ..,.... WWW't nl9!f?llll"-'?r: . "I x.diSt: 111- Lincoln nidg.. Broad nnd PsnS 5T.- tnn Stnti LOANS Largo or Finall sums on rest rn 111,1nAnt hAlnn nr ,nn,(... , 1 -,,:,ll led-estates." Dcmpsey XtoV. f 'aTttT!, WE HAVE. A FUND nf $0000 for first mm X!. P. COWARD CO.. 20ih snd Jeflsrion ,tl FUNDS for llrst nnd second mortgsrts u amount: quick answers. C1IAS. w '! LEI1, 401-407 Commonwealth nidg. ,. MONEY for first nnd second mortgages feuliC Ing ass n nnd Instalment mortgages, WiiJl Winchester Company. 1001 Chestnut st. ALL AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d tntrii! Ohna. ',. Do Young, .100 W. End Trow BW? MONEV for mcrlgaBes; largo or small rriT W. II. Hood. .112 Norrls at. ", MONEY TO LOAN i CHRISTMAS MONEY '1 AT LEGAL RATES ' If rou nr kceDlnr houso or mttou .' ployed, wo will males you a lean of tlt-e more, and take your promise to par u security. All wo nslc Is your assuranca tlit you can nay tho smalt payments rsnutnA. ,, 3 THE TOTAL COST OF $20.00 IS $2.ro $55.00 IS tU I IS Ml! i i IS 1M Hf, IS $7(3 U rtlon. ......... -.. . ... .- i - ir;; IHJ.Isr 1 ll..t auo.uu J km on m ca no 47 no 1 $n.2.1 Other amounts In proportion. PAY.MENTS AS LOW AS $2.00 MONTIltTr t REMEMBER, we do not go to your is- ployer, relatives and friends Inquiring aim you. Our service Is strictly confl4til quick, courteous nnd considerate. ,,- NO ONE KNOWS v! YOU ARE BORROWING ' CONFIDENTIAL LOANS TO LADES, '(1 LOANS MADE IN CAMDEN -1j OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTaAJ.f AMERICAN LOAN CO. "lt LICENSED BONDED 1208 CHESTNUT STREET -, (Entlra Seventh floor.) it Kejstono. Raco401. Bell, Filbert 4S3t' A New Company : New Method YOU CAN GET A LOAN' of iis quickly and on very easy terms. TStf frlenc's, neighbors or employer wll .not krrrt. of jour dealing here. We are a iw , tabllshed company, bonded In tl.e Situ. Ik. censed and supervised by tho Bankl&x w partincnt of Pennsylvania We are locstfl, nt I'll South Broad street, In the liMrt tho buslncs-j district. WE LOAN IN SlflU SMALL AS $111 AND LARUE AS $IJi VERY EASY TERMS. Tour monthly payment on $10 Is onlr K "J Your monthly payment on $7J Is onlj II 1 (With Interest nt .1 per cent.), , Your monthly payment on $U2 is onlT Iifj Y'our monthly p.lment on $JOI is onJjjlia (wun interest nt - per i-trm.;. -. ASK OUR RA'.'KS AND METHODS Bfc FORE GOING ELSEWIIEBE 1 Y'ou will Ilnd ti prompt Other losa n panlea paid oft fctii moro money adiaacw. , We also make loans In ticrnianiotni, w town. Chestnut 11111 ana .vianayuns, jj HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 131 S. Broad St. SECOND FLOOR NEXT TO FOMtEST , 1111. . 1 11.1. ..... PRONE WAI.NI P I-",,, ,f nras IIVKN'INOS UNTIL CIlItlSTMAS HOUSEKEEPERS CAN BORROW Sums $16 to $204 f when you borrow iii:nn 1014 HUSINESS WILL BE P tlVATU No fuss or delav. .You "rmSS quUkl,. Vou "ffonl WJttr nl$ SLl MONT ILY PAYS $:.0 J $5 MONTHLY PAYS $ll MONTHLY PAYS V- Plus a Interest. ? $11 MONTHLY PAVS $;- i $11 MONTHLY PAYS I A 4 $15 MONTHLY lYS $1 $17 MONTHLY I'AiS $-0" f Plus 2fi Intel est. .a No other coiicrn wll maki s you a lower rates or easier erms f" '.'S'l Other companies lald oil and more "y Tlflcensed Bonded Loan WnvW. ducted In n fnlr. J"are Manne r. SECURITY LOAN CO. a 1114 Chestnut Street J 2d Flour, Room.W. Next 1 10 Mill, ijgjft OPEN uvis.Nirun l...., - - r 11 ....vt-V you can uoitiiuw ,-'"; Tc. CN I DIAMONDS, JEWELS. Lit "$23 AND Ul' 7.2, $100 ilP 1500 ' "8 HAESFAfc ms&sssM winlAN MONEY ig On Your Furniture p At Lowest .nates ,,.,t Call, Phono or Will, 3 J m,V" ntlVATD AND TTmoi. T-,.iT 1ST JIORTCAO8-2D "MOB'Slln,. J. EDWARD IA1TZ. "in IVS3P