1 f& &tww3W'topV'Vm w EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915: If Jr ,1 f I i i ., c i .$ ? i 1 1 i iff r. I FINANCIAL NEWS CHIEF INTEREST IN WALL STREET CENTERED IN AUSTRIA'S REPLY New York Stock Sales lst close High I-ow. Adams Express . ...129 129 120 Alaki June lit . . . . M) joji 10 Alaska i olii M 21'f 215J 21 AlIh-tMlmcN Mfg ... 32' 4 32'f 31 Assumption Was That It Could Be Construed as In creasing Prospects of Diplomatic Rupture. $10,000,000 More Securities From Abroad clo 129 10 2W 31 8.1 71 100 0')H 6J , Mn Sin A Hcl Am sm ,4 (,f pf I Am smoliors pf V . Am SmpitPH pf II . Am sW oiimlrlc I Am suuat Kcflnlnt . Am Id A Tel . . Am lobacco Am Utttlnc 1' pf Am WooIpii Am Woolen tf r Aniromh toppef. ... Aoolitnl Oil . . . Atrh I A S ' ... tfnw YonK. dpc. ic. All that wns spoken of In the Stock exchange and In the Willi stieet illi triot wis the Austrian answer to the Ancona note. The general assumption on the board room floor was that this answer would be construed as Increasing the prospects for n diplomatic rupture nt least, nnd nctlng tin this assumption the room traders, nlwrtjs seeking un ecuso for exerting pressure against the market, picked out the war order stocks as a group and oftcied &onie of thojte Issues at sharp concessions. Crucible Steel, Haldwln and Ktudclmker ero mado targets of violent attacks at times In the late trading and the pressure was sufficient to force Studebaker down from 173'i to below 108. Haldwln and Cruclblo both ietdcd over two points from the high range of the railler after noon, nnd Wcstlnghousp, which had been strong and active. Melded fiom nboc 70 to 68U. These losses seemed tn limit the effect of the Austrian answer, os the Street understood It. The leading stocks, like United States Steel com mon. Union 1'aclilc nnd Annconda shared In the downwnrd movement to ft moderate extent, btit considering the Importance of the assumed bearish factor the losses tn those Issues were comparatively small being confined to frac tional amounts. United States Steel from Its high of 8GV4 dropped to S.V and Union I'nclHc's downward range extended only from 137't to I36ss. Marino issues weto among tho weak features, both on tho curb and the Stock exchange. The piofciied declined from nboe 74 to below 72. ltallies occuircd fiom tho low prices noted and tho tone in the itn.il dealings was fairly steady. Tho transactions on the recession were not large in olume, consisting to a great extent to hundred share lots at a time. The greatest loss was In Ootid .il Motois, which was I down 22 points at the low. It recovered somewhat nt tho close. ' The Philadelphia, which arrived todav, was nccordlng U) statements tn I foreign e.xehnngo circles, loaded to the guards with American securities, tt I was estimated that the stocks and bonds formerly owned nbrotd liuuight In by this steamer amounted to over J10.000.000. This inflow of securities was it fnctor In causing the advance In demand Steillng exchange to 1.71. In the , Into trading Heichsmark's checks rallied front 7C to "G'i. i Traders devoted a gie.it deal of attention to ColisolitUtetl CJ.is. and lh.it stock was strong The stock was supplied on the upturn by Chnuncey & Co, who generally handle the Inside ordcis. The trustees of tho company meet for dividend action on Januarj 27 and the regular monthly meeting will be held on December 30 No special meeting has been called, notwithstanding rumoia to the contrary which accompanied the sticngth in tho stock. The stock is i Corn Products lief now on a 7 per cent, dividend basis. The present plans nre snld to be as follows: Com Products Hif pf Tho regular quarterly dividend of l per cent, will be declared, and In addition an extra dividend of 'i of 1 per cent., these dividends to bo declared next month. Earnings from the gas business are said to be about unchanged from last year, but tho clectrlr business has furnished an inciense In net of about $1,000,000 There wns continued icullzing In New York Central. All over the Stieet talk was heard of the heivv Increased business in November nnd thus far In December. There was Miriness In sterling exchange but Vienna exchnngo was weak, with crown clierks selling at the new low rccoul of 13.30. German marks fell to a new low record of 7CJ1. Anglo-French bonds were again actively traded In, selling at the previous low recoid of 04H, made estcrdnv. Tho bonds are now free, the svndlcnte having been dissolved. I Allls-Chalmeri Mfg pf'. S2K 83)4 82 " ir i ncmicn . . 7i'j 71 71 Am Ae C hem pf .... )S( 1W) 100 Am licet Suwr ....7o'i 70S 69 Am (MI'S lli! iV.) Vi. n .p,f.. 1M' m' 1US 1,m Am Cotton Oil r,(H oil M'i fi-'i'l .2 J011 Vt0ilaci ...If. US 1", l.-154 151H Am Ude & bcithar.. 11 n n 11 Am lly.i ,t 1, ,Pf .... 5ni -m r,0,j 5o'S Am Ire .StMlrltles . 27 () '(l'i 2tVj Am .Inject! 21f 21 B2j 22V4 Am Mnseeil pf Ai ,,, AXH ilH Am locomotive .,..r,) 70'f hSU 01 Am Ixx-omotivo pf. .. joif 101 101 101 . I)') 1)1 117' i 07 IWi HO'i 110V5 no'; .ST4 sojt R'Kj RO't . 81'. SL'f SI'S 84!. . Oi'i 1,2 0015 m .110 1NV, II VJ 116W - 12S 12S!i I2S . 128 H .SOO'f 200'i 201 205'a 114 l.'I 13 M is 17 -sou mt ts'i in'' ini io5f . M) 80 Si" SIH . 01 om 02 01 100'S 100 10,V!l 10.VS FOREIGN EXCHANGE Yt. StfrllnK Mlrh. 1ovr. 1 At. Cloe. Cnblm. . 4.7211 ' MV .'t Dcmiini! . J.W 4.71' 4.:4 1.72 l'rnnr Cnblps. . . S44 B 81 ff.fltV ft.SV Drmnml... 8.85 8.8U S.8.H4 B.80 .MnrkK Tnliles. ... Id'i 'f 70 :o tlcmnml... "C1 '! 0 7ni WHEAT WAS STRONG; ABSORPTION STEADY Reported That Embargo Will Be Placed on Export Flour From the West Sales in Philadelphia A tell 1' A S T pf . ItiUluin loro .... 1 Baldwin Loco pf ., Iialtlmorp 4. Ohio Ihnk of ( ommeno ., Hjtopilai Minim; "Hethlehem stivl pf llrooklj-ti Hap 'Inn. Hums llrothen . Hnlti . Supeilor . I t al IVttoleum , . . I ( al lVtrolcum pf . Camillan 1'aclilc ... I tint Ltitht-r Co ... i ( hmpciku S Ohio. . 1 ( hllc Cupper l hlno Copper.. ( lile-iRii (Ih'at West. . Chi Cil West pf . I C hi Mil .tbt Paul. V Al A. St I' pf . . (hi It I A, IMc . . l ontlnentil Can . .. ( luc-lt, IVa A Co . t olorailn I eel A I 1 ompiitlns i'ab Hoc i oinollil-uui U t Hll'S 1(J1 lOt'i JOI'4 .llll'i I20U 113' IIU'S 10S 10'Pj lOS'j 1(W4 I1J1 !)-" OJ1 !U)S .178'j 17S'i 178'4 178'5 .1 i .1-4 .S'J .Ti IV) IC) lull 150 8S'i S,i S0'f S0' 01 01 ,U 2!)'i 01 'i f,) 1S0U 17!) fil'i 52' OJ (2 2IU 21'f Teuton Bond Prices Kcilured Owing to the sharp decline In German and Ausuian exiiiange tatcs, Zim merman S. Torshay have 1 educed their selling pi Ice for Get man, Austrian and Hungaiiin Government war bonds as follows: German Government C per cent. bonds third war loan, J200 per m 1000, foimeily J202.R0. Gentian Government 4 per cent bonds $1S4 per m 1000, fonncrlv $1S3.C0; Austrian Government G!& per cent thlid war loan. $133 per kr 1000, formeily $111.7r., Uungailan Govern ment 6 per cent bonds third war loan, $140 per kr. 1000, formerly $140.75. Record Trench Gold Holdings The stock of gold be il by the Hank of Pi.uie has reached a total of 6,000 000 000 francs, a wru d's record. The appeal tn the public to tut 11 in its pold brought In 1,300.000 000 francs lit 24 weeks Last week alone moro than 60,000.000 francs In gold were exchanged for notes. COTTON CLOSED WEAK; TRADING WAS KESTUICTED Wall Street Houses IiouRht Offer ings From New Orleans and Liverpool NCT VOKK, Pet- ', - "I'Uiex- was again 1 glit on thn "oiton Icliniigp this mornln? Wall street boutes pui chased and theie was a good scatttung demand, but onlv small lots changed bands The ottering came from New Orleans and Liverpool Interests, Trices on the call were In line with the drop In Liverpool, being 3 to 11 points lower, but the tone was steady As trading pro're3ed the demand In creased and later 'pcnvr rios of " to 5 points were recorded, but these were not maintained, and bv 2 o'clock the market was rulln? about S points under Wednes day's flnnl figures. Ptlces continued to sag to the clo-e, which was 11 o CO points below last night. At the opening here Liverpool was 4 to 4'i points net lower than expected The foreign maiket was strong. New York Bond Sales JlfOO AlaskT OoM c us JHMMi Amtr Am ,s l I) Amir A Br etch ."3 I.VMK) AllKlu 1 I. '. litMUAinpi hnult so, i,m I"' Vir. 1 'IlI t ias . 17(i() All hltiiii (,, 11 la Kim An hln ,. 4. ."I1" Alilllsnn "i " Aictnllnc " .li'Ni AtUn (.0 Uno 1st 4a ,'ukw Halt & OI1I0 nt . im Il ill ,v, iihlo is . (Il'l 1UII A. (jnio Cl 4'53 HlRh. Jin Januan December March 5Uy June . July AUfiUtit October . Yes ploso Open 11 11 rn 12m. '.' p m IS 111 ll'ii j . n, 1 J la IJ.lk! IL' in i.'tv) , . 1 u is isfj i;li isjs isi;Ai lL'VS jj.ji' 1.-.5S U'W is no i:?t i2Vi li'iA is'iH iv'iVi i.'.-Mi .... 1S.31 IL" -X .. . 18,27 ..:. Hi IM'j !iT ", II H, loT KIVi. Ml miu, ml, . !-" . tkl I11.1I !iim I! .V. 11 ! 1. 1: ,;W v' -la v.'. -imi nut . u hwn .Hba UJ 1.IUKI iictta steol rr.l Is .. .lutv ;;iihi Itrooklin ft T ' lilts. ukuC mm 11 , O lltt 1'ja .. imi'I -"(hi Cal a , Ul -.s . imitI Ji) Canaila .South .11 ..IIH'J liiHi Cent tin .01m ".. .101 linn) Ctn leather 1st Sa lin4 Imkhi Cent I'a Ul Is inn: -' ' ent It n N JIi 1IV 7' 11 Chill Copper 7s . .111 lino Lhes .v. Ohio cv IWs .. Suk lll'IK i!o -1 .5 . .... . II' I ini Ho ',j .... lu-ti Cht . HaH III 0 .. lii Uo In . . . . 21 K) Phi CSt V et la IH111 ihl . Nun P3S HMiHi chi 11 . tj Joint 4 ICii.1 chl II S. (.. un Vs hi Lni 11 a 1; 111 i' ,s .lOSt, Ml .10P4 u . HJI- . 7'; Wi'i, ii.-.u li- Chl Mil .V. St I" gen 4s ii)t Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL Dec, lit -Futures easy, .1 to iV, oolnta decline .Siles. l(u bales. In cluding 1H-0O Americin Jwnuarv-febru ir, T32d , March Vnrll. .JU'jd.. May-June. 7,-jJ.; July-AuKust. 7 Itl'td COTTON CONSUMPTION American mills consumed 511,511 bales of cotton in November For the four months of the cotton season, beginning with August, the consumption was 1.97T, 871 bales Compared with consumption In tho same period a year ago the in crease is EO per cent. Beginning the sea son with KI,4S6 bales consumed in Au gust, there has been an incieaae eaih month, Since August X price of spot cot ton has advanced 115 a bale. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW TOltK. Pei 111 -Prices for coffee futures In the early eeablon toJa sold oR 2 to S pclnta bclon the tinala jealcnlai Trading continued on a small scale. Quotations follow. Trts n r n iuiurii ii u a,w-kj n vmciuu a o) tiling December January , February March lTitjB,73 Aprtl U70 May I.7USG.TT June ...,.,..,,..ti.7H Julw U.(..'S(!6tl AUS-ust !M Beptemter at8.07 October ii 1 0 November '0 t3 'Bid, tOfTered. close U 7JUU.73 ariiii. 73 U.T16I. 71 ll.7Wjl.73 U.7lt. 7U 0.7Uau(O li Mfiil W at-b-ai! ss ah'imo ini-'fuiu.! t).ti7fiaua BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared lth corre sponding1 day last two years ton ion . ion PhJta.de!tila.II3.3l8.S3.-i 520.181 Kit t---il.S-H,BIW Chicago . . HS.S.-M'l.t 31S1.'I1.V Sil.Ml.lT.V St. Louis , 14.-Mil.J.-J) n H!r.' 77. 1I.1JV.770 New Yorlc 3J3.-.'l7,e 207,7ti3 Ut3 2S1.707.3JI RATES FOR MONEY CiH Time New York ,,,., lJa-J 2tia I PhltadelphU ....,,.... 3ll gUfaj Boston , , -1 3l Chtcaxo :ml 4 SlH Commercial paper, three to six months. Phila delphia, i'rjiii per cent. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPH STOCKS. Hid. Asked. Jim Butler ,...,.....,.,,.,1.07 1.1J Mlipah Extension ., 23 .23 Monla.na. .,.., SO Jl North Htar , .15 17 TonopU Belmont , 4V, S Tonopah Mlninfr ..,,., OK J Itescue EuU es .in Wt- Eii J0 -'8 GOLDFIBLD STOCKS. Atlanta. ,......,.. SO .21 BIOS Bull - 02 .04 Booth AS .37 Bulldog- .;.. .-P2 , joldlleld ConioUdated ............ J'u IVi 'olifleM Mewer , 5 qbo Eiteoslott 12 1-Ul na ;::".: :il So pick . .05 M fc UISCEI-LANBOU3 lemi i in 1 1 Hi"" do tp .', !.1HPI dO CV l';8 . .. . Ifiiil Compul Tab 3 Iimkii Uen i Ilio Oris... 2iWiO do rfd ' tmi I.rle (.in Is . . .. Men do ion 4s .Ser A . Sjimi do tonv An hir H .. lion Krlo Pa cnl 4a .... .timi C.en Flee 'iijs V.'t' !!.ud 5"" I" " Hkki 111 Cent rfd 4 lijxio In" Coi rer cv ta ill Interl) Viet la 2i,ihi Inlerb It T rof -.a ivmoi Inter llcr Mar it 1'Os 3i tan nen c. h 4ia , 1ini lai, nn I'ta 'Jmii h" m Cltv Ml 3s Iimsi Knn CMty r 1st 4a . 10110 Kln-ts i n Et ',3 111 17 M l-i ki Meel Ra ItiVfl , VlllO I k Sh ilnh In 1 M-n U, V"a! i a iimhi I mils a. Nash 4s . i(XKl Manhattan la . , 20W Vlinn A. t 1,1) . . I .mil VI i Kan A; T 4 jXio VIo Kun A. T .'d 4s IMiO Mo Kan le T li ., 1000 do fd 4s. .. l'lido do ct 4s 2fn Mo I'ac 3a 1020..,., .mi in i'ac fa 101, lftl 1 il', MS 711'j :il MM, 1MI 711 HV. iiill, 73 . H1L . mi: 11.1 . M, . li .1111 . ill I., . II.' . II.' '' . 34 . 7S 33 . sjvJ . urn mf,,, iioni tower na n N V C L 'IHs ..... 7 "IKK) K V C rtj . ... .UP, lll N V C A. 11 lUs .... h'3, llill N 1 c A: llil.l la ... 111; llHlii N V C A Hul 41.S K-!1i "SI s; f'nl hl ' t "-1 2100 N V City IUa l'ifii llrj lomi N' V Cllj IK- 11113. .Iik.i. UAI N Y C l'.,a Nov 11I37.1'"-', .3UKI N Ilotk 4s .. 74 lnl N Y Tel ten 4Ws.. IiW Ji -tort . Heat la .. li.IV ji, ."ori (t west c is 1VM do 4"-,s . .... Il OOO do 4a 101(1-20 lmaill do 4a 1 llD-23 IiiOii vor I'ac prior 4s IHHX S'or P.ie sen la 3in ilro hhurt L ref 4 .'ik i lire hhort l. i,t iui ln' I'ailflc Tel 3a 21HOO 1'enna gen ct 1M JlixiO Penna en 4V4s 2(K 1'enn i 4t,s. llrjl .nioii Publlu berv N J 3a OiO Headlns Ken 4s full iten. Ir . s 3a. . 2KKKI Hock Island rfd Is. . li.-.i. JiiOiii) fct L&SF rM ct sta 4s B7 7oo fct L & S I gen 3s .! ..ii at Loula bun 1st 4s. I'H. i Dili .1J3T .121 .Ul' . IL! 113V, . Ill lOil . IflV V&h 111 1111 117 HI', II.', 17 li t, V.', llll'i 4, !'-" 1'-". HI', 'MY !U ion, wift nii 101 lnlw urn, ...a Mi' j I'-'i io3t ; S.IV, 10i 74', sj 17S W ! , inn . ircn, l''l4 &i M'i h71j ? Mil !I'"S. III! 74', 7W tin, ii 111 Itl', 14J 1111 Ufa U li.' 4J 34 421, -". MO "!'. 7t 1111, .."; in; uii HI in.' in..1, llkl'I 71 lis'. mi; nil, 123 121 JiT4 m in 103V, 1I13IH Criii'lbla ""teel t tticlhle Steel pf . . . miniler' .vcarltlds . Dome Mines H.'n A lllo dr pf . Dhiiiond Mitrh I'lir -lurj'e Hit r II I rii st pr dntieral Choniieil pf (n'lieril I.Ic-ctrlc . (Sent Ml Motors . (icncnl Motor pf . dooiltlc'i II K Co... (rrrne-linineii drral Northern pf . (it cli furore prop (ticsenhelni iTtnl'ii llonii-stiU' Mlnlns Int Aurlciltural . . Int Agricultural pf . Inspiration t oppvr .. Int llarv , .V J .. Inter ( on Corp'n .. Inter Con cor pf. .. int Nlcol Int M I pf. tf dp. Iiuernttional Paper . Intormt Paper pf. K ( , 1 1 S A. M pf hin l itv N-imer.i Kama? c Itj So pf . . Kresse, S s to, I.ac teel Laki- i.rle & Weat ... Line Krlo & V. pf... lihlali Villey ! IICEi'tt ,1 Mjin .. I hoosi'-W lies Iliscult.. I I oui & .Vasli Markav Cos pf . . , ,SSU SO "l's . :ibs 01 lsi . 53' I . b'JH . LM'f r,H . V, . .) II'.' . lo' , ,s7'j . 71 . il',' . l.l .11.1 . Ill', . 91 llivj .10 1)14 r nv Sj'i 71 .M' 17 lie, 01 7,Vf 1104 Ul Wi 174 il ll'f ,;sii tl! ll'f M4 71' t Till'i I SSW SOW 0JJ. 2T1 "i'l 171) V. ra '2Vi r, ASH iH 13.' It'. M'a 7.14 OH' I I 2 Alliance In 00 Am Can , . S Am das 123'i 100 Amer Mlllln.. 0 10 Anacon Copper. 10 Bald Locomo. .110S ""1 Huff & Sun t c. 2.31 103 do pref R"'4 0712 Cnm Pleel .... 1iH 10 Col Petrol .... Etfi (1 Cntnwi? 1st pf.. H 2 do 2d prof.... (3 10 nice Storago .. W4 2S Ins Co N Am.. 23 143 I.iko Pup Corp. OH 200 Lch Vnl Tron.. IS 101 do pref .17'. tl Mlliphlll 57 Yea. Qo High. Low. Close 1SH 1814 1"H 18H ll.Hi ll.l',' lS'i KS'i !)0i PO'S 71 1104 ill Sir Itl (!S4 IJ . MI4 11 -4 1714 171 rm fliu i l'7!i 10.-I Oi'i I.'1. .'lll'i 11 r, L'S'f L'7 10"i 0i 114 if) llo'f 171! fll(l4 T'.Vi 71', 7-' 10', l(, Hi 10 L'a J7 in; fiJ4 114 ,nl 115'i' 17L' :,i I-M4 111'! 1U7 lull, '14. 'J ic on, Mr, U-' luii; H"i, ion, tot IllH, in.: ni. Mll5 tl.1' I03U MlJ KU'4 74', N.', 1.7-, tl')' 11" I I'JS 1KI, lilt' , ml a; Ml Cloi-e, 111. ' I .Mavtt''ll Motors .Mat Motors 1st pi Jlav viulor, jif pr . MixlLan Pitrolium Mix IM roll' u in pf ., M . it V - M Mo , Kan & Tovis . Miami ( r.pper illnn A-M L pf. .. MK-oiirl I'acillc . ... Montana I'ocr Natloml Iliscult .N'at Lnamel vV. b .. Nat Lead . . . Ncvails t on Cop . New ,ork Mr Ilnkt). N . -S II i II .. New Yor. Ceniral .. .V V. O A West . Norlols VSi'itern Norfolk .V Western pf Northern I'afillc Onurlo s M I'acillc Mill i'acillc Tel A Tel .... I'enn 11 It IVopleS (lis, Chl... . I'lillKlclphla Co ... . ritutiua'ti ( oal . .. . I'lttsburi:h l ail pf . I'tesH'i! Meel Car I'rnsoil Steel ( ar pf I'ub Corp. N J . Hi "lteel 'a Has ( oil topper ... IteuliiiL- Ktjillne Utpf Hep Iron 1 MM., , itep Iron S. itecl pf. Itumely, M. Co . . . St 1. 5. K. .'J pf . bi'irs, Itoij S. Co . . , SMtvunl Air I.lni) pf si I. Southwest pf SiOss-Mief S i. I Co bloss-s s i. I. pf ... Southern I'acillc ., Southern Hy. . . Standard Mllilna , Standard Mlllinz pf I.'.V, l.'l JV. HI 4 77 70' , IL'1 121 L't 21 - .V) ,5S . 114 I.V, .1114 111 . JI4 22 . 7s4 7S'f .1074 11VJ r.l 714 12 124 174 I'i4 0s4 0b tl 114 (.14 fi.1 , Mil 200 s.'4 S2'f . 11 114 . 3,'i :n . 52 S2 2,30 . 20 1271, l.")4 1284 1204 ((14 M', 004 00 . . TO' i 7s 7.Vf 1014 oi 101 . o04 "i7'4 .'i04 100 i')if lit . 00 (),- )-, .12.14 122',' 1224' (i'i 1.1- . 3.34 . .14 . 714 .12.ri . 204 . 01 104 l.'I'i. 1214 174 704' 12! 2.1 .iS 144' 1104' 21 4 7S4 US 70,' 12 174' OS II f.14' 200 .SOH 114 .'114 814 2(30 2.30 23') - -1 ::., 10 1214 174 704 121 2! AS 114 1104 214 7S4 1IIS4 704 124 IS4 OS :ii 014 200 son 114 33 814 CHICAGO, Dec 16-Htcppt for n brief ectbni'k In prices nt tho outset, vvlicnt wns stimiR toilnv A Dtcmly absorption tv ni appircnt through a larso number of connnlssion liotiscs, but Its diameter wns linttl to determine Shorts In December wero mncle uneav bv the strllto on the Ilelt Itillway and pinh.ii cops I rmlnrs wero tlinltl about tnkltiK elinnces on the elmrl slile, nlthoiigli txpoiters reported n lack 3f dpmnntl The llrt Oovernment repot t on be ncreaRO ami condition of vvlntpr wheat will be mndo public nt 12:30 n in tnmoirow. A Olspnlcli fioin MlnnenpolH said that ' It was reported that nn enibarRo would, he plutvi! on nil export Hour fiom the West anil all tall wheat, also on io mestlc flout to New York A cable to A. O. SlauRhter . Co. estimated tho ex pot table surplus of wheat In Atgtntlna at n.viHytw) bushels Dccemlwr closed only 4c below the be3t nt $1.1S and Slnv nnd July only 4c off from the lop nt $1 1S and 1 114, io spectlvely. Wet weather in tho last Zt hours, with Itn.To forecast In the next 3t! hours In the belt aroused a lartro slceplnc short lnlpiest In December corn, This ninile some ftahtic effolts to cover. Trade was large. OlTctlnKis wero not heavy. De cember ended nt il"se, oi lie below tho best, nnd Mav 73f,c, or Uc off from the top o.tts moved upward with the other Brains. ...vices from Australia were favor dble It vmis bollcvoil that wheat In Argentina vius too well advanced to bo nftpcttd BH-atly by hot winds. A l.ttKo fnlllns off was leported in ordcis for II ur In the northwest, evidently due to the recent decline In wheat. Howevtr, tha mills linvi- Iiiiro oiders on their books, wheicas In pi ev Ions car the ap pro ich ot the holld.i8 has found the Hour trade dull. This j cat the piouile Is for the mills to enjoy an escellcnt season. Stocks In New 3 ork, Hoston nnd Philadelphia ale small The iKtlpts at Minneapolis nail Dtilutb todav v.eio lO.'J utrs, aKiilnst 3JI e.tts .i je.u ago, at Wlnnlpi'K. 1037 cars, n'.'nlnst HI puis, nt Chicago, 211 cuts, against ITS cms The receipts hero today were 117 eats The ni.ii ket nt Llvetpool vns Ilrm. Ship ments fiom Aigintliii for the week aro expected to bo llghtci. Country holders thoic nro ilrm, Leading futurcH ranged as follows: 3'efil a open. High. 1 13V, 1 !!. 1 17, l.lli l.ir.v, i nt, i in ilellvel) 7u 71', (J)', 7JM1 7.3. 7." (lit, 120 7 83 11SH 2611 .30 V4 78H son M M 67'A 2.3 9 Is .194 37 H3 r.si 100 SOW 20 20 914 4 301 120 7 S3 118'i 23 Vi 63 71H ,30Vi M CT .313 120 7 83 118M 204 M'i 75 304 63 61 fiC4 004 PHILA. ELECTRIC RUMORS PILL LOCAL FINANCIAL DISTRICT Important Cambria Conference in New York Pennsvll trnriio Sfpnl'o Fl'Rllfih Rail BofikiniTS Tr1riQoo,J H other Big War Order for Baldwin's Reported "04 SOU 10 North PA... p.1 221 II Tl. ... W'S .30 Pit Salt Mfg,...I()il 10 Pi Sll pref M'4 .17,3 Phllt Llectrle.. IS", 2.1s Phlla It T t c iO 30 Heading . .. . SJ 601 Tonopnli Helm.. 4U 2.1.3 Tonopnli Mlninfr 7 IS Union Traction. 41' 43S United O 1 Sll 3100 U S Steel SO'4 HO.VJW. Iist prov sale High. ?1P00 Am Clns A TS 6s. SS 'OH 1.V0 111 & Peo Tr 4s . 81 31 l(Kl Jnmcs 1' & C 4s 02 I't'j 1 -.Ti O Intent ltjs 4s.. 5' .'.O ,000 L Nav cons 4Vjs 1013, 101 tooo Leh Vnl cell .s. 101', 1014 2'Ki) IVi Pteel Ss . too1, 1P01, inoo Pa A Ml Stl (s 101 101 40i") t'hlln Co ens ,3s RSi, SSi, 1130D I'lilln i:i.i 4s .. c1, SO 1VIXO do 3s . . 1034 103 1000 Itcoil sen Is 034 of, uiiOO ftpiin-.m I (K..103 10J 23 18 M 67 nt flit, loo !04 2S'. 103 st'4 14 S3 0".. 18 38H 37 0,1 H 100 804 28t 20 S1H 4 fl-l(t 7 0 18-10 1)13-10 4IH 44A 44H 59 81 83 83 t0. CIoo 84 snti 81 lll'i f.s Kit's 11314 too HU ,S4 si 1113 nn, ltu si tiUi r.'i 1014 1014 loo1 101 s8ij 8.3 103 oi'i 10J Local Bid and Asked 04 U4 31 I 73, 127 , 204 01 13' I 3.14 ;:i 4 734' 120 MI'S 034 I3H 1104 13S to 1034 1034 101' 104 .'KI4 ) 4 ro 1014 .37),' (11 03 1.'24 0 i-ili ,'il :i4 7.14' 127 JOT. 014 154 I3)4 1.4 Ml. .110 114 . 114 . 13 fi.S4 .114 134 . 374 1104 OI1 1014 .10 v.vhn t 1 et ( mlier . Mav J nil . i . rn (new Hecemtir . Mn . . . O its Oi eemlier . Mn . . Linl January . .Mav Itlbs Innuari . . Mn .. . Turk -lanu ir Mm . hid. Low dope, i loe. 1 133, LIS ! lit. l.H.i, tLIST, fl 17 .1 7I 71 1 li'i4, 1411' llllff & J.US t! .. iln iiref , . nil, In In Cinihrl! Sleel .... Lltstrli MornKe . tlefi Asplult do lirrf heetoiie Telephnno do t i .... .Io pref . . Lake Mm rorp t.eh Nill I.eh Vnllii Leh Vnl Tr .to pref I'cnnii ... I'lilln. Lice riiiin co ilo 3 pi r cent, tin U per tent. 1 '111 1 1 it T do t e . . . Iteidliiv . . lonnisili liel lounpah MIlllnR I nlnn "Iraitlon t tlas Imp .. . V h Stiel . . Vnrlc II" J .... do pref Win Clump t c .. Kx dli I. lend Toi1i'h Bid. Afkeil l'ii pr pr. ,31,1- .11.31.; . in . ,:i4 j.4 14 . I.I14 ."4 , 7s . SI' . 17 iEJJ : II; , ,111 . 41", . r, . m-i; miu t'i ip; 4,1; . ss'j 1.11, M) :'i i3t 11 H 'H 13 724 II'.. 114 1.7', !)', 711 814 1SH is .3SI, i"! 41 ;iu4 4J4 .11 10 Mil, 13 IP, .144 M 3etrrdai s Hid. Asked. -34 1174 i'.st, .1 1 114 117', J'J 7s-l, KJ t"4 .174 3S-. 2' I 14 I1.1, w' .'"' 43 Ml 811'i 4 .'IP 83 r.l 117 714 11-4 7,!; W. Ml', , s i'l. ,,4 oil l 211 21) t'l'"l, 44 , SS, 80 II .IP. 81 The locnl finnnclnl district this week hns liCLcme derldcdly Interested in tha nffnlra of tho riilladelphlft Electric Com pany. Tho stent)' ndvnnce In Its Becu rltles, In fnco of tho Public Scrvlco In- vestlirntlon nntl tho probability of an en forced reduction In Its rates for furnish ing elecltlclty, hns been observed with Increasing attention, nnd tho sudden lump In the bonds jesterdnv was ro garden1 ns proof that a drastic reorgani sation vi as In prospect, based on he need of the rompnny prcparlnff Itself for the future The business has been grow Iiir by lenps nnd bounds, nnd the present capitalization Is reBnrdcd ns Inadequate, vvlillo tho Kcncrnl flnnnclal construction of the company Is considered cltimsv nnd not ns efficient as It nilcht be. Humor lias It that the present bonds will bo re tlied nnd a blinUet mortKiige of lnrper piopnrtlnns Issued. The stock also may be int rcased or possibly the par vnluo nltercd Todav tho 4 per cent bonds) suffered a sharp setback, hut this wns not surpris ing In view of the sudden upturn lato )esterdnv, vihlch was too quick to be mailed of hy Investors who had held the bonds In tho hope of Just such nn 111I1 mite Tho) encountered support ntotmd 'I, however Tho stock again torn lied 21 on light sales lllrctilc Storage Uattcry cased off this morning on selling by those who had ex pected nr. Inciense Ir the dividend The ixcellent business of tho compnny dur ing the last sW months had been the basis of thlH expectation Nevertheless, 11 very good nnnunl report Is looked for. A olrriilflAAul 1. 1 encourage theUlradlnTeleniCth ,. father This would piM?W, S that there was no ImmeXte iiin,U't of tho liquidation of XT e.xten,u ' ner holdings of tho shares "U m Cambria Steel was quiet but t cording to reports from v ilA.n' Ae., portant conferenco wns held there t0'! James A Campbell, proslden? . ,1 Youngstown Sheet n,l KV' 1 was said to have met Irntik A vZ"'' lip, representing the Stnnrtnr.t ,,- . to talk over tho proposed ?, csts. merger, the first move of which tr0,W 1 these two bo nmalwmaleduT. p? , Lackawanna and other steel concern, .UM' J I'ime iitiuer ineir common control It becamo known today through offln.i announcement by tho 1'ennsylvanU aK Compnny that tho IVenei, n.-.-..8tI had Inorcased its original order for ki2 luiiB ui Bieei runs tor rtcllvorv' beli,hui 111 Jnnuaiv nnd extending ttironii, .11 first half of 1916 to 85,000 toni Th, f iioh, nowover, inuea to stlmulst. stock on 'Change ""muiate i .Another jump In Baldwin Loen..i..J snares was nrcomprnled by ths Z'l that tho company had recced aM big war order, said to amount tn i.-'" 000.000 Montis were again actli; ihnnge doubtless due to nntlclnatla. V Jnnunry dividend nnd ii.V-..,pJl i0'1 l ments which will be scklne refn'ii"?- Interstato 4s wero active selllnir ,i nnd R! ' PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Financial Briefs Clinton Hosslter wns elected vlco presi dent nnd .1 director of the Underwood Tvpeivrltcr Company. Ho succeeds tho lato Charles VV. Hand. 4JW 13(1, 424 431, 131, 4.'3, t43 42!' Henry &. West were bitjets of United Gas Impiovetnent. C.imbila Steel wns tiougni ny l-arrlsli ti Lo. as well ns linker & Co. Do Haven nnd Townscnd J intent. s-v inter. ii.3 7.3. do , n 00 P 03 O 73 10.07 . 1813 IS ,3U tAsked 1.70 10.00 1 !l 10 23 IS '13 1S.SI 0 03 0 02 0 70 low !l S3 10 22 1 ' , took riillndelphla Klcctrlc. tn in t0 113 0.73T, 10.111 tS43 tlS03 tl"l'3 IS ,30 18 70 '18.40 MAJORITY OF "MOP" BOM) . ISSUKS HAVE BEKX DEPOSITED 1214 1104 120 SO'f SIW 8T.i 1154 ll.Vi I 104 HP 114 424 is i 5 111 134 4 Ill's 014 ll 110 11M 12 424 3S4 lit 134 .lOMI Hk3'iH 11131 let 4 It'lH Ml 'J 1 "O', 171 71.4 i II nil .4' 7N4 ill? ir. hi, iS-J ti-.' T V3 124 SJ4 100 !' 7S 111'h S.'l, ins; ii 102 li".' 74 list, UI'I ,'i!s 12T 1214 i.-.j; it 10.1 ins IIO, 114 1J4 .'.S4 Ul 114 134 1114 015i 103 1104' 134 .44 M'i 124 514 KI if A IimiO do tons 4s 4f- Feaboard A L adj 5s 12U0O feeaboard A L rd 4s 4000 tuuth Hell 5s 1M.0 bouth t'ac is ... . litt do c ret 1 p 5a.. 2ikiO South Pao rfd 4s . lliniO South Itwy uen 4a 10U) Texas Co 0a . tf) South Uwy con 5s 2000 U a itealty 3s .vjuo II s Itubbcr bs 4110 IT s fateel Ss .... 1U10 Union l'ae 1st it . Koo Union 1'dc cv is... , 1000 Union I'ac rfd 4s luiio Va 1 Drown Bros .. 3UK) Va car chm l: 5a ., joint Va Hy 3s IKI Wabash 1st Ss . ... 2H0O Wabash 2d 3 1U) VVe.t Elec 3s MOO VV est Klee cv Ss . . U7(i i, 71 OT, .'! 0,11? 70U 107 Ml 73 lot U74 0.V4 bO f.3 US4, iwii tiO mi, U3 in (J M3 7Wi 1.74 Irt 70V, l(i S'l 1IKV, no 70 10.3 Jr 7j Mil, lint! 074 uiij no 53 OSil asif tmtZ risC 102V. 102S 103 110 1H tin, 1.31, 17 (J 71H 1.71, 7114 Ml lli.'.V, Irt 70, MS Mil, H74 lH 110 .3.3 U34. USVI miv! 102S 103 WB(2f , 1.83 LOO New Rubber Company Formed The Lee Tiro and Kubber Corporation has been formed to take over the prop erty and business of the Lee Tire and Kubber Company, of Conhohocken, Pa. The new company w ill have 150,000 shares o stock authorized and 100,000 shares outstanding It volt be controlled and managed by the same officers as the old company, which has been manufactur ing tires since 1910. when It produced 1502 tires. During tha 19 months of the pr4ent year tt produced W.ii3 tires, making s, total of 451,151 tires. Ill (.3 .10.14 105 11S4 1I0H J I!) 114' 10 1 14 ..25 214 .44 . SI SHi SI . 124 -124 12)5 . 534 554 534 1104 U0H HOW UOJi 24 2 2 2 . (.4 04 04 04 178 1S2 1704 170$ 10 40 II) id .. 15 li 15 . (it H)j 0'1 034 ..101 101 101 101 ..1004 1004 100 100 . . 22H 224 22 J1' .. S5 WJJ 8-1 4 s"bi h2 SJ5i o2 StJi &tudetjker Co 17.14 171 107H 10S 'lean Copper 574 574 50!i 504 Tejas ( o ... ,2.104 2.1.1 227 227 Third Avenue. . 014 OOJi iV)4 00,4 Tobacco Products pf . . 102 101 101 101 Union IIjj A Puper . 84 0 hlj j4 Union Uu i. ! pf. 304 III4 30 30 United Llgit store ... 0) ), '14 'jtf Union laitllc . ...137j 1,174 1104 1,104 linfon l"acl8e pf ...834 624 824 824 U 8 Ind Alcohol . . 1214 1214 120 I"0 U 8 Ind Alcohol pf .1014 101 101 101 United Fruit ..1184 151)5 US4 H'J V 8 (ast I I'll' 244 -4 21 "1 USt'1,1'41' pf 51 514 514 S1W United H Itn pf I'. 8 Realty S. Imp United Hyai Inv&it U S Ilubber U. b Uubber 1st pf U 8 8leet U. 8 bteel pf United Clear Mfrs . UnltiHl Cigar llfrs pi. 10(1 Utah Copper 7'JJS Va Iron. Coal &.Q.... 62 Wabash 1 10 Wabash pf A, w i . . 154 Wabish pf B, -.!.. 284 Western Union Tel. . 89 West E JL.M (M; Westlnghouse 1st pf .. 7t, Wheel 5. Lake Erla .. 44 WUus Overland . 24S4 W'oomorth. F. . Co 117 Quoted ex dividend. .i'l 3 tf) .i") d'i 41 II 404 404 214 22 '2 ' 51 514 5J4 514 lOSVi l()i)5 1084 1US4 804 804 85 S54 1104 UGH 1104' 1104 t).J tl-'ii t.2 02)4 lOtl 78 CO Ki 454 2!) 80 704 804 IH 2104 -MS UW U7 lOo 774 CO 154 154 -Vt 8') I-7H 80 14 108 774 U) 154 154 -74 8'J C7!' 811 44' 2JS U8 NEW YORK CURB Amer Kino . Ilradeti CoDDer llrltlnli-.Vww-lcan Tobacco, old itrltlsh-Amertcan Tobscco new Car Lldbt .. Ooldheld Consolidated Hende if. IntsrnatUmat Marine ... tj(, tnternatloiuil Marine pref tail Marcont . ', Mazm.i Copper MltUale Multxijnir .... Otta Kle.ator ci(U Elevator pret ... Pnri Mir Itl VtiT-1 1 ece man I SterlH(S uum . .f. hahaiArlne - . . 'luba q Produ t . oria rum Bd5(. J8(i 1 1. Pt i & HI H Mi m v-. .: 1? .. 13 :.Jfc W . (Sll! Tt ?.'" .' if ft SA. 4l St . V Tuk a l.'l I Ex Ytini I Foity-five Per Cent, of Outstanding Stock Also In SEW YORK, Dec 16. Kuhn, I-ocb & Co , ns reorganization mtnngcrs of the Missouri I'nclfle, nnnounco that consld ciable mnjoritlcs of the two bond issues on which the plan of rcorKanlzation pri marily icsts, viz, the convertible nnd refunding 5 per cent, bonds and the 4 per cent. Bold loan bonds, have been de-poi-ltod under the plan There has also been deposited npproxl mittly IJ7.on0.000 stock, belns about 43 per cent of the total outstanding. Tur ther huso ntnounta have ln.cn plodKcd for deposit, nnd with several Kuropean depoaltoilcs still to ho heard from It Is certain that a majoiity of stock has Joined tho plan Of thi consolld.itea first mortgnBe 6 per tent bonds, collateral trust B per cent bonds, duo 1917; collateral mort gage 3 per tent bonds, duo 1K0, nnd v irlous otliet Issues Included In the plnn, considerable peicentaucs have been de posited, and no doubt is entertained now tint the consummation of tho rendjust mint Is nssuiedj Its llrmtiess and ad vantages to the property as well ns 011 tltety of Its securities will command the ndhttenco of the bulK of holders of all Issues. Tho Subtnnrlno Iloit Corporation has closed a foreign contract for MO addi tional high-speed launches on which the prollt should bo t3,400.0O0. This is addi tional to the original order for KO launches on which the companj's piotlt should amount to approximately $14, SS0.0OO. Ernest HopMnson was elected a direc tor of the United Stntes Tile Company Joseph V WIdcner was elected a rtl lectoi of the Hlectrlc Storage Uattcry Company, to succeed his father, the lute P. A. B. Wldencr. Tho London Stock i:chnnge will ho closed December 21-25-27 and Januaty 1. The Hank of England bought 730,000 In sovereigns and fliiJ.TO) In bar gold, and shipped 300,0)0 to tho Continent and 170,000 to America The New York bonk gained $1,102,000 from the Stibttensury jestetday nnd since Inst Friday $3,087,000. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Mnnilinl Coupler I'onuainj resul.tr fcmlan uul 4 itr ent on ircfirreil anil l 1 er lent nn common, pajublu December 21 lluoks close liLienuer 1 uopin Janujrj 12 American T pi founders Company, reeular iiuaiterl 1i4 er cent on preferred and 1 per tent, on lommon, insnble January 15 to stock of reior I J tnuni 10. I.itnir Ilurenu, lesular quarterly 2 per cent, on ireferred. rotable Januarj 1 to stock of record Iiecemt er 21 Philadelphia Company, reeular nuarterb 1V4 per ent on common, pamble Tebruary 1 as reRlstere.l January .1. Consnllilate.l Tnctlon Company of New Jer. fej, rexular semUnnual 2 rr cent , paiable Jinu.irv 13 as reKistercil liectmhir '11. lemple Cnil I'ompjnj uuarterly 2 per cent, on preferred payable January 11 lnm, to sto kholdcrs of reionl IJecemter .'II 11)13. Kensington Trust Connuni. regular semi annual of ,1 per lent , PHjuble December II to slock uf record De. embtr It Kansas (Itv. Tort Stott and Memphis. 1 rer cent, on (juarunu.d preferred, paiable January 1 llermantown PifsenEer Hallway, quarterly It tl',. tmiublo Jinuary 4 ,.,.. Sairtge Arms Compan regular quarterly I1,. per tent v liable December 13. National Paper an I lue Cnnipani regular quarterly 11, per unt on preferred and IH per ten; on loinnuui payable January 13 to btovk of record Dectmber il American Railways Plan Assured An officer of American Rallwnjs states that mote than 113,000 shares, or nliout S3 per cent, of the total outstiftidlng com mon stock, have been deposited, thcieby assuilng success of the plnn for the com pany to bo taken ovci by the National Pioptrtlts Company. Tlmo for deposits expired at the cioso of business last night GRAIN AND FLOUR V.V WHAT -Itecelpts soi.310 bush Dtmnnd m fulrli nitlie nnd the market ruled Ilrm nnd li. higher unuer stronger outnlde iidilces cjnot ji 1 1 mi Cur lots In export e,cintor No 2 ml not nml I'eioml.er l 2fi1 23 No 2 Snuthorn rid, $1 tiiuisi, Klcuiner Nn 2 red, l l1lt2li Nn I if I $1 lsif1 .11, rejected A, ?t r.',Til.l7ia, rejected 11. Jt.1lffl.l0. 1 nilN IteeilitP, inrs.3 littsli. supplies nero fltn ill and prhfs iicre 1c. higher. Ouotntlons: 1 nr lots for liunl trade ns to loeitlnn n,i Vletein Nn jellon. SHiS.'e. old Western i imir vi llmi Miifslc. old V'etcrn Nn I Mllovi TliDSOc urn cob. per 70 lb fisrui'ic. VTJ Iticelpts 12,nui hush The market ruled ("teuli, with n fair deinnnd Uuotn llnim Nn. 2 iihlte Wfllli'ic . Mnmlird while. 47'.i'i4s .No 1 white. Iit'jjflie No. I while, 4I'i43'j. enmple oat, 4.'ffltc, purlllcd oltH graded 47WIS 1 l.lli II Itriilpts 2IIO bbls nnd 1.73I.7SI lh In sick" 'I Hide wns quiet but mill llmltH were stt iilllv hi Id Quotation per Un) lh In uiiod l Inter clear J3.13ii3 41), do , Htriilght 3 30fi3 73 do intent, J". -iHlil ID; Kimono ilenr, lute Hicks $. Vii 3 13, ilo , etntluht Jute sTeks, $.3 Il)u3 1,0 do., intent. Jute sinks, S3ll31t3.ll spring Mrst, clear, .. 7-. JI An .....l.li. C". -.I, -. T-. .1.. thitint, J'TViillo. ilo. ramllo limn J k. $u JO yit (", tu mil' ruoico nnl unt j p ilent, jt.irf(ii tn rii mini, rcKiiiir cruueH- ninr. sSi 1 r't t hi iio,, su.UKMt. .mu p iieni ipmi in ItYU ri.iiril un qnlcl but Btonl under small BiinpUoK Wo nuutu at SV-WMtX) per bll , ns 10 qu illti. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled stendj, hut tin re wns llttlo trading, tjuotatlons city beef, In fcts, Hmokct nnd air-dried .'Hi23e , VVmlirn bed. In fUs, 1.1111)1.(11 .nr.11, utj peer. Knuckles nnci len ders smoked nnd nlr-drlcd 2i.fi27i , Western I . Kni.kl.'u uul ti n leri., nmnked. 2t.iJ7e , beef lunis, $2R730; poik, famllj, 'M.WtiH, li-nn- s 1 1 nml Ioim, 13iil3'i. do i-klnned, Ionic IJ'ilJiwe; do., do, smoked lltiltuc.. otlier hun smoked cltv cured, ns to brand and 111 1 rage lil. 11 17c hnms. smoki.l. West ern cured, li.i-iiKc ilo. billed boneless 22c: Illllle fhnulder 1'. cured, loo-e 12e do., smoked lie bellies In phklc nccordlng to uierage, loose, ltfallijc , brenkfnst bicon. ns to hinnd nnd nieiagi city cured. 17?ISe ; breakfast bicon Western cured. liBlsc.; Hrd. Western rcllned. In tierces. 10'4c ; do., do. In tub, iuv,e 1 ird, puro cltj, kettle ren dered. In tierces. Hi3,c ; lnrd. puro cltj, kettle undered. In tubs. ld4c. REFINED SUGARS The markit 11 ns quiet but stead Itctlners1 list prices 1 Mia line granul iter), 0 IDffll 13c , stnudnrd granul ileil 1. 13pil 20c , powdered, rii till J3e innfiitiuners A, l)5ji)03c, eoft gra les 3 '23f7,3 iki DAIRY PRODUCTS IlL'TrKIt -fancy stoik soil falrli nnd ruled firm under light olTeringa (mutations Wist eill. solid-packed cre.imen, fines spe-Uls, !V extrn li . eitrn llrsts. Ijulie , Ilrsts, ,UJ lie , bcconda, 2iln2'ic , n irby prints. r.inci, !'ic do nveiaga extras .i.a1t.c , do. Urals, ,'toii Mc . do . secondH. iii-ic Jobbing sales of f.incj prints, 42ii 13c LllflS Thire Has .1 good nutlet for the limited lecelptH of tine licw.lild icgs lalues of which ruled firm We quote I'ree e isea neirbi evlnts. 40e per doz UrstH Ml in per stindarl 1 ibo ne irbi curirnt receipts, MO .31) per i ihc Western exiin llrsts, $11 10 per case, llrste, -til) 3d r 1 r uihc. refrlg.rator eggs fnncy, $7 Ml tut cusp ilo llrstH, 7 ' per case do, hccoiuls. Sil nielli 1 Jl per caae do.. Inferior lots, l.iuir. finiv tclictcd candled eggs weio Job bing at 4-'fi4lc Cllli:Sl. -'Ibo market ruled Arm under light otlrrl.igs and u fairly attlie deinnnd. Quota tlous follow Nin lork lull-iream, fancy, held, 17'iiil7l'.i. ' specl ils" higher, do. fair to ood. held lu1 lilTc , do , pin skims, v.tllc. 2S , 4nlb3' ,nPcc. P" pair f-SBOOc. ..v Ing 1 lb. nplece. per pair, 'Or , gufiSi. 7 ;er inlr. Vie . pigeons old. cr c,!, . "ir..,i-'2',M"",.lf' ner pair ivoilk- r "' al r.ciSf,'-n,rr!;,lie,iirn.,B1fS5"!1' !B,,,st-fi-Hff&,!S .4c. do, W'isiern, fnnci 2le . do ,i . ? to eliolce. 22821c . do . rulr. "A-5i.1I ""ji M PI. n V i".'' Sums. aic. 110., runs and .n i ,i. low is 1.' to box, dry-ptckel nnl drv.SVvS' run. 1 selected, isc nelihlng ifffl' J nplin.. IT'sc weighing 4 lbs uni.Jl1',.."". elghliig -ft. lbs 'apiece. l'.i34Pc .,& L"ll- nplccv, nnd under. 1 1 I tc! hns &'. . 1l .....I-. 111 own . limey llelRti nr 4Ufli ik. npeie I7e neighing 4 lbs ill. .1 tt sles I2ijl4c. ..1,1 roosters oV-rtCseFlS . hlckens-lersej fancy broilers, liiS : $ "'.nr ,J .".".,c' i'.roJ'frs tansie . VV estm Swi! ers. neighing V,rt 1 n,s 0, eSo&ae S eru Illinois chickens fmcj, scllow. i'.hSS: norihern IllfnoiC etlern brciu .. no wtlrl In boxes, lwiijl -5 tfiii"? -V"-l'-i ""!, in boxes. ikBfffl rn llMnols fumy, neigh ng 2Cnf ifi' s 13iii Hk .other Western Obi 'JJj I lbs. Illlil ftcr lH?.1lln fnliii. neighing 2i,?i.li., lbs, ...'I lll'-I II llllll.tlH 111 POlS, oier I :" .-n..--i lu-. in 1 oxes luitt th VVestern. neighing 214fl.11, lbs, In tSfi . lis 1..C Inferloi lie siring ducks, nearer. II Ji.iie.. do Western fancy, 17,lSc fift i! good 1251 1.V geere. nearbj. liaise f P VVestern. lliilfii Houabs ifii-U? lirll.lllnv II ,n 1 l,.u .. .1. i. .-1"'?. ;. ,i7i '".ri.Vi.ii ,i .",. ,u" "M'i. -1 ..1,1.. v. 1 1 k V1 , lu pernor, ',,i.. iiiihniiiM -. 1UI. ll while neighing , lbs. per 1 nelchllii? l,l,lH tl.s nn. r fl.TuKJ.S3, small and No, '.'. tlstlTo. VIA SU; per doz , U Jbu r doz. J.'Kivji, whits! FRESH FRUITS POULTRY I.IV'i: Choice stock sold falrlj and inlues were well sustained, but much nr the supply was of uuattruetlie siock. nhlch nas uttlo n inte.l ijuotiuloiit- I'onls, ts to size nnd qiiul itl, ljiill. exception il lots higher loustlts, to.itlc , spring chbkens, ai.onlliu- to quality, IJ'olle (xeeptlonal lota higher tmkos lSfj .0 du. ks as lo .Uf and uuillti lift 11 .. Mm ll'itic , gulnens nuu.r neghlug 2 lbs nnd uier apltce per pair. U3i Siil neigh Choice Moek nas in fair request an! rn, erillj Mend) under moderate offerlnri Qui. tatlons Applis. per 1.N -Jonathan, ruer, J ..nil I, ilo fair to goal, J2 30ff3, McIntMli. $11i4, Smokehouse $.111 1 30, Orlmea' Oolltn! .'..'.i! tl. Wines ip, . 73fi3 30 Oreeninr. -,,7.3ii I -0. 11 Udw In ..' 7V...1 30. illack Twit ?.'.3iHi I .'.3 3orl; Imierlil J.'g 1 23. Twentj. ounce i.'ii.t Pippin J.'Ii I lien Dails, 17,fi 2 ."41 nihil Mirletles $130fi2W No 2 111) 1 23 npplis In bulk, per Km lbs. M)cB!150. " apples, Wclern. i.ei box, 1 "iOfl2M, pri pel 1,111 KccKei. jijih) Slieldon, J483, Beurn d Atijoti v-'.'d'i I 311 oranges, riorlda, at irate, S1.731I2 7.3. tnngerln. s riorUa, pet. tmp, $.111 I 30, gnpefrult, 1 lorIJa, rr crit,t -fi I. lemons, per box, 4fi4 30, plnipplei, i per crate, I'orto Him fliiiis, eranln1s, j 1 'ape. Cod pi r bbl 'Iii10 do do.rercnUj ?....uji eio. jcrsej per crate, Y.ft.'ou VEGETABLES Ponnnd nni milv modern tr but alues wwi HtPHilllv mulntuiwil nn eholi i itock ot nut iltforintloiiF ijiiotatfons Wlilto potators, per bush -( liolre, H'cHiJI fair in cool. MftOftt: ulilto pntHtoe J(ko per tucket o 1 Rm, ( si itj i (jiiii-t . ii lent'" niji-tf u , iiv. , tfVi lit. mwrt potjitoeH ltric, per hailiet- io j, u'fl mi . ,sn i: i i4i: iswctL poiawi, Vlrxlnla, poi libl $1 in il 7" onlors, txr tofr lb biff-Vo I. t.7"iiis. .No 2, yM7s', . ul. Is, inn llinloh i.n ln,. C, It iln AnnftUV iir ton SVfii. celnrv Ww Yota per bunca, a 11f40t Hpfimh, Norfolk per bbl ll.S5ei.9LW l.-.ln V....1tf ... I lit --l.lJlrt lHlll ' l'lnrlil u. r mHkpt. S ".0. 1 .10 do . Nortl Cnrnllna. pfr luskct. 7 k &IL 50 Jwu V rinrldi. per basket 51 wimi' peat ihk ter biHket $."! eRRplaut rioridr per crrt h ?J -'ii- 7.". iiiushrcoma. per 4 lt basket, M 'j lsi). ' -i NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS J x.i..ii' vi-itil.- tin. 111 111 TTKIt Mulft ' Ilrm lecelpts r07pikat,e extra, JWV. hlgeer scoring. 7'i li'j Mile dalr), Kg-d . Imltntliti iiiamers, J..fi2le 3 i:ri(lS Market Ktenil) le elpts 10.513 01! ixtin liit, vdtii llt- ,i.'i3ic . niw iililies. ,'J)fi31i mlsed i loi . bil-'c. lemi- - crator llrsts, 2lfi2l'jc. itcurbv broiins. irans. I5AR SILVER LONDON. Dec 111 Tho niiotttlon for com mercial bir a lier dc.llnel 7 PJ to 23 13 lnJNen York sllier nas quoted st 5IV5.. with Itevlcun dollars nt 4l'i Frenclt Loan Overhubscribed I'AHIS, Dec 16 About 1.00,000 pertons subfccrllieel to the new French loan, which closed at midnight Tarls newspapers state the loan was oversubscribed Tax Free in Pennsylvania Penna. R, R. Cons. 4's HUB At'O. I. IDbU Particulars on application A. B. LEACH & CO. 115 South Fourth Street PlHECTOm OF ACCOUNTANTS Ctrllned Public Ac ountauti LAVVHliNLi. L. JJItOWN it CO. U18 HEAL ESTATE Tl"u"r UUILBLNQ. UrWS & 8PBAKMAN Tht Courts. ANNUAL 3IEKTINGS THE I'JUI UIELPIIIA NATIONAL IHNK Philadelphia. December 11. 1K13 The Annual Election for Directors will ba held at the Banking- Housi in "'ileJdalr S&aM'l..' U,w ,be bou ' HOHACE FORTESCUE, Cashier IKS3 UNION NATIONAL UANIi Vblludelphla. I'm,, December 11. 101S. . .J.bu?1 "lUa, ?f lb "tockholder, of this Hank tor the election of Dire, tors will be. held at the Banking Uoui, in Tuesuar ".tncl'p. It1"' """"" S boul,U"t fi, ' LOUIS N SPIKLBEROER. Cashier. ' The Advantage of Protection Io an Old Line Stock Company Under the Compensation Law Our old-line stock company gives you full protection under (1) Workmen's Compensation Law (2) Common Law (3) Injuries to the Public Thus taking care of all possible legal liability for personal injury. Your rate of insurance is fixed. You cannot be assessed. Our Inspection Engineers assure you low rates. Forty-seven years of experience and more than $5,000,000 of trusteed American assets, guarantee payment of your claims which may run over a period of years. , The London Guarantee and Accident Company, Ltd., is licensed to do business in the following Sttes: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, lows, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mary' land, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey. New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, PENNSYLVANIA, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia. Wisconsin, Wyoming. This means that in each of the States named above the London Guarantee and Accident Company ha complied with all the regulations of the various Insurance Departments. Ask your Broker or write or telephone to Stol es Packard Hauehton & Smith RESIDENT MANAGERS London Guarantee & Accident Co., Ltd. Lombard 4190 432-34-36 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Main 4190 K l4-J