Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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Only Ten More Shopping Days
Before the Great Holiday
Is Here Charities
Hard Worked
tn.imllnir tniltiv. there tre nnli ten mnrp
,n Uiiopplnit .t.i- before C lirUliiiif.
Tlicte are a dozen or so perplexing
alternative tli.t nlnnjs lomo up nt this
IM501I Thcv are. nil- iiibuiiivu.
Whether to wish for i "ttlilto" Chii-d-mis
or for a "riccii" Clitlilmm. The
diffleulty H" '" t,1,, tl,!,t " ", llt
n..i.ifiiim. as nou pectus possible, Ii vctv
fiiecrful ntiil n't very .lino for those ulm
i Ikho warm houses nnd thick
' ' hut very hard on Hie poor. Hill
DUkI.. ' ...... ...... II . Ir. tin 1
less tho obvious thins to do is to wish
for a snowj v nu-uim.i.
And then nial.o tip for II by rIvIiir tho
r.or fuel nnd worm clothlne;. It this Is
rot. a desirable thliiB to do, tlicn wish
for a warm, preen Chiistm.is.
Then there la the perplexing ullet native,
I to decide whether to Rlvo a boy nn elet-
triad raltvvnv, with svltchcsand nil sorts
cf contrivances, or a chcni""makc-clleo
'' railway that has. to bo coaxed alone by
! hand or with n spring that In oaks on
i December 26 Heealiao some boys loso
I Interest In complex toys with nniazlinr
I 1 facility, nnd others never lose their Inter
' I est In the plainest kind of plain toys'.
i TJio rlihlle Is solved by filvinj; to Ihp
I -unlmaBlnatlvo hov the complex tov, nnd
J to the liiuiKliiativo ono the simple one.
J It will he mo. e fun for tho utilnuiRlnntlvo
1 ) boy to break thn complex contilvancr, nnd
' ; the complex contrivance would only tin-
...... iim imv with ii fancv which can seo
,- J liwj ." . .. .
1 1 things better wnen nicy nro nui mo rcai.
A New Yoik newspaper hai compiled
llst of tlio 100 woist cuses of RUITcrliiB In
that cltv. The various charitable or
ganizations co-operated, and tho list reads
. UKO a P'lRO noill me uinry ul ii inuii in
i tho undci world. They me nil tho cases
I of cry poor people nnd In every Insliinco
there Is just one medicine needed money.
1 It would be Interesting It n list wcio
compiled of tho HW woisL surforers In a
great city exclusive of those who need
5 .nn. .. fnv the iipcrssltles of life. Mnnv
"i.-.-a ti, i-n thrnncli llTn ill thn llnlfmm
of sooil ilotlies, nnd while havlnu the
baro necessities mo troubled about many
Sherlock Holmes once unraveled n mys
tery of .in apparently veiy well-to-do
man who spent several houia every day
In the disguise of a beggar, leaping u
harvest of pennies in his little tin cup.
There are n lot of well-drcsicd folks
iho would llko to ti.v that way of citing
out now ami tln-n it It could bo niun
ascd 4
The riulucli Iphl i Iloiislng roiiimlpslon
Is Fending out "Chiistnias cnids."
"What, ' nsks the commission on these
Rifts to the owui'iH of inopeity In tho
'congested tenement dlitilcts of tho city,
! ! "could embod v 'more of tho riulstmtis
5 tplrli of ihnughtftilnPHM lor nthers than n
it personal visit to such pioportlcs, talks
&J ilth lour tenants and tho correction of
I inch derocts of nn unsafo or Insanitary
I thaineter as ou discover?"
I Trobablj some day tho cities will tear
i I down thec old slmcks nnd build decent
i fljccs Kor the jear 2hl7 Is suto to nr
5 rlvc. If only one la patient.
ISonie whito boy Is going to get his
head punched. He told TAly, a little col
oml gitl that there "wnsn't no Santa
t CliaiP for iolored children." So I.lly
J uroto to Ueor,'e AVIlllanii, tho colored do
I tectlvo who provided n Christmas for 147
J poor children, both whito nnd black, last
I ear, and Ii planning to Invito Santa
ij Claui to conn to IMS Halnbihlgo street
hgaiu thl4 p.ir .ind he'll be their, chil
dten. he'll be then '
" "rtut I no better." I.llj's letter to Will
lama continued. "I got- n doll hist eur
from him. but the doll la most wore out
now so If ou pleas kill I have another
' this crismus, I don't keer if It lias only
one tout or one co. I will love It. Yours
truly, I.lly."
Williams has asked for more contribu
tion!! to help liiin nut.
Mrn. M. V. Ketchuni, 30:1 Kiankford
avenue, who has dono moro for nnfor
tunato families In Kensington than nny
one tlae hays conditions are no better
this December In Kensington than thoy !
were last DiLcmber. Thercfoie sonic
thlng will h.ie to be done about It; and
Mrs Keiehuni. though laboring under tho
meat disadvantage of bolng known us
the "Aiiriel of Keiihlngton," la eager to
do.it, but ruiiiiot do it all alone.
, Tim dillleiiltv about angels Is that'peo-
: r'e luxe a wnv of letting them do nil tlio
work Hut nobody wants to bo nn angel
or tn have an angel, least of all Mrs.
Ketiluun i Kenaingtoii. Wlmt they botli
; want Is ii.it hentiitic'iitiit pity or ungellv
;. )inimth. hut Minplv Miiine sane, kind,
lUllniti. ihoiuh tetnpoiary, icllef, to help
; out hi ceilaiii d'lllciilt piohleins which aio
s alttjis to in- fuuiid In sections ovcr-
whflinintb iinliisti lal.
Chrli.ini.il. ts u hi ttei' tlmo than any
other to Mint to give thought to .such
problems, im thev should ho bundled
nltli u h.iiu ami hopeful spirit and not
; lth a wrv faie .mil a despalrlns heart.
I That ilete.tive uhik cIvch Chiihtnmses
to tho Il.uiibridgo street chlldron Is not
alone m the Kineati of I'olico in this
orl: Two West I'ltilndelphla hergeants
will luio tieea and piegents for childien
In then- iielghboi hoods at their homes.
Thej urc William Scull, of E South tltll
street, and 1'ianK S. Hart, of 1693 Noith
Kth street
The HaUutuin Army will givo away
W I'hiistinaa baskets, with food for
m) persons in all. Kvorybody loves tho
Poundlnir nml fl.c n.iimi.!nff nr ii.a i.i.
B b. drum and e.-eryhody secretly loves
ino old Army, although openly making
IUn nf II
H There Ij much to bo bald for the use
of the big drum In religious affairs and
H It no mean feat to feed KXW uioiiths;
mouths not very well accoutred as to
"i. hut hungry all tho samo and
capable of lifting the. last shred of meat
olt a turkey'3 drumstick, leaving it bone
ory, and then asking1 for more.
rt , -- mum H.Mcu ilia 4 uiiiui dial.
5 ank clerks. Stock Exchange employes
. ;t" v.uer Bimuany tucKy people are
llTi "'. fcive (.iirisimas gifta aggre-
1 1? ,s f109-. Successes in respect to
waring "war brides" aro said to he
CCi?'intab:e for tUo rumor. It might bo
. ,renember that "war brides" have
ah I"111"1 on aI' alike; eomo of those
- wis inueo. wtin tneir anections are
fcody p0ltlon t0 Elvo presents to any-
Negro Cooks and Maids at College
Their Pupils
fctJ1'lent3 ot Bryn Mawr College luive
"?5e together as teachers of the W)
b,.... ?!men who act as maids at the
MUtutlon. They will provide Instruc
Vi?i,,n readIiB-. writing, bpelllng and
""""etlo to the cooks and chamuer
"ni during the veok and in Bible
!V ,ou Sundays. A Sunday school with
IS, ha" beeu orgaulied.
t St. "enMe'ta Allport. Rockefeller IUU
l2u'U.111S3 JI I HUkmai, rmbroKe
i J7V f1 cU!,s Mis Margaret Oardmei.
gX' HaU East i-lass VUa TIer.
LS,U, cUs' sa AL-e Krr
jSfosf'aU class and Misa Katharine
One Funeral Held in Rome and the
Other Here nt About the
Same Time
Whllp Henry .1 Thoiiron, n dlstln-
CtllsllpO Hfllot n.,1 n ..l.. -. T..-M- ,-.
I I v u. J1UUVU "L x minuet-
phln, wnq being hurled In nome, his
hi other Martin was bclnc Interred In
tho Cathedral Cemetery here. Martin
niouron was wealthy nnd at ono tlmo
wni n prominent tlRiire on the Phllndel- .
phln Stock UxclmtiRF. He died In Haiti- '
more l-'rldny.
Hoejrtiso of the death of Henry J. Thou
fnn n concert, scheduled to he held ni
the Academy of the Pine Alts last nlRht
wns nbniidoncd. nnd Instead a memorial
meetltiB M1 hold, tlesolutlona of con- i
ilolence were adopted, to bo transmitted
hv cable to n slater of the deceased I
nitlil In Home.
Luke Meckins Wanders
Through Streets of Tender-
loin in Search of Place ;
Where He "Saw" Son
r..itkc Mceklna wnlked the slushy
sticets of tho tenderloin todny, led by
a drenm. It wn.a so real a dream to tho
father of the kldivipped boy, s-yenr-nld
lllelinnl Jfeeklns, that oven the pnllce be
gan to take stink In It. nnd followed tlir
tinn about looking fnt "the little rp.l
hou.-o witb tin. givin blinds" that bo had
seen lost night.
"I diennied that I wna walking nt 9t1i
and Wood stteetn" hi Meekln.a. lie wns
standing at the luteiscctlon of those
sticcts todnv when he told about It
"And I paaacd thlr little led house nnd
saw u woman standing in the window
.My boy Itlthartl was holding her led
hand. She lind light hall and big Id in.
e( a.
"Itlchnul called down to me, 'I'm up
here with this nice lad,' and I called
back to hint, 'Don't worrj : ptnv theie
till f rump.' Hut this being a dream, ou
see, 1 did not gu Into the hotiac, na I
would now. ,
"It was the moat teallatlc dream I eer
had. As soon as I hod had btenkfnst
this mottling at mj home, 211 South Cist
street, 1 kla-ed ntv wife good-by anil told
her I wouldn't be home till 1 had found
Illclfird. This lluht-haired woman in Un
dream was about IK I've fccon a good
inanv llght-halrcd women up ltcre, but
none of them was lust llko tho ono that
held 'Ichmd's hand. She seemed llko
it kindly sort of woman, while all l'vo
seen up line look hard."
The ptillie illu no. want Mr. Mccklnn l
get out of their sight beumso he was in
n gie'itlv eelted roudltloit, and It was
feat eel he might get 1 it to some solt of
ttouble, possibly tr to enter a house
wiine he thought his son might he hid
den. iJut they iiIm) seemed In nttaeh itioru
imnoruiiu'e to his dteam than Is usually
f.lon to dt earns.
Relatives of ftlrlinid .Meeklits preiurnl
today to have the pii-tuie of the missing
boy piloted on postcatds. The cauls will
be mailed to persons all over the country.
Xuiii.-h will lie hcleited fioni out-of-town
din ctoi'le.a. Those who lecelve the cm lis
will be ixitiPsted to mall them to their
filrtu'.'. The fi lends in tutn will bo asked
to forw.iiil them to their ft buds. The
Idea Is to Imtiigurato ail etidloBS-chnlii
M'atvlt fur the 'm w he him been missing
since November '.".
Mis. Meeklns, mother of the boy. was
closeted with Lieutenant .Marplu. of tho
f-'ith sticet nnd Woodland avenue station,
today. She went over vat Ions phases of
the Viipo with lilm. She ti-nrfnlly told
Lieiitenaiit Mnrplo that It wan useless to
continue the seateh anv longer lor hen
boy She said she felt her bo- was dead
Ari.itigetnent.a are being made to have
the 1io.'h plutute shown In tlio "movies."
Scvei.il nioNlng-picttuo coniiiaiilp.s have
volunteered to Miow the picluio of I'.leh
mil Meekln.a nightly on tho seieen to an
dlences. Tho Woodland Avenue Huslness Mcii'h
Association will hold u niuss-iiieetlng In
Odd Fellows' Hall, "1st stteet nnd Wood
land avenue, next Thursday night, to
discuss the Meeklns case.
John T. I'cdlow, picsldent of tho asso
ciation, is in favor of offering a ion, ml
for information leading to tho uirest and
conlct!on of tlio abductors of "tho Mco
kln.a boy.
West I'hlladclphla merchants today
suggested n. eomiituiileatlon bo sent to
Councils mging that body to ttulhotlzo
tho elty to Issue "a loward for the tc
covcry of the boy.
"My Soul Rebels Against Such Testi
mony," Suys JiuIko
NLVV YOIIK, Dee. 14. -Tho trial of .Mrs
Ada Urown Ketchuin's bull for a m-..ii.l-t
luii fnin llvPtett I". Ketchum, lawyer and
Ynlo graduate, came to nn end beforo Ku
picme I'Tiut .lustier lllanehaid jester
day after .lustii o lilitnuliunl ami coni
uiPiiteil sharply mi tho u.ituio of tho ell
ilPitce nnd had cptestcd tegiet that prob
ably the list rate ho will try beforo his
retlietrent on December 31 should have
been an action of that kind.
Tho conclusion of tho trial was hast
ened by tho following tetnark of Jus
tice IJIaliclurd- "I don't want to sit
hero hour after hour and listen to such
testimony. It Is iibhoiieut to mo .in. I niv
soul I'fbels against (ho disclosures in this
action.' He granted tho attotnejs two
weuks to tlio luiefs.
Tho chief witness estcrday was Mrs
Rebecca Wilson, housekeeper In tho Ket
chum home. She gave thla description of
the dlitnei the second time Miss Urown
was at tho house:
"I seivcd the soup and then tho roast
duck. When I camo up fiom tho kitchen
with the potatoes and cranberry 'sauce
Miss Hi own and Mi. Ketchum were sit
ting close together. I could never get
over the way they wcie kissing. Judge.
They were doing it Ilk" this, tllcie sho
puckered up her Ilpa and emitted a series
of violent smacks) I never did get tho
potatoes and cranberries on the table
because their kissing upset me so. i
skipped tin potatoes and then tried to
berve the Ico crdeani, but they didn't pay
no more attention to me than if I wasn't
theie. They Just kept on kissing."
Soeiety to IJuild New Home
The announcement by the Beneficial
Saiing I-'und Society that It will begin In
the bprlng to eiect a new building that
will rcplaeo tho present one on the lot at
the southwest corner of 12th and Chest
nut streets, which It has occupied for
moro than llfty years, gives an Idea of
how real citato values have risen. Not
long ago Jl.000,000 was offered for the
piopcjU, while the whole bum paid orig
inally for tho pioperty by the soc!et was
J70.000. Then the purchase molvtd the
resldencoa of John Donnelly and Dr.
Francis W Lew Is. The whole of tho new
building will be occupied by the Uenettdal
Sulng Fund Society.
, "Will Give Ball to Aid Sufferers
A ball for the benefit of the war suf
ferers of all nations is being arranged.
by the Young Men's Hebrew Political As
bociutlon, whose headquarters Is located
at WW North Uth street- The date and
place where the event will be held will
bo announced later Tho committee ia
charge of the arrangement. Includes Mor
ns Uortn, Harty J Herman. Dr Leon
It ticrman, Samuel H House Ut3 Anna,
luleu id lira U"ss irauJs. Attorney
saiuuti K s a is is chairman.
i j . . t
Sirs. William II. Wilson Also
Believes in Keeping in Touch
With Events Through
the Newspapers
I hU U the Sri nnd nf ii rrli". nf lu
irrtlewx with the uIm- nf the nien
.fli'i'led h, Majnr-ch-it Mnllli I" m
tin.e ItN 'ubliirl.
When Mrs. William 11. Wilton, tho
eliiirmlng, petllo wife of tho not Dltcct
or of Public Safety, wants to know the
...... i .
position her husband Is taking n mat-
. . . ...It. i.. it. ..! l.iiiiliirtDU ni
lets pel mining to the city's business or
politics, she ruads tlio newspapcls.
This sho confessed yesterday after
noon, as she chatted away a becomingly
gowned llttlo tlgure in black, soft, cling
ing satin fiom tho depths 'tf a great
armchair In tho icceptlon loom at her
home, 25U South 20th street.
Police tnuv bo kept out of politics and
the "lid" squeezed down tight in thn
clt's Tcitdeiluiii ihsttii't dining tho next
adiiiinlstiatlon (and alio veittuies toolco
lliu ijrltol that these eomlltloiis will pie
Vull), lita m far ns getting this or like
liifoimatlon from tho "man behind tho
gun" she nn8 their Isn't tho ltaut pos
sible ehtincc.
You see, Mr. Wilson Is n nuui who
keeps his own counsel. Sho emphusUoil
this with a quiet llttlo smllo and a nod
Hint distinctly told of her comploto in
dorsement of his attitude.
"1 discovcird n long tlmo ago that ho
'balked' whui I iiucatloiied him on busi
ness and political uffalrs. so those niat
tris uro i,rcr mcntloiiPil between us.
Thcro Is only ono exception to this rule.
It Is when I havo lead stories In the
newspapers that vitally conlllct. ho will
Fomothnos put me straight on tho Issue
If 1 inuitloti It to him.
"If there is any Mognn ho has adopted
Tor his wotk dining the nc:t four years."
sho icpllrd to n question put to her, 'It
Is for the good or Philadelphia. Hist, last
and nlttujs' That the good of Philadel
phia will ho hit) lltst thought hi all that
he suggest!, or canles mil. I am as ioii
tldent nf as 1 tun that I am sitting here.
"I think the manlier In which ho fought
for thn cold stotugo law at Hairis
burg and for local option, would prove
tu tlio people of Philadelphia tho type of
man who will bo their m-t Dlicctur or
Public S.ifrlj. '
Mrs. Wilson is a v.tiisoine woman of
cntliuslusm ui-d pride: enthusiasm lu all
ot tho many things that go to nuiko up
her evcry-day life, from a canter through
tho brisk morning ulr on the back of her
favonto mare, or a plungo In the clear
pool of a swimming uc.ulemy, or a whirl
thiough tho latest one-wtep or fo-c-tiot,
to tho perusal of ono of Dickens' best or
ma) hap u, magazine, and tho manage
ment ot her home.
And tho pride, which sho unconsciously
confesses In a hundred and ono dllfcrent
w)s fiom tho light that shines nnd
dances in her blue cjes to a peculiar In
flection of her tones. Is born of the knowl
edge thut tho ability which she has al
waja secretly known was possessed by
her Imsbind has been materially tecog
nUed by men of affairs and lowarded b
tho pot of honor mi lately accorded him
Placing tlio management of the homo at
tha tad of the list of Mis. Wilson's dally
occupations is quite reversing the real
older of things, however. For if there
Is one thing above another sho admits as
a hobby it la her home.
"I must say," she smilingly offered,
whllo a, great graudfalher'a clock gently
tick-locked in hanuony with tho senti
ment, "that my homo comes first."
Not tho nairow "A woman's place is in
tho home" point point of view, mind )ou.
far from it. for sho la heartily in accord
with thu spirit of the suffrage movement.
I wouldn't care to vote myself," she
added, "If women are enfranchised, but
He.d ihe Ads
Days &$& !
i to Jlt
L Shop JZL J&
T do believe- those women who ilniirr a
voiip In the government sli. tld l.ive It."
"After my outdoor sports. ' hr con
tinued "1 tleoto in), time to leading.
I bellexc In a woman keeping In touch
with the current events as presented
thiough the columns of tho press, and In
making it n point to lead good lltrtatuie,
books and magazine aitlclcs by the best
wrlteia of fact and notion. And I like
to get away In sonic nook wlino I can
concpittiatc." As tuoor th.it she had Just
mien a noun in wiucii ,o iruir, s.to leu
llul II ii i I i Mm Inmr 1t)itttr ri uttl.liii -
,. .. . ... .....,.. . . .... . ..... , ,
niv it hj i" uiu iriin IIIMUI j tl ohiiii i-
tancau l'ootii, evolved (10111 a pliiu,
ocrday icllai
Out thinugb the kitchen ami down some
snowy white Mops, u trip sin It us (bu
llion take many times in wild (lights of
,.... ,. ... . ... ... ... ...
;:, vi i . .. ', i , '"."- "
Arabaii MghH. and a long, glut lulls
lighted, l-rfer y ''PIOTi ''"' "'" ,vl
wnlla lined with well-tiled while book-
...a,., and Hoots n.veted w I I. .Minimis.
l''nia. .1.!:P" '" tho UHtonishcl giiK'.
.ir. w ison aim i nguicu inis ciiil
uurauitrs, uus young inaiiuu saui uuii-
pily. "Oilginally it was a cellar. With
. ') mo"tI'a', work, which Included many
things, such us laying the hanlwood
, 001, t.OVt.,lnB ,fl0 uu8 ,, lnnhlBny
.. . ... ...t l...tl.1l.. fu !. ... .. t...1 ...
veneer nun tjiilliiltig In the long window ivnni-ll will talk on "l'ictotl.il Pos-ibm-suits,
wo at last had a plan, that nviv ties of Wink." Lanteiu slides of Mr.
he used as u leading room or trfins- Penuell's draw Inns will bo shown, par
formed In it fow minutes to a dancing t ticularl) the ones of the Panama Canal,
p-irlor. AntI wo both enjoy dancing The Cuiicnt Events Class, with .Miss
"I liavo never taken an nc.ile Interest
lu civic work not beet, connected with
iharltablo organizations, because, for
ono thing, I havo found enough to do
here, and, for aitnthrr. I do not euro to
shotildrr the lrspousibllity. I help with
contributions, however, nnd aid in an In
direct nj,"
Mrs. Wilson was ginduatcil fiom the
Philadelphia High School for Gltls. Sho
has been mauled 13 )onis and has one
child. Doroth).
100,000 3IK3IUKIIS IIKItti
Membership Committee Working to
Obtain Them in 15 Days
Ono hundred thousand members In 13
da) s Is tho goal of tho Membership Com
mittee of Ono nuudied for tho National
Security League. Captain llobert Morris.
M-cietary of the Philadelphia branch of
tho league, says unexpected Intctest bus
been displayed hprr In the campaign for
A mass-meeting will be held next Mon
day at tho Academy of .Music, and a
Hood of applications for cents Is coming
in every day. Captain Mania Is making
(ivory effoit to hao Assistant Secietaiy
of War ItiCLkcniidgo hero for the meet
ing. An Impel taut fe.ituic of the league's
attitude is that it will support and use
eeiy Influence to put thiough Congtoas
all bills apptoved by tho Jrnri.il Statf
of tho Army and the flenoiul Hoard of
tho Navy.
"A largo number of bills, no doubt, will
bo piescuted In view of the preparedness
program beforo Congress ninth will
greatly complicate the situation, but the
league will not consider any bill whtth
does not promise cllltiency,"' said Cap
tain Morris today.
Made from the kinghest Havana leaf lhat grows on Cuban
soil. Blended by an improved method peculiar to itself. Mel
lowed by age alone. There's your royal gift to loyal friends!
Send each smoker among them a box of Christmas Girards.
They are ihe best-known cigars in the United States. You can't
go wrong on Girards,
Not only among your family and friends, but among your
constant customers and your faithful employees. Let the generous
spirit of the season go out from you to them. Make each of them
a king on Christmas day,
Your dealer will supply you. Better get after this today.
10c straight, and up. Less by the box.
The Girard Cigar
never gets on your nerves
For $ale wherever good cigars ate told
315-321 N. Seventh St., Philadelphia
At the Woman's Clubs
"Tho llouso neautlful" will be dis
cussed today at tho New Century Club,
Chester, by William I'rlcc. Tho Current
Events class will meet nt 2:13 with Mrs.
William V. Handle es chairman. The
Commltteo on Home Economics Is orgnn
lilng a cooking class. Sirs. H. O. Innls
Is hi cltnrgo of tho enrollment.
Tho Philadelphia Section, Council of
Jewish women will meet In Mercantile
Hall today nt 2-30 o'clock. Jtnlgo Mac
Nellto will dcscrlbo the operation of tho
Juvenllo Court, Vocal solos will be given
by Miss Mario Leopold, and Mis. Harry
HI'slnger will read "Everyday Life."
Tho council Is arranging a chllilrcn'3 en
tertainment for December 2, tho pro
ceeds of which aro to bo tised for phil
anthropic! purposes.
Mptnbets ot tho t'lnstlc flub nro rr
qttoated to bring old nnd rare cbltm to
tho meeting at 4 o'clock, when Miss Jnno
Cnmpbell will give a talk on "Old China."
It la 'iirrent Events day also, with Mrs.
Mary Roberta llall as chairman.
Tho Philadelphia Mualc flub will give
on afternoon concert ot Hussion tntiair:
mpM Tiirsda nt 3 o'clock at the Aldltu'
rite mogiani. nrranged bv Miss Dorothy
L Marshall, will consist of songs by Mrs.
Wanda Oroenveld Calhotin, plntto solos bv
Miss Elizabeth Gcst and violin selections
b Miss Cnmlllo Plasschaert.
In the Curtis Auditorium nt .1 o'clock tn
dav a imeting of l ho Phllmlilphla Moth
era i 'lull will he held. Dr. M V. O'Shen,
of tlio I .llversltv of Wisconsin, will de
liver a lerture. "Tho Trend of tho 'Teens."
Thoso Intetested in tho development of
young pcoplo nro Invited to attend tho
Tomorrow nftornoon tho class of Immi
gration of tho Woman's Club, of Ard
tnore, will meet tn tho library room. Mrs.
I ndrew Mncdonald, chairman, has ar
ranged tho program. Mrs. 11. A. Arnold
l leader The Ftlrl.iy afternoon meeting
will b' 1 ihildr'ti of i lub uiPtubpis
Thrro will be a little play, "The Lml
Kmin Phlladelphln," music nnd teelta
tiona. lira W. It. Sherwood, chairman
I All children of club members, largo oi
small, cordlallv Invited.
I Thn Executive Conunltleo of tho Eox
t hasp Mond.iv flub will entertain mem
bers and ft lends at a social afternoon on
Pildtiy of tills week
The tegular meeting of the Endnor
Township StilTr.tgr party .wns held nt
t offee House in Wnyno last Thursday
nitleers for tho coming jenr were elected
as follows: Mis. Kerrco Hrinton, of St
D.nlds, leader, Mrs. Chillies Stun!r
Ilnrtcy, also of St. David's, first vice
leader; Mis. Oswald Chew, of Itadnnr,
second Mcc leader, and Mt.a. S. C. Wet
zel, of Wiivnu. tic.isutcr.
Thu staled meeting of tho Saluid.iy
Club, of Wnynr, will bo held today at .1
o'lloek. Mis A. II. Elliot, (hnlrman.
l.'or the Social and Industrial Section the
speaker will be .Miss Anno Ehoadr.a. Theiu
wilt bo a sale of dolls and to,s for thn
lt..MI.I1l ..r II... Vnl..t.l.n-l.n...l t ...... .n ....
"..i ... .... ..i.M.i.'.;iii.i..ii ..v,i,ui;. ..ii.
con )llt(in, f01. tho ,. ,, 0,Iv of
the uelghlmthood of cninl., tns, clothing
and so on should bo sent to the S.ituid.iy
filth llOUH'.
Til" Committee on Wind Affairs will
hold nn Itnpottnnt tucctins lit the flvlr
flub this morning nt half-past 10 o'clock,
with Miss flaia .Mlddleton an (.hairnian.
The Civic flub will hold two meetings
mi litrsilaj. December :i. The Coui-
. Inc0 Mlmk)al Afr,llrs , miH.t
i.l liWclork. ati'l at 11 o'clock the
chlldien's Welfn.e Committee will meet.
M 1110ellllw (ll , nolllllHi,in ,.,
i .. bair-ptist tlitee. .lames I.'i.,i,c fuokr
wm j,,,0!tK an "lnl uiitl Ktiiino or iluatt-
In Aiupriui " The inogrnm will bo in
charge of Mts. James Kr.incls Cooko mid
j 1sh Dorothy Coldsmlth. -Mrs. -Marshall
I t: Smith will be bustps
, 'Vhis afteVtioon. t'l thuo o-rlock. Joseph
.. .. .. .... ' .
Sara C Collins, leitdoi, will consider nt a
i uupting mi iVedncsday inuiiilinr
, dclplil.i as an Ait fcutic.
'liiioiigh the Ited Cros.s Society, tho
Philanthropic Section, nt which .Mis.
Ithliaid S ll'ilmrs Is tiialtmau. Is wotl.
ittg for thn lellef of wounded soldiers tn
a small hospital neat Pails. It is also
making g.u incuts fur the babies uf tho
pour in Philadelphia. This tectum meets
every Pilday nioinliig.
The. following olllceis wcio dected re
cently ut llio annual meeting of tho Pio
fesslimal Women's Club, held at tho Col
onnade Hotel: President, Mrs. Dora Har
vey Devclln; Hist ieo piehldent, Mrs.
Mary Ciltioll MncEiieii: second vlco pres
ident. Miss Kmlllo Kriiler Nun is, thud
vlco picsldent, .Mis. Uouluh E. Jav; cor
icspondlng fiocrctiiry. Miss Mary It. Ma
netiy; ltcordlng sectctnry. Mile. Clemen
tlnu Dalcoitr; tiettHiiier, Jllss .Muigaret S.
Lyons: board of managers. Mis. Helen N.
low, Dr. Ciiiiru Aniliows, ."Miss Prances
ltosinlhal, Miss Agnea Clttne Quliilau and
Miss Allco Engle.
Corn Exchange Regiment Suruvorn
Tito surviving members of tho Com Ex
change Itegimcnt. ltsiit Pcnnsyhaul.i Vol
unteers, wcio tho guests of honor at tho
annual dinner or tlio Corn Exchange Na
tional Hank, held at tho Downtown Club
last night. Charles S. Calwell, picsldent
of the hank, ailed as toastuiaatej. An
elaborate musical progi.ini wns piovltied,
nnd uddrcsses weto made by Ex-Oovcrnor
Edward C. Stokes, of Now Jersey; Henry
ii. Hawn and Edward J. Cnttcll, City
n-pitti: PAiti.oit slii'i:s r-
uphoHttiriHl ami retunvirutte.I
likn ne. J7. J10, Jlp. blip
t oi era $1 ett. h Y rtlu or phono
Lombard -iUO for 4inple,
cellniates fre.
Crown I'plioltterr rompanr
ntli Mulnut. i:otranca got
S. Mb.
A royal gift
HERE Is n, tltlo that may be fairly
dubbed a "Jaw breaker," but with n
llttlo practice you can say It right off
just like a doctor: thus, tho ou-blck-wlt'-us
Numo-cock-us or In words of ono
syllable Tho AlMound "Cold" Btlcrobe.
Tlio pncuntococcus, commonly known as
tha pneumonia, germ, Is an all-round
pest In n double sense. Virtually every
ono harbors a growth of pncumococcl In
tho mouth cavity all tho jear round, at
least ono out of every live Individuals
being "carriers" of real, businesslike, viru
lent specimens capable of stsrtlng some
thing most any time. Tho other four In
dividuals seem to hnve tamed their pneu
lnoroccl somewhat, so that tho germs nro
compnintively harmless or lncapablo of
Inflicting much damago on tho host or
Ills nssoclate.a.
Not only Is tho pneumococcus every
where looking for ait opening, but ho Is
n ersatllo "bug" Into tho bargain. On
shott notice ho can prepare himself to
till nearly nny role for which a self-rc-spertlng
tnleiobo may be tast. Kor In
stance, while his favorite tragedy Is
pnetnnonla, ho lfl iqually nt homo In such
popular productions ns "Tho BnulTIe
Sneeze," "Tho Soro Throat Olrl," "Grttm
py's Cough." "Equlsltc Elsie's Ear
in In " or even "Maty Ann's AppcndK"
Indeed Mr. Pneumococcus at his best
will truth iin man's hcnit and seriously
Impair Its pumping capacity, and onco
In a while actually rcachC3 his Joints
and lavs him tip with nice, warm, fur
nished rheumatism.
All of which Is not new. Our ancestors
1 for 'rnpntlriiKi bark recognized tho work
! of Mr. Pneumococcus, though ho had not
then been discovered, and called the
wholo tepcrtory bad "colds," settled hero
TO COST CITY $270,510
Board of Education Gets Esti
mate of Expense of Teach
ing Children Who Work
The approximate cost of n teaching
staff for the continuation classes In the
Phllnil'lphla schools will be JiTO.MO, nt
coidlng to estimates submitted at the
mpf ling of the Hoatd of Education thla
nflrrnmm b tho Depaitmciit of Super
intendence. The estimate does not ln
tludi cost of buildings or of classrooms.
The estimates arc based upon u ptob
nbl" enrolment of 15.W0 childien. At tho
time or taking the school trnstts In June
there weie approximately VsTK childien
under 15 :.ent'M of age In employment In
the rlty. Mati.v nf these children will be
IB b the Hint of the cnr.
It Is utnlerMt.iod that tite establishment
ir the rl.irser will tie begun on January 1
and will prorei'd as tnpldly as possible
thiotighout t'..c (llr until nil childien con
templated 'In the school labor act have
lire., pllli'id at . i ii '
Tho election of the fnlluwing trarhris.
mimed li the Cniiimltteo on Eletneittary
Schools, was cniitliiiied. Helen M. (J.'tz
Cecelia Keiili), llettlia E. Xuekcr. Lauia
Norgaaid, Mury L. Toiry, Anna Snnwald,
Hay J. Ducks. Dljiuiiv Kent. Heitrude f.
Cocker. Margin tl MrCausland. Henrietta
Nelmnn. Cordelia Kogeis, Kuthariua M.
Ihigcity. riorenco iit. Cnlbcilno May
Pisiher, Vlnlit 1 McAllister, Violet Q.
.Mm-is, Edith It Mnlth. Million H Wiight,
Helen M. I'ruzlei, Helen M. Dill. Hobert
S. Miller, ElUabcth M. O'Jhien. Malvina
(i. Matt, Allto li. Iliignes. .viargniei. n
Caskey, Thomas L Cullcn, Jninrs
Iliutil wnrlt Elsie M. tilhbs.
This Is Anniversary "E Pabsing of
Father of This Country
This Is tho ll'lth nniilii."aiy of Uowigo
Washington's death. It is also the annt
orsary nf thu deMli of Nupoleou llona
partp. 'Washington died utter nn illness
of only four days. He caught cold whllo
In those las news didn't travel as fas:
from Ml. Vernon to Philadelphia as It
travels several times aiound Hip v.-orW
nowadays and It wasn't until Washing
ton was dead four diin that the people
in this tlty lteaid of it.
THESE are three instruments of the superb Henry
F. Miller tone and character, that you should
hear before making your Christmas investment.
The Lyric Grand has the resonance of tone that
approaches the larger grands, and in a size (5 ft. 6 in.)
suitable to the home, $750.
The Henry F. Miller Playerforte is the highest ex
ample of Player-construction and embodies many spe
cial features not found in other players. S850.
The Colonial Upright. Probably the most popular
J Lyric Grwul,
I $750
and thcro In tho "weak" places. Th
principal fault with that easy-going way
of disposing of the subject was that tho
.primary causativo factor Mr, Pneumo
coccus was lost In tho shuffle, and
everybody kept passing him around In
tho most selfish way, until the common
"cold" ultimately became Indigenous In
every household. In short, the pneumo
coccus becamo exactly what wo have
called him In our title ubiquitous.
Owing to this ubiquity tho wisdom of
Isolating "colds" Is questioned by many
plijslclans. It seems to bo tho general
opinion that "cold" cnrrlers are so
numerous Hint Isolation of occasional
vlctlmo hero nnd thcro would bo lovb'a
labor lost. Even the treatment of honwn
carriers with a view to freeing their
mouths of virulent pncumococcl would
bo a Job so stupendous at tho present
tlmo ns to ntngger the moat cnthustastlo
health ofllccrp. Let tho "cold" carriers
alone, they pay; let thrni go on carry
ing "colds" to Newcastle.
lint tluellcifl In Newcastle may mean
while take certain precautions for their
neighbors. They may luivo u, "clean-tip"
day once In a whllo; a day when extra
efforts shall ha made to clean up tha
mouth, with tho uld of the dentist nnd
other disinfectants. An absolutely clean
mouth will cGitalnly go a long way
towaid emphasizing tho quit in the
ubiquity of Mr. Pneumococcus.
What would causo mo to havo fever
every afternoon and evening? asks a
Answer Incipient tuberculosis, ob
scure focus of suppuration or chronlo
Inflammation somewhere. In the body,
possibly malarial Infection Hotter And
out by having a rarcfut examination.
Peter S. Attick's Time Taken Today
by Reading of Congratulations
This Is tho With blrthdny of Peter 3.
Attlck and he's feeling Just fine. For
some years this veteran hotel man has
been living nt tho homo ot his daughter,
Mrs II. W. Thorn, 1113 Earing street, nnd
he Is celebrating there today only with
members of the family, for Mr. Thorn
said ho wouldn't bo able today to seo all
his friends, his time being all taken by
tho lending of vongiatuliitory messages.
In his working da.s Mr. Altbk was ono
of the best known hotel men In tho East,
and through thnt service he formed
friendships that extended to all parts of
tho world. Every :e! these friends re
member the nnnlvetsaty of his birth.
More than 50 years ago ho was cashier
of the oil C.liard Homo, ottte at the north
east corner of 9th and Chestnut streets.
Ho rtayed theie 10 jt.tr.s nnd then went
to manage the Hrjn Mawr Hotel, nt the
time ti cry fashionable resort.
Wonderful Lunches
Lou Aid .a Is Hii.ii a good place
to . it the heivlce Is ho prompt
.mil pot feet and the food so
w lml nonn an. I ptilatnblc that
It ia .ilroa'lj an institution.
is .1 revolution to thoso people
who have tried it SPECIAL
CLl'll IHlEAKlWhTS, s5r.
otfois you tlio greatest choice of
w ell-piepartd dishes and sand
wiches. DINNER 50c
Is tho verv best sevi ii-conr.so
meal that baa ri t been orfcicd
In Philadelphia ut .".do.
Hat at
en Am s
mm ciinvr.M'T vr.
humplei. New and .-llglitlv Lird
1 pii'io Axmhisler Hu. l)li, (tts.00
1 piece IlriiKeN ttnci-. 0Vi. 510. t)U
civet HiiKN, UU', 10.00
Hthcr Mirh
h. V ftllt. DTII A. MiilMi OAKUEN
Ladies' Hand Bags
Leather, Silk, Velvet
priced $3 to $20
112 Chestnut St.
l noma a' Becktt auys
"Jfy experience tciti
your iiutrumenlj Aas
been very uatltaalonj
and It gives me pleasure
to testily to their many
excellent qualities."
model on the market today,
embodying the Henry F,
Miller excellence at a moder
ate price. $150.
The Burton Player
(contains Miller player action)
The York Player
Henry F. Miller & Sons
Piano Company
1105 Chestnut St.
,. m r,V WikrftW, Kim.
Ucderafe texm -PiseewU jet caK