Wy?aCyfWyTIJWMt ipwHV w w-tf Tj&fvqfarjr - ' -"- 9-4 ' ' - eHS ! jf -.saw?? -s- rH .-1M Of vtajga'ywg? -f2aHI5 r-fK EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1. 19-5, I I ,! 14; 5 II!'! 1 mm 19! f ua w i4l lf: I H-Z r&l am m mr I i I m THE VALUE OF ONE'S BETTER HALF VARIES, SAYS M'LISS Steering the Bark of Conversation at the Annual Family Dinner Is Your Husband Worth $1.00? ASUFFRACHST nt tlio ConBresslonnl Union remarked: "Tills is for the husband I escaped," as she contributed a dollar toward the $100,000 cam paign fund. Valuing a husband nt a dollar sounds like a gross underestimation of his masculine charms, but It's n poor rule which doesn't work both ways. I wonder what valuation a mere husband would place on the modern sllly heddedt bridge-playing, matinee-going, chocolate-and-soda-catlng wife of to day? Methtnks, that, compared with tho average husband, the latter would assume the proportions of the proverbial 30 cents. An Ounce of Prevention AlTTLu woman in Gcrmnntown I celebrating her Christmas dinner by giving a family party. Undoubtedly there nro women all over the city who are doing the Httine thing. Only they aren't doing It in the samo way. This particular woman leallzes that there I nothing quite so dangcious as a family dinner, unless It is tactfully managed. So she has made a good reso lution to tnko the conversation in hand herself, to avoid all references to unpleasant family matters and to family skeletons in general. She Isn't a psychologist, but sho knows that where many are gathered together there Is gossip in tho midst of them. And sho Intends to mako her Christmas dinner a success. Can Some "Good Fellow" Help? Gje.jjfc.TX jjuiiuuss ranKs tno remark-, "Tiio salvation Army reaches a class of people that nobody else reaches," among tho most bromldlc of his bromides. Uo that as It may, news of tho GD00 Christmas baskets which are to bo delivered to needy homes on Christmas eve by this organization Is making many a hungry child happy. Doctor Eleglcr's advlco ngalnst the dangers of overeating will be scrupulously followed In many other homes, I'm afraid. Letting Nature Take Her Course SPEAKING of advice reminds me of the statement for business girls which was mado by Doctor Dixon at Hnrrlsburg. Ho tries to Impress upon them tho voluo of eight hours' sleep, fresh air, wholesomo food and regular exer cise. All of theso aro slmplo things, and all, with ono possible exception, are Within every woman's reach. I hope it will provo a warning to tho glrli 1 see walking about in tho slush with low shoes and silk-clad ankles! Unwilling Guests WARDEN OSDOUNE is very much put out at the attempts of some "graft ers," as ho calls them, to oust him from Sing Sing. In a statement mado in a New York paper ho says ho is more dangerous abroad than when in prison. A sentiment which Is probably echoed by all the other gentlemen who mako Sing Sing their place of residence. 1 Facing the Music YOU can't bo fashionable unless you adopt somo ono these days, it used to be that thero were easier ways to break Into society. You could go In for polo, or toy poodles, or monkey luncheons, or diamond dinners. Hut tho days of faddlsm are over; you must put In n real human claim to distinction. Tho Finlcy Shepards started In when they took little I'lnley Shepard, Jr., into their home. Innumerable cases of tho same kind were brought to tho public's notice but tho latest ono Is a story of a, man who makes his niece, 40 years old, his heiress by adoption. Tho old standards are changing, giving place to new. A man can make some one else happy and not bo afraid to acknowledge It. Back to the Farm AL DAVIS and his bride, who was Eugenia Kelly, hae their dearest wish, they aro farming and living tho simple llfo in the. wilds of Westbury, L. I. Tho public has had enough of their exploits and their domestic read justments. It Is tired of tho type of girl whom our kid brothers call "cafe chasers." Tho moralist defeats his own ends when ho draws attention to such as these. Valuable space could be devoted to somethlhg more refreshing. Good News for the Small Boy PHILADELPHIANS ore going to have a Mummers' parado after all. For years this has been a feature of New Year's morning in this city; but n hcarcity of money for prizes was the reason that we were threatened with missing this familiar spectacle. Up to tho present there are no signs of the exodus to Wilmington. I hope that tho disgraceful scenes of drunken revelry which often, unfortunately, accompany these parades will be conspicuous by their nbsenco this year. It Isn't necessary to bo stocked up with whisky to be humorous, ' Helping the Under Dog PHOTOPLAY producers are going to regulate tho salaries of their women workers In dellanco of the star system. This Is indeed good news. Many a woman has tho title "star" labeled on her when her chief claim to fame is a baby staro or tho ability to cry without rubbing the powder off her nose. Now tho unidentified members from tho ranks of supers are going to get a chance to graduate from pantomiming, "tho carriugo awaits, Milord." Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Dear M'Liss Can you tell me anything about tho coming Civil Servico examinations for stenographers? jr. M. Tho Civil Service examinations will bo held on January 24, 1916. For stenographers the requirements aro a grammar school education or its equiv alent and a good business course or Its equivalent. The applicant must bo at least 18 years of ago and must have had six months' experience in stenographic work with a reliable firm. She must obtain an average of 70 in her test in stenography and must stand tests in the following: Experience, arithmetic, copying, letter writing, penmanship and stenography. Tho arith metic covers common and decimal fractions, etc., and the stenography includes dictation from a text of ordinary dlfnculties nnd arrangement at the rate of 80 to 100 words a minuto You can call at tho Civil Servico department of the City Hall and get full requirements and sample questions on request. Dear M'Liss Where and when did women first receive the right to vote? L. R. S. Norway was the first wholly free and independent nation to give full suffrage to even a part of Its women. In 1901 the municipal franchise was granted to women who, either In their own persons or through their husbands, paid taxes on an income amounting to about 5100 a year or on approximately J100 worth of property In number about 300.000. This was amended in 1907 and later in 1910 and 1911. In 1913 the bill for equal suffrage passed the Storthing without a dissenting voice. Dear M'Liss I am a reader of your paper and would like to ask you If any one of the Singer girls is married to a man by the name of Brady. I am referring to the Singer family of sewing machine fame. B. w. Mahanoy City, Pa. I am making every effort to get an answer to your query. As soon as accurate Information Is at hand I will be glad to let you know. Can any correspondent answer? Addrru all communication to Jl'Ll.s, ore of the Evening Vedgtt, Write on one side of the paper only. MILLIE AND HER I , - ' r-0 PENNY FOR YOUfO I REAllfiMONTYnl v" yTmYDEAR rvMi'oF T8jWjlf Wl-H YOU WOULD HWE. MORE, RjflARD U 5TH& IDEA QFA MAN OF YOUR FINANCIAL fr) j Bought--, amg,l. (you .wise m ($$' have i ooifc ,Ily wSH rT --HflJH9grglM rgTANDiwG using sogmppo J MILLIONS CHERUIT DANCE GOWN ON EXTREMELY SIMPLE LINES IT IS as hard to select a. becoming frock or tall leur Just now as it Is to wrlto about them, for th season 19 neither In the process of dying out or of reformation. Between sea sons styles are a trying series; they have the char acteristics of the old and the new, put together In a conglomerate mass, fnr from being representative. The hats are noncommit tal models, featuring furs and feathers nnd flowers In cautious groupings, The suits nro conspicuous by their absence, for there are few manufacturers who can trust their new materials to an unknown and capricious freak of fashion. I remember when tho Russian tunle came out. The cloak and suit makers had been success ful In giving us these tight, flounced skirts, with ono or two rufllei nt tli" hips. All the spring tnll leurs wore mado on these lines; the fad una tmlte es tablished, when overnight tho Russian tunlcked skirt, with Its graceful, knee-length double-decker skirt, made Its bow to the llcklo public. So we cun propato our selves for startling dlsrlos ures during tho next fi.w months, slnco most of the buyers nrc getting out stunning cioatlons for Palm Reach and the Koulli Host of thp fashionables will find themselves forced to depend upon inadc-fii-America styles to a great cUcnt, too, so that the producers feel called upon to do their st. Have you noticed that many of the newest dance and dinner frocks look Btnrtllugly like negligees' I saw a very well-known debutante tho other night flitting around In a light, tight, strap-bodlced frock whose full, draped skirt looked for all the world like a boudoir gown, one of the fluffy, Informal kind 1 suppose It Is because the 1330 styles camo upon us so suddenly. A pretty llttlo debutante frock Is shown In today's illustration, carried out In tones of del blue. The un derskirt and bodice is made of Jeweled net, n hlch is sou cnougn to bo girl il,'Lanii,StI" .?!V0 .th0 necessary note of iiiu atyio is rlniv.tmi.i rr. Chenilt muuei. nrwj fhA .ini.. .., nn lum. This covers tho normal waist lino I , ,. m.s a cha"nlng substitute for a Birdie. The emplro line is outlined by a Home Where burns the lov'd henrth brightest, Cheering the social breast? Where beats the fond heart lightest, Its humble hopes posscss'd? Whero Is the sm'le of sadness, Of mcck-eyed Patience born, Worth more than those of gladness Which Mirth's bright cheek adorn Plensure Is marked by flectness. To thoso whoever roam; While grief itself has sweetness At Home dear Home. John Howard Payne. THE CHEERFUL CHER.U5 ' It doeaiVi Kurt wrY&.t woes come up; No mt.'tte.r wKt."b defeat $ I've lvt.d, There's sometkirvj 'uty down deep inside, Jinrjs Im So J A.Urt Ti -Uji ?yrC yiu,.iiiyitu; "Where'd That Whisk Brush Get To?" If there are any men folks around your place you've heard that question before! 1 1 won't be asked any more if you hand him ono of these attractive whisk brush-and-hold-er combinations for Xmas. Polished brass stirrup, leather 8 trap, high-grade brush 50c and 1. GEO. W. JACOBY 620 Chestnut St. YTi V-"VJL rscAtt.o'- 2j Jyrup3 r .hi- n. -i n,. ll (Copyright, 1015.) ! -$8i ?( SVS(R t jA s k4 V T V" tff-i -.'ISITS, Iff ft- . fifm ins tii ' "f - h& - r IS III ! - if :wm& &'-M&li3 $' 'fffiifflmla Hill ffiRt DRESS OF TULLE AND NET garland of pink and bluo flowers. Tho Hkut Is full and bouffant, with pol onnaise di apery at the hips, m.ido of tho tulle. Tho deml-pettlcoat of net displays a goodly portion of the fair wearer's anatomy, but such ls tho fashion this winter. TEACHERS' ANNEX AT TEMPLE Exercises Marking- Completion of Building to Be Hold Tomorrow i:.erclst.s will be held on Thuisday night to celebrato the completion of an addition to the Teachers' College of Tom pie University. The ceremonies will bo held In College Hnll, llroail below llerks street Dr. John P. Garl er, .Supcj intend out or Public Schools; the Itev. Uiihsfll II ronnell, president ot Temple t'nlvei slty. nnd Dr. AVIIltam I) Lewis, prlnclp.il of the William Pemi High School, will be tho chief speakers. The new wing of the school was erected by the State to ex tend the facilities of tho Institution, but the enrolment is still Increasing, so that another addition may soon bo necessary. It J to see for yourself how it picks up threads, lint and ravelings and every speck of dust and dirt. AND THEN YOU NEED PAY Only $300 Down IF YOU DECIDE TO BUY and the balance in small easy monthly payments 30 days between each payment. PHONE MARKET 415 TODAY This offer is good only until December 22d. There is no time to waste. Phone Market 415 at once and a Frantz Premier will be delivered without delay. Remember this offer closes promptly at 6 P. M., December 22d. FRANTZ PREMIER DISTRIBUTING COMPANY i'iio.nk. m.uuvet 115 730 Market Street riiiito ixooit i i i i Marion Harland's Corner Starting Mail Order Business "J TAKE the liberty of writing you a. X fw lines to ask for some kindly advice. 1 have no experience, but want to go Into tho mall order business. How can I go about It? WILLIAM M." Wo refer this reasonable request of a respected mascullno member to others of his sex. Business addresses are ruled out of tho Corner, but information on tha mibject which may not bo published will be forwarded to him by mall. Copy of Music "Havo any of your readers, or do they know somebody that has, a copy of tho music 'Roso Leaves' they do not want? I will pay postage. It Is a piece that I am fond of, but find It dimcult to get. I shall bo obliged to tho sender. "EDITH N." Readers who can gratify tho writer by lending tho music to her or by telling her whero it may bo found nro cordially so licited to wrlto to her In care of tho Cor ner. Wo succeed in procuring lost and strayed selections for more frequently than wo fall. Wo aro sangulno In the present Instance. Infested With a Little Bug "I rented nn npartment which Is In fested with a little bug that looks llko a worm with many legs It Is whlto In color. I am told that It Is a silver moth. Are they dcsttuctlvo to furs, llnenB nnd woolens? Kindly let mo know at your nnrlleftt rnnvpnlclic. JAMLo 1'. A free use of gasoline Is the surest ex terminator of moths ot nny variety that -n knmv nf. Tnko ono room at a ttmo; sweep and dust and burn the sweepings. Then saturate floors and furniture with gasollno nnd shut the loom up for twenty-four hours. Air It then and sweep again. Do nil this In the daytime, not al lowing any artificial llBht to go near tho room until the airing has been thorough ly accomplished. Tho gasollno kills lar vae as well as the winged pests. Repeat in a mouth should nny of tho creatures show themselves. The silver moth Is de structive to furs and woolens, but not to linens. Canning Fruit Quickly "I have no doubt your way of canning fruit Is the best, but I am so busy look ing after my homo nnd spending most of the day In my husband's stoic that I should never bo ablo to have canned fruit If I did It In that way. I wash tho Jars and lids carefully, ilnse well, and turn up side down to dry. When the fruit Is ready I take up the jar, lit on the rubber, stand the Jar In a pan with about one Inch of water In It. Then I put a silver tablo spoon III tho jar, fill up to tho brim with fruit, screw on tho cover ns tightly ns possible, nnd they nro ready for tho shelf, t never have bad any spoil. This may help some ono who is rushed with other work. MAMin K." Mny we ask what Is Implied In the words "when the fruit Is ieady7" I tako it to mean that the fruit Is boiling hot and left on the fire. To my way of thinking tho Jars should be likewise hot. I Infer from tho preeautlonaiy use of tho silver spoon that you do not think this neces sary. And Is tho water an Inch deep in the pan hot or cold? I think It must be the former or the Jars would crack In spite of the spoon when the boiling fruit goc3 in. Will ou not write to us spccinc My New Method Removes liif ponslely and without tn usu of planter. The Ilreprhl Wrinkles absolutely In 10 days. It will rcHtore. perfectly tho ramuur and natural color, as well iiH make your face appear irnni hi 10 -I enr sounder. My 24 jcarv experience ls our g i r iiuet Complexion i:ncrt 705 Humlfi-H UIk., 1.1th Walnut . i'-JLJUT I V ill FREE TRIAL Electric Cleaner We will deliver one of our clean ers to you without any charge whatever not the slightest ob ligation to buy use it yourself on your own rugs. We want you ONE SHOULD NOT Information upon these heads? If there bo a simpler nnd better way of canning fruit than mine, let us havo it by all means. None of U9 Is too old to learn something new every day. I count that day lost in which I do not pick up a seed pearl of information. Cleaning- Rnbbit Fur "Although a reader of your Corner for a number of years, receiving much help, I havo never como lo you before, rieaao tell me how to clean a set of child's whlto rabbit furs. I see you don't advise homo dyeing. MIlS. A." First brush and beat the furs gently but faithfully, to rid them of every grain of dust. Next lay them upon a board covered with a clean whlto cloth and sat urate them down to tho skin with grain nlr.ohol. Keen the hairs as oDCn as tiossl- ble, that you may got nt the roots. With a perfectly clean comb ralso tho nap of tho fur by combing ngalnst It. This Is to expose every part of tho skin to tho treatment. While tho fur Is still wet with alcohol sift Into It all the talcum powder It will hold and lay It carefully away in a box, covering to exclude tha dust. Leave It nlono for two days Then tako Into tho open nlr and beat and brush out tho powder . first working ngnlnBt tho nap, then wi(h It, to restore smoothness. A dozen yenrs ago I cleaned a set of moufflon In this way, and was encouraged by tho signal success of tho process to venture tho experiment of cleaning n set of more expensive ermine. Tho result was eminently gratifying. Tho little lady to whom the royal furs be longed woro them with pride for two moro winters, tho cleaning having been repeated tho second year. Lime Deposit In Water "I llvo In a country town, whero tho water Is decidedly Impregnated with lime Our vlllago supply of water fhlws through a vein of limestone, or so say chemists. Tho water Is deliclously sweet to tho taste, and clear, but It leaves a deposit of lime, or what looks llko it, upon tho sides and in tho spout of tho teakottle. How can I get rid of it nnd keep It from forming? It actually chokes up tho spout of tho kettle. They tell me It Is not unwholesome, but I don't llko the looks of it, nor the troublo I tako to remove It. Can you help me? "MHS. A. M. D." Oct oyster shells. Wash one clean nnd keep It In your kettle. It will collect unto Itself nnd keep the crust of which you complain. When It is thickly coated, take i ?ut 9nJ pllt In al'hcr. Clean egg shells will servo tho same nuiposo In part but they lequlre to bo renewed of tenor than the oyster shell. X have a pardon ablo curiosity to learn how you chanced to got hold of our II. II, C. In your pres ent home. You are a long nnv oft from our centre. You arc, nevertheless, mado welcomo at our homo fireside. Ifilr Abbotts "A" Milk Is Better Milk because it is produced under better conditions and given rigid bacteria tests daily at the country receiving stations. You'll never know how good milk can be until you try Milk. "What Do You Know About the Milk YOU'RE Using?" Abbotts Alderney Dairies 31ST AND CHESTNUT STS. SspWd (113 Christmas Handkerchiefs A Wonderful Display has made this department a wonderful success; a display entirely devoid of the cpmmonplace; a display showing exceptional quality At Very Moderate Prices Ample choice for men, women and children. Christmas Fancy, Trimmed Baskets. 85c to S2.50. Cushions, Handkerchief 11.50, 13-pc. Madeira Table Lingerie Cushion Covers, $1,25 to $30, In an Attractive , GUty-Looklng Box, 11 You Desire looS Chestnut Street EVEN THINK IN SMALL AMOUNTS HOSPITAL BAZAAR TOMORRfJ FlnBa of Two Notions Will Mintf..,- AffnU . rrui.f r ... ""t. " " x"mu institution Last-mlnuto touches aro belnt; t ,t day on tho Christmas bazaar and tanii cabaret show for the benefit of Bt i,,i International HoeplUl, Toklo ' j"" which will bo held tomorrow at 'the R Carlton, lu The moat brilliant an , gathering of society at a ohkrltibi? SK?,1 held In this city for com J,f'2?i tho feature. Tho number ot wol'ii! men ana women who havo devoi.i iv ' I attention to tho details .?.,V.V.V?.ttl'l cess of tho enterprise. ,nuc. The sale of tickets has been l9r .J the number of reservations of tabu. , supper parties has exceeded the ...' tlons of the Rising Bun comm ittee.'ii i' is arranging tho affair, a rush u . pected and Just before tho baiar L at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, an " corps of "clerks" will ho stations ,,i table given oyer to Christmas prVnt.,t An International touch win b .!.. by tho decorations of tho ballroom of IS hotel. American and Japanese flar, , mingle. Tlioy were donated by jZ Wanamakcr. Tho nags will fJLJS the friendly spirit between the ,tl ".' which Dr. Itudolph P. Tousler? & tendent of tho hospital at Toklo aT f .u... .. ...i.e. uuiui nan, mo t'rendmr. fiancee, declares has been cement.! v, tho establishment ot the hospital Tho amount expected to bo railed tho bazaar Is JIGOO for a ehllrirn'. ..' Tho Japanese Emperor has contrltmiVi i personally $75,000 to the general hn,.t,.; ' fund, and Princo Okuma, tl10 PremuT and other Cabinet members have jtru Box Pleating J" ",";ll -Maj. Sunray S,"0,'0"1 ' "K n na quick &T a"pcr,or - Hemstitching mfc lowest prices. Buttons cel In nil the new , ""Apes Made while M wait, nt Ion est prices. Parisian Plaiting & Nov. Co. i no no. iiitn street. Peanut Butter 6-oz. Jar, 10c So different (tt the ordinary Abbotts "A" Novelties Cases, Muff Holders, 50c to Sets S5.00. WHY COULD NY YOU HAVE MR V " 31 (y-vj-sck &m&Ky3ar J 1 SAID $ 30,000 fOR Your thoughts ) uWmmmi i 7!Jtlil --, crooked? . fl lAriDNeiyFRiGHTr1 tt-. T i - . 1, r" 1 ( t r. .-,( irr 3 " J J