pwjWwpBCT!BiiWpyj"'.'j'-'iii-iMi'M.i ,11 tin ii ij4Jnwmuiiiiinii.jip'wMm)m.'JwwHipgiWpWiilmi, i wiiy iimBwwWBDTPi 0 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA", TUESDAY, DEOEMBEI? T3, T915. E- . IS -K MUSICAL INSTBUMENTS tOO NF.W PIANOS He-ipe, !ifarcellus, Jules. It C. Schomibkr, Frar.cesca, etc., contain InK three sour.dWB bojrds. ;S iiprUht planon of those makes returned from summer rental accounts, reduced from 53ii to $1.V below Kiiilir prices; can bo paid 3 monthly and upward ... full or wrlto tor larpe Illustrated cata tozui-a. HEPPUS t'PTOVVN STOKES cor. tiih and Tuompson sis. ess t.Atinr cnNdl'linxr TAt.tftNr! mschlnA. J t- ULI..I .....I ?n ,mJim AnLhlJ t beautiful qualttred oak, cost new $81. Can b paid i.l cents meekly. An eeeltent bsmslni In ruod condition. Write for com nleta list of bargain and trial offer. p heppfs ui-row.v storks. Corner Ctti and Thompson sts., l'hlla., Pa. Yllin cniunci ,inu m iiviiidi iiiu'-iiiu in EDISON DIAMOND POINT PIlONOdllAPH Cost $00 new, This oulilt Is complete .tilth records ind will be soM for $.T. pnjablo 75 cents weekly, call or wrlto for complete do. crlptlon and large Illustrated cntnlogues. HEPPK'S fPTOW'N STORES Cor. Wh and Thompson sti. Pldladelfhla, i'a, rLAYEIM'tANOS delivered linmedlntely. paw ahle $2.2.1 weekly: prices $.l'i. and upward. Call or wrlto foi Hrge Illustrated cata logues. IIEPPE'S fl'IiHVS STOtlES Cor. Ctli nnd Thompson ats. f.iv rlttCKCfllNM fPIttrSHT PfANO. cost 1.M new. Tenty-lle other PprlKht Pianos at llui, I2."., iri. etc.: panblo si monthly. Call or write for tartre Illustrated cata logues iii:pprs pptcwn sToni:s Cor. nth nnd Thompson sts, PIANO- $11.1 New uprleht pianos. These till- ! nos were tn-tde l Veil for WIS. M.S.. Km.. tlunnintrod for In rnr. Havltii: nuichased the entire stock of these 1111.1 stvlo pianos, of a prominent New York mrinufncturtr at rldlculouslv low llcures I will close them out at prices never before hr-ird nf IIOWAKII VINIT.NT, MilKIS-OW N llth. PI.AYKIt-PIA.No S2C1 will buy new "vl-noto plaer-iiiano. we have u or these Instruments In stock ind It vvlll m for mtv one who le.illy Hunts a plover pl.ino for one h.ilf the orlKlnnl prbe to call at our factory or write for pirtlciilars, lo no time. t these few ppino will soon be eold. terms made to still. H' vixi'i:nt, s.ivi"-''4ii n nth. PIANO- II ibv urand. In handsome mihonn.v coso excei'dlllclv Hmnll, only In lice two months rost sTmii iii bc for SUM, teims could be nrr.inurd wllh tellable partv, do not ml this -ipportunltv. iitiw.viin vi.nciint, .iii vis- sill N. llth. riANO- I.stej uprlaln ptiinn. InrKo sle, ele ffant ''imdltlon, $11.1, like nevv , would con sider monthly jumnrnt to reliable pirty. low Aim Vinc.:nt. miims-sui n. uui. PIANO-lltpp,, upright, full slxe. m.ihort.iny case, a er fine lnntmmrnt. Can be bought on easy terms at n barpiln. HOW AUM 1 INt'CNT. Mi. Nfitli Pl,AYi:il PIANO Kleitrle. foot nnd "linnill In use 2 months, cost Slrno, will be sold ut a. rldlculouslv low flume. Him Aim Vinciint, -." n. nth. PIANO Kmnlcli A: llich upright: heautlful mahogany cast llko new, cost J.ViO: nrst re.lM0liabI offer h' epleil. HOW Alt!) VINCIINT. Mil Ms.H0 N. lltli. PIANOII -s.M-noto Pianola, bnch, music nnd music cabinet, all In cleaunt lomlltlon. J 11 chsi, or terms made lo Hult. IIOWAItn VINCCNT, S.UKIS-8III N Jitti. PJANO Stelnvv.iv uprlffht. uiahoicanj enre; go'1 tone, us good ns nw . cost smhi, can t'e bought at a in-eat saiTlllce HOWAItU VINCI.WT. Md-S-K-SII) N nth. PIANO- ST.1 asl nml Jsl. one dollar vveel,l)7 for mnKiilllcent j.i3 upright, only In use thren months IIOWAHI VINCENT. Vlll-STIS-Ml) NJlth PlAYKIt-PIANii. m hiiiulsomf m.ihognnv case, like nrvv cost, incliidltiK bencli and music. J!l" cash Vlis.1 T.1 per month. llqW'AHI) VINCIINT. Mil s.-sJ-i(l N. lltll PI.AYRn PIANO IllHulUH. full size, mahogany case, like new. will koIi for Kin. HOvVAUI) VINCCNT. .VIU-MS-.S40 N, Ctli SKND for list of nlnnosnnd players forfeited for storage, everv Inslrument In absolutelv percct condl. : also large line of new pianos and Dlascrs direct from the maker at u sav ing of lllll to $2ii. Open evenings: easv terms. N Phlla. storage Co.. 20.T.T I.ehlgh ave. Tog.a 72.HI 17PKIUHT PIANO lMrRnlnaStejn.wny, J17.1; ;niciiering. si.,., Kams.icii vHS. Marrpllus. St.'l.l. other uprights. ir. (.?.. $12.1: prnctlco I pianos. $t.1: $1 monthly, id.ivers $27.1. $.'12.1. ! JNmonthlv. Hughes llros. .I.I2 N lutll. HIOH-UHADE PIANO-Llttle-used upfisht widow inuct sell, nul S intli. OED GOLD liUIHEST prices In tho city paid for old cold, silver, platinum, false teeth, old coins bought snd sold. Jewelry Exi haugei204S. Sth, OLD COLD, sliver, platinum, plated nare, old stylo lewelry. teeth plaies bought for cajn. Est. 1870. J L.Clark. reflner:so7Sansl)m. CASH PAID KOII DIAMONDS, PRECIOl'S stincs, gold silver, platinum, falro teeth, rhlla. Snreltlnc nnd Ilcf. Co. 12S 3 llth st. OLD HOLD Cash pnld or old g'oTdT silver, antliuo cloelcs will mil Pell phone Locust i2tn. nonEns. 27 s. nth m PRINTING BUY YOCIt CIIHISTMAS CARDrf EAHLY Mako vour selections from 12.1 designs; price 2.1 to Z0 cents per dozen. engralng our spe cialty. Tim Card Shop. 1001 Chestnut st. Open evening ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS It V." n-.t lailiu rnnf. at rtinll rn.l nnii nln--an- tee them 10 years, let us estlmato. I AMERICAN ROOFINO CO.. 1SUS RIdss ave. , STORAGE CONTINENTAL, STOHAUE WAHEHOUSE 20TH ST. AUOVC CHESTNUT rACICINO, MOVINO, SHIPPINQ. Hugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Hell. Locust 1UC0 Phones Key, Ilaco -HC0. Your Troubles Are My Business Storage and money arranged, all parts of HhIII C, III,A.1 .. .tarn.,,.,,., n.,,1. !,..,- j,,,-u .,,,, ,,w.a. imi.11,1. iinuc, , .la ton B. Lee. liroktr. 303 Llpplncott HulMlnir Walnut 1719. FIDELITY FIP.npP.OOr WAREHOUSES. 1811-lbll) MARKET ST. WALKER'S STORAUE. 13th above Dauphln bepamte locked rooms, packing and shipping to all points, auto ans for moving, carpet cleaning. :'c. yaid Hutu phones t ! ATL.S"STORACE WAREHOUSE Storaie. movtnr. packlrir. shipping, carpet cleaning. ' Ph. Uarlng 7J2 for estlinate. Market and :i7th I McCANN'S STORAOE HOUSE. IMS NT ! lltn st.; moving, packing, slilpplnsr: suto ' vns.13oih phones. Let us estimate. ' FRE"B STORAOE the first month; moving by , auto vans, shipping, packing:, carpet cleaning. Levin's. 204li'nijgc. Pari; K46U A. THE NORTHERN STORAGE makes"adances on household goods, movlnc. ISM to 18."t I a. lltn at. ana ism N. Tin st. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, false teeth. 50c. to $4 set Eald: broken Jewelry, cold, silver, diamonds ought. 735 Walnut. Wal. 702U. Est. '00. BROKEN JEWELRY, false teetli.plslols.rolns. Coin book, with prices I pay, mailed, l5c. J. P. Dois (People's store), 2W S. 1 1th. waL44sa. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO IVe positively pay 004 mors for gentlemen's clothing, shoes, send postal; wo call. day. eve., city or subs. Trled min nro... 1411 South it., ph. Dickinson 615.1. PURN1TUHE. r'anos. carpets, antiques; entlrs or part houses bought for cash: no matter how Urge. J. Bernstein. 1354 lildls ave. TELLOW stamps redeemed-for dolls, toys,etc Highest prices paid for loose stamps In sheets, TRADINO STAMP CO.. 21U N. Front st. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR DIAMONDS? old gold, platinum, false teetfi: also pawn tickets. 1300 Filbert St.. 2d floor front. WANTED, to buy, part or an'tlre houscholl furniture. Levin Bros, 048 Ridge ave. ROOMS FOR RENT AIUII ST., 10.15- finely furnished front rooms, also two lack rooms, kit henetto, complete; refined sut rounding. Hire 0410 D. proad. n . 2io Comfortflblo room? In a real home. nnOAt. S. 21 20-Furnished room", all conven iences private family rimne, mcKinsnn sui.iu. linoAI, N., 1.113 Attractively furnished front ..rooms. with all ccnvonlcnies. rearonablo. imriAI. .. 2141 -Nlcel -furnished fiont room. aleim heat, elei trli' llnhls. private famljy. I'lll'OTVfT 1M1 one hlkoani-'ly' fcIls-isiied room i 'tllVTVr'ii ; t.iu.iiM .. 1SI9-I l Superior nonmmoi'n- tlons, elnitle or en sulle. private bath, CHESTNUT, t eloftric light. nil Iteaullfully fnrn. Apply on premises. CHESTNUT ST. (near 4f,tti)-l!andomely furn. rooms, with linth: near "I.." inrlnst 1107 It. I LOCt f, 1211-Dtslrnblo roams adjolnlnr; bith: not-warcr heat: central location, piioiie, LOCUST, 1211-IS (Lion's. Hesdl-Furiilshod npts,. suites and rooms with private bath. LfXIAN SUPaVh i1.1 N. IstlD-HousekecpIng . rooms, furn : uiifur. : r-loo. light; run wnter. " till' lurnlshed sulle. 2 rooms: private bath. PI.V1., 1112 -Peslrnlde 2d floor nnd ! nm, cenlrally louited. Walnut 727 slniile PINIl, 1.123- Atirnctlveli furti. rme., slnRle nr en suite: running water; private tamllv; pli. PINt: ST., H"t-neirable sullo: southern et posuro also cinsle. PINK, B, il'ils Nicely furnished loom for eentlo n. board optional, phone llclmoht ,17,111. ina ntTTHNltocst: Sq. 2H1 M. lOTIt) Larse, benullfullv furn. rms. nlut opts.: I or B, rooms; rrlv. batlLs: hot-wnicr heat: llfst clisa In appointment and service, Sprueo.lreiL SPIttVU lll,1-2d front, l.enutlfulb furnished. running watereloeirle llRtitmnalo vnmnc. SPIircri, 1.1IiS-To unrurn. rooms.: private bath: furn. loom: runnliiR wnter; boird opt. ..,.,...... .MHa ... ." .. . .. . T... "V.V '";-, ,"V .'.'" .r K.V '.' L'V.W ' baths; prof, ofllces: strain tient: electrlrltv. THOMPSON. W.., niO-IIemodeled. eojv. 2d n front, 2 rooms. Imth. fine toe., opp sutiare. WAI.1,ct:, i rso W.ii.rurn. Sd-torv front room; plenty beat runnlnir miler, phone, Idial lion for two gonis WAI.t.ACU. 1UI 7 -Purnlshed looms single of en suite, hot-nutrr bent: southern exposure. W.M.NI'T. .Till UirRn. furn. and unfurii. com. front rooms: runnln;. watr: tmt-naler heat. tlTir. S.. .".' iTho Cnrltnm Well-furnUhed! single, double rooms, oxiellent bath, nccom. . steam heat, dcaullness, ionv,; comfort: ref. 12TI1. K . 2(KI--C1ieerfullv funi. room ndjolnlng ' b:ith: Bsptlrmeti. Apply M A. ilit. on prems, I.1TII. S. .IH-COMKllltTAIUiY FI'tlNtHlinn I l'ltn'i n.M Atvtinxtvn itATti- innvi: I riTlt, N"., 1.111 Nlcrlv furn. housekeepln? i apt 1 rooma mid In th Poplar Hill W. I ivrfi, n., ispt-t.irge slltlns mom, suit drtv ! tlsf prlvnte adult f.mi.: also single vacancies, furn. or uufuru . reasonable tihtn. irfi" W, JllTIt ST.. B. 'J.",?. , Newly furn. rooms single or en suite. In ' private adult fiimllv well hentcd. eicptrir lights: hoaM npiionni; rer. ejti nanseii. lfil, ?,, ,t nrnciiv ri iiirii, fir uiiitiru. room', single or insuile: few nt $10 per mo. I.1TI1, 8 I'1 -Single and double rooms In 'lindvo. rellncii modern hnme. Phone. 50TH, "S.. nil Uirge, newlv furnished, papered, warm, sunny, scond-noor front. In small rniiillvs reasonable. -OTII," N.. 121 - 2 KOOMH." f-NPrltNIPHEfll jrlvaln 1ioli. private fnmllv HarlngMIIY. TWO handsomely furnished rooms with private balh; hot-'viiter licit, i le, trie light refer ences o3,ehan7Pd; near Ilrmd and Montgom ery. Poplar I.VV.1, or P :iin. I.edgrr Office 1WNER OP I.AtlOt: I'nelllng will rent attrc- tlvel.v fnrnlshed ba- hdor apt. oi 2 rooms. private iiit li. open llrepi ice. 1'0'j'.' spruce st. EAHY having nut will rent I or .' rooms: Pith nnd i hPHtiiut .11 nil. la-dger CentmJ TWO whims, housrlceeplng, $.1. single rooms, $2 1101 N. inth . ROOMS WANTED WANTEI A studio, between 12th nnd 22d, Miuket nnd Spruce with a large north light. no SKyugni necessirv, musi sinio price. Auorepa i' ,;i i. Ledger Cenlrnl. BOARDING HAI.T1MOIIE. 1410- Large, suniiv. second-door room, couple or gentleman exi client tnblC; I HA.EL AVE.. 170. -- Winn lurnlslieil room; I good homo table, private i.imlly. phone. " " -ipilCi'i: 12.:u ' Pront room with hoard. I bPIlt'CE." 10IO Ilooins with hoard: running' water. elevitnr. Filbert 1K5 W. SPItl'CE. 1012 iltolmehursD-Furnlshed rooms; prlvnle bath, with board, tableboard. Sl'ItrcE. I22t-2n (llrlsmonde) l"urn. looms. single, en suue privnie naius: iur,ii poaro, WALLACE. 11401 Hoard nnd rooms, rcasonaldo ; convenient to cars. Phone Preston Jiiss W. WOODLAND AI E". C',07 Pleasant front roomT good board for couno. Woodland .1110. iT.fflTN.. UlidlANDSOMEI.Y pphnisiied HUOM. IH'NNINO WVTEIt: PlHST-CLAhS TAIII.E HOArtD: PItlVATE l''AMJI.Y. liiTH. N.7 1 tl"i ' Vncuncy, 2d floor (double), with or wlihout board, all conveniences; un excelled table board. Joplar liNI-.l. p sOTII ST.. S. .121 l-irge doublo looms; refined, modern: table board. Eel! phone. Table Hoard 1BT1I ST., S. .li' (CltAVENIirnST) TAIII.E IIOAItl) OP THE llKTTErt KIND. Suburban OVEKIIItoOK Famlls of 4 adults, large mod ern home, hive thlrd-tioor front, bath ad joining, for gentleman, with superior board. M s.(, i.enger i enirai. iir:rt.MANTOWN."llo IV. Penn st. Sanitarium bright, cheerful, homelike resting place for Invalids or emeriy persons. i-n. utn. :;uii u. SANITARIUMS HEACTll'L'L location; si eclal scientific care; nervous; elderly: every comfort, nurses, nonklet. Dr. Itrndil. City line. Chestnut lllll. APARTMENTS N E. CORNER 17TII AND WALNUT STS. This i:;-tory toucreie and steel fireproof structuro tho highest point of devel opment ns yet attained In apartment con struction, and mav be piopcrly styled a per fect pl.ico of abode. An earnest effort has been mado to offer a matchless homo to thoe whose first enn sldeiatlon Is not to count the tost nlone, but 10 procure that which they desire: vvheio thero It only perfection, the size mid thar acter of which may lie selected ana shiped ui-c online to tho dlstlnctlvo rtuulrements of the Individual. Suites uro arranged from two rooms and one bath to een rooms and three baths. The location Is excellent, being convenient to tho business and chopping centres and yet not too near. All things considered, tho rentals are mod erate. tlirther Information, arrangements for In spection and reservations may bo mado through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut stieet. 1830 South Rittenhouse Square Three apartments enlarged during the sum mer are resdy tor occupancy; one (a Duplex 1 contain! 12 rooms and 1 baths; tho others 8 rooms and 2 laths nnd 10 rooms and 11 baths: also a small apartment of 7 rooms and bath, O. ANDERSON. Superintendent. WALNUT AND 11TII STS. iS. W. Cor.), mod. suite; exceptionally attractive; high ceilings: abundantly lighted on three sld?: suitable for housekeeping. It desired. $7.1. Janitor on premiss. HARP.CR, IIART5IAN CO., U'01 Chestnut st. APARTMENTS 10.1 S. 11TII ST - Pachelor apartments-, eteep ttonal'y desirable 2d floor suite, 2 largo rooms and bath, every modern Improvement. Jani tor on promises, steam heat Included. liARliElt. hartman & CO., 1201 chestnut. WAI.NtTT, Hit partment of 2 rooms and batb. sc,ond tlnor, unfurnished, very desir able, also one furnlshcl apartment; first-class servbe AtPb lltuml-augh - Parher.2d floor SPEINtl HARDEN. FUT-Kteell-nt apts. In S different houses; some furn., kitchenettes. TUG PAKKS1DE T j$gN$,An, OPPOSITE FAIIlMOt'NT PARK One to rour rooms nnd bath; reasonable terms. Phone Paring 221. Most Philadelphia I Oin:n n large variety- or apartments at varied prices and to meet almost any require ment. Call or send for list. Automobile service to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. Slinitwont. 1111 Walnut St. spurt k 2nii. ttH'U "H'.Ti. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTlIll AT ONCI) Apnrtment anil studio, B looms nml bath, for lailv toraltst. central location. P IS, I,edcer Central HOUSEKEEl'INO APARTMENTS UlloAli N. ioirt-Tluee rooms, l.lnhcn. balh, 1th lloor. Hiram beat, gas and elci.; ..,0. AI. Isen, 110" Ileal i:slatc Tr. Illdg. Pilbert .IIW Mil N. imoAl) PT., opposite Lognn Statlon SK rooms nnd bath, M Open for Itupeellon. JIM. SMITH, opposite Ixigntl Stntloll. tf.TIt AND MT, VHItNON At.U , .1 nml ,5 rooms, with bath; steam lieut, electric llitht; nil mttsldu rooms: corner rot.PMHIA AVi:., 1slt-:i ttooMtt. WITH PltlVATn HTH: AM. roNVENHl.VCirS. 3(A.MoNI, "2112-Threo rooms, bath, kltclieliT hot-water hcul and hot wnter: SW, THERE "ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Von rim lmili nt nn nrlir inollieP until otl nniJ onn. or Ynu mn im nrntinti lo ili dlfferpnt nfieneici utitlt In rtfiMitilr "'l tnkc on nf- You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It is finite true Hint noitilv every desirable npurtment In Plillurielphia Is ll-ir-,1 with and ,i.k Iia rnnt.t.1,li lis. I'all upon lis In oui new orfbeii; they nro icnlly nulic nttrnctlvp. ou will bo given the most courteous ulnl efflelcnt service obtnln- nble. An nuiomouile IS nailing in vnan jmi in the list of npnrt.nent vou designate, lir un ehnnip vnn utp not tierfeetp nnd If our entire irgnnlsathm will le phucd nt jour disposal to iiroitirc for you exa. tty your heart's desire. ... . Think or nil Hie iroubie vou will hao saved ami hv nu will bo to know sou hnvr foun l the mie apnitmrnt In Phll.ldclphl.l which umit nearly approaihes our txa-l NORAAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 W.M.NI'T ST. Spruce 1,21.0 Unco "(1'J.i. , ps . , a i, 1Mb N Aol I Jli", III SPP.rCt: STItEET lOI'SEKEEPINi; APAKT XICNTS nnd PUOKESSION M. OPI'UCES M. W. tlltrillS. originator of Apt. Ilure.-iu Service, will fiiiicmy find vou the nnnrtment thit nulls, jitn Est.jri. Illdg. Wnl. '-. Poll mcslern furn. nr unfurn. np.irtinents. Northwi-t Phll.i. nml Tloun. -w us llrst. SC1IOEPPY ,. CO.. 1517 Monlgomcry nve. lKH'SEKEUPINil APTH nil parts of rltv : i cuts fi'J.I lo STu pel mn. Call, rhnne or wilt mr Inforniiitlmi. Sntpiiel Siern. l-'ut Cliestnut. WEST PHILADELPHIA POW ELTON. I0C7 lEblra Apts -I'lve putsldo rooms, D.1I11. porcil, u liunr, ,-ni. '',IM"1' . oui I'ovveitnn " Plioni Preston Oinu. CIlESTNl'ThT. .IlAI-T (lonc) l-lwant up Is., reduied lent. Call a t .Jj. Ph.tar- ililbW DP.EXEI. APAItT.ME.NT3 OVEHUHOOIv hTATlON One houstkcepiiiit suite. 0 rooms and bath. $S,,.I4 per montli: one furnished sulle, 2 sleeping rooms, one exceptionally largo lllnc room nnd bath, " per month, public dining room. Phone Over. reel. ii26. , HIE ift'TLAND APTS., JCST COMPLIVTED locust st., r,rrn to ,v,th kt. f. and 7 loom urtartments, with all tho latest conveniences, Ji7.,a) to SIT per month. ItOllEIlT Pirrj. AliENT liell pheno lielmont 4411, r.ll-l tcuit t. KINCSlWUT "i:ili uud Chestnut sts. JUST COMPLETED. MDDEItN HOUSE keopln.; ui nrtmeiit.i: fireproof lloors, eleva tors: public dining rooms Apnly THOMAS M. SEEI1S, dr.. 1207 RACE ST. OIIEV OAIII.KS. M12-S14 N. 5.1D. Very uttracttvp npm.. :i to 7 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, nil oulsldo rooms: show-r baths, itc.j leaton.iblo, S mln. from City Hall. " " " FIO TO SMI CHOICE SKl.CCTIONS , KERSHAW fc CHOWl .121i'Chestnut i:.-tSi:x, .'I4tli nml Chestnut": Mnn"iorev. 13d nnd Chester: lielmont. ,'llth and Sp Onrilcn: Inquire Janitor, or i Teste. ..OS Hile HldR. HERMANTOUN THERE ARE A PEW FOLKS WITH I "KIHDIES" win) positively will not rent nn apnrtment In the city. I So In order to please them and others who I MC--.T have n subtirenn linino J THE QUEEN LANE. APA IITMENTS WERE in ii, i No. j oil never haxe seen nn thing quite llkn I hem chance lire vou never will agnln. Fresh air. trees, birds, grass, inuntry sur luundlngs. In u word, tho great outdoorn nil nhout vou. hlmk from Queen Lime Station, same ins tance mini tho Cermontowii Cricket Club, three blocks from Wane avenue. Tho prlco Is $.10 a month nnd Ah to the iiimrimcnts They have flio rooms and bath, plus on extra maid's room: lint wnter heat tho best ohthlnnble: nmplo hot water: exceptional closet room: bullt-ln-bookenses. private porches: unusual con struction mid ileinrutions, ou must see them to know that thev are Just what you bavo been looking for. mid our automobiles will make this an easy matter. Wo mUht furnish one nr two ut, say, $70 a month. NORMAN S SHERWOOD, 1411 WALNUT STItEET. APARTMENT HOTELS veis wTnrVi-'KELi.NO of paiiticulah pleasure und s itlafa.tlun that I announco tho opening of 225 S. Ilroad st. Suites toiulst of one room, two rooma and tlireo rooms, ananged with private bath If desired. The furnishings, de, orations and appoint ments are unite perfect, and tho resultant combination Is an llluntratlnu of the fait thit tho small apartment hotel mav reach n helgnt of- comfortablo and homelike dcslmbllltv which It 14 phvslcully Impossible to achieve elsewhere. t do not believe that I shall ever bo able to offer a more perfect residence to those who desire their every requirement and wish 10 bo anticipated. Hero ou nits, in truth, select yoqr home toda, and without tho spending of n single oxtra dollar or giving the matter another thought, may oecupv our upartment tomor row with every housekeeping problem tolled for you In advance and every care and worry eliminated and ct without tho loss of the truo homellko atmosphere. Of 2.1 suites already offered for occupancy. 17 11111 been reserved. Your carlj rokervailons will, therefore, be greatly appreciated. B NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 111! WALNUT ST. TJiU i.'ELMAIl-MORRIS OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE STATION. PENNA. RAILROAD. '.0 MINUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP INO APARTMENTS. HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Eleventh st. An apartment hotel, noted for Its cuisine and perfection of service, newly refurnished and redecorated; parior, bedroom and bath, with meals for two persons, $-1,1 pel week und up. Special luncheon. 7.1c. Table d'hoto dinner, $1. THE ESMOND " EKSl,filcTl1 SUITE OF 2 ROOMS AND BATH. PETEY Never Mind, Petey, APARTMENT HOTELS A SEAT FOtl EVntlYBODT nti'SEni'ATtoN ticksttS, r.Actt kxchanoed fou puncitAsra nbw ykmps nvn, ims-ioKt nttl.ADEI.PHt.Vfl OHBATnST CKl.RUltATION HOTEI. MAJUST1C M,oco.oco PnoPHrtTY-Bw owsjn8IIr ""'tPiSKS ilSp'SNrf Rr HIClHUSr IIOTHI. nr.BVATtON IN PIIII.ADni.PHIA MONTHt.r ItENTAti SCHnDUI.E Single j-ooms. without bfttn, but running water, with Imth adjoining each room, suit able for two tersons, J10 to SI0. Single rooms. Including latEC, nltractlvo bath, $10 to .V1. . , ., , ... Two-room suites, Including large, attrac tive Mill. $0.1 to $100. , ,, . ... Three-room suites. Including large, attrae tlvo balh, $ to $lf.0. ALT. P.OO.MS AND SPITES rUI.t.Y 1- L KtlBlll.Lf SftlSTANTIAf. cr.UI) IlItEAKt'AST. ;:ue., 40i., Mc. SPECtAt, DAINTY IOC LUNCHEON kj discount from all a la enrto tharres for renular guests. JAMES A. MtlAD Proprietor. ' JAME"J S. MrCAUTNEY lltnernl Manager, Hotel Majestic. mi THE GLADSTONE liTKLf"P,Na Ali-),jSNVs.,cdVK5!iN.sDH3 AiisoM'rr.i.v KiiiEPitoor THE COVINOTON, CIIESTNCT AND .I7TH ST3 11. 1 E.NOt.E. MANAOMIl. At.SI Till: ENOI.ESIUE. BEACH HAVEN. N. .1. tiii: HENBVA K.T1I STItEET AllflVi: WA1.NET HlBli-cliM apartments, with or without pri vate iMtli. entirely renovntid nnd retur nlshed; imder new mnnagcir.cnt. "' ' iifi-nirn a, MAiibitAT.r. THE TEAtTI' PEltMANENT Oil TltANSIENT (IUEST3 3CTII AN" CIITV.TNCT THHEE TinoMS nnd bath. unfLrnlsbed, sublet flir aiantn of lease to October 1, ll'llt. Apply Hold flarlvn, 40th-Wnlnut sis. REAL ESTATE FOB SAM3 CITV lW'l LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 1-story brownstons dwell ing Especially titled for profc'slonal ortlco. Iovv price and easy termsfor quick sale. Ms H. "I ST-l-stoiv building; 21x10.1; as ses icil "is.vii). pilce jsmu; terms can be nr riinocl his Is .sl'iiPii lew than It Is worth. .1. EDWAPD 1,t'W, 2I0 North 17th st. CAItl.TOV west .1Mb St. 2.1th. north of ildumblo. proad ree. n.-r.h yof A...eghiv (ave. 1 W M" .!sser,,el.Vlf7ri!rS.Ve'n,Vjoo,0t CA.MEIION, 2M1 Kenslngionnve. ni"l N. PAHIC AVE. for sale, $5000. NOfl- MAN U. HAI'I.EIUH. poll SALE ut rpci prices to close an estate, .".020 Mnrkct st. i through to Ludlow at.), store -nil dwelling. 212 MiAlptn kt . dwelling 7 rooms a'.'J.'l Kolsom ct dwelling 7 rooms lit.:'.! Polsom st.. dvvilllng 7 rooms JAMES li I'llVNi'IS. TniJVulnut st. Hio' WANT To MOHTCIAOE, rent, buy. "" -s ;i; TAt'i.ANE ABOUT IT1 .o Walnut st. SITES FOR SALE Sultnble for erection of business building", largo or small. Invest ment piopertles. Money for mortgages. AltTIIUR I!OSWEI.I,f2!JN.Wthst. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for jnle or rent. v.vmn-llV A. VAN PEI.T N. E cor 17tli nnd Chestnut. ORIlfNIl AI.ONC. N. E. HOULF.VARD JOHN O. WILLIAMS, 727 Walnut t. Suicfssor Lewis 11. Redner. WARDS PARK FRONT HOl'flES Mill WORTH INSPECTION pPKICE 42:il N. OTII STItEET CENTRAL FAl'TORY-dood slto for mod. bus. bldg.: .1 streets; sale to rice nn estato, might rent. Jntnli A. Prltr. r.2.1 IndjrmotTldK. 2ijSELECTEI OIL 1-AINTlNOS IN EN- i-IIANOE FOR EOPITYINREAI' 1.S- Hullillng I.ols, Jlietunr Sites, etc. TAI.I OF SCHUYLKILL C.ROUND Iirge nnd Small Tracts for DWELL1NO or MANLTACTURINa turposes In best sections. EXCELLENT RAILROAD FACILITIES Prices on Application. Est. JOHN DOIISON, un Chestnut St. CHOICE" building lots"ond"larrits"iTround In all mrtH cltv : hImi over 2(10 manufacturlne Mtes. Melvln. 1515-10 Heal Estate Trust Bids. sites. Mel WEST I'HILADELPIIIA AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PHYSICIAN OR DENTIST-Corner property, atone residence with modern improvements. In an cstabllsricu eccilon of West 'Philadelphia; for many years tho offlco anil rosldcmo of a successful prac titioner: property will be sold at a reasonable fiEU, onv? i!,:ica-mV."Tenkert 1500 Arch st. $Sloo-S ROOMS, hot-water heat, gas and elec- trio light, parquetry floors, shower baths, gas kitchens and all other modem nnpolntments. DANIEL niAtt'1-OIII). JR.. lUilLDER .Vith und Hadilsll .his. POTTS & TOWNSHND WEST PHILA. HOMES 400.1 HALTIMORE AVE. WH ELAN'S HOMES fllSTII AND PASCHAI.I, AVE. APPI.YJOU CHESTNUT ST. "SENDFOR US P. SALE OR RENT 52d anil Ilalttmorojive. hhhPT'NE1UALE! HOMES. 50th st. above iSnsdowne avo.-Evcry known convenience. JAMl-S C ENIiultu. liuiiuer. I1AROAIN AfsMse,l SVilin, BarlnV lot ' ,'IM: ''"" "iLtllslMW I SMITH price JlliOO: 3702 cafh. . Kill Chestnut. Hullillng" c-.Tll AND i-HESTER AVE., with doublo trol. "'lev line: 52 lots; all street Improvements; at- C !..'. .-I.- ,nv fill, L.- unle. tracu- VOCUM ft'l-OWEItS CO. eg g utli st ilo Woodland av HlHtMANirnVN licdlDENCH SITES Ground In best section ' of nerinantown nml Chestnut Hill. 11. U. LISTER SON, 5CI2 Oermantown ave. vT"iT"CANult ou to Nnd that house you aro looking for. Oermantown Trust Com panj, Clielten nd (ierpiaiitinvn ave. KtXl l7 INVESTMENT HOUSES, almost dol lar for dollar. OLYNDON PHIESTMAN, 5500 Herm.intowji ave. n?-YOU-ARE I-OOKINl! FOR A HOME In GermantoJvn. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, con Bult me. A. R. ileehan. 6717 Oermantown ave. CHOfcH HOMES, Tulpehocken st. east of Oer" mantovvn ave. J. II, Chadivtck . Co. 501S llcrmamovvnave. Chestnut Hill NEWrSALE ANd'rENT LIST READY Peihani, Mt. Alrv and Chestnut Hill. PEMIAM TRUST CO . 074U Oermantown ave. Tioga 1515 CAYUQA ST. Three-story, terraced, porch-front modern dwelling; lot 15x125 ft.' 10 largo rooms, fine condition, una suuaru Jroin boulevard. $4100 North Phlla. Trust Company. Broadband Erlo ave. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR LOGAN KENNEDY & RAMBO. 3710 Qermantown. the Store Closes at Elevpin REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E lxnn LOGAN P.EAI. ESTATE! SAI.E, KENT AND EXCHANOB M. M. Smith, Ilroad at., opp, Ecgan Station, HEAl. ESTATE, mortgag's and jonsoy anclng. WII D CHAMUEIIS, 4033 N. liruad st. SUIIUIIHA BETWEEN TWO AND THREE ACRES at steam nnd high-speed electric stations; Ltns dale section; very neat 8-room dwelling, hot water heat, bath, electric lights, pressure water, etc., stable, spUndld. young shade and fruit. The only ono of Its kind at the price. Brown & Cloud, Norrlstown, Pa, HOMES FOR SAt.13 OR RENT WENDELL MASSF.Y, Ileal Estate Trust Bide. CHOICE RUILDINCJ SITES nnd ncrtage. ARTHUR P. TOWNHEND, l.anrthorne. Pa. SUBURIIAN REAL nSTATTJ Any price. All locations, silo or rent. CHARLES J HOJ.ll. ft CO.. Morris Bldg. MAIN LINE Pa R It . mod dwelling. 15 rms.. outbuildings. It acres, fruit, woods, fine views, 1 mlloJTrom stn. riM.Amsin.1201 Uhjetmitt. SELECT PROPERTIES Country seats, farms. 1411 South Penn so. roFNDED 1870. LARGE LIST OI'SL'IlURttAN HOMES, sits or rent, on tho Main Line or Reading R. R. WM. IL WILSON ft CO., Morris Building. SlfllUnnAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent i altrnctlvn locations; prbes right. Maurlco .f. HooverReal Estate Trust Illds. Amliler, I'a. SEND FOR LIST or suburban homes, farms, country scats, building ground, etc. I have n lirgo and varied list In Montgomery and Bucks Counties. If you are looking for any thing in tho way of country real estate, do not fall to get. my list before vou buy. THOMAS ATKINSON, Ambtcr.Pa, FARMS, country puces nnd suburban homes on tho Readlng'B ncthlchem nnd Dovlestown branches. II J. Dnger, Inc., Ambler, Pa. Ellilns Pnrk. Pa, HUMES FOR SALE OR IIBNT Mccormick . MrcoiiMtcic 101tChoslnut, nnd Elklns Patkj lfilAtlTltU I. RlTILUINri SITE, high Tocatlon, neur train and trollej, nt decided bargain! alt Improvement. P ICO, Ledger Offlce. (llenslde. HOUSES AND LOTS, evrrv description. RENNINOER .v; RENNINUER Broad nnd Wetnut ats ItutleilKO, Pa. $2iVi"cASH for In-room modern houso: ,1 mln utrn from still Inn. nirrvlnr iharpcs niilv $1S per ninntli; l.n geiot.ll. 74.i, Ledger Central. MAIN I.IMJ. PA. IL II. BEST LINE OP MAtN LINE IIOt'SEa Either for salo or rent, at all price". HIRST ftjMtMljJ LIN. cstHnil Trust Bids. DLSIIIAIILH Plfnl'ERTlES SALE nit 111 "NT WAHKOCK ft I. .VI EN, Commercial Trjlldg. -UIURIIAN HOMES, "couiitry places and building sites to suit all requirements; Main Line. II. C HUNTER. Wnvne, Pa. NEW .IERSEV lladdnn Heights. N. LIPPINCOIT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS, N. J. W'lLl.ETt.lPPINCOTT Mnple Simile. N. .1. THE OREA1EST privilege of tho 20th century Is to own k little one-airo fnrm close to Phllodclt Ida, nnd remember $.1 down buya one, $5 monthly pa;s for It, For a square deal call on or write BARLOW ft CO.. Mnpln Shade. N. J. .Mt. Ephrnlin. N. ,1, ONE-ACRE FARMS1 Mt. Ephnlm, N. J. radjolnlng Haddon Heights), cnly 5 miles from Camden (2 sta tions on tract), $100 to $000 per ncre, tltio Insured: f-eo deed no tnvrs for 1015. CAMDEN COUNTY QARDHN FARMS CO. 1205 Broadway. Camden. N. J. MJ.SlOIH Cape .May, N. J. COTTAOI. rrcted by 11 rollabla builder Is a sills 'action- nttraitlvo plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEN D. Ocean City, -.'. J. Ocean City, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder is a satisfaction; attract vo plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS MONTG. CO, grain and dairy farm, 114 acres, fi.noi); ur-to-il.ite bldgn.. running snrlnit water, lino fruit, smooth, machine-worked fields, depot 1 miles; $2500 cash down. Write for .laek'H new bulletin of inrm bnrcalns JACK'S FARM AOENCY. '-'1.1 Stephen Olrard Bldg., Phlla. AlTEIt THE WAR Industriil nnil other stocks will fall. Not so with farms tho safest Investment. Buy now for a grndual but continual rise. C.P. FITTERS .SON, COS CHESTNUT ST. 107 ACRES) FOR $0000: HALF CASH: stono hulldlngH. 125 fruit trees; stieam; near Scl . lci-vllle A. 1 1 Tyson. Lansdale, l'n. 25 ACRES, STOCK, CROPS, good buildings: J25CO, half easil HUNSllEROER'S FARM AOENCY. GreerLane.P.i BRANIiYWInF: FARM - il'il neres. lino' views; sood meadow, bargain. $15,010. A .1 .!l ?A LP. West Chester. Pa. 14.1 Ai RES. Delnwnro Co.: modern home; positively- to be sold: $22.0. I. II. TIIOMI'hON. Wwt Chester. NEW .IERSEV TAILIIS MOORESTOW'N FARM-50 acres. $V)00: Marl- ton, 112 acres. $-j..iou. Fnrm list free. A. W. DRESSER. Burlington. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY BUY A HOME TROM US-Monthly payments. $17 to $50. N. I'lillu. nnd Germantovvn; prices $lbOo to $7C00. Merchants' Union Trust Com. pany. 715-710 Chestnut st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES For nnd Rent. JAMES D. W1NCHELL. 17tll X. S.insom sts. SUIIUltUAN CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for ail or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Pq. Bala-Cyniryd, I '. LARGE LIST HOUSES, sale or rent, at nil prices. SAMUEL C WAGNER. Jr.. Comnier. la I Tr-irt Bldg., 15th and Market sts. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE beautiful home, hot-water heat, gas, electric, large living room, 4 bedrooms, haidwood tloors; value $.'."4)0 for small lot of ground or small houses. 4.1IE. Walnut lane. DESIRABLE PROPERT1 " on Tioga st.-Wtll consider investment housia or ground. WILL IAM IIA1tRih jind OikJUine. EXCHANGE clear rroperty. valued $110,000. for Philadelphia lightly encumbered business property. J nil. Ledger Central. SIXTEEN LOTS "at Absecon. N J., value. $i). what havo jou to offer. M. 130. Lcdger OtfUu EtJFITY In Oermantown residence In exchange for board. F 257, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST LOLLEOTEH. rnortT gages and firo Insurance placed quickly. See Kane for prompt results. 2528 Tasker st. WANTED to buy, vein of Are clay; name loca Hon, shipping facilities, also analysis and test. J utl.J.ciger Central. WANTED Oro containing aluminum; stats analysis J Oil, Ledger Central. AL ESTATE FOR RENT CITV 20U PINE ST. 10 rooms. 2 baths, irarace. MEARS & BROWN. 202 S. 15tll tt I! SUSQUEHANNA AVE 3 storv. K roomo. good order keia 2121. low rent Wm .-raven s aons 10411 X. Tin st o'CIock By C. A. VOIGHT Rfe Ml 21'.) roo f 1. . REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITS 2OI0 WAtA'UP ST.; 202(1 Locu St.; zn.12 locust st . 1700 Spruce st Edgar o. Cross, 1411 ,ValnutM. JEFFnilSON, 1010-0 rms., poreel, tub ,t sink, CAMAC, N; 2.100 7 rooms; reduced rent. "t..E m 'fSMVAUV Broad and Chestnut sts. . STORES AND DWELLINGS In nit sections of city. See our llt In the ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T FOX ft CO S. E cor. Oth nd:nllowhlll . REN r CATALOGUE clndly sent upon applica tion to W.M. O. OLI5NN, .".0O-01 Iind TltlO Building. 1517J -lumbla ave. . RENTAL LISTS 34.10 N. 21 ST ... 1012 N. Cnmno .. 20CU N. Man Ina 5 H. -t.ld .... . 1501 Clearfield 1.111 French . .$42 50 ,...$14 .... 12 .... 12 .... It . ... 10 . . 10 $211 11)11 Ingersolt .. 041 N. 42d Mn Cnmhrla .. 2SHI orlannn .. 2JI Orlanna . . 1112 t'.idvynlnder . 2.1 . 20 20 1 . ).S ,'lL'lu j-penrrr 17 129 Indlma ... . t.l,Sillil Cnthnrlne . A '"'''" It.WH,LL.IS. 522Vnlnut T. F. NEAL1S, HID S. 12TH ST. 17IS N. Llndenwnod, 7 rooms, conv.... Ii.'ltl Jackson St., 11 rooms 1712 H. Molo St., 0 rooms, conv 5..:i W llder st , 5 rooms, conv 2122 S, Molo St., 0 looms, conv MS Sloan at., 1 rooms 7.11 Race, riar. No. 2. I rooms 14'iS N. Aldrr, .1 rooms ... s St. $20.00 13.00 1.1.00 13 l) 12 r) , 12ISI 1 1.4-0 n.oo Itustnrss JTnpertles nml Stores Wi'lt AND MAKET STS.-beslrnble, oloro In New Knickerbocker Theatre Building; nd Jacent to U S. postofllcc: pxeellctit oppor tunity for druggist, gents' furnisher or fl and lo rent storo TAYLOR ftSON, 21 nnd 2ft South lOJh st JOI-IO1! ARCH hT STORE AND BAfEMENT Len Estnt's, 7C0 Pansom st, " I'LNTItAl. STORES MANI-'ACTFRINll FLOORS ef all kinds In central business section; ex ceptional opportunities In rentals. ORAM & MOROAN. 1S21 Chestnut St. Fnclorlcs, Wnrrlioiises, .Mfg. Floors READY JANUARY 1. 4OO0-FT. LOFTS, WITH OR WITHOUT POWER, IN NEW CONCRETE, FIRE PROOF t.AWSEH IH'll.DINO. COR. 7TH AND WOOD STS. LIGHT ON I SIDES STEAM HEAT AND ELEVATOR .SERVICE INCLUDED IN MODERATE RENTAL. PRONE OR WRITE FOR CIRCULAR. MYERS ft 11ARTII, Rllgo nvr. und l0th ROOM having threo fiunls. containing" 11, IW) sq. ft.; elevator, heal, low- rate of Insur ance; railroad siding, sub-poatorrico In build ing: located H Mucka south of Mnrltet St. C. .t. MILNli ft SON. Iltli nnd Wnshlnctuii. MTTliVll ANTS' IiriLIJINO 41 NORTH 4TH STIIEITT DESIRABLE ROOMS. POW ER AND LIGHT ITH ST., N.. 110-25 Manufacturing Moors; Menm heat and power. Apply Penna. Co 517 I'hestnutst. BROAD AND WALLACE iMetropolltnn Bulldlrgl-Rooms, iihx) to 40 000: cheap; powol. Apply to Geo. F. Lusher. 117 N. 10th. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooms. largo and small: eetllrillv Incited. IIA11RY T. HAI'M ERS. 31 S. lMhM. flAVI) PARTY who will erect" building. -en trnl or other location, or sitlsfactory tenant. DIETRICH. 737 IValnut St. CORNER BUILDING ror light mrg. purposes; about POOO sq ft.; f"0 a month. S. E. cor. loth and Tioga nri' rooms, etc. CHESTNUT ST., 1200-1 night, several con nected rooms, uplortuult), business or of fices; window. Chestnut st.; showcase, en trance WAI.NFT ST.. "1111 Several very drnjr.iblii rooms, suitable ror any business; very good location. Applv Win H. Dixon, on prejnlies. LHIKXBIi BI.I'O." o"FFICi:S. Ali'iniil Ite"ntnls7 Single Rnonil. $10". JP.'O. M.lll. 2IS). $-1011, $450 Suites 2 Rms. Sllll. $171. .01. S-J25. $250. 275 Suite" :t Urns ;.-,. $ 11 0, $ t.m. S.inn s.1111. $72.1 Corner Suites. 1 to s Rooms $.1.".o to tO.Vi. ELLIS II. WILLIAMS 5111) Drexel Building, OFFICES for ioantifncturcrr ngonts, salesmen. etc., nt attractive rents In Commercial Bldg., N w. corner Mil ami Liiesinui, ircigni miu pissenger elevntors .1. A. PATTERSl ON CO.. 110 S. 15th. A FEW DESIRABLE OFFICES RENT VERY REASONABLE ROBERT MORRIS TRUST CO. BLDG. 1127-0211 CHESTNUT STREET MERCHANTS' nUILDINO 11 Norm itn street. Very leslrablo offices. Heat and light. CENTRAL OFFICES. STUDIOS AND RUSINESS PROPERTIES. J-C FULLER. 10 S. 13T1I ST. OFFCCS lor tenf: first floor suitable for banker; smaller offlces on other lloors. FOR REST nUILDINO. 110 S. 4th st. Room 425. ONE THOUSAND" SQUARE FEET-Thlrd-Itnor front: rent $7rs heat nnd light Includ ed. Plnra Bldg.. ir,o.1-u7-no Archst. Professional Offices WALNUT. 2205 Suite of 2 large rms. 1st lloor; hot nnd cold running watcrelectrlclty 20TH. S.. 257 Phvsb lan's office, tlrst-noor front: well-furn. receptlonrpom ; elec. lights. niOFESSIONAL BUILDING. 1MJ-33 Chestnut st A tew suites for phvslcinns or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO, Chestnut nnd 13th. Desk Room DESK BOOM for rent, Including telephone, and stenographers services. Apply Albert B. Mills, 100 West End Tiust Building. lVEVT PHILADELPHIA DWELLINGS, STORES AND APARTMENTS. WM. II. W. QUICK . BRO., INC. a tx-f-i'mii if-i- Of '8 sbl'TH ' lOTH ST.J UCIIMAN BROS., lWl!l"MARKET Houses. Apartments. Stores NEAR 0OTII SP "L" STATION 1ah no Cn In I.'it" Ifntit rif Cn In NEW HOUSES FOR RENT-107 S. Odd St.. racing Cobh's Creek Boulevard: rent $12,50. JAW. N. MITCHELL. -IQtli and Market. OEK3IANTOWN 0123 ROSS ST. Seven roims and "bath, near Washington Lane station; kev nt 0121: rent low. OABELL. Broad nnd Et1 $30 DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS iend for List. Contlnental-Equltahio Trust Co.. 21 S. 12lh st. SIT. AIRY DWELLINGS $20 to $150 month. Oet list. Pelham Trust Company. 0740 Qermantown. SUBURBAN BALA-CYNWYD 0 rooms and bnth $25.00 0 rooms and bath 30,00 10 rooms nnd huth ID rooma nnd bath 50,00 JAMES E. DOI.AN ft CO, 12.1 Bala uve. Cynivyd Pa. Telephone cynvvyd 752. Hula. Pn. 3.STORY 10-ROOM porch dwelling, all con veniences; rent $3.1 per month; 10,1 Bala ave, J. .1. TURNER. 1201 ChMtnutsL Darby. Pa. TWO nice stores Just off main street; suit any business, $10 each; will alter to sutt, Sw-opo . Sons, Darby. Oreluml, PLYMOUTH AVE 2114' w'. . 220-NINF. ROOMS. $10. ALBRKCHT. LEHIGH AVE. MAIN" Iixn, VA. It. It. MODERN HOUSES. $30 to $200 per months various stations, ftend for special list. Har bert . Claghorn. 201 Bailey Building. Wjnnevvooil 40 MANOR ROAD Modern; 13 rooms. 2 baths; acre land, $10 per mo, Walter Bassetl Smith, Wynnewood, Pa. FOR RENT FURNISHED .MiiKiiulia Springs, 11a. FOR RENT, 3 large ccttages with baths: furnished; open fireplace In every room: hot end cold watir Fcr particulars address Magnolia Springs Hotel Co., MagnolU SprTngj, Fla. MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST Fljvine FOR FIRST MORTOAQB "US Imniediate Atlpniinn HORACE A. FRITZ 713 WALNUT KT i $50 TO LOAN ON REAL FSTATn H M. MOLT, 4.-l D. 1111 T. MORTOAGE MONEY Sums to suit, T. SIb n .- . C. SEIDF.L ft CO., INO Lth amlcailowhlll sts. " t u 111 ohm.. .-TT1 . S,Ms l:irl-. MU.N AA'i'lnfin CENTRAL BUlLDINrTATnTtrTrS Association deMrcs applications for VnV0.i and second mortgages nnywhereinVh.1 .if Addrs BrctaryM lo'C Idjer Oiric" lr- F,.'. x,.IaA0ES for . lt()0bvrf JIWO $1000 nnd, $2400; Interest 0 M Tltls Insurance and papers free. Henr n 1 Kh .berry, f)'J2witherpoon Bldg 132,nvvr,jnJft; 54y,750 fffdnl 'und for mortg.,i,. $100. $200 TO $80003oT ' u. 1227 W.G.rar-d". A!. AMOUNTSST AND 2D MoTv?5aM' . MAUIltcn II lATSINGBR.ResI Eit.Tr B. FUNPS FOR 1ST ANDMiraAp j ------ :'- ,.. -ioKiorj st y FIRST AND nt)0, ASSa MOnTaAQM a . . Any Amount. Quick Eervle. s ' ifl ... ...--.- . w- .-,,, v,,r iiuiHiin uk. Bldl. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MOnTOlruT' IIERKNESS & STIUBON AQ8 , 2 -' "- iiuiuuiW, DEEDg"rnAWN. $1, MORTOAOnsTllML ...M . . rfviyl, . 1112 Lincoln Building. 'Both nhc.. FUNDS. TOIt 1ST AND 21) MORI-Anur '"C. .. MORTOAGES FOR BAI.B ' -i TllFn 1- Mcl.-l t-a use, e?J'.. ' -. -fv-"J, !' ygrioantawa sst-n LOAN ON INTEREST. INnTATETl 3 LAJ,AJinr''J'ANDJIfI,IlLrj,' FIRST AND SECOND, ANY AMOUNT J' . . ...f-"y or suburbs Quick service JAMHS C. SIMPSON. 1420 CneVufit. St. ANY SUM. ANY MAMOUNT.- " Placed nt Onco. Lowest Rate. --;-X,,DEt,NIY,lJ12 Lincoln niir. LOANS Largo or small sums on real etst. ;id estates Uompey aj; Co., 21 h. ith 1 ivi.vo--iit'j 1 MAitiira 0lVf.!?.n?;,' .0"r mo.HuaRe has been eal'' .iESTER lir ROTTNER? fiS,' .: .vtu.-si-.i ror 1st nnd 2d mortgages Vjimi.j i- .n.-i mr nrst ana second mortgages t.,tJ -,.,,..,. -,..,-, m miniiiuinicumi mag. iy.i,i iur urui anil Hccono inortgasef; bum, Ing ass n nnd Instalment mortgages, Wiiiii,' IMnihcster Compuny. 1001 Chestnut it. - $1011.1)00 FOR FIRST, second or split mnrt'.vl S."Prth nth. .5:1 .outi,12.h""""" 'Ui ? CM.iw. 'A, Do Young. 400 .V Enrt Truit DMr.dl .11 . Vt . fnr iTirrfp.inaa Inron rvss s,.Tls .."" 7i I v. If. Tlnriil r. I't Vnrr u or i MONEY TO LOAN CHRISTMAS MONEY AT LCOAf RATES I' iou nro Vroplntr houo or stcadllT m. rloerI. no will ninkf sou a loan of ItrV t1 riioro. nnd tfiko your rromUo to pty nr&l pciuruj. -it i"j ueiv j. tuut tiHiu.onco iii n.S -, lsi StSTS ill S S-Sltl b,..S- 9 .uu un ikij h-vj oitiuii . (ii-ti., i-tjairia, ' THE TOTAL COST OP S20.0O IS S2.B0 $.15.00 IS $6.1S S.10 00 IS $.1.2.1 $0.1.00 IH J (IS J $10.00 IS $4.00 $7.1.00 IS $7.63 utner nmuunis in proportion. - rATSICNTS A3 LOW AS $2.00 MONTIILT rtr.MHMnr.ri. Tin do not ro to .on am. nloycr. rclatloi anil friends tnquirtnrr tboci you. Our service li strictly conflDUiJ, J kImIs eniirtAAim nnrt rnntrirrfl( 1T .ivi-. v-t-v.-iJ " -..-..-.s..... NO ONE KNOWS YOU ARE BORROWING CONFIDENTIAL LOANS TO LADIES l LOANS MADE IN CAMDEN OPEN DVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS '.t AMERICAN LOAN CO. LICENSED BONDED 120-s CHESTNCT STREET (Entire Seventh floor ) Keystone. Unco 401. Hell, Filbert . A New Company : New Methods!' vm i f m .n-r a intw of us qukkly and on verv easy terms. ToofJJ rrlemls. netchbors or emnlover will not knowv- of our dealing here. Wo nr a neir e!i tabllshcd company, bonded to tho State, !(. censeii nnu superviseu y in uanxins w'v partnient or i-ennsviv-nnia. ivo ore iocaa- nt 11 South Ilroad street. In the heart el,. the business dlstrkt. WE LOAN IN suss SMALL AS $10 AND LARUE AS $201 0.1"' VERY EASY -Ull.via, Your monthly payment on $l Is only 11 c' lour moniuiy pavmem on e.i- is miij i (with Interest at SJJ), - Tour montni paymeni on i i- is oniy jm. Your monthly payment on $204 Is only HI. in lth Interest nt 2). ASIC OCR RATES AND METHODS BE t-niie univil I-l smvv-iiKItE. You will And us prompt. Other loan com panies pant on nnu moro money nuvmitry. , wo also mako loans In Oermantown, Mew ,' tovvn, .nestnuc jtiu huu .viaii.i)uiin HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 S. Broad St. SECOND n-00,-,-,,.1. T0 rOHR-ST ,( PHONE WALNPT IW ,A OPF.N EVENINOS FNTIL II O'CLOCK. HOUSEKEEPERS CAN PORROW 3 SUMS $10 TO $201 No fuss or delay. You get the montf, nulrkly. You cm afford to pay these titM,; When you borrow hero jour business tss DO pnvuic. tn viovTin.r plYfl IIS $3 MONTHLY PAYS $3rt Jr. MONTHLY PAYS JfO $0 MONTHLY PAYS $72 Plus 3" Interest. $11 MONTHLY PAYS $ISJ $13 MONTHLY PAYS M.0 Slii MONTHLY PAYS IISO $17 MONTHLY PAYS $201 Plus Sh Interest. w j No other concern will maUoyou a loin inwer rates or easier terms man iui. ,., 1 othe? companies paid oft and mors tnosif 8 "id'ensed. Bonded Loan Corapanr. ducted in a Fair, Square Manner, SECURITY LOAN CO. 1114 Chestnut Street, .,. -a Floor. Room 20. Next to Keith s OPEN EVHN1N GSUNTH.J,OJCL0CK ; OU CAN UOHROW MONEY CN DIAMONDS. JEWESS. tTC. I.'S AND UP. ?ft $ioo ; is $coo " ' l RIEDER'S S .".. s-nr BT hu Av. 6mand spimTsn. WE LOAN MONEY On Your Furniture At Low est JUtes. , REMEDIAL LOAN CO. "' J,tr. Call, Phone or Write. 34 S. ih it. Ixwust 2810. Room stt ttn rzr II ri YMMli lr II i A& "" CSk 11! ERe " AMiv Vvtr asmoke Aiu This xmas , . V I I A ' 5methiwg 1l W $& ik I Wtt-Z-fe. I ttj&iy J jioA CD ' y vth - VC0HkAN0 ) . ill rfh C v W7 I Ty 1 . k