.p.WWT -, vwSs- "J" rt5 EVENING LEDO-EB PHILADELPHIA. TtTBSDAY, nEHEMBEB 13, 1915: u I COOKOO, C00K00, CLUCK, CLUCK, AT POULTRY SHOW Fine Fowls of Many Va rieties Seen as Big Ex hibition Opens CHAMPION HEN THERE Famous Lndy Eglantine Ar rives With Her Retinue of Attendants Fodcstrinns who parsed tho corner of Broad nnd WallHco streets at 7:13 today put their lingers In their cars to shut out tho "tcrrlblo din." Within the walls of the Metropolitan Building hundred of rooster) stuck out their chests (llguratlroly speaking) nnd crowed loudly, and then some. They had been crowing for an hour or more, nnd now at last tho sun had ilscn. No wonder they were proud. Kach one of thoso roosters knew It was his crowing that had brought light Into a world of darkness. A circular, scut broadcast to poultry fanciers and farmers within a wldo radius of this cltv, had announced tho opening of the 10th annual show of tho Philadelphia Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association for 10 n. m. today. That was for the public. For the par ticipants, tho sbotv began when they caused the llrst i.ivs of th sun to peep over the housetops from tho Cast. There Is one thing remarkable nhc t this poultry show. The press agent does not say It Is tho biggest poultry show ever held. Hut It Is one of the best that tho Philadelphia association has ever hold, and has only been surpassed In slio by the number of entries mt jo.ir. There Is another icmarkable thing about It. Tho most valuable foul In tin. world Is on exhibition. She Is the famous Lady Cgtantlnc. world's champion egg layer, who has gotten moro publicity of lato than a prlzcilghtf-r winning a cham pionship, or an actress getting n divorce. SHE'S A MONEY MAKEK. Lady Eglantine is tho celebrated 5100, P00 hen, tho property of A. A. Christian. of this city. Llko tho famous $100,000 Infield, which Connie Mack used to boss, the hen Is really worth moio than that big sum. She Is tho champion egg-layer of tho world, with 311 eggs In M3 days to her credit. This record was completed recently on Mr. Christian's farm in Maryland. It Is hardly worth mentioning' tho fact that Lady Eglantine was tho centre of attention when the show opened today. Everybody wanted to see tho bird that will bring to her owner this jcar n sum of money equivalent to the Interest on 1,000,000. For It Is n fact that Lndy Eglantine will probably net JM.000 protlt this year, and, according to experts on chickens, If she lives three years, will earn $150,000 more. Such Is famo In tho avian world. Fresh from honors won at the poultry show In New York, Lady Eglantlno Is being treated with tho greatest respect and care. For two days sho 'lias been living In regal stlc at tho Hotel Walton, with a man to take earn of her and a detective to guard her. They aro taking no chances with Lady Eglantine. And when she arrived in the Metropolitan Building Just as tho show opened today ahe found a detail of policemen waiting for her Tho trip from the hotel was made In ft taxlcab, for Lady Eglantlno has all tho expensive habits of a million-dollar baby. Proudly, head erect, not deigning to no tlco tho comparatively common fowls In tho show, mIic entered tho building. Yes, Lady Eglantine Is something of a snob. Kven In tho midst of such an aristocratic collection of birds. Lady Eglantlno was superior to them all. Shu was to them what tho iiobllity aie to tho lower middle class. Tonight thco local poultry association will present n cold bracelet, studded .1.1. .41.. ... ... T -.1.. ,., ., I "" uwiuuiius, iu uiuy eglantine, t'ro- i tvsou. -. ii. .Tiiuiicuurii win matte u speech of presentation and the gift will bo accepted by Mr. Christian. No doubt after that Lady Eglantlno will bo prouder than over. A HAPPY FAMILY. Tho happy family from tho Elm Poultry Yurds, Hartford. Conn., was the second object of Interest after her lady ship. Those who saw tho silver duckling plucklly Jump at tho big Japanese silkies twice his slzo, who wiw tho big, barred Plymouth Hock and the equally big White Leghorn snap and pick nt their smaller brethren, who saw tho big goat drive his horns in the direction of what ever bird or beast dared molest his eolltude as ho browsed In the' sawdust, did not think the family was so happy nfter all, despite the name. But F. O. Groesbcck. their owner, said they were getting along beautifully. "Give 'em a chance,' he Eald, "and they'll bo friendly enough after a while. Scraps In every family, you know." When you consider, on second thought, the varletks of livo stock In that ono cage tho family wbb not ho unruly after all. There was a beautiful Boston ter rier In one corner, a family of Angora kittens In another, with u brood of guinea pffes and four rabbits nestling between. In still another corner n duck and 12 ducklings, with the toother snarling at all who approached her llttlo ones. And scattered about were any number of chickens and 15 varieties of pigeons English pouters, trumpeters, barbs, fan tails, magpies and owls still maintaining their ancient solitary reign. The Metropolitan Building has been a busy place in the last 2i hours. All night, virtually, men were working to get the show in readiness for the opening. Al most constantly chickens and other Uva stock were arriving by express and being placed In the cells to which they were assigned. It was a disturbing night for the chickens who were trying to get their accustomed rest, and the big black Langshan from the Orient In cage No. 9 let out its powerful voice In a doleful howl. Mr, Brosbeck, its owner, asserts that It has the loudest voice of any bird in the show, That Langshan, by tho way, Is a stately bird, measuring IS hands wait, this Is not a horse-show measuring 18 Inches In height. There are more of them In the uha- and tliey are attracting admiration from all quarters. So are the Faverolles. a rather rare species of French fowl which are seen In more than usual abun dance In the present show, MOO ENTRIES AT SHOW. There are nearly 3000 entries In the show, there are 850 large chickens. 150 ban- tVI'S, 60 geese and turkeys, 100 pigeons, I00 rabbits. Also there aro 70 breeding "Vjiens and many miscellaneous entries. The show will continue from 10 a. m. to 10 SO p. m. every day until Saturday. In that time the birds will consume three and one-half tons of patent feed, and the ununals will eat fiV barrels of carrots, iigr.t or 10 bales of bay uud Jive barrels or oats Tbe fed alone casts 1U0 a ton. t Tin-- following aro offlcera of tbe poultry association: i-iMi,li-nt-Henry D Mlev Slranprd. Pa. ItJD irvsldf ut uudoh b SweUfurth. Treasurer i" ttirroll Kenmtuu. S..iar lruk E. Olltxrt. sJx -eutlvf ronimlttre ii Itew Smith. W. JV. .. ' Mooitatott n N J : It. XV. Mpher. of - ! toUi V nuucraUfmUnt of tn how. v ti ' B'li.wi i u PhiUdeltiblj. pUeoa nii.il nl J O PUth of Iun- I , a U ! III. I1 it idel kuown breiiUra fav en , ",$t eir stock. auU some of those t- j M-j i the principal feed ore aa J r i Pvr S l i rt jfc. -.rK vU, N J .SS iljtrx. JLiMVUV Myers, SliMonfbnnc. T.: Newton Ooh. Vine Una. N. J. vhlfe Plymouth IlocM. Willow Urook Farm. Willow Grove. I'n.: Meadow brook I'onltry Farm. M endow brook. I M.J lilrkmoro Poultry Farm, Media. J'a.i Mlnih itrothir, nrlditeton, . N. J IliiM i'lymputh rtncln. Vllllam H. 3. Gocti. Detroit. ., James. II Vincent, Hnileton. I'a. Whllo Wyandotte. William D ltlduway. Vine-land, J. J.. Allen. r. Itobrrie. rarKerrorq. t-n.: i.u' Etn, lirm, Vlneiawl, N J.: John v rieaver, Ithode Island noils, (lIlbertKvHli HIC. f a d r. Ilh.a It.nrl M.i1 kt Vederlr. If. Stlllwairen. Al enlowll. Vs.l tleorRO XV. White, Hamilton. Md.i . U. Croaaloy A Son. MasnolH, N, J. K. C. nhodo Island rteda. Froderlo II. Stlllnaiten. U I". Iluehlrr ft Son. Itiverton. N. J.; . Allendale IViullrv Fsrm. Allrmlale. N. J,: II. t. flreene, I Sherburne, N, Y, s. C. Huff Orpingtons. Wll- II .m n..l A oah- C..lih Plalna. M. .1 .Ifnorcelown. N. J. S. C. Whlto Orpington. I IClm I'oultrv Yardo, Hartford, Conn .William I rook A Kon. Protrh Plain. N. J. IMrK Hill Mr roeher Dro linnreraxown. i . i. ii"n. rAM.I.1i I'Hint, II n,mnl 1lmnaiAtl I,, t Walter XV. Thomas, .Philadelphia. I'n. . J N. Ilnrlett, Mnrlannn, Pn. Knycrollca. Pntlme Farm, Allentonn, Fa.; W. W telaler. Cheatnnt Hill Fn ,,S. C. White leghorn., Meai!orret Farm. MrrchantMllc. . N. . J ,. t.lm , I'oultrv Yards. I: U. Ilriilmkr r, Uinl-ln iijimi. MM., It C. Wark. ronshohot ken la. . Wll- ' Ham f Inn,. ITnat llnmntnll. N I UN'ALTRI TRINCEA E' PRESA AD 0VEST DELIA F0RTEZZA DI G0RIZIA Gli Italiani s'Apprcssano alio Posizioni Nemichc di Val Giudicaria, Annunoia lo S. M. Austriaco ATTACCIII RBSP1NT1 IlOMA, U Dccembie. In tin comunlcato tifllclalo pubbllcato lerl sera dal Mlnlstero delta Ouerra circa la sitliazlono sul tcatro ltalo-atistriaco si IcRge. "Rul tronto rirll'Isonzo c su iinello del Oarso II nemlco splego' lerl grando altl vita' con la su artlgiierla. Vcr?o sera In sua fanterla fu lanclata ad attacch! In dlrczlono dl Osl.ivla o ill Selz, ma questl nttncchl furono resplntl al nostrl con gravi pcrdlto per II nemlco. "Suite pendlci merldlonnll del Calvarto il'odKaro). ad ovst dl uorizia, aicuni nostrl rcpnrtl, favorltl nulla nebbia sl Impadronlrono dl una trlncca nenilca nclla quale trovarono trcnta fuclll c molto ultro materlalo da guerra cho vl era statu abbandonato dal nmlco cho nl l'appressarsl del nostrl si era dnto alia fuga," II comunlcato auitrlaeo pubbllcnto lerl sera a Vienna dice cho gll Itallnnl operantl nel Tlrolo hanno bombardato to posizioni austrlacho dl Hlva dl rtoneicto e dl Col dl Lana. E' utllo notaro cho II Col ill Lana c' da tin pvzzo In completo posaesso dclle forzo Haliano cho si snno impadronlto In quclla zona ancho dellu posizioni del Monto Self. E' probablle cho it comunlcato austriaco alluda alio pohlzlonl dl dlfesa a nord del Col dl Luna.) 11 comunlcato austriaco unnuncta puro clio le forzo Itallano operantl nella Vulle Gludleaila si approssimano alio posizioni uustrlach". E' chlaro che si allude alio posizioni del campo trlncerato dl Lardaro, che c' dlfcso da cinque foitl tnoilciiil"lmi ed armati di grossl cannonl, oltrc olio da una scrlc dl dlfcso acccssorle sulle nlturi vlclni, parte dello quail, quelle tra II Ohlesc o Val dl Conccl. sono state con M'llstato nel glornl scorsi dalle fuir.i) ltallanc. CONQUISTA IMPOKTANTE A rtoma la conqulsta dello alturo del Cadrla. tra Val Giudicaria e Val dl Con ccl, e' rltenuta della plu' grando lin portanza pcrcho in tal modo lo forzo itallano possono portaio l'attacco dlretto contro le posizioni fortltlcato dl Lardaro. Questl fort), co3trultl un quarto dl secolo fa, sono stall rcccnternentc rlmo dernatl ed annati dl grosso urtlglicrle. Lardaro sbarra la grando via dello Giudicaria, bclla o comodlssima, cho permetto una lnvaslone In grando e flic per Tlono o Vczzano porta a Trcnto. LA SITUAZIONE BALCANICA. Dispacci giuntl qui da Atcno dleono che le forze anglo-francesl operantl nel Uol canl si sono rltlrate senza pcrdlto gravl, con una brIIIanto manovra, dal terri torlo scrbo c rlplegnno ora sulle gla' preparato posizioni di Salonlcco. Qucsta notlzla Inslemo con quella cho la cam pagna degll allcatl nellu Pcnlsoloa Bal- canlca sara' contlnuata e' stata accolta con commcntl entuslastlcl dalla stampu itallana A Roma 6i temeva prima che I'Austrlu avrebbe Inviato le suo armate In terri torlo scrbo per inseguire gll alteutl o si sarebbe lmpadronlta dl Salonlcco, realiz zando cost' la sua ambizlone di un jecolo. E el rlteneva che una voltn occuppat.ilo. I'Austrlu lion avrebbe plu" lasclato quel porto dell'Egco. SI sa ora pero' che gll alleatl non avranno alcuna dllllcolta' per mantenersi sulle, loro posizioni dl dlfesa a Salonlcco. Intanto si c' appreso che gll nlleatl hanno dl nuovo proclamato II blocco com merclale della Grecla e die II govcrno greco ha protestato, non rluscendo ;.Ji m f?r!! nl,e ' meir 1 ',11,, n ! S? -a mfre cl la m sa puie ino iu splegarsi questo prov gran purtc delle domend sono state accettate. Si sa pu Uermanla ha avvcrtlto la Grccia cho Ic sue tono Insegul ranno gll alleatl nel ter ritorio greco so 11 govcrno greco non pro ccdo al dlsarmo ed aU'tntcrnamento dello forzo anglo-francesl cho hanno rlplcgato In territorio ellenlco. E' probablle che II blocco commercial? sia stato proclamato alio scopo dl premero sul govcrno greco c far si che esmi non Ucbba. cedere alle presslonl tedeschc. La Camera itallana si e' chiuoii lerl dopo acr accordato con SM votl favor evoll e 40 contrarit plenl poteri al governo per altri set mesl circa le flnanze dello Stato e le spese per la. guerra BOY SEES FINfiERS CUT OFF "Don't Cut Them Too Close," He Begs Surgeon "I Wunt to Be a Violin Player" An 8-year-old boy calmly watched tho amputation of his three fingers without the use of an anesthetic last night, at the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital. The lad Is Joseph Colodanto, of 6801 Lansdowne avenue. "Don't cut them too close," he begged of the surgeon. "I want to be u viuim player." As Dr- Anthony Esposito ap plied the knives and saws, the 'little fel low clamped his lips, and although a tear or two came Involuntarily from his eyes, the patient made no outcry. The police of the 69th street and Lan caster avenue station have heard live stories of how the boy's hand was In jured. The boy says he was playing in a shanty and was leaning against the wall with his hand, when a shot was fired through the wall. Lieutenant Ewlng is personally Investigating the case. Damages Awarded for School Lot Francis S. Cantrell, Jr., William J. Kerns and Robert B. Scott, a Board of View, tiled a report iu Common Pleas Court No. 1 awarding the trustees under the will of Adolph Kurtz, deceased, and others interested in the estate Jll.WO dam ages, payable by the School District of Philadelphia, for the condemnation of a lot of ground on the west side of Broad street north of Butler for a new school house. Swine Burned to Death SEAFORD. Del., Dec. 11, The swine house on the farm of J W, low. in Milts River Is'cclt. near large i Bige- I here, wao destroyed by lire early this morning. together with 25 head of flno ftter'r boss i oar. wouia average over lou pounds each Five or six others were burned so badly that they had to bo killed, More than 09 0na hoys made their escape Tne loss u estimated at several thousand dollars. ATTRACTIONS AT i Vj. L , . . V W A-, ' r DAN CUPID ONCE MORE OUTWITS MIGHTY MARS Philadelphia Physician Goes to Serbia to Help Victims and Finds Bride The wnr may slop lite shipment of cot ton to Europe nnd hold tip tlyestuITs In Or-limuiy, but It doesn't seem to bo able to stop Ihc activities of uno Dan t'lipld, who is pi: lug his trade na busily ua oor This tlmr It Is tr. Geoigc V. Mellon, a pliiH(in at the Philadelphia (Iciuinl Hospital, find Miss Zagnrka Ciibo, Sei -blnn. Doctor Mellnn will .ail for Anient on Dcer-mbcr 22 to bring his brldo here. Tim war Is tho direct cauio of tho in lnance. Doctor Mellon, who Is 25 yens old. accompanied nil alien to Switzerland and Franco rally In Jnnuary nt tlm in- i stanco of the immlgralloti authorities. From tlieic no went to neigrnue iinu Joined tho American Kcd Cross. While serving In Athens ho met Miss Cabo nt tho Hotel Itoma, where tho young wom an had lied with her parents after llio Teutonic Invasion of b'erbla. Sho is CO years old. Her father Is a leather Im porter and Is considered wealthy Llko many other Americans, Honor Mellon had Intended to inmuin In Eu lope for only a short while, hut when Dan Cupid got to work ho piolonged Ills stay by Joining a hospital corps. He srned with tho Flench Urgent Fund for Sciblan lollcf and assisted in provp'itini; the spread of n seilous epidemic of t phold fever In the trenches In the vicinity of Belgrade. Doctor Mellon icmnlncd In tho service at nclgrado until tho Germans nppcared and tin n went to Athens, leturnlng to this city early In tho fall. Doctor Mellon Is tho son of W. J. Mel lon, un attorney of Bc-ner, Pa., nnd i graduated from tho University of Peun- I sylvunla In WW. He was well known as j a wrestler, having been captain of the 1912 team, mid ho also played halfback on tho football team. Mibs Caho Is an artist and has traveled extensively. Sho studied In Munich nnd Vienna, but has neer visited this country. Doctor Mellon will sail for Athens via Naples on tho White Star liner Cietlc. The wedding will take placo some tlmo In March. DR. SHAW STIRS SUFFRAGE DELEGATES Continued from 1'iiro Due White House. Five o'clock is the hour set. He will not be questioned. No llttlo amusement was caused by Mis. John A. McCllntock, of Mcudvllle, Crawford County, Pa., who, remcnibet ln the heckling the President got fiom the suffragists luht June, rose In con ontlon and asked if tho visit was to bo coiibidcicd a duly or ;i pleasure. "Tho l'rosldenl has Invited us," said Doctor Shaw, severely and with finality, and the matter was closed. "Tomorrow at 10 o'clock a delegation, headed by Doctor Shaw and Mrs. Curno chapman Catl, will have a hearing bo fore the Senate Committee, of which Sen ator Charles Thomas, of (ieorsla, i chairman. They will present the nieiitig of the Susan It. Anthony Fcdeinl amend- nionl. TENSION OVER ELECTION. Tho announcement of Mrs. Frank M rtoesslng, of Pittsburgh, and cmtwhllo president-czar of the Pennsylvania Wom an huffrage Association, that alu will, under no circumstances, peimit hei name '" 'u E?cl connection w itli the presi- '"" ' the ""bocliitlon eliminates one of tUr ,m,"' "0i,s""" "itulWntc- lor the ,.,n i,,,, , ,, i... ,i, ..., ,.,.. , otlicc, but In no wise telicves the tension that is evident among the low delegates. Although the election of officers dots not enme up until Filday morning, it is impossible to down the question, "Who will he the ueM Piesidunt .'" The answer depends un the locality ftom which the person interrogated halls. "Doctor Shaw must bo persuaded to run again," says tho Philadelphia faction. "She will nut permit hur uanio to bo used and Is lending every effort to have Mrs. Carrlo Chapman Catt elected." saya Miss New York hopefully. "Mrs. Medlll McConnlck Is a, woman of great force," puts In Chicago and the Middle West. "We Southermus," lisps a softly, accented voice, "would llko to see cither Mrs. Desha Brcckenridgo, of Kentucky, or Mrs. Pattlo Ruffncr Jacobs, of AI1' bama, elected." "How about Mrs. Rocsslng?" usks Pittsburgh. "Nothing doing," gays Mrs, Rocsspg, or words to that effect. What sho really did say, however, was this: "No amount of piebtiuio could nialio mo consider It. My reasons aro purely personal. I have devoted bo much of my nine iu me male campaign in J'emisyl anla that I must pay some attention now to my husband, and my father and mother. My homes ties are very strong; I I can no Iongtr ignore them." I In the meantime, the greatest number I of petitions being circulated seem to be In the interest of Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the International Suf fragu Atffcoclation and chairman of tbe I Suffrage party of New York. I Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, of Moyian, ' Pa., who has been president of the aso- j elation almost as long us the memory of woman runneth backward, reiterated this I morning her statement that she will not I be a candidate for ic-electlon. She is known to favor Mrs, Catt for president and Mrs. Raymond Brown, of New York, for vice president St Louis, which seems to h.ve the M Meet me at the Phila, Poultry Show UROAD & WALLACE STS. Metropolitan BulMlne Opn JO A. Mto 11 P.M Greatest low ever held, laterestlae for tb young Biers an will a tbe grown up Follow tbs crowd, ties Itie utaoy ne.v laiurc bomr-tbln; UUtereot " r t t U1IJ U"! Admloloa 25 CVnU UllUreu 13 CcaU THE POULTRY SHOW'S OPENING TODAY sxmmir vs&imi&'S&vimim'swi.&i I jbBl a . -vv J tfsar t; ,,. (t$,f::-ss: " GOOSE; enmcntlon bee buzzing In Its bonnet, was llio llrst city tn lr nke a bid for the con vention nel year throuxh its delega tions. They brought nil Invitation from the Chamber of Commerce, of that city, e.vtendlns the use of the convention hall gratis and offering to pay all neccssaiy expenses. "Just what clues that mean'" cverjnne 3 asking. If It means anything "big" sillTrnglsts nsseit St. Louis In likely to gel the nest convention. Tho feature noxt in Important r to the flection of otllceis Is the altitude the national organization will tuko townnl the Congressional Union, Tii tho casual observer tho 1000 delegate, aro all nicely mobilized in a splilt nf perfect harmony for tho week's work, but If .Mill put your ear to the gtuuiul mutinous multerlnga enn bo licaid AMENDMENT IS ISSUE. Tho Susan It. Anthony nmcndiueiil '-1 tho bono of contention. Tim liutloiuil or ganization claims that this Federal mciis uio is theirs by right nf lnheiltanco fiom no less a personage than Susan II. hei self, but tho concessional unloiilsls have taken hold of It, too, nnd with more or less militant tactics, so tho conservatives declare, are bringing mcs.uro to boar which may in tho long run, they Lay, an tagonlzn instead nf concillnto Cougiess. "They have stolen Aunt Susan's nmend- ! incut." sn.s Miss Lucy Anthony, nf Mo- Inn, niece of the recied stillragu plonvtr and sfciotary to Doctor Shaw. Tho "tbej" i of ei led to the unionists, of eourso, who seem to bo anathema m tho majority of delegates here. Tho convention was i tilled lo older b Doctor Sha, who mudo a spirited In augural address. I'd ut the Shoi chain the "nntls" nie dulng their best to get up a llttlo speed at their own national conven tion. "They've nub got 100 delegates, though," snld a "siiff" derNlMii . "Aion't they silly?" Comedy for Honelil of Church "Pacing tho Music," a tluee-act com edy, will bo piesentcd touiglit In St. Poter Cluer Catholic Church, 12th and Lombard streeta, by tho Cresoiiu Play ers, of WctU Philadelphia. Tlio pro ceeds nf tin- production will be devoted Ut the geuii.il expenses of St. Peti r (inier linmli POULTRY AND SUPPLIES CHICKS 8-lIiC eaitl Poukp, I.ec horns, etc Money b.n k for dead onnh na f(, r as Colo rado. T.,a and Maine. Pamphlet free V. M I.nu er. lllehflelii. Pa. Uox L'S. r fi ti;v ll2mMT& F-3 I I I Fi& 5'SfM! i(ffki-JLZ!3i white wnwDorr cvck W. &, JQt)GWr' VAFMrVnKiZ: THREE DIE IN CHICAGO ROOMING HOUSE FIRE Many Persons Missing, Buried Under Collapsed Walls CHICAGO. Dec. 11. Two men and n. woman were binned to death iu a tooin Ing house lire on Grand avctitio early to dav. Five persons wero reported miss Imb 'and may be dead under IMc collapsed nlls. Mary wore Injured, Including tin co tit o men Men and wuiiien, caught in tho liiirnput building with nil evils blocked l" llaiius, lumped fiom second and lliliil stnry windows. Others wero rescued by hnpi nlaeil ropes and by ladders brought by firemen. Sl tlrcmcn working on tho second floor when It caved Iu wero thrown Into tho basement, and one of them was badly In jured. Scores of IcnnntH of nearby build ings lied half-elnd Into tho street carry ing personal effects. Threo children Adeline, Pauline and Thomas Boss weie huddled on tho cuih Ing waiting for their patents, who did not come. "Mamma and papa can led us out," said Adeline, "and then went Imck lo got somo things. They haven't como yet." At the moment Adeline spoko tho lloois of the building had caved In. TIIHKI-: 'COPS' HURT IN CRASH Canxlcn Policemen Injured When Car Hits City Automobile Tin en pnlleeinrii were Injured in Cam den when ii elly iiiiloninbtla collided with n trolley ear at HOth stieet and Westllcld n venue during the storm Inst night. Of llio thiee, the most seriously Injured was Hurr Newton, nf the "2d dl&triit station, who muy die fiom the effects of n frac luiei skull, (ieorgo It. Thompson and ttobcrt S. Abbot weie taken tn tho Cooper Hospital with Newton, but the latter two were discharged when their wounds weie found to be slight. Policeman Oscar Vcacr, tho chauf feur, was not Injuied, the trolley car hav ing struck the machine In the tear. When tho accident occurred, the police ambu lance wus conveying a man who had at tempted suicide to tho hospital. He Is itodlnn Stratton, of 23d and Carman streets. Stratton bad been despondent for many weeks, and while his wilfo Was In tho kitchen he shot himself above the heart. Ho may die. Three Rochester Stores Uumcd ROCHESTER. N. Y Dec. ll.-Firo swept threo stores in tho heart of tho downtown business section early today. The loss was $13,000. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 2097 1;bs were laid liy ten of our hens. Known as pen 70. In the Missouri M. ' White Leghorn Contest ending Dec 1. 1014. Wo did not buy these hens wo rained thorn from our own ckb and Ktnerattons before them bo we know they havo "tho l.ay ltred In Them." Stock, egg and chick orders uro being hooked now. Spr ecner joros. THIN PINKS FAHMS Itobrerslown. I'u, Meet Me at POULTRY SHO WHERE YOU WILL SEE LADY EGLANTINE The World's Most Famous Laying Hen Valued at $100,000 The Most Talked-About Wonder of the Twentieth Century Something No One Can Afford to Miss Seeing. Her Fame Will be Heralded for Generations to Come On Exhibition at the Great New Metropolitan Building NORTH BROAD and WALLACE STREETS DECEMBER 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, 1915 COI" GETS 7500 VOLT SHOCK Rubber Coat and Hip Boots Savo Po liceman, Who I.i Only Bruised A rubber coat nnd hip boots probably saved the life of Policeman Dengcs, of tho 20th and Berks streets station, today, when he stepped on a llvo wlro on Ettlng street, above Montgomery avenue, which was charged with 7600 volts of electricity. Dcnges noticed that a street lamp was out nnd walked down the street to see what tho troublo was. Ho saw what ho believed to ba a rope dangling from the lamp-post and look hold of It. Tho rope turned out to be a llvo wire, nnd ho picked himself up a few minutes later about 20 feet nway. Several minor cuts and bruises were treated at a nearby drug store. URGED TO AID PROJECT FOR NEW P0ST0FFICE Would Not Mean Abandonment of the Present Building, Says Former Congressman J. Washington Logue READY TO CO-OPERATE Tlin co-operation of the business lu tctcsts of this city Willi Postmaster Thornton In his effoit to establish a il. 000,000 main office west of City Hall. Is urged by E.-Consressmnn J. Washington Logue, in commenting upon Ihc proposed sites for tho building ns outlined li Mr. Thornton. Mr. Logue intindllccd a bill In Cotmie.s In 1911 for an npprupiintion for a new main postoffice, which fnllcd of passage because of the policy lo "economize" In the matter or new buildings. Ilo declares Hint n posloftlco west of Market stteet would not menu the abandonment of thu present main building, but would mciely be an extension of tho service. "What Is needed la a site near the Pennsylvania Railroad," Mr. Loguo said, "so ns to cnnblo tho out-of-town and In coming mall to bo easily handled. "Tho policy of tho Postolllce Depart ment at present regarding postolllces nnd larger buildings Is to consider Htace not the erection of n sovernl-story building, but a single lloor or two-floor space "Tho recent visit of Mr. Van Netta from tho Treasury Department shows thnt tile department is continuing the work that was started In 1911, nnd It means that If concerted elforl Is had nt this time the new building can be pro cured, which will greatly aid tho postal facilities of our city. "The establishment of n main oillcc west of the Public Buildings would save In rentals that are now being paid ii sum of money that would bo the Inlet est on tho cost of the erection of n tie; mnln nnico by the abandonment of rental sites between the Public Bulldlims and tho Schuylkill and Market Htreel and Spruce street." POULTRY AND SUPPLIES English 200-Egg Strain 5. C. IV. Ltsharnt IvAll Wyandotttlf Buff Orpinelont S. C. K. I. Ktdl World's Champion Layers" Our ctrlifitd Conteit Records ore PROOF I.etlomi Hijortt Award North American oek laying conici, live nens uynu; iijv cri;, i iouowi jm 250 -224222192 cue, lufi pens compctmc Redi-IIiiotit Award in tliclr class, N A.t ontcst.tivc record of 1'C". eggs. iireeuing siock Untrhliur V.ski Itnlir Clilrka Write for ritnu copy nf The SOll-Hcir lien Many nlualile fcUKKes nonn aoout neavyiay 1'eniiH. I'oultry I'n Uox 131, Lancaster, PECKLED USSEX The Bird of Today See My Exhibit at tho Die Show HOWARD L. DAVIS l'oiiHrymn NEW KGYl'T, N. .1, iiensl.itintr lUJJecrs. ...vxsev White Wjan- jjr". ft-ftai. dottes - Mo. K8l3iv rS contest - Ten YMMM. iE wStQgr mtimx.wivf YT yiP" Wwi-ihfi ' 7nY. vpxy Y I'a. li VZ. iilu-i- the Big Tenth Anniversary ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS FmEATR0EBLIN6'S Electric Wires, Believed to Have Been Tampered With Burn Mill's Roof ' TRENTON. Deo. U.-WhiB a ,i0PW raged hero last night tho fire departnZ wai summoned to the tempering denw ment of tho Itoebllng wlro mills or. .JJi Broad slrect, where electric wires .!,, posedly tampered with, burned a'C" part of tho roof and cnused great cltcment In tho congested nelghWwi' In which tho mill is situated. ThYa wai within a stono'a throw of where, iv big tiro of a month ago occured. While tho officials of tho comnanv .,. not admit, that foreign snles KS'? thing lo do with this fire, it Is Vn.. r believe,! that such was he c.f.""r opinion la supported by tho fact ', double guard Is now watching everv " 5 of tho immense plant and additional .j! lights havo been erected over it,. !" tut and addition erected over ts. V. trance, it also was reported lAt i.. thnt ,t bomb had been found In the aimi tiintnn avenue mills or tbe company Un Thursday, nnd that an employe at iV .f I Molt Iron Company's plant who h,j' been under suspicion, hnrt hn 5?.' charged. -" un Man Found Dcntl in Shanty A man was found drill In a shanty U tho renis of CZ0 North 3d street todar,ii ting close to a small rango where he hi hull a lire Inst night to keep out 5, cold. Physicians bellcvo thai his D.,ik was due to starvation The man wii Adam Scheinskv. f,D venrs old, who for. meily wan employed or a mnclilnlit. Th body was taken to the itnosevclt Hoj! pltnl, where Doctor Boston said that ilenth wai duo to heart failure brought on by starvation, of which ho said thn was unmistakable cUdenco. Schelnskt wns last seen building tho Are in th, stovo nbotit 10 o'clock Inst night, U. body wns removed lo the Morgue. IlruiiihiitiRli Leaves for Washington HARIUSHriKi, Dec. M -Governor Brumbaugh left tho capltol for WasR. Iiigton curly today. He will attend the meeting of the Itepubllcan National Cora mlltec. OoveiTior Brumbaugh was expec led nt the dinner In Washington lart evening, but found it Impossible to It present. POULTKY AND SUPPLIES TESTED LAYERS Piatt's S. C. White Leghorns limo for Hip pnn( tlirro venr Ofmon istrntcil tliclr ability an Invent- in thaje&d iiiff prc (iinicHts of thin country. They rnn't hrlp tavlntj; tliev h:io the breed liiK ltHcli of them. A pnUgreril cockerel of tJiN lircptlliirT will help vour ccc pro fltirtlnn It will lie woith vour while to wrlto for prlrci-. RUXNEMEDK FARMS V. (i. 1'I.A'JT. HnlllnRfnrd, !. Visit tlic Booth of the Public Ledger at the Philadelphia Poultry Show. Ask the poultryman in charge about the Poultry Buyers and Sellers' Service. Have your mail sent to the Metropolitan Building care of the Public Ledger Booth. A free service. t'" '' w Thousands of exhibits. Nearly every known breed of "chickens, geese, turkeys, pigeons, pet stock t and song birds. I The Biggest and Most Complete Show Ever Held in Philadelphia ADMISSION ONLY 25 CENTS OPEN 10 A. M. TO 10:30 P. M. i lififi y