'wawwHwifafy ")WywiM mmi V f-' W-, -Ot FINANCIAL EDITION Urtger NIGHT NIGHT EXTRA leue VOL. U-KO.7 J) PlIULADJilLPIIJA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER M, 1915. OorinioiiT. 1015 bi tiiE PtjM.to I-trwes CoJiriNT. PBIOE OJTE CENT GERMANY DEMANDS GREECE " .x DISARM ALLIES; THREATENS fe ) PURSUIT TO SALONSCA BASE' ( fEb ; J Kaiser Will Chase Re tiring' Anglo-French to Sea, Rome Hears Bulgnrs' Shells Already Fulling on Hellenic Soil Greek King Gives Entente Assurance of Open Retreat to Aegean German General Staff, Swinging Teu ton nnil Bulgarian Armies, Aims Hard and Quick Blow at Expedi tionary Columns Sent to Itcscuc Stricken Serbia LONDON, Dee. II The Cot mi tii allies have sprved notice uron Hicpcp tlinl they Intcnil lo "pursue 11,0 tiali-l'roiiclt forces tii the sea" mi les tlio Mile hip dlsniinetl ami Interned utio-i liHfll soil by King Culistniitlnes troupe according tn advices from Home toda (Muianv niul llulgntlii disavow to iponslU.Iln foi nny ilanmica ilonp to Orcrk propel I.v li tlio lighting upon OrcPk toll The political pi lils In the Hnlk.uis, to far its Greece Is concerned, Is now tit hand The lllcs hne hecn foiocd over the bonlpr niul the Bulgarians nntl Germans n-o nt tlieh heels Greece limit show lier hand. PiesMire li being bioiintil to lien i hrnvil) upon King Constiintlhc's Government It Is icporteil the Allies me icsoitlns to their moit effective wenpon the sea blockade Tltc Athens neuspipers announce that Greece will demobilise M p-r cent, of her troops unilei mi tigt cement Jttbt cntcrctl Into with the Allies. A cumnioicial blockade of Greece has again been established h the Dntcutc Towers, itccoidliu to another Athens dis patch. Iiic Government will ileniniid nn rxplnimtlou for this action In view of the loncetnloiiH which Ituvc been nrnnted to the Alius" troop Tlit n mains of the Scrblnn tiitiij nre stilt i enisling the Austilans niul Bulga rians In Albuulii, while the. Austrian ore making eiy Blow ptngics.s in their efforts to ociwheliu Moulcnegto. where heavy fish t Iiik continues Wh.UeVer the futuic holds lot Uieece, her elfort tu clear her position toward the belltseientB seemingly dispose of any Idea (lint the nllled foices on Greek ter Irllaij'are to havu Greek tnllltnry sup- iport The urccl. army lit bn'uulcii is to b; reduced immediately in numbers, to Insure libe of action to the Entente: "troops there c The possibility of various flanking ftsipvemcnts through Creole, territory lsrj opened iiy no e.rcoK ..ccimou to tieritui tlie countt to eeotne a field tor tile belligerents It In rumored, foi example, that British troops already are lauding lit Kavala, and that the Hist detach ments of Seiblans have been brought around from Duruo, Albania, to Sa lonlca The Ilritish forces under Sir Hi tin Jlahon that were hurled b.ickunrd fiotn tha Dolrnn line by the Bulgarians nre reported to havo retreated In good order to Iutove In Greece, which la a railway Junction and from which a spur rail way line runs lit a bouthwostcrly di rection JolnliiK the H.tloiiicu railroad about 1.1 miles north of that city. Theio nas another line of retreat possible, but the Utilitarian troops were lepotted to be drlvlne Into Gieere In nreat numbers to cut It off Ilulg-irlaus with heay supplies or artillery were reported to be aihancliiK toward Gumenie, 12 miles over the Greek line. At this point the railway line from eastern Oreeco and IlulKtiria joins the Delgriicle-Kalonlca line. A talotilca dispatch to the Times says that SO.W) Austro-Germnn and Dulgarlnn Continued on 1'okp 1'nur, Column 'Inn CONGRESS FACES FIGHT TO I'UT EMBARGO ON ARMS Many Demands to Stop Shipments to Europe WASHINGTON, Dec 11. - Congress faces a vigorous fight for the enactment of an embargo law to prevent the expor tation of arms and ammunition to battle torn Europe. Chairman Floyd, of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said upporters of the proposal would be Slven a hearing by his committee later In the session. He said the committee had received a flood or demands for ac tlon In the matter and scores of requests lor hearings. Several resolutions seeking to impose n embargo on the export of nrms and Munitions havo been introduced In the senate, although none has as yet made a appearance In tne House. Three Philadelphians Sentenced LEBANON, ra., Dec. M. Frank Slur ray, Charles Michael and Harry Halt, three Philadelphia youths, were sen tenced bj Judge Henry today to Im prisonment in the Lebanon County Jail rt "Ju,nB guilty to an attempt to steal. lae trio wprn nirngl.il . ltlln nnor,. !,, ; aropng county fair crowds at the railway station -here last August. Murray was i V. lo luo mnh3 and Michael nI Hart to four months each. WEATHER To think that out In the country theie if '? meadows of pure white snow, -I'livuin ror miles! And heie In the City chrionln,.. t . . . ,n ,l3, ,n9 Uay that commuters have umethlng on the city dwellers. They iki"8 .'? tqv',1 tne refreshing memory of ;' n'de white glitter on hill and dale fi?5 , r Bo homo In the late afternoon '"""S" an optimistic winter scene as it. T .u5 a lanJscape by Hedtleld. From ..n5i y see the "K'lta ot ,helr cottages enaing forth a mellow gleaming upon jne snow and the forget the city as u, M4 dream, still, they havo to get up ?e" toariy t0 C,itCh ,ho mou,,nff tral" iJriU.4 mabe Bln, knee-deep In a snoiv- FOREGAST For PliilnJplnhSn ,..,; ,.;;,.n,i Kotufy and colder tonight, with win ww temperature about IS dca-sen; iMncsday fair; strong west winds wanjjsAti-y, Wednesday. Ilcccnt Developments in Halkan Situation Germany lint tlucntcncd to in vade Greece unless the Allies tc trcatiiiK from Sorbin are disarmed, nccoiilini: to Rome advices. Pur suit to Salonica is threatened. The KiiiR of Greece has given licr.sonal assurances to the Kntente I'owr-rs of nn open route to the sea ior tne cxpctutionnry roree, accortl inpr to a. Rptitcr telep;ram. The Uulgnrinn army is now massed on tltc Hellenic frontier and is using Ghevgcli, the captured French base in Serbin, as a stnit- I ing point for new operations. Athens tumors the proclamation of a new Entente blockade of Greek ports, which is dcclated in oxnlicable in view of tocont eon- ecs.uons. the newest of which is the demobilization of 50 per cent, of the Gteek army. SHAW STIRS SUFFRAGISTS AT 47TB CONVENTION Pioneer Delegates and Younger Ones Moved by Opening Address RECEPTION BY WILSON Ry JI'LISS WASH INCHON, Dee. II -With a stil ling speech that made the pioneer dclc- I Kates wipe uwa leni.i of remlnlsccnio and the j otitis ones swallow hard, Dr. , Anna How aid Shaw, president of the Nntlonnl Ameilcan Woman Huffman Association, opened the 17th annual con vention at noon today. Tho Mojluti suffrage leader, who is per haps more dettily loved thnn any other woman in the association today, ic vlewed the lilatoij of tho oisanlzatloii fiom the day she was elected Its head back in 18SS, down to the prestiit time when, she has emphatically repeated de splto protests, slio will idlrc "It has been iny privilege for eleven times." she said. In tones unsteariled bj hei emotion, "to Kieet tin members of the association 'In convention I have been present at every (.onvciillcn slnco ldsS, mid when : look this body over toil.iv I can count on one of my hands the number of fatca I saw at that llrst convention "I hope no other woman who Is elected president will feel as. I ditl when 1 leluetantlj consented nt the earnest appeal of Susan 11. Authntiv to ncccpt tho olllce. I retired to a committee room and wept ".My reret was not because I was un willing to work, but because I was fullj conscious of my Inability sufficiently to fill tho ollke ami to perforin its duties. "Hut I feel today," she continued, "that tho history which has been made by the orK.mUatlon slnco that time, Its splendid toll and consecration, Its splendid in ogress and position, is responsible for the regard with which it Is held throughout tlio entliu country. "All hail to tho new members and thank God for the loj.itty and devotion of tho old' If wo have old men niul women tor counsel mid .young for service, togethei we will reach not only tho goil in our own htnte. but In evety State In the cottntiN " JIlss Alice Stone niiiLkwell is one of the pioneer delegates attending the conven tion. This afternoon tho delegates In a body wlll call on President Wilson at Urn Continued nn Tuge Fourteen, Column Three CONFESSES TO JEWEL ROBBERY OF $35,000 Police Narrowly Escape Releas ing Prisoner, Who Feigns Intoxication The police of tho 11th and Hut ton wood streets station narrowly escaped leleas lue n man today who later confessed to a $3,(XW lew el robbery nt Oakland, Cal. He gave his name as John Itobcits, but it was learned that ho had registered at a Tenderloin hotel under the name of James Marshall. Itoberts was picked up lu a pawn shop at Darlen anil Vino streets by Policeman Hradley and Sergeant Corcoran, who were summoned by the pawn dealer. The lat ter became suspicious when ltobeits tried to pawn a ling with a valuable setting of diamonds and oaals. On the way to the station house in the patrol wagon Hoberts feigned Intoxication. He gave ono valuable ring to Corcoran and another to Uiadley. The prisoner was fashionably dressed and well supplied vvltli money, and at fltst tho police weie inclined to bellcvo he was a well-to-do man who had bten celebrating They de elded to put him in a cell to sober up. Special Policeman Fciris became sus picious, however, after a talk with the pawndealer. The special policeman spent four hours In the cell with Itoberts. Throughout that period the man talked in maudlin tones nnd gave every appear ance of being under the Influence of liquor. Just as Ferris was about convinced that the prisoner was all right the man broke down and confessed. Jewelry valued at more than $5000 Is said to have been found in Roberts' apartment at the hotel He told the police that he committed the Oakland burglary on October 10. He said he had beet, operating for some time In that city and San Francisco and that his method was to bribe servants. After he made the JBI.OW haul. Itoberts told Ferris, he shipped roost of the stuff to this city. From here he shipped it by express to New York Some of the Jewelry Is said to have been lost In transit. Huberts disposed of many valuable pieced of loot, he confessed, and the po lice are now looking for the rest of It. The man was held without ball by Magistrate Tracy, pending the receipt of information from the Oakland authorities. I" o I Holt INT POLITIC L STIR Above is Judge 1'rnnk E. House, who defeated Judge Robert S. Gawthrop (below) in the Inst . lection in Chester County. The latter was attacked in a number of .scurrilous anonymous letters in connection wtHi his candidacy. The letters may form the sub ject of an investigation. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION DATE JUNE 7 I Chicago Probably Will Bp I Meeting Place of the , Delegates VOTE TAKEN LATE TODAY WASHINGTON, Pec. II "I lie llepuh IIc.iiih will choose thoir national ticket at a convention to be laid beginning June 7. Piobahly tho clt will he hl eago. The eholco of a convention date prior to the assembling of tho Democratic hosts wiih latilletl with a viva voce vote after the committee had rejected a mo tion to follow pi credent niul hold the convention after that of tho pary in con trol ot ?ni eminent Tho early date will mean a readjust ment r tlu dates of primaries in sevcin! States or choice of delegates, notably Maine t ,1 South lukotn The vote on the cail.v ditto was taken to mean that Chicago would be selected as the conviiition city The vote on tills qui stlon will come about a o'clock, according to Indications at " o'clock, when the committee leccsted for lunch eon. It was believed among "'lilcago ho unci s that tin vote choojlnv. he city would be about 37 to 13 the com.t which defeated a motion for the convention to l held June 27. Choosing of tho date was preceded by coiisidc i ahlo argument. Hepiesentatlvo Ilurke, of South Dakota, complained pri m.uk'.s In his State would not he held until June II Committeeman Hale, ot Maine, seconded Huikes motion to make the clato the .'7th Hoy O. West, of Illinois, moved to make it June 7 Iluike's motion was Iobt, '17 to 17. two not voting. PHILADELPHIANS ARRIVE TO WORK FOR CONVENTION Claims to Re Presented Late This Afternoon III o Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, Dec. H Theie is nut a blugle valid reason why the lUltf Na tional Republican Convention should not be held in Philadelphia in the opinion of the committee which arrived here shortlj before noo. toda to plead Philadelphia's tause before the Republican National Committee Hvery member of tho Phila delphia committee is an optimist, believ ing that a stiuggle beween lepresenta tlves of Chicago and St Louis to obtain tlie convention will cause a split which will allow the Philadelphians to step in and br.atcli awa the coveted prize. The sentiment in Washington, how ever, was rather disconctitlng to the committee when it vvas told that in Continued on Page hlj, t'olumu ThTfe "Loan of Victory" Gets Strong Support in France The "loan of victory" is being taken in large subscriptions in France. Many persons who had been holding gold have released it and put it into the loan, says Yves Guyot, editor L'Agence Economique et Financiere. It is not possible to give the exact figures of the loan, but it is known that subscriptions are pour ing in at the rate of 50,000,000 francs a week. Wine production in France shows a large deficit for 1915. This means an increase in price and decline in imports. The financial and busi ness situation in France is dis cussed by M. Guyot in an article sent by special cable to the Eve ning edger and published exclu sively on page 18 of this issue. i 'POISON PEN' NOTES ATTACKING CHESTER COUNTY POLITICIANS CAUSE PROFOUND SENSATION "Larry" Eyre, Judge Gawthrop and Others the Subjects of Scurrilous Communications, and Federal Probe May Be Asked til a SluJT Correspondent WttST ClM:sTi:it. Pa, Der II -The political situation In this town has be come so strained ! a series of "polon pen" lettprs sent to prominent men here that Judge, lawyers and police officials havo about decided to send for Fedoral agents to make nn Investigation The Mtor.s, which arc of a political natuio, started before the election last month. They were lecclved by Inwjeis, the candidates for the Judgeship and sev eral other piomlueut citizens At llrst no attention was paid to them, tho re cipients thinking that they would sub side nfter the election, but It Is said that, on tho continn, tho have been growing worse. The letters mention the names of 57 of tho most luoml.ienl men hi this vi cinity. No women aio mentioned Tor the most part thc.v attack Judge Hob Pit Onwthrop, who was defeated for rc-olectlon on the nonpaitlian ticket by J. Frank II. H.uisp, tho Deriocratlc nominee. They also violently attack "l,rn" i:rp, Republican leader of Chester County. Oawthrop Is attacked in tlio missives because of his aliened allegiance to Dyie A committee of J7 ot West Chester's most prominent men who sup. potted "Hob" Gawthrop at the polls aro ulso attacked. The men, who consist of former Judges nnd Distilct Attorneys, capitalists and prominent law vers, aro termed "Llght-llngcrcd I. trry's tools and helpers." HAUSJJ SUPPORTHR Ht.AMED. The letters wore written on a tvpe vi rltcr. apparently by a person of edu cation, If phraseology can be taken Into consideration They were not signed, nor was there any indication from whom they weie sent. Certain circumstances glvo rise to the supposition among tho (iawthrop faction tlmt they wero sent by a supporter of Hause. The letters weie s"nt throusli the mall, making tho act a (loveinnient oi fense. The police have been investi gating the matter for home time, but fio far they have been unable to leain any thing Suspicion, It Is said, points to a prom- I Incut business mini who Is said lo have asked I low aid I.unils If ho had lecelved ' one or the letters. I.utnls, It Is said, hid lecelved imp, but had said nothllg about It to any one. Tlie wrltei's main object of attack was Di 1'eic.v C Hosklns, who Is tho father-in-law or Judge Cawthiop Iletoro elecg tlon ho ncelved several scurrilous notes picdletiiig the defeat of his son-in-law Leinuso ot his "gross undlgnllled and highly Itnjiropcr methods to sccuie votes." """ Judge Cawtlirop was appointed to tlio bench last Mnj by Governor nrum baugh, to 1111 the term of Judge Hemphill, who tetlred lit that time. From tho mo ment he Rained power he waged a vigor ous war against liquor, refusing to issue new licenses to nenrly 3n hotels in Ches ter CounU. The liquor men turned against him, It Is said, and .supported T A Pa i It and llause, tho other candidates for election at tho polls Hnuse, it vvoh elmturil. nrorlnlincd that ho was tho liquor men's friend Park being defeit- j FIVE DEAD, $2,500,000 DAMAGE AS RESULT OF STORMS ALONG COAST Telegraph and Telephone Lines Crippled, Railway Traffic Deranged Food Supply Interrupted EMPIRE STATE SUFFERS NDW TORK, Dec. H. Two storms that struck the Atlantic seaboird here .Mon day afternoon nnd struggled for suprem acy for 11 hours had exhausted their fury early today. Clear, cold weather sue- , ceeded the tierce blizzard which coat the lives of live persons on the coast and m i tho Interior caused damage estimated at j;,D0O,00O. cilppled telegraph and tele phonic communication nnd deranged rail way tratllu for many hours. Wire and lailroad service Is being restored slowly i toduy as the eastern section of tho Unit ed States digs Itself out of tlie snow. Some points are still cut off from the metropolis, however. Neither telephone nor telegraph vvnes wero woiklng to ( Kingston, 53 miles south of Albany. Rail roads in that region were completely tied up. Western Union ottlciais stated that the storm vvas the worst since March. 1313, anil that It would be a week before the damage caused b wind. Meet and bnow could be repaired. The Postal Telegraph Company said that poles and wires were down all along the coast. In New York city a critical situation was caused by the railway tie-up in the country districts. Milk trains which usually pour Into the city from midnight until 5 a. in were delajed for many hours. Two of the largest dairy Arms in the city reported that they had received no bottled milk and only a few cans up to S a. m. The supply left over from jesterday was reserved for hospitals and publio Institutions, For many hours the New Haven had the jnost serious tie-up in Its history. Trains were stalled from here to urtugeport, , Conn., with thousands of commuters I held prisoners. j Woman and Six Girls Taken in Raid In line with Director Drlpps' pro nunclamento, Special Officers Weckes ser and Ernest, of tho 10th and Button wood streets station, together with some members of the vice squad, raided the apartment of Dora Blake, at 1302 Brown street, early this morning, and arrested the woman and six girls in her house. The girls are Lilly Shapiro, Catherine Lepartlne, Dorothy Tobln. Florence White. Alice Parker and Elsie John son. When the defendants were ar raigned before Magistrate Pennock at the Central Station they were each, with the exception of the Johnson girl, held lu VM ball for court Elsie Johnson was dUcirgecj, for tack of evidence. cd at tlio primarv, nil his supporters switched to Haupe, electing hint over Gawthrop by a mnjoill.v of lid votes out ot M.COO. urrrnns to doctor hosuins. Just before tho election Doctor Itosklns received In his mall n newspaper picture of hl.s Hon-ln-law with the wntds "Hyre's rnmlldatc" at tho top The name "Ujre" was wilttcn in pencil on the face li; sev eral places, as If to "brand" him. The following noto was tvpcwrlttcn on both sides of tho picture Robert will bo defeated perhaps, at tho primary hocauso he Is the can dldato of the ecu nipt boss IJyrc the bribe-taker nnd bribe-giver, tltc scoundrel who has corrupted the rlpctorato of tills county until It Is a stencil lu tho nostrils of nil self-re-spcctlng, Tlght-thltililr.g. self-owning men, and I've heard ou en so; vour son-in-law will be defeated and ruined on nccount of his connection with this grafter. It's a pltv that the marriage tlo prevents ou from being wlieio In the bottom of jour hpsut ou would llkn to be In this cnntcM. One of the other two candidates will be the next Judge. Don't believe It? Wnll and see. Several other letteis weie lecelved bv tho doctor when he wns told that othci men In the town wpip also ipcelvlng the letters. Tito notes weie computed and thpy appeared to poiup fiom the same tjpowrltpr. Severn! ex-Juilgps, District Attorneys and wealthy citizens received tho notes, condemning them for their sup port of Gnu tin op Another letter the doctor received fol lows: Dear Friend Work .vour Imagina tion a little and linnalue. If jntt can. tho dlgnlled jet lovable Waildcll, while a candldnto for Judge, having a tent nt tho county fair anil seeing to It that "smoke" wen giatis; Imagine, if you can, the "clmlntli, watni Iteirted Futhey, while n candidate for Jiitlge, attending a coloied picnic; Imagine, if you can. tlio elder llutlcr. that trulj great Judge, and his bril liant son. our Piesldent Judge, while candidates, running up n ml down tlio county and lesortlug to all manner of groislv ludlgnilled nnd highly lm- pioppr methods to secure votes. Shame, thrice alininc. on the candl dnto who hns no higher conception of the dlgnltv of his great olllrc-lllled from the beginning with a long line of men of the very highest character, men who had tlio absolute cunlldeiico mid icspcct of theii fellows It Is little wonder thai hundreds nnd hun dreds of self-owning Republicans ate sick and illsgusteci Tho men icferrcd to are William B. Waddell, J. S. Futh. William Ilutler, all former Judges. Uutler w"hu the father of tho present Judgu Duller, who Is sit ting vith Gawthrop at present. Huuac and Ilutler will be tho Judges In Jnn tiiuy. LAST I.HTTKR NAMHS NA.MHS. The last letter, which attacks so many of the citizens, was received by dcveral J men but a few das ago The original , Continued on rage Sl, Culiiniu luo ROULETTE WHEELS LEAVE THEIR HIDING PLACES AT THE SHORE They Fled From Philadelphia y en Rudolph Blunkenburg Was Elected, but They're Coming Back Soon "CONFAB" DAYS RETURN Uy a Staff Correspondent ATLANTIC CITY". N. J.. Dec. 14 At lantic City Is rubbing Its hands expectant ly. Hrass rails and crj still closets of shining cafes are being polished vigor ously. Walters and cooks who expected to bo laid otf have been informed that they're to "stand pat." A wave of op timism lias swept over the "City bj the Sea." It camo from the dliectlou of Philadelphia. It is tlie echo of tho Oi g.n!z.illon victory Roulette wheels, covered with the dust of depression, aro coming from the dark coiners where they have been testing lu silent mutiny for four years Unger hands aio nutting them in ship-shape condition. Hrand-new wires will bo at tached, which will keep them in the running foi a long und prosperous cam paign, which they soon will stint In this clt. It's only a matter of days when their exllo will bo over. The came from Philadelphia when Rudolph Hlankeuburg was elected, thej'ie going back as he steps from oltlce Thero is reciprocity In tlie arransemeur The gambling paraphernalia has been kept safely In the seashore metropolis, and Continued on 1'aKe hit, Column One HOUSE ASKED TO INVESTIGATE WOMAN SUFFRAGE "LOBBY" Resolution Seeks Light on Activities of Congressional Union WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 -An Investiga tion of the lobbj activities of the Con gressional Union for Woman Suffrage by a spec'al House committee was demanded in a resolution Introduced in the House today bj Representative Ujrnes, of South Carolina The i evolution particular seeks in formation as to tho uses to which the union Is to put JlO.fOO which wus idlsed at a mass-meeting here Sondaj. Tho German Stowawas Admitted WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. - Assistant Secretary of Labor Post today reversed the decision of,the Ellis Island immlgrai tlon board and ordered admitted two German stowaways, Wllhelm Knapp, 43, and Albert Ohlhof. 22. Both said they deserted from the German army. Fall Causes Woman's Death Mrs. Mary Curley, who fell while clean ing a clock In her home, SM Pine street, breaking a rib which punctured her lung, died todaj from her injuries. She was IS years old She Is survived by her brother. Kernan Curley, who resides oa W&veriy street near list. QUICK NEWS BUI-GARS OCCUPY SERB OUTPOSTS SALOSilOA, Uee !. Bulgarian troops hare occupied outposts formerly LM by tbt Setbs on the OraeeoSciMaii frontier. AUSTRIA CALLS MORE BOYS TO COLORS ZUniGlI, Doe. 1 J. Austria has called to tho colors the class of 1S3S. coiisiBl.Mg of nil youths vho will become IS years of ne du:i,is 1010. Kfotrtlntr to ndviceB r"feJVed here today. BULGAK SHELLS PALL ON GREEK TERRITORY ATUhftS, Doc. 14.A violent nrtUleiy battle is being (ought. iitng rbe Serbs-Greek frontier, according to dispatches icectverl lieu today. Bulgftj.nu sbril are falling on GieoTf territory, hut tlru fix hit done uo fliu'enal decade to any Oiec-c properly. FRENCH CENSORS BLUE PENCIL HOLLWEG'S SPEECH HI2RT.1X, Dee. 14. --"French newspapers," said tlio Overseas Nevva Apcncy lodaj, "havo discovered the fact that tlie French publications of Chancellor un liothmnnn-Ilollwcg's speech omit Important passages. For Instance, tha Fienrli press omitted the Chancellor's declaration that Germany Is not making n war of conquest; the Chanepltor's assertion that statesmen of the enemy hail blindfolded their nation In otiler to conceal thn truth, and the Chancellor's itesrilptloii of s.vstemntlc slander against Germany's character. "The character ot those omissions proves tlmt the French olllclnl agencies nntl newspapers nre mistaken when the.v tell that the Wolff Agency Is respon sible for them. Appaicntly tlie French censor Is the author nf these omissions, wanting the French tuition to tcmaiu Ignorant of the facts." CIMCAGOAN, SEEKING WIFE, TURNED BACK BY BULGAUS SAI.ONICA, Dec. 1 1. Walter Faivvell, of Chicago, who came here In senrch of his wife, a newspaper cot respondent, who was In Monastlr when the city was capt tiled by the llulgars, returned here today after penetrating to the Utilitarian lines ten miles from Monastlr. Tho Hulgarlan ollleers turned Far well back after assuring him that his wife was safe. MANY FIGHTS AS STRIKE BEGINS IN PORTUGAL LONDON. Dpc. 14 -A gencial atrike was called throughout Portugal today. Conflicts between the police ami .strikers occurred at many places CRIPPLED MINNESOTA REACHES PORT HAN FRANCISCO, Dec. I l.Tho crippled liner Minnesota nrrived hero to day. An Investigation of the accident on board the ship will be begun tomorrow 11 L'nltetl States Attorney Preston. .Several of the Mlnncsotn'x sailors aio re ported to be lu lions. GERMAN TROOPS RUSHED TO QUELL TURK OUTBREAKS Gi:.'i:'A, Dec. 14. Dispatches to Hwiss papers state that two divisions of German tioops have left Sofia for Constantinople to quell disturbances In Turkey caused by the restrictions ordered by tho C.ermnn officers directing tha Ottoman police and gendarmes. BRITISH BOYS JAILED TO KEEP THEM FROM ENLISTING LONDON, Dec 14. If ntmlcn could be mado from yo.ungsters under age, thcro would be no shortage of soldiers hore. From the Htnrt boys have tried every dodgo to get Into tho army, und in the rush of tho last few clays moro than over havo made application. As a lesson to others, a youngster of 10 who Mvore he wus 19 vvas senteticeil today to a day In prison. There are many instances ot ho)s of IC slipping in and even serving with distinction on the firing line. How over much the Government appreciates their patriotism, It does not want them now. RUSSIAN SHELL SMASHES RAIDING ZEPPELIN pnTHOGRAD, Dec. 1 1. Detailed infoitnntlun has reached here regarding tho destruction of a Zeppelin by Russian artillery on the night of December 5, near the station of Kalkuu, on the Libau-Uonitit Railway. The dirigible made Its appearance from the direction of Novo Ale.nnilrovslc. passing over the Russian positions in the direction or Dvinslc. L'nder the glare of warchllghta watchers raw it disappear In n cloud of smoke and heard a loud rxpInMon, as it Russian shell hit it What wns left of the machine fell inside tho Russian lines Tha churred bodies of the crew weie extricated anil bill led. A cross vvas erected over their grave, with the inscription. "Honor to the brave, though they were enemies." TURKS ON GALLIPOLI SUFFER IN BLIZZARD LONDON. Dec. 14.- Winter lu the Dardanelles is proving to bo a severe teit for the Australians anil Turks alike. Router's coricspondcnt ut this front lepotts that the fltst hllzaid of early December found tho Turks entirely ' unprepared. It was necessary for them to evacuate several positions, ns tlia ! trendies wen- Hooded The bodies eif several Turkish soldiers, is well as a number or eleail mules, weie washed taken by tho Australians were poorly reported that the Turkish troops were in their communications. POPE'S PEACE VIEWS CARRIED TO BERLIN HOMIJ, Dec. 14 That Cardinal Hartmann. of Cologne, hail nn Important mUsion to tho Popo is thought here to bo proved by several facts. Ho left Roma at night of the same clay on which the Consistory was held, while all the other foreign Ciulinals wero still here. Moreover, on returning to Germany Instead of going to Cologne ho went straight to Herlln and hail a long conference with Chancellor on Hethmann-Hollweg, supposedly leporting the tcsult of his mis Mon In Homo and informing the Chancellor as to tho Pope's levvs on peace, giving details which could not ho included in a Consistorlnl allocution, wherein only general lines arc laid down. BRITISH REPULSE TURKS AT KUT-EL-AMARA LONDON, Dec. II. TutMsh attacks on tho Ilritish Mesopotamlan army at Kut-cl-Aniara have been repulsed, It is announced In nn official statement. Htltlsh uinforcements are being pushed forward The statement Is na follows; "General Townsenil reports that tho enemy shelled his position all day on De cember 8 The bombardment continued during the 9th, when tho enemy made ilesultorj attacks from all sides. On the 10th the enemy ngaln heavily bombarded Hut-el-Amaru and developed an attack against the north front position, which, however, was not pressed. On December 11 the bombardment was renewed, ami two attacks were made on the north front, which wero repulsed with heavy loss to tho encm. Since then there has been less activity." C0NTINUA LA L0TTA ! DAVANTIAGORIZIA; Tin' Altra Trmcea Conauistata dagli Italiani sulle Pendici del Calvario Sebbene 11 cattlvo tempo contlnui sul fronte dell'lscmzo ed oitacoli le operazi onl offensive degll Italiani contro la for tezza di Gorizla, pure 11 generate Cadorna ha potuto annunclare ieri sera a Roma che un'altra trlncca nemlea sulle pendici meridional! del Podgora e' stata conqul stata dt corpresa da repartl Italian! che avanzarono approfUtando dejla, uebbla. Piocede dunque metodlcamente il lav or o aspro o difficile sul fianchl del montl che clrcondano Gorizla per llberare II piano su cui dovranno avanzare per 1'attacco , Quale le fanterle ltaliane (l.egscre in 14 paglna le ult.mo o plu dettagllat notlile sulLo. cuejrra. In . tuiiaad.) down Into tho allied trenches Prisoners clad and, tho correspondent says. It vvas on half lations pending nn Improvement LOST AND FOUND IU.N-Lmi. solitaire diamond plain Bold ba plu. 8-aturU.iy ciculnc PecemU-r II. between llroail ami , Olrar4 nve. ami s. llmad St The. tro und llt-tunue-Mratford Hotel anil ll-uad nnl tllrard ave , liberal revmnt, jets, if u'.-r " Hojal Apartments, So question juked. oolimv OL,l WATCH wllndUn head fob. InsUoi. ?Vul,il H' ,V ".5 Mr"" L brld. Urtdei. lioric Station. P. It. Jt.. moiionram J p j, l.Uwrul reuur.l r returned to llrann & MeKMj-t Co.. Km. .III. Oiiumtri-lal Tr llldg noa Lost. IWatoii brindle bulldog, four whit feet, noj ond bream: screw tall wittj -wtalU Uli'l ,'.,vo IIU'1'1 '"""if 1a l"-"'' insmtrs io Bob." 50 reward It returned to 1431 Pin KINO Lost. Silurdav eicnlne, diamond anl Mr Mill ro rtnir. In tue vl?lnlt of llrood t VValnut.au Jf found, return to llic cashier of bajjjlue-stratford and rcccU reaarJ FOl'ND-Novsvvbtr . oa JOtti t nor a ot Market, one Killed hide Any no pro icif Ifort)- uimI Hijlni: ebjries ,us ha. a iimt br applying tu 41 X ltd pOtl-Xesr New CeptrevUle. Scotch terrier doe, brindle, answers xuirae of "Vortck " Liberal rewr orut no quwtton asked if roturnej to ProoLiuMd Farm. Devon. Pa LOST IW bar hln vilih diamond oa Bjlur dj ut Haurf ltrtaaratit or (bwpninx 1U uard MUl Uarliu: t. nATCH lot Kuturdjy nfttrnooiL rlallau Saturday nfternuoxi rUttaum atui mjiuioiui tuain ni waub terir tlboral levinrd 11 Pulde I CS Jrfron t WAVCil Initial. iVll lt llr uatih wuh Icilbei- toV t,t.l J .. at If Jr Hevatd retard co$ Waoe aveuu to o:us iku lose BiurJ.iT ble od blte s! herd doe rcurd. ;a Nortn '-(d Mrcet Ptr ClattUtd 4s. ea Foa? II a4 ft I 1 y .