Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
iBSS5S5!!M5SiTwiw g-tyy.ri -a WTVHfT'X I R G EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915: )UTCH SUBSCRIBE M THE NEW LOAN AND HELP FRANCE Aov That They Have Con fidence in Credit of the Nation UIOUNT NOT TOLD FOREIGN EXCHANGE M. Merlins Tmlnj. Lloc t'rmnnil 4.7I-', .11Tfc Cnlilc. 4.M 4.. Tranc I'rmnml SHIVi s t'i-hlfi KM Mntln tlrmnnit .8 V4 tnl.lf 78", 1 1 New York Slock Sales Lat close Adam Fjprc 12S By YVES GUYOT Special Cable Dispatch to liitnlng Ledger Editor t.'Aftrnce Kconomlnue ct Planeler. I'AniS, Dee 11 All guesses ni to the mount the loan has brotiiihl In are .remnturo nml worthless. Unnks nnd tlier efttnbllihmonts of credit nro in orestea In lieopliiK secret until the l.iut ny the stuns they hale taken In. The loon will certainly accomplish tlio primary purpose ot consolldntltiB In a ocrmnncnt loan advances mado by the Hank of Trance nnd temporal, louiii In 'ho form of Treasur. bond' and bond for national defense, but It would be an "rror to think thut all tempoinrx loan will be obsorbeil by the new loan, a of 8,000,000,000 francs of bonds for nitlnnnl defense there certainly will be 2,000,000,00) which the holilets will stick to In ortlci to keep a proportion of theh fund' in liquid some people who want to keep part ways Boiuc people who wutit to keep puit of their resources mobile Tlio balance sheet of the Itonk of France lor December S shows that the Bold In hand amounts to l.'i ,6,009 iO francs, an Incruiie from 1,877,000 000; francs on December 1 This Is 12.000 AM francs more than the Inctcnnc for t lie previous week Loans have progressed from Ml 000,00.) francs on November IS to (2o 000.000 francs on December S As I havo iilrcnd. re marked, the Interest of C per cent chnrKed by tho bank prevents borrowing at tlio bank to buy In the national loin News from Holland tells of heavy sub scriptions to the loan The Journal dc Geneve saji neutral llnanclcrs know Franco has never failed to keep ciiKsigo ments, and do not forKct that loans of 1871 and 1S72 passed par In 1371 and reached 121 In 1SS1. 10 .2U .'(I SI 7PS 0 Itlfth. Uw. Cloe. 128' 125 1.25 U)H UH 2J'j 31 M)5i 71 r,) ENGLAND AND HOLLAND HAVE BEEN SELLING UNITED STATES STEEL Latter Liquidating in Order to Take Over German-held American Securities, and the Former Is Closing Out Estates Market Still Professional ..tit'i imi . ion fit fiS'l 117 i New York Bond Sales 3W0O Anglo FY I. 3d . ; 4AoO tlo (a .10) .. liV, BOOH Amor Tel coin (- , .tuic. i'lOO Amr r Tel ct 1'$9 1(17 1WI Armour Co 4'j . Ill SJ.VJO Atchlion Ken 4s . . IUV WOO Atchison n.lj 4 ST' sono Atrlil-on r.s Kit"-, ".'000 Allan Lo Line let 19 Wi. ;o)(i IUU .V. Ohli 4 HIS 24WO Halt A. Oh iv -CiK . ti7, 10OO II & O ll. I & 4 N7', 82000 Halt .V: (1 ISwn TH, U2V 1O0C.O ileth Htnl l"t Is tOl 400il Ileth btcd rfd 5 lnl", WOO Ilrookltn It T " 1'ils mo'j , llHKi 101 111! 1 Ml'!, -7S it. . 71 . US', 01 Nlil't IMS. inns m,, . 7I 10' j $ tin, .IOT 111! ll'l'l'l-j 1 ii'- ' le'iV, lllij is 'l 1)4 '4 liUS , tiV4 liioo (JaiiJ.t.i Eolith ,1 Soihxi Cent Lrnttier 1st 10000 Cent I'm I tit 4 tOOO nt It It N J .n 84000 Chill 1 opper 7 200O Che . Ohli o4 4M ttooit Ch-a & ihlo IHa 4000 (.hi fit Went KKXiO Chi II & Q Joint la KIOOO C It & St 1 Ken 4s. B.110 c vi & at I ev n . ldOJ cutu n Am Sub (la . MXXJ Del & Huil 4s mm .10CO Del .V. Huil rM 4s NIK) Den fc Klo (Ir 4s SOW Den A. Itlo (!r rr,l KOOO Fr o conv la -or A JiJOOO Krlo ,nnv 4a Scr 11 i)0 hrlu prior Is :oou nmnhy (a . l(tKW Oranliy htr i.n 4(00 Hu.l & lun 111 "i Mi do ml a lino lmllaim htrcl (4HHI fowil Centr.il la SiiimO lita ( opi , r is COW Interb Met 4'" UimiI innrii it I' If, 7,4 VfO lnl JIci Mnr 4'ji RIM'i ilo rt 111(0 Jai new ( H 4'jm 400(1 J.inancsc i.js .Val du 11 4 i.a . im-ll Kan ( Itv .So a 10"1 Klnci I'o 1 Ie , 0O Ijukii 1-lccl -,m IIIJ.I IIKIO l.ch Vnl A N V4 Sj(l I.Ik & I T : (Ki Iini: Nliu.l rf.l -Is.. niMI t.oul X. Nimll 4s Torn Mn rorlile la S"!(iOO Jn c ",s . r,noo lo 10I .-.a HUT... (1000 do (is 2000 Mon Power la .. . lSHinn X Y I Di 2ono NYC. It Pis I00O N Y Cits 4a 111., ,101 10 do 4a l(7i 11011 do 4 a lull", . HH N Y N H A. II oa rei lll'j anooo n ni mu r,a .,", IfHK) N Y Tel ecu -4V.S 6000 Norf .. tst Toch 4s 2(nO Norf VVett c 4l-.a 4000 Nor lac prior 4a 1000 Nor 1'ic ctn is IHliwi I'acirtc Ttfl Sa CliOl I'tniM Ken in 4!a l(l I'uLllc hirv X J "it 4MK1 Itay Com Copper is .10(41 Henillm, Ren la lamo Hip Ir A s " lniki Hock Ihb.n.l 4a 7nro Itn k Isliml rM -la 1141(1 St IjlUls Sivii 1st 4s 2iitr Seabrkir 1 A I. nJJ ui Wirn Seal (1.1 nt A I. rrd 4 4(100 South I'.ie cv 4a fit) 40 cv ret t p .la im fnuth I"ae rf 1 4a lfm South Iln y un 4a lo O do con la Kiri Texiia Co 1 a (,000 Third Ave adj sa.. nxxi (i H ituDPer us Low Clone n7"i U1I4 UJ P.-.J, li nu. K(iij 107 KIT Pi 11 1 II 1 114', 7'j 7'J lllDj Kll'j lljl, HJ'i t'lN "li, HI4 t,)4 ti.'it ni'J 1(1."., 10.1 10l', Kll'4 lKl'j l'JU'j IOC, KH'j HON HIS mil. no', 110 ltd 10 10 S7, Pl'i ,4 ns ui 10U4 iitiy, lun'i 1H,4 71' '.;. Sll 10.1 llll m liVi'ij JY 7iiv, III. IH'j AlrKLi Jnneiil Aliskl Coll M . .. Atlls-Chilmer Mf.. Alll-Clnlm Mfu pf... Am Atr Chemical Am Meet ucr Am Ilralto 8 A K ... Am Can . . . Am Cat.t Founltj.. Am Coil 1'ro.luct . . Am 1 1 Mo .t Leather .. Am Hid, & I, pf ,., Am Ico ciirltj . Am 1 ocoTiotlvc . . Am -melt , Kef ... Am bin A Hef pf Am -melter pf A . . Am Nnplters pf II Am Mffli ioiinJfl'i Am SiifM lief Am lei A lei . . Am'lobicco Am Woolen Am Woolen Ir r Am Woolen pf If r Anaromli ( oppr .. Aet lleillzitloii Atch rssi. Atch I A S F pf . . HaklRln loco ... llalllniore a Ohio . Itamplln Mliiln Ilolhleliem -leel pf lltookljin Hip ir . . Ilutni HrotlnT.4 llutte A upotlot Cal 1'otroliuni . , Cal IVtroleuni pf tanadhn I'acltlc .. . Cent leather Co . Cliesapcako A Ohio . Chile Loppof Chlno Cop,i'r . . .. Lhl 01 West ( hi (.t Westpf . Chi Mil A M 1'aul .. C M A !t 1' pf.. . . Chi It 1 A I'M! .... Cluett 1'ia A Co .... Colorado 1'uel A I . , Comp I all Hoc Continental Can Consolidated Oaj 1UH HJ'i lll'i If) 2.1 3I5 S1JS 71 I0' H)H (it) OU 2d' .I1M Sl'l 71M 70 lOJ'f 10J) lOo 6'J'i t,0'i (O'l ?0 78'f ltl 1I0H Il'IH JO'i 10H 103J fl CU 5 51 LOW 204 20' i OJ'i 05 ''. 110H 110't 110'i 110M , SHj 8'1't 8 H V)i HVi XMi 8.V, Ki'i ttl'l (ll'i 01 OPt Ho'' llfl'4 llo'i tto'-t 12.'l 12S i l-'S'J 12S!i 21 Vi 213 .'OS 20'l 13 ISH 17 I7'j II) I IM'a -1H1S 18H 1I7' OS OS OS J-j'. Sll .' MJS ll'i 10 10 10 10U lOO'H 10(1 100'i lOt'i Kll'i 10i;S I01M inn mn 111 H.15S Ut)$ Vi 100 ,SS N) 70'f 20 1 All 171'f Mii 02 21 is .'MS w w ir.; HSt S) .t)' 7H V 0,1 ;i5. loj SS so 09' LOJi :.o W('$ 17S am 3m r,j 2I'J :i'is 01 0. 2.1'i SI 115.' K'J out UJ't 1 16") hS'i so 70. 'M, f,0). ISO fill 02 'i 2 Hi r,i in mu 19? 00" j 72'i 111) 1115 10't 2S I2't .-.7' 4' ro't Hill, ;,r vir, leci, ir, lll'i 111. 11114 1ST. 7M, IH'i ll., 1ISS mill S7ij HI', 4H r. KS 100U IHl4 111 tltS 'it, !IS1! KM", 10ll' MIk H2 71 IIS II llKIS KU". 1HOS 11,1. 7lllJ IJJ1-, 7.3; M. .ll 1( na Ml', 7", li.l'l .jUj 177 "(i, 1 H'lN , 114 u rJli ,j 7Mj 1141, H-.-l, f'-lj KM 1(11. t.7', 1114 tl". 4", 04 1001, a. lilt, m (isv. ,.-.-1 110 . II 10H 2S . -12'S . :.0't . 17.1't 17 .r23 r.io .12. 13) . 7.1U 7,i . 4l'i 174 .l.'.Vt I Mi l..) . IS', 4b 1 -IS . 70 3 704 7n'l . al'i '.i -'1 7S) 7S 77 144., r,tj t'StJ on 12m; tint mi, ii'ni Km', Ki'; , m, lI US', 'm 12014 nu, in. I 1H', 1171. MI5 1 1-i II4' r-1. 1 t; ns'4 s.; ..lni. mn, 70 10.t 101'. M . 10.111 UOHO V a fiteel 5s 104 Corn 1'roil Hef 10', Corn 1'roJ Kef pf . ... 00 Cruribl" -to;l . . . 7J Cruel Wo Steel pf .. Den .1 Itlo firamlo . I'Mlller.' v-urlU' .. Dome Minis Erlo Krle 1st pf Urlo 2d pf lienenl hl-ctrlc (,enenl Motor . . . tioneral Motori tref t.oolrlch II V Co . .. ti rcc ne-C manca . . drtat orther pnf Gt N rfs for ot' pro,i CiURirenrclm I'xpln .. Inter Con Corp . . .. Inter Con Corp pref. lnt llartester N J. . Inspiration Cop;wr. .. Int M M pf cf dp lnt McUl . Kansa tlty Southen .11 )1 Kinsa City Si pf . Wi 0.1 tj lack MM M',' SVi Lake Trie A West . Il'j lt'i Lake Krle A Wist pf 30 31'f Lilil.-li Vall-v. si) i MIS LUcctt A Mjers Mam ell Motori Max Moton 1st pf Max Motori Jd pf . Minn A i-t 1.0'jH .. Minn A M 1nili nf Mexican I'elroleim Mo Kan A lews . Mhml Copper . . MlSMiarl Tacl'lc National IlUult .. Nai lead Nivach Con Copper IS N II All.. New orfc Central . N 'i O A West . Norfolk A Wc-itirn . Norfolk A West pf North Amenran Northern I'aclllc .... Ontirlo Ml M . . . . raclilcMall 11 1'enm It U . ... ,'S'i IVorla A r'astern .. . l.Di I'hliidelphla Co 414 riltsliws'i Covl .... It I'ltts Ft W A C . ..151 Hits C C A bt I. ... bO l'res.! .tel Car . . Ihl'f Pressed Steel Car pf .10" I'uh xrv orp N' J... 118 I'ullman Co 100 Haj Coi Cooper.. . . .'."1 KiiJ Itiadln: 80v 5,' . lUaillns -M pref I2K I! ,'' Kep 1111 .'. Mei . . . il ,'fl Jj HIM HUI rt -.I'M! pi ..llUn lit 13.; l.'UJj 1.IJ4 13-". 11) 10 lb lsi 7,1 73'i 71M 7.H. toi ".1 f.us r.o) 4! -114 !. 4l)i b7tj Ki'-i Si'!! b.i4 11. "i 10't 005 i 72'. 110 114 104 23 124 ;.7'f ;ot 104 00 714 110 114 40 27! 124 50 3 so 171 i 17t't .MO li 10 1244 30 7P1 7J'j 15 104 1254 18 704 21 , 77! , 1104 1104 1104 110 n 141) ns'i tin 12m, UT. miv, win mo-, Mk 121 in;. H7t, 41't II' r,vt i. 1074 it)') .11 114 M'i 114 30 si)t ..251 . .1 .. 09 . -i54 .. 154 314 .. I 14 04 . M't .. Hi ..125 .. 12'! 104 . 71 .10.1 305t ..1104 . b04 73 4!i 154 1074 MM 03! j bl 134 314 )-04 255 1.14 ro't 1074' .lll'i Ci4 SI 114 33). SI i.)'i 1 i'i I Vi 09'f 0)'J 004 CO 55V 50 154 I5)t 154' ji :u .'it W'f 01 U- us- mi oi .'34 33 314 14 m 44 125 125 12 i.l 0.1' j i.l 104 104 104 75 f 744 7 P. 1054 103 lOt'i 30 30 30 1214 1104 121 Ml'i S.4 bfiSj 71 74 71 1154 110 f 1154 1154 Ill's 104 04 104 114 .1S4 114 41 314 l.-J-i 80 Ci 1014 1014 10)4 US US IIS 10. 10) 105 L-.ii 114 5 4 114 U til 15S 80 M4 114 504 144 43 354 15s bO 014 .1(10 do rec- 1. . . .104 lOtan Union Tac lal 4a .. I17S 1000 do cv 4- HIS 40H1 do rfd 4a . . mi! ltXH ln Rivvs H T 4s 44 . Va Car dim 1st 'a USS 2(100 Vb, Httja jt Iim; Kl Wabnrh 1ft "a HTI', lltn West UiJIil .la in,', loco do t i 1 tv, Kin tint, 70 ltd HH' hi U!t. 1(11 101 07', in2 Ml' , 44 no, i-.tj urn, inm IT,' j SIV, lllil H1. 70 10.1 1(11 SI II7S HIS full. 41 U VI , , lint. KBi, 114 Hock Island (o f Mock 1-.I in 1 Co prof... i St LouH A SF J4 St LouU AST 2d pf. (4 Seaboard Air Line .... 184 M)4 bO't 11 15 i 534 ', "5 4 1104 4ll U U U U il H 44 14 -DS 04 04 04 184 184 184 bears lioj A Co 1704 1704 170 170!f Sloss-Shef S A I Co .. 014 ai 01 03 Sloss-blwf S A I pf ... OJ 1004 OOJi 1004 Southern Pacific 1004 101 10)4 101 Total Milei, $.',110,00(1, iiimparrd with t,oa 1,000 lat Sullinlaji thU nerk, !,J7,33 , 000) laat ueek, J'3,4 0(1,000. BAR SILVER NFTtV YOH.K Dec. 11 -liar silver ttai quoted Kt 60c. In London 20'd iiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWii lllllllllllllllll IV. I KT IZ taWfssl m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Thtuo tires mark tha end of road trouble. They are guaranteed Puncture-Proof Blow-outs are also guarded against. This gives LEE tires excep tionally long life. Zig Zag Tread checks skidding. New Booklet RtaJ If Lee Tire Sales Co, 330 N. Broad St. Southern Hallway. etudelnker Co . . Trim Copper. . lexis Co Texas A Pacific! lliirl Aienu" Lcltml Cljar -.tore United Cl'ir Mfra Lnlon Da,- A Paper.. union p.clfic 1174 Union Pacific; pf .. . . S3 U bind Alcohol 121 United Fruit ll",)j U S Kealty A Imp.... 41 united lty$ Invest U b Rubber .. .. II bhteel U bbteel pf no U b txpresi Ltah Conner Va-Car Chem 40Vi Wabash w i , Wabash pfAwl... W abash pf II w 1 j WellaFauo Kxpnj J W esllnjhousa K A AI I Western Marjlani.. Western Untoj tcl . W keel A Lake trb . WllI-3 Overland . Willys Overland pf . Wtoiuoim W Co 221. 22)4 22! i .1014 1004 10,14 100 57 504 5114 flti'i 2114 2n 2114 Sit 144 114 114 144 014 1114 014 out . 03j )4 0), 0!j 03 oi cj (:: r, ,i ,'i 137U' 1104 1374 b.1 824 SJ 121 1204 121 147t 1104 1474 414 41 41 21 214 21 21 . ."14 51 534 6-1 tO 4 bG4 85) i SO 110 1104 110 1104 40 4S i 484 484 7SU 704 7S4 704 40V! 404 4t'4 404 154 104 154 104 454 154 454 -ihM 24 -Mi -.St .SH US 127 127 127 07b OS 074 07M 3-' JJ 3J 3J b,S4 kS't 88J5 684 iV, 44 44 S4 Jl .'41 210 240 115 1114 1U4 1144 1144 1144 1H4 1114 TotuI tale, 291,000 tliarrs, compared hIH 210,400 aliare lut Satur.lu) j tills vievk, 3,380.991 share.) last week, !,7!!,700 sbarrs. NEW YORK CURB ninri.iuu f.inv , i'j I.ruden . HW llrl,l.t..lni,wlni Vil- tir. nt.l ,,,' ... .W- V.H.. MV. .WUUVVW W,,, , . ...J ! HrltUhAimrtC44i4 Tobucio neA . ..11 Car CUbt 74, GoMHcU Coiu lVi . Intwiutlonat Murine ,,. . lip, Intvrnjtlonal Marina prf (HI Ktnnwott C'OBfwr MU ' l.tbish Vall- Coal Silas , SI) MariAHil ... , ., ML Mid vile .. ,.., 71K Mpuulng ....., 7 IHU Huyator , 71 , Jtta BWwtor or .,.,, 02 I.tkar-IlMonwn .-.., "4i fcturU-wi Cviu .: 2 Submarine 41 1 i T.latco I'roUutla . .........33 1 "nlUii I'rollt SturtDK new IK World ruoi ... Yukon Guld 2Ji DM AsJtiul. int. 1.1 1, liVJ 10 1 1-.1, (.7 5--tt S2 S 7K 04 3 ! 2!. niuECTonv or accoin7anT3 1 rfiiw.j t'ttbllc Arruuntsou ,U Jili.Nv.fc. i WiUlV.N & CO. ii. &STA7E 1'IU iT llll rilNI tl.. V Srr UiSA3t tlt llOUTM. NHW YOniC, Dec. 11. The Street In the short session today devoted n. great deal ot tlmo to look ItiK for a renion why the mnrkct, and especially United States Steel common, did not reipond to the excellent unDllcd tonnage statement which camo out yes teiday, ns tho showlnrr wai much better than the Street had dared to oxpect. Tlio apparent reason, the general opinion had It, was that Steel has been sub jected to heavy selling from nbrond, particularly from Kngland nnd Holland. Information today was that Holland has been selling Steel common In con sidernblo amounts, ns well n other American securltlei, which oro being re placed with American securities held In Germany. I.ngland has not only 1110 blll7od largo amounts nf Steel In the Joint stock banks from big Insurance com- l jinnies and from largo estates, but ovcry opportunity li taken to dlsposo of such slocks In the market In Wall street. One of thn outstanding factors In Hngtand Is the necessity of settling many estates because of the deaths In tho pcerngo In tho war nnd from (ither rnttRei. Death duties on nn estato must bo paid to the Government, which results In the selling of tho stocks. Tor Instance, on nn estate of $5,000,000 death duties nre 20 per cent., or $1,000,000. In the early part of tho short session today thcro was further selling, which rami largely from the professional nnd semlprofesslonal clement, but toward tho close a fairly good demand developed. Tho demand was principally for the rallimul shares, nnd some of them showed quite substantial gnlns at tho end nf the session. Tho feature among tho wnr specialties was General Motors, which advanced 15 points. The Anglo-French bonds wcro ngnln wenk, dropping to n new low point at 92. The mnrkct again today was almost entirely professional, tho public taking very little Interest, Sales in Philadelphia WHEAT RALLIED; BUYING GOOD Twenty-four Hours' Export Sales Only 300,000 Bushels CHIC'AOO. Dec 11 -Wheat milled this morning, pelllng abovo yesterday's close, following a lower start In sjnipntliy with the rubles nnd large receipts flood buy ing was responsible for the upturn, Kx pint sales In the Inst 21 houri were only IVI.OOfl bushels, but the opinion was ex pi(snil that thcro would noon bo an Im provement In business with foreigners Hulls argued thnt It would be proved be fore tlio tloo of tho fenson thnt the amount of mnrketnlilo wheat produced In the t'nlted States this 5 ear was much Kinaller than had been Indicated by the (ovcriiment ciop estimates The weather 111 Argentlni continued fnvornblo for hni vesting The mniket nt Liverpool only pirtlall) reflected the vvctkness hero vcitcrdnj.. I'i lees tlieic wcie ensj., but business wns not large becnuse buers nnd Belters were apart The weather In the t'nlted King dom was .ignlnst the movement nnd na tive offers were disappointing Alt ar rivals nre being nbsoibcd t-nlcklv Tho receipts nt Minneapolis nnd Dulutli today vveie 1191 cars ngnlnst 67fi ears a cnr ago, at Winnipeg, 1211 cars ngnlnst 181 cars, nt Chicago, W cars against 120 cars Corn nlso developed llrmncss nftcr showing easiness at the outset In the initial trading the market was affected bv the setback In wheat nnd predictions of a lurgpi mn next week The weathei, however, wis unsettled The market at Liverpool wns dull There was nn absence of pronounced lie maud there Tho receipts here todny were 210 enrs Locusts were reported In Argen tina nnd it was feared they would en danger corn Trade In oats was small. The market opcnid steady, but moved upward with the other grains. The nrrlvals here today vveie ICO cars l.cr.illriE futures ranged na follow" Ytsl'rt a v licnt Or en Illirh. I-nu.- Pin. f.lnn iit. muer 1 i. 1 1 1 Mu . . 1 IN. 1 1H Jul! ... 1 IK.'f, I Il7 v urn (new .leiner1 NEW YORK RANK STATEMENT Bit Increases in Loans nnd Deposits. Reserve Reduced N'I'W YOtUC. Iec 11 A decrease ot 2, 120,330 was reported In tho average re set ves of the sen York banks today The netunl figures, however, only showed" a nominal falling off. Actual loans rose over $21,000,000, and deposits Jumped about tho same amount Total averngo loans wore Jt.150.407.roo. with deposits of $1,223, tiTIOVi. and time deposits of '.I'i'.MCli'X Tho aggregate reorvo was $73o, "121,000 De tail follow Clearing House members avorago loans Ineiease, JI7.573.CCO, deposits Increase, $3, 4C0.O00, time deposits Increase, J1.7C2, COO, reserves clccreimc, $2.I20,'T.O Clearing House members actual loans Increase. J2l..l3,(XO, deposits Increase, J2I, OtiS.OOO; tlmo deposits Increase, J2.S17.00O: leserves decrease 1113,920. Te. close. High tow. Close. 1 Am nwjs 81 1 8l 10 Am lwjg prof. 0. 0i "5 B' 80 litopl1 Mln.. . 8R41 Csmbrln Steel . 7H4 "Vi U .5 800 Elee StorSRO.. . Cs'i f. CSH OS. 20 Lrl 42H & H 421 100 do 1st pref .... COS tn BOH H8 ln Co N Am.. 21 23 .4' M 100 In.p Copper ... . H'i ' 4i' 80 Ijvke hup Corp P'l O'l OVt 0'i M Lehigh .Vav ... 794 7S'6 tSf, 79S 21 Lehlnh alley . 80. S0i R04 SOi 10 Leh Vnl Tr pfd .Is 33 38 33 1221 renniv It It . CO 60H f'8'4 t9 t0 l'a Silt Mfs . . 00 100 00M 100 3 l'rnnn steel .... 01 02 C2 02 52 do pref . . .82 8lH 81'i 81IJ 73 Mill Co cup pf 41 2i 42H 2i IW1 Milla Moo .. 2 23 27'i 23 TI10 1' II T tr ctff.. 20H 20Vi 20 20X 27 Milla Trc ... . 70ti 70S "0'4 70S 213 Iteadlnit . ... f0'4 80. SOH f0 133', Ton Pelmont ...4 13-10 fi 4'fc S t-) Ton Mining . .. 7U ", 'W IK 10 Union l'nelflo . . . 1.0. 130V, 13m, IJ2 Unlin Trnc ... 41 4S 43 45 211 U Clm Imp ... M'i R8S m S31. 2ii13 U S Steel 80 80 8H 60-. 32 W J & S S ..CO'. COti W)H C014 Totsl snlen, 18,703 obnrr-, compared with 41,001 nlinrri last Xntiirdnrt tlila week, 107, 812 dinrcst last week, 339,733 ulinrfs. 110ND3 Laat, prev. ralo High. Ixiw. Cloie 1100 City Mia ll.1t . OIJi 01 04 M KXA) l.k Sup Ine 4. 28 27 27 27 frOOO I'enna gen 4"4s.lOO'' 100'4 100'4 100'J COO 1'hlta Hlec 4a . 8.1'i 81 8.1 W 8.1W 200 do la . ... 101'j 10314 10.T4 ID.'1 Total aale-, I0,000, rompnred with JI8, fiOO last Halnrilitj-s this week, $111,000) last vrerb, J422,330, CAMBRIA EARNINGS BREAK RECORD; COMPANY BUYS FIVE ORE STEAMERS Optimistic Predictions by President Donner Rapid Transit Maturing Loans Extended on Good Terms. Brokers See Bright Future for Company Superior ore prices for 19i ,. . nounced at nn advnnco of about 75. a ten. '"senu Pennsjlvanla Steet common decllnM couple of points today on small l.. nml the preferred also eased off: pm.. delphla Klcetrlc was moro octlvo K.V of Into and distinctly firm. than llapld Transit shares were Indlned react today despite tho nnnounC,m,M that tho company had been able to ,.' new some Blx millions of maturln-r loan, on very favorable terms. The new Cnl will run six months and nre to be r. newnblo three times for like periods I the option of tho company Thev win k. secured by $7,200,000 6 per cent, bonds Ru.r antced by the Union Traction Comnan and pledged as collateral nt a price of a The lenders will receive npproxlmatelr C per cent, for the money It Is said that December gross earnings so fnr hT shown nn Increase of about D per cent. Tho recent buying of the stock, accord. Ing to ono of the principal purchasers, has been based upon tho knowledge of tho expanding earnings and because the, company's futuro looks to bo brighter than over before. It Is argued that th maximum of Us expenditures has been reached nnd that like the Interboroujh Metropolitan of New York tho company from now on should rapidly Improve, ltj earning power for net results. Local Bid and Asked 1 12 M 1 tt. I ll'i 1 l'-M, 1 0l. t.07'4 Hot ember Mil) U.tK- lei mLtr Mii Ijrd Itetf niter lunu.irv . JI 111 ntb. iHLimher Jnuuar . Mii I'orlt tictenitcr Jauunr ia i.i,t. 7(ii 41 441, o n. D.S7 II 1.11 1MU .tin J' IS Ml IS 0 , 71t 414 41. IJI', 701 4 40', 14 r,7l, t7lt, t4I', H4". I11U tAnked It II'. li 115 V 03 iso- IMII tl.',". US', H..V, 1UO 17 0 17 03 0 40 II (m! 11 HO 0(12 IMS OPS tin 2-, is o. 18 03 1 12 1 14 1 (10), 1S4 170ij 40', 41 0 40 0 V, in; oco to.io IMW tld.71 17.1'd 17 PO NEW YORK COFFEE .MARKET NI'VV lOHK. Dee 11 -The market for cof fee future held atcoily throughout tho tendon I'rlco thinKO Merc tuirrow Trudlng nag flirty at-tlve. Quolntk,n follow Todays Votrnla) s neenilier Tebruary . .tanu.ir) via reh .. April . . . . .Mi Juno July August ... .September October .. November Offered. mien , in. , Ifl,. It 7l?Kt7(t (1701111,72 0 7770.711 0 7lli(l 7S '17-1(177 (17lfl(1.7-. 1, 7ll7(- ik7sf((is.i asofmss ILKlqilKt i:S'1(l. .. .(I.Nfi(lNS I.SIfiUSS l,V4fill.h7 ... n.8.nntio 11s.s1n1.1a1 (.siifiiidt . niuKiiiiiiii iiainu ti- niiiifiDiKi (ltKvaiI.PI lllllrfKl.117 ,lll7UI'll .... (I.!l'.fl7 (It ll.t-lfi'T 00 7.00'7 0.' .... 7.01S7 00 7 0187.05 7 0387 07 7 10 Total rnt, S30 buss. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Northern Securities Company, rrcular an nual J ier 4enl . pnva'ilo January 11 to atock of ret 01 I December II Chlraso lii.U.iniii'olU an 1 Ixiulaillle, reeulvr Fcinian'tuil J per itt on preferred, pa'.iblu 1 .01 , nib. r 'A to Mock of record Dciemler l. Toilna Ycaterdij'M llll Anknl Hid A-ke I. Ilililwln . . . .ll.'v, nn jn j nun (t. .iih t (J ... - ..,!, .) In pref ',1 .',-, ,-,1 ( nm Steel 71", 73 7U, Hie, sn rn-e I.si, iiB l.sl, (iru Alplmlt I'j I', .'I'l. do pref 7.' 71 7I Key 'I el IP, M'i IP. iln t t 1 Pi M', 1 t, lo prrf I.i.i j 1,71, i,i),, I-ik, Mjp or U'4 liij 11V, LeblKli Nnv 7SI, 711'. 7stj I.ehlKh Vnl sun, Ni, snij l.i hfi.li 1 Tr 171, IHi, 17', do pnf ."" .IS .17 1 j r.imn r.u .n; .vi Thill i:iee 27'; 2S 27", Thlli Co 4JI;, IP, 4 1 ,'0 ', r er e, nt, pref 1. .11, til ,l 0 nr leu: prvt . 4Jtj 4t 4Jtj 111,14 l.tljll, 4ruuib . ,4 11 I'll t l ... JOW 2(H J rtuulliiir n M TonopTi I'elmont ... 4, 4'",, Tonopali Mining .... 7' 7', t nlon Trac 41, 4V4 1 CI I RHi, S.v I S Steel V. NH, Vnrk Itwy !i 'it., do pf.l at" tltj Win Cramp t c 83 Ss T.x illvldcnd LIU. JiiS t-0'j 4-, ss. Ml II n. so ' r.. 71 11 s. i 117', l"i 7M Miv. 1st, nsi, r.iH. is 41 ...... t MVK si Mis, O'a m, S7 HREAK IN COTTON IS'rJW YOMK, Dee II There was n shnrp break In tho cotton innrket todav which carried prices down 41 lo 42 points under jestcrdnv's final figures, or close to $2 a bale At the low a loss of $3 a bale from tho highest of the season was show n Tho decline was entirely unexpected by man of the trade nnd It hnd the effect of cntrhlng largo stop-lois orders In the commission houses. Homo traders maintained that only tho action of Liverpool In buj,lng tiulte free ly on tho decline lata jrstcrdny pre vented the break from occurring then The Liverpool demand wns absent thla I morning nnd this, with heavy selling for Southern account and a break In New Orleans, ctplalned the weakness here ns nitali as anything A heavy covering movement at tho decline rallied prices about 20 points, but tho market con tinued very much unsettled. Interests thnt hnd been credited with buying for Huislnn account In the last few weeks wero heavy buvers of July on the de cline this morning Wall street was a good seller hero,, mostly for long ac count -lust at tho end lliiuidatlon again Inci eased nnd prices Mulshed weak at a net loss of 21 to 29 points. Yes close Open, lllnh. Ion, Cloe, Januirv 12 IS 12 .'O 12 00 12 10 12.1H December 1-' 41 1. U 12.1S l'.U 1." n March ... . 1.'74 12 73 12 73 12 U 12 41 Miij 12 US ll'llil 12 117 12 Ml 121,7 Jul! 1tl 11(0 110(1 12I.S U 77 (Htnber 12 U 12 HI 12 1,0 12.12 1211 s,0t .... l.'.'iO 12.13 RATES FOR MONEY New York l'hlltlilphln . . . ltnxlnn . . inirhRO . I'UH f'4Vll Conmerclnl rarer, three to six months, I'lill ndelphli. fl'ifll per cent Call in.112 mini 1 Time, -3V1 ,' til 1 .Iljfl4 RANK CLEARINGS It-ink clearing-, today compared with corre sponding daj laat two vcirs I'll-,. 1014 1011 rhlladelphl 1 f V! 711 007 $23 H-lS 017 $21 ri', Oil Ilonton IIIIS'lll 21S10 42S 27,001,800 New York . 4TI KI1.204 .1'll.nW,070 ViAAAVVVVVVV-4Ak.VVVV-l4V,V-VVi.,VVX4VVVXVVV-lVVVV.V 5 We are prepared to quote rates and issue policies giving complete protection under the new Workmen's Compensation Act We furnish intelligent inspection service for the $ prevention of accidents and offer our co-operation to reduce cost. ROYAL INDEMNITY COMPANY HARE & CHASE General Agents 309-311 Walnut Street Gossip In local financial circles con tinued to centre around the steel traoo In geneial and Cambria steei in pnruuu lar. The Street was Inclined to look upon the break At the closo cstcrday n the naturo of a speculative raid, and this was borno out by the action ot the stock at the opening today, as It rollled readily. Mr. Donner's statement jesterday was dlBOppolntlng to thoe who had looked for something definite regarding the rumored dcnl, hut any communication In this re spect Is more likely to be forthcoming from the Heplogle party. Mr. Donner supplemented his previous remarks with another brief statement this morning, dealing with the company's earnings He said that during tho first half of the J car the business of all tho steel companies was very poor but that the last half will. In the case of Cambria, prove a record In both output nnd earn ings nnd will bring tho totnl profits for tho year Just obout up to those of 1511, which were the greatest In tho com pany's history. He nl-o talked of fu turo desirable Improvements to bo made and nsscrted that the outlook was very promising and that tho itockholdern need havo no fear that their Interests nre not being conserved Incidentally announce ment was mado that the Cambria Steel Company had bought Jointly with tho M. A. Hnnno Company flvo steamships for use In cnrrylng ore on the great lakes All the steel companies anticipate a henvy demand for ore next year, nnd na the railroads have been forced to part with their lako carriers, the big Indus trial concerns nro nrrnnglng to handle more oro than ever before In their own ships Statistics show tho wonderful recovery which has occurred In tho Iron nnd Btccl trade The senson's shipments of Iron ore down tho lakes were 46,318,804 tons, only about 3,000,000 tons less than tho rec ord mado In 1313 Yet, when navigation opened this yenr, pig Iron was being pro duced nt only three-fourths the rate ob taining when navigation opened In 1111 l'lg iron production Is moro than double the rate of last December, whllo steel , - 1 . io" lo full triple the rate ot that month, Bteol prlcea havo advanced by 11 Mnter amount since July 1 than at 011 time since 1S99 In a like period. Lake Ta Fre in Penruytvanla We own nnd offer: Reading Gen. 4s Pcnna. R. R. Gen. 4yas Pcnna. R. R. Com. 4-.i Lake Shore & M. S. 4s, 1928 N. Y. & H. R. 4i, 1934 Allegheny Valley 4i Particulars on application A. B. LEACH & CO. US South Fourth Street DEL1V-L01IBAHD 1281 KEYSTONE MAIN 400 ;v.VVVViVVVVVVVV-4AiVV-4,VVVVVtVVlV-l,lVVVVVlVVVVVVVVV,0 (T- Compensation Insurance Rates Are Out Co-operate with other Pennsylvania employers and obtain unlimited coverage under the Workmen's Compensation Act at approximate cost, by insuring- with the Manufacturers' Casualty Insurance Co., of Phila. A Pennsylvania Company to Insure Pennsylvania Employers of Labor : FILL OUT THIS COUPON stating nature of your business and we will quote compensation insurance rates at once. THOMAS S. DAMIO, Pre Prold-nl Uaado Frlntlnn and fublljb- Ing Co . Philadelphia. Fa. JObKl'H 1'. MACK. Xd Vict Frentient Union 1'4vIck Co.. l'nlladtlpbla. Pa. PEKC1VAL. K. iOKlUlEIIEK Frealdent Robert II. Focrdercr. Inc., PhlUJclpnta, Pa. ' ' II. II. tlPACUMAN Second Vice Prciii'.ent Iukena Iron Co. Coatmllle. Pa. Ui.ili.1,1.1.1. b.. WJ.VSELI. Iji'AhE Manufacturers' Casualty Insurance Company, 907 Franklin Bank Building Description of business General Payroll , Clerical " , . . . , , . , . , Drivers' " -.,,.,..,...,, E This Means YOU! WE CAN NOW TELL YOU THE COST OF YOUR WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE BEIDLER & BOOKMYER General Insurance 424 Walnut Stree Duanr. MorrU & liecktchtr, Phll-iilclphU, pa. DIRECTORS J. GUIfcON SI-II.VAIX, Jr., Treai. J Cltuon Mcltvaln & Co , -Lumber, I')ilUdIpbia, Pa. Plt.VNW K. CI.AMSON Pr'fldtnt National WooJ Chemical AmxUtbn, Ctauraon Chemical Co.. Hliwy. Pa. IltYMOND W. TUNNKIX i', W. TunotU Co . Glue and FrtllUr, I'blladclphU, Pa. JAMES II. PINUI.KY President York Wall Paper Co . w. ". PITTSBURGH OFFICEPEOPLES BUILDING ,, ttll, Mil It rresl.lent txattunal Pctroltum Anhiitloa. 1'rtallent Klrt Ndtlorul Dank, Warren, Pa, y. KOr.lI. II.DIMKTT "lies Preldnt Crew Llclt Co.. PbllxdjlphU, Pa. ' H. B. OArp.SEV BSlelar' .nd Treunurer National Cbcmlcjl Co. ue Preald'nt uatfDojr Wrod lro4ucta Co.. Bradford. Pa. irAiiit. i i. v. II C Kry Ulaaa Co.. 'itocbe-ier. LOGAN TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA NINTH ANNUAL STATEMENT NOVEMBER 30TH, 1915 RESOURCES Securities 52,020,609.77 Loans (Collateral) 1.820.24D.59 Real Estate and Vaults 580,517.72 Due from Banks and Cash 573,336.05 4,091,714.03 LIABILITIES Capital ( Auth. 1,000,000) ?906,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 409,929.94 Ground Rents , 405,000.00 Deposits 3,272,884.09 4,994,714.03 TRUST FUNDS 5I.037.6W.S0 CORPORATE TRUSTS $30,I,OOO.OJ ROWLAND COMLY ire-ldei( WILLIAM BRADWAY Treasurer fliMimyiiMiwiffiw Workmens Compensation Insurance Rates Are Out WE can now quote you the present rates, for this insurance, and inform you how we can probably reduce the cost to you. If you will telephone or write, we shall be pleased to advise you fully on all particulars. LONDON GUARANTEE & ACCIDENT CO., LTD. STOKES PACKARD HAUGHTON & SMITH Resident Managers 432-34-36 Walnut St., Philadelphia IltU i.ombam 4180 K--tonc Main 1W i -1 1 Iwt I) fVtiiti t i tn-Tin IM tH ', f 2tfSS?-. ,..w .A5-..H mhU- Kb A MAkWl -J:- & v. i a