ijjfjmmw'mimfy0wm'': "Jr?1 ' lyy 'f' "ar &fti EARNING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915. fit jjjj; OFFENSIVE ON WEST FRONT, GERMANS' PLAN Teutons Reinforce Lines in prance and Belgium for Supreme Effort RAILWAYS BUILT NEW LONDON. Dec. 11 jlotterdam correspondent of the nallr Mill "1s .n,itrhmen nnd Geimnns here talk JKff Inevitable battle In tlio West. .torltJ ngree that the Initiative TM?me from the Germans because the ,1? the struggle ! lelai the Tpr will he the Allien They nKiee Cowman cannot afford to fritter '",. lives anJ (l"f'lls '" conllnlloua lrcMch '.'piDCrt opinion hero Is that while the him will postpone n" attnclt until A2 tli" Hermans will strike lm Sitelv when n hnrd frost makes the pound pafsnhle tor Infantry nnd nrtll- "ifln this argument they predict that .. battle will e fuoRht early In the .. lear What Infoimntlon driftr ,1, the frontlets supports this vliw. Enforcements of men nnd Runs havo Urn pouring Into nance nnd IlclRlum m Mternl weeks, quietly nt Hist, hut ta large numbers In the past fortnlfiht. V.wnllnavs have been laid to the Ger man lines All Helglaiis havo been re moved from the battle nroa. "Among the new guns are ciulckflrcrs, chimed to be of heavier calibre nnd of u jwllt action as the dreaded l'tench ' Fighting continued last night In the CharopaKne roslon despite a honvy rain, He War Office announced today. The o8!cl.il communlouo states that the French nrtlllcrj and trench engines yes terdiy hcavlls dainaficd Gorman works en the front GREECE YIELDS TO ALLIES' DEMANDS Costlnnul from I'nue Ono petitionary forces hack to Satonlca nnd to the sea Premier Asqultli, Lord Kitchener. Sir Edward Orcy nnd Premier Ilrlnnd, of France, have ngrecd th.it all doubt as to the future vollc of KIiib Constantino of Greece must he cleared up without nny further delay At tlio same tlmo, It lias been made phln that the Allies havo no Intention of abandoning the Balkan cam paign. niiRlnnd and Trance nnd Itussla lae solcmnlj pledged themselves to re Itore the Independence nt Serbia. Teutonic forces In commnnd of General Ton Gallultz have reached tho Greek border In their sweep of Sorbin. Tho Al Ue?, It Is admitted In Paris, havo retired to new positions in Macedonia, llcrlln dclares tlio I'ntento troops h.ivo already cro'sed the Ureik lino In their retire ment on Kilonlci and fnco a crisis with Greece unless tho submit to disarma ment and Internment A dispatch to iteuter's TeleRram Com pany from Satonlca says: "It Is rellublv reported hero that Ger man forces under Gcneuil von Galtwltz occupied Glovgcll, on tho railway line a ihcrt dlsinm.es noith ot tho i,ieek fron tier In Serbia, rridai mornlnR. Tho force Includes two divisions " According to Information received from Berlin mlll'nry quarters, the Anglo Trench expedition In the Balkans has continued IN retreat and hnd now entirely evacuated Serbian tenltorj. CONVENTION OUTLOOK GROWS BRIGHTER Continued from 1'age (Ino men of this city, such ns Mr. Stotesbury, Mr. Wnnam.ikcr nnd Mr Cuitls, shoulil accompanj the Philadelphia committee to Washington next week nnd demand that Philadelphia should be chosen for the con tention I understand tlint Mr. Stotes bury Intends roIiir He was, ns usual, one of the llrst to pave tho wny for the convention and was tho llrst to subscrlbo toward the Ruarnntee fund. Others who have taken nn active part In the campaign to win tho convention for Philadelphia also nsscrt that tho tlmo taa now nrrlved when enthusiasm nnd co-operation are needed It Is pointed out that Chicago, which Is also making Jeepcrate efforts to obtain the conven tion, completed Its financial and business campaign for that purposo two wcoks npo. Senator Penrose said nt Washington f oay that Philadelphia has n chance for the convention, but would not say that "believes success assured for this city, lam. ot couise. for Philadelphia." he jald. "and 1 ahnll do nil 1 can to Ret the, convention " He then spoko of the Republican Na tional Committee and said that tho spirit t harmony prevails and every ono Is wxlous to bring ubout ns quickly ns po.s loie a restoration of tho piotoctlvo tariff, Wrlotle firmness In dealing with forelRn inairs and foreign respect for American uplomacy riTTSBUnnir wii.t. irnr.n ' n?n:ouraBement ls fouml by tho couven- "" niinusinsts Hero In authentic re port that Pittsburgh will bring prcssuro S.fr. t0 havo tho convention held in nil adelphla. It had been expected that iiJ v,om twor Chicago. ine Philadelphia committee will go to "athington on Tuesday of next week, wugressma J. Hampton Moore will net "chairman of tho committee, and will , ,lle "Pokesman of tho delegation. Gov :0' BnnbauBh wilt represent the State ! Fred Wlllarrt will represent the He Publican clubs of tho State. Robbers Wow Open Postofflce Safe Y"VrFRD. Conn.. Dec. ll.-Flva in ,fcn early ,oday bIew OP6 'be safe !!. ? Wstofflce and escaped after a, run nl ft with policemen No loot was .M.I . but Etmps and other valu fcy .1 n thB other safo were destroyed r the explosion. Storm Porch Enclosures SlOrm Hnni bmiI CUA. "S Meta! Weather Stripping Rust-Proof Screem 1st ut atlmatm WILSON & WILSON, Inc. "" rarrish Street 1 ulrnhnna Ijacutt 1313 Mg supports VAIUCOSK VEIN'S. ULCERS. jk Anklti. Swollen I cs. Kt. AHK KIKNI.Y KUrrOHTKn BT TUB USB OF THB Lorliss Laced ktockins ft KJ"U .belled. I COMIMICAL. Cot 1.75 each. ?. , for ,ha me "mt. . P0taUl. rail and b mcuaurta .'. ".. writ for self.mtuiu nt Illsnk No. . '"nilpal belt to order. I csna.CorlUt Limb SpccliliyCo '".""J ius t'boao tl. 891 MM !!-U Mlbtrt VhU. Ml 1 i ROOSEVELT AT CAPITAL Former President Spends Hour in Washington, Waiting for Train AVAStllNOTON', Dec. 11 -rormer Presi dent Theodore !looove!t came back to Washington today, but did hot stay Ion-? He was forced to wait here nn hour while changing trains and during that time he strolled about the Rrounds around tho Capitol. The Colonel stated he was on his way to TuskaRee. Alabama, but he refused to Ray what his mission there ,s and ho also emphatically ictuscd to be Interviewed GLI AUSTRIACI SANNO CHE LA RESISTENZA E' INUTILE SULL'ISONZO L'Arciduca Eugenio Teme Cho Dopo Gorizia Sara' Impos- sibile Arrestaro l'Avan- zata Italiana Verso zata Italiana DUELLI D'ARTIGLIERIA ItOMA, 11 Dlcembre. Dlspaccl Rluntl qui da Innsbruck e non pnssntl per la censura nilstrlaca dlcono 1 die le foro nuslrlnclio vanno gradata- mente nbbandonnndo lo poslzlonl da loro occupato nttorno n Gorlrla in sogullo nl perslstontc fuoco delle nrtlglloria Itallnnc, fuoco cho ha contlnuato glorno c notto senza Interruzlonc per due meal. I dlspaccl dlcono cho lo pcrdlto ntia trlnche sono stnte Rrnvisslme. l.e forze cho ora reslstono agll Itallanl sono tutto uiiRlieresI c le loro risorve vanno costante mente e rnpldamcntc diminuendo, coslc cho' non bastcranno per rlcmplro I vuotl. A I.nlbaeh si tenno rccentcmcntc un conslullo dl Ruerra n cul parteclparono II Reneinlo lloroevlc, II Renerale Dankl e I'nrelduca nilRenlo Ncl conslglio fu dlscussa n convenlenza o mono dl nbbniidonnre Oorlzln; ma si sa cho l'arelducn sostenne che si doveva reslsteic a. tuttl I cnstl c slno alia line, sebbetie fosse convluto epll pure dcll'lnutllltn" Tlclla reslstcii7a. Iarclduca pcro' espresso 11 tlmoro rhe 1'avanzatn depll Itallanl non sarebbo statn phi nrrestatn so essl nvesscro occupato II punto stratcglco dl Grrlyla p dellTsonzo. Icrl sera II Mlnlstero dclln Gucrra pub bllcnva 11 scRUcnte comunlcnto uniclalo bnsato sut rapporto del gcncralc Cadorna: "Nclla notte dell'8 corrcnte II ncmlco face varll tcutntlvl dl attaccare o forzaro lo nostro position! dclln zona dl Oslavl.i, nulla nlturc n nord-ovest dl Oorlzln, ma ciuestl tentatlvl furono tmmcdlatamcute resplntl. "Contlnun l'attlvlta' ilcU'artlcllerla da nmbf lo parti. I..I nostra artlRllerla dis perse parecchi Rruppl dl opcral del genlo ed alcuno colonno dl rlforiilmento nelle valli dl San PclleRrlno e dpll'AvIslo TelcRrninml da Atcne dlcono cho II rov cmo greco ha rillulato til fare itltoi lot I concessionl aRll allcatl, secondo qu.into nffcimava un autorevole pcrsoiingglo pllenlco, a che poche ore dopo che Rll nlleati nvevano comlnclnto ad pvacuaro la Serbia e a rlcntraro in territorlo greco, dlrlRendosi verso la loro bnso dl Salonlcco, lo trattaMve tra 1 loro dlplomatlcl e la Grocla furono Interrotte Anche (til si rltlcne che lo rclnzlonl tra Grccia cd nlleati sono nssal vlclnc alia faso crltlca, e ad Atcne stcssa si e' pes slmlstn clua I ilsultati delle tr.ittatlvc. SI s,i cho almeno una parte dello forze nnglo-frmcesl si c' rltlrnta In territorlo gieco, c (1, 1 Salonlcco si npprendo che le truppe del gencralc tedesco von Gnlllwitz, hnuno ocupato Ghovghell che eta base dellu opeia7lonl degll allcatl in Serbia. Un tclcgrnmnia da Atone dlccva anche cho II maresclnllo von Mnckenscn era Rlunto it Costantlnopoll con duo brlgate b.ivaicsl. A Jloma si credo che una delle hat taglle d"clslve della Rticrr.i sla per ea sel 0 Impegnata tra gll allcatl o lo forzo tcutonlche e hulgnre cho cercheranno dl rlcacclare 1 rrlml verso la loro base dl Salonlcco A Uoma si rltleno cho la Grccia sara' costretta ad cntraro ncl conllltto molto piesto, forse tra un p.iio dl settimanp, o con 1 tedeschl o con Rll nlleati, ina 0' anche poslbllo che re Costantlno voRlIa combattero contro le duo coallzlonl per far rlspcttare la neutiallta' della Grecla. Nel clrcoll mllltart romunl non si credo cho lo forze nllcatc. Inferloil dl numero. possano reslstcre alia pressione del teu tonlcl e bulRarl, ma si credo cho la Ruerra sara' portata In territorlo greco e che gll i-lleatl potranno rlmanere n Salonlcco dove sarauno appogglatl dalla loro (Illotta. DELAWAREANS IN ORE DEAL Buy Land Near Boston for Reducing Plant HOSTON', Dec. 11 It became known heio today that a Inrgo Delaware cor poration has completed a deal for tho pin chase of M acres of land in Welling ton, to tho north of this city, for tho erection of nn ore-reducing plant. The corporation Is to be known ns tho Com monwealth Acid rhosphate Company, and It will employ more than fOO skilled mechanics. A mammoth concrete structure costing moro than J2M.000 will bo built on the land, which has a large frontage on tho Maiden Itlver and tho Boston and Maine Hallroad tracks. Illinois Storm Cripples Wire Lines CHICAGO. Dec 11. The first sleet storm of the winter crippled wire service In Illinois today. Springfield was iso lated. J. E. Pearls of the Finer Qu al i ties COLDEST DAY OP THB WINTER SENDS MERCURY TO EIGHT BELOW FREEZING 48L 3 JX trS-13- froviro,. MoT tBT Early- Risers Dismayed by Forms on Lakes and Yet Safe for This Is tho cnldcBt day of tho winter. The moicury touched Its lowest mark of the senson nt 7 o'clock this morning 21 degrees, or 3 below fi oozing That Is two degrees colder than the previous rec ord for the winter This fnct mado It doubly difficult for early morning risers to Use nnd com muters to commute. The alarm clock's Insistent demand had n peculiarly bane ful sound, a mocking clang that was maddening to moro than one Philadel phia who poked tils noso out from under the shelter of blankets. And more than ono ot those noses became suffused with a steady blush. More persons were lato to work this morning than any other morning this winter, it Is estimated. 1'nouRh trolley tie-ups ncro reported to the "boss" to make n member of Ananias' exclusive organization Rrcen with nevy. Almost but not quite enough cold air settled down over the cltj's lakes nnd streams to make skating. Enterprising sninll bojs who visited tho lnkcs In 1'nlr mount Park found thin skims of Ice Hunting Park Lake was quite frozen over with noarlv nn Inrh of Ice, and the Schulkll' Illvcr and Wlssnhlckon Creek were partly fioren Hut there will bo no skating In the parks until thcio Is two Th w ,(m OINTTAGUE & CO.) ST-&JL Pss Before purchasing holiday candy for Sunday schools, day schools, church festivals and home use call at our main retail store, 10 South Broad street, 9 South I 5th street or at the Montague factory, 23d and Sansom streets, where you can see the choicest candies at lowest prices. The family Xmas box will not be complete without a box of Montague's Own-Spun Chocolate Candy. Half pound. 30c. Try our 5-lb. Family Box of Chocolates and Bon Bons, $ 1 .50. CALL TO SEE US Factory 23d and Sanaom Streets JU$ $300,000 Wanted A large, energetically managed, Philadelphia going concern, owning its own plant modern in construction and equipment to the last word, with rail and water facilities requires the above sum for increasing its output which represents the recognized standard in this particular liasic article of manufacture needed and used since the days of the Patriarchs to the present and in increasing demand; which on account of the excellence of the production, demands 10 days' time on all sales, and for cash only. This concern commands the utmost confidence of the largest Financial Institutions of Philadelphia and the very highest Banking references are avail able. The net worth of this business in the last eight years has been increased over 8009c by the present capable management in the manufacture, not of a freakish commodity, but one that is as staple as the very food we daily equire. An investor is individually protected for the above amount by the security of double the amount in actual cost of land, and build ings; by fire insuranc; title insurance and insurance on the lives of the principals who are conducting the business. Principals only address Box M 120, Ledger Office Caldwell & 902 Chestnut Street dDi an . . -- - - Frigid Conditions Ice Streams, but Not Skating or two nnd ono-hnlf Inches of Ice wait ing, nccordliiR to Sergeant O'Neill, of the Woodford guardhouse. Captain Dun can, of the Park gunrds, will not permit skating until It Is considered safe Piospects for thicker and 11101 e Ice be gan to dwindle when the tempernturo rose. Hy noon It had climbed to freezing, nnd the Wenther Man snld that It was not out of the bounds of reason to think that It would rise a llttlo moro. "Hut not much," he said, In a. frigid tone. "KING OF FORGERS" HELD George L. Ramlerson JIust Face Trial in Boston HOSTON', Dec 11 -George I, Ilander son, who has no less than 19 other names nnd descrlben himself nn the "king of forgers," was being held today for the Grand Jury under $Som) ball, following his nripst by Captain Armstrong, of police hendqu irtcrs. The exact n mount of his peculations can oniv bo gues'ed nt, but the police place It at uvinv thousandn of dollars L'ndci various names Hamlet sou has been con victed 10 times In different cities, and Is now wanted In a scoro of places tit - T 2E Main Store 10 South Droad 9 South 15th 14 other retail stores Co Neckl aces of Pearls lamonds PERMITS R. R. TO REMOVE FREIGHT Andalusia Man Relents on Promise That Son's Death Will Bo Investigated Samuel Crowlher, the nged farmer of Andalusia, permitted emplojes ot tho Pcnnsvlvnnla. Hnllroad to rcmovo several thousand dollars' worth of freight from his property today when he was given to understand thnt the death of his son Inst August on tho railroad tracks nt Haunted lane would be promptly Investi gated. Tho Crowther farm ndjolns tho rail road property nt tho point whero IS cars were wrecked osterday on the New York dlvjslon of the Pcnnsjlvnnla Hallroad. Wrecking crews carried valuable mer chandise on to tho farm for temporary rlorago without asking permission to do so. Crowther considered tho wreck nn act of Providence and said ho would not nl low tho freight to be removed until the company recompensed him for the death of his son. . "I say a lawyer," he snld today, 'and I was told tl at I was within my rights In holding the frclKht. provided It Is not perishable. It certnlnly Is not perishable, tor most of It Is stuff llko pianos, Vlc trolas, dress good, enndv, hats, electrical fixtures and other things that will keep all right." , ,,, When nsked why he had changed his mind about holding the freight, he ex plained thnt three ngents of the rallroud called on him today nnd snld thnt If ho applied to the clnlm ngent of the com pnnv, the death, of his son would he Investigated promptly. It also was said that thco claims wcro taken up In tho older llled, nnd thnt this possibly might necount for tho fact that ho has not been recompensed ns jet. Heprcsentntlvcs of tho railroad said Crowther could not hold tho freight, as it was not tho property of tho company, and beenuso tho goods constituted Intcrstnto lommcrce transported by a common enr 1 lor. Open Your Mouth and Close Your Eyes! Candi anaies HAVE you ever tried to tell tho flavor ot candy with your eves closed' If the candy ls cood, on enn tell tho llnvor, but It's got to be much better than most candles. These CANDIUS will stand that test. St: Waf. rawberry crs 30c lb. Retjul 40c ar price w n IIAVn somo In orangn also You can taste tho flavor with your ejes closed. Six Iet llclow rirond St, I.INCOI.X IIUIMHNR Broad St., South of City Hall Visit THE NORTH TENTH STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10th St. Below Girard Ave. lumiirniit Muridiig, 10:30 i:rnliiK, 7:13 The 1'rfuihlns Mill help you WILLIAM lmillUllSTAl'P, MINISTER M"miir- POERCED by FALLACIES into subjecting itself to a v Prohibition law, the State of West Virginia has been suffering financial and other embarrassments ever since the ban was placed upon the licensed sale of alcoholic drink last year. Meantime, there has been little or no check upon those who wish to obtain all the liquors they want. A ND no better evidence of the dissatisfaction of West Vir- ginia's people over their Prohibition law can be cited than an account of two competitive parades in Wheeling, as reported by the Register of that city. This journal, in its issue of October 24, stated: KSH if 'TPHUS was it unmistakably shown that West Virginia has already learned, by sorry experience, the FALLACY of Prohibition; just as other States have learned, that while a Prohibition law cuts off Government revenue and drives industries and workingmen out of employment, it does not stop indulgence in alcoholic drinks. Of the first fourteen States that tested Prohibition, all but one repealed the law, and the States that have since gone under the Prohibition banner will turn about as they awaken. Philadelphia Lager Beer Brewers' Association (Jhe Ntxt Article Will Appear Wednesday. December ISth) S3 npnEO $48,366,712.45 MADE FROM DU PONT STOCK Shares Purchased From T. Coleman du Pont by Syndi cate Give Rich Harvest WILMINGTON, Del, Dec. II. Since the duPont suit was filed In tho Federal Court hero those Interested In fortunes mado from duPont powder stock have been figuring how much Pierre S du Pont nnd tho syndicate now known ns tho du Tont Securities Company have mado out of tho stock which they purchased from General T. Coleman duPont They fig ure thnt to dato the earnings have been IIS, 366,712.45. The svndlcnto purchased 63,611 shares of common stock, according to tho bill of complaint filed In the case, nt $200 n share, making a total of 1J,722,S(M, nnd H.G99 shares of preferred slock, nt $15 a share, n total of $1,240,015. Tho total amount expended wns $13,963,1S. Hlnco thnt time tho new company wns formed, and for each sharo of stock held In tho old company tho holder was Riven two shares of tho new nnd nltowcd to rctnln the old. This mado 127,22s shares of new stock, which, nt Its present pi Ire of $390 n share, would ho worth $"0, 011,920. Tho old stock Is worth par, which would be $!,3GI,400, nnd tho pre ferred stock Is counted ns Worth par, which would he $l,ir1,900, making n totnl of $57,140,220 On tho stock Kt pun-hnsed It Is flRiirod that tho dividends, counting the one to be paid December in, will amount to $4,410,207 4" Dcductlnp this 20,000 Suggestions For Christmas Gifts You probably have a number of Christmas presents you wish to give. How to select them is the difficult problem. Will you take a few minutes at your own convenience in your own home with your own copy of our catalogue? In this book you will find over 20,000 photographic illustrations of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. Each article is accurately described and priced. The entire catalogue is classified by departments, so that you can find in a few seconds any particu lar article in which you are interested. With paper and pencil at hand, selection is easy and pleasant, for there are really helpful, sensible gift suggestions in this big book. A phone message or postcard will bring one to your home by mail. SKinds-Sons Diamond Merchants Jewelers -Silversmiths lllO Chestnut Street Closing Hour Six o'clock Until Christmat 'U'H'iinc Facts Versus Fal 1 ac ies FACT is a real state of things. FALLACY is an appar ently genuine but really illogical statement or argument. "PROHIBITIONISTS and Anti-Prohibitionists engaged in a peaceful contest last evening to demonstrate the direction m which Ohio County leans on the wet and dry issue. Practically all Wheeling crowded the streets to watch opposing factions show sentiment by strength of numbers. The wets won. Twelve to one was the propor tion. The parade of the wets was one of the greatest street displays ever seen in Wheeling Among sentiments expressed on banners carried were these: " 'Unmask Prohibition and Workingmen are leaving before.' " 'Prohibition means the blind from the amount paid for the stock. It his. coat tho nymli'ito to la l 19.173,-" r07 Rr. Tills give? the syndlcato a profit 1 of $18,366,712.5. nWHAT THE ij Our Christmas Present to You! Do you tvatit one of thesef FREE! nltli rvery purelinie until C lirlstinns. Handy Telephone List Atk for our book "Social Sugseitiont" SI yt 304-906 CHESTNUT ST. SJ 3EmH'!iH I you'll find a lie. " Wheeling; they never did tiger and blind pig, All But One Of The First Fourteen States That Went "DRY" Repealed The "DRY" Law, ) (! aiprrei T 8 I - 9 BBinaHolBH . 3 p-