zs&iwiHiiiii l8&ViSgg i ! tfSTRAft SATURDAY December 11, 1915 iJitbQtV ituenmn tife i m U ' i,t Ife ' iff in ll. If II II ill ill I 5 If PERSONS, SCENES AND EVENTS PROMINENT IN THE NEWS FROM AN ACTIVE WORLD -.M 1b llll.l M.WMII ---M-Mi1WB.IIIMW fi .I ! II 1 .1 I Ill 1 I " 1 I 1 P WW Mi WW p ! (c) Underwood It Underwood. CHINESE PRINCESS ENRAPTURED BY UNITED STATES Princes3 Juo Quon Tai is only 19 years old. Sho is an example of the new woman in China who laughs even at parental disfavor to demonstrate that there is no harm in a young girl or princess traveling unchaperoned. THE RUFFED GROUSE SEASON IS ON These four hunters of Lebanon, Pa., went out and bagged these 75 birds in a day. ITALY HONORS ITS WARRIORS "The Sorrows of 1915," by Spasciani, a new Italian sculptor, J J is one oi tne most striKing statues erected to tne neroes , i of Italy. It is in the cemetery of Milan. ' j I WgWBWBWWMiMMl-""-'"-"""MI"" llll III . I I I " I ! II I I W i Two THE YULETIDE IS NOT ALL PLEASURE FOR THE LETTER CARRIER OR THE POSTOFFICE CLERK, IT BRINGS DAYS AND WEEKS OF CEASELESS HARD WORK FOR THEM collection men are seen at the left emptying their bag of parcels after a tour of their districts. At the right, clerks in the new parcel post station at 22d and Market streets are shown in the act of weiKhinc and sorting out the bm&a containing Christmas pits. Thanks to the efficiency and tireless efforts of these men, relatives and friends find cheer oa Christmas morn even though separated from home by 'hundreds or ttwvwwJ of miles. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers