7y-7,.M uj, tiwmniwt.'jBwwpiiiin mwpyfywWBgy! rwsig' M EVENING TJEDGER PHIEXDEEPHIX BATTTEDkY, DECEMBER H. T9Xfo If ill f. m H I ' 1 Ifc I! I foil K IK - m I I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OERMANTOWN RESIDENCB SITES-Oround In best section of OermantSan and. Chestnut Hill. n. II. r.ISTER& SON, S012 Oermantown nve. WK CAN nssist you to find thnt house you are, looking for. Oermantown Trust Com puny, chclten nnd Germnntonn axes. smvCll Investment houses, almost ToP lar lor dollar. GLTNDON PRIESTMAN, novo ucrmnmown ntc. A8SF.S3ED looO each, price jtfoo mch (Clear), 203 and 297 Callom aL Marshall II. Smith, 1011 Chestnut st. "hestnnt Hill NEW SALE AND HENT LIST ItBADT Pelham. Mt. Alrv nnd Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO., 0710 Oermnntonn are. Tlogn 1818 CAYUGA ST. Three-story, terraced, porch front modern dwelling, lot 13x123 feet: ID large rooms, Ono condition; 1 square from boulevard! 440o. North Phlla. Trust Co., proad nnd Erlo nve. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT . . IN TIOC1A Oil I.OOAN KENNEDY It HAMIIO. 3740 Oermantown. Ionian LOGAN'S PRETTIEST HOMES RUSCOMB ST. (SOUTH SIDE. lRTIt TO 10TH) JUST WEST OP LOGAN STATION LOGAN'S PARK SECTION Afl SUBSTANTIAL AS THEV AHE BEAU TIFUL. EVERYTHING TO CONSTITUTE EXCELLENCE AND COMPLETENESS. Imposing terraced fronts, large porches, I) closets, deep lots. best of plumbing and heating systems. ESPECIALLY note our laundries and high, light basements with ce ment walls. Open day and night. S3 800 Terms to Suit You J4200 WITH BRICK OARAGE AND DRIVEWAY 14 IT. WIDE. Two fine stores on corner. Flno business opportunities. . OLD YOUK ItOAD TltOLLEYS 54 ON 10TII, Ml ON 1ITIL (. ON (ITU. WALK THROUGH I.OOAN STATION Oil FISHER'S LANE TO 15TH. THEN SOUTH TO RUSCOMB, S. C. ABERNETHY 2724 N. BTH ST.. 133 S. 12TH ST. STOnES, DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS For Gala or Rent In Dest Sections of Logan, WM. D. CHAMDErtS. 40.13 N. Ilroad si. LOOAN HEAL ESTATE BALE, ItENT AND EXCHANGE XL M. Smith, Ilroad st , opp, Logan Station. Olney BEAUTIFUL modern homes. J1S0O to JOOOOS easy terms; somo garage privilege. AuEll NETHY, 2724 North Bth, 40S Tabor road. SUBURBAN OLD YORK ROAD SECTION An English stylo residence on I'd acres of ground (corner) nnd garage. Can bo bought right, Huise has 1.1 rooms. High lointlon. Convenient to golf course. Near train nnd trol ley. Will make attractive price for quick sale. WM. H. WILSON & CO. n W E S T V I E W KLICINS PARK Beautiful building tracts; high location, extended view over lino homes or Elklns Park; mar train und trolley. Prices 1100 and upward. Our nutomobtlo ay appointment, i-nono .licirosc 1UM. RHnAIW ft PAIII EMM r.TIIST. . . &i;,M.sl.A ItK BETWEEN TWO AND THItEE ACflES at steam and high-speed electric stations; Lons dale section; very neat b-room dwelling, hot water heat, bath, electric lights, pressure water, etc., stable, splendid young shado and ". ine uniy one oi us Knl &l mo price. Brown & Cloud, Norrlstown, Pa. Hewett Estate Develooment Between Jcnklntown and (lienslde. 33 acres; aoreare at the irice or building lot.- MAURICE J. HOOVER1, 10-TtOOM FItAME DWELLING: 2 baths; mod ern conVdMenres; outbuildings; fruit; shade; near train; low p-i.e. II. 11. McCOLLUM 1314 Wulnut !.. Philadelphia. "Don t Forget tho Number." HOMES FOH SALE OH HENT WENDELL Ar MASSEY, fte.il Estate Trust Hldg. CHOICE nUILDINO SITES , and acreage. AHTHUR P. TOWNSENli. Lnnghorne, Pa. 1IAIN LINE Pa II. n.. mod. duelling. 1.1 rms., outbuildings, II acres, fruit, woods, line views; 1 mile from sta. P.M. Aman.lgiil Chestnut st. BELECT PHOPEnTIES-Country Bt.au. farms, f'ft orders now. LEWIS T. IHtOOKE ft SON 1414 South Pennso. FOUNDED 1870. ' LAHQE LIST OF St'BUIHIAN HOMES, ails t5h"V W.,l,hA,iJalnJjlne.Pr """ling n. It. WM. II. WILSON ft CO., Morris Uulldlnr. Ambler, I'a. SEND FOR LIST or suburban homes, farms. country seats, building ground, it" I have liS'r."' "st ,n Momiomery and !" i00""' " J,ou nro looking for any .l.n5,!? ,the 1'ay of country real estate, do not fall to get my list before you buy. THOMAS ATKINSON; Amoier, i-n, & t?2un,try. "5CS?, V "Uburban homes ih? Kj',ntV Ilethlehem and Doy eatown branches. H. J. Pager. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Ilala-Cynwyd. pa. WE HAVE A LAHOE SELECTION OF well-located modern houses In these desirable suburbs. All convenient to trains, and noma within easy reach of trolley. Every other city convenience. State requirements and we will send list. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE RUILDINa Elklns Park. Fa. NBW BINOLE DWELLINGS, 12 rooms. 3 baths; .1 mln. from station: reasonabla price. Mccormick & Mccormick, ion chestnut St.. and Elklns Park. (ilrnslde, I'n. MAGNIFICENT stons and shingle residence, containing 12 rooms, bath, all modern con veniences; large lot, with stable; convenient to train and trolley; best location; property could not be duplicated for less than $15,000; will take $10,000 for quick sale; several other unusual opportunities, , RENNINGER 4 RENNINOER rjlenslde. Fa., and Broad and Walnut sts.. Philadelphia. Pa. MODERN HOMES, best location, building lota and acreage; many rare offers. Call at Glenslde offlce today. RENNINGER & HEN. NINGEI1. Glenslde, and Hroad and Walnut. .Moore. Pn. $3200 BUYS 10-nOOM HOUSB LOT 7BX1S0 FEET Mod. convs., shado: near station and trolley. Call ses photo. Others Norwood and Ridley. PETKR3 A SON. C08 Chestnut St.. Phlla. Swarthmore, Ta. SSSOfl ONLY $1000 CASH REQUIRED pjJUU J3.K00M HOUSE, LOT 73x130 Modern conveniences and In excellent order. Old shade, fruit; wiell located. Photo. C. P. PETERS & SON. 008 CHESTNUT 8T. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MAIN LINK, l'A. It, It, OUR LIST OP MAIN LINE PROFEnTrES comprise everything from small suburban houses to largo country estates. Also small lots nnd large building sites. List to suit Individual requirements sent upon request, LOW Kit MKHION HKALTV CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING Country Place, Eight Acres House contains 111 rooms, 3 baths, 4 minute from station: high location; stream of water with lake- plenty of old shade: eompleto garage nnd stable; pinep can be bought for price of lind- nlntns nt our of flee. WM. H. WILSON & CO. iTEsltlAliLin-KOPErtTIES itukji. -.. . . SALE OH KENT WAItNOCJIftJjjnjvN Commercial Tr.Wdg. SUBURBAN HOMES, country places and building sites t,. stilt all requirements; Main Line, II. C HUNTKfl. Wayne, pa. OverlirooU WE SAY "IT'S A BARGAIN" An EnglMi house with l." rooms, typical de sljrn. surrounded by honutirul homos; this will resell f.ir a handsome profit, ntiil in tho meantime make an elegant home. Don't fall tn ltuv this plane. Sen us now WM. M. WILSON & CO. nnji "OVHHtlHOOK HOMES ' A largo and romi letc list of properties In Ovorhrook for snlo nt prices from JS.V'O up ward; secrnl bargains; also complete rent CHARLES J. HOOD A CO. (Morris Hldg.) H21 Chotnutt Merlon BEST "HOUSES FOR THE PRICE K.era.r3,aUr,Choa,chMrsnn"n!,PeYertlc'! Ity: hot-wntor hent: hardwood doors; open fireplaces: porcelain laundry tun: th-.n houses nre for snlo at I2.."(I nnd 1 1 3, Ron. on ensy terms; they make beautiful homes- ex nmlno them today: on Ilencon lane, near station; unquestionably tho best suburb near WM. H. WILSON & CO. onmB ., HLDO. ON THE NORTH SIDE Attractive storo and timber house. 15 rooms end 3 baths, electric light, steam heat. garago for 2 cars, men's room an.l bath! over aero of ground: excellent surroundings: this property Is very deslrnblo and worth Tn vcatlgatlon. HIRST & McMULLIN WESTEND TIIUST DUILDINO BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME 20 rooms. 4 baths, 8 chambers, billiard room; all conveniences, hot-water heat; largo garage; t'i acres; best locntlon: near station. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TIIUST IlUlLDtNO Ardmoro We Have an Exceptionally Urge list of very attractive properties, both for ealo or rent, at all prices; let us know your requirements. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TllUST flUILDlNO Hnterfnnl NEW STONE HOUSE Desirably located, near Merlon Golf Club, nt Hftverfonl; is rooms, 4 baths, s chambers, hot-water hent, olectrie Ilht: several opon Mrcplacen; beautiful outlook; garage, 3 cam; rooms for men; nbout a acres of ground: prlco moderate. hirst cSt Mcmullen WEST END TltrST HUILDINO. lVnyno AN ATTUACTIVE English-stylo house, 12 rooms, elegantly furnished: lot 73x200; sev eral nlcn trees; beautiful lawn: will sell com plete, $Il,OC0, or will sell without furnish ings; tnortgngo can bo arranged. Photo In my ofdeo F. P. WAUD. 702 Real Estate Trust Hldg, NEW .lEIt.SEY Haildon Heights, N. J. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES 1IADDON HEIOIITS, N. J, WILLET LIPPINCOTT -Maple Minile. N, J. THE GREATEST privilege of the 20th century Is to own a little ono-acro farm close to 1'ntladclr.hla, nnd remember $3 down buys one. $.1 monthly pays for It. For a square deal call on or write UAItLOW & CO., Maplo Shade. N. J. .Mt. L'pliralm, N. J. . ONE-ACRE FAR.M3 Mt Ephralm, N. J. (ndjolnlng Haddon Heights), enly 5 miles from Camden (2 sta tions on tract). $100 to $000 per acre, title U'.'Vri'U '" deed: no taxes for wis. CAMD, COUNTY GAnDBN FARMS CO. , l-Ou Ilroadway. Camden. N. J. SEASHORE Atlantic City. N. J. FOR SALE Oarago on Congress ave.: rood building; lot 2.1x82. L 033. Ledger Central. . Cape May. N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reltabU builder Is a satis action: attractive plans submitted fres. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J, Ocean City, N. J. LOTTAOE erected by a reliable builder la a fimif:l5"on; attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M, TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. I'EN'.NSYM ANIA FARMS POULTRY AND FRUIT FARM B I ACRES. DEI- CO. PENN. 14-room house: modem conveniences; complete buildings; modern laying liouao for 500 henas brooder house for 1200 chicks; Incubators; col ony houses nnd com. equips., Including mock; BSO fruit trees In prime; 2 acres In grapes; mile from ta. For photos & particulars apply C. P. PETERS .t; SON. 003 CHESTNUT ST. MEDIA FAnM, 42 ACRES Farmhouse, barn, etc.: old shado; spring, running stream: convenient train and trolley and the Roso Tree Hunt Club. llEHKNESH & STETSON LAND TITLE UUILDINQ NINE-ACRE village farm; 7-room brlclc house, bam, outbuildings' 1 square off Norrlstown trolley; price $2200. J000 cash down. Writs for Jack's New Bulletin of Farm Bargains. J.a;k'" Tarn! .Agency. 213 Stephen OlrarJ Hldg,. Philadelphia. 23 ACRES. STOCK, CROPS, good buildings: $2500. half eas.i. HUNSBERGER'S FARM AGENCY, Green Lane, Pa COUNTRY seat. 1 mile to Lansdale; 2 acres, 14-room, molern stone house, woodland, stream: $18.500. A. H. TYSON. Lansdale, Pa! 33 ACRES. Main Una P. R. n.-Barialn $7u00. J. n. THOMPSON. West Chester. Pa. 88 ACRES 1 mile Main Line. Penna., $73001 worth tsSOO; easy terms. A. D. HEALD, West Chester, Pa. NEW .1KI1SEV FAIIMS CO-ACRE TRUCK FAIlil fl miles ferry. Directly on river front. 137-ACHE FRUIT FARM lfl miles ferry; I mile station; $6300. C. P. PETERO & SON. COS CHESTNUT PT. Marlton. N. J. 112-ACRE grain, grass and potato farm; 1U mtlss from Marlton. 12 from Camden, on m. proved road; good buildings; 2 dwgs.; fruit, stream, timber. A.W.Dresser.Uurllngton, N.J, S Z-IUSA " ( OS i "safe at LirTN 1 4k W fl '-M REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY BUr A HOME FUOM US-Monthly payments, JIT to tno: N. Phlla. and Germantown: prices 1M to JiOno. Merchants' Union Trust Com pany, 713-710 chestnut at. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE TEN-ROOM furnished dwelling; extra lots; Ulensldo equity. fSSOO. J 54, t,odger Cent. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE beautiful home, hot-water heat, Kas, electric, largo living room, 4 bedrooms, nrdwood floors, inlue J.l.ViO for small lot of ground or small houses. 4 SI U. Walnut lano. MY ItKSIDENCE on I",. Washington lane, Oer mantown, worth ttSOO; mortgage $V.ni), is for sale or eschango for clear ground or farm 'orth fully J2cuo. Send description and exact location. 1'. O. IIox .'1122. SEVEHAL small dwellings, rents $7 to $.1.1, f!0") per year. Livingstone, Ilroad & Walnut. Subject to first mortgage only; net lmomc. DEsiltAIILE PItOPEItTY on TbTg.i st.-Wlii consider Investment bouses or ground. WILL JAMNAniLJ amljMklnne SEND the Information of any real estate you hao for exchange and get nn Immediate) of fer. J. J. Donnelly, sold Itldgo nve. WANT property In Oermantown with largo lot In exchange for residence on Locust west nf 4.1Ui. WOltllKLL, BIT North 17th. EXCHANGE clear property, valued $110,000, for Philadelphia lightly encumbered business property. J 041, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT TO ntrr: Small lot old houses, convenient to 8th and Chi'stnut, for private gnrnge. Tno-story hnuso for Investment, rent about $20. Prlco nlthln S2.V10. AHTHUll UOSWELL 233 N. 13th st. ltents Collected. WE NEED MOtlH $1B ft $10 houses to rent. We have verv few left. "Let us put our eNn on yours." c. Fredericks, IRtli nnd York. WANTED-House with 2 baths, sullnblo for physician, between IB-IS. Mt. Vernon to Glr nrd nvo., Inclusive. J SI0. Irfdg(r Central. HUNTS AND INTEltEST l OI.LKCTEP, mort. gages and Ore Insurance placed quietly. See Kane for prompt results. 2.12S Taslter st. WANTED tn buy, vein of dm clay; name loca tion, shipping facilities, also analysis nnd test, j in i, i.wgrr wentrni. WTJ HAVE several clients who will buy nt onco any real estate that Is cheap. J. J. Donnelly. 801B flldgn nvo DESIHAIILE property In ths vicinity of 40th nnd Chestnut under SIO.OOO: full particulars, llox oo. Narberth, Pa. WILL purchase for cash eentrnl property that Inn bargain. J 251. Ledger Central. WANTED Ore containing nlumlnumi state analysis. J 041, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY T. P. NBAL1S, 010 S. 12TH BT. 1748 N. Llndonxiood. 7 rooms, conv. ..,$20.00 1T30 Jackson St., 0 rooms 13.00 1742 R Mole st., 0 rooms, conv 13.00 PV-I Wilder st.. B rooms, mtiv 13 (O 2422 M. Mnlo kt., 0 rooms, ennv 12(H) nos Sloan st.. 3 rooms 12 (" 711 ttr.co, rear. No. 2, 4 room 11.(0 1 1"1 V Abler. 3 room1 (P. (10 451 N. 4th st f.1.1 B24 Diamond st 1(1 731 N. S2d st is 710 N. 22d st IS C.KO. A. WEIIEI1. S2 N. 3d L 1210 SPItltCE ST. Doslrnbln resl.leneo en. tains 10 rooms. Including 2 hath rooms' suit- I nolo ror uoctor a onico nnd residence, or apartment house: rent, Slnoo onr annum. WHITESIDE ft MeLANATIAN 1.1th nnd Pine. 2041 N. BTH ST., 7 rooms, bath nnd shed cemented ce'lnr: new plumbing nnd heating npparattis: first-class condition; only $20; key nt 20.15 N. Bth rt. O. C. Peldel A Co., 4th and Cnllowhlll sis. S55 2242 NO. BROAD ST 12 rooms nnd bath. HOWARD II. WIISON k iu., .ii:. i.ermaniown ave. 2031 WLST ONTARIO ST. (at Tioga Statlon) Fourteen rooms, up to dnto for npartment: nnt $10 per month. Apply 20 8. 21ST ST. IS rooms, sultnblo for physl clan: S1300. ' THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. . Ilroad and Chestnut sts. 1010 N. 2BTII ST.; 0 rooms; $30.00. I- P. AI.URKCIIT 2414 W. Lehigh ave. 2014 N. 23TH ST.-Twostory s-room dwelling, all conveniences: rent $22. INDUSTRIAL TRUST COlflBONFrontst. 303 S. llTH ST. 12 rooms nnd 2 baths; steam hrat: lust renovated throughout. CHAS. L. IIRQWN & CO., 217 South Proad. IBM MASTER ST. -12 rooms, 2 baths; good condition. CHAS. L. nilOWN & CO., 217 South Broad, 2OI0 WALNUT ST.; 2020 Locust st.: 20.12 Ijocustst.; 1,00 Spruce st. Edgar O. Cross. 1411 Anlnut st. 20-12 nrtANDYWINE ST.-Three-story dwell Ing; Just papered and painted throughout; reduced rent. T.iulane. 000 lYnlnut st. 1403 S IIEI-LAH ST.-2-story, 7 rooms, good condition. $1.1 rcr month. S. E. OAHDINER. loth and Wharton. 0110 CALLOWHILL ST.-3-ntory. 10 rooms. F,1Ti'LSond"l,"b -t P" month, a. n. gar DINEI1, Kith and Wharton sts. 2202 8. OTH ST.-2-story, n convs.. good order. $14. Samuel E. Onrdlncr. 10th and Wharton. CAMAC, N., 230O-7 rooms; reduced rent. ALL RENTS REDUCED-1712 Wftllnce. 1000 VJC,"-. "iit -isi anu Wallace H. Smith, 1011 Chestnut st. Marshall TWO-STOUY MILU 133x40. for rent, with power, heat and use of railroad. Cope & Co.. yn Junction. Factories. Warenouses, Mfg. Floors MODERN FACTORY FLOORS .. -. J1:000 Square Feet. N. E. COR. ARCH AND 23D STS. Steam und electric power, 2 elevators, low Insurance., automatic sprinkler, watchman. 11. R. aldlngs, extra large windows nnd high ceilings. Owner management. Apply O. P. PILLING & SON CO. On Premises, CENTRAL MANUFACTURING OR STORAGE FLOORS Steam heat, electric elevators, modern build. ngs. 214 N. 22d ot 08-132, communicating rooms. 40x132. 228-230 N. 22d st.. 2 floors. BOxOO. Reasonable rentals. HARRY T. SAUNDERS 31 SOUTH ISTH OT. READY JANUARY 1. 4000-FT. LOFTS. WITH OR WITHOUT POWER. IN NEW CONCRETE. FIRE PROOF LAWSER BUILDING. COR. 7TH AND WOOD STS. LIGHT ON 4 SIDES STEAM HEAT AND ELEVATOR SERVICE INCLUDED IN MODERATE RENTAL? PHONE OR WRITE FOR CIRCULAR. MYERS & DARTH, Itldgo ave. und 10th. FOR RENT One floor, 18.000 square (eet. fire, proof building; unobstructed light all sides; freight and passenger elevators. Insuranco rntA about 30 cents, atrlptlv miultm h.ui,iinn for anv manufacturing purposes: rent ruin I lower than reasonable; look Into this It in lereated. See turn Hereon, 330 N. lBth St.. or phone Bell. Spruce 2937. PETEY Too Bad, Pete, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Factories, Warehouses, .Mfg. Iloora 1227 OEIIMANTO'.VN AVE. - New building! extra heavy construction; suitable for manu facturing, warehouse or wholesale business; fl floors and basement; 7000 squnro feet: elec trie elevator; rent "B: will eell on liberal terms. Estate of Daniel Duck, 1B05 North Bth street. LAUOB MANUFACTimiNO fLANT-400 feet frontago on Delaware Illverj I'enna. It. n. siding; office bldg., laboratory, covered ship ping platform, etc.; water supply from river nnd nrteslon wells; boilers, engines; every thing complete. TAULANE, 000 Walnut st. 817 DE LANCET ST. Well-adapted manufac turing building, 4 doors nnd bnsoment; good light; from street to street, 20x100. "SEE TAULANE ADOUT IT" WW Walnut St. TIOOM having threo fronts, containing 11,100 sq. ft.: elevator, heat: low rnto of Insur ance; railroad siding; sub-postontco In bullJ- ihg; located u mocks souin or ainrxet si. V. J. Mll.NE siN.llth nnd Washington. LOW ItENT Drond above Cumberland, manu facturing spaco In the modern fireproof Wright Hldg., near North Philadelphia and Huntingdon st. stations and freight yards. WOIlltl-.LL. B5.1 N.17th. SC4-C8 1-HANKMN ST., through to Perch st.-.'l-story buildings: elevator, sultnblo for light manuinclnrlng, $100. Joseph p. Jones & hios., loin nnd oreen us. OTH AND SPItL'CE STS.-Entlro door, 00x0.1; light on all sides, elevators; low Insuranco; central location. CHAS. L, DltoWN ft CO., 217 S. Ilroad st. MEIICIIANTS' lltMLDINa 44 NOItTH 4TII STIIEET DESIItAIlLE IIOO.MS. POWElt AND LIGHT IlUOAD AND WALLACE (Metropolitan llulldlrg) Itoomr, suo) to 40,(XX); cheap; powei. Apply to Ceo. E. Lasher, 117 N, 10th. COItNEIl HUILDINO for light mfg. purposes"! about oouo sq. ft.; $30 a month. S. E. cor. -J "th and Tlogn. IIENTAL USTS THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY For Insurances on Lives ft Granting Annuities, B17 chestnut St. Holli phones, 24.1 S. IMh.lf.r.$20H.34 300 H 13th, llir.$i.10.00 2liH. 22d, 2l)r..lW.00 2020 Locust, 16r.. 133.34 1310 Pine, 10r...l0S:il 14.10 Pine, lSr,...10S.34 42(1 S. Ilrnad.l.lrliUOiii 1120 N. 10th, 17r. K0.00 1.11 N. ISth, lbr. 73.00,101.1 Green, 15r... 7.1.00 1.102 Pine, l.-.r.... 7.1.00 101S Pine, lor.... 00.07 1.12 S 2.td. Mr.. iVi.0U 1112 N. 10th, 14r.. BO.Od llCSOrern, 13r.. r,o.m tool Poplar, l.'lr.. .Vi.i 0 1321 nirnrd, 14r 00.001 31M S. .Id. 10r. ... BO.00 123.1 S. Illojd.lllr CO.ODl 12.1 S. 8th, 17r. . 00.00 BOOH. 11th. llr. 4B.u 170S Wnlluce, 13r. 4.1.00 Nl'l Ilaio. IBr... 4.1.00 1333 N. 17th, 111'. 43.00 327 N. Bth. l.lr.. I1.U7 1.131 Master, Mr.. 41.07 17.13 N. mil, l.lr 40.011. ii io Lombard, nr 40.00 1711 Oxford, llr. 40.00 1730 N. 10th, 12r.Vi.on B28 H. 4 th, llr.. 32.0ol7inN. Fklln, 12r 30.00 2022 N. llth. llr. 30.1,0 2.VI1 Columbla,12r, 2.M.U0 1HS Wharton, or. 2S.0OI n20 Falrm't, br. 2.1.00 213!) Master, llr. 27.no 323 N. flth, Or... 27 00 1720 N. 20th, Or. 20.00' 14 13 N. Ctll, lOr. . 20.00 117 W. Sharpnack. llr 2111 Mnstcr. Or... 2.1.00 1013 N. Mh, Or.. 2.1 (K) 120 N. Fklln. Or. 2.1.00 143S s. 13th, llr. 2.1.00i21ll N. llth, Or.. 23.00 os N-. pith, Or. 2.1.00 213U N. IThcr. Or 2.1.00 02(1 N. 10th. lOr 2I.0U 107 N. Camnc, Or 22.00 1.11 1 Wli.irtnn, llr 22.00 S30 N. Or'an.lOr 21.00 22.13 llnlnh'go, Or 21.00 1120 Stllra. 7r... 20.00 720 Now Mkt, Or 21.00 201 1 N. Jcssup, Or 21.00 oil Ijitlmor, lOr. 20.00 141(1 N. Cnmae, Or 10.00 2002 Turner. Or.. 20.00 1H20 Mifflin 1F.1WI 18.00 r.i i I'nrrisu, ;,r., in.uu!.:i.. wanaco. it. 1032 N. Marv., Or 18.(io S02 Nectarine, 7r 17.00 101S Federal, Or.. 1.(.0 MI N. Amsr.. Or 10.00 1MWN. Itlng'rt.Or lo.oo 023 Falrm't, Br.. 10.00 2l7Flt7.watcr,5r 10.O0I (1.1.1 Nectarine, Br 13.00 1133 North, Or... 10.00 413 W. HeWn,7r 15.00 3 Levd's ct. Or 1.1.00, 1004 Lemon. 16.00 2027 Page, 7r 1B.O0I M'OItES AND DWELLINGS. 221 S. loth, 12r..$70 00 2.11 N. 2d, ISr.. 40.00 1012 oxfnnl, llr. OO.Ui 721 N. Front.Hr SB.ou 2.11.1 Itldgo. Ur.. 23.00 12 N. 2d. Sr... $41.07 1313 Itldgo, 12r... 37.B0 BIS N. 3d, Sr 25.00 MR W.Norrls. Or. 25.00 low Falrm't, Or.. 2,1.(0 417 Green, 7r. 120 South, 4r. 02.1 S. IM, Sr. . 1120 S. 2d, dr., 22.00 12.1 W.Oxford, Or 21.00 20.00 2.1'i.l AtnLer. Tr... am 20.011 1201-11 S. 2d, 7r.. 20.00 20.00 201 Wharton, Or. 10.00 ,T. R. MASSEY & SON S. E. COR. 13TI1 AND OREEN STS. 323 N. Mar., pr. $15.001702 Mt. V'n, Hr.$l5.00 WIN. 12th. 12r. 45.001 OIIN. llth. IBr. 45.00 tSntiniamM. Ur. 45 0" 112" Wallace. 13r. 4.U0 MSN. 10th. llr. 10.00 475 N. Oth. llr.. 35.00 1120 Wallace. 10r 10.00 00S N. llth. lOr. 3;;.00 15T.)Mty.ine..l0r. 37.B0I1U1 Green, llr... J.'.BO 1220 N. 1.1th. llr. 3.1.(10 1327 -Melon. lOr... 30.00 S32 N. llth, lor. 30.00 1120 Green, lOr... 30.110 1.12s Mt. V'n. 11r .lo.oii! lHOO N. C'm'c, lOr 25.00 1311 Mt. V'n. 12r 30.00 5.13 N. 10th, Or.. 23.00 013 N. 12th, Or. . 30.00' S32 N. 20th. Or. . 25.00 M'i N. 1.1th, Sr. . 2.1.00 111'.".' York, 10r.... 21.00 lo'.'ii nut'wd, 7r.. Bl.rn:i222 Hiimn, Or... 22.(0 1011 llrotvn, 10r.. 2i.oo mo N. Front, llr 21 00 !. N. llth, Or.. 22.501 U2'l Mt. V'n, Or.. 20.00 8IU7 N. Mar. Or. 22.O0llt.T1 Falrm't. Hr.. 20,00 p.": I N. W'n'k.sr. 21.(0, nil" iicrks st.. Or 2il.ro HI12 N. Mill. Sr. 20.01)11211 Green, Or.... 20.00 lli'7 Parrb-h. Dr.. 20.1 o 13o:i Melon, Or 20.10 Hutu j lemon, Sr. 20.o0i,ii7 Garnet, Sr... 17.00 lotiogilen, Sr... 2ii.no J20'.1 North, Sr.... 17.(K) 421 N. 20th, Or.. 20.001705 N. 3d, 7r.... 17.00 1322 Mt. V'n. Or. 2A.I4I 1 1 p. ogilcn. Or.... 17.00 li'tw nilve, Sr lK.OOIllo:) Ollio, 7r 10.00 mi", Olive. 7r 17.O0110I3 Seybert. Sr.. 10.00 1.117 Garnet. Sr.. HMxil 1027-11 UI'o. (lea. 15.00 I Ills Melon, Or. lion Ogdeii, Br. 11121 Olive, Or.. 023 I'rencb, Br 13C0 CarlUic, Sr loll Lemon. 7r. 10.011 120!) Wood. or. ... 1.1(10 Ifl.oo' S7.1 N. 10th. Br.. 15.00 10.(!iilli2 North, 5r 15.00 11.00 Ml Nectarine, Or 11.00 11.00' 230 E.Phll.El., 7r 11.00 11.001 -ciOE. Wlldey, 7r 13.00 13.00 Binii E. Fl'cher. Or 12.00 2132 I'crot. sr. HTOItES AND DWELLINGS 1100-lft Fmt.,2r.$125.0'l'130;i.5 Hlclge,2.t3f.$3S.OO 010 Walnut, s&d S1.3II 032 N. 13th. Or.. 20.00 l.ir.O Itldgo uv..3il 70.fo'2732 Fkfd. nv.,10r 25.00 1307 Itldgo, 1st 11. 20.001 S10 llufwood. "r. 1?.00 MYERS A BARTH RIDGE AVE. AND 10TH ST. BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FLOORS, ETC. KI2 Race, 4 stories, 17 by 00, Elevator, loot Race, store nnd business rooms. mil cherry, iloors. IS by so. Elevator. 311 N. llth tt., 3 stories, IS by 60. 10th Olid ltldge, seculld llnor. 1013-1.1 Ridge, storo and Iloors. 1007 Spring Garden, storo and upper floors, STORES. N. W. Sth .t Race. $150, 1.12 N. llth $00 1001 Race C.O 2111 N. llth 42.50 .lis N. loth 25 11U1 Vine 23 7u'j N. sth 101101.1 Ridge ave 13 KTUIIEM AMI DWELLINGS. trO'.' Tioga $7.1 .117 N. Franklin ...$40 3P.I N. llth 35 Il'.'l Cnllowhlll 3.1 723 N. loth 30! M2 Given 2U DWELLINGS. N.E. 20th.CjVen'go $H).'oil Tioga, l.lr $30 1030 N. 12th. i:ir... B5 (EJ1 N. 10th. l.lr... 40 IIL"! N. llth, l.lr... 15; 132 N. 11th. 12r... Oil 1317 N. 12th, Fir... IMi 1170 N. 13th. llr... 30 23S N. 5th. llr.... 33 .1311 N. 10th, lOr... 30 1017 Cnllowhlll. llr. 30 1017 Isth. Or '.'S 31". N. 10th. Or 3D iiski Falrm't av Sr 23 312 N. 15th. Ur. .. 2512111) N. 20th. Or.... 23 210s W. Oxford, l'-'r 2112101 N. College, lOr. 23 mil HutlonwonJ, 7r 2iilo:il Pearl, Or 20 122.1 S.irtnln, Or.... nil lil.'l Winter. 7r 20 311 N. 10th, Or Hi 1101 North st., 8r... IS 1231 Wood, Or 1311310 N. Front. Or... HI 1710 niivo. Or 14 022 N. 10th. 7r.... hi UK) N. Percy. Or., llilsoil Woodstock. 8r.. 10 t'il.l Ludlow. 7r lliiniT W.Th'pson, Or.. 13 173(1 Olive. Or 11 "03 Wood, Or II :S37 N. Watts. Br.. 13 1350 E. Oxford, Or.. It SAMUEL T. FOX & CO. 8. 13. COR. OTH AND CALLOWHILL STS. STORES ?f,5 V. nth (.. lnrirn Ktnrfa. 0 N Oth t., storo and Iloors. 001 P;tiert st.. 3 Iloors $30.00 STORES AND DWELLINGS. 251 N. Oth, ti rooms and store, convs.... $70.0C 1407 Cumberland. Or. und store, convs.... SiLOf S. W. cor. Warnock und Thompson 30.00 2501 Perot. 1) rooms. DWELLINGS 2.12 S. 10th, IB rooms. 2 baths 711 N. Franklin, 13 rooms, all convs. 1715 Master. 12 rooms, conveniences... .$00.00 . B3.00 . 00.00 . BO.flO . 40.01) 3120 N. Hroad. 12 rooms, conveniences, 3313 N. Hroad. 12 rooms.. 1010 Norrls. 11 rooms, conveniences 28 or. 710 Buttonwood ...$2711317 E. Kusn'hnnn.i Sit 2503 Falrmount. Or. 25 015 N. Laurence. 7r 17 lSISMarvlne. 8r... 22 25!7 Meredith. 7r.... 17 1407 1'ark uve., 8r.. 221 25 M Perot, 7r 17 1110 Olive, Sr 2(i!2213E Hunt'n. 8r.. 10 102U Thompson, 8r.. 20 1)13 Melon, 8r. 10 1201 N. llth. Or.... It 2S50 Reese, 6r 13 IUUA, 8119 N. ISth. B-room apartments... 1S08 Ontario. 12 rooms 8110 N. Smedley, 8 rooms ...I1S.0C ... 40.00 ... IB. 01 All That Running for Nothing By C. A. VOIGHT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HENTAI. LISTS 12SN. OTH ST., 2d. Sd. 4th doors, 12r..,.M0 02S Mt. Vernon st.. 8-sty. brick, 12r.,all ev. 80 203.1 Master St., 2-story, 8r. andbath...... 23 00.1 N. 20th st., fl-story brick, lOr. & bath. 25 2230 Fa Irmottnt ave., ur J iniB Montgomery nve., ,1-sty., 10 rooms.... 20 .1(103 N. Lawrence St.. 2-sty Or. and bath. 17 1029 N. Warnock St., 3-sty. brick. Or. A bath 1, 2B0IE. York St., 2-story frame, nbout 8r... 17 2027 N. Van Pelt St., 2-story brick, 7r. 10 na2 ? jath st.. 2-storr. norcn. o moms..... 272S N. Palcthorp St.. 2-story, brick. 4r..... THE LAND TITLE AND TIIUST CO. Hroad nnd Chestnut sts., Philadelphia. 10 TrusiDepnrimcn5 0430 N. 21ST .. 1012 N. Cnmae . 2031 N. Marvlno 5 8. 43d ..... 1303 i learttcld .. 1S13 Fronch .... t210 Spencer ... .14! $231101.1 Ingersoll 2:j bit n. io .,... 2n run Cambria .... . ... .'" !S'H (trnnna .... IS! 221 orlattna .... I7H412 Cadwnlsder . ALKHED H WILLIAMS. B22 Walnut st... 1,112 N. 2I1TH, u rooms f J 1510 Stlllman St., 7 rooms IB 2410 Scylirt st 7 looms " 1R4.1 Lambert st.. B rooms. 1 C. P. coward Co.. 2Qth nnd Jefferson sts. Iluslness Properties ami Stores 0.11 NOItTIl' nltOAD ST. 03.1-37 NOHTII IlUOAD ST. Fultablo for nutomobllo ncccssorlcs and sup- ?IAIHtY T. SAUNDEltS. 31 South ISth st. Tl2I WALNMIT ST. High-class storo. just Im proved: through to rrnr street; very large basement: steam heat Included. Special terms to right tenant. . , .... J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and lath. . ' MAItKET PTitF.ET, B2.1 Entire building to rear street; lot -5.3x.oo; Immediate possession. Apply Polinn Co., B17 Chestnut St. B00-11 MAlt'KET" ST. " Deslrnblo double.hulk etoro and basement, 80x130; possession Janu- CHAS. L, I1HOWN ft CO.. 217 B. Hroad at. ' 401-3 CfiMMEUCE ST. , B-storv llulldlng-Low Jl""triL firt N ITK SiT 3 FLOOIIH ft IIASEMENT. C. K PKTEItS I P)N. OOS CHESTNUT ST. .u.n mll'OT Vl'T KT. StTOIlE AND IIASDMENT Lea Estates. 700 Sansotn sL T012 "CHESTNUT STItEET immeuinie i-oscss.oii. Apply Pinna. Co., B17 Chestnut st. m.-VTIlAI ST(ini:s ma vf.i.' AfTi'iirvri rtoon.1 of nil kinds In eentrnl business section: ex ceptional opportunities In rentals. ORAM & MOHOAN, 1B21 Chestnut Bt. OLD-ESTAHLISHHD CIGAIt STAND Samo lino of business for 30 years: 22S N. 22d si :.; no good will or second-hand nxturca to buy) property for rent nt a moderate rental. HAItltV T. SAUNDF.US, 01 S. 18th st. HASEMENT STOItE. 1020-31 Chestnut (under Now Arcadia Theatre); 42x10.1; sullnhlo for retail line desiring large door space. J. T. JACKSON CO., Chestnut and lBth 42 N. 4111 ST., 707 squafo feet; electrlo light, steam hent; $W. Apply Itoom 0, 44 T7. 4th st. OFFICES. HUSINESS HOOJIS, ETC. Ill 8-1 120 CHESTNUT ST. LIGHT OFFICE, SUITABLE FOR ARCHITECT MEARS & BROWN lcJSJ11 WALNUT ST., 1211 Flno suite of Sconneetlng rooms, nonlv painted and papered; suitable for offices, tailoring or other business; Im mediate po-soselon; rent to begin January 1, Apply on pn rnlses. 1112-1111 WALNUT ST. (Comer Quince st.) Store nnd business rooms, 1st and 2d floors, J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 S. lBth St. CHESTNUT ST. 2001 dlcht. several con nected rooms, opportunity, business or of llces; window,. Chestnut at,; Miowcaw, cn- trnnco. 130 S. ISTH ST. Offices from $23 per mo. up: rent Includes heat, light, elevator and Janitor service. J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 S. lSlhsL 17THAIIOVE CHESTNUT (Middle City Hldg.) Doslrahlo office nnd ettnlln, somo with skylights. WILLIS-WINCHESTER COM- 1'ANY, 1001 Chestnut st. WALNUT ST., 1111 Several very deslrnblo rooms, sultahlo for any business; very good location. Apply Wm. II. Dixon, on prcmlnos. 1310" OIRARD AVE'.-Seconu nnd third floors; Bultnble for a photograph gallery: $10; good stand. C, P. Cownrd Co.. 2uth and Jefferson. CHESTNUT ST., isai linf. OTflcos or Studios; running wntcr, electricity. A FEW DESIRABLE OFFICES SINGLE OR EN SUITE RENT VERY REASONABLE SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ROBERT MORRIS TRUST COMPANY BUILDING 927-929 Chestnut Street OFFICES AND STUDIOS FULLER. 10 S. ISth st. WALL HLDG.. 1710 Chestnut st. SMITH HI. DC, S. E. cor. ISth and Cheit- nut sts. orfice. business rooms nnd studios, largo nnd small rooms, stnglo and un sulto: elevator aenlro nnd all modern appointments; will suit architects, dentists, nrtlsts, musl- ciann nnd oihor purposes. Rent $13 per month upward. Write nr npplv for list. J.C. FULLER. 10 S. 18th St. DREXEL HLDG. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Slnglo rooms, $IOO.$120. $150. $2o $3o. $1.10. r-'ultes 2 rm.. $150. $17.1, $2O0, $22.1, $2M,$275. Suites 3 rms., $273, $100. $1,10, $500, $.150, J723. Coiner Suites. I to N rooms. $.1.1(1 to $10.10. ELLIS D WILLIAMS, B0ODrexol BuRdlng. :iFSINlwsOFFICKS and workrooms, "with strong north light, open on 3 sides: 1100 to. ft.. In new bldg.. near 12th and Walnut; 2 elevators: nil conveniences. J.T. JACKSON CO. theitiuit.and.J3th. . DESIRABLE lecond-lloor corner suite, 3 largo rooms, northeast corner 1.1th anl Walnjt sts.. also singln or communicating offices, rlevntor und Ml conveniences. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO.. 217 South Ilroad. OFFICES for manufacturers' agents, salesmen. etc.. at nitnu'tlvn rents In Commercial Hldg., V 1 ,m.ii.. k.l, ...l ,'l.nu...... .-,.t..l.. ..) .'rciai juug.. freight and -1 ,' . .-.-. in, .,,,, ,,,,1, bll.lltU, uassencer elevators. J. A. I'ATI'ERSON CO.. 130 S. 15th. WELL LIGHTED. 2d lloor, 1332 Arch: reason nblo rent: suit nnv businei-s: 3t rioor, 012 Arch, suit light mfg. ; cheap. Emerson Con rail. S3 N. 10th st. Floors A. Sludbis. Greblo Hldg.. 170S-1O Chen. J. B. JARDELLA ,5anST-;ii.TUN P LA Z A HUILDINO Offices Slnglo und en suite 1S03-07-0U AIICII ST. MEIlCHANTS'vIIUII.DINO 4 1 North 4th btrect. Very desirable offices. Heat and light. OFFICES for rent: first floor sultahlo for banker; smaller offices on othtr floors. FOR. r.ESTin'ILDINO. II!) S. 4th st. Room 425, GENTILE PARTY toTjoln gentleman Tn taking orflces. about 3 rooms, to thnro rental and stenographer cost. J SIS Ledger Central. FOR RENT-Hnll. suitable for dancing "acad". emy. 2748 Oermantown ave. Professional Offices CHESTNUT. lStO-2l Deslraula office; recep. tlon room: north light; suit dentist ordoctor. SPItUCE"ST., qno-Oflico for" physician; coK ner liuuso; entirely new; reasonable SPRl'CE, 13.17 Prof, offices, steam heat, elec tricity; excel.ph. and door seri.: good light, WALNUT. "2203-Sulto of 2 large rms. lsUloofl hot and culd running uater: eloctrlclty. IDTII ST.. S. 33 Itesliable newly furn. bright ofllces. rccep. roomj mod rental. laic. 3012. 2lfcT, S, 3 Desirable" location for physl dan" or dentist; elec. und running water; reasonable REAL ESTATE FOR RENT WEST rHILAIr.LriUA HABFIELD AVE.-WE HAVE FOn 1ENT No BS50. st $.15 a month on jearly lease. This houe has n New England central door- SSnInVoa,r?WPt,nca .!: SnrrpEMiJElJniAft3io8: BSth el. 2007 B. BSTH-Modern ''W ""..w"- D1VELLT.NOS. STORES AND WM. II. W. QUICK ft IHIO., INC., 8 HV7IJ111 4U.1I . NEW HOUSES FOh ftENT-107 S. 63d St., facing Cobb'S Creek Houlevard; rent $42.60. JAS. y "''Tr-iiTrt.t. 40th and Market. OEH.MANTOWN OEnMANTOWN HOMES. Let me know what prleo you want. It T. "flTCIIELL. OJOO Oermantown nr. . ! TjirPHWELLINilB. It noo.MS Send for List. ContlnentalEqultabloTrust Co.. 21 8. 12th st. SIT. AIHY DWELLINGS $20 to $150 month. Get llsL relhani Trust Company. 0740 oermantown . Chestnut Hill . U-NFUnNISIIED AND.FUI1NISHED nesldenees, from $100 toJlOO per month. Iir.HICNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE 11U1LDINO Tlogn $.13 2003-2007 $33 f18 ONTAHIO. OFPOStTE TKX1A Station - 71 trains dally; 2-story. '"?" porch houses: hot-water hent: hardwood Ooore; every up-to-date convenience. LAND & ItAGAN. llullders. . Hnln-Cynwyil, Ta. BALA-CYNVVYD 0 bearooms, 2 baths.. ..$100.00 per month 3 iM.uo .: S5.ro " " R1.33 ' " 75.00 " ' 01.00 " " ir.'.BO " ' 00.00 " " B7.BO " " M.00 r.o.oo 42.50 3.1 00 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 320 COMMERCIAL TRUST HLDO. 201 BALA AVI. CYNW1D. PA. Darby, I'a. TWO nice stores Just off main street: suit any business,' $10 each; will alter to suit. Bwopo ft Pons, Darby. Glenslde. Pn. BEAUTIFUL HOMES, up to dnto In every de tail, $23. $10 $35. $10. $50. ffiO upward to iinn ner month. Cnlt nt Olensldonf flee today. $130 per month. Cnlt nt RENNINGER ft RENNINGER, Hiensuo, ana RENNINGER ft 1U.HH I Hroad and Walnut sis. Jenklntotm, l'a. $B0 PER MONTH Attractlvo house, best street: 1" rooms. 3 fcVhs: modern, between tralnndtroll.y. Inno lino iiuiiuuiH. BTONn DWELLINO-14 rooms, 2 baths- gar age: excellent location: $.0. p. B, CHAM HERS, 7J0ommerclalTrust Bldg. Wyncote. P. WYNCOTE Ono saunre from Jcnklntown Sta tion. 0 roonTs and' bath, hot-water hent elec tric light nnd gas, opon fireplace; lot uOxlOO, $30 per "$!'KNKSS & STETSON 1 " Si Tltin IllllldlnR. JIA1N -INJ!LI'iiJ,iJ,i. ..nnrnM HOUSES. $30 to $200 per month: J0,PrFouVatVons. iend for speclsl list. Har- hoft .1 ChiKhorn. 201 iwiicyiiuuiiing. Oierbroolc 6030 DREXEL ROAD Within S minutes' walk from Overbrook Sta; lion- a stone house, all conveniences: garago: large lot: rent $1200: can bo ptfcliascd at a reasonable flu-ure ; attractive term, HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDING Narberth SEMIDETACHED. bouses, 8 rooms nnd bath, thoroughly ventl ilea, renovated bent loco ton": special rate. $37.50: freo to. January 1. Caldwell ft Co.. Narberth. Pa. . Wynnowootl 40 MANOR ROAD Modern: 13 rooms. 2 baths; Vacro land; $40 per mo. Walter Bassett Smith. Wynnewood, Pa, Arilmoro ARDMORE. PA., Church road Three story, IB rooms, 2 bnths; porch; good-sired lot: steam heat: reasonable rent. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Trust Department. Hroad nnd Chestnut ats., PhlU; Ifoverforil WEST AVE. 0 rooms, both. conv. to Haver ford Sta.. Phtla. & Western: $32;excellcnt cond. P. II. chnnibers. "in Coml. Tr. Hldg. St. David's FOR RENT Stnno nnd frnmo house, 4 min utes' walk south from station, corner Mid land ave. and St. David's road, containing about 111 rooms. 3 baths, S chambers: nil mod em conveniences; largo porches and about 1 aero nf ground: old shade. IIARHERT .: CLAOHORN. 1218 Chestnut sL FOR RENT FURNISHED SEASHORE Atlantic City, N. J. ATLANTIC CITY For rent by month or yenr fuliy furnished cottage, S bedrooms. 2 baths; linens and slltcr tmlud"d: 111 South Illinois nve.. near new Traymoro and Boardwalk. MORTGAGES Mortgages First and Second I place thorn quickly. Trust funds on hand for 1st mortgages Irr any amount and 20 bulldltiK iisi-ntiutlons with funds on hand. For 2d mottgages, large or small, try me. Quick Action Is My Motto Charles Z. De Young 409T-r18tw1e1tdeEn'1 WE HAVE FUNDS ON HAND FOR GOOD FIRST MORTGAGES G. C. & J. F. BOWKElt 4371 Main street, Manayunk, S00 Franklin Pank Building. Phlla. Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE Immediate Attention HORACE A. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST. MONEY TO LOAN ON 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES LOWEST RATES. QUICK DECISION ALSO HUII.DLN'g AKS'N JIONEY J.J.TURNER, 1201 Chestnut St. FOR SALE MORTGAGES $1800 at syir JAMES D. WINCHELL X. W. COIL 17TH AND HANSOM BTS. 56 $100. $200 TO 5000 Slortgage or note, real estate security, pay ublo m,v terms; settlement samo ilav. LEWIS & CO. 122T w- autARD u. v. AVENUE MORTGAGES MONEY 1st and 2d mortgages MONEY-ANY AMOUNT iSiSVe"'." "KSUT.T8 150 TO LOAN ON nEXT.cTZZ. A de.ircredlat8 ""i iiSk.?v; o. issin ay. MOUTC1AUB MONKT" ouina to HUH, V.V SLIDE!, & uo in 4th nnr r-nllAmi,ii,"..", WANT TO. PLACE loTl 1 . --. .. . $00,000 OH UPWAItD8AOn55 Also have money ror smaller in... 1. ... nnd loan nssoclatlons for "eeoSS i.?1Wl jinyairrount. H. .1, Ilnckrtt, ,44 ." FIRST AND SE-CO-Nl)r "AKr-TXl. Private or trust funds for 1st A5L.UNT. Building Association for second rlKi"- MONEY KORrST .?D 8Sf ri'"'"" pis. lj2rt CHKRTNUT ST. first ani; frcowroima SUCCESS0.,TOLE8I,?'REDNEn AnJi'.:. CEjNTHAL HUILDINO AND LoiU Association desires applications for good .V2 and second mortgages nnywhere in th ,? Addres Secretary 1 lft1,Lc(lgernrf!. "" WANTED-JBOOO hnd"$170i( on" new oronertT costing resnectlvoly JI2.000 and MSOojT.'iV r -... ,....,. . . j-''"cnjijivrTri.jt $49,750 Special fund tot mortSsliTir ' won1tELLngV!:J.?""n ALL AMOUNTS," 1ST AND 2D MORTUAOt ,,,,,, vuick snswer, . MAURICE lt..LTSlNGi:il.llel Est.Tr TJlj, funfs inTmWri TsjTHOMSONr252l Frankferd.rs. FIRST AND HLDG. ASSbTMORTtTaOEs" trust fBangSoStt WND TITLE HUILDINO. DEEDS OHAWNWI j MORTaAfJEsTiOflr 1112 Lincoln Hulldlnc. 'lloth phonit. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2t) MORTaAaitT" m- MORTGAGES FOR SALE ' THEO, E. NICK1.E3, 2.113 G?rrnantown ,. trust iND.Foit pismmzns 3740 OERMANTOWN AVE. LOANrTpNTlNTFrilliST 7NT;s'rAfia - . JOHN A. ILUtRY.Jiu? f,ANI) TITLHBLM HUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS FOR n FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAriE3 C. It. RHOADS. 1.1TII All. SFSdUEIlANNA EJIERGBNCY FUNDS placed at "once; r sum; Immcillato answer, lowest rates t" X Ielnny lll2Llncolnhroadjnj jWJJ HLD'O ASS'N funds for 1st nnd 2d morttitti- no premiums; rcntonnblo chnrgoJ. Wm . .... .. .....u ...i.w.. ,...t .i.gainut (. LOANS Largo or small sums on real eatste. juv,K.vk uuico vi uiuiiKUKri, loans on uniat, lied estates. Dempsey & Co., 2, H. li'tn. lV.!?.,lBlt ?:our tnortgago has been eallM." ............ .,. ..w ..,,,,,, i,.u v.ngwinut it. 1100.000 FOR FIRST, second, or' split mort" gages. "Seo us Orst." ABERNETHY. 2721 V.n-h r.n, ioi aA...i. ,.u ...--,. ,in North Mil. 133 South 12th FIVE PF.lt tillNT. building nssoclatlon anj split mortgages: quick action, moderate chnrges, M. GET.. 1.1th nnd York sis. MONEY for Orst, second nnd split morUarn; building nssoclatlon funds. Honnrd B, Wilson fe Co.. 2122 Gcrmantown nve. JIONEY for 1st and 2d "mortgages, hulldlnc association funds, etc. Waldman, Ilia Weil fllrnr.l , FUNDS for llrst and second mortgage, any amount, moderate charges. M. ainn, 15ta nnd York. MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE: rettlM nientjn 2 weeks. Cnrnev. S11 E. Allegheny. HAVE MO.OOo TO INVEST AT 4'i ANiFj per cent.: will divide. 1) 133. Lodger Ofnce S14IHI TO LOAN nn now property, Orst mort gage. M 120. Ledger orilce MONEY for mortgages: largo or small sums. W. II. Hood. .112 Norrls at. MONEY TO LOAN A New Company : New Methods YOU CAN GET A LOAN of us nuleklv anil on verv easv terms. Your friends, neighbors or employer will not know' of vour dealing here We are a nciv en tahlMiod compnnv. bonded to the Ptnte. li censed and supervised bv the Banking De partment of p.mnsvlvnnin. We nre located nt I'M South tlrond street. In tho heart of tho business district. WE LOAN IN SUMS SMALL AS SIO AND LARGE AS f'.'OI ON VERY EASY TERMS. S33 for 2 Months Is M.40. for I Months. M41 c,n for 2 Months Is XI. 73. for I Months. SUM 114 for 2 Months Is $.1.7S. for 4 Months. IVffl Payments nro small nnd within your Income. Your monthly payment nn 3rt Is only M Your monthly payment on 572 Is only $1 Your monthly payment on 00 Is oniy 13 With Interest at 31 Ask our rates nnd methods before going else where. You will find us prompt. Other loan companies paid off and more money ad vanced. Wo nlso make loans in Oermantown. Nlcs town. Chestnut Hill nnd Manayunk. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. -131 S. Broad St. SECOND FLOOR. NENT TO FORREST THEATRE TIIONE WALNUT 4103 OPEN 8 TO 0. SATURDAYS TO fl. CHRISTMAS MONEY AT LEGAL RATES If you aro keeping Iioiieo or steadily em ployed, we will make you a loan of lb), of more nnd take your promise to ray J ; security. All wo ask Is your assurance tMt . you can pay tho small ii.omcnls reina"- ; THE TOTAL COST OF t ' 120.0.1 IS 2.30 n nu tm l r. M.1.00 IS U5 fl3.no IS I3.S4 l()!00 IS JI.IS1 $73.ll IS J7.03 Other umounts In proportion. PAYMENTS AS LOW AS Ji.CO MONTIILT REMEMBER, wo do not go to your em ployer, relatives nnd trlends Inquiring stout you. Our service Is strictly conndentlii, quick, courteous and considerate. NO ONE KNOWS YOU ARE BORROWING CONFIDENTIAL LOANS TO LADIES LOANS MADE IN. CAMDEN AMERICAN LOAN CO. r TCEVRF1J BONDED WU I20S CHESTNUT STIIEET (Entire Seventh lloor) ,, Keystone. Raco 401. lit II. Filbert 4S3.J :rzz .......... irwv iuu O.A.", iiuiuiun ""sa, CN DIAMONDS. JEWELS, LJC. f.M AND Ul1,, tj- 1100 b M) " " "' RIEDER'S J2S MARKET ST. or "")0E AVE' 2AgDA.FsoByTifaTt. WE LOAN MONEY On Your Furniture At Lowest Rates. . REMEDIAL UlAN CO. tF PIIJ,V. Call. Phone or Write. 34 S l'b Locust 2810. Room S03. JtONEJiSTEINr Itoom 413? 14irwalsn, MONEY FORWnLL-SECUnpTr ""iSSliS GSENCV??S3 . Fn .iMHiiimiHiifsiis-li
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