- yr i , illltffW' IM .imiwL WWFfW Tj-Tpr-Tr tb- - 7rfis&'lw'r''f EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915; 13 HELP WANTED MALE .cim-X wanted to sell n office specialty! fA,KSJir.. ,., nblltty and furnish best H feren c Address, staling full mrtlr. ri Mf . Ledger Office. - .on- MAKERS rutin!, ahle lo set up nnrt C?.B5 iiBehlne,: and itKIll! laborers; tin. a Call I'mnkford Arsenal, between 3 and I ft. tn. " General nil V ItROAD ST. The Oldcit cirlslnul AUIOMOH1LE SCHOOL Teaches Sou how to repair and how to drive autos. F. i'ETZ.JIll N. UROAD ST. " SAI.T.'SMEN HvXT. iOU CALLED ONMR. .eCHRNCK It 111.1 WALNUT ST.? HUT HL'Si, ?ol"iii: Q'-t OF STEP, Situations wanted female TiiMUNTANT. C. P A., desires permanent Million, In i p there 11 opportunity to show iiiiilri IS year.' in-counting and ommcril.n '"iwict, 8H fiirnl.li beat or trfdcnccs. J faMt't Central. . mTiMIiLHMAIO mnl waitress or ihlldnurse, "irer!U uung hltc girl. II 232, l-e.lBer Olf. miaUUKHWUHK and waiting; experienced ywnf I"1 no.waehlng. 2UJ 8. Ccell at. rTioKlNl! of housework, no washing. Miss Reed. Il00,n ,w' l'u,,1,c 'eil Uuiliilne. wmTsEKEEPER or cook; cxpcrleiiied, re liable Protestant uom.ui, rcienm.. ljii lurt it. - - vTiTdTK-EPLK, working Experlctucd Welsh ftilStnii woman, ell) pref. II -.ILLcd.Utf. iiribllKSH, good, white; tnindle ur hamper ori ' home. Ilrstilaas ref. ,1121 I.Uuluw. trnaET graduate. dcalrcB full ch irgo of In tint or iildirclilldrcn. l'huno ripruie 2lu7. Criisn iTilliPr Invalid; mp.ililc of taking full Italia, telertwes J 710, 1-cuser Ccbtial, -rmE or atlcudai t. Invalids or children; i..i of rctercr.it; jut St. Albans m. xxnSlillY GOVERNESS. English, Fiotcstanl; Jtliin lane, rcliieim rite ails. Heni, public Uiimr. EicAMsfKti!) by dny on any kind work; very iMio'inble. Si!SUeiisoiijLCnidti. Si-i ii i : l Alif." lonuiiUnt, dislrrs work for 2.:ii leaser (juice. inornin frvsiiflRAPllKlt. thoroughly exp. In banking. iductlonl A; medical work. J o,, I.ed.Cen. RKNOltllAI'lllJII, qulik, coirect, ilcpeiidiibla, liio'ilertoS''ltyJ.turl. J Sit, U'U Cent. coVIKItVATlVK, efficient, unique and most lil'uslile trlio is rendircd inrough the linn nfrelsl Dtparliiunt to tlrnm sicking higli- irtde ofdee help. "Miss Uean' at 1 ger Knlral has listed the ijuollllcHtlonB of young lidlncxpeilcnceU In ll kinds ot olllcc detail ork. and has h,id special training In si iKlIng "the right person lor tho runt post Ion." AcuUAlnt her with your nicds-ellher ir i-rmnal iull or tolephouu Wiilnut .USjO JJj lri"l "tlentlon will bo gn en prompt ly This Is a free sorWco lo 1.L.U0L.U ADVERTI8KRS. SITUATIONS WANOiiJ-MALE JoUntant. opc.v roit i:NaAOi:MKST "iIiiIa! llril. W5, LhUUlM chS'lHAb. ircOfNTANT ufllee and anleainan, lolleg.' Juciition, unusuul abllltj. 12 jcafa' iMtri Jn" wants position. J V.l. I.eugcr I mini. imunTlHINO wrlterridiii, plan iiiaii.iminr), ";.-V..i.i-.. ..vi. 1 hllu. ni- tiiiiiuv: cxic- . KiTTooortuidty to V.i tho ougmy Vxte, ,1 nun at itasoiwbltbiilury .", i.cdgir n. isalbTAN'l' MANAUnit. 2S jearii, niurilcil, 1J iirnr.' exp. UiUlt, cullectliiK, ioricoiiuiiig x uirrllrliiK. decile change. i 120, l.cigciui. 6wi.hhhFr.lt. 4 iuis1 xper. alciiOKiapner, ..... .I.irnn ., Il l l.finU. IfllAblO. Ill'lUriltC good nt mod. Ml.irj. J 4.. 1-id i-'MU. EoOKhhhl'l.ll, lonipetuit. J0elr expirl nce, ilrn-il.is rtNeunics. J l-l,l.id. iu.l. ( ' CHAl'Frhl'li, 21 inin while, us uilir or mechanic, nn ml i T Jinrs' cxinlemc. icier, ull.ilile and ul'llm; worker: rcicreiue. U II". Lcigcr uffko. CilAtTM'.lll-iouiiK man, hitp: ref.; do own nimtrlng. r. bh.ipilis.JOO 15. Miller st. flUl FFl.l II l.xp. jouiib "i:nglllimiiu; will iciepl imsltli,!! m Sil-lllall, II ll'i", I.Cd. Cent. CIXHK Voung man wltlus losltlon, oxpirl 'tnoe.1 In bookki .-ping, i:rneinl (ifilie minis, real esm:c expcrleiiie. J 7.l. Ledger lent GAI'.l'-ri: irmtlinl, sober, truitwoiilu ' middle aged; ref. Ill, Led. llrancli. ldlh and luuiiln. KnITOR Middle-aged man, 7 enr- ref., wi l-.i a pliue. Ail.lrrH. !. I..s-.t N. MiilK ji.li piis.ii,ian unit compositor. 11 jears experl- n"e, lopijclint. dw I oa 1)112, l.cd. Off. VACIll.Vi: designer, first class." with creatlvo atll., wi.e ci i.n fiatuiiiutlc uiiulilnei). J H LeiiBer Cmtral. JiAy," :I7. dcslns in locate "with fepiitublo Arm. s eirs experii'iue In pnlnt and general taidwuro. can furnlih best of referciue: ca- pulile of produUng. ,l l',7. ledger Central. orni'u'ri.Kfi'ic. i. wiiis po. ; 4 ri. exp. X'A Led, llrineh, Kensington and Allegheny. PltKSWMAX lob, 15" enr' experience: enm"- rflfnt, desires pisltton. I) 111, Ledger Office, RECKlVlNCI, Dllll'l'INll A.N'IJ HTOL'K lirMi CLCHK JIan. ', aesirea to connect witn lar!F i.ulnM firm. l!ll vwrn rrnctlral pun. can luindle posit of tiust and resn. Hustler, 4iM Comly a e. . West Cnlllngswood, N J. BaCk3maN ixpeflcmod itrug and grocery llrrs, desires to connect with a reliable firm: nurrled. J 711, Ledger Central. 'iflEN'CXIHAPIIKR-Young man, thor exper., sltlirs posl In o HI ce Ad. W. A.. 22.-. S. .'Id St. TOP.N'O MAN desires to conne:t with repu Uble concern, preferably wholesale IJewelry, iteel, automobile, etc.), thoroughly compe tent and experienced, cnpahlo of prodmlng; refrrences, J .1.12, Ledger Centrnl. TOl'Xil MAN, 2.1, with an education, desires roiitlun with artist or designer; Hilary noin- . Insl. n in. ledger Office. TUl'.NU MAN for clerical duties: "experienced ind capable; best references. J Ml, Led. Cen. A OENTLF.M'aN of educatbm and refinement, food addrera. deslrea an engagement as mutant sales manager or silesmin with oms established house of standing nnd repu tation: complete reference as to character nd ablllt." at Interview. J 740, Led. Cent. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANT oung cooks and housework girls, city r country: supplies lst-elass help. Mary lvIUIJT, liUI lnriBll4ll lOCUBI, 1 lJ, AUTOMOBILES For Sals CADILLAC, 1V1S; right londltlon; like new; completely equipped; Immediate delivery; fries I14O0. UJCOIIOIIILE, 2311 Market lreet. Lo- fast 4X. . A. JENKS, Manager exchange Car De .Pirlirtnt. CADILLAC, 1013. tourlne car; overhauled ana ffffteJ,'4' fuU equlpmentj price 750. AUTO -5ili9RPpltATION. 112 N. Uroad st. COLR, 1015; DCMON8TRATOR8, t BfcJ.uaTI-v PSED, FOR HALL'. J.poVEKSCO.J2i.1.4lN, II1UJAD SI'. JflANKLIN cars, all models, overhauled and .tuusntetd, F. U l'xon,8t80 Chestnut st. IWOMOUILE, 10H738-H. P. touring nil. lr Wheels, sacrifice. J .111. Led. Central. VUIISION, 11110. 4 cylinder, .12" homepow er. 3 iTn'Tl'V' f",r londltlon, electric head und u IUhi, exlde battery: tires almo.t new, nur extri tubes, spark plug pump. Presiollle sir bottln Rjyilelil carburetor; llosch mag ? good for several thousand miles, or Joan niake tine chassis for delivery wagon, 5ln powerful and In good condition; will JJ mown and demonstrated. I'hona is. A. oimons. l.an.dowii 511 Hell. Price 3t, iV'.if?,1.4' tu'liKr equipped with electrla fS ., "! III,P and llinu; i.ewly painted jyoitrhauied. j, ui. Ljgcr Central. lll'S'i 'O'SiTT-pisseni tr. d-cyllnder'tourlng. Z,i?? condition mechanically, tires In gouJ woilUon. j. c, MOSERlV N. UroaJ st. II jyA-CYLlNDER OLDSMdniLK, model AuiJVS, "! ,lu" thousand miles. Kejstong Aino Supply Co. Norrlstown, Pa tlof'BSE'N9.F touring car. In Al condl irrann.er WJ11 saerlrlco for H.'0. phono and chjuf". ,0I demonstration: will teach pur U?h ,',,, drive the car, U. Carrier. 2Ud '. r '5sL Locust JllM) Loc?.'tCN aA,.,AaE tni Maeblna Shop. I4ll kini si-'", m KMr" "d parts for Pau- jMllffjgr VftS ".', n "caSf"- DC"1Un,y' All Cars Bought for Parts BCHOBER. 3341-T3-45 MARKET. BEND FOR FRKE ntJI.LETIN GORsnvi i,S.F "BED CARS f$-Sl EXCHANOB. 21 N TIROAP ejln?Ar1'?:. lm mdl Stearn"KnlghrolT. Uiit ,oa!.V,,,'PEBen' touring car; excel ' """""n- M '.00 Ledger Office. IVanled tu'..i'id'-JrP0' AND LISTEN! ITi?rBS!-w,,l"'n ,unk CO..170.1-T Carpenter. Sf2rk UO. oTlDUmoiid. """ "'"' JW0LIVERY AND GARAGES ftB'3c,0hlckr,d"BK,5ri Lint. Car "'eui ghoppin, rlt. 11.90 per hour. ., . ord Town Cars. KAr.:;.rrv,d,JlnF! - r-un.rals. PACKARD SERXrlCB COMPANV JUes us "i1 1-JCiMt st. 'SEbBtsI; Sprue. 3140. So tJZ. aARAGE. 6110 Olrard ai tt. zryt 'or service with tha nne-t uu-la, tool. I? .B'! storage 13 up- drop In and Sr- -T " 9 umT!' . UlltJ. If .-ST' .liVi""...-.?" und nleht) Uracd-new ! - xti uik rar wlib. robes, 11-21 hour. inii i." ','" limousine. XI W) hour; ilo :'?:f?n. Plerce-Arrvwr trucks. Will tivv- 'f.Vi ",1 'perate In y ir servl -t -, yj AMi. Jir WJfUl LOCUST 1300. AUTO PAINTING S-P?,A,.-TY rn.d of fine automobile nalntln. iw,r.I.1"mV Kl "" estlmit jour woilc before AGE ANt MACHINE Slln'p, 'mi I.oeust it. .1--HI.'- . Vc'Vcrc. Mf,l1i AN UAR. AUT0KEPAIRINO si'F.n'no.MKTr.n" Tnorm.n snn iiii.i,y-sis n. uroad t CVt.lNnr.ll3 nEnoitr.D. new rl'tona and ' r n8s furn shed, welding! and britlng. H. B Unaerwiod Co. iris tlomll'on t 1'rilla. Fon enctnes overhiuled, l; transm'n, Jl Err.". .! eyia nerarhonlred iate etonnd I2..V). uienath's. fiino Thompson Rel. raw. AUTO SUPPLIES .. BIIAltlNOS . iiij' rn.'ir,.ur?,,''rv-.stn" Tho Owllllam Co. nn Arch st. Phone Walnut "(17 nire 1oa AUTO TIHES PUM.MAN TIRES Ouarantced 4riO miles Compare prices. aao!iio ie r,rT (f,non. oniM-a, 2.1 n! Uroad tt. HORSES ";.i- AJ."; .l"'.-, h".,', ,,,h. "nrl: raddle. .:"."""." "..uiJif n.irncss ill Arrnll . rrinkfnn). DOOS WIIITIS Highland terr er miri.v. culi." r sale; price :,0, can lie seen nt the house of Mr. r. j .anr, ingimuse, Hrvn Miwr. DUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Vf-rnTpKtliAUVff-n WIT' TIIR CAPITAL tr?NMiM1A.T,' u.t.A PA'rn.NTi:n -rsn. an i'J,t!V!f. 'JiNS .i.irr, and i-omkhrt. Am.i., i:abv to pi t n no rtn T-t mt nllKHLS. J II, MI.'LLI.V. l.V, NORTH INFORMS aX h,tc ' on '""'""" WANTIJtJ - All nrrlculttiral chcmlt nf IS JJVif. ."VJence In the manufacture nf nil !7, Pm,uf " .'." Perfecting three milk foods. .. .L" i h i,h. "ennst lo mother's! milk ejer produced for Infnnt rils ng. nn.l the other two will bo th greatest brinkfast foods eier put on the market. ..iTii ,r,R or ornnn that helps me now Pti.in-I'inllS- will receive imlf of eierythlng n make, and this proposition will grow mtn N?c.,,fl.",? '"feat tnrni.ition nf this kind In a short Ime. I need $2.'.no at once for ridclltloiml Inhornlnry supplies, rbeinlstrv jioiika, cti uo not answer tinlras vnu me in buslness. Address M 2ft.-, Lcilger Afnce PROPRIKTOHof one of the largest mndnganTl storago biislnesi'es or Houih PhlladehiliU wnnls to be rellevid of responsibility on ne. count of sickness. Iluslness cnnsisla of a, full warehouse, two Packard truiks and necessary equlpi-.enl, one truck working under con tract every dn ; sc( ernl long distance orders on hand, nbout $iri on book account. iuoIUh Urge. Only about JliflO Is needed. For In tertlew. nildrcfs M Mr,, l.cUcr Central PA'l'KNTM WANTi:tJ. ' Write for List of Patent lluyers and lnen- I tlons Wenlid. l.onii.oiX) In prlres offered lor imentlens. Fend slietrh for free seuch. ' wrlto for our 4 rooks, pent Tree upon re- . quest. VICTOR J RVANS tt CO. Washing- I ton. I) C: PIIII.Atli:i.PIIIA OFI'K'C.S. IP.-I I Chestnut tt. Hell phone, spruce i;.",l.-i Hours. I Pio :,. Mon, I os until 0 p. m. A 0R1:AT FLORIDA PROPOSITION Can tell nu whero and how to get the I best grapefruit and orange grove In Florida, ' large Income; cany tcrmi: cultivation bj ro , llildi. expert pais the wnv while you hnM I'iikiiiuii ii .xirwi; .if-iiRiiiiiii riimaie. goo, water, main line railroad, churches, schools, mo tern Improvements, etc. J 4,"), Lo-Ut Central. SALr.H.MAN Ue have n good position for a young man with some experience as 11 s lies man. ho must Invest Storvi in runipnnv, which Is returned after three months If evi.rthln.. I- not Hitla'ni'lnry to cither; application must be accompanied bv re'erences und will no trcBtcd strictly lOiifldcntlally. M s.13. Ledger Centril. wofld vor nn iNTnnnsTF.D m a gooi safe. Minn, bii'lners prnposlilon In a niniiu faeturlnir rort oration which bm l,p.,n .lr.irt - n pro'ltable locul huslncsx for th" ins iw - ta.a I,,,, ,, IbI.au -n ..... .... .l , ,1 It . ,,..,-, . ...r.ico iu .,"ii i,, "uri-r irrriinrv, Pinposlllmi will stand the sTlctrst tnvestlgn ilon. Apply by letter, J 71'.I.oi!Bcr Centra'. INVESTORS!' Exceptional noportunlty. Pri vate rnrimratlon being formed to produi o one stage Inspiring patriotic :i-not war plav Indorrcd by prominent military nnd muni offi'llls; tho rilcrciH of this prnilurtlon ban nlready been proven: wrlta Immedlitely for particulars. M 201, Public Ledger. PATENTS-ARTHUR K PAIOE. 7H Walnut st.. Phlla.. mechanical and electrlcil engi neer, registered patent nttornev : istahllshnl here 30 .vears: Inventions develnpei); nitents, trademarks copyrights seoired and liti gated anywhere; rejected nnnllcatluns prose- cute,l prellrrdnnrv ndvtco free. PARTY with furnished office would like to meet young man with a gold business pronn'l tlon one who can give his servbes and make a small lnvetment ns well tho artverMser will equal the Investment rive evnnpHt of your proposition In first letter. J 717, LeiUc- Central. TO A MAN with established business looking fop rcntrnlly lucite.l property; I can offer mv 1t-!tory butldlug for m-inufncturlng or enmmer'lal purposes: nbout .1.(h snttarn fept. Apply W. II Delsrnih. 71.1 fprlng (Inrilen st. I'hnno Market ''II70. PENNSOROVE lots, adJo'nlng du Pont works. J10O upward, easy payments: buildings being erected on all sides; great opportunity to make money. Call or nd trees Pennegrovo improvement Compnny, Pennsgrove. N. .f. WOULD YOU INVEST small amount of money; proven legitimate, constant surcsi, 8ft veara; profits largo, closest Investlgntlin solicited; principals onlv; no trlllers: no scheme: worthy of nttent'on, details: Inter- vlew. J 11,1. Ledger Centrnl. DAKERY fcorner), well estaidlshei) on main street, two car lines: lot 1,1x107: .1-atory brick building, fl rooms nnd bath; bike oven, 2. story brick stahle. 21 stalls. Price $.".000. It. P. CAMERON EST.. 2811 Kensington ave. MOTtlRCYCLF AND IHl'YCLE TOIti: FOR enio: neat corner on llrmil st. would make gmd auto supply store; uptown; p; oils etc. ixnwiii ii.r ri-iiiiiK, (Hiit-r HUB1I1CSS. Ulack. 3701 North Mroart at jonn c. XVANTED A man with (000 to fsivrfl m in. xest In n good paying buslnees which Is In creasing ev-ry day, will prove everything satisfactory to right man. P 211, Led Orf. GROWING ORCHARDS all ages, for sT. HARRY DARLINGTON . 1420 Chestnut st. nilOP-POOKET COAL YARD ON P. AND R. FOR RENT: I0 MONTHLY 010 XVEST TIOOA ST. PICTURE THEATRE. (12in Earns Jio.fin weekly; good business locitlon' o'd estnb : genulna sacrlflee. RXRRIST. 201 N. Ilrmd. EXCEPTIONAL opp rtunltv to Invest ."tin.OOO In established manufacturing business n-tlvs JntrestJf deslre1 P 22?. Ledger Office JKlon I HAVE an automobile necessorv which sells for HI, market unllml'-d: want rarty to Join me J RI2 Ledger C antral FOR SALE Establlnhed fruit and produce store: sickness. 21207 IlaRlmore ave DUSINESS for sals at half valuation of the In. venlnry. M H4". I edgerCi-ntral 240 WiTS near Camden; 8V. Lodger Central tlno opportunity. J BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways. Tuxedos und Sack Suits Tn hire find made to order. NEUUAUER. THE TMLOR, m N. 0th Hell phone W'qlnut SHIS. SUPERPLLOl'S IIXIR removed hy electroly sis, tho onlv permanent wnv evrbrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Dldg. Miss Hoppe, halrdresslng, facial massage, manicuring form. Mint Arcade, with Mix Smith. FULL DRESS. TUXEDO SUITS. Cutaways, Illack anil Prime Alberts, Ta hire. Open evenings. Sellgsntin. S. W' Cor. 8th Spring Harden. KVENINO CIJDTIIES TO HIRE Full dress and Tuxedo suits; latest styles; silk and opera hats. Open evenings SCIIULTZ. 227 N. Bth St. FULT. PRESS SUITS All new, stylish goods: large assortment. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 GIRARD AX'E. PHONR POPLAR fft2. CARPEP CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE Sum BT. AUOVB CHESTNUT Bsll phone Locust 10CO. XVFMTPHILA. MONARCH bTORAUE CO. Xv'PtTi.i'l'a-: .170-7.- fflitfJ. AVE. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY XVE REMODEL our old Jewelry into the tat et ..sign, at factory prices MARTIN W. AI3RA2U-, 711 Sanonit..llaiIphIa. FnUY diamonds. Jsnelry and pawn tl-kets for cash. Anply 2 30 to 4:30 p. in. XX'in FlteV. Room 303. 025 Chestnut st. EKESSMAKING AND MILLINERY TiT-ilsTlTCHIivO. 10 lenu a ard. ull iats- AaLf A. REICHARD. 111.1 CHESTNUT ST. 'PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS rMtvsSMAKIXG taugbt. short, practical. In.x- Drlvo course' pstterus cut, Mc. Mac- K.".! 307 DenckT." lil.lg..lllb , nd M.rk.t. iTeMSTITCHINO, 5. ard. A-l u-aterl.l. but bwtaY M -ero. 1002 Chestnut Sprue. 2.W., COU'N3 reno-'sifd blb rs.de work oojy. fhoo. Bprun 2--J- FOB SALE ANTIijI v. and modern furniture bought and I sold, rome rare old pleies Harvev Dager, .JO M. . . ' ' ' Illl.LIARl) -in,l pocket table, ehuffleboard. new nn- tiientiy used: liberal terms, renting. rcpslrlng & supplier. ltoatto. 222 St nil t.r vtii and forKKT tahlcs - AIo bowling al'eys' easy payments. DIlVN"?' ! wipk-iiai.ki: roi.i.r.Nti:n ro-iow A-eh. Dll.T.tARti. ncet. Sd-hnnd tables, repairing. suppue. Clark-Herd Mrg. Co.. 2121 N.Front HII.MAIli), pool, rombliMtlnn, 2.1-hand bought, fold. rentni, exch'd ICeafer. -'n Ulrard ate CASH ItnolSTKRS now and second-hand; to tal flddeM Am low as Sio on easy monthly piyment. all registers sold by us fully guar ntiteed Tho National Cash Register Co., 73 Chestnut it. DESKS : SAFES R"ll top desks. fpewrlter bookkeeper deks. filing i ah. tele, looths, safe-i. household fur. Dullng Central 2,1-Hanl Furnltiiro Co, 001 lfnl.li callowblll. Phon Filbert 410. PI'.SKS. filing cabinets, sifes, telephone booths nn 1 office furniture and fixtures of ciery do- scrlptlon- ued. but In fins condition, and cr 'heap free ilellvery anywhere llt'illtnS ltTH AND Rl'TTONWOOD. HAPRM -Flrrproof, nil sires R.irralns. Repair ing, laiw prices. 11SI Frankford ao. . SI3t.SKIN COAT, aire in. ion, good condi tion, rranonahle hulTnln robe. 1 irae. In good condition, cheap. 1JI N. 2lih. Phone Poplar 2iil.-i .1. HMO VICTMOI.A VI AND six in. inch ii r. rti:cottDa einrnnleeil to bo In perfect condition. An excellent outnt for one who Is looking for n goo I machine at n reasonable prlc. Fifty cents weeklv accepicl. Call or rltQ for complete descriptions and largo Illustrated catalogues UUPPK'H UPTOWN firoiiM, Cor, tth nnd Thompson sts., Philadelphia, Pa. (ll'.T A MCTROI.A NOW PAY FOR IT NL'XT YHAR Call or wrlto for our now special Payment Plan whereby vou cm tmo n Vlctiola for ChrUtmis, nnd i-tart to pay for It next year. HEPPF'S IM'TOWN STORKS, Cor. Blh nnd Thompson sts., Philadelphia Pa. fifty cn.N'TS a wninc imts a victroi.a Call or writs tor puttlculars. MF.PPn'S IM'TOWN HTORR3. Cor. Olh and Thompson sts , Philadelphia. P. lll'l IIARltAtN IN PI'IIH rtnbv lamb roils. Worth JI2.1, at 00 Muffs nnd scarfs Worth t,"0, nt S2.1. tteautlful seta. "Trv before vou buy." Remodellnr i, ne. Reasonable rates. KOHAN, 2.11 8 Mill st. tro- flENTLF.MAN'S IMHIIOIlAtli: Mt'RIC RAT 0M)!ICOAT: EXTRA UNE; PER 1 N LAMII COLLAR VALIT, 1V) RIEDER'S LOAN OI'FICK. 12S MARKET STREET MOI'NTED MOOSE, elk, drer. mountain sheep, heads, o'e., game and bird panels uiitmal rigs. Philadelphia's leullnc taxllermlst trills Wchcr. 2AIS-20 N. 2d. Eslnb. JO vears prno tiEAt'TtFi'i, ntAitnyn necki.m'i:. pi'RF-wiiiTt: stonf.i iotai. wr.miii' 111 KARATS. (Utl'lINAI. COST I2,(SSI RIIIDER'S f.iiN OMMl'i:.l2t MARKET ST $2-0-1 l-K Ml, XT OOI.Il MIVH HVrl STIM1 DEI) WITH 7 PI'RE-XVIIITi: HI XMONDS ORIHINAl. CfKT IV Rl'IDEP'rl LOAN OI'FICi: I2S MARK'E.' sr. Sinn IMM(lND NI PI ATINI'M I.XX'AL MeHI! 21 llLFIS-WHITi: DIAMOND!! X'ALtM! .17.1 IHEl.ER'S LOAN OFFICE I21 JIAHKET ST. 12.1 l.SDIES' DIAMOND TIFFANY EM1M1E MKNT UINO. lll.l'E. WHITE. PERFECT. A Itvnil.MN. 1HEDER S IUN OFFICE. j 12 MARKET ST. ! toil! CALENDARS to auP any business; I 1 nOo'OO In stock, at sacrificing prices, also 1 inlendnr pnds I'enn Paper Co.. 2S N. 0th FOR SALE rheip, stnndard size Coltender bllllarl table lompletc with accessories. In good i-nndltnn I. .lohnson Rortmont. Pa. f.'A-PAIR DIAMOND FCREXV EARRINO. Hoe vvh.lo .ilininmls. 1 karvt. woith 7.1, LOAN cil-TICE. FRONT AND C.IR.XRp f-olllIAMOND RtNO, Pt'IlE WII1TI1 AND PERFECT X'AI.l'i: IM1 RIEDEIfS LOAN OIMMCU 12S MARKET ST MAIiniUNV ilinvitiT glns, 20 bureau, 20: wardrobe, flO, gilt bronre cliindellcr, 2Mi A. 1', Enigiirtlt, levelalul nvn., Palmvrn.N.J 11 11 sriTMii.i: 21211 N Front hi cles. Clirls'.uuiH t,lfis see Plunkett, st. Cutlery. Siortluc goods, X PXTIir.R Mill hell, ,1 strlnphiK. do It now. reason ible ill Locust t. Phone llelmont mho HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT la better and cheip. r thin etcum or hot water. Pure fresh air with -normnl niolsturu. MAKIN KFI.M.'Y. 0 N. ISth St. Phlla. MACHINERY AND TOOL3 THE FACTS ARE, YOCOM FRICTION ! I.t'TCII Pullevn and FRIi TION CI' T-Ul'l I'liiiidli 4M are Hiipeilir. hn-ut iliwit in gr p bun : boll Inst and lei go nub k. SIIAI-I-INll nl MAC'IINE WORKS, 111 North Ktl'""',' JAMK- YOCOM .; SON POWER-PLANT EvfUIPMENT DM1.1IHII-. motors, boilers, steam and oil en- glues, pumps, air compressors ritA." iv TOOMEY. Inc.. 127 N. 3d st. SFCOND-HAND PIPE Cut and threaded to eketrh; largo quantity of nil aires Jn stock. Or .fflth. 4K1 20 Mnyer at. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought. old and rented , .irmituirs repaired Main 111, Market .'SOU.'. Yc.irlej Co.. 2.MN. 3d st. FIHE-KIOHTINO APPLIANCES. EXTIN IIIMHIIER HOSE HOOKS, C1IAS. POND CO.. .120ARCII ST. SENSITIX'E DRILLS 10-ln. "Nnrtli XVutes" bench and column tea. SEYFERTS. 437 N. 3d 9t. 1,1 2.1. 7.1, 12.1 Lll. IIRADLEY power hammers, i'citlnglll inwrr haimners IMi-lli. lieaudry luntr hammer. Nplt.nl, 171KN. .Itli. PIPE Sici.nd-hand. all sites. Phlla. Second hand Pipe Supply, 100.1 N. "Ih st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 300 NEW PIANOS Ileppe, Marcellus, Jules. II C Schomicker, Frui.ci sen. etc., e-onuin-tug lliiec sounding boards. .lh uprliht pianos of thosj makes returnc 1 from nuintmr rental itrcuuntc, reduced Iron. x-.ii to fill below iigular prlcea; tan bo paid J.I monthly and upwuid ,,,... Call or wrlto for largo Illustrated catu- '""""'lIKPFE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. -til and Thompsun urn. IIS LARGE ZONOPIIONE TALKING machine, with cabinet unci 'M lecords. nnUhed In beautiful quarters I oak. cent new h. Can be p-id 2 cents weekly. An excellent baiKulit; In guod tondltlon. XVrlto tor torn. n'.etii "it ot bargains ami sroila! trial offer. P llEPPK'S UPTOWN STORES, Coiner Olh and Ihoinison iu., 1 Jills., Pa. EDItON DIAMOND POINT PHONOORAPH Cost $( new. Ihls outfit U lomplete wltn records and IT. be sold for $l. pu utile 73 tenis weekly. Call or write for complete ds serlttloua and large iTumrated catalogues. HEPPE'a Cl'TOWN STORKd Cor. t!th and Thompson sts. Philadelphia, i't. PLAYER-PIANOS delivered Immediately, pav. uble f.'.'.'S weekly, prices $Ti1 und upward. Call or write for largo Illustrated cata logues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cur. lUh and Thompson sts. JBr CHIOKERING UPRIGHT PIANO, cost tiliu new. Tvventy-rlvo other UrrUht Pianos at 1H. 1123. l.'). etc . payablu .1 monthly. Cell or write for Urge Illustrated cata, lofjues. HEPPE'S UPT WN STORES Cor. ilth and Thompson sts. I'PRIOIIT PIANO Iwrgalna. Stelnway, J17J. ChUkerlng. fill. Ramsdell. $11.1: Marcellus, fi:.l; other uprights. ii, f, $pj.x practice pUnos. 3.1, f-l monthly, plavcrs. 27 123, jS nionlhlv. Hughes Uros. .1.12 N. I Dili JS3- CHICKEHING UPRIUIIT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 8.IS N. 8th. OLD GOLD HIGHEST prices In tha city paid for old gold, silver, platinum, false teeth, old coins bought an Ijsold. Jew clry Exchauge. 204 S 5th. OLD GOLD, silver, platlnui plated ware, old si) le ewelry, teeth plates bought for casn Est1870. J L Clark, refiner S07 gansom OaSH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS tones, gUd silver, platinum, false teeth. Pbia SiTltln anl Ref. Co. 128 3 Uth st. OLD COI-D-Cash mid (or old gold, silver, anitqve. clocks will ull Oell phoue X)cut I21'i. ROGERS, 27 S. 17th st. PRINTING BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS EARLY Muko vour slx tlons from 12- designs: price 33 to -0 tents oer dozen, engraving our spe Ultj The Cord Shop. RJ0I Chestnut t. Open evenlug ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGi. XV E coat leaky tool at email cost and, ruaj-n. lee tl.em 10 years let us estimate. AMEUUAN ROOFING CO., 1W5 Ridje are. STORAGE CONTINENPAl. STOItAHE WAREHOUSE 20X11 ST. AMOVE CHESTNUT PACKIM1, MOVINtl. SII1PPINO. Rugs, carrels cleaned, scoured, stored. !! lairustlufiO-PhoneseyRace 4100 Your Troubles Arc My Business Storage nnd money arranged, alt parts of Lnlted States, liberal advances made. Pres ton It. Lee. Ilrokcr, 30S Llpplnrott Rulldlng. Walnut 1710. I.II1ERAI, AUX'ANCES ON FURNITURE Ono month free; storage, SI per load: mov ing, packing and shipping. Rblgo Avenus Ktorage Company, 013 West Norrls st. Phone Kensington US". FIDELllY FIREPROOF XVAREIIOUSKS, 1?I1-ISUI MARKET fcT. WAI.lTKiVff 8TOIIATl!5,"l3fl7 above" Dauphln Seiarale lo ked rooms packing and shipping to nl points, auto vans for moving, carpet denning. . 1 yard Hoih phones, ATLAS STORAGE XVAHEHOI'SE - Storage, moving, p.ieklrg, shlpilng. rarpet cleaning. Ph. Raring 7.1.2 for ralliute. Market and 37th. OIRARD STOIlAtin CO, PI'S fitrard ave. Moving by auto packing, storage separate rooms, carpet doming Hell phone. Pop. ,1201. McCANN'S STORAOE HOUSE I74S Nl Iltn rt., moving, tacking, shipping! suto vans llo'h phones. Let us estimate, F'REi: STORAdE Iho first monlh, moving "by auto vans, shipping, parking, carpet cleaning. t.evn's. :nli Ridge. Park r.tsOA. THt!"NoRTIIEltN PTORAOli makes advances on household goods, moving IS14 to 1S2S S. 11th st nnd 1110 N. 7th st. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES "SATISFACTION IN REMINOTON RENT ALR also Mantifni Inters' ,vND Huarantee X Islhlo Models, $1 a monlh, 7 ,0 for llireo SLRX ICE months, llentnl tni)tnent npi lies on purchase REMIN'ITON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 110 South Ninth si . Phlladelphli Telephones. Hell, Wnlnul rti.m, Kej stone. Main 2H0I WANTED HRo1J7nTewELR yT "false leethT plstors.colns? Coin hook, with prices I pay, mailed, lCc. .1. R. Uoss (People's Store), 2111IS. 11th Vnl.4liil. CAST OFF (M.OTIIINO XVANTED - Highest prices paid for ladles' evening gowns and gentlemen's clothing, summer and winter: eend pns al or phono ltmnedlatelv and our bu)er will call, cltv or suburbs, day or eve Phone Market 2ir.io. SELIOSOHN, tlx nnd Spring Clarden sis. CAST-OFF CI.OTtllNO We positively pay .10 morn for gentlemon's clothing, shoes: sen! postal, we all, day. evening, city or suburbs. 1 rlednian Pros , 1414 South tt. Phone Dick- Insoii ni.1.1. i'l'IlNlTURH r'nnos. carpets, antiques, entire or imt liouM-n bought for cash, no matter how larRi. J. lternsteln. 13.14 IIMge uve. YELLOW stamps redeemed ror dolls tos, etc. Highest nrlcci paid for loose stamis In sheets. TRADINil STAMP CO., 2111 N. Front st. !?. OLD FALSE TEETH ', Hroken Jewelry, Gold. Sliver, Dla. nought. Keystone Co. 73VY'V..N'.,T. t?,I".r:t:'r Z Established "0(1 HinilEST I'ltlcEs PA'ID for illnnionds'olil f-i2" t1.?.""!""- lnt" teeth, nlso pawn ticket. 1100 Filbert st.. 2d floor front WANTED, t; buy, part or entire household furniture. Levin Pros , 204s Ridge ave. R00MS FOR RENT ARCH ST.. Siai-Flnely furnished front rooms, nlso two Inrk rooms, kitchenette, roniphto: leflned aiiimiindliigs. Riue 0140 D IIAl.TIMORi: AVE.. .10,11 -Suite of .1 furnlsh7,i rnuiiH and lutb. Itnrlng IfiSn .1. UROAD, N., 2H10 Comforlable rooms In n real home. UROAD. S 2I'.u Furnished rooms all conven lences.prlvale Inmlly. PIioiie.Dlcklnsnn 201.1 J. UROAD. N. l.ltq-Attractlvely furnished front rooms, with all convciilrnics; reatonahle. Illlii.XD. (., 2lll-Nlril-fuinlslie,l fiont room', slenm heat, idei irk- llghls. private inmlly. JIROVA.V lilt Warm communlcnilng nnd bedroom for gentleman guiat; S2,,iM. titling owner; CHESTNUT, llnH- Attractively furn single or en sulic. jv lth or without CHITNI'T. 'I7""l- lleiiutlfulli "furn." rooms, bath. rootr-l eienric iignt. .vppiy on premlsis. C'llESTNI'T ST.. 12.1'4-comtormble rms.7iloii I. mi. i- singii.. wrii no.iieu, exieptlnuil lul. op. CHESTNUT ST. inc.lr tr.tlil-liandsomely fuFiir riinnis. wuii nam, near I.. iiarlng nil. It. LOCI ST. 1211-Deslr.ililn rooms adjoining lnth! bot-wnter heat, central location phone. LOCUST, 121.1-1.1 (Lion's ltead)-Funilho"i apts., suites nnd rooms with pilvate bnth. LOGAN SO. (213 N. I'thl-llnurekeeplnis rms.7 furn.. unturn.. electric llht. running water. MT. VERNO.v. 1013-2,1 front, atlrartlve. large, sunny, running water: refined, reasonable. PARK A'H. 20117 Attractive room. single or en suite, conveniences, good location. PINE. 132'1-AttroctlveIy furn. rooms, single or en suite, running water, prt. fam., phone. PINE. .I'll". Nli elv fiirnlslicdrnom for gentle man, board optional: plionn llelmont II7.IH. PINE, 1112 Deslrnbte 2d lloor and '.' single rn.illls. eenlrally located. Unllllll 727.1 XX". RITTIINHOUSE St. (21(1 S. 10TID I.ire, be iiitlfutlv furn rma nnd apts. , I or 2 rooma. 1 rlv. bat tut lint-water heat. Ilrst cliss In nppi'lntment and service. Sprui o .'ii2 HANSOM ST. 4.1211 Private fnnill) having mo,ern lioine will rent I or 2 very deslrible rooms. Presion 2721 J. SANSOM. Mls-Npely furiilsli-d room for'2 business mm or women, tdnglc beds, private family; reference. Phono Predion 2i77 W. SPRI'i'll. 11-17 Rooms, ringle or en suite. prlvT bathsprof. offlies: stenm hat- electricity. SPRITE, lUlO - Well-furnlshed rooms"; hoN witter heat: gentlemen, reference. SPRUCE. 17.12-XVcII-rurnlsheil.' rheerfui -ooms". rear hath, steam heat: references exchanged. SPRUCE "lllfi-Sil-at'y front, beautlfull) furT; running water, electric light: single vacancy. SPRUCE, "lint-Single room." 2d floor: also doublo iom:vvell Jieateil:newij reuovnti'd. SPRUCE, l'lHV Two unfurn. rooms" private l,nin, iurnroom; Running water; board opt. XVALI..XCE. NEAR 17TH-NI0O rooms, fur- r.lhe,l or unfurnished. e,L.H) weeklv upward; uho nrgo parlor cheap. Appl) 1011 Chcsf niit. Room 112". XVAI.I.ACE. lieift Well-furn 2d-story fr-'nt reom. plenty heat, running water; phone; Irleal hntrefor two gents XX'ALLACE. 1017 .Furnished rooms, single or en suite, . hot-vvaler heat; southern exposure. l1irW"AI.NI"T "" lairge sunnv rooms vvlih bath. W'ALNI'T, .1-131 Lirge furn. and unfiirii.rniuT front rooms: running, water, hoi-water heat. "ALNI'T. .1(01 - Third-four "communicating frunt rtAi.n nil tniivenlences. near U XVALNI'T. .V110-2 unfurnlnhed rooms."phon7: gas.electrlc light: convenient toL. 10T1I K . "Al ("opp. Clinton) Attraetlvo rooms, with or without bath, well heated- plenty hot water: newlyrenovnted. Ph XX'alnut r,:i41. 12TH. S . 200-Cheerfully furn. room adjoining iiain- gei'iicmen .vrp'v 1 ..tjst, on ;irems. I5TH. S, .'HI-COMFORTAnLY FUR FRONT ROOM. ADJOININORATH. PRONE. HITII N., KVI8 Attrae." rooms, furn. or unfurn.; rrhned, prlvato homo, teferencrs. phone. -7TH X MONTOOMERY-Two rooms for bach" elor I" Ivnte family, ref. HI7. Ledger Cent. ISTII. N . lsfs-Largc altilng room suit den tist private adult fam : also single vacancies, furn or unfurn : rcai-nnahle Dlnm inns XX". 2IST, S 3 Attractively furn. or unfufrT rooms, slngleor ensulte few at 110 lermn 43TII. S.. 411 Single and double rooms In ei ClUfP refined rnode'ii home. Phcnc 010 I-irge, newly furnished, rapered. sunny, second-floor front. In small reasonable. SOT 1 1. 8.. warm, family: 50TII, N.. t"t RiTOlIS. irNt-'CIlNISHHO: private, tiath private family Raring 801 X". 2S2D, N. (1411 XVho wants my 1 or 5 abundant ly he Red, sunshtn), 2d-stnrv front rooms? Other 1 irnnclcs. llelmont 7232 XV. MI), N., heat 211 Attractive furn rooms, hot water llelmont :i.T3" XV. IN PRIX'ATE HOME, excellent location, con venient to two car lines, large, t feasant roi 111s suitable for I or 2 persons Phono X'oodland 4I70XV. DININOROOM and kitchen In small apart ment house at merely nominal rent In ci n slderatlon of service. Apply 1011 Chestnut, Room 120. OXVNER OF'LAROE dw'elllng wllfrent attraV lively furnished bachelor apt. of 2 rooms. private bath, open rtreplace. 2022 Sprue- l. Suburban GERMANTOXVN 2d-floor front room, furn., well hented; prlv. family. P 221, Ledger Off BOARDING BALTIMORE, 41 11-Attractive house. Just opem.il.slusle. uouble rma . prlv. taths. bd. RALTIMORE. 4 1 10 Iirge( sunny, second-floor room.coU( le ur jentlem.n excellent table. HAUEirAVK. I70S XVarm furnished "room; good home table, jirlvate family; phone. LEHIGH" AVE.. XV , T2i-Prtvte famlfy"hai few front vacancies, excellent Uble; all eon- venlences. electricity. Phone Tioga 73.10 W SPRUCE. 1230 " " Second-story suite, aloe front room SPRUCE, 1010 Room, with board, ruiuilug wattr. eievitor. Filbert .138.1 XX. SPRUCE. 1012 (Holmehurat)-Furnlshe.l rooms, private tith;vvHh board, Uble board. SPRUCE. 10.12 "Large second-story room, southern exposure. alsotablebourd SPRUCE, 1221-211 (liriimonde)-F-jrn. rooms, sla.le. e.i suite, private baths, table board. WALLACE, 3101 Hoard and rooms, reasonable . eonvenlent to ears. Phone Preston 548. W. WOODLAND AXE- us07 Pleasant front room, goo.) board for couple. Woodland 3140. JuTH. N ." 1410 HANDoOMFLY FURNISHFD K.iOM. lH'NNINO WATER Fl RST-CLAo J TAU-J-2 HOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 2D. a. ll'J Well-heated large front room, tx celleut board all louvenlen 'es phone. i.TH ST.. 8.. 324-Larie. double rooms; re fined, modern table board. Dell phone. BOARDING MI), 8.. "Irt (nr Baltimore, live.)--Room with board; gentleman; hot-water heat; prlv. fam. PRIX'ATE family will take Infant to board. Phono Tioga 2000 XV. CHIL-D can have board In refined home. Phona Relmont 0000 XV. Robutban OVERtlROOK Family of 4 adults, targe mod ern home, revve third-floor front, hath ad joining, for gentleman, with superior board. M RS.I, I.edger Central. . HERMANTOWN. lift XV. Penn st.-Sanltarlum: brlaht, cheerful, homelike resting place for Jnvnllds or elderly persons. Ph. Otn. 3PM I). 'IOOD HOME In Oermantnwn for gentlemen or couplo desiring front room, with excellent board. P 221. Ledger nffbe. SANITARIUMS IIEAFTIFUI. location, special scientific care; nsfvous; eldertj , every comfort, hurses. IMoklet. Dr Ilstidal City line, Chestnut Hill APARTMENTS 1830 South Riltcnliouse Square Three apartments enlarged during the rum mer are read.v for occupancy: one (n Duplex) contains 12 rooms and I baths; tho others 8 looms nnd 2 laths nnd 10 rooms and ft baths, also n small apartment of 7 rooma and bath. O. ANDERSON, Superintendent. XVALNPT AND IITII STS. (S. XX'. cor.)-Mod sullen ex epllonally attractive, large, high idlings, ahmidsnt.y lighted on 3 sides. Also 2nd Sotilh lltb t. iiitnble for housekeeping If deslied. Rentals 4u and f'.l Janitor on corner premises. HARDER. HARTMAN & co . 1201 chrstnut si 10.1 B. 1IT11 ST.-Ilachelor apartments: excep llnnnl'y deslrabln 2,1-floor suite, 2 large rooms and bath, every modem Improvement, jani tor nn premises; steam heat Included. IIAHHElt HARTMAN & CO., 1201 Chestnut. ERIE AVE.. 72.2-Including beat "and "janitor rervlce, beautiful i)-rnnni suite of unrurnlsned npnrimentrt, windows on all sides II. E SMITH. JM Erie nve. AI.Nl'T, "l I II Apnrlment of 2 rooms and linlli, second rtimr. unfurnished, very deslr iible; hn one lurulshed apartment, llrst-ctass serv Ice At plv Urumhnugh & Parker. 2d floor OXFORD, 2:iPS (neafl'ark)-Flrst and second floor, Jlngln or together, hot-water heat. ARHHNETIIV. 2724 N. Mil. N. v. COR 17TH AND HANSOM STS -Two apartments. 1 mom and ImiIi and 2 rooms and bath. Aptly nn premises. HPRINtl HARDEN. 1117-ExcelIent apts. In R different houses: sonio furn., kitchenettes. THE KENNINC.TON, PINE. HEl.l'W DROAb. l'oslrildo apts. nnd two professional offices. open for inspection. YARROW A VAN PELT, I7T1I AND CHESTNUT STS. THE PARKSJDE 0TIt Jt?gNVTffAnb OPPOSITE FAIHMOFNT PAItK One lo four rooms and bath; reasonable terms. Phone Paring 221. UP-TO-DATE APARTMENTS nt reduced rates to .moil tenant. Apply to owner at H2.1 Diamond st. XVest Philadelphia I OFFER it large variety of apartments at varied prh es nnd to meet ulmnst any require ment Call or send for list. Automobile service to inspcd apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHEHXVOOR, III! XX'alnut st. !I'RUCE2O0. RACE 302S. Suburban NEAR (iVERIiltonK-a rooms a'nd Imlh on third Moor for light housekeeping; also 3 fiirnlsh.'d rooms villi use of balh on eerond lloor, hot-water heat electric light: neur train andjrolley .1 ll'i. Ledger Central. Cjnvviil, P11, " At C)nwyd,"on "A OFEST HOI'SE" Montgomery ave. Hair b'ock from sta.. 20 ml 11 lirnail St. Sta.: UNKJI'E AND DISTINCTIVE. Every rom foit and conv. . npnrtmints Irnm 2n per mo. (lord table board, 7 weekly. Tel. Cnwd 702. APARTMENTS WANTED Tlll'.RE IS AI1SOI.UTEI.Y NO REASON XVII Y ANY LESIRAI'I.E APARTMENT SHOULD HE X'ACANT AT 1 HE PRESENT MOMENT. Tho number of applicants for apartments handle I by this nlllre frequently averages ovir one bundled a day. 1 Place nt the disposal of my clients the best equipped, largrst nnd moat attractive orilcea cv,r devoted to tho business of rent ing apartments. give them highly orginlzed, courteous and erncient service: I have private branch ex changes to handle phone Inquiries, two auto innh leu waiting n snow apartments to pros pective ter.ar.ts, and in ev,ry w.i give serv ice of aueli a ilnr.icter that the apartments Placed In my hands nrc rapidly rented. Will mi njt Uep voursclf and at the same tliro ns;lst me by furnishing me with com pute Informiitlon telatlve to your vacancies? call, phone or write norman s. sherw'ood .sprite &"AUSVTt"-i: .103. FURNISHED APARTMENT wnnleil." 2or3 rooms; near nroad and Wnlnut; slate price, itc. J ii.al. LmIrpi- Central. 2-uhiirbiin XVANTED by joung married coupler"smaII lurtiishel hiiiise or iipirlment In suburbs, preferah'y will- sleeping porch, not over J73. D IPS. ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 80!) NORTH UROAD ST. Modern dwelling-over store. IIARRX T SAUNDERS, 31 S. 18th St. UIKi.XD, N 201(1- Three rooms," kltclienTbatir Ith lloor. sipiun heat, gas 11 nd eloc. , $.111. M. jHin. 11U7 RiMlEitto Tp.HI.Ik. nihert .'llilu. HI'ltl'CE. N K. cor of 12th-Ha"rpsonie" house keeping Hat: entire 2d floor, 3 rooma, hath, leasi'iiable. urtlMli parlors, unfurntslied. SOU N llROAIi .ST.. opposite Logan StaPmi. mx loiims nnu natn. e.ii open ror Inspection. M. M. SMITH, uppoilto Logan Station. COLUMIIIA ,XVE.. IM1-.1 ROOMS. WITH PItIVATE IIXTII. ALL CONVENIENCES. DIAMOND. Mil Hnndsome comer flats. "s33 and H(': 3 rms.. bath, porch: mmlern conn. DIAMOND. 21 12 Three "rooms, bath, VllchenT hot wat'T neat mul hot vvnter: $2.1. lhTII NORTH. I7l-Slx large light rooms; jnowlv tluhhe.l. modern Mat; sblejnrds, THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You ran tonic nt one after another until ynu flnl one, or You run bo n round to the different acen cle until In (lecpalr 5011 take one, nr You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is quite truo that nearly every desirable I apartment In Philadelphia is listed with and I may Ii' rented through us Call upon us In our new offices; they are really quite attractive; ou will be given the ' most courteous and efficient service obtain able. ' An automobile Is waiting tn take ou to tha list of apartments )nu designate, and It by any chance vou are not perfectly suited ' cur entire organization will be placed at our disposal to procure for ou exactly your neart's uesire. Think of all the trouble jou will have saved and how glad )nu will be to know you havo found the one apartment In Philadel phia which most nearly approaches your exact Ideal NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 XVALNUT ST. Epruce 0200. Race 3023. THE WARWICK. lbOei-Ud-IO Santum street. A modem 7-slor. fireproof building, con taining viltes o apartments having 4 to 0 rooms wlih ull .onveulences for housekeeping. Tne enttie w.ikt supply In this building is llltcrvd. There vvlil bo 2 or ,1 deslrabte va uiulii, via: .,uiti- on the Sth floor, lOiitalnlng room, at ?.1.1 per month, and one on the 3,i lloor, at S0 I er month. There Is a eaterer fit the building, who will terve meals whin wanted, either In Ihe public dining room or In the mammilla. 1 vv in 1 1. nine: - -ici..Ac.xiiAfv i r,. vv tor lain Hnu I'liic sis. i THE MONTEVISTA 0311 ANP OXFORD STS. XVRhln 2." minutes o' City Hall, via Market st. elevated and u'th l. crosstown line, which runs direct ta Ltd and Oxford sts. Suites nf from one room and bath to seven roams and bith, ranting In price from flu to $7.1. Dining pioin lueated In building. PH.lNE UXKRHROOK 3l)liS. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS - ALL PARTS OF CITY RUNTS. 23 TO 70 PER MONTH CALL, PHONE OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION SAMUEL STERN 1201 CREBTNUT STREET TUB GAIILES 4000 Oil York road, a few choice O-room housekeeping apartments, all convenlencea l() per mouth. Apply to Israel Hecht, 121 Chestnut St.. or Janitor, on primUc-. TUB ENGLBW'OOD. 320 S. IITII ST.-Ideal reiitml housekicplng apartments, suites, 3 rooms, kitchenette und bath. Apply Janitor, mi premises, or LEWIS A. TAULANE. OoO Walnut st. TUP NASH .i:.7-29 SPRUCE STREET I 111, innon HOLSEKEEPING APART MENTS and PROFKSSIONAL OFFICES. M. XV. GRUIMS. orlgiuator ef Apt. ltur.au y.ilr will quickly -ml ou Ihe apt. that suits, U.i Real Est Tr. HlJg. Ph. W'aL S237 loll modern furn. or ucfurn. upvrtnient Nurthw.st Phlla. or Tioga, see us first. SCHOEPPY Ai CO., 1517 Montgomery ave. FOPI.AR APARTMENTS. 1018 20 Poplar st 1 1 and 4 loom suites. furnUhed or uofur- n'shed hot water bt , private baths, hot wat. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS XX EST PlIILADKLPHIA 31TII AND CHESTNUT iTho Essex)-fi rooms, bath, pantry and reception hall, elevator (day and nlglit service). Colonial finish, while china gloss paint, mahogany doors, hardwood floors, combination wall safes, laundry, vacuum cleaner, roof gardens watchman all .".'Fhti f-1' to !.) month, . . . 34TH AND SPUINO UAlUEN (The llelmont) Nlco front apartments, mahogany finish, Private porchfa, hardwood floors: porte cochere entrance: desirably situated, newly rerovated, papered and .minted. 21 and IM month. All ileslrnhle new housekeeping apia .AppJanlo!,or MtESrtf. ;i(HaIenidi 3ITII AND SPRINfJ (IARDD.V (201 llelmont Apartments) Only J2d month, nice corner apartment, .1 rooms and bnth. private hall, hardwood floors, will paper and decorate to nun irnani. inquire janitor. 411) AND CHESTER AVE (401 Monterey 4 rooms, bain Arartmenlel-unly in month, nnd re.eptlnn hall, hardwood floors; all roe.ms raic s'rect Inquire Janitor. POWF.I.TON, 4017 (Elrlra Apts) Five outside rooms, uaili, porch, 2d floor, JIO Inquire 40(H) Powelton ave. Pbone Pteaton (1130. CHESTNUT S-T. 30A1-7 (louel-Elecant apts", reduced rent. Cull .1 to,Jan. Ph. liar. 7lil(WV DR IJX" E t7Xr A RTJlfiS TS OVERBROOK. STATION One housekeeping suite, 0 rooma and hath, is.i,.t4 per month, one furnished suite, 2 sleeping rooms, one exceptionally large living room and bath, 73 per month, public dining room Phone over,rook Ho-. THE itUTI.AND APTS, JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST , MTH TO MTII ST. fl and 7 room apartments, with all thn latest conveniences, 117. ,,0 to 11.1 per month. ROHERT PITTS', AtlENT Pell phone Uelmont 413.1. ,1411 locust st. KINOSrol'RT lllli and Chestnut sis. JUST COMPLETED. MODERN 1IOUBE keepln? apartments, flrerroof Moors, eleva tors, public dining rooms Apply TIOMAS M SEEDS, Jr 1207 RAC1) ST. THE CHANCELI.OH APARTMENTS, f'hnticellor, nb ,11th. Pert value In Phlla.. 22 feet living room, splendid condition, r. room", hath nnd large porches, every convenience, rent J.K nnd $12. Apply Janitor. Open even Inge. KERSHAW' & ChOWL. 121:. Chestnut THE LARCH.MONT. "1100-02 S KITH ST. (40th nnd Chester ave.). -one or tne Hand somest second-floor apartments In Phlladel Khln, fl large rooms (all outside); reception all nnd bnth, with private porch. Taylor A Son, 21 nnd 20 South 40tll si ' "OREY tlARLES, 312-114 N. 33D. . X'ery atlrnctlve opts., 1 to 7 looms, (iirnlshel or unfurnished, all outside rooms, ehnwr halh, .te.. reasomvble; S mln. from City Halh ONLY i..1 month. 2isi Esex Apartments, .'14th and Chestnut, nice rnrner apirtment. 3 rooms and bath nnd private hall: will paper nnd decorate to suit tenint Inquire Janitor. GERMANTOXVN THERE ARE A FEW' FOLKS WITH KIDDIES" who positively will not rent an apartnient In the city. ... . So In ordor lo please them and others who MUST havo a suburban home THE QUEEN LANE APARTMENTS XVERE UUILT No. o) never have seen nnythlng quite like them -chances aro vou never will again. Fresh air, trees, birds, grass, country sur rnundlnga In a word, the great outdoors all A block from Queen Lane Station, same dis tance Irom the llerninntown cricket Club, three blocka from XVa)ne avenue. The price Is Ifi a month and As to the apartments Thev have five rooms und bath, plus an extra maid's room, hot water bent tho beat nhtnlnable; ample hot water, exception il closet mom; built-in book tai.es, private porches? unusual lonstrtictinn and dei orations. ou must see them to know tint they are lust what ou have been look ing for, and our automobiles will niako this nn easy mattei. XV n. might furnish ono or two at, say, 170 u month. NOnfAN K sherxvood 1411 XX'ALNUT STREET. WALNUT LANE. E MO I ana 3 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, private porch. 12.1 toJ. llHierfnril, J'n, IIAXERFORD. PA. Nenr slntlen nnd clulr new apartments, 7 looms. 2 baths, $"n to fso iter tnontli south ern exposure, beautiful outlook; large duplex apartment. Jim per month. Mclt.VAIN & CO. 1.1IS Land Title llulldlng, Phlla. APARTMENT HOTELS THE I l.l..ViAR-alORRlH O Lit. XI AN TOWN AT CIIEI.Tr.N AVE .STATION. PENNA. RAILROAD 20 MINUTES FROM UROAD ST. TERMINAL. VTTUACTIVKI.V PritNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS. HOTEL" COLON Ul. Spruce nt Eleventh st. An apartnient hotel, uoied lor Its culniue nnd perfection of servlic, newly refurnished and redecorated. panor. bedroom and bath, with miata for two persons x.11 per week and up. Sp. ilul luncheon. 7.1i. Tablo d'hote dinner, il. THE CLINTON TENTH I1ELOW HI'ltlfCB 2nd Ri.llMS E'ER1 C'ONv I..MI..NCIX 1'urnlbhrd or unfurnished; either by leae or trnnslentlv , suites of one to our rocins, with bath. THE GENEVA KITH STREET AROVE WALNUT Illgh-iliss apartiiicnts, with or without pri vate bath, mtlrolv n novated and refur nished, under now management, llf'I'tlllTY A- MAIt.M! XI.L THE GLADSTONE imJiuxBr"Ka APARTMENTS FOR WINTER MONTHS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED APSOLUTEt.Y rlREPROOF THE COVINGTON. CHESTNUT AND IITII STS It. F. EN1ILE. MANAOHR. ALSO THE ENtll.ESlOE. REACH HAVEN. N J. THE ESMOND BNnNKHCItnii SUITE OF 2 ROOMS AND HATH. THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS 30TII AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CI TV FOR SALE ATtTRACTIVE HOMES On Very Easy Terms MANY LOCALITIES SOME VERY HIGH-RETURN INVESTMENT PROPERTIES See Us Before Buying CENTRAL TRUST AND SAVINGS CO. Market and Fourth Streets ll'.'X XVYI.IE. s IL. (i su I'iirlali 202.1 Mt. X'crnnn sbl, )nnl, modernlxcd, 3ias N 21st, 13 It., 2 iMtlis. poieh. mod. hrnt. I.'l.l N. 12th. U it., reduced to 30i). cheap 1732 Green, modernized. 2 II.; gar tear; ch an. 1.122 W Dauphin. Cor., 10 H , 3)S0: rent Mil 173S Mt X'ernon. mrM., 13 It , 2 II., Int-w lit Cor. 10th and Wallace, renovatvil, 2 baths electric lights, cheap. 2(110 N. Ulth, 111 R , 13.173. assessment flOTkl lllllllUltl) II. WORRELL & CO.S33 N 17th. 150J LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 46lor orownstone dwell ing Especially fitted for rrofe.-slonal offices. Low price and easy ternib for quick sale. 'I4 .- .11' "T - l-stoiy building, 21xti.1, as seseed Js.vk), piiic js.vs), terms van be ai raugvd. :hls Is eVIXsi litei than It Is worth. J. 1'DWARD I.l'TZ. 24() North J7th st. 2Cr.i, N. STII ST Thrce-stury brick dwelling, h rooms and lialh huuse In excellent condl. Hon CHARLES W. MILLER, 4ul-4u7 Com iitonwtalth Ilulldinv. 2211 I'llDEN ST -ii ROOMS. HVRDWDOH FLOORS THROUGHOUT STRICTLY MOD ERNIZE! . MINNR K I X2UI RIDGE AX'E l.v,J X. liiTII. near Mtnton Park. 7 rooms and porch front, owner leuving elt, 40d J. A. Patteiion Co.. 1210 S 13th batn, easn. 274.1 N. HOPE ST-2-storv. order. (1000 clear, rental uir. vm. I. Craven's bons, 4 rooms, goo 1 valuo M20 H.-r 3.121 N. PARK AX K. for sals, MAN II. HAFLEIOH. t2K-,0 ONLY ONb LEFT East side of 2uth st . south of Allegheny ave. 2-story brick, porth-fioul houses. 7 rooms and outkltrhen. burdwood fl'iUli. hot water heat, elrcirtc light, cabinet tit range, combination lookcase and writing di,k Iu Dutch hall: It will be worth lour while vis iting these houses before deciding elsewhere. SAMPLE HOUaE Open Ever) Da j: A. McNELIS AGENT ON PREMISES OH SOMERSET STREET. XVEST OF 2JID. EXAMINE THIS RARGAIN (42CO. original price 4700 1) fouuis side vard. never occupied. 0.12 Chew st.. Tabor large lot, hot-water hint electric light, par quetry IliMirlui;; terni arranged. ou .-un't duplicate Ibis for near live prUe asked: 2 trolh.vs, blot k from station. 4 bodrvorue. AHBRNETIjY. IB -12th. 2724 N. 3ih. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for tale or rent, send us your requirements. VarROVV & VAN PELT N. K e.or. I7lh and Chestnut sta Phone 3ISO Sprme or 2(170 Rate. SMALL PROPERTIES along the line of the new elevated, isllroad at Kerulugteu av. and Huntlugdoil sf , 3 rt-onu good iuvctiDu.ni nut ll. price U3u. (AMb!ttN 2SII Kestongton ave. IF YO' WANT TU MORTUAGf. rsut, iIL e-ccane or insure. , "8iii. TAILA-Nt AVOLT IT" bCO Walnut St. buy REAL ESTATE FOR SALE !?' BITES FOR BALE (Suitable for erection ot business buildings, large or small. Invest ment properties. Money for mortgages. ARTHUR JOSVELl,;-31 N, Mth It. SMALL AMOUNT of cash, subject $0.10 mort gage, fl 4-10 per cent., No. 122.1 South Ruck nell st.j two-story brick house; will rent at . 12, Arthur llnawell. .12( Mth XVARD'S PARK-FRONT HOU8ES ARE XX'ORTH INSPECTION OFFICE 423I N. UTH STREET HOMM AND INVESTMENTS, northwest. '.n.'!nr Jl't before nurchasliig In this section. JAMES P. XVI NC H F. L L. 2010 N. 21llhsL CENTRAL FACTORYloood site tor mod. buT hldg.i 3 streets: sale lo close an estate; might rent.Jacih A Frill, 32.1 Iwnd Title nidg. EXAMINE 202(1 N. Sth St., 3-storr brlelt oweiiing: public site, December 15. 1013, at JTresman, 1110 Chestnut at. XX'E IIAX'E several rheaD properties, which II amount ot cash must be sold nt once, smal required, J. J. Isinnelly, 301 wage are. llnlldlng tots. Factory Wiles, Kiev 10TII ST. AND HUNTING PARK AVE. Three large plot"' mnxWO ft,, Mftxair. ft , nnd WslxlOO ft. Ex cptlonal opportunity for build ers, in rntldly growing section. 1 o lots. Ens) terms The best lo, ated unimproved property of Its "lie In the city, surrounded by paved, sewered and traveled streets. IIjx J, r.5e, Ledger Central. R. XV. roRNEH LAXVRENCE AND VINE STS. Tliree-story maiiifacturlng building nnd ad joining nrnpertlea; lot .7.xM7 feet. Partlcu lars. CHAS. W'. MILLER, 401-107 Common, wealth Rulldlng. FALLS OF SCHUYLKILli OROUND Large nnd Small Tracts for nwiTJ.l.tNrl or MANUFACTURING j urpeses In lrf.st sections EXCELLENT RAILROAD FACII.1TIF.S Prices on Application. Est. JOHN DOI1SON, son Chestnut tt. CENTRAL LOCATION CAI.LOWHIt.f, STREET RETWEEN I0TII AND IITII STREETM Lot 00x120 Feel lo Rear Street PHAS W MM I PR 4UI-407 Common- . . -. wealth Hldg. THREE-STORY factory nnd IV) lots nt Ml pah. N. J : railroad siding to factory on squar? from sintlon good chance for manu factoring itvncern. plenty of labor. C P COWARD CO., 20th nnd Jefferson sis. SITI'fl. RAILROAD for safe, Pennsylvania Hnd Rending oon per aire and up, accord ing to location. Inquire for terms. D1ETEP1C1I 737 XVnlnut RIPE TRACTS large nnd small, will arrange advances. AtlEHNETHy. 2721 North 3th, l.V South 12th. CHOICE building lots nnd large tracts grounl In all parts cltv; hIm over 200 manufacturing sltes. Me1vln.ir,in-inltil Estate Trust Rldg. Fnctnrles, XVnrelinuses, Mfg. I'loors RARE OPPORTUNITY SALE AUTO SPRING PLANT. EQUIPPED, IIUILDINO n. It Sale Coal Yard, Cox 1 14 N E. COR. 1STH VND XVAlIVCTON AVB. Sale Church BuildintT AND LOT 110x1(1.1. I1UTTONWOOD AND VTII STS. Sale 1214, 1216, 1218 Summer St. CORNER CV.MAC llxC.S Sale Acres on Delaware AND SCHUYLKILL AND OTHER CIT1F.S FOR LVRili: INDfJT'lIIW REQUIRING It R. AND RIVUR FACILITtFH 50,000 Sq. Ft., 2 1st Del. Market Ht.EX'ATOR. ilx'll FT. 1 I FT !X I.RS. S Vl.E OR UI.-NT N. W. Cor. 2 2d and Arch 100x1.1l) FT 3 FHON-rq 360,000 Sq. Ft., One-Story Mill R. R HIIVIN-I- PHILADEI PUIA Will Build Four to Suit Long-Lease Tenant XVITII RAILROAD ONE SITE TW'O RA1L- IIOXDS RF'T '''ST T(1 'SI:,-I:rT F-r,.'1' R W. BRUCE BARROW 1.10 NORTH I2TII ST. ESTAHLISHEl' liil FACTORIES A 8PE- CtAI.TX; SOUTH CAST corner Ionic nnd American sts.: thrre-storv brick fnctnrv bitlbllng. 2.1xCO. Chas. W. Miller. 101-407 Commonwealth Hldg. I ... " .or nml Dwellings $y.0fl FUR JlfOO CORNER STORE and dwell. nig. i-.ii.m;y, nii ii, Allegheny. . XVEST PHILADELPHIA REST X'AI.I'E IN PHILADELPHIA UNEQL'ALED HOMES fiOTH'ST AROVE I.ANSDOXVNE AVK. XVest Sld. .1 fl 0 0 Every Known Convenience. Hardwood Floors Throughout. JAS C. ENnURO, Rullder YOU WILL APPRECIATE The Sulst.intinl Construction, the unusutl finish Htnl Innovation found In our excep. tloiinlly attractive furnished Samp e House WHITBY AVENUE 56th to 57th Streets .1 ffiui.re outh of Italtlmorc avenue. A Real "1916 Model" Home 4 rooms and bath on second Poor Porrhea in ft. x in ft. Parquetry Pour throughout. DAVID CRAM i'"-n & oxvner. wl ,LJ vlv""1 ON PREMISES Take tilth st. eais to .Uth a" d w 'iiihv nve. (I squr.ro from houses) Market st t " and Raltluiire avi cars pass over doth st, II minutes lo llioad st. via P. It. R Angora .hntlon 2 squares nwnv, MRrHOME BUYER YOUR OPPORTUNITY SEE THESE SUPERIOR HOMES IN OVER1IROOK HEIGHTS BOTH. HADDINGTON TO JEUFERSON ST. Sainp'e house Itirnlshed. Agent on p-onil-o or BERMAN BROS.. 6010 Market AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PHYSICIAN OR DENTIST Corner property, stone reehlrn'a wlth modern improvements In nn established section o.' W'est Philadelphia, for manv veare tho office nnl rofcl.hn-e of a suteis'lll nrac tltloner. pro ertv will be nld it a reasonable flguro on attractive terns WLLIAM C. I'ENKERT 1.100 Arch t. W'M. II. '.V. (JUICK f PRO 8 SOUTH 4IITH ST REAL C4TATE INVESTMENTS MORTHAGF IOXN-S VFllOTI XTl-D AND FIRE INSURANCE J3100-S ROOMS, hot-wnter heat, gas and else. trie light, mrquetrv floirs. shower laihs saa kitchens and nil other modern unnlntmenta DANIEL CRAWFORD JR.. nilLDER nth and Ha RIM 1 a MUST HE S'R.D QUICK. 4721 linltlmnre ave,! two laths: excellent locution for "hvsti Ian; nn rnoiable lera refused " HI win Hunter. 1111) N, Amerkan lluildlug, XVILI. SELL bel. arsessment, on very ensy terms, semidetached, porch.fronl house, two l,a hs Nn 4122 Glrard ave. ARTHUR IIOSWKLL. 2I.1 N. Pith st. POTTS TOWNSENO VVI'ST PHII.A. HOMES . IWM RALTlMORi; AX'E WH ELAN'S HOMES OiTTH AND I'AKCIItl.L XX E, XPPI.V 1011 CHBSTNUT ST SEND FOR I.IsT. SALE OR RENT JOS M II ki:r 32d and Ralttmore uvc YOUR PROPERTIES can be rented or sold uminiv or piaein. inern vvnn DAKIN .- KILPATHICK. 1113 12W Market st. RARGAIN Market st near r". SlOfkl: 1st mtce. UrtH). price lluOO asiessei act quick. j in v. i?.iger i-iurai " WESlMMflDTOEI pur iioiiua XV. EDWIN HLAIR 207 S. I0TH lluildlug l.oti U.1T1I AND I HESTER AX'E, with rouble trol. ley line: .12 lots: all street Impiovements, at traetlvo in lec lor quick sate. YOCUM ic POW'F-RS CO. get S 13th st WHO Woodland av. UFRVIANIOWN GBRMANTOWN HOMES SALE OR RENT Advise us rf your reejulrements. yilectsJ lUt upon request. CHARLKS J. HOOD . CO jMorrls UW.) 1421 Chestnut t 60S E. CHELTKN AVE -Modern three story porih-frent heme, teruus tu suit, ex cptlonal opportuult) fur hvioe seeker lAVlSj. TAULXNE. 600 XValnut rt WE HAVETHE LARGEST LIST uropettlvs of all kinds lu Germantown Mr Airy and Chestnut Hill All je i r, tt su.J locations. x are spevWllaU tu t-ese and u'her suburbs. CnAsull us either tu rent o lu- WM. 1LW1LSON a CO, Hl.MAllKAIlI.E bargain. :I0 and .:. church Une; assessed llGno each price 11200 saih )arii lots. Marshall II. Smith, loll Chtsinut stivet IF .Ol ARE IJii'KINil I OR J, II JMEfltt Germaotovn, Mt Airy nr ibe-stnat HUI, coa suit me A. R Mechan. tT4T GermauUnoave- Olher CUlHcd Ad- u Neat l'ee
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers