H II GUS ZIEGLER POSSIBILITY FOR PENN'S HEAD COACH SCHOLASTIC NEWS AND COMMENT EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATUBDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915; SWIMMERS IN HIGH SCHOOLS FACE HANDICAP Students Are Without pools and Must Use Y. jl. C. A. Tanks to Practice for Meets 0THBR SCHOLASTIC NEWS Schedule for Today ..l Institute " West Chester v .l dehool, nt West Chester. o;rii of i-;.i..Rok.v . ri.n m.ti. . i Hlghtstonn, Vn. i,.Collfitlans . Temple UnUeralty, CJtl ml-rX t. lrn Mills "luu'r'Sorrl.fn High, at crrMoun. ... "fntrnJ IIIkIi Sdwnl v. IjiwrtncrT.lle gchool, nt ljiwrrmrll!e. .... t. t, tlirnrlnr.4 of nthtollca nt the pllc schools of this city nro re .anted to Blvo "Instruction In swlm C" It Is a well-known fact that not a Ha ichool hns such an Important and ..V...arv flxtuic na a swimming pool, and His only through the courtesies of ' atli t.ilc club otllclals and the oung Men's CTristlan Associations that this 1a pos- ' As a confcqucncc swimming in the city kl.h ichools receives llttlo oncourngo .nL The Board of Education and the RoMrTbory Committee of Athletics rc fommeml that swimming be taught along Sth such name as bnso.bnll, soccer, vol w ball, etc, hut the tanlts for this pur Mse'are lacking. Ai some of tho biff schools aro even without gymnasiums at this time, It Is lanlly likely that swimming pools will be piovldcd for the lowcr-grndo students for tome time to come. In order to encourage swimming among tr, ftudents, the West Philadelphia with School officials have obtained tho Drirllege to us., the U rst Munich Y. 11 C. A. pool and recently held a very miccosful InUtelnss meet at 51'd mi Sanson! streets. Even this Is an in comenlcnco for tho swimmers, for It takes considerable time to wallc three-quarters of a mllo to reach tho Y. M. C. A. The Central High School students usually ulways turn out a good swimming tfora, but thev find It necessary to use the Ctntral Y. M C. A. tank, a privilege! rotten for them by Dr. Matthew C. O'Brien through Mr James Stenclt and others, promliicntl.v liidentllled with tho Central "Y." Southern High, Gorman tcn High. Frankford High and North tut have no facilities for HWlmmlng In struction Southern High School's basketball team Trill make the other quintets hustle In the High School League series this winter. Monuroi, Wnttman, Iicwbart, Wtrscn. Llpknwltz, lllaek and Gottlieb irr all players Coach Kcr may depend upon when tho league season opens. Mondross, AVnttman and Iicwbart are showing up well us forwards, while Black Is doing excellent work aa guard. Kennett Square High School should mtrlt up an execllent record In the cage this season If tho team work and nll sround ability of the suburban llvo in the lime with Landowne yesterday may bo taken na a criterion. Ilurton, Taylor, Chandler, Skelton and Millions were alt In form Kcnnett Squaro won tho gnmo by a score of 21 to IS due to the spurt By Chandler and Skelton near the close, of the contest. The Freshmen nnd Sophomore basket bill players at Central High arc great friends. In lino with tho usual feeling be tween the "Oh! Fresh" nnd the "Yea! Soph" classes, only the fight In this in stance Is for tho championship of tho Interclass Haskotbnll League The fresh men beat the sophs lfi to 14, and tho seniors trounced the juniors 15 to 14 yes terday The freshmen (Kocnlg nnd Schnolder Eann, forwards, Lukens, centre; Toll snd Elfman, guards) Just managed to In, and thereby tied for ilrst place In the 'itague. On the sophomore team were Olden, Odolf, Fishman. Pike, Armstrong and Fowler. Their policy was to pass to Fowler, who mnde every single point cored by his tenm four field goals nnd half a dozen foul goals. The Juniors nnd Seniors also had a hot battle, with those veterans of past seasons, Mouradlnu nnd Ferry, of the Juniors, and Ilroomlleld, Tnrr and Traut eln, of the Seniors, excelling. Tho Seniors gave tho Juniors n surprise when Ikey had Norman Gotwnls, the football tar, playing guard. Qotwals showed ht he could play basketball ns well as football and was all over the floor. The team standing: .Teams Won. Lost. P. C Mphomcres 2 1 .mill irohmen ., s 1 .ft"! Mnlori 1 2 ,rm Juniors ,1 2 .SKI Wth, such stars as Glenn and Shunwny W their team the Episcopal Academy 7k J. Form ,le,tl hockey team defeated Fourth Form team yesterday 4 to 2. "ooerts and Lewis did the scoring for the upper class quad, Glenn, with three toala to his credit, waa the particular f vfW'4elphla Trades School la on the , wall schedule of many of tho local ..., ono. me scnoiasno uasnetDaii 'a re not overlooking nny of the irid n.k..i .. . ... iiS. u ul euniesis. in me games i J , Jenklntown High team yester r Trades won 35 to 33, when Murphy. ness, Jiomlngred, nothwell and "cntenauin showed good team-work. 1 the. holes im swiss checsE f IF 7HE5 holes were, j cxtch in mdaih, ano f r EGiweeN UNrriN&muS, rAno explooc with a. v 'MMlUsM IH5$v CaP05E fiQ PEm-EMT OF I FILLED WITH ASPA.RACUS PROMFmY CUTOEfV J 1 J'TM TH A5MRA0US AjCltK FORCC THAT WOULD oesTROV A (Mffll i4fiiS&i I tT surfsTlNcejAM f ac.d a Somb cooled at ywwgS(4S--.' J lf j tWa,!VWiSwTi7jlu ffil tifapMRRs Maroons Play for First Place Merlon Maroon will Journey to 8t. Mar tins this afternoon In search of first divi sion Cricket Club Lenguc points nt the expense of Philadelphia. There should not bo much doubt about the lesult. ns Morion Is In second plnco In the league nnd Phil adelphia Is nt tho tall end. A victory for the Maroons will put them In first place whleh Is now held by Merlon Whites. The line-up will be: RhV,ln.,'"J?'r'hl'1- Merlon Maroon. r,"n" rldht riilnVirk Lonry IK"1,1.'. Iit mllhnck crnnfnrd ; nll'on rteht hnlfh.ick I'. I'lumb umglierty voutie half I ntk Sharpie .Tohrnin lott hitflvi.-k Rijros .T. lljrtnn outside right Marten M11or Inside right Mini n Jloivian.l ffnlrc forrtnrd Morrli It. t)lston Itifl.lelpft J. Pltimh Ulion nutsl.le tort Mert Itrfprrp K, Aitcll Linesmen Johnson anvl Toyt. Time of hahes-40 minutes. TWO STATE TARGET "CHAMPS" TO SHOOT IN HOLMESBURG TEST Charles II. Newcomb, Pennsyl vania Title Holder, and "Dol" Richardson, Delaware Ex pert, in Shoot GOSSIP OF THE NIMRODS Today Is to bo a hlg day for gunners. Tnrget events nro listed on many clubs' linlf-hollday programs nnd with the hunt ing season virtually over big turnouts nro anticipated. At Holmcsburg Junction on the Key stone traps, tho Independent will promote n tnrget contest. Two champions will flro at the elusive claya and together with a big assemblage of other prominent gun ners tho sport should develop Into some Interesting competition. Charles It. New comb, who sports the Pennsylvania Stnto amateur tnrget title, nnd "Dol" ltlch nrdson, champion shot of Delaware, will compete, nilly Severn. Waters and many otheis will bo on hand to try their skill with the gun. William Todd, sccrotary of tho Mount Morlnh Club, has something on for his clubmntes. Now automatic traps have been Installed, tho clubhouse, repaired nnd a good hot flro will make things com fortable for all who Journey to Its grounds today. Tho Cedar Park Gun Club nnd the Phil adelphia Electrics also have nttractlvo programs nrinnged for their members. The West Jersey Tr.iphootcrs' League, composed of threo clubs Illvcrton, Dc lanco and Moorcstown will open to day. Many Jersey gunners will motor to Phllllpsburg, whole the seventh annual winter target tournament of the Alert Gun Club will be held. Two hundred tar gets Is tho card. Grossing no out of a possible .11 fratlitreri tarciM uui the work nf Charles Wllbiink, of the How C'rerk Cluh, nnd Harry Usher, the CltarWew Club, Thursday. It was tho oc-rnt-lon of the mldck Mioot of tho How Creek Cluh ami in the ln-blnl rnco Fisher, WllbMnk mill YenKlv t ItU with 14 kilt each. In n mlis-unil-out ctent thnt followed, Wllhank nnd Kliiher hod IxikkoiI 1( apiece when darkiies lntpnened, making their scores for tho after noon's epot tlo at 3u each. SWAimLMORE PREP WINS Defeats West End Training: Five by 27-24 Score SWATlTHMOnn, Dec. 10. The Swnrth more Prep basketball team defeated tho flvo of West End Trnlnlng School, of Trenton, N. J., here this morning, by a score of 27 to 24. The hnlf-timo count also favored the local Institution by a 15 to 12 .core. Tho line-up: Sn.irthmoro I'rep. Went End Trnlnlnc Clace forwurd Donncllv Heeco forward Hall Ynrn-tU centro J. Meyers K. Wood Ruard Curon V. Wood .....guard W. Meyern Hefcn'C Del.irhaln, Rwarthmore. Tlmo of hal- 13 mtiiutcB. Field Koala Clacr. -4; Itocce. .1: YariMll, 2; E. Wood. 1; Hall, 2; J. Meyers, 2, and Curnna, 2. Foul goal Ynrnall, 7, and J. Meyers, 12. BOWLING RESULTS 0. Halo Rolls High Score in Curtis Matches, Toppling 223 furth LenKue matches, rolled on tho Ter minal Alleys hut night, resulted In Ledger win ning two irom Country lcntleman: Compost tlnn took two from Post Press: Color Prcsi won th lust two Irom Kngravlng. wlillo Heck Kng.-ulng captured tho first nnd hut Kamo from Journal I'trta O'Hale, of Comroslttoii. rolled tho hlghcHt single came score of tho terlei. fpllUnB 22.1 pins on his nrst run. Score H coLon rnnss. knohavlvo. Adklns... Mrt Waller... lBt 124 117 ragan.,.. W inn in2 otto ir,a i&i im Hill 14.'. 20O lis Algayer.. 14 1S.1 lfl'l Itosenb'cr 17 171 201 Iloda 1 201 1S2 Avll 173 170 1.17 Germann. iai 160 187 Stuli Ill 114 Handicap 8 10 10 Totals.. 832 812 787 Totals., 795 SM 8(12 rtECK ENOrtAVINfl. JOURNAL ntcss. Cnss 171 ISO 1KI Wlltar... MS ISO 123 Howard., im 171 100 Knausi.. 141 ir,2 17.1 Slack liirt 10U . Hiir HO liai 150 Mi-Fall . 1(4 1.1S 170 Forbes... 12S 1S.1 IIS Hohrh'ker 148 153 141 Klelna'hn llW 178 17.1 Denning 1S.1 Handicap 15 15 21 Totals.. 702 711 LEDGKK. Kbbert. . 141 Hat Webber.. 172 17.'. linker.... 14 HW Klmpson.. lfti 173 Cunn'ham HIS 13.1 Ward .. llondicap. 1) .. 82S Totals.. 707 R3U 7fifl COU.VTHY OCNTLK- 14 MAN. MS Graham.. 112 101 11.0 .. Crnlg ... Ml 13!i 13S 154 Klncken.. KIO 1.1S Mil 140 Fallon.... 152 105 14J 13'l Marshall. 153 1H7 157 0 Handicap. .. 4 .. Totals 832 733 75U Totals. . 720 8t4 730 I'llLSS. Mil 170 151 COMPOSITION. POST Pike . .. I'll 141 1C2 Hlltz'mer Morris .. 107 1S3 Lm Vautler.. Llttman. 142 110 17a Schuler. .. ti iiui.. h 15 1L'7 Haroor. .. 157 lilt 1.14 121 118 127 1.12 C.S l.i!l U Hale.. 213 132 M7 Lynn..... 17 10.1 lis Handicap. 21 57 57 Totals... SGI 7S3 7S1 Totals.. 7U1 807 7t) ABSENT-MINDED WHO WILL COACH PENN TEAM NEXT YEAR? GUS ZIEGLER IS A LIKELY CANDIDATE All - American Guard! Has Been Successful in the Last Six Years ' WltHN tho Football Committee ad Justs Its binoculars nnd looks over the landscnpe for a conch to guldo the destinies of the 1914 gridiron squad of Penn, Augustus H. Zlogler, commonly known ns "Gus," should be among those present nnd In tho very front row. Zleg ter Is another Penn man who hus made good ns a coach slnco ho tcft college nnd is inpable of turning out a championship team at Franklin Field. Gus Zlegler was nn All-Amerlcan guard and hns the reputation of being the most slnccro fighter Hint ever wore the lied nnd niue In the annual fall battles. He nlways plnyed hard, put his heart and soul In the worlt nnd na a result, showed championship form In the gnmes. Ho made a name for himself ns a plnycr nnd nftcr he graduated ho mndo a name ns coach. In 1J0) Zlegler went to Mercersburg, where ho turned out ono of the best teams that lcprcscnted that school In years. He returned In 1910 nnd surpassed tho record of the previous year. Ho made such a success that he was naked to take charge of the Phillips Kxctcr team In J911i nn honor seldom nccorded any but Ynlo or Princeton men. Ho developed a good tenm In his first year, but lost to Andover after a hard battle. The follow ing year, nowever. Zlogler laid the foun dations for the wonderful elevens now turned out by Kxctcr. Andover won the big game, but It was by tho scorn of 7 to 0 and TJxeter really outplayed Its op ponents. In 1D13 Gus wns Invited to Frnnklln Field to assist In tho coaching, but he did not meet with much success. Ho was allowed to do everything but conch, and the tenm showed It. It will be remem bered thnt Penn started her long dive to CORNELL DROPS TWO SOUTHERN COLLEGES Virginia and Washington and Lee Will Not Bo Granted Football Dates ITHACA. N. Y Dec. 11. The Cornell football schedule for 1910 has been com pleted by the Football Committee and will soon ho submitted to the university's authorities for approval. Two changes nro made from this season's list of games, the Carnegie Instltuto of Technology nnd the Massachusetts Agricultural College getting the dates tilled this fall by tho Virginia Polytechnic Institute nnd Wash ington nnd Lee. Tho schedule follows: September .TO, Oberlln, at Ithaca, Octo ber 7, Gettysburg, nt Ithaca: October II, Williams, at Ithnca; October 21, Huck ncll, at Ithaca; October 28, Harvard, at Cnmbrldgo; November 4, Carnegie Instl tuto of Technology, nt Ithaca; November 11, Mlchlgnn, nt Ithaca; November IS, Massachusetts Agricultural College, at Ithaca; November 30, Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia. PUTNAM VS. WANDERERS Ilig Game Scheduled in Allied League Today One of the best and most strenuously contested gnmes of the senson In the first division of tho Allied League should bo witnessed this nfternoon when the Put nam and Wanderers fnce ench other nt ."d street and Ichlgh nvenuc. The Wanderer got off to a poor start nt the beginning of the season nnd their opponents today will start the gamo with a lend of three points ocr them. How ever, tho Wanderers hac been improv ing steadily recently and whichever side wins not more than one goal should sep arate them at the finish. Line-up: Wanderers. rutnam. Pcnrce icoal Warren l'logfurti rlKht fullback Mountney Tinlnr left fullback llrookn McClafferty right halfback M. Walsh Archibald centre halfback Weldon !rllen left halfbuck lllakey It. l.'urirln outside rlirht. Ilro'j' flnibam Inside right . . . W, llurgin centre forward. Thompson Inside loft.... Hemingway lhrlg , ..T. Walsh iiiiirKnwre ouisuie ieu. llrnvvn Itefcree James Sleet Linesmen Farrell nnd McCartney. Time of hales 15 minutes. BIKE RACE NEAR FINISH Riders Will End Six-day Event Now York Tonight in NDW TOniC. Dec. ll.-Wntchlng each other llko hawks In order to prevent nny attempt nt stealing n lap, the 11 teams In the Madison Seiunre Gnrden six-day bike race were setting a slow pace this morn ing, reserving their energy for tho final one-hour sprint tonight. The Inst day of the race saw the rldera pretty well petered out by reason of their nerve racking, iccord-brcaklng race of the Inst flvo days. At S n. m. the riders were only two miles and three laps ahead of the 1914 mark. The score at that hour: Miles. . 2VJS . I'.VPS . 2V)S . 2 IS , a.vw . S.VW . '' IH . S508 La: ' Grenda and Hill .Mc.Vum.ira and Spears Lawrence and Magln. y.BS and Dupuy Ilrobach and Corry . . . llyan and Thomas .... Mitten and Hansen ... Moral! and Walthour . Katon nnd amuaen. 250S Seres and Llnurt 2.10S Hanley and llalstead 20S Seniors Win Interclass Title WILLI AMSTOWN. Mass, Dec. ll.-I!y shooting a basket in the last 20 seconds of an citr nve-nilnute period the senior basketball learn won the Williams Interclass champion ship yesterday afternoon. ABNER He Pulls i mLmtsmammdm W' .. . f. . c: .tw -. tssB A ;,m . w AH ! sIV 4 t ?JfSi ;J i jlissssssssssl ?il'-:i w Wimmm H m I II fmmmX m lfl immmm GUS ZIEGLER tho cellar In that year, and the unsuc cessful season wns duo to the fact that too many volunteer conches were out on the Held trying out their pet Ideas. De splto these handicaps Zleglcr did some good work with the linemen and had them playing a good game beforo tho senson was over. In 1914 Sol Metzgnr was Injured nt West Virginia University nnd Gus wns sent for PENN'S CAGE SEASON OPENS TONIGHT WITH URSMJS GAME HERE Quaker Basketball Line-up for First Match This Season in Weightman Hall Is Not Definite TIGERS MEET C. C. N. Y. Pennsylvania basketball cnthuslnsta will be In their glory tonight at S o'clock, when the Ilrst game of the season for the varsity will bo played at Welghtninn Hall against Urslnus. The Quakers hnvo a very line squad of candidates and It Is believed that a flrst-clnss team will take to the Moor. , The Pcnnsylvnnlal Ine-up has not been definitely nrrnnged. A number of sub stitutions probably will be mndo na the game progi esses. i Princeton University's ragemen will go to New York tonight to play the College of the rity of New York mo nt tho latter' jrmualum. Tho Tigers are In for omo rough going tr the first game of tho collcgemen U to bn taken ns any criterion. In thn gamo against Columbia last s-'aturdiy tho collegians shotted lenmrkablo now tr. Charley Kllpntrlck, former world's record ' holder for tho half. mllo run nnd now n resi dent member of the New York A. C. In being prominently mentioned Tor tho ions Atnituc Committee of tho N. Y. A. C. 20. Moravian Tollego's quintet will llnc-up to night agnint tho Lehigh L'nlierslty contin gent at South Ilelhlehem. West Philadelphia High School's first and second basketball team wilt play Glrard Col lego at Glrard Colk--.i to, My. Much control ersy has arisen over the propo sition to movn mi tho Hud&on Itlver regatta tn June 17 each enr. While Columbia faori the idea. Cornell and l'ennsylnnla have en tered a protest. Should tho ru'M be staged oi Junn 17 It Is liardly poesl iia that t litre will to an intrv frnni flirt Pnclfli- pnt iat VMr Ihe COIJl champion. Lei in 1 Stanforl. finishing accoil in one or ine grcairai struggles cicr seen ui Poughkcepsle, created most of tho Interest In the amity eights. Tho stewards will meet sou-, and settle the date definitely. HOPPE STILL WINNING Champion Billiardist Beats Yamada Twice in a Day rinylng before the members of th Manufacturers' Cluh and their friends, Willie Hoppe defeated KoJI Yamada In both the afternoon and evening exhibi tion bllllnrd matches yesterday. Doth player.i were nccorded a lino reception by tho spectators, many of whom were women. Hy ti strange coincidence, Hoppe gath- , cred his 400 points Inside of 13 innings In , both the afternoon nnd evening games, his average for each match being 331-3. I In last nlght'H game Hoppe had a hU'h I mn of 10! in the third Inning, hut the I chnmplon was apparently off stroke, for ' he did not once display the form which lie showed In competition here last week Hoppe won last night 400 to 278. In the afternoon block Yamada started off brilliantly nnd for quite r while malntntncd the lead. A run of "2 by Hoppe on his seventh turn at the table gave Mm the advantage. Thereafter ho stayed out In front, winning, 400 to 316. Johnson Seeks Purchaser CLEVELAND. O., Roc. ll.-Cleveland men wo were asked to figure on the purchase of the Cleveland American League ball club an nounced they had decided not to buy. One That Dampens His Turned Out Good Teams at Mercersburg, Ex eter and Haverford to take his price ns head coach. It won ono of the hardest Jobs ever attempted by nny man, as the season wns several weeks old nnd the players wero acquaint ed with McUgnr's system. Zlegler hnd to begin nil over again and mado a suc cess. This fall Gus found that lie had too much business of his own to bother with coaching positions and rejected many flattering offers. He found It necessary to stay In Philadelphia, but It was Im possible to keep away from football. Coach A M. Palmer, of Haverford School, learned that Zlegler was "at lib erty" nnd nsked him to come out a few afternoons ench week and assist him. Gus took tho Job, and he aided in turning i out the best tenm that ever represented ' II.. ....- r -- i f ti, ci I n iiiu oiitiii unto v:iiuui. run ouiiuui wua defeated for the first tlmo In 13 years, I guard's husky shoulders. I Zlcgler was called to administer first nl'l to tho Northeast High School eleven late last month, and his treatment was n sue- , cess After losing to Centrnt High, the I Archives came bnck strong and wnlloped West Philadelphia when the team was unanimous choice for second place. Again Zleglcr wns blamed for the good showing made by the team Gus Zleglcr knows football ns well ns nnd the credit wns plnced on the big Yost, Doctor Williams or nny other ex pert In America. He Is one of tho most enthusiastic followers of the fall sport, and ho has a faculty of lmp:.rttng that cnthuslnsm to others. He knows tho theory of the gnmc nnd enn teach It to his men. He excels as a line coach, can work out a defense for nny formation nnd, In addition to that, lie can coach the men In tho backflcld. In nil, he Is nn Ideal mnn for the posi tion ns hend coach of a big university team, nnd Penn will make no mistake if Zleglcr Is chosen to take chnrgo of the lied and lllue In 191G. I'ENN FRESH CAGE COACH IS FORMER COLLEGE STAR Carl Harper Was Star With Wiscon sin Basketball Team Carl Harper, who la coaching the Uni versity of Pennsylvania freshman basket ball candidates this senson. Is a player of no mean ability even though he is not known by cage gnmc enthusiasts of tho East. Harper pinned with tho University of Wisconsin basketball teams during tho seasons of 1912-13 and 11 and In his filial year at Wisconsin he was selected by the critics of that section ns left guard on the mythical All-Western live. m;mm Like the "Busy rmM'mmrr MILITANT CHRISTMAS FOR AMERICAN CHILDREN Toyland this Christmas will reflect the transatlantic carnage with its varied panoplies of war, and great will be the havoc in the nursery armies when the "Busy Berthas" begin to bark. True, this warfare is child's play, but it has more spectacular features of the real "front" in Europe than you would imagine. A highly interesting illustrated article in Sunday's Public Ledger tells all about the warlike atmosphere of Toyland. PUBLIC &gggm!!JE3Wi$ Enthusiasm. By WALT McDOUGALL Feltonvillo Plays Anola Feltonvllle and Anola will play for United League points at Rising Sun lane and Wyoming avenue this afternoon. Fel tonvllle has lost only ono game this sea son and Anola has won only one, so that unless a big surprise Is sprung Felton villo should easily capture both points. The teams will bo: 1 eltonvllle. Prendergast. . nnngor Shaw Walnmnn . . . Oelsler Schumann. . Dlmko. . Phillips. .. If. Irbyshtre. T. Derbyshire UrltfUh Anola. . .. goal cnuley right fullback . ...Cummlnga left fullback ....A. Hoyer right nalfback Lockhenrt ccntro halfback . .I'lunkelt left halfback . ...J. Hoer outside right .. . .Mcdrath . Inside right .. . .nnwardi centra forward .. ..Hclmuth . Inelde left Hughes . outside left Wilson ltefree-a. II Williams. Llnenmen-O'Den. nell and Anaerson. Time of halves 45 minute. YALE AND HAVERFORD SOCCER TEAMS CLASH IN COLLEGIATE GAME Victor Will Reach Top in In tercollegiate League Led by Penn by One Point QUAKERS PLAY TUESDAY Won. Lout. Ilr.l'ti.. PennrU aula 4 1 0 a Yule 3 I I 1 llnterfnrd 3 Columbia 3 I'rlncelon 2 Cornell , O llunaril 0 n l 7 a ti ii 2 1 .1 n i i 4 (I o Haverford College or Yale University soccer tenuis have an opportunity to go Into tho lend this afternoon, If one can get nwny with a victory over the other. If Haverford comes through today, the Main Liners will hnvc a score of 9 points, which will he one better than Penn. If Ynle wins, the Klls will nssumo the lend with a point margin. If the two te.unn draw, a triple tie will exist for Ilrst place with Penn, Ynle nnd Haverford. The llnal contest on Tuesday between Pennsylvania and Haverford, at Haver ford, will Rettle the question of tho championship. No matter which way the game goes at Ynle today the chnmplon shlp will not be settled until Penn and Haverford clash. A loss for Haverford at Ynlo woutd put Haverford practically out of the running, so far na clear sailing to the title was concerned. At best the up-llnc team could only gain a tie with renn, provided tho Quakers lost the llnal set-to. The line-up today: H.llTrfnnl. Ynle. J. Mllnlcv goal vteyi right lullback Wuud . leit fullback Crawford right halfback Ilooth centre halfbnck IlaPkell left halfback McCnuse outside right Souther . Inside right Tucker tmtrp forward Itollns . In.'lde left , (Jay . outside left lee Gardiner .... W. Shipley .. llallett Steere , It. innby ... Stokes M, Crossman W. Crosiman Carey O. lluzhy ... WW? Bertha," this piece of ordnance is of the and is guaranteed against flare-backs w !fc NORTHEAST WILL PLAY STARS OF LEAGUE PLAYERS Central, West Philly and Frankford Soccerites Will Oppose Champions MEET NEXT TUESDAY ' One of the biggest soccer events ever arranged by scholastic authorities hers will be the feature next Thursday after noon at 3 o'clock nt the Northeast field, 29th nnd Somerset streets, when the cham pion Northeast eleven takes on a squad formed from the plok of the other team Central, West Philadelphia and Frank ford High Schools, The Northeast team waded through the ranks of tho other teams In the Inter scholastlc League this year, and a game with the nil-stern will be a treat. West Philadelphia Is the only team this year thnt has been able to score on the cham pions. Three tallies were made In the championship series. Northenst's line-up In the game against the pick nf the league will be the same n In tho chnmplonshlp contests. The three other members of the circuit nre to have their men out nnd the selection of the team will bo made nt the hour of the game. Phynlcal Director Shaw, of West Philadelphia High School, Is arranging the d"lnlls. It wns announced today that a soccer gamo of unusunl proportion hns been ar ranged between the champion University of Pennsylvania eleven nnd nn all-star teuni selected from among the members of the Interacholastlc League. Tho date for this game linn not been arranged, but It will likely be plnyed cither next Wednesday or Thursday. Penn brings her Intercolleglnto Lenguc contests to a close on Tuesday with Haverford at Haverford, and It is believed the Quakers will ngree to a contest either the follow ing dny or Thursday. Tho college men will he In tip-top condition, nnd the game should be a rattling contest. The game will In nil probability be staged at Frank lin Field. Captnln Asnulth, of the Northeast chnmplon soccer team, carried off the season's nll-nround honors In tho Inter scholnstle League. He wns one of the bright stars In all of the games plnyed. Ho Is a powerful kicker and heads the league In the number of goals made. For tho yenr he mnde IS goals. Centre For ward Plans, of tho Northeast eleven, ran Asiiutth a close second with IS. Stewart had 5. Campbell 4. Talt 2. Lynch 3, Tra phoner 2 and Calhoun 1. Conch Dunn de serves a great deal of credit for North east's showing. A number of the craok players were declared Ineligible while the season wns young. ft pop-gun variety LEDGER a i 3 h.a-fe-, --
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers