Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1915, Night Extra, Amusement Section, Page 10, Image 14
pWlpipi JJiMWgl MH wiimwiuwiwii " "'IJ""AJP 10 HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? iflffTOsrrTmr.-mTOTnyffi .,.': Here we have the two sons of France who guard the portals of the Chestnut Street Opera House while "Fighting in France," the Public Ledger war pictures, are on view. THEATRICAL BAEDEKER One Course Changes in Our Theatrical Bill-o'-fare When Louis Mann Comes to Lyric in "The Bubble" New Feature Films LYRIC "The Bubble," with Louis Mann, Laura "Walker, Aucuste Burmcstpr. Oeorse Wellington and Ivan Miller, a three-act comedy-drama by Kdward Locl.e, which deals with an old delicatessen dealer who had made sufficient money to retire, but is Induced by a jounc gentleman to take a flyer on the Street, with the result that he loses heavily. Just enough is saved from the wreck to still give him a living, and all ends well. LITTLE THEATRE Three 'new jilays, "The Miracle of St Anthony," by Maeter linck, a satiric comedy; 'The Three Women," an anonymous play by a local author, and "Overruled," by George Bernard Shaw, a play dealing with a pair of married couples who fall In love with each other's spouses and then out again. CONTINUING PLATS BROAD 'Outcast;' with Elsie Ferguson. David Powell and Nell Compton. A drama of English life, by Henry II. Davis. The rising young star plays the part of a woman of the streets, who helps a man from the down path, only to refuse marriage. FORREST "Stop ! Look! I Listen! ! J" with Gaby Dcslys, Frank I.alor, Joseph Stanley, Harry Pilcer, Doyle and Dixon, Tempest and Sunshine. A big revue on the latest Dillingham model, with musi cal trimmings by Berlin and lyrics by Hurry B. Smith. An excellent opportu nity to view new costumes and styles. ADELl'lIJ "A Full House," with May Yokes, Herbert Corthell and George ' Parsons. Three laughs and two roars evwy other line over a crook, a cop and a chorus girl. PHOTOPLAYS THE GARRICK'Tlie Birth of a Na tion," with Henry B. Walthal, Mae Marsh and Spottswood Altken. D. V. Griffith's mammoth photoplay of the Civil War and Iteconstruction, founded in -part on Thomas Dixon's "Clansman." A marvelous entertainment. UETROrOLITAN "Battle Cry of Peace," Vltagraph's great film on "Pre paredneKs," with Charles Richmond and all-star cast. It shows the invasion of America by a foreign Power and calls us to prepare to mot such an occur rence. The battle scenes are thrilling and the fllm remarkable. ARCADIA Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday, "Jordan is a Hard Road," with Dorothy Glsh and Frank Campeau; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Matri mony," with Julia Dean and Frank Mills. NEW FEATURE FIL3IB CHESTNUT STREET. OPERA HOUSE "Fighting in France," a new series of war pictures of the Public Ledger. showing the armies now -engaged in battle. The pictures show many un usual incident!! of modern warfare THE STANLEY All week, "The Cheat." with Fannie "Ward "and Sessue Haya kawa. THE REGENT Monday and Tuesday, "The Yellow Streak." with Lionel Barrymore and Irene Howley; Wednes day and Thursday, "Her Mother's Se cret," with Ralph Keiiard; Friday and Saturday, "A Beloved Vagabond," with Rdu'ln Arden. THE PALACE Monday and Tuesday ''.Aloha Oe," with Willard Mack und 2Ye Enid Marley. and "The Great Vacuum Robbery," with Charles Murray; Wed nesday and Thursday. "Armstrong's Wife," with Edna Goodrich; Friday and Saturday. "The Gentleman From Indi ana," with Dustln Fartium VAUDEVILLE KEITH'S Sam Chip and Mary Marble in "The Clock Shop," Maggie Cllne, Flor ence Roberts in "The Woman Inter venes," Kathleen Clifford in songs, Harry Gilford, Avon Comedy Four, De Witt, Barnes and Torrence Parello, and Frabito, musical novelty. Hcras and Preston, Hcarst-Sellg ?ews Pictures. GRAND Dunbar's Ding Dong Five Scott and Marks, "The Man Off the Ice Wagon," the clown seal, Wells-Oxford Quintette. CROSS KEYS First half of the week, Sam Watson's Barnyard, Green, Mc Hcnry and Dean, Spcigel and Dunn, Murray, Livingston Co., The Krusad ers. The Turners. Second half of the week, Brady and Mahoney. Poland. Carr & Co., Gordon and White, Dearrao and Dolgles. Perry and Elliott. GLOBE "Frolics at the Sea-shore," Warner and Dupree, Udgar Foreman &. Co., Jean While. Olivette, Moffat and Claire, Iorainc- Hamii & Co.. Harry Thompson. Davitt Duval & Co., May Dale, The Gorsch Sibters. BURLESQUE DUMONT'S Dumont's Minstrels in bur lesque and travesties of the times, in cluding Henry Ford's Peace Ship. STOCK KNICKERBOCKER "The Woman in the Case," with the Knickerbocker plaiers. AT POPULAR PRICES PEOPLE'S "A Little Girl in a Big City." COMING E TENTS DECEMBER 0 BROAD "Her Price," with Emma Dunn. i;yA'i4v.mu ttOU PHOTOPLAYS OR STORIES? l,wa will ace pi tbnin in AHV form - , . IlKWARDS! IIuadrtKlam&kinjrmoDor. ho. ciiuciM r (.r'.iAkii nn cammnomn iiiti cut iuu. nie vtaur ior iuu oeiu. . oiT7 jwjruion uo 70Q juain, AUDurn,! v Free Portrait of Mary Pickford an1 mir intn1ni llctfntr niFtmllanf nil k1hiia i" t-Hiwi-m ii i iibim vi txn fttajri-in. In all Ize, xlJr8 and prlrfH, ntni on request i . 13. 11UWC, bU. OUIlPl lia., LMH AlieClPS, C8I Evening Ledger Amusement KEITH'S B. A. Rolfe's musical comedy. The Bride Shop-'; James C Morton' and Frank F. Moore; Homer Miles and Helen Ray; Marshall Montgomery; Hope Vernon; aiaydn, Borden and Haydn; Thaleros Circus; Lambert and Fredrichs; The Gladiators. For Bencflls at I.jrlc X Adrlphl Theatres LYRIC Messrs. Shubert Offer the fill IN That Delightful Play of Mingled Smiles and Tears ORIGINAL CAST AND PRODUCTION AS SEEN FOR OVER 200 PERFORMANCES AT THE BOOTH THEATRE, N. Y. SHEDDING RAYS OF HAPPY LAUGHTER OVE& : rniL.ALiiiL.rma. :.-j- ' v; . .. i-.,::.v&ZilLX As: J ;. -P!i 1 rf'riom fA ij mv xktr . b vi - a ii x.. -.- iirtv 1 -ji X Vr M -;2 weeks m A U A A vZ ?-.':: at the "M l$& lUJ y&r.: - -Adelphi tm mm r wHf yf-J--' pnoaouncKD by oran iMJMa WM .id 8A M I B yf :. ihamx puiude 1. p 11 1 a WjrfJk tr f1 n B at ." ruTGocai to uk trh fffM jA II II H xS: ciuuttst uujiiiiiia anon 'sM 1 I11U7 SZ ' Even sumr. '&. J T(S :, tlfi HAT. TUBBS. BEC H&T. SAT. 'A PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAYS Lois Meredith Cyril Maude "The Greater Will" See This Great Play TODAY at the Regent Theatre, Market Below 16th Street GOMING NEXT WEEK The Beloved Vagabond (The First Six-Reel American Drama in Colors) A Pathecolored Gold Rooster Play adapted from the famous book of William J. Locke featuring EDWIN ARDEN, supported by an excellent cast, including Bliss Milford and Kathryn Browne-Decker. Produced by Edward Jose. The exquisite coloring, a mealy slory, wonderful acting and direction and excellent settings, give to the photo play patrons a genuine masterpiece in picture plays. PATHE EXCHANGE, Inc., 1235 Vine St. PHILADELPHIA Section, Saturday, December 11, 1915 DECEMBER SS. WALNUT "The Jrish Dragoon," with Andrew Mack. DECEMBER !7. GARRICK "On Trial." JANUARY 3. LYRIC "Made in AiiftrJca." Apply Bor Office or Phone Walnut C;GC-G7-CS BEGINNING Monday Night at 8:15 Mats. Wednesday and Saturday at 2:15 Noted Character Actor - '.-i'-Sii-5 A i-'fJ, j c&A-- '' - -f jf'- :. .i- a y::i . ; rA 1 THE MOVIE NUT ! Continued from nrrrvdlnc pace HQd-KAY.' wr " ' j. t m I n now to I I I fT T r $& I OPEN IT ! j A ; A RCHIMJDES "EE, HE WAS ONLY DECEASED FEUNE!" HUP-R.IES TO HIS BUNGALOW TO COUNT THE CONTENTS OF THE SACK iJM.JW jjjW ay mmmmmmmmmmm