Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 10, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4
zz&zimmw mmmmvmmJwMsi 4 j VON NUBER MUST BE RECALLEP OR FACE CHARGES Government Decides to De mand Recall of Austrian Consul General WILL BE REPLY TO VIENNA WASnOTON Dec 10 Cnncellnllon of the exequatur of Alex ander on Nubcr, Atistrlnn Con-nil General In New York cltj, and a demand that lie 1cae the countr or face criminal charges will be the answer of the United States to th. d m-i '1 r l In Mi'irl.iti 'hnrne here that the rcpartmnt of Justice ultln draw 1 1 charm? that he plotted to destroy American munition plant It la understood on lilch official author ity that thlt action would liaxc hecn taken before except that l'i eldent Wllion did not ilcilre to utart an additional iontro Vers' with Austil-i-Itunmo until the Ancona iteiuind hail ln-on comlileiecl at Vienna It Ii cxpeited that not iinl will von Nuhcrs exequatur he canceled, but that slmllai action will he taken In tho cases of at leiit three additional Austrian consular iciresenlatlei whose Identity la nt present withheld ACCt'SUD OF rO.VSPIKACY In a statement I'stied fiom tho De partment of Justice three weeks iiro, Chief IiivestlRator Ukl.nUI dlicctly charged that CcuhuI Geneial Von Nuber had aided dliecth In n consplrac to destroy American munition plants The Austrian Charge here made unolllclal representations dfni.inillnc that this charcc he withdrawn on the pround tli.it there was no evidence to beir It out. The SUte Department referred the re quest to the Attorne General A week ftCO the Austrian Kn1bass here tiled an oillclal request for a retraction, and both till are under consideration ''resident Wilson will discuss the entire tndttci with hecretar Lanidnn and At toine Gincnl Urcsoty soon after he 'o turns to this clt tomorrow Secietarj IinsliiK refused tod.i to discuss the Austrian crisis In an way He mid that he would nuke no statement roH-irdliiB the status of the consul general and otiv r Austrian officials until a complete de cision had been reached on all of the points Involved The Sccrotan refused polntblank to say what attitude he has takm on the claim made b Austtlan sources that the gen eral nctiit of tin- ustrlan representa tives had bien under the direct dlrec'lo:, of AinbakS'idor Inmib.i and th it he hnv lnc ben withdrawn .it the demand of the United States this Government should drop all proteidlims against an other officials of the Huul Umpire. VIOLATED HOSPITALITY, It was learned, however, that Presi dent Wilson has po-dtlvtl refused to ac cept alir suih viewpoint The nltltude of the Administration, olllclals sa. Is that the New York ioiiiuI Bcncral and the unnamed additional olllclals have flagranti violated the hospitnllt of the United States, have unlawfully con spired against Its peace and Its lnaus trlcs, and that their usefulness as con eular olllclals is at an end And If the advice of the Department of Justlie Is accepted, an effort will nlho be made to prosecute at least three of them crimin ally. Monsignor KavanaRh Transferred Monslgnor Charles I Kavnmigh, former chancellor of this diocese nnd about a year ago transferred b Archbishop Pren derffust to the icctorshlp of St Stephen's Church, In Port Carbon, has been again transferred to ht Katharine's. In Wn)ne He will take charge Wcdnisda, succeed InK tho fiov Joseph I. O Kec.fc, who was transferred to St. 1'runcls Xavier's Church SiRel Will Lead P. M. C, CIIH3TMI, I'd L'ic lli-liulan hied hus bm ciciteil lo ipuln tin I'cmiHjlwinm Mili tary Co iie fiollintl teum fui nixt jnr HlKtl Is a I'M a, eli hl.ui mill, with luKun i amiiliell, tnr'il all ntnt-on In thi I, i krl. Id The ntli ltlo board h riu hi i ilmuiiii. 1 nifn tlielr letters lailiiln Crump -ihulti, Himlik) Cnni)t,ed Msl W II on multli, Horlackrr. Irfet TninMnl Wtttfiiill Krniicd Sweeney nd l!o)t. Munacer Lnslltli alio whs auurdcU Ms letter. TTXjsjjS Good clothes depend largely on high-priced labor. We figure 50 per cent, of clothes value to labor, 25 per cent, to cloth and 25 per cent, to general style and distinction. Our cutters and fitters are master crafts men; our sewing tailors, the most adept we can secure. This is one reason why our finished garments seldom fail to give satisfaction plus. HUGHES , MULLER TAILORS, 1527 WALNUT ST. i-'uuiidcii & m m jflb",!) h) jjjjji")nni)iuiiiJi jgaHfliiiHiMuhiuMiiiiniHiiiHHi'iii U. S. DEMANDS REPARATION IN ANCONA NOTE Protest to Austria Insists Safety of Passengers Must Be Provided For TEXT NOT GIVEN OUT YET WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 That the safety of passengers must be provided for regardless of conditions ami that ample lime must be given them to esrape arc the principal demands In the protest the United States has sent to Austria on the sinking of the Ancom Tin demands of the United Stales were baed on the oillclal report of the sink ing oe Issued b thr Vienna War oflice. which vlrtuallv admitted th it the Anconn was sunk while some of the passengers were still on boon! It was Mated nlso that tho position of tho United Stales ns outlined In Its com munication asking reparation for Ameri can llt.es lost and assurauf hn null acts will not bo repeated. Is, that no mat ter v hethcr a merchantman stop upon the firing of a warning shot b a war ship or after a pursuit, all the passen gers must bo removed before the vessel Is sunk. The text of the note has not been made public, and olllclals of the Stato Depaitment refused to discuss the com munication In an.v way declining even to admit it had been sent. The depart ment had not bien advised of Its nrrlvai at Vienna Damn Urlch 'wledenll.. Charge il'Affalres of the Austro-Hungarlnn Uni bissv, and Counselor Polk, of the Stato Departmint, conferred late toda, but nellhtr would revcnl the details of thclf discussion The Stale Department declared no re ply to the list of Inquiries recently sub mltted to the Vicuna Uorelgn Otllce through Ambassador Pentleld had bem received Tho admissions of the Austrian Admiralty were contained in an oillclal statement Issued on November 14, which e.ald: 'The submarine allowed 13 minutes for the passengers nnd crew to abandon the steamship, on board of which panic reigned, but onl u small number of boats were lowered, ind these were oc cupied principal! h the crew. A great number of boats, probably sufficient to save .ill tho passengers, icmalncd unoc cupied. "After a period of W minutes, and as another steamer was approaching, the submarine submerged and torpedoed tho Ancona, which sank after an additional 43 minutes" The statement concluded with the as sertion tint If anv of the passengers lost their lives It was the fault of the irew, because the steamer tried to escape after receiving ordem to stop, and then the crew saved themselves and not the passengers. This stntement was accepted hero is nn uinuulllled admission that man jf the passengiis weie still aboard when the Ancona tccelvcd her death blow. Much evidence along this line has been obtained in depositions, one of which st.ius positive! that the more seriously Injured pisscnsers were left nbo.ird to be carried down with the ship While the United States has Insisted heretofore that vessels earning non combatants be not sunk without warn ing, tills Is the tlrst case which, It Is said, has developed tre view of the Gov ernment as to what time Is considered ample for the purpose of icmovlng pas sengers. beond the general statement that all passengers should be given a place of safetv, as provided In the Dec laration of London HANSCOM'S Fancy Chocolates and Mixtures, 25c & 35c lb. Lustre Candies, 20c & 25c lb. S Market Ht. 734 Market M. urn SHrHri ni jgl 12-M riirtnut ''t.I I'liig m imm))MJ? u mm)mmmmmmmmw!n Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET Tyrol Wool ( Knitted F.bric.) Ladies' and Misses' Street Suits "Sport Suits' Skating Suits $18-50 $2280 $25-W THE NEW Top" Coats $21.50 Mann 4 Dilks 110a CHESTNUT STREET EVENING T.TCnftlii-n.-PTTTTMDTOT.PHl. TraflPAY, DEOEMBBB WAR COUNCIL DECIDES ON RETIREMENT TO SALONICA PAItlS. Dec. 10 Tho generat war council of the Kn tento Allies held another stsslon today with Lord Kitchener and Sir Kdward Grey attending No statement ns to the alms of the council has yet been Issued, but Information was given by a high authority today Ihnl a complete agree ment exists regarding1 the measures to be taken In tho Balkans lUtlrement of the Allied troops on Sa lonlca Is part of the official plan. Kngllsh troops are still pouring Into the Greek port In the discussion of various phases of the war at the high council In Paris, suggestions were made, It was learned loday, as how the German hlgli-scas tlecl might be forced from Its haven In the Kiel Canal It wan for the discussion of that question. It wns said, that Admlril Itousslne, chief of the general stnn or the llusslan navy, wns cslltd lo Paris The military chiefs arc satisfied with the progress of the operations on all the fronts, It Is said, notwithstanding Ihc check at the Dardanelles nnd the subju gation of Serbia b the Austro-Germans and Ilulgnrians FOUlt TOWNS IN SOUTH SKIM! I A FALL INTO I,m.(.AH HANDS Unttl.IN, Dec 10 Pour towns near the southwestern Serbian frontier have been captured b the Bulgarians, the War OIllcc has announced They are Ochrlda, 13 tulles north of the Greek bor der, Strugn, noithtast of Uchrld.a, Dlbra, 33 miles above Ochrlda, and DJakova, over the bonier In southwestern Mon tenegro The Hnvns correspondent at Snlonlca, In n message lllcd estcrda sas the French positions at Dcmlrkapu and -Kos-turlna vv ert- set upon by the Bulgarians on Tuesdav The lighting was cxtrcmel severe, but, the conespondent sns, the Ilulgnrians were repulsed. 1 lie Bulgarians, assisted by Austrlatis, are still pressing the attack The French front now extends from Ohevgcll along the railroad to Dcmlrkapu, with a pro tecting point In tho direction of Ktlvolak. Thenco it bends In a curved line toward ICosturln.a. The British position extends from Dornn to Vnlandovo, protecting the road lo Slrumnltza The British are prepar ing a second lino of defense based on Bolovitz PROTEST AGAINST EMBARGO New Jersey Delegation UrRcs Need of Logwood in Textile Work WASHINGTON, Dee 10 -A New Jer sey delegation, headed by cN.-CSovernor j Gilggs nnd Judge William I Lewis coll- ' ed on Counselor oik, of the State De- j pnrtment, to protest against Unghiiid's embargo on logwood from Inmnlcn used I In the manufacture of tevtllc djes 1 j. t ' j i ' t .. ,. ' ' J The Deep Sea Significance of Tecla Pearls Practically nothing but the nature of their origin distinguishes Tecla Pearls from the ocean specimen. They possess all the pristine beauty of the deep aea pearl. They are filled with the fugitive colorings of the waters. They have the silk spun texture, the tender tints, nnd the shy radiance of pearls which come up from the sea. True, they differ in that they cost infinitely less to buy, but they ure in all other respects substantially the same. F)ba 39S Fillb Avtnoe. New Yoik MAXWELL & BERLET, Inc. Sole Philadelphia Agents Wlnut St. at 16th St. J ft IVT'Tr fyr-iTTT? f -' wir.m if;Ylli V A il.iM rr ' - mix. The Candy of Excellence l7"OU may present Page G? Snaw, tne candy of excellence, with a certainty that it will meet with enthusiastic appreciation. Their excell ency and the appropriate manner in which they are toxed make them truly worthy of your discriminating choice. You would do well to place your Christmas order now to insure timely service. page &- swm mc 1228 Chestnut Street ,nS-CU"S&&Sv . O. n v V . 5 $!!fcr U "Something Different!" She Exclaimed If you want something original, different, unique, unhackneyed, try the Rosenbach Galleries. The newest things of the artistic world and the oldest are here in attractive variety. If you are tired of the usual stocks, come here and be refreshed. NOW is the time to secure a Christmas gift that is really different and one that always will be appreciated. Pictures, bronzes, marbles, electroliers, Sheffield silver, artistic furniture and all objects of decorative art at moderate prices. The Rosenbach Galleries 1320 Walnut Street Christmaa Cards and Calendars. jPSff&t: "T $S 1 EMSEO ARREDONDO Named ns Mexican Ambassador to the United States. WOMAN TO WIN HACK VOTE Husband Will Become Citizen to Com ply With Law SAN FltANClSCO. Dec. 10 -Mrs Ulhd C. Melv'cnzle, horn In California, whoso right of Miffngo was taken from her by the Supreme Court of the United States on I hi ground that she Is the wife of n British subject, Gordon MoKenrle (known on the since ns McKcnzle Gordon!, Is to have the vote after all Gordon McKctirle, II has been an nounced, will, for his wife's safe, become a citizen of the United States Mrs McKenzie contended that aa Amcr-lcan-born she wns entitled to the vote The courts held that nn the wife of n British subject she was not Sho carried her tight to the Supreme Court of tho United States, which this week lulcd that her citizenship went with tint of her husband Doe your girl know ihc tatte o 9t Chocolates $1.00 per box tnV Xi over fmirien hundred retail Mores HUMIV.S ciiocoi.vin CO 3 in Miirket M i - ' j 'V .. ''-4- f r rr V. . "i J t FT m-rj Mr."t1 Established 1878 SSiSU BY C0MITADJIS FROM BULGARIA Strong Bands of Irregulars Aim to Cut Entente Rail way Communication ALLIES RETIRE IN SERBIA SALONICA, Greece, Dec 10 Strong bands of Bulgarian comltndjls, or Irregulars, have penetrated Greek ter ritory, It wan officially stated today at the Macedonian headquarters 0f the Trench (Jencral Staff. Tho Irregulars lnaded Greece for tho purpose of cutting the railway line. The Greek nuthorlttea, In agreement with the Allies, have adopted necessary measures to frustrate the Uulgara. nnnLIN, Dec. 10. During the righting on the Slrumnltza. front, In southern Serbia, the Bulgarians have captured ten Urltlsh canonn, the German War om.ee nnnounccd today. lie Can Vie n SSSSSIISS W aterman Fountain Pen I he ideal CHRISTMAS GIFT New Self Filler, $2.50 Don't forget Hoskins $1.00 Special Pens Crt our Vnnuiil f.lft Cn iiloK nt the Mtore or avrlte for It. 3D4-9DG CHESTNUT ST. I It Jy( Avtw I m 1 httiy EsssraE Kay k AW tx &! xW m m HALE & KILBURN FURNITURE Possesses the distinction and art of the expert craftsman. These pieces will live through generations, bearing with them the memory of the donor. XMAS IS THE BEST TIME FOR SUCH GIFTS Hale & Kilburn Company 1315 Walnut Street 11 r vY&,vra raie vi 1 vj l J SI 1 of the large Vl fZ WfffiWi ',av " nior J , A . A iUK&H fool trouble 1 l I b. J !ky5S aching fet. If 1 1 ' 1 - O miil'&5Fnix Mir of Nune. 1 -f naSEP J W I 11 11 1 L ?3 1 B, 10, 1915. . .AA ..lM..n hv thA Tell- Capture oi avu i""" -' :- ---tonic i forces tinder General GKocvtss was also reported by tho War Office. The Anglo-French rcircni in wi" rrn Serbia continues, according to ndvls received here. It Is rumored In icnnii . that the Allies nro about to abandon Ser bian territory entirely, If they hao not already done so. LONDOM, Dec. 10 Owing to tho critical military situation, representatives of the Kntento rowers today urged the Greek Government to clenr up the present uncertainty, nn Athens dispatch sajs. They declared It was essential for tho Allies that their troops should enjoy full freedom and movement. till fll 111! For Your Own H Constant Ueo or jU MM 2or Your Gifts. l tnSmi fH I lilt ' t'10 hlRhest standard (or ) IHPjVv Hj I all Quality and embodies the I !j J Wlfiwl' JJaJ leading pen ideas. A ten- It 1 III tRMm! mtm l siblo gift for anyone. One (i II KajM Waterman's Ideal will lait ft III! I biH wWVi for yean. Sizes and gold pens MP Hill WM ms can c a t0 8U'( cvery llllllllo Hill W fn'S'wIbl suited always a user. Plain )jjj III ,l DSS and gold or silver mounted. Ii lyl lllij Pnw $2.50 $150.00. Atk lil Hill EHI 1 for this pen by its name. 1 rl I t t cst torcs llllllli III I B 8B vV 'ot,rmn Company JWI Sensible gifts seem to be the want season we can offer you a variety at reasonable prices. Father will be grateful, for Romeo Slippers $1.75 to $2.50; Felt Slippers, $1.50. Fausts (tan or black), at $2.50. Mother's E. Z. Slippers, $1. Felt Juliets, fur trimmed, $1 to $2. I adies' kid Boudoirs, colors, Two ptlrs Qual ity bilk, 11 Ji. H wlr bUck a nil a pair vblU.i sta Slippers, colors, 55c. A fcneclil In WL ?. r ?. 1 iiv., ait p,T wniie uvcrgaiiers, 9, rnr:..,on, f" SUter.a dainty Pump uuciie. nso. for dancing school, all iUUL'io'tftK lea'h. $2.50. For Big Brother, silk Hose, 50c. 7,hoBwTo2 F the boy. Rubber Bootj, biic uo 5H. w $2i0. Children's, $2, Men' sliea J3 M&I&me& Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market St. Albright Captain Elected MySTCTlTOWN, rt.. DtMSJi 1 . Mtiali, hi! Utn iifrU.l .".Miss, lfll t Mbrlght College footb.ll l i, rf ,i brine mdo by tM "K- rntnM.y ' tlen KhnmhAileh the season Just close J, JKycd tVrh tatkl. "f ra, . " -v-,1vun now ... . " '""mown tier, m! S ' Trouser fit Troueer lyl nd bent quality tftbrlo nt moderate cost. TROUSERS A SPECIALTY mo namm CqXam TllonB 0tW 1 11 ss "itol ! ! I i , K,d : p J.vvi 111 I h I J run f itooi. w-sMfml i HooU ivliu ' 9 i, ft a 131 Igl lajii'in ' ' "" 1 11 mi mi niiii; Mi 1 LUVtUVfMUUIUVVN.l LNVWWSN.. vvNvM:vvvvv.wX xm ' iviu L. .. -j III Bm-