Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 10, 1915, Night Extra, Image 22
.w wim j mmmmm ?- -?- ! Tfjgjlpfc, ? ' EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1915. r MACHINEHttAND TOOLS 15 COVUSB YOU "APPRECIATE tho Mtol Importance of hating durablo llninus ror tijachtne: Wirings. Then, 1-n t It time to rtH wrtlrseir of foCOM ANTI KRK TION METAL. jrtWJ AND IlItAS'S rOL.NlHlll.S 113 North tccond. , . ; . JAMna tocoma son. CAWlY Continually n. lafpo atock of vcond hand pipe, from. 1 to 12 Inch diameter, n lit rut and thread same for lour rcqu remcnt; ret my price before plactnK jour orders ele whtrc. ,M. J Ill-NT, 13X1 Reach lt. power-plant equipment Dyr9rao", inotMn. boilers, steam and oil en gine, -pumps, air compressors. FJlAfr'K. TOOMEY, Inc 127N. fld St; to Kl W direct ronnectcd engines and gen- et-Uori; 40 K. W. belted Kcnerators. 5. 11. 0-H. P. motora, Nt'TTAtUlTIS N. ,"ilh. VAnffcTY.iAOonwOHKI.tl. American" with eawl table, Jolrter. boier. timlen etc.; Rood "" "i-'l- snVKnitTR. 417 N.JM St. rnr.vrMT ArnnPATft USE SAFETY APPLIANCES ON MACHINES C1IAS. liOND CO., 620 AltCII ST. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, 10M and rented, armatures repaired. Main ill, Market 30(1,1 YearsleyCo.. 221 N. 3d t. TWO WOODEN TANKS 10,000 cnllons enpne Uy each; good as new. Hunt. 131(1 Roach at. PIPE Pecond-hand, all sues. I'hlla. Second- hand ripe supply. !" . 'n st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SCO NEW PIANOS Heppe, Marrellus. Jules, II C Scliom.icker, Prnrcescu. etc., contain- Ing three sounding boards :3 upright pianos of those makes returned from summer rental an mints, reduced from $.VI to $1.V) below regular prkes, can bo pild $3 monthly nnd upward . van or wruo ht largo Illustrated cntn- Iogues, 11EPITS UPTOWN STORE8 Cor. 0th and Thompson sis. $.18 LAnr.E ZONOPHONE TALKINfl machine. with cabinet and M tecords, finished In beautiful ejuarWrel oak, eost new fit. Cnn be pmd 73 cents wcckl. An excellent bargain: In good condition. Write tor com Ditto list or birgal'is and speilil trial offer. HEPPE'S I 1'TOWN STORES. Corner bth and Thompson sts.. l'Jilla., Pa. EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHONOflRAPH Cost too new. This outfit Is romplcto with records anil will be sold for $ls, inynblo 75 cents weekly. Call or wrllo for complete do-crlptloni- and large Illustrated catalogues. UEPPE'S I WOWS STOKES Cor. Mil and Thompson sta. Philadelphia, Pa. PLAYER-PIANOS delivered Immediately, pny RtHe. .-"' wwklj, prices $.P'.1 nnd upward. Call or write lor largo Illustrated cata logues. JIEPPE'8 t'PTOWN STORKS Cor. Cth and Thompson sts. $9ft-CHICKE!HN'a EPmnilT PIANO, cost 03( new. Twenty-IUo other I'prlglit Plinoi at $1(10. J123, JI311. etc , pay.ihlo J,l monthly. Call or write for largo Illustrated lata Iogues. " HEPPE'S ITPTTWN SrOItES Cor. Glh and Thompson nts. UPHIOHT PIANO Isirgnlns; Stelnwny, J171. Chlckerlng, si".. Ituinsdcll sn.",, Mnrcelli., L'Ij! other uprights, $1.", .S3, 12" practice ?la.rios, si.". 1 inonfhly pl.ivcr-i. S27.", .f2.. Jmonthli Hughes llros . .-,32 N 10th. 123 HANDSOME I.ulnlg mahogany upright, guaranteed, cost l.-.n open evenings. . TODD.&! AlirilE.vr.lt, 1mi:i Columlili nve. 185 cmcimniNa upihght piano IIOWATID VINCENT. S3S N. Cth OI.1J a old HIOHEST prices in tho ilty paid for old gold, sliver, platinum, false teeth, old coins bought and sold. Jewelry Ei liaiigt- 'Ml s. -th. OLD GOLD, sliver, platinum, plated narc. old- stylo Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cn3n Est. 1870. J L. Clark, refiner -()7 Sansom. CASH TAIO POIt DIAMONDS, PIIECIOPS stones, gold silver, platinum, fulso teeth. Phllaj Sn-eltlng nnd ncf. Co.. 12S a 11th st. OLD UOLI I'ash pnld (or rl I gold, nllver, antique elm ks wilt tall It, II phono locut 121!). ItOQEriS. 27 S 17th at. PRINTING BUY YOUH CHUISTMAS CAHDS EARLY Make your selections from 121 designs; prlco 25 to 30 cents per dozen TIip Card Shop, 1004 Chestnut st Open evenings. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS WE coat leaky roofd nt small tost and guaran tee them 10 ears. let us estimate. AMERICAN HOOPING CO.. 1135 Ridgo nve. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STOUAUE WAREHOUSE 20T11 ST. ABOMi CHEbTNUT rACICINO. MOVI.M1, hlilPPINO. Rugs, Carpets cleaned, bcoured, stored. llell. Lotut 1U0O t'hotics Key, llace 41W Your Troubles Are My Business Storage nnd money arrnnged, nil parts of United States, liberal advances made. Pres ton. B. Lee. Hroktr, 30S Llppincott HuildinB. Walnut 1710. LIBERAL ADVANCES ON FURNITURE One) month free, storuce. si ner load: tnav- Insi packing und shinning. Rldgo Avenuo morale companv, uiu IHDI Norrta st. 1'hona ivensingion iiau. FIUELI1Y FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES. lbll-tblU MARKLT OT. WEST P1IILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PHI U. Auto pueklng and ehlpplns WEST PHILA S-70 LANCASTER AVE. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE "StorageT moving, paiklrg, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Paring 732 for estimate. Market and 37th. EcCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 17IS S. lltn . , moving, (lacking, chipping; auto vans. Iloih phones. Let us estimate. FREE STORAGE tho first month; moving by auto vans, shipping, packing, carpet cleaning. Levin's, 20l! Itldge. 1-ark SHU A. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES SATISFACTION IN REMINGTON 'REN'F ALS. also Munufai turera' AND Guarantee lalhlo Models, ... ' a month 7 50 for throa SERVICE months. Rental payment applies on purchase HEMINOTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 110 South Ninth St.. Philadelphia Telephone; Hell. Walnut 75Q; Kejbtone, Jlaln 21)04. WANTED BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, plstols.colns. Coin book, with prices I pay, mailed, 13c. J. 11. Boas (People's Store), Sui S. lltli. Val.44SU. CAST-OFF CLOTHING SPECIAL--1000 suits wanted this month. Big demand. Bit; prices paid. SPECIAL Highest prices for full-dress suits, sack suits, overcoats, trousers and shoes. WU1 call anywhere, any time. BERKOWITZ. 005 North 10th st. roplarB300 Poplar6393 CAST-OFF CLOTHINa WANTED Highest prices paid for ladies' evening gowns and gentlemen's clothing, summer and winter; send postal or phone Immediately and our buyer will call, city or suburbs, day or eve Phone Market 200. BEUqSOHN. th and Spring Garden sts. CAST-OFF CLOTHING We positively pay 80 more for gentlemen's clothing, shoes; send postal: we calL day. evening, city, or suburbs. Friedman Bros., 1111 South st. Phone Dick Insets 6153, - -j- - . . WANTED PI RNITI'RE, r'onos, carpets, antiques; entire or pa.t houses bought for ciuh; no muter ha-vlarge. J. Iierntcln, 1354 nidge nve. YLLLOW stamps redeemed for dolls, toys, etc. IllebeM price paid for loose stamps In sheets. THADINH STAMP CO., 2114 N. front tt. ?, OLD FALSE TEETH & Rroken Jewelry. Gold. Filter, Dla nought. Kfvsffltlf Pn "35 WALNUT STREET Established "0(1" HlailEST PRICES PAID for diamonds, old gold, platinum, falre teeth: also pawn tickets. 1100 J'llbcrt st, 2d floor front WANTED, to buy, part or entire household furniture. Levin Bros , 20IS nidge, ave. KOOMS FOR KENT Alien, 2o21 (Tho DI1mond)-Nlccly furn.,elean, warm, single and double rooms; ale locks, hot and cold water, $1 per day or 2.30 to $1 ,10 per week. Phono Kpruco .1.101. ARCH ST., lul.V-Plnely fufnlshed front rooms, also tno lack rooms, kitchenette, complete; . refined ui rounding. Rare ntin H HROAD. N.. KIT Comfortable looms In n real homo, HROAD, N., l.lPI-Attraetltely furnished front rooms, with all ronicnlcncca; reasonable. RROU'N. till Warm communicating fitting mid bedroom ror gentleman guest; owner; CECIL, H , 721 Nicely turn room In private family for rniigrni.il business? woniin. CHESTNUT, llKJI-.vttr.ictUely furn rooms, single or en suite, mth orwltlmut Jinth. CHEvr.M'T, 2013-singlc or en "sTiltp."" clre ; lint water heat, new iiianagement rrferrnce. ClfEBTNrr. 37111 Itpiuitlfully "furn."" rooms, eltrlc light. Applyon premises. CHESTNTT BI; 421i-t'onilnrtahlr rms , dnu blo or Blnglo: well heated: exceptional bd. op. CHESTNUT ST. (near 4rdli)-llandoinelv"furuT J-ooms, llh iKitli, nenr "L." Iltflng il7 It. LOCI ST7 12II-t)eslrnble moms'ndjnlnlng UitliT hot-wnter heat, central location, phone. LOCUST, 1213-1S (Lion's llcndl-rurnlshod (ipts.,sulles nn.l rooms with prlnto bath. LOCI KT, I.VM rmntihrd nlnglo room. 3d floor irtmt i., n montn, an noor room, ski. L itlAN SO , , iis-llrKe".i1I-stT)ryiront room, overlooking square. Ixicust I Mr.) W. CbOAN" SCJ. (23.-,'NTl(tli)llniiJckee.nB"TmT7 furn.. unrurn., electric tight, running water. PAIIIC AVE.. 2(KI7-Attracllvcly furn rooms, single nr en suite, 101ns , good location. PINE,""132--Attrnctlvelv furn. rooms, single or en suite, running water, prl fam , phone. riNliTfi'il-Nlrr-lv furnished room for gentle- imn. bo.irtl optional, phono ltelmnnt 37 !0. . ltlTTDN'HOfSE SQ.(2I0 S. lnTH) Largo, Ije.iutlfully furn, rms nnd apts. : 1 or 2 roomo, 1 rlv. baths hot-water heat. Ilrst rlissjn appointment and nervlcc. Spruce 3(V)2. yi'Ilf'cE, 1 r,T-ttnnni", single or en suite, prlv." liaths. prof. ofnres;steam heat. electricity. ST'UrciT, i;.".2-Wcll-rurnUhed,"chce"rful -oomsT jpear bath, steam heit, references ext bunged, 6PHUCE. llin Bd-"ify" front, beautifully fur.; running water electric llght;slngle vacancy HPIIt'CE, 120S Flnglo room: 2d floor," also clouhla room;y,oll heateil; newly reuovnte'l ST. tfnrtN'AUD, N., 10 (between 40th nnd With) wciinentii riirnisneu rnmns, iiaring 72UT M. WALLACE, K1I7 rurnlshed rooms, single or en sullp,hot-wnter he it, southern exposure. WALNUT, .Till Largo, furn "ami unfurn. cohi. front rooms, running, water. Jiot-wnter heat WALNUT, .-(110 2 unfurnlhed rooms; phono Kas,pUrtrl" light: onvenlcnttoJ.. 10TII H, ."P( (opp. CUnlon) Attrnctlio rooms. with or without bath well heated, plenty hot water: newly romnntod, Ph wamutfil4. F2TII. S., 2(NV-Cheerfulty furn. room adjoining juitli grtlemen. Apply M. A. Ost. on prems. l.vrii, s., 3it-ro.iroiiTAnLY rvn. rnoNT ItOOM. AI)IOlMNnriATH:PH0NE. 1BTIL N.. 1W1S Attrnc. rooms, furn. or unfurn.; rellned,prlato home: References: phone. 17TH "M0NTH0MEHVJ-Tw0 rooms for bach- elor- private family, ref. H C.17. Ledger Cent lsTII, N , l-ls I.nrso sitting room, suit den tist, private adult farnllv, nlno single vacs., 'urn or unfurn. reamniblp Dlam. 41'lW V 21ST, S 3 Attractively furn. or unfurn rooms, singloor ensulto; fcwat $10 per mo ".STII. S., 221 Comfort, furn. double rooms! southern cxpoiure board optl. Pros 3727 IV. 41TH, S, HI Single and double rooms In ex. i lusp e, refined modern home. Phono. COTH, S., Oil I-irge, nowly furnished, papered, warm, sunnv. second-floor front. In arnnll familv: reasonable. 321), N , (tlfl Who wants my 1 or 2 abundant ly heated, sunshlnv. 2d-storv front rooms? other v ntiPle s. llrlmont 7232 W. 1701 N. 01ST Purnlahod or unfurnished front rooms: leflned party ndults, all ceinvenlences. OWNER op LAHOE dweltlng'nill rent nttr.ee thelv furnished bachelor apt. of 2 rooms, private bath, open tlrcplaco, 2022 Spruce st. Suburban WALNUT LANE. E. 141-Purn rooms, prlv. fnmllv: refined neighborhood. Ph. Otn. 'on. BOARDING BALTIMORE. 4111-Attractlve house, Just open, d,slnple. eloublorms . prlv. baths; bd. UALTIMORE, 4119 Iirgc( sunny, secon(blloor room, coui leer gentleman, excellent tnbte, IlALTIMOHE, 4(UO-2d"and 3d story rnnt.'ncxt to bath; prlv. family, board Woodl'd. 1113 J. H..i:L AVE. I70S Warm furnished room; gondhnmp table, jirlvnte family . phone. LEHIGH AVET W.. 1027 Private family has few front vacancies, excellent tnble, all con venlcncos. electricity. Phone Tioga 7:130 W. SPRUCE, 1230 Secolid-s t o r su I te. alos front room SPRUCE, lOlO-Rooms with board: running yater. pIpv iter, l'llbert 33s-,W. SPRUCE, 122I-2G (Urlsmonde) Purn. rooms. single, ea suite, private baths, table board. WALLACE7 3I0I Hoard ami rooms, reasonable t 'onvenlent to tars Phone Preston 31SS KITH. N, 14I0 HAND-OMELY PUHVISHED ROOM, lU'.V.NINO WATER, PIHST-CLASS TAIILB HOXRD: PRIVATE FAMILY 40TH ST.. S. 521 Large, double rooms; re fined, modern table board. Dell phono. PRIVATE family will tako Infant to board. Phone Tlogi 2'iOfl W. Kubnrhan OVEItnnoOK I'amlly of 4 adults, large mod ern home, hive thlrd-fioor front, bath ad Joining, for gentleman, with superior board, MM3, LodgerCentral OERMANTOWN. 119 W. Penn st Sanitarium; bright, cheerful homcllko resting placo for Inviillds or elderly persons. Ph. Gtn. 39S1 D. SANITARIUMS 11EAUT1FUL location; special scientific care; nervous; elderly: every comfort, nurses. Rooklet. Dr Randal. City line, Chestnut Hill APARTMENTS N. E. CORNPR 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story concrete and steel fireproof structure reaches the highest point of devel onment as vet attained In apartment con struction, and may be properly styled a per fect place or abode. An earnest effort has been made to offer a matchless homo to those whose first con sideration Is no, to count the cost atone, but to procure that which they desire: where there Is only perfection, the fcliu and char acter, of which may re selected and shaped according to the distinctive retjuirtinenu of tho Individual. Suites are arranged from two rooms and one both to seven rooms and three baths. The location Is excellent, being convenient to the business and shopping centres, und yet not too near. All things considered, the rentals are mod erate. Further Information, arrangements for In spection and reservations may be made tbrouffa NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 Walnut street. PETEY APARTMENTS 1830 South RiMeiiliouse Square Threo apirtments enlarged during the sum mer are ready for occupancy one (a Duplex) contains 12 rooms and I tritln tho others 8 rooms and 2 tnt'n and If rooms nnd fl Inths, also a nirull nparttrent of " rooms and bath. O. ANDERSON, Superlnicndent. WALNUT, 1411 Apnttment of 2 rooms nnd bath, second floor, unfurnished, very desir able, also ono furnished apartment; first-class servlceArplyllriimhaugh A Parker. 2.1 floor SPItLVO OAIHJEN. lS17-Excollcnrapts. in S dlfrerenthouses; somo furn.;kltehenettcs. THE PARKSlbE""0-"1 (rnAnD opposite rAin.MoUNT PAmc One to four rooms nnd bath; reasonable terms Phono Ilarlntf 221. Hel Philadelphia I OtTEtl a largo variety of apartments at varied prices nnd lo meet almost nny require ment Call or send for list. Automobile service in Inspect apartments If desired. NOI1MAN K. SHEIUVOOD, 1111 Walnut st. spnucq r.2r,o. iiace .102,1. APARTMENTS WANTED TitEttE IS AIIPOLUTELY NO ItEASON WHY ANY LEHIItMil.E APAHTMENT SHOULD HE VACANT, AT THE PHESENT MOMENT. The number of applicants for apartments handle 1 by this office frequently averages over one bundled a dav. I Place nt the disposal of my clients tho best equlpicd, Hrgest nnd most nltrartlio orflecs ever devoted to tho business of rent ing apirtments. .m.1"; hem highly organized, courteous nnd ernclent service. I h.uo prlxnto branch ex ennners to handle phono Inquiries, tno auto mobiles nlilng n snow npartments to pros ppctup tennits, and in ccry war give serv ice or such a clnrieter tint the apartments Placed In my Innils nro rapidly rented ii,1L''!".nl ".t',D Yourself nnd at the same mJiL n;lfll "!? b' furnishing mo with com- Plrto Information letatlve to your vacancies? CALL. PHONE oil WHITE Rpnt-fsts '," WALNUT ST. rliilml?"':t1 ,A'''V11TMENT wanted, 2 "or 3 rooms: near Hroad nnd Walnut; stito price, . etc. J n.,11, ij.,gp cintrnl. Hiiburlinii fT?. Ly younB tmrrled couple, small rurnlshed houso or apartment In suburbs, V.r.JCiCa.-y.w"1' "lecplnrj porch, not over S7B. D IPS, Ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HltoAD, N . 20113 rooms, kitchen, bath. 4th tiuwi, nicuiii iici. Nan and eic',, j u ji, lsn. 11U7 ItGll einto iruvt Hblg. Pllbert 31-00. COLUMHIA AVE, lMl-'i Hoo.Ms. WITH PHIV.TIWtATH: ALL CONVENIENCES." DIAMOND. I'll Hnndsomo corner flats, .'I8 and MO. 3 rms. huh, north, modern corns. DIAMOND, 2112 Three rooms, bull, kitchen, hot-wnter heat nnd hnt watir; $23. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You cnn look nt ono atter another until jou find one, or Vou cnn o nrouml to tho different nccn cles until in i.eFp.ilr jou tnke one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It !s aultn trun tlmt nearly every riesIraMo apartment tn Pliiln'lelphi.i Is llxteil v.lth and may no rcmra mrougn u Call upon ui In our new ofllces; they are really quite attractive, nu will he gl.en the moit courteous anil ei.Ji.tent &crlcu obtain able. An nutomobilo It wnltlnff to tnko jou to tho list of apartments jou rieslgnatp, nnl If by nny chance sou are not perfectly suited our entire orpinl-MlIon will bo nlnce.1 at sour dl5potal to procure for sou exactly jour heart's desire. Think of all tho troublo sou will haio paved nnd how Rind sou will bo tn know sou hao found the one npartment In Philadel phia whlrh most ncarls approaches sour exact Ideal NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 0M0. Raco S023. TUP NA9H 1527-211 SI'HUCi: STRUCT i nL i-mon iiouki:ivi:i:i'inc. apart u:NTSjindPRoi'i:.soNAi. ornci:s. HorsRKIini'INO APTS.. nil parts of city; rents 23 to S70 per mo. fall, phono nr writs for Information. Simuel Stein, l'-'ul Chestnut. M W. CUin.MS, orlslnntor of Apt. Rurrnu Hen lee will eiulcl.ly find nu tho npt. that .ults, mil Ileal Hat. Tr. HldB. Ph. Wnl.s2S7. TOR modern furn. or unfurn apirtments, Northwest Phlla. or T1ok.i. hco us first. SClfoni'PV c TO . ir.17 Montsomcry nio. 1'lVK-ROO.M APT.. 1210 nir.ird ave.; entlro second Moor, newlv remodeled, hot-water heal, low rent Wield rain . 1I1 (1 1 r,i rd nve. I-AItru ROOM, kitchenette, furnished (3; room, private hntli. II 1 101 N. Uith st. WEST PHILADELPHIA CHESTNUT ST., 3003-7 (Uone)-Eleg.int apt" , reduced rent. Cnlljlto 3. Jan. Ph. llir. 7UII1W' DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERUROOIC bTATION Ono housekeeping suite. 0 rooms and bath. fM,.14 per month; one furnished suite, 2 sleeping rooms, one exceptionally largo living room and bath, $73 per month; public dining room. Phone Oicr.Took CV.'S, THE RUTLAND APTS, JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST., ft ITH TO KITH ST. fl and 7 room apartments, with nil tho latest conveniences, $!7.0 to $15 per month. ROUURT I'lTTH. AIJENT Hell phono Helmont IITI, .111". Ixicust sL KINGSCOURT .lOili ami Chebtnut sta. JUST COMPLETED. MODEltN HOUSE keeping npartments; fireproof itoors, eleia tors. public dining reioms Aptdy THOMAS M. SEEDS, Jr.. 1207 RACE ST. GREY OAIILES, 312-ail N. 33D. Very uttractlio apis., .", to 7 looms, furnished or unfurnished: all nutsldo looms shonr baths, etc.; reasonablo: S mln. from City Hall. JV10 TO fiiii CHOICE SELECTIONS KERSHAW ,t rilOWI. 5215 Chestnut; llSEX. S4th and Chestnut. Monterey. 41d and Chestnut; Helmont, lllth and bprlnf: Garden, Inquire lanltor. or Cretso, SOS Halo Hldg. WALI.INGFORD APTS, 30th nnd Ludlow-Ono apartment left, ery des ruble. 8 rooms nnd bath, hot water, elec. elev , l.ipor lit at, etc. GKH.MANTOWN THERE ARE A rUW POLKS WITH "KIDDIES" who positively will not rent an npartment In the cli. So In order to please them and others who MUST hale a suburban home THE QUEEN LANE APARTMENTS WERE RUILT No, yoj neier have seen any tiling quite like them chances are ou nenr villi uain. Fresh air, trees, birds, grass, eountry sur roundings In a word, thu gieat outdoors alt about you. A block from Queen Lane Station, same dls. tance trom tho Germantown Cricket Club, three blocks from Wayne aicnuc. The price la $30 a month and As to the apartments: They have file rooms and bath, plus an extra mald'a room; hot water heat the best obtainable; ample hot water; exceptional closet room, built-in book caies; private porches, unusual construction and decorations )ou must aeo them to know that they aro Just what you have been look ins (or. and our automobiles will make this an easy matter. Wo might furnish one or two at, eay, $70 a month. NORMAN S. SHEIUVOOD 1411 WALNUT STREET. Pctcy May Not Be Sick, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS OEIOIANTOWN WALNUT LANE. E 1.104 nnd .1 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, private porch, J25to$13. APARTMENT HOTELS THE l'LLMAlt-MOHIUS OLI1MA.NTOWN AT CIIELTE.N A E STATION, PENNA. rtAILUOAD, 20 MINUTP-S I'noM IHtOAD ST. TEHMINAL . . ATTltACTIVELY rt'UNISHED AND UN rUHNISHEI) SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APAHTMENTP. HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Erevonth st. An apartment hotel, noted for Its eulstne and perfection of service, newly refurnished and redecorated, panor, bedroom and bath, with meals for two persons. $.13 per week and up. hpeclal luncheon. 71c. Tahlo d'hote dinner, tl. Till! IIENEVA 10TII STHEET AHOVI5 WALNUT HlRh-cltss nparlments, with or without prl vato bath, entirely renovated and refur nished: under new management. IKM till TY fc MAIISMALL THE GLADSTONE 11TsIT1ArDT1NH apaht.ments uoh winteh months rUHMSIIEl) OH UNKUHNISHED AUSOLUTELY rlHEPHOOI- THE COV1NC1TON, CHESTNUT AND IT TH STS It. P. ENOLE, MANAOIIH. ALSO THE ENdLESIDE, PEACH HAVEN, N J. THE ESMOND s n cohneii 12th suite or 2 IIOOMS and hath. THE THACY PEHMANENT OH TRANSIENT OUEST3 3f,TH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 014 S. 3D ST.-4-story building; 21x103; as sessol $:. prho JSIlK), terns can be ar ranged, this is I2D0U lets than It Is worth. J. EDWaHD I.UTZ, 210 N, 17th St. ISO'.) LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story brownsiono dwell ing Especially titled for profcslonal orflce. Iv price and easy terms for quick salc 1812 JUlTEItSON ST.-Dcslrnbly located dwell ing; must be old to close an cstite, rent $10 monlh, prho f I300.l)ertolet,jnin N. loth st. MAHrKl'.H. nenr lauphln-t rooms, bath, lot lUxSO. rent $ln, nnsessed $17(K). prlco 1J00. , CAMEHON, 2S11 Kensington nve. 3.124 N. PA UK AVE. for sale, J5000. NOR J1 AN II. HAULEIOH. roil SALE nt special prices to close nn estate, 3020 .Market st. (through to Ludlow St.), fctore and dwelling. 212 McAlpIn st , dwelling 1 rooms .112.1 l'olsom st , dwelling 7 rooms 3S2!) l'nlsom St.. dwdlliig 7 rooms JAMES U. rilANCIS. 703 Walnut st. 13AROA1NH ON NORTHHAhT HOULnVARD. $700 to J 1000 PDR ACRH. SHE JAMHS 1'RANKI.IN. f72fl Thonns ne. IP YOlt WANT TO .MORTnAQi:, rent, buy, sell, cxcbiinire or Insure, si:i: TAri.ANi: arout it" IKhi Walnut st. SITRS roil SAM.'-Rultablo for erection of business buildings, lime or smnll. Invest ment properties Money for mortcares. AltTHl'lt llOSi:t.I,,21tN. llth t. INVESTORS. SIU: WARD'S IIOUSC3 AT I'.llO N. DARIKN SI' orpin: i2.il n. th st. CKNTRAI. PltnpnUTIHS for fale or rent. YARROW H VAN PRI.T N. R cor. 17th nnd Chestnut. :o siH.nrrnn on, pmntinos in i:x- CIIANCii: I'.JR r.Ql'lTY in ri:ai. i:s JTATH 1. AMINNIC1, 1S.1i! IIHXH3 AVH. (1ROUNI1 ALONO N. K. ROt'I.RVARD JOHN O. WILLIAMS, 727 Walnut st. SincCbsor Lewis It. Redner. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE OR RENT 11ARII11R 11 VRT.MAN & CO. 1201 Chestnut st U..STRAL PACTORY-flnnd sito for mod. bus. bldg. ; .1 streets, h ilo to elose nn estate, might reiitL Jacob A. Prltz, B2.1 I.tiid Tltlo Hldg. EXAMINE Kilii! N. 5th St., ;i-story brick ilwelllng; public silo, December 15. 1013, nt freeman's, nut Cheslnut st Ilullillng Ixits. factory Bites. Etc. I'ALLS OP SCHUYLKILL OROPND Large and Small Tracts for DWELLING or JIANUPACTURINO I urposca In best sections. EXCELLENT RAILROAD PACIL1TIE3 I'rlcea on Application. Est. JOHN DOI1SON, SO1) Chestnut St. CHOICE building lotB nnd largo tracts ground ln all pirts cltv: also oier 2D0 manuficturlng sites, Meliln. 1.115-111 Real Estate Trust Hid. More nnil Duellings fllOO roil f isoo CORNER STORE and dwell lug. CARNEY. Ml E. Allegheny. WEST PHILADELPHIA su sol Til ivrn STREirr Attrnrlliii corner piopi'it, tlluated on the best street In Illth ttrect section; 10 largo rooms, 2 Inths, new electric fixtures; artis tically painted niiu dceorutcd; southern cx-pe&ure-. open to an offer. W. 11. W. CJUIOK & IIRO.. INC. S SOI Til KITH STREET Modern Sunlight Homes In llciutliul Sherwood $200 C.i li Trices, $2i0i) Enty terms. Rent, $22. Well liuilt. Modern, lleiutlful. Frailer at.. Thomas to Hoffman aie. Agent, lull) S. Trailer st. $1100 S ROOMS, hot-wnter licit, g.is und elec- trio light, pirquetry floors shower baths. s kitchens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWPORD. JR.. RUILDER. 5Sth and Iladfield sts. $000 CASH, f.ri-l mortgage $5000 assested $7isW Three-story twin, 12 looms; South 4'ith tt.. near hprliiKlledd nc. a bargain. TAYLOR ,it SON. 21 nnd 20 South 40th st. POTTS & TOW'NSEND, wrsr inula, homes. 4005 UALTIMORE AVE. SEND TOR LIST, SALE OR RENT JOS. M. RAKER r,2d and Rnltlmore ne. IVIIIILAN'S,. HOMES COTH AND I'ASCIIALI. AVE. APPLY 1011 CHESTNUT ST. YOUR PROPERTIES can he rented or sold Sulckly by placing them with (AKIN C KILPATRICK. .1131 Market st. fSOOO-l'NEQUAI.EI HOMES, 39th at. nbove I.-ins.lowne ave Every knmin convenience. JJlMKS C ENRUIHl. Ilullder. HARGAIN Market st near 52,1 st.: assessed J won j 1st mtge. $1000; price $.1000, act quick J (ill. Ledger Central WEST PIIILMIELPHIA IIOMK4 IV. EDWIN I1LAIR 207 S. T0TH OKH5IANTOT REMARK RI.E bargain, .10 nnd .12 Church line, assessed $11,00 each, price $1200 each; large lots. Marshall II, Smith. 1011 Chestnut Bticct. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOMElTi GermantoAn. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, con sult me. AR. Meehan. 07l7Germantown ave. RESIDENCE SITES Ground In TTest eectlori of (!ermantown und Chestnut Hill. 11, jj l.intr.ii & .aw... ,,-. ,jce,iiqiuuwri ave. Wi; CAN assist you to find that houso you are looking for. Germantown Trust Com pany, Cheiten and Germantown aves. SMALL INVESTMENT HOUSES, almost dol lar for dollar. OLYNDON PR1ESTMAN. filOO Germantown ave. f ASSESSED $000 each, price $100 each (clear). 2U5 und 2'j7 Callom st. Marshall H. Smith. 1011 Chestnut st rhestnut Hill NEW SALll AND RUNT LIST HEADY Pelliam, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PKLHAM TRUST CO . 0710 Germantown ave. but He's Being Dangerously REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Tioga 1S15 OAYUOA ST. Three-story, terraced.ppreh front modern dwelling, lot 10x123 reet: 10 large rooms fine condition; t srlU?ro 'r.0"1 boulevard: ilioo North Phlla. Trust Co, Broidnnd Erie five. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TiOOA OH LOGAN KENNEDY & RAMtlO, 3140 Oermantown. Logan LOOAN HEAL ESTATE SALE, KENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. smith, nroad st , opplogan Station. HEAL LSTATE, mortgages nnd ronvey- anclng. 1VJI D. CHA.MIlEltS, 4D.13 N. Hroad at. EUIlt'ItnAN DETWEEN TWO AND THnEE, ACHES at steam nnd high-speed electric stations: Lans dalo section; very neat 8-room dwelling, hot water heat, bath, electric light", pressure) water, etc., stable, splendid, voung shads and fruit. The only one of Its kind at tho price. llronn & Cloud, Norrlstonn, Pa. HOMES TOE SALE OH ItENT WENDELL K MASSEY. Ileal Estate Trust llldg. CHOICE rtUILDlNO SITES ami acreage. ARTHUIt P. TOWNSENI). Lnnghorne. Pa. SUHUItllAN HEAL ESTATE Any price. All locations. Sale or rent. CHAELES J HOOD A. CO , Morris Hldg SELECT PHOPEItTIES-Country seats, farms, List orders now. LEWIS T IIHOOKE A SON, 1414 South Penn sq. POUNDED 1870. LAHOE LIST OIVSUIIUHIIAN .HOMES, sale e.r rent, on the Mini Line or Heading It. It. WM II. WILSON tt CO., Morris Ilulldlne. SUIlt'ItltAN IIEstPENrTSS for salo or rent; attnctlvo locations; prlies right. Maurice J. Hoover, Heal Hstnto Trust tildg. Suhurhnn Lots PHOSI'ECT PAUK-11 ndes, with 1400-feet fronlago on II. A: o. nilliu.nl: sp endld loca tion for manufactory or smill dwellings; price attractive to c'i;e an nccount. YOt'UM & POWEIto CO 23 S. lf.th st. (,')0 Woodland are. Ambler, Pn. SEND POIl LIST or suburbin homes, farms, country seats, building giound, etc I hav; n largo nnd varied llt In Montgomery and llucks Counties. If vou nro looking for any thing In the wnj of country reel estate, do not fall to get my list 1 efore you buy. THO.MA'S ATKINSON, Amoicr. i'a. KAItMS, rnuntry places nnil suburban, homes on tho Heading's llethlchem and Doylestown branches. II J. Diger, Inc. Ambler, Ta. Elklus Park. Pa. HOMES Poll SALE, oil ItENT MrCOIt.MlCK .v. MeCOHMICK. 10tl Chestnut, and Eiklns Park. 11EAUTIUUI. ItUILDlNd SITi:, high location. net.r tru nnd trullcj, at decided Inrgnln; nil Imprnveinenls. I' 10(1, Ledger Office. nienslitr, I'a. HOUSES AND LOTS, eerv dcrerlptlon. HCN.MNflHR ft IIHNNINUHH llroid nnd Walnut sts .MAIN mm:, pa. r. r. desirauli: properties sale or rent WARNOC'K A: EMLEN, Cnmmerclal Tr.Rldg. REST LINE OP MAIN LINE HOt'SHS Either for ralo or rent, nt nil prices. HIRST & McMt'l.LIN, West End 'Irust Hldff. btJIWHHAN HOMES, country places nnd building sltc3 to suit nil requirements; Main Line, II. c HUNTER. Wnine. IM. NEW .lERSEV llaildon llelglits. N. J. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDO.V HEIllHTS, N. J. WIt.LET LIPPINCOTT Mnjile Miade. N. ,T, THE GREATEST prlMlcgc of the 20th century is to oiin a little one-ncro farm close to Phlladotjhli, nnd remember ?" down bus one. $.", monthly pns for It. For a square deal call on or nrlto HARLOW A CO.. Mnplo Shade. N. J. .lit. Eplirnlni, N. ,1. ONE ACRE PARMa Mt. Ephralm, N. J. (adjoining Haddon Heights), only .1 miles from Camden (2 sta tions on tract). $100 to J000 per ncre, tltlo insured, f-ee eienl: no taxes for ini.1. CAMDEN COUNTY GARDHN PARMS CO. , 12q" Hroaduay, Camden. N. J. SEASHORE Capo May, N. J. COTTAGE rccU by a reliable builder Is a satis action nitnotlio pl.ins submitted free. . OTIS M. 1QWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. Ocean City. N. J. e-OTTAOE erected by a rcllible builder Is a sntlsfictlon. attractlvo plans submitted free. OTIS M TOWNSEVD, Ocean Cltv, N. J. PENNSYI.XANIA PARRS NINE-ACRE illligo farm; 7-room brick house, barn, outbuildings: 1 square off Nnrrltnnn trolley ; price 220n. $000 rash down Write for Jnrk's New Ilulletiii of Farm Hirgnlns. .lick's Farm Agency 213 Stephen Glr.ird Hldg . Philadelphia 25 ACP.ES, STOCK, CROPS, good bulldlngB: $2V0, half easi IIUNSHERGER'S FARM ACES'CY. Green Lane, i'a 35 ACRES, Main Lino P. P.. R. Rargaln; $7,100 J. R THOMPSON. West Chester. Pa. 8ft ACRES 1 mile Main Line. Pcnna.. $7500: worth $s500; ensv terms. A. p IIHALD, West Chester. Ta. $7500 PROPERTY, Urn id st., Lansdaie, re duced to toxin, modern 12-room haiiin; 1 acre ground. A. 1 1 Tysoi,Iinsdole, Pa, NEW .IRRsl'.V I'.HtllS RURLINGTON COUNTY PARMS All sizes, all purposes Established 180S. A. W. DIIEHSER. Rurllngton, N. J. KEAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITV UUY A HOME FROM US Monthly pnyments. $17 to $30. N. I'hlla. and Gcrinantown: prlees $1M to $7("). Merchants' Union Trust Com. pany. 715-7RI Chestnut st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES For Sale nnd Rent. JAMES D. W1NCIIELL. 17th & Pansom sts. fiUIIUIIIIAN CITY AND SURURRAN properties ror alle or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company. Land Title Hullding. Philadelphia. I'a. Hala-Cynwjd, I. LARGE LIST HOUSES, sola or rent at all prices. SAMUEL C WAGNER, Jr., Commer cial Trurt lllilg., 13th an 1 Market sts REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE benutlful home, hot-water heat pas. electric, largo living room, 4 bedrooms' haidnood floors, valur 5V) fur mniill lot of ground or small houses. 43.M:.Wnlnut lane DESIRARLE PROPERTY on Tbga Bt.-Wlfi consider investment houses or ground. WILL IAM HARR. sth and Oak lane REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort. gages and fire Insurame place I quickly. See Kane for promrt results. 2.12S Tasker st. WANT listing or country teats unci farms. II. H. McCOLLUM. 1311 Walnut tt. 'Don'l'1)rgct the Number." DESIRARLE property In the vicinity of 40th and Chestnut under MO.OcO, full particulars Ilox BOS, Narberth. Pa. panieuiars. Exposed By C. A. VOIGIIT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT citr .1115 s l.vni st. 11 iSM."! nffif, 202 a lath st. 170(1 LOCUST ST.- 10 i.oomi and 2 '1l,,i,e,ef?' trie light hirdwoid floors. LDOAR o. CHOS 1111 Walnut St. JEFPEItSON, 101(30 rms.. porcel. tub & sink. CAMAC, N., 2 ICO 7rojms; 1 educed rent. 22(1 OPIK1HNE ST. 7 rooms; $13 I P. AI brecht, 2114 W. Lehigh ave. STOHES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city, Sco our llt In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. MIX .t CO. S. E cor. Dth nnd CnllmvJiUI. -MANY OE Ol'lt HOUSES, largo nnd mall, have been put In good repair; phone or wrlto MYEIt's & lAKTlf.nielce ave, nnd 10th. . TWO-STOHY Ml M 133x10, for rent, with tower, neat ami uso 01 iniiroau. coiu v u , vvavt vno Junction. SEND POI1 OI'Il ItENT MST THE LAND TITLE AND THUST COMPANY Hroail and Chestnut sts rtHNT CATAtOOUH ghdly sent upon applica tion to WM. O. (1LE.NN. ."00-01 Land Tltlo ltulldlng. 1317 Ootumbli ave. Iliislnrss Properties nnil Stores 101-403 COMMEllCE ST. 007 CHESTNUT AND 30 N. 4TH ST. C. P. PEl'EHS K SON COS CHESTNUT ST. lino CHESTNUT ST. STOltE AND HASEMENT 1 ei i:state, 700 Sanom sL CENTHAL STOHES MANUl'ACTI H1NO 1 LOOHS of all kinds In central business section; t ceptlonal opportunities In rentals. ORAMA MOHdAN. 1524 Chestnut St. Stores nnd Dwellings 1721 N. 1ITH SI' Slore. 3 story, 0 rooms; low rent, suit any business. m. L. Cra vei ' Sons I3IH N 7th at I'nrlorlrs, Hnretinuses, Mfg. floors I"OH HENT-one tlnor, is 0"0 sqiiaro loot, fire proof building, unobstructed light all sides; freight nnd passenger elevators; Insurnnco ralo about 10 ernts, strictly modern building for nnv manufactutlng purposes; rent ratn lower thin reisonable. look Into this If In terested Seo Sun Hcrson, 3.10 N. lbth St.. or phono Kell. Spruce 20 17. ROOM hailnir three fronts, containing 11,100 su ft., delator, licit: low rate of Insur nnre: railroad sldlnit, sub-postofTieo in bulld Iiik: located II I locks south of Market at. t,'. .1. Mil, Ml A: SON. 11th anil Washington, 4TH ST., N 110-2.1 Manufacturlnir floors; steam heat nnd power. Apply Penile Co., f17 Chestnut st. MERf'tt ANTS' Itt'ILDINQ 44 NORTH ITH STREET . PESIRAIII.E ROtiMH. POWP.lt AND MflllT HROAD AND WALLACE (Metropolitan Hulldtrr;) Rooms, who to 40.(iiO: cheap; powci Apidyjlo ileo. V. Lusher. 147 N. 10th. PACTORY PLOORS and warcrooms, largo and OIIHIII. .,11,1 IIIV I H.ll . , IIAltttY T. hai'm una. .11 H. ISIh si. M CORNER IiriLUINO for light mfer. purtoses"! nbout ,",000 en ft.; J.10 a month. S. n. cor. Illth nnd Tioga. HAVI1 PARTY who will erect bulldlns. con tral or other location, or satisfactory tenant. . DIETRICH, 7.17 Walnut at. nrnt'Es, humness rooms, etc. WALNUT ST., 1211 Fine sulto of 5 connecting rooms, nemli nalnteil and p.ipcre'd; suttnlilo for ofTiccs, tnllo'lng nr other buslneta; Im medlnto porse-sinn: rent to begin January 1, Apply on premises. CHESTNUT ST.. 1200-1 flight, several con nortcd looms, opiortiinlty, business or of fices; windows. Chestnut St.; Hiowciw, en trance WALNUT ST., llll-Seiernl ory dcslrablo ror.ni". sultnblo for nnj busluoss, icry good location. Apply Win. II. Hison, oniireinl's's. 1310 GirtATtD AVI? Knrnnn nn.t l,l-.l ,!.... sultnblo for n photograph gallery, $10, good stand. C P. Coward Co , 2uthnnd Jefferson. d Dltr.NEL HLDG OPPICES Annual Rentals. Mnglo rooms, $ino,$i20 $ir.n, $21 o $,iuo m,d. Suites 2 rm., $1311. $175, $2110, $225, $J.M) $27.1 Suites II rms., $275, $100. $1.10, $50O, $550. 723. Cottier Sillies I to f rooms, TJ0 tn $lir,u. i21dJ.sJlWILLIAJm,r,i.iIirexelJlulldlnit. OI-TICES at low rents, baling steam he.it, electric light, rassonger nnd freight delator servlrn: Commercial Hullding, northwest sth nnd Chestnut. Applv nn premises nny morn ing. or call ,1. A. Patterson Co., P0 S. 15th. A PKW DESIRARLE OI-TICES RENT VERY R1TASONA1II.E ROIIURT MORRIS TRUST CO. HLDO. 027 IK." I CHESTNUT STREET I' I. A 7. A II U I L D I N a Offices Slnglo unci en sulto iror.o"-in arch st MERCHANTS' RI'ILDINO 41 North Ith street. ery desirable offices. Heat nnd light. CENTRAL OFFICE1?. STFDIOS AND ni'SINESS PROPERTIES. J. C. FULLER, 10 S. 1ST II ST. OFFICES for rent: first floor mumble for bunker, smaller offices on other floors. FOE-nt:J?T-!1,'"-I"N'r HO " Rh St. Room 425. I'OR REVT-II.iU, suitable for dancing ncad emy; 27n Germantown nve. I'rofrsslnnnl OfTices PROrESSIO:'AL RUILDING. 1SU11 Chestnut st- A ."" "lilies Im physicians or dentists. J, T. JAl SON CO . Chestnut and 13th. CHESTNIT, 211.1 1st floor front, reception room, suit, for doctor or dentist. Spruce .1.170. WEST PHILADELPHIA DWELLINGS. STORES AND APARTMENTS WM. II. W. QUICK & IIRO.. INC.. S SOUTH 40TH ST. HERMAN HROS., COR) MARKET Ilniitcs, Apirtments. stores NEAR rOTH ST "I." STATION For Rentjir Fnle. $2V--THRLi: STORIES II rooTSs, hardwood finish; others. SIS to $12.50. E.JJ. APSt.EY. 5sth und Springfield nve. NEW HOUSES FOR RENT-107 S. OMiTt77 facing Cobb's Creek lloulevnrd: u-nt $12.50. JAS. N. MITCIIELU Ifith and Market. GERMAN'IOU'N 0121 IIO-H ST Seven moms and bath; all convnlenceH. ke at (.121, rent low, OARELU Rroad and Erie. $30-DWELLINGS, 11 ROOMS .. ... Fenl for '-'St. Contlnentnl-Equltablo Trust Co . 21 S. llth st. MT. A1HV DWELLINGS $20 tu $130 monthT Get list.' e-e-inani 1 ruse woiniuuij. 0 (111 (jermantoiin Tioga FOR RENT. TICOA-Cou 2-ttory 0-room porch diielUrg; all conveniences, elegant nelghbor Itiod; 2111 W. Inillle st., neir 22J and L"rle ave. JOHN J. TURNER. 120lChestiiut st. Sl'lIURIlW WAYNE. 1.1 rooms, 2 baths, strain heat, .,$15 St, Davli's, in rooms, largo lot, coins, ... 30 G M, AMAN. 1201 chestnut st. Darby, I'a. 1WO nice stores Just off main street; suit any business, $10 e.icli, villi niter to suit, hwojo A. Sons. Darby MAIN MNi:, I'A. H. H. MODERN HOUSES. $.10 to $200 per month; various stations. Mend for special list. liar (art & Claghom. 201 Halley lliillillng WMllleuniiil 10 MANOR ROAD Modern: 13 rooms, 2 baths-' 'J" ?.?re1.and ,,0JrJ.r mo- Walter Rassett Smith. Wjnnenood. P. FOR RENT FURNISHED KKASIIORE Atlantic City, N. J, A'L.AN,T,Ci ITV.I:'or rent b month or year fully furnished cottage, s bedrooms, 2 bithV .Inens and tllver iiuludd, 141 South Illinois ave., near new Trajinore and Hoardwuik. MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST Fijnt port rinsT mohtgaqp UNI)S imtncaiatc Attention HOHACE A PHIT7 713 WALNUT ST. J30 TO LOAN ON ttPAL Pt--1 tti ... ' 'la 111 S. 12TII ST. MonTOAot: money' Hums to mil I lrts and Seconds O. C. SEIDEI. ."is-r, 4th and fuliA. i.ii, L.. - "inn oia. J. n. masset sojjg A LAItnn rr-VTi.i, , 'i'-nds ifnWS ii'."AwL' '"fe'll aMW'Kfirw&toSfigi 49,750 f ".'' '.'""I for moriM..7-l jC.ftt5WSSW3 $5Q -'.f-TolV ,2-' W Hlrnril An. , Placed nt Once LwVV.ol,,W "tl .X. DELANEY. 1112 UnriiStiu. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST ASM) 2D WeHnSTT xtxtt,,,,- ,VL.nnswer MOnTaAon -- " ri'lgixd ft Ilea Est.T ft,. ruNi-s tor 1st and,? M0 JlOTJS.THO.Mlo.V,,StViiN1r.nkf0Mt,1; KIRST AND tir.Tin men s.rr-r-i-i. VE,tVNASh. .an5 I rrnnkiin tii. ..... 1 " OK. Rla txiust rirvns ran ruwr tnrrr U ---" ..-,j in ii ii.(i LoansiPn inti:ri:St,n RsT75rT TOHNAVlYAURVy-nVjANiV,., DEEDS 0AWMt ,; .OHTOAanMnr ) 1112 T.lnrnlr. i,..it.,,K '... . 9 PHNDS roll lem .. n ,.r .! A riJNIi of $100,000 to bo Iniested liTTiT more first mortgages. lw ln " .m J. miNKHRT.jfidn Arch st. riRST AND SECOND, ANY AMOHht""' .....'."y-T auburbs dulcli : series OT a JAMES C. SIMPSON, V1420 CheVtmW ., A ni,irh1,gVu,IVo:ur,?,rpf,0,caffia ttnt "mSS chas l, immgN 'ff?;, sit B, r,rMd 3 T n e v-at - .. ' LOANS-Lnrgo or rmall sums on real mli." , -".- .'ciiiuccr rv I O.. " M. Illh " ... TLNDS for first nnd second mortgaet. -nmount, quick answers CIIAS w 'uii' LER. 40 -IDT r.li,.ni."S.w' Mils' f 4 : - ;--.-. .......v..., ius. 4 JIONEY for first nnd second mortgages' k.MiT Jf. nd Instalment moFtCTJ.8'wffi ' iiic-iiesier comnany. loin Chestnut st. J,PN.py for first, second nnd soil! m.,i..; luiiainfr nssotlatlon funds, lfowafd n fiiil Eon & Co . 212.' (icrmantnwn nie? W" TV'iin,,,S;:f .y.our nortgago has been cslin"" A --.--.... --. .,wL,., ,,, ni ejnestnut it $100,000 roil KIRST. scond, or" spiTTnT j?o?arksra,,,sA,,ss MW H. I1oolV.,C,5,,NCo'rr.,,M,;.,, r eSSirSS AIW,n'ui0Vr-? ,'" -n..3?tWymt " -".,.im. ,v., ,, i.nu Arust Blai. MONEY TO LOAN ' " A New Company : New Methods YOU CAN GET A LOAN ?L'i3i'1"."'1!,s,,ni"1 "" v-rv rn,v """ Your friends, neighbors or ompln,r mn no. t.-i (if your deling here 'wo nrn a new ?, tablishel rompnnv bonded to tho State II. eened nnd supervise.,! l,v the ranking Dt- artment of Pennirvlianla. Wo nro lScsttl at lit south Hroad Mreet In tho heart c( l.e iiiislness d'strlct 1 e 10 ,n In sums small as $10 und large as $201 on very cisy termi. ' ONLY jtMONrm'r RAYMENT ON $.10 H ! YOI'II 'MONTHLY PAYMrNT ON $7J Ml only $0 (with Interest at .11) YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT ON $132 IJ ( YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT ON JM! 13 ONLY J17 (with Interest at 2Tc) Ask our rales nnd methods beforo enlne li where. You will find us prompt Other 1M jonipnnlcs pild off nnd moro money 4.i winced, 4 Wo ulso m iko loins ln Germ ntonn. Met!, town, Chestnut 1 1 III nnd Manas unk. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 S. Broad St. -'I SECOND FLOOR. NM'XT To FORREST'' Jl THEATRE '. ' I HONE WALNUT 110.1 v OPEN i TO (1. SATl RDAY-1 TO 11 CHRISTMAS MONEY s 1 ai j.i.w.ii. lb, Clio If ou nro teeplng Iioum or steaclllv eo. plojed, wo will make vcai 11 loan nf $10, cf moro nnd tako your prnmNn to pay is ccurlty. All wo nek Is voiir nssurance tint jou can pay tho small pamciita required. THE TOTAL COST Or $20 01 IS $2.50 $1100 IS $0.15 $.10.00 IS $1 2.1 $r1 110 IS $0 S $10.00 IS $!( $71 10 IS $7W Other amounts In iiruportlun. rAYMUNTS AS LOW AS $2.00 MONTHLY REMEMRER. wo do nm go to v our n plner, lelatiies and lib n Is inquiring about jou. Our service Is sirl tie contldentlu, quick, courteous and consldei ite. NO ONE KNOWS YOU ARE BORROWING CONFIDENTIAL LOANS TO LADIE3 LOANS MADE IN C,MDEN AMERICAN LOAN CO. LICENSED IIO.NDED 120S CIIESTSTT STREET (Entire Seventh floor) , , Keyttone. Rqro 401. Hell, Hlbcrt 4sl- IF YOU WANT MONEY FOR IIOMF- NEEDS CALL ON US We make LOANS on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE in riiiladclpliia LOWEST LFXW, RATES CALL. PHONG OR WRITE REMEDIAL LOAN CO. of Philadelphia 34 and 36 South 16th street i,c-r . pirriNl ROOM 303 LOCUST 2819 YOU CAN UORRUW MONLV CN DIAMONDS, JLWEli. LlC. $J1 AND Ul' ;?V $10U " " W yto " " ... lf RIEDEIl'S 12S MARKET ST. RIDGE AVE AND OXKORn ST. 22 D AND SOUTH ST v 3iMCoea TThere:-, sowtrnHTN -My Lei Me cMV,:3w-r WOfJG TH05R V,OMEN I 'tW . TAVJE VOvJt? COAT OFP ) - SAN. VWMeVT'i f Xl H PE:TEV t) ARCTOO HICK TO MC LPTTELV Jy 73 J V TM?AU, OP . THE IDKE ) lEAR. . m0TNtT ( . CAW7 GeT 'bm To At?GO& z PE.15 5Mppei?3 (ikA MABEL. FV fl Ck , v T hZL. tX,mT ha-tupau Jk, fe-tV (T) ( 3.CK iS M 5 am ' A,