t -. m &., p)UIS IS ONLY RIVAL w urn in CONVENTION RACE uflnV Believe Philadelphia (jan vvui ii. i.i-v Gives Aid Ihicago is ELIMINATED i ' .. . . hfflnressmBn Moore Pushing viWous Fight at Capital for 191" Assemuiy .i ... .nMrr tho Ilcnuhlicnii Tr" i rt.n!lon next venr hns shlttou" CchUo .n.1 H o bctorn Phlla. i f riila nnil St I-ouls, nccor.i.i.K ' patches from " -- nre considered .be so good nt the Capital thnt many f-MMbllean nitlonal len.lora believe that K rlty can secure the convention If Ipcnator Penrose throws his Influence In (dl;n:0XClio,.lrlbutlonS to the KiLne -of Commerce fund are now rap- . . .shine the 1 10ft 000 mnrK. ami ti is K'llv'for innt amount villi he Placed f.s. Minds of the chairman of the com- ", .ee tach'iBO of the movement to bring mlltce la cimih-. .. . . f Writhe National Hcpubllc.m Committee I'M . tt?rBSc.. .- -ul In Hit. Cham- too Commerce toil i fen the convention rr. -,. in inritcat checkn vvcie from rlmhA Hrotlicra and Sncllcnburtt's for X e.cl "other check received Include I10... ........ 11..1 M 11V1- Ilnlinler Ho- "P.1 "" "."."."Ll lim. rnfn KAIB. Ill I 50. DOOllci n ......... " ----- --: '. '.,. ttntel Stcnton, $50: J. T. Jack s' W and nanlel J Kopp, 2S v .'..'. T.nmK niitvvnrilty has been In ?,. of Philadelphia as tho placo to hold .comentlou, but as jet ho has mode no ictlve moo toward iirniBinK ma '"" "rnaunUl8aClccl! nRo the Itcpubllcnn ....' -i i.ira licllevetl that no other city except ChlciKO would be conshleicd khtn tho mtlon il committee incctH next k to select tho place for holding tho ritherlnK Toilnv nicorilltiR to ntlvlees J" u-n.i,inirtoM. Chlcaco l almost out 4 if the race and the contest lies between r Philadelphia ntul St Louis, with both titles nrcscntlnrj MroiiB claims. Cnmrressman J Hampton Moore Is t conductlnc (he c.impnlKn in Washington to bring the convention iiiiiaiiciimi.i Ha will present the cltl's Invitation nnd . . . . .1.. V..llnn1 fnlnititttnii claim neiorc im .' ;" " next vieck St. Louis has linlf n dozen boomers at the caplt.il. Republlc.m leideis are frratlu.illv shift ing from ChicaBo because they foci thnt the atmosphere thcro would not make for harmoni Tlun nro superstitious, ln. over holiliiiB this 1 car's convention In the bulldliiR wlicre the pirty split oc- -currm iuui .v-.i.o i The ChlcaKo men hints. having lost the Democratic National Convention, nre planning to liurease thcli BU.iralitee fund from $100,000 to $t".0.000 to secure tho Republican convention HDRELI.0 I'IXTIX(! LKFT TO I'ING ARTS ACADEMY .'.Will of W. n. Rawlc Gives Picture After Widow's Death The will of Wllllum Ilrooke Itawle. of m South ?.M sticet admitted to prouato Ritodaj. leaves an estate of ins.CO) In trust lilforlils widow duriiiB htr life. I'pou her i ,dtath a part of the estnte Is- left to jVchurch and other Institutions i Upoa the death of Mrs Havvlc, ho be queathed to the reunsvlinnla Acndcmv cf Fine Arts a palntliiK. "I'Iip ViiRln and Child,' salil to be bv Miucllo. which was brouKht from I'oitiiBnl to Hrull about U07 bj ii nitmbcr of tho ionl fanll) nnd a few years later purchased ) John Hoss Millliu Ho left to tho tame Institution inlnlutuie nortralts of the decedent's father and mother. To the trustees of the Acnduuv of tho Protestant Kplsrnpnl Chinch, of I'hlla ielphla, he loft WO in trust, tho incomes to be used foi free scholm ships To a cousin nnd nenlmu the testator left his hw piactko and law llbrarv, nnd w each or tha fiunllv servants ?j0 for erery full ear thev have been In the fimlly All of the family silver, books, manuscrhith. minting nnd hniisehold Tecta are left nbsoluteb to Mrs. It.iwle. Alter several small bequests to i chi llies thit are nnlv onciutive unon tho death of Mrs ltaule. the ti list estate is to be dlstrlhuti d as follows Two-ninths part to the lectin, church vvaidens and Testrmen of St Jnnie!,' Church. Two ninths pirt to the tiusttes of tho Unlver ilty of Peniisjlwiniu for tho uso of the hospital T0nnth.s nnrt in ttin triiKtf.oM nf the ftUniiersltj of I'ennsvlianla for tho uso m tho CollcKt or Aits department. Three-ninths unit In thn lllulnrlnil Kn- H clel of Pennsjlianiu. wrectlons are Klven to tho cxecutoia land trustees to carry into effect, upon We death of the widow, tho testamentary ynnuion In fuvoi of tho Chlldicn's Jlo? pltal of Philadelphia contulned In tho IU of testutor's mother. Kllzabetli "wle, who died In 1S17. Tho provision contains a hupiest of $X00 for a free bed to be known as tho Chatles Wallace Brooke, Jr fiee bed In a codicil pvpf-ntoii in 191 the teitator bequeathed an annuity of $750 to 4rnei F mrp "for her faithfulness ndhonesn Tlir executois nnd trusteed "the estate aro Elizabeth N. A. Ilawle, Charles Sanderson and the Land Title n Yrust i .imp mi The ulll nf f...Mnu -f..nn n,..1A nf km) JleKean sheet, (icrniantovvii, be- IJ"n all of his estate, valued at US t0 ''Is widow Josephine Kern pse. with (lhtctlons that she proviuo for their two unnM .mil wn dfiui-hters In Much nunner as she deems proper. The nwldow la otn ....... .-! ---. , Mtau niIHJIIllt.'U CICUllll I. "tner wills piubated were those of "anlfcl Knlor t. If.M X-..l. nfltU otrmtl. E .!... . "- " - ' .."lilt n. o.fc-. 'eft effects lalued at $5353, and LQliabeth Kschenftlder. 2002 North tth "i wi"0 The personalty of the wate of Chsrles o Cross has been wjfl1 at $5!ios;6. William V. V naly. ". and Joseph C Sliober. $3tML00. LONDON STOCK MARKET LTradine Hnnifnto,! Dsnn f thn Balkan Situation '!l,0iiD9N Dec 10 -In the main, trad aVvi.1 e stock Exchange was dull to 2ht The Balkan situation was respon '!J or the hesitation A reactionary . wncy wn noted In the gilt-edRed ec Iivr,BuUlptlon to London's portion of (Hfctantlal. Vvir c-umn.-..- IilT :rcan shares drooped. The aboil iioa 0 thA cn..i.. .1 ...1 - g2nean ; securities via London already IS. ulted In considerable selling by M il" Provide for domestic purchases t tne natlnnnt lnan Tl... t I... ll.t-tit WtlUKmA w... uuiiiin MJ . Kim- a stronger tone In diamond Issues. Igjawe shares were Inclined to sag. tT 'n Logan Improvement League o rare now ,200 members In the 1 . '"'Provcmcnt League, according fi. 'eruulug ear were elected as fol s Prestdenr vt t r..sa.ii. vi.. 3tat Frank Grler." sccretarv-treaa- rv WUUam n Chambers, financlat P9W- A C Early. EVENING- PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN AND FLOUR Wirn.vj liectlrts. isl.nro bushels The mnr Ret ruled firm with a gemJ demand nmt moJ crate ntrerlnis ('notations Car lots, in ex port elevator No. 1 rej, opot nn.l December, JtlVfltm, No 2 Southern red 1 Irvnt is, -inmcr .-so a reil, l 1..HI 17, No T re I 1 IS j'l'l'l" .r,rJ"u' A' 1 12'49I.ll rejeaed U (VUl.V -necelpts onst bushels Trade wis lulct. but prices were well maintained Quo tations L'sr lots for local trade, n to location Old Wrstirri No i ellon, WfiHlc , Uo . Menm rr rllnn, "IKillc . do.. No .1 jellou, ;sij"')i , hew cnii, per 70 lbs , 07111. HATS -llcietpls I2,nt2 bushels There wns ft moderate business ilolnir ttt steady prices Vluntnllnn No a white 'Mi4i'j stindirt white, 47'j'itvi No 1 white 4uisf47c No I white, MigSfiraiC snmido oats 42ifA'c , purifle 1 mts, Krmled, Kfri'se KIjOI'II -Itctelpts, 1I.7U bids nnd 1,1J t!8 lbs 111 iMiks Trade whs nn on I the mar liot was InrRelv nomln d yuotmlons ter 1 Ml Us In wool Winter clour, fllMi'i'ii, dn , strnlRht, Mnofl'ii do, pntent, " suflittn Knni-iis clesr Jute sacks JvlVn, do , strnlRht, Jute fackf, t." ton.", iiO do , patent Jule srks f, i, Mi, Hi), stirlnie, nrst ileur S",'J".".V). do, stralRht, -. K)1l'i "",. do. pitent ft fii in do, favorite bninls, f'-'M nil! to dt mills rholre nn I fine pstent, ?ilfOftilui. cll mills, regular itrnde-VV Inter clear. 1 tTtt 4n. vo. siriilnht S SlMi " 1 to pniellt, $A smni', Id IIU! 11.(11 It wis quiet, but steady under llBht offerlnRs Vie quote at $3J'itl."'0 per bid , ns lu quality PROVISIONS There wns little trading and some kinds were eislr. (Junta ions City beef In sets, smoked ant nlr-drled 2Hiie , Western beef. In sets, smoked, !!Ki2"c , city beef, kmickltit and ten lira smoked nn t nlr-drled 2iWS7c . Western beef, knurkles and lenders, smoked .'ioi'c, beer hums. jsij 10 iork, liimlly, Jl AiMf St. hams, H. I cured, loose, IMP 1'hc , do, sklnuel, loose. UftlJlfcc, do do, smoked. llfillUc. ; other hams smoked city (ureil. ns to Irand nnd averace, HUjlflie . hims. rmoked, Wostern cured uiMMh. do, boiled lonelirs, 2Jc , plciilr shoulders, S 1". cured tcose IJc , do., smoked, Ik. bellies, In tl kle. atcnrdioR to average looe, 1 1'if 1 t'ic , breaitfnst biron, na to brand nnd nier ngc, clti curcil 17isc . breakfast bacon Western cured, tifMSc. , lard, V ostein tednei. In Mines lin.c do, do, In tubs 10'c Innl puro eltv, kettle rendered In tierces, Hi'ic , Inrd, puic elt), kettle rendered, In tubs lo'iC. . REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet and unihinged We nunte I xtra line Rrnnulaleil, '. l.V atanaanl uranuliiteil, i .IK , powdered, il 2"c . ionic.. ilonirs A. nine soft Krmles, ", low.lfii Tin.ro was little trndlnff nnd the 1'innrolva- nla CcmiMni vns accepting business lor prompt dellwry on n bnsis of tl inc. tor extra rtne Kriiiiulnteil lleflners' list prices llxtra tine Kruiulntrd, II HUM l."e , stnndnrd Rrnnu lateil HIMjHSOc, lowdered HSiKiil'.'.'c , ion fcetloncrs' A, ogiiO."ic, soft grades, ft .'M BfXIc DAIRY PRODUCTS HL'Trnit OfferlnRs of fancy stock were HRht and values wire well sustained tinner a 'ulr demand, follow InR are tho quotations Western, solld-packod i.reumer, fani spc ilals, 17c, extra, I'c . extra llrsts IJTillc , firsts, ..Oft lie scconil", 2ittl2Ui , neirb i rlnts, faiii, IV . do, nwraRo extras l.Mi 17c . do llrrts. III M.'o do, si i on Is, UtilfJ.U. , JobblllR siles or funei prints, I IV He .runs Hue new-laid ckrs were In small suppl) ami llrm umli-i a roo1 demand. Vu quote Tree mses. ncarb txtras, 1'ic. pir mi , nrst" $10 su iiir standard ciso. neirb turrelil leielits, ?lu L'0 per case. Western i xtra llrsts sn so pir tnse, firsts $n 20 pir lae. rerrlRcrator rs lnnc, 7.".oi7.,'0 per inse. do . llrsts $7 -O per case do , seconds Jil.lOfliliu j.rr case do. Inferior lots lower, tam sele- led i llnllc 1 igKS wile Jobbing at 4111 1 1, pir doz Clli:i:si: The market ruled firm at the late nduinri with ilemiml almorldng tin llinlti' I ntfirliiKs ijunt itl ns follow Nc lnrk rull iream, fain, hell. !7'i.tl7'liC Mieilals higher, do, do. fair to Rood, lull lil'jKlii- . do , part Hkllns, tuillo POULTRY LIVT2 Tho market was quiet with fairly lib iral oirctlmts at reiintb-ii'ilsul the tjuo tatloi h i'ou r, as to slzo and qunllt), UffUi. exeeiiiloinl lots hlkner roostus lunlli. spring thlikeiM aciuidlng to quality. l-'tMi ixriptlonal lots hlRher turkejs, lsiiJuc iIikIih us to size and quilltv, 1 Hi I Hi , Rife, lUMl.c. . gulaeis, oiiiik, wilghlnK - lbs an I nir nplen pir pur, iiV i(l, wishing I't lbs npini, er pair, S"ilKic., weighing I lb nidit. per pilr, '"r hulneas old, r pair, ,w1i7"c , pigeons, old, per pair, J-foJSi . du , oung :t pair l"-!JOi.. .......,..... ... ... ..... ....n.lnH. ... nt.nrr. I I'll. -il. I ' i.iiuiiiiii ia au.iiiiviib ii. ..-". I tho lliiillr.1 nnVrlni-'ii nf Hop. deHlribU Sized slnik and v iluis were well sustained (juntt llons. Kresh khlcil turkejs, fanij, nearby, .'I'd .'Ii do, i'o VA i stent. dr paikcd. .'.'Jfilc , do, fair u good 201fJli , do., old toms. llic do., Inrirlcr, lMfCv fowls, 12 lo box. dry (diked and dr -tucked. ranc selected, 1st , wilhhliii; I'j1(" lbs apiece 17Wi . wolghliiK 4 lbs. apleie lil'.c . weighing I', lbs aplne. !.; i.-itji , wcUhhiK II lbs iipleie und under, J Hi lit . line hiavj fowls In barrels fam wili.li lug 4'-i.1 lbs aplere tii . wilghltlg 4 lbs H.i smaller slzis. 12ijllc old roosters, dry 1 1. i,i i l,i. iiiuKiiiB-Jiisij, laaij bioilern, '.hi'.'is. other ncubj fancj broilers 221.Mc. Weateni biollCTs. wilglilng llili- '. apicie. iini.'.'i northern Illinois iiiicsins, lancy, joi In.. .. . ii.lil.ii A Ilia, und o fir. lilllll . no irn lllliiuls, fancj, witfchlng 2'jii l'4 lbs.. In I oxi A, Iil1il7c northern Illinois, fiuiij, weigh ing L'ljd I lbs.. In barrels 1.11IU.C . other Wes em 4 lbs and over In boxes, lililec , ollnr W.ilirn uelghliig J'lti Uj lbs. In boxes 1 In lite , otbei Vichtetn. wtluhlng Jijli Pj ibs hi bbls.. Ill lis;.; Inferior, I.lc . spring ducks, i.euit. lsit.ti . do , ttirn. lun, l1itsi . lair to wol, l.'fiHc (.rise nearb. H,1( lc . do, VVeslirn. Ufilbc.. niuabs. pir doz. White weighing 11 o 12 lbs per doz., 4 to 41.1.10 while, wclhlilrsr to 10 lbs. iir iliu 4til .,0 white, wilglilng S lb' per doz , fa 21 It I V), wlilte weighing 7 lbs. er doz, (2 M i I ,hlte, weighing t.fii.'j Ibs i er doz, 2t 2 21. duk. 1. 75i 2.23. small and No. 2, tl'tf t 10. FRESH FRUITS t holio sink w.is In fair request and values cent rall rub d steady under moderate offer ings ijuoi ttlons Vpples, per bbl Jonathan, linn I lull I dn , fair to good 2 Sllfl I. Mcintosh, S.li I Miiokehousc JPK I HI, ilrlmio' Hold n. If2 ilfl I Wl W Ines Hi 2 7M I lo, llrcilllng, $2 "Mi I VI I! tldwlii 2 7.10 I 10. Itliuk 'Iwlg 2.iniil21 ork Impirlal, 2fi) .121, Twiiilv nuuif, J2Ti1. Pippin. $2tf I Hen I) iv Is, JI7.MI2 2.1 other varieties, tl.EiMr 2 10 No 2 11 2,1. apples. In bulk per nil lbs. .Hii Afl.,i. do. Western, per box. fl.Tftfr 2 71 Petrs, pir bid -heckel flflin, tsiielilon. JIJil linitie d'AnJou J mil I fin nriipe", New ork per lib basket Did uviire, 10fil2i . M itgnni, tmil'2i Coiuord, I0lil2i drains. New X, ork per til lb. lusket Concord. 4U.10i . Nl agin, IMiSOc. (irangcs. I'lorlda per 'rati. xi7ri1(2 0O TaiiRfrlnts Plorldi. per strap. l (i 1 .10, Orapilrult. florld.i, per iruti. 2fi I. lemons, per box. $2fi I Pineapples. Porto mo, per ti He. $2 I Cranberries. Cape Co. per bid, 51i7, do do .pej crate, l.75i. do, Jerso. per enite, ft...Ui2. VEGETABLES Thero was a fair demand, for desirable stpik. und values were well su.tiliied on cholie .torn of mo"t iliscrlptlons Quotations White pot ?! m0..I.";...J..tilf.l,M. : ii v. ,!. fair Id l-oo.l. .ilTwii. Whtte rntttoes. Jersey, per basin t Vo 1 Itose 41fl3V No J other varkllis. Jll1i41i .No. 2, 2Mft'3c wcet potutois Jer ie. r bn,ktt-.No 1 40'tfWc. No t lV Sweet rotatoes. Virginia, rer bid . l.3oiil ii nnloas per 100.1b. bag-No 1 I 7.1111 M No. " Wfti-ic liubbaue. Uanlsh er ton fililn do domestic, pe? ton 3na Celio. New 1 ork I "r b 'n'ch. 13S40C Lettuce. K orlua. per lfltket l '0 I North Carolina per baSk't 11U1.5". I'eJns. Florida, per ba.ktt, Workmens Compensation Rates of this Company for 1916 Have been Filed with and Approved by the Insurance Department of Pennsylvania American Mutual Liability Insurance Co. (Organized in 1887) Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Mail to us at once attached cpupon for further information. AMEmCAN MUTUAL UABtUTV ,NS. CO., We are, or are not, insured at the present time, and our policy expires .19, . . STATE NATURE OF BUSINESS; STATE EST, P. R. IN STATE EST. P. R. IN " P S If a Special Rate ' We shall be pleased LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2T12.1. Teas. Florldii, per hasktt. lt.B 3 W. Kggplant, Florida, per crate, 12.2MJ2.M. Mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, t.Ol.80. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NP.W YOllK. Dec, 10 -tH'TTHrt-Market firmer; receipt. 4IR2 p-iekres, extra, JII'iM Z5-! hlghtr scoring, .1H iiJc.: State dairy, Clinic , imitation creamerj, 2.lfl24e. HK5S vtnrket firm, receipts, .-,7M packages, extra nrsts, :isfr40e.; firsts, SM?17c . nearhy whites. .VmHlc ; mixed color. ,V,Ht2e. refriger ator nrsts 21tsfl.Me , nearby browns, 'Agile LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS Clttl-ACO. he. 10 -tUMJI. llecelpts O0.. s market. in-llSc, lower, mixeo nn.l butihers iiMf 7 J,, cooxl heavy, jtnofln 71 rotiRh heavy. iUWiao. light, 5.70fl0lfl Pigs. JMfino: bulk, t. Ififinoo. . I'.VITl.K -Itecelnts. 8100. market beeves, H2"1ii7i. cows and heifers U!lf S 10. Texnns, ?rt .WSS 21. ealves. IS ftOiflO 21 SllKBf llecelpts. who market steady, n-itho nnd Western, $1 25g0 10; lambs, 10.1jIi 23 RIG GAIN IN STEEL ORDERS Amount on Corporation's Dooks No vember 30, 1,024,037 Larger Ni:V YORK, Dec. 10 - Tho fnllcil Stntrs steel Corporation todav reported unfilled orders on Its books ns of Novem ber 20 last of T,lsy,4Si tons, compared with ri,l.io,4JJ tons on October 31 last, nn in crease of t.021.037 tons, and 3,321,532 Ions on November 30, 1914. Comparisons for three venrs follow ml-. inn Hilt .lanuarj I ' Hilary . Mnrrh ... April Ma . time .lul .. .. August . , Sept. mber Hi tol er Nnvrml er hfrfmbcr 4,24H-,7t 4 ntl.tivo 7,i7 t'.S . 4,141171 . 021, 410 -.n.Hi.714 4 211 740 4 llVt.S.'l 7.4I.S pill .4 1112 211 4.277.MS It.ll7s.7ia . 4 2lll,iaS .1 PllS.tltfl lt,124,122 4 I17 list 4 O.I2.M7 ." 807.117 4ii2s-.ii) tiis.-hSi r. inn Tit . 4,pos,l11 4.211 1.11 r.,22-.4r,S ft 117 CIS 1.7S7.IW7 1.ivl 7S1 , lltlt.14lU I4(il.fri7 4,.1t1.7n7 . 7Kn,4ll 'I1.M . 4 UK1.14T .. . .1.MII.04I l.Jt.' t"s PUBLIC UTILITIES The luterboroiiBh Mrtrojiolltnii has plnced contracts for a little over $2 000,000 of motors, control equipment ntid so forth, divided about equally between Ociicrnt Klectrle and WestliiBhoUse lllec trlc The new equipment Is for both sub w.ivs nnd elevnted The New York Transfer Company re ports to tho Public Service Commission, for the v eat cndid June 30, 1315, deficit for the year of fdS.Si;. Clross operating Income of tho Havana r.lectrlc Hnllwnv, LlBht and Power Com panv for October totaled $I63.3S5, n decllno of a little over $IO"0 from last jenr's earn InKs, but net revenues, after expenses nnountlliR lo $274,565, were ndvanced $712S The sin plus balance, after Interest charRCS. etc. wns Increased $IG,3P) to $12, IV) Income for the 10 months ended Oc tobn 31 nmoimtcd to $1,572,321 in Kros. $i.C7l more than was enrned In tho lor- respontllnfr petlod In 1MI, while net rev enues of $2.Ci.Ct)2 showed nn Increase of $"4.'.C20 The Columbia lias nnd Kleetrlc Com p.inv In Its lut nine account for the voir ended October 31 teports nn Increnso of $2.(1.010 In cross operatlnB revenues, which nmoiinted to $.00ti.5l3. Thero was a los, howover, of $10 2".i0 In net ciirnlnps after expenses nnd taxes, which totnletl $1,'t2l. 22", but ufter IncludlnK other Income, the total Income for the 12 months wns $1. 411 b02, nn Increase of $32,141 over the prc ccdlnff enr Expenditures for rentals nnd prior llxed charccs nmountod to $3. ZCn.m a decline of $10 510, nnd the sur plus bnlnnco after iloductlnp interest on tho first inorttraKe 5 per cent, bonds, and cirlns for sinking fund requirements, etc , totaled $3u3,C0l, a Rain of $31,103 Karnliiss of the Detroit Lulled Itnllvvny Cuiiipiinv for October showed an appreci able grow th In sross nnd net revenues, am! nftir enrins for Interest chnrRos, etc , the surplus balance on hnnd wns more than twice in excess of that icportcd In the same month list jear. Total Income fot the month amounted to $1.1SS,'H)0 In Bioss, nn Increnso of over II per tent , while net earnlncs, after expanses nmountlnR to $310,410. made a Rain of more thin 3" pel cent Surplus cari'nss were Increased $92,327 to $ISJ,440. The 10 months' statement up to October 31 shows an ln cieafe of $55,131 In Rross operallntr In come, which totaled 10,SM,(Ou, nnd net muninRS were Inert aseil $203 318 to $3, 214 5T.8 The Western LIrIiI and Power Company has sold to William Moirls Imbrle & Co. $2,100,001) 5 per cent first inortBaRe bonds The sale of these bonds completts the details of rcorBunlzation of the Northern Colorado Power Compui). the properties of which vvero acquired by the Western Llilit and Power Company DIVIDENDS DECLARED lilrurd Trust Compaii) regular quarterly P l it cent pHublo Januar) .1 to atoik of reior.l boccmbcr lo . , Amerlian Cities Compin, regular semlnn iui.it It, per nn! on preftrred, pantdt) Jan miry 1 to stork of riord Diiembir M Twin ills Kupld Trmlt regular quarterly 1. i er rent, on preferred nnd li (er cint on torn ion. livable Janunr) SI to stoik of rtcord December 17 ..... Narraknitielt i:i-. trie Lighting Compinv. rejii' ir qu.irtrrli $1 a shtro in the capital stock Issued preilousl to November 1 lull a dlv blend of i.il'2-t tents a share on th tapltil slock lesutil November 1 lull, hihI the iiunrlerll Inltrist on the debenturts of the series of l'i4-llli!. all i a) able January 1 to stoik and dibenture hoi 'ers of renin! of De Argonaut Coniolli'tted Mining Compaii, rig ular quirterl) 7', per tint aiul extra 2H pt r tint , iaalle December -I to stoik of record llrtembcr 13. . Wagner i:icitrlc Maniifaiturliig Cnmpnn,, regular tiuatterl 2 per lent , extra 2 per cent and a slock till Idem! of 10 per lent., all t. abb- Janunry 1 , Ohio cities (lis t'ompap), regulir quirterL It. (or lent on preferred, pivnble Jaiiutry 1 to stock of record Dei ember II Mctor Talking Jluihlno Company, regiilar quarttrly $17.1 on preftrred. and J1 on torn man, pajalde Januury 13 to stoik of rctonl December 11 BAR SILVER NKW "JOrtK. Dec. 10 The price of commer cl'ii bar silver declined c to liv.e. this niorn Pie In London there was u drop of Hd . to 2td. FACTORY - ?, NUaiilKtt;UfGOtr. OFFICE? , "Na'me of Company .NUMBER OF is desired, fill in the following: to have an. inspection made of our plant DisBcflmrliiiHiH ILLlcKffii3ra!LLLLLH i DOROTHY GREEN Two view? of n Fok player. Which do you prefer? Theatrical Baedeker UltOAD- Outcast', with l'.ls e rerRUon. Da vid Powell nnd Nell Compton A drama o. laigllsh life, bv llul ert II I'aWes The rlflng voung star plavs tnri pirt el n wemnn ot the slriets who fielns a man from Cie down path onl to refue mnrrlnge KOHItrsT ' Stop' Iokl Listen'" with Oaby Deslis, Prank Inlor Joseph fesntlev llnrrv I'llrer, Dojle and I'lxor Trmpest and Sun shine. A nig rettie on the lnlct Pill nghim model with musical " mmlnss li 11 rlln and lvrlre h) Harry 11 Smith An excellent op poriunlti to view new loumi and stiles LMtlC IliiRgles of ttrd Oip ' with Itnlph Htrx Loule Hile Bnd Oeorge Haskell A enmedv, with muse, from the nmuelng sto. rles In llenrv I enn W llfon In the omurdae nienlnp I'ot The ndvintures or an Lng Ilsh tttiller In America. AUI.LP11I "A Pull Hone with .May Vokes llerlcrt Cnrthell and George Parsons Three laughs and two ro irs ner other line over o crook, a cop and a chorus girl. PltOTOPLXTS. Till: OAnrtICK- 'The tllrth of a Nation." with Henry II Wnlthal Mao Marsh nnd Slottswood Altken D. W. ilrlfflth's mam- mom pnotopity of the civil war ami lie rtnstructlcn founded In put on Thomax Dixon's 'Clansman" A marvelous entc tilnment. MlirilOPOl.ITAN -"nattlo en of reace" Itiiaritiih nmjt aim on Prrn irednes. with t h irle Itl hmnnd nnd all-star last. It shows the Invasion of America b a foreign lower ind cnlls us to ireiare to meet eiiin nn oecnrreii e The I title sienes arc limn ing and the tllm renuirknt le l'ALfJ Prlli nrd Snturdnv "llclla Dunn i stirring Pauline I nderkk. will be the feature cin:!TNrr thpi:t opkka hocse- righting In I rnnte, n new serlts of war PI tuns of the I'tiuit Lrt'irn snowing tho i imlii. now phi. iged In bittle. Tne pictures srow msny unusual Iniblents of modern warfare ST VM llY Prldii and Kiturdnv "The Cn kiiuwii" with I.ou Tellegen. Theodore nob crt, 'lorn Poreinan and Dorothj Diviiiporl will be screened TUP. Ill'Hi:NT-"The Dnngtr Signal," with Vrtlutr lloopes mil Ituhv llnmond. and tho week ends with 'The fSreatcr Will" A1!C VDI -Prltn an 1 --ituriliv, 'The Liby rlntb with "I ill Kiine lIPLVInVi The rinlden Claw." "Doubla rrouble " "The licit of i:nemks. ' "Janltor"a Wife's Temptation." VAL'DEVILI.n KLITll'S-neorgc MniKnriind Jlllly n Van mid lleaimont --Isters, In "Siiooks", Wlllird, Darothi Tovc MiConnell mid Simpson, Hal leu and Puller, Delmore and Lcc. Kane and II. man the In ecu hlsters CltiitS KLV.S -Siiond hllf of week. ' I'c Mill Clerks," I'lelsin iuui ilnldlr. Klius an 1 llln nn, I.elind Cirr and eominn, Will Adiins, the Lelands OLOniJ-Ilibilnlki Orchetra. Itrady and Ma. honv. San Tong Lin Troupe le Iloj, llarvev and comtnnv fllrd and Nellie Helm, Jtoit tlnl and Shell, I'mmel and compuny, Maria Stnldard Kn and Vernon I-i Petite Ourl. ClUAND "The Purnnce 1 Ixers." Oeorge Barrv nnd Maude Wolford, Herlerls Dogs, Loar and Mone Cliff llalley. Harry Itoie. AT Pqi'L'LAP. PltlCBa. J'COPLE'? "At tho Old Cross noai!." a rural comedy STOCK. K.MCKnilBOCKEIl - Tho Oamblcrs " tha Knickerbocker Players In Klein's famous play. nLTHLUPCJtJE. DUMONTS-Dumont's Jllnstrels In burlesque and traicstlci of the times i MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAII STOCKS Hid Askel Jim llutlir I 10 ill MniNamtn lit (V, Vlldwnj II .HI MUpah Extension 2U t" Montana LI :n Northern Star Itl .1" Tonopih Ilelniont 11 1 lnnopiili I7xttiislon :Pia l'i Touoptti Mining 7L "34 llescue Hull OS II) Wtst End M V, (iOLDPIELD STOCKS Vll.inta 22 ti Blue Hull nt .01 Itnolh lit 7 ltull.log 02 HI C O I) . , (II OI Cniublliltl'Ml hrailton 117 us Dllinondlleld II II 01 01 Hals 0 II Plorenie .11 Ii lloilllill t'ousnllditeil HI 1 flnlilHell Mvri.Fr !" '7 Junilo I-Ixtiiulon Lis 1 ti Kewanis 20 22 Oro 01 hand Ken 07 IK Mlur I'lik 07 MlbCELLlNEOt'S niri Vztec Ill "-J Klmberly '' M N.vuda Hill .17 , 20 Nevada Wonder 1 -s 1 HI GOVERNMENT BONDS Hid. Ukcd 2a of 1 nn registered . . .. , . . t"'i 2s of IP .0 coupon ... tsi Panama 2 itglterc. 'S I iinanu 2s I'l.s registered . US I'amina new Is rigt'tereil . tot', iiianin new a i.upon .. H'l'i Is nf l'is ii-Klttcrcl . . , ,,. ,. - ' -f 'in, 4s nt 1023 coupon ,,....,.,.,,..,...HH ,,...,.,,..,.,, EMP. Location Signed by on or about. . Date THEFISH CAUGHT BY THE MOVIES Reappearance of Finny Fa vorite Shown by Camera News By the Photoplay Editor You can't slip nn. thing over on the movies these days, nnd even the briny deep cannot filie forth Its treasures without fiettlnR cniiRht by tho ever present film Tor more than 30 jears the tllcflnh, an unitsti il sort of delicacy, has no lonRcr frtquented our shores unlll this season, when It suddenly reappears In Kreat numbers However, It did not arrive undiscovered, for the movies were on hand to record nnd show Its capture) and many IntercstlnR detnlls of Its Hfo i Three jears after the fish was first i pi iced on the market In 179. tho npcclcs disappeared when tho warm Oulf stream swuttR avviiy from tho old tllofish mount! IcnvlnR the troplcnl tribe to pprlsh in roller waters As tho stream rilRPd luck to Its nltl course tho MshltiR ciIrciI back to Its old course tho nets or lite llshltiR smacks cnURht a fish with the body of a cod and the head of n channel bass As the stream flowed more cvenl ovet the old tllellsh plntentl tho nets dinRKcd up In schools a fish of beau tiful tolor. tlxperts In the lturcau of Pinholes picked the fourth svllnble of a Latin word and called, tho new species the ' tllellsh " The experts In the Culled States Itu renu of Pisherlcs had never seen such a specimen before, nnd In all their books thej could not llnd a line about the spe cies Then they sent the sloop Pish Workmen's Compensation Unless Expressly Excused YOU MUST INSURE We Represent Employers Not Insurance Companies RATES: Lombunl, 'iO&O Main, 1392 " b.-,,r-.,: itip) ARCADIA iiivv-.on. GAIL KANE in TUB LAHMUKTH" ROBERT MANTELL in iHiTm.iuiLiL!i'- - -AUblfORIUM :M" 'Wm. st ROBERT WARWICK in Tlir: PLVSll DP ANBMKUAI.D" RI.UEBIRD 2.0" SOUTH HIIOVD SlltKRT GERALDINE FARRAR in "UAliairi."" i,. AirriAD TIlP.ATIli; THR.. . CEUAK vmiernis I'.TUK HKl'HBl' 'l HAlll' i.un i.nsiti in"" .- .. ..... 1'i-a inoiint rroiluitlun Hear Our Kew Orijan CAIRMOIINT SflTH AND QlltAMII AVI", ions- MVhON an! II UlU. DAWN In -The Fatal Card" A WcWi? GERMANTOWN H.VH OCItMAN TOW'S' AVB HAZEL DAWN in "TUB MASUCBnADKHB' GLOoc- u 11. Bvbs. HBNIt KOLKBH In "THE BRIDGE" T 0 niRARD AV.ESIB THBATUB ITI! AVIl illllltl svr. "iV'ttkiVpl? ftjM '" VAuDBVll.i-r; i-iiioc. JEFFERSON AND DMII'IIIN STItKETS wm fosl VALESKA SURATr ln PreenjjiK wu ( (jJi ,muAUjvAr LAFAYETTE VUM KENSINOTOS" AVBNltP. EDWIN ARDEN in THE OIUJi MASK" LIBERTY Sr.?itfn Krancls X Pusbmaii Ileverly Uaine and james j "Pennington' s Choice" Jeffries In " LOGAN THEATRE "," HAZEL DAWN in TUB MAbQUBItADBnS" Paramount Weekly Programs APD-ar every Mnndy l Motion Picture Chart t " s i jaxma fe I mAUl ' ' I . - rvTTr.. .iTi r TTTs ii i"i t" """mfn I T!!ou,.!go;n,,::iV:,.f!:,isV'K.!ar: C n...it i ro lurllons. All pit lures reyleueil liefnre rail 111 t Kire hi "ourlot Uly obtaining uletures through the it lug ttiinpany. . . ii . linn !2th, Morris 4 Passjunk Avs ALHAMBRA ,$..;; r, .;.r1Mi,tr SOUTH PIULADEU'im OLYMPIA nK0AD BEL0.AiNPniDoB "FATI I IRF" A Ml'Tl al rAlLUnC ilASTEKPlCTUBE TI klml of Play tht anJlf vkouIiIIIUb to ee a ae-ond. tlm "" 10, 1915: Hawk to the grounds due east ot Atlan tic City and directly south of the lower end of Lonsr Island, Block Island, Mar tha's Vineyard and Nantucket Island. She returned without a specimen. The Oulf stream had swept away from the ocean plateau, and about 1,400,000.000 fish In an area 170 miles lonpr nnd 25 miles wide vvero killed by the cold currents. Tho Bureau of Fisheries BRaIn sent a sloop to the flshlnff grounds to make an other attempt lo locate the Illusive tribe They were accompanied by motion-picture camera men, who obtained excellent views of the fish and the unique process by which they were cauRht. When tho Paramount ntwsplctures which contained these Views were ex hibited In New York the experts of the bureau obtained a special showing, at tended b the entire bonrd. It Is ex pected that these pictures, which are now being shown IhrouBhout the country, will bo welcomed by housekeepers, slnco they wilt Icnrn by means of tnem oi this cry cheap and nutrltlvo food Paris, Pali j Ion, Jerusalem and several other cities havo been reproduced for tho screen on two blocks of Rround, where hundreds of plnjers are working dally, under the direction of I). W Griffith, for scenes In his coming big subject, known at the present time as "The Mother and the Irivw," which Is said lo be only a working title In Bcencs for this, as high as 15W people will be used at one time It is understood that famous paintings aro being reproduced In life, mid will de pict the fall of Uabylon, the massacre of St. Ilnrtholomew, the crucifixion, nnd, to lake an extra man's word for It, "Just about cvcr thing In history." "Streets of Silence" Is the title of a new ntul orlglnnl photoplay written by Anthonv P Kellv, of the Lubln scenario force, which will have Its production under Director George TcrwIlilBcr, nnd which will be released throUBh tho V. I S. i:., lnc, offices, with Orml llawley as the stnr. This will set at rest the constant rumor that Director TervvllllBer Is to lcae the We Are Prepared to Name Rates Now ! PL ATT, YUNGMAN & CO. 400 "Walnut Street, Philadelphia I i ,',"iif;i'.v C ompensatio n Insurance Specialist IXJSMAM y- vrrttiiii kiiAiiii A'i'i- ,-Tsl PROMINENT PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS LOCUST C2D AND i)ci-.t -.TriKnTS MARY MILES MINTER in IIAUMAItA PltlKTCHIK" Logan Auditorium llroad hi Above lli-iktanil Avs. ETHEL BARRYMORE in TUB PINAL JPDtiMBNT" T CAniTD lOUTi KIIIHT AND LliAUcJK r. vscASTP.it Avrs-rv Daniel Frohman Presents IILAVCIIB KINO BLANCHE RING ln nTIIBaft&KBB Market St. Theatre 311 MAHKBT STItEBT MURIEL OSTRICHE in "A DAl'ltllTKH OP TUB SEA" ORPHEUM flI!MVA'aj?j:nAvSA,vra, Win H Hart In Ths Disciple." produced by TlinuiiiH II Ime llule Iliiiiilttou In "IIT Painted Hero." produied by Mack Sennetl rDH7WT O-'O AS't) WOODLAND AVE JtIC.ts I Dsllv Mat 2 Evg O-Sninll Prima Donna tlrare Wllllaina In "TUB TIIUTII AIIOPT HBLBS-" nKSPAIIl" Also KID JIOIJV IIUAItD' DAI AfT "u MAIIKBT STItCET rALALC m a m io II sin p i PAULINE FREDERICK in HBLLA DONNA" DrV IHDOi: AVB and DAUPHIN rflltr fnnllnunus show from 1-5 11 aD.l I ! Toda Tomorron UBItAI.DINB PAltlt Ml A ' .!t . im.. .innnu tn 'nniiiri" ine leitiirttini .iii, ,i..,i, ,.. fc...-...-greatesi phoioplay aihleiement nf the seasoa PRINCESS iniB MAIIKBT btiicet A Jl'SOI.B HBVKNIiK" HIS BV1BIHIBSCV W1PB" CONQl'BST OP "ONhTANriNB" DrfTMT "-1 MAIIKBT KTREBf Kt.vjt.lN I innns rnirn onaAS LOIS MEREDITH in THE C.ltBATElt WILL" Riin V MAIIKBT fTHEET U D 1 HKLOVV TTII STnEET MARGUERITE CLARK in STILL WVTEHS" eurDtunnn r.tTH AND RAITIMORK Kauiuu. mm Fi.ORF.NCE REED m Curp Tro Mental TUB COWAItDLY WAY" SAVOY 1211 MARKET bTKBET "The Wayward Son" VICTORIA "nNT.. LIONEL BARRYMORE in THE YELLOW STltBVK" CTAIMI PV MAIKT ABOVE I0TH .nti.niw I LOU TELLEGEN II til P M I IN M 11 A. M. to THE UNKNOWN" KEN81OTON IIIMRH KIlONT ST. AND J UIVloU oik inn avk TBItKNC B O'UOl'ItKE ' No 3 MAV Tl MN IHB IMJUDI B ritOSd' THE LITTLE BLONDE IN UUCK' VjUBJH Q.UJE.T JIONErMOUN" 11 . laibln Company. The picture will be be gun at once at the Lubln PhlladelpW studios, and then Director Terwllliger with hie company will proceed to tho Western Lubln branch at Coronado, Cm., where ho will complete this picture and begin his next. Burton Holmes on the Exposition Tonight at the Academy of Music Bur ton Holmes will give his travelogue, "The Panama-Pacific Exposition." The colored photo scenes are fine and tho motion pictures aro numerous and unusual. North Dakota Bank Failure WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 The Comp troller of the Currency saya the First National Balik of Cassclton, N. D , which has failed, had capital ot $50,000, surplus and net profits reported at $17,000 and deposits of $400,000. The bank wao broken from the Insld. The examiner advlsea that tho defalca tions of Ilfl president nnd cashier exceed the entire capital and surplus of the bank, and both of these ofllcers are un der arrest War Stopi Use of Bcnzoate of Soda In somo few ways tho great war does good For Instance, Prof Charles H. LaWall, chemist for the State Dairy and Food Commission, said today that the practice of using benzoale of soda as a preservative has practically ceased, be cause It Is su expensive Before tho war It could be bought for 60 cents a pound! now it costs $i Professor LaWall said the public benefits when It doesn't eat benzoate, and at its normal prices It Is ubcaI a lot by manufacturers Pclrcc School Buys Property The Felrro School has tnken title to the building It occupies nt 1120 Pine street from Iritis B Moffct It was formerly occupied by tho De Lanccy School, which recently merged with the Episcopal Acad emy. The property Is valued at $120,000. Hir iii!i..iii:i.iiii VJIVrAlILy VfVTIS'lir DAIl. 2 P SI.. B THEDA BARA in "LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET" W VCIDIrv HVVBIIFOIID VSl w"iif?kth FREDERICK PERRY "THE FAMILY STAIN" E U R F K A " Avn - - - - av r Mri it iTr.pp-ra TATHE OOLD nooSTER PLAY ' (VILLI M KI.LItiTT Itt'TII IIOLAND la " COMRADE JOHN " IMPERIAL 0TH AND W A I S'CT RTHEP.TS ROBERT EDESON in "MORTMAIN" flARDFN ''1n LAN8DOW.se AVK. vjAiijis MAT ,.vo n.3, MARY PICKFORD in "CINDERELLA" SPRUCE "" AND VtrTfrra "NEAL OF THE NAVY,"' Episode No. 3 Other DARBY THEATRE nA,!Y'v Charlie Chaplin in "THE BANK" lmOWN'S HCMMKIt IIOAItDnilS" HCAIti.T-tiKI.Itl NEW a OTHEnS .SOK'llt Great Northern """n ht kuip varcauturinern oeiimant-n AVKa r re i a y n r. n r k r n u n h DAIIY 2 in p M BVKSINOS t ml n ilesslv Ilarrlseala In "Th (loltlen C1w I'reil Mats In "Janitor a Wife's Teinututiun" Broad Street Casino ,wow,tv MATINEB 2 in KVBS'INO Tand'n REA MARTIN in TUB tOQl'BTTE' OTHERS TIVOLITheatre ,?!!$&& HOBART BOSWORTH in "FATHERHOOD" Others NOItTIIMKVT , West Allegheny lf!11h ?,A"'&:'a , Metro Pictures presents the dlstlnsjulshctl star J OVIL KANB In "HEIl OIIBAT MATCH" Clite nuns unlu.ua romantic drama, l'aramounl Travel Pictures And Olhirs niniisriannn TIIEATUB 11T ousquenanna hli-cjikh wva avr Hamilton ltevellc and IxiU Meredltli In "AN ENEMY TO SOCIETY" nvB actu NOltlHRVht CTPANri l-"r" n'1 OIRAItO AVB. 3 1 IVriL Ma vvl o.l Bat vouoCb The Brokcn Co'm No, 9 DIU ANT WASHUIKS In "NEATH CALNAKVa aHADOWa" tifclOl IMPH N DT71 UAH OEJlMANTQWN AVENUE I 1.11 IVITI and JJlfAHPVACK 9T I lioriART nsrvi rirAivrii viva - laisivniiTH in v-vi-utvnifv ira , ULU VM WALKER 4. MTU. gl.VLJ..t I E ART ON BKTO "T"lr" aiiMks-aM iP w