Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8
r--t .TpnAvswmrikinv mnrni j-jpfuuw EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1915: 8 i!WllJr!i iigapfiWqpwwW-ifit''f f SHALL CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOURS BE PROLONGED? ASKS M'LISS Under the New Gary System Smoking Cigarettes and Playing Craps on the Back Lot Is Made Difficult for the Youngsters MOTHERS all over the cltjr whons kiddles, books under arm, travel school ward o these mornings, are seeking Information on the now school system which, pedagogtsts assert, has been tried out with Indubitable success In tho public schools of Gary, Ind., and which Is In the process of experiment In one of the Now York boroughs. Llttlo Johnny himself Is likely to set up a howl when he hears that the big feature of tho Gary system Is longer hours for him. Maybo he'll consider organizing a juvcnllo union for tho purpose of protesting. This Is, of course, before tho llttlo rebel knows what he Is revolting about, for It's a singular fact that tho Gary wny( after It was put Into operation, found the unanimous approval of tho children, Tho big appeal that It makes to the mothers Is that It keeps the young ones oft tho streets, and to that extent out of mischief. No snooping down back alleys to "have a whack" at a cigarette stump culled from the city gut ters. No playing crap on tho back lots. Krom nine in the morning until flvo In tho afternoon the children are under tho supervision of their tenchprs. Not all of this time, howover, Is given over to the pursuit of mental accom plishments. Much of It Is spent In physical culture and much more In play. In fact, It's part of the theory of the Gary enthutil.ists that If something Isn't dono, the necessary art of playing will becorno a lost one. Modern mothers, they con tend, either haven't the time or the ability to really entertain their offspring or to teach them how to entertain themselves. Our own Doctor Garner Is said to be not uninterested In the Bystem, and the efforts of those two praiseworthy bodies of women that have done so much good In arousing civic Interest In municipal iiuostlons, the Civic Club and the Homo nnd School League, promise to keep tho Issue alive. Mrs. I, II. O'Harra, of the former organization, told me tho other day thnt ho had been appointed chairman of a committee to Investigate tho merits of tho Gary system, and that before any action Is taken In the matter, or any pressure brought to bear to Introduce It here, Its advantages and Its disadvantages If there are any will have been thoroughly looked Into. Everybody knowH that the Home and School League has always stood Tor an open school house. Mrs. Edwin C. Qrlre,, Its president, In one of those who believes tho modern mother docs NOT know how to direct her child's play, Sho told mc so. I'd like to know, though, what tho average mother thinks about It. Poison Pen Harpies Here Apain THE poison pen artists, that Mnfla of tho feminine world which flourishes In the dark, are at work again. A. Philadelphia woman living In Zleglers vllle, Ta., Is tho victim this time. Letters characterized to send any woman of sensitive feelings Into a prolonged state of hysteria are being deluged upon ! of tho season, I undcr- sinnu. ine ncuicc rea- SILVER CLOTH AND CRYSTAL ON THIS PANNIER GOWN BERNARD hna given us some charming hints ns to the manage ment of tho evening gonn. They are Interest ing because they comlilno tho charm of the parties lar period to which they belons. whether 1R0, Vic torian or Plain 1915, with tho eccentricities of a great designer. An Illu minating nnd almost uni versally adopted detail Is his use of shiny mate rials. Not only does this refer to failles, uhleli have a more or less nntu. rnl sheen, but lovely new fabrics are seen, such as metalllr gauze, silver nml gold cloth or Jnpnnrse taffetas. The metal gauze Isn't a Red Cross prod uct, as one would he In clined to sushect at first rending: It Is a shimmer ing, illmy material, qulto transparent, et charm lngl soft nnd pliant. Tis sues of all kinds are not only gold, silver or hronze; they have won derful rainbow colorings shot through them or nro covered with conventional designs In faint tints. One con readily seo the possibilities attached to the use of these gorgeous cloths. Nothing could ho handsomer for evening wear even on an all black gow n a touch of tlfsue of this kind at tho bodice or belt gives dis tinction. Vnrlous combinations of tho metallic cloths nnd plain satins, silks or tulles are shown. Ber nard gives us some Inter esting models, with quaint basque bodices and Car mcnrlta skirts. Today's Illustration Is a gown shown in a 5th avenue show window a short while ago, one of the most successful creations her. Not knowing who her persecutors are, she Is helpless to defend herself. Of all the dastnrdly tricks It seems to mo tho writing of anonymous, defam atory letters Is tho greatest, nnd, curiously enough, In nine cases out of ten the woman's hand Is discernible In them. Lives have been wrecked nnd homes ruined by these Jealous-minded hnrples. It'a a bit Ironical that the suspects In this case are members of tho "Knights of Frlondshlp Club," who take this means of ousting a sister member. Pretty high Ideals of friendship, those, eh? Feminine Tariff Expert a Surprise Although Miss Boswell knows far more about tho tariff than tho aver ago man and was able to answer the most technical questions addressed to her, she won more converts to her causo by her personality than by her arguments. News columns, Evening Lnnoi:n. I HAVE It from tho highest authority that the "story" from which this quotation Is culled was written by a mnn. Alas! that Miss Helen Varlck Boswell, acknowledged authority on our governmental revenue, should have spent so much tlmo and effort in acquiring the Information sho possesses only to have her arguments thus slightingly touched upon. "Tho men In tho audi ence," tho reporter continues, "wero amazed at the Information she had at her command." It's a llttlo disappointing to Ilnd that men still exist who are astonished nt the demonstration of gray matter In the heads of women. Wake up, gentle men, wako upl . "The Carriage Awaits, My Lord" REPORTED accounts of tho handbome rewards that the servants of the lato P. A. B. Wldencr have received make one wonder If, after all, clllclency In domestic servlco Is not as sure a way to fame and fortune as any other. At any rate It's comfortable to know that despite tho howl that Is constantly going up, some servants remain who are thought wort'.iy of reward. Tyranny of Tears Has Been Broken TEARS, Idlo tears! Tho llttlo woman who went down on her knees and begged Governor Fielder, of New Jersey, for tho llfo of her brother Is per haps realizing now that "turning the weeps on" Is no longer woman's most effective means of gaining her end. Howover, It would bo a cold cynic, Indeed, who would not bo moved by t'.ils woman's blind loyalty to the man and her refusal In tho face of Incontrovertible proof to bellovo him guilty of the cold blooded murder of which ho was accused. tures tho fashlonablo one sided effect, with alter nating draperies of flesh colored tulle and sliver cloth Silver cloth straps nre seen over the shoul ders, with a garniture of crystal heads draped over tho girdle. Tho skirt shows tho pannier style, with a dainty underskirt of silver lace. The train Is of silver cloth, made in simple court style. Tho pockets at either sldo of tho pannier skirt. are In teresting details. M j ' WK W-. II .' (IS WHY WORRY ABOUT CHRISTMAS GIFTS? GO TO HOSPITAL BAZAAR) Marion Harland's Corner Elaborate Affair Planned nt Ilitz-Cnrlton for December 15 Will Help Solve Vexing Problem DANCE AND SHOW, TOO rholoKraplm llttulrntlnir this will tie found on the hack page. story A DINNER GOWN TEACHING TEACHERS THE NEED OF GOOD FRESH AIR By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D "MTU friends tho teachers have talicn J u Wi Will She Explain? ILL the llttlo woman In Sunbury, Pa., who undertook to spank her 230 pound husband and got away with It kindly explain how sho did It? M'LISS. Letters to Editor Woman's Page Haa Cupid Set an Age Limit? Dear M'LIss I am not writing you be cause of any pique at being left out of your list of "good catches." I simply want to question your Judgment, and I want a definition of what a "good catch" is. Granted that a man has wealth, culture, much learning and a "place" In the community, Isn't there some are limit? I don't like to mention names, but It seems to me that In the list you mentioned today you were thinking only of the last few names, not the first ones. As, for In stance, you put Judge Sulzberger near the head of the list and end up with the Wheeler boys. A MEKE MAN. Nibbling the Doughnut Dear SI'Lliss rermlc mo to admire your timely remarks upon the suffrage convention. Man has appropriated the douahnut for so long, graciously leaving to women the vaotous centre, that ho cannot accus tom himself to the fact that she has De tun to nibble energetically at the dough nut proper. Being the whole thing in the doughnut of politics haa ceased to appeal to think ing women. And as you say, tho men should not laugh, "but worry!" P. T. Welcome News Dear Miss I want to tell you how much I enjoy the "Millie and Her Millions" drawings. As humor, tiiey ure naturallj amusing, but I find that they furnish many happy thoughts to tho woman who wants to know what other women are wearing. They are right up to the min ute when It comes to styles. I hope we have plenty more. A DAILY HEADER. We are glad to know that you Ilko the drawings. We have had many Inquiries about them, and for tho benefit of tho dally readers would Hko to say that "Mllllo and Her Millions" Is not only a comic. It Is a style series, Tho artist makes his sketchea from the latest crea tions of French and American designers Ho sees Millie in a thousand different costumes, bringing her through a series of funny situations In which the dernier crl of stylo is pictured. We hope th.it you will watch the gowni and tell ui your opinion of them. Wo want to show the best that the shops and the fashion ables themselves aro wearing, and we want to Bhow it In the most attractive manner. ABk the President's Lady! Dear Madam Upon tho burning ques tion of assuming your husband's name, might I remark that there seems to bo no disinclination upon the lady's sido when the husband happens to bo Presi dent! Majhap, when conditions nre reversed and one of tho fair ones assumes the presidential chair, the prospective hus band will be equally anxious to chango his name for that of his distinguished spouse, n. p. ADVICE TO CORRESPONDENTS Ailclrt all toiiimunlcatluns lu M'i.l, rare of the Kt ruing Lnlztr, Write on one hlo of the paper on!. s to task for writing as wo do about tho schoolroom. They agree with our principles, of course who wouldn't? but they insist that they .iro bound down by rules nnd regulations from above Well, when it coraos to first aid In tho matter of fresh air a teacher should be rlcht there with her hands. She should open a window whn she feels like It, and If nnybody offers any objections she can faint or threaten to faint. Surely, not even tho board member would deny a teacher tho right to open a window If Jho wero about to faint for want of a breath of air. It Is very easy to tell tho teachers how to run the t,choolroom, we admit that. But a doctor's purpose Is to tell folks how to live, eat, work, play and keep well. The teachers nre our first lieutenants In tho advanced trenches. They get the first shot at tho oncoming race It is up to the teachers to instill In the minds of the children u wholesome regard for fresh air, clean teeth, straight shoulders and the golden rule. One young teacher Rtood tho 80 degrees nnd tho deadly atmosphere of tho school room until her lungs pained nnd her heart ached at the drowsiness of tho children. Then sho up wtlh her rule nnd smashed out a window oh, but she was a teacher! and tho board didn't fire her cither. Sho broke tho board's rule with one of hor own, ro to speak, and tin board didn't dare to punish her. Wo are. strong for married teachrri not that we have any particular aversion to the unmarried ones and our reason for opposing r libney among sehoul teachers is this: We llnd that, no matter how docile and tractable a woman may be luring maidenhood, she soon develops a mind of her in after marriage, and if there is one thing nc hate more than . hate n tr;n cling quack It Is a spineless teacher. Come, teachers, all together, let's m.iko the air of the. schoolroom as nearly wholesome as possible and keep tho little ones confined In It the very shortest hours tho law will allow. Keeping chil dren after school hours Is a very bad sign QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Change Is as fiootl as a Rest I do hard mental work nil day figures and accounts. I suffer with Insomnia. One of our nrtlcles, "Too Tired to .Sleep," suggested brisk muscular exercise sis a hypnotic for the mind-weary nnd mental exercise for the muscle-weary. I want to icad evenings to keep pace with the times. Is It wrong? Answer Ccitulnly not. It is relaxation. It exeiclses a jiart of tho brain which gets llttlo work all day. Head, but take somo physical culture, too. Cheap Eggs in Sight Cheap eggs aie In sight. I'nder the law 33S,.Xl dozens of eggs In this State must be sold before tho end of this month, and there will bo no hoodwinking of the inspectors, What to give a man for Christmas tho most vexing problem In the unlvcrso todav-hns no terrors for I'hlladelphlans. For 'it 1ms been solved by tho Hlslng Sun Committee of tho Christmas bozanr niid amateur cabaret show, which will ho held In the Hitz-Cnrlton Hotel, uccemuer io. for the benefit of St Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. Amid the brilliant social splendor which Is nssurcd tho event by the liifdstent de mnnd for tickets, there will he tucked away a table loaded down with gifts, picked especially by a committee of "women who know." tiio articles nro designed for the solution of tho annual question ns to what would please John or Ciithhcrt. An extra corps of "clerks" will he stationed at the table shortly be fore 2 o'clock In the nfternoon, the open ing hour of the bazaar, for the rush that Is anticipated. Mrs. Clnrenco W. Dolim, Mrs. Charles Munn, Mis. Paul Mills and Mrs. Alexander Brown will he In charge. Dr. Itudolph P Tcusler, superintendent of tho hospital nnd llrst cousin of Mrs Edith Onlt, tho President's fiancee, will he present to answer questions about the hospital, which, ho asserts, is one of the most Important factors for tho picserva tlon of friendship between this country nnd Japan. He Is the foiomost foreign surgeon of Japan. More attractions than those In a thice- tlng circus will have ns a crowning mys tciy a white elephant, whose Iduitlts Is nn enigma. Tho "kippers" are Miss Ce cllc Howell, Mrs. SturgW Ingorsoll and Mis Charlotte 11. Williams. A children's fashion show, tho first over given In this city, with 30 or more of society's most fashionable children as entries, win oe held and a prize awarded. Dcllcato Japanese ctepe scarfs, old prints, lamp shades, lacquir trays nnd other wares Imported from Japan espe cially for tho occasion; knitted goods and Prench lingerie, silk sweaters, muffins, gloves, woolen skating stockings nnd other sporting novelties will also he on sale. Mme. 7Ma, a well-known palmist, will give readings. For tho children there will bo sllght-of-hand tricks nnd shadow pictures lu charge of Miss Owen Martin and Miss salvia Barnes; Miss Eugenia Cassntt's "African Dodger," Miss Dorothy Dlsston's Santa Clans pnek and balloons, dolls, cakes and candles. The tea room will bo under the direction of Miss Sydney Ellis nnd the following aides. Miss Marlanua Oowcn. Miss Char lotto Clieston, Miss Mai Ion Taylor, Miss Helen Ellis, Miss Aimee Hutchinson, Miss Orotchen Clay, Miss Clertrudo Tower, Miss Margot Scull, Miss Sybil Wright. Miss Jenn Thompson, Miss Elsa Rcath, Miss Agnes .-iutehlnson. Miss Frances Seott, Miss Nancy Heath, Miss Molly Thayer, Miss Bcsslo Downs, Miss Eleanor Cuyier, Miss Cornelia Leldy, Miss Susie Inger-t-oll, Miss Katharlno Bowie and Miss Mnrle Wright. The ballroom will be cleared at 9 o'clock tor an auction sale, which will he followed by a brilliant dance and amateur cabaret show, managed by Mrs. Charles C. Hnrrison, Jr., and Miss Eleanor H. Hopkins. Supper will ho served on small ' tables, with space In the centro for dancing. While tho cabaret show Is in progress. Among those who have arranged sup per putties are Mrs. Henry Berwlnd Mrs. Clarence Dolnn, Mrs. George 11. Frnzler, Mri. Shipley Dixon, Mrs. Gaid ncr Cassatt, Mrs. Arthur M. Wilson, Mrs. William H. Donner, Mrs Hampton L. Carson, Mrs. Edward Browning, Mrs. Norton Downs, Mrs. C. Howard Clark, Mrs. Edward Crozcr and Mrs. George W. Childs Drcxel. Forgot the Signature T)EFErtmNa to tho request of Hnr IVrlet M. for kittens, I have all she wants. If lou will kindly give mo her ad dress I will give her a cholco of kittens ono nil black, tho other black and white Thoy nro Just about three weeks old. Kindly answer as soon ns possible. 'E. M. L." Tour enumeration of tho treasures from which Harriet W. may mako a selection has but ono flaw. You forgot to sign your name to tho kind offer. Wo cannot hope to put her Into touch with you and tho kittens until you repair tho omis sion. We must have your nnme nnd nil dicss In full for our books. Neither will ho published. Formula for Clothing, Cleanser "An per request of II. B. for a cleans ing fluid, I believe the following formula will give excellent results. It Is a cloth ing cleanser: Glycerin, ono bunco; sut pliuilo ether, ono ounce; methyl alcohol, ono otinro; aqua ammonia, four ounces; cnstllo soap, onn ounce. When dissolved ndd sulllclent water to mako two qunrts. "8. B. B." To Pass Lonely Evenings "I notice thnt M. II. C. hns 'oodles of quilt pieces' to give away. As I nm In poor health, I should bo glad to get somo of them to pass away tho winter eve nings. I should be glad to get old mngn zlnes also, If any ono has them to give away. We aro too poor to buy any. "MAY It." I..cn "oodles" molt under bucIi hot nnd hasty hnm"" g ns hns befallen this sup ply of pieces. Not n scrap remains. Wo are now pleading that somebody else will reveal a horde to our anxious search. The long winter evenings nre upon us, and homekeoplng women who do not play cards or gossip need substitutes for these wnjs of passing the dark hours. Do not throw nwnj an Inch of calico, gingham, silk or elvet. Sold at Music, Stores "In Y.l .1.- . ""IS -.. .w, , n.u inquiry of Meliu S who seeks lnfr,rmi... ""! W the purchaso of an Hawaiian ukalL tJ can nurehnsn nnn n ,i . w' S1 In music stores in tho cl'ty, ?? " priced from 5 up. Sho can i. .-! UUk LI, Jill LiieM! RinrM M.I.k - ..iicre fth study It. s E- M. If Pronunciation of "Habalalka" "Wo nro fortunate, n, havlnu an uJ gont student In our school fr.,n f il Itussla, and to him I referred thA .1 'tlnknlslln ' .M...I (.... t. yrj says tho first two '' arc pronotn' snon nnu ino inira is silent The .,!;. comen nil the thlr.1 avllr,M i.i 'VBCtt It gives me plensuro to contributed' mile, for I am grateful for much !. nnd Interesting Information receive f , s R Q o U. Don't Let Him Get "Cold Feet" These fine leather traveling slippers will warm his feet aw maybe his heart to tho giver, too Who knows' You have choice of Bcveral at tractlvo colors and tho slippers come In a handy leather case nil rendy to send hlm- ?.! nncl 'J. ,A,, soms "Tuhbers" of Turklih cloth for tho bathroom trips at 50c) GEORGE W. JACOBY 620 Chestnut St. pt?Miiipi:ii Every Hat in This Shop Has Been Reduced1. Which means a truly unusual opportunity for women who appreciate millinery of tho highest quality and most exclusive design. FURS MILLINERY BLOUSES Imported and Domestic SPORTS SUITS & COATS furMillinery Shop 1423 WALNUT STREET HEMSTITCHING 5c--w,mX' Iluml i:nilirolilrr llrens I'leatine IliiltmiK ( mrrrii ull let. MODERN EMBROIDERY CO. Sprure L'30.'.. 1003 Chrritiiiit St. TiiC CHEERPlL CHERUb .. Tk.rg. rvppen just regardless for us tdl; The world .seems very Kr$e fcnd were so srmil. It ic-e-res me sometimes but Id liUo. -fcr. ;. - - - - vwv - Im $Kd were. --.11 tofetkar t-ryw?k.y: cfcv Ml ft Goldman's La Naturalle Transformations Have No Equal In America Marvelous Discovery Without Truuformation Showing the wearer's scalp and produc ing absolutely a natural parting. You must visit Goldman's to realise the grace and charm gained by wearing our Naturalle Transformations. We do iwc me any old combings dyed or bleached in our hair pieces. Our prices compare favorably with those of smaller and les reliable establishments. Goldman's I53Ch?iTdrh1itreet MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS ) I Ir-iTTri'-irrfrTTiimTnraiBBBMliT (Cop)rlsht, 1015.) J ! mf Order wp ff Your m$. jgjff 1 onight lip- - , 0ffp4 At Any of Our 45re.D&M ' I f m three Branch Stores Jiy -X'm m37Ei 5?SjMl Broad & Columbia BK"5S CHI lr; i S2d c& chestnut sts. A gi? 'lm M&S8T061& 4124 Lancaster Ave. flfc '?M wV'f 4 Vidxotas m-M Ji i$15to$40OPi w-u t EASIEST OF TERMS j ' With 4 m ,. . , wMm, - ptt laming mauiine rMI fe: Company l! i W'- is Victor Distributors ffl If '"p ' Vf ,IA Broad above Walnut ffl L Up' Eai IZjgi I HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE THE PERFUMER FOR ABOUT TEN MINUTES? WHERE IS W1H' I , WmiA I POHrCRYOU VipSFFAHOirSNKSbK I tiyHlElHAVEOSePOFAgHAs) Ir NOW WANT YOU TO DISCOVER) J,Mnw f 4 i' WsliMpi 4i (ir&VGH . JBLl r-rZr.. " Y Jdm