Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7
tmiMnuMf wwmunnMj ' "" EVENING kEDftTCTt-PHTT;ATTCLTTrTA THURSDAY, DEOUMBER 9, 1915; i SPEAKING THE i if Is Not the Tariff So Much jvjeeus iu ijc An.v, Readers on Other f the TARIFF AND POLITICS L L Editor of Bienlnp Ledger: tttM EdM of (ho Trcamiry rfr-The Secremu B,i . . tf, - - '- ifri'" Mont , ft "Hie ,fiieh hi not rccchcd the KM """"..,., troni men who K'? .'.ration ton tnatlors of vital nlstratlon jUraii"'""" nntIonal prosperity. .-.. u nttr WkUoccMlon. in stating that the 0 tnai " ..ministration is trjinK i ...-- vs.. ...... '"'JTmUI questions (among them the iurltDout" i nio'pcilty ' "There nns "' - - fjhe Unlied State, In 10 ! I don 'r , what the politicians M It Is not L I rtl'an matter, but an economic one, fit don't believe In attempting to make frtl.n capital out of either economic .Tmwnl nuestlons Politician, have up nnd down the cottntrv telliiiK . ih.t their particular pnrtv could 2r i iroinerlly first It - the He- kt,Ln- ihen the Democrats The pol- SSS hto been pUUm this game of . , to get olllccs, but their predlc- I Ind promises arc all bunk We v. not had any real proserin In the " ' ... .. u isara. because our Lint's outgrow the clumsy llmnclat .7. m which we Ime been talking about . Sin? f0r 30 jears, but which we did Tt until President Wilson Insisted J" congress taking it up as soon ns the , . .,- kill una nut of the Way. Forward-looking Americans hale rcaU tedformn sears that the tariff was St being- handled In this country ns It 'mint to be handled It may bo slated tt.t this Is a strange state of alfaUs, J,., Americans are not an iin'ntclllgent r.c and practically even American has ilnnmoro or less thought to tariff prob ,ai during nil the jeara since ITS", when ear first tnrirt act was passed Anil jet It caii hardlv be denied that nobody Is rially satisfied with the situation ns It idls . . . , fl Voir, when sou conic rigin uown m . . '..,. ...i.t i. i, i, m, i,i' i. ! f"!l.,.i.- .V i,im,i fnr unnlnrr mm. ' nslltlelans KJ uviuiio .u " w......- .- -,---0 pifeni on the basis of protection, or tar for reienuc, or free trade? II does jo( appear that this Is nn unnatural or taproper course to pursue Protection ui free trade are Inherently political tales', and as long as vvc neglect to es tibllsh a dellnlto tariff policy, these mat tin) will nlwajs be the subject of ugl btlon But, does the rc.il trouble lie here? Is It cot true that the American public has nputedly registered Its views with re prd to the tariff only to lind nfter a timber of sears tiiat those ilews have o( been carried out, but, on the con trary, that the expressed will of the peo plshas been covered up by n compllcnt d'and unintelligible series of sections id sub-sections of various tariff nets, J Htnst tno average man could not possl l!;tell whether he had been given what ll voted for or whether lie had been liter, something totalis different" It must be admitted that ue are. living b in ambitious age Some men would nr that If wo had not been able to Mire this problem In a centuiy and a (iirlcr that we would nevir be nble to lolie It Hnpplls, however, this Is not th temper of the times Men and women It trying to be efficient to n greater de poi than ever before And It Is prob ibljr true that never before In the hls t07of the country have so many Inielll jent people In all walks of our economic UHjualted In tho demand that n Tnlr trial Mfflren to the Tariff Commission plnn jrBch'ln Its essence Is an attempt to trtiit about greater national elllcleucy ind to do away with one of tlin mnt ilriVIng sources of national waste Th- nl !..k .1 .- .. .... ., ,iic.ii iiunii men is mm ll is not now 10 much ,the tariff as It Is tariff-making iMc wuni io lawe out of politics; and in are tariffs made" The matter could "t be better summarised than In the tords of Professor Seager. of Columbia rnlrersity. who describes the process as follows In his "Introduction to Hco Mmlca": 'To fully master nnj ono of these csedules nnd determine whnt rates of . JJtjT would afford ndequnte protection Wtnoat unduli liurdcnlrv,- consumerJ o!4 renulrc years of study of the In utrlej affected, hoth at home and lOoard To fullv mnaim, nil nt 41. u JleSOW odd different artltles lo which Vm7 rt(cr,J,ls a ,n,k bejond humnn cap 1..1 ',J.na lo K!"' Congress In draft t "riff bills makes no fucIi nmhltlous empt. Instead. It contents Itself with ', testimony of interested per- u to the amount of protection their Chesses "nulre. nnd acceids their ;Snt3.ns Its guide In apportioning t'otettlon to different Industries " Frn a , ,., Gl"Y 13MBHSON. " rhlladelphla, December fi h ' TWO RECENT ISSUES '" E(,i(or 0 Kventng Ledger: iMr-If a word of nrnisn u nnvn Ulr T .. . ...,.-- . ,,,fc. wv. b ... . . " '" l"Tia ,0 cypress rMi,fP?."cla,lon of ino rt,cet iwues Wes th.VE.N'.I:a LEItEn- Flt of all -- limy lei o In inn irU),inii """ paiu io HooHor T. faffi "a1? 50ur mtt lrtl8, skcs iZr"- la he man who unon read. htaiRbT. nB!?n's "utoblography. "Up rif' rails to find In this career i2fton,.1-u death robbed tho N iuL ndf he,r1most honorable sons. mallyT wnlle mol"', his loss tei".1.'8 L""8, vera8 on Paderowskl's SSL JS 8,lrred ma nsaln' n,, ll , 'wea what mnnv felt whn f,..H !,, Kin?DcuLaa h"tHwru.n.abl8 '- vo- wMritood kT. . ' ul icuons are 'riilnt ,Url? over' nnd Paderew- Mm! P ,h03 t0 hls P'e "or stricken taun. J.. ' To' .. shows a broad states- l "HOUla ,.r Xr "tude this conn J W114 take In tho present world kOV UP the nnA j? Wtr every Jay Ur papCr pmeVeTnber t "MANN OOBST- iH;peace'etcetera W.rI'"lor ol Evenina T..n... 5 d fePl. r 1H I fh nwSSf1?'.'6 t0,r me sma11 8Paco Iult;V..?aMr t COOl down III. .nth... fc wmeXr1 7nat "AH-IJe." Joke I rJ-L f Bonder. inf. i . , :r,ii4u wer e,V; ..J'"cu """ Ina ne 1SueIfJ not drove back"? He, K Sn.r Xth the Peace ! Ihi. i. ueans? 'n,a inB. , . . t oliS " '? """'n hate ( "' tnad tut ..'' ' po Dut Oer-IP.Vur,Un''-fd-a'ra7r, Kcona. '"' "B BlnKinK of .n.?tneUrrb.entni,slasllc' Schwntti. fcr,,rac.b.rrii,,,m,w lH.,-t0 P's i. " "" -vm Ml I.CDOER. mir surnrlia .nlei. ni, ...., -. mm feF-l W,U,AelP"l von -luck It.iA''i"' ! Vitea ,' Hvilins lo ba il6-'"""' SWAjSh55 VJ3 Wwei.r " Uf' ha PS- I Wlsl, SS" ' Aek.P that the y "raUou feni..lt1L".n-""-, Utter seems tne PUBLIC MIND as It is tariff-making That ui i. uhlu-b views or Timely Topics !;?ir!,!!"rT,nr Amlnn. one whose Icy- , tho . ' ,. ," 'i "?l,c." nn'' to wnom .i.: ..''- '""J "c io turn to nm n in nuL lce l,',7mI and pected by tha nations Von Kliich la retiorled In nu I "k.Vl"V,0t otmand "why Itoosevclt mniin eoiil.li.ol tell i,im if he writ present PfiMM.1 IihJ..i n . -. ' Mhr... - ..:.:- "' " "" "" i'i.",cni ........ . imuck mn,i0 lhig observation it a copy of the Kvem.nci I.eikjkh of the sanio date were sent to Von Kluek he f.i.. !" ,or ''im'cif Plenty of reasons without calling upon ex-Prcsldent Itoose volt to further enlighten him, though perhap, .ome of Jollr rPntlera v(h a little leisure might write a personal let ter to on Kluck and give him all the information he desires He will have plenty of tlmo to digest It before getting .,! IV? , . B BltAY Philadelphia, Oeccmber R DRINR AND JAILS To the lUlllar of Ei Piilnj; Ledger: LONDON, Deo. 8-ttobcrt Wallace. Mng's counsel, in ptesentlng his lists to the Urand Jiirv, said n . . shortest ever known In the hlstoiy of the Ciurit of t.ondon, prlnclpntlj due to tho til Ink regulations When the orlglnnl drink reRulntions were made, one iliss of crime almost dlsappeaied There wns vlrtunllj no late drinking, no wounding or lighting, when people were turned nut of tho public houses. Although the new- order has only been In effect a short t)me. very bene llclnl results have nlrend.v followed. The calendar at tho Old Hnlley Is also much smaller thnti usual ns a re sult of the llriuor restrictions. The decrease In some courts last week was nearly SO per cent. The aboie Is from the I'vrniso t.Ktcn;n of even date, and lias. In nil probability been read bv 100,000 people In that paper nione. it anoulcl he read mid reread until Its great ilgnincnnee will have sunk Into people' minds, nnd espeti.illv In those of our inters of ilu, State nnd nation What tins made this bcnclU'lal change In London'' A law against lion- trentiriK and shoiteninc the hours of drlnklmr I How easily such laws could be enacted In this country, with the lesultnnt ! r-. - ..t . . . . ... .. . vucui ui viusiiik one-nail or llle Hiilnnna nlmn.l 1 .llil. v... r".' i J" ." ' .....,. i,M,i,,iiliuij, .-llt( IIUIII O II 111 till midnight, the saloons heelinn rhr wcaK-mlnued. nnd the Incessant rry of "have one on me'" Is a continual per formance. There Is a pioposltlon right now before Ilhlladelphla to spend JS.OOO, WO for Its pool nnd suffering .. . .,.,,1,1-. niiuni t: 1 irti m uuice: ' would enact such laws ns Knglnnd has, I 11 our servants whom we elect to olllco a $4,roi.i0 building would be loo large, nnd if thes would go as far as Itusla has gone, no new building, would be neces sari, for our Jails would emptv mur der would stop and institutions for the poor would soon become an unpleasant niemors UYKHSON W. JIINNINOS. Philadelphia, Dec'ernlier 1 CANNED MILK AS FOOD To the Hititor of Kveninq Leilgei : Sir I read with considerable Interest tho statement on tnnned milk attributed to Dr William U Griggs In an article ap pearing on the woman's page of j-our p'i per on Krldas lust Cnless Doctor Urlggs Is very much misquoted, his statements are partis If not cntlrelj wrong, ns he Is unfair to sour readers, the consumers and producers of some types of canned milk. Clnbslfylng nil canned milk with bonbons, lobsters and Ugnrcttes as food for babies shows either utter foolishness or a thor ough lack of knowledge on his part. Doctor Wslio asserts that sterll l7etl, unswceteneil, evaporated milk (also packed in cans), when modified, serves ns equal of perfectly fresh milk der conditions which would be nlmoat Im possible in their own homes, retaining tho full food value of tho milk fats, and all other Ingredients. This tlnss of canned milk contains no sweetening, except the until nil milk sugar. It Is processed from pure, fresh cow's milk, and subject to tests before prep irlng that are equally If not moro rigid that the test applied to fresh milk entering Philadelphia under tho present laws The milk Is evnporatcd in vacuum nt n low temperature, and Im mcdlatcls put In clenn cans nnd sealed Steam heat Is applied In the sterllzing Links, with tho cans and contents con stnntls In motion, destroying all bacteria nnd spores. The process insures a perfect sterile milk without the destruction of nny of tho food value Doctor Griggs will lind by nn.tlizlng evaporated milk that tho food value of the butter fats and tho other ingredients are letnlned H I IiOniNSON. Philadelphia, Dccembci 7. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Philadelphia Lodge tho Largest Single Fraternal Body in Existence The members of Philadelphia Ixidge, No 54, rejoleo In the announcement that on December 12 the legulnr semi-monthly meeting will be held In the auditorium ot the new J300.000 aiooso Home on North nroad street The seating capacity of this room la approximately 3000, nnd as the lodge now numbers upward ot 15,000 members, even the new commodious hall is certain to be taxed to Us full capacity The open charter of I'hlladelphU Lodge, by which, under special dispensation, candidates have the privilege of entering the Jovial body for a nominal sum will claue December 1.1, utter which u much higher tnltl itlon fee will I e charged Strenuous elfort are being made under this special dispensation to bring the membership, of till Individual lodge up to the "..0,000 mark. To facilitate this desired result candidates will be obligated every eienlng In the new hill up until December IS. This lodge claim to be tne largest single lodge of any fraternal body In the world The House Committee has arranged la have "Uedles' Night" tn the new home December IB and 3. All members are privileged to bring a lady upon these dates lor New ttdps Day a special program has been ar ranged for member and ladles, to begin at p m. Ah an evidence nf the sincere fraternal spirit permeating the Moose, by special resolution at the last meeting It was dftlltd tu lurnun Christmas basket to any worthy brother in temporary need or any widow of a deceuvod mother neellng assistance so that the spirit of happiness of the yuletide season ma enter every Moose circle Members knowing of such cases will hand the names and addresses pri vately to Secretary John J Itsan and suitable action will be taken without publlelts or any knowledge of the special case helped being given to the general membership of the lodge Order of Eagles A complimentary reception and dance for members and their lady friends wo given Monday evening by Philadelphia Aerie No U In tbe ballroom of the temple, I Idle Spring Garden street The affair proved to be an cnjojabls success, largely due to the well arranged program provided bs the committee, of which Leslie Peine was chairman. At the meeting of tbe aerie tonight the an nual election of officers will take place, an J tha friendly rivalry for official honor during tha ensuing sear 1 sure to bring forth a large attendance of members. ."Quality First". Full Rubber $ Can fa nnrY 1.6S Heels un ilium ui iieiiiecus ircnu miih ns a to loon .iiier me suspension usi .'.., ..itv n n,, A.iris t,un,,.,i i,,v. 1,.,... iicnt 1 1. .NoniniiKci oiilttt 1et,en tnr mntlLiu . 1 1 1 i t..cn..t I Thero was .1 larire number nf xlsltnru nres. 1 .."' ... . i. ti .. .rr,,... . I P.itrlntli Drder eif Amerlce was do ng in sup feeding Doctor Wylie commends evap- "1? Vi.PnV.Un" , A" i'WWrStiiS 5&tf I oinn'.sfranYa" W&'l ornted milk lleltlng and 1' N C II lleorgo II. Mius, of uresled Visitor rnn''e" "erc 'n"g '" ,rcH the nimps and tinnj friend togpther I bring this to sour notice, because the Chester. .,.... ' In 1 InltNl unites', the trim uf Poult ie. w Itli the scholar eif ihe stliool. made a -holt I producers of unswietcned einnorated , M;,, Collector of Straws Trumbiiter reported J ti lost to Hobln Hood Court nfter a I1.1r.l- ."" I'.'r.iUu headed bs tho drum eorp of ( .Ti . unswieicneu einporatcu ),,1B received two applications for chirler fought struggle The next contest will take Camp .' t milks luive made It possible for mothers ( during the week with bright prospects of sev- 1 , i?n n the .Vmerban I agio Court. Moneljj ' I f trt secure el sterltleil tlllllf iimrngqnil ,ii I eril more In the near future a.m,.ini' unit with I'mire e-nlumbtn nn tiav, I n. liu.irA e-nnnlt I'nmmmlrrv VI nf t 1 Regular Price $2,00. Work called for and delivered or done while you wait. Exptrt Service, Guaranteed Aa. terialt and Work. Bell Phonet, C-.JU,,22 N. 13th t. otctniey 223a n. From .. ORDER OF RED MEN LIGHT COUNCIL FIRES Busy Wigwams Presage a Win ter Season of Activity and Many Candidates 9 In the wlgnnm of Sioux Tribe, No 87. a district meeting was held lost week which was attended by main of the great chiefs and at which the past sachem's degiee wns conferred upon nil waiting candidates When the council fire was lighted there was present a large gath ering of tribal members After routine mislnes3 the warriors and chiefs listened to n number of Instructive talks upon the work of the fraternity and the many at tractive icatuies of Itcdmnnshlp Among the speakers were O. I S Doc tor Heswlck, Ureal Keeper of Wampum Fnrrar. l a S Fnrlej, Deputy Stevens and Oretl Sachem Walker. Matm.-s Tilhe No l, had a large nltrnJ 2J? .0 !"'t tla " sleep, nnj liH brother enrolle, n (hn improicil orler ef Ite 1 lien limer tl Dennis llelmhurslnn Asorlatlon fnr , niremri lunornl t.cnfnt of 2Vi From Inrih itloiis there villi he our IV enrolle,! hi llecemlier II. Dirt Imirl, quoit nn.l pinochle Inumsmrnts Hrrc tr uicurateil Mon.laj even ng in, tnilrli rntliusiim prculleil durlnn the si-1 ml .ftit.Mj. Tho ocIhI i:enlng t'ommlttre Is preinreil ,?L",,'I"! f-a'hinnK ol the brotlirrn nn.l their iiietiils at the pruxrc;aliu pinmlile nrt to ue noici in I0 uiKHnni, BoutiiWHi i orncr of i, ' ".J" ' .' itrni Mrerts iieietntur II i lirolhtr Kilnnril .1. Mii'nbe who has Jmt telumei rinin llnltl nn ihc I.MS Connei.il !,, .'..1,,e mi. Inn resting tulk upon the eiiKtine .,V.' " '" ,vhl ' ''e li id iMHIilimtPil In tint turiuiFni cnuiiin nlmh was Ibiteiic I ti altli liuui nipmuie inner (loo.l of the (Jnlcr ' . inierritliiit rem irks Cre maile h fast T" " ' I."" ii liter tl t 1-st John 1'. Mnhn laild I t-..' on"l,,."nn ltirr t. I 'oils. l)r John T fnrl nn.l llrotlur (Icorsc K Cinlg t h irlea ' ,vaiV' x,llll' J HonoiHn, Jr mid A I U iJoiialdson Orent Junior Raunmore BcRick I lilted Ml nonli Tr.be .So dll un lust Krldn slrep " ! ".'' nn lnlerestlnR InlU about u plan by "linn It Is rupectel In tapture mini il alinblp pairr.ices. to whom the Knot adinntndps of Itedmaiishlp may b. nhoiMi both In a benc fltliil nnd soilnl wn Thero Is to ho nn addresn on fratrrnatlsm Klwn m Tctnplo Lutheran Church r,21 an I Hire streets, on Sundny vienlng M nonk Is expected to b.ue it goodl, dilcgutlon of m'm bein meet nt f,:- and Market street at 7 tin p m. and iniri.il In a hod from that point lo the chrueb The new ilrRrce trim performed the worK or .lilopilon on the last slot n upon lulUiue Jeett nnd 1'Urie In good form Tin- 3r it lunlor 'Kiimri Hr l' i lbs lit. will trull with Itnxkii Council an I othir ',,'e..,orA' '""."ii J. lounclls un tho lllu Hirai riiiri io wuncia n LouiK I evcmplirj miun ni u tie .Mi ncm i.l ?w..n I. u. i I,..,,., ,. . ... ;..".. " '-"' --"- I, . '.". ..V.""' 'A1. '" ..""'"." " DcLimuer 13 so Unit lie will be eligible to witness ItasliiiH work nn IJcccinh.r 14 mil rncei the gnat Junior Snganioro of Pcnnsjl i.inl.1 11 ml tho grciit I'oiniimita and other great en cfs of the Degree of Pocahontas Poqucsilng Tribe No 371 has nmended Its 13 laws and nearly all the inembi-m will iw enioll, d In the Mineral IJcmllt Itelmbulsltlg ,ISUl.l U'lll NIC llliiililll lit ,11. 1.1 , ,11 1 tj"' assoilntlon has proven to be a step 111 ' 1110 rigni turicuon Members hip more nunc- tutl In the payment ol tholr dues nnu feet Ihit the Incrcised bMiellts dirtied are an Im port int conilcleratlon Mfitoac.l Cotllietl. of Havninkpru .11 11 lnl meeting held It regulir semiannual election of nfllters. with, the following result 1'in-t chief misrniker. James J. Campbell ihe hasmikei, Louis Maver usslstuut thle Im. maker Vlllilum 1 l it7, everteer. Iluirv I, Pancoisi, trustee. Woodman tl DutiKhcrts Two candld.itis weie InltlnlcU Into the mss terles of making h is. The boird of stevvnrds is preparing for a large attendamc at the Installation of uftliers, Uecember 27 riue 'mbe No 2.',1 vvblth 1111PI4 i.pim ,,, eh.i l.nr.. rir.',Vt nn?i ,v.!i,i' iiW wlh'vvani it Pnssyunk avenue mid Vloon niloutetl one paleruee last week to hue several candidates nt the meeting to night At the Nat meeting short talks" were madn bs Otorge It Thoma Charles Htriuh. Waller I) Itnuie. Knink llurk. Joseph T. Mara und William Jones. An Interest ng meeting win held bv Porpifs slni; AsHoilalton of II is makers on last Thurs day evening The famous Installing team of ItnsK.i Abso elation, under the leidcrshlp of P S IT Louis T i-eegar Insl.illed ihe ofneers of Po qucssing In it creditable m inner Deputs State C. II Ilarrs Ijngmore was K resent and tntil of the upbuilding work hie ad laid out for the ussnclntlons In his duirlct urging all to greater activity and pirtltulnrls tasha rnoo nan a die nigm on rrniay h sleep, when mey gave n rec ptmn lo Ilroiltei t lleorgo W Price, who was elected a city Mag istrate nl ine recent election i-ameni Tu frander called upon Past Sachem L W foun tain who was the principal speaker and mida mi interesting addresa ind i n sented llrothci Price with an emblemitle badge The Judeo accepted the ladge In language suitable for tho occasion ' JUNIOR AMERICAN .MECHANICS State Officers and District Deputies Stimulate Local Council Activity- John It. Marlin Council, No. 20. inltlntcd evira! candidates tit Its meeting last Thursdas evening. There were also sev eral Interesting reports made by commlt tois The "Knlendar" Committee sent out tho December issue of tho "Knlendar." There nre mans Interesting articles In this magazine for the benetlt of the mem bers. The Entertainment Committee hns completed nil arrangements for tho Christmas cnrnlv.il, which will open Prl day evening. Deceunber 10 The Debating Committee has arranged for n debate to take place this evening. The eiucstlon will be "Shall Capital Punishment be Abol ished?" New London Council. No. flsn. held an In teresting meeting Saturdas evening, which was wen atieniiru, visitors present were cuaiti Councilor bimuel (1 Scott, l'ist state Coun cilor Thomas II Walters. District Deputy State Councilors Cieorge Illchnrdsnn, Henry We-llennnnn, Albert I'll! and Albert Korster After the council meeting tho Oriental court if John ft Mnrlln Council took chirge and proceeded tn Institute nn Oriental court In New jyindon Council The following candi dates were Initiated: John Jefflee. Walter I'au rock, I'rvtn I robHjn, Charles Kdwaid, Samuel Hrvan. William Hoss. K. Iluckalevv. F. Will iam. Elmer Waters Harry Felsler. Frank ClU Icsple and J. Lewis Pierce. Chatham Council. No ;'1 attended service In tho Faggs Manor Methodist Episcopal Church Kunlay morning 'Ihe council turnjd out In large numbert. Pastor llvons. or the church Bivke on "An American Mechanic Duty tn tils Country" It was a masterful sermon 'nil was appreciated by nil iresent Fagga Manor Methodist Kpla-vpat Church is one en the oldest churchee in the countrs, haling been eirganUd In 1710. The commit tee In charge of the service consisted of John F" Johnson. M C Selfert nnd Charles Halne Fred M Wagner Council held an open houso Monday eienlng for members and their friends Deputs Fred C Weber h.i offered a isold emblemitle ring to the member se curing the largest number of candidates prior to Januars I Councilor Wl.llum lllecs and Btcretars W. II Somerillle are close com retltors In the race for lids prlie. and from ihe many candidate thes are imposing It Just the Thing to Give "Him!" ia aaid Scarf Pin. set wita a slnile, Sat. waits ells mond. JJ Utile- n sign..-.. vv Scarf Pin of Ii lb loaable plstlaum set ultu beautiful dUnioixl A nr.?:S30 some Ut "'' 14 k gold Scsrf ''lo. set with illli fiat, wlitle dls- t'Duiatf Sit) deslga T MITCHELL'S KutablUhtil 187. Diamond Store 56 North 8th 37 South 8th Diamond book, free ea request . promlMs to remain a close race. Amonp the visitors were I'ast State councilor Thomas H VValters. Dlatrlit Deputy State fonnellors H Welleimnn, r c IVeber. oeerge Able and William Laudemasser. Alter remarks hy the visitors. a Clerman lunch a served .by the Kntertvlnment committee. The committee in charge .were Stmuel Dost. Herman iwst Alonrn.P. Arkle lohn S Cutler, (J forge Sett, ler and Andrew .1. Hcnver VlRgncr i ouncll Is wide awake, having made oier loo per cent, gain during the pist six months. . Oeorge M Pnlntsett Council. No lM, had a large diss Initiation on Tuesday evening The deiirees were onferred b the traiellng ile Rnn ttam Horn John It. Alarlln Council. Aftir remarks bj 'at state Councilor Thomis II. Walters. I) I) S r Henry VVellenmann and I c. sveber, refreshments wero served bj the orinilttcu In chirge I'olntsett Council will show ii substantial giln at the end of tho term Stephtn (Jlrard I ouncll No I4J Is planning a large c'ass Initiation for Januari d The committee, haling this work In h-rge are FYed C" Meter, William !iuderwnscr. VI. Hteln, (leorgp Loeknond, M Scbmltt, V llornman. R Tunienlnff and VV Hnencp Chair man Viewer of the lommlttee has set IWi candid itis ns the mark lor 1hl class Inhn It Mirlln Oiiard Aesoclitlon held its monthly meeting list Friday evening Mam plans were discussed to boom the guard, Nea drill nights were arranged nnd n speilnl drill was held The members of the louncll will witness many new featuies In the guard wirk nt the nevl lies tntttitlm In .Innuarv Altir the meeting light lunch was scried The nest meeting will be held lrldav eienlng in.nu.irv 7 at Urother Trank Hue s home, 1127 II strict KOItESTKHS OF AMKIUCA Prist Chief Rangers' Association Seeks to Develop Urotherhootl The tilth sear of the V of V t.egal'Ald Committee will close Its dlilslotial ses sions nt Court St Albans, Nn 5, south east corner 21st and South stieets. Ylitirs dav, December 10. nnd the main m tlliss nt U-'l Christian street Snturdai, Decem ber 1' The movement was Inaugurated In P 0 C Jl (Seorge A Mm born. The chairman Is P o C It Joint ll Kirk The work Is under the personal super vision of P. C! C It Oniric P. Ilradlev, The regulir meetings me lull Hiturdnj", ex. cei I In the summer se.,snn and on holidays Snerlil sessions nre held nt iniirt ineelliiKs as nc isl n demands The objerls nre the mold nnce ; r lltlgntlnn nr v rll as the les-enlng ot npirals vvllbln the trlbiunls nf Ihe older, thus 1 linger-Inu hirmoiu Members with grievances nnd lourts with n defense are .ifrnrdril n means for mutual adliistmrni Tim legil nn I equltnlde Issues are sli died and hi 1 lit l and loli'iiinrv nr'ltr-itlm erri 1 ted where possible I'll' sm 1 es ha I ecu l rat If v log All seniles renderi "I are grntl- The vv vrk will be re snnied laminr nnon 1 hrnder plane end procedure, exierlcnce bovilng newer teiitilre 111' its of an iniuriiM I nnd binellclal na ture 1 ourl fVnii Tint No "J nt Ji s last ellrard iveinti at 1 recrtit meitlug Ind a iPrv Int 'renting tal'e lv the rmmer tnlnstrrl nn I lomedlan lltllv- Ilppve Hrothers ppel sud In'in. ihartir in in r gav icuilnHiimrs nt I heir ill vrnrs of menibershlp and Hrothers Martin and I Isher n Inlnl In I lenis nr th more reu-nt activities of tne court I. 13 C. II llrntbei tlraill, v wk .111 tnte, ipd llstt ner five bneilts of n fintcrnal order have a u.Bllrl.... lll...,..l..n tn ..... ... .....1 . . . riMnilt- , 111,-.,,,, . ,,,1, ,11 ,1,1, Ml l, IlirillU, ID 1 vvh si illsabllltv pbueu him on tit. iPllef Itiuil nut lor 11 11 irs lip 11 is hei n 1 mitinii hiiiv paid ebK I cm tits and Is still diawlng sums vvprklv I hp 1 port Is . ll icnrs nl I so Hi 11 he h i 1 111 t lie recipient of Its binivnliiai tn which be Is inlltlPi. sln, It was thin vevrs irgalllrd I hp inpmbers are provldnl with gauus nnd n ilntilntlng llbrvrv, nn I Ihe eomniollmis hall arforils all tho attrai lotM of the suclal club llviiv Vluuliv tb, 11. 1 r mid vim iuii III, ti lltVf II pit unlit time, and Utiulv llrnllui utirgi I hi v. nr 1 ourt till 1 ivtaniii. . .1 ,. sill. fuliv nicpaies 1111 aiproiutnlp 1 rogrmu vis lM" ... I-.,.. -. .... ..-,.. .... ...... .... 1,r" n,e ' t"r'1"1 " !!'i'5 ' I""'" 1' inrt lleneral Nswton Nn J ,.', mot ling at Utn and Mi Ki in struls. Is retngtilzni as 1 lioi'll iilglttll!' nn for p tl Iiiiiv mil re 11 llile business irotedure l Idle giving due prom Inoni i to the so bit f itiu s it urns not all nv t In se t nvirslndovv the in ire etidiulng bcpvoli lit as,, ! ItrolliPi llenliv. I . I1.1S thp work xvstcmuttrpd and his methods nru wurthv o t niul Hiem Merited apnrc I itlnn of the work done nnd tn prngrees was given b I 0 C It nr the state Ch.irtes P Itradlcv upon hi vllt nt Hip list meptlng of the couit A pie issnt lime was stent and the partltl nnnt llrnthers IoIpv. Iteilliv Diiwiipv. l'iriin K11117 nnd nionl.is In the sm lal section .ulded tn the. piiluv nient the nuetltig' poi h Tursd iv are made attr.utlve nnd all the hrolhprs iro , 'orlNllv luv ttpd tnatteid Doctor llallilllle. I the phiHtilnn has but one of the lui members nnlrr his medical superilMon The Past Chief ItaliRer .V-im lation lompnspd i ot inst eitrters of Inal inurts. held Its regular . iiionthlv meeting Inst night In the hall Id and I.Litonwood streets. Hv social gatherings unit lute rUi mge of 1 loas this association 11 seeklnc lo del 1 lop nitho,ls mil pi ins for the upbuilding of the ti urts In this tliv and the dele lo meiit of the wort e,f Ihe forester upon , brniiler mid inoei. liberal llnca The co opera tlou of all past nflliers Is si, tight sn lb 11 tlin mtiir 111ns be "tlmulitPd and it membership Incrj.iHCd b tile- aid of this wldc-awnl, nsso 1 1 itton 1 e'eurl Pontine n 111, opened the euchre Hnd plnotlile tieurninieiit I rlday evening be I ore a lirge gitnprini or memneis reiirere-ntlng ti, i.,t prior tn the tnntest. IVeputy Oatnble ile J IVI ... " ........... ' .,...., -...- i- ..r live ml nn Interesting address upon Ihe nrln clple and prnctlt it -work of the Foresters uther remark were nnde Is Deputies Msera, Sanger 1-ahs and Conners. N"-.r-r'v vxtst v JACOB REED'S SONS House Coats for Men 5 and $7.50 Special val values prices unquestiona assortments in Philadelphia for the f money. Finer grades of Cloth, Silk and Velveteen from " $10 to $27.50, House Gowns, $10, $12. $13.50, $15, $18. $20. f up to $45. ' Blanket Rotes. $5 to $30. ? Bath Rohes of Terry. Flannel and Pongee Silk, ? $3.50 to $15. CI.Oil.0 HOIUI It 1 M. Jacob Reeds Sons '' 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET $300,000 Wanted A large, enerReticallj nianaged. Pliiladelplna going concern, owning its own plant modern in construction and equipment to the last word, with rail and water facilities requires the above sum for increasing its output which represents the recognized standard in this particular basic article of manufacture needed and used since the days of the Patriarchs to the present and in increasing demand, which on account of the excellence of the production demands 10 days' time on all sales, and for cash only This concern commands the utmost confidence of the largest Financial Institutions of Philadelphia and the very highest Banking references are axail able. The net worth of this business in the last eight years has been increased over 800 by the present capable management in the manufacture, not of a freakish commodity, but one that i as staple as the very food we daily require. An investor is individually protected for the above amount by the security of double the amount in actual cost of land, and build ings; by fire insurance; title insurance and insurance on the lives of the principals who are conducting the business. Principals only address Box M 120,, Ledger Office PATRIOTIC ORDER SONS OF AMERICA National Preparedness the Slo gan of Movement Launched by Patriotic Societies At the nunrteily convention of tho ramps of tho 6th Philadelphia district, Inspired by nn eloquent and patriotic ad dress of Past State President James It Kenncy. n movement was launched hav ing in Mew concerted ncllon on Ihe part ot all patriotic fratornltlps and allied bodies urging the proper authorities to enlarge the army and navy nnd Increase the scope of the national defense of tho countrj. This Important meeting was held In the hall of Camp No 203, nt 4010 Chest nut stieet. with delegations present from Camps Nos. 2M, 570, S10. SSI, MS and (MS. ns well as members of Philadelphia Commandery No 4, of the Commnndcty iteheral The resolutions presented nnd unalilmousli adopted were ns follows Whereas, lie true Sons of America, reared on Ihe roll of lur blisotd boundaries, eduiaud bj her Mstcm of free education happy ncith the shiilow nr her flag strlvlni- lis the side of lur sons euir Imthers and Inilng her with n de oilon that Is deep rooted In our heirts and Whereas, Ue recognize that the preservation of tl o-e blessings aforesaid and that the pcaie ind icitiMt) or homes and firesides and tint air nation il honor and Integrity mid our prcs llge ms .t iiutlim nulling nations depends ui on out ability to pntut and defend our luitlio shores from luv islon un 1 our Hag from Insult, and IMtreos. Vv e reiognlJe tho fact that our nrmv an 1 n,iv and means or defense are 111 ndeiiuite nnd Inefilclcut nnd that our means of repfttlhg Invasion, Insult nr Ignonilni nro ew and of a wcik cbarni ter lie It therefore ItiMilvr.l Thai we, the lamps of the ilih tils trlil of 1 he Patriotic Order Sons of America, of the eltv of I'hllndi Iplllv ot the Hi llo uf I'. unsshatil 1 die hcribj and herewith ro e,n letotd as favoring Inuiaprd protntlon for our bom our tountrs and her il.tg. I15 the ni ne ise of our iirinv ami niv and the railing of the stand irds of both arms of the service mid bv the pun hosing hi tun! una iiuenis whlih will 1 pfend uui slions irom eiutwnrl pnl! ami It It further Iteiolvcd Thit this nlRlii In ronientlon as k, nil 'el we nuthiirlre the naming ot a cean nultce ei other Null's luitssir to the ur i.uiglug for Ilu bringing together eif all pi trlolb I o lies societies an I other tltUeiis of our vie lulls al a Itituro dnlo foi tho purpose of iriiiisltig grinter Interest tu the ni-ctsslty or ptiilev.tlni, our Intul. hei Institutions and lur Inwa At the next meeting i' the Dlstrlit Com niltlei 11 ports will In- leietved en the siibJeU, a Uni llxivl tor 11 meeting or lb- gene nil eeini iiil'lee and iiiringemculs pcrfertnl for 1 illliiB a uieeliiib of ail patrlolli auviellLS HI till -lty nut vltinis to lurtbcr the nioiiiiunt 1 rlttas evening last ramp No l located at t.liimrtli iilpliiutul Its Hist annlitrs.irs with one of the largest ineellllgs iver hi Id In the dlstrlit Camp No sol was Institute I em He ..ml., t- 1 mil with 111 tnemhels and at the meeting lull on Di'teniinr il, rii.t "") 11 S elHlilo re porte'd a ttltlnbelshlp of -I- ii.ts i tin, largest Lnlu mule by any oiu i.itiui In Hie Statu during' the Inst stir In I'm ms linhrlel 11 Moser Mite Conductor John U llnrpir Slate e.u inl Milton M il.ns mid Past sun, PrislikntH S.iinui I C Well and Iltrmin A Miller chilrman 1 rink c l'rtrrniin tillnl the meeting to order, nn 1 the sttntars. II S ( ible. n id an lntucstltig hlstoey of the t .imp during the last sear, after width miny addresses vver,' dill vend Camp Vo S. lotaled at Hoi I.1UI1 presrnte I to lima Sthonl Dlstrltt 1 liimlsuinu II ig un Hecemb. r I with upproprlati exertlses Tim scholnis tool. .1 prontlin lit pan In thp exert 10 bs rendirliig pitrntlt sunt, under tho direc tion ot tho leathers 'llui sptakvr of the oc taslntl vviim State ConduHor John V Harper of I'hesler, who In a wtll-lhnten addrehS pre sented tin II ig on bebilf of lanit h- Til Hag was nteepteil for the si bool bs tht prpsi dint of tho Hoard of IMut lllon of that dlstrlt.1 Amniii! the other sn iktr was State I'rcsl- w no iiiiiuneii v ii.it vuu the uniformed rank of tho order fiilere-d n .'..',...u,, ..... ...v.. ... .... . ........ r.--.. ernt officers and the staff of tho ennim Hider reeeptlon list week tu the tommindtrs gen- in. thief. The commanders rooms nf Delawaru County Commanders, of Chester, was filled Iind many addresses were mtde. at these uL popular bly the greatest ntosnltlon of this iivlilmmeiit the ."laic fliiul. vvlfo of the Itev. Oeorge r tiaul 01 1 UVJi'r 's,cri,n,r..'icra ,V"ce WTZ ' ' ?!', l'r. l.Tr .Su"w.i, mn V K'&t ajrij. o; J-l-n brou,hl w .1. I .ende rJ M Ml-s . .hM ...hnn , ,;:Xn?,r.mt:.rtreM.aH,"o, i-";;;.' x .','!: ts." ODD FELLOWS Banquets and Anniversary Celebra tions Enliven Interest in Lodges Merchants' Lodge, No 2S3 held a ban quet Tuesday evening nt Mosebnch'n Hall, In connection with the f,th anni versary of the lodge The guests num bered 150. Past Ornnd Ddward Mnuto acted ns toastmnster Speeches were made by Hrothers Past Oram! William f. Hrltton, Past Ornnd ft Smith, Past Ornnd V. Shuman and Urother Peter Mc Cnrti Tho program included a soprano solo by Mrs. D I Morton nnd n baritone solo by Urother n J.nthnm The torn mlttcp In charge was verv active In pre paring for the affair, wjilch well deserved ihe praise given by tho guests The guest of honor was Urother John Oamble. from the Odd IVllows Ifome, letli anil Tioga streets The ladles received smnll sou venirs of fancy Japanese noieltles. frlilav evening last the degri-e tenm tins nl Its best in exemplifying the Initiatory degree The degree master,' Urother B 1 Morton, was w oil pleased with the work. Tomorrow evening tho first degreo will be put on in full nnd n laige attendance Is expected I'ennnvlianla Lodge. No. 1, whos charter dates back to I'-'l, has removed to new eiuar tera nt M.I0 .Market street This change places the lodge In lite Ninth district To welcome Mm veteran erganlr illon, District Dcputv terind VHter Inml N. Deuce 1 ailed n sreclil 'Ommlllee meeting lo greet the old lodge In Its new hill Iterresrntsilvps attended from Hamilton Lodge So 610; Covenant, No, III, Protection. No. ail Ariturtip No n nil 1 Philadelphia No 11, whlih was Instituted In ss The affair partook of the 11 iture of 11 house. warming nnd mans iohIIiI fraternal addresses were delivered Among those who spoke were ti!"trlit Deputy Heme ei retnry Stnurfer mil Hcprescntallie llnwes. nf Pblla delpl In l.o!ge Nn 1, nnd Past (Irani Kramer, of rennsslinnli lxdge. lllle I nlge conferred Ihe third degree In full rorm last Thurslai nlglil, nlhe members of the 1 lass fltilsbint- liieir degrees Among the s Isl lors present were P i!. Allen Hamilton, ot lleorgo VV Child lodge I A llibhs an 1 August Wrssel. of elool amarltan lUi'. llcnjamln S'nfTe. U.ivld llree and alllUel "al low, nf rourth or Juli lodge Brother Allen Hamilton and J, A. Hlbbs ni.lv aslstcd In tho degree stiff exemplification llu.rsdas. December 111 the rrfltlent degree stiff of Oxford l.odgp or 1 rankrord. will ton fer Ihe ilrt degri e In Mllle 1 edge room An exi epllonallv large atlPhdinto Is ixpeited, as thp event his been well advertised The Initiatory degreo will lei conferred upon a las uf t candidates Mvs Workers Vlght in Ivs I.n Ige proved a big sieeess The nttelilanie wan the best or the sinsnn, and seviril mpmbers slanltled ihelr Inttnilon of Joining the Workers" 1 hei nevi nifalr will be mi lanuary ll Mond ly night the Inltlitors decree wis con fetred un 1 next Mono is evinlng the llrst dp grei will be eoiiferreil In full twin. Ijisi week I '.isl (ti.inl ilcorgi M. Joins dlpd urter mi lllners of scleral months. lb fore Illness pre vpiiii-I hN attetidantp Mtother Jims was one of the most in live numbtrs or this lodge. Hist Park I e.dgp. N11 imil lad ehnrge of the religious srvlns held Sun lav iiflernooii In the Home 'or enih.iti uf O.I I rlluvs I In Itev J Pens 1 ov, or (he Dcveritiux Vlitnnrlil VI I Cliurth pi eat hid tho 1 1 rmon. and niusli was rurnlsliiil bv the 1 lilldun s I lmrus and llphestra Miss I'lein lire llnkuivcn Mrs I I.llollV 1111,1 I OVVP4 Vlrn.lt,. I'liirlu It ll ICItlisrilsoii rr.sl.lent or the IIoiiip, mid Ilobirt .nte ni.uli. ktlif addltssps Krnderlon Lodge prugrteslvi lolv.es N'o 2M1 one if 111 111 rioga, whlih ntPe ts evpitlng tu Hie hall 17th we ,'iciv em I tit s tv no 1 Tioga stmts will hav elmr( , llglous strvlrrs lo ,t b. It 1 in t rge ii' 1 lip rn- llib, kali 1 inmic iith street an I Albghpnv nveiitie "tin I d 11 .uHiinunn lueiulier 11 Mrs i.rg, D 'I lip in tnr ,r tit St Olid Haiti t I lluri h the ttev rimer W Powell, pna hi I ih si rmon and the. choir uf tin sunn hurt 1 under thi dire t mi nl ei mtst untie, it 11 Mnnrv suiiillid an attrattlvi niusli il tiro triui 1u Itldlug 1 tenor sul I ll e o r lhtef nn uks n.r,- made liv W 1111.1 11 Hunt VVIINm 1 Morris mil !ienri,e Ilu h STORE OPENS DAILY AT 8..10 'I Im tn tnr ,r tu t ottd 11.11 tl t 1 luiri h , g I lit I'M) t IIIXHVIIEI.Ii II, 191.1. V 1 Snellenbiirg.S Your Christmas Victrola We can supply you at once with any Victrola, as our stock of all styles is complete 0i.... . .BtJ-.-rnniranB M llMiri-llira MinairifniTiiiinnrni iMiiiin iij 1 At Snellenburgfs the payment of ONE DOLLAR down is all the cash required to bring any Vicfroia to your home, whether the price is $15.00 or $300. The balance may be paid in small weekly amounts to suit your convenience. Besides having all the Victrolas, we've the most complete stock of Records in Phila delphia and can supply you quickly with any you may wish. Tallin Machine Oep t . J'irst Floor lialcony. sjd BiKUWUHUBfeKA.WHNN. LS4-st"US. iiuill. ,"i-l mBS-TIII i W PATRIOTIC AMEMCANS Oflicial Visitations of State Officers I'roniotc General Interest An official visitation was mado Friday evening by Slate Councilor Shcneman. State Vice Councilor Miller nnd State Council Secretary Ford, to South Hasten Council No. 690, which Is ono ot he most active Councils In that rectlon ot the State. A large attendance of members greeted the officers ot the State Council. The guards, under tho command of Cap tain Hihn, which nre named nnd known as tho George S. Ford Itcscrves, were In nttendanco nnd presented a fine appear- mice. Addresses were made by State Council Secretary Tord, State Vice Councilor Mil ler nnd State Councilor Shencmnn, the Intter speaking ot the splendid condition of the order and presented on behalf ot Stato Council Secretary George S. Ford, a beautiful American flag, with full equipment, which was graciously accepted bs Captain irahn After interesting re marks by members and visitors, refresh ments were served Monday evening State ounellnr Sheneman visited Major V llll.un 11 lenning Council, .No 36i, at Shonindoah, and was cordially wel round During the list month this eouncrl has Initiated the greatest number of candidates for such n period in Its hlstnrs. nnd has many propositions resdv for future consideration. An entrrtiltimeiit of a pleasant rharacter was rrovlded nnd remarks were made by Reprcsen titlvo I run Moser .ind Deputs mate Councilor Peters Kiito Councilor Sheneman Bpoko gen rrnllv as to tho principles nnd objects of the onler nnd gale some data as to the great ac tlvltv which Is now pervading every council In tnls state Diligent Council No 4 Ifutrhlnson street and elliar I nirnuo. will have a large class of candidates 'or Initiation tomorrow evening. The beautiful ritual will be rendered In full form nnd member of local rountlls nre In vited to nttend. This council Is making nn elfort In secure the I irgest numcer of candl elites for the genetnl rlnss Initiation. 1o bo held .tl tho neir future by Ihe combined council of this ells Tho monthli meeting of the flood of tho flnler Asrncl uloli will be held Mnndnl evening In the hall of Oratltule Council No f.S2. Mich mow. an 1 Ash "Ireits Mil lest urg at which time Htnte 1 nun line in.p n u sn 1 Write Coim ell Herrettiry Ford will assist the eounrll All lucmlets and delegates n tne association aro eirnesily requested liv state Councilor Shenr mwi In alttrtid bemuse of mitters of great Importance which will come up for considera tion Hlnle e-ouncllor Shencmnn and State Council Hceretir Cord will visit Susiiueliannn Cnun ill N"o vi, it VVrlclitsvllle this evening, nt will h time Columt Ian Council, No 73. will also I e present Setttrdns evening stite Council Set retary Ciini. Mate Vbe rouncllnr Miller nnd State Ciiunrllot hin"mnn will visit Quaklke Cotln- 'ill No 217 nillv of all ui vvnirn lime inpre will be a members of rouncll In tbst se- of the "Inte Cut Glass & Candlestick Complete with p v sliadc lioldcr IIC find candle '''VJsw Eterything in Cut Glass F. J. SCHWARZ, Mfg. :u: "on 111 lllli street mid .!;) Urnslngtnn nvcillir :K I p(on.n Sforc Oprn i,"tcnlrioj I EOS A. M. CLOSES AT G.00 P. M. - a lsp at a great N. SNELLENBURG & CO, . X eM s lt V., ,