Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    , t -.v"-- tw rr t -fr
Allies in Plight in Triangle
of Vardar-Cerna Front
as Enemy Advances
Villa's General Cuts Off Oppos
ing Detachment in North
ern Chihuahua
Entente Pouring Heavy Rein
forcements for Balkans
Into Salonica
LONDON. Pec. 9
French troop holding the line at KHxo
lak, In southern Serbia, have fallen rack
IS mile lirforc the violent Infnnlry at
tacks nml Ihn concentrated nrtlllery tire
of the Bulgarians. ,
A the French troops retired the Mew
up the trncki of the Balonlen-NIh inll
wnv to hamper pursuit, but, according to
ndxlics from Hnlonlcn. the Utilitarians,
being imgnlttrcntly eiiulpped with rcpnlr
mipplles 1 the 0tninn pioneers, nro nblo
to rclnv the tracks us thev progress.
. iil'pJtch to the Exchange Telcgrnph
C'oiupnii from Athens sajsi
It i" nlo announced that ine Atigio
Frcnili nllicrt mo retiring In southern
Serbia low aid the Oicek frontier."
i'itoom:ss roil tkutonb
'lerlln. Vlcnnn nnd Sofln nit claim
piugus fur the Herman allies In the
HnlUnn Fur the time being the mllltmj
opiiatiniit im.iln trnniccnd the political
Mltintlnn. althoiiBh n (Umax H develop
ing H the llulgnrlnns nro able to con
tinue tln-lr ndvaiKc, rorolng the nllleil
troops over the Hreek line, thu Orcek
aovertiment must show its hand nnd
take a dellnlte stand on one side or tho
It Is reported for the second time that
J'le d Mnrslml ton Mai-kcnsen, of the
Clermnn nrnu, who directed the Halltnn
(nntpalKN for the Teutons, has arrived
at Constantinople. A dispatch from
Hnlonlm to that effect was published In
the newspaper Mutttno at Home, and for
warded tn London bv the Central News.
This Inrm iiiatlon follows a repoit that
Field .Marshal on dor Cioltz, the Ger
man commander In Turkev, Is going to
Mesopotamia to lend a Turoo-Clerman
arm of 6mO0O men against India.
Telegrams from Athens sloto that Anglo-French
reinforcements arc arriving
continuously at Balonlcn, but that thu
gieatest difficult v Is being experienced in
landing them owing to the lack of facili
The allied expeditionary force In the
southeast corner of Seibln Is today In
an extremely perilous position. The Bul
garians are delivering heavy attacks on
three points of the I'rnnco-Dr'tish posi
tions along the railway lino between
Ghovghell and Krlvnlak.
Authorltatlvo reports from tho Balkan
front indicate that the French forces
In the Vnrdar Valley have been forced,
since the close of the Serbian campaign.
to yield consldeiablc ground before the
Bulgarians, and that they nre under nn
extremely violent attack at their posi
tions In the Dcmlr Knpu (Iron Oate)
ravine. This ravine Is about S3 miles
north of Salonica, the Allies' base
The Demlr Knpu-Sttlonlca sector of
tho single line railway from Nlsh to
the Greek seaport I the only avenue
of retreat left to tho allied troops. It Is
feared here that the expedition will havo
to fall back still further In face of
the. Increasing Uulgnro-German rein
German cavnhv has entered Kenall, duo
south of Monastir, near tho Greek fron
tier, an Athens dispatch says Appear
Biice of German forces as far bouth as
this point adds ominously to tho Allies'
plight, because It prcsenta the menace
of a flanking movement to cut oft the
French retreat.
The French are believed to have begun,
under a screen of stubborn rear-guard
fighting aided by their superior nrtlllery,
to withdraw from the triangle In which
they hate bed hitherto strongly In
treni bed. This triangle Is bounded on
the west and east by the Coma and Vnr
dar Rivers If the llulgurlans succeed
In irohslng the Cerna tho French "In
trenched camp of Knvadar" may become
At Inst nccounts the French still hold
Krlvolak. on the Salonlca-Nlsh railway,
where their advance guards firmly es
tablished themselves when the allied cam
paign began. At this point and at Demlr
Kapu violent lighting la now In progress,
and Its outcome Is awaited with feverish
expectations here, us It will go a long
way toward determining the fate of tha
DOUGLAS, Artt.. Dec, 9. After a
sharp engagement General Jose Rodri
guez and his Villa army occupied Fron
teras, south of A gun- Prleta, yesterday,
driving southward Carrnnza forces under
General P. Ellas Calles. Rodriguez burn
ed several bridges between Esqueda nnd
Fronteras, thus severing Calles' railroad
communication with Agua Prleta, oppo
site here.
Hodrlgucz also cut telegraph nnd tele
phone wires upon entering Fronteras
Calles, however, managed before re
treating southward, to send word to
Agua Prleta for help Several hundred
men, under General Angel Florcs, were
dispatched to his aid.
1,000,000 MEN TO
Total of 4,000,000 in Field
by Spring Recruits
Again Pour In
England Will Also Furnish
Arms and Munitions for
. 6,000,000 Russians
Army of 500,000 to Be Organ
ized for Invasion of Brit
ish Territory
ROMR. Dec 9.
According to advices from Constanti
nople. German eforts are now being di
rected toward the organization of a great
Turco-Gernmn drive against India. Tho
project comprises the formation of an
army of 500,000, of whom 400,000 will be
Turks and 101.000. Germans, all under com
mand of Field Marshal von der Goltz and
officered exclusively by Germans.
The expedition. It Is stated, will start
In tho spring, preceded by a large Turkish
advance guard, which la now on the way
to Bagdad.
German headquarters has abandoned Its
Idea of an expedition against Egypt In
order to concentrate Its entire activity In
Asia The Bulgarian army la expected to
look after the Balkan lines of communi
cation and Insure supplies for the Ger
mans In Asia.
Newspapers Deplore Conditions
Brought About by War
AMSTERDAM. Dec 9. - The Cologne
Gazette speaks of the "truly terrifying
picture" presented by the increase In
crime, "among the young people In the
Industrial districts partlcujarly." where
robberies with violence and attempted
murder figure very largely.
The Magdeiburg Zeltung denounces the
usury, Immorality, licentiousness and de
generate love of luxury that prevail, and
invokes the '"I-ord God of German his
tory to aid In preventing calamity from
overwhelming our country."
The Berliner Tageblatt declares: "Those
who would deny the statement that the
German people are In danger of being
wholly submerged beneath an extraordi
nary wave of laxity and Immorality
breaking over the country roust find
themselves lamentably disillusioned."
Predicts United States of Europe
The United States of Europe will fol
low the great war, just as the Scriptures
prophesy, according to the Rev. A. C.
Goebelefn, of Kew York, who lectured
Last eight In the Cnambers-Wylle Me
morial t'retbyterlan Church, Broad street
tfclBW Spwe. on "What Shall be the ad
t)i Tfer Things J"
II Ncmico E' Cacciato dalle Sue
Posizioni a Sud di Gorizia
e Perde 154 Prigionieri
ROMA, 9 Dlccmbre.
Gil sfor7l die da tempo stavatio
facendo gll Itallattl per cncclare gll aus
trlacl dalle loro ultlmc posizioni sulle
pcndlct settentrionall del Monte San
Mlehcle. a sud ill Gorlzln, hanno nvtito
huon cslto lerl I'altro, qunnclo le trupro
del getiernle Cndorna hanno conn.ulstf.to
un forte ed tin grnnde trlnceramento
nemlco nd est ill 1'eteano, cloe' a nord
del monte
r,o sfondamento delta llticn austrlara
In uuesto punto ' nnche nmmessa ilngll
nusttlncl nnl loro comunlcato ufflclalp,
ma quesfo comunlcato dice come nl solllo
die gll ltallanl furono suhlto dopo cac
clatl dall posizioni conquistatc. 11
comunlcato Itallano dice Inveco cho In
questa opcinziono 151 nustrlncl furono
fattl prigionieri.
Intanto II tempo contlnua ad eosere cnt
tlvo sul Carso, o purclo' sfaorcvolo alio
operazlonl mllltari. 1 noiiostuntn qucsto
fatto, 1'orfcnslva. degll Itulinnl contlnua e
la presslone sulle llneo nttstrlnche ' ln
cessnnlc 1a fanteria Itallana he fatto
nltrl attacchl nella zona ill San Martlno.
a sud del Monte Han Mlchele.
Kcco 11 testo del comunlcato ulllclale
pubbllcato leri sera dill Mlnlstero del In
Guerra In base nl rapporto del generate
"Lungo tutto It fronte si c' nvutn una
maggloro nttlvlta" dcH'aitlgllerla nemlca
a cul ha rioposto cfllc.icemente da per
tutto la nostra nrtlgtleria. 11 nemlco fa
unche largo uso dl gas nstlsslnntl.
'Net pomerigglo dl luncdl", dopo un'in
tensa preparazlono dl nrtlgllerla la fnn
torla nemlca opero' attacchl contro In
nostrc posizioni di Pre, nella valle dl
Ledro e ad est di Piazza, In Val Ter
ragnolo. Questl attacchl pero' furono
prontamente resplntl.
"Sul fronte del Carso, nonostantc le
condizloni atmosferlchc per nulla favo
revoll, la nostra fanteria mantlene li
sua aggresslvlta. Una brillanto opera
7lono svllupptta fori (martedl'1 nella zona
settentrionnlo del Monte San Mlchelo cl
pcrmlse dl conqulstnre una rldotta ed un
forte trlnceramento ncmico ed est dl Pe
teano. In questa oper.izionc nol cattu
rammo 151 prigionieri, dl cul otto ulllclall,
c cl Impadronlmmo lnoltrc dl una quan
tlta' dl munlzlonl, ill fuclll c dl altro ma
terlale da guerra."
I,a dlscusslone circa I'nllocuzlono del
papa none e' punto cessata. Pero' lerl
i'Osservatore Romano, organo del Vatl-
cano pubblicaa un arllcolo ill risposiu
allc dlchlarazlonl fatte alia Camera
propovlto dal mlnlstro dl Grazia
Glusttzla, on. Orlando, aitlcolo che e
consider.iti come ill carattcre assul
concillante. 1,'orgnno vntlcano nmmetto
che 1 rappresentantl dclla Gcrmanla
e dell'Austrla presso II Vntlcano las
clarono Roma dl loro propria volont.V
e che 11 governo itallano cerco' in
tuttf 1 modi dl trovare un.i soluziono
che 1 rappresentantl dclla Gcrmanla
convenlentc alia difficile qulstlone. ma
fa notare che 11 governo aveva messo
per condizlone chf II imp.i controllasso
la corrlspondenza In clfra dl qupstl
dlplomatiel, nl II papa rllluto' dl uddosarsl
queshta responsabillta'. Perclo" 1 rap
presentantl teutonlcl Insclarono Roma
non perche' cspulsl. mi In segulto a
citostnnzc che eruno fuorl del loro con
trollo. II Glornnlo d'ltalla dal canto auo com
mtnta l'allocuzlone facendo notare oho
la presenza a Roma del cardlnales Hart
mnnn, arclvpscovo dl Colonla, e' la prova
mlgllore dclflndlpendenza della Santa
Sede, e rlpeto che II governo Itallano era
pronto a concedere salvncondottl anche
al cardlnnll austrlael so essl avessero
voluto recarsl a Roma.
Telcgramml da Bucharest dlcono che I
russl hanno chluso 1 portl dl Itenl e la
stazlono ill fronticra russo-rumena dl
Unghenl. Le forzo russe vanno rapl
damentc concentrandosl nella Bessarabia,
pronte per Invadore la Bulgaria, Queste
forze russe hanno con loro grandl masbe
dl artlglleria.
SI Ignora pero' so la Rumania ha per
messo alle forzo russe dl nttraversure 11
terrltorlo rumeno. It fatto che I russl
sono concentratl nella Bessarabia sta
rebbe a dlmostrare appunto che un nc
cord e' stato ragglunto tra RussU e
A Vienna o' stato annunciate ufnclal
mente che un sottomarlno austrlaco
uffondo' II 5 corrente un piccolo Incro
clatore itallano del quale pero' non e'
dato U nome. Telegramml da Roma dl
cono pure che i apurl che furono af
(ondatl aulla costa albanese erano pic
colisslml. It plu grade ill essl spostando
appena 300 tonnellatc.
American Nurse Goes to Siberia
liANSDALE. Pa., Dec. 9. Miss Susanna
Pohte, who left Lonsdale last March for
service as a Red Cross nurse in Austria
Hungary, writes that she Is enroute to
Siberia with a party of 3S nurses and 8
physicians to attend to sick German
prisoners. She tells of traveling Jn reindeer-drawn
sleighs through Lapland and
Finland to Petrograd. She visited the
Kaiser's palace at Potsdam with a party
of nurses.
Weak Anklta. 8ollcu Lesa, Etc.
Corliss Laced Stocking.
SANITAHV. as they may t
washad or bollad.
Comfortable, made to measure,
A'O ELAS'lICl Adjustable; iacea
like a legg-lnr; light & durable.
ECONOMICAL. Coat (1.73 each,
or two for tha lama limb. 13.00,
postpaid. Call and bo measured
ire er write for Mlf-meaiuro-meot
Blank No. 19.
W also make non-elastla Ab
dominal Belt to order.
Hours 9 to 9 dallx. Sat. to 4.
Peaoi.CorlU LlmbSptcltltyCo
J0 lld Bids. I'hoae Walnut 1.
UU1J-1S HllHut UiHUkiCs,
LONDON. Dec 9.
England lntendi to have nn "jmy ot
4,000,000 men under arms by April 1, 1J1B
There nre nt present 3.TO0.000 British
Roldlers In tho field or In train ng and
within a week Premier Asqulth, with
tho nuanlmous support of the Cabinet,
will nsk Parliament to authorize tne
enlisting of 1,000,000.
Shortly nfter Lord Kitchener visited
Greeco It was repotted that he had in
formed the Athens Government that uy
spring England would havo nn army of
.COO.O'O men and that It would assist
In tho arming and supplying of a
ltm-dan army of BOOO.OO). While this
roprt Has never been officially conllimed.
It is understnd that It wns decided four
months ngo that tho B.itlsh army should
be Increased to ,O0O.000.
Thli decision, it l said, may be re
garded as an nniwcr to Oermnnv s dcslro
to make pence on terms satisfactory only
to Germany.
The cabinet has not ct decided whether
It will be necessary to adopt conscription
to raise the additional forces Its nctlon
will depend on the result of Lord Derb .i
efforts to Increase voluntary enlistment
For the Inst week tho number of recruits
has Increased dally, to such extent, In
ruct. that the enlistment offices now In
operation havo been unable to cope with
tho rush.
Lord I)erb' efforts will cease on De
cember 11, unless the results nro so good
that the Government will decide to extend
tho time limit It Is snld that Lord Derby
Is so conlldent or sun ess In his campaign
that he has asked that his scheme lie
adopted for another period.
Scrnnton Factories Plan to Avoid Con
tinuation School Provisions
SCRANTON, Pa., Dec 9. tn tho eourso
of nn inquiry being conducted by Pro
fessor Henry Fuller, superintendent of
the proposed continuation school pro
vided In the Cox law. It developed that
many of the local factory owners nro
planning to discharge employes between
tho nges of 14 and 16.
They are doing thl. rather than have
their work Incommoded by providing
shifts so that the youngster" can get
schooling. Just what steps will bo taken
to prevent this action tiM not been determined.
Counter-Attacks Force Ger
mans From Positions
in Champagne
Reparation for American
Lives Lost and Pledge
for Future Required
Teuton Munition Cepot Near
St. Souplet Blown Up
by Sheila
Senator of France Says. New
Methods of Teutons Have
Revolutionized War
Herewith ts pmentert nn tirfic'e
ici'Kfru for tha International .Vncs
'Service by Senator Charles ItutDlrrt,
a France, In which he points mil the
lesion taught by the German vlitoni
in Serbia. He speaks authorltatlvrly,
being a member of the Fteneh Sen
ate's Army Commission.
Senator of Tr.inro ami Jlembcr of Trenih
Semite's Arm Comml8lon.
PARIS, Deo. 9 Tho Teutons have in
augurated new tactics In tho Ualk.ins.
consisting of the employment of a
minimum of troops and a maximum of
artillery. Thoy are economizing on
human material, which It takes 20 jcars
to produce, wholly reling on their big
guns' which their shops seem able to
supply in inexhaustible abundance.
It Is certain that Kleld Marshal vnn
Mockensen had not mnro than ITo.O.iO
Germans In addition to SO.Wu Austrian?,
but they had artillery sulllcleiit for
1,000,0011 men, according to tho pre-war
theory. The'j employed live guns wheio
onlv one would have been used In pie
vloiis wars The result was the Teutonic
Infantry seldom eamo In contact with the
Serbs, who were deluged with shells and
were unable to display their traditional
The lesson of the Serbian campaign
Is that Gormanv, realizing that she Is at
tho end of her resources In mon, now
hopes to crush the Allies by tho sheer
weight of metal. It Is our duty to bo
immediately ready to meet n similar
phalanx of guns on our front by still
further increasing tho numbers of our
PARIS, Dec. 9.
Destruction of a Herman munition de
pot south of Saint Souplet, and success
for tho Krench troops operating near
Sottaln, arc reported In today's War Of
Ilrc communique
The text of the communique follows-
"In Champagne, In tho course of tho
night, our nrtlllery. continuing Its bom
bardment of Gorman positions, blew up n
munition depot to the south of Snlnt Sou
plet. "Our counter-attacks to tho enst of tho
Unite of Soualn continued to roll bark
the enemy, who now holds only a part
of the advanced trench, which has been
completed- smnshed. Our batteries by
their constant llro nro preventing tho
enemy from establishing himself there.
"In tho Argonne. wo blew up success
fully two mines In the region of Haute
War I'lant Fire Victims Improve
WILMINGTON', Del.. Dec. a. Six men
who were injured In n llro nt Carne's
Point sevcrul days ago will leave tho
hopltnl In a few days. As the clothing
of the men wns burned off, the du Pont
Powder Company today sent complete
outfits to the hospital.
Time is
Arts and
at Either
216-224 S. 9lh SL
1207 Wilnut St
Vigorous Protest Rejects Vien
na's Previous Explanation
and Galls for Action
Ofllclali today were waiting action by
Austria on tho demand that she disavow
the sinking of tho Ancona with a very
pessimistic feeling. There was a general
belief in Administration circles that tho
Central Teutonic Power would decline, at
least at tho outset, to meet the views of
the United Slates In this respect. The
demand, which Is coucliiil In peremptory
language demanding dlcaxowal, repara
tion and promises Hint the rules or civ
ilized warfare will be onsen ed In the
future, wns expected to bo presented to
the Austrian Torelgn Olllro today by Am
bassador 1'enlleld. It will require tlueo
davn before he cm get word to the State
Department how the aote was tccolttd
owing to the Interruption of communica
tion between Uerno and Vienna.
It Is frankly slated nt tho Stato De
partment that bo far as this Ooyern
ment Is concerned It will be satisfied
with nothing but tho comp etc ac-
ninnro of Its demands. The I'resiueni
hns taken the position
that Austria
knew this Government's position. "
enunciated in the correspondence with
aermanr. And that therefore the sink
n" of the Ancona was ft flagrnnt viola
tion of the principles of International
If Austria doo not meet tho position
of tho United Stales It Is considered cer
tain that diplomatic relations will be
broken off.
Demands made on Austria nre:
That tho Government disavow the act;
That reparation and Indemnity be given
Americans concerned; ...
That assurances be given that there
will bo no repetition of such warfare;
That tho submnrine commander guilt)
of tho attack bo punished.
This note to Austria Is understood to
bo oven sharper and moro vigorous In
lonu imin nny ox in pnmMtakl -'h
by tho United States WrS -J
referenco to tho lAisHsnU ermj tS
Secretary Lansing Insist. ,v .
been established, that thi !hl ki
fate through an Atro-lin
marine, and that the InktaVftJjj
pllshed under circumstances Vk
excuse for the net. Officials S
to regard the note ns raisin.
which may nssumo sertoui i? ' ''
and in somo official quarteri iSP11
appears to be held that the inJu'
give riso to international wrH
of n grave character. The A?"(l
lie will not havo to wait ion, Jfc
vigorous language of th 0.. n,l!
State, for tho State DepartnuM Urr 1
Plates giving it to the presTS! MtH
tlon tn Friday morning newjpiM
3626 Residents of Philadelphia
registered at Jhtotel Astor
during the past year,
1000 Rooms. 700 with Bath.
A cuisine which has marie
the Astor New York's lcadi:
Banqueting place.
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At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets the center of NewYork'i wdj
and business activities. In close proximity to all railway ttnamai,
for Christmas
$1,000,000 in Day for Red Cross j
LONDON, De. '.'It was announced at
n meeting of tho tlrltish fled Cross In 1
London ychtcrd.ty that a rocont ono-dn
collection taken throughout the empire
in behalf of the Hod Cross had rosulteil
In the total of l.ooo.OOO.
Complc t e I '
tra 1118 01
Pause n y c r '
mid Frcirjht 1
cars. The 1
most pmetxeal of toys. The most I I
complete line in the city. Extra I 1
cars 35c up. 1 '
:13 No. Thirteenth Ste
- ns; 5i,-wr-s--
Antique and
Period Furniture
EVERS of the artistic in furniture will
revel in the splendid assortments of
quaint pieces now arranged for the gift
That true period furniture need not be
costly is clearly demonstrated by the many
pieces at moderate prices. $9.00 up.
1320 Walnut St.
Christmas Cards
and Calendars
mTSFr U vV 'i'ijijiii
S -N5v N. j
Marx Roberts Rinehart
The Family Friend
FIRST of a new series of the younger set, full of flirta
tious flappers, pretty debutantes and droll situations. Mrs.
Rinehart is at her best in these jolly stories of the younger set,
its escapades and its love affairs.
Christmas Presents
In giving and getting Christina? gifts the author is your fellow
victim. In sleuthing down the man who put the X in Xmas,
Mr. Cobb says:
Sometimes I think a man a married man with extensive domestic obligations is not to
be blamed for thinking of Santa Clans as an elderly porch climber with many aliases
and a bad record, a corrupt old offender speaking with a Low-Dutch accent and wearing
an Andrew Carnegie make-up of white whiskers, who conies forth on Christmas Eve with
his bleigli empty and goes back home again on Christmas morning laden with loot wrested
from weak-minded male adults.
Samtiel G. Blytbe
The Machineonian Cry
Come Over Into Machineonia and Help Us! cry the Old
Guard of the Republicans. We want must have a good,
strongman for 1916. .
Mr. Blythe has been looking over the possibilities who may
respond to the cry of the Old Guard, and in this article ap
praises them all and sets down their political assets and liabili
ties. Other Features in This Number
Lo, the Poor Piute, a laugh story of the races, by Charles E.
Van Loan; Tiie Slacker, a love story, by W. B. Trites; The
Blue Sky Company, by Will Payne; In Winter Quarters,
Reminiscences of the Circus, by L. B. Yates; and Is Germany
Hungry? by an American just back from Berlin.
Five Cents of all Newsdealers and Post Boys